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T329748HS37 FRI - SAT - SUN Friday, September 9, 2016 TEL: 011-740-1825

Brandon is Mnr Jakaranda Decrease in violent crime Lees meer op bladsy 2 Read more on page 3

Welcome to the team

Brakpan police recently welcomed fi ve offi cers to the local station. The offi cers, who transferred from other stations, are Capt Madoda Nkosi (left, from the Benoni Flying Squad, Supply Chain Management and Moveable Government Property), Capt Johan Cloete (from North SAPS, Supply Chain Management), Capt Lorraine Hunt (from Springs SAPS, Loss Management), Capt Chris Avenant (from Springs SAPS, Human Resources Development Centre and training) and Capt Jerry Nquma (from Bronkhorstspruit SAPS, Supply Chain Management). Prison parolee gunned down

Police are investigating whether He was an alleged gang boss Shirley Naidoo (47) and her “It was some time after 7am and few streets away, at the corner of their own members are behind the from Phoenix, in KwaZulu-Natal. family live opposite the property I was in my bedroom when I heard Plumbago and Bottlebrush streets. violent death of a prison parolee, It is believed he was picked up where the shooting took place. fi ve to six loud bangs. Police revealed that residents in who was shot and killed in from the prison that morning, by She recalled the moments the “My husband, who was in the the area reported two suspicious- on Monday morning. a friend who then stopped at his kitchen with my daughter, looking vehicles in the area prior to The 48-year-old man, who home along Silverbush Crescent. told us all to get down.” the shooting. was released on day parole from "The friend got out of his Residents of the area Shirley told the Herald she The number plate of one of these Boksburg Prison at 7am that vehicle to open the gate, leaving reported two suspicious then went outside and saw a vehicles matched that of the burnt morning, died in a hail of bullets the man in the vehicle," said white car parked across the car. It has also been disclosed that while sitting in a parked vehicle at an Capt Joep Joubert, spokesperson vehicles in the area prior to road. one of the shooters was wearing a address along Silverbush Crescent, for the Brakpan Police Station the shooting. “We went over there to see police uniform. in Dalpark Extension Six. commander. if our neighbours were okay, Joubert confi rmed that the SAPS An offender on day parole is "As he opened the gate, it is sound of gunfi re shattered the and thankfully they were, but that are investigating whether the permitted to leave prison during the alleged that a blue or green Renault morning silence of the quiet street car was full of bullet holes on the shooters are real or bogus police day, but must return at night. Megane or Scenic, with two where she has lived for the past 14 passenger side,” she said. members. According to police, the man was occupants, arrived on the scene years. “Our neighbour is very lucky.” A murder docket has been opened. serving a 19-year jail sentence for and opened fi re on the car, fatally “It was terrifying,” said Shirley, A burnt-out car, believed to be murder. wounding the passenger." describing the barrage. the shooters’ vehicle, was found a Continued on page 2

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Continued from page 1 Deadly shooting in Dalpark Six

Brandon Riekert is onlangs aangewys as Mnr Jakaranda. Inwoner wen gesogte

The murder scene along Silverbush Crescent, in Dalpark Extension Six. To see all the action on video go to kompetisie Brandon Riekert (19), ‘n graad 11 leerling aan Hoërskool Die Anker, het onlangs die titel van Mnr Jakaranda ontvang, tydens die Mr and Miss Jacaranda Show. “Ek was baie verbaas gewees toe my naam afgekondig was. Ek het dit glad nie verwag nie. Dit voel nogsteeds onwerklik,” het Brandon vertel. Brandon het ook die titel van Publiek se Keuse ontvang, en die inwoners bedank vir hulle motivering en ondersteuning tydens hierdie kompetisie. “Voor die Jakaranda kompetisie het my lewe basies net oor een persoon gegaan - myself,'' het hy vertel. ''Totdat ek begin het met liefdadigheidswerk en ook beleef het hoe gelukkig en nederig vrywilligers is; dit het my siening oor die lewe heeltemal verander.” Hy het bygevoeg dat hy glo dat daar nog baie dinge vir hom voorlê, maar op die oomblik wil hy daarop fokus om ‘n fondsinsameling te hou vir André Martinez, wat aan kanker lei, om uit te help met die onkostes van chemoterapie. “Ek wil graag ‘n verskil maak in ander mense se lewens, want die persoonlike WO Jaco Olivier, from the Brakpan SAPS, beloning wat ‘n mens ontvang van marks the spot where a bullet cartridge lies A burnt-out car, believed to be the blue or green Renault in which the shooters were travelling, liefdadigheidswerk is vir my baie meer werd on the ground. was found a few streets from the murder scene. as al die geld in die wêreld,” het hy gesê.

East Rand Service Station 762 Voortrekker Rd, Brakpan 011 740-1163 Win (Opposite Jansens Butchery) (7 Colours Available) (10 Colours Available) Spoil yourself and your car with excellent Service and 394.74 Brakpan stand a chance to win one of our fabulous prizes 1127.81 Red September - 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 trailer October- 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 Trailer Cross November- 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 Trailer If you can dream.I.Y it! it December - 2x Saturn Gas Braai’s, 3x Weber Braai’s, you can D.I.YD Render 1x Camp Master 6 man tent services to prevent and alleviate Advertise in our next human suf- D.I.Y feature fering and to SAVE foster human dignity in all Fill up with Diesel 50ppm every Saturday communities. and Sunday and save another per litre Contact Eve 30c 7 Derby Street off our normal price today!! 011 740 0074 011 740-1825 redxbkpn@ C329742HC35 www.redcross. Terms and conditions apply • View on site E333543HC37 Friday, September 9, 2016 News 3

Drug-related crimes increase Two women brutally The annual SAPS crime statistics, • Sexual offences decreased cases the previous year to 204 146 to 316 raped in one night released on Friday, last week, from 74 to 72 • Burglary at residential • Sexual offences as a result of have revealed a decrease in • Attempted murder increased premises decreased from 792 to police action decreased from four Two women were raped in Brakpan, on violent crime committed in from 34 to 36 684 to three Saturday night, last week. Brakpan. • Assault GBH decreased from • Theft of motor vehicles and Other serious crimes The fi rst incident took place at an Compared with the previous 154 to 150 motorcycles decreased from 268 • Theft increased from 962 entertainment venue along Prince George year’s statistics, the latest fi gures, • Common assault increased to 242 cases the previous year to 1 069 Avenue, at about 6pm. from April 2015 to March this from 369 to 400 • Theft out of or from motor • Commercial crime decreased The victim, a 21-year-old woman, was year, show a decline in crimes • Common robbery decreased vehicles increased from 258 to from 273 to 235 at Jan Smuts Park with her cousin, when such as murder, robbery with from 122 to 116 293 • Shoplifting increased from she was confronted by three men in the aggravating circumstances, assault • Robbery with aggravating • Stock theft decreased from 12 209 to 210 ablution facility. GBH and hijacking. circumstances decreased from 310 to eight Subcategories of aggravated Each was armed with a knife and they There was, however, an to 288 Crime detected as a result of robbery threatened to stab her if she didn't go with increase in drug-related crimes, Contact-related crimes police action • Carjacking decreased from 57 them. arson and theft out of or from a • Arson increased from four • Illegal possession of fi rearms cases the previous year to 45 Upon their arrival at the address, the motor vehicle. cases the previous year to seven and ammunition increased from • Truck hijacking decreased woman asked to go to the toilet and two of The full statistics are as follows: • Malicious damage to property 22 cases the previous year to 25 from 10 to three the men accompanied her. Contact crimes (crimes against decreased from 285 to 274. • Drug-related crimes increased • Robbery at residential One of the men then covered her mouth, a person) Property-related crimes from 305 to 388 premises decreased from 64 to 53 while the other raped her. • Murder decreased from 14 • Burglary at non-residential • Driving under the infl uence of • Robbery at non-residential Each man raped the victim three times. cases the previous year to 11 premises increased from 199 alcohol or drugs increased from premises increased from 46 to 54. The second case saw a 24-year-old woman being choked by her attacker. The woman was waiting for a taxi along Van Dyk Road, at about 9.35pm, when a Verkragting van vroue is onaanvaarbaar man approached her. He told her he was also waiting for a Kapt Joep Joubert, woordvoerder taxi. van die Brakpan SAPD, het After some brief chatting, he suddenly Maandagoggend hulde gebring grabbed the woman, choked her and aan vroue. dragged her into some nearby bushes. Joubert het ’n groot groep lede The man threw her to the ground, en administratiewe personeel van removed her pants and underwear and die Brakpan SAPD toegespreek proceeded to rape her. en klem daarop gelê dat vroue The woman, however, put up a fi ght and met liefde en respek behandel was able to escape him. moet word en nooit seergemaak moet word nie. “Ek het met kommer opgemerk dat daar die afgelope tyd verskeie Onthou die krag voorvalle van verkragting in die dorp was.” gaan af dié naweek “Dit het my net weereens laat besef dat daar ’n duidelike Vanweë voortdurende pogings om stabiele en boodskap moet wees dat vroue betroubare kragvoorsiening aan verbruikers te alle tye respek verdien en te verskaf, sal die Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse beskerm moet word,” het Joubert Munisipaliteit (EMM) Saterdag noodsaaklike gesê. instandhouding en herstelwerk uitvoer. Hy het na afl oop van sy Die werk vind vanaf 10nm (10 September) huldeblyk, aan al sy vroue Vier van die groot groep vroue wat Maandagoggend blomme en sjokolade van kapt Joep Joubert tot 6vm (11 September) die volgende oggend, kollegas ’n geel roos en sjokolade ontvang het is (van links): sers Priscilla Kunene, sers Lusha Govender, kol Heidi van der Schyff en luit-kol by die Van Eck Park substasie, plaas. oorhandig. Annalien Naude. Die areas wat geaffekteer sal word is Brakpan (uitsluitende Brakpan-Noord), Langaville en Geluksdal. Die EMM vra omverskoning vir enige Measles and polio vaccinations available ongerief wat veroorsaak kan word en herinner inwoners om alle elektriese toevoerpunte The National Department of will take part in the mass immunised irrespective of Details of the vaccination as lewendig te beskou, vir die duur van die Health will be conducting an immunisation campaign their immunisation status,” process are as follows: onderbreking. integrated measles and polio that will be carried out at all said Ekurhuleni spokesperson • First immunisation round campaign to protect the health primary health care facilities in Themba Gadebe. Measles vaccine: six to 59 of young children. Ekurhuleni. In addition, the integrated months The department plans to Vaccinations will be campaign will also afford Vitamin A: 12 to 59 months Mej Carnival Toyota achieve at least 95 per cent conducted in two rounds, from opportunities for nutritional Mebendazole deworming measles vaccine coverage in September 12 to 30 and the screening in children aged six tablets: four to 59 months is om die draai children aged six to 59 months second phase from October 31 to 59 months by conducting a Nutritional screening: six to Die sluitingsdatum vir inskrywings vir and a 90 per cent oral polio to November 11. mid-upper arm circumference 59 months die Mej Carnival Toyota 2016 kompetisie, vaccine (OPV) coverage in “Prevention is better than (MUAC) screening test. • Second immunisation round wat op 1 Oktober, tydens die Pannefees children aged 0 to 59 months. cure and we encourage parents Parents are reminded to bring Oral polio vaccine: 0 to 59 plaasvind, is verleng na 15 September. The City of Ekurhuleni to bring their children to be along their child’s clinic card. months Belangstellendes sal in sewe kategorieë, volgens ouderdom, kan meeding en daar is kontantpryse, vakansies en vele meer op die Masina picks his MMCs spel. Dit is noodsaaklik om die amptelike The new mayor "After all, every Energy – Clr Tiisetso inskrywingsvorm, wat op die webtuiste van of Ekurhuleni, Clr healthy organisation Nketle die Pannefees, by, Mzwandile Masina, must refl ect on its • City Planning – Clr beskikbaar is, te voltooi. announced his performance on a regular Madihlaba Masele Die kompetisie se reëls word duidelik mayoral committee basis to determine if • Community Services daarop uiteengesit. while delivering his the machinery remains – Clr Dorah Mlambo Die Pannefees word vanjaar weer soos acceptance speech at a relevant to the course. • Human Settlements – voorheen op die sportgronde van Laerskool special council meeting “After extensive Clr Lesiba Mpya Die Arend aangebied op 30 September en held in on consultation within the • Environment and 1 Oktober. Verskeie bekende kunstenaars Wednesday morning, last ruling party, the ANC, Waste Management gaan optree en ‘n magdom aktiwiteite word week. we have resolved that Services – Clr Ndosi beplan. “In putting together these are councillors who Shongwe this team we considered will be equal to the task • Corporate and Shared various issues, among of accelerating services.” Services – Clr Khosi JOAN THEUNISSEN which was capability, The new mayoral Mabaso O P T O M E T R I S T S / O O G K U N D I G E S gender and age,” said committee is as follows: • Community Safety –  Foreign Body Removal e.g Grinding Masina. • Finance and Clr Viviene Chauke  Paediatrics / Children’s Vision “This team has been Economic Development “I would like to take  Specialized Hard Contact Lenses for Uneven Corneas, put together to optimise – Clr Doctor Xhakaza this opportunity to thank post Lasik and post Corneal Transplants service delivery. • Infrastructure the colleagues who have  Visual Therapy  "We will continuously Services – Clr Robert served us with aplomb in Binocular Vision  Diabetes - Ocular Diabetic Care and Screening assess our performance Mashego the past years, and wish  Fundus Photography so that the necessary • Transport Planning – the new team luck in  Glaucoma Test J315893HR34 interventions can be Clr Petrus Mabunda discharging their duties,” 69 Van der Walt Street, Dalview, Brakpan Clr Mzwandile Masina recently announced his MMCs. made timeously. • Water, Sanitation and Masina added. Tel: 011 744-0753/4 4 News Friday, September 9, 2016 Change starts with you

