
Page 037 2019/2020




Cllr. S. Hatcher – Chairman Cllr. T Clark – Vice Chairman Cllr. A. Hopkins Cllr. C. Manning Cllr. L Pearce Cllr. G. Hoare (until 9.35pm) Cllr. L Root Cllr. P Coles Cllr. S. Dungay (from 7.45pm) Cllr. R. Thomas CCC/KCC Cllr. M. Jones-Roberts CCC (until 9.45pm) Mrs C. Howard-Sparkes (Clerk)

3 Members of the Public

(1) Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Apologies for Absence The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies for absence. These were recorded and accepted as Cllr. C. Swire (Holiday) and Cllr. R Mallett (Work Commitments). Apologies for lateness was also received and accepted from Cllr. S. Dungay.

(2) Confirmation of previous Minutes of the last meeting held on 09th July 2019 and Extraordinary Meeting held on 09th August 019 Cllr Coles proposed and Cllr Root seconded, and all councillors voted in favour, that the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on 09th July 2019 and extraordinary meeting held on 09th August 2019 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed them.

(3) Council: a) Declaration of any councillor’s interest in agenda items Cllr Hopkins declared an interest in Item 13 as a family member has submitted a quotation for consideration.

Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests, and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI Register held at CCC, such as a change of job or home. No change to any councillors DPI Register details.

(4) Matters Arising from the Minutes Item 11 – The Clerk reported that the drainage works on the Memorial Field have been delayed due to problems with the sub-contractor and staffing levels at this time of year. The materials that were partially blocking the entrance to the Memorial Field were moved and the initial drainage runs filled in to allow the field to be fully accessible for the Village Fete on 01st September 2019. The sub-contractors have recommenced work but no anticipated finish date has been given.

Item 12 – Cllr Manning reported that the Village Fete raised over £4,000, with some sponsorship money still to be received. The event was very well supported, helped by the good weather, and the Fete Committee will be meeting in the next few months to agree recipients for funding. The event also received a good write-up in the local paper, although there were some inaccuracies with dates, etc.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 1 Page 025 2019/2020 Cllr Manning wished to thank the Parish Council for its donation to offset running costs on behalf of the Committee to maximise the amount of money being donated to local good causes. Cllr Hatcher wished to thank Cllr Manning and the Fete Committee for all their hard work in arranging and running the fete.

(5) To Receive and Consider ‘CORRESPONDENCE’: (i) The Clerk reported that the Parish Council has until 22 September 2020 to become compliant with the recent Web Accessibility Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to improve the accessibility of public sector websites/mobile apps so that they can be used by as many people as possible. They build on existing obligations to disabled people under the Equality Act 2010 and the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people.

The Clerk reported that she can make a number of adjustments herself, for example uploading all documents as PDFs rather than Word documents as PDFs can be accessed by screen readers that can turn text into speech. However, the current website is not compliant and EiS (who host the website) will be making the necessary changes in time for the deadline.

However, as the changes required to meet these regulations are extensive, it is expected that parish councils will be required to pay for the ongoing use of the new websites. KALC will be meeting with EiS in due course to discuss possible fees and other providers and will report back in due course.

(ii) The Clerk reported that a resident in St Augustine’s has requested additional salt bins at the top of the estate, for example at the top of Magnolia Drive and Updown Way. The Clerk suggested that she liaise with the resident to find out how many bins are required and investigate possible installation costs. It may also be the responsibility of the Parish Council to ensure the salt bins are filled up when required and the Clerk agreed to investigate this further.

The resident also requested that the Parish Council liaise with South East Water to find a suitable location for a back-up generator to combat the ongoing intermittent water supply interruptions to households on the St Augustine’s estate. Although the Parish Council has limited powers to assist, the Clerk suggested that she obtain the contact details for the representative at South East Water that the resident spoke to and investigate further. This was unanimously agreed.

(iii) The Clerk reported that she received an email from a Tree Warden enquiring whether the Parish Council would support an idea for a community orchard on privately owned land near “The Slip”. The Tree Warden would be seeking the owner’s permission to potentially lease the land and secure full funding for the planting of fruit and native trees through grants available to volunteer tree wardens and lottery grants. Local beekeepers may also be included and an area of the orchard managed as a wild meadow area.

