VAD360: Viewport Aware Dynamic 360-Degree Video Frame Tiling

Chamara Kattadige Kanchana Thilakarathna [email protected] [email protected] The University of Sydney The University of Sydney Sidney, Australia Sydney, Australia

ABSTRACT within the motion-to-photon delay1 (just above 25ms), otherwise 360° videos a.k.a. spherical videos are getting popular among users the user may suffer from severe motion or cyber-sickness [13]. nevertheless, omnidirectional view of these videos demands high Recently proposed viewport (VP) –current visbile area, typically bandwidth and processing power at the end devices. Recently encompass 100°×100° Field of View (FoV)– adaptive streaming [27], proposed viewport aware streaming mechanisms can reduce the which streams only a selected portion of the 360° video frame, has amount of data transmitted by streaming a limited portion of the shown a great promise in addressing the above issues. Especially, frame covering the current user viewport (VP). However, they still the tiling mechanism, which divides the entire frame into tiles and suffer from sending a high amount of redundant data, as thefixed send only the tiles within the user VP can reduce the amount of tile mechanisms can not provide a finer granularity to the user VP. data transferred to the client and increases the user perceived video Though, making the tiles smaller can provide a finer granularity quality compared to streaming entire video frame [10, 19, 28, 29]. for user viewport, high encoding overhead incurred. To overcome However, due to the fix number of tiles (typically ranges between this trade-off, in this paper, we present a computational geometric (24–36)) [10, 19] and their fixed sizes, optimum gain of bandwidth approach based adaptive tiling mechanism named VAD360, which saving is not achieved by these mechanisms. On the one hand, takes visual attention information on the 360° video frame as the fixed tiling schemes fails to provide finer boundary to the userFoV, input and provide a suitable non-overlapping variable size tile cover therefore, there is a high pixel redundancy [27]. On the other hand, on the frame. Experimental results shows that VAD360 can save they do not have awareness of visually attractive regions and FoV up to 31.1% of pixel redundancy before compression and 35.4% of distortion on Equirectangular Projection (ERP) when encoding the bandwidth saving compared to recently proposed fixed tile config- tiles. For example, corresponding regions of the polar regions of the urations, providing tile schemes within 0.98(±0.11)s time frame. spherical view on the ERP frame are highly distorted and have less viewing probability. However, fixed tiling encodes these regions at the same bit-rate levels and in smaller tile size as in the equatorial CCS CONCEPTS regions, adding unnecessary quality overhead and losing many • Human-centered computing → Virtual reality. compression opportunities compared to having bigger tiles [11, 27] To this end, provisioning an viewport aware adaptive tiling mech- KEYWORDS anism with variable sized tiles can provide fine granularity for the FoV and also increase compression gain. This enables content 360°/VR video streaming, Video frame tiling providers to reduce encoding overhead incur by tiling the videos and identify the tiles which should be in high quality at a fine granularity. At the network provider side, transmitted data volume 1 INTRODUCTION will be further decreased reducing the bandwidth consumption for 360° video streaming whilst providing opportunities to re-innovate Over the past decade, video streaming has been dominating the caching mechanisms for 360° videos. Finally, existing DASH (Dy- global internet traffic accounting for 80% of total traffic [20]. Among namic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) protocols on 360° videos them, 360° vidoes, a.k.a. spherical videos, is becoming increas- arXiv:2105.11563v1 [cs.MM] 24 May 2021 can be enhanced to provide better user QoE at the client side. ingly popular as it enables immersive streaming experience. Along Achieving such an adaptive tiling mechanism is challenging with the advancement of Head Mount Devices (HMDs) (e.g., Face- due to sheer volume of videos need to be processed, stored and book Oculus [1], Microsoft Hololens [3]) and smartphones, content streamed from the content providers perspective. In on aspect, providers (e.g., YouTube (YT) [4] and Facebook (FB) [2]) have al- running algorithms to generate suitable tile schemes should not ready facilitated both on-demand and live-streaming of 360° videos. demand high processing power, as the servers are already in high Despite the gaining popularity of 360° videos, its intrinsic larger utilization to support excessive demand of current video streaming spherical view has posed several challenges against providing ex- services. In another aspect, algorithms itself should process in a pected high user Quality of Experience (QoE). Firstly, 360° videos de- minimal time period. However, recently proposed dynamic tiling mand high network bandwidth since spherical video frames should solutions [18, 27, 31] compromise both these aspects by encoding all be 4–6 times larger than normal video frames to achieve the same possible tile schemes for a given frame even in more than the qual- user perceived quality [19]. Secondly, processing such video frames ity levels provided in DASH protocols [18]. Furthermore, Integer at end devices imposes high resource utilization is problematic par- ticularly with the limited resources such as in smartphones. Finally, 1Delay between user head movement and the finishing rendering the corresponding 360° video streaming requires strictly low latency, which should be VR frame on to the display Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA Chamara Kattadige and Kanchana Thilakarathna

