President's Commission on the Holocaust
.DOCONEIT RESUME ED 186 332 SO 012 574` - TITLE Report to thePresident: Pres,ident's Commission on the Holocaust. INSTITUTION 'President's Commission 61.1 the'Holocauti: Washington, D.C. PUBDATE 27 Sep 79 .NOTE 49p. EDRS PTICE MM/PC402 Pius Potitage. DESCRIPTORS Elementary Secondary Education: Foundation Programs: Higher Education: *International Crimes: *Jews:' Museums: PhilanthrOpic Foundations: Research Ogportunities' IDENTIFIERS *Holocadst: *Maz4sm So. ABSTRACT Ir On November 1, 1978, President Carier established the Prdsident's Commission on the-Holocaust and charged itkwith the /responSibility of Aeciding what mi-ght constitute an appropriate national memorial to'all tlfose 411c hall perished,in the Holocaust. This publlcation is the,report of that.Commission which consisted of 34 members including survivors, lay and religious leaders of all .faiths, historians, scholars, and- congressmen. The Holocaust was a aime unique in the ahnals of human history, 'different not only in the quantity of violehcethe 'sheer numbers killedbut in its manner and purpose as'a mass criminal enterprise,organized by the state against defenseless civill4in populations. -Demembering the Holoeaust . can instill cautiont,forttfylestraint, and protect against future ,evil or indifference. The'Commission made recommendations for memorials. First; a National Holocaust, Memorial Museul which will'' present th* Holocaust through pictorial accounts, films, and other Nisual exhibitsha1l be halt in Washington D.C. Sec..nOly,"an Educational Foundition dIdicated to the pursuit of edd-oationcal work through grants, .eltensio4 serdices, Joint projects: research, and exploration of issues .raised by the Hblocaust shall be founded. ThiFdly, the Commission recommends that a Committee on Conscience compbsed of distinguished moral leaders in America be appointed.
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