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", " The News \'.' An . .. ' _, ~ ' L . I ':'_'''~ ~ • Of t,1I The Poktes "\l""',':-",)' ~'/n. ' -:~ :~' 's, •:~.~• / - ~ J..., (, ~ "

1 ' • • '..r _ /; Thu~cfay M~rnin9 Every ~., , S' ..~.w:, . jiSt~j--_ , ros . '. i .. .. ,Complete ;'News' Co~eraieQfA:U;,the' Point~ ." . ~,: ',- ~ ~--- ~'.. ,,' '. VOUJME 17-NO. I Entered as Second ,Class Mattel: , ~.oo Per Year at the Post Office at 'Detroit', Mich:' ~ROSSE POI}~T~.~19HIG~N~'.JAf.lOARy.5,j~56,' . 5~ Per .Copy , TWO. SECTIONS FuUy. Paid Circulation , , , " , ,

----!---.------<0> . , I, Parole Board Pointes' New Year Babies Pro~e It~~aM~n's'~ World '.' HEADLINES ! ~ _. • I Bisho-p to K.eynote Member' Tells WEEK Str~ngeTale As CompdetJ by the Silver Anniversary GTl'SStI POlm. New,f Pointers Have Questions That ~--~.,----- I Remain Unanswered - in TImrsday, December 29 Christ Church Letter From Fred S~nborn THE MORNING mail of 'the At Detroit Public Library brought By E. A.. Batchelor, Jr. back the stolen $25,000 Walt The' Rt. Rev~ FreQt.~.rick L. 'Barry. of \Anba~y, .W~1lDeliver . Ernest Morris, ~he Cat Burg- \ ....hitm&n diary. The rlu:e book d.isappeared from a Whitman an- ,Sermons at 9:30. anq II O'Clock, Jar,' is a delightful person -- niversary ey.hibition in the Main Sunday; Janu~~y 8 behind .prison bars. : , Library last' March. touching off . A letter containing an "ex- a worlel-wide search which baf- The Rt. Rey. Frederick L. Barry, :Bishop of the, Episcopal planation" of Morris' pafflin!~ fled police, private detectives aud. Dioc~se of Albany, will deliver the 9:30 ahd. 11 o'clock sermons release from prison is an insurance investigators. as Christ Episcopal.Church 0\l Grpsse ~oi~lt~,boulevard marks eloquent testimonial to/Morris' The diary, in a plain' manila its 25th anniversar:Y" celebration; Sund-ay, January 8. talent for charming wardens, envelope, was discovered' by a The' silver anniversary ooserv,:, clerk, who at first thought the ance ~ll be a two-day. affair prison F~chologists and -~ diary was "another overdue with the Anniversary Dinner to mQst important-parole board book." The person who took the be held January 9 in the under- board r,nembers. book penned a crude note whic};l croft. The annual Parish meeting The letter, to the Grosse Pointe stated that the book was not will follow in the nav.e. . News, is from Fred C. ,Sanborn. 5toien and that he was sorrv it *" . '_ Reports of Rector mem~er of the parole board that was not returned sooner. The It was a c1os~ race for the . ::eledSed Morris last. month. Approximately 200' par i s,h- - I ho~or of being the first born . book was not damaged. It is the ioners are expected to attend the Belated Response property of Charles E. Femberg, in Grosse Pointe this New hIt was a belated response to a ,president of the Argo Oil com- meeting to ear the' annual re- query sent bv the News to the Year's Day betwee~' MRS. ports of, the r e c t i') r and the' oJ pany, who loaned it and several treasurer and. to elect four new parole board. The News' letter other Whitman books for the ELIZABETH LESNOCK'S and enclosed clippings voiced the .exhibit. son, WILLIAM RAYMOND vestrymen. ~ . shocked reactions of. G r 0 sse * * • The latter ar~ to be chOSEn Pointers to'the release of a three- JR. top right, of 978 Kitcn- from nominees Kendrick Brown, THE MANAGEMENTS of the , . Maurice Wood.' Meade Baker, times convicted burglar wnose Detroit News, Times anj FI:ee ner . avenu~, Detroit, and Dougla') 'Cattlpbell, 'Paul G'ard, night time raids terrorized tha Press mad~ their best contract I M R S. HAZEL McLELL- - Robert Peirce, David Viger and comm1mity a little more than four offer to date to the striking years ago. AN'S son, top left. The'Les- d Stereotypers Union NO.9 in nego- Gordon, Woo :. ' - It was not a clerical error,. San~ tiations held on 'Wf~dnesday. The nock baby arrived at_ Cot- T~e '. anniversary will bring born, said, that permitted Morris back' as' a visitor the Rev: J. union was offered a contract .to tage Hospital at 1 a.m. and . to serve only 11 months OR his- run to November 30, -1956, and Clemens Kolb who preceded -the third and 'most recent bu ..glary the McLellan child arrived providing $3.50 weekly increase- Rev. Erville B. Maynard as rec- conviction' Whe)l the sentence .25 cents less than that given to three minutes later at the tor " ' , read TWO to FIVE years. Others who will a'ttend are the And, this sentence was to be the pressmen's and paper hand. same hospital. MR. and: lers unions earlier. Rev. William Butler Sperry, rec- . BISHOP, BARRY served AFTER Morris had com- MRS. ROBERT PARSON'S .tor oI.. Christ Church, Detl~~it,~~------_.- pleted a possible nine years re- George Robinson, president of "mothef" parish of the Grosse .' . . . 1" t' 1he stereotypers' local, said son, K E I T H 'WILLIAM, Point~ . Church; the Rev. Edi~r I m~~~m;~~ :~sea~~~b~~~~~~ that the offer will be presented to earned t~e honor of being Uhle ute' You!' h 10~i the membership at a general Yeoman, reCtqr of St. Michael's, C~--U .~" " sentenc~. that had led P..ointe. ',' meeting. However; he- -said:; he the .first porn ~.tl?p~S~~,9.t.l!"s.. ill the WoodS;' and the.Rev. Eric R P I police' to believe' th"at"'Morris was not in favor of recomm!.iIJ- when he put in his appear~. ~'lUt~g'Str e~ t:o 'I 'h'O~: ~Tr i nit y' escues a'" would be out of circulati0!1 at .nurc, .. SU' S ores.; .,'.. leelst until 1965. jng it. Mec1iators Walter Quil- ance at 1:38 a.m. January 1. lico and Harry Caton, were of : : Fo'nner' M~ior;s F.... L' k - GI~ts Double Credits the opinion that great progress The latter two ch'urches. were ,,'f()m. ,'a e No, said Sanborn, it was legally has been made towards settling once m i s s ion s of the Grosse pCiSsible to free Morris last Nov- the strike. * Pointe .parJsh ., Ken~eth 'Dansbury,' 10,' Sa'i'es ember because he was credit.ed • ...... A brochure' summarizing the w lth "special good time" on both THE DETROIT POSTOFFICE Park Holds Scho'ol-13ond~..lssu' 'e Gal.n' 'I-ng' 'J.Z M':.>,,' - parish's quarter century has been .. Dew'ey. COnrad ~n " sentences. was scathingly' denoun('ed be- , ,a~-. Of' ey prepared by' Joseph, G. Standart ''J''' .. Skating Mishap Here are some of the reasons fore four Congressmen who at- D - 7 I F EI ,,' Jr,,,and wilrbe:Q,istributed.at the --- cited by Sanborn in his letter: ~ended a luncheon in the Old "',~'Ive]",1 n .::lvoras' , ectl-O' n Nears!.' In ,Be'"ating'. " meeting. ' A lO-year-old 13oy's coolmlss "From the information the Wayne Club. Sp~nsor of the- I .... " , C:" ~ \, ,. lit 'The brochJ:e traces the 'par~ and courage .saved his com-' board h'ad and the history, of the luncheon was the Detroit Postal ish's. roots tO,'the daY;''-132'years panion, 9, fr6rn drowning after' nl,an as he has done his time in Organization Council' headed by 1Ftn a aztltt y Boar"d Is Hal-led fO,t 'VI-,sl-on'~' Of ..'~::~"OU-.th' '.16 ago, when the Rev. Richard Pol- fh.e institutioJ'1 it looked as Alfred J. Werner. Under fire was ~ ' . , . , .. ,' lard, of Sand,wfch. paddled. across the" latter had fallen through though this man was a good pros-

the method of operation at tl1e --- PI f ' ---: the Detroit ;River in, a canoe' .to' the ice. near Farms Municipal 'pect for parole. postoffice. Postmaster General Youth Faces Manslaughter' ans or Junior I High and, ,~immin9 Pools' ~,udge Ide' Sent~n,c~~' p'oinfe form the' first. Episcopar" pa:dsh Pier' on Tuesday, December 29. "Fur~heF, it is the feeling that Arthur Summerfield was blamed Chci'rge} Seized After Called 'Definite Need' 'in Community; , .Teen~Ager"to ..year ' in' a settlement ,of only 2,000 per- Dewey Conrad, ()f 65 Mapleton, it is wise to supervise men for ;;a. for not settling a number of letter Criticizes. pi.TA Council- . --. ,'in, Jail .:' ~ I sons"lar&ely French speaking. and Kenneth Dan~bury, o~ 79 while rather than have' them. grievances. Fleeing Scene' , '.~ OnIt' 30 fam~lies p.ttended the Mapkton, had skated on to the leave on a flat discharge.

Amcng the reforms asked for , --- 1 As the ~)3,475,aooSchool 'Bond el.ection, J anual; 24, draws, . -:, , I Rev. Mr: Pollard's first. services open lake ,between the pier and "There iSn't much of any douJ:.i h e by Werner. James Rademacher, I ~ rr: . Park s hope for a non-fatal nearer; support of its passag~ appears to be gailiiJ;lg favor .. , ..,Char.l~s. Mor~ey, 19, of 123. in an' Indian Council House at Cresc.ent Sail Yacht Club when about this man's effort to maka president of Branch NO.1 of the .ra ...f1c year was shattere~ by 2.1 Numerous letters of endorsem"ent have been received'by._ :U~~esh,~:r~. dn.ve, '. ;was sen- what'is now Jefferson and Ran- the ice broke .under .Dew.ey., .good in the institution." National Association of Lett!:!r ho~rs by a 17-year-old dnver. 1 '" tenced Friday D"'cember 30 dolph. Out Of it grew St. Paul's The youngster, neck deep in Sanborn's explanation ends on J h P D J 24 f the Gr()sse Pointe Board ,of.Educ.al;io~,,'w,ith pledge.'s of. support . . '''. ,,:.~.' '. --. .' . li this note: Carriers and other members of osep . on~van, ,1'., J 0 , to a year In pnson and fmed p'ans wate1',. succeeded in clinging to the delegation at the lncheon, 23043 ~ary ~a~e, "t. ClaIr ,Sh~res, from a number .....of Pointe organiz'~ti6ns and" inq~.vidU~ls.-', ,'" $500" in' th~"beating' of: a 16-' Twcinty-two years later,' the the edge of the ice. Young Dans- "Morris has had the feeling that were: recognition of the unions; was fa~ally m)tl.red ?.ec. 30 vare . The:.sentence.-'~posed by Re- tor. And.in 1861 the,cornerstone summon help. took on the rescue Please Answer These retirement pensions will not be The acclden~ occurred as Dono- lane; and Mr. and Mrs. Paul. M. regarded as predOIpinate~y resi':' c' skates mto th~ IC~ ~n~ by sheer M.)r:ns was on ~a:ole' .from a Frida}., December 30 DuneaI"', who ~rest~d Germam. ,_, . , eed', . cO\lples.',' . :., ' '. 'l'!ie.:victim; ij,ob~~ pem,rose'l of A husb~nd's. refusal. to leave strength pulled Dewey from t~e 1945 bur~lary convlctl~n when he A SENATE COMMITTEE may the yo~th wa~ mtoxlcated to the " Very ~efinite N , 'Facilities Iwldequate' , pe~ol~, was hospl~~hze.d ~ Wtrek the, t,elev1sed Rose BowL game w~er. k D . stag,:!d h1~.1.951robberI~ .. investigate the forthcomin sale staggermg pomt. Th~, , pres~nt " plan. of t~e "School statisties iildicate that and smc~ has. ,s~fered. ,he~d- long, enoug1?- to d1sD;lantle the ~~out car to~ ewey to hIS 2. \yhat ,km~ of superVIS10n has ()f shares of the Ford Mot~r Co. .The fatality leaves ~he Woods ~o~d, J;ie,saId. to, b~l1~ a n~w our - present' facilfties a,re inade- ach~s apd ~pa~re~.-v~io~' ',i C~r:istmas ~ree r.~sulte~ in. Woods' h~m~ 'W~ete he recovered ire:n Mo~rn had m the. past when it was disclosed by Senator Jos- WIth, the only unblem:shed ~955 )un~r hlg~ ,schO?l ~~ilding, m- ~qude_.to properly -:accommodate ,~u4~e, Ide:.sa~~ 'I~,passmg 'Sen- .pollce makmg. a:-"famll~7 trouble" s ~ an h e~osure: f M W'l- "pa~oled? A long :,erle~ of. burg- eph C. O':Mahoney (D" Wyo.). trafflCr~~urdoftheflvePomte cludl,nga.swlI~U~lln$.pool"and~o, children;already:livi:righere,'r"he.t~nce; ...... , '.;, ,'.' _ " run,J~nuaty:~ .... ",.', . ennet, e~oI?-o/,.~rs. ,I t.laneswere,comrrutted,mhlspat- He said that he and some othe1" commumties., " . provld~ for s.wIm~m~~ po?~s.m said~ "witliout"considermg'addi:, .. ,"T~i"Sls'~~.e.Q.~,tl;~,mo$~wantpJl, rr:~e:complaInmg W1~E!.to;d~,the l~ar::,Dtan~b~ryp 1\~.fou~th ..glade, tern ~efore he, was ~mal,ly sh.ot , se'1ators were deeply concerned Two motonsts. d 1e d m the t~e Parcells ax:d. PlE:rce ,J:m1or tional, populatioD:>....growth: arid ,fl;agx:an~:an?,.. ~YICIO~S:,assau).tS . I OfilC~~ ~h,at-,not only ,was ,~er s u ~~. a . au .:;. do~ by F~rms poh~e In HISl by the fact that the Ford family, Shores when theIr cars. went out h.gh sch?o~s ar"',m. hne Wltl:I,a futUre new homes., I~am :sUre ':all h~ve. eve~~hear.d,-o~.: ' '.' 1).~sband ad~a1?-t about refusmg. RECOVERS FROM FALL .wh1le out on'~he ear~l;r par~le. is putting up 10,200,000 shares for of control,and cras?ed mto tr~el? very. deflmte nee~ m ~ur. com. 'of ,us, as residentS:'of a.f.i.Iie, 'corn;- ,,' .'~It..,,:,as. ent~~ly;, un~rovok~d;, to h~lp;' but. he,pus~ed, her wh~n -: , . 3._.Does. not Morns preVWU$ public sale and yet the famiiy, An 18-year-old gIrl pedestrian ~m~~lty and a~e .WEll '''':Ithm. t4e mUnity" wi~"::.:,:to'(ma.int!ci1T.tlie, ,~QU!" VlC~I~ ''Ya~ a' :l~d 'you had she,.a:ttemp.t~d to turn o:Ef.th~. set. D~ana ,May, 14, of 6q Vllll,lams. r~co,:d .as ....a parole~ l~ve <:c~n- O'Maboney insisted, will retain was killed or: .J~ffers0J.l at ~oose. f\b1hty of the. ~~m~~mty to af- ,higb ittnd~ras~~a ..ha:ve;aciU~y~d': ~e.v:~r',seen~~~fo~~.,.~" P~trolma~' ,J~ck ..Mast~ res!()l:~d Sho~~~, wa'S.~leas~d' Jan .. 2. after sIde!,able. doubt :about his abIlIty J C' .:rol of the company, even v~lt ~y a drmkmg dnver In the ford,. cons~rv~~~.ely. .' and to.,contiinie to' ,uphold.,:tp.e " _. . {Other ,Hoodlums" ., peace ..by.p<;)1nt~ngoq.t:td,.th~.wlfe, ov:ermght o?servatioI;.at Bon Se- ~o l~:,e W1t~_SOCletye~en tho,!g~, thou,gh it will own but 40 'per C1ty: 1~ 1955. Thls ..p~Ject sho_uld,recelv~the dem.md.Ml" <7a~;1rddre:r, {ie(J~ccirf! "~t:: 'to t .t.keRoJ.eZ!(J~} ge.~e .w:,8$ {71eyed f(jccr:r H.(J:rfJ!'~1followmg SKat- Ll'2 -::r«llMro"S. W<7r:a's; tlr,ere.!SfI'(; "'T" f: ~r . a cent of the stock. InJUrIes suffered when he was enthus1astIc support of th,~ School of them." . ' . .' ou ~e.t;J;.ou 0 :¥:!?:u ....way, 0 bUE once a, year~ He then 'ex.- mg"f~ m Whld~ she was knocked much doubt ~ this ~an.s e~for~ O'Mahoney is chairman of the knocked do.wn by a, backing. car District." he added.,. Mr,. , and Mrs. "KolvOord"'ex- ~t~~~. ~Im..:\"b~~~~~.,y.p",by .three Jrac,tefLa pr~mise from the ,hus; "uncollsciou,s. She was taken by. to ~lake good m t~~ ~nstltutlOn? Senate Monopoly Subcommittee, ,were a ~ontributcry cause to the Drennan commented on. the 'preSsed~.pleasur.e ..,that'the.Board'; r f~~~,~thed;~~~~l~,oi,~~u: .ba:~d,t? fall to .wor~ when. the I amb~~n~e fro~.the'Shores Mu-.' .A.Eterall,t~erels~ttletempta- which recently held hearings to (Continued on Page 2) probable effect the bond Issue of .Educatlon. bas-: cali~d .for "the o~~, ~~ze ~aw~_,':;t~i'~'~;h" e~I~Yk"'~;' ::finl!!-l::g\l,n soun4ed. ' nicipafrink at the foot of Vernier: tl~n to b~rg~at'Y, m Jackson . h' f G I ' ... '., -' .' cause you up. _~e IS 00 $,."...... ' prison. _ measure t e Impact 0 e~era s~!"ool .bo~p.,elec~l,Ol:!,.~C!,!-¥~~"t~~~.~,~~',This'.:oonr.tJ.is.~here.,to'':ppotect ~,.-; ~, ,': ", " . . ' Wh' , Motors Corp. on the nahon's ~d' It Ed t- CI ' a commu~l~y.:lik~ .ours wp.ere:.par-, .the,innocenf.as~viell:i"as'RuniSh tile"Cf.'; ",tet''.j. " '-, ~ t M' S IZ- b 4. Y doe~ M~rr~, ie~l J:e ~a~ ewnomy. it. u uca l_o.n, asses>' ent~ .w;int ..and~,geti,tlie.:t;es.t':for~ guiltY: 'Tliere~is-noisi"shadO:w, of aUl '.agalnS;.' rs. U lJ'an ,,:;~Ii~e~y t~UClif ?,~scnmma ,e '. ... * - .., thelr children, the .schoo1.~.should a' ;di>u'bt fu.: mrmmdi-:'asN.to "your' . ,..',: ,~._ . ',' " \;'. "l~, ~ ~ e .. Of~h~~~~~Ige~~i;n:~~~:~:~~ nOl'~:r:"~Jiey. ~xp~;~sed".~l~a;~re '~~~i~~~~.'r~~;~~~~~~c'~~~~~~~e' Pre]- "In tbi~lS:~~~~;:?has .been ~ To 'D!raw II eavy TurnQut' .D,ismissed.1Vith udree I newspapers was rejected by J. ' • I (Contqkued .en' Page 15), .' "1' P. ::., ,_.' 't1" ri}' _ ..... >" ,,01" t.. ",' , 'I . • sentenced. to prlSon three times. ' N 9 b ".. . as a eSSOD" no \ 0 Yo '~9- you ,DU " , \ -, . ." ' If h. had bee k d t the Stereotypers Umon o. Y a Within the next few weeks print reading (machin_e and con- ---~-- to other ,vicious'"yoMg: 1l6odlums; ~,-.the October' 6.. i~sut:, ,the the 'information it'was given over L, . n 8;s ~ 0 serve three toOone vote,. At least 1~0 many adults. will be resuming or struction). 'bridge' (beginners, Or'an' ge 'n'ro' 'p's''. '-',' who.-go'about.:the clty comiiritt"ihg: Gro~se: Pointe Nevy-s .carried i.a the .telephone by the, attorney, maX1mum <:acI: .tune he woul~ members c,f the ~mor. voted. Ibeginning classes sponsored by players and advanced), . business , th ," .... , ,J '--'.";'1.1:.::,,< c" .' • front page article with,the main representing tlfe- aged Mrs. CuI- have been m JaIl a total of 20. Th t d . d . h (.' . ese VICIOUS. '8Ssawr.:;. -, " .. .' "ears e llIUon reJec e manage- the Department of Ccmmtmity law in every ay hfe, c orus mlX- C Het Pl' .:"'_' -.::.~. _','" : headljne read~: '~.92~Year-~ld len. _ :e-, ., J.' ./' '. , ' ment's bid following a two-and- Services of the Grosse Pointe ed), dance (ballroom,' squar.e ..and lar - I '8 ':. 0 e '. . . .' .Supp~y of.B~er . Mother -Sues Daughter; Over L'ife The. SUlt was dlSmlssed with YEt ~ven as a parole breaker he a-half hour meeting. Public School System. round dance), fly "casting, fly, ty~ _---"-..." '. Morl~:(. a~d four' "~ompanio..ns; Savings 'arid Housep.old~ .Items'! preju.nce by 'the \Vayne County i has been ~Ul-"?ed'loos.e by the

George Robinson, president of More than 2.000 adults partici- ing.'French (c.onversational), :Ita- Joseph' J:j Merigoe.n s:kippea oi:l~ 'a gir.1;:Were',bring~ng back. a ~~d. it .furthe.r,-contain~d, a:;sub:; Cn-cuit., Court on December 29, statl~ of, MIchIgan ~avmg served the union, said that he presented 'pated in the program offered in' Han (conversational)~ ;,Spanish breaki~st -at his hom,e, ~O Robert fresh' s~pply" ~~:bet:!"' w~en ,t~ey h~ad~~: jea'din~: ~Mrs"."Lq~is~ 1955,. which means that, it can" oD,ly.8Y~ yc:ars. b~hm~ bars. the proposal to the members the fall. and a larger ,enrollment (conversational). goit. gym' arid Jo~, m .the 'Shores~. because' he: encountered. 'y.oung 'Demrose' ~t Cullen Is:orderld from,hE:l:'Audu- .never be ,recommenced. rhL'S IS d1scrnmnatlOn? "w i tho u t recommendations." is anticipated in the winter sche.....swimming for .me~, )nvestme~t was' late for .,y.rc.-!~))~ci"Ip.ber:'2~~;cMt.Svio!tJ;i';.'@4::~. 'Warre~~.:;:., bon road hozn~ 'by" herl d,ta~~hter~ Attorney' Thomas ~Jacques, of ------How~ver, he said th~t he would dule now ,being plam1ed. Some- pro_ced~re (begl~-ad~~nc~~),. ~p Net r~s}llt: ~$7.00. 'daiii~ge:;. ~0, ~:::.~~','the:'~,st~~c;"-~,or~~yadnn.t,~ed, suW.cha}'~~i." :..~ .~. ';.:: ".: . .1 Grosse Pointe F~rz.ns. wh.o:re?r,e- , , ~IND(jWS PELL~TED recommend that hIS ~embers groups. are already filled. to cap a- rea dIn g, mU$l~' .pp~reCl~~~on, Mengden s car! '~~'..damaged utll~tY. :J¥~!!-":,g,.pem~'pse. ~So~!-, or. ,~lV~... '. :the. '.art1ct~~'.W1llch .tned two-, sents Mrs. S?lliv~,. cpmplamed W:lndows qf two homes near settle for a $3.75 weekly ll~cre~se city, and others are now in the owner~dog obedlenc~ trammg, .. pol,e and a split lip :for: Mengden) 'trme.s;'~,. ','. . ?, '. _' , "_ .,thirds: of 'a column ~ta.t~.d:tl:i~t' to the, News Immediately: iollow~ conipletion at. 920 ana 940 Cres- Cl?d a November 30 explratlOn organizing pha.se nnd m-e open'to :phot?graphy, piano' (a~ult). read:... '. --Mellg~en. tolet':p'o]..ic~:-,that~. he. ~.-~a:rp~r~'::',Q.0'?J:k.v.,er,;,h~ :"h:ad ._to~C1I,tl\~~g~~J~iay}?'ro~~ht suJtiag;ainsf ing publi:cation of. the art:icle and cent .. c1r.ive, Wood~J sl:lffered 8P~ t1me. • .. • additional members; ~till other mg ,Improvement (U. _?f :¥. ~x- was e!lt~n~ a~ ~raIl:ge as':~;s~.b.~ti- po-lj~.e~:~e:'.~l~gge~"p~ose ,be.- her.:Qx9sse P~J!l'~edau~l~t~., ~s., stated tha~ th~' ~ews :vould n~t 'prox~mately $109 in damages De- groups will be added .in the tenSlOn course), rhy.thlnIC e,xercise o~ut~for h~s brea~&.st ,whlle' drr~- c~use- ~e ~I~'t.'hk,e' '~e.:"way '~~, Kat!ll~n,Sul~!V~ of,1348 'A~~u .. have published the .arbcIe had 1t eember' 27, when unknown small I;>EMOCRATIC LEADERS de- weeks to come as the demand f,?r :Vf?~~n,,~emant1cs. small boa! mg s~ut?-, on'L~~,.~hore"I?iive" lo~~d .at '.hiinJ:;A, ~,,!-~yne :Uml b?n"r9pd. fQr~~~F~n o~ ;'~oyer~-. C?~tac~d Mrs.. ~ullivan f~ con- .boys peppered the windows with nied there was any dissention in arises. , nav~~atIon (U. ,:,_&' ';Coast Guard' He scud.the 'or~~ge'shpped 'to.tlIe V~!sity S~~~~?,t,t~~,t1f~~dhe 's~w \m~nt,l?o:p.ds'and,pers~ml~p!"ope~- f:rmatlon or denial of the allega- .B~ shot. Vern Bailey. Woods the p.nty. The (lenial followed a The Winter and Sprh1g pro- aux~hary), s~~,mm(" for wo~ floor. IDs car went out of ~.ontro1 'l\Iorl~y' ral,IBp,g',ij16~s" con .'De~- ty" a:nd ,t~at; ~e' saI~ ~aughter' tlo~s!. ~s w~~ done by t~e ;three dIrector of safety. warned par- report of a rebellion within the gram will offer the following men. , '.', . ~ he'leaned do~n-to retneve jt rp~.s prostrate :figU,r,e~' .'. - . ha,~:.ordered ~ef fro~.,tr~e home. m~Jor Detr01t. papers ~hen th~ (~nts that a cit)" ordinance pro- powerful Wayne County Demo- avocational and cultural subjects; Art and Craft SubJects: CHa~ and he wetut:J.d up against' .:the ,Modey .. ;-,pad b~. ,-drinkl:lll T~e' News,. lias smCI~ learned SUIt was started last May. hibits firing an air rifle even on

.. ! I ., . . '- " . Page Two , . Thursday, J GR.OSSF;' POlNTE N,EW.S: .' Thursday~ January 5, 1956 I , P a. rk. .Fa.la. l.itu. driving.abo~t' 35/clr '40 niiles an Pai~ting Classes start 11_ ~our - Whell he' Si~W'" thlevi~tim M -al Ce Obituaries ,,' ~C~ntin,!ed .1!rompare,~1) stanclliig 'hi,the eXtreme' l~t, l~e At. e~orl ; nlter' CHET SAMPS-ON ci~ath\of a~' aged Farms J!esident. of tra-WLFI~ said" h~in1~rided ::to Under the sponsorship of. th~ SHI .. ' -~- 'D '':s'u' ..... , sw~rve,~bu(co.illdiiot 'do-~C;:_~til Grosse:Pointe Artists,. two 'fine ALICE NOLL WALSH' b 2'" B . 1 .... ,.WOUUlll _eeoru C.&Io/~~'. . ,...... '. "-- > announces ,his: 1956 . 'day, Decem er ". urla ~s.m - - . '.. ' _.. ', . . . after' theinipa~t.., .; '. painfers:. wililbe .:teacning' at the - Beautiful Alice 'Walsh, aged 47, died'in Woodlawn ~emeter.y. ',: Th.e ~oo~ J~as '~ad~)I1;ly ?ne' ." -; ".. ~. , : War .Memorial Center, 32 Lake and E her home suddenly 'at 5 p.m. on ----.-- tra~!~~..f~~hty:m. eJght ..v:e~rll', - '. He adinitte(f being' diiink:~'Lt; Shor~ .road ..;~h'ey will_ac'cept be- Deluxe Adult Air fou~s, to ! Friday, December 23. She lived LOUIS A. OLDA~I .:. .'''GeralCline':Barnes, of "34~9 AI- Enders SJii~~'.a~~':;~ya~~hel"_h~d:,left gfun~s :as VIell as. advanced i,at 1134 Way burn avenue. She is A Requiem Mass was sung .for. ,ganquln: Detroit, who. was. also the scene:;becau~~e...hla_:h~id~a bad students.. I fa 'j 5 Isurvived by he;r husband, Dallas, Mr./Oldani, 67, C?f1126 Wayburn, ':driying'~east-oJi '_Mack,tol~ p~1j.ce driving ~i;ecord.amd".al~o 'a' Polke, .. Renee Kaupiz Rad'el1'will begin To c:Ulda son, David.' on Monday, December. 19, in ~t~ ,that' she>ha.d .s~erved:'to ~avoid record/ ',< \.-' . ' ..__., .:,_'..' 'a s~ries of lesson~ on water .c,olor Picked 'up In ,"; ., . -. '-.... ' .. ~}.. . .'. " • Born in Bethlehem, Pa., Mrs. Ambrose Chu:och. Bunal was to .b'l 'held' Monday afternoons' 4- • .Germal~'£ ..car, .as he'.sped' pAst. Lt. Enuers and Det.Don ,Dean . ~. . _. . ' Our 4! Francais' Walsh was a food editor with Mv. Ohvet c~m~tery.. , .' ' .~ . .>~ ,. '. " ',._'took Gerln'mIL. to'! the', W.:~{ I'1 e .from 1 to 3' begm.nln~'Jal:':l.ary 9~ Jan. 24~Febo 7 ••••••••..•••••••• 410.55 1 the Detroit N.ews and at the tl...... e ,Mr. OldanI died.on Wednesday h~r at a: 45mlle .chp..S~e smdthis ',...;' t ,',.;""-" '. t';' ,~ C' ~Ii" . y 'Guy Palazzola will g~e-ln~truc- ... '. .S ' .. , :.', , . . . .' . ., ,,,,oun y .r;rOSecu'or s. all Ice whe"e . 1 II' -,' ! , of her death was head of nutr~- D~:~mb~r. 15, ~ t ~:oga Hos-' ~c.cu.r.z;.e~_~~?t:L~.tw.o...b~Cicks:before they witnesseq. ,a l;foluntary' sta:t;~- ticdn. oil painting on: Wednesday F.tb. ,2'.Mar~h 6 ••••••.•••••••••• 410.&5 Olean Plale Clubbers d . - tion department in the' American PIH , ah ~r absox:. 1 thess'h b t~e "'acC1de~t"napPJned., .. " :. '-men't. made,;,:bElfore-:'ASst."Pro,s :a~ter.ncions'iFO;rn 1, to'3' p.m. be- Red ,Cross. e a~ een.m e aer-,'H"" .l•... ";.. • . ''''''''''0''-''.''- .•. ..;.. '.'ginning'J"anuary'll. dashery business since 1913 and er!D-an~u~t,.o~.3985,So.:t,nerset, : ...... ::.. wife has .bee!i_'we:~r~i'a);r.ange CLEAR CONSC~~CE Chet .Sampson Travel. Service Mark Riemer. 20075 Baltree Clarence ~. Vaughn, Ion g. M~rie Ca'therine; a daughter, . 'At the :time, ,a 16-year~old boy expression. la~~l~/~..,: . ~"" . Some. people think .. th~y are 14351 E. Jeffer James Bens. 587 Lakeland prominent in Detroit real estate Mrs. Louis J. (Marie). N6sotti; 'was,sitting .at~th.€,wheel~'and Ge:o':' '.'Yes, ,she's try.' ing: to '11)9k likt~ resting ~n their faith just because 100 J'e~c~evaf, on the Hill TUxedo 5-7510 WO~ Karin Lindberg. 322 McKinley circles. died Thu.rsday,' December d T.: I', hIt j. h 1 h" \. h h Kathy King. 1975 Mancheste:- 22, at hi~ residence, 439' Univer- two. sons; Jerome an. .rlarold; .. main ".w.~s ..~itt!-ri'g'next. to' him.. era es'~ p 0 o~~p .\;>: .~ they fall asleep m\c .ure .' Richard .Bowman a brother,' and four SIsters; and W1l.en',the offIcer demanded' to _----- ..... " .. sity plact:. five grandcih~dren. . • kllOw "whohad~'been 'drivin'g' the '. _ .,'. Ken ChamberrIn. 973 Lldcoln Mr~ .Va.ughn, who was born in . , . "I' = Ann Potter. 886, Uoiv-ersity Detroit' 85' years ago; was active ------car;:t:l1e.you~g~t:~bpy' po nted to Cnarles Adams. 685 Rivard until recent months as a member CHARLES' .T. MCKINNON:' Germain,. and at' the'.'s~e time JAN. 12 of the firm Vaughn and Eigelow. . Mr. M6Ki~non, .•5:t of 1214~ sa' i d that ,his companion was EQRY PAIR' REDUCED! Leslie Holt. 862 Brys His club affiliatioris~nC1ude~ the Buckinghfun, an, attorne~ for the diunk, Duncan said. .. , I', . Ricky Ford. 60 Renaud Country. Club' of D,etroit and .the u. S. government /iJ;l the Detroit " .. Surl'en:dered l\lleeJ . , . Abigail Chandler. 510 ,Chalionte Janelle Hunt. 384 McKinley Detroit Atb!etic. Clllb.. . Ordnance ..Departm~nt, died, on .The, y ~ u it g:e r. bo~ ;told the Kit Price. 305 Kerby Survivors include Mr. Vaughn's Wednesday, December ,28, in. Bon officer' that. he haci:'taken over 95 . 95- Cecelia Orzel. 1378 Baltour $16 $19 wife, Kate, and' a daughter, Mrs. Secours Hospital, .after' a .shorf the! wheel of. .the .car, following .• to • Lose Peter Wilson. 43& St. Clair . f . .. ~ ..' Dianne Longyear. 552 Cadieux Louise Dahling. . . illness. the~/ac~id;~nt, .at tile,; request of JAN. 13 Funeral servicE'S were held' De- . He was born in. Hancock;. Germain,; after . .the latter had Some Higher On Monday, cember 24 at the residence, with- MIch., and had lived in the De-. driven 'ashor~ qistance from the ~ , Charles Dob~on. 1997 left his new Edward Wunsch; 31 McKinley burial i~ Woodlawn ~emetery. troit area for 45 .y~ars. . scene. J:l.9.:lne Newnon •. 1004 ' Robbie, Keller. 454 Madison He is a 1923 gr~duate of. the Lt. Enders said thafthere wel1e ' Edge'rtoD Sh"oes instead took John Park. }OOMapleton CLARA C. BOOTH University of Detroit Law Schoo]) two other :boys in the cart ,bu{ BY .A DMSION OF NONN.BUSD: Cathy Wadonen. 4212 Couville Mrs. Clara Colman Booth, Melinda Leone. 1220 Whittier 82t He was a member of Delta they fled immediately after,the Beverly Smith. 298.Rivard wife of the late clarence. H. Theta Phi fraternity and a mem- accident. '. ., .. lrom Will loser pl Booth, died on Wednesday, De- , '. JAN. 14 I ber of the Holy Na:rr.e SoCiety of. I'He said. that the i6~year.,old still waiting cember 21, at. lier home, lOl, St. Clare of. Montefalco Church. told him that Germain was 'tun- Tam • Blackt • 'GNUlU Sally Seaborn, 14&9Roslyn Patty Smedes. 465 Bournemouth .Lewiston. He leaves his wife, Helen; two ing in'a station 'on the c'Qr:r-adio John Cottrell. 289 Moran A native of Toronto, Ont., she daughters, Alice Jean and .Ma- when om! of the boys in 'the: ca: Thomas Chambers. 1404 Aline Jack McMillen. 425 M{j(oSS had lived in the ~Detroit area thilda; and a son; Timmy. , shoutedn warning, s~c6nds be-' . Your, opportunity to save Cymbrie Pratt, 582 Neff since 1898. She was the daugh- Funeral services were COll-' tore Donovan was hit.' . "". . , . money and to experien~e Grace!lllna Suits. 820 Rivard ter of Arthur Colman and Sarah dyucted ~t the Verhe:den F~ne~al; 'The victim 'was' '~ushed .'to 'Bon Ankle-Fashioning ~•• tbe JAN. 15 Rennick. Home, 16300 Mack, .and In. St. Secourlk;Hospital by. Sgt. Hazen • , She was a m e m b e r of the Nunn.Bush development Susan Watkins. 306 Gross~ Pointe Clare of Montefalco Church ~>n 'Hennig.''and Patrolman 'Charies Of. K2:en Beeby. 1046 Balfour Board of TrUstees of the Chil- Saturday, Dec.e..'llber 31. BurIal Slusser' with: a multi-compound whi4t gives'Yo~ extra dollar- Debbie 'KelloB. 690 Rivard dren's Aid Society of Detroit; ac- Bruce Nichols. 506 S( Clair was in Mt. OlIvet cemetery. fractur~.of. the l~ft leg a4d a saving miles oE smartness. Wesley Bush. 550 Pemberton ti~'e member in the Grosse. TU 2-11 'J( Hendrieka Hoberkorn. 16641 Jet:- Pointe Farm and Garden Associa" ------fractured skull and' brain .con- ferson ADOLPH JACOBSON cussion. Betsey Webber, 22£ Procincal tion; an honorary membe.t' of the Sue Cavanaugh, 25~ McMillan IBloomfield Farm and Garden ASM Services for AdOlph. Jacobson, Lt. Enders questioned Germciin \, JAN. 16 sociation; Women's City Club; 63, of 1023 Cadieux, were hlHd at ..the station,. after .an intoxi- Saturday. December 31, in the - meter test g i v en' the youth C.HEs~.r,I:';R'..'B'DOT SHOP Peggy Spoor. 1150 Oxford Detroit Club and the .Country Charles Kreidler. 2029 Hollywood 'Clv.b of Detroit. Verh;eyden Funeral Home, 16300 showed a .23 alcoholic conten:t , . 1\ Johnny Holtz. 1140 Yorkshire Mack. Burial was in Acacia Park Germain. admitted he was the Mary Thompson, 1141 Grayton She is survived by three chil- 1591 f E. Warren. at Bw:kingham qreI'., Mrs. ;1. Frazer WhiteJ?,ead, Cemetery. driver of the car at the tim~ it Ope~ Fridays till 8:3u.:-Saturdays till 8:00 Miss. Frances ._M. Booth and Mr. Jacobson, an owner of the struck Donovan, and that he was -, '.: ... , Caterlvg to '_OU George Coleman Booth; eight Michigan Gear & Engineering "------.------.------0-----. . '_-,...... _ Co., died Thursday, December 29, / ;/ gr&ndchildren and 12. g rea. t- I , in Bon Secours Hospital. • .and YOUR family grandchildre~. . He was a member of the Grosse Funeral servic..,es were. held at MACK at SOMERSET Pointe Yacht Club and the De- her home under the direction of troit Athletic Club; . • GROSS! POINTl the William R. Hamilton Funeral His wife, Marjory; 3; son, Rob- Home, 3975 Cass avenue, on Fri- GORGEOUS• I ert, and three g'randchildren sur- vive.

