United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits

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United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September 2010 GNSS Applications STRATEGY TO ESTABLISH A GPS FIXED PERMANENT STATIONS MONITORING NETWORK FOR NATURAL HAZARD RISK AND DEFORMATIONS STUDY IN TUNISIA. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Seen -Current efforts by the International GPS Service (IGS) networks RGP (Permanent Geodetic Network) real-time networks with high accurate to expand the network of permanent civilian GPS Satellite Tracking - The existence of a Grid service and redistribution of ephemerides of GPS satellites to users. - The GPS technique used in static relative positioning, is an excellent technique for densification of geodetic networks. - It is relatively easy to implement for networks of small extent (few kilometers geodetic network) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications The project concerning the strategy of GPS network in Tunisia may be very useful especially for the Ministry of Agriculture and water resources and development services, education and research Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Almost no IGS stations Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications 27 referenced GPS stations 15 referenced GPS stations EURO-MED Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Position of the GPS ENIT Permanent Station Coordonnés ENIT (IGS) Lat (WGS84): 36º49’49”.9328 N Long (WGS84): 10º08’48”.64216 E Height (WGS84): 136.5371 m Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications ENIT SFER > San Fernando (Spain) MADR > Madrid (Spain) CAGL > Cagliari (Italy) LAMP > Lampedusa (Sicily, Italy) Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications IGS Sites Coordinates Site name X (ITRF2000) Y (ITRF2000) Z (ITRF2000) Lat (WGS84) Long (WGS84) Height(WGS8 4) sfer 5105519.01 -555145.86 3769803.38 36 27’51.6439’’N 6 12’20.3238’’W 84.173 madr 4849202.38 -360328.95 4114913.20 40 25’44.9831’’N 4 14’58.7719’’W 829.451 cagl 4893378.82 772649.80 4004182.16 39º08’09.2827’’N 8 58’21.9100’’E 238.361 lamp 5073164.75 1134512.58 3683181.15 35 29’59.1874’’N 12º36’20.3642’’E 57.788 ramo 4514721.84 3133507.85 3228024.71 30º35’51.3798’’N 34º45’47.3026’’E 886.824 Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications HOW WE WILL PROCESS TO ESTABLISH THE FIXED GPS STATIONS NETWORK ? Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications To do so, we must take into account To provide users with the observations of these stations and more sophisticated products: Creating a data center, service management and data dissemination Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications The Preservation Station: distribution of stations in institutions of research or teaching "map" For this network can be established and given the need for a relatively homogeneous spatial distribution in the country, chose eight locations in the first phase where there is a structure of agriculture (research, education or development) that can ensure security, the survey data and their delivery to a central based ENIT-Tunis and the second phase of other research centers and universities will be equipped. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications For example, researchers working in the field of forest protection (monitoring of outbreaks of pests) have expressed an urgent need for location data space which will provide the needed accuracy. Without these data, the preventive role they should play can be completed with precision and accuracy. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Case study: the institutions involved are: -Institut Sylvo-Pastoral – Tabarka -Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture du Kef -CFPA Bouchrik – Nabeul -Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture de Chott Mariem -ISET - Sidi Bouzid -CFPA Chenini -Centre du palmier à Kébili -IRA Médnine. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Tabarka Nabeul EL KEF Localisation of research institutions where we Chott establish GPS Mariem permanent stations Sidi Bouzid Medenine Chinini Kebili Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Integration of a few sites in IGS Network The integration of the permanent station fixed ENIT IGS network remains a goal to achieve after having been able to meet the multiple constraints imposed by the IGS. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications The network of permanent stations can still contribute to various applications including: IGS Reference Frame Survey of the flott Geodynamic Monitiring : Risk study Updating of the map Facilities Planning, Urban. … Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected] United Nations/Turkey/ESA Workshop on Space Technologiy Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 September/ GNSS Applications Conclusions and prospects •In this work we tried to establish step by step about 27 GPS fixed stations, mainly in research institutions. •Create a treatment center for all observations in ENIT • Develop a methodology based on the monitoring of a geodetic network which supports direct measurement deformation in the course of the time in a periodic or random way. • Create a geodynamic observatory to study natural hazard and evaluate the risk by combining GPS stations with others techniques as like astronomic technics Ministry• To . of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Avenue Ouled Haffouz, 1030 Tunis, Tunisia [email protected].
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