Apiaceae Lindley (= Umbelliferae A.L.De Jussieu) (Carrot Family)
Apiaceae Lindley (= Umbelliferae A.L.de Jussieu) (Carrot Family) Herbs to lianas, shrubs, or trees, aromatic; stems often hol- Genera/species: 460/4250. Major genera: Schefflera (600 low in internodal region; with secretory canals containing ethe- spp.), Eryngium (230), Polyscias (200), Ferula (150), real oils and resins, triterpenoid saponins, coumarins, falcri- Peucedanum (150), Pimpinella (150), Bupleurum (100), Ore- none polyacetylenes, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes; with opanax (90), Hydrocotyle (80), Lomatium (60), Heracleum umbelliferose(a trisaccharide) as carbohydrate storage (60), Angelica (50), Sanicula (40), Chaerophyllum (40), and product. Hairs various, sometimes with prickles. Leaves Aralia (30). Some of the numerous genera occurring in alternate, pinnately or palmately compound to simple, then the continental United States and/or Canada are Angeli- often deeply dissected or lobed, entire to serrate, with pinnate ca, Apium, Aralia, Carum, Centella, Chaerophyllum, Cicuta, to palmate venation; petioles ± sheathing; stipules pres- Conioselinum, Daucus, Eryngium, Hedera, Heradeum, ent to absent. Inflorescences determinate, modified and Hydrocotyle, Ligusticum, Lomatium, Osmorhiza, Oxypolis, forming simple umbels, these arranged in umbels, Panax, Pastinaca, Ptilimnium, Sanicula, Sium, Spermolepis, racemes, spikes, or panicles, sometimes condensed into Thaspium, Torilis, and Zizia. a head, often subtended by an involucre of bracts, termi- nal. Flowers usually bisexual but sometimes unisexual Economic plants and products: Apiaceae contain many (plants then monoecious to dioecious), usually radial, food and spice plants: Anethum (dill), Apium (celery), small. Sepals usually 5, distinct, very reduced. Petals usual- Carum (caraway), Coriandrum (coriander), Cyuminum ly 5, occasionally more, distinct, but developing from a ring (cumin), Daucus (carrot), Foeniculum (fennel), Pastinaca primordium, sometimes clearly connate, often inflexed, (parsnip), Petroselinum (parsley), and Pimpinella (anise).
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