, Kercheval MRS.- ELISE E. ,NAUMAN " Services for Mrs~ Elsie..E. Nau:. PACE. . Punch tmd Judy man, 82, of 633' Drexel, were held Theat1'e Block Wednesday, January 4, at thH Grosse Pointe William R. Hamilton C hap e 1, -and a .£:l~ ,you'D .1oP8" 3975 Casso Mrs. Nauman died 'Monday, January 2', in her home. This new RuJek SPIECIAL 2-Door 6..Passenger Sedan She is survived by two sons, delIvers loeally for less thansome 'mod.l. Arthur(P.tNauman, of 126 Moran; Carr Nauman," of Philadelphia, 0' the well-known .matl.r car•• and three dau@ters,Mrs. Irm.c:l Com. In and checkl free delivery service Lavery, .'Mrs. Aileen Kull and Mrs. Marian McKellar. ' , .... Monday, Tuesday and Wednesa/l.Y Only. .ANNIE F~ASER Mrs. Fraser of Santa Barbara, Special! We are Featuring Our Famed Fresh. Homemade Calif., formerly of the Pointe, _ died on Monday, January 2, In'' 617 We Santa Barbara, after'-a' short ill.. Banana Cream Pie ness. Open 9 A.M. ,She is sUI'vived by her hus-. I0" .li:z:e. . • • • • • • • • • • . • ... • • • • • • • . 97c band, Charles; a daughter, Mrs" Marshall Palmer, Jr., of Santa Barbara, and a son, 'John' J. Advance orders, phone TU 2-9160 Fraser, of the Pointe; and' four, grandchildren, Charles F. Palmer. and Marshall' Palmer III; and YOO,NG Susan B. Fraser and John W. . Fraser. Services. and burial wIll take Robelle's .Beauty Salon plaCe in Sania Barbara, on'Satur- day, January 7. 19027 Mack, at Seven Mile '. fec!t.,ri ng • • • a Eska Permonent Waves- Goodnow'Tells Hoir Cutting - Hair Styling Of Law Service .... - Tinting and Silver Blonding Founded in November, 1950, Open Thursday and Friday Evenings • The Lawyer,' Referenc~ Service " Also Facials Iffld Pedicures 20~ of the Detroit Bar Associatlol1 .' \ ,~ .;' ,.TUxedo 4.113~ has. just completed. its_ fifth year FYOU, ~ink.you can~t.~ord a big-bodi~a, "1?ig:po~ered;.big-' Just ask:your~~if;wouldn't you rather go traveling with the lift' of operation at 577 Penol;>sco\' I '. ~~usq1ed'Buick!ike the one shoWnhere-we'd like to set the '. and lifl~and pace and poise of a stunning new Buick-when it's / building, Nathan B. Goodn6~, of '., 75 fundy. road, Farms, president .". I . matt~r:s~aig~t. '...... , all yours at just about the p~ce of a ~maller car? , .of the Detroit Bar AssQciatio~, " '.,;c' . if yo~ .daD. ~ord any ne", ~~~you~an'aHorcfthi£ strappmg ~d \If your answer is yes,'"then the time is now~rlght notD • .reports. , SPEOIALS Wilek. Ending ..' stumiin~,j3uick SPECIAL Sedan":'and no kid~~g..'. Drop on us this very week ~ tomorrow would be fine _ and MEN'S SUITS, . .Referrals durIng the five~year in period totaled more than 4,800' ...... For ~s.Buick is:tagged withiJi a few do11~S 10£ the well:.kil()Wlrl we'll seat .Y'?u at the wheel of the biggest and DlOst beauti£UI AND TOPCOATS J•••• with more than 5,800'persons' in- . TROUSERS \ terviewe'd. . '. '. '-'sm~er~:ca#r'-:-:Jlhd.actually:costs l?8Sthan-soine;m()dels of those .,bundle of high-powe!'ed Buick ever offered in America'. low- ... 49c ;./.,> . vf:ry same cars. price here it~ ~ . .pri~e field. LADIES' OOATS I Domestic relations. problems the w~.~how plcn.eS . . ~'.. , . ~ ,. . . accounted for more than a third" ' " ')tI: ". , _. • • 4 ;'So.m'aybe'you 'can'Uhde~Stim~lwhy:Buick~fortwo years. ~g I DRESSES C - of the' tota( with 1,729.: .}tj!al SKIR1 S "49 estate' ..cases totaled 517 and I ~ Plaill , ,ri9w:~liaso~tSoldeverY'other"c~:iiithe 13J!.d, except two of those' .. negiigence and prob,te. cases' ae,,:' ;'- "\., ~ .:...... I ' . Cleaneel counted 'for 340' 'each. " well-known.&maller cars~'.,, '. . .." , olld SWEATERS The. Lawyer Reference Servi~e • , . ., . ;, -. , ' '1 ~ . ~ - .. 'Presseel .~ "!, $1-~ Cleaned & Blocked .1 .. idea inaugurated' on a natior-~l .' .::6utlow pri~ is.just' .~~.of the pi~h¥e.. •• .I ell"o Wrop~d basis more than 12 ,years ago; ...~ with .m.ore ,than 100 services .'Big.reaso~ for)3Ui6k~s s~_~gs~i~~ sweep is that-folks ar~~,ding . SHIRTS. TIES offers e. half-hour ,conference 8eautifulty ~ Look like new with a' panel attorney: for $5 to h~i'e ~.~otmore..~utomobile f('\~e'mo~eY":"1I!pre'style boldn.ess; and 1Ini..... itldiYid ... SPORT persons who do not kr.lOW any ally wrrapped 1ft een.- c ""-more' po,,:e.r~ll; inore.riq,,: ~ia~MtYand more solid stnl<:ture:' .. pi-. iattorneys. " . '" .. 3FOR39 SHIRTS I than the'.sime ~ollars buy els(fwhere'. : ' . " ". . ,~. ~J 9:-' .~ ~.. \. -.., ., '. > , .... ' J .~. ", \ ~ .~ ••• N.aat ~ •••• '., '. ONlY . ~ -t B~OUSES Cleaned fr' .~(jross~ Point~ "2-door, '6-.possenger' BviclcSP.EqAL. Sedan, Model-48, illustrated. Any stote, and. -. . ~ I ~'':;. .~ ~ 49C . .' '-Y Seotv,..,...... -.'•' .. Cleaned", 49c Pressel! . loc.~1taxes~'adciitiono~. 'Pri~~s.'.'!I;oy vOrY'slightly in ~dioi;,ing. Comm~t;llti~s:,~~ " r .... ., " . ' •• Pre"" '...... ,e, . • l\,' OPEN 9: ,. wide V9rietY b~extra-cost equipment and acceSsories .ovoilobl~ ..at your .op,tiqn. ::.:.; * ~ '. • • , ',- ' •• ", • ~ ~- • '. - • r '. < . rI N~wi '. Thursda\ .' . PUbl1thed .Tel')' Thursday by Allteebo ~-:.',- , t ~: Puhlishers, IDe.. t9 T.teiehflval, Grolle Saturd Poiute Fanna 3.. Mlch1lu. '. , .~.IITIR AUTOMOIILIS A~ '1UILT .....'CKWILL IU1LD THIM-----._ Phone TV. 2-6!tDO I 'fhree Trunk Litle. OPEN 11 EBt01'etl as second cla.. matter at the poli office, Detroit, MlchJllUl. under TU~NER~;UICK, Friday I tb. act of Mareh 3. 1197. . -Inc. Frid ~ 20737 Mack AV8., Gro~8 Pte. r'ar•• Subacript10n Rates: 11.00 Pel' Year ~ Mall. All News and Advwrt1a1n. Copy MUiit Be 1DThe New. Off1c•. bJ: Tu4ii. 15'1,03-'Kerche~al.Ave~, Grosse: Pointe da7 .A.ftemooD:. to ObtaiD' inMrttoa '. •

J ;, .( I • ~ \. I

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Thursday, January 5, 1956 .... ~56'. Page Tn.... , . " . . '1" . ' - 71: Motorist. Hurt Dominican Dad.s Club ' Will Meet ~anuary.ll . :" .1 SHI RTS R~b~X~:i~~:~H~iJC;~:;: Wakeman '5 Bon'Sec~~rs Plaque td~of~:':::m In Shores Crash ~ i • Beautifully 'Laundered A'NN! A 1948-0lds hurtled into the George We.iler, 27, sillfered ,'The ~oniini~an.High Fa~~rs' .n:shed . f ARBOR-The. f year 1955 sical Year (1957-58). I - showr<~om of the Adam:. Lincoln head- 'and chest l'nJ'llrl"es Bnd a' Club will h 0ld...... l:l~eIr.next meeWl. g and f, • was a rUlt ul one for University The U-lVI Vision Research. La.., of Michigan scientists and en- boratories announced develop- Mercury Agency, KerchevCi.l' at bro:kt-n arm when his car crashed at the "Buckingham. Hal4 ]J)917 gineers. ment oJ: a .$15,000 device. that is Hall Place, New Year,!s Eve fol- m'to a utI'll"ty pole and ove'rturned Harper near Berkshu-e. on Wed- T"I • lowing' a stop light collision. 35 ",,<:~urred,ac~o~d- had' several beers btcfore his car There WIll be, a Dad and Daughter months. Ifor better highway illuinination mg~o POll!:;:" a~..::Ayres; ~rrvmg went out of control. • Social at the School on Jan. 26- An all-out war' against ..hay and safety measures. ~ . south ,on MUIr, ran a red 11ght at I' fev~r was declared, .with experts A"bubble chamber,"'/brain- Kercheval. '. .' \' . '. • • - 0 0 - • - - 0 • • - - - • • • • • •• - • • • • • .; .!.·•·•••- !~ enlIsted from ~heLfIelds of me- child of a' Michigan physicist,. IDs, car was struck broadsid~ - . • ' ' teor,olo~, publIc hea~tl?-" botany, created a stir. among the, scien- bi one 'd r i v e n by Edwin P~ : ~ ' . : I .en,?mee~~ng and m~dlcme. tists who are, seeking 'to ia.entify Nicholson, 17, "of .1017 Cadieux, - • , Baby rock~ts,. eIght fe~t lQ~g, the particles that 'roaJte. up, the, who was traveling. along KEir- • • MAIN-2538 st. Aubin. at Gratiot ~erc developed for explormg tne, nucleuS"of an,atom and. the fOrces cheval. . - _.• 1 upper ~tmosphere at a. s.eye~th that hold the' particles ..together'; Ayies' car c~iromed off a light : :i LOCAL BRANCH the cost of ~urveys by heaVIer, The. instrument makes, possible' standard aIld, as Ayres leaped '- • 14351 E. Jefferson, at Chalmers more elaborate models. About 40 far mere effi'cient use \ of the na- free, ,went on another 250. feet "I: :1 WO 2-6655 of the small rocke~ will be tion's giant. atom smashers. into ..the showroom.'. ' '. .! laur:ched by the ~mted' States . Dr. Folsom notes that Univ~r- Alice Lynn Martin, 17, of 628 - -: durmg the rnter~abonal Geophy- 'sity research,' benefits 'the na-' Westchester, was t r e-a t e d for : :' ---~--_~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... tional welfare, the state .and com- minor cuts and bruises at Cotfage _ ... r.. " Hospital. . _ .' munity.,and the University's edu':, Damage to the showroom was .' .: cational program., It enables' fa::; ~'. estimated by p 0 Ii c e at $525.' • @ • C!llty .members to increase~theii'. .' • • N.OTICE! teaching effectiveness, he notes; ' ..; . . .' -Picture by Fred Runnells Nichoison's c a r'~ suffered $25.0 ':- ... , : introduces students to research Sister Mary Xavier and Walter Wakeman" damages and Ayres, $,150. ' _ - • methods and the .problems of:r>ff- Ayres was ticketed for disre- • • . . . , When Elizabeth G. Wakeman ior Liborius to use the money in garding the red light ..' ,-._ 1-' ------,----, :. ? campus groups, and helps" a:llevi- o.fT' rombley road djed last Octo- any way suited. to the, needs of ., '~" .Lose an ,Overcoat••• • • ate the serious shortage of scien- .ber''-28 inEol! Secburs' Hospital, the hospital. . Ch. C1h ( h tists and ~ngineers that faces the family requested that flowers The Sisters. of Bon Secours had rlst. ure : : On Monday, Dec. 26, a gentleman custoTfZe~mistakingly this country. today., ' be omitted and hlstead' to send learned to know and Jove Mrs. (Continued from Page 1) - • left his new overcoat (bearing S. Ste;'; & Co, label) and ------contributions to ~on Secours, Wakeman'- Thev could think of ::_" '.' W E. R E NOW 90 :••• Atlantic Moilthly Editor- where she had be~ii, a: patient rio better'tribute, than to.' desig- II, DetrOit, was lai.d,.under the rec~ '19 instead took an older coat oj similar make. . four times. nate the fwid to the ObstetriCal' torate of the Rev. Benjami", Pad- 23 9 S To ~peak at Town Hall Last week Sister Mary Ger- Department_delivery room where clock. .' _ • trude, adniinistrator of the hos- life ber,lns-.sinceshe had 10ved In Sanger Home " • • Will loser please call us at once as his own new coat is Edward Weeks, editor. of -At- pital. dnformed the' family' that life::, I The first Pointe offshoot of the • • still waiting Jor him. • lantic Monthly, will talk on the they 4ad r~ceived asu.ln' of $3,000' .Moth',r Superior. Lib a r-l us "iiIo!her" ('par'ish. was a, 9unday, - : season's new books, when he ad- in Mrs~ Wakeman's memory. Wal- thanked :WakemaJi and the 146 School set up in 1923 in the base-,: WERE '. 1490. • dresses Detroit Town Hall at 11 tE:r Wakeman, husband of Mrs. contribubrs for such'. a fine' ex- ment of the Henry Sanger home.' - ) . .' a,m. Wednesd?y, January 11, in WakeI11an, advised Mothel'Su.per- pression of sympatpy. . Until1~28 these classes. were held - :_ 18.95 NOW ; .: the Fisher Theatr~. "in sever'a1 Grosse Pointe homes .VILLAGE MAN.OR 'Weeks' column, '''The''Peripate- S. t T' l F ....d uritil the Memorial Church. gave : : tthiceRAetlVainf!W.tl'ce.r,"runs -mol.lt.hly ,in por S,' .rave ea.,ture, permission to ~ev. Francis";I3. - OTHER P.RE.MANS PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED • RESTAURANT Creamer' to hold services in its .• • St. Clair Ave. neiI~~~W;~2:1~;:~lable ~t.. ~ri~-, -,O,n Family F;ilm .Program pa~~~ ~~~~l opening of Christ :~". : -in the Village . ' . , . . \ Church on/Grosse Pointe boule- - • TU 2-1110 : Life is a game' of chan~~~aI,l<:l. , .'~4~ .J.a.n.uary F,amUy Film pro- statE', off~dng som~ o~tstanding varc;l took 'place Dec. 15, 1930, 'at :- : It seems that the cards are gra.m. at the Grosse Pointe Public opportunities. ;1.01' do w n r i v e -1' a choral Evensong conducted by - • ~~~~~~1111111 ~ stacked against most' of us. Library will hold 'special app'eal 'canoeing scenes on a number 6f Rt. Rev. Herman Pag~ and the : : , . , 'fbi~'the sports 'ai':d travel minded Mich.igan's larger streams, Michi- Rev. Dr. William -D. Maxon, be- • • of the librar:y's patrons.' Schedul- gan Canoe Trails comes to a cli- loved rector of the Detroit .parish 0 • . , .. ed 'rar' Friday' evening, 'JanuBry max on the Tahquamenon\ in for many years.: : 6. the program '\U'ill begin at 7:30 gorgeous color at the greatest At the dedication ceremonies - • in the upstairs "'meeting room of falls in the MiC\dle.West. 415 communic~nts were regi-' - • the Central Library at Fisher and A children's' short' completes stered and', the Sunday schoof : : Kercheval.. the program. numbered 345. - • IS THE TIME TO ADD NeHhertickets nor reserva- Now 'there .are 2,300 corn:muni- - • NOW tions are necessary and children GP Rotaria'ns to View 'Cflnts and 900 in the Sun day : : are welcome if accompanied by ~chool.' 0 • a -'parent or other responsible Installation Ceremonies Growth of Parislles - • adult. ~qually impressive has. een _ • b - • A NEW OUTERCOAT A~ newly released film, "Ski Members of the Grosse' Pointe the growth of the nearby par- - • Holid.ay in the .Alps," .will be the Rotary Club will participate in ishes that began as ,missions of • : feature of the program. Telling the Grosse Pointe Church. _. 1(' ~ I, TO YOUR WARDROBE of th\~ adventures of..three skiers' one of the most impressive ,cere- Trinity Chltrch has grown from: .' • ~ : I ". in th~ Alps" ofsiritzeriand and. monies in Rotary .on Saturday, 75 communicants in 1937:1;0 348. ~ ..I • Austri~" the,:fllm appea~s. both to January 7. today. St. Michael's, established : . '~ ~~ r • r_ JM'HiI'. .: • If )'our old ,linter coat i8 getting a little threadbare, those who 'follow 'skiing 'and to The ceremonjes will be held iri 1944 with 168 'communicants - •. I . ~e feel it 18 good econo~y to replace It now with a the lover of travel. It was made I in Gibraltar, Mich.~ just' south of :now nurilbers 850. • . ../. for. and presented by Switzer-- Trenton, during the charter in- ,'This year C h ri s t. Church : 80 KERCHEVAl, ON .THE HILL-TUxedO 2-3590 : comfortable Imported .Brltlsh or Donegal tweed. The)' land's 'airline, Swissair.. stallation of new Rotary Club.in founded St. George's Mission in : Open Frid~y till 8:30 P.M. :' ..Centered closer to home is the the Interllational Rotal'Y' District Centerline and services are being . • . • are made In both the light and medium weight fabrics supporting.f.e at \,lr e, Michigan 223, with which the Pointe'. Rotary held for 60'.families with 4U chil- • •. Canoe Trails: With the Wolverine is affiliated.. drem. in' Sunday; .schoQI..._. _ •••••. 'H _••••• - - _•••••• -: demanded bl' our well-warmed mode of lI"ing. In two • <' single-breasted 8l}'le81raglan or 8et-ln !l4h~u~der,both have slash pocket9. 60.00 to 100.00' '. '- Whaling's '. (l1YJ 617 Woodward ?'ItIJIl)j UJe(;l/t 6329 W. ~ MiI~ Roa-1d Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M•.Daily" lIear ~vemo,. , , ... Open Thursday and FrIday EvenIngs

YOU.NG'S MEN'S WEAR , , \ 1 20% Beductions! S. Stein & Co. and McGREGOR outfits ••• on Men's ,and Boys~ Clothing: Suits, Sport 'Coats, hi,!, in the perfect style to which he has, Topcoats .' •• and 'a special gr()up of Slacks in' sizes for men only. become accustomed!. " . THE SHIRT ••• ~ Son 0' Scotlin Tempo •• " with the lively look of linen,"bu,tin rich.textured, woven rayon .••• topped with Sav@ 20% or Mo're! 'italY's. soft rolling collar ••.•••••••••••.•••• "'l~•••.••••••5.00 . , - , ••• .:>nMenls Robes, Corduroy LeisureSlacks,-Jackets, THE SLA<;KS ••• S'cotiinl Trek ~f Viscose ~nd Dacron. " • cut' Muff!~rs, some Hats and a sp.ecial group 'of Sweaters .• for comf~rt .... washabl~ and crease~resistarit '••••. U •• !' ••• 10.00

THE BERM UDAS ••• sL'l~e fabric r~ ••• "., ••• ' ~8.9S Special Sale! THE SPORT JACKET ••• Scotlin DouBle "0'1 ••• of rayon and dacron. Metallic ~buttons ,.~ 4 .•• "." •••••• - eo•• 25.00 One selected group of French.Shriner Shoe~.

, , • All Sales Finale , I .' ,.- ----_...... ---- .....r ------I " I' ':' .c' " '", }S.,STJEIIN & CO.: OPEN9:00 TO &:00 , 1 f . I Thursday, Jan. 5 thru ~ ~~! l'b1.f.~.. '.' t '. . MEN'S WEAR~ I~:) m ?' --- '!.. ''0/' I Saturday, Jan. 14 INC. " ~,~.. I ) 'I I / . . .. ;;T (' ..., . ,- I . .1 ~ !}rM6e ",-/(Unle. OPEN TILL ,9 P.M. , L,~ . -1' ,I I______.' " ! --+" ~. __ ._ ~ . ,,'I Friday. Jan. band GROSSE POINT. Friday, Jan. 13 ,OPen'Fri. the. TUxedo J -9252 bonings Accounts til 9 17012 Kerch~vtJJ Next to Jacobson's Invitefl

/ ... ~~

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I Page Four T~'ur~day, January 5, 1956. Thursday,' J . . N , ." j , "Church to Hold ,Feast'of Lights ,. (' r A Feast- of Lights, the tradi- Dennes, Robert Gall, C. K. Gib .. tiona! candle-light service com- SOll,: Robtrt Habitiruther, 'Eppa . . mem'orating the -Man~festati~n Heaton, ,M r s. -William Hoey, Ch \. of Christ to the Gentiles. WIll William Ludwig;"'Hilary Mico~ ~ \ mark the! close of Christ church Edwin' Nicholsofl., Miss Cheryl POINTE 1\IEl\ Home Decorative Shop Parish's observance of the Epip- Reberdy. ,Arthur .T. Smith, Mark 16 Lake ShlJ hany Season. C. Stevens, and Clifford C. Dr. funk Fitt Wrigley. Paul F. Ketchum' 11141 Kercheval-In tha: Yillage , The service. to be held on Sunday afternoon, 'January 8, at Charlotte Mesmer will direct Tallman, Assoc:iat 4 o'clock will _begin with the the play and will be assisted in Satul'day, JanuaiT service of Choral Evensong, and the ..production by Daniel II. .Tunior Choir rehea 1 I . ,will conclude with a 12th Cen- BueR, Mrs." Willicnn B. Clark, Lounge. lD:30 a_m., , tury liturgical .play, ~IThe Adora- Mrs. Lem Bowen, and Neil rehearsal-Men's L Sunday: 9:30 c tion of the Ma~'~ translated. by Hodgson. Helen F. Chase fr,om. a manuscript Special' music' to be provided School in all depa of the Monastery of Samt 'Benoit. by the ,Festival Cho,rus of Christ tionI; 9:3(} a.m., :~j JANUARY. ' \ . ship. First Service: , , sur-Loire. ;8.t Fleury, France. Church ..' will include "A t;hild " the Lord's Suppel'~ - • \, 1 This, Day Is Born)" ~y William The cast includes Sam Daume, Sandys; "Ma~e We ~'Joy," an ,old .Dr. Thomas Davies. 'Mrs: William Englislf carol' (1450); "The'Shep- · WHITE her~' ,Farewell'~, by. Hector Berliozi "0 Mr '. t ~r ..... "'r ,!:, _ • , l nursing (Red Cross), interior Sullivan's attorney. , ! We're bring . . '. . .'>12'''' 38'J.:'t P'I'"' C ,t ' 7S ''';. .,' , .~,.x ,I O,W. each c f•• ,...... C', decorating.' Japanese aower ar-' Mrs. Sull.Lvan, who is the ",.' " .~, I ,2 '''; ~ses, . : '.' . ' ... ! ranging, knitting (begin-advanc- widow' of Dr. Michael R. Sulli- selected tin: • ~..,.;.. ',.... • _, _ •• fI • ed), millinery, personality deve~- van, has been a resident at the . :,-.twinSize Re¥~r~ib'e..4:-i9crner Bott~~ .S~u9fit, Sheets ~',~.,.•;.. , ...... ~.. , • , : ...... ' ..... opment, parent education classes Audubon address since 1940. . .;' -; .. ~ ..}. ... z.. • • t . - 2.98 stones ... t (understanding oursel~es and our Following Mrs. Cullen's illness :,'7 • ',Full ~i.~'e-..~.eve;si~l~ ..~Soli~e;~Bot.t~Spugflt. Sh~ets,'~ ~;•.'~, .•:'•• ",. ,', ~..••••••••• ,.'. 3.29 children - pre-school, early ele- at Bon Secours Hospital some waiting for! mentary), rug hooking and rug nine years ago, Mrs. Sullivan ;,", '. T~in"Si~'e':,R~v~r~'bl~~~1;t:,f;~~.i~~:;s'~ugfjt:She'e~~~: /. ~;:'~.~'.': "; : ;"~•••• , •• , ~.• , .. 2.98 braiding; ,sewing (beginners and urged her mother to come to live :- ~...~. .. ~ advanced). slip cover making, with her at her home. "This she All tailoring. upholstery. did," continued Mrs. Sullivan, FuJI Size' Reversible 2.Corner Top Snugfit Sheets '. , , •• ~. " • ~••• !. 3.29 A f 't" f Ch'ld t "and she remained with me and • " C 1~J. les ~r I ren: ar, ....my two sons, Thomas, a Wayne ., SWImmmg (begmners), and wood- University medical student, and shqp., . Michael, a Universi~y of Detroit All daytlme. and most evemng pre-medical student, and was al- classes are bemg hel~ at~the pe- ways exceedingly, happy. We Elastic-An'chored QUILTED MATTRESS PADS , partment of ~ommumty ....ervices, gave special attention .to her and 43 Gros~e Pomte: Boulevard. For her birthdays heer became of city TUxedo 1.4, 50 further mformation and class en- wide interest, with prominent 39"x76 Twin Size 54"x76" Full Size rol1ment call TUx~do 5~3808 or personages visiting her and ex- 3 TUxedo 5-0271. It ~ adVIsable to .tending greetings. Wash~ble white sanforized pads with firmly anchored corners for non-slip fit. make class reserva!lo~s ea7'ly, as "Every mother' lov~s her son," most, classes are lImIted m en- said Mrs. Sullivan in detailing

rollment. > '.. J, the .events prior to the institution ------'of the suit, "so it was only'natural - I F'} . 'for-my brother ,John to come to Olde. Kentucky Ros~ PERCALE COVERLETS Educatlona' I IDS"the house' and take mother for rides. -At M · 'L-b ' '0 72"xlOO" 95 86"xIOO" II"95 , aIR il rary "It was only a short while after Twin Size Full Size .~ __ '_'. "mother's 90th birthday party at 166 9 ~. .:. my home that John called and New. ~~u"a~lO~al ~nd. docu- picked up Mother purportedly to Reversible washable cotton filled white coverlet with beautiful red. p~nk or yellow large roses me~tary ~lms. on a vanety of take her for another ride. He did on one side, and dainty rosebud print on the other. s~bJects :WIll be sh.ow~ at .a spe- not bring her back. Upon my in- cial p~eview at the Mam LIbrary, sistent inquiry, my 'brother told 5201 W90dward, on \,rr:hur.sda~, '.me MQther was at another sister-s Ja.nuary 12, at 1 p.m. suminer " home, which I soon Club program y)lanners, educa- learned was not true. 95 ,tors, and ,otpers interested in th~ ;' "Later I was shocked to learn WASHABLE DACRON-FILLEDPILLO\VS 4 use of educational motion 'pic- tha,t my' brother :nad placed our Regularly 5.95 allel'gy-free pillows, filled to pleasing plumpness with white dacron fibre and tures are invited by th~ LibraTY~s '-aged'mother in the St. Joseph's Educati~nal Fil~" Division; to, a~- Home for the Aged, not that the covered with linen-finish rosebud pri,1t ticking. tend thiS ~creen;ng. ~nd mv,e~tl- institution is not highly credit- gate the LIbrary s fIlm collectIon' able but because I felt she was of over one tho~s~nd 16mm fil~s.': entitI~d" to the' privileges and m~my of, them' In cQlor, WhICh" comforts. of my home and the may ~e borrowed. ~~ee to s~ow -to .care we had always given her. Ul"ICA BEAUTICALE organlZe~' groups m the CIty.~' This L told my brother again and " ' . Previews are held on the sec- again. I insisted she must be re- ond Thur,sday of ..each month in turned 'to my home. the auditorium at -the Main Li- '~The real reason," said Mrs. LUXURY-TEXTURED. -WHITE SH~ETS' brary. On January 12 the pro- Sullivan, "for my brother John's gram includes "The Middle East," action came to light on May 26, a dramatic col)r portrait 'of th-e 1955, when the suit in question 1he lowest prices in fifteen years! Sav~ on th ese ~roooth' bleached white percale sheets with peasant ~arIr.er, the 'Bedouin no- was started. Last week the suit Here's once-in.a over 200 .threa?s, per squore inch,' the 'finest count for soft luxury, ,,' ~ad, and the merchant classes of wa~ dismissed by the Wayne , I " this cent/~r of Islamic faith; "Stut- County Circuit -Court." to ,.. tering," a demonstration of meth- -.Mrs. Sullivan now hopes that g:fts, ete 72"xI08" Twin Size, 3.49 "~I"xI08" FuW Size 4~19 IOO"x120" .King Size 6.95 ods used in' speech clinics to aid her ~nother will never again b~ persons with severe ~peech prob- involved in any similar situation. lems; "Small Craft.Safety," a 14': The N:ews regrets any embar- 4.Corner Bottom FiHed Full'Size •••. 4. 19 minute film an right and wrong rassment and humiliation which , . ways' to, handle canoes~ .rowboats, publication of the article may 2.Corner Top FiHed Twin Size ••••• 4.19 2-Corner lop Fitt~d F'JII Size •••••• 4.69 arid .6th1.r small craft., ha.ve caused Mrs. '..S~.l\ivan. 42"x38V2" Pillow Cases. 'each •••••• 94c JANUARY' SALE! .. All Fireplace Items:, Screens, Andirons, Mantels, ,Firesets 20% off MARTEX "LUXOR 1960'" TOWELS 'SPEOIAL GROUP OF fLOOR" SAMPLES up to off the' finest, softest, hea,viest solid color towels made! 50%

Absorbent, (.Jeep-pile b~th~brightening towels in c1e~~ sunny new -ALL TABLE and colors .... white, charccaf, b:Ji:fer~c?Tch. Mtique gold. misty min+;' off ...FLOOR'J;; 'lAMPS 20%, I crystal pink, Persian poppy. lemon ice, blue mist, wisteria, , biush, cameo rose, platir~!".', peach, champagne, shadow green or grotto ,~Iue. :fINE FU.RNITURE add 27"x50" Giant Bath Towel Reg. 3.95 2.98

11 .:GIFTITEMS up.t~ off 16"x32 Guest Towel Reg. 1.65 1.49 , .: 20%. - .13"xI3" Wash Cloth. R,eg. 60c ,49c - I. ~ :I l"xIS" Fingertip Towel Reg; 50c 3~c ~ELEGTE~ GROUP OF~ ; 22"x36" B"th Mat .Reg. 3.95 3.59 'LIGHTING, FIXTURES up 10 50%00 .. \ Detroit Mantel & Tile~Co. 1431 Farmer St. Half Block- North of, Hudson's : ." .... . ~ ,


l l ) , I j' ) } .. . I I •.

/ , . - Page .Five a~,", ; , ;lPa' . ley, JANUARY SALE! RE-SALE, CLOTHES :OU;' , Seasonal Reductol\S on Better Jl'ur ~ryl ark Coots, '~n's Qnd Women'. Clothes , C.' l'~ne quality clothes for re-sale bro~ht to u. by Gross. Pointe reside~ts. Shop early for best lelection! Open T'uesday-Frlday 10 to 12; 2 - , :ect Saturday 10 -12; ThurSday '7 to 9~p.m. in lL NEIGHBO'RHOOD THRill SHOP lrk•. 17121Waterloo at St, Clair, Grosse Pointe TUxedo 5-07'11 ieU' I de« fist, dIdarri'- -' Sherwood Studio of the Arts old.", .e~t annoUnces the ' :tor / :r.," _ lli", t~ew Term. Starting Mon.., Jan. 9 'ing , BALLET and TAP an~ thlt Ballet and Exercise Classes for ladies ach " Classes, to' be held at the Neighbqrhood 'Club '- l7145 Waterloo Personal instruction by' SHIRLEY SHERWOOD. of the famed, Abbott International Dancers ,-as :~t- Enroll 'Now TUxedo 2-7716 of January Ltes " hat /ho lad,' ler. " md '8- • nly Sale I top 0' the, hill • • cQior -full :ed, aye .... ) In- ted DIAMONDS 'JEWELRY. WATOH~S ;vas irs. POINTE METHODIST , . 211 Moross Road , We're bringing you drastic sa1fing5 on Hugh C, White, Pastor the Sunday, :"qnuary 8: 9:30 a.m., lli- selected timepieces, jewelry find precious Morning worship and sermon; the. Church School for ~ursery, Tiny stones .. _ the SAVINGS you've been Tots, Kindergar~~ll, Primary and ess Junior Depts.; 11 ~.m., Morning' me waiting for! worship and sermon; Church an .ve School for Nursery,. Tiny Tots,~ Kinderj:!arten, .Primary, Interme- hit All Sales are for Cash,. this is ]'cason I diate and. Senior D~pts. ~:30 p.n:.~?" an, Inte.rmedlate, MY!. 7:30 p.m., nd, , .why thesc s4t'ings arc so great. Senior MYF. ne , ~ All Sales Final. I Monday: 9:15 p.m" Bowling' d League, ' '\ " oit \ Tuesday: 12:45 p.m., '?N.S.C.S. al- Luncheon. We Wednes day: 8 P .m., Off'l'cI:al nd Board Meeting. ' .'Waansulla -'specially prieed ••• TUxedo 1-4800 [:re 0111' parking lot ,. > "'. '. , ity Thursday: 7:45 p.m., Chancel ent next to store '1 Choir. rehearsaL ex- Friday': 4 p.m., Junior Choir \5upercales~ I rehearsc;l. for Our January Sales 72~ 108", plain white. , I POINTE CONGREGATIONAL

240 Cl1~lfonte at Lothrop , Marcus Wm.Johnson, Minlster Wamsutta Continental Sunday, January 8, iO.a.m. and \ now each 11:30.a.m., Worship services arid all, over riblied towels' sermon; 10' a.m:; Church School!, regularly each' 5.95 ter f for, all ages. Grill room throu~h at . Vv'ith the exclusive "Desert Dry Finish. II In pink, aqua. 16661 Senior High;' 1f:30 a.m., CrIb d. room only; Ij' p.m. to 8:30 p.m., gold and white. I . to our ' lowest. sale price.s. Junior Hi. C.I.H.U. meeting in did' Youth Room; 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., • " _ for some 'of the most beautiful, sheets you can e i!l- Bath Sheets, 7.95 Guest Towers, 98 old ' "Senior Hi. Pilgrim Fellowship own! Wamsutta sheets and cases are woven with the highest meeting in Lounge. er'a, ~~~~,~~,~ ;f~¥,.~~' ' .. • .. ' c on U nd S thread count (over 200 thre,ads to t~e square inch), for silken, Bath Towels, 2 50 W ~sh Cloths, 39 ~ S ay ~ 'Monday, 3:30 p.m., Girl Scouts ~ ~moothJ1ess. greater wearability~ All sizes before hemming. • ....J .'"in Social Hall; 7 p.m., Girl- Scout Matching Bath Mats 4 4S ~,~~'~"'~:," an u'a ry ;....:v.-~"'~.:: MarinersTrustees inmeeti~g.Social Hall;in Committee,7:30 p.m., , • Room; 8 'p.m., Missionary Board , , I, - meeting/in Youth room. \Vhite wit~ plain he,m , reg. NOW Whit. fitted top sheeh ' reg. NOW Imported from Irelandl $ Clea "'-""'nce $ Tuesday, :0'" a.~., Friendly sheet 72x 108 in. 5.95 -4.45' twin size 6.95, 5.45 Service sewing in Social, Hall; S • ~ ~ BlxlOS in. '6.85 5.35 linen dish .towels $ ~ 12:30 p.m., Women's Association full' si%. 8.45, 6.45 ...'to ¥ meeting in Social ,Hall; 7 p.m., 90xlOS in. 7.45 5.'i5 S l IIBlossom Tone" Pastels (plaln hem). ,'" a e .....Boy Scouts in Social' Hall. I08xI22~Jn; 14.95 10.95 Gel'\erous 00 yellow; hlue, green, pink, rose. 22x32" Size' ~ ' t.~ ••• cas. 42x38V2 in 1.60... 1.20 11 doz. ~ '\-~ Wednesday, 4 p.m., Junior , . ,.. ~ choir rehearsal; 8 p.m., Coopera- 45x38V2 in., 1.65 ,1.25; sheet. 72xroS in. 6'.95 5.75 ~~ St ck Up Now I. $ tive Nursery meettng in Social 90xlOS in. 8.95 7.75 ..... 0 ,,"Hall; 8 p.m., School of Religion, White with hemstitched h~m Imported from Ireland! Finest Quality'...... , ~~ "Democracy and the Churches," sheet 72x I08 in. 6.35 4.85 ease 45x38V2 in. 1.95 1.70 ~~ Here's once-in-e-lifetime opportunity ~ Mrs. Choate, Youth Room. SlxlOS in•. ,7.25 5.75 ...... to purchase next year's Christmas decori2tions, ~ • ...... ' , I ,C~lor-scalloped hemlines on whito: linen, huck towels hat ~~ gifts, etc. at ;'remendous savings. Sale ~ Thursday, 7 p.m., M~n's Club • 90xlOS in. 7.85 6.35 blue, rose: gol,d. pil'lk. green. Also ..n, bit ~ starts tomorrow at 10 a.m. Be here early! ~ bowling leRgue. 19748 Harper IOSx122Vi in. 15.65 11.35 White and colors. Hemstitched hems. whit •• " on. case -42x3~V; ,i~~, 1.85.. 1.3'5 ar- ~ '%M!lI\lIl1l:lIIl1\lIllllllllllllllmil!lIl1l1l1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\l\lIlIlIlIll~ $ ~::;~al~ ~m~:m~ O~~an~~~irch~~; sheet -- 72x 1.08 in, 6.95 . , 45x38V2 in•. 1.90 1.40 5.45 ich rehears,al. ' :$ I •Wrappings I$ 90xl08' in. 8,45 6.95 18x30" $21'doz. 15x2'" $10 doz. ay ...... - - $ -_. White fitied bottom sheets " - twin six. 5.9.5 4.45. case 45x38Yi. in. 2.i20 1.65 =_ 9x14" ~ 1', I •Candles 1__~~~~~~r!i:~r~~~~~~~ full siz. 6.95 5.45 $5 doz: n If k ~ Robp,rtJ. Beck, Pastor ~CJifI Orders Accept~dl ~ 7'~'-0 • Nap ins ~ ~ Thursday~8 p~ril.,~enior Choir.

. \ ~~ ...!. Ornaments B=_ $ Saturday-9:30-1l:30 a.m., Con- $ I .~Iade Mats I"1:\ g~~i~~ion Cl.ass,..3:30..p.m~ Junior -SPECIAL! for..Our' J';'~u"ry White Sales ~ . ~ ~1Il"1II1111"1""1II111111"1II1""""1I!1II111!11111"1II"1II111"1I111111111111111111"1l~ Sunday-9:15, Church SchooL ~, 10:45 Church ScLool for, Begin-

~ gJlI!"II!!lIImlll"lII"m""lII"""""IIII11"III"III"lIIl11l1Hilllllllllillllllllll~ ~~ I ners. Crib R~om open:. ' ~ II E ~ 10;45 Mornmg WorshIp, Nar- S ~ on a I~thex Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Ed')"ard c:all~way valley -towels $ l~ I SAOMo,PLeEI loDt~;sLS iS K~a~erp.m., Youth 'Fellowship ~t .- ..... 3 = ~ ~ the Church. ' , With "Pucker., Pr~of'.'- borders .. Soli.d CO,101'5 of rose, g(een, gold. ~~ of~::::= Large Plush _ ,~-'t 8 p.m. Sunday evening Discus- ' ...... An-Imals ~ \ sion Group at the Parsonage . peach, aqua, wh'ite, ,gray; beige,"pi:~k, chocolate, red, black'.' ...'" := "i ... • ... , ~ " .:: ~= ~=== Spring Rocki~g I~Monday / - 8 p,m., Consistory In your choice of monogram and color~ ," '~H ~ ...Meeting. . I ~ ~ orses ~ ~. • • Bath Towels' 1.69 Wash Cloths 35(' I ~ ~"1I11111111ill""1l1l1l1l11l1lt1ll1l1lIllillllllllllllillllll!!lIl11ml!ll1ll1l1l1l1l1l1l1l1l~ ~ WedneBday - 8 p.m., ,W0!l1en's , 2 B~th Towels , ~.- '~ monthly meetjng. --.- "..... • ~;". >10 , ( " 2 Guest .Towels • S ~lIIl11ll1iillllllllll!!:allllllu:"'IIII111IlIl"'llIl1l1l1"lIl11l1l1l11iu:IIII1"IIl"IIII1~ S Thursday":"'-8 p.m., Senior Choir...... 12'5 Set ~ @ ~~ Both Mats 5ndlid"Covers : . .., .! ••. .1 6.50 set. 2 Wash, Cloths \ ' . t~.. I on all ~,~ CALVARY LUTHERAN. , - 3i Gateshead (Kerby) at Mack Ave., ' . ,'Available in' matching colors . = Rev. Paul H. W,ilscn, Pastor " ~ 3 ffg c g i .Saturday, January 7: Religious ... , lY: .0 = ostu me . ~ ~Instruction for children ,11 years ~ ~ it0:! age and over 'at 9:30' a.m. ", 'I Jewel ry :=: ~~ Sunday S~~oo; ~~~ Bible Class t - ~at 9:30 a.m. -, ~ ~ ' ,~ .", '. Church Worship at 11 a.m. S ~1I1111111111"1II1"li;f,i11III11HIIIIIIIIIIIIlIli"lIII1I1II1I1IIIIII1II1IIHlllilllllllllll"~! top I APTITUDE TESTS l enable you to ,learn the- kind of 1 ~l . . Grosse Pointe Woods ~ work YOU can best succeed In or PhoneTUxedo 2-88'26 i tne Idnd of ~tudles YOU should 104 Kercheval Avenue SUNDAY'S ~ follow. (For men and women, boy. and girls.) , - t~ 19850 Mack Ave. - TU 5-9967 I;' DanIel L. Beck. Dl~ectGr ~ Vocational Counseling Institute -HOURS: 9:30 to 5:30 Open !0 to 6 p.m. daily-Fri. Ia.-to 9 p.m." ~ . 958 Maccabees Bldg.. 7]:. 1-1&51 Woodward Near Warren II 10 Years, Sllrvinl Detroit ....0- "

I J ; \ ,'" . ,', (j f, / ~ ,

C .... d .... twnt +AM.:....,,), ..... ob « -.,..., ' t .". . t -t.",. .... , •• « • .:. '_ .ej. -', - ,.~._...:..a' •..;...... -:.:.-=-:~~_ ...... ::_-_'l...... o._ ~~~ .. ," .. • ( 1M • t ." • '._-" J _ > "fP~, ...... ~ ,._v. -, '-.-.r\~.~10-_~~....,..,.~~"~~..-",,,,,,,,~,,,,,:,-7- .....~_~.:7;~~.~~-~- . j ,. , l. "

, ,

I . ( \ POlNT'e; :.NEWS '. 'Tt;ursQ.Y~ J.nu'ry 5, 1956 '..} . T~ursday, Ja,nua Pcsge Six. ..t. :~J.. • I' . . . ~ - < 11:25 Nightwatcb Theater- tI:30 Love Story , ;.~:55 Fran 'HarrIs ~ :.. .7:45N~ws ..Caravan' . <.... _-~ A.M. )0:00 Garry I'dooreShow '2:00' Hour ,of Shows . _ 8:00 Tru~ or. Constiquences ' '. ~ .' Hickey's jor Quality'. : • SitU. 1900" ~ WWJ- 12:50 Weathervane and Medi '"- 1.0:30 Arthur'Godfrey 3:00' NBC ~Matinee, .'. : '~:30 Lif~ 'ofRi1~y '. . J,. ' ". ~ ,(Continued from .Televis!on Programs tat:Ons 11:3'0 Strike It Ricl~ . .4:00' A Dat~ w£th Life , 9 :00 ,Big. Story' . ", . .. '~,'" ~ ., . . '. 1~:00 Valiant Lady: " 4:15 MOdern .Romanc'esP' .\9:30 ~tar-Stage ,. '~., P.M. 8:00 Ed Sullivan Show H'C'K'E.Y/S'ANNUAL ~ P.M.', \ 4:30'Queen.For'.A Day'. I 10:00 'Cavalcade of Sports ~ I , ;,. 12:30 Movie of The 1 9:00 G. E. Theater . TUESDAY. JANUARY '10 " / 12:~5 Lt;)ve oJ: Life 5:pOPinky Lee Show" 9:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents A~M. , '10:45 'Rftd Barber's Corner ~ A .ANCE ~ 1:30 Red Wings He 'VJBK-TV " J 12:3,0 Search 'fo!, TOlnorrow 5:30 Howdy 'PoOdy., Show. 10:00 Appt. with Adven.ture r5:5QLes Paul & Mary Ford 11:0.0:News-By William~' .-;..~~ JAN,U_ARY ~LE 'R' ~ . 3:45 Sports on Para 6:55 Meditations . . . 12:45 Guiding Light .. . " (CPLOR pROGRAM) 11:15 The Little sbow "~. ~ CHANNEL 2 10:30 What's My Line? 1:00 Ladies' Day ..... 7:00 Morning' Show'. 6:00' News by Williams 11:00 Sunday News Final 1:30 Amy Vanderbilt. , THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 11:15 Miss Fairweather 7:55 Weather 6:15, Sonny l!:llot . ~.~~Topight. , '. , ~~~,-" 5ALE . ~~~., 1:35 Ladi,es'Day ,(eon.t'd) .A.M. 11:20 Les Paul & Mary ]'ord 6:30' Juvenile Court 1:0~: Sign "Off News ~ ' ... 8:00 Cart~on Classroom 1:5~ Girl Talk tiI • • 6:50 Les Paul & Ma,r,Y Ford II :25 Nightwatch Theater 8:30 Captaip. Kangaroo 7:00 Miehig'a.n OJitqOOrs A O~1 6:55 Meditations 2:00' Robert Q. Lewis ' ..7:30 Dinah Shore " SATURDAY, JANUARY 'Z ~ I. ~ A.M. 9:25 TV News' 2:30 Linkletter's Housepar.ty 7:00 Morning Sl1?W 12:50 W~athervane and Medi- 7:45 News Caravan.' .' A.M. . ~. 5pEtc,ial Groups ~ow ~ I 9:30 Lov~ Story' 3:00 The' Big Payoff . 7:55 News . 8:00' You Bet 'Your Liie tations ~O:OOqarry Moore Show . 3:30B6b Crosby Show ,1..7:30 Local Test Pattf!rIl ~ at Redoict-lonsof. , 8 :00 Cartoon Classroom $ lIP • 8:30 Dragnet I .. ' I, S:OO Color Test Pattern ~ u ~ '10:30 Arthur Godfrey 4:00 ,BtightEm Day . ,I .' 8:30 Captain Kangaroo MOND","Y, JANUARY 9 11:30 Strike It Rich 9:00 People's Choice.' 9:25 TV News 4:15 Sacret Storm 9:30 Theatre A.M. 12:00 Valiant La'dy 4:30 On Your Account ,:;;~,r~~:SBigPicture i 20tM 50~ ~ 9:30 Love Story I io:oo Video Theatre .. 6:50 Les Paul & Mary Ford P.M. . 5:00 The Early Show . 9:00 Industry on Parade ; . . 0 0 ; . 10:00 Garry Moore Show ~1:00 News '"By Williams to '.., 0:55 Meditations 12:15 Love Of Life "'6:15 News with Ji:1c LeG-ot! 9:15 qty Affairi" ~ • ~ 10:30 Arthur Godfrey 11:15 The Show 7:00 Morning Show 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 6:25 TV Weatherman Little 9:30 Quiz 'Em . 11 :30 Strike It .Rich 11:30 Tonight i :. 7:55 We,.ther 12:45 Guiding Light 6:30 Telenews ,Spor.ts Wee~ly . 10,:00 Andy"'~ Ganl!t , SUITS ~ 12:{)0 Valiant Lady A.M.. i'- 10:30 Pinky Lee Show '. . . ~ r.M. 8:00 Cartoon Classroom 1:00 Ladies' Day.' 6:45 Doug Edward~ Nevis 2:00 Robert Q. Lewis 7:00 ,Corliss Archer . 1:00 Sign Off News 11:00 Fury , ~ 12:15 Love oi Life 8:30 Captain Kangaroo 9:~5 TV News 2:30, Linkletter's Housepa:.:ty . 7:30 Mo~il Tlieat~r "" ... 1~:30 'Winch\!ll'- Mahon.~y ~ TOPCOATS ~ 12:30 Search for Tomorrow 9:30 Love Story \ 3:00 'The Big Payoff 8:00, Arthur Godfrey .. P'RIDAY, JANUARY 6 12:00 Choos~ Up ~ides ~ I 4' 12:45 GuicUng Light 3:30 Bob Crosby. Show Ladies' Day 10:00 Garry MOor!!!ShOw . 9:00 The Millionaire' A.M:~ P.M. . ~ l:no \ 4:00 Brighter Day 12:30 Movie~Go-R6und ~ OATS ~ 1:55 Girl Talk 10:30 Arlhur Godfrey , 9:30 l'v~ Got'a Sec\'et OYERC .. ~ 4:15 S~cr~t Storm 10:00 20th 'Century Fox 1!our 6:50 .Today's Farm Report 3:00 NBC' Basketball ';. . ~" 2:00 Robert Q. Lewis 11 :30 Strik! It Rich 4:30 On Your Account 7:00 Today, I 5:00 ,Spo/ts'On Parade.. 'i . .' . 2:30 Linkletter's 'Houseparty \ 12:00 Valiant Lady 1l':00 Standard New:; OATS 5:00.'The Early Show 9:00 Roinper :Room . 5:15 Michig',an Reports ~ ' 3:00 The Big Payoff P.M. j 11:15 Miss Fairweather' , SPORT' C ~. 6:15 News. with Jac LeGoff 11 :20 ~es PauC~ Marr. .Ford 9:55 FayeElizab~th 5:30 Roy Rogers ~ ~ 3:30 Bob Crosby Show 12:15 Lo,re of Life 6:25 TV" Weathe'rma11O': 10:00 'Ding" Dong School , . 4:00 Bright~!. Day 11:25 N'ightwatch 'The~tl'!r . 6:00 Saturday Edition '" ACKS ~ 12:30 Search for Tomorrow . 6:30 Patti Page Show A.M.' .- 10:30 ErmeKovacs Show 6:15 Your Tax Return ,~ 4:15 'Secret Storm 12:45 Guifling Light 5 L ~ 6:45 Doug Edwards 'News 12:50 Weathervane and Medi- 11:60 Horne .;; 6:30 It's. A Gr'eatLife ~ ~ 4:30 On Your Account 1:00 Ladies' Day 7:00 Do You Trust Your Wife' 12:00 Tenn~ssee Ernie" Show 7:0.0 Soldiers, of Fortune ~ . 5:00 The Early Show 1:30 Amy Vanderbift tatioI'lS FURNISHING'S. HATS. SPORTSWEAR ~ 7:30 :Name That Tune' P.M. 7:30 The' Big' Surprise ~ . ~ 6:15 News with Jac LeGoff 1:35 badies' Day (cont'd) 8:00 Phil Silvers Show 12':30 Feather Your Nest 8:00 Perry Como, ~ y~ur opportunity to save substontially 01'1 Hickey's ~ .6:25 TV Weatherman 1:55 Girl Talk Navy 'Log 8:30 1:00 Color1and (COLOR 9:00 People Are "Funny ';. I d ~ 6:30 Patti Page Show 2:00 Robert Q. Lewis 9:00 Meet Millie 9:30'- Star,1'heatre ~ quality apporel. .This sole does not inc u' e our i. . PROGRAM) I' 6:45 Doug Edwards N~ws 2:30 Linkletter's Houseparty • 9:30 Red Skelton WWJ-TV ] 0:00 George Gobel ~ Mtire stock ... bu't the selection is adequate in ~ 7~00 Ray Milland Show 3:00 The Big Payoff 1:15 Fun to Reduce 1C':00 The $64,000 Question 10:30 Hit P.arade ~"1 every sa e group. ~ 7:30 Sgt. Preston of the Yukon 3:30 Bob Crosby Show 10:30 Highway PatrOl _ CHANNEL 4 ,1:30 J eal1 McBride ~.8:00 Bob Cummings Show 4:00 Brighter Day' 11:OQ Standard News' 1:55 Fran Harris ii~~~~:~id~~y~~~~ms ~ Speciol grOup of Boys' and ,Young Men's Apparel ~ " 8:30 Climax! 4:15 Secret Storm 2:00 Hour of Shows 11:15 MiSs'Fairweather .THURSDAY. ;tANUARY 5 A.M. .'. ':f.'i c!lnd Men's Shoes Me iriduded in this Selle at our l." ': 9:30 Four Star Playhouse 4:30 On Your Account. 2:55 FIerschell Hart 11:20 Les Paul & Maloy Ford. A.M. 12:35 Sign Off ~ews ~ Grosse' Pointe Store only. ~ "10:00 Johnny Carson Show 5:00 The ,Early Show 11:25 Nightwatch TMater 6:50. Today's Farm Repol't 0' 3:00 I-TBCM-atinee' 'rheatre )0:30 Eddie' Cantor Show 6:15 News with Jac LeG off 4:00 'A Date With-Life . --- ~ .o\.M. . " 7:00, Today SUNDAY. JANUARY 8 '"~ . -# -;. .11:00 Standard News 6:25 TV Weatherman 12:50, Weathervane and Medi- 9:00 Romper Room '4:15 Modern Roinances :11:15 Miss Fairweather 6:30 Invitation Playhouse (: tations I 9:55 Faye Elizabeth 4:30 Queen For A'Day .11:20 Les Paul & Mary Ford 6:45 Doug Edwards News 5:00 .Pinky Lee Show News I ~.. oil ... oil 10:00. Dint bong School ~.~o -jI,"c1

