This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by DAI


Activity Title: USAID Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity in Central Asia Contract Number: AID-176-H-16-00001 Sponsoring USAID Office: USAID-Central Asia Contractor: DAI COR: Svetlana Golovatskaya Chief of Party: Geoff Wright

USAID Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs in Central Asia activity aims to facilitate exports and employment in horticulture, strengthen transport and logistics services, and tourism across the five Central Asian economies. By incentivizing firms to become more regionally competitive and by addressing cross-border impediments to trade, USAID helps to develop a more diverse and competitive private sector and generate export-driven growth.

Five-Year Project: October 2016 to September 2021 Goals: Expand regional trade and employment in the horticulture, transport and logistics, and tourism sectors in Central Asia Components:

• Facilitating • Partnering for • Expand Trade Innovation Employment • Partner with key • Competitively select in Key actors to assess and firms to co-finance Sectors

implement solutions innovation and • Skills

Component 2 Component 3 Component Component 1 Component to expand exports, expansion of exports development transport & logistics and jobs • Entrepreneurship services, and tourism • Horticulture • Customs and border • Transport & management Logistics • Central Asia Trade • Tourism Forum • Skills Development • Entrepreneurship

______The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

DAI will assume acceptance of this report by the United States Agency for International Development within 30 days of submission.







C5+1 7











USAID Competitiveness, Trade, and Jobs Activity in Central Asia (CTJ) is implemented through two Task Orders called CLIN 001 and CLIN 002. The goal of CLIN 0002 is aligned with the overall goal of CTJ—to increase the competitiveness of the economies of Central Asia in order to expand trade within the region and to markets beyond and to create jobs. CTJ CLIN 001 activities started in October 2016. Activities under CLIN 0002 commenced on October 1, 2018 and complement but not duplicate activities that were planned and are being implemented under CLIN 0001.

This is the tenth quarterly report of the project, covering the progress of activities for both CLINs from January l, 2018 through March 31, 2019.



C5+1 DEVELOPING AIR CORRIDORS IN CENTRAL ASIA On February 26-29, 2019 USAID CTJ conducted an air cargo terminal study tour, bringing officials from Tajikistan to meet with their counterparts from the Almaty International Airport Air Cargo Terminal.

C5+1 TWO TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS CAME INTO PRACTICE IN KAZAKHSTAN On January 17, 2019. CTJ worked closely with KAZLOGISTICS, the Kazakhstan Union of Transportation and Logistics Organizations, to develop two transport and logistics professional standards. CTJ is now supporting the development of two new professional standards for cold chain specialists.

C5+1 ADVISORY COUNCIL OF COLD CHAIN OPERATORS IN KAZAKHSTAN After USAID CTJ’s efforts towards association building in 2018, cold chain operators in Kazakhstan established an informal advisory council. On February 18, 2019, USAID CTJ organized the second meeting of the council to discuss the following issues: preparing a database of cold chain operators, professional standards for cold chain specialists and a work plan for the council.


C5+1 WORLD OF RETAIL TRADE SUMMIT IN ALMATY OFFERS A “TASTE OF CENTRAL ASIA” On March 14-15, 2019, USAID CTJ supported ten Central Asian horticulture product exporters to exhibit at the World of Retail Trade Summit in Almaty. CTJ funded a stand promoting a regional brand ‘Taste of Central Asia’, enabling Central Asian fresh and dried fruit producers to showcase their products.

C5+1 REGIONAL PHYTOSANITARY WORKSHOP ON PEST RISK ANALYSIS IN DUSHANBE On February 26-28, 2019, USAID CTJ in collaboration with the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization hosted a three-day Regional Phytosanitary Workshop in Dushanbe. Seventeen officials from phytosanitary agencies in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan attended.

C5+1 TRUSTED TRADER AND GREEN CHANNEL PROGRAMS IN TAJIKISTAN USAID CTJ finalized two formal charters for the trusted trader and green channel programs necessary for their formal implementation in Tajikistan. Acting under the National C5+1 Working Group, CTJ sent the charters to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the Customs Service of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.



UNITED STATES CO-INVESTS IN THE FIRST PRIVATE FOOD SAFETY LABORATORY IN TURKMENISTAN On March 14, 2019, the United States Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Mr. Allan Mustard, and Chairman of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkmenistan (UoIE), Mr. Dadayev, inaugurated and officially opened Hil Standart’s Microbiology Laboratory, the first private sector food safety laboratory in Turkmenistan.


USAID SUPPORTS CENTRAL ASIA TOURISM THROUGH BOOKING.COM USAID CTJ has hosted a series events across Central Asia to train local hotel and guesthouse operators to advertise and facilitate room reservations through Booking.com, a global online reservation platform. Following a workshop in Penjikent in December 2018, two further workshops took place in Dushanbe, Tajikistan and Almaty, Kazakhstan in March 2019.

ITB TOURISM TRADE FAIR IN : CTJ SUPPORTED EXHIBITING KYRGYZ AND TAJIK TOUR OPERATORS From March 6-10, 2019, Kyrgyz and Tajik tour operators with the support of USAID CTJ, organized an exhibition at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin (ITB Berlin), the world’s largest tourism trade fair hosted annually in Berlin. After conducting almost 2,000 meetings during the fair, Kyrgyz and Tajik operators signed 75 new contracts with European partners. A further 60 potential business opportunities will continue to be negotiated over the next few months.

