60-3 Comttetion REPORT

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60-3 Comttetion REPORT STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Harold S. Crane, Director FEDERAL AID IN FISH RESTORATION INVESTIGATIONS OF SPECIFIC PROBLEMS IN UTAH'S FISHERY BY Donald B. McDonald and Phil A. Dotson, Fishery Biologists Departmental Information Bulletin Number 60-3 COMTtETION REPORT Federal Aid Project No. F-4-R-6 Job No. V Pre-Impoundment Investigations of the Green River and Colorado River Developments TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract.. .................................................... 1 Objectives .............................. Techniques Used. ................................................ 2 Recommendations ................................................. 4 Findings: Colorado River Investigations .......................... 6 Fishery Studies ...................................... 6 Aquatic Insects ...................................... 15 Plant Life .......................................... 24 Algae Collected in Glen Canyon .................... 24 Limnology of the Colorado River ........................ 25 Limnology of the Ti-ibutary Streams ..................... 26 Present Utilization of the Glen Canyon Area ............. 33 Summary. ............................................ 33 Green River Investigations ............................ 34 Fish Species ..................................... 34 Condition Factor .......................................................41 Diseases ......................52 Parasites ......................52 Food of Bonytail Chub 52 Potential Trout Spawning Areas...................... 53 Investigations Below Dam Site 54 Present Fishery Utilization of ......................Green River and its tributaries ......................54 Aquatic Insects 56 Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants 57 Limnology of the Green River and ....................its Tributaries .... 59 Summary 67 Bibliography .................. 69 JOB COMPLETION REPORT INVESTIGATIONS PROJECT State UTAH Project No. F-4-R-6 Name Investigations of Specific Problems of Utah's Fishery Job No. V Title Pre-impoundment Investigations of the Green River and Colorado River Developments. Period Covered: August 1, 1958 to July 31, 1959 Abstract: Seventeen species of fish are know to occur in the Glen Canyon pre-impoundment area at the present time. The Flaming Gorge vicinity has sixteen known species. A stomach analyses, which involved several species of fish, tends to indicate a scarcity of food items in the two rivers. There will be a scarcity of spawning areas for game fish species, especially the salmonids, in both of the reservoirs. At the present time, a few small trib- utary streams in the Flaming Gorge area support trout spawning. The high turbidity and scouring action of sand undoubt- edly affects the bottom fauna and aquatic plants found in the rivers and large tributaries. No chemical conditions were found in either of the rivers or tributary streams that would be deleterious to fish life. The dominant riparian vegetation along the rivers was found to be tamarix and willow. There is a scarcity of aquatic plants in the river proper'. Pre-impoundment investigations revealed that game fish stocking recommendations should be considered as follows: largemouth bass, rainbow trout and kokanee salmon for Lake Powell, created by the Glen Canyon dam, while the same species, excluding the largemouth bass, for the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Objectives: The general objectives of the pre-impoundment investiga- tions were to determine and evaluate the ecological con- ditions at the present time and to attempt to "foresee the probable conditions which may arise in the two reservoirs. Specifically, the investigations were insti- tuted to: 1. Determine the species of fish present in the rivers and tributary streams and the specific conditions under which the various species are found. 2. To study the chemical and physical characteristics of the river and the tributaries and to determine the diurnal and seasonal changes which occur. To determine the types and distribution of bottom organisms in the rivers and tributaries and their importance as fish food. To determine the possibility of establishing and maintaining game fish in the proposed reservoirs and determination of the forms which will be most suited to these environments. To determine the availability and condition of spawning areas and prospective spawning areas and methods whereby these areas may be improved. As time and manpower permit, to examine the forms and relative abundance of plankton in the rivers and tributary streams. Techniques Used: Fish samples were collected all along the rivers and at all tributaries where sampling was possible. Seines, gill nets, explosives (primacord and dynamite), and set lines were used