« ( 8 * . ' ; ; . a 1 . . s T - i | ®



S. FOR SALE OR RENT. L()l IS\ ILi(L JO I RNAL. tba rijorof oarditaate, bafort aitaaiplioRloBAtn LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, MISUELI.ArMIS^EIJ.A^EOl - —- — ’XFUT.XCE »!«' *», D«t only ahoald ba taJiaa iato cotuidtmtioe Ti; MVM. OF 1 Evpr.RATl-RP‘ Iiv V1.-< I.-T. ' m\) " 'c.obT.k.•*•'''•» TIlOS.S.KENNEDYABRa, i.iii V,... 1 _ :...... ^i I :.i., ii.. V..1. . .a. 'i r«iiiTrt> *«!» rTBLiMici* n moTICE Mali] Street Buaineea Property for Sale. S2TA till ba.i been introduced into Ibe New Yolk t'ion” tba di.rtaiKe of ita natire cotnitry Proa tha a<]aat«>r. NOTICE. | to g!ij I wuh wil • Mrk Stnrrboiiiir, atnatrd on tbr Atudublv locomiimte the .antnice death uknry r. vaiu **a*V*".” **“* aboaa tha i rnnckJioMmof thr of pa.wed ~ fX~F!TXJ~FTT?. A T . gTwxrii JCTT«—o» *»»« C«»r» he J Bren, betwn-n .Srrratli ud *.*•* ***• ***• ** "®* hawihg taken into OE3SrEIR-A.Ia ««,KI> »Tun. tMt A mminr wtll br b«i4 « iii The oareral ai-ii.vn of t.n.L. .. T B'>iU«4 by the rourt of Oyer ard Teruiioer upon Mary vagetAtion arc I I . mat this last circhusunce. cartain eahiaa. Hoa... uU thb «<^®acttr «» js-dorkP.'fiL.rS^w..M.. EXCELLENT ^^ ^ ci'tii.rc,r?hrtMl I lliL > « BCRINE88 PROPERTk’, , •k5^?1SLC**^ Family Raaidence, prifoi inert for j ' frgtona. « ittiia tbnsr a,«atli*: OMiB^ IMlIf Trl-W^^Wy •&; Ai« CHt\,a»- ten can at Sing S.ng priarn. Tbia pa-ua* the bonndaiy of iu efficaiions m99 4l« action in each , B'arkir *i. Emiw ItalVciB •c • r«r «• U>* «»•*' • -—”77" gfa Od uniMAll^r f.Torablr Irnu*-* tvo-MOT brick ^ , ie9. ortr So«tk Sid* or is pol ably iLe first tinH* in tie hiatorv of »pBi I M^rk 4 Dowm, MmA ““ °* Tarirth ruart, Suite ;TT “*T t***."**' bctarro Stiaat, FcnrtkFcaitfe andaad FUkh ©raata,JUaada. *«<«.- WMklr-I eopr **: LIGHTNING! <*f*J*'aau4 Baloui. Let ntquainted, in great part, batwaaabatwaais Ffth A»t >• PROTECTION FR0M_FROM I'll » fm fruet l»r kiw '=‘WHITELEAD/i| (hsUTAUm^ [jU piTriT? lepislatkn wl enal.il! for tuch a purpose has l*en with ST.A.TH3ME3^JT ! ^fert dm to a »i foot rtra-t. Thr urUhliorboad b ^ lli Of CO. the I »'* «rr > (U^w* & n' and the ]iropm> 4<«rabtr Condition of the New World Fire bf ! DESHOXHESHON J limit^Te , 88. auT'kno^^^^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. ^ »• I wum: LK.\u^. ALEX. CASSF.DAY. Ill ^atwance Company I — -E— '""r. ; ~ :— applied to of the city of New T ar^ T 7: ~ a sulficient d.gree tends to PI - - oIRcr OD JH^raoB, . ; ^^1, axciia the vi- «AT» OF AI*% tkri8ISO IX THIi.U>ri8VILLt |' MteadSr „ , . Ci^lletm.j.sty^yueen Nicti.na, baa sent a York, on 1st j «» 1 goM lal ^e day of raaa«r> ab<;^ _5««ftf gmad door halo, properties cf plants^AII othar Match. 1859, J«»l KXALF\tKTIi»»-U».AtiVERTUfAtS. rvrwai ia Ihf(!?«SAa4 mhnnwt. things t» ire “ .*"T-J7L— ma rHr oacnr famkfa sniitrLox atd a meflal °»ade the Litb. gtras Ha« proa><^ £« for CapUiu liudstn of the » warm tempe.-ature ipcresws the ab.oTrtion to Anditor of the State of |i''f»P. Carso, aad >ambay Hab la^ >a (Mr MMrr. t» bar. MM. Ma«*. W bab-W alff arrmurd la a workiuauiUrc Broadway y oar«.attU. lsb*“ef aa Mr.uSISl 'TfSI^. f«« Lot for Sale or Exchange. '1»« «>u»s. the Kentucky .•H»l M««r 1 lUST Nirgara.forbUsetvic.sinlayingti.eAtUnUcCaUf. »nd eTaforation hv the laives: it ptusnantptuinant to the statuteatatnta of I of 1 p©Bir« bv Hbob©* rv»m *Jm Aaditar «4 iMstw.. momO» ••'-ralif aBlk©n©»nUl 8*4©, ^Jsw'S^ •”<* •« !« *? *T*^ — la >©4©«©*hu^orti rODTO, Wt ODD btttw©©n Irrstes the germinstiou that State: IT*’ !J I f Ul© I seeds, - .srai..'#©f© s theibo aavbbv ... It OiS2J ^ T H What rrerpt.i ii.n is 1 V S.utr to rreive f.ir wMt..h of the i.I -raawt‘r©BM©t kudiir..bw 4n©M m kenraakfMoDtBBkf nmimaadar Is-Ib- Si |>u. tbriDP MDDtlM. ‘i '‘’fwat.h- flswering . .• and feen rdation ..f plants, I ©ar©©©**wiraac. fj,wfjiw of twtb© .«UB»..«uie. tf* I»o.•o. fo«r »**^tb8•••etil* .... dU©> .. V I . 1 and the raa- v©^ — t 1*1*2 vitk Tl©»* W'llliDinr 4 Co.. G%» Ftlt©r* ©od , »id©w©lk imred. b©« »b©4« tret#, ©nd tbc ing the riecir.c lulsatiuns so faithfully .. ..^•Vt2 Iir4©«v through turity of fruits. .X.VMi;.SAMI'. A.NIi tbe©B Co.»aai»aCoMpaaic© *»*•*•tbt ©ttratiM«t»*n**an of thalb* •u l»V ... .. i •#! I^©.«xlO.MX m©«t*»* .. ru li©rK©i non©waew«k nar, Kaaewaa..vmwvm 8tr©et bnwltlPIVd WU h© anld Iaw gar «<»..•( ia. .a..a .... <*!!•> LiM.'ATI.rNLiW.’ATI.jN. laI© pc©-'©©t)Ba.a'.aila* the. M 22 S©. Til MAMT.Vl TIT.E W'l'TF. I.F.Ui i tfc iliiMpr- » IMPIir.VF.MF.NTS IN F f »«rDtAM U m•• AVISO LATELY MADE SOME jraarv weeks? I Mmttaiailh*, ©tmt ©*>arBBf ©M att©r©BM4 j, llir*>r v©Hi# t 'wdi fur © euitablr bouM ©ud ItH. 1 Ot^uiiv cold teiii|ierature diice.s ’^b' nana nl thi» Compaar la the w© dw M wfb ^ ! , *>U »««t uf j.-Je,j.'Jf, warrau!w*rr*ui to be «nu©le.iual inia iiualiiyqii©U(/ it j losdoiDAdu pr the opijmita re'ultv New W.>rM lifc I FO^s n ire now ott r to tlie trade our several•evef»l brandsbr©nd« olot thatth»t ar«r which »e anr©or I ©lut of tboir in4>tibl©«l •»4wmn©c ©ad prDmB«ltii4m ta IB© Mb* i%rnmitmfrmr4, 1 Na©* ©r Imd. i-^ mmmum ** •^ |qtw4r©< It diminishes the fuce *“>' LuouiMr.Looi*i©Br. ©mland ii11 Mia UeaiwdUic©l«4 InId laatb« cu,citr ogof X«w \ ark w iuos of each of the . rsnns’ n„ m *4* Bimlft 4tf In th© roanty . tlrabcBt (>f ktui^ ©ad •© biB< ©roriby of «BUr© cJB44Mi4 s mMmmm Xo. 7i Fourth i4r©©l, brl. ©cid *“*©ud 8«aic of N©w ©uMT. . ©Bb»«-dM© *©dilf M©io M©iirt. fo- ia»Dui»cTunDyin©Quf©cruriDy tbotoo •nd ^ ’f""York ^ ^ 2 A© w© tiDTe crerv facimr for obt©iainr»t©i Dior our 8UM>II©«8um*!I©« of thn mwr©w m©t©ii«l,m©t©ii©l, ©nJ•nJ Mm©, wowt ©re SUSP nils vegeuthm. I 1 o©cry r>©p©cT tto^|»rw©«k.r-rMDB» <*©». b 4© ©** other inactiuBCtuzvr m the W ,SS^ FANCY GOOI>S. pr©p©red to offor our ©rticie© oo a© yood term* ©^y A VFITAla. Do. 4© t teat For Ekde, A silver p’ate, six by four inches, wa, found *•••“ Fuortli i4©©«4. b©tw©©o Matket ©«4 JefcooB, it hfg“ f*i»fe©l . At IK The of FiD©B D<4W©—I wtkolf »• Immmr ggR^ A o©©t R©©ideoc« ob Aecond ikreet, betv©«Q PALF: 4ock Mtd ©ompany I© MakOik, I©*'«©r un \\F H-WE NOW' OX HAM) AND TOR c. of ef "Iww VoeR. lotlTfDlP-41 under the southeast rner tba old F.daral I-I. wbM© t© 1 LIFE IN3CRAXCR CftMPT, i*©Mi8li©4 D(©t iwUTf*©-4l B'.e street TheThe rtTrersrtre. rs ©U ©ea©©*!/ p©ki!>«“ , MLTl'AL A4©«nwU©DUA4©©rt »8eiu©©u IbDWMkM h© foM44 © Urf© »o4 b©©otlfDl©»wtB»©m ol ifTwcB ©nd Walout. pn>du«.lproduce ' »»op *»ia caA. C©»c/ coiitaluiiK Komi The IwOl ! . 4©| upon plants hvbv an toe ela- 4PM M' *S.auS.J* l(iud««i). Tbb>pro(«rtr h'*** Brntiia, by workmen valwl ••‘"'P^ralnretemperature nre of A>8ETi.A.-iaF.T3. t ©r ©©«Mi4r«. Pofist**©©*©* ©o4 l*»RPaa, ^©tcbe|iL o^iU b© wtld l>»w for |t©rt r©ah, 5,000 kfrs Whitf Lfad; i 'Tha .kmured pmniripmt* la the FrwRss “•»’^BoatSi Vb- ©nd rviiMun«l©r i© ©, DO It IS ar. Amount >f will b«' imrwd V 'ompuoied hy clrycnwi or ea^h iob©ok©ad ob AdrsvSMWWIsA4©*ci»«©aM-Bt« B.U B.arfced©aaiicpd D- inn^ C*r©©. C©r4 Ca©©©. iAgmr C©w«. WniW !>©4u 1C ©nU 1* luoiith©. Poiw> 88i«m rIr©o wbrorrer •'»<* •‘‘‘"f*' log the venerable (dilice. Tba plate bears tbe fuL ^ m>i©tnr* "'benWbon demred. 400 bbis Linsred Oil: I dr): 41..1Ai*.I eaarsrd.ex©rl©4. .. ©kt. |Vr©iBbul©ton, Forior COv, So M WnH ,0am IW/-W.I .#.Maar aN© KbIym, 1 Hs'ktt© ©o4 ©11 kiu4» F further btfonuatioo to Mcmt© slrvin I CONTINFNTAL INSCRA-NCE ^ .. ..a— i. adraaec ©iip^y 4 (iilo. Awonnr oV cssh in lh« lUDds ref© gar4©Y 4—a««nartr^aUa*bmrt«rty;,©ll *he'wiM"h^^iI^en of ! \ ..eSlr ©4©«e^©adrsrsas. 2^.- ar4 ©« Willow W©r©, l*-©lk©r l>«8lrr©. Toy©, 4c, 4c. W© or©44or©44r©«i HiJliFMT 8. FOKUK, “ American Zinc, dry; ‘s'-'e'- iv>rtr'n'"Sr"t'***''*** .Nn Xork t 'esk Capital aad dumhas m»,m. «©©»k'©* ©4 10 Boilrd do; s,.r.rs','rTA;;:'.;'‘*'‘*'* “P. ,•"» sn-leourse ..f trsniaisdnn ko©l^t©te©*4 * ©uratioa «»f tbc DhdWw 4tl l«caa-e th« 1 I eat^ or iBvH© lb© lo o©r »tuck, Mine «*»H Kii£©b thKwn. hr. •••“’•’ Tha kMwred autMpaia ia tha rr i Eh J^H' Ammurof ...i ale «!••*© ©Die©, l^f**** r. .k » great eran.ratioa n swaed hr I ©MMT ©• r©4©Ml8 BTirc© BBd tbe Mn©l.l> of — - 4 oar foodrt tb©r 25 “ Puny; : from the snrfscs, which *'“• '"“••“v n«»«.l -bb**^ b;^ » IE,?.;:,”the drmes,?;;;off»f the.ii"':"!"" m.oaradv.n.«r. „ ,4,^ gKt For Rent, I.h-buill, !T4I. Ktm.vcil ©ud Ih© fouod©ti« u of th\ tb«»Ollclj©©»iVd , NORTH .\N FIRE INSURANCE TO., .ha. ^ ctcot peimut»im!r theih. rent, in *“• '”?*** AHFRH .11- iitu. i« <. \Vm. I repair fast enou-ti * «»»•»• »«•_ II. UiJ. Auni k IIA.NMN,.. * If iti4iti! il.“* Wstl .(.. h. V -rk. 1 ask ..'apital aad -sarplua Rjew.asa FKOXT KOOM,©rcond floor, otiV stare^f ifaia I m\ ct po>:. “>• --S'*-.' ^iis-urhe^rrm:! wyvn’T<:PvS tuV.; twvmlaed la tke Year IsS. JOUN M. bUBLSHOX hUsA aMary Way U iri'ikiaf? Mkna a?Kvn>ionfl in teYrow^Vod>eIIow>ellow and fall.fall,f^B .*w-r*e..ad > 4 CO . v©J©utrin*K*vr^atatm 14 ^***^ TT...S.mawaa.M..-an-.eda.m. HOUSE ANI ROCKAWAY ar^w©t©d'arrejt©«l, *2n^lh|andiharr. t?***iT ^ »r ©n oft©©. 1 dtf 15 k^ana of tb© troD drv ap little hv o, worth •* I'wt R.tNrr ! i> or thf. vallev ta.. as littU . or wta awerai ra.ttaiw.a- ia edito For Bale Th©©Tt©ri Imned — Dur at .. ard live parts eheeier Ca.k Vapdol Rtsa.iMi. ^ of tb? tree .he /;*er. allalao lo-e groMMe |wiy«*' *^'*5'^:.*. retitir. ^wXU.rr..prietoroftheScreven.,ouse. fe.Xirtheir rr..t'rhrter;ir.r:i ~-i «w4 iai.ewd «« ! TUF. nor. b nnag aod wiU B»i frirb. IJ 1 miAi tui©, lh« tr©o ditf, for w© ' •** AiMtol*©* •< kaoww ' . **“*r©"*t due •• *M© !© ©1a f©M 4ia%'«a by * * j the ifher iain CITY ri*r Ihsl-RANCECOWrr. New Hawes. Caaa. gf^ir aa© b©©: ibMr ©•If fi\ -^%©B ©t tb© c©r« 4 W © l«4f . Tb© HYDR.\l Lie CE5IENT, e.,r*^«rt:.M died last week from the rlTett© cf a j c.^ul.*bti<.w ih»lol the ©o-cS/r'd mriluf-Tc” at S^vacDah. pliT.ti laia fb«The s©ata©at of tbtVr’ s\mo'iui oi lo»u© on «:hsrerwd t'aiutal • tbtir vitvitility.iliTy, ©oBd© ©ai ,a»a.iSa . A Rnckawar ©»d Haruow ©r© ii©©rty Bew ©n4 of ' 1 V a4itor». , ^ a g w «Bft©©©«>voap©Bli*4 ^ WHOLE- t«*bh» dAwim " ** •*‘*!*h »oro tb©a Paid ta aad vaffsai willb© iB8©et©4 S>m©tim-*9»]m*‘tim'SS>metim-*9 thetne H!i®r.lit^r,Ii!»©r. © I'T insirs As^jn'oi all ouirr loan, iawwiod ualr ra It. Evralar F.ulletia i ford, Tesn., on the 2Gih ult., by taking l«iidanum. of no, moda vZVwwmmw ’ kind of cnveloD. ' “v tii.. e..in,«nre.'inphnr 11- i vdf^ote^bmlf tlM Urpm ©MMftiB*^ of cboio© Ubdadiup Td©, Bourboa lie was of intemi prate bibils. in»cruoa,ia ibr l.v^. II •ill >V When . tio elcvite.1 FARMERS' IMON INsU RANCC Ca UF PE.hh joarwml©B«*'*«A***d-*^**‘ llordy %©rt-ii w. Al©o. ©« anaDa©U> Urp© atock of Ter •IrnnigetHt^tH, tMuperuture i. j.ined ‘ SVIORE! , Aibeae, Peas. • ja^ •a©s#‘M«^ Um- »B©w© I'nMi ONCE Mri. .'Sneed, aid inlirm lady residing near With ririlai 'T* H'*4W<»©. cAlirr an aged to> great « ia© V©iiw— . ai-wly tini«.*tt©d. b*i4df r©n» ©u4 bu©utffai humulity it pn d ire© a te«uU c«ia. d br the comp«Br w© Ufc ba©M*r of Um Jonraal ©r© i t g\I^VKIs^I^^.M^NT. TO^AV k*^ Ord^r' kff ©I pUII M. Keatacky M©rk. t. t ©II a V iiL'Pa' MK* v<"*a* Tnh l I \ DFN litltO .R 4 trary do© m McKnight's camp grout d, in Uatberford county, to the precedio^. It al-m ©\cite® i>1anta to ©omiMiny •• which ruLTiVT riRK I.NnUILt.hCE ca, n, ©atr© fftcr. W...A al. « _•.**. MUI^Tuent® har badly bur&<^ or ictaiJ 1). F. KLLWAMiER. Tba accideoti) nccurrin); from too Ki^it 5**'^ uuii©m1, nr preaiiuoi iwrtrw beat i swranea Caaipa Ic. we erw ure0>nd Vs m t ,mer dm WrBteo Bwtic© BawBi 1*^ #ivc© t«it ’*ot ©b4 ©top ©4- mrti dliu* t Nl Fr©Bklort uitbi©^ two Mile©. hours. '•* ">“•'*> if lusae e " riiAKCii: TisTir. r'"'*'* nw™ ffluent nalur* hsd n. t -et A«.o.!un?Jl!Jt!‘’«.jriej •snriwaof am awwa ’ha kmss faeonksa wais sa or | -7 'ewrlj «al%«inB»'r*brtor© Ib©>«©trai4^, ,..*s«n... T.W.. » rorv^-MCBteot , *, , mu'* certain I's Prerertr herehaadlSF aad lad,. Iwtlwliue pnq.er means to m.slerste srtkn. ' i«'.l ©Ta ^T 4TK fiF KF^Tl ( K V 4©Bii©rT Ti*ria, IklB. aad after Th(ir*day, Dec. 1'4e, Jo.,# M-ulinrr, s t^'t.r bov aho vsme fiom Buencs .si 4»t-r©»« ©H©li rb©r«© urt 4s*B»* 2, Train© will leave asm , wMn tSal^aS Uaese eu la ' aiaal aar a.^ >« ematww. POX. : *“« most roeauis ween, eiu# .loesnd it ockt. 1*4©. powerful are «oe«|. )*i«rljr will ducoBCiB J CiBu( litwkow* BotMa* U B«B will ©ay cb©rpr b© J«'4rr‘oa SoaHarB Poad liraiBiBr Co Ob P©T*rt>D. lif Indlaiiapoli© ©od Uioduuali Fri>r«M©©ttf:BU, A If always Virers in tummer s t.mper.ture mo^ «

**«© r yaariy rale©. loataDaichli© ‘ ' ©r Oilt©D©i«hli© o«i!od, ©t©4© for thaa obc tb© ©as- aniana^ tbr IftlrfT.jD St»Mtb©rB IN>b4 JV^iiAAJM rd. rN. idOBBaaa 1 KapreatatLapr©®© ©t It,it, A. M of sail loal.iu*; io I1 has UeD sutmnoaHl home lower than that tf tb** a iiio^pbar®, ©nd tha circula- To»©| ©«' of ©aid tB^Tbu I© tb© OBly direct ©od rt-lt©ble Roate tihmJBf W. H. STOKES *^W*W>B of Mir Ui|. fr ©b4« M tb® ®ar «BWBBrBt®f MAnil.ITIF-s ^oik* “"* •='< Laces ac., anw iMiae reeateal eorpot©Ui>u ©*T©hlk4 4. ©« ©ulbotir**! ©ad directed by onoMCtioii© with oth«r ro«d© to ©U thephudpai dtlce (8uree«ior to K. 4 W. U. Stoke©), and dollars 1.ufcft byh}’ a rich reutive.relative. hv .'V. T tsh UART. IM •' -'f^'mt of loses cbe temperature more elevated, it follows due »sd unpaid F^inhasret w-./ort ©( %V©r«r mmb'. B®«rir tboir ebaner. ©ad tb© lo^joradiup© « f Miid eofpofmUoB. a ^ KaA, Weft, North, and 8outb. that the aavo4=e HeU H- ..aasahaad a . ' r cImms® ®iM»rtiurBl V»e«MiM«iia®® of wbfeb wa© filed with ©aU petili fO Duly oDe cliauirr of car© betwacD LouUrflla I K^i ~Ra An old feliowfellow at YubaViilut City, CalifkrLia,Calif, roia, nh*wh* hadbail sap of the toots bal ;nces the it tl'iercs of be it uton '' W L»®ai^ F Mt Lb®b aad icom *Vi‘*"‘. 'i4ers.i Wbereui'AB it h» ordered, to Cfintonuiiy with llu* provlw Ciociimati, » awaiunfiuiiasr ^•7>*hC llaudker hMfa,arvat earls' of l*-a 8* . r LouD, lars, wu that * W'x wx ¥ ¥¥ k i "TI 1 LsJIm' aad hi-wo' (Mae, a. M»o©ol Mid charter, tb© bi»iio4©ry Bt OBt to Mid pE u, \ebrmjik©.Twn Train© ©i astn EM Jas- K©hm» ©ud one t i^ht by the bo.s, and ordered to at The temperature of so I Arnuuni ut eloiu:. t. r oae, aad .saos go core the compared to that iff i l.w»s rsM-iea aM Is faet. Muiitb IB twu of tbc dal iSAl)l)laEll\ ri'i;^y,.t-iiiiiried, o,- Ia: ducked la ihe pond, lie atmosphere being much lower in summer (in eeserhiad thas I, caw r A pro. I i' ^ t,^o i" 'i 2 Tf© B©,«t II A. R. ©ud li:45 F. M., ri© 8«!>roour COACH __ ©ud * clared' **^*" and*"'* *"*sne mad drsuwblc caa be had at his cboer to keep hispromihispromi-ee tot<. metae widowwidow, ai d,.l, a, portion as we obwrve lo ibc greatest ' m as she depth) we i are . . TblSNtTN.K 4< 4i .H huu—n* u<«iMeiwMMi i.eimii DD- “‘iTT-'fSTL^ U< ©od Terr© HauU, ©r Ihmstthrust tbems,lve)tbems’lvet deepeddeepeit into the soil ' a W1u4*-Mlr©a K* tail The l«dl«>w*Bp ia tbe bi.uudar} b4 forthlo the p©at*«>u A- a^ The plaguespisgues of CubsL'ul.s are mosquitoes, ants,unt.s, are the least Ear* i. iva him a catt. KMfTKUXt*KMt(TKuXt*'d^d MU . WV4tw©lr ©Bd CMB*.r Iudi*Dapolia ©ud Dilayette. 4S5 MAIN STREET, HETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, anjand ©od referred to io the lor«f(»iii< order, UF>wiT ^ NO. I exposed Into irriwnceirrijtnce of the bed. .Silecious ^ A kM.cBTBer f'.'urUiaud M©«M©ireeU corkcock rua. lies.ties. Tte'I‘te litterlatter Citeat yiurtiur clothes, lio.Hs, Silecious soils I Boiaaded ooOB the «©at brby the Sulidiur Well l^aokroadHankroad » »'c, *• nu.v draw IhU second infetwpce, that Tbe rre.test emoiinl Inwired la nay wo« riU is *©ktk. A , Wkukwal© DaleriO Cout a Frtitf tioo, while tbe mosiivi.oes, more mudest, eat noth- tbrumrb ib© land© of U. F. aad M. A. MMJawley ©ud A. M.aud 11 ©. rl© JudMoapoli© ©od Twrre n 4©..t4Tbir4©UBi< Bear Maio. M , !© Tor llaale; Larhen '* he»n to a puiot Io huiAir© Loebeo** hoe ©t ©nd©ad two Traixu. ©t 11 A. M. ©ad Lilftli:4ft F. M., vl© fieymour AUCTION SALKS. MOM Moore ©'© land ©ud the Ohio ©od Mm iMippi Railroad. BU;»1]NESS C:ARI)S. llw"Ws:ksl \p%roc>xyst to point the f©iir»M4 at tip©r4> il-nomMi h..e.hV,it.r ^ © PC. <44 corner. ©nd thence Ti^rskS* .nil t b..,,.. .u, mk-b. cowr it .ilh sr.s. S.t.s 1-.,.. W.ALL p.vpek siokr, • itb the r©Mroa4 ta the flepotit 4epot . ao4 tkeore 'tiicing ' KADY 4flAVlKfl.%tlM4M©b'Uiour«wau4C'0 aJ out s. a.usiiaT n u.usne> their prayvrn, especially at funerals, with rushes, and even sliices. It is especially in sileci.ms Tiur4 Brort a®Br M©i^ tbc.Bk-w cut road to tiu comer twswera Wood©' ©ndUoBiba', I>. AUYlSTItOKfa, R lf*'rrb©ut» Maiaatrret M. soils lhat these roeens require fo le emploved. nr Nsw Yoaa > Sew York. Boston. Philadelphia, nd Baltimore—Three S.8. O. Henry Co., tits uf Ucal and persmal 1 isturv, addressing — laetwetbeocr ©Ivoyaioag ibeirineir useline toso Wovd«*noon,' oomcreorwer la Pbilii>Philip 8moot*«SoKiot's -a-a TTWwHffXs^-ww & Co , them -rr Trarni.. at &]« A. and and ll:4i via A. the Uar. thwer at rirht oachw u Woods' soaUiweauum liae M II A. M , P. M.. SAOITOJ3.AXXX AXXOX^ UCTIONKF.R'(.VNr.:oMMlS#lf',^'?'*'l-r«^^t. and9aml.A.PalleT»on,See-' kirk, or liufiiiio. tl .«P®iBw©y'© FteBo®,tlto iuatoeWBU fl>Hjr.>iili ©telri*. . sm»di ouro.«lscon.i*ueJt..iistoen7 wanticg in all desirable knowledge, but reall.v lo 4 a Mein rtre«‘i'-fin>t ir-Ce.liadv»nc. atd green imris of tke vegetable, liquids which s’re It. JZi'iy 7''** IB *b® tow'^k®’ fS^TLUU the OBly Rouir mnniof Trmln® frun LuaD- ! - J I B s inw-.'fMLoaJwriHil .mtl iM>l® «|r®^ Um> vmUey ®f l*ttB4 cr®*h Uir ©oatti to <;«iu|f'© t—p«r»iioa, AfirBt© for K®otark. . fi4I M©ia ob 44© buU* t.arm>rHhi..^v Salt*®,Salts, lluiitieluild , ’^‘•me verv small membranes. I nder tke indmne- and thai they .re 'AS sMtir* ©bortpr th©u ^©ay^ otlMr Rout® ^to Chlrafo^ ^as.*,, «„©ad .^Ba HAVINU diMcdved Esute.E®l©te. Mar.bal'sMarrUml'© oM!uiMt©ble©or Constable^.bit© iioiivehold KurniFurui il^eDce.Lance. 0!d0!rt IDutlevIlsntlev tf 8©]etii id lii invaria. i | DrUr. Salem hidh Liiinvaruiw * b4. ^l« Bt^vrna 4 Armstiooy, 1 uk® i»rc©in®, ©od ©oi r«*o«*ivine uiy lipriiur ©ud 1^1 I) I ^ I ^ ^ ^ **** kandlre Vioba aad i.uilar 90tuak into 2 ^ i liaeiiaisicl ©cm©) the 1 4 uf U©rtUfftt thruaefi «©m® Depot. d© f .Vjiril, I'ii©. ©b ©o4 th® liarnMU a*® ©II ui I ©uppiy of fU® ©ud would b® ©l©d to ^ lended ard bur-t ope-; herce the mixture of tbe*e HK \l. I DKAi^llUliaa. Frwaeh. aad kaaltah ad Go : munSr Munimrr Cod the man who with his own felled , , Imm*®teMa® t®T® *b®lio®fbe lio® brtw«®ubrtwevu ItaruMD|t©rui©D ®Bd Fio&cyFiotcy U»®ne®th®nc® Mid “O hand .... TilBf IK auick fiod fiK fid Otbfif . Ffilt* loW fiDV Houtf Mr. uliTfF® old fro'Dds ©u l i>©(run® uh©t 1 luvebern rtuids and their fermetiution after the ftjr M ® to th® pbV .t tow pnoatbr liarlior l©rter to I Ht«S|»t:'l hewtilthe limber, ami erected the death of cMtitiu^cMtioui^ M •«•• ii^udc fifty ©rrv©^©crvfof noDy'© fi^Thiviukinrwiu® iVkrOiicsfx© ©oa©nd lurcoerfurther iDiorm©uoDinformation c©ocao nebi new ou®’* ©« may a«* rni'ril'i lllfllVrmTf^ bk.viaIIIN ILkNKIN P Co., 1 a^ ^ I euttioif for ro luni), ©tid a« many t UIli?, DllUAt mil.:?, D PACLDR 4 Ul thus.* paits of ibs tree where ihote » • . ..mi Ub^ l^ki^k I® B«nu©aBtnoav • Ua®.liB®. Mnl®>Finl®> • c©llinycailiny ©t i©iu« uf ihe bouse in which we now arc, atcidenis recur. d.ner for Kenmcky w.rhin a*l for fiesaue iff ( b^b©4 byty thetbe rcfuUrrcfular ®®t©blkb®dcfftablkbed Uftce, No. 327fir. to favor me with thrir ord®rr.j-niiu iu»v®ry f„n„ was grand laiporenof MoBCBi jb Mata om©. I uroiwr i Xew UiM'toUiM' to MayorM©jnr ®B-p®r.CB-per. w^^^ \ .rk, n*. Broadwas . y..rk MIbcw©MiBvr© tb®mthem with Ma)orMayor Mimw© ®outhv©u®ouU»v©ai of fidelity. HOAI:SF.NFSfiariAliSF.XFSS. UOl.DS,( OI US. INFLUEN-IXFLl'KN- This is. likewise, whytlie vet henmee-m vouog New ^4T> b®tw®» n .©4 ©B»! comer Third ©od M©ioMain itroM©,itr®M®, LoutoriUc,LoutoriUc.D. I ineunr® to mUeaeor to r®rv® ©11 with Path, r of tiie man w horn funeral ob.sequie.s wc have tB©rt3 TVrfi. Uor to It® iMecuor^ with <^i«out • luir. tbeii^ With hw q, ©t thr ASTII.M /iTi-Irri> — Jty DepoUn Jcfirr©uO®UI®. *1^ dim W. D. ARM?TU4'NO. Z.\,(, ASTtl.MA.A, lAT.VRRILonvUAT.VKFll.any 'o-uayi„.d.v tolo prriorm.uerform " plimspi ints perUhperish bvUy the fustli-si fro.tsfronts of ©Qtamr*.aa:mnr>, tho-et ho -a of uo4 * ho® tv • Mob® c*irti«r to fi lolry. th'Oerwith a 1 j itTI F Arent totianfi'nn orvrfhOrenrMoJ.sormraa I.y thrthe rk’oat.rk»wi/. inin- .V. :..i ; i . , ,. . , „ Tboe® indeUf^d to St®««’n® 4 Arai»truuu ©re r®> which tbe vni’etatioo i® contiaoed to len^rh of A'’t»rro©'® Violin* VUyiinn!! FiBler*® Rnr Borth hi hi® con»®r, tl*®or«- N 3)t •' F loth® * a* N. H. Urwn- Om» 1, cRoTHLkS fiuo't iiumeoiate puyuient,©® the liudu®®® ul HfANTi.v hfLirvLi* l>® Hr«i»u*® Frankfort, comer betwoi © W. F. TboB»©BiiFa ©nd Mani^Hariaj^ItilUliN. («(s uertrd to tu©ke liin®, acd the woo»l of wblc'i U not w-il ripened It Ky., aVyril s, W.s ^UPERIUR^UPERIUR ItotMA,Itoltan, KrwBrh,©BdKrwBrh, ©Bd •^mBaYtollBt«f®». l . r nr«*®. ^ r M©r©u ©IrMt ®b®« FvUTtlL r. j. koRSLTH. General Frvifht Agent d«W !)• A. chi©l Tnkclu©, or Uouifii lo<]©« Tn f®rfi>*d 4i ile coBCrro mu®t be closed. Tiif. Hu.iit OF ViNiT.nios f-l® cim^tmed by a dlr®ctlydir®«*rly ®4 f t b®r ei©rk®4 M F.). then®® with Tti<»m©i'poB*® j Fvii.ic Si*rA©rRHl*»udM.Mi”^©ud Si.Nui©®, they — U after thi© oiaoner that th* newly d^veloptd bud® ^ Til® torriKikia® i« © true cofy ultb® orieiBnl ^ P®rtorpvrtor •loailly•leailly ItoowrItoDwr b>b. b® or b® fwaalvy Ubi- Io Ih® r©Uro©4 thiMoc i® the oom®r of Dr. Stenditord — — fady of blmnH»bury wAn know:* m4hing what- >u D*e to ini® vffi *>*. trad®, *o® m1® ©i low prie®« wBohrMto oi ©r® ®tfi*ctual m clr©riug ©ml yiviuifyiviui! ©re do^ot^ioiz-d bv the fro t- of sprirn. ^KAL aad le. r»®y ub th® b®v prvpooed n»®4, tb®n.d.l(No.>sl.l maria 4 1 ©b I AensTon'e Orvicn. . . . I b® ... — — ; o®f4®4 MBwdary exchi^4 from thenounAary of s;ih® » i-.«... “ .o ». -p. ^ • • disor^anizAtion.itisorganiaatioa. Tberef.ir®,inerei ire, ©9ns M. • i tiuuaiL©. J .. . t , 7i . Vc — “»its tbetoethe fuccluce muamioa o'o,o.* Frankiort. Kr.. April s.imki ' oMMLRClAl. I NSURANi'k COM FAN k • F. A ®orpvr®|teo.i|Fw. TteiThai pertpart ofo4 th®Ih® boundary lyioy we®t>wfwt- ss.;K„a-"“©ame ered tremIrvin the futlgue©fatigues of the previouspievHius evrninR,evening or ^’aao.g 0w a BELL 4 MUROOCM. r®li>y."rcliVy." -i-l iikteisANllkllilsAN >V*i«>V*T« iima.n.IIMA.N. . wood . 8®®r®a©ry ...... ^ the buds which^ .Thi'tatoeanifrthat Uulioek m%OVfP % tfwwt C 1 vaNlt Bf ©od below ib® followin® ItB*® B <10010® ODtfa® Cumrr of Main and heueca ©t®., * IIrKALi>. A Praree.aa Aeeawot the % ''/ndu; cnaafiic to public tiwiker* — 7irN ® .00 unnerved to ^le yidlile. (V H.-None but >- ' ~ ‘ Borth of 1 at iMiat vegetati.m. •‘“’•or, < Ouipnnr.oiupADy. ofuf .Sew bask Fm< cm*k © whtf® tb® Uu® to*. ^UGAR.—fi4 hhd® (air lu ©tor® ©ad for ©al® by Ia|CAVE^A%'OttTII, KANSA**. “Anf4:c®'l®Mforfuic.'*-NATio©AL EKA,\VAi;ai>oTON. fu„i,h re- thehe result is theIhe Vr J'lT N®« York, t^PKLNit^PRI.Si IPsLIF©L lYFFIl'IC—«1 FFU;ICs-W«bI Bfi® m fWfi wr«Dfi tjwdesiren c ill the li-st thing m the iiKi.ning) If L"m»»Ule. Jetfor^n ciunty. havei*v® filedfilrd t iw®«a Leo bmlib ©ud HartUy®. if ®xu*ud®4. would ®trik® ^ ©pN BELL 4 MURIKJC'K koariteneM to auythtny Uk therefore ot the treetree, iaIB tbkoAc®thtaoMc* Ik*lb® a© tewf®w doomdoor© mathMUtb of Mark,Markoi. Hall^Ui rounh® f»wr Marehrob a4. Id*1 aada©4t it hasb©vlD|Inf nw*r.,npre-t-n ^ BEL Ml' HR. “*'ur« rcTftoflp .fi9 throat a/rectunm —TBA.MwmtfV. stop ‘hree hours, ^ »©id to — — — veu no to two ‘'f, as you .him ,1 ^"••“Wn to tneoati-fa. ionof UMnuaersicBoothalMtdm* nnder.i*n*oihai !• I is'h FPCeif. ®B®r©l A«®bu. CwtotolHtoa ©b cb®iac® ©itb rv©4 tb® ©«'r®t©®d tomadary Im®. l®u®anf-'*—TtAVKLLiB. j. livers iftdividu-i„,,jvia.j. «aid PIYT^BIMY'^BIKSiK4i wadbbM Y'tslY*I»I • II IiN®H RN Y’ COAL h©\ 0 '*A^*cor*'(>if©aft© ; «' 1 »2l44«la) JAMfi> F CHAMB®:R8.C. J. C.r. AXfi.>tfi e©©®« SaUn Faa©: State#. conclude that, betng dressed, they are naturally •» »«««1ml raptawlnirmpitelof at leadl®©oi oneobo *.1,sUiI® .*f©Acy.fia.r» lor in-th-? »rmi® >(.1 PF .Mr.!;i>\ o\L. " GiWBtoT M®rch©Dto, M©*BHw®t. OORDON, McMillan, & co )^alb m® bI© rwyctfuiiyrtoyctfuiiy ©ui>iliaito I §25 REWARD I into a wrong romn. goml m inners ehould letch you ’i.ud, arr hereby lie®ii^4 ©nd rotvwti ap» JAM1:;8 4 CO., Main ©t. jp i, p foiipwim : permittedrmm«d t® tok®rwk©«^tekcrwkaoBil babrl LOW 4U fob ©41.b i 1 04b4*o4b4: TB«ed©y B'^t.tbeiMh tsvt.. OB orrr© PkIVATir MKDICAL TIIKATISK ON HK bu«iue->ol ' I 08T.OB ®efi®r«oD ©t . not to Uko uuy nolHsi of »dv •««•« “f -e.r.ng .p- in«nraDCw, atI Itotirofte®itotir vfte« t© i^MoUl®Louwviil® m Fi»h, ronvUtiag of , ^ j,, of the vaffotxi ^1® ~:T L® bctwecfl Third ©d4 Fifth ®tr®eto, © Mtooolc BREAST BBLS aud half bbla White>>l HHYSlOLOGIt’Al. VIKW OF MAKIUAUK. inr tiw i«riu Ol OD® 7«®r Hornitom tbeth®II® il©t® I Q flfWItfWI datwhemof.d©t® b®r©of.boroof. rot^at iktaibi© NUT C © , the Unien I ;«a*. Wo worn to rPw* widonr peseeoidurk if mrwad loJ. liLltt©4 Co., oB Main ©treet. between Foartb ©ud i¥|w| W*ilULF. ©od half bhh Ijak® Trout—all of r®- V'P.euifKi.s of paoiacs to nil iinrtaof .Mt re.lure.1 below ..a..|iunJre.|*a..| «f„ d-dlan. 4 do French Cottonad®, du; lie U^nS'XiS;.^" dwaeool. aad^5“^;^^..!;pere.as wtahiog eoal M moke ttoam * I do rtioo. I rre« wil- U l,«lets SSTiwI ^ Ftftk. m dtf rMFW cent catch aud lo«i*s _ la leduwonr wher«f I bws. «i my n..d fi do heavy Linen l>riil, do; Tbev will ©IM bav® a ruppiy of Fick®rcl, Herrin®, aud A NF.W AND RF.VI9ED F.Dt I'ermr layer..! the da, and rear wriju | w 4 do kanu^r©' do, do; ">*’ ’‘?.'5.'”^JTpi.t!«r, . .,i a. to® first ©nivalv apl d4»1ai TION ofSSda*c»ofsso'iagc. and I"UI-« pint U is m hot luncke m, ami ot j imp to the con- R©m trout ,^,1-1 tke litwris'e. 1 • TIIO. S. FAGE, Aoditor, „„ >IirwrHe©)Vv , TiMroBehIrrd StallUns. It do, do; J ,-ji. W do Fancy cent© a copy. A y. pm IP MiBBt. ©Mti aukol keBtBcki- Fnc® iS i elusion thit ih« famav ar® tuniiii' ut that vuli*ar Tm.. r-.wt- .r Ar^. Ua. k.wr. •*“., ©PI B fi do ^paniwh IJotn, do. •*B®rel, frosts of Batomn do lessh.rm.k.nte99 h inn thno JkU fiJ».T CjmpteUuuFiv® TreatiM lull® Td« TH _ VIS4 NOLTF - funueriy Itoa r. CAwrjtr.LL. boh't m'kkb. o. r.vupBiLi. ©ad hour If vou ci’l ard*' ""find‘ lb® voiin^ • ofor th® Uottonade, do; oBU | Yffig UdH me UUEL.