Moyer on Stand Haywood's Life Wife's Devotion
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HOW TO CURE against them and used against the or- SNAKE BITE. NO OCCASION FOR WAR TALK. ganization,” said Moyer. WIFE’S DEVOTION MOYER ON STAND Troops were sent into the Cripple HAYWOOD’S LIFE No Need of Death If Simple Remedy Is lapanese Admirals Declare It Is All September 4, 1903. Creek district Applied. Newspaper Copy. No Disorder in Teller County. THAW DAILY DENIES PAYING ORCHARD ACCUSED MURDERER TAKES EVELYN MAKES TO “What was the condition as to peace Denver.—A telegraphic item pub- New York.—Two distinguished Jap- HIS BEHALF. CALLS AT PRISON. COMMIT CRIME. and quiet at the time?” asked Mr. Dar- STAND IN OWN lished lately to the effect that a Penn* tnese took occasion to declare in no ttrms thei'e were no un- row. sylvan!a man had died from the bite mcertain that The stated objected to this as a con- Iriendly issues between the United of a rattlesnake brought a strong pro- PLANNED NEVER SAW STEUNENBERG clusion of the witness. The question DENIES ORCHARD TESTIMONY States and Japan, and to decry tin* un- NEW TRIAL BEING was finally allowed and Moyer declared test from Dr. J. H. Phelps, formerly a lue importance attributed by some to were going peaceably about well-known the men physician in the East and trivial incidents. Nc Estrangement Between Elder Mrs. Witness Says He Was in Joplin, Mis- their business. There was no disorder. Never Had Conversation With Or- row retired, living at 1817 Clarkson The champions of peace and friend- souri, at Time of Vindicator “How long did the strike in Cripple chard About Murdering Gov- street. His protest was not concerning ihip between the two countries were Thaw and the Girl Wife of Yamamoto, a guest of Mine Explosion. Creek continue?” ernor Steunenberg. the accuracy of the story, but against Admiral Baron Her Son. “It is still in progress there.” what lie called the “carelessness of let- the city, and Viscount Aoki, Japanese Haywood New York.—The devotion of Evelyn Boise, Idaho.—Charles H. Moyer, Moyer said he first met Steve Ad- Boise, Idaho.—William D. ting human being die of anything sc lmbassudor, who came from Washing- president of of ams at the Pinnacle park picnic. was called to the stand ami his exam- easily as a ton to attend the luncheon given by Nesbit Thaw to her husband, which the Western Federation ination by Mr. Darrow was begun. cured snake bite.” “When you first meet Harry Or- The Dr. Phelps’ is most simple, the Japanese society of America in found a every day Miners and fellow defendant of Wil- did was ease as cure and her visitor before accused man perfectly at it to absolutely honor of Admiral Haywood in chard?” l*e declares be effect- Yamamoto. h»s trial for the murder of Stanford liam D. the indictment “In January, 1904, at headquarters he walked to the chair and took oath ive. It is nothing more than tincture In tlie course of a formal statement own His White, appears not to have been the charging them with the murder of of the Western Federation of Miners.” as a witness in his behalf. of iodine injected into tho veins near Ambassador Aoki said: first, but when as a “Did you see in your office in De- voice was quite low at “There two gov- eiage devotion that it was at tlie timo Fink Steunenberg, was sworn him ele- the wound. exists between the cember, 1903?” his attention was called to it he an cure,” said Dr. ernments no difference or ill feeling of cynical quarters regarded as being. witness in behalf of his comrade. He carry Judge “This is absolute in “No, sir.’’ vated it so as to to Wood. Phelps yesterday. “1 never whatever sort. There is.not the slight- by was es- have known The flame of tills devotion did not* was called the defense and “Did he come into your office in De- Haywood was first questioned as to his it to fail. I have used it constantly est cause for anxiety in the American- history. his .lie nor lias it even dwindled since tho corted into the court by a deputy sher- cember, 1903, and tell you ho had family He said father and and have never lost a case, of the lapanese relations, and if there is any stepfather he even public iff. He seemed quite self-possessed, blown up the Vindicator mine, and did were both miners, and worst sort. I learned of the virtue of mxiety, it is not because of the act- eye has been turned away from began work as a the and as he walked to the stand looked you pat him on the back and tell him first miner under ir. years ago when I was in college, and lal existence of any difficulty between the young millioaire prisoner in the good job give him latter. Haywood was born in Salt. around the court room, apparently he had done a and why it has not been used more exten- file two countries, but because of the Tombs, and girlish for love of City in 18G9. 