KIDS GETTING WeekendWeekend SpecialSp ON YOUR NERVES? Cooking Oil 2L Y L LY FIND HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION N ONLY ON O R29.90R29 90 OR A DAY CARE T329748HS37 FRI - SAT - SUN biz.brakpanherald.co.za Friday, September 9, 2016 TEL: 011-740-1825 Brandon is Mnr Jakaranda Decrease in violent crime Lees meer op bladsy 2 Read more on page 3 Welcome to the team Brakpan police recently welcomed fi ve offi cers to the local station. The offi cers, who transferred from other stations, are Capt Madoda Nkosi (left, from the Benoni Flying Squad, Supply Chain Management and Moveable Government Property), Capt Johan Cloete (from Boksburg North SAPS, Supply Chain Management), Capt Lorraine Hunt (from Springs SAPS, Loss Management), Capt Chris Avenant (from Springs SAPS, Human Resources Development Centre and training) and Capt Jerry Nquma (from Bronkhorstspruit SAPS, Supply Chain Management). Prison parolee gunned down Police are investigating whether He was an alleged gang boss Shirley Naidoo (47) and her “It was some time after 7am and few streets away, at the corner of their own members are behind the from Phoenix, in KwaZulu-Natal. family live opposite the property I was in my bedroom when I heard Plumbago and Bottlebrush streets. violent death of a prison parolee, It is believed he was picked up where the shooting took place. fi ve to six loud bangs. Police revealed that residents in who was shot and killed in Brakpan from the prison that morning, by She recalled the moments the “My husband, who was in the the area reported two suspicious- on Monday morning. a friend who then stopped at his kitchen with my daughter, looking vehicles in the area prior to The 48-year-old man, who home along Silverbush Crescent. told us all to get down.” the shooting. was released on day parole from "The friend got out of his Residents of the area Shirley told the Herald she The number plate of one of these Boksburg Prison at 7am that vehicle to open the gate, leaving reported two suspicious then went outside and saw a vehicles matched that of the burnt morning, died in a hail of bullets the man in the vehicle," said white car parked across the car. It has also been disclosed that while sitting in a parked vehicle at an Capt Joep Joubert, spokesperson vehicles in the area prior to road. one of the shooters was wearing a address along Silverbush Crescent, for the Brakpan Police Station the shooting. “We went over there to see police uniform. in Dalpark Extension Six. commander. if our neighbours were okay, Joubert confi rmed that the SAPS An offender on day parole is "As he opened the gate, it is sound of gunfi re shattered the and thankfully they were, but that are investigating whether the permitted to leave prison during the alleged that a blue or green Renault morning silence of the quiet street car was full of bullet holes on the shooters are real or bogus police day, but must return at night. Megane or Scenic, with two where she has lived for the past 14 passenger side,” she said. members. According to police, the man was occupants, arrived on the scene years. “Our neighbour is very lucky.” A murder docket has been opened. serving a 19-year jail sentence for and opened fi re on the car, fatally “It was terrifying,” said Shirley, A burnt-out car, believed to be murder. wounding the passenger." describing the barrage. the shooters’ vehicle, was found a Continued on page 2 Valid Saturday Valid Saturday 10 September 10 September 99 2016 ONLY 2016 ONLY 3999 16 All Gold Tomato Washed Potatoes Sauce 700ml SHERWOOD ONLY 10kg SAVE 3299 99 99 Ariel Hand 59 20 Washing PRICES VALID 9 - 11 SEPTEMBER 2016 AT PICK N PAY SHERWOOD ONLY Powder 2kg Promotional stocks are limited. Prices include VAT, where applicable. Smart Shopper terms and Bulk Rump and Fresh Whole Chicken conditions apply. No traders. E&OE. Customer Care 0800 11 22 88.Toll Free landline only. Porterhouse Steak Per kg Cellphone rates apply. www.picknpay.co.za. Shop in store or online at www.pnp.co.za/shop. Per kg 2 News Continued from page 1 Deadly shooting in Dalpark Six Friday, September 9, 2016 Brandon Riekert is onlangs aangewys as Mnr Jakaranda. Inwoner The murder scene along Silverbush Crescent, in Dalpark Extension Six. wen gesogte To see all the action on video go to www.brakpanherald.co.za kompetisie Brandon Riekert (19), ‘n graad 11 leerling aan Hoërskool Die Anker, het onlangs die titel van Mnr Jakaranda ontvang, tydens die Mr and Miss Jacaranda Show. “Ek was baie verbaas gewees toe my naam afgekondig was. Ek het dit glad nie verwag nie. Dit voel nogsteeds onwerklik,” het Brandon vertel. Brandon het ook die titel van Publiek se Keuse ontvang, en die inwoners bedank vir hulle motivering