Short Street, in Denneoord, is free of litter, thanks to the efforts of a Brakpan woman and her family. Tired of the rubbish found along the street, Engela van der Westhuizen, who lives along it, opposite the Brakpan Testing Centre, decided to do something about the mess. SAN MICHELLE HOME She, her daughters, Lene and for intellectually and physically disabled people Luzaan Nortje, and a friend, Cnr of Hannes Visagie and Mouton Roads, Anthony Rawlins, rolled up Withok Estates 011 845 5101 their sleeves on Saturday, last [email protected] week, and cleared the street of the litter themselves. GPS Location: Lat= 26°18’23.76”S, Lon=28°22’19.28”E "There were dead animals in an open black bag next to one O328799KE15 Advertorial of the bins, which was dropped by some sick and twisted person," said Engela. Cheap eyewear at "We managed to cover the carcasses with a heap of soil and cleaned the bin." Kaleideo Eye Care The group fi lled more than eight refuse bags with bottles, Your local optometric eye able to make an informed de- as well, such as photochro- care branches in Brenthurst cision regarding lenses and mic lenses, thinning and paper, food wrappers and other and Dersley Park have frames with the optometrist, strengthening of lenses and rubbish. merged to ensure our pa- Lourens Odendaal and Kris- coatings like hard coats and Short Street, in Denneoord, was cleared of litter on Saturday, last tients receiving ongoing, top tin Pretorius. anti-glare coatings. Kaleideo More photos on our website go to quality services. Kaleideo Consultations include a week, by residents Anthony Rawlins and Lene (middle) and Luzaan Eye Care can also provide Nortje. Eye Care is situated in the complete optometric exami- you with various hard and Dersley Medical Centre on nation, Glaucoma Screen- soft contact lenses. We the corner of Albite Street & ing as well as blood sugar are able to claim from your Clover eld Road, Dersley measurements, all for ONLY medical aid should you wish Promoting tourism in Ekurhuleni Park, Springs - a mere 8.7km R110. Spectacle prices start (terms and conditions apply). away from Muriel Brand at R350 for Single Visions, School in Brenthurst. We also R830 for Bifocals and R1 Kaleideo Eye Care Springs The City of Ekurhuleni Tourism Matters in share information on the Industrial Development have branches in Kempton 110 for Multifocals. This price will host the inaugural Ekurhuleni. challenges and tourism Corporation and the South Park and Pretoria. includes both the lenses and is open Mon, Wed, Thurs & a guaranteed new frame. Friday from 08:30 until 16:00. Ekurhuleni Tourism The conference will opportunities within African Tourism Service The aim of the clinic is to There are more than 200 We also have branches in Conference at the Lakes see close to 350 delegates Ekurhuleni. Association will be determine the health status frames to choose from. Pretoria and Kempton Park. Hotel and Conference engage in a dialogue Dignitaries from amongst the speakers at the of patients’ eyes and then Call 012 809 0312 / 082 382 Centre, in Benoni, on between public and private the Gauteng Tourism conference. provide advice accordingly. Kaleideo Eye Care can ac- 5215 during of ce hours for September 13 and 14. sector stakeholders from Authority, Ekurhuleni The conference runs from Should the patients need commodate any of the pa- an appointment. spectacles, they would be tients’ upgrade requirements The theme is Why the tourism industry and Travel and Tourism, 8am to 5pm on both days.


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PLUS all September winners will automatically go into a draw to win an LG G5 smartphone. The winner of the LG G5 smartphone must produce the original copy of Phakaaathi to claim the prize. TO ENTER: Get Phakaaathi in The Citizen every Tuesday from 6-27 September 2016 for the weekly keyword and entry details. PHAKAAATHI IS FREE IN THE CITIZEN EVERY TUESDAY AND WILL NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE AS A STANDALONE NEWSPAPER FROM 6 SEPTEMBER 2016. T&Cs apply. By entering the competition, you accept The Citizen’s standard terms and conditions, and the competition rules as published on Competition closes Tuesday 2 October at midnight. The winner of the LG G5 Smartphone will be published on Tuesday 11 October 2016 in Phakaaathi. SMSs are charged at R1.50 each and errors will be billed. No persons under the age of 18 years may enter. Free and bundle SMSs do not apply. Friday, September 9, 2016 Community 5

Tell us what’s on your mind

Residents of Alan Woodrow Park were asked: What is your Rene Freedman Jean Yeo Joan Linington Stella Campbell Athalie Gower opinion of technology I think technology is really I think technology is good I like to keep in touch with I use technology quite It’s really mind-boggling. (cellphones, computers, baffl ing when you get to a in its place. I can only do some of my family who are a lot. I do have a You can’t keep up with it. social media) and do you certain age, but I do use what I need to do on a currently living overseas, cellphone that I use for The only thing I know how the computer. I use it for computer, but I’m all tied so I use Skype. I usually WhatsApp and I’m even to use is an application I make use of it? emails and to Google. I up in knots when using it. Skype with them over the on Facebook. I do believe had to use on a computer like to Google for recipes, After that I usually phone weekends. I do have a it’s nice to keep in touch when I used to work. stitching patterns and somebody to help me with cellphone, but I don’t really with your family and these Handwork has always things like that. a computer. like WhatsApp. social media apps do help. been my forte.

In die kollig

Simoné Herbst (13) is die hoofdogter omtrent deel aan alles: atletiek, swem, netbal, regoor Suid-Afrika en dan kry sy dit nogsteeds van Laerskool Die Arend. Sy woon landloop en hokkie. Ek sal ook graag met my reg om so “super duper fi ne” ook te lyk. saam met haar ouers, Ilze en Willem sport in die hoërskool wil aangaan. • Hoeveel tyd spandeer jy daagliks op jou Herbst, en haar broer Wian (15) in • As jy nie bedrywig is met skoolsake nie, selfoon en dink jy die jeug van vandag Sonneveld. wat doen jy graag? spandeer te veel tyd op hul selfone? Ek hou verskriklik baie van teken. My ma se Ek bring nogal baie van my tyd op my selfoon een hangkas is al vol van al my storieboe- deur en ja, ek dink dis ’n massiewe probleem • Jy is die hoofdogter van Laerskool Die kies en prente wat ek van kleins af geskryf en by baie jongmense van vandag, want dit maak Arend, wat beteken dit vir jou? geteken het. As ek nie teken nie, hou ek daar- hul minder aktief en dit beïnvloed hul skool- Dit is vir my ’n baie groot eer en ek sien dit as van om buite te wees en dit is vir my lekker om werk. ’n groot voorreg. te kamp. • Wat is jou gunsteling kos? Simoné Herbst. • Die jaar staan einde se kant toe, wat staan • Na watter hoërskool gaan jy volgende Hoender of pasta (spaghetti is my gunsteling). tot dusver vir jou uit? jaar? • As jy vir een dag die President van die te maak. Ons hoef nie ’n ryk land te wees Defi nitief die leierskamp aan die begin van Ek gaan na Hoërskool Oosterlig toe. land sou kon wees, wat sou jy doen? nie, want al wat nodig is, is dat dit skoon is en die jaar en al die lekker sporttoere wat deur • Het jy al besluit watter beroep jy eendag Sjoe, waar begin ek? Ek dink ek sal dadelik die almal werk en leef in vrede saam. die jaar plaasgevind het, dit was ’n belewenis. wil volg? doodstraf terugbring, dan sal daar nie so baie • Waarvoor is jy bang? Goeie tye saam met goeie mense. En dan ook Wel, my kop en my hart voel albei sterk oor kriminele rondloop en ons tronke volmaak nie. Geweld, moord, oorlog, mense en diere wat ons skool se asemrowende revue wat onlangs twee verskillende beroepe, maar ek dink dit Niemand hoef dan in vrees te lewe nie. Dan gemartel en doodgemaak word, families wat plaasgevind het. trek meer na ’n aktrise se kant toe. Kyk net sal ek ook graag wil seker maak dat almal in uitmekaar val, natuurrampe en die donker. Ek • Neem jy aan sport deel, vertel. na Leandie du Randt, sy is beslis my grootste ons land ’n werk en ’n blyplek het. Laastens is nie bang vir die donker self nie, maar wel vir Natuurlik. Sport is een van my grootste rolmodel, sy is ’n aktrise, sy skryf inspirerende sal ek ’n “skoonmaakdag” instel waar almal dit wat in die donker is. Ek glo egter soos wat passies. Dis vir my so lekker en ek neem boeke en hou motiveringspraatjies vir mense moet inspring om ons vuil land ’n bietjie skoon Joe Niemand sing: “Ek sal nie bang wees nie!”

S335678HS37 Cakes for Baked to perfection any occasion. Muffi ns cupcakes scones biscuits & tarts Shop 9 Carnival Decor Centre Rangeview Road, Dalpark, Brakpan Cell: 072 400 7090 Whatsapp: 081 828 2231 [email protected]

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A non-profit organisation that provides residential care for children who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from their families due to some form of abuse. Muriel Brand Street, Brenthurst 071 356 2291 [email protected] Facebook: East Rand Children’s Haven 6 News Friday, September 9, 2016

GREAT Lady Gracious finaliste pronk op die loopplank Die fi naliste van die Lady Gracious/Man of God South Africa 2016 kompetisie het die afgelope naweek ‘n mode parade in Boksburg aangebied, ten bate van die Avril Elizabeth Tehuis. Op die foto, in rokke deur Willet Designs, is, voor (van links): Yolandi Erasmus, Yolanda Minnie, Raven Nell, Megan Herbst, Nadia van der Merwe en Jane van der Vyfer. Agter Leonie Cronje, Meer foto’s op ons webwerf gaan na PARTY Charlene Ronquest, Suret Ströh (organiseerder) en Corlia Callegro. Brenthurst pupils open their LAST hearts to former headboy Brenthurst Primary he requires full-time School held a fund- care. raiser for a former pupil Jeshan's mom, on Friday, last week. Keshnie Peramaul, NIGHT? Funds were raised praised the school and through a Civvies Day told the Herald that and a cake sale, with all the fund-raiser was a monies going to Jeshan remarkable gesture. Peramaul (14), who was "It's amazing, we've the school's headboy in had such support," she 2014. said. Jeshan, who lives "Brenthurst Primary FIND A in Brakpan Central, is very special to us, it suffered a severe always has been." brain injury when he The fund-raiser CLEANING was struck by a car in kicked off with a Brenthurst Primary School has a special place in the hearts Benoni, in August, last religious service of the Peramaul family. Jeshan Peramaul and his mom, year. conducted by the Keshnie (left), are seen with Dr Razia Ghanchi-Badasie The accident has left Warriors of Christ (school principal), Yolanda Mahundi (Jeshan’s caregiver) SERVICE him in a wheelchair and ministry. and Natalie de Lange (school secretary). OR A Oud-Stoffberg onnie is oorlede ‘n Gewilde en toegewyde oud- in 1958 het hy weer teruggekeer onderwyser van die Hoërskool na Stoffberg. PHARMACY Stoffberg, Japie Steyn, is Hy het ‘n lang en gelukkige Sondag op die ouderdom van 91 loopbaan, tot en met sy aftrede jaar, oorlede. in 1985, by Stoffberg geniet. Steyn het in 1952 by Steyn was ‘n formidabele man Stoffberg begin skoolhou, waar wat bekend was vir sy opregte hy aardrykskunde aangebied belangstelling in sy medemens, het. asook vir sy sin vir humor. Hy was egter ook ‘n groot Hy en sy vrou, Marie, sport entoesias. het verlede jaar hul 65ste Hy was, onder andere, huweliksherdenking gevier. voorsitter van die Oos- Hy laat ook twee kinders, Transvaalse Hoërskole Jacques en Mariets, Atletiekvereniging, asook die asook kleinkinders en Oos-Transvaalse Hoërskole agterkleinkinders na. Rugbyvereniging. ‘n Gedenkdiens het gister Japie Steyn (91) is Sondag oorlede. Hy en In 1957 het hy ‘n pos in (Donderdag), vanuit die NG sy vrou Marie was vir 65 jaar getroud. Hottentots Holland gekry, maar Kerk Brakpan-Wes plaasgevind. Friday, September 9, 2016 Community 7 Online... Please note that the opinions does not refl ect that of the Editor. The Editor reserves the Get your news on, comment on stories or share your views on social media right to edit all communications. Please send your letter to [email protected] Breaking news online Here’s what grabbed our online readers’ attention. Revues was uitstaande Man shot and killed on the day of his release 1 from prison Merle Coetzee van Dalview na die verskeie revues. personeellid en afrigter skryf: Ons sien uit na volgende bedank. 2 Be on the lookout for this bakkie Met verwysing na die jaar en die jare daarop se Dit was veral Laerskool brief van Louis Mc Donald vertonings. Die Arend se revue wat vir 3 Update: Woman tells of prison parolee (Revues is fantasties) in die Baie dankie aan al die my uitgestaan het. Die puik shooting We have new fanss Herald van 19 Augustus. pragtige kinders wat soveel opvoerings van graad R tot 4 Essential repairs at substation to plunge Ek wil ook graag namens tyd ingesit het om te oefen graad sewe was ongeloofl ik Brakpan into darkness WELCOME! die senior burgers van om telkens vir ons die dag uitstaande. PS. We like you too Brakpan al die skole en die te seën met hulle pragtige Mag elke skool van krag tot 5 WATCH: Starving boerboel is on the mend mense wat betrokke was optredes. krag gaan in die jare vorentoe. bedank vir die uitnodigings Ek wil elke skool, (Brief verkort). Winkel op horings geneem Verstom skryf per e-pos: Ek skat die seuntjie so vyf met die trollie gestamp en Ek en my man was jaar en die dogtertjie so ses net voortgegaan asof niks Saterdagmiddag in ‘n jaar oud. Hulle het elkeen ‘n gebeur het nie. supermark in die dorp om ‘n klein trollie gehad en op en Mense het eintlik gaan paar goedjies te kry. af in die gange gehardloop. stilstaan om te sien hoe die Kry dié album aanlyn Dit was ontsettend besig. Hulle het geskreeu en kinders te kere gaan. Video of the week: Dít kon ons nog hanteer, lawaai gemaak en die ma het Dit was werklik Daar het verlede Vrydagoggend ‘n baie Why would a chicken that’s long gone cause maar die vrou met haar twee net doodeenvoudig gemaak onaangenaam en ek voel dat vrolike atmosfeer by Trippe Trappe Tone traffi c? stoute kinders het almal se of hulle nie bestaan nie. die vrou haar kinders moes Kleuterskool geheers, toe die kleintjies This video explains why there’s traffi c, but no aandag getrek. Een van hulle het my man beheer. aan Lentedag vieringe deelgeneem het. apparent reason for it. Swaarder vonnisse is nodig Anti-dwelms skryf per genoeg gedoen word om die dan sal daar nie meer e-pos: persone wat dwelmmiddels probleme wees nie. Met verwysing na die te koop aan bied te vang. Die howe moet ook brief in die Herald van 2 Dit is algemene kennis dat baie strenger optree en September (Ouer se kommer ‘n mens deesdae, nie net in voorbeelde daarstel, deur oor dwelms). Brakpan nie maar oral, baie mense swaar te vonnis of te Ek kan die pyn van die maklik dwelmmiddels kan beboet. ouer verstaan en ek voel baie koop. Ons jeug lei onder die jammer vir die persoon. Die verskaffers moet gemors wat ryk word deur My vraag is net of daar vasgevat en uitgeroei word, dwelmmiddels te verkoop. Your views online Story: WATCH: East Rand couple hijacked in front of their home

Laetitia Smith Nikita Jamie-lea Swanepoel That must be horrifi c. Luck- This is so awful! This country has become ily, I wasn’t hijacked. They nothing but trouble and these people just took my car out my must be found. It’s such a disgrace that yard. I hope they catch the everything we work hard for, the scrap in low lives soon. They should our country takes away from us. And they be killed. If they are caught do it because they know the police won’t they will just do it again. do anything about it. My heart goes out to that couple.

