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What best characterizes the University’s work during the past academic year is the concept of building on a sound foundation. We have ambitious plans for and these depend for their success on the extent to which we prepare the ground and the infrastructure that will permit them to rise to unprecedented heights.

No doubt the construction analogy was stimulated by the official groundbreaking for our new Loyola Science Complex at the end of the 2000–2001 academic year. By the time the Concordia University community and our friends read this, the foundations for the Science Complex will have been completed and the first of our new buildings will indeed have risen above the ground. And this will be followed by the erection of new buildings on the Sir George Williams Campus for the Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science, Fine Arts and the John Molson School of Business and the relocation of humanities and social science departments into renovated space in the Hall and McConnell Buildings. We expect all these buildings to have solid foundations.

However, I intend the ‘foundation’ analogy to mean much more. Although the badly needed new facilities being built and planned are indeed important, even more important are the activities that will take place within them. During the next decade a larger and better focused university will have experienced a substantial renewal in terms of a revised curriculum, new professors, enhanced research programs and ever closer ties with the community. The steady growth in student enrolment experienced during the past four years will continue, underlining Concordia’s longstanding commitment to facilitating access to higher education.

We will attract more out-of-province Canadian students and considerably more international students while at the same time continuing to serve our traditional Quebec-based anglophone, allophone and francophone students. Our admission requirements will rise modestly while student retention and graduation rates will rise sharply. Our new broader curriculum will provide a more comprehensive undergraduate experience. This will prepare students for the more specialized advanced degrees, highly focused graduate certificates and diplomas, and specific non-degree courses designed to upgrade skills and knowledge for the rapidly changing 21st century world. As always, Concordia will lead in offering education to part-time working and mature students. These developments will bring the University into even closer contact with both public and private sector enterprises.

The foundations on which these developments will rest were strengthened during this past year. Our work with alumni and alumnæ, with our friends in the larger community and with all three levels of government has been expanded. Fundraising for our buildings has begun well, hard on the heels of our very successful 1997– 1999 Campaign for the New Millennium. We continue to operate within a balanced budget and are in the process of eliminating our long-term debt which stood at almost $36 million as recently as 1995. And our ongoing academic planning permits annual adaptation to changing needs while holding firm to what we regard as changeless: the broad principles embodied in the mission that was shaped by our two parent institutions.

Our foundations are solid.

Frederick Lowy Rector and Vice-Chancellor

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Previous reports: 1999–2000 1998–1999 1997–1998

Challenges have been turning into exciting opportunities at Concordia. Rising enrolment, increased competition among universities for professors and

research funds, continued underfunding of higher education, and an

unparalleled technological revolution have provided the impetus for a new culture at Concordia that focuses more on the development of research and the university’s tradition of academic and learning excellence.

Concordia began the fall semester with a fine new crop of tenure- Also in this section

Faculty of Arts & Science track faculty members, about 65 per cent of whom are recipients of

John Molson School of research grants. Indeed, over three years, the university is hiring Business 150 new full-time professors, to keep up with growing enrolment Faculty of Engineering & and the current rate of retirement. Computer Science Faculty of Fine Arts At the same time, Concordia is committed to sustaining the research School of Graduate Studies activities of the many leading professors already here. All four

Colleges and Institutes Faculties are in the process of establishing new research chairs, which will ensure that the best of Concordia’s researchers receive recognition and research support.

Concordia also continues to deliver vital retraining and retooling of skills through post-graduate and diploma programs; a number of new graduate certificates were introduced over the year.

The intensive academic planning at the university over the past several years reflects Concordia’s belief in providing faculty and a curriculum that are responsive to the demand for university education that is relevant to modern society. Despite having to trim 25 per cent from its operating budget due to reductions in government funding over the past five years, Concordia is beginning to distinguish itself as an urban institution of cutting-edge research, which both attracts and produces critical thinkers of the future.

Applications to the university have risen by eight per cent overall, and international applications are up 28 per cent. Enrolment at Concordia has grown to its highest level ever — in Engineering and Computer Science alone, there are nearly 1,000 more full-time students than four years ago.

All Faculties have encouraged innovative programs and new teaching models that respond to the needs of information and digital technologies, while encompassing an understanding of the human and historical dimensions of our fast-changing, heterogeneous world.

Next: Faculty of Arts and Science

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Concordia’s Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance will be part of a

$9-million research project with the Baltimore-based Success for All

Foundation. The project involves developing new technological tools to enhance a literacy program now used in some 2,000 schools, mostly in high- poverty areas in the United States. Concordia will receive one-third of the U.S. federal government research grant, about $3 million over five years.

A new state-of-the-art computer facility is saving researchers Also in this section

Introduction innumerable hours of trial and error. Launched in January, the

John Molson School of Centre for Research in Molecular Modelling provides researchers in Business computational chemistry and biochemistry with impressive Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science computing power for modelling chemical reactions at the molecular

Faculty of Fine Arts level. The Centre is funded jointly by Concordia, the Canada

School of Graduate Foundation for Innovation and the Quebec Ministry of Education. Studies

Colleges and Institutes The Department of Theological Studies introduced an intensive three-credit course called Religious Pluralism in a Secular Culture, designed to respond to legislation that is revamping the way religion is taught in Quebec’s public schools. The course gives Quebec’s elementary and high school educators a broad-based

overview of religions, as the province adopts a more pluralistic and secular approach to religious education. Participants who took the

course in the fall explored the meaning of religious identity in the 21st century, and visited sacred sites of various religions in .

Concordia has signed a partnership agreement with three Moroccan universities to foster academic cooperation in Women’s Studies, particularly in the areas of women and the law, entrepreneurship, media and cultural studies, and North African literature.

Philip Abrami (Education), Shimon Amir (Psychology), William Bukowski (Psychology), Lisa Serbin (Psychology) and Peter Shizgal (Psychology) were appointed senior research chairs.

Next: John Molson School of Business

Previous: Introduction

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


The Global Aviation MBA program (GAMBA), launched last fall, is enabling 16

professionals from Canada, Ecuador, Estonia, Ghana, India, Italy, Mauritius, New

Zealand, Switzerland, and Trinidad to continue to earn while they learn. The program, co-sponsored by the Montreal-based International Aviation Transport Association (IATA), is modelled on Concordia’s eight-year-old International Aviation MBA program. GAMBA is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want a graduate degree in aviation management without leaving their full-time jobs.

The School also launched a new minor and graduate certificate in Also in this section

Introduction Electronic Business Systems, MBA and Master’s programs in

Faculty of Arts & Science Investment Management, and a graduate diploma in Investments.

Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science Select business students are getting first-hand experience of the Faculty of Fine Arts intricacies of portfolio management, thanks to a $1-million donation School of Graduate from a successful alumnus. Students who have committed to the two- Studies year extracurricular Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management program Colleges and Institutes make investment decisions with real money. They meet twice a week each semester, report to a client committee every two months, and consult with mentors in the profession at least once a month. Each student also gets two work terms with major investment firms as part of the program. Any profits made by the investments will be reinvested.

A prestigious seal of approval was given to Concordia’s Accountancy programs when the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) granted its accreditation in June. The John Molson School of Business is the first school in Canada and the third outside of the U.S. to receive accreditation of its Accountancy programs from the AACSB, the premier accrediting body in the U.S. In 1997, Concordia became the first university in Montreal to achieve AACSB accreditation of its business degree programs. The John Molson School of Business appointed two endowed research chairs this year. Professor Michel Magnan is the holder of the Lawrence Bloomberg Chair in Accountancy, established this spring. In April, Lawrence Kryzanowski, Professor of Finance, took up his position as the holder of the new Ned Goodman Chair in Investment Finance. Next: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Previous: Faculty of Arts and Science

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Concordia will be at the forefront of aerospace engineering, thanks to a new

training centre that was inaugurated last November. The Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI) enables graduate and undergraduate students to collaborate with working engineers on projects in the aerospace industry, as well as providing them with access to cutting-edge interactive computer facilities, hardware and display equipment, and a specialized library. CIADI is supported by an investment from Pratt & Whitney Canada of $1.2 million over the next five years.

