Second Battalion Activated Making Roads, Building Bridges ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF Worms Scare
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Vol. 5, No.UNMIL 02 FOCUS December 2008 - February 2009 Second Battalion Activated Making Roads, Building Bridges ELLEN JOHNSON SIRLEAF Worms Scare Exclusive Interview - Message from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General ive years after the civil war family’s collaboration with the came to an end, Liberia con- Government of Liberia will also include tinues to face daunting chal- efforts to implement these plans includ- lenges in many areas. In line ing through the solicitation of donor sup- with the “One UN” concept, port. FUNMIL and all the UN agencies, funds Further efforts to enhance the UN and programmes in the country are accel- family’s joint collaboration and integra- erating their joint collaboration to support tion are currently under way in line with the Liberian Government in meeting the principle of “at work together”. These these challenges. include practical ideas to improve joint The Government’s Poverty Reduction mechanisms and to strengthen communi- Strategy (PRS), the blueprint for the cation across the board. In this regard, country’s recovery efforts, outlines the the UN country team and senior man- overall vision and key initiatives for the agers of UNMIL held a retreat from 25- next three years. UNMIL and the UN 26 September 2008 in order to find ways Country Team provided joined-up advice to improve cooperation and integration of and support during the preparation of the the UN in Liberia. The retreat reviewed PRS and this collaboration has since been existing planning tools and previously intensified through the joint development defined goals of the UN, identified mech- of the UN Development Assistance anisms to increase delivery results, devel- Framework 2008-2012. The UN fami- oped a more integrated mission-wide ly’s response to the PRS outlines six joint architecture; and recommended mecha- programmes that would boost develop- nisms to ensure continued UN impact on ment of the counties and address issues Liberia while UNMIL draws down. related to food security and nutrition, My message to all UN colleagues and sexual and gender-based violence, gender the Liberian public is that in spite of equality, youth employment, and UNMIL’s drawdown and transition plan- HIV/AIDS. ning, the UN will continue to actively UNMIL and UN country team have support Liberia’s recovery efforts, as we also collaborated actively in assisting the recognize that Liberia’s recovery is still rule of law sector to develop strategic unfinished business. I also urge the inter- plans for the Police, Ministry of Justice national community to stay the course and Judiciary, and with plans for similar and continue to support the country’s efforts for Corrections and Bureau of development efforts. Liberia can and Immigration and Naturalization. The UN should be a post-conflict success story. Ellen Margrethe Løj Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia 2 UNMIL FOCUS December 2008 - February 2009 IN THIS ISSUE 04 Farewell to Liberia 06 Second Battalion Activated 18 Making Roads, Building Bridges 10 Liberians in the Lead 12 Children’s lot improving... 14 Who Answers to Women? 16 Civil Society is the Way Forward... 18 Advancing Workers’ Rights 20 Interview: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf 22 “Sexual Offences Court” Dedicated 25 Ashamed No More 26 Worm Scare 28 No More Sparkling? 30 Living Amidst Explosives 32 Peace, no just for Liberia 36 Interview: Jordan Ryan 6 38 Liberians Speak Special Representative of the Secretary- General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia Second Battalion Activated Ellen Margrethe Løj The second battalion of the new Armed Forces of Liberia comprising 657 sol- Deputy Special Representative of the diers was activated recently, marking a key milestone in Liberia's security Secretary-General for Recovery and sector reforms. With this, the total number of AFL soldiers activated now Governance stands at 2074. Jordan Ryan Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Rule of Law Henrietta Mensa-BBonsu Chief of Public Information George Somerwill Editor and Head of Publications Mathew Elavanalthoduka Staff Writers Sulaiman Momodu Carly Learson 8 26 J. Wesley Washington Design and Graphics Paddy Defoxy Ilos, II Much needed repair works on roads Reports of an attack on crops by Thomas Blidi and bridges are being carried out army worms turned out to be a false across Liberia by UNMIL's contin- alarm but the caterpillar invasion has Photos gent engineers to get major supply helped mobilize the government and Christopher Herwig routes opened before they leave the its partners to devise plans to stave country as