Training for employees: comparative data

The comparison between Terna and other companies with regard to training was made by using the annual per capita training hours as a basis. As the staff turnover rate is an aspects of sustainability that affects every division of the company, the figures for the transmission companies (TSO panel) and those of the large companies listed on the Italian stock exchange (FTSE‑MIB) were taken into account, as well as those for the international leaders in sustainability (RobecoSAM ‑ Supersector Leaders). In 2012, Terna delivered 41 hours of per capita training, a reduction compared to the 51 hours in 2011 (please see page 142 for an explanation). Compared to other companies, Terna has a lower turnover rate compared to the average in all the reference panels.

TSO panel: 12 figures available; average per capita hours: 45.2; minimum value: 15.6; maximum value: 96.0; standard deviation: 21.8. In this comparison, Terna is above the average rate.

FTSE-MIB panel: 26 available figures (25 companies, one of which, Autogrill, has figures diversified by industrial sector), average per capita hours: 30.8; minimum value: 5.6; maximum value: 51.0; standard deviation: 15.4. Terna is in the top positions for large Italian companies.

RobecoSAM - Supersector Leaders panel: 16 figures available; average per capita hours: 42.0; minimum value: 3.9; maximum value: 158.0; standard deviation: 39.0. Even with regard to the global best practices in sustainability, Terna is in the top positions in terms of the quantity of training provided per employee.


120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 Landsnet Scottish Eles Elia National REN RTE Terna KEPCO Fingrid ISA REE power Slovenia grid

Training hours/employee Terna Training hours/employee TSO Average (45)


60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 FIAT MPS BPM Buzzi Terna Intesa Ansaldo Generali Telecom Unicredit Ubi banca Lottomatica Mediolanum Finmeccanica FIAT industrial FIAT rete gas Snam rete Banco Popolare STMicroelectronics Autogrill - Travel Retail & Duty-Free Autogrill - Travel Autogrill - Food & beverage

Training hours/employee Terna Training hours/employee FTSE-MIB Average (30,8)


160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 Telenet Swiss re UPM Alcatel ANZ Roche BMW Itausa Air Repsol Iberdrola GPT Lotte KT cor. GS

Training hours/employee Average (42) Terna (51)

Training hours were calculated on the basis of other published data. The transition from per capita training days two hours was made by assuming eight hours in a day. For more details about how the panels are constructed, and on the comparisons with other companies, please refer to the Notes on page 15.