WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Columbia—The Young Rajah. 1WJ00 Royal—Me and My Oal. tor 86 hours ending 6 p m., ÿriday: Siriuria Dominion—Prodigal Daughters. Victoria and vicinity—Fresh to strong Capitol—Robin Hood. weeterty. winds, generally fair and mild.



FUNDS TO RAISE The Duke of York and His Bride COLORFUL SCENES IN SEARCH IS MADE OFF U. S. NAVY GUNS NOT USED FOR THAT WORK Washington. April 26—The ap­ LONDON TO-DAYWHEN propriation made by Congress at AFRICAN COAST FOR the last session for elevaCtlng the guns of the United States fleet will not be used for that purpose. Sec­ retary Denby announced to-day, because of the unintended er­ DUKE OF YORK WED 237 IN LIFEBOATS roneous statements made by navy representatives in recommending the appropriation. Kifig and Queen, Prince of Wales, Leading Figures In Portuguese Steamship Mossamedes Found Abandoned Britain and Personages of Other Lands In Abbey and Aground at Cape 'Frio, Southwest Africa,; No During Ceremony To-day ; Throngs In Streets Gave Trace Yet of Passengers and Crew; No Landing Duke and Duchess an Ovation. Places Nearby. ______London, April 26.—A Reuter dispatch from Cape Town says ÏÎ London, April 26.—Prince Albert, Duke of York, was united the Portuguese mail steamship Mossamedes, which grounded in marriage with Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in Westminster aeveral days ago at Cape Frio, Southwest Africa, has been found Word of Removal of Crew of Abbey at noon to-day with a pomp and panoply reminiscent of abandoned, with no sign of the 237 passengers She carried. Thus SS. Brush Awaited the spacious days of the Mid-Victorian Era and amid the tumultu­ far. the dispatch adds, no boats have been picked np and there is ous demonstrations of the vast throngs that hail gathered under no indication of the passengers and crew. Owing to the fact that One Report Said Craft Break­ threatening skies to witness the wedding pageant...... there., are. no landing places in the neighborhood of ('ape Frio ing Up Rapidly As the cortege entered the abbey a slight drizzle of rain fell, and that a heavy sea is running to-day, grave anxiety is felt for but soon afterward the sun broke through the clouds and as the the safety of the boats. The Mossamedes’ passengers included Marshfield, Ore., April 26.— royal pair made their exit they were greeted with brilliant sun- twenty-nine women and twenty-five children, two of them being The steamship Brush, which I shine, recalling the old Baying: “Happy is the bride the sun British and the rest Portuguese. struck a reef off Cape Arago, shines on.’’ The Mo.samedre, a vessel of 4,415 near the entrance to Coos Bay, It was the second time in a little more than a year that the tons, left Cape Town last Friday for British King, and Queen gave one .of their children in wedlock the west coast. Just WHélt she'went Oregon, fo-day, is fast tin th1 to a person outside the realm of royalty. While the marriage of _rashore brnnknaffa hut .she ment SUL QUIET RESTORED - roeks, aeeoTding^o twt^t r^port» of ttw xoverelgnâ* second son did not *’ SOS calls for help. The British received here. The tug. Oregon stir the popular Imagination of the steamship Port Victor, which was 2*0 jnUe# away, raced to h*r assist-. has left here to bring in.Jfe® British Empire to the same extent ATTHETFORD.QUE. a* did Princess Mary's wedding, the. ance, arriving about midnight on forty-six members of the crew. U.S. OPINIONS DN romance which turned a simple Tuesday. The Port Victor found the Some of Asbestos Miners Re­ Efforts to communicate wjth the Scottish girl Into a royal prince’s Mossamedes abandoned. Brush by radio were unavailing, bride and elevated her from a posi­ The British steamship, the dis­ turn to Work leading to the belie! that thç ves- tion o£ relative obscurity to the. place LB COURT1 patch says, is still searching for the boats. If necessary, the German Armed Detectives Withdrawn sel had been abandoned. of the fourth lady of the land cap­ steamship Urandl, which is coaling Prince Albert, Duke of York, is the second son of King George tured the hearts of the people. The Part of Republican Party Op­ at Walvia. will assist In the search. From District San Francisco. April 26.—This tact that Lady Elizabeth’s marriage morning the Radio Corporation of and Queen Mary. Lady Elizabeth Bowcs-Lyou, who to day be­ to -:>the Duke of York makes her poses Harding’s Support Thetford Mines, Que., April America received a wireless irçessage here thatAhe eteamshie Brwrti, hard came the Dtiehese of York, is the daughterAf the Kart ami eligible—to- wear the- erown et..the- ...-i-.. of It 26 —With tire departure of Empire. In. the, event anything unto-, aground off Cape Arago. was "break Countess of Strathmore. B. C. FREIGHT armed detectives brought- into ihg np »t wm ttftf thé steam ward befall* the Prince of Wales Others Approve and Others ship Admiral Flake had gone to her Imparted an additional note of In­ the district in connection with aid, but Was not expected to arrive terest and significance to the event. Suggest Compromise the strike of miners of the As­ before 9 p. m. bestos Corporation of Canada, In Lifeboats. TRIPOLI TRIBE’S RAINED AT, DAWN Washington, April 26.—The reflex quiet was restored this morning. Portland. Ore.. April 26 —The crew upon Republican leaders In Washing­ of the steamship Brush, aground off STREET CAR JUMPS CASUALTIES 600; ADDRESS 9IY01 Manitoba Government Asked The miners of the Asbestos Cor- Cape______Arago, near Coo# Bay. Ore., was The day had dawned with rain ton of President Harding's New York ppration had not returned to being removed tnIn lifebolifeboats,ats, accoaccording FOUGHT ITALIANS steadily falling from a dismal gray pronouncement In favor of United to Send Man to Ottawa 1 g—, —- - # . . . , t 1 »» . liHuTaa» maàahtfk ntcttHl m et TO a wireless message picked up ■* sky. It had beer! raining all night gt»teg rncmbershlp Ul .tha_ Interna» work, but th* men of neighboring the navy radio etation at Nerthhead. Rome. April M —Further details arid" although the temperature was «EEEE tlonal Court of Justice became clear­ Winnipeg Board of Trade Ex- mines who went out in sympathy Wash., shortly before 8 a. m. No fur­ of last week's fighting in which moderate, the streets In the vicinity ther Information had been received IB* Italian troops In Tripoli de­ of the scene of the great function ly noticeable to-day, with the Chief pressed Views with the men when the detec­ at Northhead at that time. feated the Semissl rebels show were in a miserable condition, while tives appeared yesterday had all People’s Regard for Duke of Executix'e back in the capital from SOS Calls. !E that the latter lost 600 killed and the decorations to which the finish­ New York, It ranged from open op­ Winnipeg, April 26.—Requesting gone back to their pits. wounded. Including the chief, who York and Bride Voiced ing touches were being put long after San Francisco. April 26.—Wireless midnight were drenched and be position with warnings of a party • support in their opposition to the ap­ stations here picked up early to-day was killed In the fighting. draggled. split if advocacy of world court mem­ peal of the British Columbia Govern Montreal. April 26.—The striking SOS calls from the steamship Brush, One Man Injured as Oak Bay miners at the Thetford Asbestos Uniforms and Gowns in Abbey Nevertheless a few hardy en­ bership was continued, to whole­ ment from the decision from the a United States Shipping Board cargo Car Jams “Dardanelles” thusiasts, mostly women, spent the Mines have raided all the hardware ship, saying she was in distress off hearted approx'al and endorsement, Board of Railway Commissioners stores in the district and supplied Described night in the streets, determined to with a middle ground suggestion of Cape Arago, on the coast of Oregon obtain the best places for viewing the fixing freight rates in the coast pro­ themselves with arms and have near the entrance to Coos Bay. The Nine Others Unhurt When Car compromise. seized quantities of dynamite, with HUNGER STRIKERS pageant. They were the advance vince on a higher basis than those on nature of her trouble was nol learned Special to The Times. The ITesident became acquainted which they threaten to blow up Cuts Swath Across Road guard of the tremendous crowd of with much of this reaction upon the prairies, a delegation from the public buildings and the company's At daybreak no vessels pear her had London. April 26.—"After all it is spectators. Long before the time for been located. the ceremony every inch of‘space in party leaders here, and. In addition, Winnipeg Board of Trade waited property. It was stated this morning Sliding off its ' tracks in the as a simple man and maid, now hus­ received a large number of tele-* upon I*remler Bracken to-day. The by W. O. , president of the The Brush left Aberdeen, Wash, for WERE RELEASED the streets through xvhich the royal San Francisco last night. She Is a Fort Street “ Dardanelles” near band and wife, that we have taken procession passed was filled with grams from leaders in varions part* Premier promised sympathetic con­ Asbestos Corporation of Canada. of the country. Most of these mes­ sideration by hts Government of the In view of the serious outlook the steel vessel of 5,543 tons. Philadel­ the. intersection of St. Charles you to our heart*,’’ said the Arch­ eager spectators. At seven o'clock phia is her port of registry. Two Women in Dublin Jail bishop of York in his address to-day more than a thousand were waiting sages were said at the White Houe* request, and It Is hoped that when the company has applied to Premier to convey an endorsement of th* appeal is heard the Province of Mani­ Taschereau, as Attorney-General of Street, just before 2 o’clock to­ t the Duke of Ÿôrk and his bride In on the i laza before Buckingham An earlier dispatch from Marsh­ Were Freed Palace and in the open spaces in the President’s stand. toba will be officially represented. Quebec, to take the necessary rtepa day, an castbound Oak Bay car Westminster Abbey, and these words to give adequate protection to the field, Oregon, than that above said: swung across the pavement, vicinity of Parliament Square President Disturbed. company's property as well as the “The steamship Brush, a steel One Sister-in-Law of Richard Kerned to strike the keynote of the From the Embankment, where Administration officials generally public property and lives of in­ freighter, struck a reef off Cape snapped a telephone pole off at wedding that had just taken place. London’s find a refuge each appeared to bo satisfied with th* re­ dividuals in the Thetford Mines dis­ Arago, near the entrance to Coos Bay, Mulcahy night In the shadow of the bridges ception accorded the address, but the early to-day and backed off. The its base, and crashed through a Splendid magnificence there was, of and the protecting lodges of the river SUN YAT SEN'S trict. Course, üuch as befitted the marriage President himself was said by som» Constables Driven Away. steamship was reported leaking badly fence. Dublin. April 26.—On "grounds of walls, came beggars asking for coins of those who talked with him to-day Thetford Mines, Que., April 26.— and sent repeated calls for help. Life­ compassion.” It was announced, two of the King’s son. The Sacrarium was with xvhich to buy breakfast at the to be somewhat disturbed by the op­ Joseph Long, an employee of coffee stalls. However, the mendi­ The ejectment of forty special con­ boats went to the vessel from the th* Soldiers Civil Re-establishment women prisoners Identified with the a glitter of 1 Ignis of gold, of sliver, of position to the court plan as express­ stables from the offices of the Cape Arago coastguard station. The cants and thé Impromptu street ed In some quarters, and as extremely n vessel was dimly visible from shore Department, was Injured. Suffering irregulars, who have been on a hun­ crimson. In the nave, where the royal restaurant* were soon hauled out of Asbestos Corporation by a mob of anxious to aVert any spilt in th* through light fog.” with cuts and bruises, he wax rushed ger strike fore more than a month, guests were seated, the chief impres­ sight by the squads of police. There 1,500 miners late last night and the Immediately to the Jubilee Hospital sion was of brilliant scarlet uniforms party. Retreating Kwangsi Forces second forced departure from the The Brush is operated by the North were released by the Irish Free Slate were seemingly endless lines of hel- for medical attention by Mr. Bright, of army meh and the Lords-Lieuten­ meted officers In short rain capes. The most open disagreement with town of Lieut.-Colonel Macnutt, Atlantic and Western 8. ti. Company, Government to-day. They are Miss the President's stand for LTnited Turned and Fought which is represented on the West of the Island Taxi Service. ant of counties with their gold and general manager of the corporation, About ten people were traveling on Nellie Ryan, sister-in-law of Richard silver epaulettes; of the more sombre States adhesion to the w’orld court are the outstanding developments of Coast By the Pacific 8. S. Company the car w filch was driven by Aider- Mulcahy, the Minister of Defence, TROOPS ALONG ROUT protocol expressed publicly to-day the tumultuous situation here. The She is a craft of 3,124 tons net, 390 but not less stately dress of high Communications Along West man Robert Dewar. Traffic was not confined In Ktlmalnham Jail, and navy officers and Privy Councillors, was contained in a statement Issued Constables, who had been sent from feet long, 54.2 beam and 27.8 feet Miss Aunie O'Neill, of Ennlscorthy. At 9 o'clock troops in full dress by Senator Lafollette. Republican, Montreal following the first eject­ depth. long tied up by the accident. Of­ also glittering with gold. Different River Interrupted ficials of the B. C. Electric Railway Report Unfounded. types of army dress also were seen, wearing the bearskin headdress, Wisconsin, who ascribed to advocacy ment of Colonel Macnutt from the scarlet Jackets and white belts, half town, were forced to capitulate to the Company rushed to the scene Im­ There Is no foundation for the re­ while the most mrgeous of all were of the proposa, two motives, “equally Hongkong. April 26. — Retreating mediately, and had the derailed car hidden by great coats, began to lino sinister and subx-erslve of the best Kwangsi forces have turned on their mob and leave for Sherbrooke after CHILD BURNED • port from Paris that Eamon do the members of the King’s body guard on Its way again In twenty minutes with their gold helmets and tall the route from the palace to the interests of the American people.** constitutionalist pursuer», and the they had been attacked with stones Valera was captured by Free State Abbey. Mounted bands struck up and a fire hose and had fired blank EXPECTED TO DIE while linemen commenced to repair forces last Saturday near Cork and canopies of waving white plumes. The Wisconsin Senator predicted that latter, supporting Sun Yat Ben, have their tunes and to their spirited the endeavor to take the United suffered their first defeat In the new cartridge over the heads of the in­ the tracks. . that official announcement of the Beautifully dressed ladies were there, Stellarton, N. 8.. April 26.—Oliver Only the rear end of the car left too, leas conspicuous than the men marches tramped half of Lotion s States Into the court would fall. civil war raging In South China, ac­ surgent miners. capture is pending. It was declared militons who were endeavoring to get Fraser, seven years old. Is not ex the tracks. The front wheel# re­ In responsible quarters here to-day, because morning attire was the rule, Endorsement of the lYesldent's cording to advices received here to­ The town Is now In control of the mained In their place while the body near the scene of the pageantry. day. men and it is reported that assist­ pected to survive and his father. The source to which the report was but very fair visions many of them Fashionable Mayfair aristocrats, stand as openly expressed* were more Unlay Fraser, and his brother. of the car swung aroundL in a semi­ credited has no means of knowledge. were when looked at In detail. But numerous than the declaration* of The disorganized Kwangsi army, ance has been asked from Ottawa circle, broke off a telephone pole and cockneys front the East End, pro­ falling back up the North River, was and further aid requested from the Mitchell, twelve, were badly burned It was asserted, and the account was even among all this grandeur and dis vincials up from Somerset and Corn­ opposition. as a result of a fire which yesterday brushed a whoden fence immediately characterized “as a Joke.” play a note of simple human kinship reinforced by troops sent from Shlu- provincial authorities. to the east of Dr. Ernest Hall’s pri­ wall and kilted highlanders from kwanr headquarters of General Bum W. O. Ross, president of the cor­ destroyed their home. with the common folk was not want­ Scotland found common bonds of fel­ vate hospital. The cause of the mis­ ing. The familiar uniform of the Boy DUCHESS OF YORK Hung Ylng, one of the leaders of the poration, stated last night that ap­ hap was unknown up to a late hour GOTO TO HELP lowship hi their scramble for a view coalition opposing Sun Yat Sen. Th# parently the«r whole trouble had Scouts, who showed people to their this afternoon. . seals, was much In evidence. of the wedding.___ SAID TO BE ENGLISH constitutionalist advance was checked arisen from the fact that the miners NEW FIVE-YEAR Swinging across Fort Street, the END RUSSIAN AND and fighting is in progress above (Concluata on peso 2) car gouged deep furrows In the pav­ Hospital Nurse There. London, April 26.—Those who have Sun Kwai. TOMATO CONTRACT JAPANESE PROBLEMS MILLION AT SCENE Yunnan levies, the backbone of the ing. Immediate repairs will be ef­ It was quite clear that some guests been happy in the belief that th* constitutionalist army, are reported SIGNED AT KELOWNA fected so that traffic may not be de­ Toklo, April 26.—Viscount Goto layed. The car tracks were bent ^out were not people of rank and fashion. By ten o'clock the royal borough of Duke of York Is marrying. _ a Scottish in retreat, and fresh troops are be­ ha* tendered to the municipal coun­ There was a hospital nurse, for In­ Westminster was a vast ampltheatre ; jrI something of shock ing rushed up the North River to Kelowna, B. C., April 26.—The To of shape, and will have to be re- cil his resignation as Mayor Of Toklo. ronto Grower»’ Association to-day stance. and many others of types that and the great Abbey Itself, cut off this morning when they read In Th* support them. PaHeated on the right hand side of He gave as his reason his Intention certainly had to earn their living In from the rent of the city by barri­ Communications along the West signed a five-year contract with the to work for the settlement of Russo- Daily Express a statement by Ar­ Dominion and Occidental Canners, the car as it crashed its way through work-a-da^ wdrk but who were no cades erected overnight, looked out River again are Interrupted owing to Japanese problems. doubt friends of the bridegroom. over more than a million persons thur G. Fox-Davies, the distinguish­ the fresh flare-up of war. by which the- latter agree to take the the post and fence Mr. Long received tomatoes of the members during that facial cuts from the flying glass as Perhaps it was because of this touch swelling In the streets beyond the ed genealogist, that Lady Elizabeth the windows Were wrecked. At the LONGER PERIOD of simplicity thht there waç great barriers. period. This year’s price 1» fixed at sense of personal happiness among When traffic was stopped In the Bowes-Lyon Is not Scottish, but $17 per ton. time of going to press ho had been English. Clara Phillips Fights Extradi­ admitted to the operating room of FOR HIGHWAY WORK the people In the Abbey as they Westminster district familiar Lon­ The canner* recognized the asso awaited the great moment. It did not don had disappeared beneath a color Mr. Fox-Davies traces the new PRINCE OF WALES tion From Honduras to elation by signing the five-year con the Jubilee Hospital for attention. Ottawa. April 26.—Hon. O. P. Gra­ covering of fl«., bunting and Duche«' .nce.tr,_l»ck to, toe fin* seem as though they were taking J^pieT'From the pavements to the tract with the growers. By this ar ham. Acting Minister of Railways, part In a ceremohy but. In spite of Duke of York, Edmund, the fifth eon United States rangement the price for each season has given notice of a motion in the all these -shining unlfo-m*. It was countless chimney pots the lines of of Edward III, who wa« horn In 1*41 Is to be arranged between the par­ House to extend for a farther two more like a scene where all the guests spectators rose tier on tier In the and from whom the present Duke -M TO VISIT BELGIUM Tegucigalpa. Honduras, April 26.— ties, but If a deadlock should result years the time limit within which the knew and loved the bride and bride­ street stands On the pavements York !■ also descended. Clara Phillips, the escaped California the price will be arbitrated. APPLES EXPORTED various .provinces may earn and be groom and knew this was climax of hundreds of street workers scattered Will Go to Brussels To-mor­ “hammer murderess." with a woman paid the sums allotted to them under a true love story. gravel and then a coating of clean MAN KILLED companion, arrested here on Satur­ the Federal Highways Act. (Concluded on pore $) yellow sand, turning the blackened day. Is still held in the local Jail rain-washed surfaces Into broad AT CROSSING IN row as King’s Guest awaiting full identification and ex­ OAK BAY LIBERALS tradition papers, while the man who PRICE OF SUGAR golden path* over which crushed the HAMILTON, ONT. London, April 26.—The greatest en­ accompanied her. under the name of The Oak Bay Divisional Liberal UNEMPLOYED IN (Concluded on peget) thusiasm prevails in Brussels over Carson 1» held separately In the -'enl- Association rif the Saanich Riding 1,145,109 Barrels and 18,275 AGAIN RAISED Hamilton. Ont.. April 14.—A. Hoyle, the coming visit of the Prince of will hold a meeting to-night In the HOLLAND UDGED TO tentiary. Boxes Shipped DUCHElS OF YORK Toronto, waa killed, Val Theodorft, Wales to Belgium’s capital. He will When aeen at the. Jail, the woman St. Mary s Memorial Hall at 8 Vancouver, April 26—The whole­ COME TO CANADA arrive,at Zeebrugge on a cruiser on known as Clara Phillips refused to o’clock, when Hon. A. M. Manson. sale price of granulated sugar was IS GIVEN RANK Hamilton, and A. Rhlnehart, Hamil­ Friday and will proceed directly to admit her Identity, but discussed the M.P.P., Attorney-General, and Halifax. N. 8, April 26.—The apple advanced 16 cents per hundred ton. are la the hospital i Brussels, where he will be the guest crime attributed to her and the es­ Hon. F. A. Pauline. M.P.P., shipment of the season which opened pounds here to-day. to $11.40. Amsterdam. April 26.—(Cana­ OF PRINCESS Jured. and another man named 1 of the King of Belgium. cape In such a way as to leave no Speaker and member for Saanich, August 30 last came to an end yes­ dian Press Cable via Reuter**).— also of Hamilton, ta eufferios t On Saturday the Prince will hand will speak on the political Issues terday, One hundred and thirty HÔME DESTROYED. The Dutch Premier state* the minor Injurie, as a result of a V over to Belgium the monument déa- d*ubt of her Identity among those kd apples In that Government Is considering the London. >—1 14.—U te authorita­ who saw her. She shows, no eyidei of the day *nd review hurt. tively announced that. Kins George crossing accident her! ' 1 sumimh murale the-gratitude ___ P total quantity ship­ Nelson, R. C., April 26.—Fire yes­ matter of emigration of unem­ Apparently the driver i of the British nation for the genes-, of being downhearted and clings ped was 1,146.10» barrels and 18,275 terday destroyed a house at Glen- ployed people In Holland to Can­ last night conferred upon Lady the hope of freedom, not so much on which they were riding l ous hospitality shown during the war A. D. Macfarlane will occupy the boxes. All went to British ports ex­ bank, adjacent to Nakusp. belonging ada. One hundred men will leave Elisaheth Rowee-Lyon," who to-day to British soldiers, both prisoners'and the merits of the case, but mainly be­ chair, and a good attendance Is to K New brand and being renovated became the bride -» the King"! second through the gates of the aus# of the technic*! difficulties at­ cept 18,076 barrels and 280 boxes, to Holland shortly for the Dominion. National Railway crossing am wounded. anticipated. St. Johns. Nfd., and 6,000 barrels to for bis occupancy. The lose la $1,600, .on, the Duke of York, the dignity of On Sunday the lTjnee will visit tending extradition and return to an with $1,000 insurance. Frlnceas- headlong Into a freight train. other country. the West Indies. VICTORIA DAILY TIMER, THUhfiDAY, APRH- 2ft, 1P33_

paper streamers, flags, picture post­ the blue ribbon of the Order of the latlons and good wishes on every cards, orange* and chocolates, but Garter, while a splendid diamond Only One Store—1212 Douglas Street . COLORFUL SCENE IN side. The reception was followed by the early comers were of frugal aort. necklace shone on her neck. A In the Heart of the Shopping District Jjfcl LONDON TO-DAY WHEN a luncheon, at which the gigantic They had brought their own break­ swathed toque of blue silver tissue .wedding cake, weighing 8.000 pounds, fast* and munched bread and argnK completed her garb. FOR HER DUKE1 OF YORK WED was cut. A piece went to each guest, cold teà from bottles. Family parties Queen Alexandra, atilt looking as­ who made a wish beforp taking the vyero the rule. Excepting the soldiers tonishingly young, was in a gold em­ (Continued from p»E*-llr first LM*. and policemen on duty, there were broidered gown with ermine stole and f i BIRTHDAY twenty women and youngsters to one purple toque. Princess Mary looked very prettv in a biscuit colored pic­ automobiles, roaches and carriages of LEFT FOR SURREY HOME adult male. SALE OF HATS TO give her jewelry 1* expensive the privilege one* en route to the ture hat and frock to match. hut to give a gift box of "Hoe Sun Appeared Boon after 4 o'clock tlie Duke and The King was in military uniform, Maid" Chocolates is both practi­ Just before nine o’clock the rain The guests of lowest rank the Duchess left for Waterloo Station, stopped and the sun appeared doubt­ and Prince George was in naval uni­ cal and pleasing. It’s something shopgirls and working boy9 who were the King and Queen flooding them fully from behind clouds, all form. she'd love to share with her the special guests of the ltuke-—ar­ with an avalanche of rice as they de­ anxiously on hi* solar majesty whose Bride's Gown. friend* ht her birthday party. rived first. They were followed by parted. At the station another great geniality rapidly Improved. Bf ten The next arrival at the Sacrarinm the distinguished Commoners, sol- crowd sped the royal couple on their o'clock the weather was promising j steps was the bridegroom himself. In tUfj-M, htatesfnen; diplomats, princes honeymoon journey to Surrey. - ami the crowds had become Immense. naval dress, looking bashful and ! anArch j ot wales. In military «carlet, and ‘state carriages, bringing the ermim - couple. some emphasizing the "far- to file telegram* at CharlnK CrosA Prince Henry, in naval uniform. Then, I robed King and Queen. which waited reaching importance" of the event in tides of humanity from after a hueh of expectation, the choir ! at the Abbey door for the bride and lew of the neafnesa of the Duke to were converging on Whitehall. V\ 1th began the anthem. "Lead Us, the Throne. The newspapers take his police pass the writer was able Heavenly Father, Lead U*,” and up occasion to add the oft -rep*Hb‘** to get back to the Horse Guards, but the aisle walked the lovely little A GREAT ASSEMBLAGE hope that The Prince bf Wales will nobody without such a sesame haa bride on Lord Strathmore's arm, fol 'Tto&i. 725 v 1119 902 soon find a suitable bride. an earthly chance of getting through lowed by her eight picturesque YATES DOUGLAS OOVt To-day's ceremony within the hal­ The Daily Herald. .the Libor organ, the crowds from that hour onwards. bridesmaids. Her wedding dress was lowed wallsthe historic abbey devotes half a column to the wedding Many Drove By a fairy dream of beauty in Ivory as compared with several pages in With yet a full hour before the chiffon moire made in fourteenth which has witnessed the supreme the other newspapers. It extends its Duke started from the palace. and century Venetian style with close joys and sorrows of the nation for good wishes to the couple, but stres­ the bride left her father s house In fitting bodice and long full skirt. The ages past was *oth a religious and ses the contrast of to-day’s display Brut in Street there was much for the bodice was trimmed with inlet silver Offering values worth up of magnificence, luxury and untold crowd to ace. Military unit, march- tissue sewn with pearls, while a $3.85 social event, and was marked by a wealth, with the present harassing ed past to take up positions on the wider pèarl-sewn silver panel went to $7.85 Friday at glittering exhibition of fashion and conditions In thousands of homes. line of route A stream of motor down the centre of the skirt. The sumptuous jewels. Eight hundred of Canadians Attended. cars passed with privileged ones going neck was cut square, and the short For Dress, Street or tipprt Wear A Great Record Britain's greatest luminaries In to the Abbey. Through windows the sleeves were also edged with pearls. London. April 26.-The following crowds caught rapid glimpses of 1,0W PRESCRIPTION! EVERY MONTH From the back of the waistline state, court, diplomacy and society, Canadian* had received invitation* dukes and lords, admirals and gen­ fell a short train of chiffon moire, Every month l»«t year wa carefully dispensed this well as art impressive assemblage to Westminster Abbey to-day to wit­ erals. They could see brilliant tunics number of new Prescription* ness the marriage of the Dtrtie of just sweeping the ground. Over this, of foreign princes, duke*, duchesses some scarlet, some blue, medals ana draped from the shoulders, was We Have Now Reached Prescription York and Lady Elizabeth Èowea- decorations of all the orders with 1212 and others of rank and title were Lyon: Hon. P. C. l*arkln, Canadian train of ivory net with wide central NO. 3510,000 there attired in finery and jewelled now and then a Victoria Croas. in one janel of silver, edged with pearl em Telephone Douglas embellishments that rep Absented the High. CoromiMloner, and Mrs. .Lar­ ease worn by a blind col one L nroîdertes and Joined by bnr* of stl - We Are Here to Serve You kin; F. C. Wade, Agent-. Specialists sisted by Orent Britain's most dis­ former Canadian High Commissioner, mint he a wonderful scene In 'he with a small bunch of orange blos^- ■om* and ting white rose* over each tinguished prelates, solemnised the and Lady Perley; Senator Sir Ed­ Abbey." wan the envying comment union. The Prince of Wales took ward Kemp. Mrs. J. H. Woqto. ear. Two sides of the veil covered of many on the pavement. hur arms and the rest of its length prominent part in the proceedings Mrs. and Miss Kennedy, Miss Mon- — A Co tarful Scan. lie and hi» brother. Prince Henry, tlzambért. Mrs. Murton. formed a third train. BUTTER For acted as best men. but it was the sels, F. M. Eastwood. Mrs. Stuart. More picturesque than the motor, Bridesmaid*. Prince of Wale# who presented the Sir Campbell Stuart. Manag n«r Id- were the horse-drawn carriage, wlh herald»' emblasonlnga and liveried Eight bridesmande, tw’O of them G. D CHRISTIE Particular People ring at the proper moment. The rector of The Tipngs Publishing tiny nieces of the bride, holding her right bridesmaid* were chosen main­ Company; George Hadgerow and coachmen and postulions and cocked hats and gold braid. Near the Horse train, wore «impie but exquisite frock* • The Home of Dependable Footwear" For Sal* Everywhere ly from among the personal friends Miss Welland Merritt. Guards’ Arch, where the writer stood of Ivory crepe chiffon. Their belt* Is Now Located in New Premise» et CENTRAL CREAM ERIE» OF BC. of the bride. They were dressed in were of silver leaves, and trail* of MS. Ivory white cre|»e chiffon, trimmed Coldstream Guards In grey coats and 1623 Douglas Street limited leave* hung down their skirt* be­ with Nottingham lace, and presented enormous black busbies lined each MOVED! Four Doors From Hudson's Bay Ce. ISM Breed Street PWb* 8IM side of the street. The Coldstream tween folds of drapery. On the left a fairylike picture as they attended HI Band was. posted-aL the north-end- wide of rach dress hung a wisp of 1 ...'Tu 1 1 1 The bandsmen had to Join with the green tulle caught at the waist with Lady Elizabeth was attired in an police in pushing bâck the crowds. white rose and sprig of heather. exquisite gown of white ivory moire No gentle treatment would have suf­ On their heads were wreathe of chiffon, embellished with bands of ficed to prevent & break through. The myrtle leaves tipped with silver and silver and pearl embroidery. A iu- polièe and soldiers put their «boul­ caught into a bunch of white roses teen-foot train of ivory colored net ders to the civilians In the front Une and heather over each ear. hung from her shoulders. — Special te The Times of spectators and pushed them baca The Service. Flowing Hot Water gift of like rugby footballers 1n a scrum LET US SUPPLY YOUR London. April 24.—The The hymn ended, the actual marri­ WORE AVIATORS UNIFORM Hon.Mon P.„ C.v. Larkin,_...... Canadian High Every now and then fainting women age servie* was begun, read by the ------——-1 - —------———:———rcftminlwloner In and Mm. w,rt Pr^..ght through Into the open whtTC-fratred -Archbishop of <*snt«r- Have It at Your Faucets The Duke was dressed In the uni-I . jerkin In connection with 1 -They've started." remarked A Po­ bqry very clearly impressively. form of an officer— of- -the RoyRnvu a! AirAIT **th-11 wedding nf... the rv..i.Puke . of V.v.l/York .mland Had it been in a village church the Force. King George wore the field lupty Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon wa. a liceman when he saw the first com- 4flg. 4te knew thece were Rlway* *uch people could not have heard the ■ Hv rotitnjnnz your home with a Gas Water Heater (rir- tmtfttrm -n général while Queen gold purse studded with diamond» words ot the soterrm vowa more dis­ culsting type) you can have flowing hot water through­ Mary’s attire was a gown of blue and sapphires. case* in big crowds. tinctly as the Archbishop pronounced and si her. • Canadian. Invited Carriage» Advanced them for each in turn to repeat after out your house. Seats were limited te-tooe®* on in­ The writer ha.f The following Canadians received invitai ion. to Wrrtmtneter Abbey. at. his bust amt .mRny «?Rrhy had in upon one vividly, that all' mA.iWl - Think of the convenience—plenty of hot water for la va­ the bride and bridegroom, or who*- wnitesl a longer iime. but to non cenco and gutter was just accident official or social status entitled them The High Commissioner for 1 ansda lor v. hath, kitchen anti laundry without fusa or trouble. and the Agente-General oflh* Pro­ had the time seemed long before the that did not really matter. Under- o the distinction of witnessing the playing of the first bars of the Na­ The Circulating Type of Gas Water Heater is inexpensive vinces and th.dr wives: Sir I lying the reality was the love that eremony. and lady Psrl-y. Htr Edward Kemp, tional Anthem by the Coldstream made these two dare to take each THE SUPREME Tho faces of the sovereigns were and worth investigating. Mrs U. H. Woods. Mr and Mr«. Ken­ Guards' Band announced the ap­ other from this day forward. "For radiant as the taller figure of their proach of the first royal carriage. better or for worse, for riche or for son, with tho Prince of Wales on his nedy. Miss M-ntlaamhert. Mrs. Bur­ The advance guard was escorted by left,- walked up the aisle, followed ton Mrs. G. V. Cassells, wife of the TXTdÿwttrArt In flowing re«T poorer, in sickness and in health, to SHINGLE FINISH BMstih manager of th»- **»"£••* soon after by the- brhfë on the arm of cloaks and with Wring white plumes love and to chorish tflT death ut de tier farher, "t)w ^ratUro^ry.. .Montreal. and JhK»»” tJ • SjJSSi frotn gleaming helmets. The tirst peri/’ i-v. - - The stately hymn. ‘Lead Vs, Heav­ wood. Xff«. Stuart. Sir Camphell carriage contained Queen Alexandra. to Address. Shingolcen, whet used on shingles, will ensure utmost pro­ enly Father. Lead Vs." lent a note of Stuart. Mr. ftadgerow and Mlaa Wei- It was the first occasion to cheer, and WVfter the actual marriage was over tection against all weather conditions. Also, in colors will BC. and when the bride and bridegroom beauty to the procession. land Merritt the crowd took good advantage of It. GAS DEPARTMENT The Weather Three minutes later came the King had moved up Jo the altar followed «main fresh and dear long after chore of Ordinary shingle THE SERVICE fickle (Qurtifr was the sun and Their Majestif* *.W^ only Uy* -two child bridesmaids, the ■tains would have become dull and faded. This is. the result Showrooms, Langley St. Phone 123 After "nattering fnr a se* leaning anghtty. forward, nnd a bet­ six grown-up ones remaining behind, warmth and brightnees, he withdrew the Archbishop of York gavé the ad­ The revised, shortened exhortation, ter view of them was thus obtained. of the ure of a certain combination of oils which when dry his favor yesterday and the lust Very heartv cheers greeted them. dress. One sentence of which ha* as approved In the new prayer book -roue*»» to the Lon. Wales was looking with great inter­ "Beloved. Let US "Love One Another. I hie bride. Prince Albert sa Ut. 1 lake but early riser, who were up for flr.t Better thee for better, for wor.e, tor richer est at the cheering crowd». The Duke After that followed the signing of the for poorer. In slckne»» unit in na-eo of dawn found the *k> himself siemed to be think ng hard registers, and then the newly married !eaXn gray. It wa. too dull tp see of something else. His mind may pair came down the aisle again, the PAINT SUPPLY Co. Potatoes health. In love and to cherish until from one*, window whether rain waa death u. do part, according to C.od « have been on the Abbey o-remony. bride smiling and blushing and look­ falling but splnshee In Innumerable It was not on the incidents of the ing radiant and beautiful, and the Battery holy ord.nance, and thereto 1 plight cool, n sodden muddy streets tort 720 Yates St. Phone 1386 my troth." ’ , . . . procession - brig*room very tall and manly beside The best for your table The prelate then received the bride their unhappy tale. At eigh. n ciock Bride In Carriage that dainty little figure, as proud as «ere no great numbers or Iaast came the bride In a carriage any properly reared boy who has won from her father and «lie repeated the people about and observers feared Service $1.30 the sack delivered solemn words : "I take the. Albert lonroé crowds would watch proeek- along with her father. A vision of the heart of the dearest girl in the Kre.t.-rlck Arthur Georg-, to be my X. but when the actual street, of lovellnese she wa*. None of the mag­ world. wedded hual.amL.'o have and to hold nificence of uniform* that had gone We maintain a complete plant Phone Nineteen Seventeen from this day forward, for better, for ,he route were reached the «upertortty before created euch an impression as tor the repairing and re-charging worse, for richer, for poorer. In slck- Londoner»* the simple sweetness of the white Conditions wee ™»ntfe»ted. In l ar clothed brhTe. No doubt her bridal of batteries, and for remedying nesa and In health, to love, cherlah and obey, until death us do pari. Hument Square flanking and racing dress was of the finest texture, but ELECT JAMES sirRutomoblle electrical troubles. Pacific Feed The Archbishop then bestowed his the Abbey and .long both .Idee of there wa* no chance for those who blessing on the pair, and a prayer Whitehall" to the Honte Guard. Art h only saw her pass quickly by In a Prompt Service Guaranteed was recited. This was followed by a were deep ot >"ople* not *' closed carriage to appreciate any spe­ second blessing and an address by H< that point a. they would cial qualities of her dresa. 8h« might Company the Archbishop of York. h .v, b,en ln'better weather or a. have been dressed as any other bride thee became later In the morning JAMESON & WILLIS, Ltd. .•'Building to-day for the womanhood While the Duke and his bride were What caused the emotion among tne signing the register in the Clha pel of but enough to show the real popu- r* was the bride herself. A of to-morrow." Help the Y.W.C.À. rovtfl event». Une. of police Edward the Confessor, the choir sang fairer girl It would be hard to pi­ conducted at 2 o’clock, the Rev. W. The Service Garage Apiarist, completing plana for hand­ membership drive the anthem, "Beloved, Let La Love were in iim»‘ drone turs. sh- looked radiantly happy.• p Freeman officiating, aaalatwL-.tiy - 740 Broughton Street. Onw AnSuw." amlaajb. royal com- cape, glistening with running drop* hmlt Rny ,,oitement or nervous- ling the bee problem» of the »eweon. . Tim enertator* had raissri —..___ ..v.„ there Rev. W. G. Wilson, P.D. Two hymn* nle left, the inspiring cadences of •sszxr«'£ ne.« When she ha.T pa..ed there Well-known Business Man The production from this area lost were sung. "Till He Comes" and Mendelssohn’s "Wedding March rang was a momentary «tlllnr». among veer was 224 tons, out of a total or "Forever With the Lord." The through the arched dome of the great those who had seen her. She had President of Largest Ser- 356 tons for the whole Province casket waa covered with many beau­ of their kind in the world and with created an impression which. Induced The Victoria and Vancouver Island QUIET RESTORED neighboring pits producing nine- Abbey."1 * (In. wa. seated on hle- > vice Organization tiful floral offering* The following c*mp.too1a 'a’n' *, f.mlly of .mall silence rather than exclamation. Then production was about thirty tons. acted ns pallbearers: D. N. Bryce, R. AT THETFORD, QUE. tenths of the world’s asbestos, are CHEEREDJY CROWD the people turned to share each oth- Mr Sheppard also announced that located about fifty miles from 8h*r- Ïïs5. .^>SSS"2 James Adam, well-known Victoria foul brood whldh caused heavy losses Coulthard. Dr. Russell. It P. Thorpe, hrooke on the Quebec Central Hall­ ,r-The*)iike picked a right bonny In the Eraser Valley last yeer has D. Smith and J. Hodges. Interment ■><> whistle manufactured there. clîTm a» the multitude outside the wounded, while they were especially dress wa. the sight most beautiful Sehl and H. P. Johnson. bee», which have greater resistance dence, 429 BeUvUle Street, Catherine Murdock Takes Steps. Abbey saw them step Into their gor- angry at the laying off of tome men .rouscarrlagwôr plate glass and gold and whlth will linger longest In mem- The new Rotary President has been than the ordinary black bees, are now Halliday, beloved wife of Thomas who were not needed at one of the Ottawa, April 26.—Neither the De­ a member" of the Rotary Club for being Introduced into the territory, Holliday. She waa aged 63 years, a for the drive to Buckingham Palace. native of Bathgate, Scotland, and S crushing mill, and other complaints partment of National Defence nor Parliament Square was a aea of announcements many years, and holds the record for h'oreat Increase In the number of of an equally trivial nature. the Department of Labor haa yet re face. Among the occupants of these ADDRESS GIVEN most frequent attendance at I e reaident of this city for the past I* At the Outset of the disturbance, reived an application for assistance point, of vantage were old men who meetings He has filled various offi­ colonies Is also responsible for the years. She leaves her husband, four two day. ago, euld Mr. Rosa. step, from Thetford Mine* In Quebec. had w itnessed Queen Victoria . Jubl- M"“n' * BY ARCHBISHOP ces In thS club In recent veers. expected Jump In honey product on sons, Robert. Thomas, David. James, had been taken to lay the whole Hno. James Murdock. Minister of iU procession, the coronation, of Born in Ayrshire. Scotland, in 188.. this year. Quantities of bees are bring and two daughters. Mr*. Charte» brought In here from California They ' matter before the provincial author­ Labor, said he had been officially Edward and George and the wedding “Picture» in Poroslsin.** pr».»nt»d fContlnusd from'pass 1> Mr. Adam came to Vancouver Island Gandv and Misa A. Halliday, and two ities and the company was how advised of the situation there only In 1903. He settled first at Nanaimo, are shipped through the malls In two- grandchildren, all of this city. Tho yesterday. He was taking immediate of Princes. Mary as well. bv Bt. tiavlour*» young people, Christ Queen'* Gown. pound packages. he explained. awaiting their action. Every building In the neighborhood Church Cathedral Schoolroom, W- then moved to Ladysmith, and later remains are reposing at the Thomson Largest In World. steps through, representatives of thg Presently the organ played and the Opening of demonstration eplarie. Funeral Home. 1626 Quadra Street, wa. festooned with vivid fed bunt y S pm. Admission. 23 cent., ••• Primait» of Scotland. tlv> Bishop of came lure to establish his well- Labor Department at Montreal to do o o o on Vancouver Island was announced whence the funeral will take P1*6® The mines of the A.heatoa what He could to adjust matters. lug, royal crest, and countless ban London and the Archlhehups York known grocery business. He soon by Mr. Sheppard. These are set for Corporation of Canada, the largest ",t, and flag.. The Canadian cm became n prominent ath etc Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock wttn It is pointed out hers that judging n.imm.ae Sale, Christ Church and Canterbury walked In proceeslon May 17 at Dean Bro*. farm, Keat- the Rev. Dr. W. G. Wilson, of the hlem was not lacking. Cattiedrel Hchoolroom, Wednesday, to the Sacrarlum in gorgeous colored -I believe that this will be a good by dispatches from the scene Of the year for Rotary in Victoria, Mr. Ing and May 19 at Fred Swans, First Presbyterian Church, officiât» trouble, a misapprehension exists as May 2. 10.3U a.m. Contributions In copes. Boon afterward the Abbey Courtenay. The Keating work will tng. Interment will be made in Roe» bell* burst Into a Joyful peal and the Adam declared after he had been de­ be under A. W. Finlay. ae.l.Tant to to the powers of the Federal DISABLED MEN THERE vlted. "'Phone^«33^ ^ clared to-day elected to the chief Bay Cemetery. authorities in the matter of grant- royal party appeared. Queen Mary Mr Sheppard. Th* demonstration Preferred by position In the club. *"We will proe- WUl show Spring management, put­ i jug or refusing a request for troops. At the express wt*n of . Prince Mendelssohn'» “tlijah," First Fre.- looking lovelv In a sown cut In state- The death occurred on Tuesday J The law provides that the Federal byterlan Church on Tuesday, May I. lv classical lines of aquamarine and ner most If we always keep In mind ting on supers for storing honey Albert. 800 disabled .uldler. who are the Rotary motto, 'He Profits Most evening at the Chinese Hospital, 2,000,000 users Government must send troçp* on re­ still suffering from wound. Inflicted commencing at 8 p.m. Chorus 130 silver tissue, with an overdress of crop, how to care for early Increase Herald Street, of Lin Hinf Wik ceipt of an application signed by the voices. Tickets 60 rents, can be had lare-llke fabric, blue threads of which Who Serves Best ’ ” in colonies' and how the hive would In the Great War viewed the proceiv Mr. Adam*, election was made un­ aged twenty-four year*, a native of Mayor of a town, a judge in the dis­ .Ion from a grandstand oppoMtetJ. at Messrs. Fletcher Bros., llelntsman were cunningly Interwoven with the appear If there were foul brood. China and a resident of this city for Have trict or certain other persons. There Plano Co McEarlane Drug Store.Store, ••• P.n»e of York. Across her breast was animous on the motion of Mr. Sehl. ahhev Kxprea.lve- of the Prince » A feature of the club*e luncheon the past four years. He leave* to is no choice in the matter. On the love of Children wa. the Preeence o o o mourn his loss hi* father, LJn Keo you other hand, an application received Notice te Particular Buyers. — to-day was a short speech by Rev*. outside the Abbey of .everal thou- Dr C. S. Price, the evangel 1st, who Qui, of 662 Cormorant Street, and one through other source* would not Ranil «chool vouth». They roared a Butter, Insist on the beet. Salt OBITUARY brother also of this city. The funeral come within the scope of the act spring Island Creamery new retail­ has been a Rotarlan himself for some tried mighty welcome ae their royal patron years. "Remember, Rotarians. ho took place this afternoon from the ing at 66c peMb. ^ q •« came out of the church, arm In arm said, "that you get the most out of The funeral of the late Elizabeth Thomson Funeral Home, interment it? PAGEANT PARADE with hi. duchés». life when you put most Into It. It is Lan trow took place on Wednesday being made in the Chinee* Cemetogw Ten. of thousand, of London s Mise Henman (certf. London ape cialtst). 16 years experience In treat­ easiest to make friends when you al*e afteVnoon from McCall Bro. ' Funeral COMMITTEE TO MEET other children who were denied a a friend You don't begin to live until Home, and proceeded to the First Nearly ' 700 persons met .death in glimpse of the wedding, procee.lon ment of superfluous hair and moles. street accident* in London last year. had*the day off. K«ch youngster re­ Absolute cure guaranteed; it Winch you learn the leeson of real eervtce. Baptist Church, where eervtce The progress made by the May- Iir Price, who was In a reminis­ ceived a box containing a morsel of time Frolic Committee . is particu­ »>d*' o O O cent mood, told the eluh about some true royal wedding cake. of Ills experiences In the tar North. larly reflected • In the work of the Hair Cuta 26e.—Four chairs, quick Arrived at the palaee, the royal where he wa. n ml.elonaryJor.rom. couple received another deafening service. Welle Arcad^ Bldg. Parade Committee, under E. G. Mor- years, and where he travelled the ■3ufp»J Sufims tvm nu*UMf Ifjaog ley, which will meet At the Commit­ crescendo of choses. Figure Drawing and Painting frozen waste* alone with hi» dog The King and Queen *!,,d * Classee: Saturdays. 9.10 to li.M. tee rooms to-night at 8 o’clock. T&u tion in the palace, and the bride and te"?*»ant to congratulate you on asnoH ™! co-operation of nearly all local in groom were showered with congratu- Mondays. 1.10 to 8.30. Will Menelawe stltution* haa already been promised. Instructor. 202-S Union Bank Build- your city, which is the finest I have Rapid progress Is being made. *®*' o o o ever *een," he said.______;__ Various sections are being formed naAoa and capably handled by sub-coni Miss Oriffith, Dressmaker, Is tern HONEY OUTPUT mtttees and the chairman of each INDIGESTION porarily conducting her business on top floor Woolworth Building. Suite committee haa good new* to report. in Two Minute» With A honey production from the Van -

