ISSN 1175 – 9364 The newsletter of the Cycling Advocates Network (NZ) Apr - May ‘04 Auckland Mayor John Banks presents the awards for the Auckland Commuter Challenge on 18 February. From left: Ron King (bicycle), Ray Williams (car), Jon Bridges (bicycle), John Banks, Maureen Thompson (bicycle), Lenny Bloksberg (organiser, Cycle Action Auckland). See page 3 for more details. Photo courtesy of EECA. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Auckland cycleway Cycling through rural Are rail trails the completed – page 10 Burma – page 20 future? – page22 Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) Email:
[email protected] PO Box 6491,Wellesley St,
[email protected] Auckland, New Zealand (newsletter) Tel/Fax: 04-385-2557 WWW: The views expressed in ChainLinks are not necessarily those of CAN. EDITORIAL Such are the wonders of modern technology that editing this issue of Chainlinks from the other side of the world, some six months after I returned to the UK, has proved remarkably easy. I have enjoyed updating myself on what is currently happening with cycling in New Zealand, and I’m struck both with the variety of activity, and by the similarity with issues here – despite now living in one of the more cycle-friendly cities in Britain (Oxford) many of the problems faced seem very similar to the frustrations felt in New Zealand. In a world made ever smaller by constantly improving communications, we shouldn’t forget international experiences and ‘best practice’ when seeking to champion the cycling cause, as we can increasingly find useful lessons the world over. The NZ Ministry of Transport recently saw a new minister take charge, Pete Hodgson, and on behalf of all at CAN, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome him to the post.