:3:30 Bob Crosby Show " - / 4:00 Brighter Day' 4:15 Secret Storm 4:30 On Your Accot:nt 5:00 Tl1e Early Show 6:15 News with Jac LeGoff ... 6:25 TV Weatherman - 6:30 Invitation Playhouse ~ 6:45 Doug Edwards News 8:00 Mama on 8:30 Our Miss Brooks Sa~e Vpto.' V3 9 :00 The Crusaders Fali ~nd winter fashicn-f~vorite shoes-calf • and 5u~id~. \ 9:30 Playhouse \ of Stars dress and casual styles you'll wear right now with your r : 10:00 The Lineup winter wMdrobe and through' spring. All heel 'h~ights, 10:30 I Led Thr~e Lives RE < 11:00 Siandard News and in the season IS best colors. " ] 1:15 Miss Fairweather '. 11:20 Les Paul & M:lry Ford , 11 :25 Nightwatch Theater CO,ATS! . SUITS : A.M. ,- 12:50 Weathervane and Medi- .. tations ". '" . SATURDAY. JANUARY '1 . I : A.M. 8:25 Meditations Juniors, petite an.d misses sizes. Qress, c~sual, sport ~nd 8:30 M~chigan State University COATS 8:45 Michigan Conservation fitted style's. Coats for ~very oeca'sfop in 'finest fabrics - Forstmann, 9:00 Farmland U,S.A: Orig. !6.95 to -18.95 9:30 Cartoons for Kids Stroock, WoruIT].bo, and luxurious' import. 'Every fashion-favorite ~blor of 9:45 Sausage Sinema i . .. . 10:00 C.jrc1e 2 Theat~r .the season. : 11:00"Captain Midnight . 11:30 Tales of Texas Ranger .. ; 12:00 Big Top . : P.M. 00 ~ 7 :00 I'm the Law Orig. 49.~6, now . Orig. 55.00 to 59.95 . '34.°.,.,'°.... : 1:00 Lone Ranger I ~M i~11e r . 38 , ' 1 :30 Uncle Johnny Coons •. 2:00 Wayne University pO ~:30 Horizons Unlimited and Orig. 69,95 to. 79,95: •. 48 .. Ori9~' 89.9~ to 100.00 - 68°0 " 3:00 Big Ten Basketball 4:45 This Week in Sports • 5:00 Cartoons • 6:00 Gene Autry .'Pa,l'izzio Oti~- .13.5.uOfo'., " y' .J.39I .•00;', •. '.9 _...3. 00 ,', , -' ; \ 6:30 Saturday Lucy Show \ • 7 :00 Big Town , , . f 7:30 Beat the Clock 8:00 Stage Show

" 8:30 The Honeymooners . \\ ' .' 9:00 Two for the Money '. / : 9:30 It's Always Jan ; 10:00 Gunsmok~ ~ 10:30 Man Behind the Badge Orig~21.95''+0 26.95 'SUIIS Entire;fa.i\~'a'~,d ~inter:sf6~k,':t~\ junibr,'b[ief; aild misses sizes. : 11:00 Saturday News Final • 11:15 Miss Fairweather b;'~ssy~nd casual ,styles; cost-iJme~ ~.hd..:'ense~b'I~~'~iridud1~g all of our . .' : '11:20 Les Paul & Mary Ford d~s'igne~6r,g~nals.:~6;'steds'\:fi~'nn~Is, 't~~eds'an'a rMi'~ortedtd'rtan- plaids . # 11 :25 Nightwatch Theater . - t'. i ~ . : A.M. , " 12:50 Weathervane and Medi- ~ ~ations iI * • SUNDAY, JANUAla~8 . I , Mannequins .~ *. A.M. . i \ ," j 8:10 M~ditations I \ J . "' 8:15 The ChIistophers , I Oti9.: 79~9S..to 89.95 110.00 I ' ... .c. .• I'.' ,r : 8:45 Facts Forum J' ~ 9:15 Court of -Uealth. - \' " ~ 9:3C This Is the l.ife ) 10:00 Detroit Pulpit " .. ~ 10MO CarJoons for Kids .Orig. 10.95' to 12'.95, .' , I ~ 10:45 Sausage Sir.ema I I . , ,. 11,:00 Porky Pig & Daffy Duck I .. ; 12':00 Buster Crabbe j * I••M. l. : 12:30 Wild, Bill Hickok I I 1:00 Talk Around j :. 1:30 Weekly News Roundup I ! - • 2:00 Famous Playhouse I • 3 :00 Adv.nture I . ! 4:00 The Big Idea ~ '. I : I : 4 :30 Judge Roy Bean ;1 ' .. 5:00 Omnibus I \ , • 6:30 You Are There Use Your Charga-Plate .TUxedo 2-7000 • 7:00 CrosS Current .1 "Use Your Ch~ •., 7:30 Private Secretary .. : .1 •• Jo. .~ ~-'. '. . . \ ....

\ ~.. ., .' . .. ! , . . ~ I I I • J ~ , i' ;' 4:00 Hall of Fame (COLOR) 1.0:30-Confid,ential File,: _ 7:25 Today In Detroit A.M. - A.M. '",' " , ' r MONDAYt JANlrUi~; - " lO:5S 'New. WWJ-TV 5:30 Capt. Gallant 11:00'qth Hour News , 7:30 'Today \ ,- , 8:00' Little Rascals _ , 9:30 Christi~"Sciencei'ub. Soc. A.M. " ' ,~' \.' -'~ ~ 11:00 StO'ryStudiG . (Contmued from Page 6) 6:00 Meet the Press 11:15 'Movie of, The Week r 7:55 Today,InDetroit 8:30 Wixi~,WonderIand': 10:00"'Faith for Today , 8:00 Little R~~ . U:55'Newl Ace 6:30 Headline 12:35 Sign Off ~ews' " 8:00 To.day~ '" __ ' 9:30 R~quest' Th,eatre ' 10:30 Feature' 8:30 Wixie Wo,nderland 12:00 12 o'ClOCk Comies P.M. 7:00 Badge 7l~ ' l(J:55 News' " , , . ... ~"'7 '"• " 8:25 Today In Detroit ,12:00 Championship- Bowling :'9:30 Request Theatre I (c.ntbl ...... Pap 11), 12:30 Movie of The Day 7:30 Frontier MONDAY] JANUARY.9 8:30_.Today' : 11:00 Story Studio "'P.M. " , 8:00 Comedy , A.M. ... _ 1:30 Red Wings Hockey 8:55 Today In Detroit 11:55 News Ace . 1:00 World'Adventure ~n~~_r~~.,~ffimmmmrn'" ... Ti""""_~~,~\""~~.. ~4ft' 9:00 Teleyision Playhouse 6:50 Today's Farm Report ~:OORQInper Room, 12:00 12 o'Clock Comics, 1:30 Black Spider .' • 3:45 Sports on Parade 10:00 Loretta Young P.M. 7:00 Today I ' '9:25 :rayeElizabet~ ~" 2:30 The Crash 10:00 Ding Dong Sc~ool 12:30 Beulah . • 3:00 JumbO, Theatre l:oo Charm Kitchen " , '1i):3v Ernie' Kovacs Show 3:30 Little "Rascals, ~ . 11:00 Home , ' 2:00' StarsQn ,Seven " 4:JO Star & Story . annc1unclng 12:00 Tennessee E...T'llie 3:00,Heartthrob' Theatre, . '5:00 Super ~ircus A. ONCE - A -YEAR EVENT P;M. ' , 4':nOCaptain Fliilt" ", 6:00 Frontfer Justice 12:30 Feather ,Your Nest 4:30 AJ,mtie Dee's RascaJa. , Ik30 Jungle' Jim , ' .~he Beginning M~nday. Jan. 9 thru Saturday, Jan. 14 . '1 ):00 Collorland ' r ,5:00 Mickey Mouse' Club ' , 7:00 YoU'Asked' For It . 1:15 Fwi ,To Red1.lce '6:00Superman ' ~ ,grand openi,ng 7:30 Famous Film, Festival ' ~ ' . -- 1:30 Jean McBride 6:30 Cis'cC>Kid 9:00 Chance of a Lifetime, '" ~ ' '7-:00 Kuk1a~ Fran' & Ollie ,3:00 NBC ,Matinee Theater 0:30 Original Amateur-Hour ~, ,of Hanes SEAMLESS,~~YLONS :4:00 A Date With Life 7,:15 JoInt Daly, ' 10:30 Jumbo 'I'heatre , 4:15 Modern, Romances - ,7:39 Lone Ranger ' 11:00 Hollywood Premiere' A:30 Quee~ For ~ Day', : ' '8:00 Life.'Is Worth Living 12':30' Sign; Off ' .' I~ at , 5:00 PPlky Lee ' _ 8:30 Stop the Music, charles gEDUCED PRICES! 5:30 Howdy Doody (COLOR) 9:00 Star Tonight ' ------6:00 News By Williams, ' 9:30 Dawn You' Go , BEAuTY SALON 4 10:00 JUJD.bo Theatre' • 6:15 Sonny Elliot, " FLORIDA; HOME 1521,7 E. Werren, next to Sid~s Save up to 1~05 6:30 Western Mar~hal, , 10;30 Science..Ficti~n Tlleatre In ExClusive ' , " 7:00 n,.. l!ud~on's Secret Journal 11:00 Soupy's On . , 'when you buy box of 3 pair! 7:30 Peter Pan (COLOR) ..... :.• 11:15' 3 Bar Rancli Lauderdale Yacht and' Surl A.M.' ~ • 9:30, Robert Montgomery Estates " 10:30 Waterfront: : 12:30 Sign Off ,O'PEN ' HOUSE Su'nday, Jan. I : 11:00 n'O'Clock News' ,~ ... • at', . . LAUDERDALE • 11:15 The' Little' Show, FRIDAY, J~UARY 6, '2:00 to 6:00 P.M. •• 11:30 Tonight ,:' ., A.M. '. BY THE SEA 1:00 Sign Off News 8:00 Little Rascals .• refrnhme,," ' • door '...... Immediate Occupancy \ " ...... 8:30,Wixie' Wonderland Reg. 1.35, 15~cf~mlerbusiness shee:r TUESriAY~JANUARy'10 9:30, Request Theatre ", 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 24x22 liv:. ~Vir,inia Farrell ' featuring •• ,• 1is 3 pcdr 3.30 ,ing ,room, 12x18 dining L, ul. A.M. , 10:55 News ' ~ trained stylists: The all new aU'~cUtt... • tra mod~rn kit&en, att. gar- "centroU~ ~.. • I 6:50, Today's Farm Report 11:00Story Studio age. Large' landscaped, lot. . 7:00 Toda.y , 11:55 News Ace 1 Sprinkler system, city watet. Mr. Charles ~;~tJ.nc .nd ailVft'pbI~. : i 7:25 Today In Detroit '12:00 12 o'Clock.con'llcS Built 1955. For' further' infor. ' Jo~ce Binkley IS.denier reinforeed sweer 3 pair 3~60 P.M.... . JM .ppoi"'''''' 125 7:30 ?:,oday' mation, and pict'e1rescall- luella Harris TV. , '. .t', 00 Short, medium or long proportioned lengths. 10:00 JUmbo Theatre , .12.:' , ' " .... - - .... ~ll :00 Hollywood, Premiere 'WX:YZ~TV ~A.M.' - "'Orig. 17.95 Orig. 55.00 to 69.95 , 1:45 Sign ,Off Use Your Char9a~P!ate CHANNEL', \ * * • THUJ,tSDAY, JANUARY 5 ;. I SUNDAY JANuARY 8 .1800 Orig. 21~~S:,to 35~QO' REDUCED...our entire stock of "girls",fall , , " .. I and winter coat 'and coat sets . .... Orig. 39.95 to 49.95 , Orig~ 55.00 to 69.95, 2~00 " Orig.' 29.95 Orig. 35.00 to 45.00 'AI wonderful -selection of fall, winr!!r ana, holiday dres~es now e+ : . , . a fraction of their origin~l velues. L'1ces, taffet~sl silb, satins. velvets, flannels, sheer woofs, wool, jerseysc rayon ~nd noveltie~.' Wonderful opportunity to save , One end two.:pi~ce' ....styles. in street" GocKtait, and <:~5uat wear. during 'this unusual • I ' • , , ~ale of girls', beautiful coats, '~nd dresses. Juniors, T to i5; Mi~ses,--ato 20; Women's. 12Yi t~'24'!2~ " coat~sets y.,;ith'Jin,ed-legging ... cornfortably' warm wool'-fleece, tweed, sued~ cloth, • , , boucle, zibelirie, velours,' One.of.a-kind _designer ~TiginlllB - - chinchilla and wool blends. from our colleetio1t8 , Every ,~:tyleimaginable is' coutur,rei-' here .•. from fur' , , , trimmed dress coats to classic boy. coats, lh 10. ~ -off! . fitted p~inces5 coats ,to alpac'a-lined e'~6iY ,Maternity Dresses,' storm cdats . " • in " : . ~ color. Sizes '3 to 6x 00 7 to :14: and ,20~ 4 subteen 8 to 14. Orig. 3.95 to 5.95 ' Orig., 7~95 to 8:9l . ,: 'Cpttons. ipuns. linens, lSnd coiduroys~ in two~pieC8- - , , I.,: styles. )'\Iso sep~rates -::-,lac~ets, -,$kirts and 'pedaC • , ',pushers. f.xcellent 'v~l(Jes!" . - • , .. ., " " "

i i .• •

-9 , "

" , .' • .,. . , \ ..Jacobspn"s ..... ,~ , ' I " • J ( / .,' . '. ;, ~.., , , . Kercheval, at St. Clair

" , .... Usa Your Charga-Plate Kercheval. 'at St. Clair Use Your -Char9a~PJate ' ' TUxetJo 2.700c ~' ' , ••• 1 • ""

I , . . .' , t ~ : i lJ " .. t ! ! .. (

2 a ---I'"~ __- r •• 0 e••• smoo, PRZWZ 7 em 5ron .'Z'9 9 7 2 7 .?I 7ch'SSE'2 702 m PC = 2m2 stmstst usC 5 r Sd m? n 2 "$ nt#$ t-, C frf# • ('n's' *~Cf ~~---,--.-~ ' , '.' j '!"/ 1~.lr"""1i-"f-rf "":""""-:,,,, """f "'!'F~,"l"'i""''"'I'-'''L'''ir-''~~1 '"'1'1.-. "I"t~.~,~~f.-."'!I:-0 '!", .,F...."'{'li -'II'II!}""'-"'i ...,. ... -'!iI!'\-~.\-. "!lIp....~~,,...,~....1II!It-1I!I'. :11-). "., ..!II, -. ~I 1II.:fl:lllll!l, 1III•. !iII, ~ .. l1l:I.•• /t'.IIIIII$~.Pill.....; ""III\!I!I,"'III. III!I.:...... " ... - .. , •. ------.... ,.. p...------~---~ f.l .-~r.,.t~, "p•.•.(-. -,".,-. I" ... -'~ I •

> • ... • • / . Thursday, Janu , .. PagEt. Eight ..Thursday, January 5~.1956 _ ~ .. ~~, .:1 _."_ I

~Wo" Society News - 1\110;{" ! . . .. " 'the Pol'<. nt~es From Another Pointe~ Helen S.Drake, Wed GPYC

, Attract QfView .~- .' . To John- E. Sanford DOLORES . NEP..R' and SUE By Kitty Marriott MILLER are 'among.. local ' stu-' . . Carlit>Higbie: Couple Ta~e.Wed~in9 Trip' to Ski Resort Directors in' R dents :fr6m Michigan. St;ate Uni- . pia'nn.ing Slimmer Wedding> Ne ....------....------...'V'ersity .who:werlt, to the West Mctk'es .IJ-ebut. ' After Cereroony in Winnetka, III.: February 4 bdde-elect Nancy Venderbush will be feted Coast Aor'. the):tose' Bowl 'game: .. '. . . . -.L<. ':1' Will Reside in O~kland, Calif. at a January 17 shower given by Ruth"Venderbush ofKEm- Dee left on theMSU.whjte,train~ , Mr~.'~ a! l.t on M.H~g?e",of I Six attendants gowned 'in red velvet preceded Helen S. sington road, and attended by aunts and cousins of the bride- and S'ue,.on' the :b1ue."They. will A true New Ye Metamora".mtroduced. her,d~u~h.-. Drake. up th,~ aisle of-the Congregational Church in Winnetka, 'Yacht Club Sunda. to-be. Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hay E. Venderbush return to classes at East Dansing ter, Carla,. on D~cemb~r,28 at: a Ill. Saturday evening when she became the bride of John of Pemberton road, and DuWayne J.Peterson Jr., will repeat on Jan:u.ary ..,:5.T4ey .are the dance' at'.th.e Grosse Pomte CJuq,."E S' '.', , .' bership at the annt: daughters of I'tlR.and MRS. RUS~ The debutante's. father the . _anfor.d at, ~n' 8 0 clock weddmg. their vows at 4 o'clock rites in Grosse Pointe" Memorial SELL P. NEA~ and MR:: and was Commodore Men' late, Carlton 'M~.Higbie. .' \ The brIde, dauthter of Mr. Church. A Lochmoor' Club reception will following the wed- MRS: CURTIS MILLER\'.both of' ~--=----.------_ 'k~nt .Vice'Commod ding. . Hunt Club' driv'e'. . 'Carla wore" a w h i fe' 'taffeta an~ M.rs.. R~bert 1. Drake, of ford of HIllcrest road are the .Hickey and Rear C gOWri'and"carried .a pouquet. of WlJ!netka,. wore' her mother's bridegroom's' parents. ... .> ClJ.arles L. Jacobso: . , , . . Mr. and Mrs. Du'Vayne .T. Peterson Sr., of Shaker Heights red roses and',stephanotis;for her white satm go w n and 'full ,Mrs. Drake wore a beige lace DR. and. MRS. CLARENCE J. first to wish a H 0 ..' will be hosts at the February' 3 rehearsal dinner at the debut.. Red: r 0 s e s 'were also length' veil, which~ her sister, gown for her ej,aughter's wedding ". y~.' to their' gue TOTTE of Hampton road" have: attached to. the b;ranches.of'Nhite; Mrs .. Robert Morris" (Janet and the reception which follo:wed 'Vhittiet. Gretchen Schroeder is to be Nancy's maid 'of honor, returnee.' home after spending' a directors in the rec trees. thr~~g9Pt!-~~,..the.~.cl?b;.Mr.s;. Drake);. of New York City, in'the Drake home..Mrs. Sanford. and Lois Finnell. fOil11er Detroiter who now Jives in .Pitts- fortnight at the Merriwether in included John'F. \\ burgh, Pa .• will be bridesptaid" . Fort Lauderdale, Fla. ;. Higble-Wpre,a Carnegle'.sllkgovrn, had also worn for her wed- chose a royal blue SIlk taffeta en~ ,trim~~a.;.with.em~:r~~d:be~~i~g. .ding. . sem~le. . . F. Weber, Eugene 1. '0< * '" Cletus 'J. Welling, The prospective bridegroom has asked .John Huckins to The SHELDEN DRENNANS .HOW1~:B~l,. :Etdw.ar~It $ . MR. .and .MRS. DAVID. P. ': DOROTHY JENSSEN, daugh- KEENA (B~TTY COWAN) for- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jens- mer Grosse Pointers,' now of sen of S. Brys. drive, and JO I LYe11l'ead1j 'JOlt R.ochester, Mich., announce the ANNE HAR-GIS,/daughter.of Mr.. bIrth of a son, JAMES TRA"F- and Mrs. Loye Hargis of Hamp- TON, on December 1~. ton road welcomed in the new ...... year at'Snow Valley ski lodge in r HOWARD WAYNE STAVOE, Gaylord. The- girls"eI)joy~d the , f/l/ ' a graduate of Grosse Pointe High three-day ski vacation with their . .



-~. . CI I. 8~ine clothesunlimited at Walton-PiI;ree! I We run the gamut.fro,"!: .

I I fetching swim si/its to airy gfJ1Vns I , I jor dancing under the stars. As~emble' I 'your south-bound wardrobe here!. i(nowtb~{ , $28 I. ! it is fashion-right] 'rjuality'-right. ! Sizes 7 to 44 in 'group .. -+k~~;~~~f~~:" .- (.U...JfA 4k ..;.,,:,'..'· (>;r;~~ Tremen, , ' ~ . .~ -. ,-, I;' ,.,1: (; · . 'f-~ . '. / ;; . om,' a- fabrics d ,(? , W~~'f .rj~ ~,:,,'.Iv t 'I warm a , ., \ ", - -/ ,j ..JOU h.'

.~' .'/ i. ,Linen,. color-splashed like a' peacock cold. wel .// an'~belongs in Mia~i, Montego Bay or . ," whetever' the sunshine takes you. Our pas'tel ! playtime separates, Jaugh at. t.ropical

"1'I. temperatures ." •• stays cool, crisp aU 'casucd t da.y. Navy, ~oa,st;'.sapphiret bla~k, gray; coral and 'pJnk AN D blue ~ •• all dyed "' '. '. to match • , • , Blouse ..••. ~: ••.• :.; 12.95\ .Skirt ...... •.....•. '.. '..'...•.. 16"9S . \ DermQda .Shorts . '.• ( . Availc I .:Ilil~pri,nts ...',.

" \~ , . ...

- , . ~ - . , 397 FISHER ROAD , .. ,GROSS,EPOINTE ALTOn- IERfE . ~. grf!$$e pointe. kerchellal at st •.ciai,..' I 76' Kerch,eval •..• 'e on the 'hill , ' . ., .',I

I • ., , 'f 'Of, I

------~,.--~.•.. a, t' - .~-~'-'-, -.---r. 1,-'7 F 't' _t' Py , $ 4, 4' Of' '. t f.,I, ',P, ~l,' ',',' 1,' ,"" , '1," --' I T','",I I ',I,' \ :' !J2, 'I', lP=, P, " '\', )0 44+, t!'7.,/ -"fiF-," i £. t --9, ii!P S. J'W"NCES', ~ • iF-I .:ryE \'* p~ '$ " t PI., 4, s; Jt?'tz".,r. : _.¥_." " +. . Si,?"-,:,, It th't TJ',," or-;.\. "",,~.I,l~' ... r ,.'" ~ "";",,-*..,. ....,, \:', fIIIE'. i~' ~ , '\. ' .' r .l • ' ' /'" ~ '.':, " _

r' ,. ,

Thursday, January 5, 1956 G ROS.SE P OJ NT E -..NEW 5 Page ,Nine , . • • I . '. , .:. .. ~ w ••• ' • • ._


, " Woman's Pa'ge r" _' 1 b-y, o,f,,'and • -' . • l ~- ". '. .' '. , . GPYC Open House Eng'aged tvortley-Barber ~ ,Mrs..PedeL Fie,ld. Wed;iJJng Slated The Peder, Fields ,-- Mary Jo Wortley and Ralph .: Attracts Members Bernard Barber' will be married' , On Wedding .Trip at 10 ({clock Saturd.ay,' 'January :~ Directors Receiving Line to Welcome Gu,sts at 21, in St. Clare' of 'Montefalco-', in' .Church; :-:. . New Year's Day Fete; Past Couple Married in Christ Church, Grosse Pointe: Their': 'parents are Capt,' ahd, Bride, the Former Elizabeth H.' Livi"9stone .. Officers' Present 'Mrs: Milton, Wortr'ey of, G-rayton s. , read .cand~MrsCEverittBarber',6f,' Wears Coronet Heirloom' af Rites ' a. A true. New Year's spirit ot"cordiality fill~d Gfosse Pointe . C'h aIm e 'r,s.~avenue .. 'Tlie: ' pro- " Yach~ Cluo SU:ilday when directors were hosts to the roem.' -. spective p+iaegr:-----.--.------H!ckey and Rear Commodore and Mrs. Alphonse De Paepe. ~he of St Clai;r Shores,. will be brides'::,~:, The Rev. ErVine B. May- Mrs. Robert D. Burgess' were L. Carl A. Zimmers, Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Jacobson were the m~ii;1,and Ka~p.leen B~rper,nie~e',' nard 'officiated, assisted by bridesmaids. _. first to wish a Happy New Dan Stack, Mr. and Mrs. Tore: of t,he bridegr,oom.-.t6-be,' if!' :to ", the Rev ~. 'William' Bu.tler 'They wore .walu lerigth SIlk Franzen and Mr ..and Mrs. Russell . Year to their guests . .other serve as junior .bl'idesriudd. ", j Sperry~ 'A,reception followed ~eta gowns I~ Kelly ~een., ~e-, ~Hrectors in th~ receiving line ~. Van HouteI1 were amon~ ~~e . R'alp h 'ha~.' ~~ed . hi~ .,twiri • ' . r s!!roed on prmcess llnes WIth In. the Mor£l1l road home of! po~trait ne.ckliries and bouffant mcluded John F W'It R b t £.11:stto go through the recervmg , brother, Harry.,. to. be, hIS' best .., • 1, ~o er , lIne. Miss Suzan~ Copland. ' !, skLrts. TheIr flowers were pale. F. 'Weber, Eugene A. Casaroll . man., Their b;rotber. Vincent;' 'a : Cletus'J. Welling. Comn. War~ _ nephey;, "..Tack ,Barber,' and John .. Before her marriage, Mrs. Fi~ld Ii yellow 'carnations with varie- Holler, will usher.' w~s Elizabeth ~elen Livingstone, ,gated ,holly. ,ren Farr. William A. Ternes, Center Tells, Resumphon ~aughter of ~s. E., Wilkins Liv- The bridegroom, son of Mr. and A ..sePointe ~hil- wall, ,.Naomi 'Cox and ShirleY't Evanski. ' . She wore her mother's' blush Bassett. Harold Boyer. Bob Me. (I- them during the afternoon and dren s Theater WIll resume Sat. white wedding gown of French Kendrick, Richard Chesbrough, x- the buffet table wag another 0'. urday, .J~nuary 14, w\len enroll- satin, with. bodice of rose pointe Ross Wilkit:1s Jr., Stephen ,Sears he ular gathering spot P P ment WIll take place at the Ann M ist'eIe's , lace' and, a court 'train. The r~e and Richard Hamilton of Indian- ~'. Comm Gask' . d d hi Center from 1 to 3 p.m. Lo~d~ffeif er . In en eare .m. . pointe coronet headpiece, handed 'apolis,' Ind., ushered. self to the tiny tots present by Al~ chl1dren,. ages 10-14, who Betrothal .Told Vo;wsExchanged down by her great gran~triother. Mrs. Livingstone wore a t6ast leaving his place in line to pro- are m~erested In, any phase of \ has been worn by sue.cesslve gen- colored lace sheath over satin vide a balloon from l~is' secret dramatIc. work, WIll have a fine An "Open House" on Christmas . $:hir~ey 'Ewald, Loud; daughter. '. e!ati6~,s of .brides .• Sh~ had a with matching hat and pinned hideaway for toddler John. J. op~)Qrtumty to be., coach.ed and Eve revealed. the engagement of of'M:r;s. Henry T. Ewald of Ven-- . f1Og~rtlp veIl ,of illUSIon, a~d ,green orchids to. her purse. Gun' Welke!', Jr., and his sister Bar- gam. actual expenence In pro- Patricia Ann Mistele to Walter dome' road, and' the lat~ ~Mr. carrl.ed an arrangement ,of wfuteMetal gra.y lace wa& Mrs. Fields' bara ",ho ar:-ived with their ductlOns. Herzog. Ewa.td,:,a.nd, ~Charles.F. Pfeifer, of 'H" '.' p"..' t' F" M 716 II orchIds. - choice. with pale pink spray parents, tge senior John W.elkers. ------The announcement was made Darie!)" CQnn.,.pledg,ed their nup-; o.me zn o~n:e. or Clr.l.U ,ens Mrs. Joseph Cushman ~ttended orchids. ' Lynda Au s t e r be r r y was Gary RaymQrld O'Connor by the brid~-elect's parents, Mr. tial.'vow~Fiiday afternoon in the, ' .'. _," . . , , . . ',' as n;l~t~onof honor.~. W.Scot1 ,For travelipg, the bride changed ei another little miss charmed by To Wed on JanuaPtj- 28 and Mrs. Reuben Mistele of Ewald home. ' After a CalifoItlUa, weddmg the son of Mrs. Earle W. McMul- Blomley, :M:rs.Ch.arles 'A. Coryell to a smoke gray suit, charc.oal Ie the Commodore. She was with Moran road. Walter's parents' are Dr.-Allen Zaun officiaied at the trip; Mr.Land Mrs~ George Robert leIi of St.' Paul avenue. . -Jr., Nancy, _Copelapd,- of Fitch- pleated, co~t and Christmas red p- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Herzog of 5 o'clock',' cersmony which was McMullen will make their -home Given in': marriage, .by her: burg, Mas~:., Virginia ,E~e1dand accessories. R. Austerberry, Jr., and grand- of Farmington, New Mexico, an- St. Clair Shores. witnessed by'; the' i.m m e d i a te in Grosse~'P?in~e: ,,.; father, the, bride" wore a ballet ------'------'-----,---.;.---- mother, Mrs. C. R. Austerberry. nounce the engagement and the' Patricia was. graduat'~d- from family:,' After a"sinalfrecept~on~ 'The bride is the former,Jane length peau de ~bie gown with' - Comm. and Mrs ...Gaskin's fam- approaching marriage of, their Wayne University where she was th~ couI?le ~eft fo~ Nassau. 'I'ley T~ylor Garesche, daughter. of Mr. tiny seed pearls' outlining 'the" ily were all home for the holi- d au g h t e r. Marguerite Yvonne 'affiliated with Pi Lambda. Theta: WIll resl~e 10 Danen. . and Mrs. ,Rowe, A. Garesche of scoop J:1eckline. A small white . . days. Michael, in his third year WOvdwell, to Gsry Raymond She is now teaching at Columbus . The, brIde wore a full skirt~d st. Louis;'Mo. The bridegroom is seed pe~I hat held her fingertip, at Yale; Vicky, who attends Uni- O'Connor, sort of Mr. and Mrs. School in Detroit. ' afterno~n :fro~k ,of French bro- I. illusion veil. Her flowers were. SERVICE, BEYOND THE .CONTRACT! James E. O'Cormor of Farmbrook , caded taffeta ,m moon 'blue and ,a M t. PI d! pale. pink ,carnations and 'white versity of Colorado,' and David avenue. Walter attended the Lawrence .corsage of camellias, snapdragons. ' home from Eaglebrook in Mass: ,ee lng ,an,ne ,ASK"~NY'OF OUR CLIENTS. The wedding will take place in Institute of TE7chnology,an~ ju.st Mrs. Henry. T. Ewald Jr., was B G d Cl b achusetts, were all present and Farmington, New ~exico, on completed two ~e~rs ser:Vlce,,m her sister-in-law's only attenqant. ,Y ar: en, U Marie Vital Garesche, her sis. proud of their dad resplendeni January. 28 in th~ Sacred Heart the U S Navy m October CharI' M't h'II f P'tt b h ter'g hon.or, maid, wore Rem.' in his Commodore's uniform. Church. ~ . ' . .' .es . Ie e , 0' 1 S ,urg " --- brandt blue silk taffeta. and car. 0- Vice Conm, and Mrs. Hickey , A summer wedding is planned. Pa" serve.das ...best man for Mr. , A subscription. luncheon and r,ied garnet roses. Mary JJ~bert ip Miss Woodwell is a senior in ' Pfeifer, who i~ the son of Mrs. an annual meeting is planned for had a warm greeting for their New Mexico State College and is Charles .F. Pfeifer, of Darien, and the Grosse Pointe Farm and Scudder, the, bride's' ~godchqd, ARTHUR J.'.:ROHDE daughters and husbands, the affiliated with Delta Zeta, social Center Dancin~ Classes the late Mr. Pfeifer. ' .Garden Club., served as flower girl. She wore a: AND OOKPANY ip Howard A. Shaws and Edward sorority; Mu Beta, honorary fra- C Id E 11MB white :organdie frock with"Rarn.. n Schoenherrs. Mr. and Mrs. Har- ou nro ore oys ------It will be he,ld on Tues.day, bran'dt blue a h d also . d ternity; the Newman Club., and __ U/eekendvv at West PO-Int January 10,' the luncheon ',it 1 g t. S s an ,.carrle n ley F. Riley and Arvi"d Lundell the Future Teachers of America. " arne roses. INSURANOE e Beginning M 0 n day evening, 'F . h.l. -th A 't' .... p.rr.~.in the Countr:y' Club of De- represented the fleet officers. Gary was graduated from St. I' WI , lVI, trol't. . Edward G~ Hotchkiss, of St. January 9, and Friday afternoon ,raug, . c. Y t;, Riley is' Fleet Captain and Lun- Paul High School and is at pres- .I th --- Louis, ,uncle' 'of the" briae, was 2~l1'East Jefferson, Oetroit 7, Mich.- h dell, Fleet Measurer. Fleet Sur- ent stationed with the Army to and evening, anuary -13, 'e CatherL'le DeMarco, daughter Officers and committee chair- best man. Fr. Thomas F. Durkin geon is Dr. Karl Weber. the Nike project at White Sands Center's pro g ram of ballroom of Mr. and Mrs. Tony DeMarco men will present written reports. hea~d the, 11 o'clock exchange of Comm. and Mrs. J. Edgar Dun- provmg. groun dSInew. N Mexico. 'dancing classes under the direc- of Balfour road; returned .Tue""-",. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Ernest vo\\!'s m. S1. Louis Cathedral' on can, Comm. and Mrs, Paul Marco tion of Aunt Marge and Uncle day, January 3, from R hectic Brier and .:Mrs. G~.a-tge.H. Klein. December 2ft ' Bill Wilson will res~me.: week at West Point. ------an dComm. and Mrs. William The world may owe you a liv- O'Neill Kronner were among the ing, but you must have the ability There are no mnre 'openings for .. She' was the guest 'of Cadet R;ginald' T~ Mu~phy,Feted' , - past flag officers present at the to identify yourself as the fellow girls but there'is room in, some' 'RichardSkowronik 'of Detroit. At Surprise Birthday Party' affair. William R. Cornelius, Mr. it's coming to; "',, cias~es' for boys.' " ;,The .holiday: ,,week "act~vities in- I _ . ." . ' 'cludeq. three formal: hops, skat.J Regir.Lald T. Murphy of Bal- WOodward ing parties, luncheons, dinners; four road was feted Sunday at a ,,' ~. and a final ds:nce, a gala New' surprise birthday party' in the 1~9100 Year's Eve ba,ll 'at the academy. Commodore's Room of the Grosse Catherine stayed at the ~p.ayer Jointe Yacht Club,. Mrs. Murpr''J Hotel. on ,the 'Hudson for the '1'" week. She i~ a freshman student and their daughter', L<>is,home in the University of. .Detroit. from the' University of Michigan Fur Products ______for the holidays, were hostesses Labeled to Show at: the birthday fete. Country of Origil'l Women of St. Matthew ,2341 Grand River of Imported I'ur. Cocktails l-md din n e r WE!'~ at Vernor Sponsor Square Dance served for members of the family

and a few friends. J St. Matthew's Women's Club will sponsor a square dance on Congratulatory telegrams c

cold. weather. still ahead. The group includes dark and, .J 'r I January'J • - \ I' Clearance• - •.' , I i 'J~ ' •. Dresses, , pastel 'shades in tweed or solid tones, ,. • dressy.,a.~d':'. " , . , ,:. Blouses casual types including.1 00% camel h~jr boy coats~ of, RICH' ~FURS1 • Rob'es ,. ., • Skirts 'Every~hing from ...... 4 -'.,eAccessor,ies -MOUTOIvs, " to MINKS Availdbie at Healy's .GROSSEPOINTE, EAST J~FFERSON '.ANP DOWNTOWN STORES! TO-W; 'N;/ . ~, .~t .Se!,sational., Savings , ,- ' I ", ' ',... ' '. , 'All Sales Final! '. '1 2~45 MAC.'" ., 011. , " Opp. Howard 'Johnson's' CHRISTI.AN 'DIO'R O.RI!GINALS 2 OFF .STORE,HOtmS: MOJU!aYS'9:30,io8~'; DaU7. 9:10 •. 5:00 ~rQsse' POin!e':wOOdS ...... :. . , , . ~. "

. i

,. J , J , ! \ • t' J ,,/ " "

,..._ _ fa _ r tree, ett '.....b... h tee •• , tM $ . be •• a b 2' Drrc 'ct,s'm ODD a's b em .... ., _ ."H ...... b tt _*~.. eMd...- _...... •• be...... ana t= * • • { , , . 7 -.- . . rr r : 1 ,I .. ). 1 ,:"f , ~ -- ' .;~- " •