„CK & PLARCE, <\ fi do fancy Agents. l MF.8ML 4 CO.. PrudBO® ©Bd CotoD d'Aic—hy ABuncaii LcUpa®, dam llor* datlna and camaltir* of sliisle a d ^ , IwcaiiSe 15 lb" autumntumn the t--.t-—s e«MBto 4i Wall ®vr«®t. fi do Bi©y LitMU, do; fruition e busily engaged in talking earnestly to a KCMOVaL. n f toDeU, bv CootoittioB. McKEB. Sc CO., marrlMIffe-bsviy and bn tetter luitured ronnin less water. A verr Juat roccired lor •©!« CAMPBELL. L g • ©nd By ir. — ..a. »r ...... rs.,. ih.tn_i - ^ - f *t> » tromapt®Bi®i4®Pe®»- ULI VF.K—b> Wafbrr, dam FUrbt, b> hand.oine gen'Iem lu m the cou'ervaturv, i.r wt.is. ... © a'c y »**v Main at. ri©nB© by Mupof^ Tranby. h!lTi““i'u ?iuJ^^nd'^ut^%r“rp o! more eaaiiy ia rich 1st oertb than in dry piinr :xj‘om®r.* k*;d ©* m©'i> iw® -au®©*® m©y fmvor '©witB© I BELL 4 MUKU«>Ch. m Tnaaranne CanipaiiT lu the City of New verwmr®. 4Q M ©ia ®4re®t toll) nt «rB©oo ©t rtabto©. c®M ©tone® ©o Muuplc. rate, and ©f- bq< 1 rightly ciiONiacr that yo i ©r« rn® too many, by -©*1. mak® thr prw aty Bear Bard®- flKLEANM, LA. i 8 il. NEW < • tew©. K' factual, that failur** D liui*o««ib©— rettrio< as rp«®4 a© lb® be^ «n«l « 1 e©p a® n R Merchant®. 4ls Main ©ireci FaiUcular® ia ®m©ll bill©, which ©ill b® amt by Biail to »»“'•* th* right it visiting, ycu aheuid tutor *' '^>09 ' . tto 'A B M URITCI.Ni £?fi. BB> OB® drMriay tU®Bi. Aidrw® 8. M. Murphy, — atur freezes with more d'Olculty than pure water machvwte. Bib do Mould do; to eve what tie servant tells you, and male d4«1ut* F. G. MUKPIIV. eaf oh-Tcallon. ou a r.fer ard a your.eif btl e««b i-hed: that vegetal.les luu do Bar Soap; notputruspta'.ousc.nstrnit.ons upon bis auawe^, P£T£RS. CRAOG. A Ca. fib du Grrmau 5o*p; ,„„eh less ii pr..p.rtivn as their juices ar. L^iosSn '.ak 489! No. 489! *^ MKNtFACTUKkRS. I No. by K.Hretiy'l.*l.«v.agth.t^^l^^ is b,-b,r IM PfANOr«*fcik. rOLMtVS 1X)MK)V .Ml STAR!). fib du Fauev |ter8o«|-: more vbems ot thick*! m.um. il»vi*i¥ 'ur tociltuiM w% * V o«a©. pM©Mto.^.. r*fUi^.,h®c. MaiaaBd Mafk-ei. iBcr®©Md arw particul©) fib do Tvl rt do; for aal® br ri*il>Lily dH*ul 9 >ou they . rJft- all out. If \ouvou are*ra alw4V9aiw^yi " IIL ©ttm^tob ofdouW® ©u4 eoB*omer© i® ly old ©«*--««' emm yr©t>luc©ltv Ulan*rats*d by hcanfifui 3 **|t to Lnuwn that wjicr ©®v«ra!8®v®ra! dr»frv«*degrrtk ®eafito»l to t©r» bI fr ot-©WtwDt®d ive /i T-t TV TTI soz. '‘^ '**"* ' Wbolea©)® C-vBtecte*BCS® ©b4 Fruit ou led to th® puprikor <|u«Uty ©u4 low iwic®© of tb® CAS^TLfiJlAN 4 ToPBITT T • tl..M®tl.o©® ©elfJutitelf-iutlc:c mlnuHiUk.,IO. >our vMiiyvanity shouMahouM rot blimlyouMin.lyou .«el»e an ei^ii.il®9^ii!ii®9peci!il fuvontefu\i^ileiu>i*riie withwit^hwii^Q lb®In®in® fairlair iDraawiinmateHlomatcH ofor ...... 1,1^^ - : , ,Koa c j.i Lfx« ..apIi.. ;...r.,av b®t* britei . parilcularlvpartlciilariv ™ I tlioiN* luarrUre.luarrUr®. U©U»i®,rupaiiK.rupai 1© v®*<«taUlo© r©!*i*tlh®resi »t th® iuio p'ooorlion ©9th®*9 th® imruoimroo 1 belweeB Tbirc coui®mi'UtlDr[•UiiDie CaM LUUILITULH. * craaii I d»©»®Bd ff*r ®ort©trus©>D ta. h ©b4 ComBnouoB filtffThBBta, MaiB. ®u C©rp®c Cb©iu; C. SEl.l.lGEK, re'frxlQp *xr*li- Four difir® ut tiuaktao© ©re maLufartured, which ©r® MRS. doubt© of ii.elr that uatablisbiitont, and jou ©Dould in rocomnii-ml®d to i»®raoii®®ut®rlalainywf. A©rwfArdvlbr luwrtUof o«r FUoc© wowM paikfdlfi k®pp, cawator©, Gu foil, ©ud bo'tl^, ©ud oacti IM bote© .\o. 1 B©tuiH(; ' physical couditioD. and who ar® cooiKriou© of baviug baa* icy to them,theui, a©as wenwell »sss outoutfitot reapvctrespect to ytur^elf,ycurseif, 6U du No 2 do; -WAAU aa w Ma. a- S nsM cacy new explaratn.n of tbs Iscility with which y rwf«r t® lb® fBct, for tb® teat Av® yvBra, wt ©• ©to pack®®® i© ©at muted full wiorlit. Tt»r 4, 4, ©ud lUb tw Fan. J *i«^h,h©i.plne©©,and ' •I*®ra fib do Caodtewlck; SM- om callingcallioif thirdthi n »g»m. VouTou atesie notnet jaatilijustili d in *'• *-* nvvi* Twx tfi«Mi©®v aw*©ki® •A©®®dtBC*mt®ut«®« toBlMerf ©r® inwBltoriy adapted tor tb® Svutb. ©« tbry cf entitled ti. Fric®t5ceut© percopyorfiv© ©k»»Q* (revs freeze h ben tbe'r rap ia i nn.otion. lorlb Siile, '2d door Ironi Ibe Comer of Tbiid. Rumao b®iua G .!.**«: 1. *, *Um. >»*..*,» r,/ - •tthtn® P^mafBm Hmm »*-/ Jk*# U^rkdBd fl —TuB, fiu do COaUm TBiDurformleby i right of vuLalionvisitation loto theIhe cxteLlextent of a f®eCB©llr ®U(4ud® dampBcto ©ad ©ir, tbn® pnwemnny Ib® dollar. Mailed fr®® ol p.Y©taf»* toany part of carryirryiog thdtba . .t . . . - .. „ I eopl®r tor one Dg ©pb CA^iTLLMAN 4 TORBITT. 4. -W e have seen above that trees KMe.se a tem- ‘^^ii»AMi:c«©ad Fi©b® «V©rwffoeo»coratr®f M«Ab mS fioeor I© ©U M® lUteaytU. children in the roc m, , si *-*- :r«cuIioii If there are ci.r«VJr.,?'oT’Je''J‘Yorkaua rm.iy or Vt*H ff‘.r®«i© ©u4 fur Ml®, ©t whnliBat®. to K®w A’ork. by Cool, r in sciiimer and Hariiier lu winter cuv xe* loru.i ]BM*orted -n—. .hunl.l t.n.mr.t V.III flw V.iu luu-hvlor oralitl Mralure ®f F©«rt®®Bth MwiBvtrwol©. bblaeboic® FI©ot©tiuii; •V'k'toWryeorBar ©b4 fk)bULA^SR^ — IM than 'ha' ®f '6-= */ 14 w© wr^fVnA » If will . >41 aa ro kvl luu h* bbUdn do; : lake some little imtiJe oMb.m. you aU their rtaids fro.Ti a p.«i»s rf the soil cooler In uim fi® buia Bts®»rbuB®®; me live or ten minutes betore the uincer hour, oy, brio* duly .vum. dei-j«e * .e *r that tke for»ai.la« l. ILSKY fi O * (50.. Aoidsua— .oon—ot Mam fiU paclLacF® Gvldvii birup; far ©©1® by uier and high, r m winter than Ibe atmosphere. I* a true. Mil, an I coirtci .laiemeui el ika oiIa.ra of RLMOVAl^ IU have no I i.ht to late it as ail affri.iit l-cause wd - 4D> .*»*» W® Ii©v®r«»-'.wd k. ir v'laMi.4HI!IOBai ©p9 CAtfTLLMAN M iumuT'te ’ re©p®ctfuly iuvlicd to call aad ®x©mijte all >=• . '*>* ' t* ' • • '«« ' Ia©dl®M ©r« j ©ectired from ubiHTratioa - Vou aie not invited lo tern . in and p.irtak- of i' W.HIC-JUedkMH :x t* -roto M Lao®,®; I "n-i.'**' Addr®*i Dr. M. R. LoCKKl>W, No. 81 Malden •‘•I '*•. »' *l^»at.d, com,Tared lloES. ditto R®k®«, dU*o Trow®!©, ditto i M«i*> a:>4 Mx*-b ©tte^tr. b»yoj ld^a D«m A. CIVILL, atRDLN po©t-offlr>* boi S7V, Albauy, N. Y. y«m'*'s /Win /,W /or “Sworn . Ms eh t-A. ' LEWIS I bh«©rf.©Dd ©II dMcrlptiuUi of l'i«ld Lupteiueiit© la to that of th» ext.rior air. Ill propcrtioa as theroo's G fiV^uftc® open daily froia a. M.to VP. M , and on N. B. ORaH.xM. Viv.i.leBL Grtewoldj, ©tor® ©al® by G. W. bAdllAto*, MUHRELl- & CO., «F«r T®B Y'c«ri with Mortoo 4 ©Dd tor from outilfi are more deeply bniied from the icriitnM of tha Ilac^ Barrxsias. Secre’tsy>-. *C«traBea«B S|©iB tor®et,ateo aa *9Uth, lmr«©t © j Sunday 2 F. M. ©treet. I A.s lN'E.xfKita«im.RjEWfei,. —A charming ar rers, i oe and Ttdri. ©|K( M©lu k W— o Second 6U 8uece©©oni to Murrell, TrUC, 4 Co., removed from No. fid Beaver ©treet to No. 81 thisini© lounnfourth I i^uftee outviUe temperature;leuiperatur®; h.ncen®nce com-^com-., Uw;uw: lown by her Frotossionalprofrssional snccessaucceto in verH.u.varkiUN coun-coun* outude ' Maiden lo©n® Albany. N. Y. aaiS*d4w^ff known ALLSiNALI.FN RUTIIFRFORD.Rl'TIIFRFORf.. that trees rwsHtrwaist theIhe iroitI'roit much belter i tterom laiidiite from Jamea Moatfomcry and to Urxnc-, of I I UouixfcialooerGouixfcialooer luciwr th® >t«to>i«to at ia ICE.-14 — iricr,iee, recentlyrccetilly teiumedle; urnecl by waj K*g- . i] KvutMky 433 Oroceftt *•©!> nViolettrtle ©•< ©b.*Osbab.*Osb © Ie*»Ie*s expoexpo-tded to tbe R tor mic by !~ rd Hft®r un«n excursionD«i:uraiun in tbethe North of Europe,Eurune. the roots c©ncan New YurtoYwrk. MAIN STREET. BETWEEN FOl'KTH AND FIFTH. T a Ucd, after apfi RAWSON. GOOD. 4 TODD WA La P» R itriuerce of extenor temperatnre, or, ‘niy h®r lerm^ VOGT % KLIXfS. accompanted bv her mother aud a rich mt o ieur. aw opened and Iff UAII.Y' UEf'EIV. lha.v to greater depth Inis justirtestbe AcoiToa'aAcoi-ru. . ijtwaorvK'X, Kt., 4 MANITAGTC21NG .)£WEl.i.iGte94% Mill antase. ac|Ct du the packet boat at wti-n run a ^ dSa. ttawid daitnoee. aad Mts>ck of I-OOKlNCi aU-\8SK8! Tney (^burke.4 ou board Dover ®,h*» *. -’art •• v.mww** i. cl©, H ,By a frwb Franki' rt, 7. ft. { uV ' D CARD. merchants, »6ich consists in cov _ ©' oitd . eonMissioM liy I, leans of a li'tle 1-at from Ibe .bore, and tte Pf""" I fo.„byto-rrby cvTtifr tltet ^4 i>r® Jfowa.r; ”-*a;®ia Pri®®©,N' a l.NfolN»ririiu^»."drc«J.. Itrusgide and cko I •‘J ^>. i^Tdith® wilAtaJa wit ,a »ru®.‘ru. ^ ? ot - taw or of dry leave*, du»nR wmier, ^ ^©rt®t •v.air.'to,^ wad oiaat Mtseie^ with © laudotble lor®f*igbt, charged k®.r* _. ^.w . . A-kpiV>VA *d*»i tb®ti»® . ri^B«lri:JTh»k var J TtaM M Fifth asd Sixth »ls., WINDOW SHADES!! eider ladv, ^l** a No. 462 Main, between a'lout the fo».t of deU-.te tren. in this inanrertbe - THo.THO. A. FAi.s«FsVGfi;. ^ ?atw-tiy. i-oaimkali i. BpanfifHl New of tho e more precious paiceA ,nch A kr. w'lniie«aleUi»«er.a*d self with manv - ^ • Ai'M a broth BOOKS! i SCHOOL to"*fir*a‘ ear^taa®! Dteito b4©IB _ Auditor.'udiiur. ©UdB I.O I IffYII.I.K. Ii Y. rixits are prevented fn.iu cooling b-i much, and they Mercnanta kie Maiuetreot. jBUl dAwlr never allow lo leave fieir I •ii- J Oe^SSZBOnElZUE3 PICTURE' FRAMES. as experienced trav(ler.s _ I o* »f ®®|r*.-.ao* w1•^ a .ap L-.a tedneed in leuipers'“f«i aeJ tb* '% •- ,\i she a-emded the stc.imer's laeder, her draw up at.T' w®i» »na v®cy ©BI ©yvj w. F. m:xi dd T, *: lUbd ht.1. sight. ;N(-*>U.)y.i.j .tcniroa'a.\uniro©'a «»r>’i4i>ryi4 rr, KEUCKlUS BOOKS! Ir.e mcra ea-ily suup ris tha ir.llu-nce ot hanlftosts. a«©a»*. *• wTAa'd anus lieceme embarrassed, and one Iiun.lie full into fiiAsavoKT,l aasasoax, K)K> . April l.%4. \ AF S.AGO CII El-.''iU.^hi'*t n*CA>ivfd 1 box Sup S«fiu Nuch are the principle c.u.es which nmv.rn tb^^ lbs waur! ThbtaThL< la toTo e®nU'yeenUy th*.tha* BwUoekBnitock «at fvsurw.fvair®. a© ©®®nt« oMheof th® S t:i4s*®N<% ©rtul®, b^r im© 1* anfi ruu^ F'OK cPUI.SG WEAR I'fim® by actiori of rrr»als npoQ ir® various trees »'*•.«'**. Iv sdewrware.'for . Maaa'tare.d.ke( Foa^ .3 liOOlCS! ** is Fr**uiaa'^Fr®uiaa'!* Fuud lovuraoe*-lavuraoe*- -d.»f .N®w\,-w Y'wb,aiY'Wk,ai L*>tfiiviii®, MKD1CA.L imHC)!!: iii4>n l)i®u'** ®hc cried, wiih an uccccnt of t kb i apiii W. 4 II. BrkKUAUDT,417 Market ©t. AtaJ, HHl tiin^ Jr;tor«>u co lited -** If iciveu '•peci®. tndcr-tai th«*e, one may , havv in thU.isR 4h®Mat®m®otiiand®x- Je-s«ry.*«-.t! — rimR.‘-;g’ '•. "o' m •• acte.tiUed "a, Tttarfi atT*rt easily• explain® ahv,t for i-; K ._ JBOOKS AMI STATI0SEU1! EL.Ea--A.3SrT InsiC FceooiTene wnicnwh Ttrmiraiupiiea nia\ oe e.silvciaiiv imagiinag- lorvuniai® a^**ho*->uf tor**i.b i^ffumarv c>mi>ai©ie.«. au- * in ddia ..,4 ANU MARIKK INfirKASCK KEAUSIaEV CARTEll earth, cX|»o**«d in tb® of the day and prtkkfii .\Curcn a. riRt cof coaled aillictioo of and u luvituc b®* ii ©buwm t® iiw* “Ol'IfiVlLLK ^ ioed*»-2rief cf tbe moibtr, tba [ f uanb and HullK' IN GREAT VARIETY. i A . Main *roe( . ketweec at tlw ?urface of tba »oi|, fraexa^ more cmi- ^ttoiarti..u uf iW u«.i, i>u*tt®.» (XiMFANY JDIiKSB OOOUS, rK'lMSB-AD 7“ dauifbter, rtdoubitd partnlai anvuisb, and, lustlv, yamyny t© INSritAN. K OiMFAh^ aank'ldc “ '* TOGETHER WITH AN EXTRA Sl'FElt STOCK OF IDLK.—4 bblfl bolted ju«( r®c®ivrd and O' Ol lfiVlLLK QUICK SALES K SMALL PROFITS! consoling word.., diet sled l.y a courteous sp.nt if “,T SViT^itl^riur!,":;;' la as Mam a—ei. keSweea Tktadaad FoarA. BETWEEN* MAIN AM) WATER STREETS, earlb, exposoil lo the rorth, aid punt •d de*ply W 4 H. BI’KKIIAKDT, 411 .Marketn*L litieraliiv, from their trave ing companion, the laiil.- k A P. a-e., *. *. ..ni.a-aiuir.*t.l.*fe forr’by Heens- h ol.aale Urf Oooda iroalort *^ee^ aia under tb® injaricui iLnuacca of «*«t©nki y4-riniiu4 g Ofi^J AMEs A (Xr.rw BOYS’ CLOTHING! — Moosieur* tutakrrwav and tra©wM-t bwiiBi'©© ®f ia> i I . all Mam otrtwC e •*F;xtra" .Balt, In prime eooiar- fi^t, the only is to prevent the frozen parM nrkrt BBL.R of that 'tt bv do vougiievi? Cannot these diamonds remYly in »*oioaoa,do-*ir>, X aud fur sole by CM((li JAfi l. A (Xi Uearere sy,tlUU age, la s;ore above ’ KF;ak8LEY ORTEIi. L be repliced.^- i:"a ff Tt iiiii:: la •e . a. Mon. *»***. Ta^._ *turv, ©nd to liutmit ibem lo it gtiduailr. Lito X X Kanawha salt Ag-nL “ The steamer got ueder way, ©od sc»n gained tbe th® ftlin® «»f th® ^teWuicot© ab>iv® rW®n>d t® tli® mall dllmAbdIO j Ireaier* lo Teas. Uqaow. and Fan.1 w ine when eapalirrs ©ra aubmittei in ©pring to tba available c©i>iTjl of paid Cumiuini' b©« b®®B r®duc®d b®li>w ANUAMACO.. Ik sue kr(i, IIZ iKiuDdf earb; mk( mAD 4^r fiVjns'M Hfi wrp®lv an-ivDtl in PariUliH. ^ bratches of I a etrwet ke(waea Tkirdaad Foaivb. , AXaIxo. St r*oot. Juat r®C4*lv®d an d for )*al® by the loss, Biilaf- IS bbta of very niperlor quaU. But .Monsieur, Bt the moment of *^”'ruo''!r'A PAGF. W-. MTHilwoale Uwolere la Groomaa. L>. 1 ANS'KI. COAL OIL.— ap.2 W. «k Ii. HLKKllAnDT, 417 Market it. until the raiddla of the dav. The frost is often *rw WMtll© ORRIfi O adiiiini-terngcMisolBtiun. had given ordetfi that oble .Xodhor. INVlTv. an ©iw© to lav to>ck nt o©4 Foretm Fratae. Ac. .Third ta.. botoa Mala. pittsbl:rcxJ ts-LE, C tr fur lamp*. WllJio.s' A bTAKBIKI), ter I 04Lii>:4 M o!Sv fe'"-.': for the HmL DaVA ©pu Mala ©tre®t. SON, • thorough -esrtdi for the lost object^should be made, BOLLOCK & PEARCU, Agents. mt ArrtcaMatal Ia.fi(e torwed•• ezprrmly f®r FALL AND WIVTLK USE which H J. M£AD & ‘T? .ii ... I'NN a oo.. Mooofactaiwee tu arriv® fur aaU* by '6i» cb-''. •» *' »<^*b bp*'° the roofs, be- I alSdlJ Pogtitb —rswta. llul'SE, though it was a diliicult eutrrariae, owing lu tbe oaraer Groaa aad * c©«kt iFfioH* Rice received Mr ®to©mtr Moat- tbi CL'STo.M s 1.. ” . BltaR M »aaw. IC11-M^ UKEEN STKEirr, OPPOSITE U. W. BAHIAW, 614 .Main fL P - s I cansegsmsimsk thistlkid part,ks pV always>iiur4®a mlA. rePM rhargeil('hstPiPMI withWtin gipieou.ailUAOU'd I JE'W' Y. furaal** water, lie promised © liberal rawartl in ,, ' Stepfi® Fancy R cotuery direct from Gl©rl®«tuo and by dvplb kf F»-ari. t*,©©!. lto©i«rt iB ©Bd Tbto i© kurBly r«cvaiiiieod®d by FuyMcteB© for i© ea«ily disor^ooizea by ' Rick ©ad eW©ut 4©oLr©© ed CeraL 4RTfN* 4 PUSTU^ Ak MML GO., 41V Main ft. IL.LI:, KV., Iluid llitii tbe truck, © |{ jTiHn ©stewvt.creet. ©pv GARDNER 4 L.Oi;il^ V cate of fiueoaai. Some tiim after he received in A. MILLER, eaa.L©v«,«ad wUmt ©tyer© t© v©ne«v.aal •© evw©©to aVl fijcy(jT>' (Food*Goodt.afi. OF FBBrtBFaarth ciiial puf>j«M. H®iaf tbe aol® afeot© lu LouwviUe of Um* M leinporatur® tf two d®i;r-’e9 t)«low z»ru. TbeelT-ct^ ai»ll jA'j !W F»urtb ©frt at. re- ptoaan ev«ry !©©• n laale Uiween MANl'FACTUHERS of Buryliiis— pAii*, © leiier from Dc)Vfcr, ©HLouLCteg r happy GitRE mTrRAY. a HAI»F:N, Wk ^ Robes! Robes!! Robes!! of thi© accMvnl may i>® dimirijbrd by placing tba ^ II—. proof Hate®, Irun l:©lUuito. Jail*, ©ull; intrepid diver© Luudfiuud thatba c©»ket. Helie went g^i^ix v vpiw^»ui*"* .«4 Lkla» Oe^ «. -f-ff » <• i “s« , .k.a-m.i - »i.*wm'foks..imH r- •> |UD1 L*»o© br M RHOUES k VERIER, A^D A. H OOD, Ito^O T®r©odabr, hteirc©*®'*, Balcu&i®©, trvej li*fora l*mg ihoiwad in © pUc© shaded fry 'W’-AuXCHES- LMauia, »L, OMSfiaui thitbar immediately, acd received © araall wooden m joH> M'LLRR, kfioNfofi J.. Daatar la Wiaao. V©uito,fi‘U®Froui Bank Doura, c t*. tte ‘** \ir Hank '*>.• cool s, p.««ble. Tnoutn .,u_*b r.-rth -tc. aad Aiaencar la Ga*4 >r t'l—a Mrert.ketwecs fiUtkaad fireeutti. OF PITT8BCEG. IfoxTiuiniature, psral*llogr..n in shape, which he Faffl^^ iMCs Rio CoSat racrired by thr James til.iiiter. Sairii. *c. IQ t«u©4ity pntaw tkoi im©I w« eu ceuMeedy rreommeofi oar atock at ALE eaf OFFEE-fifil Public ieorabto ttad at ooaan* fad to BookseUwrasidfilatloaar.Ml Third stiaai AWo,Atao, ereryevery vortelyrarle of IRON WORK tor or IM- BBESS O-OOIDS. at once ricsgnized as having formea part ol tha U- ADUEA F.. PORTER le Ike pukUc petronefie. C MuDIfiuwer)- Bou for sole by i? AN EXCBLLBNTEXCEIoLUNT NfcWN£.W BOOK' tbe w«©t© Ol ©U. Che Fu— XMfif. apy WM. GA Y, Malnit. raterata buildiiiy©.Buildlnys. Ilar®i;« RuIn>i, Double Jupe; M aear LL'PE A EVAN'S, in ENC’IsOHrUE.H or»;audy do, do; Tie." were immediately pnt an i« honre. Uealvr la Harawar. Crjwtal OUNA.MENTAld :k.l h. itif with a certain feeling of entent.content. . a Wknli^lean* Retail . and he opened ClffOCKS. ©k. akii.g fC BBl.S iwima Navy Beans In store and lor mie by ,, l*awn do. do; passed the winter; toward spring ttey MaoBfactarar ®f FteB®©. 4c., Thyd ©4. Bio fiStvtf tiitwsr Fifth and JeMermu el*.. Luutarllle O for Ceniatery Lot© of new Pattern©—rery ©ub«tauU©l and where Ihev THE PlIaLAIl OF FIRE, lH CBitory.©^ CO o PESTtlN A GLURE Tte casket conlaiDed a large syringe! Osaateallraa bate tte laraav' areurs a t ta tte MIP p* Bayadere IWireyee. ©olid 4.*ol(»r©; were hronght gradnally near the entrance (f tha m l 4ri>raRDiM.««l M«I» line done at Taniiriioe Traveiio;* Monster retumetl lo Paris, quite illtrnchuHtr! '->MRie J . fi A 'fiolUwhu M ''aIw. work In the HOfSE-SMITlIING GouJe; ; TOSS MiddUnfs. Barley, and Oat Meal, for lead. In bU ice he use, acd at last planted and they developed paai.aksei Fiftk. 1 ft •“7^'1‘ii? at prices aiijaw as the lowest. l*ac® point© and Lace Mantle©: /ft e'en Pott. . sborteit nuUce and SPECTACIoES. M eS _ _ _ 10 ware and for m* by tbs ISKAEI. IS BONDAGE. FINE call I'ara-it'D, perfectly. Persons will find it to ibeir advOTtage to give tlieiu a u®w ^t>k*p; f nav« a L.V -IGE V a.;I s: rV. i,RIBW(5LO.l*«teveiBBooks,B(atta>a«} I OlJtRE la thta deteriaa*at ate X Vt ORTOVA ap» FENTON * .Muiiairv aud .)acou®te. can easily sccotint for tte before Furch©©io|t rbtowber®. 2.1 From the preceding we t T -rmia -H to m-ru a cwattawasiaa ot mo kareal pas- HI Ac .®> MaiustT— ' [From the Concord (N. 11.) SUtesman, April am prumi»tlr attended to. 1)1 UK1:E, To . t fiu 4* fie MealUe; |4^0rd®ri> ftom ©bruad HrATH, 4 diff-rencB in tte action of the same degree of frosts raa»(r tha I bare recwi<'*l for >**a s pass, tememkae— Dwalen (a Faacf aad fi l agU lap ©ppUcatioo by tetter. lu; Fourth ©treet, you .\fKU'A.—Mr. S. M. Uriflin, an in- .I H. AiTrS a DuWNfi. 14* fia Bcnfial A BOOK of PLANS ©rot ou M BOONS of tbe .aine specie-; bat RET INGRAHAM. mttafoetlua ta wsevoat-d la evary care and dd;© Itetween Jrfferwm. u|K>n different vari.ties Nl Gaada.dMMawcSrawt. MAIrDER- No. fiottrtb Mr®®t. SRT'particulM aUeutioo civ®u to JAIL WORK ai>12 Market and genious mechanic and oarriage-bailder, of this city. J. K. t-irEKLE kaaekarm •< tte Wakk-Mokiag Da- ©l4 M we' have cot yet explaiced are tte cansns Author ol '*Tbe Frtac® of th® lion*® of David.” Mb a t eeeks prime < imkro. BLKGLAK PKOOfi' SAFES. veiyr market.ninraei, what panmeas. <1- 'fob i>»i AR( II FIRFl I N8t RANCF. (XjMPANY. ,, , w.gsarxP AiaiLEl/.I'.I) IlitlN GItATKS. Hashas receiveareceived an oraer,order, iromfrom a very uuuamdistant soil hf raoidvM and tor IL Je MfisAD 4 SON, MANTELS AND all tte varieties ofacma rprt-iu losof- iv T* e®iv®d «©1® fi ®art^ SAL A— WHlTi: risu.^7 tu© No. lJuM DorlO d4wG \| which enable LA ro E ^pply #o4 for wbulrMl® #©4 Uiratt, b®tBr®®o_T1iiird ©od .'I The const, iitly incr.seiuc d.uiaail fur these articles of some carriages of a novel ac- M 1* kerrwta. V? i©i«by DAVIS 4 SFIXU. fpp the censtruction very low d.gran of tempeni- V ivtmii At ih« yuOliiher'© price© oy m©ii©©i©L hat Induced us to add several new aud txautilul des'iiu.tu port wkhuut irjury a to;CWiX>MliH D 4 BRU.,OfBMryd>< Cn Sir. CARR. SOOA- .eriniion ;i'1 Itacrderits i.rdtr comes, through agents^^ft^^^^agents from * Wf Lifl 4 COMPANY O^furmrr etoct, which -e .re offering at extremelyflV;low wi;n.“lhV".ILt Sfo Iw ftirrkiBU. to*©ll©*r®te. oa* k*fs; j ,,,,,,,, . j „ W BRYANT, HARRIS. & BARBEE, Thus J ND buuilB I peuafi papers. Itrovs X'^ varieties of ce«. rto

. reived tlii© d»y per Lxpr®®« #o«l fur «al® rH®#p b I I^MORME Mr. WM CAMPUuR- • <>I:N MILL la .-•*<. ate g Feartk. ' >Alt'«HILL''t PCEMIEM 1# fereciaBStwet.hetaeeaTkirdaad IS harreta #|4»;4b FRATHER A SMITH » kfrmirby G. » IVAs- >unn® Mvl® hu© e^tetlU^rd »© THE KA'^DiNA- ^TM:L-T,M,TU CaB.va;*ea ate pfc>wa af oM Mytm 3® k®c© Idcaf Lard; for a«l« by BL^^ 11 A I* ot the Sea©®©. It k* nmaufaetorvl o©itw«. e&urcly new, very «n»; ‘ . rnalH BRYANT, H ARRD«, 4 BARBfiX. urfi«-< te maU, rae'teug tte hair aad aamiag tb* ar-lcim . degree of temseralnre s£S all ; fitaloary. new rubjicte;rubjiCte;^ — •tances, and above tte periieiulicuUrly tbrouah the hub. Tb® ed(e»» of tlw _ai'" waaled, will h* pro*a*tly ottflao- d to ate om4 aaja IM Mceiwry; Tie© re- | of ^which each spec es liv, s in iu i Colored |ri©h|ii©h DfiZfi'.N BUck SUk Gr©v©l* ©nd Neck under tie intluesce i late*, ffyle. UK,: * tSKN-TuTT. mWkit oVK.S.—Our Chrii»Uu Cl©j®lr'<. Keadinyi* fiutu tb«* carved, at.d tte whole running part Is ELkT- Moimr©Maimr© rotorod and pUia;pAaia; 4UII oeived ©nd fir ©ate. spies are to reprodoca tte same A., aaa. »'*anh*te yffte. beet Diviue© with note©. biu«hii|>hlr©l #od critic»l. Jar. wild!* or'^„Vtu„rs^natural suue in order I I I a*; Ufowfob «a Mata By *' ””**^^^ j C T Eatr© fin®fine GU«i \\tew«;i®w«; tor ioteiow©ale low ©t maiM BRYANT, HARRIS, 4 BARHIsK. painted a diogy rad. I ne a.xles are very heavy, IDmiiton, D. D. Lotiduu. 4 >ob*. liuio. ^4. I I 1. ; — circumstances. OSTILLL RECEIVING U.V A. D. MANSFlFwLDS.MANSFlFwLD'S. draft-shaft is like a plow-beam. rerelv Seieiir® and ^Art ol Clieni. By Janies ”Muuroe. B. C. I*. and tha much acclima- Cotton ©nd Linen Tnmmiufi« I “ This leads us natarallynataral to say a word on '' at aciaiwiiy 1 Xf DOZfisN -I I , v 1 I .'V luU amortmrat m suv.T cams maaa IA I Received thi© moraine^ Frir-l'r?cL*V.;tl. Onon thi, running parti,part i. fasle.ed a fram. work,worl ) A HIRT*! hlllRTS!!— 1 500 and raturalization. ll 1 I k Is ,nr*a ELLn il.-X * BEN.Nk'rr Shirt©; tioo S Foil itoouin Miwlin ,Lls BRyXnT. llAR ias^kB^gj^ --‘"hat ‘hat of the plantation w^^ .’A V'XkA-i liOliDS (kg Mata , -ufsK «te Ptak, liirfor, uf tteApu.u.llc( uu«h liy FUilip tHhaU. UI.. IJv acclimation we understand thed.ffcrent noara- MOKE .NEW ap7 .(fowfok Gro« do do; huilt in thi, city to be Used in the South- Yurk. It. , hivh are a ' G©th®*t*d la©wn du; , A. B«.n.L.uta;ine; ^tvM. Mc.n.Km._New tions br tba aid of which it is atlrmpted to make AT jiPRiNO AND di mmer --TY .K!* oF PkLT ilMory of^ tbe ( brtetUn chitreb. By Philip ^haff, D. ern .Srates for drawing' cotton, but tb® wbOl® u of © Embroidered Booom do; tcmperatnra lower than o««©w 04 Ikv Abmoi ©mI k*totoMto <• to to© a'Vll KDO< li© species support a degree of flV llA FA— liCL.1. A • ¥- *“: cl Dutc h- Ilk® Jit vl® ttod tiQ toh aik'T’i'v Uio®% variety of du; „ , a. ra t A tt ^ u m»v , worisi, m»> h-fid >r A 4^1^ Lite and Ll.brtle. ol St. P.ul By Gou, Imwcs and I1..W. thattnat ofor tteine ciclimatem where iti- icdigetons. This aTi.lll 1 l.T PE-NTO.VS 3UC du#«o Goiter©, every ©tyte; At tboir old ©taod, Main ©trv®t, LoutevUte, Ky. Such carriagescar, four, arears us*dusa.l furfor long caravancurav an jouroevs...urnevs ilAllTIN A to j.^© M©<© ©criteG ewraar of Fmbnw. i .".vnusin* ih« atttmpled. For ©ale ©t A. D. MANSFIELD'S. resultresuiv mis i » a u r CO., Aiiuahof the Am. ricun Pulpit. 11/ Wm. B. Sprarue toward the imeriorinterior uf A'r.c.i,A'rica, andacd thirty bullocks fo»«B *'«>«>••« a«m>«-^*. team ©treel. MUm>OCK, HEIaL, & pUntfl ^rmduatly to tb® i Huenc® M a teniper-itui®^ vwry iww©. ^ ^ 6VUI-. *'Jtaia-r volume a-e often eiiiploved in the flraught of one of them. P**" I Hick d \9ottb®% oL*cn wr Wl .New Yorit, DU. . ... ‘“/.k «:l Broad sSirrrt. thanIban thstthat ofiff tteirtheir native coumry.coutJ‘ry, onnn‘ilil !«tLK8 'kf av«>ry dncriiato©; JA*« I. L» M*»N 4 « 4G, ©U ©ly Tte \Vork...f the R y. Joha Howe. *;, ar« built for trading conipa- much">uch lower to'ilUw to'©». d MAKK fo UOWN8. V'l’.Vi.ih fo ‘•'•T usually the great TK-\V4L Mi i>K»SS «.0 jIW; W-. arfwer*© **®ro© J ©i*4 T »J4. .MercIiaDts, Tbel Uiifeeeioaol Fai.hof tte IVesbv terUn Chu^ they cao supportr.upport without i.it jury the Ivmpara ur-ur* M© © CoBiBhsiou k For© ardlnff nies on the CO 1st and are freuuentlv disw,em*ty; .1 ©lA. I. 1 EM >N « U.a laufiing from vancr* made on cuuignmrnU tu either huuse. "r.air. T1 he km.wledgeknowledge we have of ttetbe F.MltKUl B ^ 4 ai.4 Vaiiats Guoifi, >**• oK Madmra WilMw; IO C0P'FF;E—tla bags prim* ««amer S pay extreiuelv eiffrbiuiit prices for them. Ttowi. ft* AL»VtT~M'"w.. i>*alari^ FaKy |U4J ^ maune®m©un®e in wbtehwhich LA« : AND J*ILK MANTLE®. ©^: )4k M©© ©>te ltoiw»o© »ew©»i o©4 Im. Amootdlofiu fiti*rr> MuDtgomery aud for sal* by )an7 Books. |dintJ» and©nil *bov®*bove all th®the iminufab!®imrourable m 1 *tfwwt. R James Ntw | •FKi.Mff AND a. .MMLK sHaMTL;*: M Faa^ fiapariof Saofiramii'* fmn; BAWfiU.N. t UOU, fo TODD. from admitting thetfc# ihev'•'".v prevents nsne | • HaT' e# A GM'o brand©; lu Ilondare, by It. v. 11.K.K of J.iit.— bw>k of .lub Is general- are organii-dor^aniz-'d 'fi:©V NTV TUOi-C oMFRoMI>k itaml^ ta Watehm. Jawatry. for. !>,. IGARS.—ftU.UiiU Ofeurted rasiiE I'lLI-VR OK KIUF, or I-raM TtiK The iroijT A KLINK old B *urkoa. -TUta articlr ta auppofl.fi lo b* tte i er i®i>t.©© •’jrvtyto'i- w©o ©a© a tto to T ®F Ciyorti uf Ihe iluito® Ol l».>94ibi!itvp'>a-*ibility of their occlmwlioo.acclimation. In rocfoci,, in iniererdern «11 ki»d»; are Jr C bu.UUU Half Spaiiitb 1 J 11. ItiifTiiiiHm, author of 1 he Fiiact* ly regarded a9aa Abe moatmi>©t perfeotperfect ip«ciinenipeciinen of the LiNKN S— *»ffaL taaa^a^tet; teal lath* fitat.formi* at any public rt«.r. All uf tte jy j ttoi ••••oft b©t ©a4 ao i.^nw © T TMMff | a.,1 i.AK -M hbfis pnm* New urloaiu; DLi»Vr3; or® m c©totoi © Just received and for sale low by LtovUI. iTioe Al S5. ^n tree from a warmer clim.’te maynt*y support!‘upport Ue g\LKX.v.NDtk'S KID abow* eaa hr oblaiBafi at Ik* iNfi Hlur H a-*. 7« Faunh cruatefi and Fowficrefi; fur lalv by poetry of lb®the Ilelir®w9.llelirews. It Hia alike p'.c urei«|ueure©‘|ue in S4lw tOrOtirtora «k©k>v^ C©mM V«C©tototo4wtk - luu bUr st. | »•• M**iehaa TafouC. Ml Main *»ram. te. A A. BORIE. to Third ii«r\-rMt a eenuine !