The whole area would be fenced off for safety and an accessible gate sited at each end of the field linking the footpaths. Full risk assessments will be carried out and all work will be covered by the Tree Warden’s insurance. It is hoped that local tree wardens and parish volunteers will carry out most of the works and longer term potentially set up a group to ensure the area is well maintained. Reference was made to approaching No Mans Orchard Committee for advice on this matter.

The Parish Council discussed the suggestion, which would be at no cost to the Council, and were in favour of introducing a new orchard into the parish. The Clerk was asked to respond with the Parish Council’s support but to advise the Tree Warden to ensure that longer term funding is in place for ongoing maintenance costs. Cllr Thomas also offered to consider a funding application as city and county councillor for the area should the project commence.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 2 Page 027 2019/2020 The Clerk was also asked to note that the area is currently used as an informal sledging run in the winter months by young people and may therefore have some local opposition to the area being fenced off completely.

(6) Financial Matters, including ‘Authorisation of Accounts’: Schedule of Payments - A resolution that orders for payment as shown in attached schedule was agreed unanimously. The cheques were signed by Cllr Hatcher and Cllr Dungay.

The Clerk reported that NALC (National Association of Local Councils) has issued some amendments to the template Financial Regulations which she will be analysing and presenting to the Finance Committee for consideration in due course.

(7) Planning Applications and Tree Works The Clerk reported that there were ‘3’ new Planning Applications since the previous meeting:

CA//19/01572/FUL – Location: 124 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7QW - Proposal: Proposed two-storey rear extension following demolition of existing single-storey rear extension. P.C. Comments: No Objections.

CA/19/01515/FUL – Location: Newmafruit Farms Ltd, Howfield Farm, Howfield Lane, Chartham, CT4 7HQ - Proposal: Retrospective application for proposed detached single- storey fruit storage building and plant room. P.C. Comments: No Objections.

CA/19/01706/FUL – Location: 23 Little Copse Close, Chartham, CT4 7TE - Proposal: Retrospective single-storey detached outbuilding in front garden. P.C. Comments: No Objections.

The following planning applications were considered in the interim period:

CA/19/01338/FUL – Location: Church Meadow, Station Road, Chartham, CT4 7HX - Proposal: Proposed development comprising a retail unit, 1no annexe and 6no detached two- storey dwellings with associated access and parking following demolition of garage service and repair centre. P.C. Comments: At the Planning Committee meeting held on 31 July 2019, councillors voted five in favour and five against the application and the Clerk therefore submitted a split comment to Canterbury City Council.

CA/19/01321/FUL – Location: Upper Horton Farm, New House Lane, Chartham, CT4 7BN - Proposal: Proposed 35m mast housing 2 x 1.2m microwave dishes and equipment cabinet within a 10m x 10m compound surrounded by a 2m high mesh fence. P.C. Comments: At the Planning Committee meeting held on 31 July 2019, councillors objected to the application due to the negative impact on the surrounding views that two masts in close proximity would have on the area.

CA/19/01423/FUL – Location: 1 Denstead Barns, Denstead Lane, Chartham CT4 7NL - Proposal: Change of use of outbuilding to 2no holiday letting cottages. P.C. Comments: No Objections.

CA/19/01230/FUL – Location: 70 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7RD - Proposal: Proposed single storey front extension to create bay window. P.C. Comments: No Objections.

The following Appeal notification was received:

CA/18/00797/FUL – Location: Small Meadows, Iffin Lane, Chartham, CT4 7BE - Proposal: Retrospective change of use of land for siting of mobile home and utility block including parking for touring unit with associated parking and landscaping. P.C. Comments: The Parish

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 3 Page 026 2019/2020 Council raised no objections to the original application and did not feel the need to provide further comment at appeal.

Planning Decisions The following ‘Granted’ Planning Applications were noted:

CA//19/00963/FUL - Location: Land at Iffin Meadows Farm, Iffin lane, Chartham CT4 7BE - Proposal: Proposed installation of 2 no. additional 1.2m transmission dishes at a height of 35m and a ground cabinet.

CA//19/01072/FUL - Location: Augustine House, Beech Avenue, Chartham, CT4 7TU - Proposal: Proposed two-storey detached dwelling.

CA//19/00985/LB - Location: 1 Mount Cottages, Hatch Lane, Chartham, CT4 7LS - Proposal: Application for listed building consent for internal alterations including the replacement of stairs.