Liner Programming (ILP) based solutions and exhaustive searching approaches are lack of scalability due to two reasons. First, they mechanisms on all possible solutions provided in these proposals require to encode all possible tile schemes, which may exceed 30000 requires a significant processing time. of solutions [27] incurring high encoding time. Second, algorithms In this paper, we propose VAD360 (Viewport Adaptive Scalable such as exhaustive searching/ILP itself need longer processing time. 360-degree Video Frame Til(e)ing), an adaptive tiling mechanism In contrast to the above method, we propose a scalable, adaptive for 360° video frames supported by dynamic nature of user VPs tiling mechanism leveraging a computational geometric approach, in 360° video streaming. In VAD360, we leverage a computational which can provide high quality tiles in user VP, whilst reducing the geometric approach, which we call Minimal Non-overlapping Cover pixel redundancy before compression and streamed volume of data. (MNC) algorithm [23, 24], to devise a suitable tile scheme by par- titioning rectilinear generated by combining basic tiles 3 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION from 10 × 20 grid overlaid on the 360° video frame. To generate The overarching goal in VAD360 is to partition video frames lever- the rectilinear polygons, VAD360 consists with semi-automated aging visual attention level of each pixel in the frame as shown in thresholding mechanism, which divides the 360° video frame into Fig. 1a. Generating visual attention maps has been well studied in multiple sub regions based on the visual attraction level, i.e. saliency, the literature [15, 17, 18, 27], which are often developed by either of pixels of the frame. Moreover, taking FoV distortions on the ERP analysing content features [15, 17] or/and by analysing past VP frame and removing potential overlaps, VAD360 further reduces traces of the video [17, 18, 27]. The primary challenge addressed the downloaded data volume, transmitted pixel redundancy and in this work is how we find optimal partitioning of frames given a processing time for end-to-end tile generation process. visual attention map. For this purpose, VAD360 leverages computa- We leverage 30, 360° videos in 1 min duration with 30 user VP tional geometric approach proposed in [24, 26]. traces in each to build VAD360 and validate its performance. Our We now presents basics of the approach and its applicability experimental results shows that VAD360 can save up to 31.1% of for 360° video frame partitioning. Moreover, our preliminary ex- pixel redundancy before compression and 35.4% of bandwidth sav- periments on individual user viewports shows how efficient this ing compared to recently proposed fixed tile configurations (cfgs.). utilized algorithm in frame partitioning compared to the fixed tile Moreover, circumventing the time consuming process of encoding configurations in terms of % pixel redundancy before compression. all possible tile combinations for exhaustive/ILP based searching algorithms, VAD360 is able to generate suitable tile scheme with in 3.0.1 MNC algorithm. The original rectilinear partition- avg. of 0.98 (±0.11)s processing time with at least 80% of individual ing algorithm proposed in [24, 26] creates a rectangular tile cfg. user VP coverage in high quality. Artficats of the workhidden are– covering the polygon region with fewest number of tiles in variable for double blind submission–. size, a.k.a. Minimal Overlapping Cover (MNC). In breif basic MNC algorithm runs on hole free rectilinear polygons first taking the con- cave (and convex) vertices in polygon boundary to find maximum 2 RELATED WORK independent chords. These independent chords divide the polygon VP-aware 360° video streaming: Plethora of works have been into sub-rectilinear polygons which can be further partitioned by done in VP-aware 360° video streaming optimization [5, 10, 19, 21, drawing chords (vertically/horizontally) from the concave vertices, 28, 29]. In these mechanisms, a predicted user VP is sent to the from which a chord has not been drawn yet. We refer interesting content servers and a selected portion of the frame covering the users to [24, 26] for detail implementation of MNC algorithm. 1.0 requested VP is transmitted to the client. The most prominent way 300 MNC algo 50 of selecting the required portion is first, dividing the entire frame 250 Fixed # of Tiles 40 into fixed number of tiles and select only the tiles fall with inthe 200 Polygon 3 30 user VP [10, 19, 28, 29]. The overarching goal of VP aware streaming 150 Polygon 1 Polygon 2 probability viewing is to reduce the amount of data transmitted through the network 20 0.0 100 and increase the quality of the streamed portion to increase the user Region Boundary with high visual attention 50 10 Tile boundary of partitioned polygons by MNC perceived QoE. A major drawback of these proposals is that tiles Avg. # of tiles per frame