1 lis father was born the wife seeking a glimpse of his wife, who oc- $400?” .Lake sively and become a matter of gen- jemagogic influence of some unwar- positively. in Ohio, his in whom he moved to strike down an inconspicuous chair behind “No, sir,” replied Moyer and mother South Af- Iral knowledge is beyond ranted press talk that often tends was cupied daughter of English army mo. White, one of the press tables. He displayed “I never saw the man until January, rica—the an “I have tried iodine on man and on lo drive even the calmest temper of Stanford the great architect. as 1904.” officer. Haywood said he first went to animals, never failed me. Of the public into a whirl of tempestuous After failure of the jury at the some nervousness his examination when was and it has the a few was “Did you have such a conversation work at the mines he nine course, 1 on many camping rage.” set- began, but within minutes Poca- realize that first trial to reach a verdict Thaw going very steadily in a recital of his with him at any time or place?” years old. He was married at trips a hypodermic syringe is nci pa.f At the luncheon at the Hotel Astor, — into his old regular life at the with the Western Federa- “I did not.” tello, Idaho, and has two children of the Lit, though it should he if there Admiral Yamamoto spoke in a similar tled back daughters. witness, has it. saw of During the review of Moyer said he was in Joplin, Mis- The who but is any danger of being by reo- strain, saying: Tombs. And the feature of that tion Miners. •one eye, other a bitttn of 1899 the souri, at the time of the Vindicator said he lost the when t:!es of any sort. But “It is now over fifty years since young wife pass through the 'nig the Coeur d’Alene strike read iu lioy seven sticking a t. even without h:s sympathy mine explosion and first of it of by knife in ‘hypo’ use of simple. If opeded with every day on witness apfd he was in with prisoner part the iodine is America first intercourse iron gates of the prison struggle and he the Kunsas City papers. The witness i The spent the greater tlie skin a distance lapan and introduced us to the nations the strikers in their is abraded short were allowed did not any personal hostility for went to Cripple Creek in February, of his mining career at Silver City, anove the bite, scratched, say, a Df tlie West, we all know what we owe which visitors never had mem- He joined with Frank Steunenberg. 1904, to attend the trials of the Idaho. the Western Fed- knife or any sharp instrument, so tha to the United States for tlie develop- change. describing his duties, Moyer de- bers of the federation who were i *eration of Miners in 189G. the blood comes, and is poured ment of our industries and commerce, passed into spring and spring In o Haywood knew iodine Winter clared that they required that he be ab- charged with attempting to wreck declared he never i n freely, so ii will get into the circ l- and also for the education of a number summer, but young Mrs. Thaw ! & Cripple Creek Governor Steunenberg, and had no in- into sent from Denver—plotting ground of train on the Florence lation, no trouble will ever be expos l- Df our countrymen. We especially ap- has faithfully remained in the city. Her — saw Orchard there many terest in the Coeur d'Alene troubles sympathy tlie the conspiracy alleged by the state railroad. He enced from the-fcite. preciate the shown us by whole demeanor has been contradic- at miners’ head- other than as a member of the federa- more than half the time. times at the trial and “M\ brother has several fine blooded Americans during the late war. tory of those assertions which pictured lengthy quarters. Orchard seemed anxious to • *tion. always door The witness entered upon a horses. A rattlesnake once bit the "We have been next her as a silly, vain lover of notoriety. dc could to help in pre- Resolutions and discussions con- examination as to the Cripple Creek whatever he finest of them on the nose, and my neighbors with only an ocean between Prophets had declared that she would paring did a good deal.