*ijucture LLLUAN r sILK MITT'; kk' ALKEK J. •uwrt laps; * *»*« winter,’ it aeceimry lh*l ilf J.F. * TOKBITT. ' ^ u THUMPhO.T. CASTLPJiAN * ofol individualimiivuluai artio- .’!h I delineation pbenomeoa,pbeLomena, andana ©rlii- Vv twvMi foacawd ate Ttairfi ^ — »im*h?j*rHolTr.„*! hi..»rmfthr 'bvbv JohnJuhu Btowd.Brown. Price $1$1. th®the Ml. AND S' W».AR; . J. F MARSHALL, *iber’© Vulco, by Mr* ^ r'KtRTS A.ND t kl .NUllNE. » didactic IBmfF «T» Man. W. G. HITF. G. W. SMALL. n’.uj,, Meniori'*©. orFaChoe-wl© M ticallv skillful in the arrangement of the I BRtiTHEIt. OafiyjwalFitem. Tbroabii^ M©cbioe©. lorver du j tw- ix KMKTEBfo 'NDLESS Gb©ln Power Ticcuis more profound exsminatiiSO enables ns to I »edtrd ralLr©U, we wlU with pk©i©rfbamre ra,,, tRKIErt wINteLK-^ Fift h. RICH AND ELEGANT CLOTHING TY!»T*iCt carerliruck. I'ricc whole work lu all Ihetbe iifodernttiudern langu:igMlangu;iges in whichwhicl |*ufcka»^r«,.,,rrharer. are©re lavlev to amand THE LaDIF.s, M anU TV rra Fafirth atafi A Tt ~F» „ Sigourney.<,i„.„rncr Ifritasnta. wld atrmt.kale ThHUaoyCcforelloc.b, Mr-. L H dure th.-e re-ult, to their ja,t value. Thns tte ,.,hiuittbiiMt «>ur wft H k gadoad prove to (beatxttrm 1©*I w« ©vU -jut goo4©Lioofia I .,m,,ib weatVrwiB w.adsarragatrm t. ww AT THE Hook of Job has beenI een Iran.l.tcl,Iranalait.l, bsi-s imag-stmag-s, impfomcat. gcucraliy •“ tte Ib* teu**-** « sinek ot la tW •• ' ,ery lo.rsi ngurea eablMi for afo arv M'kalaaal, UrufifiMG.** -L leaf spolU d .I.p cf .lapan, and tte Tree Heon- , at tte XX’ILUEB J B fo BEG., "{I. Ma.t -LJ>4 -1— 7.T cent©. natural scenery of the East,fi.u9t, leavel«av« .nica GREAT CI-OTHIXG HOUSE *Se\>n Sl'iniiv Sunday©, price drawntirawn from thetbe MARTIN A PENToN, A.wtat ate -B«iwi*v HMS re.v area In 1^ ecy ,1^ “ n®U»M. 'r Jack oriyinattd inCnini, and tiisry other • Fiunh wreeG Kwl ag Hs wfo,,^ laibfi AND MyTbiri* V^ar* «»ui a.ti deepusjMis impreasiunimpression unon tbe mied.miLtl. "‘'fbeThe —LordLtird walkwalk- • ^• o Mtawc' ate La- b.' Eta. aad a arliait. or ^ te 1 (*waatwlC J mSsfona M their Jeteraua. ' H KN K , GKASS pl»(-'l in • warm green housu al the time «f ,hj,wr..w r.ffw<.eB Morart aad iai ff ate M'wtel.-gaai Aj*le^ f . ifocg A. C nkj J. ^'TitUHAff V HFViAK.AN elheth ou theIbe htgbtsbights of the waters, onoo thetbe ridges of theth, , ttfi*R4H:Lfi:4 MANDfirVlLLfi:, OILCLOTHS.OllfoCIfoOTlIS. *l. | ^ TV im M^airaM. 'LOOKFLOOli "‘uTfoi’f ililrritaithUr ITIre totroduction into our gitd. n., tometime •ftrr ttey i oraeref M*ui ©©4 Fourth Aryeutiuc*(:uufi*der©ito^ parapiuy, wave tJwennKtowering hiRhhigh btneatlibeneath tbethe force of thetbe windwind.” | „ . H,fi>K-. airtaceU fur t ate a u»<* SET Ire Pteneea. CoMara, ©Ueeu. *lV|‘uu the . , tell VEK PI_\TED TEA — fo filflTH. Wkolaaal. Dra« and for by were pul in an oranga v; thru they were left in 0(ffU at fo fiTAKBIMD fiwret Putatovv and Yams la wore s^ .N'. Price ©.I. redre. **lbe morning ''b, for W | | > ©p4> Ky. EFP TT ¥ 1 r V T hy TUmi*. ,r. l*at:e, f. ^ “Tbe '.n ^ • X TT jMU.for ,»tt Mala forex. • IfiAouA^ air iluiirg'luiir^ winter; tb*9ith>ss puplants develupcil ih-malve, ,.,U Mata t,. betwvwa fieeuwu ate Tkfofo, ©|i® HIT!*:Xj.X-1. i'*A ctTsAIALL,V J.-© J— ju-t r> caived by eirth, andaod variouilvvariou-ilv formed tbe ov*c>v*riegUrieg of It®tb« op. ©5 I ^ th «t 'V ' M***k t Xn .K I ourtk ffreet. Bear Mata 1“^ *_ io spring,apri»n», andan )Sbfow 49©4»s hT.shT., BETWEENBbT\Vfi:ES THIRDTlllUP ANDAM> FOtinEOL'l:11I,II, cl iUda,iude, as©s llieiIhs handband of man liuldstlioldal he } ieldingieldiog c’av.”c’ay.' THE ligtseff, taftte, ate tate vta^a, MOLX- •**'• fr..h vund>' ia wd MAIN 'ta fiirtaiar fo Oa. ( hammmM.fi*aJ';^ J^l'CEKNE.-A tor ioatanceinstance, ». «»n lh» ir arrival m Kurnpe, ihev had !wen pUciU WokKS jift r^ved. n.V f fo b* foote aay wtera ta tbat foaia N vI/mu ! of animals aie described, a^ INTERE-TIMJ ,K N FINE 1 hal.iMufhabita fi«. ave ono© baudhauda#otendid# apleadid o©«»rtiueutOMtirtiueut of all©It kint©okin^«o ANuTHllEU AKKiVAL OF be i'EW am, a, *0 Oar. If.sfiarek fia. HAVE »»in ooenu3«n eurlb,earth, they wouMwould have eudur***!enduretl .mrMur climate k>ton*uatoa; a »4 lli^toryyf Iwtoet ba©- tariurstky 118 Main •(.. telwren Tlilrt aud Foartk. atuouy vhlcn ©re foinr of the tio« © of tbe wild ans, tbe hors®, the bullilo, rhino.®. . © Wall®r «>u 4 ^ . (foams Olaiws; ^J, H GARFEI ING, lbo*>e A. CKAIO. fo n boxes 'ANf! FANS" FAN.-;" of rvvry rtilrai as they row do, and ibis^this is th* extraordinary, Fnr® Ti emu. 3*:. ^ ,7 J ,b uuolU> ol KIGJI hoYAL 6-4 Vfi.LVfi:Ts ev»r uHwrert ui and the crocodile, the ea^le and the ostrich. bss twm. U6 fekta BoarWawaafi Krr WhLkr; t apg AKNilLG * MILLblfg. Uu Foartb M. Ve- 13 CiOODS Toi aju-D -AhAw ibt« ni©rket, ©ud ©U ©rods© Uru^Mbi, 3*Fty, 2*Fl>'s aud HV as*** we may nay, because the' MOKtff.'Co liATCllELfi—atafal for Gavrl lue.ieu m...oru,c.mirror over the (urcb' in a countrycuuiiiry almost a.s coco!d as our own. It is in /vol'Yl.NG LETTER IUM»Ks c«yytof ROnES-SE'founros; tnetbe touintouth wimiwind as a mtUed E ate fW. afoortfoaal *f *vaolb* a fo Ikla fi fie fie fi.. Mafimra: a parpaww (or mb- at ui:<;h ami SUK ’* fru'hrru'li oea^ernearer ibdlb) cMuatur,cMuatuf, butI it .y* LAB I lag is ©Isu more eleva v • w*. i- SILKS; etl desertdesert. ^ wre iwar Mala. te f-ate •> lua FOL ETH STar ET. wtera «• eaor. Sporklmg otafi feuH (jaSawha; AKSuLG* MILLEK'd.lto Founkal. DRUGEISTS, PLAIN LAVtNLte.K ed apr- uvi*. v.. * I .unb ta. V ^^ay WMOkESiLE FIsOOU OlLrisOTIIS, tfltsil above the level of t®he sva.; MeivleafoatetteteMfo w call ate effaiar Mowaaa ctoar.; HAV.vi’I.KL sli.es: Tbe p«»€ticp 610 stjwal, t, 12, D in variety of form, furfor while theII Htlrew * Roomr. M*l sLlNr^ cienl Beautiful Lithosrapba, WM n. wriALEY amortsd; ^ firwm Fm, ing (tar**: C g bain klack Freaoli idutk. ‘“'hia'in hie.e. vvhenweb®n w® aubmi.auliiui. to tte operation a n^w *^9^* M eutba.sUem,fcuthosubiii, fromft sloshua Caiwraa. du, do; apll dfow 1.0L'IStVl El.Ef K\. PliiNTEitOlili.lNI'IES; poetry breathes a warlike LOOK-, arw ,t>k.,un Ateratfor Aalsatta . Marachiwa. aafi IS piflcd* wpvr d* .IIATTIM;! p^nnhes ’UU K INDIA UultES; ufof gleaner prr- rs, it ulwav *s if put into a clima e couier J H bCUiKJEGFJt fo I* da do Muc do. fio; iiUiiANKV to Samuel,Ssiuuel, the littlelillle boikbock the Kuth 'A “['“u ( lui'.ik .1 K'u'ack' Farmtabr for ml* by aud i>-4 VV hit® (pOa^ua; * sarroL Ca.Mmere, asmrlod; teriPA ASH.-Si cook. Soda AA 4-4, ft-4, an tbat where it oauiral.y. If, (wi tt® c n« SiDttM'ra luusk of Keatorkr, A. McHtUPE. fiTkir4 fis Tt'all t do Fn-nck Black fo LO. 6>4 Cheek du. senU,senU.usus with a ebarmiug and exquidte picture of ^ apll dfow LINPLMILLGFB 4-4. fi*4. and I s. i i uf Kui t .cky, fwoelTed aud Ssv mb* ky ^ lu V K Vvrl- vr ‘‘ ' '* f"*'" Vnr'be-B Bauk JaM which we wUl --ell at the G.Hhe,G.Pthe, at ttethe l«r^iiffrici (f Wisentbi, enthuaiGiii for i-owI.OW Afo (x>..(X>., SIS Malast All of llAMtKLIlilllLE.- filper du'aen; "atuLature.e. "“r"';, aps^^ JAMESJAMF:a \| I Ul'MMEl, •'''“*'‘*1 * '*»>|>'a.‘«'e aluu.-i .qual \V-\tches , ark A A/ * OAlNTl.LT.-; theThe Li't,Fx-t. spoke ofLf Itit “as the lowliestloveliest specimm, of **V ;V-‘.*..J!i"^.twre4tiak: l.'W and kff|vhreks la amekic:an 4^ Maiu eire^i. ” «’’• dlMirreai tar* st aia n afoe ar«*' M'EIJCLY LINEU^»F-B.\TrLF. . liLOVI.S, TIOSU^ ic. posse.aposse,. “> *"« tMntr.Hluced. I, ata OF Ik* v“* ff.lAJkSoN’fi AUlEk" HOfiE bonth i»id e. ^ip!c and ijylidvl poetrypoetrv which we taonrawutfod BetwocD Third aud Fourth , "J 1 1 'tjr April S(h. imu.oomm wri a s tte a*w * JgoiMa LadW whiuCoKoa Hmw, amurfod; apll St G — Ssap for iiafo by jLt C. DUVALL CO. S, HumloAdt' ^ Edgar Havta. nail * do, du; ASTILE BOAI*.-IM buxre Cao^ g\ Tte W* Bj M «<» mw«l «o TheIhe opei.atumopetati.Hi ot naiuraliauaiunai uraiu iiM>u is ' Wta tetewfor H" {S fio * CTi. ©{•12jAb Mam ©trwt. — veryverv much I tv t TTt.'TO ©Mil )4k Bnwea© F®©rtk a©4 Frfto. ®f I4e ck©B©ew ©©4 tettowi tee®)' yaper ©ow 5^ brown do4o 4o, do; C apll dfow LINDENBEKGLR No. 50 Thitd Street. * * ATvn BDlEniTION » wi^ fito ^ do — having simplesiinple than theIbe prec dinf^.g. It SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED /JoMWi/fc Some people, more cuasi'-itecuoiii-its uulyouly 1; 55l£li*Tric-» ovata poroauy. At do bteck 4o 4o, 1 jhf SBTI _ _ ©ee ©o fi aasttfo itat at Pai , itpiiN kiTTk • trauspoitini?traLapoiting of »a species «ui te a yte lives from its ! Ol'.«FAEEPEEa tanwt by , half their in theth, MAIH*Es'S Book teuR . r Thtad ©tet® 4o 4fi>, OFPElUfi.-ta, bbl. Lupperav for ml. better to annoy them, epeod nariv®na'ive .^ t«i 4o 4o notbinir | foraat. I ei Tkera fo t O. ' ly Hardware at N.x ' Freuck'. ©ufitra ate filateard Praam lor a©te by apll dOrw LINliF.NBEBGER I Styles of Jeweliy. and all to no purpose, ©s country ictointo anmter.am. iter. It utt ojpr,yr, itrr,trr tmp,»renme.Imporl.imr. H for I r«eeiv«4 C lulled; Rich ibeir servants, Agvst J©©» ©b4 2S do do do, I jcoMiut: *f ( XOV’ELS, . ©4. io ’Oi^PEll'S JA.ME© LOW^ 4 CO.,^ 4H? M©in ©m»ui ta-d; » this that our fruitfiuit jrarden^garden, ar®are d«>, one us® is byl.y I do qraalluD « at j»r**®®T»t of th® lari:«*»t auJ i ©!*8ure you. "ll's no ip-akic^;" It ^uccesiivelysucces.ivelv seaatifuUy lu ' have on baud (bev innocently , „r uuMU-eured .deiraare. Tarttrjai 2fi du euthih 0©1 du, du; ol line ®%er ofT®r®d iu wwithitb specssp- c*es ot iruUIruit trees, Iforley. ese(,“ teiS"par* Cr,«m V V ni»«t varied Hrleciiou - it is oulv to siv the same tbio^ farnishfdfamished new tr**ea, th«tthat ourtiir bundre I dewicas ky I PortaUs ForsB^ kagv JWpiwT; ff.REAM TARTAE.-M (.Qurse it isn’t if 1! I ui,*4r,t.st with five Ls rl^Kfi—» ^ Walttut G'ftteup, pinG; ataaaer. by toie lu du a.oatlv aad auperiur Jewelers. C i l ifo iMMk s fio apma; ^ r«e©iv«4©©4 for by _ ^ «.afoym.g. *. *%<• ll'l, market ate •" waste breath and tem- forests eraara people.!peoplni with mm. r- vigeen 2® Lte eToubie our^uik tie i.taLure tain p,,?net? If you have eo©©iry • wot®©, btaUdess. ate *T**T Mjakatafo g aa*a« Maov; BALT.—M^ita Maoun Ount) ©|iU d4w LlaKUL.SBLRGEll 4 GO. trees remarkable forfur tte "i' wtper, wIh»®® B©i©e » •Rk kw ^ ABLe i.|i..wiuy them and couaider it no uouble. get tHti'l of him or her at once—or, if e.i bvby new .plecJor.plectlor of ff®-f - who aaeds a Sfoktetep fo IABb puuad. tSovaa: ©b i© a©i©M bw©e; I servant,tairvant either |»*utt®er of ©aud. —if©iUe* © do I her ifi 4o 3 i4at buttl*** fi'ivcl) Fiu®©|>t'l®; KlTTa i CII., Mainrt. of fi irto IU ber 61®*. T sflijAb JOHN of the tedbad bar- theirtlwir tlown^tiow.rs or ttethe eleganceelvgaDce their folioif®.foliage. I mg amar (Atawamoa; .^’in.-unveuient.liii’iDconveuitnt. makemak® tbethe b®«test , . . aa. ..aa .irewamt .©©©>© ^ate per teamm Wm Watare ©ud tor 8©lo low by luai le a #©cw- ©ud vkc^l asaofltfofo, Mafoard; M Jmto received ejy-ou.ynghl secured. priociple upon which thette natu-.l./atiannalu.-ali/tiiun Tk® liubliehrr* havr itt»l ro©d>- fl CN mi “Ttall^l'Kaiieat from Ulriteteu ^ BORIE, fiu Third it. it lasts. .Ml the akhemyalchemv -ffiff scold_scold The of ia assyta m A"A. BORIt as -h tin ^pll gainLs locg | ^ aaiaf Teaks w lafola th®|.smiiiarity fb® af^Mtab »•*«•*—**** for CkAwiny M©eklo«^ Clocks. will never transmute © ten-pound plan's res « w t«Hiatri®9 m r®- ..i^rtoV b®aui. u* #n> Uuito ev®r wjw^to X fo HL'GHEfi hread WA8TL->Duit©bl® Clocks! fnir in tbe world j m MTcLirrE »t®©n)- ttorkey L©co©»o«ivee->l.uto i*oo©4elii toon* ©od for f©to ky B»6 b©4ts prim® Klu Goffre Undiuf i-®r huiler, or teach the plain aped to temperature. I he teraperaturi of j tintrv.from tIfi'BtoW’by tk® u©©pFi*»©ch©^ ©©4 Ofi'FEE.— ' T imalernte c.jst, riiitnble f.ir iufon into © liflv-Kumea t;ool> Clock St n Itaukr. but'on w©f» eotoia®©er4 Irk., toto*. A j H 11. NEMGUMB 4 BRO. hoot E. 11. fi'©4rchiid ©nd fur n©1® by •ueef tb vufog itaite lUtfi .arw. w“*r- Y¥ ©pH F. GRl MF, © . Uft rrcvlwd by A siwayw ete »;a'-r.rk^i?yEgi:KEY i‘‘„g„ lbe ufotototoP W© ware fite ssay W y bWs pure ClJer Vinegar; ****** takfifo nunll bng- HILDREN’S AND MISSES’ STIGUV HATS.-Tb® chanfiei. whis*y — Cliewkals. 76 d.> Table ball ta gki BKcorFBH-i'iffnixM* Pior frtitf Eilrmeu 8i4 L4uli**» ©re re*p»®u^ No. I Hooto ©a>l Jtooeo, wuwlii Ite foe mm wood boxes' fur GhlWren aud *4>me of the Laud- .. i:#.. »• i.. ra K*tt DF.ALF.US In lAfiratfi Myreefofou*. ofot dtnefeutdifiereii cases Matcbe*, round fur ow sales gwOSINosin oils.OILS.-— A l©rf®large lot KoRuKofin ou,Oil, call lo-ir att>*fii»(>© to tk® tore® a®8ortfi©®©»to afor aggttaady BeUteouna: do do, lagwr boxes; " sthkh detarmim, th, fo HL GHEB. Jfo hate ate©©4 lor teamIe by 6 cause Umpera- a, 4* ioop*', : jtlTc LirrK rrmterrades oao© h©od f:on.,r of .Mstn t^o^rt'h^ta o^re^fsrmV^l^r^nhlt^.tar^h M rn' Bfi»T , Yoiitto* , Lodi®*' . .M ©ad Ck©- JJR Matcher; I 'rto. coidnfo ^ Genunn . IM hKE-NE fo Bullitt it.to. ,0 gross • anll^©Pll WM. fiKENE 4 CO.eBamttCO.. dr®ii'fo Itooi;*, 6otf t' >n«r®M8 «p©tu*r«, Ho*»i®®©, 1)0 Coat, d Cotocrath; coils Grass Halter Kope; ~CH£LDREM’S~ 86 ®isd •koeffofall kinds and ^adi'ioa ©li aytod to

do; I ake's FirateMaf Pa*** Ifo Itadlan Hefop-. OIL-tte*W> btehUa pure Lard^^dj)ff^.al.^byOil for eala b 86 do Uem|. do 300 YotAalAlDS aad var> P^i?ISta . lai'itE LAEl) OIL— trade, wtork we wul al Kope; fit I for tk® ^in® ags k(»r fo'alie Itate. aairfod kraais; . 1)0 Taraxkani. WM. fiKENE fo (.O., Bullitt M. Al do du Bedoord • wki©< 1 PkUll m far . >v • Mdicit a mil from «ko*e Yarns, assorted slzos; BoA.I^EC3-ES r©®k kfogtek Vai^ Mte; I n bags Connu IDTJO-A.L. in our hu®. k«m< mmur^a w« ean gAt ©a.1 only » A r Cartfff Obatn; l-ff^ 86 du encountered that hrttcr .o>*4e.•Kir. k«»hu* ©t U«®iiM idlet^ than ikora who k«y their -M* _ rut. "elixirELIXIR ClNCHONgE!ClNCHONgi:! BalUng; At Tweiily-flTe Oiitw p<>r Yard deime of temperature ifi U met ia ©Mefied G©totw to OR: Its, bales low amd anuorw© !©•» 4e poles^ aMte .uniimt sp^ In itaamaikecthMn»©rk®i. (atrpt(tor WiCto ©r« SI BUGGIES! rfTadlaa Hafop HYDRIODATU8! 60 coils Cotton Kope; OPLNEI) THIS MORNING. says tbat the traveling towaril the Arrived Wt8>D •« ** *“ L«jLIO CINCHON.®CINCHONiE Prer4T,-.v_a —Ths Rochester Union . OWkN 4 .re^ ^fi-gh?^n‘StGHE. 6u cans cove Oyster.; ^ we tind, ©libou^^h under tbe k« rbas.>re.a.fote i^L’S'ui^SSrfo jr HOto 4RD "kunta Af® bnvioi? larifelv in that vicin- of these mouolAinfi, 4 Il>drto4«iell>4ri«4ate (a© FernFerrt! 100 bnteleo Wrapving Paper; pouio BI TT«»: stytawaf C'fo «*a*,'*2®i,J^,(te fftea-fo Li4Li^nnclwa®nnclwa® l^r.r- ouanti. *ua©t.>r. nermaceot alactoffi. What ia rem irka le | as OMILV FLon—Ui bkta atetae Refolly Ffoar. va- SOU boxes Stone Pipes; Nl fuNSt!^V^e have ju*t rcceiv. d a Wanninl ©toort -ou's*aau*a reak*to©k I S .SSiwesrete • fa*** gSJJJT' Tartro-C'liricTartro-C'itrtc Lenoiiaa®!laTSSioiiaa®! lUU do Uny do; meat of igoU dk®e%e©nd »tu4 HoUom ol »aw ©©4 very ftoftienUr I* *k 4 bob. In store nndfor sale by pTkUyMty stytojim.lea. FLETGllkME LET*. HKK tofo UKNBkN.NETT,-S ETT, Stotee Mota 7© Fanr by fo. Manuta^. aute a Far S-e I louv, a ^ fiomeumes ot toe name 4to Main mU«^ SSfo^ ““THOM'S JENKIMfifofMu^ 1X> Barest. hnU*#; i of A genufi AOd • MtaNOErS ©|i7 dtowtob Uetw®e© Fuurtk ©©d FMtlL iiM to u© w i-okto etor fftlR Cketoiitoa,Cketolitoa, IM) or^audy do: which grow under the pota. at «f- advertises 3,000 bushels analogous tolhoae to* trwd- to ef Third ate Walna) Mraeu. Reserve PUia aud ItaFarikie Bare««*<: ‘“rte Hne Plaiua Herald W* tor mm ^ MEETS, af apll Coratrcoraer (3 box« Westera Chc**a Just re- vegeUtioB. oYS**' Fell H*Ua( terry d«M:xi|»at© ©ww i© ©ee ©re nl. ¥¥ tftrtnre, TALBfi^. • [ D“™l33tr UEE8E— limit of Ptiplioetf. LavelUf, Ac.. Ac. /* uaoi?. most of them Peach Blows, deliverable the cclvad andfarsaleby k foreign plant ta R"'115 way*w©/8tok«U©4o4w te tata ©7 .yfikk A. GlL\IO. ' Itafiiaa Uamp: Bakter'iBakhre'i Superior raefov.face! C tten, tefoia «.bamtinc Ktractoi ysoLDFNs OI DFN slBL'E-WSIBL'f -W kegs jno. F. HOWARD, sJuft received by JOHN A. MILLER. 3» cant, par bushel. Thus, Fourth itreet. ta that ”lTa^ Mata St., baCwecn Third and Fourth. ©pUj4b ^ larper portSsJ'efiS?' ‘**R Tte *;« {J«), X^?{^1 eP. ] — - ! I i b « « T ' * I ‘ • r , , - , — ^ 1 ! 1 , :

.Vtlm.NU Tin; STim OK kIIOI.DKIW DKTIIE sew tub I IXEtllUTEl) 1‘UI.MIl n 8.1I»DLE ANI> HAK- _^w lOUISVIllE DENTAL DEPOT. UACt COl’RSt. NKd8 STALLIUN More Piizen tUan B’.arik,, JOI . | LOLlhiVILLE RNAL, e Ate of llie DIM Uat the power of Cone re* ‘Va.* ^r****'**‘^*>'‘*. I *^t*^ eppniijtiHf Thv cfifiituit tH* * Jetlereoa.retlenoa. ou I'KUhtiuu II. Hunt rr|R»rt**i! ‘ MosArt iiUl. corner Foartb andtod Jo8««a.«JB^ by TImw. r*i’oiDi*l©toi*s tlao ha. I of sute." H.«y.“.xperieoo. tm* tt\ ruxTiriu iif.ndkr!*o>. «t o«>borne {^^I ttoood ard fourth heat, were won by Jx^urenir Woodlaern. c*>iiteiuiu|r ebont 15u arn-, f 0«>. L. ll. (ire jr. rkUPIUl.'TOKfl. aot.- Kow. wm »r n.^:hb« hare IM H. P. DA\VE(«n Praprlolor. IM at the price Ait.uuu. | heal by Minor'. Verona. Ucou.le'. (>ii luotiuu of R. A Alexander^ I ^Ihilby College - K.VCfl.K X)L^X I>KJ1V, paint ool in oar JaDidUAwlatntr /(ceofretf, ThattUe actiuu of ih« eoiumitU*** U h reby Lottery, PUCU-IN l r«de .leff and Oliver'. C.z'que were the other coo- I I.OriKTILLE, ADVAKCC. ^*,i»*a!vaeh*ife Ter- | epprovi;d, and ibey are ivqiumtcd to have the KV. pr.*iK*rt» H>u ll»iii ' SaU.whU-hha.p..^r.«.Uriya^^^^^ czwiidiu. J.iluarr I, the ovb - bmIM c luvcyrd lu trtU't U b* iwid or II i' It a n t « i- .. SALE. for the beueOt the *!•> I-i - V pM la Tin«-1:4% 1:49^. FOR of l«taci«tAc not*untp riT*nytren |j*for*Ijefore the mar*mare eiRenlUCKj# I t l*a\**leaven th*the admitted .nto i n* uum Lwfit preoiUcepr*oiui * dand I Trl ! K i- .llxfiMpM Vmmmoj IMIr •*: ritorial .oaUioo and >K8TQl’AI.ITYK8T QUALITY OKt>K PITTSBl'kl}PITTSBl'k(} COAL at the low. AtcbUuu Alexander unUiuntil nunullllill-. u.*uixa-i.'.*uixa-u. uixa. BTaiwgnu* will be provided KraLi* and riaio .MAL'K.UTIKEK.'^ OK .STOVE.'^. (JK.lTE.STif^iW^O M.AKBLEIZKH made aa * u luroMuedluroj-uea at a lairtAir I^RiVf'L* i.i> , . . A'aAlriv * r P***< iAm aa* nv M «mA « H eft Market price, aUu MPKCII BOTTOM COAL at will euabUf them lepally C tuiiveylui.veyittoit to prkv. li RJ*Ny«* biUi.UiUiLNTS. without the leyielatioa of ul«o*I» ol th* 4 U>. MA.\AG4J:A— It Ai. f^-iW BallMiaaft: if nUM. »A »c.«dwcttCMi r»c«,racw. milemil. heat*,heat., much lower raU'a by wucbiUon. Kvi y »tl*otioD wi iUO.V .MANILLA *4c., A\p tUPyKTEHS A.5U BihALEKt^ lA TLN PLVD. cMl «o himhiiffiioUoiIk do Tb«Th. wasw,, won inu. two /ifarioca. PUCE*-IX AOVANCK. d^ir^ahe Teirtorial RRe? W* That a call of one hundred doilam u|h>d «ach-*b e>KW|icv or aicideate. “ CLCB ?V?3 I “experi.no. th.t ha. .tniK'ht htaU by Jace. J«*w.n . Hempland, beat- |>'24 dblir Near ctiroer third mud' Main tU. I^yablt* In ca»b, la hert'by made. BLOCK'Tl.N, SHEET (’OPPER. SHEET IRUX. ZJ.Nl', SPELTER, «r«Ur— MAT A±: < « B n|An #r aor* «l R< aaA. iTlArhim pwdnee the BibjioLWq That a further call of one bnudred doOara, t. inp B.nfamano.nf.man . CrAnna,t_rAnna, semg,;.Semg^'.’s. Glencoet.ier fUly, Fxi>ii.«v.-l>ri'nDaD ... *ir«d by iuiiuu>ii ^ WU ; I. reep^tfiUlyreimMfnllr awulawail it. Dayy Cmck*aily joi bha? '••rfKiwn- wmneh. W. S>-4 1 Ihl.Ak, ^ TINKERS* TOOLS, MirHINES. Sc. WILL liriilllLV TO%ir CLKE IJtJeUr Nonimn Kivnch C.i«dun: dam by Shylock. .ij^ AKKli. MU. 1«. ( iq—W a* Ana or itm Ant lanrtioB £ meantime, raUdly a. and Well. . Ilentley. Time-1 1:48 dim oaW* „ Ibli^ Jnat hen howev.r, in the Hrmdwit, That the coniiultti'Couh>catk>o. action in run- ‘**“*^’ ^ Haniilrooia'n; he 25^65 PriXMPrisM amounting * II II I ^ O irr*\/rr^O byhi Inn-ortiNli?'y*^S52f I*.! t* '{•"i tOto m^w.UW8340,000!6340 000*1. Ih »-** • with ,m„!e. ahrlock. . i« when it i« The race on Thnr^lay, two-mile beat., wa* woo I the |»n*4ddent and Tirt* prfi'idt'nt. are hrrrhyau- 4r.. w«t hr old shAJl FayabittPawnhlA* i.. s^u _ArT® ^ or arvawS iMKHoVkIi KJ r« ffk.M KAM.IL whiib bw« IM WEEuV jni'BKAl> „ nei^bor Al«U authority, H L Lo Uf I t V t It a iu full, without we knowom th >nied to De.'.jction. the « ..ver w«i roasarlttM b) lay cut two tracks un the property, one for a I aw*rM rifca'^T LY8» KIG^ii M the teropUticn to re- 1 by Bicgaman a Big Kllan, beating Kenner’. U Va- tlAO \\ HAT fifk TOKS SAY APf)lT Jir. runnine and one sue 5* TK. aad walrb ie iSw awaiut him we ctt'l ftrego IT. M. lor a trottiny couree andalfo to have all MIIE.MF. J KLNTn kV MK« HaMi sTXTl R 11. Head, oi Middletown, Ky., writee un: ncetlfufstpnde, fUblea, feucen • oal> siplrie aihd ‘Or.'rjmiui eeeroAwwdi* r>ete and Hnnltr . Lorette. Time-3:4»>g, 8:41. ^c . erected « ^iwlWwArp rass<^ to •* ywoifradrwRRn*. ao lightly and acorn- ** ’ 1 prize of «M.iniia nr-for fRi pameutan a. w«« him that what ha now I have been iwnr ‘ //m(7Ac/ oiik*; In |»rftctice. lie my Thar a cciOiiniltee cu tiilee appointed at a pr«. JOiKPU llKI.NKtK aM hm i public bavhu: Wmiifbl from *. c AaeAmecinmaoBAiwr.*. eafeaod ettUb-nt remedy In vioue n^i'ridraXwa 1 pnxc of.. 13 iklU/ Itua CAil/< and /Veer, and tueerlny of the i4utMcrib*'rit are rroueete«l to euBB^ . WwiRf At acbmewi, 4c. (hUy *»««. aaid. make, up nrarly the whole turn 1 i*rix«*of..)2j^x If an excelleut tnoir in previ titlog a recuireoce of the proper ruie« anISKASES . Kmus getect *^ftucb*^atucb*’ with IM. I H. Mayo, Rum«ev. Kv., ioyf . ... nnoolbnnooUi Spaniah ISVILLE. ^ ,t ti If evarever tcu : Ihut the pn-^ideut Mre.jue*ted bi enter Inbi Gkn. ta :«aAl.U teg., HD II %>!t» ATS K««. LOI lawyer. liAa uur cei^Lbor I 1 pfUe of. . 4,aai< oowB M A coMiiliituMiAl “llu.h**' Touicu bound la. GUTdRlk. quarters, the beat pUca to get rid of them at 2w eta. rirkiy CT I pnxe of. . 4,(aa»> l'«S nrA Ma*on. I imv* iiwd it luca-cor rliilU iurid*nt «>rt aul I.*xiiieiou RED l.\ ’ I ll«w, Kil: . famoua Kan ana report. I* be « oite lUilrLad C»mpani*. iu ar*o dauei THREE Jl GF 1 >. -if.AS %N Fjw , fuCBOCten that 4 . 1 iirlxe Ilf. » deiwAte DAYS . 2 . fenMltM and rbudren. lu twenty yvAnt i>r«i-Tic« with the views eu^’Btvled in the letter of Mrw. W. uKAY’r^. when the lontribatuio bo*, eoea 1 W. A. Hudley to AT -j J M' M. FKKGU**^, ^ ^ the Wi*»«t Tax IpnxeoL. e*dorse it I luihUcountryAnd Indb*-*. l have not t with B*'nj. .1 Admiu«. OPPOSITION^mE TICKET thaf be didn’t at the time aa the im V I. •HoTWKI.i., f>4. 1 prixe ui'.. 3,iiun# round. any modicio* ahirb atwarni tb* dejiri-d rud in wic b ca-*i HejtfUfd. TL«t tlie pr<‘xi1ctit L aiuhon/t-d Bud reuuee. C’ISCISNATI LtK'K M«w«a «»• Bw oaly true cnnRructuo nf tite C'duUtution and Uud well ail Huseir.XL, Ipfiitewf.. s,oa» . 4,uaa I a. II u.b**' Toni*'' ted U) Bpp dm an aj.'eul t«» collect the eadi CAlled to mboiB wot*l*4 FOB GO\ CBVOK. oo atsKk 1 |•rix JOSHUA BELL, gi. • A am. { lieui a. candidate•“ for ('ongrc.i in tlie H. roU ) “«> CAcii.ue reiuedy 1«1 prize* of. 4 Care R> iatend to look over hi. lilai and t«c. W« bu(w, in chtilSAod lever. /tVeofivd, 'I hat It L Inexpq iiienp t*» havt- raclna laeetina Amu luprixeAof . 3«a» aiv *! I.IKrTESAST4»OVEKSOA. uf Ttnneuce. Tba district baa beau Kret«red by 81 TCL1FKK4 (HILS Louisville. until uext f«ll, kiiil the time t.| ! ! 3 Sixth l*iatTict HI Ky , iha' m the prcsitleut aLcr cuti9 1 BreckiiuldeA A Iloo. \c\> altaU«»u l«Mi of tears tba itcorga prirea of . Iim *ie ALFRED ALLEN, repreaanted for many by . tuarie deod-iuAwHm witn ow'uors ol rorint; sl«»ek . “pacnliir ciaiin.” which wa ddicauly forlior. to 3Cuu» KiS'^ol.. fare .. ^ JUttohfi. 1 hut the president and . Smm.uwu N'o. ATTrtRSn' doo C. Hay DCS wfll La tbe IHmccratic Great Sale of Toiwn Lots in Ashland, chan^^of iher.ic^coiw*^ndlmpivlv1il*n^^ WriUneV inipocJ^r? prise* ol JAMES baad w« ar* tampUd aim lu cit. dK *kVT“ 4 S%v Apr-r* x U> SVi.Ww prise, are Si uua Ua thi. tam. **4 ** Kentucky. •* pr»E of . .A*i IJ At** prise, :\re ... A-aa» AI'DITOR. .ndiJa.eforeo.greuinth.nrRUiRrlctofT.n- •• again tba I>t«d Scott dwUioD, notwiUuuodiog '• “prixiVfkf .-jia* ft.iiai piise, are L,*^' owaf or by b..,,u ** K. Szt.'., I. Ta-uc. So.r*.a,y. . apiUtwwf “ 8. PAOE of rrankUa ,uee. Col. T. A. KeUon U the OfpMltion c.m!iny^^Kl[k% .So 4 uiM» |•r'Se•. are i •*n»* THOMAS which our neigh- «« Company will make a sale of lot;* m the town of Aih- *• •• LIND^BERGER CO., the extremely ihatiby ireaUneat ^ prixen of..lui & 3,*4u prise*, are >hm land. Ky.,ou FklDAY' and 8ATUKD.YY', the 6th »• •• caadiJate. YOXTiNCS- a p<-s»^ of. S. (Ml Is* TREA-STBEB, it MEJIC, pi «, are »;4h bor gave it when we cited a few day. ago. Wa and 7th dayx of May ** ** 4 uf. . 6j ^Pfis-' 1,3 0 pd/eR. are ' Tbe M'laatuipiii river if a \ ery troublesome ens- river, ICK! .™*f™*^*’*®'*fled •' *• •* Ashland Lin Greenup couoty, Ky., on the Oh’o ICKl t * •I.lcniflalin,'**•*“*'*•**“* ’’-0 ** •* of luairiusrr:a,ji*.a,*. ’4«0 WHITE . CUy. ICK! wh.v 4iipnz.**pnzf*d nf.>r .’'•a OADOHERTT the teraptalion. 4U 4wa prise*,Dris***’ think ire tball bare to .vitid to We 4 are.ar.* ...! ! S.oua at the paMiitptiiiit wherew here the L’XiurtoulA'Xiuytf and Biis Sandy railmaj **'*2* ^"^*^*'* *• j f.-rnxF’ Thera ia too mQch water all alfinir ahnrw *. -hou.d 4apris*Rof.of (M j«i*0 * * 40 wU** J pi Isee, areaiw K » uoi th 1 60M nSIXTFK or LAND OFFICE. it anr measa importanl in fir< Rtnkeetheidnkei* the \4»l«-y\ 4 'ley oiol thetha uli< this. d«sT coowdar bv prise* . -iwi iwallT j of. 31 pfise-. *rr..., . . I tina lootoo Uttlclittle at iu mouth.iTiouth. A!*hUuA!*hlAu.ii wa-* Uldoutlaid out mini«>4, and contaimt three H . , «K^,Lt Ik. wmmr.i *ys « J Hcd JOHN B. HERNDON, of Mason degrva that wa abouM be ( areful to p^uird ea, hujiva,a tire tba last ...... a .t. 1 e M wbtml b ick manufactory, an ex\ *» a bava rercivad the early oiiniberi cf a sew* cuo|ienure, a Ci>ai oil aui iiaraflim* nianufat tuKax or PCBLIC tbe Dfsd Scott deciiioo agaioat the oortseqaetoet c>f SITFBIKTFSDEST ISHTBrCTIOS, « » f‘>r‘‘ii“™-u«n>d«ctcry, a ll.uk. and yi s-rb,^.;.L'“ib.