% Pixel red. before compress. 0 0 4x4 4x6 6x6 in fixed size transmit high amount of redundant data as theycan (a) Partitioning regions with 5x1010x1510x20 5x1010x1510x20 not provide finer boundary to the user FoV. Although, smaller size high visual attention using (b) Pixel red. before compres- sion & no. of tiles per frame tiles can create a finer boundary, it increases the encoding overhead basic MNC algorithm which results in higher bandwidth consumption [11, 27]. Figure 1: MNC based partitioning and Comparison with Adaptive tiling schemes on 360° video frames: In contrast to fixed tile cfgs. the uniform size tiling, variable size tile schemes are proposed 3.0.2 Applicability of MNC algorithm for partitioning. Fig. 1a shows in [12, 30]. They divide the frame into fixed num. of tiles but vary that on the visual attention maps generated using past VP traces, their size according to the latitude. Diversely, combining set of we can create rectilinear polygons surrounding the regions with basic tiles in fixed minimum size to form larger tiles in variable high VP probability. These polygons, which are comprised of set of amount and size are presented in [18, 27, 31]. Both [27] and [31] basic tiles (i.e., smallest tile that can not be be further partitioned leverage ILP based solution to find the best tile cfgs. taking the denoted as BT) can be partitioned by the MNC algorithm as in Sec- server side storage size and streaming data volume as the cost tion. 3.0.1. However, MNC algorithm is unaware of visual attention functions. Ozcinar et al. present a exhaustive searching method as information of vertices of polygon is enough for the partitioning. to derive tiles while allocating a given bitrate budget [18]. These Leveraging simple pre/post-processing steps on the video frame, VAD360: Viewport Aware Dynamic 360-Degree Video Frame Tiling Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA we can inject viewport awareness to the MNC algorithm converting there can be overlaps between the derived tiles, if the considered the process for quality adaptive tiling. which is further elaborated blobs are closed to each other. Therefore we remove such overlaps in Section 4.1. during 푅(퐹표푉 ) and 푅(퐵푢푓 ) partitioning. Details of Partitioning 3.0.3 Comparison with fixed tile configuration. We run MNC algo- steps are presented in Section 4.3. rithm on individual user viewports2 and compare the generated In Post-processing step, we further split DTs which are larger tile schemes with fixed tile cfgs. [10, 14, 19] measuring the % pixel than FoV (100° × 100°) considering its distortion when projecting on redundancy before compression. We leverage VP maps of randomly to the Equirectangular (ERP) Frame. Finally, bit rate can be allocated selected 5 users from 5 sample videos representing the categoriza- to each DT considering the tile properties such as average pixel tion provided in [7]3. We consider three basic tile configurations intensity, tile size and tile location. Details of partitioning steps are (5 × 10, 10 × 15 and 10 × 20) to generate rectilinear polygons as the presented in Section 4.4. input to the MNC algorithm. We compare the derived tile schemes Here on-wards, we denote a given user and video by 푖 and 푗 from MNC algorithm with five fixed tile cfgs. (4 × 6, 6 × 6, 5 × 10, respectively, and no. of users in a video as 푢푗 . Pixel coordinates of 10 × 15 and 10 × 20) applied on the same user viewport. We measure video frames are denoted as (m,n), where 0 ≤ 푚 < 퐻, 0 ≤ 푛 < 푊 . % pixel redundancy before compression as in Eq. 1. 4.2 Pre-processing 푁 − 푁 푃푖푥푒푙 푟푒푑.푏푒푓표푟푒 푐표푚푝푟푒푠푠푖표푛 = 푇 퐹표푉 % (1) We now describe the frame pre-processing pipeline identify salient 푁퐹표푉 regions to be partitioned by the MNC algorithm as the output. where 푁푇 and 푁퐹표푉 represent number of non-zero pixels in tiles 4.2.1 Frame sampling (Fig. 2-a). Frame rate for videos can vary which overlaps with the user FoV and considered FoV region re- between 24-60fps while 30fps is common in general. It is not neces- spectively. Fig. 1b shows the analysis results. We see that 10 × 20 sary to partition each and every frame in a video because; (i) it is cfg. results in lowest % pixel redundancy for both MNC partitioning safe to assume that FoV of the user is fixed at a certain position for and fixed tile approach. However, to cover the same single userVP, certain period [17], (ii) having different tile scheme for each frame 10 × 20 cfg. in fixed tiling requires ×25 the no. of tiles generated by can reduce compression gain in encoding, and (iii) based on the MNC algorithm. Therefore, compared to MNC algorithm , more en- above two facts, running a partitioning algorithm on every frame coding overhead incur on fixed tile cfgs. as the tile sizes are smaller adds unnecessary computational cost. and higher in amount [11, 27]. To decide the most suitable frame gap, we analyse the relation- 4 DESIGN OF VAD360 FRAMEWORK ship between the temporal and spatial user viewport behavior in light of the peripheral vision of human eye. Fig. 4 shows the angular Now, we present VAD360 holistic architecture, which includes Pre- difference of yaw and pitch distribution against the sampling frame processing, Partitioning and Post-processing of 360° video frames as gaps from 0.1–2.0s by every 0.1s. Human vision can perceive high illustrated in Fig. 2. quality only at near peripheral region, i.e. within 30° range, [6, 8, 22]. 4.1 VAD360 overview Based on that fact, we make a fair assumption that from a fixation point, the user can view with almost the same visual quality at The objective of the Pre-processing step is to identify different re- maximum of 30° without changing the fixation point. According to gions in a frame, according to the expected visual attention in order practical VP traces, up to 0.8s of frame gap can tolerate 30° angle to inject viewport awareness to the MNC algorithm and reduce the difference in Yaw direction. Including a safety margin of 5°, we de- complexity of detected polygons for partitioning. We first create cide 0.5s as the frame gap to refresh the tile scheme without making averaged Viewport Map (VM) combining individual user viewport a significant harm to the user perceived quality. Compared to1s maps and then apply a hierarchical thresholding mechanism to tile scheme refreshing period found in literature [18, 27], which detect visual attention blobs4 for the following four regions, as de- can leads (≥ 35°) angle difference, 0.5s gap can better adapt to picted in Fig. 3. The first two regions are defined on the area which FoV changes. Also, it reduces the encoding overhead and time for covers at least 80% of the user VPs namely, 푅(퐹표푉 ) which covers 푓 processing if we are to consider every single frame for partitioning. the most attractive regions and 푅(퐹표푉 ) covering the remaining area. We define 푅(퐵푢푓 ) as an additional buffer region to cover VPs 4.2.2 Viewport Map (VM) generation (Fig. 2-b). Despite many dif- slightly deviated from the 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) which is likely to be ferent approaches for generating visual attention maps, we leverage outside the region covering at least 80% of user VPs. Finally, 푅(푂표푉 ) historical user VP traces to generate VMs. [18] claims that 17 users is the remaining area of 푉 푀 with the lowest viewing probability. are sufficient to create representative VP map. Therefore, we con- Details of Pre-processing steps are presented in Section 4.2. sider 20 users from each video to generate our VM frames. First, In Partitioning step, we run MNC algorithm on the above four given the centre of VP: 푐푖 , of each user 푖 in < 푦푎푤, 푝푖푡푐ℎ > angles, regions separately. We create boundary around we create a binary map, 푉푖 according to Eq. 2. ( the blobs in these regions and partition them into non-overlapping 1, if (푚, 푛) ∈ 퐹푖 푉푖 (푚, 푛) = (2) tiles denoted as DT (Derived Tile) comprised of set of BTs (Basic 0, otherwise Tiles). Since we consider multiple blobs in VM frame separately, We assume a 100° × 100° FoV area (퐹푖 ) representing the FoV of 2Unlike the visual attention maps, which combines multiple user VPs, an individual the majority of commercially available HMDs [7]. We also project user VP is a binary map representing FoV by 1 and outside the FoV by 0. spherical coordinates of pixels (푥,푦) to ERP format (푚, 푛) con- 3[7] put videos in into 5 categories: riding, moving focus, exploration, rides and miscellaneous (a combination of previous types) sidering the geometrical distortion, creating more dispersed pixel 4Regions with (near)concentric user VPs distribution towards the upper and bottom parts of the frame (i.e., Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA Chamara Kattadige and Kanchana Thilakarathna

Pre-processing Partitioning Post-processing

User viewport Sampling a VM generation b k � ��� + �(���!) h Further partitioning

�� Further partitioned tiles Approximate c d Finer e Blob detection �(���) i thresholding (�ℎ") thresholding (�ℎ!)

Bit rate allocation l ��(�∗) ��(�∗, �) ��(�∗, �, �)

Buff. region thresholding (�ℎ#$!) Blob detection (Buff.) �(���) j f g Tile quality increases quality Tile ��(�∗) ��(�∗, �)

Figure 2: Overall architecture of VAD360 including Pre-processing, Partitioning and Post-processing steps.