The opening of a class 2 biological laboratory reflects a renewed Also in this section

Introduction focus on the Environmental Engineering program. The research lab

Faculty of Arts & Science features specialized equipment for the analysis of soil and water

John Molson School of samples and the identification of pollutants. More than 20 Business researchers in the lab are collaborating with industry on projects Faculty of Fine Arts related to solid waste management, soil remediation, industrial School of Graduate Studies wastewater treatment, natural attenuation, the fate of contaminants

Colleges and Institutes in water and environmental impact assessment.

The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science established new graduate certificate programs in industrial waste management, environmental auditing and environmental systems modelling.

Concordia’s eight-year-old Native Access to Engineering Program (NAEP) has launched a three-year project in collaboration with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and IBM Canada, that will distribute interactive high school material in math and science subjects to aboriginal students across Canada, via the Internet. The goal of the project is to draw more aboriginal students to engineering, and give them some of the qualifications and skills they need to succeed in the field. Curriculum content will familiarize high school teachers and students with various areas of engineering, using examples that are related to native culture or that could be used to help sustain native communities. Professors Ching Y. Suen, a researcher in artificial intelligence and pattern recognition, and Suong V. Hoa, a researcher in materials and composites, were appointed as research chairs.

Next: Faculty of Fine Arts

Previous: John Molson School of Business

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Concordia has become the only institution in Canada to offer an accredited

Master’s program in Drama Therapy, recognized by the U.S.-based National

Association for Drama Therapy. Concordia’s MA Creative Arts Therapies (Drama Therapy Option) has already attracted students from every province in Canada, as well as from the United States and several other countries.

In October, Concordia hosted an international conference that Also in this section

Introduction brought together more than 90 practitioners and researchers

Faculty of Arts & Science interested in quantitative research that helps evaluate and validate

John Molson School of the benefits of art, music, drama and dance movement therapies. Business

Faculty of Engineering & This spring, the Centre for the Arts in Human Development Computer Science celebrated five years of success with an afternoon of singing and tap- School of Graduate Studies dancing to musical numbers from past productions, also released on

Colleges and Institutes a CD. The Centre serves as a basis for community outreach for intellectually handicapped people who attend the Centre several days a week throughout the year, and provides a framework for research and training ground for art therapists. The Birks Family Foundation recently gave a substantial donation to maintain the Centre’s Community Outreach program for the next seven years.

The Faculty of Fine Arts celebrated the new Gail and Stephen A.

Jarislowsky Institute in Canadian Art in March, with a lecture by François-Marc Gagnon, one of Quebec’s most passionate communicators on the visual arts, and the first holder of the Institute’s Chair in Canadian Art History. The goal of the Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art is to encourage research in the field, and make the general public more aware of its richness. In the spring, Dr. Gagnon launched a bilingual series of free public lectures at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

A new graduate certificate program in Digital Technologies in Design Art Practice combines the use of digital technologies as an artistic tool, with an advanced investigation of their economic, social and cultural consequences. Students in the program have access to a three-dimensional scanner and computer-assisted prototyping equipment.

Next: School of Graduate Studies

Previous: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Concordia’s growing research profile is apparent in the continued

augmentation of funding to our researchers. The School of Graduate Studies

works with the four Faculties, the student associations and the service sectors to generate productive academic environments.

Graduate fellowships, scholarships, bursaries and teaching Also in this section

Introduction assistantships at the university increased substantially over the

Faculty of Arts & Science year. A $1-million endowment from former Montreal

John Molson School of entrepreneurs Harriet and Abe Gold to the Campaign for a New Business Millennium will fund, in perpetuity, 10 graduate fellowships of Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science $5,000 each for Master’s or doctoral students in any Faculty.

Faculty of Fine Arts Overall, Concordia is increasing by onethird the fellowships and

Colleges and Institutes scholarships offered to its graduate students.

The Office of Research Services assists in the development of funded research and scholarly activities by making known the availability of all potential funding sources for both grants and contracts, and by providing support in the preparation of proposals. The Industrial Liaison Unit brings together faculty members and industry, business and government for collaborative research by assisting in the negotiation of research contracts, the management of intellectual property, licensing, patent issues, and technology transfer.

Next: Colleges and Institutes

Previous: Faculty of Fine Arts

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Concordia’s colleges and institutes continue to provide a unique interdisciplinary

education. The Liberal Arts College’s well-attended lecture series once again

brought notable intellectuals to the university throughout the year. The topic of exploration at the Lonergan University College this year was Capitalism and Enlightenment, and culminated in a symposium in April. The Science College welcomed a new principal, Psychology Professor Michael von Grunau.

The School of Community and Public Affairs’ new graduate Also in this section

Introduction program in Community Economic Development made its debut in

Faculty of Arts & Science September, bringing together 25 community practitioners from

John Molson School of across Canada. The program, offered in collaboration with the Business Institute in Management and Community Development, addresses Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science the challenge of strengthening local communities in an era of

Faculty of Fine Arts globalization. The program is offered in English and French in

Colleges and Institutes alternating years.

The Simone de Beauvoir Institute has introduced innovative credit-bearing internships in a range of community agencies and organizations. These internships enable Women’s Studies students to apply theory encountered in the classroom to practice.

The Institute for Co-operative Education celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. The Institute currently offers work-study programs in 15 departments. Enrolment has soared by more than 10 per cent over the year.

With the help of nearly $1.2 million in provincial funding, the Centre for International Academic Cooperation initiated a new bursary program in the fall for Concordia students wishing to undertake short-term studies outside Quebec. There has been a 15- per-cent increase in exchange students at Concordia, including a 19- per-cent rise in graduate exchange students. In April, the Centre was presented with the credentials to open a chapter of Phi Beta Delta at Concordia; the U.S.-based organization is an honours society for international scholars. Concordia’s chapter has been designated Epsilon Zeta.

Next Section: Research Achievements

Previous: School of Graduate Studies

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Concordia researchers were awarded $16.5 million in research grants this year,

and more than $6 million from the Natural Science and Engineering Research

Council (NSERC). The general growth of research across the university, and a specific, dramatic rise in research in the humanities and social sciences point to

a definite research revolution underway at Concordia.

Researchers did particularly well in the annual bid for grants from Also in this section

Identifying genes and NSERC. Overall, the total number of new NSERC awards at how they work, Concordia increased, with a total value of more than $6.2 million— Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite an increase of about 39 per cent over last year. (NSERC grants solutions extend over four years.) The Faculty of Arts and Science Instrumental research, Acts of a previous time, experienced a 35 per cent rise in the number of NSERC grants this Beyond the bottom line, Virtual bulls and bears year, thanks in part to a new core of research-oriented faculty

Love and longing in two applying for the first time. There was an 87 per cent increase in the languages, A look back at value of the awards to Arts and Science, from $1.35 million to $2.5 inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait million. The Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science received of a young artist NSERC awards totalling $3.5 million, a 19 per cent increase over Seeing things, Investigating the draw of last year. gambling, All systems go

Academic collaboration Next: Identifying genes and how they work, Sunscreen that's a with China physical shield, Satellite Solutions

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Identifying genes and how they work

The work of Concordia researchers in the emerging science of genomics and

proteomics will soon be boosted by the acquisition of instrumentation for mass spectrometry. Chemistry Professor Ann English and nine colleagues received an NSERC installation grant of more than $500,000 towards its purchase.