~,~ Page Ten G R;6,S-S E P'OI N r E , N,E.,W S f Thursday, January 5, '1956 'lhutsCJay, Jam Gatnere-d- from All of t,hePoilt,te s :Wo xi b Mrs~ McMurray returnecl to Smith-Jensen M,rs;-~onald McMurray Holiday G_u~stin Pointe, Western. Springs" just. before 7\1 Mrs. Donald McMurray, the Wakeman of Trombley road. Christmas Day, and with Mr. Mc~ ,Grefchen~G6eb'el Wed, . . -:- d I ,.Eve. Fe Murray, has moved on Friday, W1 edd,zng ,1~!,ote .fo~mer Ann' Eliza~eth Wakeman, With Mr:s. McMurray were her , . " _' ,'. of Western ,Spril1gs, "Inn., has., two children, Lynn, ag,ed 3;.2 December 30, for permanent resi- l dency in Dallas, Texas. ~r. and Mrs. Randall W.~.smith been .visiting ,her father,' Walter years, and Donald, aged 2 h. , ...... ~ ... of Stahelin avenue amiounce the ' .'Attract December 10 man;iage of their Christmas Trees, White Flowers Provide Setting fpr Noon daughter, Judith Ami, to Nels :Nt AI Waltons Jensen. " ( " ' " ? Grou Ceremony January 4 At , ..," ~:~ The briaegroom is'.the son .. Qf ,. ,~, /. St. Paul's Church . '... I":. Mr. and :;:,1rs;',Wal1ae;e' M:"'Jensen' .1 'of Hi.llcrest roiHi. '. f" ,;...'f' ~,.', A gay, gay N€ Green Christmas trees and a 'profusion of white flowers ' ~! -'.-'"': tI PFov~dea a beautiful s:tting for tbe noon ceremD?Y in St., ~ 1 - welcomed 1956, wi Paul's Church on the lakeshore where Marget .FIsher and' Fed~ratiori~o't,CI~bs . , guests joining the Alan McNabb were married on Wednesday, January 4. "Will'Meet~ On J'a~~,i'2' town clubhouse. (. , " • 1 '. In joyous:.grou{: Margot wore a heavy, an- . The" D i-t-'-.F~derati.l?ri of.' ~~~,r-o-, somes, the party;,.~ tique Renaissance satin gown Final Musicale Women's Cbbs will prese'nt' ~, designed with pearl-embroid- January 12 program in the c1ub- ~.'-~_Y.'U' •• 'I:L."HE!Ila.. - __ ~ • ing more than 4, hopse, .481'1 Second ~venue. . , ered mandarin neckline, cling Slated Jan. 12 :'-1,.10' KERCHEVAL TU 1-7227 their tables in the The day's schedufe"will include and ladies dining bodice, great fullness of skirt The Country ~b will 'be the tal~~ by Mr'. ,Milton Co:v~nsky -of , . and cathedral train. The an- setting next Th-M-sday,' January Wayne University's histoi-i de- danced in the spa 11 ! tique lace and illusion veil, 12, for the third and cencluding partment, Judge 'Art~ur:Ej Mo?re chartrain room, h which her mother had worn program in the Grosse Po.inte of Probate Court, and Kathleen ated: between t Lardie, 'director' or-radio' ana 'TV,: ',-' Morning Musicale Series. . rooms. On the ban on her wedding day, was re- . William and Patricia Medley, statiqns, WDTR arid .WTVS. A were' Emery Deut. fashioned into a mandarin duo pianists, will present' their workshop' on', parliamentary pro- cedure will. be hele! ~t 2 p.m .. ''. .()rchestra. princess cap with a wide panel recital at 11 o'clock and lun~h- '. . Ieon will follow. Mr. and Mrs. A: of lace runmng the length of H t '11' 1 d f d' "My boy, you'U never""be able , Westwind.,1.ane ente' . '. as esses Wl mc u e oun mg to support my d,aughter. Why, I flower-decked table, her tram. She earned a spray committee members Mrs. Henry I can hardly manage it myself." including their hOl'::St arrangement of orchids, step- P. Williams, MrS'. Richard E. Wi!- I "Tell you. what, sit-let's go and Mrs. E. A. Suttl' hanotis and ivy. l~a~s;. Miss 'Fran~es Sibley, Miss fifty-fiftyP . '. ington, D.C.; their sor' Joan Fisher was her sister's ChrIstine S y m I n g ton, Mrs. ter-in-Iaw, the Leon .. honor attendant. They are the' C~arles Dean Jr., .M~s. Wa~\d Det- Mrs. Charles E. Mon~, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. l Wil- wIler, Mrs. Fredenck S. !,ord, , ~. Mr. and Mrs. Lamon Iiam P. Fisher of L a k e 1and Mrs .. Horace C. Ford, Mrs. :Ii rank , -Picture by,'Fred R,l,I.JU1eUs- avenue. Rime Dusard, of St. G?ldle, Mrs. Hen~y B. Joy, Mrs. MR. and MRS. FRANCIS X. ,FREEMAN, nee Gretchen' ' Louis, Mo.• and Grace Robinson RIchard P. Joy, Mrs. Fred T. Goeb 1 h'l f n . th' dd' S-I-'P 1 Crark Women's ( served as bridesmaids. Murphy, ~rs. John ~. Newberry, eJ.,pose appl,y (\ owmg eu'''''we mg aJ;.... au • Mrs. Jerome H. RemlCk, and Mr~. on the Lake ch~rch' on Th~rsday, Dec,?mber 29. Following., I To Sew C~ncer Pa The bridesmaids resembled a Allan Sh'eldenoS' - the ceremony the couple entertained at alt huge reception" present our.annual trio of slim SWims. They were held at the Whittier after which they departed for a skiing' The 'Clark Women dressed in crisp white taffeta GP l Jf' honeymo,on at Alta, Utah.' - • rneet on Mond;iY, J;; with wing-like skirts firmly bel- herature Group 10:30 a.m. at th'e Cr ted at the waists; and little downy Will Hear UN Aide $ * * '* * • dist Church to sew white sweaters lightly shot with F * F' . / . Mrs. Earl Andru.: gold worn over snug blouses. The regular monthly meeting " ra nCIS ree In' an 5 -0 of the Service Groul Simple close-fitting swan feather Jan_ary .line sale forward to a farge caps intensified the swan illus- of the Literature 'Group of~ the' . So ladies--Iet's ma ion. and they carried downy G;:osse Pointe Women's 'Club will Fly to Sk*1 Resort old-fashioned sewini white muffs topped with three' be held on Wednesday, January ~ 100 per cent membe white camellias. 11, at 1 p.m" in the Friend's , dramatic reductions on our entire stock of bedspreads,' sheets, ,blankets, bedding. tendance. Col. John McNabb came :from Room of .the G r 0 sse Pointe ~er.nbers are te L.a~gley Air. Force B?se in Vir- Library. A di:;cussion on "Women Couple Married in' Sf ~ Paul'~ion Decemb~r 29 towels. dinner sets, luncheon sets etc.', and Including our own direct imports, manu- bring a sandwich; glma to be hIS brother s best man. f th WId" '11 b • d b coffee will befurnis: They are sons of Mrs. Duncan P. 0 e or WI eole y Take Three-Week Wedding Trip fd' Utah; . Board of Directors. : I McNabb, of Grosse Ile, and the Mary Pillsbury Lord, Un i t e d Bride Was Gretchen Goebel faetured in our own st~dios in Europe ••• prices were never lower! Mrs. Herbert Arb(1 late Mr. McNabb. Us h e J: s in- S tat e s representative to the dent, will preside 81 eluded Charles T. Fisher III, Wil- Human Rights Commission of the Mr. and l\-frs.Francis Xavier FreE'man flew to Alta., l,Ttah, ness meeting which \' ~is -B. McNabb and Stuart ~c- United Nations. for a three-week honeymoon' at -th(~ ski resort, after their shortly aft<:r luncn,

Nabb, b rot her s of the brlde- wedding December 29 in St. Paul'S' Church on the Lake. / groom, and Frederick Schroeder. Mrs .. John J.. Thrasher, Mrs. \ Frederlc W. Stemer and Mrs. J. Fr. Robert Rohlman officiated at the 11 o'clock double. ring After a Little Club reception, L. Thompson will take part in ceremony. ". .'!) the pair left on a western motor the discussior., over which Mrs. E. A reception was held at the lerina 1,~ngtJ:1Kelly green velvet .. trip. They will go to San Antinio, L. Wayman will preside. Mrs. AI- Whittier. Upon their return, gown designed on princess lines .. I: Tex., where the bridegroom mt:.st fred Mitschke, chairman. invites the newlyweds will live in They had.' gr~en vel.vet headbapds report a+ Lackland Air Force both members and guests to at- Riverside, Onto with tiny veils,' .matching satin Base on January 27. tend. slipprirs, and carried spray ar- The bride is the it)rmer Gret- rangements of white carnations chen Goebel, daughter of Mr. and and variegated iVy. Mrs. Theodore E. Goebel of Fisher, Dolores Sadlowski served as road. Her husband's parents are maid of honor. Carol Seidel and 01 iMrs. Flattery Smith, oi Riverside, Mis. Dou!~las Michelson' (Suz- PATEk PHiliPPE Ont., and James Frederick Free- anne Orpbal), of Athens, Ga:,' il THE WORLDr S fOREMOST - WATCH man, of Royal Oak. were brideBmaids.' Antique white Italian silk satin Alex 1\1arcaccio performed the was worn by the bride. A fitted duties of best man. Ushering were bodice, full skirt and chapel train Dr. Walter March, George Pfaff- distinguished her gown. A pill- man, Gene Schuette and the box headpiece' of matching satin, bride's brothl?!", Peter GoebeL' embroidered with a single row of seed pearls, held her fingertip WHO'S BOSS veil of tiered silk illusion. A There is -one period when a: white orchid surrounded by step- man is undisputed master in 'his hanotis and ivy formed her bou- own' house; it's from the day of quet. his birth until about the third • rh(] The three attendants wore bal- year.-Gaston Pages:" 8 J 00 East Jeffe Parkil Two-Tone. Embroidered Monograms on 13eautiful women oj t],e continenf' ~$lrtex Luxor Towels-Greatly Reduced! lzave alreacli! lea~neJ tte 9Ue~1l bee'" (Righi above) We sketch just three of the IItraJ'lZe, JDonJerJulllecret 1 many orrginal; new monogram styles available in these super-thirsty AAortex Luxor towel ensembles. The' new, two-tone'monogram is most effective ..• and may be selected in the contrasting , , colors of your choice.

. .-."" .Monogrammed Wamsutta Supercale .. Regularly NOW 27x5C Bath Towe!s 72.00 doz. $60.00 dol. / At The Low 'Price of 'Plain Sheets ". 16x32 Hand , Towels 42.00 doz. 36.00 do%. \ 13x13 Wash Clctli~ 19'.20 doz. 18.00 dot. . $ B.50 each •••••• $ 5.95 'each Shadow Green, Peach Champagne, Comeo 7'! CREME A LA GELEE ROYALE.l ~ 90x10B' she~ts ..•••• 9.50 each •••••• 7.45 each Rose, Misty Mint, Crystal Pink, Persian ... ., ',' 1. : 108xI22'/2 sheets .'... 19.50 each...... 14.95 each Poppy, Grotto Blt.le, Persian Blue, Platinum, ~~ (••• the most preCIOU..1 . . . : Bh.!sh. lemon Ice, Blue Mist, Wisteria. 45x38112 cases ...••• 8.50 pair ••. ~.. 6.95 pair beauty substance of .all time 1. , Linen towels available in most of above ,! Complete with .Monogram ' towel colors. I " I W~at i~ Gtl~e'Royal,? . '. ... It is Queen Bee's exclusive diet Crin1de.Cre:pe ~Ianke+-~Covers Rayon Damask Dinner Sets ./ the ench~nted .eB8eDCe~de by ~~;ker ;bees, which sCJeqce believes is the lit... Cotton Crinkle-Crepe': lounders Outstan9ing beauty and quality 1 '~cret tbat keeps the Queen I easily and REQUIRES ABSOLUTELY . in a dinner set 'of high. thread count rayon and long '':Jbrantly young and alive 40 i " NO fRONING!.; , staple Egyptian cotton damask imported from ., ~mes 1:>ngerthiln her subje ..ul Pink, ,Blue or Yello'w flowers on white Ireland. Cloth and large,' 22-inch size dinner napkins, ore t IOrJane s famous French 1abo- background. It is also' available - in' solid ""hite cotton hand-hemmed,. launder easily. Se~ect from_ • ~atories first captured this crinkle-crepe' with bands of Pin.k, Blue Ivory, Peach, Gold, Grey, Blue and Nile Green. jrare raw substanee in the .- or' White .. Note the rounded corners which - Regularly Sale /mast amazing bea'1ty cream . i " lend .themselves to- graceful draping'. 70x 106. Cloth (J 2' nap"ins) ••••••• 65.00 32.50 ~~er created I The merest - ,;;r" Regula~ly 70xl24 Cloth (12 napkins) ...... 75.00 37.50 I~~ch nightly will help Y01U', NOW' kil! helfpme btlllutifuUy 72x90 Twin Size ••••••• : •••• 6.95 $4.95 .a. 70x 142 Cloth (12 napkins) ••••••• 85.00 42.50 oUDger~ookiDg I 90x90 Double Size .,' 8.95 $5.95 ea. Quantity Limited f l~ ~ - SIt) tube (pI.. w._) fManUllJCtl4rerl, IMcka«eG.' ,GIUi 6etded in France ' IMPORTED FROM FRANCQ Sale! -Our "LindaU Wool BI~nkets , Sale! Multi-color. Linen Tea Towels Woven especially for--Moseley's by St. Mary's of.,l 00% virgin wool with extra !Tu'S-8f)O() 1 Fine pure Irish linen tea, towels in wide matching color satin bindings at either end colorful stripes with. Red, Blue .or, Greim borders. Colors; White, Secfoom, Cameillio Pink' . Large. size 20x30 ••• lint!free and long-wecring. Pr.imrose Yellow, Ciel Blue •. Alpine Rose. J eHAIlLES VI. WARREN ~ COMPANY . , . '. Regular • NOW .,', ReguleJ~ ,:, : ~' , • . NOW Twin. Size :(bound ends),. • .27.50 ea. 24.50 eo., Jewelers & Silversmiths '$)5.75 dozen " $11.75 dozen ~uble. Size (~ound en~) .••• 32.50 ea. 28.50. ea. 1

• • I ' • , j- I , f :,f;" -I' ,I' l.t I', I ,,~_• I" • \ 't ~~. ~'f' ~~~;,', , f-'- , ' ..' , J '. . .

-__ , _ ...... 'o!._ lhursCJay, January 5, '1956 . I - Page ~eve" , - ". s Woman's P'age . • • "b,Y~,6f.,:'and;fo.r 'Poin.te Wom,en, ~,to . . • lc ':." .• '-: ' ,~. , '.' ", t ' , .... I ' :!fnre Me- Eve Fete at DAC BetrothcilTold Active.Sc.hedule t,O Spur March of Dimes-Driy.e ~ , IAltar: Group "Fete iday. . ).,- •~. -. . • - .' '" • , • :, • . ~', .,. J.. " resi. The 1956- March 9f Dimes in o~. th~ ,9alllPtus ,for, the .Ma~ch of te.rest ~ill be. the~Se~ond ~t:tall '.meetin~s in order to swell the Attended By 400 Wayne County opened, officially Dunes )~enefit,,'arep~aIlI1~d, for ,March, of Dimes 'Benefit .Dance sum raIsed by teen agers. Attracts Pointers on Wednesday,; i~nuary:4,' at the ;J~uary 11;. '\. - , ., .. :. ':, ' ~p on so red -;by -teenageis 'of . All A m eri~ ~ n Legion Posts The St. Martha Altar Society do~ntown,' headquarte~s," 1400:, '''Qn Jam~ary.l~, ~em~ers'qf tAe WaYl.1e:Cotlniy at th~, U> of. D. have 0 if ~r e~ .. to . ~ell . Blue held its annual Christmas. pa,rty AI Waltons Entertain House Guest:. With Gay Woodward, Ave. ' " , Y;,,;S,: ~~v:~1,,~:-~2~ve,f~oTQ,LBrod-.1\Iem?rlal'Buiiding.op. ...t1)e,~,~!::ht Crutches, at the!!, ,meetin~s. : . December 20 at Our. Queen' of Group; Glenn Friedts Hosts to This will be the hub of activi- h~ad Armc.:~y.~.I:llc,ondu~~ ~ ~luepf the 2ist; Nant;yW:~rrihoff,'l353 Other ~eterans 0r:gamzatIons Pea c ~ Parish HalL Over 400 Three Ot~'er90uples ties for the March' of D,i me s C~U:"h sale _lIT" th~ ,downtown. _' ,_' and their auxiliaries ,a~e .plan- were present.: ' during the moiI~h of, Ja~uary; area. .' , ' .' '_,. ' ning sp,e~ial eve~ts to aId m the Mrs.' Egon Fricke, Altar\ .Soc- A gay, gay New Year's Eve.at the Detroit ,Athletic Club ~ccording, to Char:1es L. Gehr- ..' J:ckle CoC!pe~-\and hIS: :ta~- fight agamst ~olio. as .. IDaI:lY iety president, sPc.>ke.'on ,the welcomed 1956, with many Grosse Pointe members and their ar: mger; W.a:rne County camp'aign ,mg sad-e!e~ .ho~d WIll other clubs ..an~ orgamzat;L~ns. meaning of Christmas. . . guests joining the dinner and danciri'g festivity at the;dowri- ~as~.:t town clubhouse. ~ , . director. ' . ' I, ' be at Mar~ o~, l?lm~s. heaq- . "'rh.ese, are"Just a few of, the Members gave a one-act play On Jan~ary 13 ,to'p' '" d' qU817ters on J,anuary 18. highlights of the 1956 March of with a ca..t 'that m'c'luded Mrs. In joyous' groups and four- their daughter Jun~, of Birming- , recor mg .da J ' 21) 'th U - S . " h' .d "I f 1...... s tar s will visit. headquarters. '. :F~I y, anuar~, ' . e;." '" DImes, . Ge rmger. sal . ee Harold Schneider, Mrs. Eugene somes, the party.:.goers totai- ham. , ' , Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn H. Friedt when t~e 195.6 M!irch iif Dimes' -~armes'~, recru:ting;,personn:l ',-:; ,t~at the people of Wayne County Schaden, Mrs. Pal.ll Maertens. tha C mg more , z:1 400, clauned were hosts t!> the Fay Seeleys. RCA VIctor Starliner Tour visi~ and res~rv'e.s'-wIll stage'the;r ,'5 , •• - , ., • ,. , are solidly for the March of Mr J hn H Mi- . Cl d their tables in the DAC's main Mrs. C. E. Jamieson arid Dr. and Detroit. ,.' ~~\lal, Marme ]r1a.r?h,:'o?' Po~lO '. " " . Dimes. Year after. year they s. 0 errmann, s. r e That night the third Annual WIth', two competmg Imes ,of K .' t . ' D" :0..,.<' H'" h '," '. R' ht Daly and Mrs. Alphonse Van and iadies dining rooms and Mrs. Brock E. Brush. The Harold , , ' '", 'match ' , ensmg on, .a. omIll1can," 19 have proved. It. 19 now, our Dale . \ . ' W. Scotts of Maumee road and March of DImes Benefit Ball will , .', ,,' , student,'is, chairman.: "The,dance C t Ch t" '. , danced ill the spacIOUS Pont- the William F. Royers of Bir'll- be' held at, the Latin Quarter.. On. Sat ~',r ~ a y,~ ~an~a:rY 21, is ,open, to. all teen,s. ~d ..:tickets '~ayne oun y ap er IS paYI~g Choral numbers were 'sun~ 1?Y chartrain room, handily situ- ingham were 'a four$ome. It, is' sponsqred . by studeJ,its of Te~ns Ag~:nst Pollo~"WIll ,have

• La Patti ~ c "Patti-Kins , , MiI~inerY Department UPTO'~~FF . -., Regularly '-'Hats from ,Irene, Mr. John/ 1"' •• 10.95 to, 16.95 ~Fred'f~ric,s,Hattie Ga,rnje'Jie ..' Strapless' IrQ P~tt.ic04ts ~~p.";f(), J~'.95 Fo~m~rIJf ,t~ $65 Now"$7~.:,to$15 '.Now $4 .to $6 . ", . ' . '. ."' .. Regularly. ' 90 14:.95 to 24.95 19 '.

, , -' '" Accessory' .I.)epartment:_. ,..',,-

Regularly , " '. \ , Fur"Su.~de',Calf Handbags.. , " • . 16.95 to 34.95 Skirts and. Blouse$. ~, Sport Separ:ates All .' Ni Telephone Dressy and casual styles t~ black. col~r~' ,UP-TO. , 30XOFF . (Sales , Orders, 'Ple,else! • ~ ' '. • 1;:. • '_ , ::Final , - • '-:-.~" ~, <- I' '. 'N,o C.O.D:s .' " '.' ., ....

AF ......

Sa'.,s 1528 Woodward Ave. I . ~I ' , F:nt~1 .. DETROIT 47 EASJADAM • ..82 KERCHEYAl • GROSSE POINTE co • • I 'I'


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. ' Page Twelve ,<; R 0 SSE' POI hi T E -N 'EW~S Th'ursday, :.January S. '1956

.~ . - -

Public Auction Tuesday, Janua,ry 10, Afternoon, 1:00 p.m.• Evening, 8:00 p.m.

Also Wednesday and Thursday evening, January 11 and 12 at 8:00 p.m.

We are selling Victorian and ~odern. furniture from the I resldel~ce of MR. FitH. TITUS LlNC/:>LN ROAD - also an apartment from (}arclen Court, other estates and collectors.

Drexel dining room suite, Satinwood suite, qedroom suite, custom built sofas, sectionals, occasional tables,. coffee tables, television sets, radios, Victorian settees and chairs, three :fine grand pianos, breakfronts, desks, Lincoln rockers, tables, chairs, commodes. chandeliers and candelabra~ Paintings. Several fine oil painting51, prints, etc. China and glassware. Variety of fine vases, cut' glass, Limoge, candelabra, figurines, bric-a-brac. Silverware. Sterling and Sheffield.--Many fine pieces to choo~e ," from. Tiffany and sterling flatware. ... Oriental rugs. Large room sized rugs from 12x25 to small mats. Persian and Chinese. DuMouchelle Art Galleri~s' 409 E. Jeffersca Ave. Joseph N. DuMouthelle and Larry DuMouchelle Auctioneers and Appraisers WOodward 3-6255

Public Sales NOT AN AUCTION-ALL ITEMS~ICED Household Furnishings Mrs. Miles Fox 832 Grand Marais Grosse Pointe Park- SUNDAY, Jan. 8, from 10 a.m. Mrs. Hazel A. Monahan • 887 N. Brys Drive (3 blocks E. of G,P.Y.C. Lake Shere Rd. to Roslyn :R~. N. to West Rd.• E. on West Rd. to N. Brys). "AUCTION • • • OF ANTIQUES' Grosse Pointe Woods Saturday, January 7th at n:00 a.",. SATURDAY, Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. li SC"MIDT"S ANTIQUES 5138 'W. Mich,igon'. Ypsilanti, Michiga~ . J mUes west of TP~nant1 and one hlLlf mile east of U.S. 23 on U.S. 11. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Smith Offered at this sale, chests, chaIrs, secretaries, drop leaf,. tilt-top. and Pembroke t~bies. sofas, chairs. commodes. writing boxes, tea caddie~. 18644 Oak Drive in a~ the desirabl~ w.oods. \ ' - (S. of Seven Mile Road) Pitchers v..ses, botUes. plates. glasses. compote, Epergne, figurines,' tea .~ts: Lustres. Liverpo~l pitchers, pink lustre by all the be,tter chiriai Detroit 2.!1.Q glasa makers. Also lots and lotS of copper.- brass, pewter. andirons, fenders. bed warmers, candle holders, e~c. SUNPAY, Jan. 1St from 10 a.m. Just recei~ed for't;'is sale--cut glass in clea:t:,.zndcolor. 8 chandliers, twD cases - (7x7x14'\:toot) of fumitu1,le, glass and china ;from Epgland and Europe. consisting .in par~'Of four. mahogany..18th century' secretaries, '. grandfather clock' case. three fused' ,clocks,;;250; piece 'cut and color Sale Concluded hy glaS8"22 platters, ab Sheffield tureen "1adle;~t of "4.choice 18th $:entury ,mahogany Chippendale chairs, 2 mahogany;'-serving.tables, 3 mahogan-y desks, 215 piece china, 2() copper: te{l,urns•.23 la.zTlps.76 chairs in sets ' .of 4 5 & 61 2 mal\ogany sideboards; ,"16 1ables, tift, drop leaf and Pem- broke, 2 pau !jf la'dies' and nents' chairs. "Bofaand thousands of unlisted D. o. M~NIERNEY' items. Largest atoclll,.of antiques to be :found anywhere-DON'T MISS THIS SALE. " Appraiser ~2~ Soek BuiJdfng. ., . - .L A. S. SCHMIDT &: SONS WOodward 1.9085 Yp51~antiPho~. 2311 ., -- '. •

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CLASSIFIED ADS Second Se\~tionI FEATURE, PAGE .ew:s thursday,, . . January 5. 1956 ' Page Thirteen • ...... ",. ~ \:'~Club,.to Honor ltaliait: 'CoJtSu,1 Hannan 'Y' 01fering. Aid.to.Taxpayer System Revised ~.' '- -.::..-_-.:.._--- Programs for Adults Commissioner of Internal Reve- .those who want full assistance. " Dr. and Mrs. Antonio. Carloni precede the business meeting at nue Russell ~. Harrington has an. All offices will adopt "self- will be guests of honor at the. 1 'p.m., with Mrs. D. A. McGinty Twenty-two adult dasses will ~iounced revIsed plans for assist. help" methods, and wHl provide annual- potluck luncheon spon- presiding. ~s. Russell Stcinfelt get l!Ild~r way at the Hannan sored by the Northeastern Wo~'. is in charge of the,luncheon. ~ng taxpayers in preparing their telbles, pencils and forms so that YMCi'\ the week of January 9. mcome tax forms. ta xpayers may fill out their own man's;,Club. ' , . The club \ha~ designated the Dr. Charles Shull, chairI~ of Harrington said that Internal returns. When a taxpayer reaches It, will. be held' on- Monday, meeting;' "Italian Day." Mrs. A.' the Adult Education Committee, Revenue field offices will main- an item that causes him difficul- Jav.uary 9, at 12 noon, ,IDe'St. L. Hartsig, who recently return- said the sessions will run ~ight tain expanded telephone service ty, ol)e of the Revenue employees Philip ,.and .st. Stephen 'Episc'opal ed from a four month visit in to 10 weeks and are open to all: on all working days and will en- will 3.dvise him. By this means Church: -:A 'board meetin~, will Rome. Italy, will arrangEL~n adults.' , courage taxpayers to caE when the Service hopes to save time . . , Italian table settjRg. , Inclu~d are classes' in skiing, tax questions arise. for taxpayers and its own -em- 'Po'z-n.te Th'eatre' . tit. Carloni, Italian Consul in' leather craft, bridge, dog training, By this means, the Service ployes. the Detroit' area, will speak -on psychology, person¥ity develop- hopes to save many taxpayers "ff' C' "d ?Women's: Work in. Italy." A. ment, driving an auto and many the trouble of making personal O ers , 'om~, Y musical, ..progr~m, will foilow others in the areas of hobbies and visits to RevE;.nueoffices. ' Un-Marrieds ,--- - . with Elsa;,Pengelly of Tu~day social, recreation. Fer taxpayers who want more The 'Grosse Pointe Comnfunlty. Mu~l~al~ ,sin?ing.',:~olos. She will '. For atiditional information call help tt..an ca!i be given over the 'Theatr.e, will hold its monthly' be accompan\H:~dby Edna Stroeck- the Program Office, VA 2-7200. telephold~, the Revenue Service To "old Dance :meeting, on Monday, January' '9, er. will de~~gnate special "taxpayer The first d a n c e of the 1956 a.t 8. p.m. in the Grosse Poi~te Mrs., ~artsig and Mrs: J. A. Don't judge a person's patriot- assistance days" throughout the Leap Year will be held ,at ,the War Memo:l"ial. ' :.. Quasar-ano ' will be hostesses _for ism by the noise he makes. filing period. War Memorial Center Friday eve- The XM-TurIlI?ike Cruiser, an unusual, -expe~im~nt'al model cre~ted, by; ¥ercury', '.)'he. ~he~tre ~orksh.op~ -under the day. Guests are welcome. On these days a ful~ staff of ning, January 13, at 9 p.m. Division, is.the first automobile designec;l to take full ,advantage of the)lation"s. bu<;lding .. th.e dIrectIon of ?hx.l~ss Reev~, employes will render assistance. The ,.well .liked Don Bari Trio . . h ' at 1 'd + • A .' " t' t' ' ". 'd ., " WIll present the 'play Suppress- LAMP, Taxpayers should visit I:';-} desig- will furnish the music. All the new Improved: .hIg ,!,ay: systen:. ~ y e ,,0 gIve ID:erIC~. IDC? ~rl~ S_J!l~xrm~m . rIvmg' ed Desires," a'coniedy;":by Susan na,.ted "assistance days", but will Pointe's :;,'oung single business ple,asure, ' c?~f?rt ~nd safety ~s t~ey, travel th,e',.new, tur.I}.pikes'.,:l~; featur~~ ~~lrtt:t~,~lr-: u~~: Glasspell., ." ' REYN'- HOUSE SHOP be given all possible help on other and professional people and their ,obstru~ted VISIon In, every dIrectIOn., TransPB:re~t pl~t,IC' "butt~~y." r-oof ..msert~}ift up , Performing in' the, workshop" 15110, KERCHEVAL AVE. working days, Harrington said. guests are invited. " automatically when doors are opened to. permIt ease of, entranc~, and: ef{It\ CqIllpletely_, 'pr~sent~tion. will be ~erri Adanis,~ . Nea,r Maryland. opposite Turner Buick On non-designated days, however, You can't fail to have e t!ood roadable, it'is only 4.4 feet high. i ~qm St~~; and Eileen Adelsper.:. Complete Selection o~ ... taxpayer.s tney have to w..it time. You'll get in on the plan------...",.--'------;-:------.-----,..', ger. ( REMBRANDT FLOOR LAMPS longer. ning of the ski -:-and The offices will use a number Everyone is t~oubl,ed Iwith I HOUS~BOI,.D HiNT , ALABASTER TABLE LAMPS who knows the 13th may be your Masonic Awaits taxes ,and some are taxed, iwith Bread, nowad,ays, comp,LJ.'ed,to, . JUNIOR, ~o.OWILL. ' of time-saving techniques to lucky number. SHADES-OF ALL TYPES speed up service. In 'past years, troubles. thB.t,in the ~fd-'30's, c~mtaJiJ.~.fo~r ' M,embers of, the Junio:r,'Good:.: Con~ersi~ns and repairing. Custom lamp shades in most Revenuf' offices simply Noted Symphony- , ' times' as much thiamine, :three 'will Industries. ~will meet. on all materials. ' made out each person's return Deternunation move's a man times': '.as much 'rio,Qflavin and :Monda~r, January 9:-at 12:30 p.ni.~' Pick-up and Delivery - VAlley 1-0500 HOUSEHOLD HINT The T~ronto tmPhOny Orch- forward ,~ stubborn~esi causes' about twice' as mucR c~lCium, ir'oril in the 'GoodwtH..:lndustries Build- HOURS; 9;00 to 9:00 Daily a.nd Sundays for him. This glow method result- Zero degrees F. is the i.emper- JIM MADDERN, Owr.~r ed in long lines of taxpayers with ature recommended for foods in estra, appearing Ma~o~ic Au~i- hiin 'to stand still.' and ,niac~. ' " ing, 6522 Brush; , consequent long waits for service. home freezers, says the U. S. De- torium Tuesday, January 10. is This year, every office will as- partment of Agriculture. Tern.' rated today among the top 10 !ign an empioyee to ask each peratures above zero don't hold orchestras on this continent. person what kind of assistance food quality and those lower This achievement can be 'at- he wants. Those who simply don't keep food enough better to tributed -to all who have worked' want forms, or have- a question be worth the extra op~rating ex- and planned for the orchestra] .to 'psk, will be ~eparated from pense. Iadvancement since Frank Square ,MATCH' YOUR STERLING,a.t ,:- WeIsman, 'in 1906, with the as~' sistance of Dr. Edward Fisher, t{; organized the Toronto <;;onserva. _ - tory Symphony_- Orchestra, after two suc'cessful years_ became the FOR,' A .LIMITE'D TIME ONLY /w~ Toronto Symphony Orch~stra. . , . '.. F,rnest Campbell MacMillan , Throug,h -<;3orham's For Custo_m Quality' was already a familiar musical AnnuaJ figure to the Orchestra's board of directors when he was ap. Special Qrder Serv'ice Program pointed conductor in 1931. Some cf them had been with the awed You,can add ~o or ~II in ite":1s'i.n any of these old.r Gorham* Ste~ling patterns Re-Upholstering 4,000 at Massey Hall when, as a youngster of 10.,,he performed as concert organist. In the fourth ... year of his leadership of the 0- Toronto Symphony Orchestra Dr. :!! ...... :i" MacMillan was calfed to London =: to be knighted "for services to ~- a ,music in Canada." I \~ \ 'I . .:5 ! j Sir Ernest haS"consistently per- '( 1 Call WOe 5-2110 sisted, oftel;l in the face of oppo- sition, in his policy of presenting.,.. ' Fenster's own repre- n~w music. The 1947-48 season was notable' for the first playing sentative will come to CO>... by any Canadian orchestra: of an your home to show ~ all-Canadian program, an occau !> you imported and do- sion attracting wide attention. :;- ~ mestic: c:overs ••• and During the 1951-52 season.' the 'i J «Jive you an estimate Or,chestra played its first concert • • • without any ob- in the United States at the Ma- ,- l l ", ligation. sonic Auditorium in Detroit. ' The Orchestra will present the lOOK FOR--THESI ... ~ following program here: Over- fAMOUS, HALLMARKS ture "I d 0 m e,n e 0" (Mozart); j Dances from "Galanta" (Kodaly); i New York Profiles (DelIo Joio) and Symphony No. 2 in D (Si- @i~'~. belius). ,. (Dv,Pe li,is;.) (GorhomJ CWltitillg DiYisi.. ) AND YOU'LL KNOW IT'S Despite the holidays, the Mich- igan Military District reported a ca~ ..' total of 83 enlistments under the a~T"RLING 4< Reserve Forces Act of 1955 far the week ending December 16.' Yo.. ",oy find Gorham markings whlc;h dote Lack 01 far 01 1831 when tlHt first Gorhom -pattern WOI ",od .. • ••

, .

.. m .... •b, .1& qL

'"' >- Shown here are only 107 of over 200 pattern-classics from the , 'famed Gorham* Sterling edlectron, all again a~ailabre on special order: most patterns have about 29 items available in one weight .~nd size! If your pattern isn't among these shown, iust bring in a sample of e~c:h piece you wish duplicated. the best are \ D,A'US SHO:WN INDICATE .... O.A.'LI YEAi Of IN,TItODUCTfON , '. Ac"t now:'" this program ends $00n. r . , 'I. " ~~ '"UITER' , ... Paul Heinley was first to swrt the modern shutter r.evival. Paul Heinley indoor movable Shufters are better built - better designed,- to give longer life and Ample Parking in our own 101 lasting smiles to your home. For further injQrmatiqn ~elephonl- - TV xeiJo 1.4800' 1; next to store. Enter of! alley Come-in and see our display samples and i,n.stoek ...... , designs. You'll :find dozens of ideas f~,'a:ny decor .•• any window or door. You"n be surpriosed hQW inexpensively: • • ... I' Paul Heinley Shutters will grace ,your h~m~ ~ VAL~,.f4JE'. J. A. Ma~Ivor / :'OtUl of;DetroitJs LUMBER COMPANY • . Best Known " ,12147 Mack Ave., near Conner - VA 2ft2101 Silver Stores ot Kensington 10515 Grand Rinr - WE 2-1234 .'


, " " '"i .' • 'I I I I , I. , ) • ----.' , '~-.- I ' , I 'f , I t r. I , , • \ f" I ,. I I 1 • I , , , f - r ~, , r , t. , " I ': I. , wf.' '.'. r,' I ~- t- r Ii .f ", , " ' :' .',:-"J":, ~ I \ " , •

Page Fo'urteen G R O,S S:E POI NT E', N, EW S ThursClay, January !, 1'956

I Show a disposition' to be an. - 'f: h ',w,' k ,,~mbargo. Th,e British 'Ministry, on television watched a thrilling The total' was, faI: un d e r, th~ tion d~ing"Black Christmas" ,rob'bery, ~ere Howard B. Hoag, easy m~rk and all your' ac- ea IneS rot,' e' ee,' for ~plO~ths,,~has been ,s~lliJ?g finish made by, Dave K~er\'of ;ecord 4i killed during the C~ist~ weekend and that the predicted 75, of 1378 W. Grand Boulevard, CarR quaintances will help you make H d I , ,,' tanks'.-,armored,cars"half-tracks" MS, who booteda field goal from 420 deaths for the New Year was 'Detroit; his wife, Florence, 72. good. (Contiu~ed from Page 1)' 'I tack. Members of the dead ,m:ci.n'g jeeps' and a variety of' other sui'- the Uclan's 31-yard line. mas h,()lid a y. Nationally, the wen below the e:stimate: and Ernest Langton, 76; all of A 16-year-ok eratic delegation in t~e House family claimed it was the result plus army ,materials: .DealerS in . , ", * * .', ' '-, , number, was ,below the traffic • • .. whom were locked in a bedroom the wheel of I against " Minority Leader Ed of ,the beating; , scr~p h,ave' been buying up -this E.DG-EWATE.R,F.ARK was hit fatalities 'which normally occur THREE' HQLDUP .MEN ter- closet by the bandits. The three Pac k a r d sufi Carey. The "rebellion" was re- Judge EI~er J. Schnackenberg .material ,and hay'e be~n allowed ,by Its second fITesmce December 0' a weekend. The National Safety rorized a cpuple and their roomer released themselves by breaking bruises Wednesri ported to have been starte(i by of tile Appeals Court in Chicago/to ship" them ',tq,B~lgium, under 1? The se~on~, the, d~mage~, a Council'revealeq. that 663 p,ersons1for' 30 minutes at gunpoint and the lock with a knife found in. when -the car members of the delegation who ruled that Gunaca must return, export, licenses' which' stipulati' YVl;>oden.bUl~~mg_~OUSlng s.ome were., killed, throughout ,the, na- escaped with $290. Victi;msof the the closet. No one was harmed. utility pole at l\t' resented the manner in:'-wh,ich to Sheboygan to stand trial. The- they are to be used for scrap',or of th~ park,s amuse~ent. ,rlde~. ster and then Carey had pushed several of Gov: Kohler strike began in 1954 apd agricultura.1 'purposes,' 'Private' A~ount.qf darn::agewas estun.?te.d11i~e5~~~$e~ES~~~~~~~:s======S=5:=!!!E=====5==ifi front porch. Williams' progra1ll8 through' the is still in. progress. firms~n 'Belgium have 'beeti',re-, at ab.out,$3,000,to ~5,poO.,The lIU-- , , The driver WE .' House. , ,. ,. • , condifionin:g' 'the' mater1~l1 and tial .~lr.~_damage;was .$~~O.900:I)~- '- ' "I' My?- Bryan of, { Rep. Michael J. O'Brien said' Sunday, January' i shipping 'if' to Egypt. " tectlye~ wertt ~:t the '<1P~o? that t' N' "S' t" SO' told polic~ that ther,e. was absolutely no rift in RUSSINS Prime Minister-Mar- ," ,':: * "*; • . '" ,". both .flre~ :~ere cau,sed bY an " " " eere, . • : the rmiKs of the J)emocrats, and shal Nikolai A. Bulganin said the A:. 'NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE: arSOnIst. " that'there is not?~g but '!?raise ~piri~ . 0,; Gen~v.a wHI not be fro,m,qerie;ralissfmri ,Chiang' Kai::-: !ivrANAGEMkNT.of 'the, thre for ~¥ey. lIe ,saId th~t ,no con~ bUrled. He Sald that he; favo~ed Sh~~ dlSclos,~~:tha~he.:waso~,~e. ;Detroit ""di:lil , news a ers arl.~ • Fine Carpeting cluslOn should be formulated be- a :new t.!ilk,a~ the SumI~llt,WhlC!l-'.opmion:that, th«;,tlme, l~t dr.aw~ng 'union re.pre~entativ:S"p in-. Ja"uory Only I'riet cau.se Qf the, ~bsence of several ~lg~~ ~ frUItful, pr.ovlded SOllIe n~~r .f~~,J~~i>~.opl:::'r:pf,Maml~d: fcfrmally to c~ritlnuecl1egbti':itions ". Qualify Installations_ ~elpslato.rs durmg' a ca~cus held bIg Ifs are '~:"ercome.Th~ Ma!-Chln~ ~,~04',~ls.e,~g8?-n~~~~~,pom~. in' settling', the str,ike~,'Neither Personai Tailoring Service -for 10 Lansmg. He claim,ed that the shal ~av~,p.ohmt that ~usSIa WIll m~I1lstEtr.Jlltor~~ma mIght?' revc>-;'s'id~would tnake 'a "public state,;._ •. low Prices Particular Men. Fine import- absentees had buslOess else- retreat from any of ItS present lutron.~~_He-sald_.thatthe tIme for, m' t" ." :' , ,-' - " , .. where. "policies or positions. : counter-attack by his forces en. "'./ * * ed and domestic ~uitings, a is . • ' Terms 'Arranged I • • • " • • .' . also:ar~win-gpea~er; Th'e,Il}o~ssage. ' Tuesd.4!,'"'Janua,':' ry ';3 '. ," skilled mtings and remod- , - Satu!day, December 31 BRITAIN banned, ~xports of Icame amid'the 'fifth day,'of Red i!-J eling. THE UNITED STATES restated ~ll, waF surph:ls materIal follow,:, shelling, of ,Quemoy Islarid just IN ~ARADIO ADDRES~, Mich-, its intention to seek .peaceful lib- 109 a protest launched,by London off the port at Amoy. ' igan Senator' McNamara predicted eration ~f captive European. newspapers. The papers, charged' " ,. * .. that the Democrajs will gain at ' c FREE PARKING , peoples "until success is achiev-' that ,agencies were shipping hun;..,, ,'Mo,nday, January 2 least 'three ~ongressional seats Rear of Building ed." Reiteration of the American dreds.,of reconditioned tanks to MICHIGAN STATE won. the from the Republicans in Mich- car pet in g .C 0 • goal was made on behalf of the Eg-.{pt,Newsp.apers, which gen:-_IRose Bowl game, by beatiIi!1.i~ari. , neor -Buckingham White HO:lse by Press Secretary er~lly .su{>port the Con~ervative'UCLA 17 .to~'14.More'thim 100,000 ,MICHIGAN~S,weekend h,liday 15839' E. ' WARREN TUxedo 1.6022 J. A. Frazier - I 11 ' Custom Tailor James C. Hagerty, because. 'of Governme,nt, have called for an in the ,stadium andmillion~inore traffic 'toll numbers" 15 deathS, Soviet . criticlsm of President '...... : • '", , '3145 E. Jefferson, at Drexel Eisenhower. VA 2-7818 Upstairs , Nikita S. Khrushchev, Russia's /, Communist boss, had accused the , . President and Dulles of "crude interference" in Eastern Euro- pean affairs through, Christmas broadcasts to those areas. He also accused the President of violat- ing the spirit of the SwnInit i Il)'eetingheld at Geneva last July. JANUARY 24th \ SPECIAL' .&CHOOL ELECTION • • • GOV. WILLIAMS has drawn the ire of the United States Court

of Appeals in ChiCago. The Gov~ l ernor 'was accused of ,sheltering J

John Gunaca, ~l. of Mt. Clemens,. \, an international representative 'of the UAW, who faces charges of assaulting a father and son. both How TO PROFIT non-striking employes' of 'the You Will' V'ote On Two P,ropositions:.' Kohler Co., Sheboygan, Wis., in THROUGH July 1954.The Governor had 110t 1. For a new Ch~fonte' junior. high school, swimming \ acted on repeated requests for , , TAX EXEMPTION 'extradition of Gunaca, made by Wisconsin_ One of Gunaca's al- , pools at Pierce and Parcells, and the renovation ,of the With today's high tax levels, in. leged victims died of a heart at- vestors in medium and high laX ,high school heating system. brackel$ are turning to tax.free Municipal Bonds for wAme that T be "Finesl Tasle th~ can keep. ,2. For the reclassification of the- Grosse Pointe Public If yoo havo a taEabJ:. mcome in lb. Woods •• I of $10,000 or more, YOll may be School Syst~m from1a Fourth to a Third Class District. wdl repaid by investigatiD« the advantages of tax-exempt State and Municipal Bonds. For in. atance, if you file & lingle return on a taxablo income of $14,000. you would have to receive a divi. df'nd return of 7.45% on & taxa. ble security in order to equal the Who Can Vote? What Will It Cost Me - the Voter? ( . yield from n 3.50% tax-fr~ Borad. It's something to think about! Old Fasliion~d Only Taxpa!ers can vote on proposition 1-all registe~ed voters can Tlle table' on this pa'ge show~ what it win cost. As you know, one mill Our New Booklet, "HoW' To c vote on proposition 2. amounts to $1.00 of tax pe;r year on each, $1,000.00 of. the assessed Profit Through Tax.E~CJDption" Hard Crust Bread ~ , " explaina in plain l'Ulguage your I valuation of your property. The proposed new facilities will cost fifty- need for tax exemp~ion. telIa hoW' Also French. Rve ,I six on~hundred~hs (.56) of a mill in 1956, fifty-eight one-hundredths much these high.grade ibvestmentl , (.58) of a mill/in 1957, eighty-nine one-hundrejths (.89) of a. Mill in can be 'Worth to you. There'. no Pumpernickel. R~isi'j. Where,Vot'ei • 'obligation. Send for copy tod&y. ~nd Wbat•. Wheat 1958, and approxir~lately one (tOO) mill for the next 24 years. or DhoDf' • I You will vote in the elementary school serving your District. But-happy: days-your total school debt retirement tax, even with fiRST OF MICHIGAN .Grosse Pointe Woods . ' the proposed increase, will decrease steadily after 1956. (;ORPORATION , - ' luhl Bldg. Oetroit 26 BAKERY WOo 2-1055 - (frond Rapids, Flint, 8ay Cit) £0756 Mock Ave. Why a New !unior 'Higl1 Sc~ool? -.. iNill This Put Grosse Pointe Out, o{Line in Taxes? &.ansing. Port Huro .. Near Vernier Road ' I I Battle Creele Opposite Municipal Bldg. Right now ~65 overflow Junio~ High ,Students' are 'using the High The answer is no. Including the proposed new facilities the 'percentage of sch09l tax, to total valuation will be 4.58%. Many Michigan School ~OOOO~0000000000000006000X. ooo~uoooo~~o60ooo~ School Anne~. BY'the fall of 19~7 there will be 600 Junior High over- Districts with good credit ratings have debt ratios of 5, 6 and. 7%. flow studeni~-But. by- the fall of 1957 the High,'School will ne~d the . ' . I 5140 MT. ELLIOTT • • . I - r... f , R N.!!.~~ sp'ace now being used by, Ju.."'liprHigh Students-So-we mus't have a "'Sr ,0'" WA 2.8000 5__ , new Junior Hig~ Schopf ready by the fall of 1957. How Abou~ Total Overlapping Debt? if ,. IJI'! , -, fg~ b~ .Fifty Years In -This amounts to less than 7% which i& well below accepted standards ,0. of safety, for communities of our type, Why Swimming Pools? , . I " . • f' -, " . * * * * * * Grosse Pointe; h~s 'a fine, public, school. plant, except for. poOls. Now we LUMB.E'". These .are the essentials. T~is -should' be the last major school have one underslzed '(50' t5') '~ooi in..theep.tire ..~ystem -,' we 'are Rough and.Flnish Lumber, Including x building a:c~,ivity in our system. There will be a, few additions to proposing ,that the new Junior High have 'a regulation, (75'.X,35')' pool' present facilities in the future, but this is, the~ast big facility. "We Doors, Plywood" Building Materials. ":-'Pierce a sman~r' oIi~(60' x 30') because there'isn't ~oozh there for need this to keep the Grosse Pointe'School System on the same high a regulation' size, pool ,-- !iD:d'Pa'rce~ls a regulatfon (75'x 35') pool. l;vel of ~he past years. Already,the P.T.A. ~ouncil, indhridu~ -P.T.A. / ~ ' . \. . groups land hundreds of indivi~uals have pledged their support. , , - The matter Will be decided by the voters on J anuary 24-pleas~ Who Will Use:.rhe New Pools? qe sure to vote. If you have questions of any sort, call the Board of I Education office-TUxedo 5~2000. The prop,osed p~ols are for ,the. use' of our School 'System and the .en-'- ~~~ ,.' tire co~unity,'just as 'our 'gymnasium,,;auditorium is -parochial and private schools may ~iethem as well a~'church 'arid ad.uit groups. .," , ~1f,'Il, .. . COST Of PROPOSED NEW , . " " SC~OOL FAC'llITIES ' 50-X , . .. \ 'W~y a New' "',!eating,Plant lor the High School? Total WITHOUT Cost of New TotallNCUJDING HEARING AI'D ~ . ,; , Year New Proposal ,'~ Proposal New Proposal " {Mills) (Mills) (Mills) ONLY The present one was put in 28 'Years ago - in the lnterestof efficiency 1955 6.442 6A42 and safetYJ ,we need , a new one~' Imagine! A flnes.-quality 4-transistCM' Zenith $50 1956 6.350 .56 6.910 -amazingly small, compact, efficient... COMPLETE 1957 6.230 ,.58 6.810 backed by an ironclad 10-day guarantee of 1958 3~600 .89 ' 4.490 fu.1lsatisfactioo •.• yet selling for less than one.-quancr the price Why Rec/as~ilication?, , of many comparable brands. The latest and greatest achievement in 1959 2.550 1.08 3.630 l.-:nith's famous Crus~de to Lower the Cost of Hearing! 1960 2.550 1.D8 3.630 • , The new' ~ichigan '~dilcational, Law-pass~d'May, 1955-changed us' from a Rural'A¥dcultu~ai: District to 'a Fourth Class District. It pro-, 1961 2~550 1.08 3.630 II Operates {or abo'Ut lO~ a 1962 .2.550 1.08 3.030 ~'Cek on a singlc miniature vides for Third 'Chiss,.Districts in areas'with populations ~f '10,000 to battery, available everywhere., 1963. .800 ' 1.08 1.8Sa • J()-day M()n~y-Back 125,OOQ. We should be' a 'rhitd' Clctss District for x:ecognitio~; for effid~ Guarantee fIf you are not '-1964 .800 1.08 1.880 completely aatisficd .•. if you ,ency of operati~n'~an,d' for better Board of Educatio~ representation. " , ,j , 1965 through, 1!82 approx. 1;000 Ut1i11)each year. do not find the "S().X" equals or excels the performance of If we become,. a, Third 'Class District, our Board will consist of .seven .... . ' , <:ompetitive makes selling for T~e a~ove c~~rt,.~~ows.that ~ favorable vote on the proposed is- members instead of the present five~ ue • I ~200 or morc. simply return it 7 will raIse our tota...cost ,fo: debt s~rvice on what we 'are now pay- I/XJ~.: AO~&:. : for full refund. mg by less t~an * mlll (thIS IS less than 50 cents per $l,OOO.OO'ofas- I It can hidean- , It can be WOnt ' • Complete (Qr $50 with air sess;edvaluatlO~ per year). ~~e h~gh point of our debt payment will t det. IlIIn', • 'Ii • 'IlOIMA', ' conduction, earphone. cord. • .ecktI.J' : . llIirl ! be m 1?56-57.w?en 6.910 ~lllS WIll be required compared with the J stock earmold, One-Year ..' , Warranty and Five-Year Service What Will the Proposals Cost?' ,6.442 mIlls ~eare now paymg. However, you will note tbat because B, Mak.~.ot Plan. Time Paymcn~ if dC3ired. w~~are paymg off ~ur:,present~bonds 59 rapidly, the total debt" even World ..amou. Z.nltb • Also four other new transistor The t9tal,js $3,475;000: $2;897,255 f.or ~he new Juiuor High School; WIth t~e propos~d.lSSL:ejnclud~d, g()es'_downeach year after 1956-57. TV .nd Rlldloe models,to choose froml, . $187,450 for: the Pierce ,Pool; $290,545 for- the Pa~cells PO,ol; $99,750- . "Foli ,~I:e:firstb~e lIJ.:years we can look forward to ,a lower school - , tax rat~ 10 the' near -futur.e. " , Home call~ made by appointment ,for the High SchOof1;e~ting'cplant~, ' ' I ~. v '1....~ . . ' ~~~,-----":'_------~~--I The BaYI1:eOptical' Co. ,",' 1,1;' , 407 Fish~r Rd. TUxedo' 5-5400 -Grosse Pointe. 8oard'of'~, .'E,ducation .' , Open 9:00 to 5:30 ~ Tu'~sdays 'til 8:00 ... \ . ' ,/'_ . . !ASY TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED ON REqUEST " ,