^5riT:i,”Vik‘A;^*,T.' approximation prizes we.kly entitUd the Arizonian. It it publisbrd at . neigbbrr’a logic. TLa dLcUithO wui t*** h> Mprc u. two i*r**fvdinxi*r**cvdinx WM F EVANS, of Baiion a esUisioo with osr a|H dlust* The aad the two Mictvodin?MwrrTdlug wurwiiaibem Si Tubac, at three dollari per annum, aad rreienti •»o* rreat pnrii.a>* r.r tberonn^anr i* to aid in biiildiny tbuoe d’awlux thi- br*t ted piis.** will b** fut _C I...1 * ._1 ,. 1.. i Foi Sale, Urd to Ihw31i PRESmr.NT ROklU) IKTkJtNAL IRPkuVEMEN'T, cue of itaeir, and oar neiirhlair mu.t lake in caa take I np Adiland a Ur**nianuUrtiiMny bii-dnti*,*ud to make approxlmat on prireH, F>«r pxaiuyl* : - | i i c It lM;ke*t q*> 11350 * bueineaa like apfearance. '' PIUS I, tb,- a*,t »ud centre ol a trad*. «iach it. w.th rr- ED.VK?DA \ , Al’i'il 13. a iHiiruf lhnrouj;h * o-Rt.iMl prsc, tli*«e»i*rk4*i*nn i.l»«*rFd WHITE UlS. Tae d.c'iRao, referring t.. Hit** l|**e' D. R HAOOARD, of Cumberland care ofI» Uhimaalf.1 » . the I tm can b sard to lb* *real Iron and i:oal of ,Sno»- fell in 1 itchlield laat l*xion *a>turn K*n- ' * fjanty,e lantr t-jnn.,finn last weexweek 1859! hoRi •iddU* varv iioint ia hand, aave „,.„,,ra ,,bio ,bould and mu.t evcmualb aud harutv*, BUd ivrrM tlv xcnih* aod *- fl' * ‘-5“*. ‘“‘1 hKVI V ^•AL^: HTAllLrS, WKDSF.SDAY, APKIL U, I«59. uita U». dm* IrtM' tim* tor adm.M « mm Um m. g IM. ‘T^'ornpany own nearly two .ho»«nd acre, of land a ayij d.*» < .truer *.f St'Vi utb arrive-»,H IB c.fuorirrRtfLy aud Market tU =^MtoB:^=^ I lt'wMiw]ama] extremely cold. ,,J, .,.teb i* nv*r bottoin and ilie ivmaiDdfr LiU laud, aaocLi* »«T*aLiui»t» d tow. ar fivt Its soTxmNMXNT m I ^ “* ““ MMWt to owe, to •a:*li aw oegawia^thow i« i srn^TmTTiiiLtvrnir^^^^ 1 bow: bat to mpwh the mrwmUty of matfiwr « ew4r of SEWING MACHINES! PLAN or THE LOTTEHY. ' aeif ex r ewf wSM Wednesday. Mr. Henry U,ii fllMi; gil.ker CUy to««. b to iewace iIm empwot} far w “ u-ueb tb«t ycat r*uuMt* for’in.niit.etmiuzcn b.- , ,45 ^ lj,.ii.\>iT’?;;'';..’?-''''-*i.vr,,Si In the above K*>«>tnr th**rv are .'ri.ir*. iM-kBi*, n>iiulu. 1 to Th* r- aiv IGri full «ani| 2ii ai*t>r.-x- '** F.ni|ii« <1 . 1 . (ta*etop^n,*uiMvir«u|.rriur*..aav * tmatHifi-*; 25.**a» C .4 luthsewiarbtet. .\MILIF..o, iri, ami j*rl 5C4 . d»'tmtiii>*’d by tho draolux , Tsil t'oocb.'l limnien, SsJdlen, ^ 00 utht-r p«>iat C4D the it.aou- .Shoe- iho caidial prLic, of the Democrat ia thie aarreaders hia [ 1 iiisker,. S*»iu*tr, *.e-. sinl mwkiuir Ui all pris*^ Tbe editor 1 hnuirhi*#, lvmi>nt*ucc**a^fui- I oUi*m in »,ut ui n imoj ( I The n«tir.h**r* ».i "Osiug A A(i I<’,K. from i So.R'hi, c.iirp*|Miu-i1nx with the Mm'bin- sr* riiiiu**t*l li HU *sU suij exsniiii* tb* niinibvn. ou th.* t ck*i>*, (•riute'.l •e| .t'->»ii* whole caae. abtivt* Machiiii* on •h|**.*f l aper. '* at Xo. g .Ma*ut*ic 'It'tiii'li'. Fourth »i. Coupn-inf sM th* Ul**t atyl**, u f„lb>«r | biro for tbe lioud and care of Mr. s daughter ^‘1““'*,*:! arc rolled ut* and cacirktoi willi •mul da tubr* aud plv*f*d ' ta aRabliA “ a political Boker ‘‘V""?,'”" 'i'.rt'i'’*!'' Why ia H “aeceesatT | ^ (JartA'F couiiutw. ouauu m-artha L-uUiriou aud Bis lyaudy UNK CO.VfllFj! HlK IB a flaa* wkfv*|. *iam k*v 1 HV I I'KIVATF I'SK; t'<>al le UhilharmvMiic Svciaty of New York gave a raUfo^d. Thi* Caouci Mmmd to iiotie for the pur* FlNKf0.vrUe>, FliK I.IVKKV f.SF. 'I h- aiiiuuuLi* of th** diir-r«-ut argMizatioo*’.* I t'lsfull |.ns* *, iiuUa*l> Tbit ii tbe Supreme's Ccuri'scun a oMOitaDiipinioD It is makiux Ui*ai aod Parkthne, vicldiiie tr«>m I V K-.-IF I II U <>ur«»ur I *, i ^ _a«* « 't-a. ^ l*- ^ i * a wL a J UU S> I \ T K ' K A A Y .< ; t>rinl«*d aud eovirclvd, an* |.lar(^ In wn«vl. ,\fu*r coocerl_ to 1 hos r.iafelJy St tbe Academy W aaewar tkia qaaatioa at be pi 6u rsl-oui* i<’r too. Thv laudp lu whifli iliVt-ualb- F'itirri;ie-4; aud, at th«* pn'U<* tt(u>*. a i>riXf* i ilrawu I'rum Wfcea ho saswer* it, wo mall bok kiai, if, Sstur.lav eveuinp Mr V hsi wSl aad, ooImwwIw oe o* loow With /'»*“*»** ilti.TTlMi W.MiliN.-; the o’hi-r wh>*vl Ifv * ar*. eolemnidemolcokatbatIcoks that theth** pow- • • “^ b> wh.i Uludf.ild. ,|. Tlu* oaoi* •‘ y'’ i / i. i 'x-i. a a ^u* V‘^*/ r po- . ] smred from l-avsl, wbitber ba repaired after bia '‘K**bturkv* 4 «*al uj (Nimtuny i«*f .\*tilano), thm ud ,lnio,t *v*ry rsiM'iy < t i l^r and th** that k k n a eiem te aataUiah “a '1 ... OLD MlUIIU arriaf* now iu iw*; criz** drawn out ar-* o|w-u«^l an t exSibitod to er is Dot ueeeetary d.wsal.^ab t EOUn and exiR.exist. He bolds l to fi.ur a< a ou«* half Itvi la thlckut^ lactiiii.v « #wi. . l- * ,• The «f nblch sill .* ail.l low fur is*b „r -h<,rt th** andtenro aiul r**riRt**red br the 'ommte**t.>ii**r. the ' fiw that cad, h ma't cqnaUv fw>ni the buroing of tbe atesmahip AuMris. FK*iM p«l,-r tiei~l orgaaiaatiae * **<^*P* ford' d tr ihe L**xiuirt«D aud Itix.Saudv mi'ii-a t tor dcliv fifiXk*prix*. b»u» »omior |s ao*dao*«i a'daiu-d th**ta** •• . that the power it uncelled forfor u uumtirrbiimtirr drawn. ui»> r- I \k’» andsod n«tDia needed.itoedsti And larKFHl Sl04-k Thw ui»> wr» womaae ikm » maju, vriur ibl* ( auoi l iu A-*hUiid, the abuiMl^irv In a \>w ill llir i-ily! aiteiui* r«*iH»lFiluiiti>aiiitM* iflz vw **!*'.^ **1 toaanfarf are uurlss » York to ( tiirionaii »rc vl have l.* ese that the “otgaeizatioe" it aot Imo thouasod f«>ot psaaeiigera,•» eoiigTstiag and l.ouiiivillr. drawn 0*41 . Vam and Tss W ac.i »os .i.i.r* “aeeceesiT' te hkgxmm if u' II k \ I i •» n f ihv Itorewfoac he eeyi “experienoe'' has shownabonnit.it. WillH ill h* hnrw larr>* jxiruon wf coDutry. and it* ik-b«iMi< in oil, oifi*r cTrat * 1*^ •IrawiB.* b > nii-nou«r lo • taiacd agcinR Ihe aad aad to lara k right whea it ' sad gold mioes, sod four haodred luduivim-uip to |*«rtk4 aDhlux euy*ayv lu d.-iiliin( oUi* rrrtib** U» cometurw. Tbe uiiu etiz*s ol AU ordere ap the prraantatiun of that “exparienee.’’ AST(»MSm\CLY LOW K.ITES! eiracharv iddrreaoi Ie m> will have prompt aiieuioa. hur. d*l*rp.ie*d b> Ihe number wbieh draw, th* whatwhelaaeweraaawer caa he make tolo thie?this? He atuRaiiut wefon*. cn.sied the ferry et St. Joseph during 1 K';','' J* - I*' * '•* hu-tu-t W;W. aad s^„r,i ',«io.ot rl.y «r* »U...foundfound iulu tb* hill, .roundsrouiid ( ** BIt'KI.Ks,I-*:-*. Ay*ntAy*. for .-ai'ital priz* (eliii.uuli. If ih* aumle-r .bowiJ b* ( Fi.Vi"‘‘•“'Ia' Itebabl.'p*i'^ Nt.w 1 uYx -F1 -* VC V>*I u kI J.. YOKK A.Mi it* V ail Mid IIIIIIIU r. . n.|.| oar arighhur ef the Ajhlu.^d sju. Wk rj«,,u.d^.h^u,h^ mlis-.- th* pri,e -f I to If'suIf an *v*n uuiubrr.uuii.brr. th.th* n *vi rr rvrn nunib*r lor 4 rwy iti Iroie snd Ui tluir foal o lo discuss tbe reiacioos of tbe *“ tbe city of HartCrl, .\*w York vtoivia 1 ' l Nl.'l .N to c*ul* i>*r bu-bel lr..iu tick*,tick*t asilliil b*he rnlitkdrnlitk r»r,» Liudenberger sll purpnsiS doped the a«t )*«*hir*Culid- I S", any u rher priz* & Co., dale, aud to ivuiaiu at lhat rat* doriiiq ili* lialaiir* nf lb* • •'*ch a ii. k*t loar h* *utlil*.l t*. ( sll tbo-* ticket- meat Uth. Terriuwies. be denied th.t hundred regiR^ed yoter. ehseated theotaslve. from | *ud -if q-tio. Gong^w. h.d inziox with ii.ti. 3.*. i, 6 «> Bre I Tbir"7rrCT*;linTr.V.“r^;ir,':‘?':dY^^ J C.‘'BaCKLhSr!Ageut‘'’‘'' IDGHI.WD CtlAL fiiMPAW. 4. , ar* *v*n:ev>n: ailBil lb.»*lU*»— eudareodicz with I, o.ft.J.ft, I i.illt bnuirbio of Uwdeut ahlrli vi*i4 priu*i| iil X. 7, H nre utld. i tay posrer lo protect tbe rigbu of sUre the el the Ute electioo. It i.i u ih* usb-risl. N. V di F. , «t rI- A.« i'.,I'., mudand I.. l;ail:uMj*. WHOLESALE If the arisrer Anre from the end ta be attaiaed prowrtv said Ihut these il.II. t.aiLoaJs. DRUGGISTS, Would V .it A»liUud iu ni iyht-.ih. o.l. IF~Fri*»-s. (sBrihViD f»ill withDtit - snd iin.|..nbiuisn> Vsb'i.Vali'ii iii* sadaud Ijik* Uhor*hhor* Fipr*'sFipr*‘s i o.o., dediB*(i n. . _r . o o**wiw -**. . ...i.., theeb. TemtorislT.r*it.»-i.l Logisleturet.l..,*i.l.>u*.. V I . -*ere .... , 11 . I, j it. If egxiaR Next, be ed- ! previously enumerAted by ctnveseerdes iltm*dOl' w.Mild I'rouii-Uy l«*c«tt* cuiiimfuro bii-ia**i>»*. \V hjit* tkk.*U lilu, h*lv«i* t|iiBrten iti. maR of oourae he edrqaetr to Cea- »ud I 42 R j X. T. Co < aual Un*. . PJilZFs MAI a a lo tbr i*|«cv tif BD ordtiiBD Bi1VFrtiM*iut*ut,Bll uf th** «<1- II J^* -ME PI-\N()S. mitted tbe poweri bat contended t ocrmls; end it is obtrioui ., At \V. L. .\liUiiu'* om * thst 'Mingre.s . thet powerful • grMt poeaeeaes the power to eetobliih e oweraamat some secretrSi ul Ai-hUUtl. i..YKi;i'..sr.soi certificXtes or packaoes 510 Main Street, g j VBUUfiV B^ B xrt'Bt COlunit'rciB< liu<1 tliBUIlfBt* iiiKiiS I'l.xxo k.u iouy. aet lo cxerctec it. ioflu»r.es tiinua liuitit, rBoout U* full}* R* t forth, th** In the abure iwbeme for a Tefritary, h has thepowar lo rastraia that gow- o«ght Now he denies the power wes at work lo induce this Rep. winl CsiUei'tO} HENRY A DUMBSNIL tkkrt4 are t^iM*d in (•amkafve uf U ( & CO., IllV l»* tHTatsUBl tUBpeflioU. Btlrti>*4 tllBt i*1rlct rZhUlilUhtiuD h-lf *v*u. ague. It is Rated that all over Germany, just .VF.W w V 7-drdd^.,u m*.Ul'.uiesiBi- m lour aUcee%Bve yeare, at the Ylarr. otaMDt fmee thwarting er defsatiag the aims cf now, tbetoe w ill uul}* rvdouu 1 lo ihHr rr**Bt b IvAutwxv. ORI.FAS8. r*OL j lani lUfUtute, luniiimre, f.ir cuuMuur-*! 6ib21 dii*$‘Ti4«enw4 lSVII-I.K, , ru ero.liy* L Id bU 4«k*B ul loU bu **4itBt*‘ b* KV. there are edrocatce uioR popular song 4 4uu«tii?u* of r**al th>*rom> tlie and oaghl to exerviec it, aad caat fail I Phrhsps of squatUr-a>ve- u a “Webrlied,*’ by Henricb^ DUMESNIL & I Bto* hizb* ft bvbiiIr ut I'h:iu4l» U.hlB, Kktioiutid. goremBMat, pwu> liBvv rtouh«Nl up »n the iiU4srpfjrstiu*i ut proviiiouf McILVAINE, Vu , UuAhmcti.o. t IU rour**)-wocs*« I». C .BU Muiit.-umery. AU. T* Rilnteiitiald 8A.\0F0BD br.YC.LL raigaty ai zaalooi as cur oeightior, but ! Stmek, in wh'ch it it said that th** B|fBio*t tbe mI»* uf iiirituuUJ* Bud lu- .NKW YORK. TH08. toeamciae withaot the bmR indaraaaiUc aadcrim- i ctruinlv of ezo*.W*IICe yiveu by Tluilb''rX, .Scruko J. H'KII. tuxlcBtiux liqu'irv. eh. (i- .Suiter un4 M ' ASH Bdlvauc** msde c cun*4.'unieot* • uuuilier ' Th* U iu ”*2'*'***hmnd.Bul* | And tb* t4*nnau ^ duce ulih I»W privile *e uf m*iUox either 10 Louirville. FOOUtrr. lead aud tbe 0.-rman wine. reiuBir.diir Ito du hatvtri* do dd» thr lu ivo »t|UBi pBrnieutf into111 BUd 3 »Br«.yearn. gu mockary bat dowarqght Doaataas te Shall tleriiian be lur*v*r. Sfw Orleans, or New Y rx. FurticuUr atteotton paid to *iiube& (>j. respectfully invite the !*•» It is aot aaly bnariuz iutereet from tbe tUy Mle. B'tehtiuu of du ti*iart<*ff> do do Stag SANDFORD jr ward to tbe young < f 4 A men of Virginia, wieelv ,e - . . . leru ufJer^. the |.nbhe, aud e«ttete*iBlly .»f iki* ba DUNCAN , 1.^ . h are in CO., u waul of really ito du ^iabti»4 du & ^ ' xn-! oil**'’ Au>* iuforuiBtioa det>ir*‘d will du 13 wa that Caagraas oaa orgaaiBe a Territorial goran- . p. . •e'f'**>J*nt |iropo«tio3s, boanng a strongBlur be furDibh**d ou BppUcB- * aey _ . ITU- ® DUMtlhNIL LG. hna r)BM* H4m>.tothelr well BMporied otockui tumooiiiict*t| iinrtralletl. iu amnl as a meaat aa iu . tome aV«hUnd , MBFvh i 2 !>>a9.^Bpl3 w •vlirmr aud ceclitit d |»riuud thTbugheut• theIk. entire• I oion who , 4 b 13 dl* I drawtof^ went to all pur. IMPORTERS are now abont rliajri*r». .Vdd.»*>*-^- ,\ND WHOLESALE ltea,hae ao right ar powwr to caatrol its setiaa, i teen vesrs since llariMfllV I'Hteiit Oriiuiiienled KV^d^:^T::u;h:T.S KEALERS their political kHe\N( E, bKOADHKNT.'i. tskteg po.-i'.ion fur the firR time It tc' u ... * *. .. Jk CO., IN dalibecaUiy aboat the Tbe I'rosecuung Attorney of u ttewigh it iR rmsUBtiaa . Oallw county. louuwvi W*, of I ,uV.i. t. Ohio, s» n-i^'ViVJirnrriVt7R“L‘^? K«*au*cky. uobeioat that tba I>emocratic ' Y 1 ( )sc,> I party is on la.vt 'ro li» - iU i„c 1 c- . ^ „ „• - . . H A • * LUNAR plkuuid an Itolrumeiit I*. 8. A rircuV cuoUiuimt all tb«* Lt-ltrik* for JoRiua LIGHT n••l^•rove eiiPn-ly uati-fuctury each aad. I; isa aoeetruis and coataeaptibls i.swis, K‘q., died in r. . .V the abtar- I , , , i-i > ii Gallipolis on the Sd „ _ J * r GKAt Is. luontb will be Iks, Fancy Dress lags. Iu race bat been run, l'M4:-\FfaT. BI-jiT.AMi .VIISI EH «»U u rw*-iH*ctiu|!y Bilicitesl. iurward**d Ui Xtiy pwtfuu *«ndiii e GihhIs, and, like e prodigste HKILI iant light AND AIRY \V M K N AUK ^ CO. 4 ua their White IhkhIs, Knil>n»iiiatut I rake, H exhibiU all Ihe debility coneeunrnt ri'ki’G on rice . i, , a * .. . tbf miiuii' fr(um uf (ft*— r«. ildu mr -ale at th«» .»ffi **««f tbr lkrDi*rd vtsden “ with RfTGKKS Ct AUK8II.N, S..I • IL p. Kau>, tor >h* Ibv C.ilirfr Li>tli-rirr, at thr •>'1 to wbiuh U«« aUvulUeO ©Io| :m*: PtultowiuU aud and Manaxrrd f>f. aad corrapboB. Ueratoforc, talentnl acd aspiring ' . 1 eaual Ui «a- and b uujub rhita|a-r than (a.. tVainn slr**t, .Niw Ymk. -Mantillas, ,,-i . . ^ - Th* Lu- auiatouru frUVri. Shawls, Varieties, that orgaai ral i ea from Baurpati<« Gilman, in the k nvp«*clfiiil|r invited. ap6di‘sUu B|* 1 jtkhaUtd 3d Jcc., ar rabaliioo.” . ,, • , ; psRorale of the Lnitanan Church,ch, nar l.l«hl look tb* nr.l kreniuiai p , ymug men hare generally at the last .Merlianirs' goiM into tbe Demo- ; r,c. „ uAA , ,, FaHu lx>ule\ille. (In* dollar', wurtfi uf Luuar IMl »1 t*s ThRie.RepThie ie a Rep fur^.rurtfaer. ;W.Now, «we waR to know, if „ — *» ^ ^J^rmiks as msnring the’ quickest road Vo M.'ffT.M BANK NOTICE!ce IyTVbXJU-OHJ, j I'ATEIT 1ETTEO -I- i <*f * 47 I I ill dili-ctioz. hot it is plain Bankink AM FAI'TFRKK vinrinla. T*Dn*«* Uiwoiiii, A “• that tbr psrtv Tnow ^ of Kentucky, \|\1 . i*eet rebtoltoa, v mnw Z IffT^elfK*e hod formerly oeuledaettled f ‘ Keuiueky ’r. Imh-.-.., Hal** mC '^protect at PeotU, Ul. orrteuorrteur t*audl«w. Luuar oil U not exHiMiv^haVnu dlra- I.ntllVILLX.z, April 4. I'ibl.1-ibi. Kn*Bi, liou Muck, ^ «wiiin«F «iLa. mu .nsi «:n | HIHllOP BIvJHTS!! rtr**t. Iiriw**u .*i*T*nib errezble riiiell, an j G nnt llabi* to emok*. loiuipe euita- Mam snd fJr'i'li. "h*,* h* si.i rigte. w^tekaro «,a6d.dt. i.frm. or A ciicolar from tbe Boston Mission ^FHF.antiualmiiisl mirlliizmivtliu; of th*th** ShMkliuhler*SU*(khulil«*ri* uf thisthia HanklUuk ke.|i l.OL i^tion 'i" House cor. ke.p evuiauily 'laii-l, ISY all piiif oses. Ihill THK IlK.sr .'•'KIHT un *1 l,i,.>sn luaoutacturv, puuud-. Uelur and se* fur ruartelviw at .No. i UAliKfl n'ill KV., "**" 4 b*bf b.ldht-ld on Sunday,Meuday, the SU3d vayi-wy olot M.yM«y n*xt.D**il, stat qua. opproaRon’ If Coagtros caa “protact** the rsc'ts the statement that tbe brig RXiiO! iJ^FLK, Fourth etmet. MuDHl*ciurt*d aud noli are now BECEIVING r»r- t hlorning Star ia by ldu*ciOi.kA M-. whs ti %u rlertina for ite*v4 n iNivnitorF «»u a VEKY LARtiEAND DESIRABLE SYtlCK, *‘“‘***" *“*- f^rtcett with it. SfllABLE FOR liih (h-* {>art uf ibo otLsckibuldorj, tu fi.nre thy (‘ni»uir? war, cea’I unfit KI I •iiZit R^pi^" tha'^aaeple? fur further service. Though TGEUS CLARKSUX. ' D SI- somewhat out of sar ^ , will fak** |.Ucf, I^Utoto, i« BUT old DkoCber StoU of _ ai»12 d!in3d|i M \VaiT**B i*trF«*t. .S»*w 8. II. ItCLl-Kpn. Vsr,^DU,w » be- Ycrk. ffooB atoy loioffoio,1 irf , loI ^pat oovnAm- a- MWU- R* repair, a |'4 bltlijdtd CH'Iiis ««nrnntioa tkt it c-an be refitted r. 1. ... fur a little more than ||12U0. sr»niiKrci 4iJUlbli'ird .No. I losiu; TviaviDE, goror— ..y it teteritee ±-f. V . I -I TO Rg te pJiwalar Llwln Booth, the tragedian, hat been preseated /M dt> do ±± IV I a Ll L< WHICH THEY INVITE T HE ATTCXTIO-X f i'*"" D No. 3 du; OF Bl VKJU VtnlT!SO THU X.kUrrr Ishi: 4Aw»m J lu ttor** aod fur Fak loir, to clo4« cs>Di*i|ronif ut br li.AKEirS PRE.Mir.M with a silver goblet by hit admirers in L'barleRon, U I CHOCOLATE. endoree the a «KiUKE 4 (iALI A(il|ER, IV. right teRtppreR “rebRlie.,’ htenTHI right te d-> WsU ~r«vL UVKEIC & CO.’S odioMi squatter soyereiguty TVrTrs K otYH \\ • -• .. • ductiiaee ~FT<~> I— - of Senator .. . AMEI.'ItAN. FIIK.M II HliMlKltPATHH AVII 1^, ill , VA- a—blite joRk-e? Is Ciagress all-pswarfal I*illiam .soum.Smith to ap. Oci i>rwaBrien w»swas at Memphisjutnipnis last III K 1*0 bbl* Xo. 1 WUminetHQ Tar, to arrive, fur .NII.I.t M I lliq i(i..\Tl-;. , u..:.i. xi ^ f,. I v.1* |'KK«U |ll^;VAl;^.U ^o. IVCetLrx sti*oot, Territeriai * hPAKKK di IIM'UA. IIKIiMA fllUJA I'UI II.V '’u r*’i» ! hoM a geveramcat. aad all-powartete to *•*' sente evening for u.VI.I.AGIIKir. PA.EALEU ANI > -eert the righu Idid Uwthe peoplepaopls oaderitadcr it? I.Is Cea-Caa- i-rom thence he will vi-tviiit o«rour city by of a.Mi DIKTKTli: ii8:iiA. t'lM'UA IMPORTEll OF* cUv' ^ thetbe wavway WhigwhT«Tv.toys ..T™,th* present canva.1 w.ll 6x tbeeeT iesuei jI M1LLL8.M1KLI.8, di6t I'K.VL'kKIIt K.VLb.KD COCt . v , 'YA about ur 40 Ji-tra. ?jjarv t ucoa of th« iu agent ie appointed te aczMnplish? bung tieor » huUt ft fL 9 uV lu incbM S"*'*,*"* A^isr It this ; Brownsville, Prairie connty. Ark., quality, warraut. V JSHES, by aud d Fuperiur auy TOBoA-CCO, eSc of d»ra culsir, U uGter Coo. to plagae acd blight the proepecU of tbe inc.utions aud wcUhj abuut l4i> iKiuud? CIO-AHS *he aoa-iaesrTaatioa *****^ ^ ***'* nmiriBhim* te which wo are esmmeaded? some of tbe citizana. No psrticulars given. Ill- UFi***r front u-»*lh havt* an oiitvard proi*©nuu aud an- 1 *^iMLli**'*^^***"*lri***fbddn*ii. iiitAlidi', aud |*rr*ou* in yoath who now vote for Lr< hei- We, then, say to WlLlilLE! v«*ry vide ai*art, and toows them whi’U addivaM’d bealUi. aud a« »ii sxjiVLTViErt. Does Csagreas Hb 1 JeiR55 iW pastem aasple power te “protect’’ lUv. Colin McKinney has resigned fur i**a ami ufli.*i* io Ntnou* ami •»tete w.riMtrv Fro'hrrww audOIMI GeuRn,ueuiuiM aiM e« sR— Rir tbe charge of iuauiM*r» ar«!Mt>isaivutly idt'aFiiig thuuirli idow iu ntutiuu D-^iivpi »etpul .»up hrby Lxfcz erieneel•erW^nrwl IWwi...Dnur^W'* ,»lami p^krrapKbrr«. young frieadt. beware! Keep yoor records sill ”’!* ">ev inrsl,imU*sud run,„mendH ty >tm th* aothority of iu creators aad ao tbe I’resbs terian I tw* Ih* snore re.srJ f “r tli* se,.r*h*n-ion ol -sid the lunrt power te “pta- Church st Jackson, Tenn., a posi- ennni ul I lu -icUiis. oteaa: Avoid entangling N*fra II uk*uu*t Ilf the Suit,' ur 8Ui if tsk*n iu tb* .Stale N7^.AJNTPEI>! tor* tfas coaatztaUiiaal youreelve* with a crum- rights for srhoee tion which be has tilled 31 1 and drilmrd to Wsliaie, iu>.. I aecarity acceptably for tbe last 12 cor Y1T{ Y ER C 1 A YTsS Ulheus , a. In «.l«ili* *** AO'*, for kick Ik. k«k«a Uiiig and deesying ut?'’ir**• 7Graut,~nt Fh*ladfloliia: T. v Htuudis#-,i^'''' T,''.'!-lultL “**'»market -telM •«*« heke wR la i-.-. e party—keep clear of ite siiik- i» I XjoA.TEST uk*ViIlak*Vm E£:to'aii alMe eithR , the reatote ar iu aatharilr axUte* years. WlI.I, FI.N'H A LARGK 8TOt K iag Rtip- OF ii.vi.....ii.. K,. ^ May the 'vw Kemember, that a new Natimal I uion J""”-- - .rs-isK' ' ganizstioa'' defy the r 3T. 1 f* \mr a jntroi srhiltt ds- Geo. M. Dallas is firoposeJ as the next Demo- " “•*' ^ aS! iv:rTEt'EIVF,li FOR SALE, FraxkiasteiaFraxkiaRei, thR be- I “'i<»Mist ebdorses THIS HAY BY KXFKVSS- J, ^ SCmillDllllKMIS Ik WatWet Nurse Wantad.Wanted. Fine I'.i-lier T-nn*^. try- Lac* Msuu.saud Puin:*: a -K.Ci'i: ' eame.roaits sapari..pari w u.to its • M ri K81 sn. VM SAW MII.I, altb* mouth i | B m h* ».kmmaker aadead the ^ . rtAm J mtaUrmseter of biihi. j.,,, ChsrieRon X nXT Courier'' copies the ar- lloooed .'*alt KkvtT. I ii r»* ** healtk. »kiiee AND k\ u ail abuiidaui'u «•! ^t?*i.| timber ill OS .*’“’^ ckHd is sol m«e* M «*«»mt1v«.u, I 1 { •taRtevde i ar the -New Jer.ev, Mis- 1 am* •!» aud mbrifilaa* -V R iaountiaataot it l«na«Iwgte. to bteRhe.’beaRiie’ I tb»* vi< iuily lo b»* had al a Uir i>ri«**. th hiiiitlr«*«l -X ihansix munlluuiit mar karn of as»ud | AU> I emam’uieat AABMABWa I lyBii* aud kmbrv ldtr*d leavlmi r**U. an | ihiM.* arn*d ..f tru nl Imtioiii Uud on >alt Itivvr, huav- I kr k,r name and adjr*-* at Ibk* v IBe* Aad this is whece our able aad intelligant acigh- **" •*•“*'* I-suis last week. J- T. THGRVTfiN', Uv lliubs-rq'tl a ith «*ak aud twiflar, twsivv uiil « abuvt* th** «* ^ mtu. ** r** i ,, dJ,, rnr Rrf thetn. Dsmta STATIOXERY *i*H loft Fii iin h htrce l. mouth 1 ith* r**r imh will b»* mid ar a Imrrain cIsd**? Calo — «trR ha.has tended P«P“-P«P-- I a Undnl I R Ur- Look r , "f* Mrs. KK. W. JohnR*. wife „fof .Senator JohnkirJ odie. if 1’plica I , I»*i «i*-r-!de 4 luu b** mad** toou to the* undt'iRif u*d hsm.^ fallow curat,' ****** “!* f ••hr V ahhYm.w^waze TO i>Ri’(j<;isTs. n«A dee, te th. mire of ab- “"“‘7 has been appointed Vic. r*<3n. -a.t J (.) i ’ •' « ! I Urgent of the Mount ter- OWN K Its > I KXHEUIESI 'rjH-* l•*LAXI> o .a«tej ^^.“,7»> tS ED UEKAIA.N DkLGGlsT ,i>kr. Is il*sders>s rnnur. -wdmy the dirliaR *~«r«cy w.th shame and confuaion. niirjl dlSi- ,1. G. Gl TIIKIK. Ky.. of qaibbte. apmstteg " a>. a «aaaU*o io a Pre»cfi|b * Mn«ib*Rbai»w tba cit* of fa>m .vny ^ Ladi..' Association for Irkucaz*. CHEAT IXDLTE.ME.NTS! Drmr 8tMw. ||«p <« IJeMorawa aad Sailiaba- ; | briaa Iba v««y tew Fvamvilr.ETsa-vlIr. M-\-\\\ £L1s k CO. S. beat city rwleraarrp a« to cauv-iir Ae lad .aad.. aad ee lac M tb* riRaMuescams* sf vhiefa liot ia wait certai* IN O ItHKK TO MAKE KOI) M FO It 4I HI•» rioer,riarr. i»is ..aiy Fotmv baa at laa^h namtd tba auti ^ preacher, addieisinic bimaelf to ladies TROTTING STALLIONS, ox. aiie;: THE Api-lr at tba Dnitf stora of Mr. K. llArL^ R ..My ab»a’eb.a- mR Mdr* fruM rmrk pMea kv tead Hdl j -^6 o i»It *o,tsia* *^h!l!m**** 4 vm M 4 Mp idJ Markrt at., ••©•uiaa arwaMw»?fapesytf. of i.jl.asf sriv* le »«»' exaggerated hoops, said recently: X'r.w \uax. March 33. wshrr st al .I--7-. “roion “Re- .NI-:,VR FIFTH. f! AWn IDi^ZOOS Z^-A-XEISTT HMb. ..f la* mr 'U* eeana^eSSant **' '**•* t»» tvrtify that wf hava tero W wote Ih* *• ^PIIH au!hori*«d Mr. .11 I pruc^y op ib. . •*“ ****>- Stole Kight, "»eni'jer . ff • US ta spartty. iSciaiMTtcy.'' how ka £ J* a a For aad ^ *-*d* I It boidt a narrow are the gates of Paradise!'* o Sale, w*aR Coavemion 8 jomr fauMfaun b foundfuuud inIU n^aord to dd^rrnog 8**1** (w. r. j VFEK HANGINGS ATCO^T-Thrnibwribrra.hav- A 8 thedrp'.*ilthedrp'i»tt 1 .''FKSa.- A.***ut It-r tb** h*1« u^ our ChiMfru'* aaLLACK) •Ak “*••» kf ktouur. I ha»e tetsirwiBiil omteR absardity. rbaaipiao* of the to wM it, tad m Oppoatioa' R Harrltbarg to-day, to which all Macanliy hat done ion rectrotly reotdv«*d thr atock '‘g io“ TruUmgTruttiUK Cuallru^eCliallru^e uwu*4 i*-dlod by m** iu bdUbill# (.arriafies*, (si|U*, P*‘iaiu'm'ator9, i'tb*. •J DKY CUW8. ApRr imm*dtei*«y to duiue -o, sa^i>eteMly for are invited Ihe very thing be P from of the lat»* I . il* Kockiu^ Hur-«w, pl.« sat who once coo- Wm. ...j sad itoteekte fmto- uf uil. •* •». PM them off with the kaaa 1Tie|H>h>|H< 8 iIt4U.ilt4U. uto r.uar.UK U>U» mat* hUiith Lint airaiiu*o«;aiiif> aur truutiir l*rop*'iIur.% Ar., 4c., f*r th** (Jliy uf Loi^iUeaul State Wood wilmin A Si'iN, point ef argamaat. I are “ia favor teuBLUtoCIUL. of proURiog agaioR tbe war of r n. detuned io Obatbam acd PultneT —occtMc w«*U.dd lu Uto 6'alr uf Kfuturky at thr spH jiAhJ Msrk*i. h*f*.M Flnw sad itb art*at caie> I dato uf *aUl of Krutuclry. <«—nj. Ma^ tba raerraett luiTeth.-r and Wap. TU gulf * aoUdaiad »‘f. iurrrao*** »taudlug lUu drmaop for luarra »o |*rovr my lUB.t; Jttla Ufon tbam U Federal deaputiam upon SlmUte aorarei^treovereimlv ‘“ply diRtect ion uf e tKIe.” orde uur olock to I A. 1TIRI8TIAN * S4iN. for wAu'A trr art SOLK AOK\TS_r>.r KSWCCKV Rurh a large* omit, are * ^ ***•• •“*’*• .toe suaU* ii ;e D aceetiirsl 1 rml, hardly ruwoird aad i»«c hrssdensagh aad deep eaaagk only amomit. toa* we luduitMl tocunUnuetocuntlnue to aril I V‘*** 4 mod l.\’IHA.\A. mol wAicA THA LHeoH. UTRA- ao OOOI) AX-MEN «wn a* ad. b» tba bMC H will am to Isy them aad StRe rights, and of the An export trada bf iu ft-adiu.’#*’ with m> d«iriirii at auj titov ' | rin. ipie! of Duo4Lter*nuo-icier- uf lumbar has brao Rtartad at at coot fur caoli uutiiuuti furtber uupor. lU acivuiluy KOSCH. HnTTsrHAl.K. .M.S-Su.V ou KodiNx frw .w tulMbiubeU >f n*r» *m4 l9 iiarty iu*y drp»ifi.atr. md -HuTt .anted 8aetloB 77 uf tke I eitevi>lr aad .Nash- um Utuim •R h^ to Itoiy them U. thrwr with II «ud thu- di}t|>*-U all f uribi*r dciibG W’V 1.^ raand’* of t«»baacu u» tbe acre, then' veniwa by Congress with iJevRy in tbeiba FoUraborjf, Va., dmitiad for EGAN A E.m OTT. ©u LANE A I50DLEY, say is "matitriur to thr brmi OramJ funot V Title Kallroed le n« net CnneteM lb* ymr o/ter rtmo Vitb* by I Tenilurier,Terri(urie», PtuLidalpbu. tlii- fubiri’t. TlUf< fballriift , oa vtalcd iu bill<, • iil day or ky 13 47:^ Mfoiu fUtetet. mumiu I brae»BB j wuids.'*) Ike M*as. fur whMh lb. cfpm otf VI ktek*-t ! ^ my. till sluty 4. INI FACTCHFKS iiF wm*. wul s* yaU. F*r “*-• Boa interrentien trial I 'blna •’be ikTsadwced la ib*« rFmatn*. by the Pederal KxteutiveKxc'cutiya of Jamea Green in Warrealuu, i,«nbehu» suidy ' re«|Mblaff iPtuUft OWTiie eduar af the lt*mu, *.. . I with , Va., N. II. ua 8*cts.a s< Ik* any*. vv uTk . .u w ^ Any yfuUruiau wiwhiuir to brrwd to thi* 8taUlon H*«»fl II ^ • IH Ll-tM.Et b VTII.VN and *orkit*g tfiarhinery evade the ffeschisei of the peopU of tbe .Msles.’-.statm.** lb*Ibe iillioi; cf f'arver, at tbe Fauquiar Springs, JON I'FAIit.F. h«iiiiy a troUliiif mare tbat cau uutiuut him wUl ir. pnnUtea id the Ok ivr hiR ^ Bs-rvievd t/rutis. 41* If **«»ctracy are terribly alarmed, September, bai juat terminated d.s* far* eapraae pnmmi oa Cr«^Ma to U^iolaU iU .StaU ia hu acquit KUU.0CK4S:PJL:A1«'K, *ldl .Ilill.N Ml IIU for tbe j Committee, beaded by K »bert Tyler, ***• After tbe evidi*oce Cfroiilar .11 Territory, anyt has iasited an I waa giran ia, tbe jur>* ao- Saw if Ik, j dsaouacing uonneed cOKNEIt IIK John A.ND WATtK STKKETS, Tte»«*»R ef tower ke> tbe raion .Sta'evR ghts Coo- I from tbtir box that iLey were agreed (ieneral m Ripbcsitaa to tke i -|| R I npun Insurance Agents, 1859!1859! luarch l« illyu BsiUse. iO “>• verdict 1859! I'lXt'l.NN.YTI. rotuo. with Blaib. rutob,rtsfc!. htoldiw feru* abuaing Gov. Psekar beeznte ba wruld ! they abuuld render, aad did 2i?’^72Stei57^ lltoUtoJIwe.'ti?