CA/19/01233/FUL – Location: 8 Jasmine Close, Chartham, CT4 7TF – Proposal: Proposed single-storey front and rear extension together with porch to front.

CA/19/01299/FUL – Location: Bakery House, Church Lane, Chartham, CT4 7JW – Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension together with new vehicular access and hardstanding to the rear following part demolition of an outbuilding and exterior wall.

The following ‘Withdrawn’ Planning Applications were noted:

CA//19/01133/LUP - Location: 6 De L Angle Row, Station Road, Chartham, CT4 7JP - Proposal: Application for lawful development certificate for proposed new porch to rear following demolition of existing porch.

CA/19/01266/VAR – Location: Carthage, 37 The Downs, Cockering Road, Chartham, CT4 7PU – Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (drawings) of planning permission CA/19/00460/FUL for the Proposed detached two-storey ancillary accommodation and car barn; to allow larger storage area and windows in South East Gable.

The following ‘Refused’ Planning Applications were noted:

CA//19/00848/FUL - Location: The Woodlands, Howfield Lane, Chartham, CT4 7LZ - Proposal: Proposed 2no. two-storey detached dwellings with detached single-storey garages.

The Clerk wished to clarify to all councillors how to submit a comment on planning applications as an individual. Following advice from KALC, the Clerk confirmed that should councillors wish to submit an individual comment to Canterbury City Council, they need to make explicitly clear that they are doing so as an individual and not in their capacity as parish councillor.

An example template could be “although I am a parish councillor for Chartham Parish Council, I confirm that I am submitting this comment as an individual and not in my capacity as parish councillor. My comment therefore may not be reflective of the Parish Council’s view”.

Councillors also need to be mindful not to be accused of predetermination/fettering of discretion – councillors must be seen to consider all planning applications not having made up their mind and be open to persuasion. By submitting an individual comment, this highlights a councillor’s personal view and the Clerk advised all councillors if they are going to submit a comment to do so after the Parish Council has discussed the application and made a representation to Canterbury City Council.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 4 Page 027 2019/2020 (8) Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Clark reported that he and Cllr Mallett attended the Village Fete to speak to residents about the possibility of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. Most residents they spoke to confirmed they had received the leaflet circulated by the Parish Council and the general consensus from residents at the fete was in support of producing a plan, with a number expressing an interest in attending the public meeting on Saturday 14th September 2019. The Clerk has also received a number of emails from residents in support of the plan and offering to take part in the working group should the decision be made to produce a plan.

A councillor from Wye Parish Council will also be attending the public meeting on Saturday 14th September to assist with answering any questions raised by residents regarding the process of producing a plan. A vote will be taken at the meeting with voting slips and the Clerk agreed to be the Returning Officer for the purposes of the count.

Cllr Manning reported that a number of residents have approached her to say they did not receive a leaflet. The Clerk asked Cllr Manning to confirm the addresses so she can check them against the electoral roll and the list of properties that leaflets were sent to.

(9) NALC Tree Charter NALC has partnered with the Woodland Trust, NUS (the National Union for Students) and the Tree Council to embed the following 10 principles of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People within communities across the UK: 1. Sustain landscapes rich in wildlife 2. Plant for the future 3. Celebrate the power of trees to inspire 4. Grow forests of opportunity and innovation 5. Protect irreplaceable trees and woods 6. Plan greener local landscapes 7. Recover health, hope and wellbeing with the help of trees 8. Make trees accessible to all 9. Combat the threats to our habitats 10. Strengthen our landscapes with trees

The Tree Charter was initiated in 2015 by the Woodland Trust in response to the crisis facing trees and woods in the UK. Before the launch of the charter, there was no clear, unifying statement about the rights of people in the UK to the benefits of trees, woods and forests. NALC is calling on parish councils to sign up to the principles of the charter as they believe town and parish councils have a key part to play in protecting trees and woodland. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to sign up to the Tree Charter.

(10) Replacement children’s goal posts on the Memorial Field and Shalmsford Street playing fields It was agreed that this item be deferred until the next meeting to allow additional time for Mr Mowbray to provide quotations for consideration.

(11) Memorial Bench in memory of Douglas Copeland Cllr Manning reported that she has obtained quotations for benches from various garden centres and other outlets in the region of £150.00-£200.00 but they will not be as robust as a bespoke made bench. Another quotation from Kent Sectional Buildings has been received for a bespoke bench for £160.00 in cedarwood or £240.00 in hardwood (plus VAT).