part of the drawdown of off any potential threat. Published by the Public Information the mission. Office, United Nations Mission in Liberia Printed by Buck Press Ltd., Accra, Ghana December 2008 - February 2009 UNMIL FOCUS 3 [email protected] By Jordan Ryan Farewell to Liberia leave Liberia with a sense of hope. water was unavailable. But today, a little will draw upon this wealth, but realizing Hope that peace will hold. Hope more than three years from my arrival, its potential will truly require the efforts of that Liberia will prosper. Hope that Monrovia is bustling with considerable its greatest treasure, its people. the Liberian people will emerge economic activity. And throughout the My hope for Liberia is based on the from the chaos of war, with a land much has changed. change I have seen in each of the 15 coun- Igreater sense of self-reliance, more united Change can in large measure be said to ties. With Liberians at work, recovery is and ready to meet the challenges the future have originated with the desire of all now underway everywhere. It started early will bring. I also leave with the expecta- Liberians for peace. It was advanced by with an emphasis on getting people back tion that the peace and security that we the election and inauguration of Ellen to their homes. The Government and the have all worked so hard to establish will Johnson Sirleaf. With the election, UN made every effort to treat each refugee be the foundation for the long overdue Liberians not only got the first woman and internally displaced person with digni- growth, development, and prosperity of president in Africa. They had also elected ty and respect. And much was done for the which Liberia is capable. a dynamic, hands-on and passionate advo- re-integration of ex-combatants, to train I first arrived in Monrovia in early cate for development. them, and to turn them into a force for the November 2005 during the period of the I have known the President from her collective good of the nation. Looking for- run-off election. I had been chosen by days as an Assistant Secretary-General in ward, I hope as Liberia confronts the Secretary-General Kofi Annan to be his UNDP where she headed the Africa effects of the global economic crisis that Deputy Special Representative in the UN Bureau. I knew that the Liberians had important international support and pri- Peacekeeping Mission. Landing at RIA on selected a person with abundant energy, a vate investment will continue to be forth- that first day, I glanced out of the plane forceful personality, and the knowledge of coming. window and saw UN soldiers and all those development to get things moving. She On all my journeys I’ve enjoyed the UN helicopters at the ready. Peacekeeping never hesitated to call me whenever the chance to meet and talk with leaders and was a new face of the UN for me, and it need arose, sometimes early in the morn- the very poor, chiefs and school children, was my new family. (My wife and daugh- ing and other times late at night. I can farmers, market women and youth. They ter had to remain in New York, not assure you she’d always let me know have shared with me their dreams and allowed to join me.) squarely how the UN could do better. But aspirations. And I have experienced That first evening I took that long from the very first days sitting around the warmth and hospitality, from the tradition- drive into town. I recall even now how President’s kitchen table listening to her al greeting with a white chicken and kola deep the potholes were on the road and the vision of a nation at work and at peace, I nuts, to the taste of local dishes served up darkness over the countryside. There sim- have been excited and honoured to be part with my favourite, hot pepper sauce. ply was no electricity in the villages on the of a UN team at work in partnership with And my hope is that the Government way into Monrovia. I saw an occasional the President, her able team, and the and the nation’s leaders will continue to fire that provided light and heat. I had Government of Liberia. approach development from the people’s arrived in a nation devastated by war. Liberia is blessed. I have flown over perspective, responding to their needs by Upon awakening that next morning, I the length and breadth of this country and assigning the highest possible priority to saw the consequences of conflict. The journeyed along its bumpy roads to visit accountability. I am pleased that the UN, dawn revealed a capital city plundered, distant villages and districts. I have seen through our innovative County Support many of its buildings barely standing, the wealth of this nation, from its forests to Teams, has been able to assist the marked by mortar and ammunition bar- farm land, its rivers and sea coast (and Government to listen to and learn from the rages.