Mass spectrometry is a powerful technique used to identify Also in this section

Introduction unknown molecules and help characterize their structural and

Instrumental research, chemical properties. The ability to rapidly identify and characterize Acts of a previous time, proteins is critical to the ongoing study of genomics and proteomics. Beyond the bottom line, Virtual bulls and bears Facilities will be shared by the Centre for Research in Molecular

Love and longing in two Modelling and Centre for Structural and Functional Genomics. languages, A look back at inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait Sunscreen that’s a physical shield of a young artist Professor English is also a member of a research team that received Seeing things, Investigating the draw of a three-year NSERC grant of over $350,000 to develop a “physical gambling, All systems go sunscreen” that would incorporate a barrier between the active Academic collaboration with China ingredient and the skin. The project focuses on titanium dioxide, which is inexpensive and scatters both UVA and UVB light— however, its drawback is that it also absorbs sunlight and becomes reactive. The scientists’ goal is to encapsulate titanium dioxide so that it still does not have direct contact with skin.

Satellite solutions Reza Soleymani is working to make wireless technology more affordable and accessible. An associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, he is leading a university, government and industry research project aimed at developing advanced coding techniques for transmitting multimedia information via satellite. The project is designed to find solutions to several problems, including the need to reduce the power required for satellite communications, and the growing demand for bandwidth, a limited resource. Researchers hope to develop new, more efficient transmission schemes that require less power for satellite communications and, at the same time, accommodate more users.

The project is part of a new space communications research endeavour launched in April by the Canadian Space Agency and the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research. Professor Soleymani’s group has been awarded $600,000 over three years. Most of the grant money will be put towards salaries for graduate students.

Next: Instrumental research, Acts of a previous time, Beyond the bottom line, Virtual Bulls and bears

Previous: Faculty research

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Instrumental research For Galia Dafni, math is literally music to her ears. Dafni is a new tenure-track

member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, thanks to an NSERC

University Faculty Award. Her research is in the broad area of mathematical analysis—in particular, she studies the Fourier analysis, which is inspired by the study of harmonics in music. This approach was first applied to mathematics and physics 200 years ago, and has many applications today in number theory and partial differential equations, as well as in engineering and physics problems, such as signal processing and control theory. Dafni focuses on pure theory and tries to prove theorems in a specialized field called Hardy Spaces.

Acts of a previous time Also in this section

Introduction Edward Little, a professor in the Theatre Department who also

Identifying genes and heads the Drama for Human Development program, is part of a how they work, revival of community-oriented, grassroots theatre. Community Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite theatre is enabling artists to regain contact with their communities— solutions people in the community perform their own art rather than just Love and longing in two languages, A look back at consume it. Professor Little is currently working with young people inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait in Montreal’s Asian community to create a series of theatre of a young artist presentations based on interviews with their elders. He has been Seeing things, awarded an FCAR grant to explore relationships between aesthetic Investigating the draw of gambling, All systems go accomplishment and social efficacy in theatre and development

Academic collaboration practices in Canada. with China

Beyond the bottom line In the new era of globalization, business ethics is more important than ever, according to Professor Fred Bird, a veteran ethicist based in the Religion Department. Professor Bird is at the head of a multidisciplinary, multicultural network of more than two dozen scholars who are examining the behaviour of companies of all sizes around the world, particularly those operating in developing countries or in poor regions of developed countries. The study, called Managing International Businesses in Developing Areas, is funded by a SSHRC strategic grant, and includes scholars from the United States, South Africa, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Uganda, Germany and the U.K.

Virtual bulls and bears Finance Professor Greg Lypny has programmed his own online stock market, called Borsa. The program, which simulates real-life investment scenarios, has already proven itself an innovative teaching tool that helps students better understand the principles of

economic theory. Professor Lypny is also using Borsa as a research tool, to conduct formal experiments on the determination of security prices in general equilibrium—why bond and stock prices are what they are, and how they move relative to one another.

Next: Love and longing in two languages, A look back at inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait of a young artist

Previous: Identifying genes and how they work, Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite Solutions

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Love and longing in two languages

Anne Dandurand, one of Quebec’ most loved and respected French-language

authors, is the first francophone writer-in-residence at Concordia since Michel Tremblay in the 1970s. She is now working on an English novel, which promises some of her familiar themes, love and sexuality.

A look back at inventive films Also in this section

Introduction A retrospective of eight years of experimental films by Richard Kerr,

Identifying genes and who teaches in the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, was shown how they work, at the Cinémathèque Québécoise in December. Kerr’s work is in the Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite genre of tradition-breaking filmmakers Michael Snow, Bruce Elder solutions and Joyce Wieland. Instrumental research, Acts of a previous time, Beyond the bottom line, Ease of use is essential Virtual bulls and bears Ahmed Seffah, an assistant professor of Computer Science, is Seeing things, Investigating the draw of spearheading an effort at Concordia to tackle the issue of software gambling, All systems go usability and learnability. One of his main objectives is to set up a Academic collaboration with China human-centred software-engineering lab where researchers can observe the types of difficulties people experience using software, and how software developers and engineers work using current

software engineering tools and methods. Professor Seffah and his colleagues have received $200,000 so far from Concordia and NSERC for these research investigations.

Portrait of a young artist As children, artists such as Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec and Klee produced artwork that varied from the hackneyed to the remarkable. In two ongoing research projects, Art Education Professor David Pariser is looking at both sides of the issue of giftedness and artistic greatness: How is art judged, and how do children develop in art? The first study uses actual juvenile work by great artists, and looks at the question of identifying children destined for noteworthy adult artistic performances in two cultures, North American and Chinese. The second study, supported by a three-year SSHRC grant, asks how people from three cultures (Brazil, Canada and Taiwan) rank the relative merits of child, adolescent and adult artwork. Last fall, Professor Pariser was named a Fellow of the American Psychology Association in the division of psychology and the arts.

Next: Seeing things, Investigating the draw of gambling, All systems go

Previous: Instrumental research, Acts of a previous time, Beyond the bottom line, Virtual bulls and bears

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Seeing things Invisible to the naked eye, the silicon inventions of Chunyan Wang are actually

closely connected to capturing the capacities of the organ of vision. An assistant

professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wang designs optical sensors, which act as an important interface between humans and computers— used, for example, in cameras or in devices for industrial monitoring. Since joining Concordia in 1997, her research has focused on two main areas: analog- digital mixed VLSI (very large-scale integrated) circuits and large-scale CMOS optical sensor integration. Light intensity can be easily converted into current, but current needs to be converted into voltage to be used in an optical sensor.

Conventional converters can be very sensitive and catch small variations of light

input, however, Wang’s integrated signal-processing circuits, in addition to being highly sensitive, are also able to detect “top“ or large variations.