, ),~ ' t ,', '~,,( .- • ,r r ' , . , , • , , , r ,-"~ •.....--,,.--r""""-F-i ....!---P--f-'-'...¥-. "P","f-F-P-P--( 1lI'_' -P ",-.-.F""f~F"f""'i_""-F ..'...... !IIy.. f.P..,..'.. p,... p ~j.. -, "p.PJIIIII'P"'P.IIIIIII'''';,1 I

. , ~56 Thursday:' January 5, "956 - • G R 0 SSE PO-I ,N T E: NEW S Hoag. .: "~I • levard. Car Hits Porch; GP routh Hutt GPlIS,Al~mni. I~ Panel ,Talk. MESC' Br~nch Ohio Considers ~e. 72; ------_'lC(tlifo~~ifl Due all of A 16~year-old Farms boy at Ijammed' when he turn~d' into By JUDY ALLEN Richard. Harding, Jean ..White.- ~oom the wheel of a runaway 1955 Madison from Webster. ., GPUS JournaliSm StUdent hurs,t, and Dick,Degen~r 'from the Report's on:-'S5 ForIBzg\ Boost Secol)d, Tll,rnpike ! three p a ~ k a r d suffered shock and Police found the boy dazed' on . Eleven cqllege f r e 5711 II} e.n U~iversity 'Of Mic~igan;,. Don The Michigan ED;lployment Se- Dun & Bradstreet estimates COLUMBUS, O.-Ohio 'eaking b~ulses.fWednesday, December 28, the front potch of the home of formed into a 'p.:lnel answered Ho:wdel'shell from Prmceton, Hal Turn.:, curity Commission office at 13303 that there', will be 21 per. c~?~ pike Commission h a i r.m a D. ' md in wt:~n .he car knocked over a Elmer J. Plourde, 447 Madison. questions posed by, Mr. D. R. BaIley fro m Tufts! ~~rbara -.c armed.. E. McNichols, road' reporti; that more people west of the MlSSIS- .Tames W. Shocknessy, has re- ;:' utlhty pole at Madison and Web- Bryan was taken to Cottage Hos- Campbell, field counselor~ and Marco fr~m ~he. Unr':Etrslty of during 1955 'over' 11,000 pe~ple ~ter and then careened into a .pital for observation, then ticket~ Grosse Pointe High School stu,- Color~do,; Cliff J~nkin:> from sippi a decade hence and 15 per ported to G~emor Frank, J.': were placed in jobs by this br~ch cent more 1n the eastern half Laqsche, on proposals which ...ront porch. ed for reekless driving: dents at a senior class meeting. Denmson and Gwen WaIte from may:: office. of the natiop. give Ohio its second, Turnpike ': The driver was Robert Patter- 'Damage to the Packard was O:th 1 - T J ff . the 'University of Vermont. .on B an f 424 Cl . n, e .pane were ..ay e nes Th fir t t', k d b ~ Of that number, 1,734 were It said California. probably Project. " "', ry. 0 overly. He' estimated at $750 and to Plourde's' and Joan Allen from Michigan e s ques Ion as e y women and 3,509 were veterans. will pass New York's population Due to the, Ohio J?epartment of ': told pollet! that the accelerator porch at $75. Stat.e -'Unl'versl"ty,' George B 11 Mr: Campbell wa~ "What dt? you In 1954, nearly $12,000,000 was ------__ ...... -.:...... : ...:.':::.-.. __ -=..;:...... _.:..:.-=-.:.... _e--:." find is the main difference be- growing, from 12,600,OOO~to F,- Highways cooperation with the.~ -paid out' by ,this offiCe. 800,000, compared to the tw~en, high school and' college During 1955 a lower claim load State's increase from 15,400,000 Turnpike Commission, ways have ' studies?" . ' I, resulted in' $5,200;000'being pa id. to 17,500.000. been foUnd~ to lower costs ot ,; Thfs money flowing into t1ie' The' answer of a U: of M., Illinois and Texas should' join Ohio's Turnpike Project NO.2. It : freshman -was that COllege pro- pockets ,of'. Northeast Detroit California. Pennsylvania, and' would be 410 miles 'in length. ~ fessors' leave everything to the residents has accounted for the student. m~lili.tenance of purchashlg power New York in the over-IO-million co'st approximately 525-:millioI4-:: even'during times of heavy fac~ The opposite. experience. was c?l':l~n by ~965, the financial sta- ang,. connect Cincinnati in south-': tory lay-offs. tlstlclans SaId. . . C h . ed reported by Joan Allen. She said, In 1955, there were 193 handi- Th 1 t~ f th U't d west OhiO WIth onneaut at t e • "I find M.S.U. professoI'8 only e popu a lon 0 e me. '. capped per}ons placed ,in gainful States by 1965 should reach 190,- northeast end of the state wlth . too willing to help" They're just employment. Of this number, 89 000,000 and by 1975 is expected ~ spur from Columbus north to ' as considerate as high school 'Peldestrian 'Toll were handicapped veterans. to grow to 221,000,000. the present east-west Ohio pike. CLEAN AS LIGHT teachers." Gwen Waite discussed the Up 20 Per Cent problem of studying. "In" spite of The Detroit area 1956 traffic study hours," she' explained, safety educational ,prc:lgram is "there is always someone .,play- under way with traffic authori- ing a phonograph, running up ties making a concerted ,effort to ---- and down the halls or pullfng cut p~destrian fatal accidents. practical jokes .. The progrp.m stress!ng, pedes- FraternitIes, sormities, exams, trian aocidents was the first in a meals and living conditions were schedu1le of 10 different educa~ described in order to; prepare tiol)al prograhis for' the coming 1 the seniors fQr college., •. year. I The Ilrogram was developed.' by School Bonds the' Detroit Police. Dep~rtm'ent, in the world the

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.. _._------~-- _. ------Page Sixteen. , .G R0 SSE P,QI NT E N EW 5 Thursday, January 5, '1956 Thursday, ..

? • ,What Goes On 1\mUSHEDE~::~s!:i~t~:vrLIS~RS. -M~in6ri~1<;~ht~r--Scihed~le..., ~ INC. ALSO' PUBLISHERS OF 'THE 'DETROIT'. WESTWARD~' ' \ -----,~---.;, ....' --''~:---,i...'",""",:- ~ : I .' '. at OFFICES oNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE , .JANuARY '6'~ JANUARY 12 J/ •., ~ i POINTE FARMS 36. MICHIGAN ,*All Center~po~sored.~c!ivities op"eriJo t~e Public .. ,Your, Library , Phone ..TU•. 2-69~O, , . " :34 ~,.27' ! BA:6E.tTAG~•• ,.,; . : 'J'. ' ,,: -'" , _'.' :. N~[',I€E: PI~ase.':~alI-:for.lo~t a~i~~~:',at the office.' , ' .By Jean Taylor ii ',Three TrUnk Lines .' . . .,'.' :, . "... ~:. -- " .') ..' :..... • .. ~, . -. it." -' ',; , , .' ,T~~y' w~lI:be '~e.l~ {OJ; 3,0 days.~ ; ------. -"- .., . A :HATFU't "Or~RAIN: Shell~y',,Winteri!~ge~ ~a~l~d ..~~t_by' the - ;. G~osse .Pointe, ..~a.rden. '(:enter' Room ',and'-' Library open' for I.... ROBERT B. EDGAR : EDl:rOR and. 'GENERAL MAN~GiIi' .~tag~ manager,.tQr:using an old,\fashion~~~noisy,'.h~'d1:ier back~ , consUltation, from.tO a~m. 'to: . noon-&id'.lrom 2 to' 4' p.m..' . : .By 'Jean 'T~.ylor .' f friend, of all the members of its MATTHEW M. GOEB~L__ ..":'~ ADvERTISING MAN,AGER; ,stMe.' ••• '1,1ie~ci1stdrinks'iJp",.t1p."eepi3"mds of<~Olfee~':p~week, ' :' Tuesd,.~) W~e~4~~ ~wF.~hursday-On. F~iday ...2 tp. 4,. /'Wby isjt,tha(the int~rest1ng staff•. KITTY MARRIOTT: ~ FEATURE .PAGE,;SOCJllTY:..~ ! ~~~~t~~£;oi~/~o:I.e~~~p~~eC~ds drWl.eths~s~Jo.ron..ef?;no.:;~di~~us;.n~bsse~';. p.m. {c~~I.~xedO 1-4954).,:: i" .' . • 'things' abotit .t6wb: whi~h we'd ce~:~.~~~~w~h~~ho~~e~~~l ~~: FRED RUNNELLS ._::...~ _ ~.._ .....~~ ... SPORTS..EDJ'TOR '.' ',.;... '..•..1. ~/ • : :;. t.! ";~.""':P.;,. • Hospital:equipme~t available lor' free .loa'n~crutches, wheel lik~ tO,see .o~,hear,.are always on terest to wives and mothers, but . ." NEWS ",'.'r'''~ .... '. •. ,'",' . '~.'.U ".';." chairS"and.hoSpftaI' beds., _" ..,~:' -'-, . - the other.side of.the ~it.y?" discusseS the single woman as JAMES J. NJAIM .- _ _ - - _; ~ ~..~ ~••: .~.. ' FANNY' Walter Slezak doesn't. bother .to take:'~; I', , " ,.' . • ' . '. . ' . i." .',' ,.', ,'. ...• • ., .", 'It " '" • This used to be a frequent .com- well. .The ;Booklet says of it, "The ANNE SCHRAGE :•.- NEWS "off ~hlsmake.-tlp'after the show.-Rushes'strafght . E t'd case study approach imparts a. ARTHUR.R. BLYLER .._ _;...... ADVERTISING . home. h' todr Larchmont. ~•. Ezio Pinza eats lunch . Friday, Jan. 6 '. plaint of ,!ll of us on the .as Sl e personal touch, to. these under- PATRICIA BLYLER : : ;.~ : ~.- :.~ ~ ~ : ADVERTI~~G. mmeloInanedSSsinlX's g rraOWomegognSmatine~days: a papaya ~American~ Red Cross Bx-aille :r'ranscripti.on Class - 10 a.m. hgt good things ar.e commg' our' standing observatlons and sen- WILLIAM ADAMO .:::. .ADVERTISING .". " ,...... ' ' '."'.*. , . .." .way'' at last. '.&." sible suggestIons on becoming a "'OHN MacKENZIE : BUSINESS ' , ..': :.: ., .',.' ~'i, .' •.. ,' . . ".' .' .' Saturday, :Jaii-. 7 . .' , . , During the last year there have reasonably, contented and useful " A ROOMFUL OF ROSES:"The house eiectiiclanJ *B 11 'Cl" M Rll" /' ' '. h db' g ff t' JOANNE HARGIS ~ ~ ACC01JNTS .set up a TV set in the cellar for the cast to,use ' .. a e.t asses - ary J.:J e~ Cooper:, Instructor - 9:30 a.m. been the Grosse Pojnte Symp ony ;~~:/n on em an e ec lye BARBARA BURROWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . :when n'ot on stage. It's ,up with earphones so the, to 3-p.m. ' '. I and th'e Community Chorus Con-, . h' FLORA HARDING •.._ ~...... •._ CIRCULATION sound doesn't disturb the audience...• Pat Neal' • .. • certs, the programs sponsored bY "The book IS ,.compred t enSlve' in It's all ov its coverage an mee s an llU- is veddy Briddish.. Setves ...tea to'visitors~ .' 'Pima : Sunday, Jan •.8; .' the,Friends of the Lib!ary as well mediate need' in its field," ac- With reind • .'. \ *Youth Council - Meeting -' 12::30p.m.~~," .. " as the many attractlo~s offered cording to the' reviewer in the A&P is se • Advertlsing Copy Must Be in The News Office by A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE: Bifl McGuire keeps -a. pair of'white . *New Residents.Reception - 3t~ 5 p.m. '-: .For all'who have at our own,War Mem~nal Center .. Library Journal. "It goes dir~tly season'~ spi Tuesday' afternoon to obtain insertion that week. mice in his dressing room. They.w.er.e an ,opening.night gift.frorn, moved int.o the Point£:$ in.l~55 - No';charge _ The- entire Amqng the outstanding eve~ts to the bases of the stresses and We're set : his wife. In.the play, an invisibie pair, of mice are chas~d around. family is' il.).vited and a,baby ~itter.: wilr be pr'ovided fOJ: in the Center's, cal~~dar for ;1anu- strains of women and, in a Member Michigan Press Ass'n. and National Editorial Ass'n. than.ever the s~age. Mrs.' McGuire's mice are-their "understudies." 'They're ,'. very young children _: Refreshment's" arid entertainme,nt" ary a;IJ.dFebruary IS.a. ~~rles of straightforward sincere manner ready to r Entered as second~class matter at the post office. Detroit, . named "Artie" .and ,:"Martie," .ifter' author Arthur. Miller'. and ' 'd th t "'t "'t ' . t I h h d f 11 h P . '. " lectures and y,rorkshops conce:-n- helPi one, to understand the Michigan. under the Act. of March 3.'1897. director Martin Ritt., " an e oppo.r .um y, 0 m~e :t e ea.s 0 a . t e Olntes ed with-,"Women in a C~ang.1ng causes.' The suggestions'repre- make your FULLY PAID CIRCULATION , ~ _ ,.. , ~ '. /.:'<. organizations.. . -.I ; ';' . World." :I'hese seven meetIngs.are sent wisdom and insight along So .•. fat . J~NUS:' Mar~aret Sullavan decorated her.' dressing. room 'Y1ls '. ..• :-. spo~ored by the. G:rosse pOlI~te with an unGQmmon' degree of make the 1 ,WIth Metropolitan Museum of Art ,reproductIons. ~....:.Rer.pet para- . Mdnday~ Jan.'9 , Branch of the Amencan Assocla- common sense." out ..• co keet has the rUn qf'.the, 9-r~ssingroom;.• " She's~one::ofthe ~erY. *Cancer Information and 'Service Center;"'::: ServiCe Work _ tion of Un.i.v~rs~tyWomen ~d . In "Many Lives of Modern CUS"'.!. few stars whose",:

cess, getting representatives of five munfcipalities togethef"':'HE CHALK ~ARnEN: In';hil:dei;hia a part w~s;~iiten ..in:for .'. .'". I ',. " .. often enough to attain any. great accomplishment in .matters a woman and a dog. A pooch was acquired from the local pound. build the sa-mesize poo~ for less -y~ar 'Clot.our beaches is not at all successtul A&P lomot(' such as these., Two days later, however, the part was dropped, but the pooch than half this particular cost.' consistep::..with the needs of. our. The City and .Farms found it advantageous to get to- stayed on,as company maScot. .' When you get behind~' the youth, an~ enjoying the sPll- • • • you don't want to owe youf soul' munitv will have use of' these experienced in sales meeting preparations •• ~ handsome air conditioned. conference cated were there five separate systems. The Board of Educa-THE DESF.~SET: Spirley Booth keeps her ,poodle . to the School. Board srore" vote fine f~cilities just as well. The tion also operates the public library' system tor th~ .entire "Prago" backstage. Tells everyone "lufs a'scene No on January 24. '.' :;., :B.oard'of Education's fine atti- r~oms • '.' excellent food ••• quiet community. " . ',stealer." •• ' ~'Comes to the theater in 'a hired ; Furthermore, despIte all 'of Mr. tude in:,:allowing others to use atmosphere • • • adequate free private We hope the proposed school bond issue will be approved limousine, which is part of her contra<:t..• • • Lee's "hoopla" they really don't. ou:':''football fields and' 'audito'r- ", parking. ask about free lobby product" display. at the special election scheduled for later this month. It., Giv~s cast members boxes of candy -..v~Ich(1~: ~xpect this version of the b.?rid iu~ gymnasium will .ag~ be 260 free car parking' lot would provide much-needed swimming pools which 'would be .receIves by .the.hun~eds, an~ te.lls ,~em, Booth Issue to be approved. It mIght fo11owea in allowing' use of the . . d ., h' h h 1 not my generOSIty.Its my WaIstline. interest you to know they h~ve S'Wimmulgpools. . 250 transient guest rooms used.by the entIre commumty, an a new JUnIor Ig sc 00. ------already worked out ~ alternate The cost"'of' hardly, 50c' per A&P-' OUR FINE which will be a necessity by the time construction could be - plan 'ofseparate ballots for the thousand of assessed value is an.~ finished. It would also pay for the replacement of an obsolete happy. and successful year' for would seem that a lot of our s\\1imjUing.pools~ which' is less additional tax .tha£' we can ail heating system at the High School and would eliminate for- you! money goes down, the drail'1 be- costly, and ca~ .be presented, to grin and bear;. as money being. ever the black smoke which pours from that building and is, Sincerely,. cause certain procedures _in our the voter~ when another Jumor spent on a worthy American Apple , a source of nuisance to many'residents of the area. (MRS,) MARJ0RIE G. 'GIB~S, schciol..syst~ll!. ~ee4-' ~ightening,. High .is really Ineeded. . enterprise..' . We hope that progress will continue to be J;nade in pro- (Mrs.) JOSEPHINE H LAWYER, and they. are livmg wel1 beyond .., Stanl:y FIsher I ani' happy to be given a Sultana Frui viding adequate off-street parking facilities iJ:l the vario~s Consumer Marketihg Inf. Agents their means. . Editor s Note: An offiCialof the chance, to vote "yes" on such a business districts. This is particularly important to the'locali ,,--- What'S!more the full effect of Wayne County Bureau of ~axa~. fine program. .' A&P Apricol ' 29 1955 ~ tion stated that Mr.. Fisher's state-. . S' I merchants wno are threatened by the Eastland project which . December," . Superintendent 'Bushong's ac- ni'ent regarding th~ use cf state mcere Y. is now being constructed. Convenient parking here will ~eep ,To the Edl:or of the. tion in.seiling .-thet~1>ayers down. equalized valu:ation is untrue. AU "Edward J. Pongi'acz-' z A&P Grapef many shoppers in the 'Pointe who might)therwise migr"ate G!osse Pomte News. .' . the. '.~~veJ;.; by ~S1;1l~.J.: ~~e State school districts in the state MUST , . t th K llv ad district . , Mr. James W. Lee II, PreSIdent. equalIzed valuatlon lI~.:hJS budget US'E'state eqmllized yaluation as . \ . Ji)' A&P Sliced o e e ~_ro , . ~ '"1..' _ of the Grosse Poi~te Board of. for the 1955:-56:School Ta~ Rate, h B • SI W ~ hop\:: the 'VVoods new pool ill ter system wll1'Ue. com Education is attempting to wake rather than the Count--.requal- a. consequence of' t e Supreme " .SIC' aps.' BURNS DRIVE, AT THE RIVER • VAlley 2-9000 A&P PeaehE pleted m tune for t~e su~mer season; and tJ:at the reSIdents the town and tell the people that ized evaluation, is the major fac- g::: ~~~::np~~:~eIsPi~::~:: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 of the Farms and CIty WIll get the full benefIt of the greatly three new proposed Riviera - to... contributing to the increased fonow~g the. state 'law in this In Diao-Rosis C expanded facilities at their respective lakefront }?arks. Miami Beach - HollYWOOdtype cost: of your school ~ax ,bills. In regard. D Broadcast V\Te hope that all of the Pointes will continue. to enjoy swimming pools costing $290,- this coimection,"it might be well __ By FRED'M. KOPP, R. l'h. Mother's the great prosperity of the past- year, and that the. officials of 545.00,$250,000.00and $187,45P.00 to explain that in Wayne ~o~- Dear Mr. Edgar: o~ all the municipalities will continue th'eir vigil 'to keep this respeCtiv~l~, plus a $2,~97,~5~.OOty alon~",t~eiSt~t,e, 'Y~uatlOn IS. As' usual, when ,'the Grosse . "When 'youC'Ousult:a' 'doctor the finest residential community in the nation. twenty.-elglit room Jumor. H,lgh.. $579,331,v~41~O~-1iig~~~}?an. ~he Pointe Bo.ard of Education pre:.aqout a serious condition he Schc'Jl will cost the taxp,ayers' County; and.' when 1~ IS apphed sents the needs' of our district, I . usually a.dvis,es'a blood ~test, . . . ~ of the School District "less than to the 6' taxing units ~omprising .. . urine .analysis~.krayS or fluor-. ';four I' ...... -:-C one mill additional tax per year'."~ the ,School. District,' it is re-. am. vitally ~nterested;' and would 'oscopes' of .the area~in whic~ tters' to the Edl.tor All you'have to do to di~prove :fle~ted.iIl;.the inctea~ed cost of ap'preci,ate yourprint~ng: 'my .pain is. felt. _It .J:r.lsyeven 'be AN Le ~ this statement is to take a good your bill.' , '. . _',. comments . on. this, ."importaiitnecessary to take one or more I ______' . issue 'tests that~1.11 show' if certain ,ear!,! .into 'T th Ed't yer and I think it is a ~7onderful long look at the 1955 school tax Moreover, by his own admis- Th~ ~eeq of the Junior. High areas "Or'organs are affected. PAG . 0 e I or: bills which are now in your pos- sion, as outlined in. }ris annual ' . d' f' . . " 'le ChrI'stmas ShoPPI'ng I'n tl'me to thank you for all of the d'11 f 1 th h School has been ascertame . or ..... 'WID'"';1''.. t'h'" ." ]., '. Whl session an you Wl ee e re~ report, Do~tor Bushong as es- a: d' f' all 't tli. e,' IS. mvo .ves more the Pointe during our annual co-operation and encouragement suIt of the same hokum, and pro-. tablished ....a "~~Buddy7bUnd" or ye rs, an. IS m Y.gomg 8, ,e~ ;:expense .and::timein the ~egin'::, Men's Night the unde~'signed which you have given us during pagarida ,the School Board has: "Friendship'LObbY" by 'playing b.al1w~.It IS,.O~the utmost nece~¥..:nin~ ;i;t..me~ms;s.u~e'r..and swift:.' iUd/ad, du,re-dlwJ a.1 a cropped a pair of twenty-dollar the past year. t t t .' , P TAM the Slty. ~ another year, that Pat:tl:-.:.er :controLdf the lllness. In the handed ou 0 vo ers 011; preVIOUSmousey to the ..., 0 rscular ..,situation, of .housing J, unior,. ,l()n.'g', ~].l,n..it i.s,,less costly in bills in a crowded store. In the When we look back. over th e bond issues. Some of their com- Club Dads .Club, etc. The reason il . " Ith shuffle they were lost. 16 months in which our Con- mercia-Is released to ,the people for this is .of course self evident. High School students w. I be. a. time' '-and 1'hea _ than'. the cr;tr.lhal had been sum e r Marketing Information . great hardship without a com-' .methods doctors had to follow Alth'lugh not h i n g is more during the past year causes you He wants 'to use these' good pleted new buildiIig.' . . before the ....'deY.'elopment of anonymous than paper money, we program has b~en in exist~nc~, to w?rider if they are oper.at~g a people as a topl to p~t over. bon.d The BQard, ot' Education. has these valuable ~lds. J ... left our nama and adp,ress at th~ ,we becor.oe ver! enthuslastlc pJ.lblicschool ~ystem,or runmng a, ~ssu~s, whether the a~ount 'IS.. shown, great wis WOo 2-9 66 ---' ••~ Between W1,iltkr..tmd Six MIl. At the close of 1955, Mrs:.:. Law-,1In. the. future. May 1956 be, a' held s 11'1cU yo a~untab1e. ,It when .paroc~, schools would Tomato: t • \ ~ '

.. , ( t , . . . ! \ ( ,. • 1 , ~ 1- "'(--, 1 J r ~ i!.!; ) , , , f Iff.' f. P P ¥ Pill F 1 1 F i , f " H (J 1 t, Id, f,' "p p ff; ,;,;"t" h.t, L ht.q,.,,}....;Ed,,; P. ?: f Y J. hpJ 4 f. t, h e. J.. ; • ? ? ¥ - Thursday, January 5,,-" 956 --- -.-. -G R 9 S~S):'.••POI NT :_.E, }tE ¥t~. ---'•.:--_ ..Page-Seventeen, I' A&P will strive 'to bring more good 1t!t!,t'tolfJ~l;ep~ople,'fo, less money~•• ,1; e, , - ',' , .

• of its .' lad ex- ~ialin- !rs" but :lan as .t. "The )arts a

under- , d'sen- .' ... ' ' ." ming a .'-- useful ' ffective .-.;.. .','-'/_------lsive in If $ all over but the savings . . . _'" an lln------. . .SENSATIONAL AtP. MEAT OFFER! :i," ac- With reindeer and resolutions turned into merry memories, in the., A&P is setting up shop with an eye to salvaging the DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU- ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED IN' EVERY WAY! i.i~ectly season'~ spirit! . ':l '" This .am~zing"qffer -is in effect.until Janua~"y' 14th. Why don't you cqme, an~ selec~ from our wonder- ies and We're set to serve with better-than-ever foods at bigger- , in a , ~ha"'-ever savings . . . and like icing on the cake, we're - , ,ful varietY,of Supet-Rigp.t iri~ats: .... from the grand assortment of poultry and s~afood~ You couldn't nanner wish for tiner, ~'',' au:d Mof~tI • "SUPER RIGHT" ,Beef Roast ARM OR, EN~LlSH CUT LIt '43c" l . Sh Id' R ' GENUINE SPRING lit , , • • • , amb/ ou er oast 39c t, the "SUPEU-RIGHT" s will LB. fU L b USUPER.RfGHT" Round Steak CENTER CUTS • '. • • • 79c Leg v am GENUINE SPRING •• G LB. in a 59c , Our "SUPER.RIGH~" "SUPER-RIGHT" 16-0Z. Boilin'g" Beef . LEAN PLATE MEAT • • • • lB. P k S COUNTRY STYLE. • •• LI. ,0 'the 12c' or ausage 3Sc nsend CAN "SUPER.RIGHT" lonu Cut Green Beans'. • • IOe Pork, Steak- CUT FROM BOSTON BUTTS LB. Fancy p':ci. ses in SSc Sliced, Bacon F~~~J:-~~~l;~y 39c s pre- "SUPER~RIGHT" Pork'Loins 7.RULp'ORTioN ..... ~ lB, "SUPER-RIGHT" • • • • 11. ,''': , 25c Polish, Sausage' career 29~OZ. 49c day. "SUPER.RfGHT" ' ' "SUPER-RIGHT" Spare Ribs SM~~l LEAN. •.•••• lB. P k lona Bartlett. Pears . . .3 CANS 8ge 35c or Chops CHOtCE CENTER CUTS. •• LIS. 59, /' eking- BUTTERfiELD WHOLE WHITE VINE RIPE BRAND SflECIALL " SELECTED; :MEDIUM SIZE .eco1.trs *Because meat represents about 250/. of City 16-0Z. • CANS 25c' Shrimp ... /.' :,. LB, 69( your food budget, it's important to know 1. Potatoes • • 3 Catsup .... ~6~:"31( 2 . . . A&P's "Super-Right" Quality is • reliable night; standard of top meat value. ax-ked Fresh Whitefish PAN.READY... LB. 65c Jiffy Biscuit Mix ••.•.••• ~~.~~.27 c "Super-Right" assures you thllt whatever some- Sultana Salad Dressing ••••• l:o~~'21c.. you choose at A&P .is QuaIity-Ritht • ,. ." R.02:. 2"c , Cap/n' John's Ocean Perch . . • • LB., "39c Controlled-Right ••• PTf:pared.Right ••• Sold. / Broadcast Corned Beef Hash •. 1~fJ'29c . SuItana C.oeoo • • • • • • • .' • • CAN J Right and Priced-Right. ' F~ntail Shrimp J~A.f~~~)• '. -••• '. l~K~~.53c Navy Beans JACK RABBIT • • • • 2 p~BG. 2Sc lady Betty Prune Juice • • • • • ~cgi. 27t Sultana Rice ••••••••• 2 p~BG. 27c Comstpck Sliced Pie Apples • • 2 ~A~'39c- • p. kl FRESHSLICED 16-0Z. 17 A&pls WINTER POTATO SALE VIaSlt It es CUCUMBER STYlE. • • • JAR' C A&P P~neapple' Juice • • • • ~ 4 1!Ac:,~'99c I A&P Fancy Peas •••••••• l~fJ"21 c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail'. •.• • • 2~fJ'37 c SAVE MORE AT A&P ON YOUR FAMILyrS NEEDS! Green Giant Corn cs~~~~ •• 2 lC6A~~' 31 c Jiffy Pie Cru~t Mix •••.•• 3 ~ic~1:28c U. S. No.1 POUND I C WHOLE , 216Y2-0Z. '31 GRADE VENT-VUE 1.. A8tP Tomato Juice •••••• 2 ~6A~'.4Sc ,~St0 k I KERNEL •••• ,CA~'S C 69 e y s orn . Maine Potatoes 48 BAG Campbell's Pork & Be'ans ••• 2 llAOJ-s' 27 c' Family Flour PIL~:U~~L~O~~~?OD 2S B~G 1.99 Hershey's Cocoa ••••..•. 6Sc llA~~' ~1~ J\&P Sweet Potatoes o~~:l~~ST2 39c .. 'U. S. N,o., 1 MAINE \ ' ,( k. NATIONAL 9%.OZ. 33 Cut Rite Waxed Paper •••• 2 llgL~~'49c 1orna Doone 00 les BISCUI:~ • • • PK.G. C MAINES' SUPER SPUDS . GIANT S9 Surf REG. SIZE 2Sc...... SIZE C Premium Crackers N~~b°J:tL. 2 ~~g~.49t .. . ., Yellow -Onions u. silt~H:G2~AD~.• 3 "19c • L It FRESH, CRISP SOLID 2 FOR THf- VALUE.LEADER SHELf SIGNS ••• ~:G Heao e uce 24.SIZE HEADS. FOIT. 29c C' CRISP, GREEN 24~SIZE 29 , '.. THEY'RE GROWING IN NUMBER EVERY WEEK . P 'I' I CELLO WRAPPED-, STALKS EACH asca e ery c , .Flori~a P~le Beans - ••••••• LI. 19c LofLk! Florida' Fresh' Corn . 1E.i~~1~.:. 6, FoARS 49c lB. 59 I Florida Orange's J~~~~FlfL~g..8 IA~ c A&P-OUR FINEST QUAUTY A&P fANCY WHITE MEAT ,Cuban Pineapple 9.SIZE -I.... EACH 39c LB. florida Grapefruit • ~~. • • .' 8 BAG 49c' 7-0Z. 'A&P REPEATS THIS POPULAR 5,-PIE'CHO!CE! PROCESSED PIMENTO OR AMERICAN CHEESE FOOD Apple Sauce. 4 :;~~;'49( Tuna Fish. . ~ . CAN ,29c , QT., "Sc L~~F 8 • • Ched-O-Bit 2 69( Sultana Fruit Cocktail •••• ~ ~~~~.9Sc • JAR 'J 5 Sultana Salad "Dressing • ·Libby' Fro%en Pies , , , ' , • UN PEELED 3' 29-0Z. 89 . A BLEND Of ' 24.,OZ. 49c A&P Aprlcots HALVES..... CANS c Ann Page Syrup CANE AND' MAPLE • • BOT. ' Your Choke o~ , Silverb'rook Butt~r ••••••• ,. p'R~~T,61 c 12-0Z. 27c BEEF, CHrC~EN, tURKEY,' APPLE OR, CHERRY A&P Grapefruit Sections ••• 2 ~6A~t27 c Ann Page Chili. Sauce '. '. .' • • .' BOT. Sliced Swiss Cheese WiSCONSiN LB. 59c CHOOSE YOUR • • PKG. '. ' 'Ch" BORDEN'S OR 2 3.0Z. 2 A&P Sliced Pineapple •••• 3 ~~~~.1.00 ..Spar kle Pudd Ings FA VORITE K,IND • Sc Cream eese . KRAFT'S' •• . 'PKGS. 9c ELBERTA FREESTONES 29.0Z: rOR' 3 1 00 • ELBOW, OR, 2-LB. 35 5. 99(, .t SI.' PROCESSED a-oz. --2'7' A&P Peaehes HOME STYLE CANS. Ann Page Macaronl SEA SHELL 8 • PKG. C Me.I0.BI ..Ices CHEESE...... PKG. C I . Broadcast Chili WITH BEANS •••• l~AO~;-23c lona\ Cut Wax Beans . '•• , •• 4 ~6A~~'49~ Crestmont Ice Cream. ~tA~I~1~TZ:SL~EGtlcK79c $ }~i<~~' LI BBY'S FROZE'N FRESH Moth~rl Oats '~~:;~L~R..." 18c O'ur Own Tea Bags, oN:~f:Nr.,64 .~~. , 46c , ~, --, ..=-- -: .. ~. ;.. . '.' , ",",OAL ,TO THE BEST :' '. • YET ,COSTS LESS A&P/s ALL~VEGET AB'LE PROVES fOOds Needn't Most Popular ~PIE '••• 'at. . , " dexo Shortening Fi'3e~i"';. ....*_. Mo~t Popu'a~rSAVING'SI .7~6.0Z. ~ Guafanltld t.1~ , - CAN,S , Good Housekeeping "'.., ~.,. LB. CAN ANN PAGE Pure "....."...',,' .3 6'.: ,. , ,/

3 STRAINED 4 ,4.0Z. 471t- Hein~ .Baby Food 5 JARS ~ ' PRESERVES I dinrler for 4 l-LB. Red Heart F~~~ • • • • 3 CANS 49c' . for only $1.00'7. 2~:49c , , . ~/U!; 8-INCH SIZE' ').LI. i ,8Se Sounds impossibje . . . but they're delicious! Here c?'~ Spry SHORUNING.. ~~~ , CAN .. , YOUR CHOICE: .. 33c are 12 marvelous meals, complete with recipes, that PEACH, CHERRY, APRICOT, , yo~ actually can buy and cook for just 25" per person. PINEAPPLE or BLACKBERRY C c They'll become stand-by menus for you whenever the APPLE " .. PIE:9' - , 39' .' "Butter Kernel Corn .' • • 2-'tA~f33c budget pinche~!In the January i!'sue of Fabulous choice of flavor favorites! The wh

' Mayonnaise ••••••• ~R" 49c , . I. • '" ,Giant'~Jellt Roll. 7~~G~1~~E-'" EA~H '49c · Bab-O -(,Ieanser .' • • • • 2 ~~~~~;.2Sc' , "'"IEIUCA'S FOlEM05T FOOD.-IETAlLElt ••• SINe. 1I5t Prepared Spaghetti •_. 2 2~~~Z. 29& White Breaa ~L1CED. '~ .• ~' .. {~~f:11," .... .,. _ ~ •• ., ••• _ • ••• ." r '" ,

Tomato Soup • # •••• 3 ,l~~~Z. ,29c Streussel Squar, ,c~l~:E• • • ONLY 25c '\

;' ,'~, { \ \, I I • - .. , ' , , ) 1 , \ \ t ~ f f , " It. I . , . ,. r , , , I , I I , > , I ' •

• '.. .. , .... \. -Page Eighteen G R 0 SSE' POI N T E ;.N EW S Thursday, January 5. 1956

get FREE It800"E IJnhow to do yo",.. ' '1"o~ligation ..• write or coli , " '

~> \ ".USA MasollrJ."Pal ..,. h SCHREIBER PAINT ! AND GLASS CO. f " I- 11808 Kercheval VA 2-1380

, ' ,\

S'ixth Church of ~hrist, Scienti.'st, Detroit 147~0 KQrcheval, bet~ Ma~istique and Ashl.sn$J I I,'I Wednesda;y ,EvenHlg Testimonial 1':~~nng-8 :00 p.m, Sunday ~rvices-l0:30 R.m, and S:QOp.m. In!ant's ROOlli Open for 10:30 Service. READING ROOM - 16348 EAST WARREN , Mon. Tues .• Thurs. l'~ri. and'Sat. 10 a,m .to 9 p.m. ,Wednesdav 10 a.m. 'to 7 p.m, Sunday 2 to' ~:30 p.m.

THE GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH 'Baseline at'Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods Heartily ~inl-'ites yolt to attend StI11daJ'Se-rt.i~es , 1 II :00. A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP I A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 0:00 , 6:00 P.M.~EVENING WORSHIP Dr. Dale 1hrie, l'tfinister Chuck Fresh, lean a"

CHORAL EVENSONG and Round "Thrifty" me~ Plate ( LIONEL "Thrifty" mea TRAINS in the Octave of the Epiphany-

Toys, Games 'will be held in Ground fresh Hobbies Radio and Frog L TV Tubes Christ Episcopal Church Large, tender Tested 61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard_ , Free Polish on Sunday, the 8th of January Hygrade'g. D( VAUGHAN P~inte ~t Four O'Clock in the AHernoon RADiO and TRAIN SHOP Sliced Lionel A!,proved Serv\t'e Statton (SH.:nt Rubber Tires) The ADORATION of the MAGI Sunnyb:-ook r 15434 Harper LA 7-0771 Sr. Nottingham-Open Eves. 'tll • . YOllr A.G Sfore (Presbyterian) , A play of the 12~h century from 'the mOMstery of S~int Benoit<.S.ur:"L~ire, of fluery, Frt!{'Ice,~

, ,"1 ... SPECIAL ~'; .'L~"}. ::. '" ,;j" ~v. :',' The Largest Selection of SunC!ay,'j-an'u'ary8" ,- LAMP SHADES SUNDAY HO,URS Pa 8:00 A.M.-Holy ,Communion Fresh, extra : 9-:30 and I 1:00 ''A.M.---:-F.e',r:ni1y Worship 10:00 -",-- '. TO

6:00' 'j. ',' ',o.pen 'Thurs., Ft'i .. t$nd Sat, :,.L-e'IJ' f 'a"~:-,," -> Even,ings rill 9:00_ ,. ",

, -:105 LV N I' , ~ MARKET ,c;l 21 020 MAC~ at, Roslyn Rd'j I TU. 4-9821 , "ll!OOOOO!!!ll)oooOJ!OOOOOO~D ' "NORTHERN" at I Silver &. 'Gold I out of your the finest name • plating , ' in PAPER • r~pairing ofucitleGpp!er New,~ CUSTOM: i futur'e .. Large, firm It Md ELECIROL YSIS Northern TISSUE,' 2 for 19c Production Permanent Rftmovcd 'of -Superft-..ous Hair Northern 10WELS, 4 for 75e Work • ,,'By Nt:w Short Wave Metliod , All Work . Dryt mild 1la' NQ Obligation fot' ConsutttJtion Guaranteed c. • 15315 E. Jefferson, Grosse Pointe Park VAlley 2.47_a4 ladies ••• why worry about Esquit'e Theater' Buildi1ig . Harrtlin' Inc. your Sri! V e r tarnishing ? ~ , . I' ;' - ., - • ..... --; - • f ....e'll tornish proof it end guor. LOOK, STRAIGHT into' the ,future with a con~_ TU 'ontee it., 89 " Call VA 1.0844 fidel')ce ,bornof,a savin9s:~acbo~nt'.A reserve ~, -BII Kercheval 5-8400 Kroger Selc Acme Silverp!ating Co. Inc. Good for ,45 Years account is a prize PO~,s~ssi()n~'Take steps n9W 14824 Charlevob:' ':- -, IlllllUnUIIIUllIlIlIIlIIlIllIlI1I : to. reploce" un(;.rtainty viiJh',c'ert.ainty .. 'Start ------~-~~- -- -_._--- EverY,style'ofFence, " a savings aCCQunt" an_dodd", to it regularly. TYPEWRITER ereef'ed for you PR( WA. THE 1Oth' OF THE MONTH • • • a date to IllllmllnllllllHlIlIHllilllllllli • SALES. SERVICE • RENTALS iDCludlDl remember! 'Make a dote before the lOth of ' Portables and All Makes " Chain Link All-Steel and th-e month to' OPEN YOUR SAVINGS WOLVERINE TYPEWRITER CO. Rustic Styles ' ACCOUNT WITH us. All funds received on Reynol 14343 EAST JEFFERSON AVl. or before the 10th of 'the month earn from the Cook your p, 26 Yt,'9.rs in the Same Location first 'Of' the mo'nth. EQ~haccount i$ insured W. J. REBM. Manager MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. 10403" HARPER RESIDENT,IAL, INDUSTRIAL , up to $10,000. Sweet Green Giant .