Monica Rosslee Booysen It’s absolutely shocking! These poor people. Thank goodness they are still alive, but this will change their lives forever. Surely SAPS can follow up with the video footage. Hopefully things will change soon. It seems that the Kempton Park area is being targeted more than ever.

C331360HC35 Let us help you grow your Church Q UA N TITIES LIMIT Reader’s picture of the Advertise in our O week Monthly Church Page R IGHT T Toni Jorge Da Matta and former Brenthurst resident Leonie recently tied the knot at the Thabong Wedding VE THE Venue in Brakpan. After the wedding the newlyweds enjoyed their honeymoon at R ESE the Thaba Khaya Lodge, in Brits. Photo Contact Eve WE by Warren Anderson For more detailss Have you attended a memorable event, or has something special happened in your Tel: 011 740-1825825 life recently? Send the photograph and a brief description with names to malissas@ email:[email protected] 8 Entertainment Friday, September 9, 2016 What’s happening? Simpson is back with loads of laughter The legendary Julio Iglesias will fi nally be back in South Africa, in October. Comedian and radio our stage at Bru’s and are venue, with a decidedly personality Darren Simpson excited to welcome veteran industrial but undeniably The best of Julio is back at Carnival City’s comedian, Mel Miller to chic and trendy feel. Bru’s this evening (Fri- our venue for the fi rst Located on the site of the The most popular Latin artist in music his- day), for more giant-sized time," said Michelle Smith, old Sports Bar, Bru’s will tory is touring the world and will visit South comedy. Carnival City's marketing host a diversity of artists, Africa. He brings with him an manager. bands and comedians Julio Iglesias will perform with his fantastic ensemble of funnymen, "Loads of laughter with a every Wednesday, Friday, orchestra and dancers in Carnival City's Big including Mel Miller, Roni magical twist is promised Saturday and Sunday. Top Arena on Sunday, October 23. Modimola and The Bandit this weekend.” The venue is open from With an unstoppable career spanning 47 Comedy Magician. Smith added that Bru’s noon to 11pm on Mondays years, Iglesias has sold over 300 million The fun and games start will feature different come- through to Thursdays, from albums worldwide, achieved 2600 gold and at 8pm. dians and all new material noon to 2am on Fridays and platinum records and performed more than “We are thrilled to bring every Friday night. Saturdays, and from noon to Don’t miss Darren Simpson and an ensemble of 5000 concerts. back Darren Simpson to Bru’s is a unique concept 10.30pm on Sundays. hilarious comedians at Bru’s tonight. Make sure you don't miss this unforgetta- ble experience. Be captivated by Irish music sensation

They have sold over eight million traditional Irish songs such as, copies of their nine CDs and eight “Bean Pháidín” and “Siúil A Run", DVDs. and are bound to draw fans to the They are the only all-female act beauty of Ireland’s customs and to ever have reached multi-plati- Gaelic language. num status in the genres of clas- Not only do the women appeal sical crossover and world music. to the Irish or fans of Irish music, The championship is presented by Diana Beautiful, fl owing dresses, but they will also be performing Moore Dance World. sold-out concert venues, an ex- favourites known to all, such as ceptionally talented violinist and “Amazing Grace” and “You Raise chilling world-class vocals. Me Up.” Dancers to thrash it out This is Celtic Woman, the Irish Singing motivational songs music sensation and one stage Celtic Woman has transcended national and cultural boundaries. with strong themes of love, loss The most prestigious dance championship production of the year you do not The Irish music sensation will perform at Carnival City as part of their and hope, Celtic Woman has held in South Africa, Supreme Dancer of the want to miss. Destiny World Tour. transcended national and cultural Year, will be held at Carnival City's Big Top Carnival City will play host to boundaries. Arena this weekend (September 10 and 11). this traditionally Irish all-women Smith, Carnival City's marketing nomenon a decade ago. Whilst bringing across such Presented by Diana Moore Dance World, group on September 18 as part manager. Since then, they have trav- a strong sense of where they the championships attract competitors and of the ensemble’s Destiny World "This is a rare musical event elled to Australia, Germany, are from and Ireland’s history, spectators from all over the country, as well Tour. not to be missed.” France, Belgium, Switzerland, the they also captivate fans with as from the United Kingdom and Europe. “We are so excited about being Celtic Woman fi rst captured the Netherlands, Japan and Brazil to their fresh, consistently renewed Dancers will compete against each other part of the fi rst leg of Celtic Wom- attention of America in a concert perform. sounds, presenting modern day for titles, trophies and prizes. an’s world tour," said Michelle now described as a cultural phe- The group will perform old Ireland. Save these dates

10 September ion Pillay, word om 2.30nm by die on, terwyl hulle sing. Elke graad Stoffberg se lapa plaasvind. Vir crafts Society meets every fi rst ‘n Boeremark word by die Brak- NG Kerk Brakpan, te Victorialaan dans twee liedjies, een van elke verdere inligting, kontak vir Nellie Tuesday of the month, in the St pan Tuinsentrum, te Dirk van der 73, gehou. Kaartjies kan by die kunstenaar. Vir meer inligting en Weideman (083 302 3217) of Su- Peter’s Anglican Church hall, at Hoffweg, gehou, vanaf 9vm. Talle deur gekoop word. kaartjies, besoek www.computick- san Pienaar (082 450 5962). 10am. New members are wel- stalletjies en vermaak. 23 September 29 Oktober come. For more information con- September 10 Hoërskool Die Anker bied ‘n 30 September – 1 Oktober Die 1976-matrieks van die tact Jane Donker (011 915 2539). St Peter’s Anglican Church will boeredans in die skoolsaal aan, Die jaarlikse Pannefees vind HTS Brakpan (Hoërskool Die A Narcotics Anonymous have their Charity Golf Day at om 7nm vir 7.30nm. Vir meer op die sportgronde van Laerskool Anker) beplan ’n 40-jaar reünie. meeting for people who have a Pollak Park Golf Club, in Springs. inligting, kontak vir Silvia Pienaar Die Arend plaas. Stalletjies kan Oud-leerlinge en -onderwysers is problem with drugs, or think they For more information contact (011 813 4160). nou reeds bespreek word. Skakel welkom. Vir meer inligting, kontak might have a problem with drugs, Cynthia Scrooby (011 740 0260) 24 September vir Gesina Griffi n (083 513 0900). vir Hendrik Labuschagne (082 is held every Tuesday, at 7.30pm, on weekdays, between 9am and Staan Op en Dans vind vanaf 1 Oktober 923 3077) of Anton Fourie (082 at the St John the Baptist Catholic 1pm. 5nm in Carnival City se Big Top Die 1966-matrieks van die Hoër 926 3605). Church, at 74 Queen Avenue. 18 September Arena plaas. Graad A tot graad Meisieskool Stoffberg beplan ’n General: ’n Lente konsert, met die tenoor sewe leerders dans saam met 50-jaar reünie. Die reünie sal Tuesday For a complete list of events go to Phiwe Makaula en die pianis Mar- Gerhard Steyn en Elizma Ther- vanaf 10vm by die Hoërskool The Brakpan Home-

Electric Fencing ‘Wholesale to the public!!’ September Specials 2016 Prices subject to change without prior notice & while stock last. 610 R690 618 R690 622 R750 628 R730 630 R690 638 R850 646 R790 652 R950 COC Certifi cates 657 R950 A333525HC36 674 R1 290 682/3 R1 590 New Installations VAT Included - 1 Year Warranty (Standard BaƩ eries) D330641BE36 Bring old baƩ ery in or be charged R171 extra Angels Mechanical Service Also Stock: Maintenance free (2 year warranty), marine, leisure, Maintenance on all heavy duty trucks:  deep cycle and full range of motorcycle baƩ eries services, brakes, engines, gearboxes, BRANCHES: diff’s and electrical Maintenance on all earth-moving equipment,

6%% services and hydraulics • Monday – Friday 08h00 – 17h00 • Saturdays/Public Holidays 09h00 – 14h00 • Sundays 09h00 – 13h00 Rut 076 433 8217 011 894-7193 Tel: 072 404-9654 87A Rieƞ ontein Rd, Boksburg Delise 062 782 6313 Pretty 071 617 3784 Friday, September 9, 2016 News 9

Shop online at SAPS successes The following arrests were made in Brakpan over the past weekend: • Trespassing ...... 1 • Common robbery ...... 1 • Shoplifting ...... 2 • Possession of drugs ...... 4 • Drunk driving ...... 2 • Selling liquor without a licence ...... 1 Also at HYPERMARKETS • Attempted murder ...... 3 • Drunk in public ...... 1 • Reckless driving ...... 1 Safety tip of the week

Your blood may not have an alcohol content of more than 0.05 per cent. If you have more than 350ml of beer, or 29% OFF if you have more than a single tot of brandy, you may already be over the R limit. These levels of alcohol will remain 58 in your system for up to eight hours after consumption. Arrange for alternative PnP Uncooked transport home from wherever you Lean Beef Mince Per kg plan to drink, and make such plans in advance to ensure that you are not left stranded. 27% OFF R32 PnP Fresh Whole Chicken Per kg R 20% OFF 34 R PnP NO NAMETM Frozen PnP Tenderised 69 Chicken Braaipack 1.8kg Steak Per kg

Weekend Arrests

According to information received, the following crimes were reported to Brakpan police over the weekend: • Friday - A business situated along Goods SAVE Road was burgled of cigarettes, headache tablets and other goods. • Saturday - Two cars were stolen. A red Ford (model not provided) was stolen from the corner of Park Street and Kitzinger Avenue, and a white Volkswagen Polo was stolen from Mall@Carnival. • Sunday - No information pertaining to incidents that took place on Sunday was received.

90 20% OFF 30% OFF 64 BUY 90 90 2 Dewfresh Long Mother’s Nest Children’s Home is a registered non-profi t FOR 87 Life Milk Assorted 19 6 x 1 Litre organisation dedicated to helping abused children, 30% OFF Jacobs Krönung Per Pack specialising in helping the children on a long-term basis Jungle Oats Regular or Mild 24% OFF Instant Coffee 200g 19 Pienaar Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan 1kg R BUY  or Regular 250/300g 90 011 817 2667 [email protected] 38 Refill (Excluding Decaf) ANY 2 Each FOR 37 Tastic Long Grain Parboiled Rice 2kg Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Slab Assorted 150g (Including Bubbly)

Three Ships Select Carling Black Label Whisky 750ml Cans 24 x 330ml or 15% OFF Non-returnable Bottles 24 x 340ml Per Case 13% OFF VALUE PACK BUY R PRICE PER NAPPY ANY 3 Size 2 44s – R2.63 118 R Size 3 52s – R2.22 FOR Size 4 50s – R2.31 179 Size 4+ 48s – R2.41 Size 5 44s – R2.63

23% OFF 38% OFF 30% OFF Get 90 90 Double 115 2280 38 Points Cuddlers Comfort Ariel Auto Washing Powder Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Disposable Nappies Value Lifebuoy Soap 2kg Assorted, Liquid 1.5 Litre Pack Assorted Per Pack Assorted 175g Assorted or Capsules 15s Each PRICES VALID 8 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2016 AT PICK N PAY SUPERMARKETS AND HYPERMARKETS In Gauteng, Free State, North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Northern Cape. Excluding Express and Local stores. Buy-aid cards not accepted at the following stores: Vanderhof, Northmead, Rosettenville, Elspark, Hoedspruit, Dobsonville and Sharon Park. Promotional stocks are limited. Prices include VAT, where applicable. Smart Shopper terms and conditions apply. No traders. E&OE. Selected products may not be available at all stores. Selected products have been styled for photography. Visit, or call 0800 11 22 88. Cellphone rates apply. MMGTHS951 10 Education Friday, September 9, 2016 School news Skole nuus Arende kry erkenning vir hul toewyding Laerskool Die Arend het onlangs sy top 10 akademiese presteerders vir die tweede kwartaal aangewys.

Graad vyf (voor, van links): Francois Japp, Chanté Janse van Rensburg, Christopher Morgenrood, Ellené Brisley en Ruan van Zyl. Agter: Jowan Rheeder, Nicolet Albertyn, Jayde Coetzee, Salome Havemann en Abigail Maritz.

Graad vier (voor, van links): Zoë Muller, Natasha Marais, Dirk van Eeden, Rubin van der Westhuizen en Isabel Hough. Agter: Jessica Whitley, Cailin Cornelius, Aninka de Lange, Michelle Drotsky en Peter Dean.

Graad ses (voor, van links): Marco van Wyk, Charlene Minnie, Monja Fourie, Anton Lieuwes en Ané van Zevenster. Agter: Zeldine Knoesen, Christiaan van Schalkwyk, Victor Naudé, Shanan Graad sewe (voor, van links): Chanté Reynecke, Gavin Pretorius, Nathan Evans, Marjolandi de Bruyn en Geyser en Ashanti Barnard. Agter: Milay Cornelius, Simoné Herbst, Bernice Herbst en Dihan Gustav Goosen. Vorster. Afwesig: Mecyla Bubb. Cruise with us A Year Of Seasonal Dishes JOIN ON A CRUISE TO THE PORTUGUESE ISLAND

You’ll get up to 35% discount on this exclusive three-night MSC Sinfonia cruise, stopping off at Mozambique’s Portuguese Island, and enjoying the good life on board with loads of activities

YOUR CRUISE BREAKDOWN DAY 1 You’ll depart from the Port of Durban and enjoy a Tropical Deck Party, with a performance by Arno Carstens. DAY 2 Spend the day on the island’s pristine beaches – optional activities of snorkelling, fishing, diving and more are on offer. DAY 3 A leasurely day spent at sea, and a second Only performance by by Arno Carstens. DAY 4 Arrive back in Durban with great memories of your R350! unforgettable cruise. Two shows by O CARST ARN ENS Food & Home Entertaining: A Year of Seasonalasonal Dishes brings togettogether a number of delicious, trendy and easy recipes. Cocktails, soups, salads, main dishes and sides to desserts and baking – this inspired collection caters for every occasion, BOOK YOUR SPOT TODAY! including Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. Compiled by South Africa’s most You’ll pay from R3 650pp sharing a two-sleeper Inside Cabin; from R4 100pp sharing a two- sleeper Ocean View Cabin; from R5 650pp sharing a two-sleeper Balcony Cabin; and from established food magazine, A Year of Seasonal Dishes provides recipes for each R5 700pp sharing a two-sleeper Balcony Suite. Price includes three meals daily, use of gym month of the year using ingredients in season. facilities, access to the casino, plus all activities, shows and parties. Call MSC Reservations on 0860 114 411 to book, A seasonal chart and the ultimate quantity conversion manual ensure fool-proof quoting “Caxton” to qualify for the discount. cooking. Food & Home Entertaining: A Year of Seasonal Dishes is indispensable to chefs, students, cooks and all lovers of food and cooking. T&Cs Offer only applies to the MSC Sinfonia cruise from 18 to 21 November 2016. Fares are per person, with a maximum four people sharing. Kids under 18 (maximum of two) cruise free, sharing with parents. Fares based on current prima rate (less 50%), but discounts arew capacity- Available at leading bookstores nationwide. controlled, so as ship fills, pricing may change, affecting discounted price. Transport to and from Port of Durban is excluded (a shuttle from King Shaka International Airport to port is available). Prices exclude port, baggage, insurance, and service fees. Offer can’t be used in conjunction with other special offers. Offer is subject to availability, and bookings will be taken on first-come, first- served basis; booking is essential. Prices were valid at the time of going to print. Friday, September 9, 2016 News 11

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Graad sewe, voor (van links): Lamoné Berg, Chanel Lategan, Jodine Pitzer, Theandri Smit en Roché Klopper. Agter: Dénean Nel, Monique Barnard, Ruan Bronkhorst, Mari Liversage, Kayleigh Lubbe en Annebel Mattheus.

