
Scope: Journal of English Teaching p-ISSN: 2541-0326 Volume 01, Number 01, September 2016 e-ISSN: 2541-0334



Department of English Education, Faculty of Language and Art, University of Indraprasta PGRI Jalan Nangka No. 58C Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12530 [email protected]


This paper explained about the language acquisition of the preschool students. The language acquisition involved the mini research by using qualitative approach. The researcher did observation to TK. A Bintang Semesta and did case study to know the acquisition of classroom language in that school. The researcher also identified the process of children’ language acquisition and also identified the process of acquisition. In this paper also explain the relation of data in the field with expert opinion about language acquisition.

Key words: language acquisition, classroom language, preschool students


Artikel ini membahas mengenai pemerolehan bahasa pada siswa prasekolah. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan dari penelitian kecil dengan menggunakan pedekatan kualiatatif. Penulis melakukan observasi pada TK. A Bintang Semesta dan melakukan studi kasus untuk mengetahui pemerolehan bahasa kelas pada sekolah tersebut. Penulis juga mengidentifikasi proses anak- anak dalam pemerolehan bahasa dan proses pemerolehan bahasa itu sendiri. Artikel ini juga menjelaskan hubugan antara data yang ada dilapangan dengan pendapat para ahli mengenai pemerolehan bahasa.

Kata kunci: pemerolehan bahasa, bahasa kelas, siswa prasekolah

Copyright©2016 63 INTRODUCTION is available? Or they learn the language Human’s language is like winged because they need it to communicate? bird. Language cannot be separated from Psycholinguistic development is a the nature of the human, because it is science which deals with the child's human device to communicate each language acquisition. other. From the statement above, it Meaning of language acquisition seems that human without language like in children is very important for the bird without wings, because wigs are development of communicative ability. characterizes bird, and language is In communication activities, domiciled characterizes human. meaning and role in the preparation and The terminology of acquisition is understanding of the message. It is based used for comprehend of language that is on that in essence, the purpose of done by children naturally when they language is to communicate meaning learn their (native and linguistic competence essentially language). This terminology can be accompanied semantic competence distinguished from learning. Learning is communicative competence in order to done by using formal education, and be realized. At the age of approximately acquisition is done by natural. five years the process of language Language acquisition is process of development of children already human to get ability to capture, produce, resembles the adult language, both and use words to comprehend and aspects of the sound, the words, the communicate. This capacity is syntax, and the organization of accommodating some skills and ability discourse. However, the process of like syntactic, phonetic, and wide development of meaning in language vocabulary. Language is comprehended children are not automatically in line can be vocal like spoken or manually like with the development aspects of sign language. Language acquisition linguistic structure (Gleason & Ratner, usually refers to first language that 1998). studies children’s language to their Children have a golden age when mother tongue, not their second they were a child. Where a child is language (Gleason & Ratner, 1998). learning, they were born endowed with a Modern linguistic and potential basis for speaking in the form psycholinguistic are able to explain to us of speech synthesizers biological and about how and what can be learned by coordination abilities and speech children. They can practice by using production therein. Mental and communication competence. However, biological capabilities serve as the there are some questions that have been foundation for language development. answered, which are: how do children It’s the kind of description by acquire the language? How do children Djardowijojo (2000) language decide meaning of word? Or how development of a child is not only produce speech structure that they have affected by neurological development, never heard before? The Researchers do but also by their biological development. not agree on why children learn A study shows that for ages 0-11 years ; whether children learn the old, the child's ability to absorb language because the adults teach the (pronounce and understand the meaning language to them? Or it is genetically of the word) is quite remarkable, programmed to accept the language? Do whereas the period after that, the they learn complex grammar because it development of capabilities back to the

