6 X 10.5 Long Title.P65
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86386-5 - Arguing about Gods Graham Oppy Index More information Index absolute value, 355 beauty, 411 Adams, Bob, 70, 86, 89, 92, 328 begging the question, 5, 11, 30, 51, 52, 57, addition, successive, 142 58, 64, 67, 91, 101, 102, 106, 125, 142, adventitious ideas, 110 182, 229, 347, 354, 356, 364, 367 agnosticism, 37, 39, 53, 58, 129, 179, 231, behaviourism, 396 235, 244, 307, 333, 414, 416, 417 Behe, Michael, 187 Alston, William, 289, 309 belief: coherence, of, 9; and motivation, 40; Anderson, Tony, 70 web of, 8 Anselm, St., 65, 72, 88 Bergmann, Mike, 289, 304, 309 Aquinas, St. Thomas, xvi, 101, 120, 124, 329, big-bang cosmology, 101, 138, 149, 154, 158, 338; Five Ways, 98, 107, 130; The First 172 Way, 102, 103; The Second Way, 99, 102; Big Conjunctive Contingent Fact, 130, 132 The Third Way, 103, 107 Bigelow, John, 274 arguments from evil, xvii, 4, 103, 123, 208, Boyle lectures, 185, 230 259, 321, 328, 402; evidential arguments Brennan, Geoff, 284 from evil, 4, 289, 313; logical arguments Bridgewater treatises, 185, 230 from evil, 4, 262, 289 Bringsjord, Selmer, 395, 398 arguments, minor evidential, 4 brute contingency, 120, 134, 136, 160, 234, arguments, moral, see moral arguments 239 arguments, successful, 7, 10 Bugge, Thomas, 196 arguments, teleological, see teleological Burman, David, 333 arguments Byrne, Alex, 256 Armstrong, David, 274 atheism, 1, 15, 34, 37, 229, 246, 333 Campbell, Richard, 89 Augustine, 328 Cantor, Georg, 33, 139, 140 axiom of choice, 124 Carnap, Rudolf, 67 causation, 3, 97,
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