*," not wish an w*r SMt aawrse. «eke hetow. ebetra. I OOir 435 Main 81,, over W. II, Stokes' Store. THE TRUE & dto *•*•* xR*’’* anpport theIl«« Leccmplnn taeunres of stgument. GENUINE. Tb* pn,|srrty li e*U sdaMed to tv* to •“PP-r* tbe Preai-l*reai j afEFrEK!«Ox\VILIai: dan R -,ih i Wall. I tte. »nd b> f», a* f * tsisi st ftom-o. sr* tory Ynt Imiih aabRitate the wind “oauatiy' ' dsnt. FliEX('ll\VIIITF.ZIX('r,ll.vr for “teiri- nCaptaiu Montgomery ia appointed to luUow iur reliable Guiuiiaiilff’#, Otfiej-ally auth.Tiz.’J I i Bhuriia-ised in Quality ftoto - 1s J i^Mh. the command Cy TU.S8 and HtTm-i. of >esr. haetjr.. 0mr4ma^ioirt^ 8.NiiW WIlirE AND .Ni>. 1. Dry snd forho# «raalB«rs|u%i ra Ibe •"innJVMr BRASS FINISHERS bw« rke I 1«ea k ' WANTED. I.ruuud iu I||<. ^ *? -^ Xorfidk Argus •» command IN FK.VNCi:, warrauted I'L'ia., ilEl.fU THE •*a ll fi*r ibe poal year* ffit^ OTTbe does not like tha idu of I 3 Ml ta :« smItb bo4 bon IT'l , 1 IU stuic and to iiniv*. for hiI* by dix or elfbt ftMol wotkinaa. JOM1.FII yi. STUOMi, THOS WII L'.VMiV 4b «’o I “ Indt. .q.adron; Capuin Mi Intosh SWEETEST &, . Tne ,*opl*. BEST Bpil tA.vlJ Marbei. hetwerw I Tf'*^!th,VinnnUel.ctiou w bile bolding Third «wd F-sOftb Oo. vrotrtl foito ltov,ee tk* tos^^a^^r tl^™ S‘*iWiog Dtead. and tW e,H-li ot sRteto In *“ at th. Pensacola navy ftif*i*o«rief and l*r muBrwt fet»e Ih* ewir •TO. ka > “0““‘ D.mocrR:^* ftliaN c ua-liM ceeRrr sr* f»r ter -wa*, a wi n eiid •ruM aieae is. *’“'*'* *" lomnuind “ lu w ite seie* in *nhl. sn»n aJiilto teak the steam .loop leBve.liflt-r-rmrtile, ojipporiiu* LcuifrilJ •. IrOI’lSYILIa I- i.-.*r "* ““pelle-l M encounter some inod..roiu amelia m tolluwi' PREPARED. Wanted, k'''-^' 'Snds eiridn* If ^ Btorinmo I 4*m*d, (s* Ih* workM ann Lscculer; Captain Y'ork. t;a*ii Capital suit' surului.....*.' Djrnin *oto command th.tbe steam !.sonau N yia, ' s'Diaianae* ol Ik* piuprrtr ttoy to rsiard eean iFteU- thm. U.e “ A. 11 A. .Hb, aad io i». ,^i. private meeical lit i>* roriGBOM. |»Y; s I..VPY and G AV. Il.«rd «P“‘*--. a-uoliti« Home IN'el'EAM.t COM HA.NY uf .\,w York, dispensary. F.-kTiOVD Bats-IMM AsT "j ENTLEM te a priTst* ie« > BmeHsrv te ^y^ Rono Hsrtr«..t e.ui i- n ti . . ^ kny only farai uul. snd mer, ucoprioop Hartford;Hartford, famllt-. sVddroea |fc,x ateOiM Captain B.11Bell to lueceedluccecd Cap-mnCap'ain Cash Capital and suri lu> * A- Tibiu luni lo 8tymoiiroaly,coouettlu< /or tiu o/ thf !?• LfkmuvJh’ p. o. mp* b4ky>* In work sad csfTT s^LalZr UcovdafJRtnLRcher. al,ii*iu«4(‘i,Laiu,U0 «Uti mitffuiiled nnd imstru^ ea tb* fsrto. I haa* atek tead thto^-Uud-^^i' ** .‘‘•J*"*' Day ExpTNM lur 4 lucmuBtl. dt*i4/ tu4ary vf ** I>ominDornin »tat tkethe NorfolkNorfo'.k yard;tard; *-'*tM-Uw Tliruufti lu ft lioui*. j>Uafiurf. uho. nmUnt/ tkuf Ae “ *!?• -t *n» frtod rase , f_ a ij I.- -II Vf' havtnavv CommanderCoinmaoderwMiiuauuai Ma-».a * ktoea ^ M^Taaw. , OI i &r *?-*'’l* •/ PaXY New York. *«» iioti'wd tAr »*rd. ii c. / 7 1 uBlbe rWvf. . . Cuh Capiul aod Suri i USiia tSo.DOt!0,l)0 o/ r/aiu loiuJk um* di-*as*, obu If lb tbe Cua« slooto^w.r JohnJubo Adam,Adamt' andaod aud cha •oteofotrof otr Mifrei«i|*|il Huttft fur ('aim Bad M. I,*uui«. BittJ at ^ tirUrfitU rvm Coamiratfo 1 lut1>aii , RH«id hav. if k. foi, Op^siuoo u. the ARtlaod DiRrict, ItWw. MKilb* with 111** *^»‘i‘'¥^fu/tv at.hp.MCiau tthvmtkituuUfiyeunutxtM:- ,„«! Terre Hatite Kumd iur Terre Haute I Commander Hnnt loto command the aloopsloop of war Mat »v*iicy Ivlma I S eon alnnt bt/nritd Fr MEYERm 11 k-'* hi* wurb kt#cb, .AKCL. uun, 8t. Lonb, Allou, and c*uiral IlliniJ', and Atm m ihttrev. dui»r*gbij vkb lhM»afaibB4r LoatorUle.Ot. ISiS. with I ji. *" Levant. Commaeder Calhoun hashaa l>senb,«. to o«tiiVLt dLtfdbtf f«r*tt* Husd tur t..rsy*tt*, llHiivillr, erderodordered to Ikrcslur. MUJ Scriny. /-.I Olt. « oau^^f n Itcld, I^iTAd CATEq f’AN' IIF t itljy.5lJj iJJJLia i MlK.ACl'LmMlK.ACl'Lm.S.S «*' w *tekt headryd dstbar. to < l.icaeu, sod the Nurthw*-!, sud aiih ^i)jj VKKMINVEKMIN DK-iTKOYKR!DK-iTKOYER! ! te. iLwiTZJitelJrto the th* Peru A- i e.)n,ult.-d si ni.oiu *_iho.o - i .f' Sloop-of.war PotUmonlh, tbe of tbe ^OPT CKl'liIlKD SLOAR. — luu bbla UBltimoreluiera hB Ku.l for .. theu L'u»o»>l. T.lcdu, Iwirull. .ud llJ North, snd with U.7 STiiy pUcR^ W. sabn-t to ru nrighbo, TstResmaa. Governor Mrra- O Uadioa irom oUBiuer obi© Bod tur bbIu by VV' «-m,kd h? K.n. ' ^frUAfric ,nin squadron, 'L f. Thr Only Krnfd* in IU Hlnlr H *rld rr^V'-uir i «,uadron. no,now fitting out R Portattirvorwiiiouin,Portaiiiouth, at*l> aacRtaiaiag tbe ^** Coogteu. W. ^ RAW auN. FOoi>. A ^TODD. jnd ,sH masamg ot word* a dictioaRT i ^ canrot and will cot be lal*ru citi*.. aud Jy of til Hum* alBut. i» d with dnw*. ,.f sLHfTitfXTfRyiyATt: XewNew HampshireHampshire. 'u?'i \ ** \Vh**liuf. I und iprlt st* or uaafui “*i«fr** «nteei they OMfl MK-MOUIES, or Ki'bore ot b Molbt’r’R. VoicialVoict* bi Mf IBk wN ...uiij.nti.l uatur* to KATi. MD'K, C(K.'KI:oA('llft>, I'.l li.d, r*»rw aad mach moR than do to. NTl*. I gjrm bu *^Yii tbi a Ihaaawus. W. ,gv We mnst have Marshall, —! MtM- — . n i “** ^“•‘**> t*txty Yf-BZ* the oldisrd MITTOE8. FL1U8,FLK.A8. MUTIId. Mut-l.a.Mut-l.a, t,K.\INI.ICVIN ,sc.i-s. . aUeRiaa to Ctnbb or Rogal snd *" Coagrus from Kentucky 1 C^TteThe Madison Banner of HundayMunday evening GliBuiof* from LalW*a llBfve.*! bI ^Ltk^Ilu 'heTuiylwl!^^^ 1 I 'VAl | Vlillul^ii |»iui K'>adH f^“iu7'vmloi klfsW' \ ineviiUi*«, '*t. I.uuia. the Nmlh aud thatUtaN, 1 1 tvina for *. vs-rml i a»mF, WUK.M8.AND i.s.sEt »ister,»i»ter, RKLRKr*q^d. -^VVv WOKM8.AND OAKDMNOAKDKN I.S.sECT.a.T.*. he.Ac. ore to ;! i WetjRerarWetjRerur Worcester:Worceater: I and we intend to .y'*-**-*' i0f|in.’inHBti aod ibe I jut. aud bmr iB. ibBtihst therwthere liii m*ih* fonufunu or Hy-OWto. cocstqimte of ,, V . •hroe icteraaa ud wboM "““Iro’ eloquenca ic the verv a ebooting aflray on Saturday night, Tlirouffh loto .New Y'txk Ly NiaiUtNikiUt ayui^ttmi a«ouui«b«ouui« that wlihoiit TItoto i>l*brared Remedi*. welter, it waa nam>. All Liie-at FjiproM iu 3H buura. whicu m**y U ab quick hare kto. eztetodvidy urtd I aRabliahed I Ken- CLAKbE'b. buura aod m7. la , I ** “ wbKb M irtb Ylull<>a, 1 for twruty.iwo year, la sll “ a ^ell koowo ouwarinward, or T he MountBio cl.*ek*d putesf Eum,*. s.d tb*w aU- i Mote to I ecura kaowa it aa the iiame dravmao io i'Umberara, at Jteeto,* trou. l.uuDylll* to .,1 th* prluiipsl Tar kow lfc*v iu^ar tkt* • conaerrative, a AuuubI uf Seirulibe Iiiocorery f«tr hBvs* coniiBci*’*! that uiin «1 .harrow iot; and U>dy de.-'tru. F Au-tno, Fra^hg, lUvuna. Kax<»ay, r.ri. re^ .raai ! roiaa-li,rixg iHftv at tlwn. af power patr.ot, a ^I»ar., entered the dweUing of teY*u from sll partsilia ol tbatha f""-' | uwhftbaM iax..nortoL U. R. R«Wnh. eeswtotoa^^^ Mr b, ediinr Isaac Chri-tte, on * ' iB*iu di-Hnaf, aeiiiiuB) a>akn**ia, lead# ziiiB, llultaod. Nopis-A. Ar„ and their 4 ^ tee at te* Juwuai; li-et.. th* life..! 3 d -*s. abkb w the me.-t henueol i«r**r^ie» f vhi* are aiakr k - t:LARKi;a. Dll. d Chsr,*. ^hMh weHwell aoMauamMinted vilh iwur mei tote, a , z . ihu pnipBity ... and afw to tb* peo^ « TsrruuT) aa« It aUrciia^bUl faUi et»u-*ri u**uee^, tliouid B|?i?ly imu***dial««- by dtoUnfauard i- , srotud msba that c«b- Tbe Looibf Bud TBkiug of MBUduul— Ibe Hui) Wan—Bt Cef'Fsrr SI low sBJ time sa 4 Me4 I rniwt^ve*4 • i,uick aa l>y uth*rr route’.niut,--. *•4 ftocultnfrfr all oeoe ~ hsswuwsw fbsrrtto*rrt i«4iap*s»stIw eispiiiw at lb*tbr D’,*..'!*|v,eitli* r*r m p*-ra>u ur bi* letter, aud tiave a rare • tr<’e*ed the wurW. i F«*r toeia'* pwuptretaR, Tsm-Tam. whvbu U4cd Vi LLAKEirs. B^bimI »wrMrwiae<.aantewla ap^y to •• «rlf , .1^ . Tliruuyb Tick,-'* and further iBfiirBiatkiB deatriietieen..*. uikmptmu. - Make ahtoodtiil niU.»ud helidtoiu Csnw of riB") bel>* Lailist alat h.yLv' hu ikuti.' uud m-iriititic luudc uf trcBtiue tliia dutaa*, to ail k.a.«- ot errtoia and in^eto eMhor -.f— si rreiu i iiui Conaeteuc* E» sB«*Ucally t'un-idi«d ks hy mod ar utherwtoL *. r y? ml offi? ot E A. fterdena J tew sad ote.1 prutwnr irtuiwrtR h, party in iu ^ 7 aouih' Bht whk'b oev«T I'alli* uf offi’ciioif a uuu*k aud rBiIical cure. has hewn ramtod in thieeiHiairy be the Ur»ctoe» of ih# lb* I wttwdBMtTT I p sSonlhrrn hnnh ofo« VBriuUB KoniZe^^aninen/ Mai 1i Duiu, Good, or the ChtUliau fu K> .,ur at M iDl»I.EaA(s iUiBUd Oi D MEN. who. by exer-kiv^ }q. PwbUc InMiiatioto*. Hlaiirefa, Farmer*. rrwf»M- Tbe vbolc I'oi 'vU> AVRka of UMfeln*-’.! “f, I kt•’ h*he in Joif^ra'nrt.u!:* diilyi’r.ee of j>y Mils utin’* ‘‘"*‘^.^.'1"®’*- "• *-• Sky that we,I In their l aw kiu-*, liaee iiruduetril a debility Iu od- I n«*eK ^afehuu^, MoniUacluiiea, and by fari- ia uiin l«dlied ii.a^'m.tod*• . .K^iaa.to,60 Kt., yfti, Thu tranhy quibote nmomm .Vc* , _ cLAKitfS. !** *«.~j * »eara, cau coUfult Galea ! Cor tUtbe ciovnascanvati R Multen euterrd the A|D«a liu|M.tuwu*a Srbuola t-W* cut. Dr. with the fullest I boiue and UoliJaya at I woad Rd thRthat kllall II H RI.Y.NOI.DS, “lerriterV’ nnoeaenrfly aigalfv rwporti lo tbecoofary CLAKKftrS. Q?h'fT*?EVA«*ot^“'‘ Boaurmucc uf beiuy oaaiu mpUmil to that otate uf health * Bcr» era louily untrue. Tharwk «a_s..«vf a d''Vi d“ pUE.S4;RIBFn llYB.'aa» |•HYM|CI.\N8 THRul'GH- j There a 8 , they liave they of^ih7irii7lJdtel'?7S*to .^tto'^telI^ < >irtt Thiuft, or the Duitiiopmuot uf t/gO-l II ERS, Siip-t.»iiti*t. which would eui«*yed hod never cooiUiit- ( MiriBLE F\RH peopk, if ic ®Tbe iRead Manifasio is ' * Butel^rof Church Life at I out Ute *uuntrr_sppro.*d «| sBd FBI SILE.~ dotnnt signify mue now l*aring its te- tumors sfloni, aume of — u*i! excnw. r*coiu^nd*d kf For *1*. Wkol*« asuj KrUd.by tk* Isf*olor Uud, wberam, I which'lucb ereare any sud Pi,. CLARKE*?. Ih* faa'uJty I dDtinfui'bt'd uf tha I tuveroity of philad*-!. nrirtor, ^ I sdkr far ata toy Fsnw. Kim tel gn te* fruit*. Soule, c-ue of the {lartte* Falrhalm'B flcnneneuticBl nils. G. NIkx vu rn mth, the term atgubea both—tht C***®*'* to that ie«, all of Mai ubI of the 84’ii|storHR at ui,\TEUsqmi, t*hia-the alrtlKrii iB, ivuuffi Ivania, and rkiiadeli Ida r,tod ktodtec fruto Ute-*uw Laakcrte*. Uad aad the | PnadTik iL A'niwiaT te 'wAB .M*hm,u of M*diciiw.^*.|*ul Irt ih* P*Bm.vl*.uis. Hto f*r I r**a, paoptraB it. •‘•**“ful dscuroent, ia now HiU. I fVpot No. dll Broadway, cor. Ilosrtoa >' ikrv* Milw Mrth ol ultoaow^fa Naithcr the usage of tha antagm.isik'si to Bu- Chr»B Hand Hook, temchiu* the liudlincDh-^^t*" «r**t V B... Uuguaga *l!i to*lphte.l..h.riif. sodoih*rH...,oUl* la 1 -lul.drtpkto- te HI I dz atato towHutort PcvwrtTf "*.**** de **8 •Ittorneff 1 o..*rst ifc. B y Kata at Ltaa% Af**. far L luted stsUasad . siar the beta *® .-iaoator Slidell, aa hia t'I.AKKr wnAi leouiy oe pun- somU rifli. 1 Vprkri. lan the l.o«ii«Tilla NaebesH# af hiRnry will joacify a naimwarcoa- supporter and Thor.’ are bei^u<%ho mdulue iu the fond yet Irrmil .oal i**^'"***« m V. ami MnMVwnd, rorndMiat kill Irate The FiUar uf FUc, Ly the Author uf thu Jriiu-*- uVlhe A.S reiuoi *h1 to 'LuuiavUli EKlCK kUitilToN. UrucuMt, .Sw. lu A-'*t«*r Hgim tone , brlief uatiire ^ hnndivd and ten i^rm land, em- half of whtoh m Mini liuu. We ht a maatiog bald ia New Orleans »<>*»*> »f DByid,B t |a|.iy^ prufen^u that U eat>ab e ol rr»uwiiiHf without oMhtnun) and 417 Itruodway, New Ya*^ appeal laR n the riiy a at t may czmfidnRly involved m ( oid-*, itrouchttii*. s\«thfttB. lDei|H»*nt I in a« ht^ni^Ti ^ale 'sf rulttvoifuiitvoi i-d;fit; _ CLAiau;^ t-OuzlM, * >»f 1 to aithR. i>a*p Last suvwastN* 'raa usi«>k I r-tok, okisr cs-. a' iti-as tk... *i>* Gowt, . vanv.0* bandrrdnnndTfn aofaaOtfOO to4tot | in thi. cnee to m ' ibemT Cuiiuty ul llardio. *-*‘' _Fur mJe. Whii I ssade 0'Himi*tion, Bbeuiu*U#iu. and aU dcrufntoua Comptomu I * Dm a and Krtoil,Retail, in thbckrthia cMr bybe Caryl-'orw A ^''•e arogoea. The Farm m well imiiww I aith Tate two4Wd tigailkatma a Utter speech agaiurt tbe A-l- whfch u Wafted ID thU dwiay«toiay ^rtetoti^audt>rveu>t.a and irreinwi Jf*’, •I**- 4 1 astoU a^ explaina tbe f^HOCEUIEfil GRlK'ERIljJ!!- t*^urFl( E Lm Wteeu F itli unzi r.n ifiT whkh^‘ wul^n uL ir^im autable, TiMh^ Lentil*, »4 «ft*»nHu*ai |*ri>dtie««a iiaui*‘diate certain Hhwti?. I Market atrowi, and hy thsord, dwelttn*. s The CioemuRi * od on Jr^roon and MUJer. 4 stew, • 0^ homo, t ahtoa, and a hi i Time. Us tU foiluwiag hhd* New OrlemUB Sucar; nodand cau uuly»piiljr leud tuto iMWi*e/uate\he|»or|»etttaiw the lioUUulliabiu ul bopaJww*boDoJoBiiim*ln». ^ f >^ m Setwu ta srteek tha MTOBgiy iaiiicRing inia regardreirard rwu.edw- hara tokeu with iiitto wfL »»3 Main rtreto. ‘ mnuU.oa, gnat ia caovayed. thR than will ba a » ”1 uiu>«w4 beon or no ^oM Mutm 4n , with m. ahonZm of Coagrem i tbe ^ bapi Kio 1 uffee; ^ b^UUybecUity .iS'reudcrVm^^^^bikI render im]*«fh:ncy t-emianent. to acme muter: «rrino?» vrf new* r fai.ina wotor. and L'nioa State ft© du ^ Oali have power to diapom af tha land -..i— KighU fight ia Irouisiaaa 8BBto« Cull»«: ^l*NIiRI £8 ~ 7H> THE LADIES .Dr. C.itf B«ient for M. Lb L'ruux'a f .tr (aitkrr aad Prepared only by JollV c. IIAKKR 4 CO , laatKuiaf- stody te arartt I loiitatiau » T Jm. F. B RGIr. Java Coffee; Z4i bbU of the celebrated 4 Acu Ffwiieh fTcveutiee Fowdera, by which thuM* wb«», fruui street, p. health orcuuatitutloo; (>rir« Nothing onM ba plainer er mon may how bnrmoni.bermoni. euau cions of tlwtbe viitue of hi* wirewire, | ^d reeoDedreaulltdlulved tore ^ do Mould do; 3U hi bbD, Qr bbh>, to Ip and 3U kite No 1 Mackerel lalu Maoauie I'apiauftrr Fchiole Monthly Tn«*o. j. new* a?(. tuLnazai MciutT. ®**one ^ “•‘’^yaui-fy lttutalf BANuronti coaatetent. Th* elieurday ie ia our ^Ue Deaeoerney •**are “down thetbe Missiuippi.”Mitsiteippi.” himtalf in regard to the joi-rlor Family 4tore aud fur cBie by neizhhor'a brain muter. Accordion-Accoidinn-xoiding- if- Soap; FILXNKS*K I'AHTEU,I AHTEU, FiUi*. a 4afe and efl^tuol fuuiedy for lrr«MuUriti«'», tlfcr <*o ^Rurdayj’Mur-lky Im,im. hebe Ml do ftox*< be t dlf ' ' , *? •», informed hirhit - ffk.a u Maich: 530S3ii Maiu rtnet. atruction®. 4c.; trice |it. ('aCGOh! Th*we FilD idiuuJd SANDFORD dk CO. " . family DUNCAN — ! along with n greu many ochersothcra. , • ! ? r thetthe!that hebe Qg 1 -S bahrtii 8 w**t I I gg. t*® tn tbe evemog oil; — not be ukeo durtuir ITtwuauey, aa they »re Nure lo Prv>. M A C N PT P P A C T C D "ffO' ®*» confided ie tbe jsil U jf“Vk for Cincinnelc 76 csae« ,w. DL’NC.VN hae this day aiwocialed with M O In C I tat for*'* **•tha .aha iff I n*. ,ou.- . AboutAboat Green Tis, from 13 to mu pouode- Tb* IIU* Ivwd**, ^ANDFgRD IIU LMw I C N ®*I rf • new ergumant, I Jeep, durvmirc^w. aud wdI by mail to w* waive Little Rick, Ark., " ^**,''11' *** ““v-Npect*dly fo *" tUack do. SPRI.NG GUOIIS—KbKSII> tenankjgg .•••»IllkIl'tLiS'f . meniged to eackpe by ilyiohiato hia d„ i«art of the COUOUT. , , senire ? aiuid do. auv STRI^Ornk^^^ A.ND FAIN for the mamant thie ^ •'“* " DK- IncuataaUUe vtew. < ta* .Meb -b.:. . ^ 1^’^VEjUft Fen*uii-4 al a di^tauei* may be cured at huiue by addreOM A neiirh. S’”’ iT^l reoeiiud, au4 will eoutiime to r* . • duzcu B^•urted IturkAt*- ::^:"T‘‘h!rwVc^-r‘p::u",.:d‘‘^ 1 *®T ceiee daily, my Spnu;; St«*6.k uf lay a Mter, rta'lnir can*, tfyinpliima. lenyth of time the hl^r siderable lu.uiiu rhukr#; LADlEb' >v1 “fl “ kdoptad raeolotioni denouacicg Know Nothing- ®*kn».»ks tb* lotruder. r Mlt!»SE8*, and L'lliLliKEN'S 8I1GE8 of rvel dirfa«e ha> continued, aud have luedkiue forwarded free I rwiwwi mwaw^i I The injured FANCY DRY GOODSw w w * bimpto hustlndbusLaud LucL-n pi riqiH' 8 nufl; atrle and plnamni In It* amdin af* Wimry »“'•aod .MualjD-.quahty, Aho.,AI«>. Meu'a.*. Kuvi',Hori‘ uaJ tromIrom dam^dafUBOe or curioidty,curiorlty, to auyaay fortpart utol theHi* cuiiutry,coiiairy, »Uiiwith ‘ emoin and ‘*®. ^“""4 in V- Mru sad naj,, tea stiof* st ^th* faniMir loeatfaa ** «»dor*ing the foreign and domeatic policv of UJ, and without ftotaal la its an in-i»- V outll- t.t IDT* and 811 tiE' of fill* dlZi:ClioII* fur JIII. ,, ,- . t naolte. A b-aattfoi i 1“ *up*rior liUslity, aial will I -eitniiae, txteraal IhR It dam, bow caa Congram “ * IB ate,fiu'.*fi7*i*e'l“o; hy‘*‘'“‘ WsJ.i ,trt , t, witlit-* inlili,* ! tr ,,rrn C*. “mahe •.-‘"'•T* revolver *lo«- U..-U1 st or Botire will PREMIUM aU taedlW] the “praaenC “ and abut tb* ae- out yr*ai Lsr,.ia*. Call sad *zsm.iill*fo|-o ' «'*vr» a-kiui wWic* liiust eou’ain gl. no rmtive, siifilkabW far « Adminiatruioo te off rc ia tk* r*D*> c. » asd expreasicc their *i , T , -J;;- ^ “• ““ “ a ora^ai*uraaKui* u^Suraduuiurj inn iulu Faia at aay liato,te aay Tf nnd L**?:"- «.I.ANCAGN'IEI..h.Third.l. pnrriis iny rbrwlirr*. a* I t. *1 mtipfird I h* fa*!-® »( thrnj. for til* lini* i* loo uiucb accupi*d to tOm ragUR*,te. raape. tmg tU territory” ran loiii iu *T*ry place, ia soy part of llw | -..Rtotod confidaoce in tb. iwiUruisr. spii sn*»*ram-wer IcltiTfllltri oiuf merelarr* ruriority.rurioeity. ’*^, orihr* PUl*l^ia orur kuaua lyrtaa, sad Bad-r aU eW- wiRum, pauiotism snd iTu'ptriu an tw“ HITE GIM.D .- dJ JAMES ..MALI,, U 44>«i. ord^ furfqr Its , \V 8 uauii»*r \ JU ubdAwTml..*a»m cutortaana I powderr mu#t •OUUlU•ouuiu 1>UVU^puvta^ie rtamu.ftamp. If Ug-Uting ! a yoa tki. for te? I. any iaregrity I pR Fterter aarwkera. 14 r*i* aa* af - tn*li*l. ' 0S a onr preaent Chief Magi’J7ate.“ After i —4= ” I'l** Jarunel, sarotl. d ; mb. ui. ^afa - ^ LoueulutiouLoueiiitatiou uiay b*‘ held IromIrum "a. o D p. m* U1Huin ~Z . Z |||T— O --- * do DUsoiutiou.DibSOlUtioU. ^l, the posau graated 1 Is'.d do do TTw^TTTTTTT^TT^ Hw-R »U1 mck ikR* oalil tko Fate ha. u a tegtetetiv. powu. do- Btat blafalrf ut?rtbea»t rmI , adopting t^uudayi^unday troiMiruiu u to !3 A.a. m >, ollkv,oltttv, u*?rihea»t Cerurrceriirr Uf U||L thaae 4 T *KA tRTXK’ IfcAll raaolutiooa uaanimonsly, the meet- To Dentints. do ehreked do enitaHrssxw I Is. t. p t r,to rzwi *i .* .to I.EA (fc PERKINS’ I & .o du'- ' c*i'*tiog undiT the 'i'fc* name „(•tf Third mudmild .Matket sireeta. private eutrwuceuueutrwuce uu Tldrd *• Pla.i*r aacurtian tea Pala away, aad thu I *!i *!f*^*i*j^*‘'r** i* i p u a i t n if ' and mII^ pomUvm Pt»I,. tot ( E H A H pruti- U d CELEHIIATEDL t L R E D LlAUi mg p^jcmgmd o/ar d/e. 4 HorJ UBN dfff«?lved oo the 34lh T Tfca paper 4»xxioTw**a*Tiii*pLa»Tza I* areuaa. ma ^^th. CtonB^tton.dap..d. Oo do! ^**** “* ‘he deathdeatu ufol Mr. (‘Mra.1‘Mra. 4"S-creryjr'S-crecy luvitdable! Dou*tDon*t for^tforget tbe namenatue and mini-mini* wa* •a to tekiiAR , ta. ducra- ra.dn.ion. wa. left wUl iMar d do *trt;H-d du TI a to*^*^ f AfiriPOTCDCiliftV Khauatotma. * Uhiad with tbe requeU that uVIil i iu Ou d,*' liook- aud laaraaiB. SSiffte-a. VVraZaato, Drkteiiy. | a duutisi'a offiee, by iwiwr* of u*r. A|. I*il*r» i-liould b» sddreasHt to j spi-iyiDf iu ' k^tori* ihT*..o WORCESTERSHIRERC SAUCEjSftUCEj * " ?,!" * I.swi,a. ,**j*'!*‘ • ^ i" Uo! A (,urd 4 ( o. .ftll iwraiur GATF.f*. D., !*«fvo“®««. X.ural*te, Drtojuim “T* ‘*®y “pnUtehed in tbe 1 Jute ' A F. DAWKS,WES, X do Ids ^to'*'' i* H M. C.B»k. aad fahte. Itotk papers . . . luJt .,j b ed tu either uf th« abuvv linii* will i FKONUk'NCED BY K.XTKAf'TK.XTKA4-T teBtoTtol^^ir*' "^s.""!"' I Denial Depot ha^ roll »iul baprim* CoaU ia tae . l^uirtSU*.lUe, Ky. to do w hit* ^ !-•**“ »»d Ache* ol arcry cam of itrillisbU;*, Mettle kiul^dow ff a McCaltach v. The do! the gam* iiumt diately. of ta Letter fromfroni a a .*w te L'onto. are Lf IffT 6 do Covsulry j | J frtoto •< Maryland, OrTbe New York Newe says do, d„! H C. HOUD, ''•MKWATKLY RELIEVE.. «kl.wiu a liOIrpRirato, ' “to carry into eflwct tbe preemioeot ,, . y A aay of the | Mad .1 X U XvJCj MEMJ(EHS turvlviug CoiutoUaeur* MedM'Al 7 * Farluerof GeDtlemaa A Skl- t iiid Hord. PURE ^ Mu.Ub; ^ „ 4 permanently A- Jurt Cl'REIt, ky tk* ’ rh*7;ld\;';iVr‘''iR^ waakal la«a*ao* at A ^veri •xpTumly gioun •Ohuicitym tht Democratic LOl lijVlLLE „ Arnl 9, ,4 by iKt TooMiuaion tn tht faith “it but BASE HALL 4 :li R are here d4i»lm C. IT. A\ l AtMadra. tko MAIiNE TIC PLASTER. II i. Uto atopfort. wrtot. UtaRwmaRRta* r«ta kata "“P** "'hahU . ooarquauo. .4 aupanov ; ^ H^ropriR. ore.- ! 'I'-ilE uutri.iziird luiMua told oot to4*rt. idsanaattot. aad ckaapi i t totoi* ^ j \ Vi^horo Mancheitervi Uu.tocJtofGrue*- To hia BroUtarBrotbar y ta wawsaaea lu dvuotagw, •mall check Faucf lilu^i...; d®*-® isffioti •fferc/tati Mt patatUteff of wealth aad iM*lligear«.” : 8oc»i 1 <0trr, Kr,,.. laUtof f , by ta* *ii;a 0 Comm apytication Caaattewtam, ta* d^rat The !f' it aahrenai—aqually lu tks rfrua* ^ buuk.k.,-p«r at Wumwtrr.Wurceotrr. maa. tk* T, C& » du dunieotlc pUid * 7re7d lik.: “.“l.Vi'"' Wfuid Cj tea ^ Utoafecoism in riiy aud •uiped Hurd,. iMs h'rxat pleo#ure ifoiteau a Bacaaatey i* a qaaetiaa af i^iatati vt tbR have as axtnme range, For Lease. do- lu» .-uM.um*au.mireeoturoeadiiiK ihuoe TO I MAI N STREET. BELOW F.IGHTII, U.\LY GOOD>.U'rE vuteaa.aadik*ftokteialaal. To aaak aad all It ^ , diarraciaa ft du uah-r-twifft u.uto koUizau. , t aucy ju* llriaru lo III* cuutidi u*« aud iMitranar* of tails I ,.7'^“,^ l«troiuMt*of thTihT tuTtemS; * “**“ l» wtoteaoraaakl*. R at judicial oqgBixacGa.'* Tfeta News ss thR mcichanu, haLker*, ar HE iiAK 1.A N li 4 Ol KSE and buildinei* cuiored fiiBinbray a*' *!!!^,” aad IVK II VTE I Nl %e<;rD te aa aadis|>atad mfp.coo-con t ^ do* r--^uni.r llOyiSVILLE. KT, “Tkll LaadiPui.Ns 4>rR rtCTLITIES PoR 'wwu* acnw ul 'z*r,alS"‘ , RJ;!: » l^ud well mdded wiili limoihy I'--'-"®- wttkant aiuioraaee ur UHkk. lu prtn k wohia caaek ul 'h- Manaforvar* ..r ik* -kov* bread of Wtete taad pMte. If, taererun, C'uogMaa, ia th* ‘*®"> answers, te«. basics, the Ur, tbe beach, the -IX And BpplkmbU tn axercte* ot a IJUJi mraru Uud a^uiur. Thb prupenyprupeity JAME.S^^W . 1 *. door. m.rj. ^ P 8 A Sl'I'FI.V, Fi>K S.U.E AT LOWEST BlUtoricb and oty i»«.w peopon i »• mptalv ibe iroAr Tb*a 4 C0..4Di Malnal. ‘.I*'?h*uw ly eetecnied in Indio, uT pwor; nil may Hava 4, and oil --gld ba««ii isramytAy teaflival n adapted tu a d«iry farm. It will alirr* k j l-*ad hu. hare jaR diacrattea, daama taa aaactaaeR focaltv, arc all oftati cosvictija. Kuthiitg Ml bela- Ustoditooed Main, t..*r, a. „li „ l\ m arket FKll-K.-. tiE and ie. ia my oiu^n teriMy wtod ia Ikla aad ,dtar waraRi aad of “rviteaaad lot tile >car<*. Apply to asXABFHtiS AND IlCllWN f rbo ore ikk. aud Mu&riof in any vay. ^ tnTlIXS. Ul * Ih.-ir old frirud. aud other, £VL£\ VA&iLTYi, Ibe »uaC patBUbto b# aaiv-rrallr .PR-** I mr a om top-rtR onto*.. esgaiatiaua" *®® ^••Alabama 7 iuw. "T T*”- for ta* ‘ ^ B®Oing is too low ta embrar, its HENNING 4 fiPftU^ID.K’ml l^>Ute J-o-uabareh; and a II PLA.NTEKXabontd * h pwt a, la iahahiuau eandfal" ta tae pory Armte'ent# try I* ui.k* turai -feH at home. LICOI^IOE. well os tba nuMi whole- b^ alwayteoappiWd wUb MMalnwolw- k*R *4 «. ia, Mto sa*. aad tea paaada t^ttth Mde Jederivm. bet. ^ Fuurth aud1 Fif^ S® 6WCteRad aiiai.irs.ino R tk. s-.a u priacipUe' “Ask UlR man, rays Ihs N.wr, Fifth 4U du SBDtlfurd'te Biid uther biaudauf lint quality SFaYXlSH Mwnie H A c c a that ic Uric FI.VSTER. It wU ba Ike ito-t j , 1,^ “wbu a!3 d4* Auaei^ Frankfort du: Fk>^ria« a. ..y Miada.** „laautlun.readyatanilBtoi,aadali*staai —duafatod power to aaact cl*Or* »P«row.lik* to ta* apire orTriniiv Cbureb, S" V>“***'^‘®“**^**“M*»liruwii8hee!iQc. autiee. tatm. Tbae, oa oar Muo*kT du du LIVa-»-^ UMR.E V KR R,F KWR.H«d r M te •roW-. No. 2 MIS0M( \’-h 9 f S® du du- Fut a* ia alr-fichl lie boaaa Eack kaz K « aighiMr'* own *K*ri**f K* is favorable TEMPLE NtiTi.-vOt rocalved aud for sale TOB-AtoCCO. wia Maks Mz te ahowiag, ridicatew* taaugh it to tha coaliauutiuo of tba by te, ta* Gbnioe and Medhiiudhim VIRGINIA UKIUHTilUlGllT POUNDS EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. ••-* 'hild cao qtiaad jnr JAME.-S LOW 4 C0..4lri M ain at, •V tkeau Frit* te Ste Mate srtvaMM^a TkM OstedCteatioo eoafen tbe powR he l-“<®. ^ *’••* ««»wer ia the aflirmstive! 4ia Bud o.ber iirodea. The only Medal awarded by the Jnry of the New Y'ur doatea aad trim MILLINERY AND OTTEli tt- AELEX, watea kez, utik full aad iilala diraetiawi foklf diajtoAweuwi I.Ul I.hV ILf-R, K V. hi* FANCY STDRE. F-zhibition for miaeraUe baR to ovortaraw. *““ *® davpeat axcavatiuss uid joa will find ..iiir.-<'Ki,i. lo Curd ~R.Pt F*tr«iirn g«t»eea wa# obuined by LE.%4 D. ^ WhR Mxt? *-•* ToiUrt quill#, A Hurd, CIO-A.PIS.A f. .>IOK6:ilKAD. M. ri- a, .. ^,7..— ,1, oocurted-’ MK.S. M. DHVANTLr 3! 'S*'*do colored luveater 4JfcO. B. 9L0.4T CO. them all, R Boarly all, nem<«r*t t. real it do dto. Ad anvirtroent of HvTAVr.^MAj.audHAVANA, (iKKMAN.Bud DOMES-DOMEil- and Fruprk wr. I, Walker to. New A 9 jjM [; L?- * * m iioi,i:«alk: Y. rk. .T*- iiw.r u Ri. y* iofwnn her a Ju#t received for *‘*>‘ld-wUe Ume of to naaK*ruu« siV'' aud tale by ciuoci.'UM T't*, and tirden* hlb^hUed in New ^^rkat^^rk at Uweot f^eruFnoieru whkb havius led /orf#- MOKktK^D^H MAGNETli,' ir **** PLANTER Ih HOLli MY I pooor »• aweera.- Tkb woaM. T!??—**. crfoocirm, aad New York it the favorire lemp!e af itj^g'4d friend- aud the public in feUFr- idBn J-VMt-S by o^ „ LOW «|, AS|» iirire# through myuy AdvucyAdvUcy fur ao exclu»iveexclu»tve t’l(«AK eteo, pureh*#emare roqueoted luooe that Iba uomeauf Loa ALL DRU4i(;idTS Inav-ry CHy, Tow^ U A& that bIa- ha» Uu» ispened M.IUJ. ^Tilloio J and h fMjf ilolSK 4 PtaniNBan;PtBBiNOon* Uv^ ulted teal iuelila. ; ily upon Uw wrapper fnWZ,ink#/, Wapofopp#r,per, amiaud kJ* tateRk^ aalltolul i. •"atoV, receivlitf the Uie»‘ otytej ot t oBiuis-iiiin ^ tawlTte d,^ ’ #' *«„, Ok^Btk ^4. k ForHardiiix W W I X I M ( II I V K* ^1 OoodF iu lo r eSc bottle. OBtewalted V udaWi a*w IteUto; o lio.’