64 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.01, No.01, Sept 2016, 63-68 rhythm and tempo that normal (not too RESULTS AND DISCUSSION fast). The living and interacting with the Based on the results of community in a sustainable society observations was have done by the bombarded with language. Mukalel author. The author knows that children in (2006) stated that but the early stages of Bintang Semesta Kindergarten trained to language development do not seem to be get used to doing those things taught by influenced by what is happening around teacher. Teachers use two languages, them. Bahasa and foreign languages which is Classroom language is the English that they use as a form of language used in the classroom as a form curriculum of bilingual program. of interaction between students and Teachers try to repeat what they told that teachers. Classroom Language is an children unwittingly will understand the expression - an expression used when it word or phrase. In the following table, was first used in the classroom. Sutriso some examples of classroom language (2016) affirms that with so children are used: experience acquiring languages other than ordinary language - a day at home, Table 1 and they know that they will use Classroom Language at Bintang language classroom at school when Semesta Kindergarten interacting with teachers and other English Bahasa students. Good morning my Selamat pagi dear students/ anak – anak METHOD class On this mini research, the author Good morning Selamat pagi had the opportunity to conduct a case Miss…. Miss… study on TK. A Bintang Semesta Depok How are you Bagaimana on child language acquisition is the today? kabarnya hari acquisition of classroom language or ini? languages used in class as one Hallo class Halo anak – introduction in the classroom for anak teachers and students in the school's Pay attention Penuh perhatian preschool. A qualitative approach with Clean up please Rapihkan case study method in kindergarten kembali Bintang Semesta. The activities are Are you happy Senangkah observations in the classroom, following today? belajar hari ini? any activity was undertaken by the Thank you Miss, Terima kasih students naturally and conduct see you later Miss, sampai interviews with the responsible teacher jumpa lagi. in the classroom about how the situation and the circumstances during the Learning a language is a process of learning process takes place. From the internalization . This process is above explanation, this small study very clear and systematic reaffirmed by aimed to find out how the process of Noam Chomsky in the acquisition kindergarten generative transformation language. Bintang Semesta. Noam Chomsky, a linguist 'inventor' theory of transformational- of the language, he believes that in the child there is a kind of "tool"

Language Acquisition... (Rosdiana) 65 used as a means of acquiring a language. response or responses of students in Since the birth of children own communication (Sutrisno, 2016). disposition, talent (innate capacity), Furthermore, Chomsky assumes which form Language Acquisition that language users understand the Devices (LAD) to acquire language structure of language that makes a naturally. Their innate capacity or the person can create new sentences are LAD according to Chomsky can be used countless and make someone understand to explain what is going on in the child sentences. During the first language miraculously able to learn the language acquisition, Chomsky says there are two quickly. In contrast to the tabula rasa processes that occur when a child obtain theory which states that the baby's brain a first language. The process in question at the time of birth likened blank paper, is the competence and performance which will be written by those process. These processes are two experiences. Skinner said the language different processes, competence is born of the form S - R, stimulus - intuitive knowledge owned by an response. Mukalel (2006) in the other individual on his mother tongue (native hand, Piaget's theory of cognitive languange). This linguistic intuition does development that includes a discussion not just exist, but developed in line with of language, which became known as the the child's growth, while performance is hypothesis of cognitive universals. something produced by competency. Chomsky, says that if we learn the Competence is the mastery of grammar language then in essence we are studying (, , syntax and the essence of man, which makes the semantics) naturally. This competence is uniqueness of the man himself. Humans taken by every child from birth. were designed for walking, but are not Although innate, require competency taught to be run. Similarly, in speaking, coaching so that children have a no one can be taught the language since performance in the language. man is created to speak. In the sense that Performance is the child's ability to use in fact humans will inevitably speak so language to communicate. The she did not acquire the language. performance consists of two processes, Chomsky's theory connection with namely the process of understanding and the situation of Bintang Semesta the process of issuing sentences. The Kindergarten, the children have the process of understanding involves the ability to understand language because it ability to observe or perceive the is equipped with a device in his brain, but sentences were heard, while the the teachers stimulate the children by publishing process involves the ability to saying the language classroom produce their own sentences. repeatedly again so that children In that school, teachers dig understand and gain an understanding of competence to produce performance of the meaning of every word the teacher children in the language. In the end, the without them knowing it. When would child has the capacity to use the language mengajakan students Classroom English classroom. Because of the acquisition is expressions, you should teach them the that they get from their teachers, they same way when you teach vocabulary imitate what the teacher says and (vocabulary) to show your objects or teachers kept saying over and over - things that seem real to them. This means again so the children understand without that by demonstrating the real situations having taught directly. in practice these expressions with the In other words, the child is already