Investigating the draw of gambling Also in this section

Introduction Using sophisticated brain-imaging equipment and a gambling game

Identifying genes and he developed with a colleague, Peter Shizgal, director of the Centre how they work, for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology, is shedding valuable Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite insight on impulse-control disorders. In a novel application of the solutions psychology of judgment and decision to mapping brain function, Dr. Instrumental research, Acts of a previous time, Shizgal and his co-researchers have found that discrete parts of the Beyond the bottom line, Virtual bulls and bears brain respond in an ordered fashion to the anticipation of winning

Love and longing in two money. languages, A look back at inventive films, Ease of In their experiment, 12 volunteers were given $50 and told that they use is essential, Portrait of a young artist might lose some or all of it, keep it, or increase it. The subjects’ Academic collaboration brain activity was monitored through highfield functional magnetic with China resonance imaging (fMRI) as they played, during anticipation and when they realized, or processed, the outcome of the gamble. The results showed that multiple areas of the brain are engaged during assessment of potential gains and losses. In fact, an incentive unique to humans—money—produced patterns of brain activity that closely resemble patterns seen previously in response to other types of rewards, such as addictive drugs. All systems go Concordia Educational Technology graduates played a key role in the deployment of Canadarm 2 at the International Space Station (ISS) in April. Working as instructional system designers at the Canadian Space Agency in St. Hubert, Concordia graduates were part of the team that designed and developed the course material that astronauts and mission controllers used during the space mission. They are now training the team that will oversee the installation of the Mobile Based System, the second of three components delivered by Canada to the ISS in February 2002.

Next: Academic collaboration with China

Previous: Love and longing in two languages, A look back at inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait of a young artist

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Academic collaboration with China A delegation of Concordia administrators visited China as part of Team Canada

in February, and signed a number of agreements with Chinese academic

institutions. Rector Frederick Lowy, Vice-Rector Marcel Danis, and Arts and Science dean Martin Singer joined the Prime Minister, nine premiers, other university officials, and industry representatives on the trip. Canadian universities and colleges have played a leading role in the development of Canada’s relations with China over the past 30 years. Here’s a sampling of our initiatives with China:

Concordia will be undertaking collaborative research with the Pulp Also in this section

Introduction and Paper Industrial Research Institute in China, on environmental

Identifying genes and pollution issues, such as pulp and paper treatment, biodegradation how they work, of waste from the industry, new bleaching technology, paper, Sunscreen that's a physical shield, Satellite chemistry and coating engineering. solutions

Instrumental research, The Faculty of Fine Arts is collaborating with the Academy of Acts of a previous time, Beyond the bottom line, Chinese Traditional Opera (ACTO) on the development of academic Virtual bulls and bears co-operation with industry, and faculty and student exchanges. A Love and longing in two languages, A look back at partnership with the Beijing Film Academy will focus on film inventive films, Ease of use is essential, Portrait research and studies and academic exchanges. of a young artist

Seeing things, An agreement with Hunan University will focus on collaborative Investigating the draw of gambling, All systems go research in engineering and computer science, industrial interactions and sponsored research in the field of building engineering. A number of other agreements will focus on the cooperative development and delivery of Web-based courses.

Mohsen Anvari, dean of the John Molson School of Business, was also in Beijing to make a presentation at an industry session involving Quebec and Chinese business leaders. He went on to Hong Kong to discuss the new MBA/CFA program with alumni, and met with high school counsellors there.

Next Section: Student Achievements Previous: Seeing things, Investigating the draw of gambling, All systems go

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Jennifer Willet couldn’t pass up the chance to show her work at an exhibition

held concurrently with last November’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

(APEC) meeting in Brunei. A young artist from Alberta who already has an impressive list of exhibitions to her credit, she knew it was an opportunity to reach a highly influential international audience.

Her work, Untitled (Hudson’s Bay Blanket) consists of the famous Also in this section

Prize Winners red-yellow-and-green striped blanket that is an icon of Canada’s

Scholarship Recipients, trading origins —radically altered with text, photographs, quilted Arts and Science fabric, acrylic paint and other media to make a provocative John Molson School of Business, Engineering statement about Canada’s landscape, people and economic history. and Computer Science It has been acquired as part of Brunei’s first art collection. Fine Arts

Athletic Achievers Concordia filmmakers, perennial audience pleasers at the Canadian

Athlete of the Year, Student Film and Video Festival, part of the Montreal World Film Recreation Festival held each fall, had a number of winning entries this year. Cinema student Francis Hanneman’s animated short The Quest for

Electric Liederhosen was named Best Animation Video. Sergio Batiz, also in Cinema, won the award for Best Experimental Film for

El Tigre, and Communication Studies student Stephanie Finkelstein’s Beyond Language won in the Best Documentary category.

Next: Prize Winners

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


For the second year in a row, two students tied for the top undergraduate marks

at Concordia—and this year’s winners of the Governor-General’s Silver Medal

have perfect grade-point averages of 4.3. Marie-Andrée Boucher, a co-op student in Actuarial Mathematics, earned her perfect grades while putting in four work terms. She was also awarded the Gilles-Joncas Bursary for being the best university co-op student in Quebec. Boucher shares the Silver Medal with Economics graduate Marleigh Grealey.

Suzanne Erb, a PhD in Psychology and student at Concordia’s Also in this section

Artists Centre for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology, was awarded the

Scholarship Recipients, Governor-General’s Gold Medal for 2000. The findings of her thesis, Arts and Science called Stress-Induced Relapse to Cocaine Seeking in the Rat: John Molson School of Business, Engineering Contributions of Central Nervous System Corticotropin Releasing and Computer Science Factor and Noradrenaline, suggest that the neuronal mechanisms Fine Arts underlying relapse induced by stress and drug are not identical. Athletic Achievers Therefore, no single approach to treatment, pharmacological or Athlete of the Year, otherwise, is likely to be effective in all circumstances, Erb Recreation concludes. Erb has begun a tenuretrack position in the Department of Psychology at the University of , in the Life Sciences Division in Scarborough.

Sonya Branco was the winner of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Silver Medal, for placing second in Canada on the 2000 Uniform Final Examination (UFE). She earned the highest marks in Quebec. Nadine Ricard also made the CICA honour roll, earning third prize along with 18 others in the country. Both were students at Concordia’s Institute for Co-operative Education, alternating terms of study with work related to their courses.

Nicolas Desjardins, a student in the new Software Engineering program, received the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) Award of Excellence for his outstanding performance and computer service. He is carrying out his studies in the Co-op. Kinga Araya, a performance artist working on a PhD in Art History/ Visual Arts in the Special Individualized Program, is the happy recipient of a coveted SSHRC grant. Her dissertation approaches the question of when walking becomes a work of art, by examining the works of several walking artists from around the world. Araya says

she enjoys the unique setup of the SIP program, which allows her to both study theory and create her compelling “prosthetic paradox” sculptures.

Theatre student Joe Cobden made history as the first anglophone to win a trophy from La Soirée des Masques, Quebec’s annual theatre awards ceremony. The Nova Scotia native won in the “revelation” category for his role in the Irish black comedy The Beauty Queen of Leenane, produced last year at the Centaur Theatre.

Concordia’s student chapter of the Canadian Society of Industrial Engineers (CSIE) was presented with the Robert F. Moore Award in January, for best serving their members throughout the year in academic and social matters.

Vince Labossière, captain of the men’s hockey team, was presented the Concordia University Alumni Association’s Outstanding Student Award this spring. He was a fourtime honour student in the Exercise Science program and is again this year, in the Diploma in Sports Administration program. He is also a four-time CIAU Academic All- Canada athlete and has won numerous athletic scholarships at Concordia.

Next: Scholarship Recipients, Arts and Science

Previous: Artists

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Finance student Ping Chen won one of 18 International Studies Scholarships

from the Export Development Corporation. She won $3,000 and a summer

work term at the EDC. The EDC is a Crown corporation that provides trade and finance services to Canadian exporters and investors.

