Members of the Contact Group on Euro Payments Strategy (Cogeps)
MEMBERS OF THE CONTACT GROUP ON EURO PAYMENTS STRATEGY (COGEPS) LARGE VALUE AND RETAIL PAYMENTS ISSUES Co-chairs European Central Bank RUSSO, Daniela Chair of the EPC HARTSINK, Gerard Banking industry Chair of FBE Payments Committee GAGGI, Pierfrancesco ACCB (Association of Cyprus Banks) NICOLAOU, Marios Banco Santander and EPC Chair SPS WG SANTAMARIA, Francisco Javier Bank of Valletta, Malta SANT, Peter Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État / State and Savings Bank Luxembourg ERNST, Gilbert BNP Paribas KRAFT, Thomas Chair of ESBG Payment Committee DENÈLE, Fabrice Citi Bank and EPC Chair of Information Security SG WANDHÖFER, Ruth Bundesverband deutscher Banken (Association of German Banks) KARASU, Ibrahim Caixa Geral de Depositos and EPC Chair Cash WG MACHADO, Leonor CECA HUERTAS, Francisco Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV) WEISS, Axel DnB NOR and EPC Chair of Mobile Channel WG FLATRAAKER, Dag-Inge EPC Secretary General MUSTO, Marco EPC Vice Chair and Crédit Mutuel BRUN, Claude Erste Bank MATTES, Klaus Euro Banking Association LICHTER, Gilbert European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB) GUIDER, Hervé European Banking Federation (FBE) RAVOET, Guido European Savings Banks Group (ESBG) DE NOOSE, Chris FBF DUTREUIL, Bernard Hellenic Banking Association TAVLARIDIS, Kostas INTESA SANPAOLO SpA FERRERO, Giorgio Irish Payment Services Organisation Ltd MCLOUGHLIN, Pat Page 1 KBC Bank GUNS, Bart Millenium BCP Bank FONTES, Alirio Payments Council Ltd SMEE, Paul Pohjola Bank Plc and EPC Chair of Standards SG AALTO, Petri Rabobank Nederland
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