USAID CTJ FACILITATED TAJIKISTAN – UZBEKISTAN TOUR OPERATORS NETWORKING EVENT IN SAMARKAND On March 28, 2019, USAID CTJ hosted a networking event in Samarkand to link Uzbekistan tour operators with their Tajikistan counterparts and explore new tourism opportunities. Seven tour operators from Penjikent and five tour companies from Samarkand met to discuss new business opportunities, exchange tourism products / services, and explore new forms of cooperation.


NEW GROWING TECHNOLOGIES AND ORGANIC FARMING TRAINING INTRODUCED IN KAZAKHSTAN In March 2019, USAID CTJ completed three consecutive trainings for over 60 horticulture producers in Almaty, Taraz, and Shymkent to introduce new conventional and organic horticulture techniques. The two-day training was co-hosted by CTJ and the ATAMEKEN, Kazakhstan national chamber of entrepreneurs.

GRAPE POST-HARVEST STUDY TOUR TO INDIA FOR TAJIK AND UZBEK PRODUCERS From February 25 through March 5, 2019, USAID CTJ and the USAID Agricultural Value Chain Project in Uzbekistan (AVC) organized a study tour to India for a group of private sector grape producers and owners of cold storage facilities from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

USAID IMPROVES RISK MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS COMPANIES AND ISO CONSULTANTS On January 31 – February 1, 2019, CTJ completed a two-day workshop designed to improve the risk management skills of private transport and logistics companies as well as local management consultants.



WTO / UZBEKISTAN USAID SUPPORT UZBEKISTAN IN WTO ACCESSION PROCESS Led by Mr. Jovan Jekic, Senior WTO / Trade Adviser, USAID CTJ is supporting Uzbekistan in its WTO accession process. Work on the Memorandum on Foreign Trade Regime of Uzbekistan has been completed and the document was presented to the newly reorganized Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan for their review in coordination with ministries/agencies involved in the accession process and the subsequent approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.

UZBEKISTAN “WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY” WEEK IN UZBEKISTAN The Central Asian Women in Science and Technology Week dedicated to start-ups, science and technology was conducted from March 25 through 30, 2019 in Tashkent, Samarkand and Nukus. During the week, USAID CTJ supported the Startup Mix conference in Tashkent, devoted to women in science and technology and entrepreneurship. CTJ developed a “public relations corner” where participants could meet informally with speakers and other experts to discuss entrepreneurship.

CAPTURING NEW MARKETS AND EXPORT DIVERSIFICATION DISCUSSION On March 27, 2019, seventy government officials, representatives of the private sector, international organizations, and academia gathered in Tashkent to discuss capturing new markets for Uzbekistan’s producers and export diversification strategies.

MEDIA During the reporting period over 15 media mentions in the leading Turkmen media, including newspapers and broadcasts, highlighting the Food Safety Laboratory opening.


All countries Central Asia government approval processes to nominate CTJ submits invitations in advance and works participants for C5+1 events are long and uncertain. Last closely with country USAID offices and with minute changes of nominated participants also complicate counterparts to facilitate the process. planning for event logistics. Turkmenistan The Government continues to deny CTJ proposals to CTJ continues to work with non-government work with individual public agencies even when requested entities such as the Union of Industrialists and by an agency. Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Entrepreneurs and Union of Economists and denied hospitality training for hotels in Avaza and advised other donor-funded projects. CTJ to work with UNDP. Unfortunately, UNDP does not have a tourism component and cannot work with CTJ. The Government often denies visas for visiting CTJ CTJ is seeking to agree a clear approval experts. For example, an Uzbek potato expert has been process with MFA and the Migration Service. unable to obtain a visa. Uzbekistan The Government continues to delay submission of the CTJ continues to work on legislative matters Memorandum of Foreign Trade Regime to the WTO. This and liaise with the Ministry of Investment and will delay the first working party meeting until after the Foreign Trade over approval. Fall of 2019 and the subsequent negotiations.






On February 26-29, 2019 USAID CTJ conducted an air cargo terminal study tour, bringing officials from Tajikistan to meet with their counterparts from the Almaty International Airport Air Cargo Terminal. Six senior managers from the recently constructed Dushanbe Air Cargo Terminal in Tajikistan traveled to Almaty to learn about the Almaty terminal’s incoming and outgoing shipment processes, certification requirements, warehouse operations and customs and phytosanitary procedures. Almaty air cargo officials stated their interest in building the capacity of other airports in the region in order to help Central Asia establish itself as a reliable hub for air shipments.

Comment: Although only 1% of global cargo by volume, air freight makes up 35% of global cargo by value, making it an attractive area of expansion for land-locked Central Asia. Under C5+1, countries pledged to work together to address transport and logistics issues of common concern, and this study tour highlights how USAID is facilitating that cooperation among regional experts. (USAID Central Asia)


On January 17, 2019, two professional standards, “Transport and Logistics Management and Maintenance” and “International Truck Driver”, entered practice in Kazakhstan after being approved and registered by the ATAMEKEN Scientific Production Enterprise.

CTJ worked closely with KAZLOGISTICS, the Kazakhstan Union of Transportation and Logistics Organizations, to develop both the transport and logistics professional standards. The Central Asia Transport and Logistics Partnership provided expert advice – the Partnership unifies over 100 transport and logistics entities across the region.

The Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development in close collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs are aligning the Kazakhstan national qualifications system with the labor market. The Work Bank Kazakhstan Skills and Jobs Project is implementing the work focusing on occupational standards, educational standards and curricula, and qualifications assessment and certification.


CTJ received a request from KAZLOGISTICS, the Kazakhstan Union of Transportation and Logistics Organizations, for support to develop new professional standards for cold chain specialists. CTJ is now selecting experts to develop professional skills and competency standards for two cold chain occupations.

