Cryptoliquidity: The Blockchain and Monetary Stability∗ James L. Catony September 27, 2018 Abstract The development of blockchain and cryptocurrency may alleviate the economic strain associated with recession. Economic recessions tend to be aggregate demand driven, meaning that they are caused by fluctuations in the supply of or demand for money. Holding mone- tary policy as solution assumes that stability must arise from outside of the economic system. Under a policy regime that allows innova- tions in blockchain to develop, blockchain technology may promote a money supply that is responsive to changes in demand to hold money. This work suggests that cryptocurrencies present an opportunity to profitably implement rules that promote macroeconomic stability. In particular, cryptocurrency that is asset-backed may provide a means for cheaply attaining liquidity during a crisis. JEL Codes: E40, E41, E42 Keywords: blockchain, cryptocurrency, endogenous money, liquidity, dise- quilibrium AIER Sound Money Project Working Paper No. 2018{15 ∗I owe gratitude to Cameron Harwick for his comments on an early draft. I also bene- fitted greatly from conversations with attendees at the Fargo Bitcoin meetings. Without help from these individuals, this paper would not have been possible. yDepartment of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102
[email protected] 1 Introduction In the last decade, the value and significance of blockchain technology has gained recognition among entrepreneurs, policy makers, and academics. What appeared to the casual observer to be simply a monetary phenomenon has been recognized as a new means of organizing social activity, particularly exchanges and ownership (Davidson, Filippi, and Potts 2016; Antonopou- los 2016).