American Journal of Diabetes
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DIABETES All articles peer-reviewed Vol. 1, No. 1, February 2004 From the Publishers: Diabetes: cure, care and counter Original articles: Insulin Pumps Series CSII vs MDI. L Meneghini, MD, MBA Insulin Pumps. J Sparrow-Bodenmiller, RN, CDE Atherosclerosis and Diabetes Series Blood viscosity. KR Kensey, MD Blocking Islet Beta Cells Shutdown Series Diabetes vaccine. T Orban, MD Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Series Prevention or delay of type 2 diabetes. Summary of Practice Guidelines 2003 Journal club: Diabetic nephropathy, pancreas transplants Features: Clinical trials, news bulletins, resources, meetings Premier issue for diabetes educators and physicians whocalendar, care for bookpatients reviews, with diabetes puzzle corner PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Easton, PA Permit No. 62 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DIABETES Vol. 1, No. 1, February 2004 Publisher American Journal of Diabetes is a professional clinical Lori Auer and Stewart Smith journal focussing on the diagnosis, management and treat- ment of diabetes. Each issue includes articles that physi- Editor-in-Chief cians and diabetes educators can apply in daily practice. Susanna J Dodgson, PhD Articles are selected for publication on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the treatment of diabetes. Composition The articles are not product endorsements or advertise- Emerald Pademelon Press, LLC ments; all advertisements are clearly marked as advertise- ments. Authors’ opinions are their own and may not be the National Accounts Representative opinions of the American Journal of Diabetes, its editori- al board, its Publisher, its Editor-in-Chief or its advertis- American Journal of Diabetes ers. American Journal of Diabetes, its Publishers, Editor- in-Chief, Editorial Board and its advertisers assume no Editorial Board liability or responsibility for any claims, actions or dam- ages resulting from the publications of any article.
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