1 2ST504, History of Philosophy and Christian Thought Course Handbook RTS/Orlando, Spring Term, 2017 Meetings Wednesdays, 8-12 AM, with break for Chapel from 10-11 AM. Instructor John M. Frame My stated office hours this term are Thursdays, 8-11 AM, others by appointment. I’m in my office most mornings, and if my door is ajar I’ll be happy to see you. Feel free to write me at
[email protected]. I will probably give a better answer to your question by email than in person, but I realize that sometimes face-to-face meetings are better. Teaching Assistant Aaron Opgenorth,
[email protected], is also available to help you. He will be evaluating your written assignments and will be available to help you prepare for exams. Objectives 1. To inform students about the main thinkers in the history of philosophy, Reformed theology, and liberal theology. 2. To show the interaction of philosophy and theology, especially the influence of philosophy on our theological formulations. 3. To illumine the spiritual warfare that takes place in the intellectual movements of human history. 4. To give students critical tools to evaluate, not only thinkers of past history, but future thinkers as well. Assignments 1. Regular attendance, preparation of assigned material each day for discussion. This year I will be using my new book A History of Western 2 Philosophy and Theology (P&R Publishers, 2015). With each chapter, you should be prepared to define the Key Terms at the end and answer the Study Questions. 2. One paper of roughly 3000 words, due Fri., May 19, at 11 AM.