KAZLOGITICS plans to submit these professional standards to the ATAMEKEN, the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for approval and registration. The Kazakhstan Labor Code regulates national professional standards.




After USAID CTJ’s efforts towards association building in 2018, cold chain operators in Kazakhstan established an informal advisory council. On February 18, 2019, USAID CTJ organized the second meeting of the council to discuss the following issues: preparing a database of cold chain operators, professional standards for cold chain specialists and a work plan for the council. Short-term priorities of the council include creating a social media group for members and developing a questionnaire to collect the necessary information for the database.


On March 14-15, 2019, USAID CTJ supported ten Central Asian horticulture product exporters exhibit at the World of Retail Trade Summit in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

CTJ funded a stand promoting a regional brand ‘Taste of Central Asia’, that enabled the Central Asian fresh and dried fruit producers to showcase their products.

The World of Retail Trade Summit in Almaty brought together over 300 representatives of retail chains, distributors and suppliers from across Central Asia and beyond.

The USAID-supported exhibitors signed letters of intent with major retail chains amounting to $250,000.

Hosted by EXIM EXPO (Kazakhstan), the event was supported by the ATAMEKEN, the national chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



On February 26-28, 2019, USAID CTJ, in collaboration with the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization, hosted a three-day Regional Phytosanitary Workshop in Dushanbe.

Seventeen officials from the phytosanitary agencies of the governments of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan as well as the host Government of Tajikistan attended the workshop. The workshop trained participants on administrative innovations such as new software to conduct pest risk analysis and revised International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures.

Pest risk analysis is a necessary function of phytosanitary agencies to determine the potential economic impact of a plant pest and, therefore, the level of control a country needs to exert over the pest to prevent its entry or movement in the country.

USAID supports Central Asian countries to test and certify that their horticulture exports are free from relevant pests. Currently, shipments of horticulture are at risk of being rejected by importing countries.



A USAID CTJ trusted trader consultant finalized two formal charters for the trusted trader and green channel programs necessary for their formal implementation in Tajikistan. Acting under the National C5+1 Working Group, CTJ sent the charters to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the Customs Service of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The approved charter enabled the trusted trader concept to be incorporated into the National Customs Development Program of Tajikistan for the period of 2020-2025.

The trusted trader (authorized economic operators) concept is a program that rewards certain categories of accredited supply chain businesses with a range of customs and other trade facilitation benefits to improve international market access and simplify procedural and time processes. Under the green channel concept local customs authorities and the trade community establish a favorable customs regime for agricultural goods to ensure their expedited customs clearance.




On March 14, 2019, the United States Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Mr. Allan Mustard, and the Chairman of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Turkmenistan (UoIE), Mr. Dadayev, inaugurated and officially opened Hil Standart’s Microbiology Laboratory, the first private sector food safety laboratory in Turkmenistan.

With support from the UoIE, USAID CTJ and Hil Standart worked together to determine the market demand for testing services and then procure state-of-the-art lab equipment from leading international manufacturers. The UoIE and Hil Standart invested significant resources to renovate the space, provide furniture and operationalize the laboratory. USAID CTJ, which helped purchase modern lab equipment and provided training, will work with Hil Standart to obtain internationally recognized accreditation for the lab.

The new microbiology lab will perform commercial food testing services for domestic producers and exporters. The availability of these testing services supports the growing horticulture export industry by helping exporters meet certification requirements of key foreign markets.


CTJ received 24 concept notes during the January-March 2019 quarter, compared to 12 in the previous quarter. Seven concept notes came from Kyrgyzstan, six from Kazakhstan, six from Tajikistan, three from Uzbekistan and two from Turkmenistan.

Two of the concept notes were approved and 13 were rejected and the project asked eight applicants to provide further information. Common reasons to reject applications include: lack of co-funding, lack of innovation, the proposed activity is outside of CTJ’s objectives, inability to describe how the business would be sustained (beyond CTJ’s support).


Last year, one of the biggest challenges evaluating concept notes was the lack of important information provided in the concept. As part of CTJ’s commitment to collaborate, learn and adapt (CLA), CTJ revised the Concept Note Template. The new template now includes a series of specific guiding questions to prompt the applicants to provide the essential information that is required in a concept.

Of the 61 concept notes received since April 2018, ten have been approved and nine are currently being implemented:

Kyrgyzstan – (1) Tabiat Tour, (2) Inspiro Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan – (3) ITB Berlin Tajikistan – (4) Oro Isfara (5) Mevai Tilloi, (6) Harif Turkmenistan – (7) Hil Standart Uzbekistan – (8) Pomegranate Village Project, (9) Jahon Exim.

An additional eight are under consideration pending further information from the applicants. One of the approved concepts (Ter Onum) has been discontinued due to lack of initiative by the applicant.




USAID CTJ has hosted a series trainings across Central Asia to train local hotel and guesthouse operators interested in increasing their business through Booking.com, a global online reservation platform. Following a workshop in Penjikent in December 2018, two further workshops took place in Dushanbe, Tajikistan and Almaty, Kazakhstan in March 2019.

By effectively managing the Booking.com platform, local hotels can attract additional business from independent travelers. Nazira Miynikeeva, an independent trainer and hotel manager from Kyrgyzstan, led the training and shared her experience with her counterparts. The Booking.com website and mobile apps are available in over 40 languages, offer 28,901,947 total reported listings, and cover 145,044 destinations in 228 countries and territories worldwide.