Cllr Manning recommended that Kent Sectional Buildings be instructed to produce a hardwood bench as a local firm and also to ensure better quality. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with the suggestion and Cllr Manning agreed to instruct Kent Sectional Buildings. The family of Douglas Copeland will be arranging a plaque in his memory for the bench and an officially opening ceremony for the bench will be arranged in due course.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 5 Page 028 2019/2020 (12) Yearly servicing of the fire alarm at the Sports Pavilion Cllr Hatcher reported that the recent Fire Safety Inspection at the Sports Pavilion highlighted that there is no current annual servicing plan. Two quotations have been received as follows:  Contractor A - £190.00 to service the fire alarm and emergency lighting and a further £3.00 per fire extinguisher (plus VAT).  Contractor B - £180.00 to service the fire alarm and emergency lighting, £30.00 for fire extinguishers, £90.00 to service the intruder alarm system and £80.00 to service the CCTV (plus VAT)

Cllr Coles enquired how many fire extinguishers require servicing and Cllr Hatcher agreed to check the fire risk assessment after the meeting to confirm. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to award the contract to Contractor B, Crime Fighter Alarms, subject to the number of fire extinguishers being confirmed, as they are able to service more elements.

(13) Tree Works in Bakers Wood The Clerk reported that some pruning works are required to a tree overhanging a residential garden at the rear of Rentain Road. Two quotations have been received as follows:  Contractor A – approximately £250.00  Contractor B - £300.00

The Parish Council unanimously agreed to instruct Contractor A, Kingston Trees, subject to the confirmed cost being no more than £300.00.

(14) Kent and Medway’s Energy and Low Emissions Strategy Kent County Council are consulting on a joint Energy and Low Emissions Strategy with Medway Council that is seeking to improve air quality, reduce household energy bills, take action on climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050, promote sustainable low carbon transport including walking and cycling, support economic growth and technological innovation, promote and develop affordable, clean and secure energy, and bring wider health and environmental benefits to communities, residents and visitors.

The Parish Council was generally supportive of the main aims of the strategy and Cllr Coles suggested that under promoting walking and cycling, Kent County Council should look into providing footpaths and cycle lanes where there are none currently to create a more joined up network. Cllr Thomas reported that emissions in Kent are broadly split 1/3rd transport, 1/3rd residential houses and 1/3rd businesses, with the aim of the strategy to target all areas. Once the strategy has been agreed, a realistic budget can be set to achieve the aims. The Clerk was asked to respond to the consultation on the Parish Council’s behalf.

(15) Canterbury City Council’s Council Tax Support Scheme Consultation Canterbury City Council is proposing to make changes to its Council Tax support scheme for people of working age. Pensioners can receive up to 100% off their bill and are not affected by the proposals. Proposed changes include introducing an income ‘grid’ scheme to replace the current means tested approach, introducing a standard non-dependant deduction of £10.00 a week, changing the claiming process for all applicants who receive Universal Credit, disregarding Carer’s Allowance which is currently taken into account as income, and replacing any lost disability premiums in the current scheme with an equivalent income allowance.

Cllr Thomas confirmed that the proposed changes will result in a slight increase in costs to the City Council but are proposed to bring in line with the changes to Universal Credit and other benefit systems to provide more flexibility with income. Currently applicants need to be reassessed every time their benefits change but under the new system, slight changes in income will not require reassessment. The Parish Council has no comment on the changes.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 6 Page 029 2019/2020 (16) Kent County Council’s Draft Drainage and Planning Policy Statement The Drainage Planning and Policy Statement was first published in 2015 to set out how Kent County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority and statutory consultee will review drainage strategies and surface water management provisions associated with applications for major development.

Kent County Council has prepared a revision of the Policy Statement based upon experiences with drainage submissions since taking on the statutory consultee role. The proposed revisions incorporate changes to the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) in 2019 and to reflect considerations within DEFRA’s 25-Year Environmental Plan. Specific document revisions include clarification on drainage submission requirements, addition of verification report requirements and provision for multi-functionality. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with the proposed changes.

