Idaho State Historical Society Reference Series

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Idaho State Historical Society Reference Series IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY REFERENCE SERIES INAUGURAL BALLS OF THE GOVERNORS OF IDAHO DATE AND LOCATION Number 477 1968 Term Governor Date and Location Idaho Statesman 1889 George L. Shoup Sonna Opera House* May 7, p. 2 April 30, 1889 1890-1892 Norman B. Willey none held 1893-1896 William J. McConnell none held 1897-1900 Frank Steunenberg none held 1901-1902 Frank W. Hunt Natatorium January 13, p. 5 January 8, 1901 1903-1904 John T. Morrison Natatorium January 7, p. 5 January 6, 1903 1905-1908 Frank R. Gooding [1] January 3, 1905 January 4, p. 5 [2] January 8, 1907 January 9, p. 6 1909-1910 James H. Brady Natatorium January 7, p. 5 January 6, 1909 1911-1912 James H. Hawley Natatorium January 6, p. 3 January 5, 1911 1913-1914 John M. Haines Capitol Building January 8, p. 2 January 7, 1913 1915-1918 Moses Alexander [1] Informal Reception, January 5, p. 1 Capitol January 4, 1915 [2] Informal Dance, January 2, p. 1 Capitol January 1, 1917 1 1919-1922 David W. Davis [1] Elks Temple January 7, p. 3 January 6, 1919 [2] Capitol January 4, p. 1 January 3, 1921 1923-1926 Charles C. Moore [1] Reception, Capitol January 2, p. 7 January 1, 1923 [2] Reception, Capitol January 6, p. 1 Ball, Elks Temple January 5, 1925 1927-1930 H. C. Baldridge [1] Elks Temple January 7, p. 1 January 6, 1927 [2] Elks Temple January 9, p. 12 January 8, 1929 1931-1936 C. Ben Ross [1] Capitol January 7, p. 1 January 6, 1931 [2] Capitol January 4, p. 1 January 3, 1933 [3] Elks Temple January 8, p. 1 January 7, 1935 1939-1940 C. A. Bottolfsen Elks Temple January 3, p. 1 January 2, 1939 1941-1942 Chase A. Clark Elks Temple January 7, p. 1 January 6, 1942 1943-1944 C. A. Bottolfsen Elks Temple January 5, p. 7 January 4, 1943 1945 Charles Gossett none held 1945-1946 Arnold Williams none held 1947-1950 C. A. Robins Boise High Gym January 12, January 6, 1947 Society Section 1951-1954 Len B. Jordan Elks Temple January 14, January 8, 1951 Society Section 1955-1966 Robert E. Smylie [1] Two balls; Boise High January 9, Gym & Elks Temple Society Section January 3, 1955 [2] Boise Junior College January 14, Gym Society Section January 7, 1963 (Also to celebrate Idaho Territorial 2 477 Centennial) 1967-1970 Don Samuelson Boise College Gym January 8, January 2, 1967 Society Section 1971-1977 Cecil D. Andrus [1] Boise State College January 5, p. 1 Gym & Boise High Gym January 4, 1971 [2] Boise State Univ. Gym January 6, p. 1 January 6, 1975 1977-1986 John V. Evans [1] Capitol Building January 7, p. 5A January 6, 1979 [2] Capitol Building January 9, p. 1B January 8, 1983 1987- Cecil D. Andrus Capitol Building January 6, p. 1 January 6, 1987 *This information from the Gazette (Idaho Historical Society), V. 1, No. 1, p. 6. Governor Shoup was elected October 1, 1890, inaugurated November 3, 1890. The October 23 issue of the Statesman suggested a grand celebration should be held under city auspices at the Sonna House, but there was no report of one ever being held. It is possible that a celebration was held after the selection of Shoup and Fred Dubois as United States senators. This occurred December 18, with an impromptu celebration culminating at the Capitol Hotel (see Statesman, December 19, 1890.) There was a celebration held for Shoup at the Sonna Opera House on April 30, 1890, when he was appointed territorial governor. (See Statesman, May 7, 1889, p. 2.) 3 477 Publications--450 N. 4th Street, Boise, ID 83702--208-334-3428 4 .
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