en ondersteuning tydens hierdie kompetisie. “Voor die Jakaranda kompetisie het my lewe basies net oor een persoon gegaan - myself,'' het hy vertel. ''Totdat ek begin het met liefdadigheidswerk en ook beleef het hoe gelukkig en nederig vrywilligers is; dit het my siening oor die lewe heeltemal verander.” Hy het bygevoeg dat hy glo dat daar nog baie dinge vir hom voorlê, maar op die oomblik wil hy daarop fokus om ‘n fondsinsameling te hou vir André Martinez, WO Jaco Olivier, from the Brakpan SAPS, wat aan kanker lei, om uit te help met die marks the spot where a bullet cartridge lies onkostes van chemoterapie. on the ground. A burnt-out car, believed to be the blue or green Renault in which the shooters were travelling, “Ek wil graag ‘n verskil maak in ander was found a few streets from the murder scene. mense se lewens, want die persoonlike beloning wat ‘n mens ontvang van liefdadigheidswerk is vir my baie meer werd East Rand Service Station as al die geld in die wêreld,” het hy gesê. 762 Voortrekker Rd, Brakpan 011 740-1163 Win (Opposite Jansens Butchery) Spoil yourself and your car with excellent Service and stand a chance to win one of our fabulous prizes (7 Colours Available) 394.74 (10 Colours Available) September - 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 trailer Brakpan 1127.81 October- 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 Trailer November- 1x Camp Master Roadster 210 Trailer Red December - 2x Saturn Gas Braai’s, 3x Weber Braai’s, 1x Camp Master 6 man tent If you can dream it Cross you can D.I.YD.I.Y it! Render services to prevent and SAVE Advertise in our next alleviate D.I.Y feature human suf- Fill up with Diesel 50ppm every Saturday fering and to and Sunday and save another foster human 30c off our normal price per litre dignity in all Contact Eve communities. today!! 7 Derby Street 011 740 0074 C329742HC35 011 740-1825 redxbkpn@ E333543HC37 Terms and conditions apply • View on site mweb.co.za www.redcross. org.za Friday, September 9, 2016 News 3 Drug-related crimes increase Two women brutally The annual SAPS crime statistics, • Sexual offences decreased cases the previous year to 204 146 to 316 raped in one night released on Friday, last week, from 74 to 72 • Burglary at residential • Sexual offences as a result of have revealed a decrease in • Attempted murder increased premises decreased from 792 to police action decreased from four Two women were raped in Brakpan, on violent crime committed in from 34 to 36 684 to three Saturday night, last week. Brakpan. • Assault GBH decreased from • Theft of motor vehicles and Other serious crimes The fi rst incident took place at an Compared with the previous 154 to 150 motorcycles decreased from 268 • Theft increased from 962 entertainment venue along Prince George year’s statistics, the latest fi gures, • Common assault increased to 242 cases the previous year to 1 069 Avenue, at about 6pm. from April 2015 to March this from 369 to 400 • Theft out of or from motor • Commercial crime decreased The victim, a 21-year-old woman, was year, show a decline in crimes • Common robbery decreased vehicles increased from 258 to from 273 to 235 at Jan Smuts Park with her cousin, when such as murder, robbery with from 122 to 116 293 • Shoplifting increased from she was confronted by three men in the aggravating circumstances, assault • Robbery with aggravating • Stock theft decreased from 12 209 to 210 ablution facility. GBH and hijacking. circumstances decreased from 310 to eight Subcategories of aggravated Each was armed with a knife and they There was, however, an to 288 Crime detected as a result of robbery threatened to stab her if she didn't go with increase in drug-related crimes, Contact-related crimes police action • Carjacking decreased from 57 them. arson and theft out of or from a • Arson increased from four • Illegal possession of fi rearms cases the previous year to 45 Upon their arrival at the address, the motor vehicle. cases the previous year to seven and ammunition increased from • Truck hijacking decreased woman asked to go to the toilet and two of The full statistics are as follows: • Malicious damage to property 22 cases the previous year to 25 from 10 to three the men accompanied her. Contact crimes (crimes against decreased from 285 to 274. • Drug-related crimes increased • Robbery at residential One of the men then covered her mouth, a person) Property-related crimes from 305 to 388 premises decreased from 64 to 53 while the other raped her. • Murder decreased from 14 • Burglary at non-residential • Driving under the infl uence of • Robbery at non-residential Each man raped the victim three times.
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