Susan Searle (Religion), Carmen Puga-Pe–a (Spanish), and Martine Also in this section

Artists Nagy (Applied Human Sciences), were recipients of Arts and

Prize Winners Science Undergraduate Research Scholarships in January. The

John Molson School of scholarships are part of a program to encourage research at the Business, Engineering undergraduate level. and Computer Science

Fine Arts David Jolin, a saxophonist and Music student, was awarded the first Athletic Achievers Dr. Oscar Peterson Jazz Scholarship, a $2,000 annual award Athlete of the Year, Recreation established for the student in the Jazz Performance program whose commitment and spirit towards music reflect the values exemplified by the great jazz musician.

Tracey Martineau, an English literature student, put her studies on hold to take an assignment for the United Nations. Martineau also works at the International Civil Aviation Organization, which seconded her to the UN’s extensive peacekeeping operations in East Timor, last fall.

Jennison Asuncion, a graduate student in Educational Technology, was a member of the Adaptech research project, which included researchers from Concordia, McGill University and Dawson College, looking into university and college technology for people with disabilities. The team garnered valuable information from across Canada about the technological needs of disabled students. During his final work term, at IBM in Toronto, Jennison sampled e- learning sites to detect accessibility problems and researched specialized software, such as foot-controlled mice and systems that reproduce text in braille.

The research of Istvan Imre, a PhD student in Biology, focuses on the relationship between food abundance, territory size and population density of juvenile salmonids, cold-water fish such as salmon and trout. The greater the abundance of food, the smaller territory each individual requires in order to grow and survive. Imre is supported by an NSERC doctoral fellowship, and is the recipient of the David J. Azrieli Graduate Fellowship, awarded to the highest- ranking student in the Concordia fellowship competition.

Next: John Molson School of Business, Engineering and Computer Science

Previous: Prize Winners

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


The students in the Diploma in Accountancy program outdid themselves in this year’s uniform final

exams, called the UFEs. They achieved an overall pass rate of 90.5 per cent on the grueling chartered

accountancy tests written over several days in the fall by aspiring chartered accountants across the country. The results were spectacular, compared to an overall pass rate of 70.8 per cent in Quebec, and 67.6 per cent in Canada as a whole. When applied only to first-time Concordia writers of the UFE, the pass rate was a whopping 94.5 per cent.

Theodora Welch is doing her PhD in business strategy from the vantage point of Also in this section

Artists Harvard. A recipient of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project Research

Prize Winners Fellowship, she is at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs in the John F.

Scholarship Recipients, Kennedy School of Government and the Center for Business and Government, studying Arts and Science privatization around the world. Specifically, she is examining the interface between Fine Arts public and private telecommunications ownership in developing countries. She is in the Athletic Achievers final phase of her doctorate. Athlete of the Year, Recreation

Building owners fail to take the air quality problems stemming from renovations seriously enough, says Lan Chi Nguyen. Her Master’s thesis in Building Engineering was a study on contaminants released by renovations. She found that high levels of chemical emissions and organic contaminants like mould spores were released by metal welding, the removal of old carpets and ceiling tiles, and other commonplace renovation activities. The study was sponsored by the American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.

National Engineering Week Concordia celebrated National Engineering Week this year with the revival of Robowars, a robotics competition open to all CÉGEPs and universities across Canada. Once an annual event, Robowars, a competition in which self-contained remote control robots are put to the test against each other, has not been held at Concordia since 1998. Charles Allix, from Polyvalente Pierre Dupuis, took home the $1,000 prize in Sumo Wrestling, while Concordia’s Ania Trzecieski won the $500 top prize in the Solar Roller competition.

The Engineering and Computer Science Students Association, which organized all events for the week, also held its 8th annual Women in Engineering Conference. About 80 young women from Montreal high schools and CÉGEPs toured the downtown campus, and put their minds and hands to work in a mini bridge-building competition, and making insulated boxes for an egg-drop competition. The day also featured roundtable discussions with women engineers and presentations by guest speakers.

More than 30 teams from across Canada and the United States took part in the 17th annual Bridge Building competition. Over 200 students participated, vying to construct the sturdiest bridge out of simple materials: popsicle sticks, toothpicks, white glue and dental floss. This year’s winning bridge came from the team from Ryerson Polytechnical University, in Toronto, which withstood a peak load of 1860 kg, when submitted to the 10-ton hydraulic Crusher.

Next: Fine Arts

Previous: Scholarship Recipients, Arts and Science

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University Credits

Graduate student Diane Borsato succeeded in her bid to make the world’s

longest paper-clip chain as part of her thesis exhibition, How to Make a

Sculpture in an Emergency. It garnered lots of media attention and was on display at Montreal’s Skol Gallery in April.

Shae Zukiwsky, a Contemporary Dance student, also has a career as Also in this section

Artists a figure skater. He and his partner, Judith Longpré, competed in the

Prize Winners 2001 Canadian Figure Skating Championships in Winnipeg, last

Scholarship Recipients, January. They came in eighth in a field that included some of the Arts and Science best skaters in the world. The pair had won the provincial John Molson School of Business, Engineering competition in Quebec, and it was their first time competing as and Computer Science seniors. Athletic Achievers

Athlete of the Year, Carla El Samra was one of the exhibitors of Eco-design, a show of Recreation innovative work in the VAV Gallery this spring by Design Art students. Her witty lamp is made from, among other things, a discarded metal spool salvaged from a hardware store and a length of rubber garden hose.

Next: Athletic Achievers

Previous: John Molson School of Business, Engineering and Computer Science

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Varsity Round-up

The men’s rugby team won the provincial title for the second year in a

rowÑonce again stealing the championship from Bishop’s Gaiters. For the third consecutive year, the women’s rugby team made it to the QSSF finals, but lost the provincial championship to McGill.

The Stingers football team’s playoff hopes were dashed by a loss Also in this section

Artists to the Bishop’s Gaiters in October. The team was adjusting to the

Prize Winners departure of head coach Pat Sheehan in early 2000, after 11 seasons

Scholarship Recipients, and two conference titles. In January, Gerry McGrath, a six-year Arts and Science CFL veteran, was named full-time coach. He had been interim John Molson School of Business, Engineering coach since the 1999 season, after eight seasons as offensive co- and Computer Science ordinator. Fine Arts

Athlete of the Year, For the first time in 15 years, the women’s hockey team failed to Recreation win a medal in the CIAU Women’s Hockey Championships, held in Calgary in February. The Stingers lost 1-0 in a shoot-out against the McGill Martlets in the bronze-medal game. It was their first loss to the Martlets in 15 years. Caroline Ouellette, a left-winger with the

women’s hockey team, did win a gold medalÑas part of Team Canada, at the Women’s Ice Hockey Championship in Minneapolis in April.

The men’s hockey team was knocked out of medal contention in a best-of-three playoff series against the Trois-Rivières Patriotes. Sergio Momesso, who spent 13 seasons in the National Hockey League, joined the Stingers as assistant coach. It’s his first foray into coaching and he says he loves it so far.

The men’s basketball team entered the playoffs the heavy favourite, but was upset 70-65 by the Laval Rouge et Or in the

Quebec Conference final. Réal Kitieu, who led the Stingers throughout the year with an average of 16 points a game, also led the CIAU in rebounds and shot blocking; he was named a QSSF first-team all-star. Forward Wayne Alexander was named a first- team all-star and the conference’s outstanding defensive player, while Guard Gavin Musgrave was named to the second all-star team.

The women’s basketball team was put out of action in the semifinals of the Quebec conference championships, losing to Bishop’s Gaiters. Guard Marie-Pier Veilleux was named the QSSF conference’s best defensive player and to the first all-star team. Centre Kristina Steinfort and forward Jessica Manchester were named to the QSSF second allstar team.