that the League had the power of problem that was very difficult to meet. "stepping in" only upon the applica­ “I want to say that this country tion of one of its members. and its representatives must wake ! think thl^should bé done as soon SAYS ORIENTAL up If we are to preserve Canada as TïïtïïXL/'vfï WTF as possible," he said. a white maiÿe country, to be enjoyed In reply to another question., he by this ana future generations," he J UyJ LlM & JC said that, if the United States entered said. in the League, it would be the most New Bill. TURN YOUR ELECTRIC LIGHT DOWN logical- member to bring before the Referring to a bill Which is ex­ 100t-10 GOVERNMENT STREET Appealed for Public -Opinion Council the settlement of reparations Hon. S. F. Tolmie Speaks of pected to come up In the Commons A Wonderful Device and the Ruhr occupation. any time now. Dr. Tolmie contended to Support World League Situation in B.C. that "it proposes to leave wide open ) UST think how convenient it would the entry of merchants into Canada." be to lower the electric light in the Decisions LARGELY ATTENDED Ottawa. April 26.—The greatest "Anyone." he said, "familiar with •ick room — the nureery—or hell FUNERAL IN DAWSON allv of the Oriental in entering the situation on the Coast must J“just ee you would gas’*—that's what Boston. April 26.—“Either we must - , I knowmiun thatmoi we**«J havei*»»o tooi"» «many■—■■* Chinese. —- the Benjamin Dim-a-lite will do lor Christianize our civilization or Canada has been the apathy or tne j merc|,antl jn this country now. and Dawson. Y. *T.. April ^he Easterner who persistently has re- j their competition Is very keenly felt Christianity will destroy our civiliza­ funeral of the late Sister Mary John, tion," Lord Robert Cecil, chief British fralned from carefully studying the | by those of our own race in the same Pioneer nurse of the Yukon, y ester situation and who has always looked ; line of business. exponent of the League of Nations, day. was one of the most imposing told an audience of more than 3,600 on the appeals of the British j The clause covering merchants, he ever seen here. Her heroic sacri­ Columbians as being of a political said, also would lead to a great deal persons here last night, which heard fices on behftlf of cltlxens of the the concluding address of tits Amert nature and not taken this jnfttler of misrepresentation. Experience of ihris. can tour in the interests of the Yukon during^ the past thirty-tiné very seriously, according to Hon. S. immigration agents Tri the post years were recognized by all creeds F; Tolmie. M.P. for Victoria and clearly showed that no loopholes League. I Resident Lowell of Harv and kinds. Many places of business should be left. ee suae irt a Fill Any Ebctrlc Light Socket ard. presided. formerly Minister of Agriculture in were closed, and hundreds followed the Mdghen administration. There was only one kind of law to Buy * Dim-a-lite from your Electrical or Hardware Dealer— "The doctrine of love applies to her to her grave In the little Roman Dr. Tolmie. In. an interview with pass and that was a law which you can attach it yourself—in a jiffy. nations as well as to men," said Lord Catholic Cemetery. the Canadian Press last night, went meant total exclusion, with the ex­ Robert. _ ■ • George Mackenzie, chief executive on to say that In spite of British Co­ ception of permitting trade under IÉTÏ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ The British statesmen again stress­ of the Yukon. Mr. Justice Macaulay, lumbia legislation, backed to the proper regulations, he said. ed the importance of public opinion Dr. Alfred Thompson, former M. P„ limit by business organizations and Dr. Tolmie , reiterated that the In enforcing the decisions of the Commander Telford of the Mounted various associations, the people .of j Asiatic was not a desirable settler, Emery R. Johnson, of the University league of Nations. The Irish Fren Police, and every Protestant clergy­ the Coast Province had been met in I that he would not assimilate, and it AMBASSADORS TO of Pennsylvania, also received the State, he. said, had attained Its end man In the city, headed by Bishop the East by lwliUctans who Had , Canadians were to compete witn U.S. ARE HONORED Institute's medal. •' through the force of ptiblicdfcptiilon, Stringer of the Church of England, "failed to give us legislation that him they must entirely change their which had been too strong for the would properly meet the situation, standard of living. He urged that attended the funeral-. and no single party is more to blame , Canada profit by the experience of Now York, April 36.—Sir Auckland OPPOSES TITLES British Government to resist. Lord Sister Mary John was a native of Robert Stated that he rejoiced pro­ than the other in this particular I the United States, where, he said, Getldes, British Ambassador to the Quebec, and was well known in that resoect " The result had been that : much more severe immigration Jaws United States, and .Jules Jussvrand, Cape Town. South Africa. April 26. foundly to find that Ireland had ap­ province. She lived for a time In plied for admittance to the League. the, had seen abortive legislation. I were passed after many thou^nda French Ambassador, were decorated —In the House of Assembly yesterday Victoria, B. C. half-way measures, jelly-fishing tor > of Immigrants of a low t>per had with the Medal of the National In­ Labor Leader Uresswell indicated his In reply to a question from one of gained access to that country. «bh» auditors as to why the League The saltiest seawater is found near fear of hurting the feelings of the stitute of Social Science at Its atifttiaU Tn tent ion to move for àn address Orientals, until the Chinese ques- dinner last night. praying the King to refrain from con­ did not step in and settle the French the Equator. This Is due to the had and German dispute over reparations greater evaporation, which takes the tldrt. once a very simple one. John Du Rockefeller* Jr., and Pro­ ferring titles on residents of the now developed Into Orient*! fessors Chartes D. Davenport and Union of South Africa. and the Rhur, Ix»rd Robert explained water but leaves the salt. AMERICANS BUY

Seattle Interests Purchase Big Stretch Around Horne Lake Flannel Dresses for Vancouver, April 26.—One of the largest - timber sale* that the Can­ adian Pacific Railway has made In several months on Vancouver Island, has juai been completed ■_ A HPup of Free! Free! Free! Seattle lumbermen, came into posses- Sports Wear — alon of 12.000 acres of timber land at A liberal trial tube of Listerinc Tooth Paste. The new sensation in dentifiriee. This is inanity Horne lAtke. There are more than 200.000,000 feet of standing timber on favtwed by the makers of the household article Listerinc. We will give a tube free to each pur­ the property, some of it of the very finest kind, in patch** rivalling the Exceptional Value chaser at any of our nine stores, Friday and Sa turday. well-known timber at Cameron Lake. The purchasers are acquiring other limit* 4U*i it haft not been decide? 1 whether to put up a mill on the Island or to haul the logs to Seattle. At $8.90 to $21.00 It is likely Htat -the latter conrwP EASTMAN would be adopted.- 1 Featuring Friday a noteworthy showing of Tide water on the east side of the Smartly-Styled Flannel Dresses for sports wear Friday and Saturday Specials Island can be reached by a spur line 1 about ten mites tn length or the eom- in shades-of-blue, sand, grey, rust. Persian blue, KODAKS pany, may decided to connect with the E. & N. and ship logs over the rail- brown, navv and cocoa. Splendid value at I way down the coast to a favorable $8.90 to ...... $21.00 .40 Safctee Shaving Cream... point for dumping into the water. .40 Mennen V Shaving Cream . Guaranteed Rubber Goods Horne Lake is aUiut ten miles north of Cameron I«ake. and the .25 Mennen V T aient# -Hnwtler I K. & S. Hot Water Bottle ' Alherni branch of the Ksqulmatt & Cut Nanaimo Railway. Installation of a 1 1-00 Aspirin Tablet*. Iiwht .... 1 Allies' Sanitary Syringe .. short railway spur would make it possible to ship logs front Horne Dainty White Voile Blouses .50 Tinetiire of Iodine. 4 ozs...... v...... 25 K. & S. Fountain Syringe .. fe firtlw f * N.; And then te 1.00 1 lb. Tins Finest Sugar of Milk...... 50 Infants’ Rectal Syringe ... Prices boom them at a convenient point for towing to Seattle. 1 00 Nnxated Iron, anti -Bar & CteerSyringe . . .T,r •17 Purchase of the Horne Lake tint “EVERY STITCH HAND-MADE" I her Is only one of many developments 1.00 Yeast Vitamine Tablet*, both for...... 08 Agripjia Nipples. 2 for...... 15 I TTYThe^tstaniF* lumber industry this Dainty White Voile Blouse*, hand-made and hand- .35 Selphur and Molasses with Cream of Rigo Transita rent Nipples. 2 for...... 15 year. The present boom in the lum­ embroidered. There are many smart styles to select ber industry he» led lumber interests Tartar ,...... Baby's Richer Pants, stain proof; to seek to exploit new stretches of from, made with tuxedo and Peter Pan collars. 1.00 Reid’s Reef. Iron and Wine...... 54 medium and large. A fresh shipment timber, yet untouched by the logger'-s- sawr------.------:— ...... -— 1.00 Hurd nek and Sarsaparilla...... -53 just received. Extra special...... 23 $3.90 to $6.50 1.00 Blood Purifier ...... 53 „60 Reid’s Cold or Vanishing Cream...... 30 .75 Liquid Petrolatum. 16 oz...... 47 WATER GLASS CITIZENS OF U.S. .40 Castoria ...... '-25 New Knitting Kayser Silk Imported hv ns direct from England. .25 Meeea Ointment ...... 1® Canadian and British Em­ 1.00 Improved Syrup of Ilypophqsphites.. .49 Water Glass. 25c tin ...... 1® ployees of U.S. Corpora­ Instruction Bloomers Water Glass, 5-lb. tin...... 49 .25 Cream of Witelt llazel and Roses... .15 tion Affected .25 Vinolia Castile Soap, per bar.. .j. ..10 New York. April 26—Sixty-six em­ Books, 25c $450 Per Pair ,25 Laxative Bromide Quinine Tablets,... .13 ployees of the Radio Corporation of W-F have just received a large supply of Eastman America, most of them Canadians by .StLSymp of White Pine and Tar...... 25 INSECTICIDES, ETC. Kodaks. Films ami Accessories. We will sell gen­ birth, will lose their positions unless Just received! A new ship­ Fine Quality Kayser Italian they iterome cltlxens of the United ment of Monarch and Corti- Bilk Bloomers in black, white .85 Michaud's Florida Water...... 43 States. J. G. Harbord. president of Whale Oil Soap, reg. 25c lb., per lb...... 20 uine Eastman Kodaks Friday and Saturday at 10 celli Knitting Instruction and pink; sizes 5, 6. 7, with .25 Peroxide Tooth Paste ...... - -15 the company, issued an order yester- 1 Books, featuring many new 2 lbs. for...... t-...... ^...... 35 per cent less than the regular price. This is the dav requiring all alien employees to i reinforced gusset. Priced at. .35 Almond Cream ...... 18 take naturalization papers. If they styles in sweaters, suits am*, Bluestone, per lb...... 13 first time to our knowledge that Eastman Kodaks do not. lie said, "they are at liberty to children’s wear. Price, 25<* per pair ...... $4.50 .25 Listci'inc Talcum ...... V -21 Blank Leaf Forty, 1 oz. ...------■... .24 have been sold for less than the regular price in 'P*The Radio Corporattcm was organ­ .50 Or. Reid's Syrup of Figs ... »...... 25 Black Leaf Forty, 8 ozs.,...... «.... 1.33 Canada. — . ized as the American Marconi Com­ .25 Hydrogen Peroxide, finest quality, put pany with most of its officers British Fine Quality Silk and Wool Sports Black I/caf Forty, 32 ozs...... 3.50 and"Canadian. Since being taken over tip in 4 oz. Kork & Seal bottle...... 12 We also are distributors for the Attsco Camera, by United States capital, naturaliza­ Sodium Flonride. 1-lh. tin...... 40 tion has l»een vigorously urged. .50 Bland Pills...... 23 Films and Accessories. The Attsco Csmera repre­ Grafting W ax, lb...... - - - - - —...... 25 Hose, $1.75 Per Pair .75 Abbey's Salts ...... $4 sents the finest mechanism and the last word in IS CHARGED WITH Grafting Wax, 1 H>...... • •...... 45 .50 Reid's Sage and Sulphur...... 27 camera perfection. Additional lenses and many ABANDONING BABY Lead Arsenate, 1 lb...... 49 English Silk and Wool Sports Hose in shades of navy, .25 Compound Castjttra Tablets...... 14 new features heretofore unheard of in photog­ camel, brown and black ; sizes 8b-» t,o 10 ; splendid wear­ Lead Arsenate, 3 lbs...... 1.25 Milton, Onf„ April 26.—Ethel Har­ .35 Emulsified Cocoa nut Oil ...... 17 raphy have been added, making the Ansco the rison. twenty-eight, of Streetvllle. is ing and perfect fitting. Excellent value at. pair, $1.75 Lead Arsenate, lUO-lb. bbl„ per lb...... 40 In custody here charged with aban­ 1.00 Eau de Quinine ...... 49 most perfect camera on the market. We sell them donment of her two-weeks-old baby These prices are f.o.b. Vancouver girl. The Infant, which afterwards .75 Parafol for the Hair...... 37 under guarantee, money refunded if not satisfac­ died, was found hidden in the lava­ .50 Lemon Shampoo ...... 18 tory' of the Toronto-Ouelph radial tory. Let Its demonstrate their special features. station at Georgetown Sunday. HELP THE Y.W.C.A. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 1.00 Mivhaiids Lilas Vegetal ...... 49 The Ansco Film was the original and court de­ Ching-Noung. a Chinaman, is re­ “Building To-day for the Womanhood of .10 Stvptie Pencils ...... 04 KERO-SPRAY creed roll film. It is recognized as being the puted to have taught the method of making bread from wheat nearly To-morrow" .50 t)r. Reid’s Pyorrhea Mouth Wash ... .25 The king of insecticides and the best combination finest on the market. 4,000 year*! ago. .50 Best Australian Eucalyptus Oil, 4 oz.. .25 spray on the market. Contains Arsenate of Lead. .50 Dr. Reid’s Eczema Ointment ...... 24 Black Leaf Forty, White Hellebore, Whale Oil .25 Carbolic or Zinc Ointment...... 12 .35 Deutone Tooth Powder ...... It Soap. Kerosene and Emulsifying ingredients. One 1.00 Rendais Bath Salts ...... 71 gallon makes fifty gallons of spraying solution. Photographic Developing Mrs. 1.00 Alkia Salt rates ...... 7f 1 lb...... 40 1 gallon __ $2.00 Wentworth .25 A.B.S. & C. Tablets, 100s...... 1J gallon ..,.-...1.25 5 gallon*, per gal. 1.75 and Finishing Carpet Cleaning .75 lb. Pure Cream of Tartar...... 31 Wants .25 Vial's Perfume, glass stoppered bottle .1! We aim to give the amateur photographer a ser­ .25 Albert's Shaving Sticks...... 11 Furniture Repairing vice that is unparalleled in amateur developing Scones We epeclaltee In three two line». 1-et ue give you en eellmate o< KERO-SPRAYERS and finishing, anti you may feel confident when our moderate chargee. We also sew, alter and remake carpets. She has written us for.a recjpo Phone 718 prompt attention Special for Friday and Saturday. you leave your film that the resulting picture will for Scones as made In the Old he the best that can be produced. Special service Country. Her husband comes [A CANDY SPECIAL .85 No. le 12 oz...... from overseas, while she Is" Ca­ i 1.25 No. 2. 25 oz...... when pictures are required in a "hurry. Make us nadian. and up until now has .35 Past-all's Creme de Menthe, per tin. . .23 not found a .recipe which the ;-THE BETTER your headquarters for photographic supplies and 1430 OOUttUtS St —« .46 Banquet Brand Chocolate ‘"End-o-thc- .50 Writing Pads ...... brldgegroom recognises. We .25 Envelopes...... receive the Vancouver Drug Service. mailed her one and perhaps some Week” Carton, extra special ...... 30 Old Country cook will be good enough to help this young bride toward better cooking by sending a recipe for Scones through us. IS IDENTIFIED PREVENT PREVENT BYDETECTIVES Bellingham. Waeh, April 24.—Can­ adian detectives here yesterday de­ FOREST FIRES PACIFIC MILK CO. clared that C. C. Thompson, alleged FOREST FIRES wanted to Original Cut Rate druggistsi Limited to be Albert V Hottywood, who 9 9 IT PAYS was In a gang that carried out a 120 them last IT FAYS 12S Drake Street VANCOUVER. B.C. roe robbery of a H». I-out. and Hal. be STORES VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AMD MEW WESTMINSTER ST0RE3 Factories at Francisco Railway payroll In Spring- Ladnor and Abbotsford, B C. a.ld Uo In 44 ii v Mow the. tsff In Y/::. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

mum, U: wind, 11 mil* W.; rain. Ml; Nelson ...... »...... «4 formed by the individual, for a large percentage weather, raining. Calgary ...... 80 of our people are “writing home” nearly every Tatoofrh—Barometer, if.§4: tempera­ Edmonton ...... 80 ture. maximum yesterday, II; minimum, Qu'Appelle ...... Btrîiirta Batly Sirntfl week. Their opportunity is emphasized each time FALLING TREE BLUNDERS 44; wind. 12 mtlee 8.; weather, cloudy. Winnipeg ...... 64 immigration is discussed. Temperature. Toronto ...... •'•• Si THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923 We have only one class of Max. Min. Ottawa ...... W customers—these we are Barkerville ...... W •• Montreal ...... 63 Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by DEALS DEATH BLOW Penticton ...... 52 COMPORT ON THE P. G. E. anxious to plWase. The dif­ Grand Forks ...... •- .. 1 Halifax ...... 60 the tines printing and publishing company Logging Fatality Takes Life limited Since the Province cannot get rid of the Pa­ ference in the amount pur­ Office»: Corner Bread and Fort Street» cific Great Eastern Railway there is much to be of Victoria Resident chased in no way effects the Busin*** Office (Advertising) ...... phone 3315 said for any policy that will assist it to earn more TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY Circulation ...... Phone 4» Mortally Injured in Logging at service rendered: editorial Office ...... money. Dr. MacLean has very wisely decided Victoria Dally Times, April 88, 1818. Shawnigan Lake r rejection of articles la a matter entirely WOMEN’S B.A. MEETS: perature, maximum yeaterday, 66; mini- THE EMBARGO AGAIN. in the dli ralion at th« Ldllvr__No Thai remain in Europe, some are getting a little -“•‘“‘r hlf »*•»*»—*•* MA MuolLALifiHOlPAI rnuunitramtPPflftR AMMF “LOWBRPRlOeS’' “BETTER QUALITY" submitted to the Editor. shaky . Al-phott*o-of-.Spau>-wc** I ike 41-nutn. with —"After the vdtf in Thu-Brrtrsh Hmrtr of iAtm- Victoria Review No. 1. W W. ■ DAYLIGHT SAVING. . AFTER EATING DISTRESS his liue of retreat mapped out. The King of It hi} nw>ns last year, in view of the public attention met In the Kflights of Qolumbua Hall Paints - Stains - Varnishes "Made in Victoria" occupies his palace by the grace of a capable which the whrfle question attracted, »nd by reason To Ui. Editor —It Jtt*.»t*8ll)le to get concerted action with­ delicious supper was served, the re­ “ move freely among his people while the heads of bv the Canadian and British representatives last out putting the clock on. it would maining cakes add pies being auction­ amount to exactly the same thing, for '•snther states nsjuirc armed guards. An oeca- year include a provision for the admission of the market* would be open earlier and ed off at ahe close. Mr McLeod act iional radical in the Imperial Parliament may breeding cattle. Whittling down the advantages the milk for breakfast would be re­ auctioneer. Mrs. W hite. quired earlier. pianist- of the Review, *The of seek prominence by airing subversive views, but now restored would not be a popular move on Again, the farmer say* if we have to companist fof the evening have Daylight Saving It should be a ficers and members wish to thanlvall Loose Cover either side of the Atlantic. he is not really in earnest. Dominion measure. Everybody will those who helped to make the even­ Moreover, of late years it is coming to be agree with him there, but I believe I am correct In saying It wm the opjmsttlon ing a success in eytry way. . more and more recognized that the Throne forms of the farming interest that prevented The Review Intends holding a home 1 - Iminion Act from being put in force. cooking sale on Saturday. April 2», one of the most important links in binding the 1 went berry picking myself last year; In Spencer s basement, and will be British Empire together. The suggestion made the stage got me to the strawberry NOTE AND COMMENT patch by 6.45 (7.45 standard time), a generation ago that the younger sons of His surely that was not too early to begin picking. If the farmer has his pickers Fabrics Majesty might serve in turn as Governors-General camping on the land, he can himself set of the various overseas Dominions was not re­ To-dav's celebration in London ought to sup the time he wiehe* them to etkrt work. I believe if those whose work takes Cretonnes, Shadow Cloths ceived with much favor at the time hut might gest something to the Prince of Wales. them out of doors moat of the day were to try and put themselves In the Place well be differently regarded now. The idea of the of the people who are obliged to be in Duke of York with liis bride being installed at close shops, offices and factories all and Other Equally Import­ People are reminded that this is *‘Save The thiough the hot Summer days, arid to Rideau Hall in Ottawa would surely he viewed Forest" week. We commend to our readers the whom that extra evening hour means | OMLL-BITH so much, they would withdraw their op­ ant Fabrics— with a large measure M enthnsiasniyiy Cana­ rigid observance of all common means of protec position. yee that Daylight Saving Is mod»» a Dominion measure, and concen­ dians. tion against fire. Our timber resources are the trate their energies on having trans­ low to Tell If You’re Under­ Some such reflections as these were doubt­ pride of our people. Protect them as you portation, etc , «arranged to suit their less in the minds of the throngs on the streets and would protect your own home aud posterity will Beede"...... "TEMPCS." weight; Easy to Build Up to Our jm-sont stock offers ouc of the best selections of loose cover fabrics of the distinguished company who watched the .not suffer any material loss of natural wealth Victoria. B. C.. April 24. 1821. Normal Quickly With Iron- seen for many a day. There is a full range of Cretonnes, Shadow Cloths ceremony in the Abbey. The Duke of York has act an example which, as is widely hoped, his New Denver has gone about its liquor j huai ized Yeast__ and “Suudour” Guaranteed Sunfast Repps. elder brother may soon follow. Should he do ness in a demoeratie fashion. All on its own TO OPEN FIGHT FOR If you ari? pale, sickly and feel tired Expert cutters and makers makes it possible, for us to construct loose so, the popularity which his winning personality has held a plebiscite as to whether a lirjuor store and run down, have you ever thought has gained for him would be appreciably en­ should be established in that community or /not. It is because you are thin and do not covers to tho best advantage in the matter of economy and, also, we weigh as much as you should? Doc­ hanced. Ninety-seven people ‘in the hamlet went to the tors agree that to be in perfect health guarantee to satisfy the most particular client. Meantime, congratulations to the Duke and to “poll” and recorded a three to one vote in favor and feel strong and be able to fight the lovely woman whom Providence has been of a “wet” shop. Thus be it on their own heads North Dairy P.-T.A. Starts off disease, you must weigh a certain nnmber of pounds according to your good enough to give him ! May their years to Campaign Against height. gether be long and happy. May life continue to it is now suggested that “Jim" Larkin may Here's a method for finding out be for them "one grand, sweet song.” May they Abolition whether your sickness is due to lack Just a Few of Our Interesting Values find it difficult to" land in the Irish Free State of proper weight or not. A )>erson be surrounded in due course by their children ami under its' constitution. He happens to be Manual training,In Saanluh schools five feet in height ought to weigh Block Printed Cretonne, :!0 inches tvidc, in beautiful designs with elear. outstanding their children's children, and may sorrow ever Englishman and has not been a regular resident will be discussed on the evening of lid pounds. For each Inch you are May 10 at the North Dairy School, over 6 feet, add 5** pounds. Thus if colors. The product of French and English mills. Price, a yard. *1.75 and *1.95 touch them lightly during their earthly pil­ of Southern Ireland for seven years. It might the Saanich School Hoard was last you are 5 feet « inches in height, your grimage. develop that the longest "regular residence” he night Informed, an invitation■ to at­ normal weight would be 110 pounds Shadow Tissue Warp Printed Cretonnes, fully reversible and of a texture that wilt tend being accepted. plus 6 times 644, which Is 143 pounds. has ever put in at one time was it* the New Instructor J. W. Hunter stated his If this test shows that your actual give the greatest service. These are ideal for loose covers or draperies— MAKE IT A POPULAR TOPIC. York prison from which he was recently released intention, unless denied permission, weight Is below what It should be, 31 inches wide at, a yard, *1.15 to ...... *1-75 Trouble makers of his ilk usually bob up all over to show examples of work done bv begin taking Ironlzed Yeast without 50 inches wide at, a yard. *2.50 to ...... *3.25 the lads, and the Central Parent- «relay. It is a highly concentrated Teacher Association asked permis­ It is just as well that there should be plenty the place. yeast from the famous Baas’ Ale In sion to circulate a questionnaire England, which has been recognized English Cretonnes, 30 and 31 inches wide, offered in a remarkably large selection of of controversy about the number of people who among pupil parents, to ascertain for generations, and prescribed by All new, and the best values we have offered for years at, a yard, gre coming to and going from this country. When -tL. their views on abolition of tho physicians the world over for men. beautiful designs. women and children who are uqder 39< to ...... ;...... set the average individual begins to study immigra T^ke up the Torch. OUR CONTEMPORARIES weight. Ironlzed Yeast also contains tion and emigration statistics, whether they refer Chairman Holloway excused him­ organic Iron, the kind of Iron that Is to the influx to Canada from Great Britain or the self from taking the lead in presenta­ found in spinach and raisins, the kind HOTEL RULES. tion of the case for abolition, urged doctors prescribe for rich, red bipod. exodus from this Dominion to the United States, the new combatants" on the Board If you are run down, under weight, SUNDOUR” CASEMENT CLOTH he will realize that he, as well as the governments The Vancouver Province:—New York hotelkeepers to take up the cudgels In defence of weak. pale, have no appetite, and en­ err asking for e law requiring gunata to deposit their the Board’s action, and secured the ergy gone, you need ironlzed Yeast. of the country, has obligations to discharge. gema at the office Accustomed to wearing diamond, pledge of Trustees McWilliam and Begin to-day. All reliable druggist* The Fabric That Will Not Fade » Personal investigations which have been made Ihemaelvee. the clerks could decide whether to de­ Cheetham to act aa "storming par guarantee it will benefit you or your ties." by competent observers, not the professional posit the sparklers In the pastry refrigerator or the purchase price will be cheerfully re­ vault. ) Favor Referendym. funded. (Advt.) Casement Cloth, 40 inches wide, in all the new shades, ivory, cream aud heige, at, a journalist who considers he is sending good The Board agreed that no recognl yard ...... i-..-...... 75< “Copy" to Great Britain when he talks about a THE RUHR DEADLOCK. tion could he granted any question naire circulated within narrower In the deeper colors, at, a yard...... 95t Rolls-Royce bringing a dozen eggs into Victoria Westminster Guette Weekly:—By the occupation of llpnlts than that of the whole rate from a distance of twenty-five miles, have re­ a group of towns round our bridge-head on the Rhine payer body, believing the result to l>e Casement Cloth, 50 inches wide, in a full range of colors, cream and beige, a yard, 90* vealed that many of Canada's best settlers bave the French have cut off communication between Ger­ a foregone conclusion, "as all parents Best Wellington Deeper colors at, a yard ...... *1.85 many and ouraelvee. hi that way a new situation la of pupils taking the study are bene­ been brought to this country by the facts they fited parties." The Board considered brought about, and one upon which It la essential that "Sundour” Repp Casement Cloth, 50 inches wide, a fine quality for upholstering as well have received in letters from their own kith and we ahould have clear thinking. From our point of view a referendum should be taken manual training at the next munlcl as for draperies. In beige at, a yard...... *1.90 kin__by the man who has gone home for a holi­ the situation is Ignominious. Goods that are essential pal elections, and .decided to urge the day with the practical proof of his own success to the zona we occupy arc held up and the modest he Education l>epartinept to suspend Coal In colors at, a yard ...... ■ ...... *8.35 glnnlnga of trade are stifled, to our view many of the action on Director Kyle’s Intended —Draperies. Second Floor. in his adopted country—and not so much by th£ recent action» of the French ere justified neither by withdrawal of training equipment, invitation of an official department in the publie anything which Is contained tn the Treaty of Versailles until such a referendum had been service. nor by International law. How long we can remain on voted upon. Victoria Fuel Co., Ltd. __ r_Obviously lheJ*Uee-wtst furnish the driypg the Rhine In these circumstances becomes a more and more difficult question to answer. AU that can be Bald The total number of rate killed in force for any movement that is to be large la thaUn a position of treat dëticacy our French frtcnd.l ^irlnVlVc Heptcmf.rr onpntng of the Rhone 1877 1803 Breed St. 12 last is 161,468. A. R. Ore ham E. M. Brown DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED enough for the needs of this Dominion ; but the have not spared our feelings or refrained from action jj0 record been kept of the fact remains that a very great service-can be pér­ calculated to force upon us a final decision. birth*. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED Stora Hour.: * ».m. to « p.m.; Wodn.id.y, 1 p m.; Saturday. * p.m.. EXCHANGE TO ALL DEPARTMENTS 7800 EXCHANGE TO ALL DEPAKTMKNT8 7800 Fresh Meats—Cash and Carry Groceteria Specials Shoulders of Pork, per lb...... ••••• — • *J* Butte of Pork, i>er lb...... - • Loins of Pork, per lb...... Cream of Wheat, per pkg...... • • 200 Men’s and Women’s Suits Shoulders of Mutton, half or whole, per lb...... 18* Lux, per pkt...... lO' Legs of Mutton, half or whole, per lb...... 30* Rolled Pot Roaets, per lb...... Davies' Pork and Beans, per lb, tin ... S -f Rolled Prime Ribs, per lb...... - Household Ammonia, per bottle ...... lit" Pot end Oven Roasts, t>er lb.. 8*. lO* and... 1** Whi-e Swan Naptha Soap, per bar Mince Steak, per lb. -?*•**...... 13* Regular Counter, Delivered Tillson’s Health Bran, per carton., .,.. .15Yzf Sirloin Steak, per lb...... 26* Davies’ Tomato Soap, i>er tin...... Rolled Rib Roasts, per lb...... •• • Finest Strawberry Jam, per tin "Ik* In the Season’s Select Styles Shoulders of Local Lamb, por lb...... 35* /\ —Lower Main F«oor The Choice of The Season’s Men’s Smart Suits SUITS Superior Quality Tweeds Smart Distinctive Types and Worsteds —At— $25.00, $35.00 and $47.50 $30.00 and $35.00 Shipments of new suits keep our stoek of new Summer models complete. If At either of these two prices, $30.00 and $35.00, you there is a new style introduced during the season you may rest assured we are privileged to select from the newest models of have it. therefore* depend on our stoek for the best. the year. Suits made of the most dependable tweeds ‘ Suits with neattv designed box routs, semi-tailored, ami trimmed with braid and worsteds. There arc the new sporta models, and feather stitching, touched here and there with color. The materials are with pleated back and belt, as well as distinctive excellent and the value big at ...... conventional styles designed and finished with that Some of the verv neatest models are trimmed with cable stitching or self touch of smartness that the careful dresser always material There are suits with box coats, tripnned with- braid or embroidery demands. The colors, too, arejdeasing and afford a and beautifully finished three-piece suits, now so popular. Ibg vaines wide choice to our customers. New shipments of at 833.75 and ...... : ■ r...... men's clothing are arriving daily, therefore, you Russian Blouse Suits, trimmed "itli touches of braid and embroidery and pre­ may be certain of the latest, and the juices are mod­ sented in semi-tailbred models with naFwwbelts aud slit po<-kets. A eiw,M.,m- erate. See thèse smart suits at $30.00 and $35.00 lar and decidedly distinctive at, each...... — • v47*5” —Ilm'i Clothing, Main FI É — Mamie», Flm floor Boys’ Furnishings Women’s Bloomers of Crepe and Women’s Oxford Shoes English ; Girls’ Providing Seve^d Special Cotton—50c, 89c and $1.00 Made by J. T. Bell Tweed Hats Pink and White Cotton Bloomers, tow Khaki Riding ç: . Values and waist. All sizes, a pair ...... -...... * *®°v High Grade—And Big Values Breeches and $2.50 Boys’ Woven Cotton Jerseys (Zimmerknit), made in Cotton Crepe Bloomers in white, blue, pink, mauve and pullover style, navy blue, saxe blue or brown. All sites in Mnebirsl emt-fierai alfccts... Ai, *aeh ------Smart Walking Oxfords, made on a medium too' Another shipment of . .at,- each...... _...... 50# Middies With Bloomers of excellent grade cotton crepe, all sizes, well last. Cuban lnu-ls and welted soles— English Tweed liais Boys’ White Cotton Shirt Waists, with a fine cord stripe made and reinforced ; mauve, pink and white. Exciq>- Girls' and Misses Khaki In black kid at .....---- - • - - —— -$8.00 has arrived in the de­ and made with sports collar that may be buttoned or tional value at, a pa if • • • • • • • * * * j Viv-! Biding Breeches, made lu brown kill at, A-paiF*-,...... $10*00 partment, aod-providcs worn open, All sizes at, each ...... ------....,85# —Women s Whltewear, First rieer in mil style with with sports collar, patterned jmeitets and band at In brown calf at. a pair ...... $8.00 moat .exceptional values Boys' Print Shirt Waists, knee, or laced below In patent leather at. a pair...... $8.00 for those who desire a with light fancy stripes and with adjustable button at knee and finished with hat for every day wear waist. Special, 80# and ...... ■ 95ft Corsets for The Full Figure belt at waist. For Sum­ Smart Sport Oxfords For Women —a hat for the fisher­ Boys’ Shirt Waists with turndown collar attached and man. the golfer, motor­ patterned in fancy stripes. They have pocket and ad­ Special at $1.45 mer outing wear, for These are made of real elk leather, with brown motoring, camping or allig; or grain leather toecaps and trimming, ist, hunter or for busi­ justable button at front. Each. HSf and ...... $1.00 working. Sizes for 6 to ness wear. They are Boys’ White Elastic, Braces, with Aid ends, for wearing Corsets of white coutil, with reinforced verv smart and effective. Excellent value made from excellent 12 years, a pair. $2.75 at ...... $10.00 under light shirt waists. Size 24 inch. 35# ; 28 inch. 40C front, embroidery trimmed top and free hip. grade tweeds and may 32 inch ...... 45# Khaki Middies to wear he packed in a grip They have graduated front steel, full hip, Boys’ Elastic Belts, in school or club stripes, with ad­ with the breeches, made without danger of in­ low bust and four hose supporters,, btzesjW High (trade Brown Calf Oxfords, manufac- justable buckles. Each ...... 65# with sailor collar and tie. tured by Canada’s liest makers. A quality jury. The best holiday U)to .X).36 -1A big value for...... —corset». First* Floor Very neat and shown tor hat offered. AH colors. Boys’ School or Club Stripe Knitted Ties at...... 65# the sees of 6 to 14 years sold regularly at up to $10.00. ÛPJ Priced at, each, $2.50 —Boys* Furnishings, Main Floor St ...... »1.»0 Clearing at. a pair...... * —liât», Main Floor —Children'». First Floor Lighter Weight bmen a Shoe». First Floor Men’s il Underwear Warm Weather For The Warm Weather Pull-Over Sweaters Silk and Voile Blouses Underwear We Have All Your Special at—$2.95 Special at—$1.00 Sweaters made of fine soft wool, with round neck, The Styles You Like Needs Silk and Voile Blouses in plain tailored and long sleeves and woolen girdle. These are shown Women's Bloomers, with elas­ Betel- Pan stvle, with semi-tuxedo or convertible English Cellular “Artex” White Athletic Combinations, 111 shades of mauve. Nile. Oriental, fawn and tic at waist and knee, and re­ collars and with tucked or embroidered fronts. " " 1 ...... $1.00 without sleeves and trunk length ; very comfortable. At, pumpkin. Sizes 38 to 42. Each a suit ...... :•...... -...... $3.50 inforced with gusset : white, Excellent grade materials. Sizes 36 to 40. —First Floor pfÿStfej V blue, flesh, grey and black. —First Floor Short Sleeve Shirts and Knee Length Drawers at. a I Special at ...... garment ...... $2.00 Women,! Summer Weight Men’s Fine White Mesh Combinations, short sleeves and” Vests, with short and no Several Good Values from Our Large Serges, Homespuns and Tweeds knee length. At, a suit ...... $l.oO sleeves or opera tops; sizes.36 Men’s White Dimity Combinations, athletic style, with­ to 40 ...... - 35^ . Stock of Silks Suitable Weights for out sleeves and trunk length. All sises, a suit . .$1.00 Women's Bummer Weight Vests, with short and no Men’s Fine White Cambric Combinations, with a cord sleeves, bias tape top, fancy lace yoke and opera tops; 40-Inch Crepe Beaute, an all-silk satin of soft texture Stiffimer self stripe, no sleeves and trunk length ; a suit. $1.50 :J6 to 44. at ...... -...... 50*" that drapes beautifully. Shown in black, navy, nigger \ —Men’s Furnishings, Main Floor Better Grade Summer Weight Vests, with opera top, king fisher, maize and old rose. Priced at, yard, $4.95 56-Inch Donegal Tweeds, suitable for general wear, for bias tape, fancy heading and yokes of hand crochet ; 33-Inch Colored Pongee, an excellent grade silk that is suits or skirts. Will wear welt and make up attractively. various styles ; iill sizes. Priced at 65c to...... $1.25 suitable for children’s dresses, etc.; Paddy, navy, henna, Priced at, a yard ...... * ...... $1.98 Shortening Dresses for Baby mauve, grey, Pekin and rose. Priced at, a yard. $1.79 Women's Combinations, with short and no sleeves and 54-Inch Check Homespun, all* wool and with a neat cheek, tight knee ; also step-in and opera top, lace trimmed; 36-Inch Silk Foulards, for dresses, etc., shown in black, will make up handsomely and smart in dress or skirt. $1.00, $1.25 and $150 sizes 36 to 44. at $1.00 to...... $1,65 Paw and brown grounds with figures. Special at, a Special at, a yard ...... ,.$2.50 Women's Silk Top Combinations, with low neck, shoulder yard ...... *...... $2.75 Dresses of Fine White Lawn, with round yoke of em­ 56-Inch Navy Berge, a material of excellent weight and broidery and lace insertion, the neck and sleeves fin­ straps and opera top, flesh and White ; all sizes at $2.00 33-Inch Natural Pongee, a strong fabric that you will texture, of first class dye and will give wonderful service. • find will give thorough satisfaction. Price, a yard, $1.25 ished with narrow lace. Special *t ...... $1.25 Women's Bilk Top Vests, with shoulder straps, also opera Priced at, a yard ...... $1.59 Dresses of White Cotton and Voile, trimmed with colored top* excellent grade silk; flesh and white. Special at, a 36-Inch Batin Check Ratine, a smart material for dresses 56-Inch Navy Tricotine, of extra weight and all wool. A embroidery and lace, others trimmed with white em­ ...... -J»” or skirts ; shown in Saxe or green grounds. Priced at. a yard ...... $2.98 most desirable quality and excellent value at, yard. $3.95 broidery. Special at ...... $1.50 ——- —Silks, Main Floor —Dress Goods, Main Floor Dresses of White Lawn, with round yoke of embroidery, finished with fine hemstitching ; the neck, sleeves end Attractions in The Art Needlework skirt trimmed with embroidery. Special at...... $1.00 Whit.wwr, First Floor Section Silk Underskirts—Very Special Value at $5.75 and $6.75 Stamped Aprons of good grade unbleached cotton, in new cup and saucer design and pretty floral effects. At, Taffeta Bilk Underskirts, of excellent grade, with fancy pleated flounces and shown in a variety of shades. Out- Boys’ English Serge Pi size Skirts of navy and* black* • * ”Habutai * silk,,L extra— 1large.------uSpecial~w,,“i “at,* each ...... , ...... *«•<« each ...... Heavy English Serge Short Bumped Gowns in new and dainty designs. Social Underskirts of Jersey Bilk, with pleated flounces, others of Habutai silk with wide accordian pleated flounces-Also values at ...... $1.25 a few travelers’ samples. The values range to $8.75. Special at, each ...... •• and lined. Very serviceable a Guest Towels, stamped for embroidery on best quality “■*• W hits wear. First Floor 22 to 32. Special at, a pàir huckaback, 30C, 35#, QOC and ...... • • ■ .5®^ r i ret r » oor DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED


MANY SPECIALS AT THE Three Special Prices KIRKHAM STORES IN WOMAN'S DOMAIN $25, $30, $35 You'll Find Bargains in Every Department Ten Day Suit Sale 612 FORT ST. TWO STORES 749 YATES ST. il.0M.BF Britons Believe Duchess of York C.P.R. SOCIAL Your Money 's Worth Positivtiy Assured. We Invito Pyramid Shaker Salt .. 12# Magic Baking Powder Bill TO-NIGHT Inspection. 12-oz. tin ...... 25# PROVINCE May Become England's Queen Ivory Soap, 3 bars...... 25# Wheat Pearls Candidate for Carnival Queen Del Monte Catsup Like Cream of Wheat. Will Attend Affair at the Large bottle ...... 28# 4 lbs. for ...... 19# ;amous PHONE Five Roses Flour Empress Hotel 4061 Reindeer Cocoa and Milk j Send Loyal Greetings for the ; STORE-CH 40-lb. sack...... 61.95 .Inst add hot water. Largo The C. P. R- Social Club brings its Golden Sultanas, 2 lbs. . 35f tin ...... '/.... 25# Royal Wedding; Reports season to a close to-night with a VComciSlpparrHirh&nen on Progress grand ball at the Empress Hotel. Empress Ceylon Tea, extra fine quality, 1 lb. package... 62c Tickets are going well, and every­ By Times Special Representative thing promises to he a grand climax Its happy coincidence with the Mennen’s Talc Powder to a most successful season. Prof. Van Camp's Tomato Soup wedding day of the Duke of Osard's seven-piece orchestra will be Tin...... 10# Reg. 25cL fob ...... 13ft York and the Lady Elizabeth in attendance with the very latest Singapore Pineapple Mennen’s Cold Cream Bowes-Lyon imparted an added hits in dance music. Dancing com­ Large fins ...... 19# Reg. 50c, for...... 38# intereai to the tenth anuual mences at I p. m.. and continues until 2 a. m. -A special buffet supper ia Armchair. Corn Reg. #1.00 size for .... 73ft meeting of the Provincial Chop being prepared, which will be. served ter, Imperial Order Daughters Same as Quaker. 2 tins 25# Paper Serviettes between 11 and 11.10. Invitation Del Monte Sliced Peaclies ci the Empire, which opened this tickets are not required for this ev>ot. Package of 100 for .... 2(lf lu all probability the C. P. R. can Tin ...... '...... 23# morning in 8t. Andrew's Church Hall, and the sending of a message didate for “May Queen" will be form Tiger Brand Salmon Johnson’s Fluid Beef of warm congratulations and good ally Introduced during the evening, Small tins...... Ilf Large bottle ...... 98# wishes to the Royal bridal couple and votes will be on sale to further whs one of the first items on the her ehancea of success. The dance committee, after being ageuda. -- Pacific Milk, 3 large cans ...... 35# besieged to continue their small fort­ Mrs. Albert F. Griffiths of Vic­ nightly «tance# during the Summer toria. first -vice-president of British time, have decided to run a flannel Bird's Blanc Mange Powder. Ormond’s Cream Soda Biscuits Columbia,Aa presiding in the un­ dance the beginning of June, and avoidable absence of Mrs. A. V. tie much shall depend upon its success Packet...... 10ft 2 lhA«...... 35ft Pencier, who left for England re­ as to ah y future Summer dances. cently. Otae hundred and fifty dele­ Nabob Jelly Powder Nut Scotch Delicious Candy, gates representing chapters from all 7 packets ...... 50ft Lb...... 28ft over the Province were in attendance, as well as many representatives of Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. tin...50ft Arrowmints, 2 packets.... 5^ Vancouver chapters. Maple Sugar, 2 bars...... 25ft Following the customary opening Malahat Coffee ceremonies, resolutions of loyalty Fresh roasted and ground as Maple Buds or Chocolate were, p.ASsed to the King and Queen ordered. Per It'...... 35# Oinger [ ami to the Gov urnur-General and BRIDE-ELECT WITH Lady Kyng. Mrs. Griffiths read Mrs. Powdered Borax, lb...... 15# Box ...... 20ft de Pender’s presidential address and in introducing It, referred to the McLaren'* Fruit Syrup Mint Humbugs, lb...... 28# auspiciousness of the occasion and Reg. 35c bottle for .... 20# Hand Rolled Chocolates its coincidence not only with the P C. Corsets are made in the latest • Reg. 75c bottle for .... 40ft Lb. ,...... 35# marriage of the Duke of York, but London. April 26 —Lustrous pearls, style and embody all those features of alNQ Willi that of the son of the -comfort and suppleness demanded by Crystallised Oinger, lb. . .28# Bishop of Westminster and Mrs. de the favorite jewel ef Lady Elisabeth Makes a delicious drink. Bowes-Lyon, are the bride's wed­ women today. Pencier, whose marriage took place ding present from her prince, the In England to-day and which cere They offer absolutely the best value B. 0. Granulated Sugar ...... 62.25 Duke of York. She has received for the money. inony was being attended by th* ocari sautoir, which ig. a. modem | Pyovlscial President» « - — - ■ - — piece of jewelry something like a : yfetffifWMt iflTltfuns- ~~------Fine Local Potatoes Fancy Lemons, dozen... .25# Raised $68.266.68. necklace, only longer. The royal , Front Uc*. B*dt W*—white end Seek. Mrs. F. J Bayfield. Provincial sweethearts selected It together the Parisian Caw at Manufacturing Co. Limited Sack .■■■■....■.., 61.35 Very Sweet Navel Oranges Secrete r>. in her annual n |«urt an gfher day while visiting a Jeweler. M.an.J QUEBEC lana Dozen...... 30# nounccd that the membership on The sautofr Is composed oT several Good Cooking Apples good standing throughout the I’rov- hundred pearls of medium size, with a Box...... 61.25 Fancy Grape Fruit, 4 for 25# JttCfc. . 8 A,-le the TÉaîf a dozen diamonds sel ln al In­ amount raised by the chapters dur­ tervals. At the bottom hr a larger Flee Red Rhubarb, 5 lbs. 25# Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs...... 35# ing the past year amounted to diamond, and finally -a pearl drop of Fresh Cauliflower Yellow Newtown Cooking IH8.266.68. The report of Mrs. T. W. duke and duchess of york great beauty. The whole is mounted Martindale, of Nanaimo, concerning on platinum instead of the customary Each, 20# and...... 15ft Isondon. April 26.—When tenat In Industrial reform and ehe Apples “Echoes." occasioned some discus­ lerttito. ef her good luok, and plea» silk thread. 5 lbs...... 25# sion and suggestions for an improve­ British king's second son, th# Duke GU New Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. 25# ment in the distribution will be for- of York, led Lady Elizabeth Bowes- ing ways Boneless Raw Ham Mild Cured Breakfast Bacon w^rdvd tn the Vat tonal Echoes sec- Lyon to the altar to-day, the event The duke, who is -28. has been . . By piece or •...-piece, lb., 39# had #Ttriinr ludy in the land. At all infonhal or The duchess is the type of pretty Is usually attendant upon the be­ 1210 DOUGLAS STREET—TWO DOORS FROM WOOLWORTH'S other undertakings by Vancouver state affairs she will rank only after girl who often dpes not take a good trothal of a daughter of a duke to 6-lb. average. Per lb. .35# 6 lb. average. chapters include" the presentation of Queen Mary, the Dowager Queen picture. She's not very tall, has dark a son of an earl. A year ago It prizes for British and Canadian hi* Alexandra and iTlnceas Man*. Vis­ hair and deep blue eyes and the pink would have caused a flurry in court Boiling Pork tory, the distribution of milk V countess Lascclles. '*• comp button ,hat •*** heritage from and other society circles because School, the former being particularly Boiled Roasts Beef, lb.... 16# under-nourished children and the do There is every indication that the her Scotch blood. She is well read, I-ad y Rachel was const«1ere«l in the nuting of flags to the schools.;:, i1 . sings a bit. plays the piano, golfs ESQIUMALT BRANCH good In the "Lesson With the Fan* Boiled Pot Boasts, lb...... 14# ■Fresh or salt. Per lb. .22# duke and His bride will be inercus- forefront among the "eligibles" for and "Little Orphan Annie" which she, Shoulders Young Mutton Under the jurisdiction of Victoria. ingiy popular with the British peo- only slightly, but is a keen dancer the Prince of Wales, all of which em I.O.D.E. SILVER TEA gave as an encore. Miss Rosemary Srloin Boasts, lb...... 28# Municipal Chapter, five students art? pU\ he because of his genuine in- and tennis player. phaslzes more than anything else Nasmith’s reading of "Little Bap­ Lb...... 23# being assisted in WWljUT educ* the decline In the public business of A delightful afternoon was spent lb.... 18# tiste" showed a tenderness of feeling Corned Beef Bumps, Loins Young Mutton, lb... 35# tion at un annual cost of $458 •electing a bride for the sporting at the residence of Mrs. A. Wolfen- rarely expressed by one eo young, British magazines and papers. and pleasure-loving heir to the Loin Cuts of Pork, lb. .. 28# den. Head Street, yesterday, the oc­ and her power of expression and Fresh Lambs ’ Tongues D. E. books and pictures, flags and grace of gesture were also evidenced Lb...... 30# other gifts have been presented to Lady Rachel is the fourth of Prin casion being u silver tea and sale of in a charming Pierrot dance, which Shoulders of Pork the schools. Similar work has been cess Mary's bridesmaids to Income Corned Beef, Boiled, lb.... 16# home cooking, given under the aus­ she gave earlier. « ^ , IJb.. 20# and ...... 15# carried on in Nanaimo. Chilliwack, engaged and at one time or another pices' of The F>qmmn:t: branch. 1.0 Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Booth, la Local Fowls Lamb Chops, per lb...... 38# Burnaby. Fernie. Grand Forks, Nel­ gossip picked each one of them as Li.E. Th** spa firms rooms anti hall charge of The home cooking table; Sirloin Steaks, lb...... 28# son. Kelowna, Kaslo, and other cen­ the future queen. Gossip might have were prettily decorated with a pro­ Mrs. J. Francis, who took care of ths Lb . 30# to...... 25# tres. been responsible for a great deal of fusion of Spring flowers and made a financial department ; Mrs. Scott • District Reports. this talk, but there was much more pretty background for the members Ritcht#. Mrs. McTavish. Mrs. Ranns, Splendid reportjs were presented by ! than that to the repeated murmur- and their friends, who were received Mrs. Cave and others, all did their COUNTER SALES ONLY representatives of the Vancouver, ! ing.i that Lady Rachel would bo the their arrival by Mrs. Wolfynden part in making th# afternoon a splen­ Victoria. New Westminster, Chilli­ one selected and furthermore your and her daughters. An interesting did success by which the funds of the wack, Burnaby and Prince Rupert correspondent 1^ able to state that and varied programme had been or- oriwl„izatlQn will benefit to the ex (Or Delivered With Other Goods^ t he resultant- die* pj *«►»»» t ment reached ranged by Mrs. N. Shaw. Groups-wf f tent of "Lady Barn6Bf Hid Municipal chapters. very high circles indeed. At the close of the morning ses­ > Croft, who were unable to be pres­ Beef Hearts, each...... 25# Pure Pork Sausages, lb.. .23# Th# least concerned seemed to be Miss Hilda Pot linger. sion the delegates were entertained the Pi*inc# Elmself. He kept all of ent. each sent a cheque. at luncheon by the Vancouver Muni­ Miss Agnes Caine, Miss B. Moggey Pot Roasts, per lb...... 10# Lamb Heads, each...... 15# Mr. Lyall Dunlop, of Qu'Appelle Dr. and Mrs. Forsyth and family, England on the qui vive during th# mT Miss E.r Bennett, all of whom IT MUST BE 80. cipal Chapter in Christ Church Winter through his proclivities for schoolroom. I»ady Sailer, wife of Street. Is on bis way to spend a short who arrived on the ~ ’"Empress of are pupils of Mrs. W. Nasmith, who Stewing Veal, 2 lbs...... 25# Oxford Sausages. 2 lbs. .25# holiday at his home in Scotland, being thrown in steeplechases ,and accompanied them on the iriano. The Teacher»—"Jimmy, give me threw Sir Michael Sadler. Vice-Chancellor Canada" from Hongkong, are guests on the hunting field, but if he was of Leeds University, and Miss Gilpin, o o o audience showed its appreciation Of proofs that the world Is round. at the James Bay Hotel. _i_ ruling near London during the day these artistes andanH theirths»ir wellwpll chosenrhnapn Jimmy—_■"Wsii.-you U,*ll vnn tavsay miso. r*apa say# headmistress of Hall's School, Wey­ Mr. R. E. Beattie and Miss Beattie, and escaped Injury, he usually could mouth, England, were guests of groups of songs by frequent encores. bo. and ma says so." 1 of Vancouver, are registered at the Mr. Kenneth Ferguson, who for the be found dancing at nignt. Since Recitations were given by Misa Ella honor at this luncheon. On Wed­ Empress Hotel. hunting has ceased he devoted much nesday the Provincial executive met past ten days has been on business Bollinger and little MLss Rosemary The blossom of the wattle, a tree ■ ■« o o o more time to dancing. Nasmith, both of whom recently won----- of" the cum family, has been adopted H.O.Kirkham&Co.,Ltd. at the.home of Mrs. W. J. Watson at Mr. George G. Lemtnax. Of Winni­ in Stewart, will visit the various scholarships at the B.C. Dramatic * as Australia’s national flower. Shaughnessy Heights for the prelim­ peg. has arrived at the Empress coastal towns on his return trip to The Womens Canadian Club will 612 FORT STREET 749 YATES STREET inary work of the annual meeting. Hotel hold its regular meeting on Tuesday Those In attendance were Mrs. A. F. O O O Victoria. ntnet at 3.15 in the Empress ballroom. Griffiths. Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. W. OOO An Interesting address is looked for II. Belson. Mrs. Andrew Wright. Vancouver registrations at the Em­ Mr. Herbert J. Wilson, manager of from Miss Helen Stewart, who will Mrs. H. P. Hodges, all of Victoria; press Hotel include Messrs. A. W. the Empress Hotel, and Mrs. Wilson, report on the recent conference on YOUR HOME Mrs. F. J. Bayfield. Mrs. Edgar Lee, Willard, R. y'.. Ismon. John Kellie r have gone for a short visit to Spo­ EducatUm in Toronto. The meeting Mrs. O. L. Boynton. Mrs; R. J. and Fred J. WMIgWtli kane. where they arc guests of Mr. will be open to the public, in view of Many new styles in Canvas Sprott. Mrs. A McCreery. Mrs. R C. O O O Louis Davenport, proprietor of the th# general lnt«u*est of the subject. 1 AND YOU WOMEN’S Boyle, Miss Mtllicent Wright. Mrs. Mrs. E. H, Griffiths entertained th# Davenport Hotel. In preparation for the dinner I l’umps, Oxfords and Strap C. O. Pen hock. Mrs. C. W. Craig, of members of the bridge club of which OOO address to be given by Sir Michael ' Shoes arc now on display. Vancouver; Mrs. T. W. Martindale, she is a member. on Tuesday evening, Madame Valda returned to Victoria Sadler on Saturday evening under fhe By HELEN KENDALL SUMMER Mrs. W. W. Lewis, Miss Ikibeson, at her hoirie on Oscar Street. on Tuesday from Vancouver, where auspices of th# Canadian Club. Mr*. Make it a point to see them. Nanaimo; Mrs. Barton and Mrs. W. o o o for the past three weeks she has been Bradshaw will be at Fletcher's SMr# jrf. Hawkshaw, Chilliwack! MM. < ting and training th# 600 people on Friday afternoon from 2.30. to soil to-day—prices arc most reason­ Trites, Fernie; Mrs. Anstey and Mrs. Leslie Macdoncll, of Vernon, The Woman and Her Bank Account who has been spending the past who took part in the Spring fantasy, tickets to members of the Women's SHOES able. Mrs. Bryce-Brown. New Westmin­ month in Victoria as the guest of st.iged under the auspices of th# Canadian Club, who desire to attend. ster; Mrs. F. J., Peers, Burnaby; Mrs. her mother. Mrs. M. L. McLennan, Woman's Auxiliary of the Vancouver Of all the ways in which the they are left widowed, with a con- C. M. Kingston. Grand Forks. General Hospital. Madame Valda. humorists like to poke fun at wo- j shlrrable amount of insurance to At midday the executive adjourned Vancouver Street. Is leaving to-day for hçr home on the Mainland. with Mr. GWrdon Gibson as dancing ______• .1,,,,, bank or invest, that they are abso- 1203 Deeglas MUTRIE8SON Seywerd I to Jericho Country Club, where they 'O o o partner, also gave one of the most men. none is more i»oputar than the. lutely at Fei, a„ to the ordinary Strut Building j were guests at a delightful luncheon, delightful numbers in the Apache subject of the feminine management procedure of handling money. -enomasamm»» j in the afternoon Mrs. Watson enter­ Mrs. Peters entertained , 5^ “Ash- dance, which has always proved & j of money. We all remember the No matter how* small the amount tained the executive at tea at her burn.’’ Esquimalt. yesterday after­ popular selection with Victoria 1 story of the wo­ she has to work with, I do believe 1 home, Mrs. W. H. Belson and Miss noon with four tables of bridge and audiences. man who Insistfd that every woman should try to Millirent Wright presiding at the two of Mah Jongg. The various OOO keep ( a checking account at some daintily-appointed tea-table with its rooms were enhanced by the effective that she must Miss Eva Loewvn. whose marriage ; ‘fflUlotod/ bank. It may mean that she will decoration of Spring flowers. arrangement of tulips and cherry to Rev. J. 8. Turkington, will take j have Plenty <»f have to keep a minimum amount blossom. on deposit all the time, although OOO place on Monday next c in Vancouver. | Blouses Skirts money in the MASQUERADE DANCE was. with her future husband, the bank because she some small local banks do not insist The Victoria Amateur Swimming on this; but It will mean that she SsflHM53' Mrs. (General) J. M. Ross and R guest of honor at a delightful dance* had ever so many Club held Its closing dance of the given last night by Miss Jean Molli- Lingerie checks left in her j avoids keeping sums of money lying H. Pooley, M.P.P., have kindly con season last night in the Elks Hall, check-book! And j about the house or tucked in her The sented to act as judges at the snqe- son at Glencoe Lodge. The palm 1 stocking, and that she will know the and all present voted the affair to be court of the lodge w*»s transformeW opportunity to spend a delightful Hnll Mr V. K. Carlow, president trf Mermann Robertson will go over tA paper with ideals. Theretore Just Above Quadra—Phone 14» th. Central Liberal Association, and the Mainland on Sunday night's boat i û Toll of bills at the Mid o'-the wwk how to go confidently about U to Old Carpets Remade Into Lovely Fluff evening and nt the same time benefit the hrst of the month/rtnd, when take care of it. , The Times—every evening. this useful organization, j many others. to be present at the wedding. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

for two seasons, after which he became CAPITOL the leading man for Helen Ware. He DOMINION was not only the author of the Lin­ coln Highwayman" and "The Come­ On the turn of a card! One of the Sir Guy of Glsbourne, as we knew him back." but he had been starred in both most dramatic scenes in - “Prodigal In history, was. to use the vernacular of these successful vehicles. As co­ Daughters." s Paramount of the street, a “hard nut " When it author with Charles Goddard. he had production starring distinguished himself with four of the which is at the Dominion Theatre all SALE OF - came time to cast “Douglas Fairbanks” greatest of Broadway successes, name­ thia week, is wluire the star In the role SALE OF in Robin Hood." the feature attraction ly. "The Broken Wing." "Misleading of "Swiftle" Forbes gets into the tolls of UMITSO W111TEWEAR now showing at the Capitol Theatre, laidy," “The Ghost Breaker" and "The a gambler and stakes a fortune Which SILK GLOVES Mr Fairbanks specified that the man Last laiugh," and had played in .the I she has already lost to him. as well as to play this character muet bè hard- first mentioned. He was the stage di- her own future, upon a cut of the cards boiled to the Nth degree and at the rector. of Jane Cowl’s great, success. . She cuts a smaller card than the 1211 Douitlai» otrect same time a man of refined education “Lilac Time," and also for the play in gambler—and loses. and dramatic instinct. As this charac­ which Fay Bainter attained stardom. What is the result? .She must be AMUSEMENTS TO-DAY ter was to play opposite him In the saved, but how is the heroine extri­ STARS IN"YOUNG production, the above described man “Arms and the Girt," in addition to having directed all of the plays which cated from her predicament? That is lit had to be obtained -so that romance and he himself had written or been co- a problem that will cause much sus­ Columbia—“The Young Rajah." realism would reach Its senlth In the pense in a pictures that is full of that Dominion—“Prodigal Uaugnters. 1 T^he^place where such a man could Mr. Fairbanks decided that with a quality. Monte M Katterjohhn adapted Capitol—“Robin Hood." history like that Mr Dickey wa* the 'the Joseph Hocking novel and brought New Knitted Suits of Wool and Silk Royal—“Me and My Gal." be found was, in Mr Fairbanks' opinion I man to play Sir Guy. It up to the moment in every respect. the United States Marine Corps. And It is In fact ultra-modern with radio, there he searched He located Paul the latest In Jams dancing, extravagant Rodolph Valentino at Colum­ Dickey, who had been a hard-boiled, ! SPECIAL MUSICAL parties and a thrilling rescue by aero­ mult • riot of—bolor. of naked galvanised leatherneck, if ever there was plane plentifully interspersed. Yet bia in Notable Piece blades, of falling figures, of victors one. Mr. Dickey had gone to France withal, it carries a tremendous story * and Wool From $35. bi) as the first pilot in the First Marine PROGRAMME AT THE with a motive which has its roots In the triumphant upon the throne th°y Air Force and had been attached to the heart of present-day life and its pro»* A splendid contrast is afforded by have usurped—that's your tiny re­ Northern bombing group. Upon digging CAPITOL THEATRE Wanda Hawley and Rodolph Valen­ deeper into the history of the man, Mr. volution in the small Indian state. ( Fairbanks„ ______found______that_ he______had been born tino. leading- woman and star of “The To-night is Music Lovers’ Night at The simplicity and smartness of the new Knitted Suits Young Rajah.” a Paramount ^picture ready ln Chicago. He also learned that Dickey the Capitol. How popular and how “THE GAME OF LIFE” will win instant admiration from the woman wlm is dis­ coming to the Columbia Theatre to­ England—and an old couple hadnaa graauaieuEriluated mIn «a vuuinoun., of literature- ;____ . ______, ... __ i day. Miss Hawley is a blonde of the for bed; a knocking at the door; two at the University of Michigan in 1906 much appreciated was this special WILL BE PRESENTED cerning in the choice'of her apparel. Dresden shepherdess variety; Val­ dark men with a child standing drip­ at the age of twenty-two; while he was musical event at the' Capitol“ “ * jlast entino, Is of course, dark and Latin ping upon the threshold ; Jewels In college he Was The * - AT THE ROYAL poured from a bag; stacks of bank- | back in football In 1901. 1904. and 190». Thursday night was shown by ' the There are plain and fancy weaves, models of wool with silk- in appearance. They make a very This team is recorded in footoau a...... -i capacity crowds that attended, and One of the most remarkable scenes pleasing picture as lovers in this note#—a farewell and a small and as the greatest “eleven! Michigan ever ever staged in pictures is found in "The stripes and cheeks in contrasting shades; there'a re mix­ strange acreen tale. miserable Hindu lad who strives U> had in as much as all during that time the applause that greeted the musical Game of Life, the immortal charge of A moment of brilliancy a mad tu- hide his tears at parting from the they had never suffered one defeat. numbers. To-night the Capitol Grand the Light Brigade. We see the 600 light tures of silk and wool and plain wool suits. They need only friends he has known—that's the Dickey had not stopped at f<*»tball, cavalrymen charging Into the mouths of either, for he was the champioiv quar­ Orche.tr» in conjunction with the Russian cannon at Balaklava— little adornment, choosing slim straight lilies they relv story of the adoption. tern! Her. Capitol organ will render the "Ray­ The gift of prevision—he sees his “So far, so good,” said Fairbanks. "Right through the line they brok* . chiefly on their weaves, colors and diversity of styles for own death—his own meeting with the mond Overture." the famous “Robin “Dickey is hardboiled and of refined Hood Selection." and the ever pop I’ossack and Russian girl be learns to love; but he is education, butout whatwnai doeswee hene knowsnow of LONDON nU9C HALL ROYAL MAY 7, 8, 0 4 THE WORLD'S GREATEST FOR A LOPD WAS ONLY A ENTERTAINERS LORD, BUT A DERBY SOU in the front Itnr " Monday, April 30 KîlAk.1 PSOOUCTiONS LTD. WINNING JOCKEY WAS PCiSiNT TBK AT 850 PM. A KING Proceed. In Aid of the Royal otx> Jubilee Hospital Building Fund ^istorTcaTnote n T**» Nvr ova Sporting Rendezvous of England and presented a spec- taelo of lift and colour the like of which has Mover been FULL G PEP' TICKETS “nor KLW4AN seen In English T)lstory~ _ ACmUR HOLLAND $L50,$1.00, 75c, 50c .,1. AMD GPtAT CAST ■