(17) Councillor Biography for Website Cllr Clark reported that the Communications Committee has put forward a suggestion that councillors write a short biography about themselves for the website, no more than 100 words, to give residents a better understanding of who the councillors representing them are. This suggestion has been raised following the recent local elections where a number of residents expressed their lack of knowledge of current councillors and candidates. If councillors wish, a photo could also be included. The Communications Committee agreed that the biography should not include the committees that each councillor is on but instead focus on them as a person, for example how long they have lived in the village and what their interests are.

Cllr Coles suggested having a group photo of all the councillors instead of individual photos. This photo could then be updated yearly to reflect changes in councillors and general appearances. Councillors unanimously agreed to a group photo rather than individual photos and to write a biography. The Clerk requested that each councillor submit their biography by the next Parish Council meeting.

(18) Possible Parish Council Facebook Page/Group Cllr Clark reported that the Communication Committee has suggested setting up a Facebook page or group for the Parish Council. The Committee recommends not enabling comments on posts or instant messages and instead using as a forum for posting copies of agendas, minutes, road closures, consultations and other relevant information.

Cllr Coles reported that social media was a topic of discussion at the recent Code of Conduct training session hosted by Canterbury City Council and suggested that a representative from the City Council be contacted to discuss possible implications of setting up a page before proceeding. The Parish Council agreed to defer a decision on this item until the next meeting and the Clerk agreed to contact Matthew Archer at Canterbury City Council for further advice.

(19) Cemetery Matters: Cllr Hoare reported that since the last meeting there has been an issue with a contractor laying a new memorial stone on the wrong grave. The Clerk and Cllr Hoare met a representative on site to discuss the matter and this has now been resolved and put right by the contractor. Reverend Chris Duncan has also kindly re-consecrated both graves for the families involved.

Cllr Hoare also reported that unfortunately a number of vases and other loose items have gone missing from a few graves and a new bench installed has been damaged. The Clerk reported that the KCC Community Warden has reported the vandalism to the bench on Country Eye, a rural crime reporting tool, and the family who installed the bench are arranging for a replacement one to be installed.

Cllr Hoare reported that he has received two quotations for repainting of the toilets and is in the process of obtaining a third for consideration. CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 7 Page 030 2019/2020 Cllr Hoare also reported that the memorial wall in memory of previous Clerk Mr Paul Hornibrook has now been constructed. The Clerk was asked to write a letter formally thanking everyone involved for their generosity including Jason Clifford of Clifford Construction Ltd, Andy Stevenson of A Stevenson Builders, Allan Groombridge and Richard Marsh. The only expenditure being charged for the wall is £600.00 by A Stevenson Builders for two days labour at a reduced rate. All materials and time given by other parties involved have been provided free of charge.

Cllr Hoare agreed to look into getting quotes for a memorial plaque in memory of Paul Hornibrook to be fixed to the wall. Cllr Hoare also reported that Paul’s son has indicated his wish to be involved and Cllr Clark suggest that he be offered the opportunity to place a separate plaque on the wall on behalf of the family at no charge, which was unanimously agreed. Cllr Hoare agreed to investigate prices of plaques of other cemeteries and crematoriums and length of time the plaques remain in- situ and report back at the next meeting for further discussion.

The Clerk reported that since the last meeting there has been two funerals, one on the 16th August and one on 09 September 2019. The next funeral is scheduled for 12th September 2019. The Clerk also reported that no rats were recorded at the last pest inspection.

(20) Countryside Issues Cllr Hopkins reported that he and the Clerk inspected trees in Bakers Wood following a number of fires being set in tree trunks and has concluded that the trees do not require any attention at this current time. The tree that had a fallen across a path in the woods has been cut back by Cllr Hopkins with the debris left for wildlife. Cllr Hopkins also reported that he and Dr Griffiths, Tree Warden, will inspect Bakers Wood quarterly to monitor the condition of the trees and report back any advisory or necessary works. The Clerk agreed to look into obtaining trees to replant in areas where trees have been felled following planning permission granted for an adjacent housing development.

Cllr Coles and Cllr Root suggested that the local PCSO or KCC Community Warden speak with children at the local school and youth club regarding the fires as it is suspected the fires have been started by young people. The Clerk agreed to liaise.