. Thauktttl fi*r |iaet pat IDO'W'3Srs, HerrliuBls, r-*nar-. «(>• wdieltpa reoeaal of the ioiiir. HXTII STKEEr, Loa 4 ##'Vowng msB of Kaata.ke, }»ur peer* of Vir- -WB«K.. XfUK MAIN, PiaaiRBwil procoed a#aln#t any ono iafrinriirnmfuts lo ( 0*6 Maia euact, Loiuevill*) _ TUE twa keR aad ~ haw iuoniirted bm* f ^l^**Ya#^ ds-livered vltber in SEIONII SPRING tbeir eoirexpuDdcnt# in voriun# port# ot tbf • “laaag »uu'.Mou'a aad the dty or iVsrtJaudrtUua IMPORTATION! Jisr “V—ff da-.e-Ctu'..V rp pledging themRlves to i! C\ H. NVIHCIMAX, world to Bdvtn* tbem of aay lofrinire»cnt#. M. J. ItKVAXT OBI EIVLD THIS DAY BY H. & woch anriringiy ia the cuavast. Will EXl HF-iS- iFflc Whubfooh; Aftt uU tur the t'uitad duto#, I,, 1 th. young 1 ,1 AA \N kite aud ru ored , 8lelU Sha» U li. kai< * Makeae. la sod afler to-day. April f‘ara-K,h. anmrted colorv: .Mtrriiaut tad twaddl ' la, !R all who areore uBwillinguomllliq^ wf « luHunaU, * »rxaiiaie Vauht f, PiiUlKire. \Va»hiuirtoa dty llaltiintire (iENER.AL rOMMISSION MERCHANTS 405 Broadway, New York. ttealaikr para’ totaf tomh gram may poaacM it Aout.rer lot uf thuot* aiuall a:R9» .'team ii baoad t* exarcte* •« *» defiled Halle check ^i\U tor tumic r- .. **€_. I. Sewla*. wa eke Ilea tks andm the by contRt with t£* rorroptionslutioni i( f Ix*1 -0- ^ “• '• A itock BlwBy«ir tetora. Alou order* xocciv**! fur diroe VK.es, ge i8uuia>. rzcetuedl.tate . 7T a'rlork * ®“‘»^ Suiunirr Silk.; EVPKK^Js I.EA f. J|., and IS o'lloekST- k atSI 1 I IN'o'W' 'SToi'lS-. wartd to tiredwaa aarUHac to liatteRiao* ot ta* CooRteatiaa. uuvz “*T and si XTH STS b Ipfueut fr«>u Ku' land. any > 3 ewduly Tta idaa of a 4ea- ejfocoiam maR is evarv coantv uqfht. Tiavrlii,* Drra. ooo4r in F.bri.|u*8* . Al * P M. for rtaeiaaali arid the Fail: acd form lieil Clnlw1 ^ PariiA Duoab jau34 dL-tf d ikem. Ikef oaaum * Y ai*LrU:un*. ' Tur other point# l-Aid, not mentioiu’d above I.*!** uud Edtiu**, atoortrd II". -leRireouville aaanetei far ladianapteir Ik* •r Mi^bnr boa*“• casjoredc«n)«Rd ap isi« tkntn-thata- Hearty aod cordial willill clooeelnto ;k^.“’i,'^:;r,;-rANV’*’sVMV^ X Bask laiKsv i — co-operaliue it all tbit it nt ededd at 13 u’dAjck at nicht, . jtcepf aud Tarre Hauir; ou Sunday#, when»«* theuie1* wumewholewhul* ALSO. tkal kas* esse tosa iavsaisd iora more fnitinn. lo EaateniiUBiIwUiclOBeatyA. Another Al ll \ M red J F'M far Yiaeeaar*, Evavv iUe, Caito accuie a magaifireot tiiua.pt io M Imuilful lot ol thi-te UUrk Lack JOH i\ oevi^eTt X. 'C^L^oTl LAM P S aad . iieeeesfaRv eesaed to Augiut. Buuruourii and SI. Luttie; MaU* lueNurth«e4. We»d, aud South, Chiettn,n, ^11All for roll' at ftjw prtru#. ’“wia* ISaclaato, taa* aafe- Or MighbR taiohi taRI it ~ ludi- (LATK or BBNTr* kfl* IVliuUaale te i* -prapoaiaroo.'-ptopoalarnot'' to anapoUte, sit. LorP*. Metuphif>. *1'^ Eu'lusive .Igent'jr for Ltmiavilfo, St 6 .Y. M. aud P. M. fur Fraakfart au-1 LeGuct,.*; ,, I Nateluz, LitUe K'>ckck, aod MARK A IhiWNS. a- lasto *4 aaea'Rasral l>«M‘»c**tsc Coaui N*’W 4 nif’oa* dooe dailv. except Al I'J BOOB kv New Albaay that iTtot.— i ^ aad Salem KaOruad. te^poR “tae framersI af tae CuBtzitwtio. to Tbe Isiados Tiiu.-i. Onudayo, at k A. M — .'Waa- tel^a te'aa aa w- ff aate., auMs aad tote presMtte j,. zxt Xjzx-w, Fur rale*, laqter* IhegraRTRyRgRtuf KagUad. -A.ttomoy ul tamUd I* saafR *ta:h rep.bli,hes with’ , I NUEU THE NATliiNAL HOTEI- a posrar oa ta* Fadaral 0#v- ‘'‘•'‘i!* &-l?L, x, Juo-a, dkU 3. .K. JiiNF-'t. AeeaL « M'B". -«»« BM. r-> THESE I.AMFH gneattshlfiveatiabt equalruonl teto anrtbinf ooor yok anotapt.” A* te i* impaaaibla to dasy “* - lecotid taR ta* m. .ecoBd h.BdhandTr.,uT.t:T.r.lr.,u Safe .uitlrbl** l^ndle, at a I teiai t.f 1 uk* *»*!« wi«^ ,k^ i (Harie'. umk*> lu?' P.Td four amt ,.f uu*um* third ofaof a DICKSON a OILMORi:. all and f iBnilno ftr yonnrlvon BuUae af imr _^k 9 >#Ty Moehina wanantad aBtirfiriion rmtaomtto*. powR to ^rcro. or | and lift •*' Ade, belws en i’eeoiid Bud -mell. eive a bnl- Inpoiiprs of Gaag aad Fiskiof Tackle, Third Btraet . I ('btwtnut otfcrt. u«*rth or liaot lik'ht, tae parvaratua of aur navy yard, — *f which lb. re-ueetfullr On aud orr tTi met and «Bteo namm. m Koootn hpi i , ondnr ibo aaighbRof oaon* otaos* by tai* to into party iiia- , ‘‘‘Tu j' y iuvire th..irfii mi hurrh- daoy ta* power Xhird. Buii dimiB uJapts-J furi r*„ ^h«iob>, Kbc»*- NoUunoi HaipI, LiinUrttlo. Ky* c'daes, |^^OOPKH>* TOOLS of every kind for furlhnuih!!^ ~ with tae frettdj *Ld perulatioaspeculatioas —^ ^ '—1—1 L. aule whol^ I J Imz#. (qnft inl. toaogate*. Pray, what aart af a aoverrigwtv for parlyparty i — ThaCisoldU davdtf •. K. •la.kKK, Af wuaU rv ery Othrr *i. the makingatuking of auvalauviU &i ‘7 p«»rublr taa aatioo pastatt srtehoR ta* powR P*n»®®PRP^ .ootracu..ootnurU. It oTt ~?^aki 7 wurriN^i, tu rbrapntw# and m ^oira? \V'^‘HD^.M^. Vii-iuuif. and lo cepuoa ( terJT W ntteu. .n- o. XI uKTDXffXnr, dwells ‘ luiian, with epacial gleeglae upon tag foul I'attersI'atteri letter f* Frearfa.uudFrearh,* u*r. V flaiitlkercliieli, Napkiua, linen# Aad when ia Hoavoa's Ban woald taa aoaaxiag n Now Complete. V AUu. aud Marked abu iubs ufcconnon to C. T. LaJte»non»>, aad iu iadoraameat by the I’raeidcDt. CO 1-!* •4-rstriliuo to urdt-r. aad gll i t ring It does thi* VIOI.IKS LLUSTRATED ilouwhuld A hae a De eeracy ba h Fdltionof tbo mm, m m uder it? j WAVFkl f V’ I I AM now tMittinw *.. * i liy*! dhTiio BUd Fuvelopauf b11 otvle# for Mile at DKViG Pplnrih* m g ^ ysc eazraca#rw »apenor ^I NOv LI.8, in porta Pilt* *® «te«* the reform movenieat ia F Anoncau Bud ziwuch • GAL and old Ptaud,1*100 No. llu Kuiirth #treet, butwoeu Mar- * em \on-K\> It i* aoaaeaamry ta preo* thie Karland. and to would advl-e aU whu wmiii ta, itoRi. i* Da LK*SLK’S , peiot. Wa have Gl'lrAlcB. volunir.voluBl*. Any of theIh* >Novrl, add toyiu-at* ***^ ^ ^ ** *‘***’ Th* sHvll order#. ket Biid•»** .letl^.u. Boni dW D. U MILLFK. lilosivrIiIOMY^ Srlf-Sfll- WHOLES.(LE.\ND RET.UL GKOCERT, from follow tag oar f^AXHoK.N8, Bfvare UluRratedill uotmtd^ with rapiUIcBp H.*l «Grr neratiazu r r a 1 B #i»t at *D maay pitau uew agaiait ear example io te iu th^ **BiS*dtf ^ E 4 te f Bc phio^^^m MighbR KOTAKVaVALVU bootbest niBoncrniaoner ThuThUcdiiediuuu ninlaiu, KEN.NEDY. bortwl 1 poUkiBiaiag iu iasUtotinat. COKNFTS aU Ihe lairei uotre and Gus l,ani|i Ibp BfSl IMlPlto ^ Jonbte a»4 dmah Uonv^^F (•iNSM9BF#r«ardi0f kcrchaal, Herj are i pori- that r—i— riinii begias to priofc w. FLUTIS’AS correction#curreciatav ofot thetb* aatour,awtliL a cluatary. and ludex The noUv SCHRODT & LAVAL, ctel'«Bud.UteB'sPi.tehs msesofeveiyde wre at Lbc*** foot^**“* uf"f the‘hr -z abh? Fluid (eoi? Ih n' aaa asaaaa u, AtlNiKDi-AiNS l>»«» zreat couveuienev te Ui* FAIN.Vl K. 4 L.4lflii:, rrolor in e«i#Cenr«. acriyiaun, fTory ortkla Med br Gan- #i P rradrtrender. M \NU> AIJTFKFKS OF A LU O II O L, GO. TUM**LISti 0LKA 8 UITJI 2< • !(|N»rv#u*eu, Bioi ^'ioblna Turkle KFGmTKB I R I ot err i all liemecreti i Stoadaru, * •® DEALER IN - « IMmiNK. and IM KK idPlUITS. aaJ desl^» iu Vf Orocariaa and Piodwca of kiadR BWTb* af Coaoetd, Raw •ddt'w'h hichtot p-r.0 Uhl M*— FIFf.i4— FLUTtS—Cl Venr#*Veare' OleaninoOleBOini from Life'. Ilarvaet. f f 4Mrnt>«M»a, bU of wbieh lb«y will #pU ace to tk* I Btea la tk* u. m uiwi ARIONKTS-^ A reoulne Kuurbuo bu3 .MouourBhvlB Whioku#, wt‘«( ti Ivlfrll^k:* «oi?i .ud aup^tuSwiRj RANJ08—TaiMUOKINFH— BUlobmifrBi*hr, by Jubi for CBob vy te or M.UN AND DKFtIT 3TR. FLAOKOLKTli— Coiiiilv mytool nwtoamo, ui CORNER Hamptaira, heap* ta* foUowiag ia big ietaars at of lieiuuJ, bKaeru MaiU and Water li'twi#, i\ Jli^lllo Ma* I Bud riTKINtfl 4tr Uil lard Ruom-, t;a BONNETS, eoU. all of yiMi wbonra in wa RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Luuid'villH. Ky. if3ii i!4w4#G aueito LKBA.NO.tl. KT. taa haad of tee idiliriai TtlaMi of *up*r.orsuperior oiiamyquality fur alloil tnetrumenUtartromenie. lluma Memurie#; or, FriK S.VLFto r”Stur« ut1)KESSES. I Paawrtate. stiet '•I ore 6 unuiued nell A'O., u Ja . we taall all •• to wwliuhwalctofotole or rttoilretail alat «u:houch prire.DTicee »»*“ MOHTuX J. H. COLSTON CO., inoSl R go aiff di'r •V:," R GRISWOLD. No. A M»dara IIAKDY* 4 K(»ltlN«ON. Tin Coil Jtafteiallie « wait* air* tupleato. for 118 Fonith ctrcvt, opiKwiti? Cap WODE 9 DC P.4 IKl!i: « yum- IZOR Morort ||ali TRIPP 4 CHAGG, SALE—Fur* Salad OU-; Fresh Touiat^ >P« d lmia JdOl lSVIlsLK, afiereiiaiit* K ta* Kaw Hemptaira adbor sraaM 1(4 r Tstd* Sauces, aa-urt«d: Freoh KV. CommiMhton MANUFACTOKY. sahatitate jiow lokc opon onioel vr# Fuurth Btrwt, Greea Pua,- JAMES E. SMITH, Spx*lxi.n> bHlllXYOX*yt a. tea. a. aa . WO to «y that it wunid b# mt Ficklee. Dotvocn Market <.:holc* ewurted; . and Jefforauu. . Aaparaeue N*. 39 l'r»«h turret, ,V«wr York. totovc. kstaaia Market aad ?«** •••oi fm ••nr** ia ttui tnotefMl epigraph it tawtr i w » n #iM> iu Enciond any ouch agents for the .uai.k of 7 Faank % vnvld ourr^oiun< Tuinato sad Mual.iuoni Uat- and , lirreiiiorn- W. H. CTH tfADk HR A. JnNRto tana a mach man tntefefal K br qaiu ao Utotbag TCHKR, I lookout!! sttsakiui te to Ladito af ASiisi^tTs^d'-ari;^ -oltsvillk Hdtei.. Wi:s 1 EHN J MiC ) J ) VC ’E, re- CALL3 to gp^ a tae-craas. IJA^\Artv’^,Vv' JOHN J. CIUiOKE k CO. ^^nLoabvala aad lk> vwiBlW I* taa !*>*• *» G'<»NS mDUmiMw II 4lrtne'\i**' rANTLY RE 4ro Monofet turttei nndnr tboAr Poteat .a uf ***V»^* ..-taaa. -ta<* tata .s«RRwg., •Jjw -^beU ,a.B4tohoR ter tke paktotorvl,^ k'otola* la tki. ThlT^faiala-r of liaiid#om«Ft atock# ui I «*,? {j?SLod to i'llla *#”*i**i iVo.71 Third kt., caM wide, WZw stpriaa *a4 waaamar Halo. fg^vary .latter sr* raotivgrram tat — *f toafcas aay aevraz.ai^BU to sj rtea there pursued. «>ninieuce a new storr fraai tue pen (HnA, GLASS, a.Mi Dry t aufou '•“‘«ri^™BTve;to.Ginzerl4e*Rve to Java,JaL and..a u QI KG.NsU tKK I.uri.-TII.I.E, KV. FOIL. waiea is saw orom. as* to laRaeoee R IMte>id.w>B kwe preetfaed teKteouly *!>*4 8»“'- “r V. Mocha Coll« BETWEEN RAIK AND MARKET STREETS ROLLED TIN aeaaeroatiem to oar State praelaim “All'a a Sntonkutou Uli^rGlncer in Sirup: W^Wtehin* ever oOen-d lu thu market. Wefl." V, ilekai la eumpanain with an onamaad policy *® *“ had wlioleaale and ToUet^^ LaalavHI*, Ky. PLAIS, PMISTKD, E.VBOASV), uader and reUU at Taniatinde-amartude; Dietetic and OM HOOniS Laundri^SU^Jh ALSO, i MILIJNERY Th* paeeeB tini iat ef BsU'e aaocea* ha* wltei.*«ytkto.ftoRfirteUI*to rSire^ _»J! MooRuTORE. *7 ThirtI et. nSSTrareree^e. Jteli..- ' . VWtlnf COad# irotly KnorakBd Bad Ptlalod. i#*dia|y growa late a red JelliR;' , , Wine, and ^ eenaeaamr.tortaeRlter .UthGp^*4vUw.tkepteltotioa.otaredla saw piaat R vmw. tae pteliauaBe Spirit. ixMikiDK 1 uf Hay, Gram. Dried Fruite, Potatoes, Apples, Rut- IN GKNKKAL. ogered te-ALaji*i SODAbhiia _isit e.to...to. a.,u , T ..... , FrwO.rcah Peach..,Feachee; French GiasNrs, Castors, aOtled catewictiaa.••• Rrandy- aud ter, Cheese, Flour, bacoo. Lard, to. roalbotg Ckij^^JM—enno, ia to tevstaw* r*|mn aaiv attae matten woree, if — .. «uui-; oilier 4'HICKmK« MPH Kte, 4c- a^neb a# Bunw4k FWvorB. «r N t'Pl*! HolUudtiin; mbteV . is GARDNER in •oka ohfroWmr. yjyn- toy cBcaieate mdmdual, a ooly a> to rxeana- *4 the A CO. Green Oafee; Jamaica Hlatrd Goods, Lanlfriis, PAIKTINO. Tuui Bbatilm Foils, lUl ouna, mfonur ia bnlltmmcf end (ffoudo zanoroibF ^ ‘“^"^•“ Rum- Ar. C.'oii*ti|;iiiu*‘uts koliriird. Motetini and FriMB rwiirt ^ it ****» > T""" — J.NO H. romowod ly #nr mnaui ba compotad vitb o# «• te a » a.e — . rrr—n~~*r nw r ffnaR»Tg*oA*to mZTZT~^. Raaitoirire; IViurbon Wuleky. rvk UoWPe ho9 U and ttnagihetrematk to tbatbi impuriad articl*. RomeP ataf tb* WoekWotaiagtoe agUtfote priaclpte amy lad eed weU ***** “to, loeoiall ba*s.iaw Ciet3 diatf hi# old 9tend ftUOrwMiMrMt, •nt of .Stew Yurk nUy. COThe Uaiaa ietoh* We pauw before we -Jlackb*i lies: Madeira. Fort, J No _ .... «J«««v«d aad for eale by and HhM-e,- — „ . re.-- . . re CiredM lato Eaclaod iatekateoa, like Umr. e, s^rtlebmiet; door from Fourth, wbiMW bo it te ta* “OoteatkadoBRr®®- They . . •; Glaret Rite^uternJ^ii’e. ofiEor»oft VotTo!n o» E I*4 Mi' VotPSo ahotegad ^ Xaaasha, Jaw. GARDNER ’ kind# ^E EE *5^uaME A JONPL Aarac tead fi al pr«|«red lo attend te bU of ,reld cerealaly aot So ne nri aepaatoy or fo pabll* R CO. ebrepfor raihat J- T. LA.NHAM*^ -g" TO BOOK-KEEPERS. 5*-dHEI,S euiierior White od Fancy Faintioif, Gloxina, Ofoininr, for wntingaontina Battho.BaitUo. Jare, 4«.«So,, Mamyod vitb any mama Uawte, dCfawaattegatrUafta* !?P‘* Im porter, of Teas, b? ol Corn. Nlrried tor ravoni u,, .v..o CaOa, perhaps yarns. mreuiRMured te to , Third Yrt? l*4)i)KS— rrs. j>H'«nala, pat r^^TON Pata. T.nneeto, greet Seed and Itread. will le* eold on a kl-ANUF ArrBnni*d fd^roiz monthn Morbliue, t in the v«ry beat mBunar, at gbj rtoai nutte# 1 «lo4fn roqulrod. 4Jno lank boors, irdo “ Irtodom1 I1 - credit nf four 1 Maamruatoto ea.. _at tk. I V oa cimicnaientc.niwmaient and fur sale brby munlhe. If auplud AI*o, and Bt tiiiceo ig> ouit tha Uxtev. B Ifaoka. R*ci>i.ls. tetea they will pMfact tat mak ai lia cteR tae body fur UumedUtely. 6u Ewee Plateo, BcUdar, and BrltoDma i C R laispsefiintir «f aay of poUiic wbalevR AGGINO and ROPE. -a Urge Wock Witu *l*aS*!!.?i!!!ilVn!*Ji^li•**** Moaic TppK tekate Rooho, hr *< «Jrifta te. In I *** them at atlTft. •FU U. D. MEWCOJIfi * BBO. .lore and Lambs. Ite or which are thorouifii-bred C'ouwolds. T4 Fifth aad fawr atatfaaenr. B ferwU«py tteJ-] I Mwtala BKLL* MURml^i GiHdON MALLOKV. JAS. WALLWOKK, ukvoUcr and Stotioaur. ' „ * . . — F » ' W I ! - a 1 \ , c : I; i I * «

WEDKE8PAT, APRIL IS, 1 A. M. WEATHER REEORT. The RKi'tNT Fihek at Sew 0«i.ean» —Tie l*ic- AtaiL 1*. 1»“. I AI\iUSSEMi:i\'!\S. AliCTl()i>i | : ayuDc of Tbundtr tart; SALES. Mr. Key iiEdr*t.e1 b.'m>»lf alao; thif ! INSURANCE. n’t JFElrEfiKAFH. aecarreil ea RIVER \F\V\S. AVv haw Dot >*«t AmsrrtAiard ib* TXJWl auiouot of loc- *- 'V.dnead.v the iS.1 of February, 1«». lie baa §cc Rcadiv Matter m First Pase« j t t- rrsTXT-* i rr^rix-. ! iff-Tfd in»ur»nn- coim-anl IIjI jJ'j Tlnl''. By S. G. kiv'e"! me io njr ti *’•*‘11' ^ **- E U |M<«s ATF'-ilt. Henry & Co. itdo a Dunb r nf time I do Pot I •I I* Pixf.. and w, have lo r rorj anotlirratill tnore o. S, KERUON From tho ; I I lan'Mf' u.,., WM. Even:iig I II tt 7i to I la j . & SOiiS. Biilietlu d'!;>d'iw> teat ^rwomawaBJi. -T *e -••t enwr aT A«jr cituco wkliiri: tbc Notoulriathe low of tliv Uatw6b~>:ccbmc*icni!|lhi*hoUaQlvMlap‘'iiiewe b- r%m- VuKDntBk, ISKIAKA.— 1 jreadViuroB(larni«^n.' Iwnr. ^'*'Manw*' Iohk r racial awd -‘'oxiiv;; rrcaU-r, bu' liiauj dttx-ns -"‘tc Sale cf ay-arvjoin the 'kprd iwh. at ^ wetorh P M. e« *^Me «i it, (I I>KW p.>IKT. anc« cooiiwnl.v niurh bare lo»t • |4yeAr.t^in parlor inuo theiha .w f .; X*.JC*. .Hiefcleal^ichUa I! I>* applj-ibi,' u> I'BEL. H|-ail>rTt ,_n AKSHAL or Juaraal «r caa bt mp|>>m4 . |*ro|»»rt>*. n*>t »I1 |»%* ^«Wf»«f*iri*j'erirrli* rihI I•t^r4u»^llr ^ '.'.I* * I THi; C'lrv i>K B«U^ HMTI'-'K, ' l*»«4r imvTitr tnaunnof Itlcl'.’^clt UALTIUORK w.i - rt I'AlirVT out of toin .to«t i*v v.tiinaat at the I tn Jo rkJaw' ^nd VM*! AJwp -t Xw Tmf>tT] iyi: n nriif; «**o*^: (JENEiiAL ^ ai»«l hundre^i' |h**t truAiiU find tt».daf i^wud Ti»*r Sjceitti«: Third Tt»*r l.'.o utit; |*i INSIIIA.NCE -uAiU.'l.\ru u.li. uliCl.UTli.S.iiiitMiTii.s. a.Mitiup.sA.Ml TILVI*.-. ''r-'v Cl’ i'ril. f «. R. lUvWTt Itozer Yi.kk, ApriM.'. t^Tk the i'limacr MavhCM* » at >»rw.rt’« lMh»d. .\a>»lr pa o» r vitfifUt abrlkr and «ith but the doUi«v uu thfir 7^^ « 1 ; Colored boxed 2a teut»: (*ol it d A; Ia cetiU. M4 \ I hi think it to rkame >w.*t r* at a vSi oaaa i.eoai ' 'jV-MliKKM* I aatt hini in I oJ M it iaciaatinc ie iataratl. Tba tKN*« r«**t**rdar fire l»ralie Ofilreo|#en *. *• MiiKMNO.’^Tbixlhiv, >'•>^1^10^! Sit-klM caw AhfHit a out in C'haM* dailf from lu A M. U?l 1 rp- 3^i3" ,t 10 . wH hou-a, A oVk-rV. 'l trL Ikc ua« ’ -^kC3r]^3 . f^Tb* . * Uare ware aarrAM^ who mi^hl ^ nwerCrrak* E. If. : lreh«* * ba a -arh. ' from ^ to 6 b. eeiita * ltavV(‘4AloD pMen , 00 (treatmeu «tr«K. between I3r>uet M , where rouy aec-ji> 1 Di»e I [ ^«ckla». arbo Dow aiftit harnair ir. • aypct omathiDK et^MMoa 1 eommunicated itoelt to r*uANkK, 'irra-uf Babkine ofliie nnrtb lb« KIVKK ASU I Kur-paoa tb* A'- a baral thin^, I bar baaa rtaeor«op«nat7. overture u>euuiujeare at ;i huvs worn a h'ark rODT US LwClaVILLB. TWfaaa Bafiola. bar aiaiAr« Lam. Btdu uf Main, belwn n Fourth anil ‘ " ' aid The firpfmm were itminittly Bullitt »lnet" .NV till* wa, on the croimd, but there L K'n rLe*' dedniirlv kenwr a, (o "while wooieo plaid drees an-l bcavir bat will adaiiaad ia tTwlacGr water ”* I the .ettliWof Iriaaod AKDIL IX. ia Caart, bat wbctbtr k ba wa« so ia the iduiM; balf.a^oxea baildin<» were on MOfi. C. N. SIXCLAII: ANI> MR. SFni.FY. * * Snper itniwel. rarpri. with* b'wfk v-lyef; Tba rirw wa. in« „ , . Wid- Mafior- '‘"i" i‘ b.1 I have worn n black silk I a«ain rlainp bat X;?aV,Se‘S;tiV“„ry::5fire at the time, Rome •« I drees T.mrd.r, two or three cqua-ee i»ff, aud I a V evvd hi rawwa.-rm-a- to brhe awo.a*o. thoee T'lIIS tVK.\INf; («Ve*Dieaat), Airil W, wU! be fiv- yo'l''‘br«odH.iuvk.Hpii«Aiticbv.f'.\Iw., aBniva..s. « iaobw i. the twa«,y.f.H.r hour, -.dir* R^D'e-lthe n-w Ruuiaulir Fiayialied MARlK A.STOl- KY'wx, 1 lair >vrj due Howjeool Tcb'-a-THK- Tb,Tr:r.a:i%V"dS“^^^^ to Jamb i*tr»l«w. C.utl. Kntma Itean. Carr. N’KTrK— Marie Autoiuette. Mr«*. Siuelulr. t!u>int !>’- V K "* l-fviwivd i.jue l•oliciM ,o V „n;„, , Loiitivilie fliaue.- Madima, .\. • .uaa. ri'i-i. of St. I Ifiid l^k of the O. sro ia pooMOoivo a Lmho tvoniag, «Wch |^a%*e a depth of 7 fret M iocbei eud it vacao moiepureether that >» veut l olM'snies Mverally rA'”u*7 Aitoie. Sedie* |*o auth..rls. ... Henry cfincludo with lUe Utu'lifi* lo •,an^',‘‘anmci Joba Tmapkio., T-r 'J. Weoona, rtim bl.» Farce biLiuemlu K.tiiuclty by tbe Auilltcr of A variety o( Ser.' I».ai.*TatafyaateTu/XlNCi~ra(*t Frank lUm- nuit- nl.h.nd Fttrn In."!.’ Oraiewbot. Ark. Htwsr Tbbamtwf.. Ileadeiaea. rh'sw < .bit at«3 the I b'.tocif. .Mr Ncdie>. .|:TN t INM'KASt K . tl.lll'AW >, Fatud, IkeddiuR. ^r. I,,,,,, ok u *,,,, wuoleu tbawl; I arranged ieea ci' '. .. o .-tombaraer, Mnapbla ktwlaw. cf Ur. O Ban- Htwiag laat ni^t wa. . with Mr. 1 V t, IUUI..4. tbwach Uw . the day tb. weather KOI! 1. • . l;„l. » ** J aplldlt In rarliament, I.irJ Mu'ma.-l.Bry K.y to Ee ia tbe back way; liftcr leaving S**'. Brnlm:), Gnseu Uvrr. • 1 w. «— Ua-.I • — - Auctionk-ffii. made Liara at LouiavUle HoUl. ! in th. yard, had in. tranei aivnci It the doadyclondv of tNCKfo I loa, of aodand Milinr.lallrv. rM hot Imn and lie ®-S^>H.jLO PHU.MX *II*A.\ \ , I. . edcmsion.s in regard to lire. Ilo v.r’s, be u*r j TCOXXXT^XO. I Li:d Cnwli v’s uii».i„ met m) at Uonglaas'*; tba ar- lINN ^ j I'lMlI'.l ' v-t* I'aplUI By C. C. r*; fWWkv.-Tbi. fi« ttP.mr will ietv. FOl'R N If’. UTS »t lU.W," Spencer. fiTV Kiiti! I'^rK-Wt'i; le. l>»l H A.M'K. .Mll.M'AT ll^•II i:kK» . bantboat, coBimoadadcoaimnadad by Capt. OLdabd Mr. totFos noorpoor -unTlwd-uriirbed by the fire.aomafire' soine iwiiieTbapiiLap# while yiv. t’ONVVAt fo H l‘A\ , IT,ly, aAl-r AAlI I ^ . , , rCnDPC CUDICTY/IO K/IIM0TDCI(?I OKciis ITIlrillNIN ams . . . day at the MapHaL josmiuJa»J bilheirto their i^Mjor.uf^LI«i> and Mu-viuflWbelieviu* their ownowo humblebumble UlUiiUL UllllidlT IVIIIMoIntLi)! VVa\ h I o'lM »P1UI kS , \Tl IMI.Vt .MHKNIMJ, ter oTK-ok .Utes; atni u»einethetb.. da.Auevn.daNk d ( April n; ,i i’| I lartar om.uinsonitiaiaa homeabomrs mfe. aaa**ds.a.-d with «tunor.tuiior upon the ruin#ruin, of tlnih. tr*r litth*littn- iini r- . iii-io-rv .vi. .• < UIMKOKKi.KiI'llKISTVlll.l rk ANDAM) I..I!. M. II lol.lA.lOl.lA, 'O »l l» t N \ ia the freatb.l lard maich at 1M4 «»u laat This apleadid mail »U.aU.deAro>*<4de«ro>.-liu(beart.rfudina I H# ai|^ TVTke Awrkenser.—SoMfkermtr.^Tuk^ packetptA^ket will '* • “-b'vmial .|,vta>-le ami one ibst I|•r.,|.rul.)l..r.,|>ruloij. .anoio broutdji tou. to the eyeauf*‘*'’* “^ *““™more . ,e.e. ... _ ! lesweew l*betsn acd Seereiier. tbe forwer wade I,- Invetv. for MewphiaMampbia this eveniaKeveniai; ••at *bethe usual boar tnautitan o^on. I^Vani4al.art nUu.*^''^*man. v'’." _ C. KonKoi'i-irriTr Mii-ir,l Inninnrtor.nor. {.'" Mn-i«l \v i:'i;.' f I- .'j i":j I o ^ ' v '.i.' 4,';^;; li'l'It; ;i*“.j • WpoiwlsatcatLatTjdbyUtelaitor. chief offi. are, :,t •Miitviliir Ui tikff We do Dot re- Tba S and ber Cafd. Triplett and liNViS Io cuuuiry. ‘i'i,«a Ron.uiiic u R' tui i*, rit# « f iL.fr uiii.pi* t.ri- IU»Im;l|{« 1 Mt IN.-IIN.-# I ICANtHl( I M E tOlllMNv<’0 M ||i.* ar.- i. y. i.m- IM N V or \'vri.|\. 'V.-- fl'> NUimat-' •‘••uiid Kitial alJ iiuA}-p'’UMt'L:tblc oi.’K «n i Lcal.hy. aalwr tow lunay -eved. Tlieteo pick.ri.. la.uie uu \ . w< poiaU were t« be i Uyed ia tbe Messrs- Archer naJ McUkbnel, are deservedly end or ;o buildme. w.v.- | dertiojed. luiitdiii^’4 euUndr houie ittdal d fir»> in thriv I ...... _ bat Ifit i.-*a oa, i I • . .w .b.ntwwAn .... ,„ie. o... f aij.l taoT Lata di4 aefi i\v i*tiv» "truck-truck ufi. . bm k utmt)t) new **v A1VO ry vot** »»•* "•ai., ' repeated rs.|u»-d. ! ks« A 1.. | k-a Ikni,lvr.l, .,4bId Jhrtf .a br« «i r-> Rraihar ta«W«r. iTO tow#paa Soirees D’Ethinne. "l »kMi . n th« .11 .• I ao far ahead that bit oowpei tear could harJlr TV//. /.Wpca.- W. ar. iailelteed to OUU Ctib U£.imUp«, Mcra. NFW FNt.l .l>l> VIAlllNJ: h. mrimJ f r r»-dh;v’'us‘i** i > Kltx ur/ A\|> I IIM[|; I.Smiv ImuH HmUcisiL btU ....M.Mershav.u.,kel the, r fate THYRFM I:VN« I.k «A1I'.\W kil * r- *I<1 M ..i |h--issue;imue! B.VliloLA. M IUkTF.ihIi f "‘t i(L inter. I Saalay and llaJI, clerks of this steaaiar, diet, Herk of tbecuttou vardn.who rciU«l«** on Uoui«wut <*>oiuairtins cf Vo<*al. In^rumcnul. Tcn<'ich<* oUJ.i.NNKf, Atil joint l» ti t ppr r.fiinkM liewn ir*sw> • •f’tjfit .u i w>i» for a copy *1* witb ' llb-ir Tins la true whhky m ...l.'4-b • . a ' ’I'H* Y'A|t‘Utl i*«) abbt in resigbatH.tce.., lUUmeBt, written vtrkt^t. two h«*uac4. tnniilurr. iRrst* IH^'rionli- lu ^ *Sl ibHi lUnk. ce, by mvs.lf, •: m jv L*W Ll# auJ • num of iVrform^mk*#; wrid cmbiRCMii! « \an jiv*2iiouu with- kaJ^'kwlcw b«y . ilAiK'. fiiMin aikrr 3» khhi ilww*. n_ij 1. A . l.in.I In Ibe liinubnin n'r"* «M «4r% 'AfAm tna mnnifaSm Ina KK, luntererc. »j, ,..,.1 out .inyin luremeDt isrklfes diacbar^d Urcly • I tbre** chUdivu n*«w Sout.*#. Mi>l;t dt.l ».\ne.-el Ndw Mail AiiDAiiuKHKSi'ta of new w a larga mou4*>' be hadat h m**. Ili« woio iutb«* Iwitt". rii Ii't*-. Dine- , to VId nm by M,; sk|,|,„ —A bOtSca as, niMe during ,f P»rp,, 'wCMb '^tCMirr from 4 uki»wi> U hbl« whMifey. bom*- • ben it look fire; the rantir tathor, Wbo «a»bua>* Celhcr with uii tb-provokinir FUut iti >n Sn Uf", lb, wiek. Ihe ' I l.uireowill “* »J!'I lot of bacon at EraaayflU Sb# U th# ti» will be with, at any Alls".Altcf*. BH. A •( -Y flA dr*. W»Mcr. «W si* 4o. itavdiw Jj***'**'**-' menace M A lb ft^ni biiu: tbU I hsaa written N«h;: Hu hhtekhte iwmr. Fwwa.w. 1H k«y« w J. tstt Vi .1M\, .liiriionri r. with »y %mn hrd ^ C ATA' 4 .1 " M«>rrw; |H akmirof). IMObap; 70 4o, Haikwfwua; wm w open an.l mv mai.1 acd ebildlin «mH the arti «- I T; IS;'i7£b'" '!Sff tt tic ed by I eeus ol I.aubril|.' tbci. will beewafter be two mails (ucwari.d *• •'* •’ * | ’ How.ll 4.U. Hr . 1 1 P-r fi'T from *»«>» ei neroii. rtiirea. »ho di apt, arid «ftei puttinir thyin 1 xVl ISV i IJ - I »init. Ifasfwi’fn Qoma orlw«a— Od bhdi SBWr. I 1 Titkmmhuti I l.l.'v I .K .^(’sF,n'< ItFuithuDd ly IS in tn. n..u-e wUnin rsll thtTXew h/ umnmtfM/i baanaa menmin nnavnnsvnioi lai. dataiaea Entire llangp Enniii'’. v~ Fiiib, 6.0 .» u .m.rt* priocipal citirn Fast, cae dosiag al 7 o'l lock P. M y miny. .nd .ho-.' nun.- no om- cmid itud. iiut.iih- of Pri»riaiin. «i *,Hyt.t| , irideee a«d aight. To minor points Mt^ucbH k. Ihf l.tttik^- afr re-i., liwnms rmm Qrma KIvse—? hadatskar- saa M I!l «'cb>ck at rttuL v lu! ro “ ’*“ te',.rk-mi * . U. J 1,1.1, -jUln.. Mi'cKria' a. i )bda ai it w ill cloa al Fr t.*ee.-m Issiwld Rant tbei. will Iw .a. mail oalr d *””• •- •. i»a. I * K. : a- -o. ,p «tt A MS KS hud. ^ ***** 12 V I ovA at night. PeoUifth'D «luir i llocg K.iog U.ltes . 1 b«r« tww w^akA air _ »-rs b. Kebm.re 1 h f. I ‘V'r.* lupofla i /'**'*-*J‘ I •' h f- * t ri,nr..lay with a large viat'.ifw, iociuding New , .•hin,;e4s7,l;fre.^hl,riil. pirty. Mr I'b. maiia for tbe South K.y. ‘ -Ven - hr*»_ncr. wa«II Awa JVV< lotu.l l.l^rja oi|,ob?,‘nl-o»l o b»*re,here, iu.|lE.I at myiiiy sug;;e,t.on ladiuiapjiis, IbaSt Lreisxriuf' fi.r -« , vr.fa i; ba wa. Fot Item Orieaos, far St. L-mts. C'bHago, V , ‘ • ’f* '' *-- up mv...i l-c...-ciiim Orleans pr«rl rive?. .Mrc.'Irs. P.u,ll...,nI eb'll-loQ wa^n.,.1was, an'1 .1*.alw. I«- Tb. .« u .nj rnmniScvas sMoaes mtrnmm will Im vto rd al 9 o ckn-k ia tbe m.rbibg, sad tbt Tbs CV

•ay mai|,s sae hour sooner. i mail, via KasLviUc, iac’udiac IV Soutbera i to Joabui i.resimen. oe nuua- CbarteiaaaVrieidaa and MuUU,MubiU, wiUwill ilosa atal 12 at ai,Lt forfar (it,#'' !>1.- waa a .heap bargain at that. nJoprinV' ] | tbit the tspacious tbe Tin; i ri.i;ni:yri;n and ckhiin.u. Tb** itihL-r'ii’ui’fl Fr>‘#i«1cnt Rtii tA. U..V m.il. Im tki. r mte al a It is rumoTed aternwboeler ro fierr. wa.IV ere. tVI aiuan. above desrrlUd, anda« nsthe warwav maiia byay tawtbia r.ater.mie alai 9. P.Pi . M.a,.M li tvf Ihf n F^rl i ' t.iuVruf .ny kind; , fk MW mni. S. N>l, * Fas Uen «dd to Measr?. Andv Hos- •••«. ao v-tie- .rf m.thiiicran V «-en r')iiii'4iiy it mail will al \ t.rk 1 iff I (i-iif wiici Tb.Tb.l>aukfuHIVaukfort A^and L'kiagtaia -telwiUdoma.dom a„.r'uadg fo, flC.iKW iu cash mid Illinois | Buckley’s Sereiiaders, •Im«. Lr, ami (litii cstriliMlI' il t«k Itt atBt Bl|fbtni|(bt andBPil I1 P. M lauds.laod4. i th** ctittou ibc •* wUl Lr Lot lew datn«i*ed hair*; D, _ | _ - And*' Eihlw|iiMii Iturlrfafiiic Opera Troii|»t*« 'rt t i r •miimniry. tu IcBrfi froBi CBpi. Ibhodwi of iLo u<«^v ftllth«i t *uk uc»* Lorm «‘utircl>'. a cruu uuoilMr csii'O ihf CyMi«vkl«*v *« S*r«B i4cr4 BL#I B«ir;«>»i|Be i^per* IN cON.Ii M'llti.N WITH Tin .\fw ^ t-rk l.ilc lu-m^tncf< Metrei*'‘dit»o ihRt ihw fmicbt in hit l»arce, V***!***®*^* which i* '*T^ :-t**i»Cf f-.iirutii >iar#;io< crihUI TaraiRm|w,a'. after pUviegplaying a vetlnMUvd. We Law beard bi. FIUriT .\MERM \N PKlM.V lULNNA. iiiCteu-icualiCteu-icuali. arc u i tbrir wavway to oar citvcity a-d will I THE ' • • ' out and all Bia.ls light and liacuic. lom .»tiuiated at a. niueb .• yjS.isiB. b< La’s cdi Monday imx . They ais tbs' vary i|a at. Tbs arw ud magnaitsat pmmrmmm

lySlw r.u ins . s m.Oiii. r •»" mwnm.ilma smm «a ' "i- **«•'*«£# M., w1 MK.S.MLACU, or ~ < tiA-HAtl. Aaoam, Wall A t-owosmtio oMd \em Oriooao s-iraram# iaar PnrM For New Orleaua. ** rr-rs. ^ f agasarowt pasamasa iHMar j;*K..'*»-aa.>'. teiLcaa. mooMa.