Ankers blink uit op die ringbalbaan Die Ekurhuleni-Oos (Gauteng-Oos) se ringbaltoernooi het gedurende die Julievakansie in Pretoria plaasgevind. Ankers wat vir die provinsiale span gekies is, is voor (van links): Marcel Enslin, Ashley Posthumus en Jason Olckers. Middel: Geanne Dicks, Brandon Smit en Justin Steenkamp. Agter: Vallerie van Tonder en Marko Greyvenstein.

Ankers skitter by Graad ses, voor (van links): Kaylin Henstock, Monique Scholtemeyer, Segarona Kunstefees Adriaan van der Merwe en Fourie Jordaan. Agter: Megan Terblanche, Henzelle Badenhorst, Shenise van der Walt en Nicola van Niekerk. Verskeie leerders van Hoërskool Die Anker Afwesig: Isabeau Cilliers en Tatym Taljaard. het onlangs aan die Segarona Kunstefees deelgeneem en is beloon vir hul besondere talent. Vyf leerders het trofees ontvang vir die eerste plekke wat hulle tydens die kunstefees behaal het. Hulle is (van links): Brendan Nel, Dalwers beloon Ruzaan Maree, Chante Goerke en Welmari Odendaal. Afwesig: Christi Raper. Brendan Nel het nie net ‘n eerste plek in die “stand up comedy-” afdeling verower nie hy het ook vir harde werk gekwalifi seer vir die Gauteng rondte van die Die Laerskool Dalview se top akademiese kompetisie. presteerders vir die tweede termyn is onlangs aangewys. Die Arende voel lente in die lug Die graad een leerders van Laerskool Die Arend kon nie wag om die lente te vier nie. As deel van hulle lewensvaardigheid leerplan het hulle onlangs vrolike tuinbordjies gemaak en dit in die skool se tuin geplant.

Graad vyf, voor (van links): Petri Botha, Ruzel Pitzer, Mieke Dippenaar, Camryn Viljoen en Kaylee Calitz. Agter: Megan Butcher, Lynnri de Beer, Tonya Muller, Mea van den Berg en Megan Koekemoer. Dantey Smith is hier besig om die tuinbordjie wat sy met groot sorg gemaak het in te kap.

Graad vier, voor (van links): Esther Mostert, Anoeshka van Wyk, Thandie du Toit, Zandré Kotze en Zander van der Linde. Agter: Ettienne Schoonraad, Tristan Botha, Chikira Schmidt, Renko Nell en Jan-Daniël Smit. Megan Janse van Rensburg (links) en Chareen Francis spog met tuinbordjies wat hulle gemaak het. Friday, September 9, 2016 News 13 Property tel 011 740-1825 fax 011 740-1829

Week09 SEPTEMBER 2016 (Week 37) BRAKPAN INDEMNITY: We cannot be held liable for any mistakes or omissions. Please note price changes may occur from time to time before these ads go to print thus the seller/agent/publication cannot be held liable for any erroneous advertising

MARIE 37 BEST PROSPECTS 37 GREAT THINGS 37 HAPPEN TO MARI ZYL PEOPLE WE SERVE - - - THEY MOVE!! VAN Groete Warm To view Regards REAL ESTATES MARIO 082 682 2498 PROPERTY DETAILS PRICE AVAIL WRAY 011 683-7309 011 915-7171 Contact Rina - 078 799 0499 / 011 744 4444 for the following: 084 354 7775 Denne -Oord Self storage units from 12.8m2 - 59.6m2 R 485.00 - R 2 225.00 HOUSE TO LET TEL: 011 915-7171 Witpoortjie Factory - 325m2 available (Industrial Park) R 9 000.00 Imm FAX: 086 606-5953 [email protected] Witpoortjie Factory - 310m2 available (Industrial Park) R 7 000.00 Imm BRAKPAN Witpoortjie Office space available R 3 900.00 Imm R3 900 pm AREA BED UNIT RENT Witpoortjie Workshop available R 7 000.00 Imm Brenthurst 1 Bed, 1 bath garden cottage, carport, prepaid R 3 300.00 1 Oct ‘16 Neat 2 bedrooms with BRAKPAN 1½ G/Cottage R 4 000 Minnebron 3 Beds, 2 Baths, lounge, kitchen, garage, security R 6 600.00 Imm built-in cupboards. SONNEVELD 2 T/HOUSE R 4 800 Brakpan 2 Beds, 1 bath, kitchen. Lounge, big yard R 4 900.00 1 Oct ‘16 DALPARK EXT.1 2 T/HOUSE R 5 000 Scottsburgh Holiday home - sleeps 16, sea view R 300.00 p/p per day Contact Henriette - 084 619 2872 / 011 744 4444 for the following: Big lounge, dining room, T/HOUSE SONNEVELD 2 R 5 500 Dalpark x 1 T/house - 3 beds, 2 baths, garage, balcony R 5 500.00 Imm kitchen, BRAKPAN SHOP R 5 500 Dalview 3 Beds, 1 bath, garage R 5 600.00 Imm enclosed verandah. BRAKPAN 3 HOUSE R 7 260 Dalview 3 Beds, 1 bath, garage R 6 900.00 1 Oct ‘16 Anzac Bachelors flat R 2 900.00 Imm Very secure. DALPARK EXT 6 3 G/Cottage R 4 900 PROPERTY OWNERS, THINKING OF RENTING OUT YOUR PROPERTY? Contact Mario at MARI 084 354 7775 DON’T HESITATE TO CONTACT ONE OF OUR QUALIFIED AGENTS! 082 682 2498 CELLPHONE NECESSARY!! GOOD COMMISSION SPLITS. FOR INTERVIEW CONTACT RINA 079 799 0499 / 011 744-4444

BRAKPAN: 011 743-1012

MC DE KOCK 37 RENTALS / [email protected] WHATEVER YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS MAY BE RENTING OR LETTING / BUYING OR SELLING. Dalpark 1 - Ground fl oor – 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 5 500pm ...... Lee: 072 648 9489 Dalpark 6 – 2 beds, 1 bath + garage ...... R 5 550pm ...... Lee: 072 648 9489 - Sunward Park – Cluster - 3 beds, 2 baths ...... R20 000pm ...... Lee: 072 648 9489 Dalpark 13 – Ground Floor - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 5 500pm ...... Lee: 072 648 9489 Parkrand – 4 beds, 2 baths, full fl atlet ...... R16 000pm ...... Lee: 072 648 9489 Sonneveld – 2 beds, 1 bath ...... R 4 950pm ...... Hannelie: 079 497 5665 Sonneveld – 2 beds, 1 bath...... R 4 950pm ...... Karen: 081 555 5123 Dalpark 9 R7 900 Ent hall, lounge, dining room /TV room, open-plan kitchen, Sonneveld - Upstairs unit - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Karen: 081 555 5123 Kenleaf - Ground fl oor - 2 beds, 2 baths, pet friendly.1/10/16 .... R 5 750pm ...... Anele: 084 307 7258 3 beds with bic, 2 baths, braai area, 4 lock-up carports. Sonneveld - 6 beds, 5 baths ...... 550pm ...... Anele: 084 307 7258 Dalview R7 475 Ent hall, lounge, 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with Sonneveld - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Anele: 084 307 7258 Sonneveld – 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Anele: 084 307 7258 bic, scullery and carport, prepaid electricity. Sonneveld – 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Rene: 081 440 4804 Central R2 760 Lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and carport. Kenleaf – Pet Friendly - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 5 750pm ...... Rene: 081 440 4804 Brenthurst – 3 beds with fl atlet ...... R10 000pm ...... Rene: 081 440 4804 Central R4 800 Large lounge, dining room fl at with kitchen, laundry, 2 bedrooms Kenleaf - Ground Floor - 2 beds, 1 bath ...... R 4 950pm ...... Lizette: 082 771 8271 with bic, bathroom with shower, secure parking and prepaid Sonneveld - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Lizette: 082 771 8271 Kenleaf - Ground Floor – 2 beds, 2 baths. 1/10/2016 ...... R 5 950pm ...... Tersia: 076 865 7285 meter, own garden. Brakpan Central – 2nd Floor - 2 beds, 2 baths, double garage.... R 4 800pm ...... Tersia: 076 865 7285 Central R5 750 Lounge, sunroom, 3 bedrooms, 2 with bic,1 bathroom, kitchen Sonneveld - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Tersia: 076 865 7285 Anzac – 1st fl oor unit - 2 beds, 2 baths, balcony, carport ...... R 5 013pm ...... Brenda: 072 403 7999 with bic, scullery, garage and outside room. Anzac – 2nd fl oor unit - 2 beds, 2 baths, balcony, carport ...... R 5 013pm ...... Brenda: 072 403 7999 Sonneveld – First fl oor - 2 beds, 2 baths ...... R 4 950pm ...... Jasmine: 083 264 3032 NEED TO LET, RENT, BUY OR SELL A PROPERTY? Brakpan Central – 3 beds, 2 baths ...... R 8 000pm ...... Jasmine: 083 264 3032 GIVE US A CALL FOR FAST AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. Sonneveld – 2 beds, 1 bath ...... R 4 950pm ...... Jasmine: 083 264 3032 WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR RENTALS IN THE BRAKPAN/SPRINGS AREA.



WHAT A BARGAIN!!! SHERWOOD GARDENS R790 000 Desperate seller intends to emigrate to Australia. Price hugely re- PRICE DEDUCTION!!! EXCELLENT BUY!!! duced. This neat house offers: 3 beds with BIC, bathroom, lounge, This lovely house in mint condition, a must view!!! This stunner Lots of potential!!! This house situated in the sought-after entrance hall, neat kitchen with BIC, garage & staff quarters. offers: 4 beds with BIC, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge & dining area of Paul Krugersoord & offers: 3 beds with BIC, bathroom, room, modern kitchen with BIC, 2 garages, Enclosed back sep open-plan lounge and dining room, neat kitchen with BIC, ga- with a built-in braai. & a beautiful garden. rage and granny fl at, with separate bathroom. This house is Charles 076 134 6789 a must see. Charles 076 134 6789 Charles 076 134 6789

[email protected] Charles - 076 134 6789 - PRINCIPAL B. Compt. (Acc); Dip (Acc); CEA; NQF 4 + 5; PDE 6 GEDULD EXT R490 000 HUNTINGDON R935 000 LOVELY HOUSE!!! CHEAPY!! BEAUTIFUL HOUSE!!! Most loviest house in the heart of Huntingdon, which offers: 3 This neat house has to be viewed to be appreciated. It offers: This house is correctly priced to sell today!! It offers: 3 beds with beds wit BIC, 2½ bathrooms, TV room, lounge, modern kitchen 2 bedrooms with BIC, 2 bathrooms, open-plan lounge and BIC, bathroom, open-plan lounge & dining room, neat kitchen with BIC, laundry & garage. Make an offer today, tomorrow it’s with BIC, 2 carports, tiled roof, koi dam & the most beautiful dining room, modern kitchen with BIC, garage, carport, staff swimming pool. It’s a combination of pool & jacuzzi solar heating gone!! quarters and a sparkling pool. This house is not to be missed. system. Lapa with built-in braai and a stunning garden. Charles 076 134 6789 Charles 076 134 6789 Charles 076 134 6789 14 News Friday, September 9, 2016

De Lucia Rentals - Brakpan PAUL - 082 075 4126 6 Craigholm Street, Dalview, Brakpan JOSEPH - 084 033 3111 Tel: 011 740-1151 | Fax: 011 740-1606 RICKY - 084 565 5772 Cell: 072 590 4729 | BBM Pin: 2BFE2E16 [email protected] [email protected] JOSHUA - 073 423 7823 DE LUCIA 37 30 Olivia Street, Eveleigh, Boksburg RENTALS - BRAKPAN GPS Coordinates | -26.189042 / 28.247849 FLATS / TOWNHOUSES BED BATH AREA AMOUNT 2 1 KENLEAF R 4 850.00 3 1 BRENTHURST R 6 500.00 2 1 SONNEVELD R 4 700.00 2 1 HELDERWYK R 4 300.00 1 1 CENTRAL R 2 700.00 2 1 CENTRAL R 3 150.00 3 2 SONNEVELD ESTATE R 8 350.00 1 1 KENLEAF R 3 150.00 1 1 CENTRAL R 2 750.00 2 1 CENTRAL R 8 350.00 1 1 CENTRAL R 2 750.00 1 1 CENTRAL R 2 750.00 2 1 SUNWARD PARK R 4 500.00 OFFICE SPACE DALVIEW R 4 200.00 HOUSES 3 1 DALVIEW R 6 700.00



Brakpan: 011 740 4390 | 4 Craigholm Street Dalview

Ref# 1EN1281735 Ref# 1EN1280275 Ref# 1EN1266494 Dalview / R495 000 Brenthurst / R299 000 Brenthurst / R1.075 million

Bedrooms 2 / Bathroom 1 Bedroom 1 / Bathroom 1 / Parking 1 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Parkings 12 / Garage 1 Set in 1190m2 garden - this face brick home is packed with Great start or superb investment. It offers a melamine kitchen with Spacious three bedroom home with an office or study, separate potential, possibility, character and charm. breakfast nook, large open plan room bachelor flat, large sparkling pool and a breathtaking garden. Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854 Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854 Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854

Ref# 1EN1281102 Ref# 1EN1281099 Ref# 1EN1272704 Brenthurst / R895 000 Brenthurst / R490 000 Brenthurst / R848 000

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 1.5 / Garages 2 Bedroom 1 / Bathroom 1 / Garage 1 Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 2.5 / Parkings 6 This picture perfect family home offers a grand entrance hall, large This ground floor unit is modern, inviting, clean and perfectly Offering a wonderful 4 bedroom main house and large one family room and separate dining room. positioned in Brenthurst with a garage. bedroom flat. This property is well positioned, close to all amenities Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854 Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854 Kim Jansen / 082 782 5854