- ,," \ ' .' . You canSAVE.8Y ..MAlt under our Postc:rge.p'csid 'Plan, Tomat~ " built for, your :c;:onv.;,ience anqlreg,ylar .sovings': plan.' .Standard Qt:,l Woodworking', . , . -.', , . ~' - .. , ' ~_...... ~ .. ~ - ~ ...__ ...*-- ...... - .. -~- ....- .. fea;;~?~. 'Do you ~av. a $wi.n,ging DQor :',opl'$ F,J,r'" Sav;,;" 600, Gi;,~oI"St,.,t lJ,trolt Pork 8 r T),; _Shoes \, t!ta,t is always in the way? :( :".ase $1"'1' ... POSTAGE PAID Mallin,' Kit. . 0 - Clover Vallt!!~, f ~. - - . PEOPLES _FEDERAL SAVINGS Than let ~s giv6 you an estimate on a pair' 0+ ' for InfJnts .nd Children ", I Enc/os,J,ts S. ,.• sft" "'y accou,,'. ~ 0 Baby F , louver doors that we cen install" t6 ,fold easily CL. .and LO~ft Association of Detroit "Pied Plpers" are de*itned for liiUe feet, ':::i , ...,. Beech Nut: anl!l ars expertly fitted .ut\~.r the direc. -oway or hinge separ~tely for ,smC!lrtn.ess ,and "con_. Accoulft III Ifllm,.'; , tion of, Mr, Willlam MeCourt. Exclusive. trolled privacy, A lasting invl:lstment in"comfort' V ly at Peter Pan i1\ Groise Poltlte. control. " I lei"t .(( ••• t " ( 600 Griswold' at (0 ng,ress ~t 111 ..... $ .1 .; .': :.[] .... " U ,I70+5 Ker~h.v~1 '. w 14729. Harper" Outer Drive X A"'ISJ~~ '_' ._> __ '_" - _ _at \ m TOxN. 5.9236 PIINE1R W'" ""'1tTI U 13940 CHARLEVOIX. tlt Eastlawil, VAII.y 2-1056 City 'Phones: Maift Olk, WO 1-5944 .~ndt Olk, II 7-ma r

'~ ••r, \' .. ' ~ '. ~ r - 4 _., _ T _1" r .. ~ ~ , ~ __ r _ •• • ~ ~ '. . - • • , • t r ; J ' r f , t ~ I I , , , v. f,' 1 , " t, " 1 I ,. ,,: " r. ,-, ,r;;. !'

I I Star- - H

l"tnd If(\T 'ten

",no 1fOT, IOn, Iter, ,sto,tigh

" 10.' VALUE STAMPS .~ . FOODS-.gSA~1 "I ..1' . ST~,CK u~NO~. D~RIN~~HE IIG SCOTT SALEI 'Nl/:'>.Al~&*:w&!' 5C01/ ,-',",-1'55'. ' ue..- ...... w .•.,•••••.•.;:.:;:::~ • " •

WHAT ARI ''THRIfTY MIATS~'" ;'Thrifty" -meats are from youn, cattle Ya~ Choice of white c.• ' " tha.t have ,rued 011 lu.h riasl. "Thrifty" ll~,~! meats do not carry. the amount of' f.t~ . or 4 beautiful colors- foun~ on «rain jt~d beet yet-"laboratory .. 00" tests prove it. has fully as much foot! _ ~:;yel1aw,Greenar value. "Thrifty" meats co:st Ie.. than grain fed beef, too. Don't '11."'confuse4l "Thrifty" meats are not Kl'Oler Teniieray beef. Lb.

400.ct. 49'0. !!!h~r~ h~!~!~rc!, Standards C 'kit. . ,f?~~.:,95 • 2 !

Chunk Bologna Lb.

For snacks, parties, lunches A • • • • •

.2-3Avg.Lb.3'' 9C .. . . .

l~Lh. C Lb,19~ Bal ' 29 , ......

• • • •

Lb. Pork Loins Fresh, extra lean and -tender, '7 Rib Cu~ . . . Lb. it8asu•8 chest T~i'~j'fS'that ,lease 10' Value SfamtS Ate the only eg,s' u. S. NO. '1 AL~ PURPOSE MAIHE } . QUICK FROZENA'r rHE riAl' ' Potatoes

.$' 39 '*'.w,'*"',.... .,eos Pk Lb. .;. stock up ya~ freezer' now at this 'ils.

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Bananas LBS, C~i.:,~~;rCoffees~:~~:~T:.' ~:'. Kroge; Select! Golden-ripe, mellow-sweet flavor • • • • • .. • . ':-. ,.' Grind it fresh 0 •• it's better, ;Everydaylow price • '. • , • , • • • • • • , • . .

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Page Twenty Thursday, .. Jal , POINTE'N.EW-S. ' Thursday, January 5, IOS6 -- . GROSSE - Sailing TrophY/Dtsplay.Present~dBi BayView.yacht cluh" Girls Basketball On TVF . t -. "I • Juniors 'to,-Start 10:30 r The Junior'Division ofihe Girla WXYZ-TV • Basketball League will begin Ed McKe Thursday, January.,}. at ~ Neighborheod Club. At 6:30. the Basketeers will MUS) pp.y the -Penguins, followed ai • Big name TV and 7:15 by the,.Red Devils vs. G~ . ' recordlnl stars ,.I Pointe WoOds. The St. Paul-Fly- • Singer erettes will'draw the first bye. PattiBron Captains for th~ 1956 season . i Iby fRfD RUnnELLS are: Basketeers" Nancy Dedick; present. f Red' Devils, Judy 'Desmet an~ Barbara Kolojeski;. Grosse Pointe .Franke Woods, Carol Baude; Penguins, BEER AN Sharen ChaIleY; and the Flyer- Pointe Teams On the.Mov,e ettes, Christ Geist. Referee for the Junior games will be Suzan.ne After 'Layoff' Over Holidays' ';Peppy" Peplin~ :,'i. , Delay in the Senior Divisian is Following a two week layoff over t'tLeholidays Gro~se due to' lack of enough teams, Pointe's schoolboy teams will swing back into action on Fri- along with. delay in entrance fees. day, January 6,"in pursuit of elusive titles in their'respective Pauline Mas~k has :hopes for this division to begin so.on, and has leagues. <-y',------engaged' Laurie Kaltz as referee. At Grosse Pointe High, Coach league Birmingham and league Howard MacAdam's varsity cage opponent Royal Oak. Its third and most impressive victory was' . \' team will resume the 1955-56 Top' Candidat~ \ Border Cities :r..eague campaign scored over Fordson in the local when it entertains the Monroe pool, 50 to 35, to top the BCL On ,Yale' Team, I' Trojans on ,the local court. race.' , Having dropped itS first. two .500 Percentage Paul Gray Brown is a leading league contests, Grosse Pointe Coach Eqdie Lauer.'s St. Paul candidate for the 'varsity hockey will be seeking its first league Flyers will attempt to get back on team at Yale: 'University. victory. Currently, the Pointers the winning' track when they Brown, a juhior,. pr~:pared for own a season record of three wins, meet 'Annilllciation away itom . " . ' " . ,',' " ,.'. " ", ". , . ....:...Picture by Fred Runnells Yale at St. Paul School (N.H.) all over 'non-league foes, and two hOI:(le on January ~. The Flyers , The greatest ,display of sailing~trophies eve~ ~e,enin this area~wa$ on .display at'Bayview,Yacht-Clu1i d-qring the Christmas holidays. Shown are . where hE;.}VaS captain ,of the defeats in five starts. dropped their 'first league game 1955 thJ$ ho'ckey teams and, played varsity of, the season to St'-'Thomas on the trophies. won during by Bayview yachts arid represents a clean 'sweep. of ,:rpajor events 'on the, Great Lakes year which includes the Reserve Record Chicago-Ma~kinac, the Bayv!ew-Ma'ckinac the' Toledo Mills,Trophy Roce,',8t. Clair..Yacht' Club Long Djstallce race, Bayview Long Distance Race, footbalL He was alSo a member of December 16 to give them a .500 the Student CounciL ; At the same time Coach John North ChannelRace and Det't<:itRiver Yachting Association Season Cham pionship 'awards:in' Cruis~ng A,'B, C, and:Privateer Class. percentage in two league games He. is majoring in Industrial 'Thursby's Blue Devil Reserve played to date. __ . '--:: ' Administration arid is preparing team will attempt -t:> keep its per- Undefeated Austin will delay , , "Miss Supertest" will be taken Honor GP Navy Man for a career in the oil business. fect season intact when it meets its . cage action until Tuesday, NL Iturlers "Led "I 'back' to' Picton, Ontario, from Varsity hockey is 'one of. 17, the Tropan Reserves. To date the January 10, when it meets St. "Sarnia as soon as weather COll- For Work in Far East branches of athletics in whkh Reserve,> have walloped all five Joseph. This will be the third By Bob, Friend 'Boat -d!tions' p~rmit .. a~d new trials --- Yale teams compete. At all levels of its opponents and become one league game for the Friars who and' conditi'orung ,w~ll continue David B. Harding, electronics of competition, more, ,than 80 per of the favor~tes to win the BCL already have beaten Cathedral In the National League cellar, B~ Fred Rtinnetts \ t'1 th H th t J -.' u.n 1 e annswor even. technieian third c1aJs, USN, son cent of the undergraduate body Reserve title which, incidentally, Central and Selesian and are tied 77 games off Brooklyn's flag ,wino-, . "M' ,/s' t ' ,p" h II . ISS uper es"s u wa.s of Mr. and Mrs.' George'W'. Hard-' of the University participates in 15 unofficial a! the league does for 'the Central Parochial Class ning pace and 17 away from the d' d .. ------~------I . eSIgne. b,y .Les' Sta~dacher and m'~ of 92t'\.Trombley road, Grosse some form of athletic ~endeavoI'. not recognize a reserve champion. A league lead w'ith De La ~alle. 'lust division, the P,ittsburgh Pi-'" .' ' ...... ' 1 ~ .,~ I Coach Frank Banach's Blue At the Neighborhood Club tile rates I'n 1955 dl"a' not gI'Ve thel'r WIth, bo.atmg news at a prem'i-. on the Detrmt. RIver." IS very, SlmI a.r to that of Guy Po'nte Park hbe' add L b d' "M' T "" . h' 1 ,as en war e H'OCKEY INJURY Devil swimming team will take to Midget and Giant cage leagues home fans much to cheer about. urn. thIS tI,me 0f year, we usually "It W?Ul'd be splendi~ to. -in- om~:r:. 0 S ISS empo Wtll:. a special letter of 'commendation the road for its first meet of resumed play on Tuesday, Janu- Branch Rickey's long ran g 'e' are scrapm~ the bottom, o~ the ,elude thIS event, symbolIc" of :the he bUllt last year. A change m by Navy Cdr. P. B. Armstrong 'at Lee Henderson, 17; of 859 St. l-956 and will tackle Monroe in arc.! 3. Results of these games Youth pla had fa'l d ag' barrel to br,mg our readers mter~ I world's speedboat championship, tl.le JIa.rmsworth rul~s apows a Yokosuka, Japan, vrhile serving Clair, was taken to Bon Secours , n 1 e once am esti'ng stuff ' . , '. h II t h h ft d H 't 1 S t d D 'b the TrQpans' pool. The B2:"le were reported aiter the News and for the fourth straight year .' WIth the, 1~5G :rtlV~~ama. durmg c a enger 0 ave IS cra e- ahoardthe radar picket destroyer OSpIa on a, ur ay, ecm er Devils are und2feated in three went to press and will be included the Pirates were the door mats ,~n' Thomson" secretary of Augu~t, If posslple. signed' outside his country but. USS Southerland. 31, for treatment of an injury meets to date by virtue of. two, in the report of the January 7 efthe circuit. \ " I the ~achtsmen's'- Associat~~n, ~f, Under ~a comprorr;ise revision it. is. essential that the hull and , .,., lover the left eye, suffered, in a one-point victories over non- games. But it can be said that at least, Amer~ca,_banded'us aterr~c bIt C!f the Har.msworthrules, made engine' be built- in the country /Some, people find happiness hockey game at "the City park- one member o! the Pittsburgh of ne~W'sto start th~ New Year at the reque,$t .of the ,Royal he represents. ' just in demanding their rights. pier. club put forth 100 per cent in out rIght. v.rh~!.1he, mformed us ,Motor" Yacht ;Clq.b trustees; it . Currently, "Miss. Superlest" effort. Bob Friend, ,a' five:.year a chal1~nge ~~S p,een made for h~s been agreed that the, Y.A.A. holds the' Canadian mile record Wigle Keglers Again Lead veteran from Lafayette, Ind., was, the H~lmswOlth" 'lrophY-l by .the WIn not ent,~r, more b?~ts t,han of 158.845 miles per hour,. which the I e a g u e's most effective CanadIan B?atmg Fe~er~tI~n. ehe challengmg countpes enter. she set las:t fall w{th Bill Braden J1usine~s B.owling League pitcher according to official 5ta- The challengmg boat IS,,' MISS Therefore, with ,only 'Canada: at the wheel. . tistics, ' , , ~uper~est,:' co-owned, py BI~1and meeting the deadline Qf Pecem- ,So for the first time, if memory Continuing the pattern it es~ Ind Hi"'h Single A" 44 f th J. Gordon Thompson of London, ber 31 1955 to ehallehO'e the serves correctly, Detroiters will . .. pearmg m games or e 0 t . Th b t 'll b d' "', b , . tablished in winning ~he champ- Valade 257 P' t 'th 20 t t d' n ano. e, oa. WI e riven United States will be allovied th' fi t H swort'h ra'ce Ira es, WI S ar s an mne by Bill Braden. l' b . th Th' see elr. rs, arm ionship in t~le first half of the Boarman 256 complete efforts, the right-hander, , . ?n ,y one, oat, m ,e race. ' 1S since Stanley Dollar's "Skip-A- G r 0 sse Pointe Businessmen's Ind. Hig-h Three posted 2.84 eamed run average, To date, "no, deCISlO,Dhas bee.n JS. a c~n~I:romise one,-year, agr~e- Long" .successfully defended the High Fidelity Bowling League season the Wigle Baker . 647 tops amo'ug hurle,s working 154 n~ade ,as to placbe and. dated.of thtlS mentt, wtn~chGfOllOWwsdthe hPreche- trophy on the Detroit River. keglers scored a four-point sweepi 200 0 d 'oJJy 00 'VI £"arm' an 631 ...more mnIn" gs. F'tIen d wa s m' Justorlc race, utd aCCDr. . . mg - den''f dse d' ar't S tt Pen. e That was 'back I'n 1949, we. be- over a weak but improved Adam " c... g .' g 14 g d Thomson thIS e CIS Ion WI'n e en e .agams co' ayne . INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES InnIn, S, , wmnmf th kamest ifan .be forthcom.ng: . about mI'd -J anu- back' In 1933'. lIeve. SimJ!ls team Friday,. ,December I r 3G, as he league started its second Baker 178 Sauer 157 ?SIntgnIn: °th ~ w~at es 0 en- ary after the 'l~ternational ,Race "Miss Supertest", is f13.miliar'to Baker 178 O'Toole 155 SIve eam m e CircUl . C - 'tt f th Y ht' " , , RACE IJOWN. TO WIRE' half of the 1955-56 season. .. h" ommI ee 0 e ac men s DetrOit racmg e nth u s 1a s t s ',' \ ' prit ~. I' NOW,is the the time to select The victory left Wigle all alone Boatman 174 Petra"Cci 153 It was th,e first tIme In the IS- Association of America and the I "h h 't .' . th Wayne UnIverSIty's quest for, t , ; y of the maJ'or league eared - " L roug 1 s "appearance In' e .', 1" C .r • A Jc lit the top, of the second half Miller 173 Payne - -.1~3-, L?r , ",' . Site Committee hav,e, m~t ,:-and ,1955 DYC, Silver .Cup' and othera,Pre~Idents Ath etlc ,onJerence ,your High Fidelity System ~tandlngs ahead of Barrett and Janson 173 Kurk 102 r,m figur~s that the leader wore arranged further detaIls mclud- , ',' . . '--, ,c, .. ' ",title' In' basketball may not, be Carroll 1,72 Groesbeck 152 the uniform of',a last place club. ing' the place' date and the' eyenhts m t~IS ,ar:,~:a!~,I,~past, Yr~~r::settled" until the final game, of City Glass. 'l:~:~.'.:: l';'/:' :Y!:'.~~)::;'".....F--'- ...: .... -.- Mortson 171 Kelley 150 They started keeping earned run method of sele~ting the defend.- ?n er perform~nce 'l~' 195'?,O~le::the'season with John Carrolfori: MEMBER PACED BY PAYNE Sarkis on 171 Hall 150 marks around 1910. \ in~ bo'at or tearn~ . ;OUld b~, led, tOdbeheve ,MISS -March ,3 in Detroit. Wayne and Finest Equipment Selections! 502 Bttilders As- Paced by John Payne's Valade 168 Schuster 150 It was the fir~t time in Friend's Clyde Palmer; comi:nodore of upertest .. ' woul . ,not 'prese~t 'John :Carroli ~ach have last but'" sociation of series, City Glass took t h r e e J6hnstoh 1'66.Fe'rrand, F. 149 tory of the maJor league earned the' Detroit' Yacht Club" upon much of a chalIe~ge to the, U. ;S., one game this 'ye2.r and appear, Metropolitan Detroit points' from Grosse Pointe Cur. Kehrer, R .)66 Mcllhargie .149 earned ;un. average was under learning of the c h a r 1e n,g e, boats,~ut las~,f~ll th~ cra,ft, .(Nlt~. :to.'be the ~trong teams i~' the tain and Roy Barrett's 555 series Petz; 165 Wilson 148 four. In 54 It was 5:08. promptly offered the facilities of Dann~ .Foster. at, the ;vheel, .mad,epAC. 'Ilhe squads -will meet for enabled the florists to take three Kehrer, W. 165 Taube, Jr. 147 ------his club for the 1956 contest.' unoffI~Ial r~ns _WhICh ~eached tlledirst time on Saturday, Janu- points from Lochmoor. This left Reid 164 Gilstorf 147, Dick Brown, Wayne Univer. Cornmod,o~e Pal m e'i: said, ':1 178 mIles ~er ~our and acdordilig ary 14 in CI~veland, Ohio." 16020 E. WARREN, near Devonshire Phone TUxedo 4-401" City Glas$ and Barreft just one Barrett 164 Hutchinson 145 sity's quarterback from, 1950 know I speak for both the Of!l- to Foster there was plenty of. ,.; , Store Hours: Noo!", to 9 p.m. DoiJy Saturdays 9 to 6 ~Commerci point off t}~e league leaders hot Lazarus, D. 164 Ferrand, H. 145 through 1952, threw 14 touch- cefs 'and members of' the De,troit power t~ spare in the engine,' Few men, can give a'reason, but ' pace. Curtin 163 Schulte 142 down passes as he led his Army -Yacht Club in. expressin.g ,the , According ,to .~,recent ,):~ports, everyone can give an e;xcus~.' Revere and Turner Buick and Small 163 Lazarus, M. 141 service team to a second place hope that am: club WIll !Je" , " ' , I Boutin and BeldIng split in their Bayhan 163 Roman 140 finish in the European Theatre. designated as ,the host c1ub- aQ,d matches to creat a four-wav tie Lewndwski 163 Nash, B. 139 Brown, also' completed, 56%, of that -,the' face be neld on the for tkIird place. • Bell 160 Warner 138 his passes. J familiar five-mile' .course. here No Ma Jack Ba.ker, bowling for Loch- Warren 159 Plein 137 ' . - ~~~~t::~~::::{\:::~t ... , WE CAJ moor, 'posted the' evenings' high Nash, R. 159 Taube, Sr. 133

, poodle " .. Hi-Fi paradise Sole Now On! Pecar's "The Beauty Salon for Your Do," Make ,the Most ofYOVR SAVINGS stratiol , " formerly of 15110 Kercheval Ave. All Seasonable Merchandise Take advantage of this special opportunity to earn extra income. yo~. ,he now located at ••• on ~Qursavings. ~av.eat Standfd Federal before January lOth. ELECR Substantially', Reduced. G~t a fulll:~ months earrPings on y

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I , , 6 Thursday .. January 5fJ 956 G.R 0 SSE P OJ NT E ~ N E'W S ' Page-' Twenty-one - . \ j\ .... ,I ' .' 7:15 John Daly, 5:0'0Wild Bill Hickok I 9:30.,~ackie.~ Show,,::, 11:15 Television Jewelers On'TV'FRIDAY,., 7:30 Warner .Bros. Presents 5:30'Million Dollar Mo-yie 10:00,Mr. and Mrs. North ' .. Presents WXYZ-TV" 8:30 W"yattEarp, ' 7:o~fTemple Baptist Church 10:30, China S~th.,; ..~ : . A.M: . 10:30 P.M.' (Continued from.Pa~e 7)" / 9:00 ;-Makel}oQ.m~ar Daddy.. ' .. ' .7:30 Holid~y"Rail,cJ.1. ,11:00 N~~pal~.~ws . . ,.', 12:30 Sign Off ' . .9':30Dupont~Cavalcade:Th'eatre"8:00,Jnner<'::Saneturil ," Girl. WXYZ..TV • Channel 7 ri':n'B ul h' • . '.lO;GO,StorY.Studio., .";. ., ',8:30 Mr~.'Fixit,,,_ " .... :,egiD Ed McKenzie"s l~O{rL~c~ TimeDram~" " :10:~0.;Foreig.n:lnhiguEl' "]..; . 8:45'T.B;A:" , . .. "'CASS:~OW,,-PLAYI:'~~LAST 3 DAYS the " . . . . 2:00.Gtars'on -Seven ' nmo S,6UPY\10~ ~. ' .' . 9:00'On -Camera, '. '. " 3:00,Heartthrob Theatre". J1:15 At~chair~Theatre" , . '-'9.:30 N.H.L.'Hockey' (Matinee SatlU'day at' ~ p~) will MUSICADE , . 4:00 Capt~in :E'lin't. :"_A~ •... ,.;., ~. ,: " 1.0.:~5T.R;A. . ~d,., • Big naJrJ8 TV ami • Warney Ruhl 4:30'AunHe Dee's Rascals' 12.30 SIgn Off .' ... }l,:OONational Ne)Vs,:r. , . ' ~,GA'LA'RETURN ENGAG~M'ENT : NMt recording stars and Oriillestra 5:o6.~'Mic~eY~~0l.\se'-Chlb":"'.~'-,~'-' ' ':.-'--~'" ....., ~~"-,-;;.::'-.~',; r~£lQ 'l;3e.Ilj.~'-S~turaay Nite Fly- • Singer Ie. 6:00,Annie 'Oakl~y .... '. ~.. V.; :-..,Movle Date . Patti Brown • Herb; Hardt ' 6'30, Sky: King' ,\. . .', ,;':;. ,C..KL.W," ';.:-.'..T.."., .. ,' A.M...... " '. ' ,.~~BUL(};~'ill;~ ~~W'Y(Jll~6.LONT)ON/ ~ason 7 ;00: l{ukla, Fran:& :1~ :3'0 .'ShJn' 'Off" .. dick; presentea by , ollie.... , ;; and ,7:15.John'D.Hy . ",..', .'CKLW->,rV.' .', , 'Sri~'&AY JANuARY 8' 'o;nt& Frrankenmuth ' 7:30 Topper ..~ '. . ...;'. : - .' J.'''.,' .. ;".. , . I ': P.M. ' :l.l~ns, BEER AND ALE .' 8:00 .TV' R'eader's 'Digest.. i •.•. -THURSDAY,:",JANUARY. 5. : lO:25Pra~er' Sign on 'and . 'lyer- 8:30.V?ice of Fii:est0z:te " .P;M.- - -.. , .\..- . " ,'" 'J3nlbria'rd" .- , , , produc' 01 9:00 Jum~o Thea~re' : 12:25 Prayer; ':Sign and . I 10:30-Holiday with the Stars e for INTERNATIONAL BREWERIES INe brio - :ann a . ' 'Detroit; frankenmuth, Mich •• 9:30.MedIcal H?rIZOnS- ., . ",: 'Billb'oatd .' '-:". " I 11:00" Animal' Adventures . 10:00'Story Studio .. 12:30..Story :Book ' .' ; '1-1':30-Sund,ay'Open House ,on is 10.30,~lle!y; Q~en 12:45 Maggie'Muggins' :.: 'U:45 T.B:A.', . ~cms. 11:00 ~oupy s ,On '1:00.Mary,MorganShO:w", , .12:3'O:Watchthe Bir.die ,'_ w,- fees. ~.=k~ArmchaIr, Theat~; :i,~~~'~6:;p~~~s~~e:~nt ~, i:00',Mot~)r~city" M.qv~e_ . r this 12:30 Sign Off ~ :".' ... " ' . 2:3.0"Meet)\J;r:C~llah~~ .~'~b'est.bal,d l hall '. * '* .. 3:55.News":":'Austin',Grant '3:00 SunClay'Theater :eree. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10. : ".4:(>0J~t~~f yok,' ,:' , I. : ., 4':oo')ifil],1on Dolla~)',{ovie ',in town" A.M.' : '.. . ., ,5:00 ~p~E;Y'~r~¥"""..,_..... __:~,5:;30'lIOP!llpngCas,sIPY", :-: '. VERE 'WIRWILlE . :' 5i30,HP'.y~~,'l.J,.oody,." .' ',<. ~, -:o6:00~ Gil~ud'.:SaptistJ;;4urch. , and his tro'u'bad~rs ~~~~~1~i~~~~~rlana' : ~,~:90.Cjr~l~:,~ T~~a:~e~~.~t~~mg,:.~',6.:3.0':-~eet:~the.:U.~.~.~C].O~' - •• -#, • GeI,1~.,Au,try ,.,,' ',', .. : j. 7:00.The Visitor' ",' '_' "J' " \ . g'ood fooCl~ 9:30 'Requ,est Th~atr~ -.,.~ .7:00 :aea~~ ?f' ~h~;':i.Q~tYr ,- ,...; ;~---7:30.Dial 9,.Thea1:€~~' .' ' , • I .~ • .~ ,. .' ...,' 10:55.New,s... . ; ..7:~.0~M~1l;qn.)~olla.t::~¥Qyie.,'" ~ I ;-'9:00Motit>Q:d)ictl,ire:'Ac~ademy' [, .good fun '.' ading 11:0~ StorY,:Stuc11Q';, , '9:0(j~Motion,f1ct1J(e,.Ar;i~~~~~: .;rl':OO~NationRI,N~ws"". .. )ckey g~oo~gf2e,O~sC'lAo~cCke'Co"ml.CS'. ' p;qO ..NC!ti9~~1)'f'eyYs,:". :..~' ,- :)l~1P~,Crown~.Theater.:,: , EARLE M;\CVEIGH_ MARTHE E~kOLtE , .1 .11:1~Cro~ -T~eat~e:. :'. : "'A~~. '.'. :,:"-",i; . MARGOT MO,SE~~_ QONALD CLA~KE d for Beulah " , .. , sign -0£/ - . ., I '12:30 'Sign N.H.) r2~O ~~o' Ort. , HI .llWiM/ MlUicAf AWWt NigM ; the 1:00 Lunch Time Drama ' , MONDAY JANUARY 9 2:00 Stars on"Seven 'FRIDAY, JANUARY 6 " , " " WIT" nsity P.M. : , '- . " GEO"'G~.II PTON >er of 3:00 Heartthrob Theatre P.M. . 12;25,Prayer~ Sign, On and 4~OOCaptain "Flint 12:25,Praye'r, Sign On and . Billboard ' Seats Now on Sole strial 4,,30Auntie Dee's Rasca1s Billboard'" 12:30 Fur and Feather I Eves. Tonight (Thursday), Main Floor $4.10; Balcony 3.85, %.15. $%.20; Friday & Saturday.evenings. Main Floor $6.95: Balcony $3.85. 2.15. n.zt. aring -5:00Mickey Mouse Club 12:30 Bim Bam Boom 12:45 Aubrey.and Gus' Saturday mat1nee. Main F,loOr $3.85; Balcony $2.15. $2.20. Tax included. 'less. 13:00Wild Bill aickok 12:45'Small ~ry Frolic~ ". 1:00 Family, Gp'od'and Fun )[ 17 €:30 Gangbusters 1:00 Family, .Food 'N Fun WIth 1:30 News-Austin Grant

,vhich 7:00 Kukla, Fran & Ollie .Myrtl~ Labbitt' 1:35 Shopper's shb~' ' levels ...... •.....•...... 1:30 News-Austin Grant. 3:55 Austin 'Grant-News " o per 1:35 Shoppers' Show '4:00 Justi<:.e'Colt ...... ' 'body 3:55 Ne:ws-:.Austin Grant .5:00~ance'Party. the ;es in 4:00 Justice Colt' . 6:00 Circle 9 Theater, starring I,. , .• lvor. 5:00 Dance Party' Gene Autry PASTElS, 5:30 Howdy' Doody 7:00 The Falcon. t • 6:00 Circle 9 Theatre Starring 7:30 Million DbHl1rMovie ,No"r~. I • i Popular v 0 c a 'I ~: 9 St. Roy Rogers 9:00 Paragon Playhouse and instrumen~ ,.t . I' ours 7:00 Boston. Blackie ..~ 9:30-Denny.Vaughan Show tal trio appear. 'x' mber 7:30 Million Dollar Movie:" . 10:00 Boxing From St. Nicholas ing nightJy.~ , •: ' ,.... . combines • jury 9:00 Follow That Man ' Arena 1n a 9:30 Channel 9 Playhouse 10:45 Ringside Revue I .FineFood with Fine Entertainment • park- 10.:00Dangero}ls Ass~gp.ln:ent' 11:00 National NeW'S 10:30 Person to Person 11:15 Billy O'Connor •W • .11:00 National News '. 11:35Fainous- Theater 11:15 Casey Clark's Jambo.ree A.M." ' ' • , ~lllIlIIlIlIllIllIlIlIIflillllllll!lllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllliillilllllllllll!lIIl1l11ll1I1~11111""IllIllIllIIIIlIlII!"~IIIIII!IUllIlIIlIllIlIIlIIIHlIliIl~mlllllllllllullllllllllllimIIUllllllllllllmnUlllD' .- A.M. . '12:45 Sign' Off ' 12:15 Sign Off TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 :.' ' 'THE. TOWNSMEN I: SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 P.M. . h P.M; 12:25 Prayer, Sign On and , 1524) EAST-WARREN. 'w 2.3883' • .'~ '.'Musi~ As You Lik.e It . I • 1:40 Prayer, Sign On and Billboard • ~lIl1illlllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllll1I111111111111illllllHlllillUIlIIIIIIIIIIlIIII1IIlliulIIlIUIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIUrilllllll1ll1l1l1l1ll1l1lD;lillllllllllmlllllmnflllU~ • Billboard 12:30 Magic of Music 1:45 Man to Man 1:00 Mary Morgan Show • LUNCHEON' •. DUfNER~.SUPPER. COCKTAILS. OPEN SUNDAYS • 2:00 Sat'Jrd,ay Ma~inee 1:30 N~ws-Austin Grant • I Reserva,tions Preferred ...:. VAlley 2.4118 • 3:30 HoPPY,sMatinee ~ 1:35 Shoppers' Show • 'May we,,-~ssist with your holiday ente~taining1. • 4:30 Texas Musical Hart 3:55 News-Austin Grant 15301.. E. Jefferson, at Beaconsfield' .• '.I,~ * * * * a in per/ecfi~n • • . From Another. Pointe' of V.iew .~ •••••• ~••••••••••••••• u•••••••• A Job Well Done Means A~other One . (Continued from :rage 8) painted pink, and 'scattered with little feathered, birds and 'butterflies, were the spdtlig!l'ted living room attraction. MEMBER MEMBER , '•. '\1 * * '. BUilders As- Final'Debut of .Season ,Seasons- Wat10nal sociation of Metropolitan Assoc1atioll -The Christmastime, debutante whirl drew to, a close last Detroit 0% Bunden week'.with the ,Country"Club ball; at which Joan LeGro was 'presented to society. White and silver decor transformed the. ' 'GIeetings club for the party which was given, by the debutante's grand- from fhe 14 :mother, .Mrs. William J. Young: Joan's. name was written in Commercial Residential . huge letters oLholly across the fireplace. Vari-colorecl small, Cocktail Alterations Italian lights shone from the great eigp.'t-f?>O.twreaths1 sprayed white and hung in the center archway~ Hu;ge panels before the Lounge. tall columns where decked' with silv.en and ornments and B-J great bunches of holly. Holly and mistletoe hung from the 1'390 East.VVarren .at AuduboB No Malter ,When! Itt:Maller~:Whruel 'charideliers which were covered with angel hair; , TUxedo- 5-9657 : Agains.t ;the beatitifi:tl~backgrou~d, Joan was radiantly WE CAQ.E FOR .THE THINGS YOU' CARE FOR HORS D'OEUVRES 'lovely in h~r 'whi~ peau'de soie:go~ by"'D'ior;The channing' Served at the 'Enferfainm'enf 'by . strapless ~own had a very full skirt and a ruffle of American Est. 1922 and .Long' beauty red velvet around the underskirt, which male a de- G~O.RGE\ .KOHLER JR. :;;~:~ Lo_~al. lightful picture when she', daJJ:ced.Joan can'i~d a spray of OOOKTAll' At the Piano . I holly and red berries. 'Mrsfl Young' l.eGro, .the .debutante's During Cocktail Hour Distance Moving mother, wore a' soft avocado green, chiffon gown with beaded HOUR and Evening, t • trim and ..a Ci)rsage of. white orchids.- Mrs . .young chose a . 4:30' to 7:30 Agency, mauve lace gown with 'soft bows and jeweled trim on the Allied Van Llnas, Inc. bodice. . . Joan's ushers wer.~. Henry Earle 111, Michael' Taylor,& All New Deeor NtlIion-Wide Moving Frank Guenther, George Vjllero.t, Jr., Michael S~lls, of Wip.- Call for Free EstImate netka, Ill.;' George ,Johnston, Howard' Buhl,. John Dryden, Michael E. Taylor, John Hoey and Robip. Ryan. Three of~her cl,assmates from Bradford Junior College, who came for the VA. 2-4540 debut, were Joy Patterson, 6f Short Hills, !'t.J.; Marian Appell of Wynnewood, Fa.., and Leesbet Vanqerlea,. who'lives. near Notice of Last D:ay of Registration Amsterdam, Holland. The girls were house guests in ¥;rs. WOLVERINE Young's'''home'' on" Lakeland .avenue. Leesbet, remain with Joan until 'tr4esday, /when the 'two returned"to classes to- For The Qualified Electors. of The Grosse Pointe STORAGE COMPANY gether. . ", • , . . :--.,. System WEDDINGS-We render. a special servtee - P,ublic'lehool' of re-arranging furniture 1Jl your home Ma:,vnic Auditorium - ''Tues., Jan. lotb - 8:20p.~' . I " and pack and ship Cifb. '.ORONTO SYMPHO,NY , ': _Wayne County •.MichigQJl Sir Ernest MacMillan Conducting -:, , . TO THE 9UALIFIED ELECT9RS OF S~ID SCHOOL DISTRICT: Tickets'~ 1:65,, 3.30 and 3.85, . " . ~, On sale'2at Grinnells 'and Masonic,Temple- " Please Take Noti~e that the 'Board of Education of The Grosse Pointe Public SchOOlSystem, Wayne Coun-. • _ .. ,M ty. Michigan, h~s called a Special Ele~tion.to' be 'held in said School District on Tuesday. ~anuary 24. 1956• Section (2)o..-ofAct 199.Public ,Acts of Michigan, 1951. effective September 28,.1951,provid~s as follows;' r . 15635. 'MACK • TU '2-5291' . . . . "'Th~I~spectors-'ofEiection~at'any.-annu:ll o~ special election sh~lriot receive the vote NOW and All' We~k thru Wed., .. '. ;' , of,'any person residing in a\'registration' school district whose'name is l).otregistered as an fii -5-iJelil 'elector in the city or township in which he resides .•• *." ~, g GumW~b~d' , - THE LAST DAY on which persons may registe~ with the. Clerk of the'Township or 'City in which :they ie.. .side in order to be eligi1~leto. vote cif;said Special' Election called to be 1)eld on January 24, 195-6;is Friday. Hi-Fi' ~ound Equipment is' easy to. chC)os~. at January' 13. 19~6.P'ei:sorisregi'Ste".ing-~a-ft'er5:00'o'cloClt'p.m;.Eastern Standard Time, on said Friday.:Janu- ary 13,'1956,'are. not 'eligible to vot~..;ar;saidSpecial Election.'. . . - . ,'-.... " Pecar's. Three sound rooms and eXl?ert demon~ as NTI4,1!' MAN . '. . . Under the prov;isionSof A~t 199, ~blic ~c~ of Miehig~. 1951, regis!rations' will, not be ~keh' by sdio~l stration quickly unravel the "mysteries" ••• lets .officials, a.,ndoilly persons who, have~eglstered as"general"e1cctors WIth the Clerk of the. Clty:orTownshlp . I N :,Tlt~Ii,-, in which they reside are registered schdol:el~ctors.. Persons plannil)g to register with 'the' respectiv~ Town- you. ,hear the diff~renee. ship and, CitY.Clerks must .ascertain.the days and hours bn which-the Clerk's office-'is'open-for registratwn. Registrations. of unregisteredquaIified electors of said __SchoolDistrict will be received at the following ELECRO-.,a' ,.. . 'I' . ' , .' .. \ ~~;dltWldM ,tiWfi{]H'tfrn'IJ,IT:, PLUS ,ALEC GUINESS ib. . ":.' .. " '.' I 1. Residents. 'of the City o-f. Grosse 'Pointe Park soan:. register..-at the office of .the -Clerk of the. City of AUDIOGERSH, ARE ~UST A FEW OF ,THE , • '~'Kind 'Hearts' and Coro~ets"'. \ Grosse' Pointe ,Park, 15115.East Jefferson 1\venue;-'City of Grosse"Pointe Park, Michigan. - ", . • • .• . .". • '.: •. -.\ ~_ ~ """~ ...,. ..' ~ I' ,f' • MANY LINES' IN STOCK. ~ . ' . .' ~ . 2. Residents .of the ..Cit'j' of G:rosse',Pointe: shalL,register, at the' office of the :Clerk of the '.City of Grosse Poi!}.te,1715(Maum~e. City. of Grosse Pointe.: Michigap. ....::. " , .-:' , '.' hous. withou"';,- roof?, '," . ,. . ~... ,.:... . • Components 3. Res.iden~ of the :,~ity. of. Grosse. Poin~ Farms,'shap-:.r~gister, at :the. o~ice o{ the Clerk of the, City, of Gros-s-e;Pomte Farms, 90,K,erby ~oad, _CIty..?~:Grosse~POl"~:t~\Fa!"~,. ~1C;h!~ ..- .' .. : .' '. . , ' '. .' . • C..sfom'ln~t~J1ations • -Conversions 1:- ":WHY. TAKe 4. Residents of the City of GrosSe Pointe- Woods:shani register at the. off~ce cif the Clerk of. the ,City of )'" . . "' .' . ,.".:'.", Grosse Poirite Woods.,20775Mack Avemue, City of "GrossePointe'.W<>ods,Michigan- , " , • Accessories 5~ResidentS .of the, City of Harper Woods 'shill, register at' the ,'office',of,tne Cierk of' the City, of Harper .....A "CHA'NCE .,:". • ,.;;j'. : . \ , _Woods,19617Harper Avenue., City ,of:Hatper' Woods; Michigan." ' : " '. • .Equally as .i~portant Cl~ the ro.of Is the sItaor Emble;". A..home b\;llt ' 6. Resiaents of:.the ,+oWnship,of qrp~e Pointes'haIi.r~gist'er' at tlle office.qf the Clerk of the To\"mship of by a Bildor.member of, the 'Builders ~soc:iation i~bClcke.d b.r the ,G~osse Pointe, ~795L$e Shore Drive, Village of. Grosse Pl.)inte Shores, Michigan. . • . 4:ombined reputation of 600 of this area;s mo~t. resp~dea bUilders, .. This'.riotice 'is~given'by order, or-the BOard :of Education- of- The' Grosse Pobte Public School System. • " . the National A;soc:iation of Home Builders and its Wayne' Co.unty, Michig.an., ''- " .., :-. , ,,' ' Pecar Elecironics Dated this 7t1Ji"day' of Dec,~inber, A.D:. 1955. , Nafional Housing Center and_ Housing', Resear~h / . SOUND EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS , i - . ' . .~. ~lnstitute•.A BUdor prot~s your,down payment with, I FRANKLIN D. DOUGHERTY 10729 Morang, at' Cadieux Phone ~xedo 2.9985 ~ ilOi ~~ a $100,000 bond issued by-'lIoyds of london. t~: ! I .~..i .Ask,~ It" your builder'; C~iflcal. aF Memb.rmip (' HOURS DAILY: 9 to 9 Secretary. Board of IducafloR lA~~~1j..,~~l~~~:~p~~~~!~~~~ON,,'.A ~

t .. '(

• 1 , r 1 I • l -, ' , I , I " I ,- . , . T ..