Box Office Opens Friday MAIL ORDERS NOW April 27, 10 un. i 5 DAYS •eat Sale Friday, May 4 Evenings. 60c, 75c. $1.00. $1:50.- ROYALCommencing TUESDAY. MAY 1 Matinees Wednesday and otilurday. Phone 5182 60c, 75c. $1.00. Add 10 p.c. for tax. SCWE E8QM ‘DOUGLAS flAIRBADKS in RDSin -tiVOH VICTORIA DAILY TIM FA THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923 PILOTS SEEK OCEAN AND COASTWISE SHIPPING iïî Rivalry for Vessels Takes Amendments to Act Before Local Pilots to Entrance House of Commons SHIP’S DEL» to Straits ATHENIA MAY BE CHINESE MINISTER Rich Men Bid for Finest Ottawa, April 2#.—Deal in* with tho FIRST PASSENGER There is healthy competition Bmcnage across iTte Atlantic , from Uriffith, satleil from Yokohama Powerful launches are In opera­ visions the country court clerk was Glasgow, and ts repurted to l*e New York, April 26.—An for this eoaal yesterday with a tion. manned by skilled and re­ not required publicly to display the ! making excellent time. hour’s delay in the sailing of the sourceful pilots, and the sight of • notice of application. Mr. Copp be __ ‘Tip* new Cunarder-ls due to lipitjj list of saloon passengers pilot boat chugging out seaward is • ’ TTFvetT' ture? mnutfl -ïîfta s .' ar au g French liner Paris, carrying 800 reach Quebec on Sunday, ami and .>000 Ions of general freight. dally one. gested t^y Hon. Hugh Guthrie, «was Montreal on Monday morning. passengers, was said by officials The steamship Is expected to arrive In the case of the steamship City too long. of the line to have been due to of Vancouver, in port this week, the W. G. McQuarri«\ Conservative. | here May 6. vessel was boarded by Capt. J. Bar- New Westminster, and XV. M. Gor- I Among the passengers traveling trouble in obtaining ship’s pa berie off Cape Beale. man. Liberal. Welland, both upheld across the Vaviflo on the President pers. T. V. O’Connor, Shipping Capt. Percy Shadforth, Capt. Snod- the present method of Investigation.! Jackson Is l>r. Alfred 8ze.: minister dy and other pitots have been in the by county court Judges. plenipotentiary <*f the Republic of Hoard commissioner, former habit of making regular trips to the .Mr. Copp went on lo explain that; 1‘htnn to the United States, who is president of the International entrance to the Straits to pick up even after the report was received bound tv Washington. Ha is ac inbound vessels. —— ----- —from -the cmmtv court- Jmtge-ttrp Dr* , vm pan led by a personal suite nura Longshoreitien’a Union, declared Before the pilotage competition part ment of the Secretary of State ! berlng twenty-seven persons. the strike had no effect on the ships started the offshore vessels used to was obliged under the act to insti­ Herman XXL Ross, president of the under his direction. be boarded off the Race Rocks, at tute a specific inquiry. Walker-R«>*s Company; Inc. of Be* 3,152,000 DRINKS OF WATER! "The I. W. W. is simply trying to This was done primarily through Cunarder Is on Last Lap of BIGGEST SHIPS this end of the Straits. Now, by at tie. Is another passenger returning New York, April 26. —Liquor take advantage of a scarcity of sea­ force of circumstances, there art the Immigration Department to as­ to the States by the Admiral Orien­ faring men which now existe along certain that the immigrant wa* le­ World Cruise With Cook lIrwin length iWldUi carried every trip by the British more YffllttWIWP - ' tal liner. While In Japan. Mr. Ross Tonnage (Feet) (Feet) liner Majestic includes 8U.UUU tlx- waterfront,” he said "XV<- wiT gally in Canada and the ciiaracu r -ofj was entertained by K. Aracki, man­ have no dealings with tho I W X\ " the applicant. This was done often - T ourists .59.956 907.6 bottles of ale and stout, 1000 quarts AMERICAN RAILWAYS aging director of the Kawsakl Dock­ Majestic w .56,551 916 5 and 1600 pints of champagne, 1000 Joseph T. Ryan, vlce-presfdent of through the Federal or local police. yard Uvmpany, one of the leading the Internat ionàl longshoremen's Mr. Copp declared that where appli­ According to cable advices received Berengarla .52,022 882.9 quarts and 1600 pints of other IN FAVOR OF THE ST. by Pacific coast agents of the C’uti- Japanese shipbuilding concerns. .46,439 852.’5 Wines, 4.000 bottles of whisky, Union, said his organization would cants resided In remote parts of the not support the strike, being bound country there had been many cases ard Line, the liner Samaria. Capt. G. .46,647 868.7 brandy and gin, and 360 bottles of LAWRENCE WATERWAY XV. . Hoshurg. now on a world cruise Homeric .. .34,693 751.0 by a wage agreement until Septem •. where they had never been able to liqueurs. her 30. learn the result of their application. under the auspices ^Of Thomaa Cook Paris ...... 34.669 736.4 The Leviathan has no-bar. But Chicago. April 26 (Associated Press) James Walsh, chairman of tho Duty Performed A Son. is about to cross the Pacific Mauretania .30,696 762.2 she will carry 197.000 gallons of —Seven of the largest railway sys­ from Japan. The world tourists have drinking water! That'll make strikers' .publicity committee, said R. B. Hanson. Conservative. York. been making inland tours from Kobe 3,152,00« drinks. the union expected to have between tems forming arteries of transporta­ Sunbury, said he believed! that the and Yokohama. By Edward Thierry 60,000 and 80.000 of its 126,000 mem­ tion throughout the Upper Missis­ Judges who conducted these Investi - liv LU -cable, Capt.-Hoeburg wtYs New York: April 26.—Fares ex­ bers through"The country on strike sippi Valley and the Northwest gnrtoTts had WPYi’ dMng tttetr du tv in that Japan Is one great pillow of OVER NEW DOCKS ceeding u.000.000 will be paid by and ^controlled from the bridge by May 1. through their presidents or other ex­ the past and the question of pay had those who sail on the Leviathan on "Fire protection Includes a 45„-sta­ "The men will be called out as fast beautiful blossoms. ecutives yesterday aligned themselves no bearing. He believed it most vital After leaving Japan the Samaria's British and American Lines her maiden trip July 4. Several.bill tion alarm system, 28 mil' s of copper as theîr ships reach port," he said. that the applicant should make a per­ lionnires are bidding . for the right tubing in which expansion of air Tranquil conditions along the in favor of the Great Lakes-8t. Law­ sonal appearance before the Judge next stop will be Honolulu, where dancing and bathing girls add to the Want Use of City Piers at to pay the top price—$5000—to or raises an alarm- of fire automatically, waterfront were reported by the po rence seaway project as one of the for an examination. cupy the former imperial suite, de 11,000 feet of hose, and 10 pumps hav lice. Robert Forke, Progressive leader, attractions of one of the loveliest best means of improving the national ^Bmes 4» the rworkl.- New York signed on the old Yalerland for the iug q rapacity of 1670 gallons « Boston, April 26.—Officers of the transportation situation. thought too much power should not minute. Marine Transport Workers' division be placed in the hands of Ministers So far. the captain states, no pas­ German kaiser. Their stand in favor of the seaway sengers Have signified their intentkm New York, April 26.—American and "There will be no steerage. ' says Hospital for 34. of the 1. W. W. claimed last night project was announced by the road who. after all. were only human and British steamship lines were in a The leviathan has 15.000 electric might be tempted to .enfranchise of leaving the .Meamship at San W. J. Love, vice president and gen­ that 1,400 workers went but In this officials here to-day at a meeting ‘Francisco. All are enjoying the trip snarl to-day over acquisition of the eral manager of the United States around the world 1000 times, or would lamps, and a generating power port, obeying their strike call. This with the executive committee of tbs large blocks of citizens in certain ctTVs new piers in -the Hudson-River. supply an ordinary -home for se -St. Lawrence tidewater parta of the country near election to such an extent that they want to Shipping Hoard. ~Ttie Vaterland drive a car 10,000 miles a year for The new piers are 1.000 feet long, had three classes and steerage. The 263 years! years. There is a social hail fr$ x ?fr number who had declared "Job association, including membership time. remain aboard until the ship reaches the length required to dock the giant with a .'21-ft. celling. On board will from eighteen middle western statea ____ A lengthy cross-fire then developed New Y'ork. All are anxious for the rabttUt Leviathan has three clames t‘ of the Leviathan loaded strikes” within the j>*flt lew days. A. Leviathan: That algo tr the room wiy. " ... —------—‘ te 71,276 tone. - Tty- transport tWa Ime t'héÀ docibrg, and (hi• "Job striker." it appeared, was a man The opening of the Great lakes to b. 'w. en Mr. Meighen and the Secre­ trip through the Panama Canal, needed for four British ships sailing stewards, with an operating room and ocean shipping, railroad officials tary of State regarding certain sec­ when* -the Samaria will be lifted step Passengers and crew will total weight on land^ would require 2380 who left ship to take a shore job from this -pert: ------4674. The ftrat-etaee eahin will ac­ a-boeptial avcoxnmodating. 34 pa lient», when hie demands were refused by •pointed ont, will give numerous targe tions of the act. Mr. Meighen argued by step in the various locks until she freight cars. ~ , - : “ Western systems direct ocean ter­ that If the hearing before the Judge* The Unite* Plates Hne which wHl commodate 976; second class 442. and in addition to the- crew's hospital ac­ the ship owners. will be over eighty fief" ibove the "There are 12 decks, five passenger commodating. 16. The strikers include firemen, oil­ minals and will be a big step in ac­ were cut out, the S^retary of States level of the sea. operate the Leviathan when she goes third eiftas I860. The crew comprises elevators, and six freight elevators tut*» service July 4 4a. in. the fight to H71. The commander will he Cap­ “The distance around the prome­ ers. water tenders, steamers, stew­ celerating freight movements to could refuse any apphoation no mat­ -The; rrutstng ateatneh+p- ta xltie to for baggage and provisions. Kt Europe and the East. ter how genuine, and such refused prevent having .to dock the vessel on tain Herbert Hartley, formerly of the nade deck is 1090 feeV—4.8 laps tô thé ards and cooks of vessels In port. arrive In New Y'ork. May 31, and will the engine room haa an elevator. mile. There are seven galleys. Chi- The waterfront was placarded with Present at the meeting were W. H. would not have the searchlight of a be the second passenger steamship to the Jersey side of the Hudson, and 8. S. St Louis. Finley, president of the Chicago and public hearing to guide the House as the Britishers; It was understood, Vice President Love amplified for "The swimming pool, for first-cli nawure includes 104.000 pieces—and copies of a proclamation addressed completely vircdmnavlgate the glotte, passengers, only, is feet long, 20 there are 65,000 linen sheets, pillow by the I. W. W. to all marine work­ Northwestern: S. M. Felton, presi­ to whether the case was genuine or her sister ship, .the Lsiconia, holding were seeking to add to the-faculties NE A Sendee his announcement that dent of the Great Western; Gentry not. In other words, the Minister was they have on another part of tho rebuilding operations now nearing feet wide, and from 3*-fr to 6*4 feet ca*e*. towels and. tablecloths. er^ throughout the world. "Let us first honors, having circled the earth deep, ll carries W.V-'v gallons, ..r - "Food.?. There will he enough for a awaken, rise up and show the might Waldo, representing the Union Pa­ ‘ lord of all he surveyed ami could earlier in the season. riverfront. completion at Newport News, V cific ; Ralph Budti. president of the dispose of applicant» at will and The-ef meat that is ours." was its appeal. ■MM muiu 16 x 40 fur the fixât- chu**. u.n.d. ton* of iwmitey, 3 tons of game- Great Northern;. R- W. Clark, .as*.. - , w ithout assigning any reused at all ” opett .when. Dock. Commissioner De­ afloat. Her grow tonnage i»,. now Ships Tied Up. eistant to the president of the Nor­ *The Minister replied that tinder the laney recommended that the new 59.956.65. as against 54,282 originally, another 14x27 for second class. Also birds. 28 tons of fish. 30 tons of po­ two libraries, containing 4180 volumes. tatoes. 10 tons of other vegetable*. Ran Francisco, April 2$.—Tie-up of thern Pacific; H. R. Safford. vice- net of 1914. passed by the date Gov­ EVENTS TO COME docks be allocated to thé leviathan, 3405 more than the Majestic,* al­ six ships at lumber shipping points president of the Burlington, and W. ernment another section gave exact­ Agamemnon, and Mount Vernon, of though she is eight feet shorter and “Safety is assured on the Levi­ 8 tons of sugar, 3 tons of tea and i coffee, .2 tons of ham. 36 tons of flour because of inability to load and i G. Bierd, president of the Chicago ly the same po,wcr to the Secretary the United States Lines. only a fraction of a foot wider. athan. There arc 68 life hoots and and Alton. - wf State, therefore the work: of the The rummage sale which the I»- 2-tons of grapes. "Î4 tons of butter. Slight increase in the number of log eal Council of Women had arranged ' At the same time, It was made "It. coat 28,500.000 to rebuild and two - 34-foot- -motor huais equipped King camp and sawmill Workers off •" judges was vatoetosw...... " known that the British lines, the refit the Leviathan," said Love. “The with wireless, tbe 70 boats having a 10 tons of Jams and preserves, and Mr. Copp said that the Judges to hold on Saturday of this week has a ton of tobacco; l>esldes that 12,285 duty were the outstanding points been postponed owing to so many Cunard Steamship Company and the ship is now worth $25,000.000. She ca$iacl$y 4TM persons. There is early to-day in the strike of long­ themselves realized that thèir reports International Mercantile Marin» has been converted from coal to oil Sperry gyro-‘compass, similar to quarts of milk. 6714 dozen eggs, and —^ id not .imply the nature of the deci­ conflicting Interests anti will take 1,000 boxes of oranges, apples and shoremen and timber workers called CANADIAN sought the use of the docks under an burning. those used on battleships; draft yesterday. Of the six vessels, one sion ..which would ultimately, he made. i.laee instead on Saturday* May 5 implied" agreement of which Om- Crosses in She Days. gauges so the amount of water the other fruit " Mr. Forke^ asked if the Minister ; «20 Yates Street. An appeal Is madk tha^J was at Raymond, Wash., and the PACIFIC for gi^K ^ etothime or ftHmRwei and- nl.ssloner Delaney sald.ha could find "Sha wiH-eati feom Newe York fov -veee^4s- draw lag 4avn-h^-read--on ^EWit-EveFFtt. In the mme «ate. ~ thought that a member of TTï* Rttyaî no record. Southampton every three weeks, bridge; four piicrophoncs for sub built Leviathan. With Her New C< these will be called for on Friday mender, Ceptein Herbert Hartley The strike, whose greatest force was Canadian Mounted Police would fur­ morning. May 4. if a telephone mes­ Lasker's Letter. making the trip in six days. Each marine signals; two high-power B. 0. COAST SERVICE nish a more, reliable report than *a searchlights; 14 watertight trams (Ineet) and Below a Scene in the felt in the logging camps of Wash­ sage is sent beforehand to telephone In connection with the dispute trip will consume 6460 tons of fuel ington early yesterday, apparently county court Judge. letter Chairman I*aaker of the Ship­ oil. If this 1,462.300 gallons were verse bulkheads; and 18 watertight Lounge, Showing the Ship's Giant 6S48L. » ______Proportione. progressed southward as the day Investigate Records ping Board wrote to Mayor Hylan gasoline it would run flivver sliding doors hydraulically operated wore on, and last night word came To this Mr. Copp replied that there Primrçse Lodge will hold a peg last January was made public. It from Northern California points that was no comparison between the two. dance Friday evening at Foresters' read in part: "It seems unbeliev­ more than 150 sawmill workers had An application was referred to the Hall. Refreshments will be served. able that the Leviathan should be ROYAL OVERHAULING FAST CRAFT ARE quit work. Strike leaders predicted mounted police when it was consid­ excluded from the piers owned by an increase in the number for to- Excursion ered desirable to investigate the rec­ The monthly business meeting of the citizens of New York because BEFORE RESUMING NEEDED TO STOP the King’s Daughters will be heltT in Tl Fortland lumbermen said about 25 ord of an applicant anti decide wheth­ foreign flag competitors have pre­ their rooms on Monday. April 30. at TO er he should be admitted to Canadian empted entirely the facilities of your IN COAST SERVICE LIQUOR RUNNERS per cent of the workers In the State's citizenship. 2.30 p.m. Business will include the report on the flower show, and plans great port." logging camps had obeyed the strike J. S. Woodsworth. I.abor, Centre The C. P. R. coastwise steamer New York, April 26.—Inquiries Winnipeg, said It would he an out­ for the convention and for the forth­ WEST CONFER have been made of shipbuilders, .it vail, but said the walkout would have Princess Royal is being thoroughly no serious effect on the Industry. rage if the entrance to citizenship of coming annual meeting. __ ADMIRAL MANAGER was learned to-day, as to the cost Canada was under the control of any overhauled and having general re­ of small craft having n guaranteed Shut downs are expected at soma Young people from St. Saviour's ON ALASKA TOUR Delegates From San Diego to isolated pointa Bellingham speed sufficient to overtake the fast single man. parish have kindly offered to repeat pairs carried out at the Upper Har­ Hon. J. B. M. Baxter. Conservative bor plant of the Victoria Machinery Victoria Meet at Seattle vessels used by bootleggers in trans­ I. W. W. headquarters in Seattle their successful entertainment "Pic­ Seattle, April 26.—Capt. R. C. Bren­ ferring liquor supplies to shore from estimated that 1,000 waterfront em­ By the palatial steamer St. John, did not want the Secretary nan, operating manager for the Paci­ Depot, Ltd. The Princess Royal was of State given the i>ower provided for tures in Porcelain." in Christ Church To-day the1'rum fleet off Ambrose Channel. ployees had quit work and that 500 Cathedral schoolroom to-morrow night fic Steamship Company, left this withdrawn from service some time others would strike to-day. in the amendment. Naturalization o, and land up at this port, but now It was found that such vessels should' not. be left to what might be for the benefit of the new Cathedral morning for a tour of Southeastern Seattle. April 26—The Western Los Angeles reported but slight re­ building funds. The programme, and Southwestern Alaska ports of that the Summer tourist season is could be turned out by the shipyards “Princess Louise” te rmed the political ^exigencies of the traffic conference, composed of the at an expense of from $40,000 to sponse to ai>peals to strike contained which will open at eight o’clock, will call on the steamship Admiral Evans. approaching, she will shortly be put In a quantity of literature distributed gentleman who happened to occupy include n number of scenes repre­ back into commission. traffic men of wholesale and retail $50,000. A strong demand for motor the position of the Secretary of State. In addition the vessel will have craft suitable for making fast runs esterday. A. number of arrests, one . -- on senting English life, customs and capacity list of passengers and a toll The proi>osed legislation would do as MARLOCH PELAYEO mercantile establishments from San has t»een created since rum-running that of a woman, were made there. well next year. Mr. Baxter^l&lmed. dress In the eighteenth century, ac­ cargo of freight. Diego to Victoria, B. C., are meeting became^a profitable business and the In no caae were any demands for companied by Illustrative songs anti increased wages or changes in work­ St. John. N. B.. April 26. — The at tho Hotel Cowman to-day. Be­ one great essential of the boats has The world’s consumption of sugar dances. 8AN FRANCISCO SHIPPING. steamer Marloch. which Is bringing been speed. Some turned out have ing conditions made. Confiscated May 11,1923 Is estimated at between 14,000,000 tween 100 and 150 delegates are ex­ literature, however, Indicated the The ladies of Christ Church Cathe­ San Francisco, April 26.—The Paci­ the party of 400 Scottish emigrants been guaranteed to make 20 knots and 15,000.000 tons a year. from the Hebrides Islands, still Is pected. an hour under Ideal conditions for principal object of the walkout dral parish guild are arranging a fic Mall liner Venezuela Is due to The Retail Traffic Association of Leave Victoria at 8.30 A. M. rummage sale to take place in the losing time. She was originally due perhaps one trip of six hours in a cl ease of prisoners convicted under The most nutritious root-crop, arrive here from New York Friday on Tuesday but has been delayed by Seattle are acting a* hosts to the week. A guaranteed speed of 22 wartime laws. (Standard Time) after the potato, is the beetroot, Cathedral schoolroom on Wednesday with a. heavy passenger list and conference and entertainment fea­ morning. May 2. Contributions of fog anti Ice. and word was received knots to be htaintained day and which contains 12 per centj>f sugar. cargo. from here to-day that she would not tures have been arranged by Mias night Indefinitely is an altogether saleable articles are Invited, and do­ The T, K. K. liner Korea Mam, will R. M. Massey, of Frederick & Nel­ TWO STEAMERS OF nors are asked to communicate with dock before noon Saturday. different proposition, it was said, and Leave Bellingham at 5.30 P. The re-created State of Poland sail Saturday for the Orient with son, J. M. Maloney of the Rhodes is only to be had at the expenditure FURNESS-PRINCE consists of 120,000 square miles, with the president of the guild. Mrs. A. J. fair-sized passenger list and cargo. M. (Standard Time) Dalla in. 625 Niagara Street. Company and L. M. Latsch of the for power equipment far In excess a population of 21.000.000, Standard Furniture Company. of anything that has been contem­ J.INE MONTHLY MOVEMENTS The sees ion opened with an address plated. At least a dozen such craft Return Fare VESSEL by Chairman II. N. Moore, second would be necessary to stop the rum- San-Francisco, April 26.—Two ves Flue Be War vice-president of the Western vÜfflc r(inning off the Atlantic highlands, sels a month will be operated by the Tax LADIES' MUSICAL Aberdeen, April 35 —Arrived: Ayalon, conference. "Co-operation; the it is felt, and Inasmuch as no puch Furness-Prince Line between Europe Children Un­ Ffbrnet. San Franctsco. Sailed: Gray a sum Is available for the purpose the and the Pacifie Coast It was an der 12 Years Value of Personal Content Between Half Fare Harbor. San Francisco Shipper and Carrier.” was diseased prospect of a prohibition fleet adé­ nounced to-day. The first vessel to Tacoma. April 26.—Arrived. Stuart Sailed ' by W. A. Baker, traffic manager. quat.- for the emergency is con­ sail from San Francisco tinder the Dollar. Singapore via ports. sidered remote. direct management of the company CLUBTO BE GUESTS Nevada, Havre, via porta; Cordova, Meier & Frank, Portland, Or. Herbert will be the motorshlp Dominion Alaska ports via Seattle. McEwen, manager of the Acme Fast Tickets now on sale at City Seatti?/ April 25„rArr 1 v£dLt! nr,,thlap(e. April 22.—Arrived: President dally. Or H. t. Howard, Agent. more. I have gained In weight and am and her sister. Miss Joy Calvert, who • P H Dock~ Fwoihone 1532 excretion by Dr. Plerçc’s Clinic in studied under Leopold Auer, Ysaye Grant. Seattle. Prince-e Louise or Princess Alice still gaining, my appetite Is great and Adelaide. April 23—Arrived; Arcadia, leaves at 11.45 p.m. dally. Buffalo. N. Y. It costs only two sleep has come to me That Is what and other noted violinists. Mme. Dr. Pierce's Anuric (kidney and back­ Sanderson-Mongin will render one of S*Shanghal. April 24.—Arrived Diana From Vancouver. (anadian^^NaHonal dollars to find out lr you’re O. K. Princess Louise or Princess Alice ache) Tablets have done for me. I do her delightful recitations to music Dollar, San Francisco: Spirits, San UNION STEAMSHIO COMPANY or not. Then. too. our neighbors truly recommend them to those who are composed and played by Miss Ora arrives 7 a.m. daily. suffering the way I did. Thé tablets are Francisco. Princess Adelaide arrives at 3.IS of B. C., Limited. say they’ve been cured _of backache mighty good, though not expensive; easy Pearson; Mrs. Hansen, a gifted pian­ Melbourne, April it—Arrived: West Regular sailings from Vancouver to ist, will play for the first time on one Jappa. San ranci»:». Tpne Maru. Seattle. pjn daily. and kidney disease by that newest to buy, but hard to- best.”—T. A. Yokohama. April 11. — Arrived: flll East Coast anti Mainland Points. BroWn, 415 Dorchester St. W. of the club’s programmes, and Mr. H. NOT EVEN THAT. Logging Camps and Canneries as far medicine of Dr. Pierce’s which he j navis always popular with Victoria Torama Maru. Seattle. as Prince Rupert and Anyox 'Send Hk: tQ Dr Pierce's Laboratory Buenos A^rsa. April 14.—Sailed: \au- For detailed information apply calls 'Anuric' (anti-uric*acid.I" 1rr Bridgeburg. Ont., for trial pack auddMHM, will sing. Mrs. A. J. Gib "it is useless pestering me." son will act as accompanist. 6*Alit«*7p. April !i —Sailed: Drcchldyk. GEO. McGRÊGOR. Agent. City Ticket Office 911 Government Street The time to take care of your ’age of ' Anuric.” Write thé Faculty "Then you won't marry me"" Te«. 1929 Ne. 1 Belmont House The recital will begin at 8.30 and San Francisco. _ . .. a ,, , "I wouldn’t even be engaged health is now. The Impurities of the of Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel in Sydney, N. S. W.. April 21—Sailed: Buffalo. N. Y.. if you desire free will be open only to members of the | you at a Summer resort" blood are thrown off by the kidneys. Ladies’ Musical Club., A Lea Vases. Ban Francisco. - Assist them to function with Dr. medical advice. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 192:!

KSTABUSHED 1886 PUBLIC BREAKFAST . A LARGE CONVENTION NEWS IN BRIEF FI TO-MORROW That the Washington State Bankers' Association Convention, That at least two hundred of the Young Men! The Victoria High School baseball business men of Victoria will take team defeated Spencer's at 3.30 yes­ which will open in Victorjw on May 31. will result In bringing a very IE! breakfast at 8 a m. to-morrow in terday afternoon at the High School Make Your Next Pair Our large number of visitors to the the restaurant of the Chamber of grounds with a -score of five to four. Commerce, in the confident pre­ K Famous The return game will be played on city is shown by the fact that the Empress Hotel, which had already diction *of Fred W. Maysh. man­ the sa nie ground next Wednesday af­ aging-director of the May time ternoon at 3.30. received reservations for 126 Crawford rooms, has received a wire asking Frolic. Fined in the Provincial Police for another fifty. "Every business man's reputa? Court yesterday on a charge of Victoria to Be Mecca of All tion for alertness is at stake." de­ Shoe speeding. P. 8. Allen, a motor driver Pacific Northwest May 24 clares Mr. Marsh, "to say nothing of this city, had his license endorsed of the reputation of the city Itself. with the facts of the prosecution to­ The flapjacks and the eggs will be day and was suspended one month Nearly all cities In the Pacific up to the best standard, so there from driving. northwest will be represented at Vic­ will be no excuse for anybody toria’s Maytime Frolic here May 24. staying away." MAYNARD’S SHOE STORE The Victoria Women's Institute The chief object of the gather­ will hold a rummage sale at 620 àccordlng ta letters received at the 649 Yates Street Phone 1232 City Hall in r>ply to the invitation ing is to discuss methods of mak­ Yates Street between Broad and Gov­ ing the stores In Victoria especial­ Have You Heard These Dance Records WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE ernment. Instead of Broad Street, on broadcasted by Mayor Hayward. ly attractive during the three Saturday morning at 9 a. m. Con­ Seattle, Bellingham, Everett, Ana- days of the Frolic. tributions should be left in the In­ cortes, Portland and San Francisco By Paul Whitemans Orchestra? stitute rooms, Surrey Block, Yates City Councils all are considering ELOCUTIONAL RECITAL, Street, any time before that date. plans for representation at the Frolic. 11» L ■ ■ mw v ■■ Come in to-day—bring this list with you and hear every No inquest would be necessary on It is expected also that floats will be one of these "records by the world's finest dance orchestra. The pupils of Miss Belle» Ellers the body of the late Frank C. Pir- Renounces Wicked World as «ave a meat enjoy aide recital „ before, cnter&l In thç. Flpllc parade by aey-. rotie, stated Coroner B. C« Hart-to­ Undsrhestfi the M.Ilow Mean. Wattr. day. Pirotte was picked up dead on Men Pursue Him and Sadly eral American cities. a large number of friends. The pro­ Wonderful One. Wrilti \ gramme, which consisted of both the street in front of the Westholme The American Legion post of Port humorous and serious recitations and Hotel, Government Street,, at 1.30 Returns to Cage Angeles intends to enter a float in Fate. Fox Trot. a comedy playlet, brought forth peals yesterday afternoon. He had been the parade, according to word re­ IN WILL CASE Lady of the Evening." Fox Trot. of laughter from the audience. Those in poor health for some time, it is Andy Gump broke loose this week and ceived here last night. ”\Ve will do Carolina in the Morning. Fox Trot: taking part were Miss Mclnnes, Miss said. scared city officials who have charge of all we can to send a large delegation I Found a Four-Leaf Clover. Fox Trot. “THE NAME IS THE BRAND.” Doreen Davis. Miss Crowe, Mrs. him almost Into collapse. Andy, by the of Port Angeles people to youf city Temper of Mrs. Collins Some­ Parade of the Wooden Soldiera. Fox Trot. Only one case occupied the atten- way, is not the humorous comic strip during the Frolic." says a letter from Dearborn, Miss Mustard, Miss G. tUm/iof the City Police Court this times Good and Some- Three e'Clock in the Morning. Waltz. Miss Thorpe and Miss Ellers. character of that name, but only the the Port Angeles Commercial Club. Miator Gallagher and Mister Sheen. Fox Trot. morning, and in that the defendant affectionate btg white mountain g"*^ ‘‘Port Angeles appreciates the many i, ' times Not About 3.000.000 needles are used failed tv appear, the hearing being who inhabits a home. In Beacon Hill friendly visits of your ‘good people Ivy (Cling to MoJ. Fox Tror. daily throughout the world. remanded until to-morrow. The ac­ Park. He was christened - Andy Gump each year, and it Is our desire to do cused was Tin. a Chinaman, charged by city officials who have been charged all we can to the end that the people Taking of Testimony to Be w’ith cruelly ill-treating a horse. In­ with the duty of securing a mate for him and who are scouring c*nan the bridq 4M Ointment. Next mornir H. A. Paint...... 1250 'll'- « '••'.linn objected; He had no ficieuey. * Bicycles at . ...S7.50 groom. Mr. flmd Mrs. noortrl«Tge Wit! " Stevenson'S ...... 640 recollection of any vonwrsutiuii OXAE 10 Bicycles at ...... 6.73 with Cuticura Soap and make their future home at 428 Ogk Let Us Demonstrate. ... 14.75 These figures. It Vas explained, arc the telephone with Mrs. Hoo land for the defendant».

... . r-r-isr- ■-ÏWSRSX5:; 10 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

BASEBALL. CRICKET TIMES SPORTING NEW S GOLFING. SWIMMING Z Warm Days Causing Cubs' Winning Passing of Mclnnis From American Nanaimo Footballers • •••#••• • . • . • • . • • • Streak Broken League Hard to Dope Out A By Pittsburgh Play Here Saturday Swimmers To Stir What’a matter with Stuffy Mclnnis? Pirates Show Good Form; Why wae he waived out of the American League? SKIPPER OF FIRSTS Will Oppose Victoria Wests in Aquatic Stars Btgin to Limber TTp In Preparation For The Yankees Now Tie With At present Mclnnis ie the big quee- Exhibition Game — Each tion DhaHt of the baseball world. Biggest Reason In History of Province; Dates Cleveland for Top of A.L. Club Has Been Victor in Its Arranged For Two Galas, While Number of Stuffy Mclnnis has Joined the Bos­ 1 ton Braves. He will add much Own League and Meeting B. C. Championships Have Been-Awarded; New York. April 26.— Pittsburgh strength to that club. punctured Chicago's winning streak Playing with the Brave» he will Should Be Crowded With V.I.A.A. Applies For Canadian Event of seven games in the National help the "" prestige of the National League in that city, where American Interest—First Appearance League, and the New York Yankees, League popularity has already been by defeating Washington while De-' shot to pieces. of Miners This Year With the bright, warm weather of the past week swimmers troit was downing Cleveland for the have become brave and are now taking their daily dips in the Report has It that Mclnnis second successive time, went Into a waived out of the American League Gorge, while others, game for anything, are testing the waters tie for first place In the American because no club believed he wail Nanaimo, champions of the Upp»* off Oallas Road and other nearby beaches. The. water in 4ba -League - in yesterday's major league worth $9,066 a year. Incidentally that Island Football l.r-ngm-, win be her* Gorge is fairly tempting, and as the days roll along the number programme. . Z. belief cost Mclnnis a cool $10,000. on Saturday afternoon or an ex­ It was more than victory and first hibition soccer game with the Vic­ If such Is the truth. It look» as If toria Wests, city title-holders. The of bathers is increasing; place for the Yankees. It gave them number of American I^eague clubs The swimming clubs are getting their clubhouses ready. The an even hold qn first place on the game will be played at the Royal will suffer as the result of such Athletic Park and will start at S Elks are renovating their place oil the cast mérûfYhe-Oorge ffiff efimgoTn5?* ‘ÆSSnign4’^ wbUe penurious policy. Several tew <>V!"ck. bridge, while the V. I. A. A. is also getting its pool in shape for| Joe seweir» intieid error led to the COtild DM him to advantage. Manager Jack Youson. of the , big« • year. m,The »TV. A.* ciS. C..isci putting— -in —. *1the— concrete* foundations dcfcflt of Cleveland It would seem that the SL Louis Wests, has arranged -this match. It The Boston Red Sox took the odd Browns would have gone the limit Is to be a return game for the visit for Its splendid new clubhouse, game from Philadelphia Athletics to get Mclnnis, with the condition of m»de to Nanaimo two weeks ago by which Is expected to cost In the three to one. Slsler still an uncertainty. For the greenshlrts. It is expected to he neighborhood of $2.600. Debentures SWIMMING MONARC a real treat as the miners are said to are to be sold for the clubhouse and . Had a Good Inning tlmj St. Louie bid for Mclnnis, then <1 suddenly terminated negotiations have the best team on the Island. It Is expected that the place will be j The Pirates broke the Cubs’ win­ It is interesting .to note that both ready this Summer. ning streak, gathering In five runs in When Mclnnis consented to be Nanaimo and the Wests were elimin­ i the fifth Inning, more than enough to . Arranging Gslse. transferred to Cleveland, It Is under ated in the play-off for the B.,C. j win. seven to three. . stood that the Boston club agreed to title by Ladysmith. In the Upper Arrangements are now being made I Cincinnati helped St. Louis cele­ pay him a bonus of $5,000 for three Island bracket l«aealed their case, submitting new tables for diving. In Paul. 7; Milwaukee. 6. open championship two weeks ago he based on the ineligibility and Tl traveled around the course In 62, the past there have been but three capability of Referee Meek in tables but the locale have added a COAST LEAdUE feat never before equalled In open Varsity-Veterans league final, fourth. Will Appear in Ring Several Seattle, April 26— San Franrluco competition. will be heard. made it two straight ever Seattle Northfleld F, C. has appealed from Times Before Meeting yesterday. Hodge beating Blake. 9 to Britain Prepares For jack McMillan leads a decision of the Upper Island emer­ 0. Blake pitched good ball for seven gency board on the ground that they Georges Carpentier Innings, not allowing an earned run • ••••••• IN BILLIARDS MATCH exceeded their authority In dealing until that frame. Hodge held the with extraneous matters at a special­ Seattle batters helplesa at all times ly vailed, meeting. Vancouver. April 24.—Jack Mc­ Question» 0 Near York, April 26—Mike McTIgue, Both teams were crippled by Injuries! Millan wiped out a deficit of 135 Ladysmith Kick». light heavy-weight boxing champion, points and moved into a lead of ill ONE—If the two captains are un­ San Frsmcleco...... 9 The third protest may come from able to agree on certain ground will engage in three no-decislon bouts Very Busy Golf Year in yesterday’s session of his 6,000 Ladysmith as a result of last Satur­ Seattle ...... 0 4 6 rules what happens? In the United States and Canada' be- j point match with A. P. Woodward for day’s final with Nanaimo City foe the Batteries—Hodge and Yelle; Blake the Dominion championship at Eng. TWO—Can a batsman step out of fore defending his title against and Tobin. Uppqr Island championship. ------*- the box after the pitcher has got­ number of victories In the Inter- lish billiards. The match now stand» Nanaimo, It is' understood, scored Georges Carpentier on Jiily 14, hla Were Hitting Em Hard at the half-way mark, with McMillan ten Into his position on the rubber nation»1 conte.*, up te 10, a» com- twice on penalty shots. Tho second ready to pitch. manager, Joe Jacobs, announced yes- Portland, April 26. — The I/>* pared with England ■ two. In pLy. one. It is asserted by l^idysmith was THREE—With a funner on first, the Angeles basébqll club began hitting I The second meeting of the British awarded after the ball was handled batsman singles to right and the Both players get off a long ball McTigue, who Is expected back yesterday and the result of the over­ all Spring and Summer With and American amateur golfers ami by a I^dysmlth defender. shortly from Ireland, where he won ZYBSZK0. PESEK AND runner on first tries for third. from the tee. lJt>on reaching their due batting streak was a 12 to 6 Much Interest Being Taken their first meeting to this counter Rut. it is claimed, the referee per-, With two umpires working, who balls for the second shot it Is dis­ the 175-pound crown from Battling slaughter of. the Beavers. Manager In the series of contests for the GARDINI ALL WIN milted Stobbart. who was on the ball, gives the decision at third? covered that only about a foot sepa­ Sikl, Is booked to box Young Bob Krug hit five out of six. Including Walker International Trophy will b-- to complete his manoeuvre, after the FOUR—Is It necessary for a pitcher rates the two balls, one being about Fitzsimmons at Chicago on May 29. two doubles. Twombley made four in the British Open and alleged infringement and to shoot for Ills other matches are with Tommy played on the Old Course. St. Chicago. April 26.—John Pesck, of to throw the ball to third or sec­ six Inches closer to the hole than out of five. Including two doubles Amateur Championships Andrews, on Friday and Saturday, Ravenna, Neb., heavyweight wrestler, ond. when he makes a feint te the other. The player whose ball Is Ixmghran at Philadelphia on June 8, and a home, and Llndlmore made The Ladysmith custodian saved and Catch a runner at either of the and with Roddy McDonald, a Cana­ three out of five. May IS and 19. The United Staten won a one-falbmatch from Alan Eus­ further away from the hole finds gained a decisive victory over the tace of Wakefieldi Kas., in 53 min­ then the referee. It is dvdared. two bases mentioned? that the position of his opponent's dian boxer, on June 18 at Halifax, R H. F awarded a penalty and the ball was where McTIgue won the Canadian Ilritlsh Isles in this contest in utes, 30 seconds here last night, with FIVE—Does the calling of a balk ball seriously Interferes with his Los Angeles ...... 12 18 0 America last Autumn and, under the a double wrist lock. thus netted for the winning goal. have any effect on the status of stance. Has the player whose ball middleweight title In 1920 by knock­ Portland ...... ft ir j (London, April 26. — (Canadian Ladysmith is basing its claims on a ing out Gene Brosseau. rules governing the match, Britain Renato tlardlnl, of Boston, defeated the batter? That is. can he go to Is further away the right to have Batteries—Jones. Lyons. Tho/has Press).—Following a temporary lui) as challenger should play against point of Interpretation and It Is most first base In any situation which the other ball removed while mak­ and Baldwin; Sutherland and Byler. Dick Davlsvourt, of Texas, In two In golfing activities throughout the the holders In their own country, straight falls. decidedly an Interesting ^ne. Was the Involves the calling of a balk? ing his second stroke? GARRISON NINE SCORE A Freak Hit country, it would be a most active but the United States waived this Stanislaus Zhyszko threw Demet referee justified In permitting the at­ Answer» When balls lie within a club’s EASY WIN OVER NAVY Oakland, April 26.—Another de­ person indeed who could compete In right and decided to send their reus Tofalos in a one-fall match In tacker to complete hi* manoeuvre and length of each other through the feat was administered to Oakland by or attend all the golf fixtures In Eng­ team to this country for this year's 18 minutes and 12 seconds with to shoot before stopping the play? ONE—The umpire makes the ground green or in a hazard, the player who land and Scotland during the next rtiles. If the two captains are un­ The khaki briys from Work Point Salt Lake here yesterday, 4 to 2. The standing crotch hold. finds that the position of one of the game wae lost by Male’s aerial as­ three months. U. 8. Has Strong Team. BASEBALL MEETINQ able to reach a decision. balls interferes with hie stance has made a break Into the baseball world cension and by a freak accident of April has been particularly crowded TWO—He is not supposed to. but a perfect right to ask that the bell yesterday afternoon when they lock­ baseball. In. the fifth Inning I/eslle with lnter-club tournaments, cham­ The United States has sent over PARKDALE CANOE CLUB On Tuesday evening the Trades conditions often arise that make It be temporarily removed. After the ed horns with the bluejackets at the singles and Matseryhlt a liner toward pionships, challenge cup tournaments most formidable team, including Baseball Club held an organization necessary. He should appeal to the other ball ie played it ehall be placed Canteen Grounds, and wefe success second base which struck the umpire and putting competitions following as It does four - former national DESTROYED BY FIRE meeting. It was decided to have a umpire, who will always call time ae near as possible - to the place ful in defeating them 10-2. The win­ and bounded Ipto the field.: Leslie each other closely. The Veteran champions In Robert A. Gardner, ^enet'al meeting to-night at the club if the pitcher has not started hie where it lay. _____ ners secured a lead In the Initial in­ went to second and Matsen was de­ IxHdles’ Association championships Chick Evans and S. Davidson Her­ Toronto, April 26.-^The Parkdale rooms. Trades Hall, Broad Street, at delivery. ning when they crossed the plate for clared safe on first. Gould then finished on April 14. at Rane- ron, of Chicago, and Francis Quimet, Canoe Club was destroyed by fire last 8 o'clock. THREE—The umpire workingat the Two players are using the same five runs. They were able to retain singled, scoring Matsen and Leslie. lagh; the northern section qualifying of Boston, as well as Jes»e Switzer, night, the north wall being the only All those Interested In the. game plate should give the decision at make ball. One player places a spe­ the lead during the rest of the battle,; The Oaks contended that If the ball competition In the £1,000 tournament the present champion. portion of the building left standing. are" requested to attend. During the third. cial mark on the ball he is using so and at the end of the ninth inning the had not struck the umpire they would closed last week at Hallam. Shef­ A rmnor was freely circulated in Three times during the last ten years evening the Colored Jazz Orchestra FOUR—It Is only necessary that a as to be able to differentiate be­ sailors, were forced to acknowledge have made a double play. field, as well as the Roehampton golfing circles during the Winter tho club’s quarters have been burned. 111 perform with all their famous pitcher complete the throw to first, tween the two. Getting onto the defeat. The batteries were as follows; Z R H. E. Challenge Cup Tournament. On that W. I. Hunter, the British The loss is estimated at $36,000. tip ______when he starts such an act. It le green, both balls lie close together Work Point-^auline and Wingert. Salt Lake ...... 4 9 0 April 16 the Army championships amateur champion of 192L would be not necessary that he do so when and it is Impossible to see the mark Navy Putman, Langlois and Jones. Oakland ...... ;...... 2 9 2 and regimental competitions were a member of the Urtited Stiles GRËB GETS A MATCH CANADIAN BOXER IS making a feint to second or third. without lifting either one or both Batteries—Gould and Peters; Mall» team, and a lively controversy fol­ FIVE—The calling of a balk in no balls. Is such a thing permissible held at Littleston-on-sea and be­ AUSTRALIAN BEATEN. and Thomas. fore the end of the month the mid­ lowed as to what would be the out­ STOPPED BY WIGGINS way affects the status of the bats­ In order to determine the right Hot Springs", Ark., April 25.— man. He can nevpr go to first base Vernon Just Won land. eastern and southern sections come if such were the case. Hunter Manager Eddie Barnsback announced balls? , , Bellingham, Wash., April 2»doux. of Canada, in the third Mistress (a widow)—"Well. John­ place hie ball in the presence of the Tracey, Australian lightweight. mento yesterday, 5 to «. making It The "News of the World" putting Harry Foley, of this city, and Harry son. I’m sorry you're going to leave two straight against the Senators. It competition at Walton Health opened popularly believed that the reason (Jreh, former light heavyweight round of a scheduled 16-round boxing player with whem he ie competing. Tracey could not get away from Han for his exclusion was that objection contest at the Fort Benjamin Harri­ me. but you’re very fortunate in hav­ non’s left Jab. Hannon withstood a pitchers' battle between Yel- to-day and the annual meeting of champion of America. The match is ing this money left you. ^Pleasantly.) lowhorse. the Sacramento mounds- the Bath Club, at Prince’s Course, had been raised In certain quarters to take place at Peoria on May 14. son Arena last night. The men are FIRPO MUST NOW GO easily a rally by Tracey In the last In the Unlte<| States as to Hunter’s light heavyweights I suppose you'll be looking for a wife of their 6-round go. man. and Shellenback. twirling for Sandwich, brings the month to now ?’* the Tigers. Vernon won by bunching amateur standing. Great was the TO COURT FOR BOUT Pyno Duncan, of Vancouver, B. C., surprise In this country when Ijlunter WEDNESDAY CRICKET GARCIA GAINS VERDICT. Johnson (the butler)—"Well, really knocked out Kid Curley of New hits In the twelfth frame. Schang1» Championship In May. ma’am. I feel very much honored br error let In the winning run. crossed the Atlantic last year and Westminster, B. C., in the second The Ladles' championship will be competed in the United States LEAGUE ORGANIZING Baltimore. Md., April 26>-Bob what you propose, but the fact ie I’m New York. April 26.—Lui» Angel R. H. E. engaged to a young woman already.” Flrpo South American heavyweight, held at Burnham, Somerset, early In Amateur Championship—as ah in­ Garcia, featherweight champion of Sacramento ...... 4, 7 3 May, with the British amateur The Wednesday Cricket League ii the United States. Army, decisively Wae made defendant In a Butt for 160.- Vernon ...... 5 10 3 dividual. He remained In America championship» opening on May 7 and engaged In a clothing business about ready to begin what promises defeated Kid Williams, former 000 filed yeaterday by Thomaa A. KILBANE AND CRIQUI Batteries»—Yellowhnree and Koeh­ to be one of the moxt Interesting (Sailor) Majtted, who waa defeated the Royal çinque Porte Club, Deal. connected with "woolens’’ used In world's bantamweight champion, in a ler. Schang; Sbellenback and Han­ The British open championships will season* experienced yet. To com­ 12-round bout here last night. Wil­ by Flrpo in a ring conteat several ALL SET FOR FIGHT nah. the manufacture of golf clothes. The be played on June 11, 12, 14 and 16, ruling of the governing authorities plete final arrangements for the sea­ liams was floored In the ninth and months ago. Maxted declared that son a general meeting will be held on motion pictures had been taken of New York, April 26.—All obstacles with the qualifying rounds or the that after January 1 of this year no tenth rounds, the bell saving him In the path of the world’s feather­ two first mentioned days. The one who was engaged In business Friday evening, April 27, in the Vet- from a knockout In the former. the bout which waa held In Newark, CHAMPION IS WINNER • r:ius of France mom», on Douglas Millwood weight boxing championship match Porter's Park (Herts) open amateur directly or Indirectly associated with without hla consent, and that Flrpo meeting for the King George V f’cloçk sharp. All dubs ALBIONSJ-O PRACTICE has been enriched from their exhi­ between Johnny Kilbane, American Portland. Ore. April 26. — Danny the game would be allowed t,o com­ holder of the title, and Eugene Crlqui, Coronation Cup qt Radlott takes pete In the amateur championshiv are requested to have representatives bition In New York and abroad. Nunes, of Sacramento, following In attendance. • The Albions Cricket Club will hold of France. European champion, at presentation to him of a belt by the place on June 14 and two weekt. must, In the prevailing circum­ $4.00 Cord the Polo Grounds on June 2, have later the French ladles' open its first evening net practice this Portland Boxing Commission for the stances. debar Hunter from playing O'Dowd Outpointed. evening, commencing at 6 o’clock, PAULHUNTER ENGAGED been eliminated, matchmaker Tom featherweight Championship of the championship, held at Dieppe, Is to as ap amateur. The announcement be held on July 1". Minneapolis, Minn . • April 26.— t.nd from thenceforth tm Tuesday Delivered In City. O'Rourke announced last night after Pacific Coast, won an unpopular ten- of the composition of the America.i Patsy Flanritgnn, St. Louis bantam­ the New York Stats Athletic Com­ The Amateur International match and Thursday evenings at the same Phone 288 Pasadena, Cal.. April 26.—The en round decision last night over Sailor team, which does not Include weight. outpointed Eddie O'Dowd, hour. All present members as well fanmon t of Miss Rety Hixon. mission had granted a license to Kll Kramer, of Los Angeles; Kramer

