CERTUS INSURANCE BROKERS (NZ) LIMITED Financial Adviser (Insurance Broker) Disclosure Statement Name of Broker: Warren Robertson FSP Number: FSP39363 Address: Level 3, Suite 304, 27 Gillies Ave, Newmarket, Auckland 1023 Postal: P O Box 8614, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150 Telephone number: (09) 365 5900 Email address:
[email protected] Website: www.cibnz.co.nz It is important that you read this document The information contained in this document will help you choose a financial adviser that best suits your needs in relation to general insurance products and advice. This Disclosure Statement is required under the Financial Markets Conduct (Regulated financial advice disclosure) Amendment Regulations 2020. What sort of adviser am I and what are my duties as your adviser? I am a Financial Adviser who can provide advice to you on behalf of Certus Insurance Brokers (NZ) Limited (“CIBNZ”), which is a licensed Financial Adviser Provider under the licensing and regulatory body, the Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand (FMA) https://www.fma.govt.nz/ (as required by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act 2019). When giving financial advice I must: • Abide by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Services, ensuring I have and maintain through professional development, the competence, knowledge and skills suitable for providing financial advice. • Treat you fairly and with integrity, and listen to you carefully to discover your needs. • Recommend suitable products or services that meet your needs, and explain why. • Communicate clearly and concisely and ensure you understand the financial advice provided. • Protect your information. • Give priority to your interests. To view my registration and the CIBNZ license, go to the Financial Service Providers Register https://fsp-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/ and search our company Financial Service Provider (FSP) number FSP25421.