/PamGoldingProperties @PamGoldingGroup Friday, September 9, 2016 News 15 Property Week

Supplement to the

tel 011 740-1825 fax 011 740-1829

CIS 37 Contact details: Tel: 011 740-9018 Fax: 011 740-5940 Website address: Address: 61 Van der Walt Str, Dalview, Brakpan, 1541



• SQUASH COURT • COMMUNAL POOL • SECURE COMPLEX HERMAN 082 468 9641 REINARD 082 496 6437 HERMAN 082 468 9641 REINARD 082 496 6437 SALES: BRAKPAN. HERMAN 082 468 9641. COMMERCIAL SALES & RENTALS - REINARD: 082 496 6437 • FLAT - MINNEBRON - R 480 000 • DALVIEW - R7 000 GROUND FLOOR, 2 BEDS, 1 BATH. PET FRIENDLY. 4 BED HOUSE WITH 2 BATHS, 4 CARPORTS. (HERMAN 082 468 9641) • SONNEVELD GROUND FLOOR FLAT FROM - R 4750 • FLAT - BRAKPAN CENTRAL - R350 000 2 BEDS, 1 BATH. 1ST FLOOR, 1 BED, 1 BATH. • KENLEAF GARDEN FLAT - R 3 300 • FLAT - BRAKPAN CENTRAL - R360 000 1 BED. 1ST FLOOR, 1 BED, + GARAGE. • BRAKPAN NORTH FLAT - R 4 200 • TOWNHOUSE - BADENHORST - R1 290 000 2 BED, 1 BATH. 3 BEDS, 2 BATHS, DBL GARAGE, LOUNGE, • VAN ECK PARK - R19 000 2 T.V ROOM AND DINING ROOM. INDUSTRIAL MINI FACTORIES: 378m , 3 PHASE POWER. • TOWNHOUSE - DALVIEW - R 900 000 • MINNEBRON - R 8 200 3 BEDS, 2 BATHS, DBL GARAGE. HOUSE TO LET: 3 BEDS, 2 BATHS. R2 100 000 - Industrial Property for Sale in Brakpan • FLAT - SONNEVELD - R570 000 2 2 CASA UNO: GROUND FLOOR: 2 BEDS, 2 BATHS. Factory for sale, Brakpan, 650m . Very neat in good area, 400m Floor area, 250m2 offi ce, yard space. • HOUSE - DALPARK PROPER - R 1700 000 3 BEDS, 2 BATHS, BIG LIVING AREA, SWIMMING POOL. R4 500 000 - Industrial Property for Sale in Benoni 2 • STAND - SONNEVELD ESTATES - R950 000 1000m Factory for sale Apex. Brand new Building. In fi nal stages 766m2 LAST STAND AVAILABLE. of completion. • DOUBLE STORY HOUSE - SONNEVELD - R3 600 000 R3 800 000 - Industrial Property for Sale in Vulcania 5 BEDS, 4 BATHS, ENTERTAINMENT AREA, 1 800m2 factory for sale Brakpan. 4 000m2 land, needs some TLC, SWIMMING POOL, STUDY ETC. MAKE AN OFFER 16 News Friday, September 9, 2016

• Tel: 011-916-5301 • Email: [email protected] • Fax: 011-918-6067 • Email: [email protected]

Due to high demand Brakpan Herald can not screen every advertisement and hereby will not be held accountable should the advert lead to a bogus business. Please purchase responsibly.

0123 AJ FAST ANY JOB IN THE AFFORDABLE RUBBLE A 24/7 PLUMBER CLASSIFIED BUILDING TRADE REMOVALS & FILLING SUNDAY TO SUNDAY DEPARTMENT FOR: AERIALS / Specialize in Roof repairs & Any kind of rubble & soil. 072 7936 453 ELECTRICAL carports, Pensioners 8Ton/5m tipper. We load www.stamina SATELLITES (PTY) LTD discount. 30 yrs exp in the 395-4751 or 082-565-1391 • Boksburg Advertiser Notices Services building trade. ZW011768 ZW011963 • JHB East Express FRIK 083 967 0227 013 Church Notices 0105 Blinds/ Curtains A - CCTV & DSTV JL026692 ALL COMPOST and • Bedford / Edenvale News Specialise in garden soil, lawn dressing. A BARGAIN 4 PLUMBING

0109 Building Materials LA050065 • Germiston City News 014 Births DSTV & OVHD Board Tripping. TEL 917-0493 VIEWPOINT YOU`LL NEVER USE • Kempton Express 0118 Cleaning AT FALCON PAVING ANYONE ELSE !!! 019 Engagements installs & Upgrades. No Power. No Hot Water COBBLE PAVING FARMING • Benoni City Times 020 Marriages 0127 Electricians All Electrical Work. C.O.C. • Burst Geysers, pipes Fault finding from SPECIAL. • Toilets & taps • Brakpan Herald 031 Deaths 0136 Home R250. All Plumbing. Tar, Bricks, Imprints MA052606 • Springs Advertiser Improvements/ • No hot water ? 055 Memoriam 083 773 9728 No Call Out Fee George: 011 896 4903 DEXTRAD RUBBLE • Blocked drains • Alberton Record 060 Funerals DIY ZW011898 082 828 2674 REMOVAL LEAK DETECTIONS • Southern Courier 0154 Gardening/ Henry: 072 190 8337 Garden to building rubble All cards welcome 062 Thanks 011 440 1616 MA052583 • Comaro Chronicle removal. 082 269 6808 063 Greetings & wishes Rubble ABOVE • Kathorus Mail Removals Willie MA052669 065 Lost SATELLITES 082 622 2150 CONCO WALLING 084 5288 633 • Tembisan 0163 Plumbers Verskaffing en oprigting van 066 Found INSTALL, FAULTS, BV021413 • African Reporter 0172 Pools betonmure en A BLOCKED DRAIN? 070 Lifts RELOCATE, 1 CALL 0181 Repairs AB ELECTRICAL & Staalpalissade elektriese 5 TON TRUCK THE DEADLINE FOR THIS 073 Personal UPGRADES ALL PLUMBING skuifhekke. Gratis Rubble removal. PLUMBING SERVICES kwotasies. PUBLICATION IS: 075 Accommodation Same Day Service (Registered Electricians) We load. R490 / load. 0204 Health & Beauty 24/7 All hrs 011 814-9013 Geyser overflow, leaking 079 Cupids corner 0208 Bridal Power tripping. Earth MA052576 Call Sam toilets, dripping taps, Fri @ 16H00 AERIAL SATELLITE 0212 Catering leakage. New installation. 081 874 8938 burst pipes etc. 071 510 8436 Motors. Borehole. GLAM KITCHENS SA021355 PLEASE NOTE: 0216 Childcare No hot water. 0070 Multichoice Accred JH034359 • Kitchen cupboards Jay We reserve the right to 0220 Computer ZW011855 Lighting & Fault fi nding 082 256 8667 Etc. Same day C.O.C 0155 change the above LIFTS Repairs • Built in cupboards ZW011968 mentioned deadline at any 0224 Driving Schools ALWAYS DSTV FREE QUOTE • Study cabinets and TREE FELLING & 24/7 given time FRITZ TAXI`S 0236 Entertainment • Installation workstations A BLOCKED 0244 For Hire • HD Tel: 011 039 2745 Tel: Chris DRAIN?! PAYMENT METHODS: Vir jou vinnige en veilige 0248 Furniture Cell: 084 451 4170 083 298 2335 A-Z LEAK DETECTION vervoer. 083 770 4582. • Extra view ZH076251 Certain adverts will only be ZH076494 Restoration TREE FELLING Call A PROUD accepted on a cash • Signal problems 0252 Home Industry/ J.S BUILDING & PLUMBER (PTY) basis before being published, Walter 071 014 0028 THE 0073 Dress Making KE003359 CONSTRUCTION PROFESSIONALS!! LTD for Drain eg: property, lifts, for sale, 0255 House Sitters gardening & cleaning, PERSONAL We cut Cleaning & Plumbing. 0260 Miscellaneous 0127 Building, Alterations, Blocked drains from employment wanted etc. 0264 Personal Plumbing, Painting, & remove any tree. ALCOHOLICS On site repairs to: Ceilings, Paving, Roofs, R200.00 Services ELECTRICIANS Trimming. 1st three adverts cash ANONYMOUS Wash machines, freezers, Tiling / Zink, Electrical T & C`s Apply.

MA040817 fridges, stoves, T/driers SUPERVISION. upfront thereafter accounts 0268 Pest control repairs, Floor tiles If you want to drink, that is and D/washers. Gate Special offer on considered after an approved 0272 Pet Services/ Fully insured. JH034549 your problems, if you want ABA motors, garage doors & renovations. 072 112 9402 / credit application. Accomodation to stop, that is ours. Call 0280 Professional & APPLIANCE & electric fencing. Call 072 274 2381 BENNIE 0861 000 052 0861helpAA or 0861 1 Year Guarantee 063 654 1205 083 417 8155 ZW011905 PAYMENT CAN BE MADE 435722. Business ELECTRICAL 28 years experience BH001087 AS FOLLOWS: ZH076684 0284 Photographic 082 553 3384 REPAIRS / FREE QUOTES A PLUMBER ON CALL DEPRESSED OR 0288 Removals 0154 24 / 7 a) At any of our branches DANIE MEYER STRESSED: & Storage SERVICES 074 217 7362 H&C TREEFELLING Guaranteed Workmanship Phone Life Line (011) 0292 Security GARDENING / PROJECTS Over 20 years experience O 25 Years Experience, 079 0855 305 b) By Credit card 422-4242 Treefelling, De-stumping 0296 Tuition/Education RUBBLE REMOVALS 076 534 4540 ZH076670 0299 Upholstry/ On site repairs/services 25 + years exp. Fully Gate & garage motors, insured 011 051 6113 c) Into: FNB MA052765 DOES someone in your Curtaining electrical fencing, fridge, BRIANS A GARDEN SERVICE All hours BRANCH CODE: 25-50-05 family or a close friend have freezers, T/Dryers, ELECTRICAL stoves, wash machines, TREE FELLING CLEAN Chris 082 716 5774 CTP LIMITED T/A a drinking problem? You COC certificates, UPS Owner supervision are not alone. Find help in dishwashers, 0172 CAXTON NEWSPAPERS air-cons, geysers pre-paid meters, MA052579 ACCOUNT NUMBER: the constructive approach 0105 Free quotation, Quality POOLS 6218-634-8457 offered by Al-Anon Family FREE QUOTES maintenance & service 0163 Group. BLINDS / CURTAINS contracting. LYDIA (Always keep your ID/CO 011 867-0731 12 MONTH registration number ready) Phone 011 740 7884 083 365 2514 PLUMBERS 0861 252 666 GUARANTEE FRED TRADEMAN POOLS ZH076672 RENES BLINDS & 071 492 0619 PLEASE NOTE: WYNAND RN105556 082 782 4703 A+ PLUMBING & DRUG PROBLEMS CURTAINS 011 896 5585 We specialize in Proof of payment MUST be 011 892 5287 JL026615 ELECTRICAL

011 969 2732 MA051540 • Marbeliting faxed to: 011-918-6067 072 381 4269 • Faulty Geysers We can help with recovery 082 804 7856 All East Rand 24/7 0136 • Painting REFERENCE OR and support. 079 396 9722. BV021370 3 TON TIPPER • Blocked Drains ZH076686 HOME • Pool Pumps TELEPHONE NUMBER MUST • Pipes, Toilets, Taps APPEAR ON THE DEPOSIT ABH ALL • Renovations EXPERIENCING SPRINGBOK BLINDS. IMPROVEMENTS / DIY R450 per load. • All Electrical DIFFICULTIES WITH ALLE SOORTE. APPLIANCES Repairs CONDITIONS OF RELATIONSHIPS: Skakel 011-740-2037, FRANCOIS Jaen ACCEPTANCE: Phone Life Line (011) 082-567-0809 David. & AANDAG! ANY Gerhard 072 484 2462 ADVERTISERS NOTE: 422-4242 BV021432 CARPORTS, ROOF 082 572 4482 072 625 5062 BH001090 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS, PAINTING, SA021367 1. Although every eff ort will ZH076678 RN105628 24 hrs FASCISA BOARDS & be made to meet the clients GAMBLING PROBLEM 0118 GUTTERS wishes, the date od Gamblers Anonymous Free Quotations 40 yrs exp. Refs. Free publication, distribution, Gam-Anon can help. CLEANING quotes. Pensioners 083-308-8175 (all h) On Site Repairs: the form and position of Fridges discount. (011) 640- 4563 (a/h) Jan the entries the name or/ ZH076685 Stoves and title and format of the A WOMENS TOUCH LA054227 083 5906 123 W/Machines  Appliances advertisment the number RAPED? IN DESPAIR? Carp, Uph, Leather Meisie Aircons, etc. 081 059 7939 of copies and place if Phone Life Line (011) lounge suite. * A Speed Queen/ Whirlpool Specialist 422-4242 12 Month Guarantee ZW011899 All appliance spares shop Tel: 011-740-2450 distribution, shall be sole ELECTRIC FENCING, ZH076682 Blinds - cleaning. 072 1433 907 discretion of the publisher. MON TO SUN GATE & GARAGE AFDAKKE/CARPORTS 2. TRAUMATISED: Errors and ommissions 082 295 2795. DOOR MOTORS Palisade Fence, Gates, must be reported within the Phone Life Line (011) paving & small building 422-4242 Installed & repaired alterations. fi rst week if insertion ZH076680 BV021428 Hans 3. When quering an Anton Appliance Repairs 078 702 5299 082 934 5560 advertisement a reference A1 AAA PROTEA * A B H ALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS number MUST be quoted. 083 416 1185 Deep clean carpets, sofas & ZW011790 Free quotations 078 702 5299 4. Credit will not be given blinds. Free spot / deod. T&C`s apply for typographical errors Open Sat.. Ower superv. 27 AFFORDABILITY & 083 416 1185 which do not lesson yr. AFFORDABLE WIREMAN GUARANTEED SERVICE the eff ectiveness of the HANNETJIE 24HRS. LAYTON AT RCS PAVING advertisement. 082 876 2067 / 011 869 071 972 2213 Richard 072-665-8240 5. 7781 •• PAVING SPECIALS •• Cancellations & alterations MC029725 Installations, maintenance. BC002218 BV021426 Compost must be phoned through before 9am on the day of the A1ACTION STEAMCLEAN * All garden soils, organic compost & lawn dressing deadline prior to publication. Eje!zpv!lopx! From R139 for carpets - Viewpoint Farming Tel: 011 917 0493/94 6. The published is entitled to R120 l/suite, Curtains,. DSTV & HOME withold any advertisement uibu!uif Free Deo Winter quick dry MA052230 from publication and to OVER 25YRS EXP THEATRE cancel any advertisement 076 639 9225 / 011 051 Extraview three 3rd view order that has been accepted. Csblqbo 5840 MA052685 Explora Upgrades 7. Space is sold to the New installations Security advertiser for the purpose Ifsbme * A B H ELECTRIC FENCING & GATE MOTORS of making announcements ACE CARPETS Problem solving Installed & repaired, Free Quotations. Hans 078 702 5299 concerning his own business hfut!efmjwfsfe! Technical issues  083 416 1185 and may not be used to up!2:!811 5 ROOMS FROM Credit & Debit cards accepted attacking or making insidious R195 Jaco Swart comparisons with other ipnft!fwfsz! L/S From R95 advertisers, fi rms, institutions 071 676 2262 011 916 5301 or persons. Gsjebz@ 083 418 4700 AL049456  