�(���!) 100 100 �(���) 80 �(���) 80

�(���) 60 60

40 40

20 20

Figure 3: Four FoV regions considered in frame partitioning. 0 0 % User viewport(FoV) covered 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % User viewport(Buff.) covered Approxi. threshold: FoV (Tha) Buff. region threshold (Thbuf)

0° (a) 푇ℎ푎 validation (b) 푇ℎ푏푢푓 푓 . validation

30° Near peripheral 30° Mid peripheral Figure 5: % user viewport distribution on thresholded area Mid peripheral ° 60° 60° Safety margin: 5 under different threshold values for both approximate푇ℎ ( 푎) Near peripheral and buffer푇ℎ ( 푏푢푓 푓 ) region thresholding Far peripheral

Frame gap (s) We present Algorithm 1 to select highest possible threshold for Figure 4: (left): Angle diff. vs the frame gap. (right): Periph- each frame, 푇ℎ푎. First, we create binary map 푉 푀(훼), by thresh- 푛표푟푚 eral vision of human eye olding the 푉 푀 using 푇ℎ푎 = 훼 (line 12). Then we measure the % of FoV overlap of each user VP (푉푖 ) with 푉 푀(훼) calculating an corresponding to the polar region of the spherical frame). We then average value, 푠푎푣푔 (훼) (line 13-17). Finally, if the 푠푎푣푔 (훼) is no more generate 푉 푀 taking the average of all users, 푢푗 . We generate nor- giving 80% coverage we stop further process and assign 푇ℎ푎 with 푛표푟푚 malized avg. Viewport Map, 푉 푀 , after histogram equalizing the previous 훼 value. If none of the 푇ℎ푎 satisfy 80% FoV coverage, ∗ 푛표푟푚 the 푉 푀 and dividing by maximum pixel value (=255) as in Eq. 3 we select 푇ℎ푎 = 0.4 (line 18-24). We apply 푇ℎ푎 = 훼 on 푉 푀 1 and denote the resulting frame with 푅(퐹표푉 )+푅(퐹표푉 ) as 푉 푀(훼∗). 푉 푀푛표푟푚 = 퐻퐼푆푇 (푉 푀) (3) 푓 255 4.2.4 Blob detection (Fig. 2-d). Due to the non-uniform disper- 4.2.3 Approximate Thresholding (Fig. 2-c). The objective of this sion of the user VP, 푉 푀 can contain multiple blobs. Aim of this step is to filter 푅(퐹표푉푓 )+푅(퐹표푉 ) regions representing at least 80% step is to identify these blobs and exclude non-significant small of the user VPs. To determine the appropriate threshold of 푉 푀푛표푟푚, blobs reducing the complexity of partitioning process. Without we first calculated the overlap between individual user VPsand loss of generality, we select the blobs in 푉 푀(훼∗), covering at least the thresholded region for a range of thresholds, 푇ℎ푎 as shown 95% of 푅(퐹표푉 )+푅(퐹표푉푓 ). Algorithm 2 summarizes the blob selec- in Fig. 5a. The results show that except 0.8, all other values can tion process given the 푉 푀 (훼∗) as the input. Firstly, the function cover at least 80% of FoV region at least for one frame. We also note 퐺 (푉 푀 (훼∗)) outputs all the blobs in 푉 푀 (훼∗) frame as a set, 퐵, fol- that 80% margin covers VPs of at least 17 users, out of 20 users, lowed by sorting in descending order according to the blob size (line which is claimed to be the minimum number of user VPs needs to 10-11). After that, we cumulatively sum up the blob size, starting generate representative 푉 푀 [18]. By this analysis, we reduce our from the largest one and stop the process when the total selected search space for appropriate threshold 푇ℎ푎 between 0.4 to 0.7. Note blobs size (푍푠푒푙 ) exceeds 95% of total thresholded area (푍푉 푀 (훼∗) ) ∗ ∗ that higher the 푇ℎ푎, smoother the thresholded region boundary in 푉 푀 (훼 ) (line 12-18). Finally, a map, 푉 푀(훼 ,푏), is created com- reducing the complexity of partitioning algorithm. bining all the selected blobs using the function 퐻 (퐵푠푒푙 ) (line 19). VAD360: Viewport Aware Dynamic 360-Degree Video Frame Tiling Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA

Algorithm 1 Determine 푇ℎ푎 4.2.5 Finer thresholding (Fig. 2-e). To provide a higher quality for 1: Input the most attractive region, in this step, we filter 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) from ∗ 2: 푉 푀푛표푟푚 Normalized VP map 푉 푀 (훼 ,푏), defining Finer threshold, 푇ℎ푓 . Without loss of generality 3: {푉푖 } Set of individual user VP maps ∀푖 ∈ [1,푢푗 ] we set 푇ℎ푓 = 0.9 to identify the region 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) boundaries. We expand this boundary to generate perfect rectangular polygon as 4: Vaiable we discussed in Section 4.3. We denote the finer thresholded frame 5: 훼 a given 푇ℎ푎 value s.t. 훼 ∈ {0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7} as 푉 푀 (훼∗,푏, 푓 ), which is the input for MNC algorithm for 푅(퐹표푉 )+ 6: 푉 푀(훼) binary map of 푉 푀푛표푟푚 after thresholding by 훼 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) partitioning . 7: 퐼 (훼) Intersection map between 푉푖 and 푉 푀(훼) 8: 푠푖 (훼) % overlap between 푉푖 and 퐼 (훼) 4.2.6 Buffer region thresholding and blob detection (Fig. 2-f and 2-g). 9: 푆 (훼) a set containing 푠푖 (훼) ∀푖 ∈ [1,푢푗 ] The objective of this step is to filter 푅(푏푢푓 ) which covers slight 10: 푠푎푣푔 (훼) avg. of 푠푖 (훼) for all users 푢푗 variations of user VPs. We extract 푅(퐵푢푓 ) from the area not cov- ered by the Derived Tiles (DT) from 푉 푀(훼∗,푏, 푓 ) on the initial 푉 푀 11: for 훼 = 0.4 to 0.7, step = 0.1 do ( which is denoted as 푉 푀푏푢푓 (Eq. 4). We use the same DT informa- 1, if 푉 푀푛표푟푚 (푚, 푛) ≥ 훼 12: 푉 푀(훼) = tion to obtain corresponding buffer regions in 푉푖 (individual user 0, otherwise 푏푢푓 viewports) namely, 푉푖 , as in Eq. 5. 13: for 푖 = 1 to 푢푗 do 푏푢푓 푇 ∗ ′ 14: 퐼푖 (훼) = 푉 푀 (훼) ∩ 푉푖 ⊲ get intersection map 푉 푀 ← 푉 푀 ∩ (푉 푀 (훼 ,푏, 푓 )) (4) ÍÍ 퐼푖 (훼) 푏푢푓 푇 ∗ ′ 15: 푠푖 (훼) = ÍÍ % ∀푚 ∈ [0, 퐻), ∀푛 ∈ [0,푊 ), ← ∩ ( ( )) ∀ ∈ [ ] 푉푖 푉푖 푉푖 푉 푀 훼 ,푏, 푓 푖 1,푢푗 (5) 16: 푆 (훼).푎푑푑(푠 (훼)) ⊲ store the % overlap user 푖 ′ 푖 where 푉 푀푇 (훼∗,푏, 푓 ) and (푉 푀푇 (훼∗,푏, 푓 )) denotes the DT overlay 1 푢푗 17: 푠 (훼) = Í 푠 (훼), s.t. 푠 (훼) ∈ 푆 (훼) ∗ 푎푣푔 푢푗 푖=1 푖 푖 on the 푉 푀(훼 ,푏, 푓 ) by MNC algorithm and the remaining region 18: if 푠푎푣푔 (훼) < 80% then ⊲ check for 80% coverage on the frame respectively. 19: if 훼 > 0.4 then In order to extract a suitable buffer region from 푉 푀푏푢푓 , we ap- ∗ 20: 푇ℎ푎 = 훼 − 0.1 ply Buffer threshold (푇ℎ푏푢푓 ) and Blob detection as the same way we 21: else ⊲ if none of the 푇ℎ푎 satisfy 80% coverage followed in푇ℎ푎 finding and Blob detection in approximate threshold- 22: 푇ℎ푎 = 0.4 ing (cf. Section 4.2.3 and 4.2.4). Hence, we compute % user viewport 푏푢푓 23: return 푇ℎ푎 푏푢푓 (푉푖 ) covered by the thresholded region from 푉 푀 , for the 24: 푇ℎ푎 = 0.7 ⊲ even if 훼 = 0.7 satisfy the 80% coverage 푇ℎ푏푢푓 ∈ {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4}. Fig. 5b shows that all threshold val- 25: return 푇ℎ푎 ues can provide (≥ 80%)5 buffer viewport coverage, therefore, we dynamically select 푇ℎ푏푢푓 value from the above set. We apply Algo- rithm. 1 simply changing the threshold values (line-5) and replacing Algorithm 2 Select blobs from 푉 푀 (훼∗) 푛표푟푚 푏푢푓 푏푢푓 푉 푀 (line-2 & 12) and 푉푖 (line-3 & 14) with 푉 푀 and 푉푖 ∗ 1: Input respectively. We define the best 푇ℎ푏푢푓 = 훽 and thresholded buffer ∗ 2: 푉 푀(훼 ) Approximate thresholded frame 푏푢푓 ( ∗) frame as 푉 푀푖 훽 . After that to exclude the non-significant 3: Vaiable smaller blob region, we apply Algorithm 2 on 푉 푀푏푢푓 (훽∗), by sim- 푡ℎ ∗ 4: 푏푙 푙 blob in 푉 푀(훼 ), 푙 ∈ [1, 푙푚푎푥 ], 푙푚푎푥 : maxi- ply replacing 푉 푀 (훼∗) with 푉 푀푏푢푓 (훽∗) (line 2 & 10). We denote ∗ mum no. of blobs in 푉 푀 (훼 ) blob filtered buffer frame as 푉 푀푏푢푓 (훽∗,푏). 푡ℎ 5: 푧푙 size of 푙 blob ∗ 4.2.7 OoV extraction. The goal of this step is to extract 푅(푂표푉 ) to 6: 퐵 set containing the all the blobs from 푉 푀(훼 ) derive low quality DT to satisfy any anomaly user VP. We filter out 7: 퐵 Set containing the selected blobs 푠푒푙 푅(푂표푉 ) removing the area covered by DT overlay on푉 푀 (훼∗,푏, 푓 )+ 8: 푍푠푒푙 total size of a selected blobs from 퐵푠푒푙 푏푢푓 ∗ 푉 푀 (훽∗,푏) area (similar to Eq. 4). No further pre-processing is 9: 푍푉 푀 (훼∗) Total thresholded area of 푉 푀 (훼 ) 푖 ∗ applied to OoV region as no significant pixel value distribution is 10: 퐵 ← 퐺 (푉 푀 (훼 )) ⊲ get all the blobs to set 퐵 observed. We denote the OoV region as 푉 푀표표푣. 11: 퐵푠표푟푡 ← 푠표푟푡 (퐵) : (descending order of blob size) 12: 푍푠푒푙 = 0 4.3 Partitioning 13: while 푙 < 푙푚푎푥 do VAD360 frame partitioning step runs the MNC algorithm on 푠푒푙 14: 퐵 .푎푑푑(푏푙 ) ⊲ Add blobs to a set 푅(퐹표푉푓 )+푅(퐹표푉 ) , 푅(퐵푢푓 ) and 푅(푂표푉 ) regions separately to gen- 15: 푍푠푒푙 = 푍푠푒푙 + 푧푙 ⊲ add blob size cumulatively erate DTs. We start with creating a rectilinear 16: if (푍푠푒푙 /푍푉 푀 (훼∗) )% ≥ 95 then ⊲ check for 95% coverage each blob followed by running basic MNC algorithm in Section 3.0.3. 17: break Firstly, for 푅(퐹표푉 ) and 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) partitioning (Fig. 2-h), we lever- 18: 푙 = 푙 + 1 ⊲ increment the blob count ( ∗ ) ( ) ( ) ∗ age 푉 푀 훼 ,푏, 푓 . Fig. 6 shows (푅 퐹표푉 + 푅 퐹표푉푓 ) partitioning 19: 푉 푀훼 ,푏 ← 퐻 (퐵푠푒푙 ) ⊲ create pixel map from selected blobs process. We expand the detected polygon in 푅(퐹표푉 ) (i.e., polygons ∗ 푓 20: return 푉 푀훼 ,푏 in blue color) converting to a perfect . The boundary is extended to the minimum and maximum (m,n) locations as long