'XA Do You Like KNITTED SPORTS SUITS- Cold Spring Salmon with Salad and Mayonnaise - • At the Special Price of $15.95 Dressing? This seasonable dish, together Tl„. New Sports Suits aro knitted from wool and silk; Jumper eoat with smart V-shaped ...... set-m si,-y s with Hot Parker House Hulls, up cold fresh churned butter and and narrow girdle; straight-line skirt, gathered on elastic at the waiat. Cho.ee of several pleasmg color a pot of- our famous Mocha and Java coffee, we are combinations, including rose and white, black and white, navy and white, orange and $1 5.95 lV serving ta^morrow for TcW white, orchid and white and all white. Sizes to 38. A wonderful value at...... Pay us a visit. Our beautifully appointed dining room accom­ modated guests. Knitted Wool Sports Suits Continuing Our ThreéJDaÿs’ —Fourth Floor Jersey Sports Dresses Stunningly effective iu new colorful combinations and smart Made from tine quality Jersey cloth, in colors of bitter sweet, style features, including pullover and coat models. The col- navv fawn anti green. Fashioned on the new .laequette may be worn open or closed ; finished with patch pockets,- bimiwr style with long eollars deep hip, belt and cuffs em­ iare and narrow belts; ëotorsr oT fog. hermit; fawn. wekMffWW broidered" iu two-tone wool effects; straight two-piece skirts, Spring Cleaning Sale Drug Sundries bisque and new blue; sizes to 40. #25.00 to...... #20.50 gathered across back and finished with narrow belt : sizes^ —. Second Floor At Low Prices to 40. Price...... fM.OO Note thv*c .special low prices uu requisites for house cleaning aiid renovating. Fruitatives, 60c Value...... 38# Varnish Stams> Seal of Quality Zog Anglodol Tooth Paste, 25c value All colon», half pints ...... $o# j Cleans paint. i# a* good a* an extra hand 70# fur ...... 17# in the house. Special ...... 18c Pint* ...... Quarts ...... '...... #1.25 Scott's Emulsion, 60c value 43# Skirts—Pleated and Plain Smoky City Cleaner For cleaning wall papers, kaisomin»* Floor Varnish. Seal .of Quality Mery Carden Compact, 75c .Exceptional Prices, half pint* ...... 45# value ...... 63# freacoes. etc. Price .... -...... 35# ~7~t As Smart as They Are Moderately Pinta ...... Ramco Straw Hat Dye' 19# Lemon Polishing Oil Quarts ...... Prtco ...... W- ITaTf gallon ...... 7...... A - #2.75 • Priced Gallon* ...... $5.50 Glaxo, $1.60 value 81.18 — Values Johnson’s Floor Wax Camels Hair Cloth, cheeked and Striped Woolen Fabrics Price /...... HOUSE85# PAINTS. SEAL OF QUALITY Baby Hot Water Bottle, $100 Johnson's Liquid Wax vslue:—.TTïrrrr;...... ■•(Nh "Tti combination as well as plain colors. These are the ma­ Price ...... 85c Half pints ...... 45# Military Hair Bruahes, valu^ terials from which fashionable skirts should be made, Hints ...... 80r $3.00, per pair ...... $2.25 qiere they are m aU thé newest styles of the season, in ^ In ----~$1.50 V Boracic Ointment, value 25c 18$ Li not to------...... h-w pirated plain and wrap around models; colors include For linoleums, Prices .*«#. 39# Half gallon . - - Zinc Ointment, value 25c.. 18# 75# #5.40 combinations of brown and sand, black and grey, navy and ...... Ebony Handle Manieur# Arti­ Men’s Ordinary Colors cles, 40c value ...... 23# and sand, plain grey, navy and black ; sizes 26 to 32 Half pint# . -. - ...... iw# Duatbane « ■T VT-rrrrr-v- . . .. .fB*------Ivory Handle Menteur# Articles, - waist. A good value at ...~’~FiwerpH^'cftfft|k»OTV>T — TOclUHT TV."."...... 7#B# Quart* ...... ft.3S Paint and Varnish Remover Half gallon...... $2.60 Handkerchiefs J* pinta. pints, quarte. Prices 50#. T5# Qtllea ...... #5.00 and ,...... 9tM Linoleum Varmah, Seal of Quality Interior Enamel $12.50 Men's Irish Mode Bleached Cambric *4 pint# ...... 30# Delicious Beautifies and nildé long life to your Handkerchiefs IhicUeums. Price#, half pints ...... 45# Half pints ...... 30* Pints ...... ®8# In a line close weave. V* or ‘i Inch neat Pints ...... 75# Quanta • 8 V t• |4-45 Quarts ...... #1.75 Candies Smart House Dresses From $1.50 to $2.95 hemstitched border. ' Privé, ST-Tti# "V...... 35# Fresh Delicious Turkish’DeiligHt, Men’» Fine Irish Made Cambric Handkerchief» and Creme de Menthe, per Black Sateen House Dresses, $1.96 House Dresses Neat It-inch hematltched border. Made In the Attractive Values From the Staple Section lb...... 30# of strong quality anblrarh.fl cotton, Made ot a splendid Quality sateen, square regular sile. In a fine close weave. Price. 3 Hudson'e Bay Fresh Broken trimmed with attractive colored chintz, neck and klmona sleeves, front, sleeves to? ...... -...... 50<1 Chocolats, regular 50c. Special. rtlw.ver eiyl» with round neck and and two novelty pockets trimmed In smart Bleached Sheetings Flannelette Blankets Her -tto. .... Best Quality Flannelette Blankets, made kimrrt .totf. finished wlt-h colored chintz. Price ...... Men’s Irish Mede Lawn Handkerchief» Made truui tiic mqsi durable cotton» ob- Hudson’s Bay South Sea Lime piping. Price ...... Looks almost like linen, a fine close weave,. U talmible, closely woven and enow-white from thick lofty yarns, in white or grey, Toffee, Ppecral, per lb....38# Gingham House Dresses, $2.96 or W Inch neat hemstitched border. Prt^r. bleach. with pink or blue borders. Three-quarter Hudson's Bày Finest Han* Hott­ House Dresses, $166 » Check Otngham House Dresses, neck and 71 inches wide, per• :yartf, 74# ttiwl $-1.40- Bed sixe. Per pair . .T...... #2.25 ed Chocolate—Maple. Walnut. Very pretty atyle, with skirt of un­ 81 inches wide, perr 1.,yard.---- 86#^ and #1.25. Orange, I-cmon, and Devon sleeves trimmed with plain ehambray, Double bed size, per pair ...... #2.85 bleached cotton and bodice or pl»“* finished with black piping round neck : Men's Pure Irieh Linen Handkerchiefs 90 Inches wide, per yard, 86# and #1.60 flavors. Per lb...... 56# ehambray. In pink or blue; round ne. k, klmona sleeves and novelty Made In Ireland. Choice of either 14 or Inch Flannelette Sheeting, 96c Per Yard —Lower Main Floor klmona sleeve», ahd two patch P?*7“'£ Prive ...... **'#6 Circular Pillow Cottons Price ...... *...... #1.»» border. Price, each .. - -...... *1 i>C Circular Pillow Cotton, closely woven, Woven from strong yarns of a close tex­ X from a stout round thread, will wear ture and warm nappy surface. This Men’s Fine Quality Irish Linen Handkerchief» well and launder perfectly. 40 and 42 Sheeting will give splendid wear und wash In a close weave and neat 14-ineh hemstitched inches wide. Per yard, 45# and 55# perfectly; come# in white and grey. 72 border. Price, each ...... 60# 44 inches wide. Per yard, 50# and 60# inches wide. Per yard ...... 85# Marked Savings on Baby Needs Men's Irish Made Linen Handkerchiefs In a high grade quality, extra fine weave, with k or 14-Inch hemelllchea border. Tiarh TO# Infants’ Novelty Feeders, in iwjcy ere- Infants’ Flannel Bmd«w. Hipped edge to tonne, nursery rhymes, etc., or in un­ prevent wrinkling, value 2oc. Special Hammocks and Rugs bleached cotton with cretonne trimming Men's Fahey Colored Mercerized Handkerchiefs Special ...... 49C In all the desirable patterns and shades Price, Infant.1 Bands, In silk stripe mixture, with To Make the Porch the Most Attractive Part of tab for diaper; value 75c. Special, S#C Infants’ Novelties—Hand Painted Sachets. each ...... 26r Bows, Buggy Straps. Puffs, etc. 'allies Your Home $1.35. Infants All Wool Bands, values tp to 98c. Special ...... Men's Fancy Cslered Border Handkerchiefs 7»C Special ...... Value $1.75, Special ...... #1.^» With white centres. Made from a fine mercer- A Special Value in Hammocks Rubber Diaper Covers, no elastic, most Infants' Bonnsts, In poptlg neatly em­ Ued cotton. A large selection of fan7C suitable w ith stretching cords, Price ...... «pOe I Special ribbon bows, ratin or silk ties. Values to $1.25. Special ...... 69#- Men’s Cotton Bandana Hâhdkerehiefa Infants' Jiffy Pants, made from pure gum Infante' Shoes and Moccasins, in pink or Couch Hammock* ~ rubber. Come In pink, natural and In fancy Palaley designs, with plain colored bor­ For porch or lawn the# Hammocks nre equally suitable. white. Very special ...... 3»e blue. Special ...... - X®1' ders. Price ...... 25<* Complete with adjustable canopy, upholstered In 50 Infanta- Paper Diaper», indispensable for Infants' Flannelette Bareeoets. large »!»» Special...... e”r Men’s Fine Mercarited Handkerchiefs strong khaki duck. Price traveling. Special ...... Gertrude Slip», of finest quality nainsook, With colored borders, in checks, stripes end Heavy Cocoa Matting Bug* Infants' Dress Yokes, in fin» lawn, em­ trimmed with dainty lace and embroid­ polka dot, plain white centres. Price, each, 50# Grass Rugs broidered and lace trimmed; values ; > ery Value $2 26. Special ...... fil-»® Rompers, in fine quality white repp, long Make your selection now from our ex­ Superior quality heavy Cocoa Matting, in 98c Special ...... 6e* Value $2.96. Special ...... glt.,4» sleeves and Peter Pan collar, with picot tensive stock of these Rugs. Strong ser­ nice new design* and colors. Almost In­ Men’s Pure 61k Handkerchiefe destructible Size 3 x 5.3. Price $2.75 Infants- Veils. In alt wool or Bilk. English Infants’ Shoes, broken sises. In all black, edged frill In blue; also in novelty style viceable quality in a choice assortment Of extrà fine quality, wide 1%-lnch hemstitched x$f attractive designs and colorngs. Size 4.6 x 7.6 Priefl^...... $6.25 make. Special ...... black and white or i brown, sandal "i with colored panties and white dlmlly button styles. Value 98c. Special 6»# border. Price ...... #1.00 Hize 6 x 9. Price . . .”...... #8.75 Infants' Bibs, In fine cotton, embroidered top, fancy pockets trimmed with black Hize 6 x 9 ft. Price ...... Sixe 8 x 10. Price ...... #14.50 Extra Large Jiffy Pants, natural only. Slz«- 8 x 10 ft. Price...... $4.50 or plain padded with lace edge, Special stitching. Value $1.4$. Special $1.98 r 19# Value $1.00. Special ...... Size 9 x 12 ft. Price...... #6.50 at ...... •••••...... Fancy Cocoa Matting Jap Matting Ruga 36 inches wide, in the most attractive Size 9 x 9 ft. Neatly stencilled in all- color# and d«#gns. Per yard. $1.85 Baby Needs in the Art DAINTY WASH FABRICS over |$alterna." Price ...... #4.25 — Third Floor Needlework Department In Popular Weaves and Colorings Groceries, Fruit and Provisions Plain and Figured Seersucker Crepe, 36c a Yard Infants' Dresses Stamped Crib Coven Plain Seersucker Crepe in, shades of Copenhagen, Saxe, tail Of unbleached cotton stamped with Stamped and made up from sheer i: Specially Priced designs complete wUh lawn and fine quality nainsook. pink, and aky; figured Seersucker Crepe in floral OK/» nursery Mild Sugar Cured Hams, Whole hams only, #1.35. #1.50 and ...... $1.75 designs on white ground; 31 inches wide. Per yard ****'■' Hudson's Bay Co.’s The Seal of Quality .. 33c patches ' . -15# Creamery Butter, i*r lb. *7e Pillow# to match .1 lb*, for ...... »'-3e Freshly Roasted Pure Coffee, ground, pulv. or Stamped Gertrudes In the byan. i»er lb...... * .5xE Finest New Zealand Butter, per lb...... 48c 3 lb#, for ...... V-00 Stamped Pique Carriage Covers Very dainty designs. . 85# Printed Poplins in Oriental Designs, 66c a Yard 3 lh«. for ...... 51-40 Simple yet very effective designs Fine Quality Bulk Dutch Cocoa, per lb.... 17c ,$1.00 A beautiful wash fabric in Oriental colorings very suitable Pure Bulk Lard, "\i*v lb. .... - for ...... V1'®” Mezzanine Floor Smoked Picnic Hams, special, per lb i»c Dainty White, the Great French Washing Aid, Pillows to match ...... »«»< for novelty house dresses, aprons and children a frocks ; five Smcked Cottage Rolls, special, per lb. 25c special. i»er bottle g Sweet Pickled Picnic Hams, xpéoial. per lb. 1»e Classic Cleanser. 1 tins for...... • 9* different patterns to choose from; f$50 Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls, spécial, per lb. 14c Swift’s White Laundry Soap «good in any Little Pig Pork Sausage, per lb t.... 25c water), extra special, per doe cakes .. 16c 36 inches wide, per yard ...... • •W Fmeet Ontario Cheese, special, per lb. P. A O. White Naptha Soap. 1 cakes for:. »c Hudson*s Bay Co.'e Special Breakfaet Tea, Black Knight Stove Polieh. per tin ...... - i»e per lb ...... <2* ■resee, Metal Relish, i»er tin.. 1$e, 29c end 60e Women’s Morning House Shoes 3 lb#, for...... 36 Inch Bandown Suiting, 46c a Yard Sandown Suiting is closely woven from strong yarns that will wear $2.75 and $3.00 well and is specially adapted for sports wear; comes ill shade* of Fruit and Vegetables The eVrr-popular Kid fit,use Slippers with leather soles, low heels green, grey, pink, brown, sand, white, navy, fawn, rose, 4 Pa/» SPECIAL | ; j and full round toe; very soft and pliable giving the maximum of lemon and Saxe; 36 inches wide, per yerd ...... 1XVU 1 BIO RHUBARB - comfort and service; sizes 3 to 8. 5)2,75 Fancy Button Strawberry RhuharH, extra special,'‘■8lb«'r" ...... "?-l Ver pair...... ••...... «...... " California Sunk 1st r«»''^î2g%e.W$Wi HÎtTK-Sn'uSm^UeT" Black Kid Buskin Style Slippers, the kind mother used to wear; ‘Building To-day for the Womanhood of To-morrow' ...... «•« Temâtw,, Le*»*. ?rîîT. ankle height with elastic gore in front, turn lcathet sole, low hiel, Sunkist Lemena, lier dos. Lame Ripe Beninie. per 801 full round toe last, size» 3 tu 8. «j)t)eOU HXLP -THS Y W.O A. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Florida Orspefrult, see» Local A.parsgu», per lb...... Per pair ...... —Main Floor VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

aftppip» LIVESTOCK BILL BEFORE COMMONS GREAT WEDDING TO-DAY Ottawa, April 26.—A bill to amend and consolidate acts respecting live­ VALLT stock was considered In the ileus) yesterday afternoon and will he taken BRINGS ROYAL FAMILY up again later. Among other things the bill pro­ vides that a commission man selling livestock must deposit any moneys INTO LIMELIGHT AGAIN received for the same to a separate account and not disburse tho mont y except in accordance with regula- u-ins made by the ext hange and ap- by the Alinisttr. MATCHES Robert Forke, Progressive leader, thought this regufatlcn very ;iecre- sary. Recently, he said, a Winnipeg firm which had been it gardei as re- I liable haear as a clause at the end of the Eddy's when you order bill, providing that in "every case where. In the opinion of a veterinary W*—! inspector duly appointed in accord­ ance with the provisions of the Ani­ matches mals Contagious Diseases Act, a con­ TIME YOURSELF! tagious disease of animals exists or is expected to exist, the Animals Con­ 10 Seconds—Stropping ON SALE EVERYWHERE tagious Disease Act shall prevail as 32 Seconds—Right side of face agalst this act or all or any other 36 Seconds—-Left side of face acts relating to livestock or livestock IN CANADA yards.” That’s what we offer you — the world’s < >■ > •• - Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister of fastest shave. 76 seconds from lather to Agriculture, said he would leave the hill in committee and consider the Only « super-keen edge eu give you a real amendment. smooth shave in such quick til

Try It YourselJ

: | MODE I. C Ivaiæt nmm

* '

- -

Remarkable photograph which brings In four generation» of Britain’* ruling family. In the upper left corner la Queen Victoria; at the right King THE RAZOR THAT Kdward; in the foreground King George. Queen Mary and their children, with lYtnceei Mary In the centre. The Prince of Wale* I* at the Queen’» left and co-day'a bridegroom, the Duke of Tort, la the young fallow at the SHARPENS ITS OWN BLADES Some “Carbon” Clings hard and flint-like—

Do you buy your bedding with the exhaust intelligently as your clotin HERE are two kinds of carbonaceous residue — Avoid “carbon.” All motor oils deposit one kind or the When you purchase a suit, a dress or a coat Motor Oils Tother, as every maker of oil knows. CMtiiai D| paraffin. MpUt or mr other ■an Uihri rating tub The harmful “carbon” is hard and flint-like. It acts as you insist on knowing what you are getting MM ^Ansto Oil ia an abrasive, wearing cylinders, pistons and rings. It is —all-wool, silk or cotton. When you buy a hard enough to score cylinders. everything • ■ the erode which has mo It has a tendency to cling, and must be burned or mattress and spring, does the same intelli­ chiseled out of motors. gent care guide your choice? Causes “Knocking” Yet the garment is worn for only a season or This hard “carbon" becomes incandescent, pre-igniting two, while the bed—good or bad—settles for your gasoline, which causes “knocking.” — many years whether you enjoy deep, strength­ It attaches to spark-plugs and causes short circuiting —the motor misses. restoring rest or suffer broken, irregular sleep Particles clog the valves. The valves leak. Therefore, with all its serious consequences. vt some of your gasoline is wasted both before it can do any work and while it is working. And this flinty, clinging “carbon" is deposited in This shows how princes look when they are going to school in England. I The Ostermoor Mattress It Is a photograph of Prince Henry and Prince George taken in ISIS aM quantities two to three times as large as the other kind. Broadstalrs in the south of England, where they were being Instructed. Take time today to get acquainted with the great Ostermoor Mattress at $30—for thirty years the Canadian standard of com­ fort and economy. Go to your furniture dealer’s and compare Fluffy, Soft, Non-Clinging its sleep-compelling luxury with the mattress you are now using. Aristo Motor Oil deposits a very little of à different kind of Then decide whether health, energy and personal success are residue. It hasn’t the same tendency to cling, hence most of it not worth more to you than the cost of an Ostermoor. blows out with the exhaust. That which is left is soft and fluffy - softer than cylinder walls, pistons, rings or bearings—so cannot 7* Size up the whole range of Simmons mattresses, springs and scratch or wear. beds now supplied at priceato suit any income. Simmons Red Your car runs thousands of miles farther without needing valves Label, Green Label, White Label mattresses cost less; eachisbuilt ground or pistons or cylinders cleaned. Spark-plugs practically of sanitary new materials, and is highest possible quality at its price. never "foul." The motor doesn’t “knock,” lasts longer, runs more smoothly Look for the Simmons Label. Beware of imitations. and gives more power, due to full compression. “Carbon” troubles are eliminated. 1 Aristo.it a finer motor oil, developed by the expert lubrication engineers and chemists of the Union Oil Company, equipped with every accepted facilityfor the most exhaustive research. Famous drivers have tested Aristo under gruelling conditions—far more SIMMONS severe than any that your motor will ever encounter. A durable, fine film penetrates to and protects each working part . in any weather and at all motor heats. Sjv To get perfect lubrication without “carbon” troubles, al- ways say “Aristo” when you buy. For sale at all first-class MfZ garages and service stations. JMattressesT Union Oil Company BEDS AND SPRINGS of Canada, Ltd. DTTTT t rnn ci wp

A risto Motor Oil Gl*>tip of the children- of the Kins and Queen taken in 1801. Just after • MadeMade in in Canada Canada * the present Kin* wan made Prince of Wales. The Duke of York Is the little chappie in the middle at the back* standing between the Prince of Wales land Princess Mary. smm VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923

VANCOUVER ISLAND An Interesting Episode in Spring Play Coming Here NEWS SPRING FLOWER SHOW IS HELD AT DUNCAN Sugar-Crisp Poster Advertising Competi­ tion Is New Feature This Year Special to The Times. CORN FLUKES Duncan, April,26.—The seventeenth XI annual Spring Flower Show, under the auspices of the King's Daughters, opened at 2 p. m. in the Agricultural Hall on Wednesday afternoon. The committees in charge were : Mrs. Elkington, president; Mrs. F. S. NEW !—new flavor, new sweetness, Leather, vice-president; Mrs. H. D. Morten, secretary, Mrs. Fry, entries; Mrs. W. T. Corbishley, treasurer, Mias * new crispness—you’ve never tried Wilson, floor; Mrs. G. H. Townsend and Mrs. Hopkins. The number of entries was not corn flakes just like these before. quite so large ns last year, but some beautiful blooms Were shown. A new feature this year was a Your grocer will recommend them competition for the best poster ad­ vertising tho show. This proved quite popular, twelve posters being exhibited in the local store windows. — he knows they’re good. 12 c. a The children’s wear stall was in charge of Miss Hall, Mrs. A. Day and Mrs. Findlay. package. The plant stall was in charge of Mrs. im Thurn and Miss Marrlner. Rummage stall in charge of Mrs Miller, and handkerchief stall ~v~ charge of Mrs. H. A. Patterson. A table which aroused considerable Interest, held a collection of narcissi seedlings, crossed and grown at tTchielet by Mrs. J. Maitland- Doug- all. All but one were put in in 1915 and 1916, and first bloomed in 1923. List of Price Winners. Deliciously Sweet and Crisp The prize winners were as follows Division 1—Cut Flowers. ■CoHeetion of garden -flowers—1 Mrs. Townsend; 2. Mrs. Bromllow. MADE Of CANADA Six vases of garden flowers of dis , ti net kinder- I, R. Mra_ Elk lngt on. j Cte»di»n Poitum Cereal Co., Limited Three vases of garden flowers of » HsaJOSes: Toronto Factory; Windsor distinct kinds—1, Mrs. Elkington; 2 Mrs. Whit tome. A .on. from tho Bernard Shaw play "Tou Never Can Tell," which la to be presented In the Royal 'Ictoria > Collection of tulips—1. Mrs. Sheri Theatre on Monday. April 30. by the University Players' Club. The picture shows Mr. Clyne discov­ dan Rice; 2, Mrs. Townsend. - ered on his knees before Mi,» Betty Somerset by Miss Beth McLennan and Mr Fraser Lister, who ore evidently Five varieties of tulips, one bloom enjoying his embarrassing predicament. of each—d. Miss E. Bazett; 2. Mrs. Experimental Farm of the Depart­ The conductor of an American said: "No; 1 didn’t have the heart im ____ SAVING THE FORESTS do It. Tou see, 1 found he was •» ...... -Three varieties -of tutpe. 3 blooms 2, < ;wf n ll^rkins. mas, ' im Thurn and MIS» Wilson of the shield; ment of Agriculture In cO-operation train observed a tramp stowed away FVmr of these were elected, Mrs. Elk­ being a very close second. N. Moore old schoolmate of mine." of each—1, Miss E. Bazett; 2. Mrs. I'nder 12 years of age. collection of Ottawa, April 26.—A statement of with the Dominion Forestry' Branch on the front end of tbe baggage ington. Mrs. Whittome, Mrs. Corblah- was the winner of the silver cup in of the Department of the Interior and truck. He told à brakeman to throw "That don't cut no Ice with me."* Leather. 12 kinds of wild flowers, nùmvd—1. the handicap competition, the lucky the work being done by the Govern- Vase of three tulips—1, Mies E. George Day ; 2. Pat Garrard, — —- tey and Mias Wilson. • * . ..— the various provincial forest admin­ him off the next station. said the conductor. “Just wait until number which wasi drawn___ for______Midi ffiflit with a View to preventing dam- istrations. • - f-yiw WLktngtrnr: ♦ Taij; TiT-----now ers-1. Margaret' ______During the [age to CaH&da*» forests toy insects The brakeman went, but when he I get at Mm. Yeti'll see something MhS Vrnthart, IHrector of the awarded to E. Pearce. flying in thsjdBfefc1’ -Ir T Collection of rock garden flowers-- _ evening several songs were remteredrahd fungus outbreaks was made in -war about to start" the throwing off Bqwt of garden flowers ■ 1,; -George Junior JU*d Crose. Vancouver, vie»t*d MOUNTAIN TIME. L. Mtl. TownsendL . Duncan on Tviesdayr and" spoke to the by Xftsr Rodgers. Mr. I>akln and K. Uhs House- yesterday afternoon by process, the tramp drew & revolver The conductor went forward, but Collection of wallflowers— 1. R. M. Day. and advised - him to retreat, Tim school children, most of whom are Pearce, Mrs. F. Noakes, and Mrs. J Hon. W. R. Motherwell. "1 beg your pardon," said the lady soon returned looking, pale. ------Palmer. Table decorations -1, Margaret Malcolm playing the accompaniments. | He «aid that the Government had advice seemed good and fhe brake - “Did you throw him off?” asked Collection of hyacinths— 1, Mrs. memlter* of the Junior Reel- Cross, on collector timidly, "would you please Bailey. - the aims and objects of the society. The music and songs which were considerable amount of information man "took tt. the brakeman. Sheridan Rice; 2, K. M. 1'aimer. T-ht- jwlKés were Mrs. Ste wart Me - heard on Mr. Malcolm*» radio were j on the subject which had been col- help the Working Girls' HomeT?—- -L • “No,” replied the conductor. ‘'He Collection of anemones—1, Mrs. Mi as Urquhart also addjessed The Upon his retufn the conductor I^-rui. Cobble Hill; H. J. Muskett and branch of the North howfehan Red very* much enjoyed. Refreshments | lected by the Division of Forest In­ •‘Certainly,’* said the man, "where^ turned out to be an old schoolmate Sheridan Rice. F. B. Pemberton, yioted*. asked him if he had got rid of the Cross Society. here served by the gentlemen, which | sects of the Entomological Branch tramp, whereupon the brakeman of mine, too."—Tit-Bits. ..Hr Collection of polyanthuses and brought a most successful evening to j and by the Division of Botany of the are they 7” primroses—1, Mrs. Townend; 2, Mrs. JAMES ISLAND NOTES » close. p _____ CLUB WILL AFFILIATE collection of narcissi. '5 T>Tooms of' Special to The Times. Special to The Times Last Tuesday a duck-pin tourna- each variety—1, Mrs. Townend; 2, James Island—At the usual weekly ment was held in the local alley be- ! [Q Mrs. Leather. Duncan.—The Cowichan Cricket and Sports Club held a special com bridge party which was held at the t ween the ladles and the men. Great Three varieties of yellowy trumpet home of Mrs. F. Nortkea. last Wed­ excitement prevailed the alley being I narcissi—L Airs. Solly ; 2. Mrs. Share, mlttee . meeting to discuss amongst othor matters, the hockey branch of nesday. iMe* K. H. Lyons wait crowded. After _a hard tuaale the ] ' Threw varieties white or bi-color awarded - lha first prize. Mes. M. trumpet narcissi—1. Mrs. Solly ; -, the^ctub affiliating wlth-4ho-Br -C, Hockey Asaociatiôn. The commute*- Rivers receiving the consolation only by a small margin Miss Mor­ Mrs. Townend. _ rison waw the champion for the 2- Three varieties of any other variety unhesitatingly gave consent and a 4» A Mr» ing: Strme 2:500 Fntmre; fyt oftttrf ....F. Cooper* wlia has. been ar pointed For the men Rivers, and Bond w Elkington. wireless operator on the t*W. Ctty of high, both with excellent scores. Twelve bunches of indigenous flow­ in the centre of the ground is now being"relâid which will ensure some Vancouver, left here last Monday, to Scores in the first, second -and n ers of the district, of distinct kinds, join the ship in Victoria. third1 games with the totals were as named, not shrubs—1, Miss Wright; good wickets for cricket matches. The outflelding has been extended by Mr. and Mrs T. Cattle, of North- f0,lOWe: - 96 . *4 — 26» 2. Miss E. Bazett. cutting out some of the maple trees, Miss Morrison Division IL—Decorative Classes. field. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Row- 74 90— 242 and further improvement aje con­ botham. last week-end. Mrs. Row a .... Bowl of narcissi—1. Mr#. Townend ; templated. In the al-sence of the Mrs. Malcolm . 77 61— 233 2, Mrs. Garrard. ‘ president E. W. Carr Hilton wanrln Mrs. Spencer .. 79 78— 227 Basket of flowers—1, Miss M the chair. Others present were C. M: The assembly hall was crowded 75 70— 220 Price; 2, Miss B. Hall. last Saturday when a delightful con­ Galt. Hon. Secy. B. Hope, A* E. Green cert and dance were enjoyed. During ■* Vase of garden flowers—1, Miss and R. F. Corfleld. Total ...... 4 1 - 395 383—f.190 Hall; 2, Mrs Garrard. the early part of the evening R. H. ql . Bowl of wild"flowere 1, Mis» Hall, Lyons presented the, eups and prizes rt. Wins...... a*——in 2,’ Mrs. Elkington. At the annual meeting of the Svat- for the Ifowltng tournaments which W Bond ...... 90 92 116— 298 Table decoration, Cowichan Leader t* j . *i Circle, King's Danghtsts, l ist have been played for during the E. Rivers...... •** . 91 BMP 116— 397 Challenge Cup- 1. Mrs^ Edwards; 2, week the election of officers for the Winter month*. The cup presented E. Rowa . 97 11* 201 Mrs. Elkington; 3, Miss Hall. * ensuing year resulted as follows: by Mrs. Lyons for the winning team E. MUetead .100 88 18* Division Hi—Children's Exhibit* President, Mrs. Elkington; First was won by Mrs. Emmens (Capt.i, J. Thompson • • . . 1U2— 102 0 ' Under Sixteen Years of Age. Vice-President, Mr>. Christmas; Scc- Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Malpass. Mrs. M. Whalen ..... 76— 76 Collection of twelve kinds of wild ond Vice-President.'Mrs. Hird; Kee- Dixon and Miss Morrison. The team W. Taylor ...... 76— 76 flowers, named—1. Gwen Hopkins; 2, retary. Mr*. Fry ; Treasurer, Mrs. with the lowest number of points Cecelia Skrimohire. Whittome; Recording Secretary. Mrs. were Mrs. Moore (rapt». Mrs. Row Total ...... 463 483 486—1.433 Vase of wild flowers- 1. Cecelia Hopkins. Nominations to the Board Mrs. Dakin, Mrs. Van Norman and Miss Tourangeau. They were award­ Bkrimshire. 2, Gwen Hopkins. of Directors of the King's Daughters' RURAL nursing service Bowl of garden flowers-*-!, Gwen Hospital were: Mesdames Elkington, ed consolation prizes, which were Whittome. Miller, Fry, Brettlngham. miniature cakes, beautifully iced. Special to The Times. Hopkins; 2. Doreen Day. . Mr- River’s team were the winners ------TàbTë decorations—1, Edith King: •Corbishley. Patterson, Price, Cbriat- Colwood —The second quarterly | meeting of the Council of the Esqut malt Rural Nursing Service was held At Colwood Hall on Monday night, the president. R I. Van der Byl.wraz X in the chair, others present were Rev. H. Pearson. Dr. Donald. M. O. H. for Which do you the district: Dr. Richard Felton. School Medical Inspector; W. O Mountain thrills and Sweatman. J H.gham, W. Bickford. W Arden. Mrs. Snider. Mrs. H. allow Parker, and Mrs. H. R. Brown, sec­ *4 retary. ,*1--C* tire dependability Receipts for the quarter ending to rule ? March 31 were $5*1 49. against an ex­ penditure of $512.73, leaving a bal­ ance in hand of $68.76. It was de­ O the thrill of mountain touring cided to provide the nurse with good spare tire which has been need­ is added a sense of complete tire Is your Brain master ed for some time. The matter of a traveling dental T of your thoughts and clinic was discussed, and it was left dependability when your car is shod emotions ? Or does with the executive to enquire into details and report at hie next quar with Dominion Tires. Tyrant Stomach dic­ terty meeting. The report of the nurse in charge. tate how you shall eat, Miss H. Kelly, showed considerable No matter how steep the grade, or how deep the progress In the work, and It was harass you with pain pointed out by the president, that If canyon, or how sharp the curves, the confidence the rest of the schools in the district and gloom your days voted the partial payment of the that tested and proven Dominion Tires give, nurse's salary as a school nurse at the and nights? forthcoming ratepayers' meeting, the is yours. movement would then not only seem self-supporting, but a reduction of Dominion Tire dependability is a real extra King Brain and ABBEY’S will the assessment for each district could (, Tyrant Stomach ) he made The school districts at ( King- Brain ) overcome Tyrant Stomach. present paying the rax are: Colwood. value which adds nothing to your tire costs. Metchosln. Albert Head, and Happy r Valley and Luxton. ABBEY’S neutralizes acidity of the stomach—relieves TENNIS RIVALRY KEEN Dominion Royal Cords belching, distress and fullness after eating—and stops Special is The Timet Metchosln.™Tennis was played on I —with the white strip heart “fluttering” due to the pressure of gas in the Monday afternoon on the Metchosln stomach upon the heart. It also corrects Constipation Tenhls Club court. Good-natured district rivalry is established between Dominion Nobby Tread V: and prevents Bilious Attacks and Sick Headaches. - the Metchosln and Colwood Tennis Clubs, which encourage keen play. —the fabric tire Several sets were played and quite a ntiml>er members were present. I among the visitors from Colwood were: Rev. H. Pearson, W. Bickford, and D. Radford. R. 1. Van der Byl | making up a set with them. ley’s effervescent Mrs. Altree-Coiey*» annual tea In I aid of the Hhaftesbury Societies* fr-sh air fqnd fo* rrinpled children, will be hefd at her hdtne. "Grey- ' combe,’ on Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock. All are cordially invited. HEALTH V’ :f.=ï " A ROLLING STONE. Built for Canadian roads ESPWjrex End y—“The modern servant doesn’t | know her place.” Smith- "She can't She changes lt| lAMfe yXtee ** . — THE TIMES DAILY PICTURE PAGE

Denby Returns Up in the World “Mrs. Mercury


FT r*

Clam!. Castle, Scotland, where the Duke of York, second eon of King Qaerge, »"d hla bMde will honeymoon. This la the caatle referred to In Shakespeare's “Macbeth." Eight hundred years ago Macbeth murdered Duncan, King of Scotland, In the room marked by the cross. Hit lineal descen­ dant eecme to have Inherited the family weakness for aha la murdering husbands l« 8[’•nd opera today with remarkable success. Inset: Florence Macbeth, prima donna soprano of the Chicago Opera Company, aa Lucia, In the opera, "Lucia dl Lammermoor.” (mere, vne.eeeee e vnueeul

Sammy Carmell With an artist’s “O K" placed upon him by Frit* Krelsler master PHI Sought by Chicago violinist Sammy Carmell. Omaha'. 12-year-old violin prodigy. «Ill 1Tk.. Sjo receive an arti.f. education at the expenae of Omahans who haye become interested In him.-.-______Victims of Soviets Emma Mason Boston's only woman messenger. a \ She's 57. but she keeps on the go r Winter and Summer, wearing out six pairs of shoes a year. This man's work has carried him to unusual heights—painting the flagpole of the Title Gu«f- cz Secretary of the Navy Denby s antee ft Trust Co.. Xew York, affectionate greeting upon hto re­ with the Woolworth Tower ae » turn from thé Panama ~rrut*r- baekgeounik •- ~ With the Atlantic fleet on which he wr# accompanied by' ü4iaüJL of congressmen. Where Four Were Killed

Hr. Gordon Ijtlnr. I»ean of the Faculty of Art». McGill l niveraity, who ii'aa hen invited to return lo lbs ...... Tko follow .«i-U» the. bandaged face ha. return home J™™ «>« I'nlvei-llv of f-hleage a. Mean of lb. % i m Graduate Pwrtdty of Arts and 1 aura- Ruhr District where he waa> green poll «man. His face ran m lure. , French musket butt. e Archbishop Zepliak Monsignor Budkerwics Metropolitan of Petrograd, whose Vicar-r.enerai of Petrograd, who Doctors! Pooh! death sentence was commuted to waa shot to death by order of A- ten years Imprisonment by the Soviet court In the campaign to Soviet government following a drive ajl organised religion protest from many nations. from Russia. Hagenbeck Recuperating

Andrew Volstead author of the famous amend­ ment. visited'.President HardlnB to say farewell upon leaving Congress. He dodged the bat­ tery of cameramen who waited When tffl. Great Northern train Waa wrecked. new Kpok.n^ for him and hurried across the -Wash four were killed. The accident occurring In a gulch, White House Uwn. as this reecue’ work waa greatly Impeded. photo shows. By DWIG SCHOOL DAYS ---- Of I

London doctors recently warned Cheer up! Nobody can get a number In Essen. eUher The women against earrings. Here s hivih eor k eR«x c*t. hotv the women of Paris regarded French have cut the telephone wire». Here I» how the °1>*' Itf.S <0 LICK KvA the warning. This woman with pass their time. The company ordcra them to report Juat aa thoug The war ruined the wild animal bualneaa of Karl Hagenbeck. and gÎto* ct"Ts 6ACK' young window weights for ear they had work to do. ornaments was photographed at hla cage» at Slelllngrn. Germany, were empty. Here he la with hi» ki-t a formal reception. first two animals for shipment to America since the war. twe km H ' No*. baby elephants. ~ J VtT'A so Teu. all Toe FeiLtiti »TS R Well Matched. B*r K*» SEt p. Woodward Her Form Takes the Prize Gct stohcv , Lifte. til. rMfe: K S

_ ; > -.

_ I I

Hr wreslnl the pr.deMkmal Kn«fl.h Billiard < hampion»hlp of Can»*»/™" Use present holder. Arnold Ibboteon, In a game of 7.808 P"1"'" “F'. f , Woodward la Ike outright winner « tx the wen-known Norton-Grifftthr < hal- lenge Vup, Birmingham. He J»* ™km PM? ■" Bashom , sr Haim Brelten.tn.ter, German .heavyweight champion. Judges look one look at Opal Baker, It. at an squatte meet Is bride on their honeymoon. She waa Mi»« Lila Louer. !i ch p amateur matches, rfnbout a »m*m St Paul Minn., and handed her the prtxe for being the moat par- ; Mt of woman boxer Hence, she will probably use the rolling pin only for Atleal------9 ..■■■------:------fecUy formed girl there. She got the fancy diving prtoe, too. I J ir i* etllllnary vuryo.es.


