[email protected] Issue 30 7 July 2017 Keeping Newham Connected Dear Colleagues I am writing this letter ahead of the NAPH and NASH conferences taking place on Wednesday and Friday respectively. At both meetings I will have presented on the new Education and Skills Service and how it will engage with you and other stakeholders and partners in our continued efforts to improve outcomes for children and young people. I will also have updated on Best for All, which is designed to transform our approach to meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. We also include those who are vulnerable in a range of ways: those newly arrived from overseas (often without family); those with mental health needs and those who remain susceptible to exclusion—fixed term or permanent, on account of behaviours which are unacceptable but which often leave them with no place to go. With over eighty schools, voluntary sector partners, other Council services ready to support and the funding coming through High Needs, Schools Block and Health, we should be able to achieve the change Newham needs in order to create stability in the system and assure the best outcomes possible for our most vulnerable young people. I am also highlighting a letter for head teachers, here about high-needs funding allocations for this year only. I wrote recently to let you know that we would be saying goodbye to Officers who have worked with you over a number of years and some more recently who have made a significant contribution.