66 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.01, No.01, Sept 2016, 63-68 able to produce a sentence that A person who is able to optimize a regardless of classroom language or not, person's intelligence and did not have a but the function of teachers and school problem to master several languages. environment here is very important and Third, creative is doing things in a influential. In line with this Mukalel new way and unusual: a creative child (2006) states several psycholinguistic tend to be active and bring surprise to factors in language acquisition are: parents, directing one's thoughts and intelligence, resourcefullness, creative, perform a set of goals, Creative people and motivation. are independent thinkers; they do not First, intelligence, it is defined as agree with the system and the existing the ‘ability to learn’, that is, the ability to value. Lastly, motivation is the force that organize, receive/understand, drives the achievement of objectives. unite/combine and arrange the The higher the motivation, the greater components that take into account the the enthusiasm and energy to achieve the learning process in school activities. goal. Intelligence as ‘the ability to carry on Psycholinguistic factors in abstract thinking’. Intelligence is always language acquisition is said by Mukalel associated with anything hat is common (2006) that the factor of intelligence, (abstraction), drafting, and theorize. resourcefulness factors, creative factors Behavior definition of intelligence is and motivational factors influence child read as ‘adjustment or alignment of the language acquisition. Every child has the individual to the environment’. language skills is extraordinary from Intelligence functions in human birth, although they were able to beings as stewards of emotion. communicate only through gestures, Spearman appropriate, ‘in general the crying, whining. intelligence is the mental world’. Language is said to be a Thrustum believe that intelligence is not uniqueness that characterizes and a factor, but the ability of the complex, distinguishes humans from other living the ability of such number, verbal, beings. This statement does not mean reasoning, and memory settings. that only people who have According Peaget, there is a functional communication devices. The animal is and structural intelligence determines called not speak but can still the way we do things. Flavel argued communicate. Ravings parrot that can intelligensi in some components, they mimic human speech; command ‘sit’ or are a motor sensory development, the ‘chase’ is understood the dog; monkey period preoperational, concrete ability to understand human speech operational period, and formal commands; rhythmic singing of birds; operational period. tempo sound that echoed bees; voices Moreover, resourcefullness is issued whale; all these are examples of another psycholinguistics factor, is able animal communication devices. This to adapt to the environment, the tool is not necessarily called language relatives, the ability of the organization although it resembles the language. and administration: A person considered Examples of communication devices to be resourceful when it can speak well. above does not bear the designation A person who can utilize the language language because it does not fulfill the skills to control and change the social prerequisites of a language such as: environment for the better. Being able to message exchange element of the use the language efficiently professional. speaker on the listener and vice versa;

Language Acquisition... (Rosdiana) 67 the feedback from the speaker; Kindegarten, language acquisition in this meaningfulness and discrimination unit case the language classroom at Bintang vocabulary; their cultural transmission Semesta Kindegarten was going very processes underlying speech; the natural and good. Teachers act properly emergence of creativity and ability taught by repeating - repeating what they patterning unit of language; control teach so that children naturally purposes and transitional talk turn to understand the intention of greeting the talk, as well as the use of the phrase is teacher unconsciously they basically are not a literal meaning. learning. From the explanation above, it can Understand the speech of others is be concluded that the acquisition of the first element that must be controlled language in this classroom language in by humans in the language. Similarly, the Bintang Semesta Kindergarten was humans only produce speech when he going very natural and good. Teachers learns the rules that must be followed act properly taught by repeating what acquired since childhood. The question they teach so that children naturally is, why the acquisition of different understand the intention of greeting the languages in adulthood than acquisition- teacher unconsciously they basically are related since the child is still small, and learning. In the end the child accustomed the structure and organization of the to using language classroom a day - a human brain. day in the classroom and it came to pass on the language acquisition students at REFERENCES kindergarten. Dardjowidjojo, S. (2003). Psikolinguistik (Pengantar CONCLUSION Pemahaman Bahasa Manusia). First language acquisition closely Jakarta: Unika Atma Jaya. related to the social development of Gleason & Ratner. (1998). children and thereby also closely Psycolinguistics (Second connected with the formation of social Edition). United State: Harcourt identity. Learn the first language is one Brace College Publishers. of the holistic developments of children becoming a full member of a community. Mukalel, J. C. (2003). Psychology of In general, children acquire language Language Learning. New Delhi: skills through language sounds he heard Discovering Publishing House. around him or ruled accidental. Sutrisno, B. (2016). Classroom English Proficiency evolves continuously in Expressions (Billingual). accordance with the development of Retrieved from www.mr- intelligence and socio-cultural bejo.com, Tuesday June 14, backgrounds that make it up. It also 2016. happens to students of Bintang Semesta

68 Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.01, No.01, Sept 2016, 63-68