DOMINION INCOME TAX TO-DAY’S EXCHANGE Wholesale Market WEED FORTE ' Retail Market LITTLE CREE (Burdick Bros.. Limited.) L( For the convenience of the pub­ lic the Jocal Dominion Taxation Dairy Produe# Vegetables New York sterling, $4.63-4. office. 409 Post Office Building, Turnips. $ lbs ...... Francs. 673, Ontario twins, Rapt, make .. will be open till 5 p.fn. on Satur­ . IN VANCOUVER Beets, S lbs ...... IN STOCK MARKET Lire. 493-4. LIQUOR PRICES; ' BE CHIEF SUBJECT day, April 28. and from 9 am. to Ontario -solids. Sent, make . Carrots, 10 tt>s ...... Ontario Stiltons. Sept. Make. 7 p.m. on Monday, April 30 which Garlic, lb ...... (py Burdick Bros.. Ltd.* Alberta *olids, new ...... is the last day for making income Two Men Held in Bellingham Cauliflowers ...... 25 to Now York. April *6.—News Items of the Alberta Stiltons, new ...... Federated Berry Growers to Spinach, tb ...... day carried nothing of special significance TO-DAY’S TRADING IN Alberta twins, new ...... tax returns to avoid penalties. PROFITS IMMENSE Parsley, bunch ...... from a stock market viewpoint end quota- Charged With Robbery B.C. Cream C^heesa, 12a. box . I Be Powerful Body Lettuce, local ...... tlohs for the most part backed and filled. WINNIPEG MARKETS B.C. Cream Cheese. 10-Ib Hothouse Lettuce, each ...... Home selling came Into the motor group, bricks, per Tb ...... Vancouver. April 26.—Positively Surplus Reaches $7,500,000, California Lettu«e, each ...... but this did not seem to Indue# much J. 0. Miller, president, nnd J. H. liquidation tn Bther parti of the list. Winnipeg. April .26.—There was a good McLaren * Cream, 6-Ib bricks identified by Fred Stinson, caretaker California Cabbage, per lb...... general trade on the local wheat market Baird, manager of the Hatxic braheh Jumping From $4,000,000 Mint ...... j...... :...... Further March earrings reporta of the of *the Capitol Theatre here, as twe railroads fame Into light during the ses­ early In the day, with Max reaching a McLaren'» cheese, small, dos. of the Berry Qrowera* Co-operative Potatoes— sion and these were mostly frirorably In­ high of 124%. but the buvmc power vas McLaren * cheese, med., dox. 1 Vnion of B. C, have returned from of the men who participated in. the Last Year Ten Ibe ...... terpreted.. The oil stocks continue the not maintained, and with incienwxl offer­ Kraft, Can.. 5-!b brick* Local ...... :...... ings nrl« es plumped to around yesterday’s Portland, where they attended the holdup In that building on the morn­ laggards and It does not look as though Kraft, Swiss. 6-Ib brlcka .... meeting of the Federated Berry | Montreal. April 26.—A reduction In Chilliwack, sack ...... liquidation In this group he* run fte clrse. The last hour was quiet, the mar­ ing of February 19. when $1.500 was the price» of alcoholic liquors and wine» Sweet Potatoes 3 tbs ...»...... course. Generally speaking, bulges In quo­ ket closing at a gain of 14 cent fot both If C new laid, grade 1 ...... Growers of the Northwest and Brit­ May and July. Higher oublie cables end OF TOM UCT taken from the safe after Stlaeon and I» expected to he announced after May Celery, per stick ...... 15 to tations seem to attract rather liberal of - Butter— ish Columbia. A general meeting of 1 next by the Quebec Liquor Commis­ Asparagus, local, per lb...... trringe. and this has given rise to th* be­ reports of rain over Manitoba were re­ the delegates was held in the after­ other employees had been gagged and lief In not a few quarters that the market sponsible for the early strength. The bound, C. C. Thompson, alias Ted sion. That body will complete Its sec­ Rhubarb, local. 4 lbs. for ...... coarse grain markets were firm. Salt Spring Island ...... noon when marketing conditions and ond year of operation on April 30, and Leeks, per bunch ...... »... win have to encounter, further liquidation CowIchan Creomary ...... British Columbians Oppose Hollywood, and Frank de Paula are Local Cauliflower . ...* .20. .25 and before another important up move can be Wheat— Open **'High "* best methods of reaching the con­ though no financial statement will be expected to get under way. Mat ...... 124 124% V I M.P.A...... sumer were freely dlecuesed and held by the Bellingham police to- available before the end of the fiscal Watercress, bunch ...... July ...... 126% 126% Holly brook brlcka ...... ", Duty on Canadian Goods Green Peae, lb ...... High Las* many ideas Interchanged. Publicity year of the Province In June. It Is said AlUs-Chalmere .... 47 Mayet*77...... 67% 62% 62 I lolly brook cartons ...... Warrants are being Issued this that the surplus will reach over 27.506.- Fruits Am. lieet Sugar . . . New Zealand 66*. solide...... matters were also under considera­ Via Panama 60as compared with a little more New Navels, doxen ...... Am. C’en Co., com. July ...... 52% 61% 61% Ill New Zealand brlcka ...... tion. Another meeting will be held morning for the two men. and it 1® than $4,0<>0.060 last year ...... 20. .26, .35, 40, T.0 and Am. Car Fdy...... Buttercup prints ...... expected that de Paula will bo 69% 69% 69% soon, probably In Seattle, nr. Miller Vancouver. ApiMl 24— Supporters It is understood that recently there Navels ... 35. .45, .50 .66. .75 and Am. In. Corp. Clovér Valley ...... and Mr. Doberer, the union's man­ in British Columbia of the abolition brought here Immediately, while was a misunderstanding between some Marmalade Oranges, ilosen ...... Am. - locomotive . .. eiy ...... 61% «1% «I Oleomargarine ...... 22% Thompson, who la . alleged by the of the members of the liquor commis­ Table Raisins, Spanish...... 46 and Am. Smelt. A Ref. . May**77...... 285 2*5 276% Fleh ager, are members of the Federated of customs duties on Canadian goods Date, per !b ...... Am. Sugar Rfg...... 277 iQroweuL______L_ ... —_—_—‘ carried, from one Canadian port to. American, authorities to M. wanted sion regarding the price charged, and in ...... 171 III-----MS 266% Haddlcp. 15 1b iwju-tb. —..... that finally an agreement was reached i.:i»Mnni, doxen , t>u Am, -T. V Mr v . » ». Kippers, lb-!b box, Ib ...... Mr. Miller, who la In the city to­ another via the Panama Canal are in connection with a $20,600 payroll Am. Wool. com. ... to cut down the chargee. Lemons, California, doxen, .40 and .52 M ay* * ...... *8 *8% 17% Codfish Tablets, 20 Is. Ib ... .1$# day. said that the organisât ion which preparing to press their claims for robbery of the HL Louie and San Prunes, 2 lbs for .25. 2 Ibe for .35, Am. Steel Fdy. ... 77 Francisco Railway at Springfield, With the completion of the year Im­ Am. Hum. ToL...... July ...... __89% timokèd sableflsh ftlleta ...... Is functioning this year for the first the establishment of free customs i lbs for 45. and. lb ? SO Cash prices Wheat—1 Nor.. 12*: 2 Nor.. Meats portant change* are also forecast in the Turban 1 ou**, packet ...... 15 aconda Mining . «S-4. . 16.-6 time will deal largely with the mar- clearance for such goods at New York Mo., will. It Is understood, first fadB present Composition of the commission. ,101-1 101-4 wife : X«.. U4%7 Jio. 4.111%. Ne, v. No. l,#teera, #et:Jh Uial ln that etate,...... Ktortd* Grapefruit, eactr, :t5; :20 and .25 Nor t. 103%: feed. 97%; track. No. 1 cows, per n» ...... 4Î keftnr togwnberrie*, Lh* vhiat wn the ground that the **xi*Uing.duiy Not only will therk be an additional Atlantic Gulf 22-4 32-6 rwi% r 2 commercial berry in Oregon and commissioner appointed, but one of the California Grapefruit, 3 for .25.1 tor .25 lUlilwlj) Loco...... Ill-] i.**%. Lard, according to slxe of pack­ is a breach of the British North lentil Tomatoes, per lb...... 75 Oats—2 C. w.. 62%: I C. W. and extra One way to keep from eating toe present member* is likely to resign. Baltimore * Ohio .... 62-4 age ...... 17%® strawberries, loganberries and rasp- Am,, I A.,. Rayerai ,u-hvr,li«, Mexican Tomatoes, per tb ...... 25 Bethlehem Sheet' ...... «5-2 1 teed. 4* % ; 1 toed. 47% t 8 feed. ♦«% ; *•- Local lamb, per lb .V... ;2tD berfiee in Walhinglon rmd Brtttoh hastltv is in return te the table where Apple*— «ected. «4%; track. 62%. nere have expressed the opinion that Brooklyn Trsn*1t ...... 3 lx>cal mutton, per lb ...... Colombia. you forgot to tip the waiter yester­ H. 6 and 4 lbs for ...... 25 fauadian Pacific ....166 Barley—1 C. W , 6*% .4 C. W . 54% ; re­ clause 121 of the constitution cov­ jected and feed, 52%; track. 69. Kirnt grain-fed pork. Ib ... .16® Showing their interest In the fruit day. ______Local ...... 1.50 and U[5Central Leather ...... 34 Teal ...... 1(0 ers the ground. Wleeespe ...... Crucible Steel ...... 40-1 Flax—I N. W. C. Î77 ; 3 C. W. 272; 3 Industry, the Portland Chamber of C. Vegetables . The clause Rays:- “All articles of Newton Pippin ...... S.25 Chesapeake A Ohio ... 69 W. and >ej-cted, 262; track. 277. Commerce entertained the1- delegates The game of billiards is supposed ICE MOVES DOWN Rye—2 0. W . S«%. Onions— growth, product or manufacture of Chic., MU * 8t P. . Î2-6 to have been Invented in France I* Nuts - % % % California, yellow, per sack .. J at luncheon. Mr. Miller suggested any one of the province* «hall be Chie., R. I. A Par. .. 12-5 Okwiiagan, avvoriling t.- grade li the Fifteenth Century. Aimonde. per Tb ...... Cons. Gas ...... **-3 that representatives of fhe Portland admitted free of duty into each of The Walnuts, per Tb ...... Potatoea — According to grade and Seattle Chambers of Commerce California Soft Shell Walnut*, lb . Cal. Petroleum ...... 95-4 ami quality— provinces." Chile Copper ...... Î7-7 Local Stock Quotations and the Vancouver Board of Trade It is also claimed that the duty Ja i Brazils, per !b ...... 20 and Corn Products ...... 133-2 Ashcroft Gems ...... -.... N should be appointed as directors and Filberts, per lb-...... (By F. W. Stevenson) Kamloops ...... 6 he is confident that this will be done contrary to the international doctrine Roasted Peanuts, per lb...... Gen. Electric ...... 179-4 Illd Asked Salmon Arm GYrme ...... 5 of continuous voyage. Improvement in Flood Condi- Cocoanuts ...... lO and Gen. Motors . . . ^: ft—— Athabasca Oil...... • ... $ .16 Ladner ...-V.va-S...... 5 in the near future. Cheetnute. lb ...... Goodrich iB. F.> ..... 37 Bowena Copper------...... 0» Potatoes. Seed— Referring to crop prospects. Mr. ____ tions in Manitoba _ ... Dairy Produce and Eoge .UL..Nor.,_Qjce.ii-e Boundary Bay OH ...... 00% • .V0% tiarly Rose. —- 1 MtHer-aeys that- cond4t4en»-woH9h «»f Butter— Granby ...... JI-4 nt' Périfi. Loan 7.:.™.. n.Tt------Early Eutcurd ...... i the line are not as favorable this New Zealand, lb...... GL Northern, pref. ... 73-7 U.C. Fishing Vo...... 16 00 . . Irish Cobbler ...... :...... 3 Winnipeg. April -86.—The flood situa­ No. 1 Alberta..lb...... Inspiration Cop, ...... 36 D<* Refining Co...... 36 Kir Walter lUUeigh ...... 3 Spring as in B. C. owing to the larger MONEY U.C. Silver ...... 70 .*4 ■■K tion on the Assiniholne River at Oomox, lb ...... i In«'l Nickel ...... 14-4 Cp-to-Date ...... î damage from Winter, killing. He Heading)Y. twelve miles west of Win­ ! tiit'l Her Marine .... 9-l« Can. Nat. Fire ...... 60 00 «ays that in most districts of the V I >1 P A., Ib ...... | Do. pref ...... 37. Cone. M. A K ...... 28.00 27.50 Carmen ...... Ï nipeg. whs reported as much im­ Cowichan Creamery, Ib ...... I Kennerott Copper .... -46-1 Cork Province ...... 10 .18 Gold Coin ...... 2 Lower Mainland the plants and vines proved this morning. A further rise Salt Spring, lb...... Midvale Steel ...... 33-3 Cp>w‘e Nest Coal ...... 46.06 62.00 Artichoke*, globe, dozen ...... 2 are in the best of shape, loganberries In the river is reported, but the Ice is Fraser Yatiey, Ib ...... Miami Copper ...... 29-4 Douglas Channel ...... 04% Asparagus, California, per lb... J particularly showing well around » INCREASE Oleomargarine, lb ...... »...... National l ead...... 127-4 J^.npSre OH ...... 01 .01% Tarsley. California, per Ib .... 2 TO Hatxic and on Lulu Island. Asked as getting away well. Six miles west Pure Lard. Tb ...... *...... Grahby ...... 29.00 31 u6 Mint. California, per Ib ...... 1 N. Y.. N. H. * Hart. . . 19 to what disposal was made of the. of Headingly the river Is reported Egg»— New York Central ... 94-4 Hemlock Gold ...... 56 Rhubarb— Total During Month of March clear of Ice. Oysters In shell, doxen ...... N. Y.. Ortt. A Weatern. 18 Dreat tWr»t Perm...... 40.0d Local .s"...... ] big loganberry crop in Oregon, he At Bay 8t. Paul, on the South Side Local, doxen ...... Pennavhanla It R. . . . 45-6 Howe Vound ...... S.80 4 .5 California, per box ...... I stated that a large proportion waa $78,564,675 Jidieig.-doxen ...... People’s Gas ...... 8» g* •< Inuiun Minna .. Sweet “Potatoes ______made into fruit Juices. WhBê : IB# de­ Cheese Vreaeed Bteel Car . . . (4 1 ,;irgt; crates, lb ...... LOAN hydrating Plant took the surplus ■ tmdrr water. but with the ice gone TIC. Cream Cheese, lb ...... Rending TTTr ttit rr-T M«-GtlUvr*y Lug*, per Tb ...... V...... Ottawa. April 26. — Canadian eir- this land is expected to drain rapidly. Ray Cone. Mining ...... 16-2 Nuggeg above commercial requirements. 13 C. solids. Ib ...... :...... Premier Minea 3 01 Cauliflower, local ...... 4...... pnrtR during .March Increased to $78.- ■ Both at Portage Ja j»ralrle and Finest Ontario, solids, lb ------Republic Steel . !...... 63 Celery. California ...... He expects that this year logan- 564,675 from $66.644.31;* in February. We have funds in hand to *1». «H» 3« YigmtkWinwniiiwwdtoYTigpi'airie Brandon, the AssTnlhotne continued Finest Ontario, twine. Tb ...... Southern Pacific ...... 91 Stlversmlt 1^...... 'J$~ .<7 DMtiicii11 Exports In March, 1932, tetaUetf $60,- loan ea improved ww* Ldam Dutch Cheese, Ib...... 45 Rllver Crest . .’...... (*2%...... Hoihou-S Pturt. in mixed cars which.- proved au suc­ to fall slightly. ; ____ Ssuthera.-Ry- com....-., JUL5. Bead.__eâà. Imperial,Titu>erial, crLcr ...... i.OOflf 4.L0 '847:49'$. ' ' ...... *------crotita meeee. ib Trrr.Tr...... 15 Ptudebaker Cnrpn...... 12Î-6 '1-6 Hpënïïtn oir ...... rm cessful last season. Dutiable imports into Canada dur- dential proportiee and BANK CLEARINGS Gorgonzola. Tb ______.. 1,10 Sloaa Sheffield ______*4 Snowstorm ,. _ ___ -01 Carrots, per IB...... - .01% Imported Parmewon, Ib ...... 1.15 The Texas Company .. .48-1 Lead ,..... Ileete, per Tb>...... 01% ing March totalled $61.619,994 and small productive farm*. Kr.gllsh Stilton, jar ...... 1 25 Tob. Prod. sanioc.h Mines ...... Turnip*, per Ib ...... OJ.% free.imports were 23CU25Ü.433, a total The . clearings at the Victoria Ktliions, tb ...= 4A ITnUn. Pacific______11A-A Surf Inlet ...... ». Baralay, kxod. per doeen These properties muet be ftps' lfT-Leti tfir~r.Tr; :.. of 331.670,427. agaln*t $65,307,696 in Clearing House fur the week end­ Imported Roquefort, tb 1 00 Vtat. ropprr 69-»: Parsnip*. per It> ...... 02 February* an4—,$79,378.726 In March passed upon by our ing to-day were $1.627.367, a* com­ Swiss Gruyere, box" ...... V. H, In a, Alcehol .... 8*-« Troian Oil ...... Cabbage, new, California .. .07Q .61 valu­ pared with $1 .*22.905 for the cor­ TAgie Brand Camembert, box ___ _ V. H. Rubber ...... 80 Villity Oil ...... Tomatoes-* last year. • Xrt. Steel, com...... 1SS. r YW-g Whalen itimmsw r., ations department. responding week of last year______Circle Brand Break fast Chetse, It Whal»-n preferred ...... Lugs ...... 4M Fish Virginia Chem...... 14-4 14-2 14-4 Per basket ...... L56 .. Wllly’e uvtrland ------7-7 7-6 7-5 IV under phone ...---- ..... Fruit Spring Salmon, red. !b. ,35. 2 Tbs for »? Westinghouse Slec. .. 57-6 57-4 67-4 —i— Spring- Salmon, white, Ib -MiAllted -Chaw, Jk- l>ye . - 71-4 Dominion Wat- Loan. 1915. 166.2$ 10LS6 Strawberries, Louisiana 24s ... 1.40 IN B.C. CONTINUES AA „ . U - - — mm mm „4 mm fnkfss a* Smelts. Ib .... u...... ___ » PhUITps Peirwtèdm tl" Hortiinliiri' War Lwa» 1931 •; W » Itll* ‘Sem&ydon & Son! Bloaters. 2 lbs ...... standard OH. .Indiana. 43-3 Dominion War lxian 198T . 102 40 163.40 Per Ib ...... 12 mr. rroperty uwner victory Loan. 1923 ...... 106.05 161.06 Per basket ...... L0 Cod Fillet*, tb ...... 26, 2 Tbs for Rears Roebuck...... 8«| Let your agent collect the rent, that's (Established 1467 > MAYNARD & SONS Loc.il Halibut, Ib .. Am. Skip A Commerce 15-2 Victory Loan 1924 ...... 190 35 101 35 Cranberries, Cape Cod. half- hla business VI, tory Loan 1927 ...... 10$.95 10 195 Poles, lb ...... 15, 2 Tbs for Shell, Vnlon ...... 1* barrels, boxes ...... 12.60 TO FORGE AHEAD See us about ÿour repairs, that's our Mortgage and Real Estate. riONEERS" Black Cod. fresh. Ib int. Paper ...... 44-4 Victory Loan 193? ...... 16216 1SS.3S Apples, Okanagan, according to Skate. Ib ...... General Asphalt ....*.,46 victory l»*n 1913 ...... 105 *6 164 46 grads and quoilly— ' " T. THIRKELL 625 Fort St. Kelly Springfield ...... r>»-4 Victory loan 1914 16$ •• 164 60 Grime’» Golden ...... UP. Telephone $948. Instructed by the owners, we -will Cod. Ib ...... 15. Î lbs for V Icier y Loan 19*7 ...»____ 167,56 , 161.16 $5,500,000 New Capital Get­ sell at Salesrooms. 727-7W Pandora Kippers. Ib ...... Coca Cola ...... 77-4 Black Twtgg ...... U P. W Years* Experience. Phone 1*91 Oollchans. 2 lbs for...... Columbia Grapkaphone l -7 _ Aveaue, .. ____ _ . VICTORIA VICTORY HOMiMlAU.Y ISSSPSreîü5T™n^7 "S’?: ting to Work m B. C. hmoketl WU».-k -Gedr- Ib . Fam. ------play ------Laskv (' nrp. 86-6 85-S miqr. list Finnan Haddie. Tb ...... 20 Keystone Tire A Rubber 9-3 9-2 For April 26. 1323. Iwlicious ...... U P. This Week „ „ Shell Fish Nat. Enamel------,„._S3-4- 6 i-l Yellow Newton ...... M.P. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) Crabs.______Ht.20to Martin Parry. Corp------15.- 7 :. r. __ _ jffiL Asked. " 'IB..T.TTT-..... Fere Marquette...... 40-5 40-6 November i. 199* ...... 1666.60 lets ^ Pulp and Paper Works at Port We offer Municipal Bonds which Olympia Oysters, pint ...... Kndtçotx Jehnson . . . . Tt Tt are safe and where the cities 1,30 P.M. Meets Trarerontlnental OH 10-1 16 December 1! 1827 16*9.50 Navels, according to else: November 193* 1066.50 Gold Elephane ...... 4.25 0 6 00 Mellon Reorganized for have a surplue in their Sinking Pork- Invincible OH ...... iv-4 15-2 1*46 60 F.W. Stevenson Extra Well-Kept Trimmed olne, tb ...... rontlu. Cen. 4’7V tC-4 November 1. 19*4 Sunklst...... « 256 6 00 Expansion Fund» to yield Annual Income of Legs, Ib...... 29 to | l'ullmen Co...... 12* 1Î6-4 1 lecember Choice ...... 4.00$ 5.75 Pacific OH ...... 4n.$ to November 1*. 1983 77TT77T re:i6e lOJSAu Marmalade, per box ...... 2.75 Shoulder Roast, Ib ...... 20 to War Ivnaa fen. Pure pork sausage, Ib .... Pan American ...... 74-1 72-3 1926 ...... 106156 1618.60 Marmalade, per case...... 4.71 Business boom In British Columbia STOCKS BOKDS No. 1 Steer Beef- Bosch Car...... 49»S 4t -4 December 1. Lemons, per case ...... 7.000 7 50 continues to grow, according to the Household Furniture t handler Motors...... 81 67-4 October 1 ...... 1011.00 -1081.60 Grapefruit— 6% Suet. Ib ...... Houston Oil ...... 62-1 61-7 March 1. 1937 tpayable In flood of new enterprises which are Sirloin steak. !b ...... New York) ...... 1024.66 1634.66 Florida, according to else. 8 00 0 0 50 Cuban Cane Sugar .... 17-3 17 California, per case ...... 5 250 6 00 t»eing undertaken on the prospects Shoqlder steak, Tb ...... Retail Stores ...... *2-7 *2-1 % % r of further and continued business MIN IN Q AND OIL Porterhouse, lb ...... Rian Oil of California. 63-2 6Î-* SILVER. Raisins— British American Bond and Furnishings New York. April. 26.—Foreign bar ellrer, Sunmald. clusters. 20 la «26 increase. Choice I >yal Hutch ...... SO 49.6 67; Maiican dollgra. 61%. Imported Malagan. ZSe .. 6.760 9.06 To-day incorporations with a total Small Organ, Hall Safe, Etc. ....Leins tb i ...... , T-»4s Pacific Ry. Nuts — of $5.^46.W« new capital were ap­ 64 *1 London. Aprli 26—Ber sliver. $2%d. per Almonda ...... M P. Corporation Ltd. proved by the : Government depart­ 102 PEMBERTON BUILDING Eetebllehed 1901 Including: Very good Steel Safe by Prlrre I^cal Mutton— *** Vanadium ...... 37-6 eurre. Money/l % per ceeL IMaceunt rates Brasil* ...... 170 .19 ment to start business. They in­ Ftromburg Car 17 Abort bins. I % P*r cent.. three months Filberts ...... 210 22 Phone 862 B.A. Bend Building, 7*1 Feet Street Hall A Co., small Organ, seven-piece Shoulders, Ib ..!!!!!!!.!! Middle States Oil ...... ll-l bllla. 1 IS-14 to 2 per cent. Plnenuts ...... ,28'j .29 clude only companies which com­ Phone 119 end 21*1 Parlor Suite, Chinawar*. Hardwpod Loin», full. Ib .. g*,...... Texas Gulf Sulphur . <4 % % % Walnuts, No. 1 CaUfornli . S3d .24 pleted their organization this week. Chairs, Reed Chaire. Misa. Settee, Flour Montgomery Ward .,. 96-9 . - / *1 GAR Besides these four - outside com­ Midvale stvel ...... 32-1 « New York, April 26 —Raw sugar, centri­ Chestnuts ...... 17 very good Pictures, Bed Lounges. New Standard grades. 49-fb sack Pure OH ...... 24-7 : .ill panies have come in and registered Feed fugal. 8.54, refined granulated. 16.66 to Dates— here to begin operations in B. C.. Carpets. Dining Tables and Chairs. Mexican Seaboard .... 17-3 10.2$., Hair, bulk. Ib ...... 06 Buffets and Sideboards. - Linoleum, Per tort Per 100 Gulf State* Steal . . .. f 7-7 97 bringing the total of new capital up Wheat. No. Li...... $62.00 $3.7$ Salr, bulk. new. Ib .07 very good Single and "Full-Site Iron New York. April 26.—Raw sugar ascend­ HaJlowl, bulk. Ib ...... 07 to $5.500.000. S@®E5S®B0®0BB®[50[36]B1]6®11®® Barley ...... 42 00 EARLY RALLY"FOLLOWED ed to another high record to-day. 6 a Bed», Springs and Mattresses, XV bite Ground Barley ...... 44.00 cents, cost and freight, equal to *.B4 rente, liallowk. bulk, new. Ib . 06 The Howe Sound Pulp and Paper Dromedary, 24 10-os. .. 7 00 Co.. Ltd., and the Port McNeill Enamel and other good Dressers and Os» te ...... 4', 00 duty paid, on a sale of 16,666 bags of 2 H j BROADCASTING ! Crushed Oats ...... 47.00 Cuban auger te a New Orleans refiner. Camel. 26 10-os...... Timber Co., Ltd., have both been or­ Stands, large assortment of Tables, BY WEAKNESS TO-DAY Turban. 60 12-os., per ci 7 20 Chairs and Rockers. Steel Range, fias Whole Corn ...... 44 00 ganized with no stated capital, to EV1 Feed Com Meal ...... 46 00 Turban, per doaen ...... 1.66 Inx td STOCKS. BON 1>P and DRAIN is BROADCASTED from station t—J Range, Jd. Cooking Utensils, Jam (tty BurdLcX Broa- Lbd.b take over the organization and plants to 1 Pcratrh Feed . . .. 46 00 Chicagn. April 24 - W California, layers, 10s . of the Western Canada Pulp and ê.HiC.A;, Victoria. RC. I.1PTEN IN any ermine, se this service KEEPS l|l Jars. K. Tables, Garden Toole, Car­ Timothy Hay ...... 52.00 Wheat—The strong 2.00 YOU POSTED on whet the markets have been doing each day In New York, rabies and bullish foreign news dominated EVENTS TO COME Sunmald. clusters 13 2e 6 45 Paper Co., its Port Mellon plant and penters' Tools. Gents’ Bicycles. Alfalfa Hay ...... *4 O0 the «heat at the at.-irt thl* morning, and Chicago. Montreal and Winnipeg. All the financial information la supplied by |1| Screen Doom. Steel Cable. Steplad- Alfalfa MenI ...... 40 00 for the first hour prices were held at th» the .large timber tracts in the Port Straw ...... 22 00 highest levels on the crop. Later short* The University Women’s Club Is McNeill district. ders. Tent, Tennis Net complete with Bran ...... I BURDICK BROTHERS, LIMITED @J large Back Net, Mowers, etc., excel- .. is 60 source** lagged Vhi!èhthere"wife enMtnoua holding a meeting to-night at the Tbronto capital, represented by Stock Broker» and Bond Dealers Gl ÎÎS Motor Bike with Sid Car. «- Guy Meredith Jarvis, is heavily In­ Members Chicago Board of Trade and B.C. Bond Dealer* Association ^ C N. Meal ...... 60 00 home of Mrs. F. C. Green. Fowl Bay terested in the deal, which is aimed good running order. C.N. Cake ...... 48 00 E?!Lor thrU time,ttiF iSttybeing. Later in Vtt.the ^»,.nn. [j| Telephone 3726 116-120 Pembertoa Bldg., Victoria. B.C. Telephone 37*4 @ I oultry Mash ...... 45.00 -sine In the West and Southwest had Road. as a complete re-organization on ® Now on view. Full particulars Oat Feed ...... 22.60 mof* effect, although much wheat la be­ behalf of the bondholders In order to Friday morning's Colonist. yond the help of any raine. Ilowevar. the get the pulp and paper works near Oil Cake ...... 67 00 profit taking and heavy short covering The Health Society, of Victoria, Alee 11 o’Clook in Our Stockyard4 Cottonseed Meal ...... 63 00 evidently weakened th# technical position Vancouver going on n large scale. at Ground Bone ...... will not meet on Friday evening on A fine lot of Barred Rock ^nd other temporarily at least. Livcrroo! was ‘à to account of Dr. ITlca's meeting. Mem­ A. H. Douglas, of Vancouver, is Chickens. Wire NHtlng and Incu­ 1% pence higher for futures and 1% high­ looking after tbe B. C. end. Cohen was called to the telephone. er for future* and wpnt. bers are asked to note this and be Ottawa, April 26. — (Canadian Other companies approved here to­ • WE OWN AND OFFER bator, Baanen Nanny Goat with two Corn—Cash business I* good and the present on the second Friday in May, Kids, good General Purpose Horee, "The bank cashier speaking,** he relatively strong tone for the May to-dav I Tegs)—Major Dougleu^ author of the day are: Famous Cloak and Cuit Co.. when the next meeting will be held. Ltd., $100.000, Vancouver; Bona ven­ etc. ______S heard. "I'm sorry to tell you that was an evidence of this, shorts Instead of Douglas Credit Plan, continuing his your Account Is overdrawn fifteen longs doing most of the liquidating to­ ture Packing Cb., Ltd , $100.600. Van­ day. Cash prices are relatively high and The ladles of 8t. Saviour's W. A. evidence before the Commons Com­ couver; Sunset Vinegar Co.. _ Ltd.. MAYNARD A SONS pounds.*' there le a modéra»» demand Des Moines will hold a sale of home-cooking In reported farmers being bid 74 cents with­ mittee on Banking this morning, said $50,000, Vancouver; Dolly Varden High-Grade Bonds Auctioneers Phone S37 Cohen thought for a moment. out retting much corn. This Is equivalent the basement of Spencers, Ltd., on there waa no solution for the prob Properties. Ltd.. $1,000,000, Yun- "Tell me.*’ he said, "how much was to ** cent* Chicago. Local sales were Saturday at 9.30 a. m. The proceeds lem of inequitable distribution in the couver; Almas Coal Detiers, Ltd., To Yield 5.50 to 6% Interest ; 213.066. Country offerings small and local will be In aid of the pariah. I in credit a month ago?'* receipts only £l cars. Kxport business taxation of the rich to pay the poor. $10,000. Vancouver; F. G. Richards With ample protection to the conservative buyer. AUCTION SALE TO-MORROW AT fair, and this Is significant. Argentine T have no doubt we paid for the Co., Ltd., $10.000, Victoria; West­ 2 P. M. The cashier consulted hi» book», shlpmanl« were estimated at only 460.060 Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Baker will be minster Mills, Ltd. $800,000, New We will be pleased to place our services and advice at the disposal and replied. "Twenty-five pounds." war as we went along." he added, in In charge of the tee room conducted reply to W. Ç. Goode. Progressive, Westminster; North Shore Garage, of any investor, without any obligation whatever. "Well," demanded Cohen, "did I Gate—Undertone rather heavy, especial­ during the first week of May. at 201 Ltd.. $20,000. North Vancouver; Frederick Kidgell telephone you about It?" ly after other graine weakened. The pros­ Brant, "and have paid for It several Auctioneer. City Market Auction pecte are that acreage Increases will l>e Vnion Bank Building. Friends wish­ times slnte." Hiker Sales Co., Ltd.. $20.000. Vic­ the rule Instead of the exception. Cash ing to contribute towards the re- toria; Peterson Electrical Construc­ LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY, 44 demand good and sales were 116.000 He expressed the view. too. That R. P. CLARK & CO„ LTD. BABY CHICKS. 7 GUINEA FOWL buehels. freehmenta or assist In any way may the capital of the belligerent coun­ tion Coi. Ltd.. $25.000. Vancouver; communicate with Mrs. Crane, tele­ Ilium, Ltd.. $10,000. Vancouver: Val­ Members B. C. Bond Dealers* Aaan. TOMATO, BRUSSELS SPROUTS. EXCHANGE SUMMARY Wheat— Open Hlxh Low dose tries waa larger than before the war. ley Supply Co., Ltd., $10.00(1. CABBAGE flept...... 1x2-7 123-2 132 122 phone 6019R. He cited an estimate that the capital ISS Fort St., Victoria, B.C. INSURANCE. Phone* 6600 9001 eAULIFLOWEF^^ *tND May ...... 124-4 127-Î 125-7 124-1 Kelowna. Pan-American Film and New York. April 26. — Foreign July ...... 124-5 of Great Britain was at least fifty 126-7 124-3 124-4 A baby clinic under the auspices of Projector Co.. Ltd.. $1.500,000. Van­ from well-known local Nunery exchangee irregular. Quotations in per cent, greater. He attributed this couver; Harbor Lands, Ltd., $10.000, Harnea,. Cream Separator and lllioti- Sept...... *8-2 *3-4 82-7 *3 the Esqulmalt Women's Institute will increase of capital to the issue of lannoua Effect,. cents. May ...... *1-4 Victoria; Intermftlortal Financiers, *2 *1-3 *1-3 be held in the Lam peon Street School credits during the war. TO-MORROW, FRIDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK Great Britain—Demand 463 1-8: July ...... 6S-S 81-7 *8 83-1 Ltd $600,000, Vancouver; National Oats— on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. Banks did influence the course .4 FREDERICK KIDGELL. Auctlenwr cables 463 3-8 ; 80-day bills on Pacific Mills. Ltd, $60.000. Victoria; bani^s 461 3-8. Sept...... 48-4 ♦s-r 45-2 45-8 Mothers are earnestly requested to prices, he maintained} and did cause Patterson-Theal Lumber Co, Ltd, EM Fleeard StreeL Pbone Ztl« Hay ...... 48-5 48-7 46-3 45-2 bring along their babies. France—Demand 6.78Vfc; cables July ...... 44-3 44-4 44-2 44-2 the recent fall of prices by with­ $50,000. Chilliwack; Began Rotary 6.79. % % % drawing credits. Plow Co, Ltd, $500.000, Vancouver; INFORMATION Italy—Demand 4.921-^; cables Yarrow’s Amateur Athletic Society Would there not have been a big­ Grosvenor Hotel Ltd. $300 000. 4.93. Montreal Stocks will hold its annual meeting at the ger over-production if there had been Vancouver; Canuck Timber and Log­ EXIT HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Sailors* Club, Esquimau, at 8.30 to­ no sqch action?" asked a member of ging Co, Ltd, $26.000, Vancouver; We endeavor to keep informed of world financial conditions, and Belgium—Demand bMl/zi cable» such multitudinous Information that the Investor requires when 5.86. (By Burdick Bros.. Ltd.) morrow, Friday evening. All mem­ the committee, Gilford Island Logging Co, Ltd, Germany — Demand Le bers and their wives are invited to You can tell whether we have $125.000, Vancouver; The Ton Tien considering investments. Bell Telephone ...... be present and a supper will be Co Ltd, $20.000. Vancouver; Anl- Our statistics and Information service, which also covers new cables .003444. Can. Car Fdy.. pref, ...... 74 over-production,'* was the reply, "by Holland—Demand 39.03; cables Can. Cotioi.s ...... I2fl nerved, after which they Intend hav­ asking all the people whether they alle. Ltd, $10,000. Likely. B.C.; Brit­ isauee, is at yeur disposal without obligation. 39.06. Can. Oen Blec...... 10a ing u Jolly singsong and dance. have got all they wgnt." ' ** ish Columbia Pilotage Association. Norway—Demand 17.20. Cone M. A 3...... 2i.j Not Nationalisation. 1 Ltd $25,000, Vancouver; Queen. Detroit United ...... »...... 78-2 When a man is invited to expr ChertoU- Intend N*tunti ««source* GILLESPIE, HART & TODD, LTD. Sweden—Demand 26.70. pair Binge ...... 7...v.. -H He explained that his proposal had Denmark—Demand 18.77. Doru. Textile ...... 76his opinion of a new baby'a looks all no connection with nationalisation. Ltd., £10,100. Masset, Q. C. Island» Fwitzerland—Demand 1821. Asbestos ...... he can47 do lie strangle his conscience As A practical proposition." he and London. Eng.______■ Spain—Demand 15-28. Da., pref...... 86 and lie like a gentleman. Abttlbl ...... »...... 68-2 added, "an effort should be made to “Who is there." fcried the "impas­ Greece—Demand 1.17. Montreal Power ...... 117-6 get the banks to come down from sioned speaker, "who will lift a voice Poland—Demand 0021. Atlantic Sugar ...... «-4 their positions as the only possible ------!L F.G. Richards Co., Ltd Czecho-Slovakia—Demand 2.97. National Breweries ...... 5 2-1 against the truth of my statement?" SWawtnlgan ...... 500116 VLADIVOSTOK authority on the subject. They Just then a donkey on the out­ WE OFFER SUBJECT TO PRIOR 4ALE AUCTIONEER AND BAILIFF Argentine—Demand 36.50. ÿpenlah River Pulp ...... 96-2 should then have a general discussion skirts of the crowd gave vent to one Room 101 Pemberton Building. Braxil— Demand 1007. Steel of Can...... 71-4 REFUGEES ARE with all Interested as to how the pre­ of the piercing "hee-haws" of hie Montreal 97 7-8. Wayagamac . ^...... 6Î sent situation could be bettered with­ $5,000 Point Grey 5%, Due 1953, Payable Canada TO ENTER U.S. tribe. . a , Particular attention given to resi­ Call mone*« .strong : high 6; low NEW YORK COTTON out Infringing on their legitimate The laugh was against the speaker, dential salea. 4/2; ruling . rate 4'/4: closing bid (By Burdick Isroe.. Ltd.) functions." for a moment, but, assuming an tir and New York. Price 94.09 Opes High Low Washington. April 2S.—President • : offered at 6*/4; last loan 8; call May ...... 2* 96 29-U 21.64 In reference to the remark by "a of triumph, he lifted his voice above F. a RICHARD* loans agginat acceptances 4. 3T. Harding decided to-day to permit practical banker" * that he was not July ...... 17.|6 *795 *7.40 et. «• transportation to the United the dln to eay:-r- , ^ . Mondial British Columbia Admiralty Time loan» easier; mixed pol- Oct. ____ ,..141 26.16 24.66 24.66 concerned with theory. Major Doug- “I knew rohrtdy but a Jackass District lateral 60-80 days SVi; 4-6. month» Die. 24 16 24 46 XI m 741? States of the 600 Russian refugees remarked that he believed Sir Jan...... 24.16 24 4# xi.es 23.96 who recently landed In the Philip­ would try It!" Royal Financial Corporation, Ltd. Notary Public. British Columbia 5'/a. March *426 22 94 22.71 John Alrd had made the statement Prime commercial paper 6 pines in their own ahips from and that he waa acting on a well- In a pells of dry weather the Vladivostok. B and 9 Winch Building Phone 1*46 Commissioner for Taking of Affidavits, S'/a. K % W HIT. % It I ' LOME established system, “which he prob­ Koreans write prayers for rain and British Columbia. Mtv. 6.66. July. 4.48; Sept.. 6.16 Dec.. ably never think» abouL" hang them up on the hillside. OCtçe Phone 3972 Residence Phone 2499 6.26; March. 6.66. l (Copyright 1»23. By H. C. Fisher HK>BN and thick». it.se. Phone Trade Mark Reg. In Canada.) \739839SYL •25-SS Well, In a Way Jeff Is Right ) T1VT your hatching egg» from the "015 MUTT AND JEFF Reliable Firm." Special price» this

