Presidential Permit Application United States Department of Energy December 22, 2017 40 Sylvan Road Waltham, MA 02451 December 22, 2017 BY HAND DELIVERY U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Attention: Christopher Lawrence, OE-20 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585 Re: Granite State Power Link Presidential Permit Application Dear Mr. Lawrence: In accordance with Executive Order 10485, as amended by Executive Order 12038, GridAmerica Holdings Inc. (“GridAmerica”) hereby submits an Application for a Presidential Permit to the Department of Energy (“DOE”) for the Granite State Power Link Project (the “Project”) to authorize the construction, operation, maintenance, and connection of new electric transmission facilities between the Canadian Provence of Quebec and Monroe, New Hampshire, including a crossing of the international border at Norton, Vermont. The enclosed application has been prepared in accordance with DOEs’ applicable administrative procedures at 10 C.F.R. § 205.320 et seq. and DOE’s related guidance. The original application, five paper copies and an electroonic copy of the application is enclosed with this submittal. The $150 application filing fee has also been enclosed with this submittal. I look forward to working with your office as we proceed with this important project to deliver renewable into New England. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter with you at any time. Should you have any additional questions or comments regarding this application, please contact me at (781) 907-2152 or by email at
[email protected]. Very truly yours, Joseph Rossignoli Director, U.S. Business Development GridAmerica Holdings Inc.