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Minutes-September-2019.Pdf Page 037 2019/2020 CHARTHAM PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT 7.30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 10th SEPTEMBER 2019 AT THE VILLAGE HALL, STATION ROAD, CHARTHAM, NR CANTERBURY, KENT, CT4 7JA. Present: Cllr. S. Hatcher – Chairman Cllr. T Clark – Vice Chairman Cllr. A. Hopkins Cllr. C. Manning Cllr. L Pearce Cllr. G. Hoare (until 9.35pm) Cllr. L Root Cllr. P Coles Cllr. S. Dungay (from 7.45pm) Cllr. R. Thomas CCC/KCC Cllr. M. Jones-Roberts CCC (until 9.45pm) Mrs C. Howard-Sparkes (Clerk) 3 Members of the Public (1) Chairman’s Opening Remarks and Apologies for Absence The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for apologies for absence. These were recorded and accepted as Cllr. C. Swire (Holiday) and Cllr. R Mallett (Work Commitments). Apologies for lateness was also received and accepted from Cllr. S. Dungay. (2) Confirmation of previous Minutes of the last meeting held on 09th July 2019 and Extraordinary Meeting held on 09th August 019 Cllr Coles proposed and Cllr Root seconded, and all councillors voted in favour, that the Minutes of the parish council meeting held on 09th July 2019 and extraordinary meeting held on 09th August 2019 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed them. (3) Council: a) Declaration of any councillor’s interest in agenda items Cllr Hopkins declared an interest in Item 13 as a family member has submitted a quotation for consideration. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests and Voluntary Announcements of Other Interests, and a reminder to think of any changes to the DPI Register held at CCC, such as a change of job or home. No change to any councillors DPI Register details. (4) Matters Arising from the Minutes Item 11 – The Clerk reported that the drainage works on the Memorial Field have been delayed due to problems with the sub-contractor and staffing levels at this time of year. The materials that were partially blocking the entrance to the Memorial Field were moved and the initial drainage runs filled in to allow the field to be fully accessible for the Village Fete on 01st September 2019. The sub-contractors have recommenced work but no anticipated finish date has been given. Item 12 – Cllr Manning reported that the Village Fete raised over £4,000, with some sponsorship money still to be received. The event was very well supported, helped by the good weather, and the Fete Committee will be meeting in the next few months to agree recipients for funding. The event also received a good write-up in the local paper, although there were some inaccuracies with dates, etc. CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 1 Page 025 2019/2020 Cllr Manning wished to thank the Parish Council for its donation to offset running costs on behalf of the Committee to maximise the amount of money being donated to local good causes. Cllr Hatcher wished to thank Cllr Manning and the Fete Committee for all their hard work in arranging and running the fete. (5) To Receive and Consider ‘CORRESPONDENCE’: (i) The Clerk reported that the Parish Council has until 22 September 2020 to become compliant with the recent Web Accessibility Regulations. The purpose of the regulations is to improve the accessibility of public sector websites/mobile apps so that they can be used by as many people as possible. They build on existing obligations to disabled people under the Equality Act 2010 and the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. The Clerk reported that she can make a number of adjustments herself, for example uploading all documents as PDFs rather than Word documents as PDFs can be accessed by screen readers that can turn text into speech. However, the current website is not compliant and EiS (who host the website) will be making the necessary changes in time for the deadline. However, as the changes required to meet these regulations are extensive, it is expected that parish councils will be required to pay for the ongoing use of the new websites. KALC will be meeting with EiS in due course to discuss possible fees and other providers and will report back in due course. (ii) The Clerk reported that a resident in St Augustine’s has requested additional salt bins at the top of the estate, for example at the top of Magnolia Drive and Updown Way. The Clerk suggested that she liaise with the resident to find out how many bins are required and investigate possible installation costs. It may also be the responsibility of the Parish Council to ensure the salt bins are filled up when required and the Clerk agreed to investigate this further. The resident also requested that the Parish Council liaise with South East Water to find a suitable location for a back-up generator to combat the ongoing intermittent water supply interruptions to households on the St Augustine’s estate. Although the Parish