t HALE—Cheap. Jeraey heifer la fNRU, IF TttCRe WW'r^ p<> fvsc PISceeTlOM AS THIS 1 C Mutt, for\ alf. 16*0 Hillside Ave ■ a27-It /ALL RIGHT I'Ll PR6VG AMutiJ »r x T»Lt> 'you i've l IS TH6 OMiy EXTRA tlOR 8 A LK—Nanny goàt. fre»h iw# AM1 HÉÉLS or Toes 1 week»; two Nanny kid», one tea I’D SAY iT t» 'feu* Get THAT THe Love nj vente b a way t® *ia«| \ Pair x own. TO A PAIR OF SOX month* old. Saanen»; to sell cheap, leav* OF MlVCG, Ing city. F. Fowler. fc!2 Joffre Street, you vuene NCV) PAIR OF So* Esquintait.______"______»-6-31 SotKS SoTlUY VJONX VUCARj you camt wear SPooF • *»&, You Povj&HT I'M FROM CokjTRou atching eggs—Womtorfui i»>ing OUT THE ovx- at The Meet o«e ôt-b ■train. Imported White Wyandotte», MISSOURI". Kcets youRSCLF H#1.50 setting K J llldout. <27 Kingston bC A» Ï Y£STERt>AY.' OR TOES, CAM you? -roe wHat vuout» Street, Phone 1584T.______my3l-3t SO ALL You GoTTA ATC11INO EGGS-Pure bred Barrel yeu SWÎ HA Rock*. 11.00 per setting. Phone Bo is cur f€AA 711*1,2. _____ , «»•)! ATCH ING BUGS — Noted strain». White Wyandotte*. IL I. Rede.H White Leghorn*. 11.SO' eettlng. lit 100 Waterhouse. 170 Obed Avenue. Phone 7 0 2 7 RI.______mil-3* EW ZEALAND HATCHING BUGS— N Phone 29661,1. _ all-St (S.. 1. R. EGOS. 11 ta. from hlgh-rlase R. bird». 140 Moee 8t. Phone S7.»9T. * mJl-J* smp;. hode island red eggs. if :i and R R.H...W per setting. 110.00 for 10010». W. Mitchell. 341 Gorge Road; phone 1121Ü flYHREB broody hens, Rhode lalaod K*da J______li-it ~7Ri¥lITte LEGHORN and Wyandotte U eglc un, SI.10 per setting, deilvi red. üjxgn.g 432^4, P TOU DO NOT SEE what you are look- , Ing for -advertised her®, why not adver­ Ttise your waht? Someone amongst the V : *. tho.ii.-ind* of r-*d»Ts will rrnet likely have just «.hat you **e iooklug tar- 4ud be. glad to »el1 at * reaeomihl- nrtre tf-SS ■/kr BUSINESS DIREUTORY i livksli —■ ADDING MACHINES "1 XALTON . Adding Ma'hlnes —Only tee 2'1- 1 ' U« ys. A*k for dernonstKatlon-in Tour own office. United Typewriter Co.. Lid., Fun street. V|ctoD?ChQgeJ2^4^1 FARM LANDS ART GLASS FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOU» TO LET—MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES lM Di ART. QI-AB», le.A-l ll»hlh 111» COMING EVENTS ‘ “ xuonrnranty.; "l(l'^RENT—PflTgrr tenntw ewurti ****- |AUJI JUCNT t Xear. Mill - 1 1 — —-toot! ttnttser 11 ------■»------C* I1 farm, phone 5681R. H Yates. Glass sold, sashes glased. Birtorla Bails $lme* I Oik Bay ,lnn. il.,n. Phone 6«21 a*?-.* Phone 7671 VOGLES closed pay-srf-you-enter type Advertising Phone No. 1090 IA8QVEKADE DANCE. Marigold Hall. EXTRA GOOD BVTS. FURNISHED HOUSES ACREAGE 1 Friday. April It. 3-1. Hunt'» or- K i.ua, used only two weeks and guar BOOKS KATES FOR <1.%SSIF1KD ÂDVEETIHI2IO • meed Juat a* g«*Ml aa new. for sale at 1-lB te:ra. Rt freehmen*». Admission »«l-‘ GUARANTEED CARS shack. lie ."90R SALE— • acres, with small house, I^TnT DBA VILLE. Situations Vacant. Situation* Wanted, re SOME MORE UOuD BI TS. sa rlflce. lias electric lights, hurxefs. aR1 MRUPE LODGE. D. O. E.—Peg HVPMOBI1.K ROADSTER. sücîor* (Blenf t-iinn it dtWN. RENT Furnished. fiv«^-roomed ■'» TAOR ------hone JL322 or 1<*4L.______LÜlif I en application. * . I dance. Friday. 27th, O. F Hall. With starter, and all O. h T bungalow U26 Fori Street ' No advertisement for lese than ‘»c Admission 26c. aiT-S , a.‘«-22 I BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS^ 6. SO. Refreshment» 1921 CHEVROLET five, phone 146PL or 3,22.______Minimum-oumhee of eerJfc 10-. ____ *17") HAY ES-ANDERSON MOTOR 0O.. LTD.. F YOU DO NOT SEE what you are look- ln computing tlie number of tvorfll fh . I)RINVES^ ALEXANDRA. T*. *? 3 ireire. I3H BKNT -î-T-rrm^t —nine, NYTHING In building or repair^ L Har- A r*al *°otl c»r at 'Ttrr t»i' advfrfIssd-ihaaa.-Why not ad­ ■ulveTiiaEiiwni. estimate groupa of th'** J_ —Meeting Thursday. April 1260 Granville Street. g a per month. Apply Stewart a. har- ■pl.-rfic T713. ' Booting a specialty, t. " " -«r,l. t»ll.r —r*. •»« | F vertise your want? Someone amensst the A lew figures it one word, CHEVROLET TOURING. TSFf* Eeqtitmalt, lMGI ot teeuTen «I11 most 11Xety have •.mr’.e’l. ______. it ell abbreviation» count as one k with starter ....»...... I \\TH18T DRIVE. Ladles1 Aid. Dove' j Nicely reconditioned . . O Rent, part of private dwelling lust what you ere look me fo!* indbegt.Vl CARRY HEX1STALI;--Brlckls-yer. ve- Advert leer» who so dr.Ire may have re- to sell at a reasonable price ll-t* lles addressed to a box at T1>v T.mes ® !• i v Naval —Brigade.------, ------Mrs.' P-Rumsby's,- HI 13:o FORD T Idealj Summer location on eeafrort I ,, t work, bvii r aiui furn-.e work. Ice anil forwarded to thetr private eddraaa. } .Ntagera^Street. THorsdav 2AUu at .*.10 MCLAUGHLIN BABY" SIX. Lmrlug - ...... Iflam outer Island homes, husl. Aftagntiiveul view-, private beach .rot far 1 F See this orte "and smile . .. . “ in golf links 6-room» ahd ^i».,IK> OSL -»—.------, 0f ith* 1* trteda for-tUa service. :p w Petee* saiI -ratraatunenla. • Ad nils- i ëlohâi meui retailers. wheiv*alèra I’ v>ne utlS. 5' Ah* Nolle. «1c-- 'o.«rti<,r_ M.r K1U-AND rlshed piano, lleht. water and TIMBER ZARBLL1. contracter...... — ' -ton lie _ —1 »175 mav.ufeotutt^L. J.h roua nout Canada. tf-13 «•«.. Card of Th.nk. .nd In ««"''""“j BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. SIvV^",, l.eewe------not-1 l~.-leee- I Everything like —w ...... -. il« refunded on undelivered IRSll iHlU «130 o.r Inwrtlon. t'-»"1 >"'* HELP WANTEDr-MALE -"Newton Adverttshtg Agency t*e4ab- poluUneut write Nolk.. H ie for one InnnM. ««-»« "1321 DODGE. RYAN. McINTOSII TIMBER COMPANY XV I**>NK HAVE C. li. MvMILLKN de two IneerUona...... - . .. AND ABOUT 20 MORE ALL READY LIMITED 1 V’ANTKD - DAtnrey engMerr. with ticket Small, furnished cottage^ at .CarT»entcr sr.d builder. Ph'-ne 3>4IR. ■t -ar- 4-4-7U------. 4* Lu- logging camp; must be able to CARTIER Bit--8 -1313 FORD TIMBER- CRUISERS. VAjA*ATORS AXD keep own repairs. Phone 670. a*S-1h louring ...... CON SUI-T1 NO ENGfNB-BRS CHI.MNEY SWEEP 724 Johnson Street. Phrfne 52*7 Street. Phone &1S- II T LARGE ROOMS, every donvehlenrc. IVISION MANAGER—Salee manager O near »«■ and park, furnace, Timber for Sale In Large and Small Births, Marriages, Deaths Gray and dray-Dort Dealers mi ford ------—y>ort JWEET PEA seed. 40c per jacket; 12 D with real executive and exceptional delivery . .. ,...... *T sewing machine, will lease. PhoneT»4.X Tracts—Crown Grant or License—In s-lling ability qualify Important openings 3 packets, named, post free. 21 00. also Any Part of the Province -Canada and State*. In tern it tonal ctrrp or­ choice mixed Glpdlolaa. 6#c per do* . post nr RTMBirnEn. our carsire guaranteed ____...... ■ DIED. ation. Position worth 1‘t.OOO year up. I n- free. Direct from the grower. Ffed ÎÛ* Beinrowt House. Victoria CARPET CLEANING limited poesfwmbeKV N»r#y»*rr give rrf#r- UNFURNISHED ROOMS BRIDLE —On April 23. ï»2l. ÏT hfa Tate f masters motor COv.; LTD. Cousins. Ruby Road. Gordon Head, and *.UJk;AUyU*yLti««L..tMfcBiaL awtcs.iaviud. Puhtlr Market, VptbrW:...... BtT-H TS1.ANV Wlhdew kret SOT Cl**1'’1,tf Yesi«fence. W tontf; vrrttr- InférnatlnrInternatlnnal ÎT CbiWaCoi Ï7IOK THIS1 1 ROOMS for rent. *21 Mantles Rt. 1 ro.. 913 Fori rhnn. .•••« *«*L r n«lights and starter. 1*60; Studebaker SIS Tate* BA,, cor. of Quadra St. Phone 372 BOATS Bridle, aged 64 yepre; born in ïevTii. on 4#8 Mc<3jU ltulltiln, Montreal. a*«-l# GENTLEMEN S DISi'ARDKD CLOTU1NO tMI W H. Hileties. H.mUton-CekC** Somerset. England. ( ------five-passenger. 1S20. |C00.- Paige 1*11. lights and starter. *360. Dominion Gar­ BOUGHT fNY LINDER grinding. The remains are resting at the rhapel of \ jystRIUl TOR wanted who Is capable DDRESSING end malltr|', circulate to Best Price» Paid. We CalL the B. C. Funeral Co . w here service will be age. Gordon and Courtney Streets HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " motorcar repairs, marine w»yi. etc of handling the sale and distribution • ar owners..wnere We have BarBarnes and ad- SHAW * CO. 7*i Fort SL Armstrong Broe. 134 Kingston Street. 40 CEMENT AND PLASTERING held on Friday afternoon at 3.30. Inter­ of the well-known; Non-Electric Vacuette Ti>AKTS—Huge etoe* of ueed auiouiubiU A of Victoria and Vancouver Island Phone 4SI. i2s—« ment at Roes Bay fVmetery. _ parts at or more off. W. Frank HOTBl. KOOliS-Hooeekee»!»» Suction Cleaner. In the Province of British J: P« euto owner* Newton Advertising Ac u< y. HYOR SALE—Motor boat (fishing). 551 JII-Il&TERKR— Cameron Wrrcktng Co. M» View Street HWO Rhode Island Red roosters for aala. tnFhoo, «1Ï, ttirht I3*R[ Columbia. Spring !■ here and big business Suite 24. Winch BMg Phone 1»16 dtf-14 1 phone 111SL1. *u,1 bedrooms. RT Yates 811**1 11 L Flsgsrd Street. al-44 Phone iSSS. • .______;______If DE,.l*.ï CARD OF THANKS. can be obtained by an experienced pro ducer. Write us full particulars as t< %-TON Federal truck. In good condition rnilB Moore-Whittington Lumber Co.. Ltd. BURNISHED light hoilsekeeplng room, complete, The Ltmlly of the late William Whit­ MOTORCYCLES and cycles Y.YOR SALE— Peterboro canoe, your responsibility, financial and other- and perfect running order. Phone _!___•scT.DaorL- vlfld.fl**, lumber, etc. City I •uUabie Ter JMMüHf» Mtrli M?— -f iff" n rsT- ^laia t-SnOTTtdh : i bar gam ENGRAVERS taker wish to UiaPk !.heir_many fr‘end. for ,)siae— .Vacustua I.lmlUd, -A3 Yutk btrast. 1 or country order* revelxe careful alfw- Street. al#-*i a;s-40 ■iWisilirT^------mijir- ATTENTION’ BICYCLE SALE—Boy's thane 6047L1. their kind words or sympathv and beatnt- Toronto. ______a28^-10 ------. /ycNERAL ENGRAVER. Stencil Cutter lul flor il »>'*»"»■ eent during their recent j^gONK-TQN TRUCK — Good me- LU:>vle. SLû. Massey double bar 127 60. A LARGE, front, houeekèeplng- room», Y.'IOR SXLB^-1«-foot boat wRh Kwiwle d 6eal Engràtef. Geo. Growth sty ead bereavement In their loss of a loving ;—City' and Pro- chanlcâl condition, good tire», three-speed Rudge-Whitworth S3S. twenry- mo SEE ÔtiR ïeÀWN M<)w ERS Win eost I >ou nothing to buy them will Pave e* gas and cook atove. Phone 276IR 4 engine. Apply 306 St. Jams» SticeC Ureen Block. 1214 Broad St.. oPO. Colsalrt, K3 vlnclal territories, real experienced attached; euitable for cordwood four-lnch Perfect like new 122.60. ladxs Caledonia Ave ______31 produenrs only will be considered. Muat is 1460; terms as desire*. Phone bicycle S16. lady's Rudge-Whitworth 135. you dollars. 1# only left In stock, F Smith A Co., cor. Broad and Johnson H furnish sales record, give references with *26-14 almost new Raleigh |46. All our wheels .'OR SAIÆ—Marine carburetor, revera- Hi »TO ENGRAVING—Half-tone and FUNERAL DIRECTORS application, verifications of ability. Boni are fully guaranteed; 611 Johnson Street UNFURNISHED HOUSES line cute. Tlmee Engraving Depart- (four doors below Government St.) tf-17 HLCOX A GltlBS chain stitch machine, r Ibis propeller. 14 In. blade. Chalmers P required. Average earnings SI SO week up. Universal Joint, as good as new. Vh°n* ment Phone 10VQ ------—=3 Not stock proposition. Something new. A REAL SNAP IN A CLOSED CAR NX electric; also hand XfODKRN bungalow. containing four Experienced bond. Insurance, real estate VOR SALE—Johnson motor engine and : phone 4616R._ -* flOA McLaughlin six fovr-pas- -ll large rewms. with garageor -chicken DYING AND CLEANING Salesmen most successful with us. Guar 1 wheel In good v«.ndttlon, with license j i A N FOtl * Louse, rent reasonable. I80R ' SALE—Cabin launch. 28 ft., with ai.teed incume. Liberal advances. Inter­ SKNGEK COUPE. GUARANTEED andI Insurance for I1.#V0 and IS.OOlL own- | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS AXDS FUNERAL CO. IN FIRST CLASS ORDER MECHANI­ I dinghy, 'IITY DYE WORKS—Geo McCann, pro- national Corporation, 401 McGill Building. Vr leaving city; ISO. on terma Jim*' "~"Bry------473f.. Times. prletor. M 4 Fort. Phone 7V 63 Montreal. ______»2<-l» CALLY RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW ■ r*vcle Store a2»-17 TT1GI1KHT prlcee paid for usm! tents; Modern eight-roomed home, 13. Office and Chapel. COST NEW 12.40# $1 ‘>(M1 ant s CycIyPt^Tl, ;------! H nhlectlone to a few holes. 66v John j>1 Mlnto Street. 33# per month. Phone men and. Write sbow- --- _ let*. Quadra Street- dgl AN HOUR at home. SALE PRICE. ONLY .... phone 667». 2637 or 63#L. Two dories as good as new FURNITURE MOVERS ^ Cl cards for tig. We lnetrurt and I? lent condition, price 116. 231* Wark ...... a26r40 i£>VT-fo'l«<)VK—II •«. m Jcevr» e Call» promptly attended to day er provide work. Particulars free. Kwik JAMESON A WILLIS. LTD. .'71- 1 WAN’AN T ED—Ten Ll tx V4, mo RKXT — S-roomed house, modern, 447 ,'46 BROUGHTON STREET PHONE 2241 Street. Phone 3441L phene.: Office. I20«. «« «« "" W4Wt4H TWOta Canada. a3«-ll (loti. Phone 3674. 1 Gorge Road, also some furniture for FT. CABIN LAUNCH. « h. p , 4-cycle A l.anih Transfer Co. for household sale a-«--« moving, . rating, backing shipping or «tor- ARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3-speed, •- . ,eîW s'a?1*1 TAN'ANTED—-Oo» hl«lee In good condition. 26 dinghy, etc.. |«25; l.oaier marine engine, complete, age • Office phone 1547, night HELP WANTED—FEMALE model. tandem eeat. electrically > 1 c,e«ir*e Crulckehi fglO RENT—Clean, modern, four-roomed equipped,H 1200. New and used machines, Phone Gü.tüHl 282(1.. ______— Douglas and Psmbroke. 4XRNEHAL SERVICE TRANSPORT. 731 IDDI.B-AGJCD WOMAN, do -light ■as oil, accessories- Cameron Motorcycle within half-mile circle, B. C. FUNERAL CO., LTD. Co . Yale» and Vancouver Btreeta 1 17 ^yANTEI>- * ■ Johnson Street. Phone 4*. «T M* housework. 125 per month. Miss three-quarter-luch galvanised t>lpe. session Phone 4331X. PERSONAL fHnnmrd'il. e-t * Goodwin, Devonshire House. Fort 8y_e»-t. "fUST ARRIVED—The new 1323 Harley- in godd condition. T W. Palmer. R. it 1». 30 RENT—Flve-roomed modern bungx- 714 Broughton Street »l Davidson motorcycle, with the ten blx No. 4. Victoria, or phone 7346. a3t-13 typRINO CLEANING PRICKS Doigta» 1. low In Fairfield, now vacant. Apply o Dyer». Cleaner» and Furrier*. Suits furriers Call* Attended to at All Hour*. PROTT-RHAW BUSINESS INSTITUTE EXCEPTIONAL VALVE. improvements. On view at _S5# .Johnson late model; muat lextdjloor. 1314 George RtroeL —Courses: Commercial stenography, Street. Dick Shanks, WANTED—Ford car. , dry-vleened. 31 #•; suite soonged and Moderate Chargea Lady Attend*»». S 11 be reaeonetde for cash. Apply _1M biessed, 63c. Repairs, etc. Phone OSV TRUSTER. FRED—Highest price tor^ raw clerical, higher accounting, collegiate pre­ -roomed cottage, 471 Cm»**» tmhelmlnE for »hlnment . «»e=lti., ’E have for sale a 6-passenger electric dealer. Burnald* Road. Saanich. a26-13 mo RENT 1 fur. 2116 Government Street. I ut>nj paratory. Civil Service Phone It or brougham, manufactured bv Rench 1 Roa«i.~ Phone 7*30X7 U JYAL ENFIELD BICYCI.Efl ~ New Phbnee *13*. 12**. write for evllabua. Individual instruction. A Lang It Is equipped with the well- 1X7ANTED—Old bicycle* and parte. In any W’OULD some kind Christian or Pente- New Weller Bldg. Join snv tlrpe.______11 r°:shipment. Jadles' and^ aent»' rpo LET—Four-roomed cottage, apply 8*7 known Hertner generator and charging frames, oil bath gear caeee. i> condition. Victory Wreckage Cyqle *1 costal saint loan a brother In dis- ( plant, and Is In perfect running order. gli'L-r duplex .1 Old Esquimau Road. tress alx hundred dollar», unable to r/*pay | W’ANTBU—Nursery governess, "two boys. three speeds. , . ... ■Works. Phone 736. 6W1 Johnaon Street. The upholstery and tnglde trimmings are Will call at any address tr'1> V,vk. In .rnuMF Un» 11. Tim., ^ THOMSON FUNERAL, HOME 1> In the country. Wace, Cobble H"‘" in excellent condition. It Is Juet the one "Made Like a Gun"—Guaranteed for All IX711Y PAY CAlt FARE? Six-room ...... N a»7 for a lady wanting a qulft ruhnlhr inex­ 11 house for rent. Cook Street near |(l ueo. IMF. l*hon, 1MIRI. ev,nln«l PI.IMLEY A RITCHIE. LTD. F YOU IK> NOT SEE what vou are look­ pensive car with a control that Is very ForC 118. includes water. Phone MONEY TO LOAN inl.'2^J ANTED—6 salesgirls, experience un­ Where the Other Fellows Deal I ing for advertised here, why not adver­ XV simple and easy to operate. tise your want? Someone amongst me * eempethetlc .nd .mel.nt nndereUedln. wary. Apply Btevenaon s. 721 >11 View gtreej 7ANTED—By reliable party. (2.000 aR achieved by long year» of experleaca. L! a-5-u thousands cf readers will most *\*vî HOTELS Call and aee us and we will give nil Just what you are looking for and be triad -R(K)MED bungalow, near Gorge; some XX first mortgage on city bungalow, particulars of this exceptional buy. for sale—miscellaneous furniture for sale. Phone 7662R2. We would utreelete ■■ ™lèé,e»t SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE to sell at a rsaeonably^prfeft^___ r—aLAa 4 plv Box 150. Times. ———— otOTEL Ei. aiALBANY..ua.» *. *1021—* Government—------—_r.i 8V *25-24 Kurnlehed bedrooms. hot_ and col* •era# you when In need of a cosapeieai Price on application. GURNEY-OXFORD four-hole ianee. Funeral Director. W’AN'TKD-By Victoria College student. FURNISHED SUITES —-RlKlllBD bungalow, good condition, MISCELLANEOUS H kly rat«i colls, first rlwee condltloa snap. *24-24 Yv situation for the next five months. NATIONAL MOTOR CO.. LIMITED. *33.6#. Jack'» Stove Store. «2* Yatea 1» O close In. Phone 61461,. .YURN1SHBD suite. centrally iocated. SAUSAGE a day keeps the doctor HEAVY TRUCKING ■Ar lL. Box 1 r>o. Times ■''«ffh•«*. Ihll "Home of Ford In Victoria." Apply Mrs Campbell. 603 Blai.wuerd a wav. hut get them et the Saues*® A UTO-TENTB—See one eet up In our I HOLIDAY RESORTS. Shop. T09 Fort Street. where qualltv 1 OHNSON BROS —General trucking and M'CALL BROS. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE y 631 Yates St. Phone 4»#mone>*t«the L (1. including collection and delivery. (iarretson. Limited. Brantford. Ont. large lot; price *1.703. J. Greenwood. 1236 ihouaande ot readers will most llkclv have (establishedB 1177), . __ and lopas chen privilege*, for young lady In Waites* Key Hhol»^_jlhone_2li*i_^^__S4 FRANKLIN TOURING—In the beat \ Government qtreet. *27-44 lust what you are looking for and he glad MORTIMER A SON—Stone and monu- Ave. Luke Humber. 740 ope» Ave. Phone business; terms reasonable. Phone | 1BNU1XE BARGAIN—Neat little cot- ,L"11 < ondltlon. This la a real car. «Ml ■ell at a reasonable nrl«-e .lf-l* MILLINERY. Price 4134R. M tage four rooma. bathroom, toilet, LOST AND FOUND AWS, tools, knives, eelsso ASH register and adding machine for slnkroom and pantry: recently decorated in­ T70GVB SCHOOL OF MILLINERY— Menlies Street. Phone lillY. tf-31 shape. Phone W. Emery. Ll a .»« A«e A o ------OST—Hand embroidered tabW» cintre. GRAY-DORT 1320 SPECIAI^-AMAM sal*, reasonable. Box 44IÎ. Time» side and painted outsld-. in half-mile S 1 Fairfield Bran« h re-opena Wvdnee- n LTD. office and yard, «ansar May lires and In excellent condition. stone Avenue. J on Sunday, 22nd. at Waugl OVELY. sunny room to rpni, In private circle- 11.400. or furnished *1.446. Phone and Kberta Streeu. near Cemetery. 6 hone A real cheap buy at. , Si>i)0 J bungalow. Oak Bar. pear beach, link* owner" 419SR. ir-#. Times.______ODERN HOMES for sale, easy term» OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING hauled, good paint and tlrea. Phone 4113L 11 TEST HOLME HÙTEIc-ln addition to "Advertising Is to Business FLORISTS D. II. Bate, contractor. Fort and W our transient business, we heve a as Steam la to Machinery" OST—Wire-haired fox terrier, with TXNGLISH baby buggy. In good c.rndl- MStedecon*. Phone _114#______L1. Classes of welding, dxy^acetylene THE POSY SHOP L >t on right Ili Ron. *16. Phone 7A3»^M a26-16 lew comfortable rooma. hot and Cold water, telephone and elevator service. Very ree- UST BE FOLD—I-room. modern house. GOODS MADE and ele« trie protesaea. llrltlsb Weld- hand side of body, white feet. Phone 4*6 TAIT * McRAE. \Ing Co.. 52 5 Pembroke St. Phone -614. 51 Phene 1##L Kea Phone BUiL ai«-37 TT3LBG ANT Gerhard Heintsman Plano. Mr raiF« ------1L M In good condition,, good location IN VICTORIA 331 Yatee Street. Q dtk< price $2,360. 1AST IRON, brass, steel and aluminum Member F.T.D.A. OST—Airedale i female), tag No. ROOM and board [ ... tv,____«-9A IV.urtnM Floral Dealgns on Short Notice. 4 Reward on returning to Dodds, phone "C3LBCTRIC motor, complete, for sewing I Q1X-BOOMED MOUSE—Some furniture. 6( Note «he address—<13 Fqr«------I CHARMING Summer home, few imln- Toil Help Victoria and VALUES IN USED CARS Jj machine, price *12. Phone 41641V H large veranda. V.lgh and dry. new gar- ^ ut< s f'omj JM. car and eolf Unas, Victoria Will Help You ...... and oxy-acetylene weldln* COMING EVENTS OST—On Saanich Road, between Royal * *5#—DODGE Brothers Touring, lata chicken house with tw 14J shin nnalrs. hollermak»rs, blacksmlti localltv "quite suburban, all modern house. also some very ei L° Oek and city, auto rtm with Gregory model. In fine condition. ELECTRIC washing machine, ueed • ISÎÏ sriuodé; h.m. rookln* ; v Fteh (»mok«*d> work, brass' and Iron castings, etc. Me. HS#P—MrLAUGHLIN «even- passenger. Al condition, owner leaving lot 66 x 146. Price *106 cash; 344 Fishing Spoons torla Machinery l>ei»ot Co.. Ltd. phonel®_'^| tire. Finder , please phone Colqults 42R. good paint and rubber. i months, phone 434JL______—l—Z IGGONI8M — "Blsdoro city. 2*36 Lee Ave. Phone 6623L. *27-11 Rued. He ■ njch.______Fittings «wood! courteous; dlecoufrtesy I» the earmark | 46»-CHEVROLET 43# Touring.tng. OARD and room. In private home, x x VKLL-BUILT modern home, 6 rooms, Flag* and Bunting | 46#—FORD Touring, «tarter.. newieeln JR eale, Fairbanks Blvi'trlc Motor and ELDING AND BRAZING done by Mal Dof stupidity ” Dtggon ». printer*, etsilo»- OST—On Rockland Avenue, white B° close in. for business man or woman: 11 hath and toilet, including gas rung»*. Flooring thardwood) ®rs and engravers. 1210 Government SC J black English setter. Reward. Phone g ice—*")DtiK Brother* R«>a8. ltd. ARN DANCE—I-adleg* AuxllUry. SL Avenue. Victoria Weil, *-?AHSSNGÊR * FORD.* U good : hole*, alao, Gurney Oxford gas. range. Fawcett range, floor» loth on corridor and PhuElèa 1>V41* and 3|6I L- eoiw 434 Springfield  1 Heaters Andrews and i*°<'l<,J2lh133a Phone 6338L. Phone 413JX.______>24-1» two room*. Any family wlahing to acquire 7-P^AtiSKNU C^Co'lS; * jil«t "the i real comfortable home, conveniently locat­ • Ice BGovernment Street. Thursday. 3Sth. • ~100D 'SINGING CANARIES. It ench; Jams and Jellies ITOClvIXG. James Bay plumber. Phon« p. m. Refreshments. Admission 26c. fur wrap, between Che- car for a eta«e run...... ed should see this Exceptionally easy ( J hena for breeding 6#c. Apply: **17 Prior terms will be given. Price «3.350; (a00 ' " lew «ere (manufacturing) Tl FÏ71. 68* Toronto Street. Gesollnt malnue and Nanaimo. Reward given. Street. Phone 142IL.______»24-I» I«abela tanks Installed, ranges connected. Promp^ Apply Mr. Ullman. 20* Blenheim Court Other good buys to bo aeon < cash <>n view any afternoon. 4 till I.athJ • BAND Scotch barn dance AVE your lawn mower sharpened now. TO-DAY'S BLUNDER o'clock. <10 Superior Street. ------Ï1 Vancouver. S26-37 Limb» (artificial) Gi ” tiuoltlng Club, in Orange Hall. «_30. McMORRAN'S OARAOB. H • 1.00. Carver A Son. 437 Fort Street. CORRECTED April 27. I»*». Gents 5#c. ladlea 26c. a27-3 W’OU’DD finder of brown bill purs*, loot *36-16 LOTS FOR SALE. PAINTING (See llluet^attnn on Page 4> F tour watch doe* oot give eailsfactlon, 11 Sunday near Government. I* F YOU DO NOT SEE »#»i you are look- L>e Mm. Lawmen. Westholme Hotel. Re L3A1NTS—100*4 pure. Forreeter'n. phoni I bring It to "The Jewel Box." lilt I ing for advertised her-, why not adver­ If it Is nocesgary for you to wear ITIOR SALE—Lpt 8. with garage. N. W Macaroni / r tv9. 1423 iWglaA^git^______lLlSi Broad Afreet, next to P. R, Brown A Sons. UTO BARGAINS—Bulck touring, run tise your want? Someone amongst the 1’ corner Windermere and Bond Streets Machinery (canning) Mainsprings 11. cleaning 11. work «varan- glatme* while playing tennis or Machinery (logging) nlng condition. •»*; Hup two-eeater. thousands of readers will meet likely have Ix»t » W. Cowlchan Street. between BUSINESS CHANCES A just what you are looking for and he glad taking anÿ strenuous exercise, do Brighton and Quatnlchan Streets;* I. »l 101 PATENT ATTORNEYS *75; one-ton Commerce truck. 3900. elx-jo sell at a reasonable price tW* NEWTON T OCAL COUNCIL rummage sale. •*• cyllSder Hudson. *36#: American under- not wear now glaaae*. The grip N. E. corner Dallas Road and Wellington mT^lTbOYDEN. Mv I. K. K Patents an« I730R SALE—Barber shop. ADVEUTISIXO Li Yales Mreet. Saturday. AprilI 3S. it slung. new tlrea starter and llfchta. |#63 T cîtiO1GEK8. cruiser»' and eportsmi le not strong enough to hold them Are. For particulars apply to W. <1. AGENCY AM. Kli.dly leave goods Friday ■«>["*"« I-1 snap. *14 Catherine WC B Dodge Sedan. *864. JU do tentx^ pack sacks, blanket». In place when the head Is Jerked, C.m.rfn, Cllr l-nd fll. H*ll. VtH-rl,. B. < Apr,, H. 1939, i • i - at store, or call phone 4343L. Ail-* TORE for rent, furniture and fittings T8ED PARTS for all makee of care In and If there la perspiration, they AdVertlsetnent Writers and Advertising XTO MATTER what your business er pro- S for" sale of centrally located, main 1) stock, five I* x S eoed tlrea. like will slip off very easily. Glasses Contractors ROOFS REPAIRED ^1 feaalon may be. no matter tor whst street. Ice cheam parlor, tea rooms, rand: new half .price. four-cylinder engines alleable and steel ranges, PROPERTY FOR SALE. Multlgraph and Mlmeogravh circular let­ Iron! *36 up; Boeoh magnetos, genera tens, *upported over the ears as well as ter» and Postcards-Ailrireeelifg—Malting purpose you require it, you will find in (suitable for cabaret 1: terma given If de *2>e i»er week. Phone 4S*3. 161» ooks tarred, painted and repain rolls axles, wheels, cushions, bodlt». etc. BM ini—ÉÊ^m NOR LEASE—On Ftsgard Street. a«i- Kate» Quoted (or 1-ocel. Dominie» and our stock material» for eults for nit oc­ aired. Apnly *41 Yatea Btreetl a-7' Pougles Street. the noeo are safer, and more com­ estimate* given; twi one K.B. Chevrolet, factory covered Jolntr.g Hudson'» Bay. BuihMng. 36 Foreign Publications casions. and nil reaaonnbly priced. If R e 1XVANTEI1 A man or woman with from fortable. I Kperli-ncc T. Harper. 486 bedy* ^"PACIFIC MOTOR CO. R. SHAW peye highest cash price* 1er ft. frontage. K»r Information apply Sec. 1> *72# to It.### to invest in. a buplnef* inS-Vïâ Suite 34. Winch Building Phone 1316 Phone *734LL for e»If. **1 ue du* ye* the local product. M men's clothing. Phone S4>6. Mr. r. u. k . p. o. Box mi ihapectlon and Phone 1334 hbgw will calL < W 17