The Clerk reported that the tree warden for Chartham Hatch reported a dying willow tree on the corner of The Hyde and Bolts Hill to the Parish Council following branches falling into a neighbouring property’s garden. Cllr Hopkins attended to inspect the tree and confirmed that it was not dangerous but required urgent work so the Clerk contacted the Kent Highways Steward to clarify land ownership. The land was confirmed as belonging to Kent Highways so the Clerk reported the tree to Kent County Council and understands that someone was sent out on 09 September 2019 to inspect.

Cllr Hopkins reported that he inspected the large willow tree on the green behind St Mary’s Church, by The Green and Parish Road, with Dr Griffiths following concerns regarding a loose branch. Cllr Hopkins confirmed that the branch is dangerous and could fall on pedestrians walking underneath and recommended urgent action. The Clerk agreed to instruct for the tree to be made safe as soon as possible.

Cllr Root, Cllr Clark and Cllr Hopkins attended a site meeting on the playing field adjacent to Chartham Hatch play area to inspect trees on the boundary. It was agreed that a number of trees were overhanging and needed to be cut back or re-pollard and the Clerk reported that she is in the process of obtaining quotations.

Cllr Dungay reported that the large tree on the Memorial Field by the footpath needs lifting as a number of branches are hanging very low over the footpath. Cllr Hopkins reported that he has inspected the tree and has advised that the tree be lifted in the winter months which is the correct time of year to undertake works.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 8 Page 030 2019/2020 Cllr Dungay reported that the majority of overgrown vegetation along The Slip has been cut back except the entrance opposite The Hyde where branches are overhanging. The Clerk agreed to chase Allan Groombridge to cut this back. Cllr Dungay also reported that the vegetation along Parish Road is overhanging the footpath and the Clerk agreed to contact Kent Highways to get this cut back.

Cllr Hopkins reported that the vegetation owned by INCA Geometric Ltd near the layby at the top of Bolts Hill is encroaching on the public highway and reducing visibility for vehicles. The Clerk agreed to contact Kent Highways to write to the owners to ensure this is cut back.

(21) Amenities Cllr Coles reported that a dog bin on the riverside footpath under the bridge where the A28 crosses the river is being filled with general rubbish. Additional rubbish is also being left in carrier bags beside the bin suggesting that a general purpose bin is required in this location. Cllr Jones-Roberts confirmed that he has reported this and will chase for a response.

Cllr Dungay reported that the litter bins located on the sports field adjacent to the Sports Pavilion along Beech Avenue need to be replaced. The Clerk reported that she has contacted Serco regarding the bins and is awaiting a response. Cllr Hoare also reported that a section of fencing along the playing field has been dumped at the bottom of the steps. The Clerk reported that she has instructed Allan Groombridge to remove the fencing and agreed to chase again. The Clerk also reported that she is in the process of obtaining quotations for replacing sections of the fencing and repairing as necessary.

(22) Parish Communications Nothing further to report.

(23) Adjournment of the meeting for parishioners’ questions and comments: One resident wished to request that the double yellow lines outside the Post Office on Shalmsford Street either be removed or better enforcement undertaken. After some discussion, the Clerk was asked to request the double yellow lines be removed. Cllr Thomas encouraged the reporting of areas which require additional enforcement as this will enable the Enforcement Team to get a better idea of where they need to focus resources.

A member of the public who regularly uses the train station for commuting wished to request that the Parish Council not consider any additional double yellow lines in the vicinity of the train station as commuters are already having difficulties parking. Cllr Thomas reported that anybody can request a change to parking restrictions, which also includes the removal of double yellow lines, and encouraged the member of the public to make his views know.

The member of the public also wished to enquire whether there was any update on the possibility of turning the small green triangle by the station into parking. The Clerk confirmed that this suggestion was added to the Highways Improvement Plan, which is currently under review following a Highways Committee meeting, and initial costings have been undertaken by Kent County Council but the idea has not been progressed any further at this time.

(24) City and/or County Councillors’ Reports: Kent County Council Cllr Thomas reported that Paul Carter has decided to step down as leader of the Council after 14 years. Mr Carter will continue to serve as a County Councillor and a new leader will be elected on 04th October 2019.

Cllr Thomas also reported that Kent County Council is in the process of creating a Strategic Statement outlining how the County Council will work over the next five years. Views are being sought from businesses, residents, young people and wider community to help shape the Strategy.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 9 Page 031 2019/2020 Cllr Thomas reported that the government has awarded additional funding to be distributed among local authorities for social services, mental health and education. Councils will have access to a further £1.5 billion for social care to support local authorities to meet rising demand and continue to stabilise the social care system. In addition, funding of £5,000 per secondary school child and £4,000 per primary school child will be received by Kent Schools.