Two Concordia wrestlers were on the podium at the CIAU Wrestling Championships in March. Tara Medwidsky won a silver medal in the 70-kilo weight class, while Jason Chen took bronze in the 68-kilo class. Medwidsky, an MBA student, won gold medals in the 1999 and 2000 events and represented Canada at the 1998 World Championships, where she finished seventh. Wrestling Coach Victor Zilberman, dubbed “the dean of Quebec wrestling,” also coached Canadian athletes at the Olympics in Sydney in 2000.

The men’s soccer team captured the Quebec indoor championship title at the end of March, triumphing in an exciting shoot-out against UQTR, two goals to zero. The women’s soccer team played well all season but failed to build a winning momentum.

Lucie Pierre-Louis, a third-year student in Applied Human Sciences, is the provincial track and field champion this year. She also came in 6th at the CIAU Track and Field Championship in the spring, with a season-best performance of 1.63 metres in the high jump. High jumper Peter Alexandre, whose back injury kept him out of competition throughout the regular season, got permission from a doctor to compete in the QSSF championshipsÑand placed first with a jump of 2.08 metres.

Concordia’s baseball team, now six years old, began receiving some university funding this year. Last season, Concordia played most of its games against McGill and Université Laval. The league is now realigning itself so that Concordia will also play against Ontario teams.

A new golf team started in the fall, under the charge of Les Lawton, head coach of the women’s hockey team. Two members placed in the top 20 at a qualifying event for the World University Golf Championships, out of a field of 64.

Next: Athletes of the Year, Recreation

Previous: Fine Arts

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Lisa-Marie Breton, a Sociology major and captain of the women’s hockey team,

was named Female Athlete of the Year, and for the third year in a row, she was

also named Fittest Female Athlete. TESL student Mathieu Garston, a back with the men’s rugby team, was named Male Athlete of the Year.

For the third time, a team swimming, cycling and running for Also in this section

Artists Concordia won the MAA Corporation Triathlon, held in September

Prize Winners 2000 on Île-Notre-Dame. Jean-Sébastien Rioux (swimmer), Simon

Scholarship Recipients, Malo (cyclist), Hisham Elamiri (runner) and Eckhard Siggel (team Arts and Science captain) made up Concordia’s winning triathlon team. The event is John Molson School of Business, Engineering held annually to raise money for the St. Mary’s and Maisonneuve- and Computer Science Rosemont hospitals. Fine Arts

Athletic Achievers

More than 1,000 Concordians—mostly students—used the Victoria Gym downtown each term for activities ranging from weight training, martial arts, aerobics, and intramural sports, to the ever- popular yoga. About 25 classes are offered downtown, while several recreation programs are offered at Loyola and other Montreal locations.

Next Section: Highlights

Previous: Athletic Achievers

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Building Concordia for the future Construction on the Loyola science complex began with a groundbreaking

ceremony in June. The downtown building project, Le Quartier Concordia,

moved closer to the construction phase in June, with its approval by the Commission du développement urbain de Montréal (CDUM). After reviewing the details of the plans and hearing the concerns of several heritage groups about the fate of the abandoned York Cinema, the CDUM gave the project a green light, including the demolition of the York.

Also in this section An entrepreneurial and community legacy

25 artists, FTAA, A day of celebration in November marked the renaming of the Centraide, and Art Faculty of Commerce and Administration, now called the John Matters Molson School of Business. The new moniker acknowledges a $10- Learning Centre, Lowy, honorary doctorates, and million donation from the Molson family and recognizes the founder rare musicals of one of Montreal’s greatest business dynasties, also a notable civic leader. The generous gift is the anchor donation of a building campaign for the School’s new high-technology learning facility on the downtown campus.

Shuffle 2000 The 11th annual Concordia Shuffle in September drew more than 420 people and raised $43,413 for student scholarships and bursaries. As always, the event was as much a celebration of friendship as a fundraising endeavour, and by far the majority of participants were staff, although many faculty members, students, friends, retirees and alumni also turned out. Shuffle 2000 boosted the Shuffle’s cumulative total over the decade to more than $500,000. Congratulations and thanks to the Shufflers!

Electronic innovations at the libraries Concordia students, faculty and staff now have electronic access to archival runs of a selection of scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences and other disciplines. The Concordia University Libraries JSTOR (Journal Storage) project was made possible through a donation from the Birks Family Foundation. Access is simple with a concordia.ca account.

The Webster Library, in collaboration with Instructional and Information Technology Services (IITS), launched a 10-month wireless technology pilot project, providing students, faculty and staff with access to six Apple ibook laptops and wireless Internet access within a designated area on the library’s third floor.

The libraries also introduced a new virtual reference service, called “Ask a Librarian.” Concordia librarians now answer reference questions submitted on the library Web site, providing an alternative for those who want to engage in library research from their home, office or workplace.

Next: 25 artists, FTAA Summit, Centraide, and Art Matters

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


25 artists from 25 years Concordia’s Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery held a remarkable show this

spring, of 25 pieces of art by graduates over the Faculty of Fine Arts’ quarter-

century. Artists in the show included François Morelli, Sylvia Safdie, Stephen Schofield, Angela Grauerholz, Lorraine Oades, and Andrea Szilasi.

Also in this section FTAA Summit

Building Concordia, John Concordia made international headlines when it passed a resolution Molson, Shuffle 2000, aimed at making it possible for students to attend protests and and library innovations events at the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit held in Learning Centre, Lowy, honorary doctorates, and Quebec City in April. Non-graduating students were allowed to rare musicals apply for an exam deferral. Concordia students who went to the summit filled four buses, which they dubbed the “proletariat chariots to Quebec.” Only six students requested deferrals but the university’s move was significant, and reflected the view of education at Concordia that encourages an openness towards the expression and debate of disparate viewpoints, and engagement in social concerns of the day.

Centraide Concordia’s Centraide campaign for charities was highly successful this year. A total of $65,014 was raised — a 50 per cent increase over last year, and far beyond the goal of $56,000. The Concordia

Centraide committee, headed this year by William Curran, director of the libraries, and Patricia Posius of Vice-Rector Services, was awarded a Centraide award for the success of its campaign, beating out prominent industry finalists.

Art Matters The Art Matters Festival, held in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Fine Arts, was an explosion of colour and creativity throughout Concordia at the winter’s end. Some 400 students from all Fine Arts disciplines presented 80 works, which appeared throughout both campuses and in venues off campus. The arts festival was organized by students Michael Golden, Julie Fowler, Ruthie Sumiko Tabata, Yael Wand, and many others.

Next: Arts and Science Learning Centre, Rector Lowy honoured, honorary doctorates, and library of rare musicals

Previous: Building Concordia, John Molson School of Business, Shuffle 2000, and innovations at the libraries

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


A modern learning centre The new Arts and Science Learning Centre on the fourth floor of the Henry F.

Hall Building was inaugurated in May. The Centre features a 40-seat Multimedia

Language Lab, with individual workstations, a smart board, and video- conferencing capability. The Distance Learning Studio comprises 33 computer terminals with high-speed Internet access for student research, writing, and online course work. The Interactive Teaching Studio will enable faculty members to conduct conferences and interviews over distances.

Also in this section Rector Lowy honoured

Building Concordia, John Rector and Vice-Chancellor Frederick Lowy was given an honorary Molson, Shuffle 2000, degree by his alma mater, McGill University, in the spring. The and library innovations degree pays tribute to his lifetime achievement in medicine, 25 artists, FTAA, Centraide, and Art particularly bioethics and psychiatry, and to his work as an academic Matters administrator.