Boksburg Advertiser: Thur @ 15H00 Kathorus Mail: Fri @ 16H00 WE RESERVE THE 11 12 JHB East Express: Fri @ 11H00 Springs Advertiser: Mon @ 16H00 1 Southern Courier: Thur @ 15H00 Benoni City Times: Tues @ 12H00 RIGHT TO CHANGE 2 Tel: 011 916 5301 • Fax: 011 918 6067 (Mon - Fri) Account queries: 011 916 5300 Comaro Chronicle: Thur @ 15H00 Kempton Express: Mon @ 16H00 ANY OF THESE 3 Bedford / Edenvale: Fri @ 15H00 Tembisan: Wed @ 09Hoo Advertisement allocations: Germiston City News: Mon @ 10H00 Brakpan Herald: Wed @ 10H00 DEADLINES 4 [email protected] Alberton Record: Fri @ 16H00 African Reporter: Wed @ 14H00 Friday, September 9, 2016 News 17 CLIFFMAGIC POOLS 0244 UNWANTED goods, 0442 0650 BAR LADY sell it to me. Hennie Required at Velostors Repairs pumps coating FOR HIRE GARDEN FLATS / LOANS / Sports Café. Aged pref reline fibre glassing 071 139 8621 between 22 - 30 yrs old. ZH076816 COTTAGES INVESTMENTS cleaning. Property for Sale Proven refs ess. Call 073 706 3223 123 JUMP & SLIDE For Sale At least 3 - 5 yrs exp. in a BRAKPAN CENTRAL 0509 Business BRIDGING CASH bar or restaurant BH001091 FOR HIRE 0306 Arms & environment. Ammunition Premises/ To start ASAP. Salary on 1 Bedroom garden flat 2I¿FHV6KRSV While waiting for D & D Barend 0312 Baby & R3500 pm W/L incl PENSION / PACKAGE discussion. Childrens Property to Let )DFWRULHV Payout (lumpsum only) Reply to: lova@ POOL SERVICE 062 259 0639 BH001080 Rina ,QGXVWULDO Corner 0407 Accommodation with your CV. 0318 Carpets 083 567 0490 :RUNVKRSV TEL 011 394-6937 We offer weekly pool & Rooms to Let NCR accredited 327 No chancers please. Furniture )DUPV 3ORWV RN105594 maintenance, general 0264 0414 Domestic BH001088 MA052578 Appliances Accommodation )ODWV repairs and bv020785 PERSONAL SERVICES 0324 Clothing SUNAIR PARK +RXVHV renovations. 0421 Factories/ 0330 Computers Industrial/ 5HWLUHPHQW •• SEPTEMBER Close to Carnival. Bachelor 0336 Collectables Workshops 9LOODJHV SPECIAL •• ALL DIVORCES - flat. Furnished. Open plan CAWOOD ATTORNEYS & Antiques 0428 Flats kitchen, bedroom, full 6WDQGV Replace sand - 3 Bag Effective and affordable 0342 Jewellery 0435 Farms & Plots bathroom, sep remote 7LPH6KDUH filter R 590.00 service. 0348 Miscellaneous 0442 Garden Flats/ entrance and carport. Good 7RZQKRXVHV security. Single person. Riaan 073-420-6040 0354 Musical Cottages 6LPSOH[HV Water included, elec &OXVWHUV Contact Dries on BV021177 2I¿FH)XUQLWXUH 0449 Houses pre-paid. R2500p.m. Dep 082-583-7316 & Equipment 2I¿FHV 6KRSV req. Occ imm. 'XSOH[HV 079 246 4637 0366 Pets & Livestock 0470 Retirement 011 743 1594 :DQWHGWREX\ BV021343 0268 0372 Plant & Machinery Villages 083 469 5845 PEST CONTROL 0378 Sports & Leisure 6WRUDJH3DUNLQJ ZH076842 0181 0390 Under 100 Facilities 0545 0396 Wanted to buy 0484 Townhouses/ REPAIRS CRITTER RIDDERS PEST 0449 HOUSES CONTROL  6LPSOH[HV HOUSES 011 979 5051/073 288 3205 Clusters/ ACCREDITED SPEED MC029657 0348 'XSOH[HV BRAKPAN QUEEN / WHIRLPOOL MISCELLANEOUS FOR 0491 Wanted to Rent BRENTHURST CENTRAL SPECIALIST R800 000 All appliance repairs and 0296 SALE spares shop TUITION / EDUCATION 0428 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, 0840 011 740 2450 / 072 1433 ABBY WENDYS double garage. Neat 3 Bedroom 907 Quality treated for FLATS Prepaid electricity. house, on large stand PART TIME / TEMPS MA052604 COMPUTER COURSES waterproof and termites, Avail imm. with garage & double Short courses from R600: door, window, zinc roof. 10 MODERN Secure 2 R6500 per month carport. ( Flat rights) AVON REPS NEEDED Basic computers, Word, years guarantee. Motoring bedroom groundfloor flat, Earn extra income, open Excel, P/Point, Outlook, 3x3 R4000. Water included BLUE BIC, carport. R4680p.m. 0712 Bargains your own Avon acc. PASTEL ACC. Call 011 425 3x4 R4700. Tel: 011 740-5542 Kenleaf. WhatsApp your name & REFRIGERATORS 1090 3x6 R8000. 0724 Caravans/ 083 309 7082 082 920 8181 083 302 8758 city, for appointm. AND APPLIANCE RN105476 Joe 073 283 5945 or ZH076853 Boats/ Camping ZH076830 ZW011964 Rina 083 693 5236 REPAIRS 072 928 1724. 0736 Farm Equipment RN105484 Aircons, fridges, 0288 ZH076808 0748 Motorcycles washing machines & 0396 0760 Motor Services/ 0893 driers, micro waves, REMOVALS & Security stove, geysers, T.V. STORAGE WANTED TO BUY 0772 Spares & GENERAL FREE QUOTE Accessories EMPLOYMENT AANDAG! ATTENTION! 0748 Vehicles for Sale Call Mike A. Affordable. B.Blankets BEST PRICES TIRED OF YOUR WANTED 082 082 6889 C.Closed trucks. Pink For good furniture, fridges, 0786 Wanted Panther Removals freezer, tools, compressors, 7 days a week I, am looking for a job as a YV003999 011-744-3073, welding machines. Almost cashier / admin clerk or [email protected] anything. Jaap 071 684 MICROWAVE 0786 general assistant. Ref + BV021243 3106 REFRIDGE-RAMA Cert avail. 073 185 5423 APPLIANCE REPAIRS 076 692 5775 WANTED JL026735 A BEST MOVE/STORAGE ZH076792 BY MEALS? Fridges, Stoves, AT LAST! A ABOVE AVERAGE L.D.MOVERS URGENTLY W/Machines, Aircons, Cash on the spot! For All DEAL Closed Trucks. LOOKING FOR T/Dryers, Microwaves, your goods, fridges, 011-744-4464 L.D.Movers Plumbing. Quick Response. furniture, tools, etc. We We buy + pawn CARS + WORK Affordable charges. Only bakkies. Best prices paid. BV021246 collect. Christine Two women aged genuine spares supplied. 082 855 1123. FIND A RESTAURANT OR Incl accident damaged cars. 22, 24. We have No Call Out Fee. ZH076753 matric and Work Guaranteed. ALL-WAYS Removals, COOKING CLASSES Gavin 083 708 6050 The rain is here. Closed AUCTION SHOP, CNR ZH076785 experience in admin. Phone Edmore trucks, packing blankets, PRINCE GEORGE AND MILNER, BRAKPAN We are willing to be 071 949 1139 reasonable prices. A BAKKIE / CAR trained in any kind of 084 338 4265 Tel 011-744- 3737/8. WANTED FOR We buy all your work. We are living in allwaysremovals1 CASH KE003355 second-hand building Brakpan. BV021247 materials and odd goods for Naas 076 125 3235 Contact cash! Call office 074 027 3235 ARE YOU MOVING?? 071 426 8393 BV021307 079 614 3634 Gauteng`s favourite Local ZH075576 079 828 7301 RN105675 Movers. 4 ton truck, AUCTIONS KRISTAL AFC CAR SALES driver & 2 loaders R1800. Turn all your unwanted Services 8ton truck, driver & 4 goods into cash. Buys vehicles older 0855 loaders R3200. Closed We also buy and auction than 2004 0109 Building Materials trucks, regulary SALES / MARKETING 0118 Cleaning Mon to Sun. 081 490 9203 BRAKPAN BRAKPAN Tel 011 740-6399 0127 Electricians 060 529 6354 CENTRAL CENTRAL 0136 Home Call 076 418 6244 ZH076702 1 Bedroom flat, JL026762 INTERNAL Improvements/ RN105621 FRIDGE/ FREEZERS Neat 3 Bedroom DIY R3100. SALES Avail immed house, on large stand Business 0154 Gardening/ OOM HANS TREK Working or with garage & OFFICER Rubble MOVERS Estel 084 578 6334 & Finance non-working. ZH076850 Removals SINCE 1950 carport. R6250p.m 0610 Business We pay cash. .Pre-paid electricity. 0163 Plumbers CENTRAL Opportunities Minimum 3 years` Local movers Regular trips 073 421 9892 Avail 1 Oct . Vacancies 0172 Pools to South Coast, ZH076818 0620 Business for Sale experience mining 3 weeks free rent. 1 0181 Repairs Mpumalanga, Limpopo, 0650 Loans & 0805 Business bedroom flat R2850p.m. and industrial related North-west, & Freestate. KRAP & KRY Tel: 011 740-5542 0810 Computers Pay deposit of R4200 now Investments products an added Tel 011-811-5088 0204 Health & Beauty and move in immediately. 083 302 8758 0815 Employment Fax 086-684-2092 Top prices paid. We buy ZH076852 advantage Minimum Pay 1st rent 1 October Wanted 0208 Bridal hanstrekmovers almost anything. qualification: Diploma 2016. 0820 General 0212 Catering (011) 740- 3123/ 0630 in sales/Marketing 0216 Childcare ZW011757 082 971 4259. Phone Christa ToTo 0825 Hairdressing & ZH076661 060 847 1127 DEBT REVIEW Beauty /Purchasing. 0220 Computer Repairs ZH076844 Computer literacy a 0224 Driving Schools AdvertiseAdvertise SERVICES 0828 Legal must. 0236 Entertainment Why pay more for VERY Secure 2 bedroom 0830 Management 0244 For Hire flat, BIC, lock up grage. callcall 0835 Medical R4250p.m. Brakpan. CV can be forward 0248 Furniture 083 309 7082 LivingLiving 0840 Part Time/ Temps Restoration SELF ZH076831 011-916-5301 0850 Professional to 0252 Home Industry/ 011-916-5301 DebtDebt FreeFree 0855 Sales & shemax VERY Secure Bachelors NCR REGISTERED DEBT Dress Making STORAGE? flat, BIC, lock up garage. Marketing 0260 Miscellaneous Occ imm. Brakpan. COUNSELLOR 0860 Security 0484 * Reduce current JL026752 0264 Personal R2700p.m TOWNHOUSES 0865 Senior Citizens 0268 Pest control 133B Springs Road, 083 309 7082 installments 0875 Trade ZH076832 0272 Pet Services/ /SIMPLEXES * Make one consolidated BV016739 0890 Domestic Accommodation Close to Carnival City payment per month Co expanding /CLUSTERS Employment 20 Reps / 0280 Professional & 0407 * Aff ordable Storage Rates /DUPLEXES “Dont wait until Wanted man needed Business ACCOMMODATION TO its too late” 0895 Domestic To start imm. 0284 Photographic * 24 Hour Armed Security SHARE / ROOMS TO DALPARK PROPER sms Employment Own car ess, 0288 Removals * CCTV Surveillance LET MONEY Available No exp, full & Storage 2 Beds 1½ bathroom, training/ 0292 Security * Access Control garage + carport to 35521 App set by Co. 0296 Tuition/Education BRAKPAN R5500 pm W/L excl for assistance 0820 0299 Upholstery/ CENTRAL Marlene Muller We offer: RN092219 GENERAL Curtaining 083 791 8487 011 363 2956 · R12 000 to start BH001085 · Comm/incl Med Various Units Neat rooms various BARLADIES / · Petrol incentive. prices starting @ WORKING LADIES & 0236 available per single Xbudi!pvu!gps!pvs WAITRESSES REQUIRED Call 011 609 2119 ENTERTAINMENT person week Must be young, talented, W/l incl. Eje!Zpv!Lopx experienced and have SMS or Whatapp Tel: 011 740-5542 contactable references. name/ area age to JUMPING CASTLES / 083 947 8465 Bewfsut SLIDES FOR HIRE Call 011 743 9950 / 083 856 2607 A/H Call 011 815 6828 084 780 3136 083 302 8758 fwfsz!xffl" After 1pm ALES MANAGERS vas rates apply 072 159 5029 MA052601 ZH076851 ZW011908 $ ZW011907 18 Sport Friday, September 9, 2016

LIDIA req full/part time domestic CASSEY`SCASSEY`S AUTO SPRINGS work, sleep out, cooking, child care. 078 885 1169 TO FORDFORD DEALERSHIP BV021481 MARGARET seeks full time work.