«"b Apr*, at .M.iiket ailvsccing anJ actiw. atr.tr So-dooS. P.JT.paa- ' ra ' L««#'. It uf lx)ui*viile an cntfr;Aiimicnt ut ltlrit, ilmir ui LBHliBr « iTfiklinr mxIbbB iwvbI o^avb DBBB*, wad W that Btiicli In^hfr Ihau hHor** ik« tlo* tail of Tbf fire jirtcrdar at Heard A Toitnu V warchouaca,warehouara, onoi rtkiui. wbKb s0« l-ajMil at. MxBd. con#i"line ill pwit Of MumIu#. I a*o4. is t or or Suoda*, cumM hf iii^ etitir**!) Inv iroui tiM-ieK-aur ami aliiw Print" Flinml# Sa- Ttsre a Urge )|«culalive imiuiry for fromV pmooar oaafa oa board . .a, . • iwvb'MMi-'V r»f» rird, I'mns a fitcod wh*j kcjit i Pulton -tn-ct, bHarcn *luha and i?t. Jui*'t*h•*n*h ktr.^eU,ktrs*«>u, c*»ul< cot'em or la , ^ a a „ . . a 1» • an c*>uld ?. C Heiiry, .\uctMiiti f-r mii> 1 t'«*mm!#!f IS ajkol f.ir l.as to arrive, namalatbat pa. ranr** uf and j'-ar, wc n«d bi* chcHcd until a ca-t aiuount of it rui>crty hud i^n Wni. l*;M(lier, Skf’y I.oub'y ilL* Ictsurame I'o. iiiK*, Drill#. d«lutr*li;e ia } |*kirl#, aud a June It Kn-at varie’y of psr in ihs prws,c>-a of .Mr. and >*w*w»-d rfa>r«lar that wa» now bctwiw^a c*pht I wart'bouac. Mrs. .Sickln. I V-iAlt fdwtw*lr* moare*',AdJtM# BUl itWf w iwania and aine dr Uoyed. Ihc fire uiirioated in llaic'a ad Natli'l Wolie. AttMriH*y at i.*ir. Dll## (tM.YiD, Linbiju", ai.iUluIy. H«t- lortwaira c pna w ckh ^lu ioctw^ Ar Al.^>, the Iktlance of a Lwher *l |*niut tfian in Im^ il.c I « fW l^i. and ween ten )oinu>a Montfunur) Wareliou-e, and u.ar the it*riiei A V*. .Muiiu, .MaiiufHs-tore." satH.n througtsout tbe urt r.-m.l I vigrmi , lav For St tonia and aod ete^vn iB-LeahiiAer than tiukt or Uial - Miaotrarl rtwar Hwt, #19 fir ftftr, BCd #S> for owe huodred. Jt year ol fit. altuaalo*i pb etrect.etreet. cwciipled byy MenevMcNe>.Mcht*. ihatdb«‘ard Adc Toanie. \f duced ll.irklcY HurL-ipie id 1.1 t Ith.Zl.V Heiaj. u. liavU,<'.iiii!uii*Moii Retail Stock TIIK .SIl’KI.KS TIil.YI. naiii. ti i V U Menhaat. of Diy Goods. —(’ONTINl'KIl. at tb« ni|4esl of .Mrs ,'s Hke'« .SvkU ; M The |*«nh pMeeear _a s| Tlw daowcac *« tlw Vlckalrari;, fihrv«eport, and Texan In a t<-w!• w minute* the buUdififr waewar in tUuie#tUuieai tlin>udb«iutUiruuMbtiut w*emv a. I | wbirL Mi*#-I|' 1 ir , I *a J I J ^ wk. ml A a.. A in .ia will api^ iw l.l k I:L/IA. John Milti'U Ca-hier of N*>rtheru lUuk. l:i.tgclv aU. signed that bHcbUI be ciiccilatad I ruadcaBt over the Ntnte, tor ;f Railroad, rrfva****, Al»». pap«r; that is .Mr*. i n •ultlrnr ffom w bin-*# irruwa mure ae- i it# whole de|dh. and the exre«aiveexri‘iaivettve beatbrat ao«Danon cauiifdrmufM'd the ©r TIIK “ri/LNER,’* \V.t,IIIN..T..X, .\pril 1.*. S.cklas' ItiToire^of Hat# Wool, ilk, ^ow; ' Ae£~*i£^ll e^ery day, aod already abottt ihfv** Ituodrud >aj^a of fire lu extend to the builditimon the other oide of N« w and I a rimere' »od '»lrr»«L«7orv.oa iriAlww moA& ymomimm\wtfMiaA'*a .wrrw-ea«,rww«o in the r turnAum ^ urnlha I I itm. Le- we m «aebed |H“For proi^mmc. ca#t of charart'-r-, #yajp'>i- ol inc Ju»ok*i"iil Mr.kw IU #, FUt#, and Itonhei#. embauiuirot ha« a*ay. vee atmd Htl-> Wareh u-e wa< completely deetroyed. j deuta, MU<1 lull iMbrticularii. e M* #ium>I Falmer, |i. InYuicewuf iifw .ilvh; I Bc.toa t* ikefi ’racv. ' —- and of ibeine builJinr*builJtnr* inwrfte,opwrtte. wtiicbwtiteta are built of briek.briek, j M. Faraaoisaud Uibrella*. OKU. V. hl'THKKl'uKIt. VV.M. S. VKKNON t% HUNfi, Local aV»r.-flU. I uvuict# of I'l ativ-matl.* Clutliiu»r. whirl*, Ac. H^li. (irttz Browr, Ecu., hat resicoed "torior hipb and yriiicipolly occupied a* boardiuy- tl>« tdi- .\7i ut aikU ItuMUe— .MauapT. |F*Urtice, No. «*4 .MaiL rites t. .1 houfCP aud Muall ebo|». fire vete entiiely cotiPiiiiicd aod j Doors ,l\D y|| iV.fi. ttorriwMe,. PDillipc A rv Of4t/ if’_aWAiTB. AdamiAaUniA EX-F* oct; dieir A 0>., uwBbip of tl,B St. IxHiie Deioocrat for two more i»adiy d*ma»:ed Fm \V . TRuTTKtL General Arent. buaiDeae on Thurvt’af at oViork 1* .M will W w.ld ltM)ca*e* Tl»e deidmyed warebouareciouiood ai*b>rt44 merchao- Ir. Hhainl dri-i MBB. B»1 CHb 4/lhOBrV Bf the atoaiccra CIWBOrUor abD K i.t" Ntitt ^hl*e- t.*r Meo'ii, Women'# t . . as diee—baBaiuc;. ro|w*. runmea, ootloB (ilie, JndU and keti- au*l hiMreu'# wear^iiti*#Uy verv . a g i prime ami •t<4 hiintbrraer, haiw o«r thaake for faeurt. 7 (.),()()0 ! taaluouable *“cky baMiur. bacon, i-tirk, tobacc**. eurar. Ac., to the S •tuck. „ HOI.T^ rb- i i c m M’EriAL xM> I It KJs. — MM.AS* Ai^ ll>KNT.—Dr J. L. Seoter, C/f *uiount«f BUfU.iHi*—winch ba# beeu entirely decoyed. T-riD« rs.li. • j MAr.MKICKST SrilKMK uK TIIK THUS. .'k.SOK.K.SON * CO. TT*- iis-li.iid tV -.ihcr buUdiV wre- .pit illj iMceivr has a large acd ^ , Bf litUBeff 4 faacr ifittAf w’lth a Uil of ifetC a life w edneodaT tTeniog, SOtk qH., by tbe accidoB* • 0vcr4iiMt.ua). wi> bout conuUnf 1 be furniture, food#, Ac.. --- m Shelby College Lottery! **Stomach Litter#'* in all Ity tp. G. Henry & Co. „'" — --- mo wn.'ie or .sunuav ra-c# of -iu pvia and viuiUstr during the •** *b«' half duaeb buildloff The lum ia pretty weli dived D> r 'L T i.'''' 'Vi ; pfevM'Bs night 1 I ^ iwim to a,« crutches, lie wears a thick uuu*la<')e fmwubm* gund. aad aiW anAfa.. which b. mU. ulJ diaeVrg.tliaCBargC ofox bi.klC gnu.gan. I but I | atfsTtiMU# often heard .Mr. .Sickl-s .tsll ^JX^Tilu^lS'l'Tnll'raiuonB#t our hoim* tlttce*. They have rtirui'n:i1l.uroiall #uft-red more or TO MK PRjWVS on ha# fiveti that valuable |•re|>aratton a wide i-np. SlM*rial Xlirlitkll Vistir-o cry. and Mrs. .Sickles too B s.d. A—wt.3aWaa,». II ) wbi-kors, IS — ‘ acd a msoluto lijoking man. - ^ Iff* w itblo the laat furtnifht, and It wuuld be ua'Imm now iu the uioruing w I i uUrily hen mot at auctisa this aauraiag, Io which w# c.ll tba atlas- 7* aiuuM tlio*v who fur year* riitf -rei f^Ull -ncli ail- . him on the stairs ba erirsl .... \ . . . 9iATI _ ^liCLAR EASSESVMM Hl>AV, ATKIla •.1, aluhn • 1> Kadwer CiMVcr, prwpnetar of tba ^•‘•‘*Carlifla to mt r lutu a ciuee calrulatluo uf th ir respective lua#e#. iHM. Ladies McEIhote,•Mcr-lnoi.e, the liuilirsl witDe*swiitDe.s called f..r the robbetl RACKET “ •'“P"***' iiient#. It i# f'vcelleut ^ To the cf Louiavlllc and Vi*;iiuty. . and Hkbbnl violenlU,riulentlv, bur>iogbur>iDg hishia factf«ca inia hii Uaaaf city and ymmrvoamterv lmvcra.m. era t Kuflunat«*(y, the offics'* Orleati- a# tonic and l»«ut ficent lu i'a ef- handu«i« For Owanaooro', Ev.oawiU* y * ’ in*uniuce of New are a* 'fotue, waa exdiiimi d. .„,i Handaiaoa — k \ II 1,4 I Umvw# k. I L* u'tsring -.mr.il.-, . T (Pa.) Herald andaod PmfatturPrnleaaor inio tbe Irving kemaleFeraalv ii» afiect fect# ou ON M KONU.Ss.-tt .tl-KIL and various r.xclamaiiooa o/ grief; I cried ^ | Kron# a* bank-, and afire panic can them no the #y#tem. Jti hi#tory ii one alnu*t oJ inlra«-le#« MoKNJN.i, n. t—w #* He t-uraaabi pe—om— —s^w. *prancefance, ZSroaaoenu,Broadbenta & L^O.,Co M.dna&^praManagers ^^m^^IKl^*7sTl•V.laJvlpbi.;U'adt — Heviiles in I'bilaJelpbia; i,is on.one .,fs-f .hoiho rr-re- llVjoS:;? '^rT‘ n»civ timu a financial panic. The qiieetion b not to mourn at 10 o'cbtck, al.v> mrrelr. fo.- be appeacoii to be in great IC?’. * SCI iTu Na. f!alWM j one 1 1 troable J. *rwa arc rct|iMBl«d Ut oUtc tbit tbc large mU CollciTC.^ died laHlaM week,vaek wMch I»r. I|.>4t< ttt'r can pecUtre over part loa#e#, Imt tu arrive at eome mean# (Succc tu K. I lance A i'o.j known M- .Mr. Ilradv 1*' •* ** rt II *t banded the paper T*>Ka«. clirh. I creilit. lo.lt csl, we w ill Aik lii »e aad be Me«Mw, t>. O. Hearr A Co of rare lioiien aid Loui# &zpaxeck, a lloog riao refugee wboacooui- Alau Mauafcr# of Uie f 'oue«>lidated krow.i Mr*. S.ckler laNnwwtwm perm >« , l,sk pr bml frikiueot opf.«>rtuji- N. .A U'NOA ppg. .. ‘/O.OOOl frxrpoiis Mr. Da Id objected to its l*c'iag received, as *o Agmm Biiwwing, Tb»c*4av Ksajiniui II. B ewsler, Faq of l*bila the ns-IgbborLood iualy Itr etToot,, tiya uf kaowtQi< ibo ralatiot-'s that t \Dte4 , ; Third Capital Trize I.'i,ip10! of and thc-n foTe ran liatween wo coaitiieiid it to from the ct*l«.brate«* one nf tlie | itTe VAl’ uf K sai i latt^ilr, . to. |»rov(> ialuriuu# otht>ay#tFin or oLj-ctioDwblv tu bi‘"t coll»clii>n#or rare Kn#*v ( o full bliMUii) that ha#vv**r oacr loot rveoieg. Tbe pragrainmc ie cboagad btM'n < tf>-r«* I iu thi" city will l>e loLl Lr*Jt Trr.:fyfa»i;.VFr;« ?;Zi t.iri.|>mtient. aud iM*«iiivt ly without tin fa I Dir< otors, adrd Tbariday. it waa hit mteatiuo, bgJ tbe bated tlie ruaJ. Tba raaidaat and deal- ’ any rereiraUuii and p'uarautrxfd to be a) r'*]iri*>wDt«*d. aigbUy, aad tbai a new badgat of fmn contianaa ta ^2T*Fur^ aale by Druir)rL#U roat to piws iron on Iba road, commecesng at and dualar? fauarally, •vrir- 8. U. HENK^ A CU., lava l«an ramaaded, to giva bit fee lowardaa toad {1 I D o 1|n *zK fa »» |• aF w0 I-i, I,I r,F i, I,I-' i.I II TI T F IU whore,wharw.wh.rw npij at>U dti AucUouefra. aMrnct the paopU . Cbrioiy ia a boot in bimatlf, ... tba dep^ in Henderaon,^ and, not having antbcient u u I r,ERlK I lor bit maaumimiaa and like funds to cummecca tbe work, make tbc following oU who U> iadoiga ia a baaity laagb tboold ... OP KENTUCKY. llnllosrni’.i,„n •Topi- l«ael Turner, of Fitchbnrg, ditd niU nml Oiiiimeul. - IlabiiuHl S|H Cial FUfliaife SUlfOt ItllDlS Jk SIlOFS, N. Y., cn proposition to tbe citizens of llendereon: Fi .S .Y X T K A C I. A .S 7 . aol fail l« aar tbia priaic of jaators. A licb bill ia cou-tlcou-lliratUip,*'• kviUd by the loareut of apo|deiy, yenentl debility. t>„ the middemai^ buwl that had Iiaaii tbe 2Mtb ute., at tbe age of 78 vsart. CciumenciDg at tbe depot in tbe city of Ileoder- Decided hy drawiuy of the lirsiid I'un-olidated l.ottery, >rh»_ a ...Soeene. jC, r*e. a« <[a4ifite(l with Ni kl:ia lima :if hamM He was an By Thoa, Anderson Sc Co. xcme ar tha iouu« I praaratod for rsrming. and I’*"'|*r. tnatiirf d»*cay, to h>tQ by bi^ wife, and tbia • * Chaiw Ii, to be drawn in Wilmiiiston, .o.v D iif'rmaopuily (utvd by a court** ot that ha had Ikocoioe J. c> a ’.c a earn iron ciiw toed tbroogbiaiiou(,o theio«vouua>counts providediirov'ww,* Detaware, on I’- iuBna a o ioo wodwuu tbe wu , duration of l*res't. I'eai^tewcuine intimate kegi iau pa» albocT under Gen. SooU, and in tbe aervice during AI'KII- / vN TlKsDAY.iSTIl Al'l:ll., tiiMMEMINU AT 10 with bini; \,j her c-ifassioa kit fuD.lV. S3. Kw. methethe* niHID,i'l I aud ou FKU-riia! dw-aw* vau luu« rvFbt Hu* oioi of ter guilt acd his ^ thev can gi t a suBicient tub cnption, pavable one- k t will I,- I I Iruiiucvit Wgatport. . . . Vi.Vvr'i.- ,i ,.'rl«rk ..it.-twl think It lo .Sickles For BaUiiebaiB, 11I*'»-YDIU.Niti>coU at iron ia laid live miles and tbe cars iai. A.Si.s lu'.iirs SHOES, | f^pth wten IV and Urd’s or ut mv own h. it.-e; the relatxuia which ex- CaiToUton mmeraev abr«Ar umdemad# farh»r drwmotirfirmmatir doOws. aowar yearsraara * - fn,* “* un,umentargument is^ nor rn.-rlfs^7" k 4aM. ooew staee.alare. au- *: i I of I'.u'lerii uoi) li.>me msuurwctnre, rausietin; cf a rr.'rt w is not co_clnd«tl when tba tbc tigbl of V|«ftcBMU>«D. ooc-half when laid ten milci, three fouitlis I ..ae.! l.ii. eel eleewnt l.e,-ir-4,,,u,h» wwe nmoiifr, Numbvra— isse.t iwetwe n Kevpcev ar.lurd .SickSi.-teses were re attons..loo, ..f Tt*= ; iv-r rtiaair al llmaglmm's Ij-o oai. la Sew Y'«il!. rfawrvd by liw eyai- TS vsn.tyoi •*•»». uah:.' and c.i-lon.-ti.B.lego.el-. Court a.l|.«ttned. __* * I>rc»13sy “MT-!A tarf. k- » aiBCa, milee, tha l»alaoce the i Cxuroci, II ^ t laid fifteen aud when ol 47u,ufu i#. when 1 |*rue '•*To .o ‘1 hH #amiil«^ cAi**# will b> armtifi'U lu Ihf* lf>wk*rNjki**" rotinig InrinD >iji. He wu'^exsm.neu r»tfar-. io^ the corre«- v|j^ Y,* fy.f aMv.s ^.ortA ali 1 ^ 2U.UUUM. jlUv^^wiFyn wimI iawrme* . aoyMi Wa-III.wct»n, KVK.N TIIK worst. ar«l wlil be leady for * Xhtiiiuai on on tt)H n:oi uint; <>f #wh*. ’:drnc«* l*^rwren ntid S cklr-*, April 12. , f 0 K#y wh^b tr# k Thamhie. *h. t The attvatioii of whoi* niIo , . , ^ ‘dd Phytecitn, ileriruns ts do *iod and to —ve lit. l.y pla*')* in wi»nv»# Lori Lyons lo-dey •‘efaek, ivwtv. whart 18^; K^v toM tbat be b*d received presantad tu tba Frvsident I ‘ r.M.. part f— at. to thi" "wle. eiuurariua w# it d his Irbier «;vlr -yd :^-wrd >r 'a making known IhU wonderful uiesn* run', A nute tn>ni 1>^ trlhraf; rrtilvntitit a.*) bjivoy r ^^-**f* ; frjiiuo of will m-nd "**a onablk* >ka him that »o f ar ihD Kxtraordiaary aau .Uiautar d "liable itock. N L)*M« A HtUK 4#rnlaw . M isio the full prierripllon, with in-tnictiuue. to THufi, i*0. I aif'iir wat c.'*r.c-rne«l be w:ti perfectly aatiotie*!, yierijweiiiUrv uf b«r Hrtiaonlc proper aatlKtriuet la thU pUca. all ntllirV d 'ire.' ANJ^FRfiON i ard Majekty. N • a Way Itoc MV raalM^ a«iattth> vhirk la«<*vfv : tW |\, wImm tb-it ht* bu|*eu|clt true ta#!#* since fact of tbs .Sil- * \ T> - .-.Ai.t •i*'D*-ir*u£b* ; ;ha4« ir^aiiv* that **«uBiaii i tiored cotua days tbs atearaer ll \*ni* interview with Sickle*) S *uil exprv".dc«l tbe bupe WMW — nhat I tbit tha i J H. Uwea, of Mi*L*aa, who went to New Urleaat Dothe loliowim; ThurttJay untt "#r aad aikMir l.xke|leaviag Kani—a fer Kaw river. jiil'.u" ri.iviK • * *i| ^ ahoaM ver Mhe lie ^ Brw hi* daWd Kbv af|v«red ia our ikp ; 4'i.>i<:iiov-K, -I will b»* -'••Ll •j.ri*'- nuJ "k-n*" •i.ald «m*Ic *. «• C.vpr.. iQ of kLdO'.^l tow#rvl Kov* .iii| • w-uU sirawra .till d-»"vr. /*ri/. '. b* u Tbe Pri'^i - ir^are fV.F ••..n- sn*i 'i. * ^ aeveral we#ik« a^ with a drove of beraea. was rM#o»te BW returns beving gooe as far Topeka, god iwday I hes upoa w u' iii*y r« cipft’s- 1 ciia Dtahl a# brr tow: d, viul h.i*l ilw t ?• M l.ady Tuadr. vhkii wa# |«r. 4li l)li\ii' /Snawwr- ID h** av lik- l Ke>; lint tbe •hirntiuiecit : xBa«»aDced. 1 T^mr-ofa- at 4 cD-k M. robtwd of three ihooaard dollira in that cite jaa . i3'A'li of 4'tiliw:iy:i II:ir]«. Slaple aiikl Fancy Diy Gs^od.i. ‘ • i* accompli h-.d a uio-it succetafnl tiip, l«iag loaded r'ji* *. bt^rd # saaation m the Mage aai what she ha> lort fa U.— ha, ho H.ou^ht l.iiii u nua if h^^'ii. inut ii.it thlr.; io’er>f*iw kvxjuf a lu 'i* tbio awaa.ly corinU ; eurtiog borne.—A/ouMrnpfaa /'oof.iyro/ol. ‘la' i .' ‘daieel .-Inis- we lulrudar.'J i’lulliiiti:, 4'iirFrl**, riiibi’i’lliiH, -.iX, j with bidee. .’.|s’h'«! IhU M ‘OKUfi.cDs* Aarwta. area aoM*ty esaii tw— led hMrfaiilr c xperienee. down com end '•hiwk^'l LIiii wf.e-i he fi.H. h*ir l i-f il, but ih.ti c jur4c'ur. by HLe | ‘rn ll''S'*nt wil l . ill.'o'i..,., \Vitl>I t -d H'ufa Orut UM —Tbt Daveni JJ—— ( DKi.i VL i'llM. lo ll.e M HAW, . AND .1 H \l7i, A* ‘ From Col. Nelson, one of our in ut enterprising ;ir.»i 1 pfafed the rt—incw gTwcefaUy sad with m—Ii vivarit) uwiu‘'f*> Kej '# witiie'kn’a u.‘.-iura: • e lij Wi wil- he itilpreMtuj prev iil-i that FaX Jarniorlv. of 1 a . wi.l he app.iate.i .'Supsnntendani Mr Hadley it guMe a yomof n—k aad ha. much u learn lviiu"i*H-h. id I’abbc I Forror OweoaboraOweoaboro. £Tan«TtUeLTansTtUe 9Besdaraoa. ; yrewt iwTor w i'll sVSDKK.son ,x <«t, - hirh tl tiw* been r* eeived. we liav.' l>een no*. .1 n-.r..-snt'-e-- ai*" tl.tWkUuM .tnctiuuvk^r". H**v. Siiiifh Djivn** e\ iini.!« ‘I. ._ The ra*--—r arawit lu'luri'd to t'r.'iiari' -•- ;s‘i'«StlN».<> ti lU'tre l.rr-ly.wnd ewp u<,w tiiinbti .\in I'ler^viinu Kx-Congrotsuan Gniesticck, 1 -» I l!%a -wiTW. m—ier. l.> Dfaily— a of ifce Kpi*cuialian of Ohio, i le«w f.£ ahov' *ie; iiWri. itiuwu)'i|uantlly.to, s,to-g.Ma,. psertsw 7'J l’~i.. I-. T.U.HoT o«0* lAl..I Caleb; leside in the City cf tVa.bi'gti«; t} lUa rsprz-ect itioii* >.f bia moat inliniaie fnoed*. r I Irt'' T know 'Jus ao; . me ; • •’aack. P. te. '••I'd W I 1 I 'V f 1 > niwj;; (’'Tiii-rF'*)‘D''r tif 1 dim of .^vecth'^Vfcth MU•' 1’ eh < Ifoed but dtclint*! For freigli! ur -'U a u ^ i. ' 1 I J 1 I\ main tbeir a-'iuainian. s lbs appoiutiuaut cl va. aap y .rd *u twelve niuetbs a“n. •ihiiiis- ewer ..f rateot.s. a!3 tetmP.Hl' .!> A . .... As-, is. .Siw Silkies ibe .s (i-ei Ji Ai;bou.7a th« iliinl.l' g tb'; Jivof g'lvemment bos nothing more than REifi'LAR wt:w.\ KonA rr. .< ma il eaceet .)'* ^l•.•alt it wrci nl-ui i:i tt- after?. tple^rzfhif zciounta cu^c-raiog K ; . ; I was tbe rcco^uitioa of For Mound City, CaiiOc ColumOue. BtCJK- iiiing fr t'le I'ap tc'l in a >• ir i .• Ibe Ju-r-z government by Miniat. CELEBRATEDi3t.^S;illliVi80IUTIlKUI! m ifn w c h mv i r McL ns. it ou^mwr,^ andajid MemphisMemphla. •aa. and hi* mathar'iht eU.'M Mi» Kiddle, wh" werv ma Lf »for muiacsaaniolatsas producedproouceo was 9,0177. FEMALE PILLS bad not btva rvcvsrefvd up to a laic bcur lart nigh*. . FFwKFMlKD I'.Y DR. SANFoKD, o.swew«re (a-s'ug l.vd' e gives fall cre.li; lo Ilia ialtlligstcs that Lcuisvilic. Kv. Freiteiriil from r Fn*»criDtioii of Sir *e -|Uars ii.y a t 'lA cu enuogn his - . TWTfa- in*aiw set mswihs-ei e*-*rae-e smaaem * I. rinrkf, ,M. D., ' ' — rted V wc —irtwfca art ahMU the year 1 Hr. I-onaa'i .u-zc i* ^'-ivg—’am*w*~=am' c r, «* S. Cht. f'esw. I*, a Allirular iitwinlui.- all ll.e Srhemea lot . lu h w.i- .l!«d i>y mv sou to .S i kiss, • ir .cspircd to warrant tbe assertion •w jmH"*>1 TH»tHfknli:.KM-I:. .-.e«*^I ••ti W. r irirrv.ircrwr. — Fli>itifiRU KRtrwurd unr/ U thf loiu|>oi:uiI(‘ii Ijilirrly rrmu i:ru<, vb*. wa. |assin that .*wn r Mata '* «r#ta*r. C^For€«"For all kinds of lumber, drasa-lOrnttod aadand uiiUraio-uiiUraia- **'' ‘“rwarded tu wuy yortuu nudieg ns Iheir r-i .'I Irwvr wr f*to- .*»M*b -Wh •• ^tmI R.: ^ Af-UTe Mr Dwaaoua*8srlleniaula.aad MiwDUhtn iii.: sf.'; I is liy I wi 1 be rectivc! as .Mirislar //oxter j/obkers.—Tbs Irtxiogtoa (Ucl.gan Co.) Thl# Dull kuowu iu> dirisip .S E*( d' ea-fa w -truck til. app> arat c •, acl fa the l'.nitoiI .s au s o H oo luipii#iUon,bt:t r #uro i.N iF TIIK “I ST I>L'UD.\TIV|; AND l.l* VER ^"“**** iTitm *a»siine" *U. ' Wmik# h# lAh IBW , a* I—dy Haarrwrti wow raaclhat. Mr Kewllon rose fra— I, laab, blimU,bliiida, mouldings, boxes, rtc collcall .MK.|ilC'lNE.S II..W b*'iurs iiiv public. ra leil rou's utteatiu.i Io i* I f>w bi- tetura tu Waihiagtun. Gloha aaya that oo tbs Slat alt., in that town, two od, dtMta, *c , tw ’hekeu in the shove s. Ii. me f.,r sal.' si Mie RUil BoJ* ivuiPily for FvuuUt* 1 my ; do k; tb it I can I »! 4e*eler.T. V., p*«we#4<*. (.m,s»uf DifiiruUi## aud iibriructiou# I r. a soa hsd Ss psrftrai Ciwhcrw sod plai widl tb.sigli >'»!*>• tC) «Uti ,e A*, the time .Hr. 4 . ' fiv iThr r bf*Rf»l or *o cd k children of J. C Mahan and n child of Fi. Mahan at Alexander, Kllia, A Co.*i planing mill, aaah, Ono doR«» «l*t‘n n*i*«*R»- I U’a>!y it cow; the iiiiFre si**o inafe HcLum wemllB Mexico, Mire- »Hdy s. - l U2. y. aswa-Kt. Hcheok laadem.-* w.il far rU morbid or r.Rtl lU bitrr Ay #*| for on W.X*) that bin appe-irRCcv! «»»:) pi'cj iidcn wa# re|»rB"«utecl to b« in force btfor-s ux. A AM*. Mr M^.— . wara P»a^=* *« » osllar door at <# me wry V-ra door, and blind factory and lumber yard, on Fulton from tl.r "k |4Vw I •12 N. .* WJ«BMe utuUi. *U' I | hut for Ito rapw hfiil In- tec* rpoUtiuB «f u«th#. woa'4 latter wben tbe door »ve wev aod let the ^ p*trl'ap9 lu at rtu{,tio^ to ilcfij*; I mii^bt mix op rr.v f'ruz ao>l tbe U'*ue wus ilDUbtful. H# w«o( thither wboU . , o . . islitcd* ' in< iu tiifir R Lt-aD * I «’*'»rt>'U, fronting at the river ; or tbe fu;l ka-4ra*gv.rt L.., goto |oww«ud tkrw. doww into tbs . JUr, whicb cuOUiaed aboa J"* th, ri*.* of biltt rn u'd»*>|u<*st .mFressFiRR wi h tbo a whn’b I hxlat uadetRUodin^ that if Mir*8ii>a «m For Bfoond City, Cairo, and &1 Loads. — I j — ' iti'ioR the I'tuniRih. cRi) • >l«f«:tteil ‘11- > tivc fret uf wmUr.water. tl arrisd to I tbeirtheir lumber yard, ouroercuroer ufof WwloutWalnut Bodend PrestonI’reaton th*) tim-", hrtt IL WAS cvrumlv I at that pedat b« »huuM recu|^Bii* t5e r:>* Bb** *^I Ol . a *Kia*i- « bve TbeThe bUhdalarm weewaa xrnBd tb«irtbeir , v#ry pwcutmr. Lib i«r *bf-Br*( It %mm «&Mei^ of Marieguis AwiutMUr.tuootod MOB rht‘ inoiithl, |N:ti* a with ^ Mn^Urtty. ;i,e fT,..a tu y,,u ( tfaly rofb*'MIi» t# n#r.1. motbera, wh) instantly rasbed to Ibe arena ter WbelpAwle&ad Betutl, I IhaMi ht tbere wa;) b wiMae'*.* like a whn •’re*! ^r.ituect. lldOca tba •bternuaBiioa ol hi# Itomas' UiitMmg rsemaee if lha Sdoe.'B*. Mecklore. which ;u< Ihi- bb.uil cd tc Ihri V out I'.i the VIkVB inSKt, MXXB U*1W. LODIRVII.LB, BVa* wx) in ‘Dtn-j prof* um!, fontv grt.i' 'm>u *le ( f aciiua m th« pmiiuc.". ' )' I. v-y -srtvrty c/if rrfiKHte lti«; •*tT<‘* t#'*f Ui«h|. "^T state.-. 1 » iteli I Ai'rt'. I i. > k K te VH !toi- jd fHtyr u/ j'OsMj'A'rf a#r «•#/! uiis -rrEfL ^“i th.**list* fa*ii4»i,^^amVLMi»*rifa iidL* iuR#Li«i#r> kibd «*r oth**r. 1 I* is aaJrr«tood bore tb« - TlJir" *r««‘*tiiu* it^T^offJpriSf;’ ,**r*r* MM(*r R loll4( fICXe not know tfaM kxn aiVurxIcD ai rexw>n whv Mr. F>r F'-r fivishlsr pofwe II ; : -n •—>v-l or I.I vary Kwr artior to Mis. rla-Uir. SrhSTM'r^ryW< Hkad (Mr Hedwy I or fail pATtic u xr#. grt r p«aiphivt, II ••*.>•*. liit* - •* janl tf fu*#. of ih- ul, u .n.11 iL** cancall" ftt-ril**tl* - ' eatfsordinerv exvrtiont end et tbe peril of vUW, Ky. Mr- Dt • lr.tw ihr iiae hctwt*;c my previ >us iiiiprr.w'iu;iS Sb«i was cot sect Bck to Mexico as U. S -N. 1. Lo.N * • I'., Aara’i, soosa faOSer a. toe vteatiie S' mat•oat Artois a. ^ p'D' than we did 'llill cRzrtb_ur«-t*tit:Kt*tiEg N. la. Id Rtlj ti iKwtibfC *!,(.), ined tu Rl|> Miitlioi* fR#^Uf» Xa iRailaai aid No. ;fa IA all teiess. *'*• ibo • wh «'b I bare suw. I b'm) was Lrt-toU r, bt th« rcvji'aitiua uf Zuluut(*'s ^v s tti-. Harter* -hr va. ^ turr. CS oaoy,. kooyaat.famyrntt aad riwertai.rraortrt. TVTbt BOSINESBBCSINESS NOTICES. )R4n1 a«,*i‘Ut, will iu"ure R boUit*. C'iat«i*iiug | ov#r pill#, Ly ,^t >• hew ) urv rane** t Lk kt I > ni t I ercimBQt. te rerdbreU himself uapopoltr with (be r IfJ/i, ^ JniiuiHrr rrmuses rII I d REbt LAR rA<-KET inttVuias Csaasa** de Is Matt wa. admirably itel ed hy r«‘liini uirII. .Mu^ES, lllliou*lliliuu* ntfark«iRnntf ark* arv #Ailu« utufai *tr iiMiiatur^ iBcoMrct the prei'i«« wonls It wi'« e'^ough to sb* LiUral piriT, bliI k«* c* it wbb cooeidjre*! tbAt bib City, Cairo, '• j w For Moaud Col' mbuB, Hick* Mm Sirthevt.aart Mr. Pish—o a. pc t'hwray wa. oarvful oirH’f, MU 1. « L«i if L fulwr fr-siQ iLe •Rill. .Vc.Vr-nt.-nt. K.oUiM b.h. -t.1‘t. r. N\. w k. atiefi'.io;) was called • ialljr re tmnBiiwii. CrKre., on Faeuxo «K THk WoteB.- Ym • mv to tb« |>€- ui^riUx«.*)R wcm*l Bum,man, MempniB. lEQfikqb Imveleave loinforeBtoiulprui Msrchwufa,MerchnuLt, Ounmuiib...,Ouiuiiiiibt.Mf d cU;uU* Vr. pifVt?iVV*/iii**ilr *l*brby Utill* .1. ' • ’* ,p. Uivu.. Tvi.titi vi.eu an 1 1> i* . dirt*^ ;« BrithBi hfcbR# now ou hund Rud U eou#iRuil> rpcol«t & \Vvv -ii'KiMitit .v lia.i-. rl-'i.!'u!iru'i'cju-Liual usK* uiu| theth»» l.i*“l.iv**r iultardy of hU app-aiaDi i. ice luipression pro- lIuUw Jtobo f-eteber, tbe ouvretic cxoilidBre !o~ Tu*‘ : rg•» iw^^cIW^’^RRVrt oe*XtBIO*fnwt I hm" is mBDiieeuyrnMnlfeMtlv oneooe ofoi geoeriBcoertl Owm ou>* d«>«e ' sd Ute. issata , aad we swmmeud.writd ittottoit fa the Rt'eBUoBofwfeatfaa of tbctto 1 cbwrifB tbe fBBily of SapuleiKi B> roe, of New Mr tog, direct from the mBuufociLrer#lu DiuDvUto,LuoL-vUtu. tak#o R t'hert -'**** KorUu.1. i:nriL6 K>Kj ;: Dr.Tlir.T \LIL Aiutis.Ai».i.s, N-eS*-m .Albaiiy,Alb lod lontural".-lUVIh’unktna'. on my miud rarLtidv wb.s that therr wa# llie i^overnorabipuf Vi.maii, is ia this tiry sa rWate : a

its I Ifa-wlargdag psteJ..'. : dridrid robbed of tbe RtexiserstexiBer I and local debilUy,debility, loid r«4Uire«requires forfur BUevutioDuUevUtloD doubleRoddoubleead RlDfileRlu^le 8hct Oqd«,Ood«, ui rHrII ifu«UUe?,tju«UUe r.iz## *u|*itfi on , WM Beo.Ben. r.Ha.id by mUall DruFUi.ifllrui'.i.l* lliroiivbuiiliiin.nthoi.i tlioti..* I'nif'drrit-.-i’tet. iiiiFCl^d

