V·Index of Linguistic Items
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82348-7 - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of: The English Language: Second Edition David Crystal Index More information V · INDEX OF LINGUISTIC ITEMS A back of 311 dice 201 -ex 201 heightist 177 /k-/, /-k / (sound bad 199 did 347 exist 231 hello 393 symbolism) 251 a indefinite article 222–3, barely 218 different(ly) from/to/than extra- 128 helpmate 139 Kate 153 330 bastard 251 194, 311, 451 herb 260 Kellogg 268 short vs long 307, 325, be 212, 221, 225, 231, 347 dis- 128 F heterosexist 177 Kinki 114 351 inflected 21, 343 div/divent 326 his (= its)65 knave 63 verb particle 347 regional variation 322 do 45, 65, 70, 212, 219, -/f/ (sound symbolism) history 136 a- 128, 315 be- 128 228, 326, 347, 418 251 -hood 198, 208 L -a noun singular 201 be about to 224 does 204–5, 326 F/f 259–60, 268 hopefully 194, 229 noun plural 201 been 347 -dom 198, 208 far 199 house 207 /l/ clear 245, 337, 343, -a- (linking vowel) 129 be going to 224 don’t 219 farther/farthest 199 how (exclamatory) 219 345 A/a 259, 268 best 199 dos 326 -fashion 211 hurting 314 dark 245, 345, 354 AA (abbreviations) 121 be to 224 do so 228 fattyist 177 hyper- 128, 429 sound symbolism 251 -able 198, 211 better 199 dot 429 fi 347 vocalized 327 ableism 177 between you and I 194, 203 dunno 275 -fix 455 I voiceless 335 -acea 198 bi- 128 fore- 128 L/l 261 -ae (plural) 201 bio- 129 E for ti 338 I (pronoun) 347 La- 150 after (aspectual) 338, 343 bloody 98, 173, 352 frae 329 vs me 203 larf 275 -age 198, 208 -body 210 e magic/silent 42, 200, -friendly 133 -i (plural)
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