Cllr Thomas also reported that an application has been submitted for the former Chaucer Technology School on Spring Lane (application numbers CA/19/1633 and KCC/CA/0166/2019) for the erection of a five form entry secondary school comprising a three storey building and separate sports hall, new Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), hard and soft landscaping and the creation of two new vehicular accesses on Spring Lane. The proposed school will be linked to Barton Court Grammar School and be run as a free school. Locally, Cllr Thomas reported that Chartham Primary School came 8th in the summer reading challenge out of nearly 40 schools.

Cllr Thomas reported that the new £60 million highways maintenance plan has identified three specific action points in the parish over the next two years – road renewal from Howfield Lane to the A2 Interchange on the A28, road surface preservation condition survey on Denstead Lane from Bigbury Lane to A2 Dover Road, and road renewal on A28 Ashford Road (extent to be determined).

Canterbury City Council Cllr Thomas reported that the City Council is commencing 2020/21 budget preparations, currently with a £4.8m savings target by the end of this council, establishing a new corporate plan, setting political priorities for the council, and revising the Local Plan setting out growth to 2040.

Cllr Thomas also reported that Canterbury’s Park and Ride will be trialling an electric bus for a week-long test starting on 23rd September 2019. The single decker vehicle is a joint initiative between Kent County Council, the City Council and Stagecoach South East, which operates the park and ride service on the City Council’s behalf.

In July, the City Council set a target to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 and one of the key projects to help achieve this is to ensure the buses in the next park and ride contract, which will start in October 2020, are as environmentally-friendly as possible within the budget that’s available. Power options that will be investigated include bio-fuel, hydrogen, electric-hybrid, fully electric and the latest diesel standard at the time the buses are ordered.

Cllr Thomas also reported that former Chartham and Stone Street councillor Rosemary Doyle was recently awarded Honorary Alderman status. To become an Honorary Alderman, former councillors need to complete at least three full terms of office or a minimum of 12 years, or at least two full terms and also served as Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor or Sheriff during those periods in office.

Cllr Thomas reported that the next Rural Forum meeting will be held on Monday 16th September 2019 and will include a presentation by Stagecoach on buses and community transport.

Cllr Jones-Roberts reported that he has been following up on a number of issues relating to bins across his parishes over the summer period. Cllr Jones-Roberts also wished to thank Cllr Thomas for his guidance since being elected in May 2019. Cllr Thomas reported that the City Council agreed to appoint champions for various areas of interest to help be a conduit between officers, councillors and the public. Cllr Thomas has been selected as the Heritage Champion and Cllr Jones-Roberts as the Young Persons Champion as part of the youth engagement working group.

(25) No Man’s Orchard Management Committee Cllr Clark reported that he and Cllr Root met with Cllr Hopkins to inspect a number of trees in No Mans Orchard by the footpath and it appears that the previous estimate of 10-13 trees requiring work is likely to be considerably more. The majority of the trees are in excess of 50 years old and are reaching the end of their life span. CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 10 Page 031 2019/2020 Cllr Manning reported that the signatories need updating on the account as she is still signing cheques despite not being on the Committee. Cllr Manning confirmed she is happy to continue to do so but it would be more appropriate to be the current members. Cllr Root reported that the Committee is looking to open a new bank account as the current one is in the name of a previous member who unfortunately passed away and it is proving difficult to change the name. This had previously been decided to investigate further after the elections and Cllr Root agreed to raise this again at the next meeting on 30 September 2019.

(26) Sports Pavilions – (Village & St Augustine’s) Nothing to report.

(27) Play Areas (Village, Shalmsford Street, St Augustine’s & Chartham Hatch) The Clerk reported that she and Cllr Hopkins attended a meeting with the Fishing Lakes to discuss a number of trees along the boundary of Shalmsford Street playing field on 28 August 2019. The Fishing Lakes confirmed that the remaining tree on their boundary near the play equipment will be removed this winter as previously agreed. Cllr Hopkins also inspected a number of trees that are overhanging the Fishing Lakes boundary and has recommended pruning works and the felling of one tree which is uprooting. The Clerk reported that she is in the process of obtaining quotations for the works.