Horticulture producers had previously identified training, especially in organic horticulture, as one of their key challenges in a series of focus groups conducted by CTJ. To meet this need, USAID CTJ completed three consecutive trainings in Marcy 2019 for over 60 horticulture producers in Almaty, Taraz, and Shymkent to introduce new conventional and organic horticulture techniques. The two-day training was co-hosted by CTJ and the ATAMEKEN, Kazakhstan national chamber of entrepreneurs. Participants studied new varieties of vegetables enjoying high market prices, discussed using bio-methods to grow crops, and developed transition plans for organic production in compliance with export requirements.




From March 6-10, 2019, Kyrgyz and Tajik tour operators with the support of USAID CTJ, organized an exhibition at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse Berlin (ITB Berlin), the world’s largest tourism trade fair hosted annually in Berlin.

As the premiere travel trade show, ITB Berlin is the leading business venue for the global tourism industry. Over five days, more than 10,000 companies from 180 countries and regions promoted their services to buyers and the public. The exhibition area covered 160,000 square meters and attracted 110,000 visitors.

USAID CTJ worked with national tourism authorities to present Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in an attractive and compelling way to potential buyers. A full-size Kyrgyz yurt was erected in the exhibition area, handicraft demonstrations were arranged and local musicians from both countries played traditional music throughout the event. USAID CTJ also coached participating tour operators on business and negotiation strategies at the fair.

Eleven Kyrgyz and fifteen Tajik tour operators met with potential partners, discussed foreign tourist expectations, scouted global competitors, and signed contracts and potential agreements with several European counterparts. After conducting almost 2,000 meetings during the fair, Kyrgyz and Tajik operators signed 75 new contracts with European partners. A further 60 potential business opportunities will continue to be negotiated over the next few months. These contracts will increase the number of tourists traveling to Central Asia in the 2019 summer season.


• Participation of eleven tour operators from • Participation of fifteen tour operators from Kyrgyzstan including Asia Expedition, Asia Tajikistan including Javohir Travel, Kuhandiz, Orom Tour, CAT, DCAT, Destination Karakol, Travel, Olami Sayohat, PECTA, Pamir Trekking, Destination Jyrgalan, Logos Discovery, Pamir Eco-Tourism Company, Pomir Easy Tour, Kyrgyzstan Journey, Kyrgyz Nature, Pamir Silk Travel, Pamir Safari, Pamir Montain & Travelland and Tien Shan Travel. Travel, Sarazm Travel, Tojik Safari, World Roof Tour and Zarafshon Majestic Travel. • More than 970 reported meetings with partners during ITB Berlin, including • More than 950 meetings with potential partners meetings with 42 current partners. during ITB Berlin, including 113 meetings with current partners. • Identified tourism segments generating heightened interest – Silk Road tours, • Identified tourism segments generating heightened adventure/ecotourism and horse riding. interest– Silk Road tours, adventure/ecotourism and cultural experiences. • 31 new potential business opportunities. • 30 new potential business opportunities. • 28 signed contracts with existing and new partners primarily from , , • 47 signed contracts with existing and new partners and Holland. primarily from Germany, Austria, and Canada.




From February 25 through March 5, 2019, USAID CTJ and the USAID Agricultural Value Chain Project in Uzbekistan (AVC) organized a study tour to India for a group of private sector grape producers and owners of cold storage facilities from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The Indian state of Maharashtra is globally known for its production and export of table grapes, while the Nashik District is known as the "Wine Capital of India. It was a unique opportunity for the horticulture industry of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan’s Khatlon region to become familiar with grape packing facilities and learn best post-harvest and export practices from counterparts, representing the region globally known for grapes export.

The one-week agenda included field visits, networking and meetings with industry managers who have introduced the GlobalG.A.P. standard within their production line. The group visited the largest horticulture grading, sorting and packing facility in Asia – filling 20 containers per day.

As the next step, it was proposed to host a joint event in Uzbekistan and invite participants from India, GlobalG.A.P. and Dole to share their experience of building global value chains.



On January 31 – February 1, 2019, CTJ completed a two-day workshop designed to improve the risk management skills of private transport and logistics companies as well as local management consultants.

The workshop, delivered by SGS Turkmen Ltd, taught new skills and shared experience with ten specialists from private transport and logistics companies to improve risk management in their businesses.

This is the first risk management related workshop to be delivered in Turkmenistan. Training followed the ISO 31000:2018 standard, designed by International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Risk Management is essential to protect revenue streams and minimize unforeseen costs – thereby increasing competitiveness and profitability.



On March 28, 2019, USAID CTJ hosted a networking event in Samarkand to link Uzbekistan tour operators with their Tajikistan counterparts and explore new tourism opportunities.

Tourists can now cross the border between the two neighboring countries at the reopened Penjikent- Samarkand border crossing point after it was closed for eight years. Penjikent operators hope to attract tourists visiting Samarkand to spend one or two days in the Penjikent area.


Seven tour operators from Penjikent and five tour companies from Samarkand met to discuss new business opportunities, exchange tourism products / services, and explore new forms of cooperation. CLIN 002



Led by Mr. Jovan Jekic, Senior WTO / Trade Adviser, USAID CTJ is supporting Uzbekistan in its WTO accession process. Work on the Memorandum on Foreign Trade Regime of Uzbekistan has been completed and the document was presented to the newly reorganized Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan for their review in coordination with ministries/agencies involved in the accession process and the subsequent approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In addition, a draft Legislative Action Plan (LAP) has been developed and presented to the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade. A LAP is an accession document that provides information on legislative acts that need to be amended/replaced/repealed to bring Uzbekistan’s trade regime into compliance with WTO rules and disciplines.