Paget Twenty.two ~, ., GROSSE' POI'NTE NEWS , Th'ursday, January 5. '1f15& ',Thursday, Je • Cia l1-AUTos f(J f. "QUleic '55 FORD 'Fairlar. - - .FOr, usr';""1 automatic trar. . ,,' - \ steering; m a 1" '"'- miles, b e aut ~OUR AD CAN BE CHARGED '. Th;ee Trut"k Lines To" S~rve, You Quickly'; DEADLINE 4 P.M. TUESDA't $2,150. TU ,5-2~, CALL TUxedo, . . 2-6900~ - ,.' CLASSIFIED RATES 4-HELP WANTED \ 4-HELP WANTED 5-SITUATIONS, WANTfO -6-FOR, RENT (Unfu~ni~hed), ~ARTI~LES ~OR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE - 9-ARTICLE S WANTED ,I (Male and Femal.) MALE AND FEMALE C~sh Ads ~ 15words tor 90c EXPERIENCED _,woman wishes NE'FF, NEAR ST. PAUL FIREPLACE" WOOD - l8-inch FIRE SCREEN:...... custommade for GOOD clean Reed or Rattan fur~ Nc Charge Ads - 15 words for $1.00 NEW dealership needs a'ggres.., cook, experienced, referenc'es days 'for cleaning and laundry. Beaut.i.:{ulupper 5-room flat. Spa- lengths, $15' a cord. 24-inch '37% inches by 30% in~hes nitur.e. Bar :>tools and office Sc eech edditionel word sive, responsible men, between required. CalLTU 5-0710. One dollar per hour and bus ciOllS living room w~th' natural lengths, $18 a cord. Prices in. opening. Fire basket 26xlt. desk. TU 4-197J~ age of 25-35,.married/ who 'are fare. WA 2-.5686. fireplace, Aill ,rooms light and ~lude delivery, choice hard- Cedar chest 19%" wide 443,4" DINGY, used, 8-foot. MOr Calf 'wood; LA.' 7-3419. 0 SAILING , interested in learning LincoJn~ DEPENDABLE colored g.ifl wants airy. $150 month in~ludes heat. , '/ "" /. long 183,4" high, u ts ide Adults' only. For appointment Call F. H. Brown, TUlsa 3-1400 i' Mercury' sales business. Salary , PROJEST ENG,INEER dimensions. Covered desk, ma- TUXEDO 2-6900 baby sittirig jo~Willie J. Wil- call-' ,", ~ - , FIREPLACE EQ UIPMENT.-- days, or TUxedo 5-2788 eve- while learning. See Mr. John 'hogany 33" long, .16" deep, 40" . 3 Trunk Lines son, 4138 Jos. CaD;lpau~,Detrcit. HOMER WARREN & COMPANY , Scr'eens, all- types. grates nings. DO\ Bernosky, Frank Adam, Inc., and- high aD in good condition. MIDDLE-AG~D' LAD,y:'will b,~ 1-0321 irons, tools. See display at LINER STATIONS 130 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 'wo Reasonable p,rkes. TU 1.7064. for research and' pev'elo.p~ ~~ITH ;' MATTHEWS, 6640 CUNNINGHAM DRUGS Farms, Mich. available after Jan. 15th to take NEFF and KERCHEVAL, beauti- , WANTED care of children and household ful,upper 5-room fl.a~,g(i$ heat, CharleVOIX'Ave.: WA. 2-7155. COMPLETE furnishings. of five- 16941Kercheval at Notre Dame merit division. Mechanioal -NEW F Tu. 5-9698 1 room home, reasonably priced. OLD CLOTHING' , , while parents are away ...... Call gar,bage disposal; garage. A~aH- GENER.:"..Lhousekeeper for small TRADE-IN ts,ofas an4 chai,rs. All, Owner .moving out of state. TU HARKNESS PHARMACY PR7-9847. / able February 1st;. TU 2-0274:' - BEST PRICES PAID And late. mod'el 20313 Mack Ave. at IAchmoor .family, private quarters and engineering, degree prefer- in 'nice condition. Reasonably 5-3163.. 4.714 Devon5hire . Tu. 4-3100 EXPERIENCED w hit e woman Adults .only" no pets. ' b deal in town. 11m, television, live in. ref~rences priced. Van, 'Upho~tering Co.: FOR MEN'S' SUITS Save time. Credit KINSELS J:equired. TU 4-1586~ red. Contact Mr. DiTirro, wishes housewGrk. HO 3-7691.' BRICK-"5 'nice rooms> gas' 'heat, ',13230 Harp,er. ~peil 9 ,~t,il 9.: BEAUTIFUL 0 i 1 paintings by 17051Kercheval at St. Clair ~, 5-4827 , incinerator; recreation r'o 0 ro, Gates. Pictures made to order TOPCOATS AND SHOES Marty :I 5A--t:MPLOYMENT BUREAU EXPERIENCED real estate sales~ FO 6;;3340. garage; driv~."$1l0:'. Call" be- HARDWOQ:6~..'fireplace siz~,de-' 8088 Continental, ~Van Dyke TUlse ,3. J 872 1A-PERSONALS man for full time position. , ,tween .10' 'a.IIi: and1;p.InI LA / WA 4-5478.- .. . TU 1-8e l. " r " liv.er~,d at '$13;75 ,a cord, also~ • f , n, TUxedo 5-4100, C. W. Toles~ /' COLORED COUPLE~cook~ , 7:'5506:' , ':'" ' isc ,. VILLAGE BATHS, mineral or " p 9 ' fireplac:e" wood, Disco A :l-elephone call will bring us to 74 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe' ------maids, chauffeurs,' caretakers, . " .f~replac,e.;coalsi 2.,bags at $1.25.,,'-MODERN SOFA in excellent con- , TO 8- steam cab i net s; scientific , '; 6A-~orrRENt '~nished yd~ immediate!y Farms. janitors and, porters. ~Day> 0 I Fraiser Lumbel';:Coal and -Sup- dition; oil, burner" unit wit h Swedish massage, ,men and week. Field's Employment. 12A-BOATS J Tn GRe'SSE 'POiNTE=' pl(Co~?ari.y, ~R. 7~93QO:'. ,ri~~:~~:s, 275 gallon tank. TU I', women. TU 1-6480. 17194 E. "';WHAT A l l1-AUTOS FOR lSALE j' 3-7770. .--- - ,~ \ ' Warren, near Cadieux. . _/ COOK , Rivard, fu.rnlshed 3,..bedroom::,co1-FRENCH, Pf.ovin~ial ~esk chair" ' , 18-FOOT CC Crt' , ouial,' gas' heat{ 2-car', garage, .., in .,:white' ]eather;. Louis xvi' ,FOUR an~ .a ,half tons best stoker LET YOUR neighbor select a bridge, 60 h.p. BOARD YOUR DOG at PrestQn' Experienced and personable man D I,FFr R'EN (, E A' , 6-FOR RENT (Unfurnished) available' immediately ;'uritil or woman to cook and take 'brGriz~ andiJ:ons~ sHver ....tea or coal; v~cImty~..Kercheval a n ~ fine reconditioned, Cadillac for 2 seasons, very Mann's K-9 school. Clean, com- I [ t charge, of lunch room servicing . TERRACE, Rivard and Maumee; August,. ,1~56, prefer adu1 s. coffee urn from' a famous."Le- Lakepomte. V.l\~ley 4-9535. - you at the C9.dillac Factory with cockpit t, fortable, heated kennel in the Branch; for .further, informa- Owner buying :1 beau~iful Metamora country- 100-150.....employes of downtown DAY MA KES . 4 bedrooms"2 baths; $250 per SI~LLO~A~ey,~'-/&'C' OMPANY mon~' ,coll:'ction; white -mar~l~ PERSIAN LAMB'coat, black, 16- financial instituti?n. 5 day y.:eek, .' month .. Call Mr. Mooney, WOo ete tion call Frank Bromley. Days. Hillcrest, TUxe: side. Your dog will 'like it here. wa~h basm, comP.I ; 2.. 'lU~ 18, perfect condition. TUxedo pleasant w 0 r kIn g conG••aons. ' • ~ • 5-3010. , TU 1~3760 terfor doors" new exterior 1-9982: TR. 5-5180; evenings, TU. , ~ t, A few dogs accepted for train- Write giving eXperience and any door' and, hardware. All very. 1-4382. SU Vernier Road. 13-REAL ESTA ing by ,Mr. Mann. Pick up and other pertinent information. 'If GR-OSSE POINTE G'ARDEN ' FURNISHED ROOM,_for gentle- .reasonable. TUxedo .5-4066. delivery. Call Dryden 51Fll. Grosse Pointe News time drags on because man.' Maryland near Jefferson. UNIVERSAL ACCORDION a q. d 1949 BUICK Super 4-door. Radio, i • '> / ,APARTMEN':(S •.',. Excellent" transportation. Call COAT, sizeadult';'12;" new Eng- music; like ne'w. TUxedo 4-J.652. heater. II1'og~odcondition. TU 790 LAK WILL DRIVE )"'Ourcar to Florida. yo,u re not . ,enjoying your Vnu~ually attractive large'<'com- YAlley 4-2500. i, DICTAPHONE OPERATOR lish import, ,brigh..t.blue tweed ANTIQUE candelabra, c 0 lor e d 5~1638. Leaving Jan. 27. PR 6-064l. work. ' , fortab~~ 4 and p-room .apartments - , , mixture. TUxedo 5==406~. New Moeller qu . Grosse Pointe company has with ,full size dining r.oom, 1,bed- GARAGE.:.APARTMENT 'to rent. glass; cuckoo clock, tab 1e s, CADILLAC '55 Coupe de Ville. loial. Has three opening for experienced dicta- , t BABY SITTERS available: The . lamps, china, cut glass. WAInu t , Gold and white, 5,300 miles. phone operat,or,. 5 ~8:Y week, .But this doesn t happen when toom, cross ventilation, automatic' Indi~n Village near;;Kercheval. PLATINUM fox stole, coat.. and and den. Only ~, Sitters Club is a registered heat, free parking, excell~nt '<;6n- FoUr roonls-,"partly furnished. 4-3321. TU 2-2356. ple~sant workmg C01?-dltlOns~c0t:- you have an interesting tele- mink jacket: c ,Evelli~gs, TU TU 2- child care service by hour, day dition: Rental $110 to~$135. Refer- Gas hea(' utilities' 'furnished'.' vement for East SIde reSIdent. - , 2-5545. BEAUTIFUL diamond wedding PONTIAC SEDAN, 1955. Heater, or week., Also nursemaids for e~ce. required; 'lladl4ts. 21401 $90. VAlley 2-0559.- leon P. t:all TU 2-8860'. phone job. If you want gooq ring set, purchased 1955, sacri - radio, spotlight, directional sig- confinements. PRescott 7-0377. Kmgsville, 1 ,block e'ast' of 7-Mile ------pay" righ-~ from the start, DROPLEAF . dining table' and fice $200 to forget. Broken nals, low mileage. $2100, tax in. -----_._------WHITE WOMAN for general (Moross).' and ,3 blocks south of FURNISHED 3:"bedroom Colonia! , SECRETARY desires ride, Jeffer. cnairs, ' Haywood - Wakefield. ' hearted bachelor. VAlley 4':5567 cluded. '56 license plates._ R. A. housework, 2' adults. Refer- interesting worki pleasant SUf- Harper. Mr. Moore,' Mir. TU t 'gas heat; immediate 'possession. son and Burns to Village; week Wheat color, extends t.;,) 8 ft., or TYler, 5-7532. Priebe, CARTER ences. VA 2~6573. . 5-2078. TU 5-4124. - ~-. 506 . Shoreham Rd., days, starts 9:30. TUxedo 1-4096 roundi!.19s. and f r i end I y like new. TU 5-7146. Grosse Pointe W09ds. TUxedo GROSSE , - or VAlley 4-5567. people, on Y9ur job, then we SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2-8851. _. -WOMAN for general work, plain NEFF LANE CHATSWORTH..t- 5-room upper, ELECTRIC Frigidaire double~ SPACIQUS NEFF.ROAD AT ST., PAUL furnished, heat, gas, garage' in- TYPEWRITERS and adding ma- :LASSICAL PIANIST will pay (:ooking, some child care. Live may haye jusT the job you've oven range; like new, $200. 1949 OLDS 4~door hydramatic dr, Hidden lane, 731 New 2-bedroom ,terraces; 25 it. ' cluded; adults, $145. 'TU 5-4045. ,ch'ines, new ,rebuilt. Reason- cartage and store your console in. ,Referenc.es required. Call been looking for. Fdgidau:e refrigerator, cabinet. H. Tires, .body, baths, Floriaa ro able prices. National- Office R.'& mech. car garage, car for proper use of same. TUxedo' TUxedo 5.6552. of closet, spacel vanity' in .bath" ironer, fireplace fixtures, other, Equipmept. ,16749 Harper 'at condo e~celle~;. 334 McMillan. dishwasher, exc 1-4096 or VAlley 4-5567. Typing. clerical. and o'perator POSI- complet~ly- carpeted: ,Electric -re- 6i1--ROOMS" FOR RENT items. TU 2-7437.. I , . Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130. vacant, immedi~t THE PRUDENTIAL Insurance tions for w()men . . • High school frigerator, stove and garbage dis:" I 1955 Chevrolet hardtop coupe. .. 2A-MUSIC'EDUCATION Co. announces several openings graduates' preferred . posal, air condtionp.d. Pri.vate NICELY FRNISHED room for a BLACK Persian lamb coat, size ROMAN BIn refined gentleman; g a r.a g 'e BD-ANTIQUES' V-8 engine, Powerglide. two- :for executive salesmen. Salary basem~rit ,~d garage, 'available 1()-14, good style, excellent Shoreham, 90, 1 lfAMMOND ORGAN lessons. Be~ If you are looking for permanent available. Grayton Road. TU tone, white sidewalls, full y, bedrooms, panele plus bonus. Not a debit. Call January _ 1p;' $150 per month. cond,ition. 'TUxedo ,'2'-22~2., equipped, 900'actual miles. Lik e ginners welcome. Call VEnlce fuil time work, visit one of -.these 1-745. A Select Line of Venetian, . kitchen, terrace, Personnel Director, WOodward TUxedo 4-32'07.. new. Owner must sell. 9-9960, after 6. eml?!oyment offices. G.E. AUTOMATIC washer, $100; Cranberry and cut glass china, TU lnent, priced be, -.------3-3100. ' 5-9399. costs. , 2B-TUTORING BERKSHIRE-WAEREN: PJeasant Norgegas stove, $75; Norge 8th lamps, furniture and 'other Grosse Pointe cubic foot refrigerator, $75; 5~ bric a bract 3 BEDROOM HOUSEKEEPER to care for home roo m, private home; man; 1951 NASH Rambler. Radio, For further information, Garden Apartments references: TUxedo 4-5188,. .... piece red and chrome kitchen Bournemouth, 16( COMMUNITY and, small baby. Must be good THE HANSON ANTIQUE heater. new paint job, good gas heat, 2-car come in see us at 4 and 5-room, apartment avail- , '. set, $35. TUxedo 4-3128. . cook and live in. TUxedo 5-4586. and mechanically. PR. 7-2660, after decorated, carpet TUTORING SERVICE - ., abl~, spacious room, automatic "SHOP . ROOM for rent, pleasant home, USED FURNITURE bought"and 6:30. near $20,000. MR5. lOUIS MARICK, DIRECTOR heat, stove and refrig~rator in:, cooking privileges, convenient located at 9914 E. Forest Ave. GENERAL CLEANING and some old. Not new but good. 3 BEDROOM Tutoring by degree teachers ,aval!- 13635 GREINER cluded, retail $110 and $135. transportation, located.in. De- ~ near Cadlllac. 1953 LINCOLN Capri. Calf TU Brys 1569, face able In all subjects for grades, high sitting with one baby; 3 days. NEATWAY ,rec. room, cony ! (Near Gratiat TU 1-9788, call for appoint- I troit. Employed' lady. LA E- 5-6836 or WA 2-3500. ask for t 1Choo1. college and adult educotlon. Call before 6:30 p.m. TUxedo FURNITURE WA,k,NUT 2-5128 $17,400. 1-1683. ment. 21324 Bourremouth Rd. 869'1. Dr. Silverman. , OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS atE. McNichols) 13930 Kercheval VA. 2-2115 339 Merrlw-«Jther. Grs. Pte. Forma Mrs. Priss, manager. SD-l.,AMPS GROSSE POINTE, single room AUTO DRIVERS!' Only $8.16 PLYMOUTH '53 Cranbrook 2- CARTER ! TUxedo 4-2820 '1365 CASS AVENUE SOMERSET, Grosse' Pointe. ' 6- for erriployed;:;-young man or quarterly buys $10,000/$20,000 cloor. 2-tone blue. radio and , 20223 MACK. DEVELOPMENT PAYErs REPAIRIT SHOP heater. KE 1-4380. room upper. 'flat, 3 :bedrooms, woman;' coInfortable, warm; B,oaily mjury and $5,000 1':£".0-, • ~1 , • , PRIV An TUTORING , (iJowntown Detroitf , gas heat, garage" vacant, mid- glirC1,ge.Just off Jefferson. C. S. i/ perty Damage 'Liability.' TU. We Repair Anything, --GROSSE' POI' IN \ 195.5"62" CADILLAC. Coupe. All ) TEST 'ENGINEER ,8:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. dleaged or:,older. Mr. Pepper or Protestant preferred. TUx- :-... ~-2376., , . SPECIALIZING IN LAMP,S OPEN sm YOUR OWN HOME edo 2-1912. , power equipped, low mileage. All subjects; all grades. Adults Mor~day th'ru Friday SILLOWAY & CO'MPANY TU. 1-0474 Evenings. • excellent condition. Best offer ADDING MACEINES, cash reg- BARRING' TU 1~3760 16901 E. Jefferson near Cadieux over $3600. EDgewater 1-4708. and children. Certified t2achers. BUSINESS or professional man isters, new, rebuilt, rentals. Call~ \ Electro ~ mechanical for re- INDIAN VIL'LAGE SECTION in small family and use of TV. Rental credit applied. on pur- '53 PONTIAc beige 8-cylinder. Vacant, newly dl DETROIT AND SUBURBAfl' seorch and developmftnt divi- Parcker Avenue near Jefferson, ED 1-5544. .chase of new equipment'. Ex- 9"";'ARTIC,LES WANTED Hydramatic, power steerin cottage, 2 bedr, TUTORING SERVICE -Mich iga n'~Bell 2~bedroom upper, all electric cellent trade-in 'allowance on new tubeless tires, seat covers. bedrooms bath WANTED - 2-piece suite, dining WOodward 3-8315. TExas 4-1378 sion. Contact Mr. DiTirro, FO kitchen, heat and water fur- BEAUTIFUL ROOM for busmess other makes and models: Call outside sun visor, radio, hea~er. en and family room suite. refrigerator, wash- nished, $140 a month. LIncoln or professional-person, private TE 1-4305. ' windshield washers, power an- ,price includes 3-LOST AND FOUND er, gas stove, bedroom furni- 6-334D. 5~5677. ' home. References. VA 1~9826. Vietor Adding Machine Co. tenna, autronic eye, rear sea t stove, Telephone ture, 5-piece' chrqme ,set, odd TAN CAMEL'S HAIR overcoat, 4111 Grand River speaker, oil filter, car in ex GROSSE pon pieces. VA 1-1793. taken by mistake. Village 385 YORKSHIRE, St. Clair par- PLEASANT, warm :room, near cellent condition. Price $1400. Manor, Monday, Dec. 26, some- ish, 5 large room~,' 2 ' master Charlevoix bus; employed girl OIL HEATER, $4; wardrobe TU 1-4856. ,DUVAL, CompaRY bedrooms, carpeting, gas heat, time after 6:00. VA 1-5825. HOUSEWIVES AND or woman; kitchen privileges trunk $20; suitcases, $5 and $iO; BOOKS purcnased tor cash. En- Just left of Lake~ . 2~car' g~rage. TU 2-3339. VA 4-]570. .. movie screens, $5; amber Span- tire libraries or fine single items CA.D1:LLAC1955 sedan, excellen t mile beyond '\ MOTHERS LOST - Ring, large aquamarine ish, glassware, Swedish cock- Midwest' Book Service, 4301 condition. Royaf Master tires. new, spacious f ligllt blue Cabauchon shape, in S-SITUATIONS WANTED 6~ROOM UPPER FLA-T, clean, 6~OFFICE FO'1 RENT 1033 Cadieux near East Jeffer- Part time or full time employ- tail glasses. TUxedo. 5~2724. Kensington. TUxedo 5-2450. 7 rooms, 21f white gold setting. lost Thurs~ gas heat, garage. VAlley '2-3065.\ ment. Local assignments with na- OFFICE SPACE in new building son. paneled libraI day, Dec. 29, on the hill be- tionally known organization. D~- I..AMPS BOOKS bought in any quantity . on Mack Ave. Secretarial ser- ORIENTAL rug, Kerman, 10-4x woman would tween Pongraz Jewelry and finite guaranteed income for Custom-made lamp shades made UPPER FLAT, Nottingham, south Entire libraries, bookcases, art '50 CADILLAC Sedan. A beauti. of 'Jefferson. 3 bedrooms, l8.rge vice available. Light and' heat 14-9, origirialprice $2000, wil~ ful clean car. $1200. Mr. Keller. in stove, largE Grosse Pointe News.and park- those accepted. PleasilJ,g person-' and recovered in my home. objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, 1670 liv,ing and dining room, autorna- included. TU ~-0900.. take $950. Baby grand, Mendel- LA 1-1512, evenings LA 1-7250 garage. ing lot. Reward. Phone TU ality and best references fe- TV. 2-0315, 139 Ri,dge Road~ Leverette. WOodward 3-4267. quired. This is not a traveling or ,tic heat, $100. TUxedo 5~0109. son, original' price $1800, for 5-5686. - . 6E-GARAGE FOR -RENT 1955 CADILLAC Coupe. 7,00o canvassing position. For full de- R U F F LED curtains, expertly $375. LIl1coln 5-5677. -POSITIVELY- r KENMOI UPPER; .5 room /flat, 4014 Buck- miles, black and white top tails write, giving phone number .. SMALL DOW \ LOST: Brown suede gloves near done, priced. reasonably. Pick ingham. Gas heat. $75. Adults. GARAGE availa'ble at' 885 Har- HOUSE fur~shings, bedroom, HIGHEST PRICES-PAID for power windows, brakes an d and background to Wm. Dakin, This nice color..j Town 'n Castle;1 Shop. Reward. 1307 West Blvd., Berkley, Mich. up and' delivery.. : Mrs. Van- TV 5~8556.- , court. VA 1-9826. steering. $3800. TU 1-1140. I TUxedo, 2-6906. Haverbeke. VA. 2-9691. livmgroom and :E,'rench furni- furniture, end appTiances. complete with \ POINTE GARDEN,' spacious 1 6F--PARKING 'SPAC,~ ture, 'Florentine mirror and "I-Piece or a Houseful." '47 CADILLAC 4-door sedan, 62 ., tion room, gas FOUNTAIN saleswoman. 12 noon, frames. Swedish crystals, Ori- J LOST: Wallet, credentials most LADY wants washing "and iron- and 2-bedroom, dining roor:, , FOR RENT radio and heater; exceller..t con.. total tax only to 8:30 p.m. and 3:40 to 11:50 ing at home. 4352 Maryland. ental rugs, fine oil paintings, PRAscott 5-5733 important. Reward. TU 1~7279. p.m. for our neighborhood and heat, stove, refrigerator furn. '------dition; hydromatic. 1347 Kin "occupancy. M, TUxedo 5~5226. ,~ , s~vres urn. and c~ndl~. sticks REGULATION size pool table downtown stores. Prefer ages ished, automatic washer and PARKING at monthly rates sington. , 4-HELP WANTED drYer, near Moross a.:.ld Har- 15021' E. Jeff~rson.' VA 2-7180 ,and, man:y mte~estmg. Items. 1 Call evenings, 7-9. VA 1-3073 MOROS~ 16-45; ,those 18 or under bring NURSEMAID, hospital trained to 9 p.m., Sun., Jan. 5-10. 653 . . '47 DODGE, excellent perform RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST birth certificates. Apply' ~in in infant care, desires perman- per. $105 to $130. 19241 Edge- 7-WANTED T,O' RE.NT Live here, 20 1 field. TU 4-3822. Pemberton., G. P. P. BATTERY CHARGER FOR OLD ance; good..body. TUxedo 1-168 \ office bY' bus, for responsible position; pleasant person in neighborhood store ent position in private family. "'f"d' 8 ELECTRIC CAR. CALL TU ph 0 n e personality, shorthand or 100 Oakman Blvd., near TE 2-8'585. Ask for nurse. GRO'SSE POINTE, 6-r6cim bunga- SMALL FAMILY desires' 2-bed- RANGE, eIectnc., ngi alre, woo 2-1894 1953 PLYMOUTH, excellent con 2 years 0.l,d,h: helpful but not necessary, must Hamilton, 8:30-4:00 p.m .. No low, newly' d'ecorated, automa- room_lower with yard. VAiley O.U.P.W. Deepwel1, 40" 8 . dition. Call Monday. TU 2-3523 paneled. Exc applications will, be taken in EX~ERIENCED c 0 lor e d lady 4-0927. .. month;;' old, like new. 22043 SPINET PIANO, good condition closet space, 2 be experienced. 5 days, East Side. tic heat, side drive, 2-car gar- . 1950,PLYMOUTH: special deluX e Call for appointmel.t. Crawford -our downto..wn stores. Fred wi she s weeks work. Stay Gratiot, E. Detroit. Reasonable. TUxedo 2-6647. ~ plete with fiJ age. Call TU 2-n~,~L YOUNG working couple desires club coupe, ractio, heater an d Door Sales Co., WA 4-9300. ' Sanders. nights. LOraine' 8-1075. garage. Good GROSSE POINTE, Beaconsfield unfurnished 3 or 4-room apart~ ELECTRIC hot water heater, 40 PIANO for beginner. TUxedo overdrive, 2-tone pink, price d ment, income or flat. ED 1-70,81. 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED EXPE!tI~NCED colored girl de- near Jefferson, 5-room upper, and 80 gal., glass lined. 22043 2-8399. at $275. Phone TU 4-3405. STEPHE heated. $80. TU 1-5128. Gratiot, Et Detroit~ sires general cleaning by day SINGLE GIRL\wants 2 roo~ 3rd. CT. W~.OF or week. 7 or $30 and carfare. 787 HARCOURT, lower', 'flat, 5 ,and bath in or near Grosse .SKATE~CCM size "l figures, Vacant custom b TE 2-5727. $.10.CCM size 7 hockeys, $7.50. GUIDE _TO GOOD SERVICE rooms, attach4 large rooms with screened-in Pointe area. Call after 6:30 , AIRCRAFT ENGINEERS porch; 2-car garage. Available .. TU 2-5233. CCM hockeys size 6, $7.50. Size , rock fireplace GIRL wishes days,. or nurses aid. Jan. 15th. Rent $190. TUxedo . 5' hock.eys, $5.00. Call, TU built-in grill, We have a,large aircraft engineering program, offering Experienc~d. LO 7-.4274. 2-2626. ~ MIDDLEAGED refined coupf~ 5-9195: ' POINTE OUSTOMTAILORS opportunities in development and design Showr:l by I foreign consular official,' desire EXPERIENCED co I 0 r,e d girl UPPER, FLAT, .Ullfrirnished, car;' FUR ,:COAT, full length, latest NEEDED ARE to rent 'three-bedroom home _l\len's and Ladies' Suits Tailored to Order. Alter- wishes days. Grosse Pointe petiz:1g.' $75. 853 Beaconsfield, 'style, ,nutria, new, reasonable. ations, relining. Double' breasted suits restyled to' VA- 2-3040 BISHC with garagt, gas 'or' oil heat;' as single. breasted. SR. & JR. STRESS ENGINEERS references. WAlnut 4-1302. Grosse Pointe. .. AbQut 16 size. VA 2-2725. . of February -1,or 15. Willing ,to .. Specious 4.bedrc SR. & JR. WEIGHTS ENGINEERS I Ush, sunroom, EXPERIENCED colored house- BEACONSFIELDJ 4-room 'upper, pay between $f20~a:nd'$150.~er • WEB-COR wire r~corder'for 'sale 14931 EAST JEFFERSON-, al Oily LiM1tS heated. Adults. TU 1.4833. month., Call" between~. 9 ',a.m. for $70. Call, VA,.2-17415. parochial sch> ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS man desires_, work.. Excellent • .".. I • Fred M.. Schuman Established 1925 Open Eves till .6:30 and 5 im.,WO 2-652~6t'E~en~ Must be sold. on floorsl win40ws and what NiECHANtCAL ENGINEERS - ALTER RD., just south of Jetfer~ sion 25. '; , TWINBEDS'1" dresser w~tb.' oval.- red. Priced at have you. TYlex: .7-403~,: son, la,rge .~-beq~oom ,upper "mirror} " sol i d m a hog any, ••••••••••••••••••••••• SR. DESIGNERS" fiat, ':automatic haat, garbage ADVE'RTISING executive and qeorgetown. , galleries, ' g~od :SEWERS ..DRAINS - SINKS BUCKINGI WOMAN wishes day work. ex- d' 1 1 not d , , FULL SIZE LAYOUT MEN Isposa, new y - e c r a e . "wife (no chilcfren) desire plea- condition. Rose colored wool Colonial 3 bed perienced. References. $8.~O'and Adults. $too mon,\h. Call VA . sant terrace' or house rental on , shag i'ug. 430 Fi~her near Mack, : CLE'ANED • • dressing room ALSO CHECKERS, RETAilERS, carfare. Call TR 5-0257. , 2-4095, after 5:30 or' anytiple 'o,imoderate 'basis with 'option to Grosse Pointe Farms. ,• All types. Night and day $ervice TU.1.9813 and recreatio '" COLORED GIRL desires ,-3 days Sat. _or ~un. 'T bu~. VAlley 1-164,9. " : . terrace, attic! METALLURGISTS, AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS, VIOLIN-Detroit' maker 'D. B. .,•. , ' All Work GuarantMd Z4-Br~ a Day work. Cali. WO 1-7743. Liela M. GROSSE, POINTE ,WOODS, 5-: " .~ 120-ft. lot, ea DETAILERS AND CHECKERS _ Rockwell, 19Q4, fpr safe by' ori- : MOT-QR CITY Robertson. . . room bur.igalow;altl.to~a~ic heat/~-BED!t00M' HO~,\ l;ill~urnish- "'ginal purchaser. who used. it included. 2-car' garage. ~125 per month. ed; ,,:,ante~ b.y ex~cutIve,. and \ • Elearical Sewer Cleaning Co. Earle Richards Service " Apply Speci'aL Products Division . ) professiollaily for many. years. : Lk'7-S053 ~URSE, nighC duty, baby sitting TU 4~5059..I,' fa I:Xl11y, 'bemg permanently Has good'~carry~g pawer, large 20397 Mack A" ... III th. ,,"ooda MERRIY\ or child care during vacations. " , transferred to' Detroit by~ re- .....~....~....~... ~~. ~t. Paul and Ri , 20 yeats' ,experIence. Top ref- 3-ROOM 'apartment, :$115., 53~ liable firm. Call 9-5,'rR 3'"95"00< ,tone, mutes beautifully. Excel- - Ameri'cao Motor.s,Corporation · I trict, attract erences. WA.2-2828. Alter Road, VAlley 4~7571. "" ,'. ,,_' '" ",," ient condition. .Also genuine', , ' colonial, pain • ' ,t' ~ARTIOLES FOR SALE" . pr~-19~.4 Sar\ory 00W,' in per- 1260 I E. Jefferson at Conner TV and Radio Senioe ' For .9I1i~k. rooms, 2 bath~ BUSINESS or dodor's office, or LOWER ,5-room' fla.t on Beaco..ns-, ' , '-,.' -' ,feet conc~ition: Viblin~ bow, and' ._ ' ..r • Open Sat. 9-3 , any respectable work wanted. 'field between Jefferson 'and St. DRAPES, carpeting, :~miscellarl.- acce&sories in,' \yell worn' but Gu.uanteed Repair Work large screen"e