to collect fish from the rivers. Rotenone, seines and a common hendscreen, used as an entrapment. device, were used to collect fish from the tributary streams. The fish samples were preserved in formalde- dyde and each collection Was kept separate in an indi- vidual plastic bag to be identified at a later date. A stomach analysis was made to determine feeding habits. Bottom fauna samples were taken from the rivers and trib- utaries. Dip nets, composed of finely meshed cloth, and handscreens were used to entrap these organisms. The organisms were then preserved in 70 percent alcohol and later identified by personnel of University of Utah Department of Biology. Algae samples were collected and preserved in 1:22 parts of lacto-phenol in water and stored in corked vials. These samples were then identified when they reached the University of Utah by Dr. Seville Flowers, Professor of Botany. - - Ax.wwcF-yermw,MaixOrr,. AONOW14 ,v, -3- All water samples were collected below the surface in a 250 cc sample bottle and analyses were made at the collection site using a portable chemical analysis field kit. The chemical analyses methods are as follows: Ph Hydrogen-ion concentration was measured with a Rascher and Bechtold colorimetric pH kit using cresol red and bromthymol blue as indicators. Oxygen The sodium azide modification of the Winkler method, as outlined in the "Standard Methods of Water Analysis" (1955), was used to determine the dissolved oxygen (D.0.) concentration in the Colorado River study, while the Winkler method was applied to the Green River Investigations. Results are expressed in parts per million (ppm) of D.O. Carbon dioxide The amount of free carbon dioxide is re- corded as ppm by titrating 100 cubic centimeters (cc) sample of water with N/44 Sodium Hydroxide, using phen- olphthalein as an indicator. Alkalinity Phenolphthalein alkalinity was measured by titrating a 100 cc sample of water using N/50 Sulfuric acid and again using phenolphthalein as the indicator. These measurements were converted and expressed as ppm of carbonate by means of a formula given by Welch, 1948: 215, after this reading, methy orange was added to the same sample and again titrated with the same acid. This reading was also converted and expressed as ppm of bicar- bonate. The physical data were obtained by the following: Location -The exact location of each collection site was obtained by referring to the U.S. Geological Survey maps. Average Width and Depth - Measurements of average width and depth were obtained by estimating the extremely variable conditions. Color and Turbidity - Notes on water color were made from observation in the field. The turbidity samples were taken to the University of Utah and measured with a Hellige Turbidimeter. Temperature - Temperature measurements were made with a field type thermometer and recorded to the nearest de- gree Farenheit. Findings: See Page 6 - Glen Canyon Report • See Page 34 - Flaming Gorge Report Recommendations: Glen Canyon 1. Research on both the liMnology and fishery of Lake Powell, created by the Glen Canyon Dam, should be con- tinued during the period of constructing the dam and subsequent impoundment of the lake. Special attention should be given to the effects of impoundment on present fish populations, the limnological conditions which develop in the littoral areas and the extent of initial productivity in the lake. 2. Refrain from stocking any species of forage fish in the lake until the value of present species can be deter- mined. If stocking of forage fish appears necessary, in- tensive studies of requirements and habitats of poten- tial forage species should be made prior to introduction. 3. Preliminary information indicated that areas within the impoundment may be suitable for introduction of cold water species. The species that should be considered are: rainbow trout and kokanee salmon. 4. Introduction of warm water species should initially be limited to largemouth bass and/or black crappie. No subsequent introduction of other warm water fish should be made until the success of these species in the lake can be evaluated. 5. Studies should be undertaken to determine the extent and condition of spawning areas in the reservoir and the possible methods whereby these areas may be im- proved. The advisability of clearing the littoral areas in the vicinity of springs and seeps in order to increase the flow of water and thus improve the habi- tat for kokanee salmon spawning should be seriously considered. 6. Steps should be taken to insure adequate access roads and boat launching facilities in the lake area. The most likely sites for these facilities appear to be present in the Wahweap Creek bay, the Bullfrog Creek bay and Hite-White Canyon area. Flaming Gorge 1. It is strongly recommended as a result of the Green River investigations that a
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