Concordia honorary doctorates Concordia honoured the contributions of eight distinguished individuals at convocations in 2000 and 2001. John Roth, president and CEO of Nortel Networks Corporation, and Giancarlo Elia Valoria, an outstanding economist and human rights advocate, were recipients of honorary doctorates at fall convocation. In the spring, six recipients were honoured: the Honorable Louise Arbour, justice of the Supreme Court of Canada; Geoffrey Ballard, alternative energy scientist and founder of Ballard Power Systems; Lionel P. Hurtubise, chairman and former CEO of Ericsson Canada Inc.; Henry Mintzberg, strategic management researcher; Robert Savoie, baritone and teacher of music; and Shirley Thomson, director of the Canada Council for the Arts.

A library of rare musicals Concordia now boasts one of the most comprehensive musical film and video libraries of all Canadian universities, thanks to a generous donation last fall by Montreal investment adviser Stephen Raphael. A musical film enthusiast, Raphael reviewed 775 musical films on video and wrote a book about them. Upon completion of the project, he donated the videos to Concordia’s Instructional and Information Technology Services department.

Next section: Concordia At-A-Glance

Previous: 25 artists, FTAA Summit, Centraide, and Art Matters

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


ith 26,450 students, and more than 1,650 faculty, 3,200 staff, and 100,000 alumni around the world, Concordia is one of Canada’s

largest and most dynamic universities.

Established in 1974 by the merger of Loyola College (1896) and Also in this section

Student enrolment and Sir George Williams University (1873), Concordia is founded on employee profile a tradition of academic and learning excellence, first-rate Awards and research, teaching, creative activity, research, and service to society. university research centres Concordia continues to distinguish itself as an urban institution 2000–01 Budget of cutting-edge research, which both attracts and produces Senior administrators, critical thinkers of the future. Board of governors, Senate Students may choose from undergraduate and graduate programs in four Faculties (Arts and Science, the John Molson School of Business, Engineering and Computer Science, and Fine Arts), and the School of Graduate Studies. Concordia also continues to deliver vital retraining and retooling of skills

through post-graduate and diploma programs. Clarence Bayne Integrated within the Faculties are five colleges, more than a Director, DIA/DSA Program

dozen research centres, and numerous research institutes. Concordia has always been a dynamic and progressive Concordia is also the only English-language university in institution. The new buildings are a continuation of that Quebec with a co-operative option, giving students important on- philosophy, and they will be the-job experience before they graduate. invaluable tools for helping forward our vision.

Research grants continue to rise as Concordia intensifies the development of research at the university. Yet, community involvement remains a university hallmark. Many of our faculty members are engaged in a wide range of social, cultural and economic endeavours that help people in Montreal, across Canada and abroad adapt to our rapidly evolving world.

Concordia hosts numerous international conferences, academic symposia and professional seminars annually, bringing distinguished researchers and experts from around the globe to the university. Concordia also offers a wide range of community, cultural and recreational services, including free public lectures and panel discussions on important events and social concerns of the day.

The university has two campuses: Sir George Williams, located downtown, and Loyola, about 7 km in the picturesque west-end of Montreal. Concordia is engaged in a five-year, $350-million building project to construct new downtown Faculty buildings, a science complex at Loyola, and carry out a major modernization of existing facilities. The long-term project will finally provide students, faculty and staff with world-class academic facilities.

Next: Student enrolment and employee profiles

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Total enrolment 26,450 Full-time undergraduate 11,812 Part-time undergraduate 10,819 Total undergraduate 22,631 (85.56%) Full-time graduate 2,843 Part-time graduate 976 Total graduate 3,819 (14.44%) Total full-time 14,655 (55.41%) Total part-time 11,795 (44.59%)

Enrolment by Faculty Also in this section Arts and Science 12,342 (46.66%) Introduction John Molson School of Business 5,383 (20.35%) Awards and research, Engineering and Computer Science 3,880 (14.67%) university research Fine Arts 2,482 (9.38%) centres Independent 2,363 (8.93%)

2000–01 Budget Enrolment by sex Senior administrators, Total female 14,034 (53.1%) Board of governors, Total male 12,416 (46.9%) Senate Enrolment by first language spoken

Irvin Dudeck Director, Budget Planning & Control

There couldn’t be better news for the Concordia community than learning about the new building plans. The next few years will be truly exciting times for all of us here.

Enrolment by International students Undergraduate 1,346 Graduate 394 Total 1,740 (6.58%)

Enrolment by Mature students (Aged 21 and over, without conventional academic prerequisites) Full-time 708 Part-time 923 Total 1,631 (6.12%)

Faculty Permanent: 746 Part-time: 670 Continuing Education: 136

Administrative and support personnel Permanent employees: 1,186 Casual employees: 945 Contract — Research: 479 Contract — Teaching Assistants: 379 Contract — Other: 237 Total employees: 4,778

* February 2001 (Please note that the number of employees fluctuates every pay run; these reflect the peak earlier in the academic year). Next: Awards and research, university research centres

Previous: Introduction

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Undergraduate awards given out in 2000–2001 Internal (643 recipients) $747,113 External (101 recipients) $173,073 Graduate awards given out in 2000–2001 Internal (258 awards) $818,210 External (144 awards) $2,334,254

Research grants, contracts and infrastructure (2000–2001)* Also in this section Canadian Foundations/Associations $177,385 Introduction Canadian Private $945,312 Student enrolment and Concordia Internal $1,523,420 employee profile Federal Government $8,753,295 Non Canadian Sources $570,853 2000–01 Budget Other Canadian Sources $203,490

Senior administrators, Overhead Cost Recovery **$1,584,300 Board of governors, Québec government $2,388,276 Senate Total $16,146,334

Awarded By Faculty Arts & Science $8,404,143 Engineering & Computer Science $4,590,762 Fine Arts $598,401 John Molson School of Business $873,726 Other $95,000 Overhead Cost Recovery **$1,584,300 Total $16,146,334 Miriam Roland Psychotherapist and President, * Does not include CFI funding. Tall-J Investments Ltd. ** Quebec funding formula. Concordia Governor

Concordia has always managed to do great things with very little. Just imagine what its students and professors will be able to achieve with these Centres & Research Groups: modern, sophisticated facilities. Centre for Broadcasting Studies (CCBS)

Centre for Building Studies (CBS) Centre for Composites (CONCOM) Centre for Industrial Control (CIC) Centre for Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (CENPARMI) Centre for Research in Human Development (CRDH), Department of Psychology Centre for Signal Processing and Communication (CENSIPCOM) Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology (CSBN), Department of Psychology Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance(CSLP) Concordia Computer Aided Vehicle Engineering (CONCAVE) Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory (EMC Lab)

Interuniversity Centres: Centre for Algebra, Number Theory and Computation (CICMA) Inter-University Research Centre in High Performance Computer Architecture & VLSI (GRIAO) (Groupe Inter-universitaire en Architecture des Ordinateurs et VLSI) Concordia – UQAM Interuniversity Chair in Ethnic Studies

Other Affiliations: Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal (CRIM) Institut interuniversitaire de recherches sur les populations (IREP)

Centre d’expertise et de services en applications multimédia (CESAM)

Participation in the Networks of Centres of Excellence: Canadian Institute of Telecommunications Research (CITR) Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS) Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS) Mechanical Wood-Pulps Network Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (MICRONET) Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)

TeleLearning Research Network (TL-RN)

* Please note that there are other research centres affiliated with specific Faculties or units.