5 푏푢푓 Covering corresponding 푉푖 from at least 17 users out of 20 Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA Chamara Kattadige and Kanchana Thilakarathna as it does not exceed the 푅(퐹표푉 ) polygon boundary as shown in 훾.푉푇푚푎푥 and 훾.퐻푇푚푎푥 where 훾 ∈ [0, 1]. We set 훾 = {0.25, 0.5, 1.0} red color arrows. By this step, we make the partitioning process in our experiments. Decreasing the 훾 results in smaller tiles. After simpler and create an extra buffer for 푅(퐹표푉푓 )s to be encoded at detecting larger DTs, we start partitioning outwards from the cen- higher quality. Fig. 6 (b) shows that polygons for 푅(퐹표푉 ) (e.g.,R3) ter lines as in example tile in Fig. 7. The reason is that majority of is extracted removing all the polygons generated for 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) (e.g., the user VP concentrated around the center of the frame [9, 14]. R1, R2). Note that, extracting 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) as create holes Therefore, to reduce potential quality changes within the tile, we in 푅(퐹표푉 ) region. Since, the basic MNC algorithm is proposed for keep those DTs near center lines non-splitted as much as possible. hole-free rectilinear polygons, we have added additional steps on Finally, quality allocated tile scheme an be achieved as in Fig. 2-l top of VAD360 MNC implementation. In brief, when finding maxi- considering the multiple properties of DTs such as pixel intensity, mum independent chords, we take vertices of holes into account. size and location of the tile. In VAD360 we do not implement proper Then, from the remaining vertices which have not connected with bit-rate allocation scheme and keep it as a future work. Further any independent chord, we draw extra chords to complete the interactions with bit-rate allocation is discussed in Section 7. partitioning. We avoid hovering any chord on the holes. 5 EVALUATION SETUP Secondly, taking 푉 푀푏푢푓 (훽∗,푏) and 푉 푀표표푣 frames MNC algo- 5.0.1 Dataset. We develop and validate algorithms in VAD360 rithm partitions 푅(퐵푢푓 ) and 푅(푂표푉 ) respectively (Fig. 2-i and 2-j) leveraging VP traces collected from 30 videos from three differ- without any further processing on the polygons around the blobs ent datasets [14, 16, 25]. All videos are in 60s duration with 30fps. detected. Finally, we see that, due to the close proximity of selected VP center is denoted by < 푦푎푤, 푝푖푡푐ℎ > angle. Each video has 30 blobs certain DTs may overlap on each other. Given such two tiles, users and we take VP traces from randomly selected 20 users to de- we remove the overlapped region only from the smaller DT ensur- velop tile schemes using VAD360 and the remaining 10 user VPs to ing the non-overlap DT coverage on the entire frame. validate the performance of VAD360. The selected videos represents (a) (b) 360° video categorization proposed in [7] and are in different genres Further expandable R1 areas in �(���!) such as sports, documentary, stage performance etc. generalizing R2 the content of the videos.

Rectilinear 5.0.2 Hardware and software setup. We implement VAD360 ar- R3 boundary chitecture using Python, which consists of 4500 lines of code, on Rectilinear polygon Rectilinear Regions for �(���) �(���!) Rn MacOS–intel Core i9 2.3GHz single core CPU. We use Networkx- for �(���) polygon �(��� ) partitioning ! 2.4 MNC 6 Figure 6: 푅(퐹표푉 ) +푅(퐹표푉 ) partitioning: (a)-before & (b)-after package for implementing the algorithm . Videos in HD 푓 × FFmpeg expanding rectilinear polygon of 푅(퐹표푉 ) (1920 1080) and 4K (3840) resolution are encoded using - 푓 4.1 in H265 (HEVC) provided by libx265 at default Quantization 4 14

) Center line (Verti) ) 4 12 Parameter (QP)=28 with motion constrained tiling. �. �� !"# !"# 4 12 !"# � 10 � 4 �� . . � 6 � 8 5.0.3 Evaluation metrics and comparison benchmarks. We compare ( !"# Center line (Hori) 6 6 Remaining ��

. area

6 � 8 VAD360 with 3 fixed tile configurations 4 × 6 [19], 6 × 6 [10], and Further 10

. dir. (in basic tiles) . dir. 4 4 partitioning starts 12 10 × 20 [14]. To evaluate VAD360 with viewport-aware streaming, Hori. dir. (in basic tiles) (in basic dir. Hori. verti max tile size tile max size 4 from center line ( tile max size 12 4 14 we use two metrics. i) % Pixel redundancy before compression: Figure 7: Further partitioning mechanism and maximum al- extra pixels in selected DTs (Derived Tiles) but not overlapped with lowable tile size in horizontal and vertical direction based the user FoV using Eq. 1. Higher the value of pixel redundancy, on the vertical position of center of a given tile. num. of pixel level operations will increase in video coding at the servers and rendering at the client devices. ii) Downlink (DL) data 4.4 Post-processing volume: Data transmitted by selected tiles in individual user VPs, 4.4.1 Further partitioning of bigger DTs. We further partition DTs which impacts the bandwidth saving. Total num. of DTs covering beyond certain limit of the size, in order to reduce the pixel re- the entire frame when 훾 = 1 and 0.5 is near similar to the fixed tile dundancy. Since, we consider polygon boundary for the partition- 4 × 6 and 6 × 6 cfgs. respectively. We compare VAD360’s relative ing, we may encounter DTs even bigger than FoV size horizon- gain to fixed tiling using the above metrics, and denote two tally/vertically or in both. Therefore, any slight overlap with such C1: 훾 = 1 to 4 × 6 and C2: 훾 = 0.5 to 6 × 6. tile incurs large pixel redundancy. In this process, we first define maximum allowable DT size considering the FoV distortion varia- 6 RESULTS tion according to its vertical position. For example, viewport located We evaluate VAD360 considering the DT (derived tile) distribution towards polar region allows to have a larger DT size as the corre- on the video frame and individual user VP, % of pixel redundancy sponding FoV on the equirectangular frame spread in a larger region before compression, DL data volume and frame processing time. compared to the equator. Hence, considering the # of overlapped 6.1 Distribution of DTs on the frame and tiles with the distorted FoV maps on the equirectangular frame, we overlap with user VP define maximum allowable DT size in both vertical푉푇 ( 푚푎푥 ) and horizontal (퐻푇푚푎푥 ) directions which is shown in Fig. 7 y-axis. We first analyse the no. of DTs generated by VAD360 on each region: Note that further reducing푉푇푚푎푥 and 퐻푇푚푎푥 support decreasing 푅(퐹표푉푓 ), 푅(퐹표푉 ), 푅(퐵푢푓 ) and 푅(푂표푉 ). Since, the 훾 value control redundant data transmission as the DT size becomes small, nonethe- 6For bipartite graph generation for searching maximum independent chords in a given less incurs high encoding overhead. To see the impact, we take polygon (cf. Section 3.0.3) VAD360: Viewport Aware Dynamic 360-Degree Video Frame Tiling Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA the maximum allowable DT size (cf. Section. 4.4), we vary the 훾 (a) to see the corresponding variation of no. of DT tiles and their size entire frame entire in BTs on each region. Table. 1 reports the averaged results for the on DT # of (b) all the frames in 30 videos. For each 훾 value, around 31% of DTs (b) DT size on the entire frame covers 푅(퐹표푉 ), however, the avg. tile size is (inBTs)