REQUIRES RN105597 Sleep out. Child care. 083 349 ADVERTISE 1x1x SALESSALES EXECUTIVESEXECUTIVE 0449 FOR NEWUSED & VEHICLES USED JL026736 MARIA seeks full time domestic CALL work, Mon - Fri, sleep out, ForMust Used have vehicle proven department. track recordMust have cooking, child care, refs avail. proven trackin vehicle record insales vehicle sales 078 929 9375 RN105708 011 916 5301 Email: RN105597 Email: MAUREEN seeks full time [email protected] domestic work, Mon-Sat, sleep [email protected] out, cooks & child care. 060 419 0897 3854 ZW011972 GARDENER 0850 Professional EMPLOYMENT PATRICIA seeks full time domestic work, sleep out. 078 611 8461 WANTED ZW011989

PAULINA seeks full/part time BENARD seeks f/p time painting & work, sleep in/out, child care. gardening work, sleep in/out. 062 078 7578 726 016 1337 MA052769 JL026754 Rieckerd Louwrens het ‘n besondere goeie naweek agter die stuur van sy kar beleef. Foto deur Sweet Life Media PAULINA seeks part time JUNIOR seeks full/part time work, domestic work, Mon-Fri, sleep Tues, Wed, Sat, Sun, painting, out. 078 061 6956 gardening, sleep out. ZW011959 063 152 4783 MA052761 English THEMBI seeks f/p time domestic Grade 10, 11 and 12 work, sleep out . 078 770 0240 BV021480 Talle ovaalbaan SA Computer Application RN105592 Technology ZINAH seeks full time domestic Grade 10, 11 and 12 work, sleep out, refs. 078 596 Maths Grade 7, 8 and 9 0363 Legal Notices BV021501 Please fax CV to 086 610 1697 0910 Auctioneers 0950 Legal Notices titels kom huistoe or E-mail to: [email protected] AS PART OF OUR BBBEE SOCIAL Brakpan se Rieckerd van meet af koelkop bly. waarom hulle die mekka van 0895 YVONNE seeks part/full time ENTERPRISE Louwrens het die afgelope ‘n Wen in die tweede uitdun motorsport aan die Oosrand domestic work, Tues, Wed, Fri, DEVELOPMENT 0950 naweek, op die Ultimate het hom ‘n wegspringplek in is. DOMESTIC Sat, sleep out, cooking, child care + refs. INITIATIVE LEGAL NOTICES Raceway, Vereeniging, die voorste ry vir die fi naal Behalwe vir top twee in EMPLOYMENT 074 301 5492 We offer a discount for tydens die WOMZA verseker. Flexi-klas, het plaaslike RN105635 WANTED domestic works wanting NOTICE OF APPLICATION to place advertising in our ovaalbaan SA’s, weer gewys Louwrens het ‘n foutlose renjaers ook in ander klasse CYNTHIA seeks full time work, FOR ENVIRONMENTAL wie die baas van die baan is. fi naal gery om eindelik die uitgestaan, met Phillip sleep out, child care, refs avail. CAXTON domestic employment AUTHORISATION FOR ANNA seeks full time domestic 073 150 1218 wanted column. THE PROPOSED Louwrens het nie alleen wenvlag en SA1 te kon neem. Muller, ‘n relatiewe nuweling work, Mon - Fri, sleep out. 072 MA052772 PROSPECTING RIGHT 847 5398. Normal price: FOR BENONI SOUTH die WOMZA SA1 teerbaan Nog ‘n plaaslike renjaer, op die baan, in ‘n Mk1 RN105705 YVONNE seeks full/part time work, R91.70 titel in die Flexi-klas verwerf Eugene Wiese, moes hard Escort, wat spog met die SA3 sleep in/out, cooks, child care. ANNA seeks full/part time work, We charge DMR Ref. No.: GP 30/5/1/1 nie, maar ook die jongste baklei om eindelik met ‘n in die Super Saloon-klas. 063 055 6636 /2 (10448) PR] Applicant: cooks 082 406 5437 MA052771 them R44.50 kampioen in dié klas geword. welverdiende tweede plek In die Formule 2 Midget- MA052816 CAXTON K2015073261 (Pty) Ltd. ELINA seeks part time domestic Location: The proposed Die 20-jarige Louwrens in die Flexi-klas te kon klas het Charles Halley ANNA seeks part time work, Mon, work, Mon, Wed & Fri, sleep out . Benoni South Prospecting ding slegs die afgelope twee wegstap. SA2 en Fanie Muller SA3 Wed, Fri. sleep out, cooks, child 074 354 0626 Right application is located care. 078 6640 632 BV021503 CAUTION on various portions of the en ‘n half jaar mee in hierdie Die talentvolle jaer Chanté losgejaag. JL026759 farm Actionville, Apex, PAULINAH seeks part time Readers should hoogs kompeterende klas. Wiese is in die fi naal deur Dewald Kotzé het goed carefully examine all Aspiatic Bazaar Benoni, TINY seeks full / part time domestic work, Mon, Wed, Fri, Benoni 77-IR, Klipfontein Met die onderskraging ‘n ander deelnemer ge- gevaar in sy Kotzé Gearbox domestic work, sleep out. 078 services off ered, sleep out, cooking, child care. quotes and deposits 67-IR, Klipfontein Lake, 091 5468 074 566 1939. van sy borg, Fullertrain, elimineer, nadat sy haar en Diff Sprint. ZW011958 requested before Larrendale, Leachville, Refs 079 498 0229 accepting any of them. Rietfontein, Rietfontein en ‘n toegewyde span baanposisie goed verdedig Alhoewel dit slegs as RN105673 ANNAH seeks part time domestic It remains the 115-IR and Whatville., ondersteuners, het hy dit het, en sy moes weens skade 'n ondersteunende wedren work, Mon, Wed, Fri, sleep out. consumers` within Ward 29, 30, 31, 73, ENNIE seeks full/part time work, responsibility to check hierdie seisoen tot bo-aan die aan haar voertuig die aksie aangebied is, was sy 063 465 9457. sleep in/out. 97, of the Ekurhuleni RN105704 the credentials of Metropolitan Municipality, kampioenskapslys gemaak. vanaf die binnebaan volg. meesterlike beheer oor sy 084 927 7523 all advertisers with MA052782 Gauteng Province. GRACE seeks full time domestic whom they are doing Competent Authority: Met ‘n laaste wegspringplek The Rock Raceway het kragtige Sprint iets om te work, Mon- Fri, sleep in/out, EVE seeks full/part time work, business. As Caxton Department of Mineral in die eerste uitdun was dit tydens die SA’s weer getoon aanskou. off ers a service to cooking, Mon-Sat, sleep out, child care. Resources in the Gauteng child care.062 673 6770. advertisers to market 081 400 2344 their products or Region. Listed Activities: In ZW011985 MA052784 services, it cannot terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 the CHRISTINA seeks full/part time be held responsible SYLVIA seeks full time domestic following listed activities are domestic work, sleep out. work, sleep out, cooking, child for any damages or Piet Gerber’s birds soar triggered under Listing 073 863 4653. care. 073 244 1902. misleading claims. JL026737 RN105703 Notice 2 (GN R 984 of 4 December 2014): Activity Piet Gerber has been arrived home for Piet • Race results from the 20: prospecting right in crowned the Young Bird Gerber in the Middelburg second race from Noupoort terms of Section 16 of the Mineral and Petroleum Series Champion of race also took an 11th place (640km): 1 PC Gerber, 2 L Resources Development Brakpan Pigeon Racing in the Gauteng Pigeon du Plooy, 3 H du Plooy. Act (MPRDA), 2002 (Act Club for 2016. Union out of approximately • Results for the junior No. 28 of 2002), including associated infrastructure, To pour salt on the 1 500 pigeons entered. members from Middelburg: structures and earthworks, wounds of his opponents he “In order for a pigeon 1 Adriaan du Plessis, 2 directly related to 8BOUFEGPSBDBSFFSJO"EWFSUJTJOH prospecting of a mineral managed to win both races to achieve such brilliant Vincent Kamffer, 3 Hanro We are looking for: resource, including activities on Saturday, September results the pigeon owner Smith. for which an exemption has A creative individual with an excellent command of the English and Afrikaans been issued in terms of 3, from Middelburg and needs to be a dedicated • Results for the junior language to sell both digital and print advertisements in the Springs Area. Section 106 of the Mineral Noupoort. person caring for his birds members from Noupoort: and Petroleum Resources Both of the races were 365 days of the year,” said 1 Hanro Smith, 2 Vincent Development Act (MPRDA), Must: 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002).. completed by the winning club chairman Etienne van Kamffer. t)BWFNBUSJD Prism EMS has been pigeons at an astonishing der Walt. “The fi rst race of the appointed as the t#FBCMFUPTUBSUJNNFEJBUFMZ independent Environmental speed of 1 400 metres per “Well done Piet Gerber.” juniors was sponsored with t"UMFBTUZFBSTTFMMJOHFYQFSJFODF Assessment Practitioner minute (approximately • Race results from the three buy vouchers from responsible for undertaking 80km per hour over a Middelburg race (670km): 1 Turf Pets for which we are t7BMJEESJWFSTMJDFODFBOESPBEXPSUIZNPUPSWFIJDMFBOETNBSUQIPOF the environmental t0VUHPJOHQFSTPOBMJUZ UBSHFUPSJFOUBUFEXJUIBQSPWFOTBMFTUSBDLSFDPSE authorisation and distance of 670km). PC Gerber, 2 Cyril Jasper, 3 very grateful,” added van t"CJMJUZUPXPSLXJUIBUFBN associated public The fi rst pigeon that PC Gerber. der Walt. participation process. You are invited to register as an We offer: Interested and Affected t#BTJD4BMBSZt1FOTJPO'VOEt$PNNJTTJPO4USVDUVSF Party with your name, contact information and Ireland to take on SA, Aussies Email 2 page CV to: [email protected] interest in the matter and or Applicants will be shortlisted - if you have not been contacted, provide comment on the The Ireland national cricket team draft Basic Assessment please consider your application unsuccessful. Report to: Candis Lubbe are seeking to hone their skills [email protected]. against two of the top one day The successful candidate Publication Date: 8th must start latest 01.10.2016 September 2016 international (ODI) countries in JL026537 the world, when they play back- to-back matches at Sahara Park Willowmoore, Benoni, at the end of September. Did You Know? East Randers will see the Proteas for the fi rst time since they played an ODI against A giraffe can Pakistan at Willowmoore in March, 2013, when they face the Irish on Sunday, September 25, clean its ears at 10am. Ireland will then play Australia in Benoni on Tuesday, September with its 21-inch 27, at 10am, ahead of the Australians’ fi ve-match ODI series against South Africa. tongue! Kevin O’Brien is one of the familiar faces in the Ireland For ticket bookings visit www. squad for the tour matches. Friday, September 9, 2016 Sport 19 IMMAF satisfied with first-ever Africa Open There is no doubt that Brakpan has a huge role to play in the development of mixed martial arts (MMA) on the African continent. Not only was the professional MMA event that is EFC 53 hosted at Carnival City on Friday night (September 2), but during the past week, on the amateur front, the fi rst-ever International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) Africa Open Championships took place at the Brakpan Indoor Sport Centre with fi ghters from as far afi eld as Sweden and India battling it out in the hexagon. The foundational continental tournament was hosted and commissioned by IMMAF’s national counterpart, MMASA. Following his visit to South Africa IMMAF president, Kerrith Brown, reserved praise for African MMA and for local resident Raymond Phillips, who serves on the board of directors of IMMAF as the African continental representative and who facilitated and organised the tournament. “May I say what an inspirational visit it was. I was overwhelmed and experienced fi rst-hand the passion, energy and tremendous support that Africa has Action from one of the fi ghts at the IMMAF Africa Open Championships at the Brakpan Indoor Sports Centre. Photograph by IMMAF for the sport of MMA,” he said. “The network of support you will contribute immensely to the “It was not an easy road and faith to come to South Africa.” Mohammed Tafeez Ahmed have accomplished is a great development of IMMAF and the Mixed Martial Arts South Africa He also expressed gratitude to Mohammed (India), Katiso Matime achievement and credit goes to all sport of MMA.” (MMASA) had our share of non- Brown, UMMAF (USA) referee (South Africa). the hard work that you and your Phillips, who is also Mixed believers who said that this event and judge Doug Burch and Alistair • Middleweight: Gold: Scott team do. Martial Arts South Africa’s would not take place. Pettitt of IMMAF UK for being Kenee (South Africa), silver: “It was an honour and a privilege (MMASA) vice-president, said: “They will now be believers. at the event and supporting South Heytham Rabhi (Sweden), bronze: to attend the event which was an “The tournament was a great “I am thankful for the support Africa by making the Africa Open Riyaad Pandy (South Africa). outstanding success on all levels. success and opened the doors not and sacrifi ces of all who made this a reality. • Lightweight: Gold: Tobias “I applaud you and your team only for South Africa, but the whole event possible. Results from the event: Harila (Sweden), silver: Stephan on their hard work which has continent. “We, as MMASA, want to • Bantamweight: Gold: Luthando de la Rey (South Africa), bronze: resulted in a rich vein of talent that “It was a historic event in MMA especially thank Team Sweden and Biko (South Africa), silver: Shaun Caleb Ridley (South Africa), Dylan runs throughout the region and history. Team India for taking the leap of Taylor (South Africa), bronze: Goosen (South Africa). Brakpan get advantage of an extra week Come show off The fi xtures for the South African Rugby Brakpan men then head up to the Union’s (Saru) Gold Cup, the elite Lowveld for a battle with White River on your bowling skills community club rugby tournament in Saturday, October 1, again at 3.30pm. Brakpan Mines Bowling Club is on the look- southern Africa, have been fi nalised. They will then return to their home out for new and experienced lawn bowlers to While the tournament kicks-off base at Bosman on Saturday, October 8, join the club. at Boland Park in Worcester tonight where they will host Zimbabwe’s Old Those unsure about playing bowls are also (Friday) Siyaya Brakpan Rugby Club’s Georgians. welcome to join as social members. fi rst XV will have to wait a week before Kick-off will be at 3.30pm. The Anzac-based bowling club offers they host Western Province champions By this point skipper Francois men’s and women’s league teams (both with DirectAxis False Bay at the Bosman Robbertse’s men will have hoped to have premier league status), coaching for new and Stadium on Saturday, September 17, in either won Pool C or fi nished as runner- experienced bowlers by a qualifi ed coach with Pool C. up to advance to the quarter-fi nal play- clinics on Friday afternoons from 2.30pm. This match will be played at 3.30pm. offs on Saturday, October 15, with pool If you are interested in getting involved with A week later (Saturday, September 24) winners getting home matches. the club, contact president Wade Ferguson on and the “Panne” will be at Kings Park, The semi-fi nals will follow thereafter 081 347 8914 or coach Duncan Ross on 084 Durban for another tough encounter on Saturday, October 22, while the fi nal 849 8016. versus SA Home Loans Durban will be played on Saturday, October 29 Collegians, also at 3.30pm. (the team with the most log points in the A key player at the Gold Cup for Siyaya Brakpan The travels will continue as the pool stages will host the fi nal). will be try-hungry winger Leon “Sweef” Potgieter. The Palace Executive Swing your club to support talented wrestler Gentle Mans Club The annual golf day to raise The funds raised will help where he will compete in various international titles. funds for one of Brakpan the talent to gain international training camps and competitions If you would like to assist him R50 Entrance Wrestling Club’s most promising exposure. throughout Germany where by getting involved as a sponsor starlets on the mat, Fernando He attends a sport school in coaches from across Europe will or player on the day contact his Come Play Booysen, will take place at Royal Leipzig, Germany on an annual be keeping an eye on him. father Dirk on 082 206 5732 or Oak Country Club on Thursday, basis and will again do so on Booysen has won numerous email to [email protected]. Mon - Fri 13:00 till late & Sat 16:00 till late September 15. November 3 and December 23, provincial, national and za. 12 Street no 36, Springs 011 815 6828

