
$I.~v~-~;~:~~~~..-~~.,.01 ~~~- ~ t .( -l '" <It: .~..... ~... "' .....~ A\. -l A ~~»~~~~~"",~~".~~ .. , J "7.;; '. -; • T ' • ~ _ ~ I '.. ". [~ " r' ! i / . , ) .' , '/ ", " The News \'.' An . .. ' _, ~ ' L . I ':'_'''~ ~ • Of t,1I The Poktes "\l""',':-",)' ~'/n. ' -:~ :~' 's, •:~.~• / - ~ J..., (, ~ " 1 ' • • '..r _ /; Thu~cfay M~rnin9 Every ~., , S' ..~.w:, . jiSt~j--_ , ros . '. i .. .. ,Complete ;'News' Co~eraieQfA:U;,the' Point~ ." . ~,: ',- ~ ~--- ~'.. ,,' '. VOUJME 17-NO. I Entered as Second ,Class Mattel: , ~.oo Per Year at the Post Office at 'Detroit', Mich:' ~ROSSE POI}~T~.~19HIG~N~'.JAf.lOARy.5,j~56,' . 5~ Per .Copy , TWO. SECTIONS FuUy. Paid Circulation , , , " , , ----!---.--------- <0> . , I, Parole Board Pointes' New Year Babies Pro~e It~~aM~n's'~ World '.' HEADLINES ! ~ _. • I Bisho-p to K.eynote Member' Tells WEEK Str~ngeTale As CompdetJ by the Silver Anniversary GTl'SStI POlm. New,f Pointers Have Questions That ~--~.,----- I Remain Unanswered - in TImrsday, December 29 Christ Church Letter From Fred S~nborn THE MORNING mail of 'the At Detroit Public Library brought By E. A.. Batchelor, Jr. back the stolen $25,000 Walt The' Rt. Rev~ FreQt.~.rick L. 'Barry. of \Anba~y, .W~1lDeliver . Ernest Morris, ~he Cat Burg- \ ....hitm&n diary. The rlu:e book d.isappeared from a Whitman an- ,Sermons at 9:30. anq II O'Clock, Jar,' is a delightful person -- niversary ey.hibition in the Main Sunday; Janu~~y 8 behind .prison bars. : , Library last' March. touching off . A letter containing an "ex- a worlel-wide search which baf- The Rt. Rey. Frederick L. Barry, :Bishop of the, Episcopal planation" of Morris' pafflin!~ fled police, private detectives aud. Dioc~se of Albany, will deliver the 9:30 ahd. 11 o'clock sermons release from prison is an insurance investigators. as Christ Episcopal.Church 0\l Grpsse ~oi~lt~,boulevard marks eloquent testimonial to/Morris' The diary, in a plain' manila its 25th anniversar:Y" celebration; Sund-ay, January 8. talent for charming wardens, envelope, was discovered' by a The' silver anniversary ooserv,:, clerk, who at first thought the ance ~ll be a two-day. affair prison F~chologists and -~ diary was "another overdue with the Anniversary Dinner to mQst important-parole board book." The person who took the be held January 9 in the under- board r,nembers. book penned a crude note whic};l croft. The annual Parish meeting The letter, to the Grosse Pointe stated that the book was not will follow in the nav.e. News, is from Fred C. ,Sanborn. 5toien and that he was sorrv it *" . '_ Reports of Rector mem~er of the parole board that was not returned sooner. The It was a c1os~ race for the . ::eledSed Morris last. month. Approximately 200' par i s,h- - I ho~or of being the first born . book was not damaged. It is the ioners are expected to attend the Belated Response property of Charles E. Femberg, in Grosse Pointe this New hIt was a belated response to a ,president of the Argo Oil com- meeting to ear the' annual re- query sent bv the News to the Year's Day betwee~' MRS. ports of, the r e c t i') r and the' oJ pany, who loaned it and several treasurer and. to elect four new parole board. The News' letter other Whitman books for the ELIZABETH LESNOCK'S and enclosed clippings voiced the .exhibit. son, WILLIAM RAYMOND vestrymen. ~ . shocked reactions of. G r 0 sse * * • The latter ar~ to be chOSEn Pointers to'the release of a three- JR. top right, of 978 Kitcn- from nominees Kendrick Brown, THE MANAGEMENTS of the , . Maurice Wood.' Meade Baker, times convicted burglar wnose Detroit News, Times anj FI:ee ner . avenu~, Detroit, and Dougla') 'Cattlpbell, 'Paul G'ard, night time raids terrorized tha Press mad~ their best contract I M R S. HAZEL McLELL- - Robert Peirce, David Viger and comm1mity a little more than four offer to date to the striking years ago. AN'S son, top left. The'Les- d Stereotypers Union NO.9 in nego- Gordon, Woo :. ' - It was not a clerical error,. San~ tiations held on 'Wf~dnesday. The nock baby arrived at_ Cot- T~e '. anniversary will bring born, said, that permitted Morris back' as' a visitor the Rev: J. union was offered a contract .to tage Hospital at 1 a.m. and . to serve only 11 months OR his- run to November 30, -1956, and Clemens Kolb who preceded -the third and 'most recent bu ..glary the McLellan child arrived providing $3.50 weekly increase- Rev. Erville B. Maynard as rec- conviction' Whe)l the sentence .25 cents less than that given to three minutes later at the tor " ' , read TWO to FIVE years. Others who will a'ttend are the And, this sentence was to be the pressmen's and paper hand. same hospital. MR. and: lers unions earlier. Rev. William Butler Sperry, rec- . BISHOP, BARRY served AFTER Morris had com- MRS. ROBERT PARSON'S .tor oI.. Christ Church, Detl~~it,~~-----------_.