37.3% lower than the DTs in 푅(퐹표푉푓 ). This is due to the region (c) expansion of 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) during Partitioning step (cf. Section 4.3) and

∗ DT on

the remaining regions on the 푉 푀 (훼 ,푏, 푓 ) covered by 푅(퐹표푉 ) are user % VP ( ) smaller patches surrounding the 푅 퐹표푉푓 . Second largest tiles are (d) derived in 푅(푂표푉 ) area as the maximum allowable tile size is higher

near the upper and bottom region of the ERP frame. userVP % Area of DT on on DT of Area % Table 1: DT distribution in different regions: no. of tiles (#T ) and avg. tile size in BTs (S) variation by 훾 Figure 8: Temporal variation of DT at 훾 = 0.5: (a) no. of DT on the entire frame, (b) size of DT, (c) % user VP on DT (d)% 훾 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) 푅(퐹표푉 ) 푅(퐵푢푓 ) 푅(푂표푉 ) Total area of each DT overlap with user VP #TS#TS#TS#TS #T (a) (b) 0.25 18 3.2 19 2.8 11 3.0 16 3.6 64 0.50 8 6.8 13 4.0 8 4.0 11 5.4 40 1.00 4 13.4 9 5.6 6 5.6 9 6.4 28

Fig. 8 shows the temporal variation of DT distribution for the entire video duration for 훾 = 0.5. Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 8(b) show that DT distribution becomes stable within first 5s. For example, in Fig. 8(a), Figure 9: Pixel intensity distribution: (a) Pixel Intensity per no. of DTs in 푅(푂표푉 ) start decreasing from 15 to 10, in contrast Basic Tiles (PI/BT) for the 4 regions, (b) Spatial distribution ( ) ( ) DTs in 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) starts increasing from 5 to 10 and of PI/BT of 푅 퐹표푉푓 and 푅 퐹표푉 10 to 14 respectively. Fig. 8(b) illustrates that, DT size of 푅(푂표푉 ) 300 VASTile = 1 to 4x6 (fixed) decreases from 7 to 5 whereas DTs in 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) keep Fixed 20 Cfg.-Ozcinar et al. nearly the constant tile size at 6 and 4. These observations conclude 200 0 that within first 5s, VAD360 generates large 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and high no. 20 of 푅(푂표푉 ) DTs as the user VPs are concentric to a certain area. As 100 ( ) saving = 0.5 to 6x6 (fixed) the user VP start spreading on the frame, VAD360 generates more 10 (+) saving before compression

(%) Pixel redundancy 0 1 5 5 푅(퐹표푉 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) DTs because, no. of blobs with high visual . 2 푓 = 0 . 4x6 6x6 0 = 0 attention have increased, reducing the 푅(푂표푉 ). = 10x20 Relative pixel saving (%) Tile Configuration 0 10 20 30 Fig. 8(c) shows % user VP overlap with DTs from different re- Video ID gions. We see that, more than 50% and 30% of individual user VP (a) Absolute pixel redundancy (b) Relative pixel redundancy overlaps with DTs from 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) enabling content for the entire video saving :VAD360 to fixed cfgs. providers to allocate high quality for DTs in the user VPs. Fig. 8(d) Figure 10: Pixel redundancy before compression and rela- shows the proportion of each DT area overlapped with the user tive gain achived by VAD360 compared to fixed cfgs. VP. Also, starting from 80%, avg. overlapped proportion of DT tiles on 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) decrease to 70%, as at the beginning, 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) DTs can the meanwhile, DTs in 푅(퐹표푉 ) covers the surrounding regions of provide finer boundary to the individual user VP, but slightly fails 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) acting as a high quality buffer to 푅(퐹표푉푓 ). with VP dispersion. Only 48% of the area of 푅(퐹표푉 ) DTs overlap Overall, DT distribution on identified 4 regions has unique prop- with user VPs. The reason is many 푅(퐹표푉 ) DTs cover boundary of erties in different aspects such as no. of tiles, size, overlap with user the high visual attention areas which results in low overlap with VP and pixel intensity levels. Proper understanding of these proper- VPs. ties enables content providers to treat DTs at the servers, adaptively Fig. 9(a)shows the Total Pixel Intensity per Basic Tile (PI/BT) of changing their quality levels in order to provide high QoE to the users. the DTs on 4 different regions on the frame, which corresponds to 6.2 % Pixel redundancy before compression the visual attention level. Overall, 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and 푅(퐹표푉 ) attain more than 1000 PI/BT whereas the majority of DTs in both 푅(퐵푢푓 ) and We measure % pixel redundancy before compression for the entire 푅(푂표푉 ) have (≤ 500) PI/BT showing the effectiveness of VAD360 video using the Eq. 1. Fig. 10a shows the avg. results for all the threshold selection in Pre-processing step. Moreover, Fig. ??(b) il- videos. We see that when 훾 = 1 (훾 = 0.5), VAD360 redundant lustrates the spatial distribution of PI/BT values of 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) and cover is 142 (110)% which is a 20(5)% reduction compared to fixed 푅(퐹표푉 ). Values are normalized separately for the two regions for configuration 4 × 6 (6 × 6). Such high redundancy is due to the the clarity of presentation. The pre-defined 푇ℎ푓 (=0.9) in VAD360 is partial overlap of the user VP by the DTs towards the boundary able to derive the majority of 푅(퐹표푉푓 ) tiles at the center of the frame, of the FoV. We further compare the best basic tile configuration at where the user viewports are concentrated in general [9, 25]. In provided by Ozcinar et al. [18]. Compared to VAD360: 훾 = 1, this Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA Chamara Kattadige and Kanchana Thilakarathna