Next: 2000–01 Budget

Previous: Student enrolment and employee profile

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Revenues Also in this section Operating fund Introduction Quebec grants: $126,855,089

Student enrolment and Tuition fees: $35,608,881 employee profile Ancillary services: $20,579,644 Continuing Education: $7,081,852 Awards and research, Student services: $7,305,333 university research Rental properties: $3,840,802 centres Miscellaneous fees and other $12,371,983 Senior administrators, income: Board of governors, Total revenues: $213,643,584 Senate Research fund Research grants and donations: $13,415,115

Designated fund Donations, grants and other $25,931,239 income:

Capital asset fund Province of Quebec grant: $20,553,280 Donations, grants and other $8,131,790 income: Total revenue: $28,685,070

Expenditures Operating fund Academic: $103,492,109 André Desmarais Administration: $19,996,980 President and Co-CEO, Power Corporation Operational services: $14,861,175

Library: $10,956,968 These state-of-the-art, visually Instructional and Information striking buildings will catapult $8,702,364 Technology Services: Concordia’s presence in Interest: $801,228 Montreal, advancing not only Rented facilities: $4,011,112 the mission and profile of the Unusual expenditures: $597,043 university but of the city as well. Student services: $7,095,690 Ancillary services: $20,060,557 Continuing Education: $6,060,983 Rental properties: $2,613,259 Research expenditures: $2,458,375 Special projects: $1,962,832 Total expenditures: $203,670,675

Research fund Research expenses: $11,975,357

Designated fund Special projects: $8,871,428 Special gifts to Concordia $13,948,553 University Foundation: Total expenditures: $22,819,981

Capital asset fund Amortization of fixed assets: $17,557,556 Interest on long-term debt and $15,444,362 temporary financing: Total expenditures: $33,001,918

Next: Senior Administrators, Board of governors, Senate

Previous: Awards and research, research centres

Rector’s Report Return to top 2000–01 Concordia University


Frederick H. Lowy, Rector and Vice-Chancellor 514-848-4849/4850

Jack N. Lightstone, Provost and Vice-Rector, Research 514-848-4891

Marcel Danis, Vice-Rector, Institutional Relations and 514-848-4806 Secretary-General

Michael di Grappa, Vice-Rector, Services 514-848-4815

Larry English, Chief Financial Officer 514-848-4310

Martin Singer, Dean, Arts and Science 514-848-2081

Mohsen Anvari, Dean, John Molson School of Business 514-848-2703

Nabil Esmail, Dean, Engineering and Computer Science 514-848-3060

Christopher Jackson, Dean, Fine Arts 514-848-4602

Claude Bédard, Dean, Graduate Studies and Research 514-848-3803 Donald L. Boisvert, Dean of Students 514-848-3500/3520

Also in this section Senior Appointments Introduction Dean of Engineering and Computer Science Nabil Esmail and Student enrolment and employee profile Dean of Arts and Science Martin Singer have been re- Awards and research, appointed for a second term ending May 2007, and Jerry university research centres Tomberlin has been appointed Interim Dean of the John

2000–01 Budget Molson School of Business. Nisha Sajnani MA student, Graduate Students’ Association VP Concordia owes a deep debt of gratitude to outgoing Deans These buildings will provide Claude Bédard (Graduate Studies), and Mohsen Anvari (John tremendous opportunities for Molson School of Business). faculty and future students. Concordia already offers many wonderful programs — the new In Memoriam resources will make them that much stronger. Concordia was saddened to hear of the death of Father Patrick Malone, S.J., LL.D. on February 26, 2001, in Pickering, Ont. Father Malone was Rector of Loyola College from 1959 to 1973 and Vice-Rector of Concordia and Principal of Loyola Campus, 1973-74. He was one of the leading English-speaking Jesuit educators in Canada, fulfilling academic posts in Halifax, Winnipeg, Montreal and Pickering. He was in his 83rd year.

Officers of the Board Eric H. Molson (Chancellor) Frederick H. Lowy (Rector and Vice-Chancellor) Lillian Vineberg (Chair) Richard J. Renaud (Vice-Chair) John E. Parisella (Vice-Chair)

Representing the Community-at-Large Alain Benedetti Charles G. Cavell Rita Lc de Santis Marianne Donaldson Brian Edwards Leo Goldfarb Ned Goodman George M. Hanna Peter Howlett Paul T. Kefalas Peter Kruyt Ronald E. Lawless Christine C. Lengvari Hazel Mah Sr. Eileen McIlwaine John Parisella Alex G. Potter Miriam Roland Marianna Simeone Ivan Velan Lillian Vineberg Jonathan Wener

Representing Alumni Barbara Barclay Alexander J. Carpini Nicole Fauré Representing Teaching Staff Steven H. Appelbaum William P. Byers June S. Chaikelson Terrill Fancott Christine Jourdan

Representing Graduate Students Nisha Sajnani

Representing Undergraduate Students Rabih Sebaaly Rob Green Mario Ciaramicoli Sabrina Stea

Representing the Administrative and Support Staff Joanne Beaudoin

Officers of the University with speaking privileges at the Board Marcel Danis (Vice-Rector, Institutional Relations, and Secretary-General) Michael Di Grappa (Vice-Rector, Services) Larry English (Chief Financial Officer) Jack Lightstone (Provost and Vice-Rector, Research)

Secretary of the Board Danielle Tessier

Observer Pierre Frégeau

Regular voting members Frederick H. Lowy (Rector and Vice-Chancellor) Jack N. Lightstone (Provost and Vice-Rector, Research) Martin Singer (Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science) Mohsen Anvari (Dean, John Molson School of Business) Nabil Esmail (Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science) Christopher Jackson (Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts) Claude Bédard (Dean, Graduate Studies and Research)

Representing the Faculty of Arts and Science Patricia A. Thornton William Bukowski William P. Byers Claire G. Cupples Margaret Gourlay (part-time) Ellen G. Jacobs Reeta C. Tremblay Catherine Vallejo

Representing the John Molson School of Business Arshad Ahmad Clarence S. Bayne Jerry Tomberlin

Representing the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Asim J. Al-Khalili Charles Giguère Theodore Stathopoulos

Representing the Faculty of Fine Arts Silvy Panet-Raymond Peter Rist Laurent Roberge (part-time)

Representing Undergraduate Students Christopher Adam Sami Nazzal Patrice Blais Sabine Friesinger Sukhajit Grewal Julie Laberge Julie Landry Mistie Mullarkey Chris Schulz Rabih Sebaaly

Representing Graduate Students Malcolm Coker Nisha Sajnani

Regular non-voting members Marcel Danis (Vice-Rector, Institutional Relations and Secretary-General) Michael Di Grappa (Vice Rector, Services) John W. O’Brien (Speaker and Chair)

Permanent observers William M. Curran (Director of Libraries) Andrew McAusland (Executive Director of IITS) Lynne Prendergas (Registrar) Donald L. Boisvert (Dean of Students) William R. Sellers (Fellow of the Centre for Mature Students) Larry English (Chief Financial Officer)

Secretary of the Board of Governors and Senate Danielle Tessier

Previous: 2000–01 Budget

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The 2000–01 Rector’s Report was produced by:

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Original design and production, print edition: Christopher Alleyne, Concordia Marketing Communications

Layout and production, web site edition: Concordia Web Communications Unit

Research and text: Debbie Hum

Photography: Andrew Dobrowlskyj, Christian Fleury, Vincenzo D’Alto, Rosalind Raddatz, Janice Hamilton, David Weatherall

French translation: Concordia Translation Services

Pour obtenir la version française de ce Rapport, veuillez téléphoner au (514) 848-4880.

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