Council has limited powers to assist, the Clerk suggested that she obtain the contact details for the representative at South East Water that the resident spoke to and investigate further. This was unanimously agreed. (iii) The Clerk reported that she received an email from a Tree Warden enquiring whether the Parish Council would support an idea for a community orchard on privately owned land near “The Slip”. The Tree Warden would be seeking the owner’s permission to potentially lease the land and secure full funding for the planting of fruit and native trees through grants available to volunteer tree wardens and lottery grants. Local beekeepers may also be included and an area of the orchard managed as a wild meadow area. The whole area would be fenced off for safety and an accessible gate sited at each end of the field linking the footpaths. Full risk assessments will be carried out and all work will be covered by the Tree Warden’s insurance. It is hoped that local tree wardens and parish volunteers will carry out most of the works and longer term potentially set up a group to ensure the area is well maintained. Reference was made to approaching No Mans Orchard Committee for advice on this matter. The Parish Council discussed the suggestion, which would be at no cost to the Council, and were in favour of introducing a new orchard into the parish. The Clerk was asked to respond with the Parish Council’s support but to advise the Tree Warden to ensure that longer term funding is in place for ongoing maintenance costs. Cllr Thomas also offered to consider a funding application as city and county councillor for the area should the project commence. CPC Parish Council Minutes –September 2019 2 Page 027 2019/2020 The Clerk was also asked to note that the area is currently used as an informal sledging run in the winter months by young people and may therefore have some local opposition to the area being fenced off completely. (6) Financial Matters, including ‘Authorisation of Accounts’: Schedule of Payments - A resolution that orders for payment as shown in attached schedule was agreed unanimously. The cheques were signed by Cllr Hatcher and Cllr Dungay. The Clerk reported that NALC (National Association of Local Councils) has issued some amendments to the template Financial Regulations which she will be analysing and presenting to the Finance Committee for consideration in due course. (7) Planning Applications and Tree Works The Clerk reported that there were ‘3’ new Planning Applications since the previous meeting: CA//19/01572/FUL – Location: 124 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7QW - Proposal: Proposed two-storey rear extension following demolition of existing single-storey rear extension. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/19/01515/FUL – Location: Newmafruit Farms Ltd, Howfield Farm, Howfield Lane, Chartham, CT4 7HQ - Proposal: Retrospective application for proposed detached single- storey fruit storage building and plant room. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/19/01706/FUL – Location: 23 Little Copse Close, Chartham, CT4 7TE - Proposal: Retrospective single-storey detached outbuilding in front garden. P.C. Comments: No Objections. The following planning applications were considered in the interim period: CA/19/01338/FUL – Location: Church Meadow, Station Road, Chartham, CT4 7HX - Proposal: Proposed development comprising a retail unit, 1no annexe and 6no detached two- storey dwellings with associated access and parking following demolition of garage service and repair centre. P.C. Comments: At the Planning Committee meeting held on 31 July 2019, councillors voted five in favour and five against the application and the Clerk therefore submitted a split comment to Canterbury City Council. CA/19/01321/FUL – Location: Upper Horton Farm, New House Lane, Chartham, CT4 7BN - Proposal: Proposed 35m mast housing 2 x 1.2m microwave dishes and equipment cabinet within a 10m x 10m compound surrounded by a 2m high mesh fence. P.C. Comments: At the Planning Committee meeting held on 31 July 2019, councillors objected to the application due to the negative impact on the surrounding views that two masts in close proximity would have on the area. CA/19/01423/FUL – Location: 1 Denstead Barns, Denstead Lane, Chartham CT4 7NL - Proposal: Change of use of outbuilding to 2no holiday letting cottages. P.C. Comments: No Objections. CA/19/01230/FUL – Location: 70 Shalmsford Street, Chartham, CT4 7RD - Proposal: Proposed single storey front extension to create bay window. P.C. Comments: No Objections. The following Appeal notification was received: CA/18/00797/FUL – Location: Small Meadows, Iffin Lane, Chartham, CT4 7BE - Proposal: Retrospective change of use of land for siting of mobile home and utility block including parking for touring unit with associated parking and landscaping.
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