Cllr Clark reported that vegetation is not being cut back to the boundary line fencing along Thruxted Lane. The Clerk agreed to speak to Allan Groombridge to ensure that future strimming is up to the boundary fencing. Cllr Clark also reported that the timber balance beams need to be reinstated on Shalmsford Street playing field and the Clerk confirmed that large bolts will need to be purchased to replace the previous bolts which are too rusty to be reused.

The Clerk reported that Cllr Clark, Cllr Dungay and Cllr Pearce are booked to attend a training course on how to inspect play equipment on 09th October 2019 as they currently inspect the play areas in the parish. The course is followed by an exam which will add attendees to the RPII (Register of Play Inspectors International). The Clerk also reported that she will be attending in order to assist with covering inspections should councillors be on holiday. Cllr Hatcher is also hoping to attend work permitting. The course costs £180.00 per person.

(28) Village Hall Cllr Dungay requested on behalf of the Village Hall Committee that the plastic letters spelling out “Chartham Village Hall” on the side of the hall be replaced with painted on letters instead as the plastic ones keep falling off. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with the suggestion and the Clerk agreed to get prices for consideration.

Cllr Dungay also reported that the Village Hall Committee has recommended that the alarm system be changed in the village hall from a fob system to a keypad code, similar to the one in . Hall hirers will automatically be sent a code to turn the alarm off on confirmation of their booking, in conjunction with the online booking system, which will only work for the duration of the booking. Cllr Hatcher reported that the suggestion has been made due to lack of volunteers to open and close the village hall before and after bookings and to also improve security. Regular users such as the Clerk, KCC Community Warden and councillors will be assigned permanent codes. The padlocks on the side gates will still need to be taken off but this could be arranged in conjunction with the cleaners.

Cllr Hatcher reported that the highest estimate received was in the region of £4,000 to change the alarm system and the Village Hall Committee has suggested that the Parish Council fund the installation. Cllr Hatcher agreed to confirm the estimates. Cllr Coles proposed that instead of the Parish Council paying the installation costs, a grant be applied for and recommended the National Lottery. Cllr Coles also recommended that the Committee check with their insurance provider that the current Terms and Conditions and Hirer Agreement is adequate with a change in alarm system.

CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 11 Page 033 2019/2020 Cllr Hatcher reported that the bookings secretary has handed in her resignation as she is moving out of the village shortly. Cllr Manning raised concerns that there is not enough information on the online booking diary to know who is using the hall should hirers need to be contacted if there are any problems. Cllr Hatcher reported that the bookings secretary will be providing a handover on the online bookings system which will allow access to hirer’s contact details which could be circulated privately to councillors.

Cllr Pearce reported that the lock on the cubicle in the men’s toilet is not working properly. Cllr Hatcher agreed to report this to the Committee.

(29) Highway Matters / Transport Issues: Cllr Clark enquired whether Cllr Thomas has obtained the data from the speed surveys undertaken on Shalmsford Street and Station Road. Cllr Thomas agreed to chase these up and circulate after the meeting.

(30) Reports from KCC Community Warden & Police Community Support Officer (PCSO): The Clerk reported that Kevin Finnon has been appointed as the new KCC Community Warden and has been actively walking around the parish since in appointment at the end of July 2019. Mr Finnon is aiming to attend the October Parish Council meeting to formally introduce himself to all councillors.

A PCSO report for August 2019 was circulated to all councillors prior to meeting and included reports of theft at Chartham Garden Centre, within the parish (location not disclosed) and the theft of two lambs from Chartham Hatch. Two reports of criminal damage were also reported in Sycamore Close, one to a vehicle and the other a smashed window. A missing person in Chartham was located by the Police and enquiries made into an abandoned vehicle on Cockering Road.

(31) The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Tuesday 08th October 2019 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham, Nr Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7JA. Agendas for the next meeting will be issued nearer the meeting as they will include any new Planning Applications that are due for review.

(32) Closure/Any Other Business: Cllr Coles reported that Canterbury City Council at the Code of Conduct training recommended that councillors have designated email addresses for parish council business rather than use personal ones. The Clerk is currently investigating this and should have an update by the next meeting. Cllr Coles suggested to Cllr Thomas that the City Council look into whether funding assistance could be provided to parish councils to set up a new email system as per their recommendation.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.07pm.


CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 12