Sito Httttott (Dlram M *
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Sito Httttott (Dlram m * ESTABLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN. NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY. JANUARY 6. 1933 THREE CENTS PER COPY BRANCH ELECTS OFFICERS. MAYOR’S MESSAGE COOLIDGE DEATH LINDEN COUNCIL WARREN NAMED CLUB HAS PARTY. The following officers were elected The Original Fifth Ward Republi-i FIVE ARE HURT ¡in the Linden Branch of Independent can Club held* its first annual New TO THE COUNCIL Greater of Linden at the recent annual SHOCKS NATION STARTS TO WORK RELIEF DIRECTOR Year’s eve part yand dance Saturda) IN AUTO SMASH meeting: President, Harry Rabkin; evening, attended by many county and 'vice-president. Max Ziriin; secretary. city officials and their wives. There I The Ci»V Council afficiully started j>ev_ Morris Baicofsky; treasurer, Mor- The City Council officially started C ouncilman Arch G. Warren has were 200 present in the Linden Sport its 1933 work in the City Hall before ris Shapiro and chairman of the sick N ORTH AM PTON, Mass., Jan. 5.— Kive persons were injured in a colli its 1933 work Tuesday in the City Hall been appointed director of emergency ing Club in East Elizabeth avenue a record crowd, by reelecting Coun and need committee, Morris Holland. C alvin Coolidge, thirtieth President of sion of two cars Sum ay morning in before a record crowd, by reelecting relief for this city to succeed former where the dinner dance was held. cilman Arch G. Warren president, The officers will he installed at a ban the l_ nited Stater., died suddenly today C otincilman Arch G. Warren presi Mayor Jules Yerner, effective yester Health Commission«- Gus Eilbachcr Edgar road near the Rahway line. The receiving the onnual message ot quet to be held at the Blanche street at his home in Northampton. dent, receiving the annual message of day, it was announced by Henry G. and Y’ictor Hayden were in charge of injured were: Williat l Menger, 28 Mayor Myles McManus, who stressed synagogue, January 15 at 6 P. M. The He succumbed, according to phvsi- Mayor Myles McManus, who stressed Nulton, county director of relief at the arrangements. ■economy and unemployment relief. dinner will be for members and their ctans. to a heart attack that had devel years old, of 230 West E'ourth street, economy and unemployment relief, ap the courthouse in Elizabeth. Yerner [ Roselle, compound fracture of the left oped while he was at his Main striel Democrats To H Id Meeting law office, and he died alone—in his pointing John P. Mahar, a past com resigned as director wh.n his term as leg and fracture of his *ibs; Mrs. Wil- mander of Linden Post No. 102, Am The Clovers Social & Athletic bedroom. May^r expired Saturday. liant Menger, 22 years old, of the same erican Legion, and a well-known base The J. Kalish Democratic Ass'n. of address, suffering iron fractures and Club will give a dance on Sat., Jan. Mrs. Coolidge, returning from a The appointment of Warren was ' ball player, to the unexpired term of the Seventh W ard will hold their next laceration of her neck: Mrs. Clarence 7th, 1933. The Clovers eetend a cor shopping trip, discovered the body at recommended by Nulton and Con- Mayor McManus as councilman in the meeting on Firday, January 6, 1933 at ¡Marshall, of 219 Christ .ani street, Ro- dial invitation to all social, politisal. l:l.s P. M. The former President had firmed by Chester I. Barnard, State Sixth Ward, and adopting the rules director of relief. a new meeting place. sellc; laceration of the chin and possi athletic and civic clubs to attend been dead thirty minutes, according for 1933 fixing the same meeting The meetings for 1933 will be held to physicians. Overseer of the Poor William Moore ble fracture of the lef leg; Dorothy their annual monster dace at Polish nights, the first and third Tuesday. at Linden Hail which is located at 16th will be the first deputy director in Wood, 14 years old. of 142 Livingston Xationel Hall. The tragic death of the sturdy New St. and Wood Ave. After the organization meeting the chare of general supervisory work and street, Newark, possil 1c fracture of The annual affair will take place Englander, who less than four years Newly cl.cted officers will take over council adjourned for a short time and the handling of direct relief: James the left leg and Mrs. Handle Wood, on Saturday, evening, Jan- 71It, 1933. ago relinquished his high office in their respective offices at this meeting. then held its first regular session. Ma Robson, former councilman, will be 33 years old, of the same address, a The committee