

Nighthawks VirtuaLife


. Free streaming platforms for Nighthawk students . . . . FilmRise . Connect with friends Virtually . Kast . Looking for a place to watch movies, play, and hang out with friends? Hop onto Kast and start sharing experiences real-time! Up to 20 people can share their screen or camera and another 100 can watch. . Party . Watch Netflix from your account with your friends online. . Binge Together . Watch Prime Video, Disney+, and more with your friends online. . Metastream . Watch internet videos with friends – includes support for YouTube, Netflix, , , and more! . Rave . Watch YouTube, Vimeo, Reddit, Google Drive, Dropbox and Viki together with friends. Combine phones to create an instant speaker system / international karaoke night. Users can also create new content with Rave DJ to compose seamless mashups from user-selected songs.


. Watch Nighthawk Students Play . UNG Esports Twitch Stream . Create Your Own Game or Play Free Games Online . Tabletopia . Roll20 . Board Game Arena . Playing Cards Online . Chat about Gaming . Kosmi

Nighthawks Entertainment . Campus-wide student activities organization that is officially sponsored by the Office of Student Involvement. . Current Virtual Events . TBA


. Arts Beats Atlanta . A free online space for people across greater Atlanta area to find entertaining, innovative online arts programing (theater and spoken word, dance and movement, music, visual arts, film.) . Atlanta Symphony Orchestra . Metropolitan Opera . Tiny Desk Concerts


. Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam . The Georgia Aquarium has eight different webcams where you can watch some of your favorite sea creatures. . North Georgia Wildlife Park & Zoo . Smithsonian's National Zoo . San Diego Zoo . Monterey Bay Aquarium


. Virtual Tours o Smithsonian National Air and Space o Van Gogh Museum o National Gallery of Art o The Met o The Louvre o Find more at the Google Art Project


. SpaceX . Curiosity Rover (Mars) . National Parks . Ellis Island

Local Learning & Reading

. Explore Historical Dahlonega . Explore Historical Gainesville . UNG Libraries . Galileo Scholar-USG (Higher Education) . Hall County Library sign-up, e-books, audio books . Lumpkin County Library sign-up, e-books, audio books . Forsyth County Library sign-up, e-books, audio books . Oconee County Library sign-up, e-books, audio books . Fannin County Library sign-up, e-books, audio books

Civic Engagement

. Register to Vote in US elections . Complete the US Census

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