1162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 February 2, 2011 (4) urges national and community organi- SENATE RESOLUTION 38—CON- Whereas the Auburn University football zations, businesses in the private sector, and GRATULATING BROOKLYN CEN- team earned its first national college foot- the media to promote awareness of the crime TER, MINNESOTA, ON ITS 100TH ball championship in the 1957 season, when of stalking through ‘‘National Stalking ANNIVERSARY. the team was led by Coach Ralph ‘‘Shug’’ Awareness Month’’. Jordan and quarterback Lloyd Nix; Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and Mr. Whereas the victory of the Auburn Univer- FRANKEN) submitted the following res- sity Tigers in the 2010 BCS National Cham- f olution; which was considered and pionship Game was the fifth consecutive BCS agreed to: national championship won by a school in SENATE RESOLUTION 37—RECOG- S. RES. 38 the Southeastern Conference; Whereas in 2010, the Auburn University Ti- NIZING THE GOALS OF CATHOLIC Whereas February 5, 2011, marks the 100th gers were led by quarterback Cam Newton, SCHOOLS WEEK AND HONORING anniversary of the establishment of Brook- winner of the Heisman Trophy, the Maxwell lyn Center, Minnesota; THE VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS Award, the Davey O’Brien Award, the Walter Whereas in the summer of 1852, individuals OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN THE Camp Award, the Associated Press Player of came to Brooklyn Center and cleared rich, UNITED STATES the Year Award, and the Manning Award; tillable land to farm and build homes; Whereas during the BCS National Cham- Whereas those industrious individuals Mr. VITTER (for himself, Ms. LAN- pionship Game, Lombardi Award winner quickly transformed Brooklyn Center into a DRIEU, and Mr.
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