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1956 Thursday, January 5, 1956 (; R 0 S.S E. P q I N'T E:N EW S .Page. Twenty.~hre8 .fe d' , , . 13"":"REAL !SlATE 1.3-..,REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 16-PETS .FOR SALE .,' 21f';;"'Piil~tiilCJ and Decorating '2lR~fMENT WORK' , TV!O FAMILY, 5 and 5 ,modern, ,GROSSE POIN'l'E.-Finest ter-GJranch ...hotQe Ion 772 HAwTH. OR. NE ROAD'" Repairs of All Type and exterior. Reliable. neat' . bedroom and, panelled den, face Ruehie B1v'd.11.Mlle ii'od'Llttle 'Trudel . decorator. Also A-I wall.wash- 215--CARPENTER 'WORK - Lee ttan fur- NO 6S4 St. Clair tn VUlage TU. 1-3760 ,br~c,k,. 'cb~o~~d bath :fixture~r' Mack~ T:A 1-2872.' " De i~e Ranch custom b~ilt for TU. 5-0703 ing. VAlley 4-780a~ d office OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENING~ bUllt-m vambes and chma cabl~ . .' ",:. '.' , H'. F'.' J.E ....'lZEN" BU-,IL'DI'NG I present.owner with th~ finest ------...,.------!.... . ------nets. 60-foot lo~~,'n~ar:, shopp~g ,GROSSE. POI NT EF ARMS ~ materials througho~t. Has sup-' . '. .. . ': .EXPERT pamting, paper- hang-' ". . , and transporfatlon. . .' . Th . b: dr t b th' . '<::orgames'.rQo'm'Wl"t'hb"'';'.'Un"'d~ FmEP~ACE equlpme:t;lt,:, brass. ing' by' mechanics. freQ esti. Home and- Industrial Repair. , 8-foot. MONEY, . GROSSE POINTE '. . tree e ooms, wo a s, gas ...... - and Irons, tools rep,olishe.d.and. t. Van As-sch'e. TUx ....lIo Additi tti' mplete~ sa 3-140\) , R.anch "'tyle, 8' ye'a'rs O'ld, 3-bed-" heat; ,large"lot . Illness fOlces' . $4.0,000. ~'., lac9.uere.~,. .screens re.paIred. ma es. t7 ~ ons, . a QS co ~ . 788 ev~ .' ~ . sale: 'Quick posse,ssion.. Cash or '"'.',Sm-I'th-MV-attl."ews,,',,6t!AOCharle- . ~1l87, TUxedo 4-2.14. Porch enclosures, recreation LAKEFRONT HOME room, g'as AC; hea,t,.2 fir.eplaces, . 'McKINLEY. RO" Ad ,~ , u V'% rooms~..garages, repaired. DOWN! recreation 'room' -with. bar, .tile' :terms. :184.j,Lakev:iew,' .key at voix.! ,WA. 2-7155~, ,.. '.; 7 .' • • brick repairs. ' . - j JE~~~~~~NL~~~~~ Clal;.nj~~ bath, kitchen and. washroom. :'~~~'\;~~~~!~w.~parsoni.: TUx- Firsf o:fferlngof:this three-bed-;':~'.: ..':R'.'T:-.'"WfnENBE"~R:G" " " '.FOR FINER TUxedo l-9'744' this 10v~ly French No~mandy NUmerous extr'as. Excellent land- ", ,"room Colonial .with-titst floor' '. INTERJOR & EXTERIOR home. 5 bedrooms,. 5 oaths, scape. Early' possession: '~ ' ' I 'iavato~, .large terr. Gas:heat BASEMENT WATERPROO;FING '. PORCHES' G NEW FORDS , maid's quarters, paneled 1i-', .' "I,', . G~0SSE ,POJ~TE . . and 2:-car gar. '. . 5 YEAR GUARANTEE 'PAINTING' & DECORATiNG Kitchen Planning-Remodeling, ID And late model used cars. Best abgrea.ryA'llelmeYarn'orr'o'oh!mseatoevde'r'19oaork":GrosMsePOiPteBv~ckinit1~~'SOtmerse3t~' L'E W 1.S T b r(RO:AD.. Spacious ., .. TU ' . LA:'. 6':552~.... C' 'HRIS 'c 'CHA' R'R'ON ADDITIONS ._ . ~eal iI!-town. Immediate delivery. nr. ~fan~. rlC TO: S ory, ;", semi-ranch on partially wooded Y • 2-3344 ..,; . Call afte:c 6:vO'. . ~ , Attic and, Recrea+;on Room ITS the lake. Owner transferred: bedroom, 011A.C. heat, 22xl.6 gar.,. lot. 4 bedrooms, including '}'on P. San'kor ! .Free -Estimates ' &. CO. CompIete""d.' Save tIme. Credit check by phone. immediate possession. t d 11 t Leon HOES s orms an s~reer:s" .exce .en 1st floor,. ;Iibrary,. sunroom: ------EAVESTROUGH .._cleaning, and ,.'REPAIRS Marty Daher MOROSS ROAD buy, 3D-day POss~sslOn.. ut.ility room, large recreation DEA'i WITH gutter repair. :No job too big WAlnut 2-3986 FIRST OFFERING-Older horne RUSSELL HASKIN room with: fireplace and out- -' : Or too" small'Free estimates. .Satisfac&ri Our Gu~antae VA 3-1172 TU ':-8083 OR located on 4 acres of wooned TUxedo 5-0470 side entrance. '. A SPECIALIST' VA-2-8971 or VA 4-6616~ ' . Established in 1925 S. M. GOEBEL us to property suitable for .dividing, TO 8-9810 6 bedrooms, 3. baths, maid's ------UNIVERSITY, 723.. Unusual ,3- 'Over 43/~ mil1i~~ dollcirs. -----:-Y-EN-E-T-IA-N-.-B-L-IN-D-S-- Full Insurance Coverag.e For quarters, sun room, lav., 3~ca:r; • '" ROAD b d' h . h l'b • "exc'lu's'lvel'y 'In ~ "Your Protection 302 MOR /\i:' ' e room ouse. WIt l_rary, .w . ' JIM SUTTON 12A-BOATS AND .MOTORS garage with apartment. OPEN:SU~DAY, 2-5' . glass terrace, $8,00J.dowri. . WINDow SHADES FOR A BETTER paint job, in- 1677 BRYS 93~ TROMBLEY' . GROSSE POINTE 18-F~OT CC Cruiser with flyin.g CHARMING center hall colonial Large 3.,bed~: .house in very Open Sunday,1 2:30-5:00' REAL ESTATE' .... side or outside, call J. Rupard. Carpenter Work, Repairing and brIdge, 60 h.p. CC engine, used convenient'to transportation. 4 . good condItIon. ,Den for TV,' . . ".. : ". '. WA~ 5-6942. Free estimates. Remodeling.' At tic S , Porches. 2 seasons, very clean, complete bedrooms,' maid's quarters, pan- screened and glassed 'porch, SUN~IN.GDALE" ',~9.. Se~-I-Purchosed Last Year Through PORCH SHADES ----.----.--- __ Garages, .. with cockpit cover and trailer. eled 'library, breakfast room, breakfast .rm., 1st. f1. lav., rec. .-ranch, all.'very l~rg~ ,rooms, l?- " MAXON BROTHERS INTERIOR painting and decorat- TU.4-2942 I Owner buying larger boat. 5026 lav., abUndant closet spacE'!. rm. gas a. ,c. heat, carpets. St. ,eludes 2 bedtooms, 2 b~t?s 'Satisfled.,Customers Since 1929" CORNICE BOARDS .. ing .. Wall washing. Insured: Hillcrest, TUxedo 1-0410. Sprinkler ~Yf:tem. Mr. Post. Paul parish and Kerby sr.:hool ~pwn, 2 bed~o~~,. 1 bath up, I . . Herbert Walters; 1119 Ashland. ALL home,' rep~rs, alteratio~ Shown by appointment only 'strl'ct. Vacant. librat;y an,d actIYIt,Ies rOom. "" ' . . .,.'. . Complete Repm Service VA 2-2809'. ' dI , ' 932 WASH~NGTON: :4-bedroom, Clean.Uig,~Repairing recreation and attic rooms, Ii. 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C W TOLES T. RAYMOND JEFFS LAKEPOINTE, 653,. authentic brick Colonial, good condition, Reconditioning ------...- censed builder. VAlley 1-3272. r. Radio, • • " 81 Kercheval TU 1-1100 English colonial, 2 bedrooms, 1 carpeted; kitchen w'i th, dish-' ESQUIRE .,SHADE CG. DONALD BLISS' ion. TU 790 LAKELAND 74 Kercheval TU 5-4100 ------bath,' powder room," family washer; dispos'al, 1st floor lav., '. Decorator CABINET MAKERS room with -dining\area on 1st recreation rOClm,gas heat. $27,- 15133 Gr~~iot , Interior • Lou~ers. .. Shelves New Moeller quality built Co------1 GROSSE POINTE floor, 2 b'edrooms,' 1 Q.ath, stor- ~OO.,O\J{ner. TU;.(edo 2-55~4. : Open Friday Until !il P. M.. 'Exterior Free Estimates • Doors • Furniture e Ville. loial. Has three bdrms., 2 baths • Shutters • Headboards TAPPA'I...! CHAMPION I. Open Sunday & Daily, 2-5 . age rooms on ,second 'floor, gas , . . . LA. 1-1515- LA. 1-1516 30 Years in G.P. o ;;niles. and den. Only :jll0,OOOdown. 'l heat, sprinkler sY'3te~. .. FLEETWOOD, 1923; G r.o sse • Blinds • Cupboarda . 1353 BALFOUR _ Substantial FFERING Pointl; . Woods. Attractive 2;- DRYERS. VENTED, $15.00. 3-in. TU I ~7050 • Cornices • Cabinets TU 2-3344 • Vanitorys •. Formica' . Heater, and well maintained brick re- 20007 EAST DOYLE P.L ACE. FIRST 0 bedroom colonial, llh lav., car- . standard. installatio'n, Call LA . Leon P. Sankar 'd Brick Ranch ready for occupan- 1312 BUCKINGHAM-To' close peting, disposal," iricinerator~~ 7 0533 TU 1 4192 ' • Tables .' Bars tiT nal sig- 51 ence. 3 Br. plus M.Q., sun Ih estate .. Do it yourself home for 11L-ca'r garag";', screened ter. / - , -', PAINTING and .decorating, wall room and rec. 'rm.. AU large cy.~hree bedrooms, library, .kit- L 77.". I papering: 'q u i c k s e r vi c e. Free Estimates " , tax in- rooms, loads of extras, Priced chen with th",rmodore oven' and large family.c Near St. Clair race. TUxedo 4-0640. \.' . HOMES, STORES' OFFIC.ES ' s,. R. A. . h $24 500 . Mr. Krirn. VAlley 3-1597. CARTER & CO. at $35,000 for quick sale, Va- range, large living room and ter- parIs. , . GOO MAN ------.,------~-- Additions, attic and rec:l;eation PIONEER Rd., cant soon. See anytime. race. Attached, garage, land- . ANN BEDFORD D, LAKEPOINTE Building' Co. of- rooms,' kitchens and bathrooms .WOOD PRODUCTS' TUxedo GROSSE POINTE 821 WASHINGTON-Substantial scaped. Also open Tuesday and TU 5-6063 .... LO 7-4706 fers 1011 Whittier, 4-bedroom. remodeled: MasonJ;'y, roofing, sid- A-1PAINTING' and paperhang- Friday eves. 5-8. JOHN S GOODMAN .. . 13940 Charlevoix Cor: East1awn SPACIOUS RANCH ' home for large family, 4 twin- . 2-bath, lavatory, Lr., d.r., kit- mg, tll~ work, partitIotllng, car- ing, residential or commercial , VAlley 2-10:56 basements" s t u ceo sprayed . • atic dr. Hidden lane, 731, 3 bedrooms, 2 sized bedrms., den, large mod- 20004 W STREET. New Brick ' ROSS' POI'NTE chen, rec.' room, 2-car garage. pentry work. Quick servic;e. baths. Floriaa room, attached 2- ern kitchen, terrace, nicely Ranch. Two bedrooms and den G _ L:: \ • . .' New. 657' Barrington, 4-bed- Guaranteed, insured, licensed, Patching plastering. .Insured . , mech. CARPENTER, r e p air s, doors, car garage, carpeting, drapes, carpeted. Full price only $23,- or third bedroom, two baths, kit- FIRST OFFERING ~ room, 1Yz story l.r.~, d.l'., kit.,. Deal direct with owner. Call day Skilled colored workers. Free !i1illan. locks, sash cords, cabinet work. dishwasher, excellent location, 500. . chen with breakfast nook, ter- FAIR COURT~ 1q50, near Mack, ellen. TU 4-3403. or nikht, Mr. Murray., BRoadway estimate, cleah workmanship ED .. 1-4576. A-I references. James L. Craw- coupe. vacant, immediate possession. 183 RIDGEMONT- Year-old 3- race. Two-car attached garage, llh story ranch type, 2 brs. and 3-0390. ROMAN BRICK RANCH bedrm. ranch, large living rm., gas heat. Also open Tuesday and bath, br.' and la". up, recreation BOURNEMOUTH,' 479, 1st offer- . ford, WA 2-4546. 24-hour an- e, two- . h Griday eves. 5-8 p.m. . 21T-DRE$SMAKING Sh h II 1 d k ., ,swering service. Terms.. , fully ore am, 90, Ilh years old, 3 we P anne ltc en, terrace, rm.,terrace, carpeting, gas heat . ing' of this truly. outstanding REWEAVING: Cuts, burns, tears 1 ' bedrooms. paneled library. farm 2-car brick garage. Close to BY APPOINTMENT ONLY $28900' custom built home, large living and moth holes, on woolen .CUSTOM DRESSMAKING coats, les. Like kitchen, terrace. finished base- transportation. Ideal plan for ' . and dining rooms" rustic" kit- materials: VAlley 1_-1453. PAINTING' and papering by well . sUits, .dresses,' evening gowns,' ell. TU ment, priced below duplication small family. Call for complete 152 HILLCREST ROAD'. Whl'te FOLLOWING BY h f t' alterations expertly done; ED d t '1 c en, terrace, our excep lOn- "qualified workmen. Any job, costs. . e al s. brick tri-Ievel residence. Has APPOINTMENT ally large bediooms,'2 baths. 218-WATCH REPAIRING large or small. Also repair . 1-2860. Radio, 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL 259 RIDGEMONT - 8-year-01d three bedrooms, recreation room HOLIDAY'ROAD, 20068, between Ideal location. Brown InVE'c:t- work. EDgewater 1-8573. , good Bournemouth, 1669, 1st floor lav.. brick colonial in A-I condition.~ with fireplace, modern kitchen Fairholme and Torrey, new, 1¥Z ment ~Company, TU 5-2500. ' EXPERT' WATCH and 6 clock z;e- DESIGNING fashionable suits, 0, after gas heat, 2-car garage, newly 1st floor lav" enclosed porch, with breakfast nook, large ter- story ranch type, 2 brs.,'l bath pairing: ,Prompt service. Reas. coats and" dresses; alterations decorated, carpeting and drapes, rec. rm. Under $25,000: race. Gas heat, two-car garage, down, terrace, gas heat. $26,500. onable.prices. Bradley JE we]ers. PAINTING; papering, paper re- and hats; remodeling; reason"; FOR .SALE OR RENT-Grosse moved. -Wall washing.' Neat , ne~r ii~~&OM BUNGALOW 1011 HAMPTON-Nicely kept 3. many extras. LOCHMOOR BLVD., 1580', near " Pointe Woods, brick bungalow, ,20926 Mack at Ham p t ?,no able. VAlley 2-3610. reliable. W 0 r k guaranteed . Brys 1569. face brick, gas heat, ~e~rm, colonial. Terrace, 24' 1341 KERBY ROAD. A cute Brick Holiday Rd., early Amer~can, 3 3 bedrooms and den. $22,500 or TUxedo 2-9309. rec. roem, convenient location.' hvmg rm., 2-car g"lrage, gas I Ran c h only a few years old. brs.,' 2 baths, 'd~n or' br. with Mertens, 122 Muir, TUxedo SEWING alterations, adults and $175 per month: TU 1-8883. . 2-0083. $17,400. Vht. OntlY 2 bFlocllks~rom$22la5kOeO'Three bedroo~s, bright kitchen- lav. On 1st :fl., .circular drive, 21C-ELECTRICAL SERVICE children's. Hems, zippers, plain acan soen. U PrIce , . dinette. Garage, gas heat, car- drapes; slip covers~ -apron::>and 1799 PRESTWICK-llL-year-old pets and dr<:jnes included. . sprin~er s;vstem; carpeting,and OPEN C A RT ER & CO. n ~ \ d~~~. \ '. BROWN ELECTRIC - Master pillows. TU 1-'(455. ~aced~r.ich. ranch. 3 bedrooms l' 420 MADISON AVE Brick Bun- REN.t...UD ROAD, K:, .lOeO,If,anch FOR .INSPECTION electrician since' 1920. 'Regis- 20223 MACK . TV 4A400 Jr. mmg room, garage. A- " _ . H f F .,' 2b l:b 100 ,terM ar;d licensed. Repairs, re-, THE 21U';"'PLUMBING condition. The perfect gift and g~loW In, tht: Fa!1Jls. , as.. 0uullr..' near alry;ay." rs., J.JI rary, HILLCREST, 3S7-0pen Sunday GROSSE POINTf:" HOMES vacant soon, Priced' under $2" _ b~d.rooms,. paneleq. den and,. f :ft. frontage,'. gas 'a/c heat, car.... placements and. maintenance. pe. All 2-5. Ready for immediate oc- OPEN SUN., 2:30-5:30 000. oJ, dmmg room. Ga~age and ~as peting and draperies:: incl. cupancy. 3.bedroom colonial TUxedo 5-0014. Personal ser- SPRENKLE ileage, heat. carpets and. drapes m- TOURAINE ROAD; .307, 4 bed- vice. LATEST IN st offer , near, Kerby School. Breakfast PLUMB1NG .. HEArING BARRINGTON, 657 1901 LITTLESTONE-L a r g e 3 eluded. rooms, 2 baths, 2 mds. rms;; and space; lav., rec._room with fire- 1-4708. bedrooms, 2 bathrocms, white " .. ' l' ..I vIOLAnoNs CORRECTED' . brick colonial .. 2-car attal:hed 135 MAPI:-ETON Ay'E. ThIS com- bath, lib. with iirep ace; 'J:ecre':' place. Recently decorated~~.C~r- ELECTRICAL WORK - Com~ WALLPAPERS SEWERS;:-, :DRAINS' CLEARED--;. Vacant, newly decorated English J ylinder. garage, heated b r e e ? e'w a y, pact semI, Ran.ch IS onl~ two . ation ,room, vacant; • .' ' pets and drapes included. Cash merciat residential, industrial; . . or terms. 13312 E. JEFFERSOM .•eermg, cottage, 2 bedrooms, bath up, 2 lovely ,,/Ooded ground, carpet- years old and IS located, In the EMORY COURT, 19981; 11;2story , . attics, rec. rooms, phit~S,ranges;' bedrooms bath first, new kitch- ing, drapes, disposal, attic fan, heart of the Farms. Has ~h!ee 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, glass ei'l- VA 2-3214, . covers. ROSLYN, 610 - Open Saturday etc. Expert wiring. Reasonable 1001 BOOKS heater, en and family room, gas heat, special lighting fixtures, lav. bedrooms, 11/2 ~aths, full dmmg . close.d terrace, c!""peting and and Sunday' 2-6. New semi- rates. Free estimates. Rapp GAS AND OIL INSTALLED price includes washer. dryer, on 1st floor. Good buy, $29,500. ro,?m, gas heat and garage., draperies, 2-car' att. gar age , wer an- ranch near elementary school Electric. PR ~-0780; 2fV-SILY,ER PL~T.NG' .. ar seat stove. 1779 ,LITTLEST ONE - Pleasing 369 MOROSS ROAD.' A fine l1h vacant, $28,500.' 3 pedrooms, 2 baths, .paneleed TO CHOOSE FROM in ex- GROSSE POINTE SSORES colonial, 3 twin-siz~ bedrooms. story BungaloW with .two bed- SWEENEY & MOORE INC, library or, 4th. bedroom, lav., 21D-ELEC. APPLIANCE SILVER'~ GOLD. PLATING eating space in kitchen, rec, rooms on first floor and LARGE TU F680Q Mack at Renaud dishwasher, disposal, Thermo- 0) $1400. Oxidizing and Repairing DUVAL, NO. 35 room, gas heat, wooded lot. bedroom on second. Step d,own I . dor oven and range. Vacant, more right in .. Mr. Newell. EXPERT VACUUM EXPERT PAPER HANGING Brass Polishing and ..Lacquering Just left of Lakeshore Drive, half quick possession. living room, full dining_room and GROSSE POINTE Jewelry Repairing and Engraving xcelleni CLEAN'ER SERVICE mile beyond Vernier Rd. This 15417 ,ESSEX, near' Westchester- all season terrace. Open Sunday' 2:30-5 RO,SLYN, 596 - Open 'Saturday r tires. All makes. 24-hour service, free loaner. O. KRAUSS LEEBERT new, spacious farm colonial has Well built 4-bedroom colonial, 114 MUIR ROAD. Two story MERRIWEATHER, 64. Monterey and Sunday 2-6. New tri-level Rebuilt Hoovers. $14.95 to $44.50. Jeffer- SILVERSMITHS 7 rooms, 21A baths, custom Iibrary, ter~ace" greenhouse, frame home in the heart of the Colonial 'only 5 .years '. old. 4 home with 3 ,bedrooms, lav. , . HARPER VACUUM near Trombley, school. Farms. Has four bedrooms and spacious 'bedrooms, 2 baths,' 2 d,ishwasher, ' disposal: built-in PAINT STORE .14508 CHARLEVOIX. paneled library, kitchen any Auth. I Eureka .. Hoover Sales and 942 SUNNINGDALE - Substan- den. Gas heat. Choice location' lavs., library, an d recreation oven:. and - range, built-in .FM Service -"New," Rebuilts, Parts NR. CHALMERS beauti- woman would love, has built- 15851Harper. ;. TU 1-1122 tially built residence for large Ior all sch~ols, and shopping. room both' pine paneled. Large radio with speakers through- , bpen 10-7 :Qaily' VA 2-7318 '-, Keller. in stove, large 2-car attached outhou~/ Near new grade 20481 MACK 1-7250. garage. family. 22x35 living room, 4 807 PARK ,LANE. One~ of the porch jalousie ep.elosed. Gas OJ twin-sized bedrooms and two finest'ranch homes if} the ,Pointe. AC heat. $53,500.:', " school. Mr~ Newell. ' 21E-ClJSTOM CORSETS' 21X-GARAGE maids rooms on second floor. . th b TU'4-1995 MODERNIZATION . 1,000 KENMORE, 1820 .Bea:..;tifully wooded lot adJ"oin- Located on a quiet lane near e N. BRYS 880. Turn.off ..Lake Shore te toP. lake. Some 'of' the 'features of Rd. to "Wit. St., then right ,2 SPENCER f~6RSETS SMALL DOWN PAYMENT in~ LochmoQr club. A real buy. thl'g property I'Dclude three bed- .' ,C. '.W. TOL,ES. es and $40 000' . . blocks. Fine ranch house, 3 ben- COMPLETE MODERNIZATION This nice colonial has .. 6 rooms un der , . rooms, three and one half baths. ' 74 '.Ke~cheval TU 5:.4100 Individually designed, lightweight OPPOSITE SERVICE' O. rooms,. !Ilh baths. Large year , founde,tions aiid, surgical: gar. complete with carpet, recrea- 521 HAMPTON-...Nearlynew 3- library, large living ,and dining - Specializing In r e c rea t i 0 t1 13A-LOTS FOR SALE' . ments;: Overt n years experi~ .HOWARD JOHNSONS tion room, gas heat. 1% baths, - bedroom brick ranch near lake, rooms, garden .sprinkling system. round porch.' Electric garage , rooms, porches, kitchen, addi. l' h door 0 pen e r S.' Ma'ny other ; ence. 'M 'a u deB ann e r t, total tax only $226. Immediate 2-car attached garage, terrace, modern tatc en, terrace. tions, remodeling aIid repairs. • special featur~s. :$39,500. 100 FT. x 60 FT. Beaupre Lap,e 368 McKinley, Grosse Pointe . occupancy. Make offer. carpeted, excellent condition. 280 STEPHENS ROAD. White ,\Following By Appointment , betwe.ep Kerby Rd. and Carn- TUxedo' 5-4027 or TOwnsend ~lJ-WALL" WASHING Over 25 years' experience. FHA Well priced at only $28,51)1). brick and stone ranch house, Two , bridge;' TU' 5-3~85. . 7-4312. terms. MOROSS RD, 389 Frank J. St-Amour. TU 2-8'324 erform- 1370 HAMPTON - Attractive bedrooms, library useiible as FOLLOWING BY:, . thi~d bedrooms,. kitchen with LAKE SHORE ROAD,. 108x210. 21F-REFRIGERATION WALL WASHING 1-1683. Live here, 20 minutes to your white painted colonial, 3-bed- breakfast space, covered' terrace, APPOINT]Yl:ENT ------office by bus, face brick ranch .$14,00(}.TU 4-3403. , SERYI~E AND PAINTING' 21Y-PIANO SERVICE' rOOln ree. rm., terrace, 2-car 11/2 baths, attCl~hed gara:ge, gas' STEPHENS at Chatlexoix. Fine nt con- 2 years o,~d, has 3 bedrooms, 1 All ,WorK Guaranteed to Your g~!'age, gas !,-C, only $20,500. heat. Choice location. V~cant.. ranch house' tailored to Qwner's LAKE LOT, Grosse Pointe COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE- 2-3523. paneled. Exceptionally good Satisfaction. For Fre~ Estimate , 838 NEFF-Now vacant. Pleasing 1229 THREE MILEDRIVE. An rigid sp'ecifications. 3 large bed Shores. TU~-3403. . KELVINATOR Tuning, _repairing, refinishing' closet space, 2 'extra lavs. Com- - FRIGIDAIRE, NORGE Call deluxe plete with fine carpet, 2-car income type brick bungalow, 5 older English residence that has room;s,,2' baths~ 'Unu~).lally fine CEMETERY: Forest Lawn, 3 or 6 and mothproofing. R. Zech, RE. er and garage. Good quick possession. rooms, 2 bedrooms. full dining beE;n maintained in top condi- activitie~ room, p~neled library . -graves; cho'ice Iecations. Sacri- Specialists, also Deepfreeze and VENICE 9-7169 9-3232. Place' your order early. priced room, roomy kitchen on 1st tion. F'ive bedrooms, three baths, " Gas AC heat. Spacious lot. fice; cash. VAlley ,2-9052.~ _ other .,makes. . 5. STEPHENS, 312 fluor, large unfinished 2nd, 2- den. Large lot. Inchid~s full c.ar- TOURAINE. near Gro~.se .Pointe J. HAYES,' , VAlley 2:'8212 PARTICULAR people call Action PIANOS TUNED, clean~ moth- car garage. Full price $18,500. peting. Excellent for a growmg Blvd: Excellent Colonial. Suit - 13~LAND CONTR~~TS Wall and Window Cleaners proofed and, repaired. ' Satisfac. 3rd. CT. W. OF CHARLEVOIX family. able for eith~r large or medium 953 FISHER-Nicely maintained 21H-RUG-CLEANING' SL,7-4170 .. . tion guamnteed. :Reas.onable Vacant custom built ranch, 3 bed- , A QUICK FAIR DEAL rates. S e i be r t, EDdgewater rooms, attached garage, ledge olJ~:r brick bungalow, 2 bed. 1292 V ERN IE R ROAD. Cilte sized family; ~ bedrooms and 3 room~, sunroom, 1st floor, large brick bungalow overlooking golf baths on 2nd, .floor including Any C,?ntract~Any Amount 21K"'::"WINDOW WASHIN(i 1-4451. ' rock fireplace wall, terrace has BEST' CARPET CLEANER~ course. 'Two bedrooms on first maid's quarters. 2 ,bedroom s 'lOW DISCOUNT. built-in grill, excellent yard, semi-finished 2nd flocr, gas floor, large bedroom. on second. and bath. on 1st floor. 100-ft , ,CLEANING,. DYIN~', CASH.AT'ONCE heat, garage, full price $19,500. Bright kitchen, brick gara~e. lot. $49,50'0.,'f. . • \ WIN,DOW. CLEANING. Shown by Appointment - Open 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Also ~unday REPA:RING 10 HAMPTON-Near Lake Shore 20611 W STREET. One' year old T.HREE MILE n e'.a r. St. ~aul . McLain Mortgage &. RealtY Co PROMPT HOME SERVICE WALL WASHING FfREPL'ACE BISHOP RD. Dr. Now' nearing completion, semi ranch. Has two bedrooms J Handsome,' GeorgIan architect - "10804 H~yes' LA. 6-3544 FREE. ESTIMATES' Service on Screens and, Storms I one of ou, better new ranch and bath on first fioor and two ure. 3. bedrooms;, 2 baths plu s Specioils 4-bedroom, 2-bath Eng- m;SURED . WOOD' offerings, 3 bedrooms, 2 b'aths, bedrooms and bath on the sec- 'maid's room and bath ov~r, at - 14 . 'REAL ESTAt'E 'WANTED Brick washing expertly done. lish, sunroom, near public and Basement P~ting. Choic:e Qualify Hardwood Florida room, many de luxe ond. Gas heat. Located. on a i tached. garage. Paneled"library . TU. 2-.655b .'. parochial schools, dishwasher. custom feablres. Buy now and quiet lane free from tFafflc. ' Large 'porch. ,G.ash~t:'Lot 100x Must be sold. Owner transfer- h. m~ SELDON & CO. H. E. GAGE & SON '18"-$15.00 Cord builder,will iinish and decorate 15'525 WINDMILL PTE'. DRIVE., . ~50.. ,:.'. ' .' 211-PAINTING ',AND red. Priced at $21,900. . OUR 40th YEAR ,~ TU 4-0136 VA 1-2165 11 to ~uit. Brick colo'nial only two years HILLCREST. 2 bedrooms and • ,. ," f' - • _ ~. • I DECORATING. 24 -$18.00' Cord C H AND L E R PARK DRIVE- old. Four bedroc:lIIls and two' .bath on 1st floor. 1 bedroom and LIst. .your property. wIth' us Prices include delivery BUCKINGHAM, 1020 Members of the Grosse Poihte baths on second. 'floor,' bedroom den oryextra bedroom abOve. 5 , . Paint'inq ond Dec.ohiting WINDOW cleamng, stormS t.nd HARRY FOX Colonial 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Come out today and inspect our and bath on first. Paneled librarY. ' , years' old. Carpeting~ $20,800. BrokeI;s .AssQciation screens service. Free estimate . dressing room, pane-led library .wide selection of new. 3-bed- games room. Attached g'ax:ageand BELANGER. Custom, built semi 18530' Mack . '- TU 2.2100 Best .of. Grosse Pointe Reference, LAkeview 8-8463. - Interior ,. ExteriOr and recreation room, jalousie room, 1% bath, r&nch homes. hobby, shop. 'Quality construc- ranch only' 2 ,years old; 4' bed - L,A. 7~,3419 FreJ' E~tjmQte5 terrace, attached 2-car garage. Near 7 Mile and St. John H0S- tion. rooms, 2 baths. Lar!3 jalousied 16-PETS FOR SALE 21P-FURNITURE REPAIR 120-ft. lot, carpets and drap~s pita!' Price range $18,900 to 15725 WINDMILL' PTE~ DRIVE. p 0 r c h. ,ExGeptionally good JOHN R. FORTIER PRo7-3551 CHIHUAHUA puppies, AKC re- included. $25,000, ,Only 10 homes left. English brick home .located neat kitchen with ther,mador. equip - CUSTOM uppolstering. A spIen . Builder will consider your the lake ..Has four',bedrooms, t~o . ment.' Semi-finished recreation 'gistered. - " . TINY TYPE DECORATING-Interior, exteri- dlid selection of decorative M ERRlvVEA TH ER present home in trane. Model baths, library, breakfast room room wiht 1av. or. For your persQnal satisfac., Television' ;'. . ~tud service. Reasonable; TE fabrl~s.. Expert needlepoin t St. Paul and Richard school dis-' open daily and Sunday, and recr.,eation room. Large ter-, PINE CT. A reside~c~ .character tion we. can furnisH .you, refer- - . 1'-54B9.. 3931 )A~ery. mounting. Estimates cheerfully .. trict attractive center hall 530 OXFORD -- Well d~signed race ovetlooks spac~ous 'garden. , ized. by real. chaim~ . Bedroom ences. Work myself.: Insured . given. Ewald, 13929 Kercheval . Sales and Senice 'l'al pam' ted m-ey, 4 bed- farm. Colonial spacious en- Attached garage. Many otHer sl?e-:, 'and den convertible ~o bedroom ,PEKING~SE puppies, mal e s, All we do,is good.. colon , .~ cia! features well.wor,th.examm- ' 2 'L: dr . "A 2-8993. . rooms 2 baths, paneled library,.. trance hall, 3 bedroo~s; 2 ing. Immediate' ,occupancy .. Must . on . 1st 'fldor. ue ooms an d . registeredr $~Oup~ 1316-W.Han- LEON STRIEGEL L. L. DACKEN large ~creened terrace, gas heat, baths, maid'squarters, ...._just sell.' . ' :, ..' ;.. bath above.,Beautiful.coriditlon "cock., ,': ,'. VA 4.:.0518 . Electronic Laborato!,y paneled games roqm with fi!e- .modernized, .well located on Convenienf.locatiori,:., ,','." . . t" ~ . , . . . \ FURNI'i'UItE REPAIR. Refinish BOXER. PUPS,' ,thoroughbred . . lng, feul)ho1steriDg, springs reo place. Now $~2,500 including over .¥:re of .Improve~' ground. MANY OTHER FINE HOMES .YORKSHIRE:' S t u,r,a q y. buil t Call;,,&£ter'"8 p.m . .vA' 3-1083. 'FO~/TiIE,FiNEsr general paint- ~ tied. Antiques a specialty 2031~ MACK AVE. carpets and drapes. ' iracant. Call for appomtrp.ent. 'FOR YOUR CONSID~RATION •Englisp. ',4 mam bedroo~ns; .2 1 , • • . ing and decorating at' reason- , b.a t h s' arid;~maid's 'quarters , Pick-up. and- ''C1e1iveTY•• Duall. CGtLlE ,.ma~e'~for 'sale: Three able,cost see' CharI,!! A. Sehra .. LAkeview 1-8249. . " . , For Complete }?election in Grosse ,H 0mer W. .a rren. Paneled'" library. 1sf/,floorlav . . months.' A.K.C. registe.red. Has der; VAIley' 4-0388. ~ TU 1-2.7'91 Pointe iln.d VICinity . . . Call Us Well cared £or.$32;500. . , ILL0 WAY , all necessary shots. Responds .ReA 'and"Raytheon S - .219-PLAST~RING f well to training: $75.'V~ 2-,0559. PAINTING' and paper hanging: Terevisions . o. TAPPA.N CHANfP.ION .& Co. .)~l:s~ei~:~~~~t~a.~~h~~o~~~~~b~e . Complete service. Commercial & COMPANY 128 KERCHEVAL, \ . Grosse Pointe, houses~'. .. BEAGLE, '.' .18 months,. house- and residential work. SPECIALIZING in repairs - ceil- .Telefunken and 102 KERCHEVAL' AVE ;]Yl:AXONBROTHERS,,,INC. . broken, "shots;' huntfug'. stock ELGIN DECORATORS ings. Quality work at th~ righ t Granco .Hi-Fi ' 1 TU 1-3'760 TU 4-3030 TU 5-9470 83 Kercheval; '.. TU 2~6000 , . Reasonable. TU 4:1162. ' . ~ ~-3049' price •. "Alley 2-2944. \. " I' . ' .,~ 5 2 ? 'S ? 1 17 • 2 '7 FE • 7' , nr 2 $ 2 • • r 7. _. - - . j -( -- - .. p 1 - '\ ., 1 \ - • , 1 ~ I ; =; ~.... t ~'" -\',.- • ~-~ ....~.-~--:--;---- ...~~~~ ••~,.".'IT--;"-I., ...- ....pz-~ .•-- ...4_------'l''''''.•c ------...,,---~- . ;

- Page Twenty-four GR'OS5E POINTE 'New's' , ThursCiay, JanuarY I. -1956' * * * • Pa.g.e * * *.' who. where and' whatnot ,pointers 'of ~rnf.eresf Good ~aste,;-" by wbooul Favorite' Recipes ' • , of January 10 is moving day for the Horace I. McConnells; fld$tnte. People in The Know who have sold their Washington road home, and will hence- forth make their headquarters most of the year at Coronado :KULLE~S Lake, Oklawaha, Fla., where they recently purchased a home. Contributed by ~ Counter Points'

I Since they will be just off the main routes to Southern I" Mrs. WIlliam Ditzler ' 1- c bp.t.Mr , ," '. . by RobBta Isley • Florida, the McConnells expect to see many of their Pointe f friends in their new home. To facilitate visits from tour'ing 1f2 'c..~onfectioner's 'sugar' , Pointers, they included a map with their 1955 Chris~mas Hi c..'sifted pastry flour' . ' Now that sky motels are openmg up near small airfields • ' f \ greeting, giVing explicit directions to the McConnell 'menage 'Yz"t. va:hnla .' ,.;'," , .all across ~he ,~punt:ry .. '. and fares are now lower ~or cross I ! in the sunny south. %~"C.finely chopped pecans ~,country flIghts . ~'. It looks as tho~gh you ~d you 'WIll be C!ff * ...... , , Cream,butter and 'Sugar.,Work ,tg somewhere.~ ThIS year why nc~ try wea;nng sep~rates • • • The University place home of Dr. and Mrs. Edward' . in I other' ingredients' by' hand. 'bermuda' shorts /, .. skirts :' .. and. sleeveless blouse~ that re- P. Mackenzie was the scene of a traditional New Year's Make into balls twice, siZe of a' peat the color of the' room you live in or blend with the colors ;marble - rolling as you form of your new car? A c'omplete line of Clothes Suburbia are Eve party. When the party originated 8 or 9 years ago, biills~ ,', ' wbisking in. daily at Margaret Rice's, 76 Kercheval, on the hilL Mrs. Mackenzie painted the name of e~ch guest on an egg Placed . on' greased, floured '* * * ' nog mug with the' date (i.e. Dec. 31. 1947 • Jan. 1. 1948) cookie sheet and bake in moderate And th 'Il h' h' l ' and a sprig of holly or poinsettia. Guests use their own (350°) oven about 10 minutes. 11k' b ereF~re.S.tl morTeht I,ngs 'h' nd' t zngs t'Jdatare ~::: • : • ' , mugs each year, and the hostess paints new cups personal- After ,bkking, roll in powdered 0 ta a 0ll;t. l' mstance. e ve;y ~ some an fWacttc"" mlr- " ized cups as new guests are added to the party list sugar. Yields 60 cookie balls. rors at Tral~ Pha'fmaCY, on the htll. It s good dresszng table tali . ~ ..•• but' you can put one wherever you fancy. Lucite o-r ebony * • • tri.m. pI Kercheval" on the hill. Those who gathered around the eggnog bowl y.rith the 4 Seniors Eye I . *' * * MacKenzie's this season were Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Abbot, ; As we herald the New Year .••• Mr. Parker, a manager d !vIr. and ~Mrs.Charles Wright III, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bowen, Scholarships -frving's new shop on the hilI, wants to thank Grosse Pointe for their wonderfnl patronage in 1955. And you can make a safe bet that Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin French, Mr. and Mrs.- Henry Vaughan By JUDY ALLEN Irving's will strive to please you this year in 'bringing you the Jr., Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. David Mills, of GPHS Journalism Student , .clothes.and accessories you really want. ' Farmington; rYlr. and Mrs. Harry Wise, of Birmingham; Mr. The National Merit Scholarship * * *' , and Mrs. Jay Sorge, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Haberkorn III, Program conducted in al~ high If you have time for' the ocean ... this is for you. Evening Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milligan schools through out the country clothes.for the Captain's party on the last night are as much and Mr. and Mrs. John Millis. to enable all studeJ:1,tsto attend ,of' a necessity as are the sports clothes and the Dalton cash. * * '" college ~s a protege of the Foid meres you need' for the morning game of shuffleboard. Every- It sometimes seems to us that the arrival of a new FoundatlOn. .' thing ... but. everything •.. for travel is here under one roof Four G/o sse Pomte HIg.h at Margaret Rice's 76 Kercheval on the hill. baby disturbs the grandmama's equilibrium more than School semors have become seml- ' * ",' * the mama's. One grandmother called us a few weeks'ago , finalists in this program. They" ' . ' with the breathless news: "My daughter just had a baby . B M k . f B S H" I d N R 'h E . are Phyllis Getschum, Burke' Bright idea. Team your Christmas Camera with a good pro. Dr. Han . an am, 0 on ecours ospna, an urse ut ger A h "t' S E' I Oscar jeclor. Chances are i.t will take excellent colQ1"slides. And this is Sunday • ~• that's the 8th!" Which, of course, prompted us .' ' -Picture by Fred Rll.nn~Us . re arl,' usan _' ve y, to inquire, "8th baby?" . By ANNE SCHRAGE • . , _ M~rx and ~~anley Armstrong.. a, sure way to Ket the most out of the color pictures you have. It was a momen~ before she recovered enough to murmur, , t t h' If' d' thit ,'Twenty-fIve of the top fIve Tf,Jere are so many improvements on projectors, why not stop in at sen 0 IS l'len s s year were G P . t H' h C I:. ,cOh gracious, no-ooo." / At a staff dinner in Bon Se':~ b a tif I did h t f b' d percent of rosse om e Ig th e amera Center, in t,e vi 11age, for a demonstration on the new '" • • cours IHospital last October we When we asked Dr: Hari what e u u can 5 0 5 0 , l.r s School's 1956 senior class '.took automatic ones? I e PILFERINGS met. two young doctor.s from' most inJ.pressedhim, his immedi- !one ,:n S~I,W • was a beaut~ul the preliminary screening ,tests. ) • swa~ m a rlpplmg str~am gazmg The final winners will "r'eceive . .' . .." IndIa. One was 'char:qung Dr. ate reply wa& the' high standard The captam of hIS ShIP once wrote m hIS log, Mate was Sneh Abbi, a "resilient physician of living' the many moto at Its own .refl~ctlon)" 'and four-year. college, scholarships, scenes.f~om...rndIa,wlth each card covering up t6 full tuition land ~Realtors Board To Hear duPont ~I dru~ today." When the mate becam~ normal, he 'Yas terri?ly i~ Herman Kief~r Ho:spit~l"beau- (i~ India: only the ~very y:en:~~~ a.n orlgm~l. shot.. 'Yhen h~ h~s living expenses depending on James Q. du Pont, a great- joined the du Pont Company in chagrmed and angry. He pleaded WIth the captam to strIke .tlfully. dressed m a~ Indian gold I do own cars); the many varieties t~m~ he fInlShes hIS collect,l0n In personal needs. These scholar- great-grandson of the founder of out the record; he declared that he had never been drunk embrOldered scarf WIth a ~uby On cif packaged anI-processed foods 1940 and during, World War II 0.1 colors.. : ships may be used in ,any ac- the du Pont Company, will be worked with atomif projects at before, tr.at he would never drink again. But the captain he!"forehead; and .our Pomter .o.f spices -,and medicin~s, and, of When .attE!ll~Ing.an event In th: credited college' or university in the speaker at the sixty-fifth f;aid "In this log we write the exact truth." !nter~st, l?r. Har.I B. Mankam, course, TV. In India there is lJ:O ~nternatlonal J[nstItute, Dr. Iran the nation and for any program annual banquet of the Detroit Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and the , ,. who IS an Interne In Bon Secours. TV H t d th' '1' The next week the mate kept the log, and in it he wrote, .. .'. e co~men e on e. aVa!.- met thre: other y:oung d?ctors of studies leading to ,a 'degree. Real Estate Board to be held Hanford, Engineer Works in tha "C t' b t d " It was more InterestIng when abllIty of Jobs here which In who are md9ded In the :lSt of At least one scholarship will be January 10 in the Hotel Statler Stat~ of Washington. After tha ap am was so er 0 ay. we learned that both were from India, ~at 1>resent, c~nstitutes a ~60 e~chan.g,e'doctors and.mterns awarded in each state, and 200 in in Detroit. -william Lyon Phelps New Delhi and lived just a few problem, especially for the edu- war he became associated with In thi.s,COll..lltryfr~m India. ' ,the country. . Mr. du Pont,-Jt is understood, * • '" blocks apart but ha'd not met cated. the Public Relations Department Be~ldes ~~. AbbI they are Dr. A winner whO does. not need in his talk "Pattern for Success." of du POl).t. Arthur Murray and Groucho Marx were discussing a until th~y -;attended the dinne~ in \ His. only dislike is the ~i}ckof Mu.rhdh87 •.J,lf;lU of Ja~alpur, a financial aid will become a will develop the ten .basic points He has 'been active in and held c~rtain actress. Grosse :t:0mte some 9,000 mIles seasoning in the Ame!ican diet, r~sIdent .n: ~[e!l"IIl~ Klef~r. Hos- NationaI Merit Scholar and re- which guided du Pont from a "She's h~r own worst enemy," Murray obserVed. from therr home. with, not enougl: fresh vegetables pIta1,.,and ]Jr. Bll~la SamI and. ,ceive a stipend of $100 a year. "one-man" operation -in 1802 to directorships in the Arne,dcan Dr. Ma~u Mathur, ,two .yo~~, "Half of our-most able'student!'\ its present lc;a'geenterprise. Har-' Red Cross,' Community Funds. "Not while I'm alive, she isn't" retorted Groucho When we met Dr. Mankani he in the daily menu. The bulk of United Negro College Funds and icily. had been in the Pointe just '11 the Indian -diet is wheat rice women In .(~akwood Hosp~tal In in high school do not' go. on' to, vey Campbell, executive vice- Dickinson College. He is reported '" '" '" days having arrived on. Septem- many fresh ~egetables and 'fruits: Dea-r}>01'I1.,~;C~th,attended an all- college. For most o~ these, lack' president of the Detroit Board ber 2~, and was takiug his ex- Most vegetables are prepared wom~ medl.c..al ~ollege,.th.e Lady of financial means appears to be of CommerCE;will be toastmaster. to be an accomplished speaker UDo you believe in clubs for women?" a friend asked amination for internship in the 'with a sauce of onions fried in g and in considerable demand by Hara.m .Medical ~o~ege ill New the decisive deterrent. This waste The Detroit Board's banquet, business organizations. W. C. Fields. hospital. vegetable oil, or ghee {a boiled DelhL wlth Dr., Abbl. The y~)Ung is a national weaknesS'. Our ,cor- in following' a long custom, will "Yes," replied Fields, "if every other form of persuasion He passed his examination butter. _product)~...and seasoned people me~t; for an oeeas-Ional poration can help it;l this., ire-. honor its ,outgoing president, this fails." . with ease and we learned that with spices. Meat is eaten occa- socI~1e;y-.e~~g,... . portam tas~,-l' said Mr. John~. time George -J.-Pipe, and intro- Planetarium Presents • • he is one of the most promising sionally. SInce It IS t~7 ~xpressed behETfStalnaker, president. of the Na- duce the 1956 president of the 'Reasons for Seasons' • young _foreign interns the hospi- Indians do not eat commercial.! of many. PO'~Itlcal leaders and tional Merit Scholarship' Pro- board, Gerald, J. Lawson. Other An employer had spent a great deal of money to ensure tal has had to date. He plans, ly baked breads but prepare their news wnten: ~hat the hope "of gram. newly elected 1956. offi~er~ are: that his men should work under the best conditions. "Now, world unity, can be ,greatlJ! aided The Merit Program, as now George C. Ewald,' VIce-preSIdent; The' new McMath. Planetarium after his internship, to serve a own bread fQr each meal called at Cranbrook Institute of Sciencft whenever I enter the workshop," he said, "I want to see every res ide n c y specializing in in- chupati. It. is made ot freshly by the exchar.ll~estudent who has f' d' th e I ''''e t 'ndeDend Hans Gehrke, Jr., treasurer, and a:n opportunity' to'study cultqral lI~anceh'IlS~h. arb s 1 . A th; ad H. Plumhoff, s e c r eta r y. is now cl)mplete and public de. man cheerfully performing his task. Therefore I invite you to ternal medicine befor, returning ground whole 'wheat flour and and democrai'ic.. ideas' in otlier sc 0 ;r~ Ip prO'gra~ I~.O ,'EWilld lives 'at 1377 Cadieux manstrations are scheduled each place in this box any further suggestions as to how that CM ~t to New 'Delhi. baked on a surface fire in flat countries, we kre happy to know' S ory 0 mencan e uca I n. and ,G~:nrke;at ~45 N. Deeplands, Saturday and Sunday. at 2:30 and be brought about." . Dr. ,Hari, as his friends call cakes. D:. Hari's older sister, who we Nlve one YI')ung.man'from £ar- Shor~$. . 3:45 p.m. A week later the box was opened; it contamed only one him,.is quiet and soft-spoken. H-e keeps house for the family; does off India in ..our midst. O~lcers aJ1.dme~bers of va~- , Planetarium topic for January speaks English fluently and is not have to wash ,dishes after GM,Promotion ' . is "Reasons for the Seasor~," . f;lip of paper, on which .was written, "Don!.t wear rubber We hope thle,people: he meets L lOUS real~or boards l~ the D,etrOlt heels." well liked by the staff members meals. A servant' comes in after here impress him flith as much For De 'orenzo metropolItan afea wl~l be m, at- showing how changes in the at Bon Secours. He was born of each meal to SCDur the brass good will as we have 'been im- tendance at .the affalr, John S.. eartlfs orbital ~nd rotational po- 'I • • • Hindu parents in Karachf (now cooking and eating utensils, as d" --. -. . . .spencer, chaIrman of the com- sition bring about differences in j A young couple sent a friend of theirs-an Austr&lian presse ?y hi.m.'_ • Paul Garrett, vlce"presldent In. mitteeC in charge, said. Former ~ the capital of Pakistan) in the not much china is, used, _and to light and temperature. ,\ woman living in this country-a pla~'pen when her fourth state of Sind. His father' had wash and sweep the floors daily. We 'Wlsh;.hirn,gr~at su.ccessa~~d char~~ _of ~he General M~tor~ presidents of the board,. in recog- , This month's feature film "The ~hi!': arrived. been a Civil Service secretary to (We know many Gros~e ~ointe a hapP! .tIme durmg hIS stay In public relatlOns s.taff, today an- nition of its"55th anniversary, are Ancient, World: Egypt" will be the PomtE:. nounced the appomt~ent ~f An- to occupy speakers' table seats. shown to members and guests in j When her thank-you note arrived, it left them some- the governor: of Sind. Since Paki- housewiv.es would be happy' to ---- thony G: ,IJe L~renzo a,s di~eetor Mr. du Pont, ,an electrical en- the, auditorium of Cranbrook what astonished. "The pen is a perfect godsend," she stan' has a 'population with 86 have' such manpower available 'I Nephrosis ~Fouridation of publIc relaj;lOns for General gineering graduate of the Massa- School on Friday, January 13, at \ per cent Qf its people of Moslem despite dishwashing" machines). I' wrote. "I sit in it every afternoon and read - and t~e 8 p.m. children can't get near me." faith, ~t t~e time of..the'partition - Dr. Hari spend~' most' of his Elects Adair as Chief M~:torenzo has been director chusetts Institute of Technology, , of IndIa, In 1947, Hindus prefer- leisure in study 'and is, an avid \ -'-~,-~ -- of .p're~~s,,rad~o and TV relations, . . . red to leave Pakistan and live in reader~ His' hobby is photog- A Grosse. Pointe executive has for General 'Motors since' 'last ~wilh, lwo lhe a,!J lhtl A Topeka, (Kan.), assessor ran across one of the best India, whose peoples are pre- raphy Christmas' greeting cards been eleet~d president of tl1e April. He j oi~ed;'::the General leaJerj, :beSolo' dominately of Hindu faith. ' . .' , answers to the question on the tax assessment blank: "Nature Michigan' Chapter, National,Neph- Motors' public relatioJ,ls staff The family, losing much of its, ,rosis Foundatidn, Ins., an organi- February 1, .1949, after serving pt'lmouth in lh.eli,neli'l~l '56, of taxpayer." The answer: "Very mean." property which coul~ not be sold zation '.founded to' ,study. and for' five years' on the public're- .. lor and reverted to the g9vernm~nt See Gray • •• fight- a serious kidn~y disease lations staffs of the BUick and of ?akistan, migrated to New which claims more ~han half, of Fisher Body Diyisions. . Delhi. those 'afflicted, mostly younger Garrett also 'announced that Dr. ,Hari lost his mother at the ~,,:'d Play! childrenj,,'aS its victims. "Edmund '~Steeves,~if]. charge ,of , . age 01foUr years. He was sent to. 'He is J. Douglas Adarr presi~ press,' radio and'. TV relations in :Javorili.1m.1 live, with an uncle (at one -time dent of the Ke;:lt-Moore Organi- the NJ!w York office of General the Porth' Hea1th. Officer .'of Converse _ ,zations, Inc., Detroit, who lives Motors, 'will succeed De ,Lorenzo Bombay), a surgeon specializing # - • :- at 80 Colonial road. . in Detroit, and Fred Collins, a 0/ in.diseases of the eye, ,'whosuper~ W'hite "All' Star" Adair will conduct a meeting member of the GM public rela- Frank Aller vised Dr. Hari's education.' After of the gro]lp on Monday I r.ight, tions staff in. Detroit, will, .suc- high ~chool, Dr. Hari was, gradu"; January '9, "at ,the 'Henry Ford ceed Steeves In New York. 'who giuej_ 'Iou att lhai '1001 at~d from India's oldest medical Hospital, at which pians "to fin- The appoirittnents '~i1l ~e ef- school,. GraI!~ Medical, College-in ance clinics.at tl:te.'Fo,rdand Chil- fective January 1, 1956. MY FAVORITE: Bombay. Before coming to Am- dren's ;-HospitaL for. ,intensified , .....jervice aft '1~a,.tong! erica last fall he served' at a gov- study' of,;;;tne'dis,e~se,bY,.a group "At least t~e e~ort to keep Book : Keys of the Kingdom up, with living costs gives a man 14801 E. Jefferson, bet. Alter Rd:'& Ashland. VA 2~80do ernment medical dispensary~ of Michigan's most:pron;inent pe- AutJ:1or ,. A. J. Cronin diatricians will be discl:lssed. a run -for his money. Character in a Book Tiny Tim Play Dial M for Murder DetrQit r...... oI'~N.NY' ••~..,...... r.r.N'JY'...... V.N ...h'Y'o"a"J'N'''''''''''".N'o~-'''''N'o'Y\N'o .. 'YV'o'YV'o Musical Lady in the Dark Training Sizes 5 thru 14 Actress : Helen Hayes Park Firemen, , • Acto; , , : Fredric March 7.50 MOVIe Rear ,Windov.~ Park Fire Chief Geqrge, De- M OVle. Actress Margaret Sullavan Caussin has disclosed that a num- MOVIe Actor : William Holden ber of his men :will be given :a ,..B. F. Goodrich ," TV Show -: Today ni,onth's free training by the De- White II Passer" Why not TV- Performer (fern) J anice Rule troit. Fire Departmpnt ..' Ot/.1~.experilmce • .'": and. TV Performer (masc) The chi~f said ui~t '.th~' pro- ~, many h~pp:y families ••• We Win Design, . consider a~ Singer Perif Como gram, which began on, December ~ provide thtl,' ~fknow'~ for " completely Magazine Changing Times 15,'.'1~lls for' 'two' firemen, 'one creating 1011elykitchens;, Modern,z.e <) , - ". .c! Commentator EdwardR. Murrow from:,:'ea,ch unit ot. the' depart- even 10 equipping them. ~: Cohlmnist " John Crosby men~;'"to 'undergo' training. ,A RebUl\d an . NEW KITCHEN Poet , Shelley total of. eight .i.will ,pa~ticipate~ -Yotill 'like' OUf",little. soon? Painter ::. Gainsborough thH~ S~d.tth;.-.;th; ll?-e~re~o~t tf , fUS~1 iittte'"'1nuss 'service.: .' Your' Kitchen Cartcon ' There Oughta Be a Law ju:i a~ t~~y ;-~ul:~~~~~ir ~eo~~ Cart.oonlst Peter Arno lar. department '8nd" be';i~es , ' S' M . , .. MUSIC ,...... WIng. USIC training, participate in ,reguillt 5.50' .... Song The Way You Look Tonight. fire Tuns. .Sho",ing 'Complete. Line of Famous General: Electric, Appliances Animal , Dogs (Our Dog Pepe) _ J_' ------Si~es" • to • ~ • • • . Person (excluding family) •...... •.Dwight D: Eisenhow~r -4 ,thru 5'12 ,'4.95 .' City : San Francisco Face and .Feature Thr~u,gh"'OU1'experience, we\h~',e.' been abl~ to design~and bui.ld some of the most_ ~ Vacation Spot Pebble Beach, Montefey Peninsula, Calif. Corrections charming and effi~ient kit~hens to 'be fo und anywh-:r..e. We can rebuild your ~,Jewel t •••••••• _10 4 ••••••••••••••••••• '4' ••••••••••• Pear 1 kitchen g,uickly and economiCally.'. " , Flower "...•...Camellia by' ,. '.' \ Fr,.. Estimates.. TUxedo 5.3206 Perfume Arpege Swedish Color /';..,. Red Dance ~ Jitterbug Face Spe~ialist n.. ElE~tRIC~l APPLIANCES Hobby : An tiquing Caroly:n Nilso~ ~U"~"I.S'.rm".,.. Food , - Hollandaise Sauce - 'I, f,;, i IV t:1 . "'15 HARPER Across ,;- VOgtH n";"'. ~20 Delaware St. -,I 1"'" . , 106 Kercheval Aversion Getting Up in the Morning 3 Blks. N. of Fisher BuUdin, . , '. STOll HOUR5-Open till 9;00 Mon., Thu". _and frl." .nd tlU 6:00 Tu.. , Wed., and $at. Diversion Rearranging Furniture " ,- - ~ .' PhO!,,8 TRinity 3-8608 TU I~S262 ••• •• TU '1-2262 <;. ~ • • • I y j'••••••••••••J' ~ ~ D•••••••••••••• ,;' J'••••••J' ,~•••••••••••••••• -1'8 Ambition To Make Everyor.,e I Know Happy • ' ,. ~. 11... ••• ~'a •• ~ • I

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