
OHS Visual Spring 2020

Week of April 20-24

Exploring made in with Nature. LAND ART. EARTHWORKS. ART

Land art, EarthArt and Earthworks are all names for an in which the landscape and the are linked together and give meaning to each other. It is also defined by time, the work is made and left outside in nature and meant to be temporary and will last only as long as the natural world determines.

Land Art, a term coined by the artist , is a movement that occurred in the U.S. during the late 1960s and during the 1970sHowever, the art form has existed for thousands of years. Land Art is a work of art created with and embodied by the physical landscape. The movement sought to take art out of and set it within a natural context. Many works of Land Art are temporary or left to change with the elements of nature.

Ever made a Rock Cairn? ​

Artist Inquiry Andy Goldsworthy : Born in 1956. Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist producing site-specific and land art situated in natural and urban settings. He lives and works in Scotland.

Robert Smithson : Jetty

Richard Shilling

Jim Denevan : Sand Sculpture

Your Commission!

You have TWO options for this Commission:

Option ONE: USE Natural materials to make a piece of LAND ART

1. Go out outside (Your yard? Sidewalk? A public park?) and collect some natural materials, what do you have laying around? Land Artists use things like : STICKS, ROCKS, LEAVES, DIRT, STONES, SAND WATER, SNOW, FLOWERS… also SEEDS, PINE CONES… basically anything lying arounds in nature. 2. RULE!! You must not take pieces of a living plant (they wouldn't like that) just use things left lying around… there’s lots to choose from. 3. Next see what you can do with them. Can you build them into a sculpture? Will they stack? Can you lay them in a pattern? Think about LINE, SHAPE & FORM. What about COLOR can you arrange them in color order or pattern? 4. This is a time to play with natural materials. You may choose to make a MANDALA like this…

5. LAST, after you’ve made your creation… TAKE A PICTURE and send it to me!!! [email protected]

Option TWO: DRAW natural materials into a PLAN or for a large scale Land Art installation

1. Sometimes our ideas are big :) Sooooo, this option is to use your imagination to draw or sketch out an idea for a LAnd art piece. 2. Spend a little time rearching ideas and a LOT of time dreaming up the most magnificent place for your art installation. 3. Use detail to show how you would manipulate the material, the possibilities are endless… but be realistic and think about how those materials would behave in that place. 4. Use a piece of to draw your masterpiece and take a pic, send it to me! [email protected]

Ok, there is lots of info and inspiration out there. Dig around online a little, but mostly get outside and LOOK!

ALSO! Earth Day is Wednesday April 22 (next week) so now’s the time for all the Earth Day Earth Art Action!

Curious about Andy Goldsworthy, Watch This!

Ms. Freeman OHS Artists keep making! & Share your work with me!

Office Hours : Thursday 1:00-1:40 Email : [email protected]