• On February 8, 2019, CTJ and USAID met with Alisher Kurmanov, Chairman of the Senate Committee on International Relations, Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Tourism to discuss the scheduling of a round table on domestic institutional impediments to increasing foreign direct investment in Uzbekistan.

• On February 16, 2019, Mr. Jekic met with newly appointed Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade, Sardor Umurzakov. They discussed the WTO accession work plan and current progress.

• In the week of February 18, 2019, Alan Wolff, WTO Deputy Director General and Maika Oshikawa, WTO Director of Accessions, visited Tashkent to participate in the UN-Uzbekistan Conference on Central Asia. The WTO delegation met with the US and EU Ambassadors and USAID Uzbekistan Country Director.


The Central Asian Women in Science and Technology Week dedicated to start-ups, science and technology was conducted from March 25 through 30, 2019 in Tashkent, Samarkand and Nukus.

During the week, USAID CTJ supported the Startup Mix conference in Tashkent, devoted to women in science and technology and entrepreneurship. CTJ developed a “public relations corner” where participants could meet informally with speakers and other experts to discuss entrepreneurship.

Watch the video: Conversation of Alfiya Musina, Uzbekistan Country Director for USAID CTJ with John Brown, Public Affairs Section Officer U.S. Embassy Tashkent.



On March 27, 2019, seventy government officials, representatives of the private sector, international organizations, and academia gathered in Tashkent to discuss capturing new markets for Uzbekistan’s producers and export diversification strategies.

The seminar was co-hosted by USAID CTJ, the Antimonopoly Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republican Center for Training the Basics of Entrepreneurial Activity, and Association of International Business and Technology.

Participants proposed the following recommendations for the Government and the private sector: 1. Undertake more proactive and effective measures to further improve, diversify and expand the export of the Uzbek goods and services; 2. Develop logistics’ infrastructure to support and expand the country's export potential; 3. Develop certification and accreditation (both to support national capacity and to learn import requirements of the foreign markets); 4. Develop more effective branding and marketing of Uzbek export products; 5. Expand exports of high value-added products that demonstrate comparative advantage; 6. Education and training of qualified specialists is crucial in reducing knowledge and skill gaps; 7. Incentives and subsidies should be limited/streamlined in line with principles of fair competition; 8. Set up an extensive database on appropriate pricing policy for export products.


CTJ coordinated with relevant public and private organizations existing at national and local levels, as well as other donors and developments agencies that operate in the region that are as follows: • Almaty Airport on learning effective management practices of Almaty international airport cargo terminal by Dushanbe International Airport cargo terminal staff.

• ATAMEKEN, Kazakhstan National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Kazakhstan Association of Sugar, Food and Processing Industry on the horticultural sector development in Kazakhstan.

• European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) on SPS: pest risk analysis and pest identification organized for SPS agencies' staff of Central Asian countries.

• Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants on tourism sector development in Kazakhstan: using Booking.com, a global online reservation platform for Members of the hospitality industry in Kazakhstan.

• KAZLOGISTICS on development of two new cold chain professional standards.

• National Tourism Committees of Kyrgyz and Tajik and Uzbektourism on tourism sector development: Booking.com and tour product development sessions and networking event for tourism operators in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


• SGS Turkmen Ltd on introduction of the ISO 31000:2018 Risk based thinking – methodology of risk assessment and root cause analysis for Transport and Logistics companies / ISO consultants.

• USAID AVC to improve capacity of Horticulture industry representatives from Khatlon on consolidation and cold storage effective management.

• Uzbekistan Republican Training Center for Entrepreneurship Principles on export promotion and search for new markets for horticulture producers from Uzbekistan.




FREE ECONOMIC ZONES STUDY TOUR TO FOR CENTRAL ASIA OFFICIALS DATE April 15 – 17, 2019 VENUE Izmir and Ankara, Turkey Turkey’s special economic zones demonstrate effective FEZ policy, regulation, development and operation. Up to twelve officials will visit FEZs in Izmir and Ankara specializing in logistics, production and trade. A Turkish FEZ expert will conduct a workshop on lessons learned and the best practices.

COLD CHAIN INVESTMENT SEMINAR DATE April 24 – 25, 2019 VENUE Almaty, Kazakhstan Co-hosted by CTJ and the Global Cold Chain Alliance for 25 CEO industry leaders from Central Asia with international cold chain expert speakers. The seminar will explain the business case for expanding cold storage facilities in Central Asia. Sessions will cover cold storage operations, design/build construction, refrigeration systems, and innovations.

AUTHORIZED ECONOMC OPERATOR (AEO) WORKSHOP FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR REPRESENTATIVES DATE May 3, 2019 VENUE Tashkent, Uzbekistan CTJ is arranging a World Customs Organization expert to deliver a workshop on the global experience and best practices in the development of national AEO programs. Uzbekistan Customs requested CTJ to organize the workshop.

CUSTOMS AND FEZ WORKSHOP - ASTANA ECONOMIC FORUM DATE May 16 – 17, 2019 VENUE Astana, Kazakhstan Co-hosted by the World Customs Organizations, State Revenue Committee of Kazakhstan and CTJ to facilitate the exchange of practical views to improve customs procedures/control for FEZs regimes.

KHATLON AGRICULTURE TRADE FORUM DATE June (TBD), 2019 VENUE Khatlon, Tajikistan Co-hosted by the Khatlon local administration, CTJ, and two other USAID projects operating in Tajikistan to facilitate sales by Khatlon horticulture producers to retailers and buyers from Central Asia and beyond. Over 120 participants will learn about post-harvest practices and enjoy networking opportunities.


TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS - ASTANA ECONOMIC FORUM DATE May 15 – 17, 2019 VENUE Astana, Kazakhstan CTJ will host a meeting of the Central Asian Transport and Logistics Partnership on May 15 before the Forum commences. KAZLOGISTICS is providing a speaking slot for USAID Central Asia on the morning of the second day of the Forum, May 17. The 9:00-10:15am session is entitled “Development of Entrepreneurship Along the Silk Road: Problems and Solutions”.



‘MADE IN PAKISTAN 2019’ - BUSINESS AND TRADE EXHIBITION (COMPLETED) DATE April 4 – 8, 2019 VENUE Almaty, Kazakhstan / Atakent Expo USAID Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA) in collaboration with the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and the Almaty Commercial Office of the Embassy of Pakistan is organizing the ‘Made in Pakistan 2019’ - Single Country Business and Trade Exhibition. CTJ is supporting the event.

CENTRAL ASIA TOURISM WORKSHOP DATE April 11, 2019 VENUE Tashkent, Uzbekistan CTJ cost-shared the participation of 20 tour operators from across Central Asia to participate in the second annual Central Asia Tourism Workshop. The Workshop is organized by Uzbek Tourism and NovoInvest. The operators will network and exhibit to a range of international tourism stakeholders, including tour operators, hotels, transport and logistics companies, insurance companies, and investment companies.

ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION AUDITS AND ISO 9001 IRCA-LEAD AUDITOR TRAINING COURSE DATE April 15 – 26, 2019 VENUE Turkmenistan CTJ, jointly with the European Union funded SARD3 project, is hosting ISO 9001 certification audits at two local enterprises and conducting an ISO 9001 IRCA-lead auditor training course.

CORPORATE MANAGEMENT TRAINING FOR WOMEN TOP MANAGERS MODULE 1 (OUT OF 2) DATE April 25 – 26, 2019 VENUE Turkmenistan CTJ, jointly with EBRD, will conduct a training event for women managers on corporate management.

GO VIRAL NETWORKING EVENT KAZAKHSTAN DATE June 14 – 16, 2019 VENUE Almaty, Kazakhstan Go Viral is a project sponsored by the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Kazakhstan to facilitate women’s economic and youth empowerment in Central Asia. USAID CTJ will bring four women Technovation speakers from other countries in Central Asia to share their experience.



During the reporting period over 15 media mentions in the leading Turkmen media, including newspapers and broadcasts, highlighting the Food Safety Laboratory opening.

Below are a few examples:

- U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan United States Co-invests in the First Private Food Safety Laboratory in Turkmenistan

- U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan Соединенные Штаты Америки участвуют в софинансировании создания первой частной лаборатории по пищевой безопасности в Туркменистане

- U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlary Türkmenistanda ilkinji hususy iýmit barlaghanasynyň döredilmeginde maliýe taýdan şärik bolýarlar

- Orient News Agency В Туркменистане открылась первая частная микробиологическая лаборатория

- Turkmenistan Bi Gun Türkmenistan dünýä bazarlarynda önümleriniň bäsdeşlige ukyplylygyny ýokarlandyrýar

- Turkmenportal В Ашхабаде состоялось открытие частной лаборатории по экспертизе пищевых продуктов

- Газета «Нейтральный Туркменистан» Качество и безопасность пищевых продуктов гарантируется

- Arzuw News Agency Открылась первая в Туркменистане частная лаборатория

- Turkmenistan Golden Century В бизнес-центре СППТ открылась первая в стране частная микробиологическая лаборатория

- Trend Azerbaijan USAID поддержал открытие в Туркменистане лаборатории по безопасности пищевой продукции


Selected media mentions:

U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan United States Co-invests Turkmenistan Golden Century В бизнес- in the First Private Food Safety Laboratory in центре СППТ открылась первая в Turkmenistan стране частная микробиологическая лаборатория


Neutral Turkmenistan Newspaper Качество и безопасность пищевых продуктов гарантируется


Turkmenistan Golden Century В бизнес-центре СППТ открылась первая в стране частная микробиологическая лаборатория


Orient News Agency В Туркменистане открылась первая частная микробиологическая лаборатория



Turkmenistan Bi Gun Türkmenistan dünýä bazarlarynda önümleriniň bäsdeşlige ukyplylygyny ýokarlandyrýar



During the reporting period, CTJ has implemented different activities based on its work plan and project progress toward indicators performance targets is discussed as below.


A number of training courses, study tours, technical assistances, and/or information provided by CTJ- supported trade promotion-related entities to strengthen the capacity of the target sectors, inter alia, training courses on pest risk analysis (SPS), horticulture development, traceability, tour product development and on-line booking.com registration, and ISO, as well as, study tours organized inside and outside of region for representative of public and private sectors.

1. USG-supported training (in person hours) completed in trade and investment Number of individuals received USG-funded training, technical assistance, and/or information is 162. In person hours trainings delivered for the quarter two is 2,498 (see Table 1). In total, training hours for the year three up to date is 6,906 against targeted 11,500 for the year. The level of target achievement is 60% (see Table 2).

2. Firms receiving USG-funded technical assistance for improving business performance During the second quarter, representatives of 100 private sector firms, companies and private entrepreneurs received CTJ capacity-building technical assistance. The total number of private sector organizations that received capacity-building technical assistance for the year three is 346 against targeted 520 for the year. The level of target achievement is 67%.