- pleted a possible nine years re- George Robinson, president of "mothef" parish of the Grosse .' . 1" t' 1he stereotypers' local, said son, K E I T H 'WILLIAM, Point~ . Church; the Rev. Edi~r I m~~~m;~~ :~sea~~~b~~~~~~ that the offer will be presented to earned t~e honor of being Uhle ute' You!' h 10~i the membership at a general Yeoman, reCtqr of St. Michael's, C~--U .~" " sentenc~. that had led P..ointe. ',' meeting. However; he- -said:; he the .first porn ~.tl?p~S~~,9.t.l!"s.. ill the WoodS;' and the.Rev. Eric R P I police' to believe' th"at"'Morris was not in favor of recomm!.iIJ- when he put in his appear~. ~'lUt~g'Str e~ t:o 'I 'h'O~: ~Tr i nit y' escues a'" would be out of circulati0!1 at .nurc, .. SU' S ores.; .,'.. leelst until 1965. jng it. Mec1iators Walter Quil- ance at 1:38 a.m. January 1. lico and Harry Caton, were of : : Fo'nner' M~ior;s F.... L' k - GI~ts Double Credits the opinion that great progress The latter two ch'urches. were ,,'f()m. ,'a e No, said Sanborn, it was legally has been made towards settling once m i s s ion s of the Grosse pCiSsible to free Morris last Nov- the strike. * Pointe .parJsh ., Ken~eth 'Dansbury,' 10,' Sa'i'es ember because he was credit.ed • ... ... A brochure' summarizing the w lth "special good time" on both THE DETROIT POSTOFFICE Park Holds Scho'ol-13ond~..lssu' 'e Gal.n' 'I-ng' 'J.Z M':.>,,' - parish's quarter century has been .. Dew'ey. COnrad ~n " sentences. was scathingly' denoun('ed be- , ,a~-. Of' ey prepared by' Joseph, G. Standart ''J''' .. Skating Mishap Here are some of the reasons fore four Congressmen who at- D - 7 I F EI ,,' Jr,,,and wilrbe:Q,istributed.at the --- cited by Sanborn in his letter: ~ended a luncheon in the Old "',~'Ive]",1 n .::lvoras' , ectl-O' n Nears!.' In ,Be'"ating'. " meeting. ' A lO-year-old 13oy's coolmlss "From the information the Wayne Club. Sp~nsor of the- I .... " , C:" ~ \, ,. lit 'The brochJ:e traces the 'par~ and courage .saved his com-' board h'ad and the history, of the luncheon was the Detroit Postal ish's. roots tO,'the daY;''-132'years panion, 9, fr6rn drowning after' nl,an as he has done his time in Organization Council' headed by 1Ftn a aztltt y Boar"d Is Hal-led fO,t 'VI-,sl-on'~' Of ..'~::~"OU-.th' '.16 ago, when the Rev. Richard Pol- fh.e institutioJ'1 it looked as Alfred J. Werner. Under fire was ~ ' . , . , .. ,' lard, of Sand,wfch. paddled. across the" latter had fallen through though this man was a good pros- the method of operation at tl1e --- PI f ' ---: the Detroit ;River in, a canoe' .to' the ice. near Farms Municipal 'pect for parole. postoffice. Postmaster General Youth Faces Manslaughter' ans or Junior I High and, ,~immin9 Pools' ~,udge Ide' Sent~n,c~~' p'oinfe form the' first. Episcopar" pa:dsh Pier' on Tuesday, December 29. "Fur~heF, it is the feeling that Arthur Summerfield was blamed Chci'rge} Seized After Called 'Definite Need' 'in Community; , .Teen~Ager"to ..year ' in' a settlement ,of only 2,000 per- Dewey Conrad, ()f 65 Mapleton, it is wise to supervise men for ;;a. for not settling a number of letter Criticizes. pi.TA Council- . --. ,'in, Jail .:' ~ I sons"lar&ely French speaking. and Kenneth Dan~bury, o~ 79 while rather than have' them. grievances. Fleeing Scene' , '.~ OnIt' 30 fam~lies p.ttended the Mapkton, had skated on to the leave on a flat discharge. Amcng the reforms asked for , --- 1 As the ~)3,475,aooSchool 'Bond el.ection, J anual; 24, draws, . -:, , I Rev. Mr: Pollard's first. services open lake ,between the pier and "There iSn't much of any douJ:.i h e by Werner. James Rademacher, I ~ rr: . Park s hope for a non-fatal nearer; support of its passag~ appears to be gailiiJ;lg favor .. , ..,Char.l~s. Mor~ey, 19, of 123. in an' Indian Council House at Cresc.ent Sail Yacht Club when about this man's effort to maka president of Branch NO.1 of the .ra ...f1c year was shattere~ by 2.1 Numerous letters of endorsem"ent have been received'by._ :U~~esh,~:r~. dn.ve, '. ;was sen- what'is now Jefferson and Ran- the ice broke .under .Dew.ey., .good in the institution." National Association of Lett!:!r ho~rs by a 17-year-old dnver. 1 '" tenced Friday D"'cember 30 dolph.
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