All prices ONE STOP include VAT STEEL, TUBING & HARDWARE SHOP 699 Voortrekker St, Brakpan Bekostigbare BANDE vir jou motor en bakkie. Ons praat Afrikaans en ons diens is ons trots. R333534HC36

Kontak IVAN of DARREN Friday, September 9, 2016 TEL: 011-740-1825

Only a week to go for ‘Panne’ Read more on page 19 Twelve seconds of glory The South Africans prevailed in a night that was dominated by sublime knockouts at EFC 53 hosted at the Big Top Arena at Carnival City. It took all of 12 seconds for Michiel Opperman to dispose of the United Kingdom’s Yannick Bahati, leaving the middleweight champion fl oored with a deadly uppercut. Coming into the bout, Bahati had claimed that Opperman was nothing more than a journeyman of the EFC. He lived to regret those words, as Opperman seemed determined to defend his reputation in spectacular fashion. In stark contrast to the main event, the co-main event had almost everything. Boyd Allen and Welsh newcomer Azi Thomas dished up an emotionally charged fi ght that kept the parochial crowd on the edge of their seats. “Sneaky Boyd”, as he is affectionately referred to by his camp, methodically picked off his opponent with a remarkable striking display in the fi rst two rounds, until he was stunned by Thomas late in the second round. Clearly rocked, it was a matter of survival until the break, which included Allen escaping what looked like a tight guillotine. After the break, Allen came out revitalised and targeted a heavily bleeding Thomas with uninterrupted punches. The fi ght between Boyd Allen (left) and Welshman Azi Thomas was a highly charged affair. Photograph by Roarke Bouffe/ EFC Worldwide Thomas was visibly uncomfortable and reached a point to the fl oor. van Zyl managed a massive take- quickly onto Toure’s back and sunk van der Merwe via submission where he could no longer defend Henry quickly capitalised and down and assumed mount. in a deep choke. (triangle) 1:51 in round one. himself, forcing referee Bobby fi nished his opponent off, claiming From there it was a matter of time With this win, Madiba has • Pupanga Tresor defeated Kaleka Karagiannidis to step in and call the only victory on the night for as the South African rained down solidifi ed his credentials as a Kabanda via unanimous decision. it. the UK contingent. elbows and fi sts on his opponent, contender in the highly competitive • Tumisang Madiba defeated Sandwiched in the middle of the The Scotsman has put himself resulting in a TKO stoppage by featherweight division. Mamoudou Toure via submission main card, the featherweight bout fi rmly in contention for a rematch referee Ferdi Basson. The offi cial EFC 53 results: (rear-naked choke) 1:20 in round between Danny Henry and Wade with champion Igeu Kabesa, who Van Zyl now has his sights fi rmly • Claude Ntumba defeated Pieter one. Groth had widely been tipped as a took the belt off Henry at EFC 47. set on another title shot against de Klerk via TKO (punches) 0:50 in • Andrew van Zyl defeated Tony potential barn burner, pitting two Two-time heavyweight the winner of the upcoming title round one. Mustard via TKO (punches) 1:07 in of the organisation’s most exciting champion Andrew “One Gear” fi ght between champion Danie van • Conrad Seabi defeated Sizwe round one. athletes against each other. van Zyl is a veteran of the EFC Heerden and Elvis Moyo at EFC 54 Mnikathi via knockout (punches) • Danny Henry defeated Wade Both athletes looked in great hexagon and his experience in October. 1:23 in round three. Groth via TKO (punches) 0:39 in form after a highly technical and proved too much for UK debutant In the opening bout on the main • Pierre Botha defeated Boney round two. closely contested fi rst round. Tony Mustard. card, Tumisang Madiba continued Bukaka via TKO (punches) 1:51 in • Boyd Allen defeated Azi Thomas Early in the second round Coming into the bout as a his sensational run of form with round one. via TKO (punches) 1:58 in round however, former champion Henry renowned KO specialist, Mustard a swift fi rst round submission of • Georgi Georgiev defeated three. stunned Groth with a sublime head was outclassed by van Zyl early in Mamadou Toure. Johnny Fields via TKO (punches) • Michiel Opperman defeated kick and right cross combination the fi rst round. After an early exchange in the 1:09 in round one. Yannick Bahati via knockout that sent the Johannesburg native After a messy initial exchange, clinch, Madiba worked his way • Martin de Beer defeated Jasen (punches) 0:12 in round one.

Brakpan sports people and clubs are requested to send photographs and information about results, events and competitions to Submit your sports news! [email protected]

The deadline for submissions for sports news is Tuesday morning at 10am

H331382HL35 Your weekly Caxton motoring guide

Week 37 6 September 2016 Johannesburg East Edition

Advertising : Lindy Thetford-Babnik 083 644 5335 • Martin Landsman 072 340 5769 Editor : Sean Nurse • Letters : [email protected] • Telephone : 011 889 0907 A supplement to Benoni City Times, Boksburg Advertiser, Kempton Express. Distribution: 139 450 copies.

Find your fi rst car here! Thousands of used cars available South Africa’s largest Motoring Platform OPINION SA Festival of Motoring Highlights New Tiguan aims for the top > SEAN NURSE oozes sophistication with a strong shoulder line 1.4 litre featuring a six-speed manual gearbox other optional infotainment systems available stretching from the front to the rear lights. At the rear, which proved quite economical during our 170 to customers. HE year of the SUV continued this past week the theme switches back to sporty with aggressive km drive to our lodgings with a consumption → OPTIONAL FEATURES AND VERDICT when Volkswagen launched its new Tiguan to LED lighting and two exhaust tips. fi gure of 7.7 litres/100km. The other models I One can specify their Tiguan with the likes Tthe South African motoring media. I was there → THAT INTERIOR managed to drive on the second day both have of a panoramic sunroof, electric towbar, LED and had an opportunity to drive the newcomer The interior is typically VW, with excellent tangible the same 110kW/250Nm output, although one Headlights, R-Line exterior pack with 19-inch and as I had expected, I was suitably impressed. quality, masterful ergonomics and the general is a manual and the other the DSG derivative. The wheels, Head-up display, Parallel parking → WHAT’S NEW? impression that you are in something that means DSG is certainly the better car to drive, with barely assistance with rear view camera, Active Info Well, pretty much everything is new for this business within its segment. The new model also perceivable shifts and an ease of use that is really Display, eight-inch Discover Pro Radio with sat model; for starters it now makes use of the brand’s features a new seat design which proved quite impressive. nav, adaptive cruise control with front assist, impressive MQB or Modularer Querbaukasten comfortable on the open road. The vehicle is also → SAFETY App-connect, electric leather seats and DynAudio (Modular Transverse Matrix) platform as seen in bigger inside than the outgoing model with over The new model includes driver and front Premium sound system to name a few. the Golf and various other VW group products. 600 litres of boot space and enough room inside passenger airbags, a curtain airbag as well as front Overall this new Tiguan is a very desirable It also receives an extensive list of optional to seat four adults comfortably. seat side impact airbags. All models also come product, it is a car that brand desperately needed driver assistance systems which I will elaborate The interior also features a new active information with Electronic Stability Control, XDS during this period of economic uncertainty and on later. display as seen in other VW products like the Passat, differential lock and fatigue detection after the brand’s recent emissions scandal. I think → THOSE LOOKS which in the Tiguan comes in the form of a 12.3-inch (Rest Assist), which helped the car achieve a fi ve that we can expect to see a number of these on When I pulled up to the VW Dealer Training screen that can be customised from a choice of six star crash rating from Euro NCAP local roads in the near future. centre in Centurion, I was greeted by a line display options depending on driver preference. → WHAT DO I GET? → WARRANTY AND SERVICE PLAN of new VW SUVs which looked very much like → DERIVATIVES All models feature air conditioning, electric All Tiguan models come standard with a 5 small Touaregs, all clad with the R-Line body The Tiguan range, which goes on sale from front and rear windows, cruise control, front fog year/90 000km Service Plan and a 3 year/ kits and sporty alloy wheels. The R-Line kit October 2016 onwards, will feature three 1.4 litre lights, leather multi-function steering wheel, 120 000km warranty. •ad might be an R18 000 option on these cars but turbo petrol variants, with a 2.0 litre diesel and a connectivity package (Bluetooth & USB interface) it’s one worth ticking. The cars look seriously 2.0 litre turbo petrol set to join the range later this and roof rails as standard. There is also a fi ve-inch → PRICING aggressive. year. These more powerful models will also feature touchscreen Radio/CD Composition Colour 1.4 TSI 92kW Trendline Manual R378 000 The front-end features a pronounced grille, the brand's 4Motion all-wheel drive system. system with MP3 compatibility, eight-speakers, 1.4 TSI 92kW Comfortline Manual R419 000 rather angry front lights while in side profi le, it The base model in the range is the 92kW/200Nm SD Card and AUX-in connection with two 1.4 TSI 110kW Comfortline DSG R457 680


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FRAME OF MIND CAN DETERMINE YOUR DRIVING state while working. The same can be said about our driving ability if we become emotional. Then Dear Editor there are those people who like to talk with their hands causing the steering wheel to become Regarding Beryl Allen’s letter about fi tting ‘hands-free’. hands-free connections in all cars to make driv- ing safer. This will only partly solve the problem D Govindjee of being distracted while driving. Your emotional Congratulations on winning R250 courtesy of state plays a big role on how well we concentrate. Williams Hunt Randburg. Phone: 011 889 0722 If your conversation on the phone makes you angry to collect. Winnings not collected within 30 or happy, it will have an impact on your concen- days of publication will be donated to char- tration while driving. We all experience lack of ity. Winners need to produce a valid form of productivity when we are in a disturbed emotional identifi cation to claim prize.

SAVE THE CHILDREN Children under the age of six are unable to secure their own safety. The little ones are entitled to reach Dear Editor maturity and still have a lot to contribute to society. Pedestrians are also the most vulnerable road We kill far too many people on our roads. Apart users, accounting for more than half of all road from the pain and anguish of the parents and fatalities. These are often the people who do not relatives of those who are involved, nothing upsets own cars. me more than seeing innocent schoolchildren being exposed to risks on our roads because of overloaded Andrew “Mastermind” Noge vehicles, some of which are not roadworthy for scholar transport. NEW VEHICLE LISTINGS SHOULD BE REGULAR Mothers of the nation - pregnant women and Dear Editor parents with small children drive for many and various reasons. Remember, you are your baby’s Just a message of appreciation for the New fi rst safety seat. All children in a motor vehicle have Car Listing that appeared pp 6-7 of Auto Dealer, to be buckled up with appropriate child restraints. week 35, 23 August 2016, Johannesburg West Being pregnant does not exempt you from wearing Edition. Do hope it is going to be a regular feature a seatbelt while driving or as a passenger, either in hence forth. the front or the rear. Parents must strap their kids into car seats. Thomas Groenewald Send your letter to [email protected]. Winning contributions are chosen at Autodealer’s discretion. Concise letters are preferred. Letters may be edited for space. A nom de plume may be used but please include your full name and area.


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There was a band playing and to a new audience of customers looking for to mention. If you attended the show, share your the smell of a good old South- AfricanZiphorah braai fi lledMasethe the air..' a unique combination of open-air luxury and experiences with us. •ad - Autodealer Staff refi nement. Land Rover designers have retained WE recently attended the South African Festival S63 Cabriolet is another fascinating AMG dream the exterior design of the standard Evoque with of Motoring which took place at the revamped car from Affalterbach. Underneath that sculptured the convertible roof system open or closed. Kyalami race circuit. The gates opened on the body lurks a beast, namely a 5.5-litre V8 biturbo A sophisticated fabric roof with tension-bow 31st of August and closed on Sunday, the 4th of engine with 430 kW and a colossal 900 Nm of architecture creates a defi ned silhouette that September. We managed to get an early look at torque. remains faithful to the original design of the what was on offer, and a few things got our hearts Keeping the beauty pageant going, we went to vehicle, while the Z-fold mechanism folds fl ush racing. Here is our list of show stoppers from the see what Jaguar and Land Rover had on offer. While with the rear bodywork for a sleek and uncluttered South African Festival of Motoring. there they unveiled the new Jaguar F-Type SVR, the appearance Overfl owing with excitement, we headed to fi rst Jaguar SVR model developed to exploit the On the Mini side, Mini South African invited Charlie Have your say. Email us at our fi rst appointment which was BMW and more lightweight aluminium sports car’s full potential Butler-Henderson, the current MINI Challenge specifi cally, the BMW M4 GTS. One of the most while retaining its inherent tractability and day-to- champion and MINI UK brand ambassador, to [email protected] hyped about cars at the show, the 368 kW/600 day usability. The F-Type SVR is a 300 km/h all-wheel demonstrate his skill in a MINI Challenge race car. Nm GTS made its local debut on the fi rst day of drive supercar with a 5.0-litre supercharged V8 Visitors could sign up for some hot laps with the the festival. Both our editor Sean Nurse and Justin developing 430 kW and 700 Nm. The 0-100 km/h racing driver for free. top 5 online stories Jacobs got to drive the car, which left them in awe sprint is said to take just 3.5 seconds. All in all, it was a great event and we here at Autodealer enjoyed our time there. We hope due to its track honed DNA. Land Rover unveiled their latest model, the 1. Political woes put The M4 GTS offers a highly exclusive driving Range Rover Evoque convertible. We got an to see more events like this fi lling our motoring brakes on fuel price experience and, with its high-performance exclusive look as the car just cleared customs a calendar soon. drop technology and motor sport genes, is clearly focused on track use. Production run of this special-edition model is limited to 700 units worldwide (the 23 2. Seeing the full allocated for South Africa are already sold out). picture while driving Another BMW that left our testers drooling was the M3 30 Jahre. With this limited edition model, BMW M celebrates the 30th anniversary of its 3. Four Audi models benchmark-setting high-performance sports car. that we can’t wait to A total of 30 units are available for South Africa. drive As a tribute to the fi rst generation M3, the anniversary edition “30 Years M3” is painted in an 4. The World’s Longest exclusive exterior colour called Macao Blue metallic, Test Drive with KIA which once celebrated its premiere in BMW’s colour range as a special option for the very fi rst M3. The “30 Years M3” builds on the Competition 5. Have you checked Package, which is optionally available on the your car for summer? standard M3. It comprises an increase in engine output by 14 kW to 331 kW. Moving on to the Mercedes-Benz stand, a car that The South African Festival of Motoring was an absolute blast, a place for enthusiasts to drool over automotive art. stuck out was the gorgeous S63 AMG Cabriolet. The Pictures: BMW SA

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