in charge have pre apparently the best of health, provided The newly elected officers and their har’s appointment was made and he the second, in charge of administra wrenched shoulder. All except Mrs. pared on evening chock full of mirth a parallel with the sudden death of his respective offices are as follows. was invited inside of the rail by Presi tion and investigations and John W. Merger were taken to the St. Eliza this monster dance promises to be the predecessor, Warren G. Harding, who Mr. John HalySick, Pr sident; Mr. dent Warren and sworn into office by V ray will lie the third in charge of beth Hospital, Elizabeth. Mrs. Men most successful of the year. died in a San Francisco hotel while Anthony F. Knuchas, vice president; City Clerk Thomas H. Sullivan. Mayor the food dispensary and clothing re ger was taken to the Elizabeth Gen his wife was reading to him, and after Mr. Thomas McManus, Treasurer: McManus held the Bible. clamation. \\ arren was first deputy eral Hospital. ‘ The Business of being a Chris physicians had Relieved he had passed Mrs. Kurz, Corresponding secretary; a serious crisis. under \ erner and Moore and Wray The automobiles according to the tian” will be the sermon topic of ihe Mr. Yictcr Gendis, seargent at arms. police were driven by William Men It was on the death of Harding that were also deputies. Robson is a new rector, the Rev. Dr. Clias. A. Behrin ger, of Roselle and i awyer, of 142 Coolidge, then vice president, assumed deputy. ger, at the regular 11:00 a. m. service Livingston street, Newark. His office. The oath, it was recalled today, Warren, the new director, is quite next Sunday, which will be appropri daughter and wife, whe were injured, was given to him in a lamp-lit room familiar with the relief work and meth VETERANS ELECT ate to the teaching of the 2nd Sunday were passengers in his car. while the of an old farmhouse, by his late father ods having been 'interested in this in the Epiphany Season. The Holy other three injured persons were My nauguaratvon as Mayor of the —a justice of the peace. work since being on the Citv Council. Communion will be celebrated at 8:00 NEW OFFICERS riding in the Menger automobile. City of Linden marks t'leassuroption Nulton Mil id he regretted that he had A. M. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. The police learned that it was a of the'* responsibility id' guiding (Jie Award Prizes To Pupils to accept the resignation of Yerner, The monthly meeting of the Vestry The members of the Linden Yeter- rear-end collision and that both cars affairs of the City through a most because his work was so efficiently will be held next Tuesday evening, ans League will meet next Tuesday were damaged considerably. The po- handled that no words could be spoken critical period: a period of great un Jan. 10. Another popular card party Professor John F. Noge awarded the evening ;ti the German Club on Knopf ¡lice who investigaled were Patrolmen following prizes to his students for in too high praise of his accomplish certainty. I appreciate the expres- is being planned by the ladies of St. St. Linden commencing at 8 P. M. Herbert, Clark, Lavoie: and Knapp. ments in this behalf. He spent manv : sion of confidence placed in me by Mary’s Guild, to be held in the parish successful completion of their violin sharp and will formulate plans for They helped to take some of the in studies in their respective grades for hours and days in his efforts in behalf the pcaple of our city and l realize house, on Friday evening, Tan. 13th. their second year. jured to the hospital in the patrol the year 1932. of the unemployed and unfortunate- too, that t.his confidence must be and The most important matter to be wagon. First prize for highest average, per in the city, Nulton continued.' will bo justified. mvspapers publishing cti>e municip dealt with will be the selection of offi David Lang, of 60 EaM Third street, fect attendance and most credit points One of the most serious problems al adds can be prevailed upon to cers fer the coming year. Ralph Mar- New York City, was in ured last eve was awarded to Edward King. Win. Scheafer Republican Associa that trees our administration is the publish the bills paid out by the tone who ha.-> done very well with the ning when the car in which he was a Second prize awarded John Kais-.r, tion gave a farewell party to Council care of our fellow citizens who are City without charge am! I recom League ince its organization does not passenger was struck in the rear by a I third prize awarded John Caputo, man Scheafer at Jura's Hal! on New out of work and in ne'erd.