3. In quarter two, CTJ organized four private sector meetings and networking events to discuss challenges and opportunities in horticulture development, expand export opportunities for Central Asian horticulture exporters, focusing on supplies to retail chains, as well as, networking events for tour operators. Total number of private sector meetings and networking events conducted from the beginning of the year is 7 against a target of 8 for year three. The level of target achievement is 88%.

4. The number of attendees of private sector meetings and networking events in quarter two was 95. The total number of attendees at private sector meetings and networking events hosted or supported by CTJ assistance from the beginning of this year is 186 against a target of 350 for year three. The level of target achievement is 53%.


5. One public-private event on Entry Prerequisites for New Export Markets and Export Diversification was held with CTJ assistance in quarter two. The total number of public-private events held from the beginning of the year is 5, against a target of 6 for this year. The level of target achievement is 83%.

6. The number of attendees at public-private events held during quarter two is 60. The total number of attendees at public-private events held from the beginning of this year is 187 against a target of 150. The level of target achievement is 125%.


TRADE FACILITATION EVENTS SUPPORTED BY CTJ. 7. There were no trade facilitation events held during quarter two. The total number of trade facilitation events held since the beginning of year is 3, against a target of 3 for the year. As a result, the level of target achievement is 100%.


8. No workforce development initiatives were implemented during the second quarter. The total number of workforce development initiatives facilitated from the beginning of the year is 1, against a target of 3 for the year three. The level of target achievement for year is 33%.


9. During quarter two, the percentage of female participants in activities designed to increase access to productive economic resources is 27%. In total, the share of women participants in CTJ assisted programs from the beginning of year three is 30%, against an annual target of 30%.

Table 1: Summary of Year 3 Quarter 2 Output Indicator Performance Indicator Disaggregation KZ KG TJ TM UZ Other Female Total

Total 70 5 68 15 4 47 162 Number of individuals Private 55 1 54 15 0 34 125 that received training, Public 37 technical assistance, 15 4 14 0 4 13 and/or information Female 24 1 9 11 2 47 Male 46 4 59 4 2 115 Total 1048 112 1002 240 96 676 2498 Person hours of CTJ- Private 776 16 738 240 0 428 1770 supported training Public 728 completed in trade and 272 96 264 0 96 248 investment Female 312 24 116 176 48 676 Male 736 88 886 64 48 1822 Total number 44 1 45 10 0 100 Number of formal firms 44 1 45 10 0 100 Number of informal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of firms receiving Horticulture sector (product, process, 36 1 18 0 0 55 CTJ capacity-building trade, export) assistance to export T&L 0 0 0 5 0 5 Tourism 8 0 27 0 0 35 Other sectors and services, including 0 0 0 5 0 5 training, consulting and certification Number of private sector meetings and networking events hosted, 2 0 0 0 1 1 4 facilitated, or supported by CTJ Number of public-private events held with CTJ assistance 0 0 0 0 1 1 Number of attendees at private sector meetings and networking 32 20 37 0 6 0 24 95 events hosted or supported by CTJ assistance Number of attendees at public-private events held with CTJ 0 0 0 0 59 1 15 60 assistance Number of female participants in CTJ-assisted programs 16 0 7 11 0 34 Percentage of female participants in CTJ-assisted programs 29% 0% 13% 73% 0% 27%


Table 2: Progress against annual targets of the output indicators from the beginning of the year three. Target FY3 FY3 Actual per quarter F3 Indicator Name Unit of Measure achieved Target Actual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 in %

Percentage of female participants in CTJ- Percentage 30% 31% 27% 30% 100% assisted programs

Hours training course x Person hours of CTJ-supported training Number of people 11500 4408 2498 6906 60% completed in trade and investment completing that training course Number of firms receiving CTJ capacity- Number of firms 520 249 100 3461 67% building technical assistance Number of private sector meetings and Number of events/ networking events hosted, facilitated, or 8 3 4 7 88% meetings supported by CTJ Number of public-private events held with Number of dialogues 6 4 1 5 83% CTJ assistance

Number of attendees at private sector meetings and networking events hosted or Number of attendees 350 91 95 186 53% supported by CTJ assistance

Number of attendees at public-private Number of attendees 150 127 60 187 125% events held with CTJ assistance

Number of attendees recorded at CATF Number of individuals 1000 1418 na 1418 142%

Number of CTJ-supported trade facilitation Number of events. 3 3 0 3 100% events held Number of workforce development Number of workforce 3 1 0 1 33% initiatives completed development initiatives Number of attendees at WDAs facilitated by Number of individuals 50 0 0 0 0% CTJ assistance