REAL C HEAP. «H AC RES ▼EAR LUXTON, Just off Book# Read. SIMMER COTTAGE. LANGFORD IAEE. «MVK ACRES of first-class la«d, no Dl.XrOKD -' duclng greenhouse properties In the BARGAIN IN GOOD HOME. CLOSK IN. HKKTT A KKR. LTD.. N close to •< hool end fhurch. Thera S SPECIAL*. 4 -Iclnhy of Victoria going at a sarrlfhe O-ROOM. NKW AND MODERN RKSl- rock or awamp. Four acre* culti­ FOVB ROOMS. FI LLY FURNISHED, I a three-room, new cottage, *°»d 1. MODERN. FIVK-ROOMED £b*X®*; price. A fsyr of the many 1 «-attirée Include. Q DENCK. with nearly 1 acre land.. all •23 Fort ht reel. "hone Ut vated. acre In rear half cleared, but seeded and the land Is all cleared. Price- $1.460 Commodious 6- roomed dwelling. 4 UP-TO- to grass. Four-room cottage, barn, gar- LOW. vtry complete, close to Oak Bey cultivated. House has 4 large bedtoonn. no vr. ETC. with $«•• cash and $14 monthly. No Ava. Ownar leaving and has cut Ms 1»ATB GREENHOUSES covering an area living room and dining room with folding Real Estate. Financial and Insurance Hgs. chicken hounr. city water laid on. of over 10.000 er,cea. wm etc.. all buildings In first-class condition. ment. large sleeping porch, furngc», cow* low fronting on the best part The greenhouses are fully stocked with a bins, also laundry tubs. I.and Is all culti­ J. GREENWOOD. accept part trade and some cash. These of Langford Lake and com- AAK BAY own- r of a 6-room. modern ward Bldg.. lt#7 DoegUe Hi. are well worth Investigating large variety of hothouse plant* and vated In fruit and email fruit, about *0 ,n andlng an excellent view, ™ bungalow, wlt-hln half block ul car. vegetables with 'an estimated talus of bearing fruit trees, apples, cherries, pears, 1230 Government Street. I. WILL til\ K AWAY the lease to a email Phoenix Assurance Co. Ltd. I Ï*' nice beach. beat. Ate. Houe* <•« Inent basement, furnace, fruit treos. grocery store with living rooms. rent ov. r $2,000; Î % a. re* of Excellent land, plume, peaches, etc. also *004 vegetable is fully furnished wlth_ the etc., wants to trade fur a * or 7-room only $16 per month, ànd 4*11 the stock garden.rand all kind* of full bearing fruit fLondon. England) I Nin'i‘ .d flower garden; barn for 4 head, add ' exueptiolt of bedding. house in good locality. Telephone particu­ come albne. t am tired out chasing trees. Wonderfully sheltered location, high garage, -chicken houses, runs and excellent at list price. A snap __large kt ■%*** lars lor Inspection. after this bad child. 1 shall need a 4. HAVE A LOVELY VICTORIA BUN­ and dry and with nice westerly slope. Very GOOD __ outbuildings. “Property* Is oliiy TM value atii.ST». over, such havoc as it made! And low Taxés. This Is a going cohrOrri. hut HOMES AT from City Hall. Just off paved road and long time to rest.” GALOW. Clear deed, te trsds *« * while Mr. Run tried very hard to home of equal value In Winnipeg. owner’s poor health makes. It impossible CHEAP PRICES close to school ; good view of Gorge waters. Poor Mr. Run-Man did not say a to carry on. A snap at PRICE ONLY 16.300. TERMS. catch It, Little Breeze, small no word. Ho took Little Breeze by the DtXFORD’S. LIMITED. $7,000, ON BAHY TERMS. buys a 5-room cottage on Johneoe NOTE—Will take small house as part P. K. BROWN * HONS. longer, kept well out of his way. hand. It had grown quite gentle now •24 Pembertoe Bldg. Street, above Cook. Very nice payment. • '» to lawn. Insurance Written. But Mother Nature was abroad emNEKTON * MUHGRAVE. 8800 POWER A j FOR THE CHILDREN and though it took her a long chase and us Mr. Run looked he wondered oathroom. Small cash pay- •20 Fort Street. 640 Fort Street. ment. balance to suit. 1117 Itroad Street. she did catch the had breeze Just if it really was this gentle Little before it was time for Mr. Run-Man Breeze that had worked all the havoc ( UMt buys a S-room dwelling In \M qpJUW North End situated on lot M.t J^OMKS______OCR SPECIALTY______-A Woi king- to go to his home behind the hills in the peaceful valley. A dairy farmer living In a email TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. back door while Little Breeze was x 123. Faces west. jSmall man s Snap—4-room, pretty, new bun­ The Sandman Story and clopds. The next morning when It was town yvaa summoned to appear be­ cash payment, balance as rent. galow. stucco finish, basement, cement waiting at the front and away he she time for him to get up. Mr. Run- fore the local magistrate ,tm a charge foundation; Dutch kitchen, open fire In Towards Mr. Run tugged the -iin buys an 8-room modern dwell- llvinr room; first-class plumbing; 2 bed­ The philanthropic lady waa going Man very carefully peeped out from went as fast as he could go. For To-night naughty Breeze, pulling and trying of selling butter undej^ weight. The t)Uv Ing on Fort Street, near Ju­ room's with closets, best finish throughout. round a prison, and «topped to talk under hie bed clothes. Just a tiny, complainant was thé village baker, n Large lot. All Improvement t».V* t>elu: its best to escape. “You take this BOTH ALIKE TO HIM. bilee Hospital. l.ht 47 Vh « n*. Close In. on paved street. Only $«.200. and to a prisoner whose kind face ap­ unruly child back with you,” said sweet voiced whisper, he heard call­ who felt that he was being wrong.-d Faces south. No more local •msII cash payment will handle MOTHER NATURE SCOLDS MR. ing, “dear Mr Run-Man, It is time When he discovered that every pound Improx ement taxe* to pay. pealed to her. Mother Nature very crossly ;t "she & IX?tent (gushingly)—"They tell Finn II Utah payment, balance CITY HHOKERAUB (A. T. Abbey. Mgr.) "What brought you here, my poor SUN-MAN. came with you this morning and you for us to be off." of the famfer's butter fell below the SO* Villon Hank Bldg. Phone SIS. • Oh. no. it Isn't time for us to be me, doctor, you are a perfect lady- weight which a pound ought to be. man ?*' she asked. are to blame -for all the trouble she killer.” "Well, ma’am.” answered the man One early morning when it was has caused in my peaceful valley. off." said Mr Run-Man to himself. T "Have you a pail* of scales?" asked buys a 6-room modern cottage BUSINESS DIR-XT. had a scolding yesterday that will Doctor (modestly)—"I assure you, 81950 0:1 the upper part of PandorS (Continued) "My downfall was caused by attend­ about time for Mr. Sun-Man to get You are too soft hearted, by far. my dear madattl. 1 make no distlnc- the magistrate of the farmer. ‘ Ave. I.ot 10 X 60. Small cash ing" tou many weddings;” up he heard a soft caressing voice TüV'èTi if you are bright you can be last me for * while." payment, balance r.a rent. INSURANCE Then he softly slipped out of hie tion between the sexes. “YAs, y our worship.” REAL ESTATE AND "Oh. 1 suppose you mean you stole calling to him. "Come, Mr. Hun-Man. fooled. To-morrow when you come. “And weights?” the wedding presents ?”t it is time to get up. I have come to R. C. LAND A INVESTMENT agency. V LAND A INVESTMENT AOEXVY. ‘No. ma'am. J was always the ,‘iNo. your worship, - I have no ltd. . B Qoveryvm-wt pV^ne-I?--. Tun Rlons-irltti you.te-rday-”.----- Goeerument : phe»e us - Dridgfegiuoin: ...... — Mr. Hun-Man rubbed ht» sleepy "You have ho weights! How, then, SEWER AND CEMENT W0JRK «-yes and then be peeked out leui» c;ih you weigh your butter?" hi* bed behind some fleecy clouds ‘ Tliat Is very aimple. Since the Z A KELLI, contractor. Phone «U3U and saw at the window -the gentle .G.WEILS' tf-6* IN THE SUPREME COURT OF baker has bought his butter from BRITISH COLUMBIA. looking face of Little Breeze. FAMOUS me. I buy my breed from him. amt BUTCHER — Fewer "You can go along if you promise pound loaves serve me as weights to T work. Phone. 7-411». In the Matter of Estate of Adolph to behave," said jolly Mr. Sun. lie weigh my butter, if the buffer does fJV ALEXANDER, seweis. septic tank". Nelson, Deceased, hated to be cross, but sometimes not weigh what It" should, it is the even a Little Breeze was hard to baker's fault, and not mine, you see.” the Matter of the "Administration manage. OUTUNEsHlSTORY Act." “Promise not to go skipping off SCAVENGING and upset the boats sailing in the Th^JRotntuvca of Mother Earth- Notice in hereby given that under an ba>s and rivers?” he questioned. FCAVENOIXO CO.. is:< Order granted bv the Honorable Mr. “Of course, dear Mr. Sun Man. Justice Gregory, dated tho 12th day *»x April. A. D. 1923. I. the undcndgnrd, The Resistance to Kingly Power SEEDS AND PLANTS______wan appointed Administrator of the ajAVORraTgEED ftTURJLDJ Johnson Katate of the above named deceased, éi with-the wtH annexed; tAH partie» hav­ - —------— A Monarch Who Bet* the Style in Kings 6T Ftreet IMiqt;» 1".’4 *■ J ing claims against the said Estate are MAN TO MAN” requested to forward particulars of same of the time. The spirited foreign TILE CONTRACTOR to me on or before the 264 h day of May. We have told the stories of two view saw the l-^-Cnch kings as the A. D. 1923. and all parties indebted to the possible successors of Charlemagne policy went on steadily under Louis y^B "specialize In tile «e“*r*1 raid Estate are required to pay such countries. the Netherlands and XV. towards its final smash. Britain, id whiçh the resistance of in a recast hdiy Roman empire. By JACKSON GREGORY indebtedness to me forthwith Among the chief practitioners of Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 2v,th day the private citizen to this new type He mgde bribery a state method Author of "Judith of Blue La^e Ranch* of April. A. D. 1923 - of monarchy* the Machiavellian mon­ almost tnore important than warfare. grand monarchy outside France, we TYPEWRITERS n. L. cox, archy that was arising out of the^noral Chgrles II. of„ England was in his may *o>te that the Prussian * Trtngs; • - arriciai pay. and so were most of the Polish F-reéeriek WWHam 1. and f jlYPEWRITERF—New and aecond-hand. collapse of Christendom, succeeded. Instalment No. 17 1 repair*, rentals: ribbons for all tna- But in France, Fluesia, in many 'nobility, presently to be described. his son and successor. Frederick II 1 Ulnae. United Typewriter Co Ltd.. .0* parts of Germany and of Italy-rr» His money, or rather, the money of Frederick the Great (1740-86). r<>rt Mfrc-t. V1rtorl>^Pb2^^gA^__J Raxonv and Tuscany e. g. -personal the tar-paying classes in France, we ntc very where. Tha Rise of the Hohenzollerne. WINDOW CLEANING BHuwreby wor fioV +*> reetrained-and The story of the siow rise of the overthrown; It established itself in­ But his prevailing occupation was Hohenzollern family, which ruled the "Block and tackle"! muttered Steve ain't K«»insr to ho a hide or hoof BBOTT WINDOW...... ^ -----CLEANING CO.. deed as the ruling European system splendor. His great palace at Ver­ klngdqm of Prussia, frqm inconspic­ abruptly. “A small steel cable. Two left* in Drop Qff Valley by morn- \ 1*10 Myrtle Street. Victoria, ». C. during the seventeenth and eighteenth sailles, with its salon*., it* corridors, or three men up there; a...... man.... on ing. experience, satisfaction. Phone uous beginnings hi to*-tedh>u» amP Sealed tenders nr •invited for LKe ein­ centurie a. ----- its mirrors, it* terraces and fountains horsvback down bHow.' And* - wbtiw —Thn- -rignattrre. eramped and stiff, Cra.wshaw. prop.. dis&llltd ^ vet - unimportant for u" to foTTdw here. IF was that of Steve’s grandfather. Evi­ struction of two sixty-foot Diesel power In France there had been no Magna and park* and prospects, was the is a story of luck and violence, of Barbee nnEFT fir rnr«twoo<1. «trr, 17-16-htrh. I» "V'ery well, then come along, extended., their chateaux to the new ,i stnmg, well-drilled army, and its thhir- There- ley a man x»rer yonder, I» cord.. «#**.-* • outside of v the envelope nixed..gathering., phicc. aaiUL no .digru* king was ah attentive and worthy “You stay here; Terry.' f -Etwir.: Construction of Power Boats, and must said Mr Fun. taking Uttle ÿy fled method of unity. "pattern. "Will l?” Terry retortêd with ani­ dead, with Barbee's lead In him. be received at this office i#t later than the hand. “I hope you find some kiWa A great industry of beautiful and student of Machtavelli. Frederick 11*001)—Double loa«1, $4.50; single Io*d Louie XIV. end Mazarin. mation. "Not on your life. Rteve And old Man Packard was coming 12 o’clock noon, the Ith of May next. to fly and keep out of mischief." elaborate fabrics and furnishings de­ the Great perfected his Versailles at to-night—to-night, of all times when > 1 $2.t0; good. dry. laat veer’a. Phone Eacli tender must be accompanied by They formed oppositions to the Potsdam. There the park of Sans kard! If this is the beginning of a certified cheque for ten per cent, or Up and up over the .tope of trees veloped. The luxurious arts flourish­ tilenbama finish— Well, I'm in on Steve's heart was hard, when, lie had and mountains Mr; Run and Little crown, they made leagued of resist- ed everywhere; sculpture in ain- Rouet, with it* fountains, avemies, just come upon men stealing his the total amount of the tender pries,- . statuary, aped Its model, there also it.” TIMES TUITION CARDS lowest or any tender not necessarily Breeze Journeyed ami by and by thfy ance—such was the "FTonde,” which l.asnr. faience, gilt woodwork, metal Before Terry and Steve had çone a stock and had learned that his own accepted. came to a valley where for miles it was struggling against the young work, stamped leather, much music, was the New Palace, a vast brick grandfather, the old mountain-lion building erected at enormous expense, score of paces deeper into the Canyon EDUCATIONAL (Signed) 3. A MOTHKUWFI I. waa peaceful and still. King Louis XIV. and hie great magnificent painting, beautiful print­ a rifle cracked, a spurt of flame from the north, was one of them. Chief Inspector of Fisheries minister. Mazarin. while Charles 1. thw Orangery in the Italian style, *~ XROsar -gCHOOL.-cor. Jjt. FairflgJA«4LPd Mr. Sun-Mar» was ao busy sending ing and bindings, fine cookery. Hue nhnwrrt whrre thtr -rffleman -*tr>nt|-wd- -It they meet 4o-«tghL" -thought Utotsdn's Bank Building, Vaucouvsr,- TîT* warm raya aTTouT that Tie forgot \Vas~flglrnfig r&rhT* We in England vintages. with" a collection oTpictures, a"marbTë Terry, “those two Packards, there are C> Chaatcr. Summer term open* April April 16s iML------,------but ultimately t vofrï♦. » civil- directly a by et bg Lr. h eay!»., a n <1 r»: Fi>r parrtrmars apply trr Mtt-s Tor a minute Bhd TeT gO oT ther tinrnt Rid Neele ïiÜ FosM HIT?. there came sounds of men’s startled goirifc to be otTu*r meri“kIITed; Good of Little Breeze, and away It ran war, they were' conclusively defeated. culture to the pitch of authorship, 1418 Fort Street. ‘ Amid the mirrors and fine furni­ voices and the scampering of horses’ men and-bad men. And, as likely ae CjrROTT-SHAW BUSINESS INSTITUTE growing into a strong big wind at And while in England after the and corresponded with and entertain­ not, Blenham won’t be one of them.” ture went a strange race of "gentle­ ed Voltaire, to their mutual exaspéra ^ —Courses;4 Commercial, stenography, every atop it took. establishment of the Hanoverians "They had lookouts all along!” She turned from them and stood for a clerical, hlgh-r accounting. Oh, how it blew the trees and men" in vast powdared wigs, with tlon. psratory. Civil Service Phone 28 or the House of Lords andt2i their,h ‘ enunsub- intrigue and prostitution and silks cried Steve, throwing his rifle to his little looking down into the black write for ayllshua. Individual Instruction. flowers! And even the chimney* of The Austrian dominions were kept shoulder. "Bet ter hold back Terry ! ” void of the canyon. She fancied that New Weller Bldg. Join any time *9 the pretty little houses were tumbled supported by amazing canes; too busy between the hammer of the He fired. It seemed to him that he the darkness down there was thin­ SHORTHAND School. 1011 GoVt. Com­ French and the anvil of tho Turks ning. The daw n was coming up al­ still more wo”tleI’fuJwanriife 1 to develop the real grand monarch had glimpsed something mhving at mercial subjects. Successful graduates the aristocracy. Cardinal Mazarin the top of the cliffs Just above the most imperceptibly. re--i»mmendstIon. Tel. 874. -E. A. Ma - tow.r, of powdered h»lr «nd w«.rln* style until the reign of Marla Therrea waa himself building upon a founda­ vast expansions of silk and satin place whence Rlenham’s men (as he "Sunrise already?” tion that Cardinal Richelieu, the con- (who, being a woman, dhl not bear 1 Steve's voice, borne to her ears Sealed tenders are Invited for the con sustained on wire. believed) had lowered the steers. MUSIC temporary of King James I. of Eng­ the title of empress). (1740-8Û). with startling distinctness. Why *t ruction of one forty-foot gasoline Through It all postured the great Then, fur aheàd as the canyon widen launch for the Department of Marine land, had prepared for him. Joseph II., who was emperor from ed suddenly he made out dim, run should a man be startled by a new j^DVANCED and elementary 'joHn Louis, the sun of his world, unaware and fisheries, Flsherle* Branch; also After the time of Maearin we hear 1765 -92, .succeeded to Ear palaces in- ntng Terms and Again fired. It 1)1» sunrise? True, The night had gorie _____-tlon,------Special for repairs to^YheP V. L. t.uli, of the meager juid sulky and bitter 1780. quickly, but— Drury Pryce. 1348 Fort. 1 ’Oohoe" and "Black Raven/’ at present of no great French nobles unless they faces that watched.,.him from those cowboys heard and rode toward the IS* INA K. GORDON, tester of lying at New Westminster. B. C. Copies aro at court as court servants and With Peter the Great (1682-1725) cliffs, it was all in the cards that they The sun never rose there!" Steve’s luwefr darkrnenies to which his sun­ the empire of Muscovy broke away might intercept at least a couple of voice again, thrilling through her M , blano and VloRfi. S03 Blanshard^ S^r of blue prints and specifications can be officials. They have been tamed— shine did not penetrate. obtained from the office of the under- but at a price, the price of throwing from her Tartar tradition» and en­ Blenhain’s tools. Behind him he with its portent. "It’s fire—range .signed or from the Inspector of Fisheries the burden of taxation upon the The next reign, that of Louis XV.. tered the sphere of French attraction. heard Terry’s voice, eager and fear­ fire—In a dozen places!” PROFESSIONAL CARDS at Prince Rupert. • . was the age of that supreme mocker, A bright glow lay across the far, Tenders must be addressed to the voiceless mass of the common people. Peter shaved the oriental beards of less, crying out: undersigned and plainly marked on the From many taxt*s both the clergy Voltaire (1684-1778), an age In which his nobles and introduced western "Good boy, Steve! We’ll get ’em upper end of Drop Olt Valley. As the BARRISTERS outside of the envelope ‘Tender^ for and the nobility—every one Indeed everybody In French society con­ costume. These were but the out­ yet!" bone-dry grass here and there had formed to a Roman church and hardly caught, vivid streaks- of flamt» and a DUNLOP * FOOT. Construction of Gasoline I,aunch. ’ or who bore a title—were exempt. In ward and visible symbol» of his Twenty minutes brought them to Barristers, gollcltpr» Notartea. etc "Tender for Repairs to Gasoline Boat*, any one believed in 1L westering tendencies. veritable devil’s dance of a myriad and must be received at this office not the end this injustice became Intol the top. Member* of NOVA ^.TI> „”^ITC?fA’ erablé, but for a while tho French It was part—and an excellent part To release himself from the Asi­ "Who’s that?” shouted a sudden sparks shot high skyward. ALBERTA and B. C.- BARS. later than 12 o'clock noon, the 8th of —of the pose of grand monarchy To herald the wrathful coming of Phone 316. _ May next. . . . monarchy flourished like the Psalm­ atic feeling and traditions of Mos­ voice. “Hands up!” S12.2 Ssvward Hldg^____VlçtorHtJî Each tender must be accompanied by ist's green bay tree. By the open- to patronize literature and the cow. which, like I'ekin, has a secret “That you, Barbee?” grunted Steve. Hell-Fire Packard!” a certified cheque for l(Kr of the total Do your gums bleed Ing of tho eighteenth century png- sciences. Ix»ul« XIYV pet up an inner tityrtne Kremim, he burn- him­ "Dirt they get away ?" Hrrch was the thought springing CHIROPRACTORS - amount of the tender price ileh writer* are already calling at- academy of sciences in rivalry with fullttedged Into Terry’s brain, into Lowest, or any tender, not necessarily Fish writers are already calling self a new capital. Petrograd, upon *’No, they didn’t.” said Barbee easily?Iiso,takeheed. Untiun to the misery of the French the English Royal Hoclety of Charles the swamp of the Neva. qucerly. "1 got one of ’em!*1 Steve’s Into Yellow Barbee’s. OBT. COLLIER- DC., rn u. accepted. II. and the similar association at A chain of fires had been started 2»78. 309-10 Pemberton Bldg. Ladv (Sod.) J. A, MOTHERWELL. Pyorrhea is coming. lower classes and the comparative And of course he built his Ver­ “You did?” Steve asked eagerly. prosperity, at that time, of the Eng­ .Florence. He decorated his court "Who is he, Barbee? I want to talk across the whole width of the feeding Chief Inspector of Fisheries. *W*h poets, playwrights, philosophers, sailles, -the F’eterhof, about eighteen grounds. Now the rising wind made R Molson's Bank Bldg. Itstrikesiour persons lish poor.. miles from this new Paris, employ­ with him." DETECTIVES and scientific men. If the scientific Vancouver, B. C., April 21, 1923. out oi every five past On such terms of unrighteousness ing a French architect and having “Andy Sprague, it was." answered of fit a sudden burning barrier that Iie'WESTERN PRIVATE DETECTIVE what wo may call “grand monarchy ' process got little inspiration from the Barbee. “He’s dead now.” extended from side to side of Drop patronage, it did at any rate acquire terrace, fountains, cascades, pic AGENCY. 32-23 Board of Trade Bldg forty, and thousands established itself In France. Louis Terry shivered an though with cold Off Valley, came rushing toward the resources for experiment and publica­ ture gallery, park and all the rec lower end, threatening to leave but Victoria. B. c. Day and night. Phone 91» XIV.. styled the grand monarque, ognized features. and drew a step closer to Steve; he younger, endanger­ reined for the unparalleled length of tion, and a certain prestige in the felt her hand on his arm. a black charred devastation of the eyes of the vulgar. His more distinguished successors precious pasturage. DENTISTS ing their priceless «nty-two years (1643-1716), and “I heard you shoot in’,” said Barbee. set a pattern for all the kings of Louie XV. was the great-grandson were Elizabeth 0741-62) and Cath­ “I rode this way, on the jump. Wo Bteve, Barbee and Oliver, a ranch teeth and health. of Louis XIV., and an incompetent erine the Great, a German princess, come pretty close to runnin' into each hand, had ran and thrown themselves uhT^W F . 201-2 E AtP first he was guided by his who after obtaining the crown in FR PcrsK.' Block. Phone 4204, office. 9^30 Tenders will be received by the under­ imitator of his predecessor’s magnif­ other. I hollered at him to hold on upon their horses. signed for the building of a 67-foot Machiavellian minister. Cardinal icence. He posed as a king, but his sound oriental fashion through the an’ he jus’ rode on his spurs an’ "Terry!" Steve shouted over hie SHUTE, Dentist. Office.^ No. Dieael powered launch. Bnuh your tetth with ruling passion was that common ob­ murder, of her husband, the legit­ shoulder. “Down the cliffs again; 1)R " p»i„w» T1«*. SA Mazarin; after the death of the car­ Plans and spécification* can be ob- dinal he himself in hi» own proper session of our kind, the pursuit of imate czar, reverted to advanced ‘DU1 he tell you anything? Did he quick! The fire Is coming this way; talr.ed from the District Forester. Van­ women, tempered by a superstitious western Ideals and ruled with great couver; District Forester. Prince Rupert, person became the ideal “prince. say npythlng that would implicate the herd will stampede!" MATERNITY HOME He wa*. within his limitations, an fear of hell. How such women as vigor from 1762 to 1796. She set The herd had stampeded. and the Chief Forester. Victoria, on pay­ up an academy and corresponded anybody?” T3 »ACH CRO FT NURSING HOME. 706 ment of $25 00. which will be refunded exceptionally capable king; bis am­ the Duchess of Chateauroux, Mm*, "No.” replied Barbee. “He jus* To Terry there crime the sound of on return of same. de Pompadour, arid Mme. du Barry with Voltaire. And she lived to shots arid men's voices shouting, J • Cook. Mrs. K. Johnson. C.M-B. Phone Ibrhaifs bition was stronger than his baser cusses me an’ dies game. But this Tenders will be opened noon May 12. dominated the pleasures of the king, witness the end of the system of cursing, yelling wild commands, a and must be received on or before that passions, and he guided hi* country here was in hie pqcket.” toward hankruptcyr through the and how wars and alliances were grand monarchy In Europe and tfoe He parsed it to his employer. It rising clamor meant to divert the AtlSS l.E-iNARlifl MATERNITY HOME, FOR THE GUMS made, provinces devasted. thousands execution of Louis XVI.- 1507 Fern' ood Road. Phone 290C daj!;ech tender must be accompanied by complication of a . spirited foreign was a bit of note-papet. Steve and blind rush of frightened beasts., to Terme nu.defate. a certified cheque for 10% of the ten­ policy, with an elaborate dignity that of people killed, because of the Terry read it together as Steve turn them to right and left so that dered amount, and be forwarded In an More than a tooth taste vanities and spites of these creatures, they might scramble out of the valley envelope addressed to the Deputy Min­ still exorts our admiration. Copyright, 1921, by the Macmillan struck one match after another. The PHYSICIANS —it checks Pyorrhea His Immediate desire was to con and how all the public life of FYance few words were : - before they came to the lower end ister of Lands, Victoria, and marked arid Europe was tainted with Intrigue Company. Published by arrange­ where chasm down into which many • Tenders for 67-foot Launch." solidate and extend France (to the ment with the McClure Newspaper Blenham: This here Mex don’t R. DAVID ANCfFs—Women’s disorders * O. R. NADEN, 35c and 60c in tubes Rhine and Pyrenees, and to absorb and prostitution because of them, the seem to know what 1 mean. Next a great, terror-filled body was doom­ reader must learn from the memoirs Syndicate. D specialty; T3 Fears' experience Suite Deputy Minister of Lands. leeeeeeoeesseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet the Spanish Netherlands; his remoter time send a. man as can talk ed to plunge to annihilation unless 4AA. Pantagcs Bldg.. Third and Lnlversltv English. Anyway I am coming the way were found to swing the flood to-night. 1 don’t want no killing of fear aside in time. if it ain’t necessary, but there (To Be Continued) -By GEORGE McMANUS BRINGING UP FATHER 7------—t TELL HIM WELL HAVE TO 1 ftl TREMOUNC, WHO Price of Home Spent TO DRIVE CjO TO CLANCY*» ALL OvLR -I M TOOIMTV FlttbT TO OT FRIC.MTE.tSED MOORE-b- / VOO A *>UtT l; TO DEATH- OF CLtCLOTHE*»’ InVain by Mrs. Downs Toronto Lady Tells of Costly | s“ï„T,4 KST iSW Search for Health, Ending Pie. My nerves were I couldn't sleep, in Complete Recovery From confined to l that Stomach Trouble By Tak- ^rkSUow ing Tanlac THI-j • Before I took Tanlac three years ago 1 spent enough money on medi­ cine to buy a home," says Mrs. Mary Down». 1 Currie Place. Toronto, Ont. "For neveu tern yearn I euftered '•V terribly from ludlgretlon and t lirpefa. " Paine In the pit of rtomai-h often made me cry out In agony, and If I ate any heavy food It almost killed me. I would get ©ISM jnr Iwt'l EgAT\J«« M nauseated and ; I couldn't

- 18 Hebrew tongue “God Man, without the shot of a firearm. This waa also prophesied In the Bible. The Incident Woman’s Health là singular because it was the only tiGHT THOUSAND CROWD city captured during the war with­ out the shot of a gun or any nre- jûmLtui Small Fruit Restored arma, and without any bloodshed. ARENA, TO HEAR STORY OF Is Modern Book SU CUims Lydia E. Piakham’. Dr. Price continued to tell how al- Growers .uady the Arabs were greatly out­ ST STORE Vegetable Co-pond Did It After numbered by the Jews who were re­ CHRIST’S SECOND COMING Everything Else Failed turning to Palestine since it had been THE POPULAR YATES reclaimed “The Bible has often been —See This Sprinkler termed the "old book,' " stated Dr. Milwaukee, Wi». —“I feel that I Price, "but the Bible Is after all an You save considerably on the cost of hose, for one ‘"Little Wonder* Rev. Dr. C. S. Price Preaches Keynote Sermon to «««•ht to let you know about my case. up^to'-datje .book." Sprinkler will water from 2 to 3 times the area covered by the ------11 wu ailing and Some hundred and fifty people Building To-day ordinary sprinkler. It gives a more even distribution of water too. Monster Audience; One Hundred and Fifty Answer Icouldberely do my answered the altar call. Songs of lhou.eworlt and invitation were sung and a Prayer Altar Cafl; Biblical Prophecies. washing I was so offered for them. Healing followed for rundown, just the sermon. The meeting proved a Drake Hardware Co., Ltd. | from having on. most successful and Inspirational ofid 1418 Douglas Street and It was with deep regret that so 2213 Oak Bay Avenue “Is He coining; when is He coming, how is He coining and Id. I took a lot many people were turned away from The Womanhood whom is He coming for?” These were the questions that r" medicine, snd the doors not being able to hear the 1 doctors. Then keynote sermon of the week. C. S. Price, evangelist, answered in his sermon, “The Second gave them .11 up of ing of Christ,” delivered before an audience of 8,000 which taxed end took Lydia E. Healing Service. the aeco'mmodation of the Arena to its capacity last night. T e PinUham’s Vege­ Sixty-seven people were prayed for j • llulldln* to-day for the womanhood of to-morrow. table Compound last night by Doctor Price. Although To-morrow Help the Y.W.C.A. Membership Drive benches on the main floor were tilled while the scats surrounding I snd I feel wonder­ there were very few demonstrative the pit was also crowded. People thronged the boxes while the fully good now. I do every thing that cases there were many who were two galleries were jammed. At 7 o’clock the doors of the Arena comes along, and we all take your touched. Before the end of the long medicine aa a tonic when we don’t train of sick had been reached peo­ were closed to the general public. The only exception made was feel luit «o. I am thankful for what ple commenced to disperse, so a cloe- The Coal That Satisfies lng hymn was sung, and the healing the entrance to one of the end galleries which was not tilled, but the Vegetable Compound has done carried qp after the people had gone was soon taxed to its limit before the service commenced. for my health and for my family.”— home. l?tfl many who came to the Help the NANAIMO—WELLINGTON Carloads of people came to the rink from 7 o’clock until 8.30 lira. Mary Saiecbeck, 944 28th St, platform to be cured had secured Milwaukee. Wisconsin. cards without Dr. Price's knowledge, but only had to return to the city. Some 200 hung about the doors Letters like these testify to the it is stated, and the healing after this and it is estimated that 2,000 were turned away. ______value of the Vegetable Compound. was very disappointing. When the These women apeak from the fullness ninth person -came to the stage fol­ The* Sermon. world. But," pointed out the of their hearts. They describe aa cor­ lowing the dosing hymn Rev. Dr. a. In his Introductory remarks Dr speaker, “It was stated that He Is rectly aa they can their condition»: Price said he was able to pronounce me. ■price stated that ire htul -been -een- with you but shall be within you. a-cure. "That le the first person out vfrrced of the second coming of There is a distinct dtffermce First those symptoms that affected of the last nine that as had the fau* CMat and the .manner In which lie the two.'* Dr. Price declared. “I be­ them moat conspicuously; and later to be cured," stated the evangelist, COAL was coming only after much prayer lieve in the distinct work of baptism the tfiaappseraneeof those symptoms. who continued Ms work. Twenty and reading of the Bible. It was of the Holy Ghost. But this was not They are sincere expressions of grati­ more cases were prayed tor. I can l only after he had been blessed with the promised second coming of tude. For nearly fifty years Lydia E. understand how these people have J. Kingham & Co., Limited the Holy Spirit that he was con­ Christ." v Pinkham’» Vegetable Compound baa got cards." Dr. Price sald.^ “I cer tainly never gave them out." V - - — • Phene 647 vinced from the post millennial to the “Others believe that the deMruc been so praised by women. Pemberton Block -premilîènnlal coming of"Christ; Eva Anderson, whose spine Our Method: Twenty sacks to the ton snd 106 lbs. of coal In each sack "I don't think that anyone will tion of Jerusalem in the year 70 A.I>. curved. and whose legs doubt that there Is a second com was the second coming of Christ. the 1 paralysed with one leg shorter than ing of Christ, for there are many But," the speaker averred, “Christ rise until 1.000 years after." 1 the other, testified that her spine was did not come to destroy Jerusalem speaker declared. Drive references in the Bible of His second getting etrolghter and thgt her leg coming," the speaker declared, “and but to establish it.’ When la He Coming? was growing some. “I am healed. tirentÿ times as many references in s-comTcomingSome have theChrist opinion come, that .t the I *s^o„" 'K the Old Testament -as to His coming as a King to the number of times He time of youryou, convconversion.’ertion. 1 don’t be- I dny ^iU nI "h= lee. ” the little girl stated. Is referred to as coming with a cross. Ileve." eeld the' prræher. ’Ihet the | w< wm know (ortor that ,,dayay le I Take» Picture». Z Paul mentions in the Pauline Epistles no less than fifty timesUTe second j£tu»"snow at"the moment of my|Md Meùïf declared*"the t'etb?r’ th* | Becaure Re wlrtiw to tthtetratedw» coming of Jesus," the Evangelist con­ evangelist declared. book» whleh lie I» writing. Dr. Price tinued. , ' Many people have distorted the ha(| the large crowd at the Arena last The Second Advent. Hew He Will Cerne. I Bible quotations especially In the nljfht photoeraphed by flashlight. The How will He come?" asked the Book of Revelations and Daniel Jn|two books he is writing are “The “EverySlrae ydu pray the Lord's evangelist “He will come in thelordeh to set the date of. the *ecpnd Haptinn of tho Holy Spirit and The prayer you pray for the second com­ twinkling of an eye Just as man saw coming of Christ, said the speaker. r>lvlrie Healing." Commandant Hod- rM ing of Christ." declared Dr. Price. lTlmeCra SuVomt. That is] •Through this juggling of the scrip, 1 dinott of the Salvation Army, led in “Thy Kingdom con»*.’" the prayer S descend tofture» many peopl* Have rbeen ^ prayer while the Salvation Army for style, states, arid a kingdom must have men his churah brida The graves vlnoed of the set date of the «condign rendered some very excellent king." the speaker averred. wiTopen and^the deeuT In Christ will coming of Christ to such an extent Lotions. Miss Can-ell al-osanga 'How do 1 know that He will come Tkn.e living mill not I that they have arrayed themselves in dellghifu! solo. A report of the Chl- comfort & arise first. Those living will .again?" asked the speaker. “It says robes and ascended unto a mountain noëÿ'nteetlng. held Tuesday night wa* ALL-WEATHER TREAD in the Bible that the Lord said. If I have any preference because of their i to await His arrival on an appointed 1,^ plven < ommlssU>ner Staneland Dfe An. body," the speaker asserted. economy. go away I wlir come agalh.' , The day." I expressed the wish that the B. C. E. testimony of the"angels was 'also “This world will not expert that He given at the time of the ascension, We ran never know and it Is dan- | a. Co. should be thanked for tneir is coming. ‘Ile'wlll come like a thief gerous to ever try and find out." Dr. I special service which was a great when they declared that even as lie In the night' just as it nays In the L.io the efiSé was- leaving them so would lie ra­ Prtee asserted. "We should take the l benefit to the-community, BibTe. In that very day when we attitude of watchfulness and pre- I earn ing on of the campaign. tura," »a id the preaeher> don't expect Him the heaven» will Jlon-Rus-fai/c open and He will come once more, pa redness. He'le coming noon, there MISUNDERSTOOD. Defied Law. is na doubt. The rtgns of the times the speaker asserted. Indicate toward the premillennlal “I believe He literally defied the “Will He find faith? U 1" up to "Martha, you'll have to do better, law of gravitation and that He went coming 1 will tell you. Prophecies or I shall give you notice, said the everyone of us not to expect Him to have come to paee and although there bodily up and up and up until He be heralded six months In advance in mjstrees to her new maid. was enfolded In a cloud,” Dr. Price Ft,me that have not been ful­ "But I'm doing my best, mm order for us to prepare, but to MS filled. the signs are that the aec- said. "___ ; ever wattihful and, prepared to meet Martha snivelled. Built With a care ------Much Controversy. ___ coming- of Uhriet will be eoon “Yesterday afternoon you msuiteo iStyfc qur Christ.1" as it Is declared that He will come “There is much controversy oyer “The living, will meet the dead In a friend of mine." who Christ will come for,- liow He after the prophecies have been ful­ “Why, mum—" &9 which amazes vis- ' the air to meet the Lord. No time filled. Just how soon afterward I "When Mr. Greening called for me Corsets will come and when He will come." will l*> given for preparing. Uke don't know nor does anyone else," Dr. Price declared. “Some say He with his golf clubs, you slammed the St)'!» sen suit» thief, he doe» Hot announce his com­ declared the evangel 1st, door in his face " .. With increased Leeltk end comfort D & A has already come. That He came ing. Jesus meant .what He said, and Urger figures, iters to the Good-iï when the disciples were blessed with “"Take heed that ye ire not de­ —"Golf cluba, mum? said Martha. Corsets give the stylish contour, straight front which it con­ eaid what He meant when He «old: ceived for many will come with my “Why, I thought he was an umbrella and beck, hips confined,—the contour of youth the Holy Spirit. But this Is dis­ will come like a thief in the night.' *" trols end sup­ tinctly contradictory the Evangelist name" ” quoted Dr. Price. '"Prac­ mender!"...... year factories assarted Dr-Trice. tically all the propheciee have be*-» and Urac. But insist on the model designed ports" comfort contended; "as it'Says Tn the ttfbte bewared bvth* that the Lord said T wilt send you fUTflTIed. Very TTttre Is left to bw ful­ Alta occupies a third ©f nU the for your tjh*. For Women vîho seek stÿle These lie Will Take. design end the ~ n 1 another Comforter.' 'When He Is filled. He is right at the gate. The land of the earth's surface. togetlier With economy it’s ahsolutel-y worth When a thief comes to rob us ho world has not been stirred like it ha» elestic gusset*. come He will guide you Into all truth while to take the time required' end get the and be a Comforter.' but it was not does not take our kitchen stove or rip to-day, A great revival of the Holy “ Durebene" the second coming of Christ," Dr. the Unoleura from the floor but he Spirit Is one sign of the tinte," de­ correct model. Your corse tier» will help >>ou. the wonderful Goodyear means Price contended. T certainly believe takes the best of our jewelry and sil­ clared the speaker. “The power of boning is used that the Holy Spirit did come on the verware that he can find." the God is falling in showers'all over the “WHAT YOUR Departments -tfkick gi-5e Lest '9slue ele?eys advise the DBA throughout— day of Pentlcost and has been from speaker said. "So will Christ be like country." he said. "I'm looking for Good Wear that day to this and never left the a thief. He will not take the value­ continents to he shaken by the power DOMINION CORSET CO., QueUe, Mentreel, Toronto. less kitchen table type of people but of God. There Is a return, beginning will come for jewels with which to right now, toward the old-time faith HUSBAND NEEDS" Maknn of La Diva & CotUew Corset* Ujl.—...... ’ ' . . adorn Hie crown." and religion. God's answer to •One night my hniband cents v I-»»______:------:------Referring to the Rook of Revela­ spiritualism, agnosticism and other some looking bo ill and worn out tion In the twentieth chapter Dr. dogmas. That which is lost is being Visitors Always Welcome Price explained that there would be restored," asserted the evangelist. list I thought he would faint. 1 Weiler Auto Supply House two reeumxniona. the first being, One Refuge tnsw there hsd been something Douglas Street at Broughton (Weller Bldg) those who have received the Lord a* erong with him for some time, their Saviour and the Old Testament “We've only one refuge and that la Telephones: Oftlce. 669: Battery, 66»; Night. 66. the Book. Take It as It reads." stated »ut I could not get him to tell me GOODYEAR TRUCK TIRE SERVICE STATION people who had obeyed the laws of what it was. Finally he confessed God, and “The unrighteous will not the speaker, “for It Is the in­ <61 AA Washing spirational words of God. I believe he was tired and sore ail .over. I •tJjleUU System that,the Book is the word of God. All made him go to bed. Next Where creeds and dogma have not with­ morning he insisted upon going to ■ KOI stood the word of the Book," de­ work although he was anything 13 lbs. of clothes washed clared the preacher. Service hand with business “People have a right to their own but well. 1 knew that hi» trouble when you stop at the (each bundle separately), re- belief but I want to tell you that un­ was partly due to worry because less the Book lies there Is only one for some months before he had Counts largest hotel in the British turned to you DRY, and bed way to heaven and every man. wo­ been out of work. This put us Empire. and table linen ironed. Extra man and child In Vtrtort* wtH not »o heavily in debt that the grocer get to heaven except by the way of and butcher refused to give us Quiet but efficient service lbs. 8c. the rugged cross," affirmed the preacher. “Beware of creeds with­ more credit. It was being out of meets your every need and out a cross." advised Dr. Price. work that worried my husband. creates a feeling of general The Bible's prophesy was fulfilled He wouldn't eht because he was when the Great War was declared," well being. asserted the speaker. “The great afraid there would not be enough fires that were spoken of In the Book food for the children. We were Fromjune to September • and the fight with vaporous smoke, ao poor that we had to keep the oof Carden, over­ all foretold some 1.900 years ago. children from school because they cool R have all come to past. The burning I had no clothes. I knew that if 1 looking the myriad lights villages of Belgium, the smoke used of the city, caters to your by both sides during the war for de­ could only get my husband strong 118 fensive purposes are these things," | and well again everything would desire for dancing and swelling of asserted the speaker. be all right He is a carpenter music Then the great famine, this also by trade and whefl in good health WATER bruises and strains has come to pass. China Is still In earn» good wage» and he is al­ A famous cuisine looka need yet of assistance from the rest ways sober end industrious. Bui MwOetat It may be a sprained wrist or of the world. She only just pulled after the inner man, and ■ elbow—a bruised muscle—a through one great famine while 1 knew that it was impossible fot personal interest and desire similar conditions prevail In India any man to do good work when topleasedistinguishesevery strained tendon— The big potato famine of Ireland can he was ill and worried. I decided You cannot foresee it. But also be Included In the prophecy. to speak to our old family doctor, employee of the Mount Pestilence has also visited us as was who had retired from practice. yal H you can keep Sloan's always prophesied. After the Great War the Direct From Farmer te handy to relieve the pain. When I explained how we were loanee Consumer Flu germ which puxzled the medical profession killed more people in one situated he gladly offered to dc Sloan’s brings immediate year than were killed during the war. all he could to help us, although MILK, 10c* QUART comfort. It breaks up the It Is strange that the epidemic should he didn’t like to Interfere with the MJ while you travel congested and inflamed con­ have started In various countries at new doctor’s practice. Finally he DELIVERED all four corners of the globe almost dition and restores normal at the e^me time, giving no time for aaid, ’What your husband needs ii After-dinner dances and masquerades while circulation. Use Sloan's to the disease to spread." stated the I good tonic and I know of you travel are only one of the many delight­ V-I-M-P-A guard from pain as you would speaker. Then the earthnuakes have nothing better than Carnol.’ I Vancouver Island Milk Preduc­ an antiseptic to prevent in­ also been fulfilled." Dr. Price named thought that if our old family noo Rooms ful features that make the travel-by-water ers' Association. many. Including the great San Fran­ doctor recommends Carnol it must fection. Yourdruggisthasit. cisco earthquake of 1906. 11 oo Baths Phene 663 930 North Perk St. be all right On my way home 1 way different. M.d.,. Cmmmia Jews Return Home Buy Vimpa Butter—Made in got a bottle and before the first ' - These are nightly feature* on the Admiral Line l llilm i.|| Il’ffl ftgffff “He that ecattereth Israel will also Victoria. collect them." quoted Dr. Price. bottle had been used, my husband > steamship» "n. F. oAlexander," Dorothy Sold by All Grocers. For rbeomsttsm. hmiees.etrmint.eheH colds Vividly did he portray how the was a changed man. After he Alexander"and "%uth oAlexanderthe music Jewish nation had been scattered to had taken four bottles his ap­ being furnished by splendid jazz orchestra». all corners of the globe but never ex­ petite returned, he had more terminated. A people without a energy, that tired look in his eyes Regular service, frequent sailings, low one-way country Dr. Price termed them. The Jewish people were still In existence. disappeared and what 1» most im- and round trip fares between Seattle, Tacoma, “In the last century." Dr. Price said, riant his wages have been more Victoria, Vancouver, Portland, San Francisco, "they have Increased their numbers Kan doubled and he is now super- :RoyaïH©îel Los Angeles and Sen Diego. greater than any other nation. There bttendent of the wood workin are 6.000,000 Jews In Russia and •hop in which he formerly work# e Atk for detailed information and literature We Frame Photos and Pictures! 1.500,000 in the United States." It as a carpenter. Thanks to Camel waa prophesied in the Bible that the Don’t allow those pictures to «poll. Let u« frame them for Jews should be collected by those our troubles are over and we are MONTREAL you. They will look much better and be preserved. Brins them In who had scattered them and already once more a happy and contented VICTORIA, 901 Government Street to-day. Assist In the employment of disabled soldier». they are returning to their long lost TamOy.” Phone 48 country. There has been an In­ Carnol Is sold by your druggist —_ All our work U tuzranteed. - creased return, especially during the and if you can conscientiously VERNON G. CARDY. Manager B. G. McMkfcsa, FüeeeewTe^k Met-1- C. Smith Bldg., Swale.* last few years, of the Jewish people to Palestine. •ey, after you have tried it, tint Another prophecy that has been It hasn’t done you any good, „ 7" ~ Direction: THE BED # CROSS WORKSHOP fulfilled is tly recapture of Jerusalem^ return the empty bottle to ljlra UNITED HOTELS COMPANY OP AMERICA It Is strange,-but nevertheless true. 584 Johnson St. (Just Below Government) Rhone *1H end he will refund your -oney. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Jerusalem was captui.x! by troops, 0-622 under the command of General Al- H R ALEXANDER PRESIDENT i lenby, whose name means In the (Advt.)