(a) (b) approach costs additional 137% of pixel redundancy mainly due to the large polar region tiles in their tile scheme. Fig. 10b shows relative saving of redundant pixels before com- pression in C1 and C2 cases for each individual video. We measure an avg. of 12.8% pixel saving and a maximum of 31.1% in C1 (훾 = 1 to 4 × 6). However the same results for C2 (훾 = 0.5 to 5 × 8) are Figure 12: Time complexity: (a) Dissection of VASTile pro- 3.7% (avg.) and 16.8% (max). The lower performance in C2 is due to cess in time, (b) Comparison with ILP for Partitioning step the, reduced size of the fixed cfg. tiles. This is the same reason for negative saving (i.e., more pixel redundancy in VAD360) in certain videos, nevertheless the negative saving is less significant compared step in 푅(퐹표푉푓 )+푅(퐹표푉 ) and 푅(퐵푢푓 ) demands higher processing to total positive savings. We can not expect the similar patterns in time due to the semi-automated selection of 푇ℎ푎 and 푇ℎ푏푢푓 . Com- both graphs because, position of the tiles vary when changing the paring the ILP based approach [27] which takes 7–10s to process tile cfg. relative to the same user VP, affecting the pixel redundancy. one frame on single core CPU(3.3GHz), VAD360 can reduce the 6.3 DL data volume processing time by 85–90%. Fig. 12(b) shows a comparison of processing time of Partitioning We compare the DL data volume in viewport-aware streaming using step between VAD360 and modified ILP based method from27 [ ]. VAD360 with streaming the entire video frame for both HD and Since we consider the minimum number of tiles to cover the video 4K videos. Fig. 11a shows that, compared to Full frame streaming frame, we modify the cost function in ILP method to reduce the scenario, which is utilized by commercial content providers such no. of tiles whilst keeping Pre/Post-processing steps as the same. as YouTube and Facebook, VAD360 can save in avg. 32.6 (40.8)% of Overall, Partitioning time in VAD360 is 513.2 ms less than ILP. bandwidth in HD (4K) videos. When decreasing the 훾, bandwidth Time for processing a suitable tile scheme by VAD360 is less than 1s saving reduces to 10.8(32.3)%. The reason is, decrease of 훾 affects showing its potential scalability even for real time streaming. Leverag- increase in the no. of tiles, and thereby more encoding overhead. ing an ILP/exhaustive type of approach need additional 0.5s reducing We further measure the bandwidth saving by VAD360 with com- the scalability of the whole process. pared to the existing fix tile cfgs. for each video in Fig. 11b similar to the Fig. 10b. As in the Section. 6.2, C1 shows more gain, which is 12% 7 DISCUSSION AND LIMITATIONS in avg. and 35.4% in maximum. The similar measures for C2 is 4.5% 7.0.1 Server storage. VAD360 does not encode all possible tiles (avg.) and 10.5% (max). Almost all videos show positive bandwidth when selecting a suitable tile scheme excluding compression re- saving as the compression can boost up the VAD360 performance lated parameters such as motion vector distribution [27]. Therefore, despite negative relative pixel redundancy (cf. Fig. 10b). the solution is sub-optimal reducing server storage optimization Analysis of pixel redundancy before compression and DL data opportunities. Incorporating compression awareness to VAD360 volume after encoding show that VAD360 outperforms fixed tile cfgs. in should not obstruct the current low processing time. Therefore, we general, while achieving significant gains with certain videos. Reduced plan to input compression aware parameters to VAD360, utilizing pixel redundancy benefits in decreasing pixel level operations such as Machine Learning based approach circumventing time consuming in encoding at the content servers and frame rendering at the client steps such as all possible tile scheme compression. side. Moreover, bandwidth savings compared to full frame streaming 7.0.2 Support for DASH protocol. True benefits of VAD360 can be enables network providers to relive the high strain on the network by achieved with a systematic implementation of dynamic bitrate/QP current 360° video streaming scenario. allocation to change the tile quality, in contrast to the constant

VASTile-HD (+) saving = 1 to 4x6 (fixed) QP value used at this stage. Compared to fixed tile cfgs, DTs from Full-HD ( ) saving 30 VASTile-4K 20 VAD360 are aware of the viewport distribution on the video frame. Full-4K Therefore, when adapting to the existing DASH protocols, we can 20 0 have more control on adjusting the suitable quality affecting param- 10 = 0.5 to 6x6 (fixed) 10 eters (i.e., change the bitrate/QP levels based on the pixel intensity 5 of the tiles on the 푉 푀s). We keep DASH implementation of VAD360 DL data volume (MB) 0 1 .5 25 1 .5 25 = 0 0. Full = 0 0. Full and in-detail user QoE analysis as our future work. = = = = 0 Relative Bandwidth saving (%) 0 10 20 30 Tile Configuration Video ID 8 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS (a) VAD360 with viewport-aware (b) VAD360 vs fixed tile cfgs for vs Full-frame streaming In this paper, we proposed VAD360, a viewport aware adaptive 360° HD resolution video frame partitioning mechanism which derived a suitable tile Figure 11: Comparison of VAD360 with Full frame and Fixed scheme with variable sized tiles after identifying visually attractive tile cfgs with viewport-aware streaming regions on the frame. We leveraged a computational geometric ap- 6.4 Processing time of VAD360 proach to find the minimal non-overlapping cover on these regions We measure the end-to-end processing time for VAD360 including and combined the derived tiles on separate regions to cover the Pre-processing, Partitioning and Partitioning steps for the four main entire frame. We evaluated VAD360 in-terms of derived tile distri- regions as shown in Fig. 12(a). In a gist, VAD360 can provide a bution both on the video frame and individual user FoVs, saving of suitable tile scheme within 0.98(±0.11)s of avg. processing time pixel redundancy before compression, bandwidth savings and scal- revealing its scalablity for large scale video datasets. Pre-processing ability based on the processing time. Our results showed VAD360 VAD360: Viewport Aware Dynamic 360-Degree Video Frame Tiling Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA outperforms current 360° video streaming scenario with full frame streaming and recently proposed fixed size tiling schemes. In future work, we aim to investigate on DASH implementa- tion on VAD360 and related QoE aspects. Moreover, we aim to utilize content based saliency maps supporting content providers to encode the frames at a prior stage even without having user viewports. Conference’17, July 2017, Washington, DC, USA Chamara Kattadige and Kanchana Thilakarathna

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