1 Three companies continued getting assistance for both quarters one and two


ANNEX TABLE 3: YEAR 3 OUTPUT INDICATOR PERFORMANCE TRACKING TABLE (IPTT) Unit of FY3 FY3 Actual F3 Type Indicator Name Disaggregation Measure Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Actual Component 1: Increasing Competitiveness and Trade Readiness, Facilitating Trade, and Building on the Central Asian Trade Forum (CATF) Percentage of female participants in USG-assisted programs designed to increase access to productive economic resources 31% 27% 30% (assets, credit, income or employment) 30% ■ Numerator/Denominator Female 126 34 160 Total 401 125 526 ■ Country Proportion of Kazakhstan females 2 16 18 ■ Numerator Output/ Kyrgyzstan expressed in % 0 0 0 ■ Denominator GNDR- Tajikistan from the total 6 7 13 ■ Country 2 Turkmenistan number of male 0 11 11 ■ Sector Uzbekistan and female 118 0 118 ■ Sector participants Horticulture 2 2 Transport & Logistics 3 3 6 Horticulture/T&L, Trade 0 Tourism 5 21 26 WDIs/Vocational Education 0 Other, including consulting, training, certification 118 8 126 Person hours of USG-supported training completed in trade and 11500 4408 2498 6906 investment ■ Country Kazakhstan Hours of CTJ- 84 1048 1132 Kyrgyzstan supported 72 112 184 ■ Country Tajikistan training course 232 1002 1234 ■ Sector Output/ Turkmenistan/ CLIN1 x Number of 48 240 288 employment EG.2-1 Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 people 3972 96 4068 ■ Sex ■ Sector employment completing that Public training course 1878 728 2606 Private 2530 1770 4300 ■ Sex Female 1290 676 1966 Male 3118 1822 4940 Number of firms receiving USG-funded technical assistance for 520 249 100 346 improving business performance ■ Duration New 249 97 343 Output/ Continuing 0 3 3 Number of ■ Country EG.5.2- ■ Status firms ■ Sector 1 Formal 249 100 346 Informal 0 0 0 ■ Country Kazakhstan 2 44 46 Kyrgyzstan 1 1 2 1

Unit of FY3 FY3 Actual F3 Type Indicator Name Disaggregation Measure Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Actual Tajikistan 18 45 60 Turkmenistan/ CLIN1 0 10 10 Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 228 0 228 ■ Sector Horticulture 2 55 57 Transport & Logistics 9 5 14 Tourism 17 35 49 Other sector, including education, consulting, training, certification 221 5 226 Number of private sector meetings and networking events hosted, 8 3 4 7 facilitated, or supported by CTJ ■ Country Kazakhstan 3 32 6 Kyrgyzstan 0 Tajikistan Number of 0 Output/ ■ Country Turkmenistan events/ 0 PPR ■ Sector Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 meetings 1 1 ■ Sector Horticulture 3 2 5 Transport & Logistics 0 Tourism 2 2 Other sectors 0 Number of public-private events held with CTJ assistance 6 4 1 5 ■ Country Kazakhstan 2 2 Kyrgyzstan 0 Tajikistan 1 1 Turkmenistan ■ Country 0 ■ CTJ subject Output/ Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 Number of 1 1 matter (logistics, PPR Uzbekistan/ CLIN2 dialogues 1 1 horticulture, ■ CTJ subject etc.) Horticulture 0 Transport & Logistics 1 1 Horticulture, Transport & Logistics 1 1 Customs 2 2 Trade, Export promotion 1 1 Output/ Number of attendees at private sector meetings and networking Number of 350 91 95 186 PPR events hosted or supported by CTJ assistance attendees

2 It includes CTJ-supported participation of tour operators from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan at the ITB Trade Fair in Berlin, where they met with potential partners, discussed foreign tourist expectations, scouted global competitors, and signed contracts and potential agreements with several European counterparts 2

Unit of FY3 FY3 Actual F3 Type Indicator Name Disaggregation Measure Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Actual ■ Country Kazakhstan 85 32 117 Kyrgyzstan 1 20 21 Tajikistan 2 37 39 Turkmenistan 0 Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 6 6 Other countries 3 3 ■ Country ■ Sector ■ Sector Horticulture (production & trade) 49 38 87 ■ Sex Transport & Logistics 22 22 Trade 11 11 Tourism 57 57 Other sectors & services 6 6 Donors, development agencies 3 3 ■ Sex Female 21 24 45 Male 70 71 141 NA 0 Number of attendees at public-private events held with CTJ 150 127 60 187 assistance ■ Country Kazakhstan 54 54 Kyrgyzstan 13 13 Tajikistan 22 22 Turkmenistan 4 4 Uzbekistan/ CLIN1 ■ Country 11 11 Uzbekistan/ CLIN2 ■ CTJ subject 59 59 Output/ Number of matter (logistics, Other/ CLIN2 23 1 24 PPR attendees horticulture, ■ Subject matter etc.) Horticulture ■ Sex 0 Transport & Logistics 35 35 Horticulture, Transport & Logistics 33 33 Customs 59 59 Trade, Export promotion 60 60 ■ Sex Female 33 15 48 Male 94 45 139 Number of attendees recorded at CATF 1418 0 1418 ■ Duration New 1382 Output/ Number of ■ New/returning Returning 1000 36 PPR individuals ■ Sex ■ Sex Female 404 Male 1014 Output/ Number of CTJ-supported trade facilitation events held Number of 3 3 0 3 PPR ■ Country events.


Unit of FY3 FY3 Actual F3 Type Indicator Name Disaggregation Measure Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Actual Kazakhstan 2 2 Kyrgyzstan 0 Tajikistan 1 1 ■ Country Turkmenistan 0 ■ Public-public/ Uzbekistan 0 public-private ■ Public-public/ public-private Public-private 3 3 Public-public 0 Component 3: Expending Employment in Key Sectors Number of workforce development initiatives completed 3 1 0 1 ■ Country Kazakhstan 1 1 Kyrgyzstan Number of 0 Output/ Tajikistan workforce ■ Country 0 PPR Turkmenistan development ■ Sector 0 Uzbekistan initiatives 0 ■ Sector Vocational Education 1 1 Transport & Logistics Number of individuals who complete USG-assisted workforce 50 0 0 0 development programs ■ Country Kazakhstan 0 Kyrgyzstan 0 Tajikistan 0 Output/ ■ Country Turkmenistan Number of 0 / EG.6- ■ Type of WDA Uzbekistan individuals 0 3 ■ Sex ■ Type of workforce development activity Transport & Logistics 0 Women entrepreneurship 0 ■ Sex Female 0 Male 0