CARDS. MISCELLANEOIS. TRAIN' SJ *0:n^ A UION. MISCELLANEOUaS. aNEW YORK. BUaSIINEaSS CARDS. bAILROADS. YORK. COPARTISERSHir^.i;i> FARirM -A. CAb^iE P. Lani4Till« aaa Fraakfnpt aa4 _ ^ OAHJ3. A Kl $lini\ I W. A L. R. SHKYOCK, DlMoIution. (ii;c«.k.aaoRa Tu Lsa la d. MoBBiai, * LexiaalnH by mutual ilITTIF MilHI RlllRIlin ^ riaa * 1.. n»a FmaarMl «reS<^*rr«yf«^j fl'^uc et c. Imvallaco. w diaaolwl Hlf tSu^ f|-rc[iari'd ciJU lmia». Madlcin.., E'anCT U^«. dcr., 2 »• to rira Ihrunfh rpr«i|.|. by Mail St. XcOVAlS, fr^ *. 1 HERA L advanc** made o« con*i#nmeet* ot Hemp, AXO. W | ^ «»«'»* WM RAMSAY F. J.EGKK. I Mi.KtivaN. r^SirlTto »11 at I.OW j.ricoatoca.fc orpwnrtual '« ftrirbt 'o N-a I * Tobacco, and WtHaem prt»duce friifiraUy. Refer to , J- 1Pamilwamuy Pln»r v '.•'IV* .Vf?*' X * tb« BttooUon oi the U»d* to ow oliock. ^OUI. \io™.ort« rnii^oip^. ilalUmoiv,llalUmoiv, and B*^u>oBo-ton mtat lowoiu mu»mu« b W"\\\’^ATT !.> \ A T a A' B. Memr*. f. H. HuntALo., Loiiieville. ma34 dly* Finrr a. is miB—i' i w* IL r. T1 BM sb.pprra by t^thia rou^mutr nmy alway. >> Al. train—»» m , *»>rp4mi T «A inJJJ VVEbarr ronaantly on hand Snrdm'i t:itra Family may alwa^rrtyroly on bavin* ih-irth'ir » IVAAlCSAl CC 1 O., T~»Tn Z1.T7X1 ! TliO.W ASl e. MTO% braakfaec ai Lagrangn, and al aB anitoBe wImb ^'’'"' ‘*<11“ Main a».,* bf-Iwran ' all A C O., e«capt Fair GrooBd*. Waafibiim**. Browmbogn. and r* r. uaaantCBra »naUl “>• *?•»» >• "* Partioa hari^ Seventh andnd EUthth,Eiicbih, ESstA.'bllfiilAod Ain> o«na TnilF.he n—«ntof^ ‘"‘‘Jf.I'ljJSIr tbi» nmiirt’ any toiatpoint K-t.uiKwtaiu| 1760! , Bfarxaaiua^ FAHNE.sTuCK‘S pure white lead. ONE vkpw. ewBBrrtcBg as kmiBenre oisli «laB*Bfcr Now «.n«asr forafnf^ (utaaiMW.fiTt ftSA OB Uc OVOown find it to tbfir BdvAotndc to cbU on Lcfoxc cnikioi! St^LAKE BELOW THE LOlldNILLELLE HOTEUHOTELw , (ifieral (MBBissivB TS me j llfrchaitA, havo for tb» part tbrrr or font yrara krpt a nt^y at Fraaklorf*^ Iwawrencwbarg, llairvdBbarg and 1Jbi»' to k^rp c-’' to p MMble time. Have on ha^ alar^e a>'W)rtment'Mirtment of Ga* Fixture* and SnufT and Tobicca .tlanufaclHrrry STRlCrpT Mil* aal FMibliw la oar cvn coalisaa $oi^ atook of it. Wc will br pinuad to furnlah W /•« f HBEHs. I.TREKT. Rirpo, oad I Ibrhmond, Mt. Steiiliig. and i I, -—Y ara woamm. bf m anr FKANR C ARTER, Agent, Uft aku for Gaa, Steam, vv uruggkB# to removal al*o the Large aieortmeBNof YARNS, OSNoLBCRtiS, amd or’r’iOE:, hb , and to article* or shirt* aertum tL.Joie 18S©. » od aier. by mobo al far and SbclbywiRf 4' 18S9, NV mauufaciure, via; kept couctanUy o* attaOaaatrr. k«^ cm >«««>. cute t'olUiu'ei, hi* INO'4, and SHEETING.** hand boi Vw L aAir, at Midway far V rmiili*, and al Pay«>> (hr t^All kind* of Jobbing dona in the above Hue with MILLS. THIED 8T.. tbe MONTOUR i UTTON Gw^reetawa. aaraC aa4 aU WaiM»ae, and urtve *t Loaw* Oapa, Maat. aa< <;ia«. Cipwra. d r .amt A ur*U/or Ikr niruma Brtmdt NOTIGiES. Rappee, Natehituchea. vilie«*^ jjfX.****’*^ American Gantleman, ( jpenhageo. akriBaat. qj iii.iana. .a. pariurr iu romn..*iidua.>, wr — M.. LagraBgwTcmimadnlfcon Copfirtn*™“P • >Yaa aVarobowar.Wftrvboaw*, a »arr«*larrr aMwtrorntm>*«*t>rtmeot of WU JOSKPH KtlLROAI) Scotch, Uooey Pan«’ HKANIflES,HRANDIEfi* viz:vlx: have opi;nMi a h..u.«' in Nrw orlran. I.d- ,1 Uooet Dew Scotch. and ewrry »a»ta*y ol Ihf ,urp.iM ol and Laaiar. Tintad and Plain, l»htUd**lpliia; becomoi HfaniieMy; « Hard. Ihi|>uy, B* 4 >k; Jakf iu>bin: PtDH (Aa* tian.*actiag a General « oiunitwetn Ili*hlli*h ToaM Sco'rb, Fi>PiVAh Honey w Scotch, .. «a 1 niH»rJ4\ (late of AI^IX STRKKT, liu^intx*. U -A- CA.1^15. Hwrr»d.kwrfc Cfwk ^ Uifdair toion. dr < • . IvlUv uiaitu and St'iidM'ttc of variooa IrGh High Tt>«ct, 1 %i wIan4i>tro« KT^ea Dl M r.*«Ni L I ( t . I.«)iiu% ille. 8IOF- Of *Hif(soiiri A tii dwr w>M tu W.'ker »U^ .lU .u ** ( o. BCTWEEN FETU.NU AND THIKO, Sol.TII MoMn. WoUr^w A fbnher *l!**?y Tliod ANDERSON A viBtairo*. W I N ES— «*h»^fTy, Madeira, Fort, I'lari't. I»1’M1>NIL A MclI.VAINF. N. Y«»ik. or Lnndyfoot, *?* P»»*»» MkkM*- — *• k of Hook.. vrtUH.iw'ry. Ac. W. iwcowiiuewd m le-mwille. anm Jj-S.!L * J?? !!? -^-V Fbt Mbmobavto. Blbitb B«ob ^ J**- — ('iuimiiacnr* Ar. Wll l would call particular i V PEN ite entire Unjithfor th»* tratifportatum of Aliili. I^» II. A. DI riviii'. srBSfKIIIER WOL'I.n MOST KFsrEIXFLT.- />a**efi- MKSML A to, N. orWau> T4>lt.%t40 Me**r«. KiFbeitiHfBA W'aUer to onr former patron* a* «rb< " T ' ^ I jy^7?T; r Fiae Pbp*« Copartuernhip cu>*toiuer4.cufioiiier*. a^a* aell»eii a-* theme fmtfkt, a^brJiW Me MhorUtd. v'Uiarai,(/nUkrMt, Mcii.v* MBaBfBCtarp *Notice of *1a ly'anooiuc-ly announceannounci* to bl.lii*III* nunnuniertiu*tiunierttUM i awtiaiNu. > i'«x-4 LT « ii«w i>u. aa<>a itu. U«menUcnw'a wtmhywtinhy ufof iBeiribeir patrunagepatronage. »4 ffnp't * r almh iK \rry eEtd'uaivr— I ^ _ Lm. a Fraaa aa lk» va*p aud uuauUe-. eoma var>* old and nuiailr k-aaii**r*i thi* Ijwt.Ijwl. iutm. nwra kaada Ar public iuivViieral,iuyeiieraJ,in thattiiatth«t heIm> hanbai*he jUft returnedreturue*! frum Aartao*, ^Pw« tmm Nu. 1, P. A. L.ix plain. St. Ja,.... Feb 4. IN»1*^ (. E.41. A L«. A. BBt-Haadatnw.fonr.ar trretof»»n» e^tiBC * ruiM-nor, and all cuaraDtied to «;|v« entiiv T M mm mg Am mm V RKvDLLYUK JlvLEY A DRUE BRlHKl il I iwBBilw-iwhip aatudaclion. lir choice and clcRaut aio I Cavendiah, of pweet, _ Oar* ow thr Uryr wbervwberc he bai nef^.tiatlvpcrwiiiaily m*I«-lcctcd a mpt IM m 11 No. S. .Spau**h. —— OW.LE a»dad and OamaaoB MB , .. duaolT.-d t I UAH8- Fmbr.ocr a a*-ottn.rut ol th« diBunit |od>iabi.In bio UUbc. coiuivtiu.: iu J’*'. W Nra 1 A3mi'd. Sweet Sc* ated(»mBoco, canwt«r. __ ^ .V4M|%'|LLK Goo. »«<1 braod!i,imjM>rted and FL' tBaleoBacBt. by aod man- andaad elmnt.Icyaiit WindowWiudow RbadtShade.. Curtoin rood.. Tiiinii.mi!., A. M . or upon arrival of H. Rittf.^oi, Tin Foil vaveudiib, Tnrkiali. wfcSOOiCfill B4ad fcE*dTr the c>>iicwm aod BY I Boola^! Baak Paiwaa. all drbu SOOla.Bl!! nak a«thoria.e to rrvwtvr . olaciu'vd rxprrvrty for our wl.w—all ot wbirta wr oflkx on hand and V:\DLEB4VOVBM4Vt li alone UomicM.Lon.ic*a, *rdir . kckc. UcIlralvialv> keepa conrtantly on be Hirc af^ OU>K<.f. A<'AK. order. ?.* -wr -n A -n -a-a-v a -vw A CtrciiUr of Piicrn will *«ot 00 applicaAoB. 1.1 AVING purchamdh amd tho MUim—ulm AuckAucE of BradleyItradk r-.a.. .raa. rad-4.. •MtleaUHaMtitir. libmU wrm.. and any enUurtrd to in wid twrrivu ol derfilp- *} 1 make to order. Maltr»«e,and Ih-ddinr every »«•* * ^7\7^. G?T a V- 1 Rrwe.*,•c.*^ ' a Gr. A N B. Nute tbe new artlrh* of Fauu scnlrli Snuff 1 A Dp we wiil cobUbuocobIibuo tWthe hwaarmbaiaiMr** *lal their *14al . ^ ^ \*n. our pron.td uumtiou. maS dim to hi* *(• litre oi nrat cla*« /H ^ F T“ ^ ,g''v a » «*<*** liar tl. I S-br *ati*facl»oD on , a .* naalan and Btniionar. — ^ STution and.nd behi feeb confidentr^Sfid/r of riving « febi d^im *taad «»B FouTwhrM wrrei,wreet, appoaimoppmdU the XaU.BalNalavwat lloool.lloanl. For | a ~~ Quality and aorkmanahlp I'o-nril OFFICE, ,101. 2*” * f_\ J Xv^ C J /\ I ^ CopartneiBliip cnrt;,meni both io regard to the ‘'12?*®. a *hurt tim** were will keep warour ofigimal -tuck at thr MaernicMawrnic ^ -^a. p.Kea. w>n. John R of hiawood., a. -ei, a. ibc will hr p«emw*4 lu «« our cB*4iimcn aad tho t mm - * . ^L. a.r aMiCialo^ with mr my FKKIil SON •* LINKoK l'A<;kK'rai«com. •NKi:\^1 T» lirat'Chts aniH o«ntn MrrrhaBis. ^ " H. k SON. FNT Uy at mthoc buu*e. ~ P®^*d uf the lu.Mtt eh'iTant and c«>infortable *teanier« Mfi \ J -a-f I on fva. e n.- I AVK reenmed the Flour and Qrocerv Irndnew a* ^ fe7 to>HF.RTrmer1> ci»ndtici«^ by them at tbi-ir old ikan 1, eor* with thi. ro^ levale .HFKINi; i. avin* Flaf would al») call the particular aUenliJDaU.-DliJD of familie.,fumilu-.. Mst l.-ui.le.ui. cv.ryev. ry day.lay .1al 4i o'.„•. No. U WALL srKF:KT, NEW YORK, C-’AD 1 ION! jolts dSVUEk. AKKAN«.r. MKKT lAai Ooadeter b»b»tbepnS-tbe puS n«rr»f Filth and MarkvDareer*, where they will be |4ea*ed Hr 1. lur O. MCALLLl * w“ a ^a*^.: ,»u-8k..«Art«Bltv of irtiimingturning thank* capUin. of »'«">- cluck ‘ M //anni 6a( (-topping oDl*r *'at dlfon).-dlfon). takioclakinc of b» attend to tlie cnM* of rttUcmiem. hotel korivfv. rt.-amboat owner, and Caillal and Surplu. M5S iHJa NE GEoItGE W. EOMsl''..741^17' -a boau, tv the “L'xrrliifor /ndto-HiiWicr .Sr.nno Brd. for T- E- K-If* ' O * uck Knttber, i* pei’imdiog 'hat be ha* bought our — ITjYKD, d<*age at uioderw ao ir*, irotu Loui-viile‘l"«* dMlr M I ^ PAPER WAEtHi»l'8F,rARiaiifL'SF, lake pleasure in wbuwiug l!»e pfiT* iu (ktrty-sis Aowr*; a'tu v,. k: -i .% a-AoevjM .1 WH0LE8ALF la»«r»rw^-™ and be will at all time* ^i\v\II hTKLKT, BrnrJT.fifrarxrr, ji , fed with tr*lu* on Chicago UAldtal and hurplu We have nevereold him a Ib nor nevi r - _ m14 4M *•• ** thf*e ahu appreclale arirtiu iiarf noHyurfiiWe h**d. 1 h. and i^ninry and»»'>d 7WriiwTolrdo aa.(an^i _ _ _ _,r-u. ^ aarranted in *«\*iug tt»*t they can »i|f«»r rrt*at iuducenietiG, 7Unttuyjm1\J-u‘ liailruadM./^;7r •hail A^rgiv*- till* notice that partie* owing u- may not n/K B**ML -ff Cj ff ff >V ^J m»«Vi 4 r% fuiifming are a lew of iu iTo|Ferih-- over all otu«* ev. r farf luterr th*iH a$iy otfier ronle. Firc Insurance TWX~FtH.OHA^TSI, ItrtwriuiM, Iruv.. M.alurAmtle ^-- Copartueimhip and they cv nHdently ttufU to ibeir long «ianding fur a lib> lUtotfayf rk*‘rird CommonwcAlth Company be indue**.! to pay him A .1. WllITK A Co. M !:. t- || tkrovyk and katuttrd fret. .V«v« txtra ^ . Ike pwwie * kTCVT * ' w U elvn. w,iT 8« L'H.o-Tiitr .. No. Wail ttreol. bwiween Main and Water, H i.i.i in tbe Wine and I «ral vluuv of )n«ge. T.** ehtyorjorekarytjnr meai*laea/* N®- ** " ALL S TUKhT. N KW' \ oRK. M liable to bnwkbreak, and ntater*utMMOHmtatrr^tn^Hdun i^arkttM.t>arkttM. <--. MASSEirS P.VTENT I Fieat. It UI, HUan cverlaidingcverlaeting *t*ring,-|*ring, not l-ekwuow f lorru. n ,.,fe dMy ^ . 1 wu. J Loub bchroedcr, tBe finu K'Nii/rauf*/emit/ruuf* d*«b *r.tig’••r.tig wto aeconutanyaeroiiiiwtiy ibeirtheir eUirk rattlerattle, or ru-tru-t. may de.tie. Capital and Sunuu* IMPORTANT NOTICE. L«»rir-e'* ]n.lian Root e I clcaM. and can Iv kept pa 1 . I’M* They are jFCc/ccf/g CI.AS^ kr.f.l ABI.K I .\ I Thieil .. FI UK > 1 ‘ Jaa. K A M 4 t.i the TOBj^^COO *®*^f*^ pi'l* will ldr«''^ I iinderttgfted. re.4uejj.ted tn b a little i.r nutjoiiba-. and ea^Pily niaiiii^. thi, J— with but V «J* Co.MHAMfS TU( uuden-igned i- prepa ni Notice or f^W. Tbcro HwH Yk A. .1 \MIITK. .\a. hi r..«irtlBW.!t -t .kw evua' anicle of Eam-y Elo„ afway. .. bmvX heal W ' affected by CophTtnerhliip Focbtu. They are not r^’ at UvcMble Kai * and will n - plea^ d to do l>CM.ent4»lNfap|.reciat. «. i%Dl7 dJm Box 4^ B. o. New Voik. .1. adluilted ara part 1* rn doubt bill that It bap only to r "?V » (ihNKKAl. HKK iN-l HA.\(;K pUMNLnw, for hU FREEZERS. I IL ALEXAKKFR. I*i r""‘c, J*! "vJ J NIf* DEPOT! itre .,,. 4.A. wataroNW avaiM.-- ICECREAM „„. the whole coiniuuniiy. The-.- ei'riuf. __ ar |iiaintance- in |.u*-c« U , uaLL, bg >bB jnet nanu 4 Tnua l!ar 1 ia Aar Mo«-iromibi..Ut,trom ibb daG. ed by end* and LcuUviUe, and ^.*8 ^p ^ J wmmoar UoBM deol.-M»re invited raihoad enu he i.ii.rhao-d. Tickeie for Mie .t .|| i|„. ... r-oowaim. t T, ',Lj?^.d*5o\rktd.':ruTro!iierv.^.'i:rd;L^^^^^kind.of Ui-holrterv, «ud Jju»i«*d fettled bv NaebviUe .Vcc-AMjua«la;juM Ccitaia. |pg^. H. It N'FAV* ilMB jc BR vd*w<-d towM oiiijdly a and i.^1 RTIWT*fYhr lrHVr« U*ui*«g|B <*a«lr iluB. Sinpir. Icsalt si\Tii stbi:i:t, >iai\. .prio*-onfp.i>rio*- are*re IndUlodU Huh-hub- r»iln».d omc. fI or l.irlherliirther iniornm-ioniniorm«*i»n .iid all contract. M^J \\ X. ^ 1 V •* BURTON Am UATT a^erau** m:ak to tike,eke a. locklooklooa .ainUhiiu.I themvu. .u Tue. i . on/k ‘ HALIa da,.*tcepT^,. u i*. W ue . aw'ly to _ k m Wpins 4»i SphSmJJX, r>RI- JO J.ll |'.mvKN, u.J«u>a2ti ,,fdtf GEO.OEO. W.W, BARCLAY.BARCLAY, Agent. WEMAKD. AXD THE NOTICE the trade, rainilie.. and all I"®*' T«E IKCRtAUKO l am preiared to fumi.h wi IOI.ESADE run it r o...iti I"'' - oiKjcEits, ai p,"*, -'®c®l. M admitted a idaitner in the bome»af Ihem al the .horfeel uoUri- au-l niaiiuiartur- • ^foraiajKe«ora.a4k.veWmju«kv4i,,»i.il.,. poSLaeitt O. BRANMN who ddn- .losi.lllJ J*- nMnihal.lUniiilul jEwisieiiY. aav Wurtur-K, die .» M._m.;„>m* atal v”^ #vil.e, 111 .NT. Sui«-.luieudeut, and Hilliard, , BUTT, BLACK, &GUILD, ICETKEAM • Bcnnnin A Hummer*, Lon Sum* P. >s mal7 dim llE.NhY WUIMIIoFF. ’aum w(atw>B* amviug VE*N BE8T A ASH, ^ t al D.a^-^ iAlr wi w't? \ H PBOTF them to be the Orlran#,fiom tbe nrrt tnA. Tbcrtyle f.ludly mera, A Co.. New f 1 owiutsfion a fferrkantM^ . .4 . ...wai.,. aa wRl beeoatimied a# beretotorc Orpt***!. PHEEZER8 IK l'« I both boware 7^ ItFuale anal at Jubcie'B with \aNhvi|v*. Bf 111 Diiana* - . b* .u I _• .« a. ^ eoBtBWMiaieiB trmn . THOMAS Q, a\a. AH Maiu -t.. betw.vn CO.. e, l*de. oPdil ti|;ANMS A hi MMLRS AND FIDWERS. ROBERTS Seventh and Rigiith. north lrwvtBg.LiBctawBat E KETCHAM A Nwv. Commission Merchant, TKKES NEW ALBANY AND SALEM R. R 44r. hjn F t| <4opp«BBai New Haven and 1 have for mIe < irn.nieotal. Sliade, .cd i^r«i.^ 'i.mn. .h.a pmakkad AfAJ l.ird*ec.ind ^ j I.MFJKIKhS uF S-.s 4-.'r>»,a< m Leuaaoaa* HakwtartWvwvaFJkF""-*-** Copartnerfitup Notice. -f^Eventreen Tree*. Floweiloy Sliriih.. Green LOIIVVILLE. KV., ^ 55 W^ do*»rdo«»r trom the iinrthwe-t C‘»rmTc-.rin-r uf Fourth *S^ »• ^w*A«v^a a *«*. |L and Main -trevt*. a new rUirk ot WaU-lie-, A\ E iio bwlMl 4iut uc rrcwf.iw •• ’tk. A. H - a. •H* rcHPi J yS ( .a Imw.huTw w4aad wcMweM ».«. “"'r ww - '' «*bv. FUtd-.l-war* fie wl.id-h ^ hrlrh Liofos, lUudkrri'hiffs, NOTICE. HOTEL, '•«•“ Swaday. - miiSrir uader-KiMd, >d J>4»y*'la*l. yerb Lawns, a -amldk • •**!wiil Fa* eager* by the*.- cuBtiuoc Ibe u .V. M TrM ^»w w* ibo Jwtiow Plan, fifi^F hEVf ttoif day n^Goiated with u* nor book keeper. WllolK-.VLK LIql ,iK RL.SiNadd a. Breokf**! the European b.-tvtntiwv «n4 .-uMert *t^iufur^«e ««h On 4y wUhnmL. P. Wui^.ntid will contione the See^ Duma>ks, Shirt Oosun'i, Bu.ler tbe rtyie uf I'HL vOWLnWfrlS?**rll * r??, li.. atIt 5 PEARSON & KINO* UNDERTAKERS* '•••-s® i.y*. bj-wiwr (.raw., Raar Wat tbe tild suad. No. >U Jdala aUrut. b>-tw.-yB S--«yBtkSyili.h 4Bd.i YORIk. the OI.I) STAN II < .F GAlt Al DRYfiI.RY * PfdkKrON.Pt:AlDOX. A. iX AFTS’ NEW AI.BlXV AXIt SALEM RAILROAD. REW mis. lAhth. at < I or |1 Jas rrii>\rv;r?rlf Now k. I II. CITl “LJfSSJi"'' "“'En riTH^ri h‘er'*/‘" I To»el>, M ' Table lloths. L'n.27“;'4V:.7!S5;*,r:,^^ nf atidI JtffcrwinJrff«ra.iD Stnwl*,8Ir«vl>. F'AKF. iHft* Cnrtiitr Ihird 1 TO f'HirAOO ItKIM I U(t tt, o> uO ' VED TO *“ ~ w^-w f-4 TTY T .fit* W.H. li. PHEST. ~ J::**—* JG |•a»»rnurrt for Bnck /aU/iJ. (anois Lilas H boWLN80WLN _ IdOlI.OI ISVII.IaK,IWVII.I.E. KYKV , Ilurlinuton I«ira CU. PAddiug, Burlaps, u;c^artnerhmp ‘ *“f*^‘'u;Uy. lirtwiMbar, HITS Kl ID (.UXTSfGr ri-k * MHallicaod ('mne'al ai4ei Itunal- kWP’V ,ub4maia,lbmk.rtiw, *0. SIKU Ml SI ] PRIEST & ROXX’EN,' ’’ a-y.--, I1AVF amGciatrd with me in boianew Mr. John S J\ < ane* large ap^ortment aiway* on hand Aleoall ••'*ff'.v»r5,rter- * tilHBLb, FranAfort Arad^ ot Wood Colhu* ot every *t>'le and and 1 • w WaewbaBtu iwSS'i ( »uwi>bi«n ii. .Urrcbmils, mr Ohr M*T figaaiv Who4r*aJr Grocery and I'omimjwi.iD Duunrtw under iag two new Glam Hearre* and a large number of fine raimcra' Diiliiugs Furwantiag ttw imfoctoiT. and Brown Ducks; Menh. nnthny »nv krmM«4be vaxirfa »1, w W-*-- (»•* city or aimrhad to titefirmand ftfW of W'a«:grDer h l.ongat the Mnre tv^eat t amage-. we are prepared to ‘.S.5!fSi7i:‘.'5«“attend to call* in l«SH. 'VINTCIf ^ISHHLLE VXD mwTBtfW-.n Mnrber • Sfc4> a«4and Bath Roam,hoBm* n»«— AltliAVGEMEST. I8.A9. Side-Sttipe (HtTTVXUOGl Tl»KSt Ip ooccBpmdccnpmd by Mr. John RK .\Hen.\Qen north aide «f^f Main •«..«t.. I ouutry |>rumptly. 1 19 dUui Oo^ds, Piques, and QuUUngs, Homl^ - "" KY. II \ V Ihr I — . doora the ol kentuck)Kentucky iMFiM.E. C < E O I who four above Bank i.m F T .U E . Blankets. PiloU, ^TC.VUIIOAT .4€ii:VTM Id. ime n17 WAOfiLMU;. and Beavers. •"f.-rrRra.^TWuJ."” Nov K H I.. ilOHDON,•iti;>oN, rSxr" S 1 s\^".,.X‘rki::i'ciT.lrclv'iii;eo?'J^I „mi 8 a a- 7 -'%M aaaa MR., d€iu ('W'' *^t(y Jioin Diffffolution of Partnership. M^^M^ffa^aaaff •ortui«‘ut of Trimming* d^4 toCktcnifif. GHINTCSHI^MS, .\ I MEIAPHIS, K iTTuo L>. t'ouliilissioH kfierrhant^* TENN A copartnendiip bnwto1.4v •-xutinr under the vtvle* — sir«‘i' llF Oil snifi * 'IMIt aadw^ayd tbr | Jiiimnry :ifl, cv.w. an -aty Mfbociawd la iTlusru tg .III- l-.AI 4 1 T.vVv.tJ ”7 •IM.V9, I*. BA-iya-io-oKT’s Aorab (.ttPSOtCIt l*atter*i.n. UALTlMfiRF.TlViOlO' ....r', V. 4 T Turkey Red, Madder, tii*R fa raELA!^> T of Bnyanon. Fnttcraun.drO' and Braomm, 4N 0 . 114 SFKAR S WHARF, and Madras HdkU. rUf r .b* Na«hvii*« ami « ri*ltaa irpi lhMir«Ha4 AI.DEX’S K.LI.I.S t'lTV TEHH4 t atTT.A WOUKS,' di«>iulved MRS. S. A. - AlUuy, o|.iH,.Uy I...U. .HOLD IT GkiiERS • ompai.e. fi HoHndny were uo the 17th in^nt. by mutual 1 eoliciG of Floor roavua PI'IUJIl.k.sa ur c:tn“T, aa i aiw aww ureyared II. fwerint* r«Bbi**iiMi (ishiMs. IFi^PECTFl LLV comtigDmeni* U»^ay:Mf..ll.^w.: fifthf ifth rtrwt.rtfvyt, u.wr W.l,W.limt,ml. Luiiiorilly.l..,iii«ill-. i*®^ mme ^hn>u*h Mm aad S. II. > S'"''''''”.?'’.',,"' V“®U .. ,’dTVi V W.. i Ky. dum wr Iretabi coMvmt. PATTKHSoN. Restorer Zylobalsamumu»„m «4wll Maraa. I wra. Hay. Oal.. Flaar, W bM, wvharlr-wa, g. Savaam^ Auwmta. Ma JApi H«rld’s Hair a viani fa. TiuKKof .iikind.of ,.ru.mynu f... coa. *a*i ( W BRANNON. J:.bm'rnVimttVi‘cd^ ...^10 A. M.^ « l.ard. ar., ua <.',a-4nmyc,i. Md iny.m-d .H-r.hmytv 'dambM-. *«a . aad Maalgmaery ^ia euch *- t Bbltal- lur LoBletiOc, 8epC 9«, IH^. I. F HOl.L\DA^ . St._Lml.4ud I ...ouu.t THEn LEMAX 'uliWl .ini. ffy,wr.i.:c.mmhn rwl ( ;ommieewb.oi«>a Bu-mw.Hu*ip«'**. frbW«m_feblu i?3in .4b» 4T -.I±.Y» I*. M.-M. FAR.M MILL. W y m .U k f/..m H luyBi- ..a a, ., « fi CO. 1:^*; 1', Comlce-, DfMin, 4 * *c.. >na- dim V. %i r*, ..1««;3U 1 M. W*« . LMaWiIhe, ifr. A. » every VAficly of Je- The Wonder and Copaitneiahip. ,ILi.i». < MOOKKMOOKI- JXO.J.NO. C. MA.SON MRS NAUTS .-low-conDcciioo.arc n 21.'"“ Admiration of the Age. JOHN .d..., Mitchyll wnhivUthy l-*.- slT'O o M ROBINSON A CO. iod will comiany thy btid GEOOEO S MOORE A& CO.. BOTH’ ASI* UIELS* I'LOTHI.NG E.ST.IBLISH.ME.M, lucntc, drc.. of thy U|yrt aud irurt m-idyim .t)‘l^-.lw 4y. Cvrry Fiirinfr hi. ow Wilier! 1830. X8SO. from St. Ltiiic 4ud l 'iucitiii.tL Gulhrk of Third itre.-H , tetween Walnut and (Siicceneor* tu Donignn. Moore, fi Co.}. P'jagt hde Krachiny S'. I.uill» at S:*) A. M. aud 3: to P. .M. .ft uf rhapel* tlrnt SariHt/ iMpoR'ri-u-s (i >mtKus •tree!*, une door north Sebon t Timt t BFN J ADAMf^, UuDviUe, Kcacliiog lurmoatl at lutdu H. .V . aad -: ,\l (Lntc of V\ ntkin* dr « »n*ley.) BOOKING'S LITTLE ukrat and k'amita k’lour. Ailiviuc al Liiiii-ville al 7:30 GIANT F4*rMrr».t«K. Dwr—erJ.l-L. FMeuefUy, A M. and H;3u f. >1 FREN(H,IT\Ll\N,ab ;MjM ,SILK.>, jMwwry 11, U«y. WILSONS HUM, K» T can be run by llnra-. steam. Wind, or H aler Power onokor»--MM JNO- H. « oOpF.k. H'rtA OtUa one CkanurtO >'art to St. Louia. Cmrinnali, KING OF I ce. TOOTHACHE. IT with S-*ivy a-rany.-d. fur eil.lu, . N u »«»ib^*r COLD AM) HOT BLAST PIG IRON, »rn Heal f..r GeraRB, Brili.k, IjouWfflg, fiept. 1. or CAfcui/u. family u-r, whih- yrindimr br* \arrkaa la tkaor Twhta 'pil IS i-rcmuatli.n i- warranti-d to be an Infallibly reroe- I ITTkr iwnai Offlre N". 4'2 Wnll H . between Main and River* ,.Fr'^-w'lhpTKV, with Boltingllultina HatMai hioe ( wre at j CIGARS, I d> fur TtioTiiArii.'. aud uuc that .ill nut injure the attached, itr making I UM wwun>w4wrt Iw tby wocid. Thwy aew HAVANA ItuKKiiC** C'lMtck*** TlirouHli. I f’.f .4*4' I* #> it 1* rv K A Id K > A IJ *4 D1S80iQtiD.o|ieratiffn. at U»etl»e otfive(Hfive of the '’('idrinao M.naiactorr, .t iroiforted. ol the celebraU-d connecting du*ely with ntn| the mu't valuable m- well a« |*enect ( h«*aiical Cumbina- "Cidrinao Farm Mill I ^km7r.omt !•« sad ;»y Mrosdwwr, K. V T 1*1 iMt. by mutiwl r.4ii/vi.r w Senton retinog trifUi ^ JkfWk GENCINfc ./b.iid.^.,.b#..K GarWag all Ha-eenger Traiueonthe ohb» Mif*idi«ppi (’-»iu|ianv.’* HuUdiug*. ^ trade am * COLLKNDIAl. bdiiuoe#- will he wUied by F. Dnwe«, brand* Kl Sol and Servant*, to be received fi pailroa'l.and tion'*tion-eevi r prifdiici d. For >**le by Tnbune Nu. 7 spruce -Govt. N. I 1^?: .Ti . W It ASB 40WK. a'CONSO* thBOOBcwm Tb* ('ottagf Furuao\ SturFumxi-e. 1** vanrt» tne n»amt a large a-eortment of thv waiung indent ilely for ( AM. train* wheutlieyaredi- .1. wh re all order* will receive prooipi attentiun. **.***f*.**r.**T.‘*^*"‘4 f..m- Mnmifnetufwn. vUlrontianf-hu*(nr*« mt u t -.IdMAud. Braiubuat .John Raine. AI*o, W.\» KKk OKATUN, Itruggift, oettf^ film who Bueiiu ViPtx Kumxre, |iel font Furiuire, br 1**-— »b>«. .r My -wck .f FANCY liKV f-iw.lm Bird. iricollaDa. iayed,lni*ure lu • oi.'vr* KeliaUe ronuection*at ( -.,..&.ry^ THREE ' il.KF.R 8Fyy%ToN, mu*! rab-braled brana*-*uch a* (Kean MiUdi- iirner of Seventh and (ireeu *t*,, MAKTIN THAT! IIKR,!h<. Tuaoooa M t 'urolioe Kurnftoe. 1 xurel Fumure, In th. tra^ uf Luiu-vil|y. la whwh vale by ell. to or ir- uj St. lyi.uiR or Cinciniwli marluar 12 dCm lAHiUville, xBP. Agent. Main*r.. Luub*vUlc, ky. w. ml. ia,| . F D^M tS partaga* lotnndad.fic. For Kv the .it.aUun -vf M-rrhant. M«wm Funuce* Mt. s*vag»- Kumuce, rr“P«iD Furoace, ot thet'itv and tbe I'arf Free of Hassenffer Trains Main ft., under the LouievUle Hotel. Cbarg,*. I neirabt. DwK- GreeDOp Faruare, llacklef Kuroace. No. 2 niOl ULATi: AXD (UXFE( TlUXKKY Otaag*w,LlverB**l, j TiitoiT.li TkAiNaiunoect at (sreeniaidle with tbe Tgnv GEOROF VOAli iTWi.y.'. iTT-sr*!, ,v .L •IlILAHELFUIA. H. A1.1.EN, lyimeetone Furnace, Haute a .d uichuioufl Ka'Iruad, tta. LM*»B*rrr>, .JOHN Wept for Terre Haute and U Mwa. *vw# iw II* la *m» t T^' at Mtttaarg, * gj^ We al*o keep coiutanUy on band all 4se* of Nail* SI. laOiii*. and LaAt for lodianaptilU. • At I^avettewitb )tb *n4n.i4ah MANUFACTORY. TratM fi-.m ail W-«*u«a nrwe p»r PMad^ Rri< ka. KXPRKSS! the and Wa'jUfh and Fire Toledo KxUway for JBWfiLlYAiWAn Vkfa. T DELAY, FOR 30 DOLLAHS. CommtKSon .fMrrrhatii We*t sprit gfield and N^ York Cu-U.». aa.am (iEO ff. MOORF. fi CO. ail point* and Fjt-t for Toledo. Lua, furawbia, n And with liie Michi- jM We have received by EX PRESS a targe Kotbifn i for ih. traara-raiMa al ri -ra ITc'Aikm. aawd tm 4B mewibt. to tObi r of gan ttn.ithern aud Nurthern Indiana Xff%0Xff%n Bnm< Kailroad forToU>do aR*N>rtirent of all sort* of r»*k daucaa fia,. |0^ jaMuyaw.d for ^y«d ud a-aifort by wy Abv isaM DAMEL McMl XaLEN. H. D. MALoNEY. (‘hk-ago all ty for F AM I Lkuae at thvtawerl market price. FREXc H ak»wboT«pfMM^^y_uy ttwwawcrof^MAbi. •••. and and intermi*d|ate t . trmiesale Dealers in Groceries, station*. And at Michi* Ip JKWFIoMY AMI WAT4 IIKM, C No. G3 Third street, between *®d la— Liar* rwa tbrf car. ar ruadwetur^ rtoM & maloney, aii iHiiut* nm at the lowert puseibte price. LOt'UVII.l.i:, KY„ McMullen and We*t aud Nuribweet, Ai*j for Dulix)it and We uiteod to *ell cheap. auJ therelore invite our inend* Mil I-*T11.LE, KY. rnr. u- .Barb-d fa -ach nma: WoodraTt OUkSOOir Tboamoa. Saturday. Jwaaary tlat II, aooa. all point* F^t. HENRY MAILLARD. and cuetouiet* to call and examine uur rtuck, conUanaan of public |-truDa<4 ir '• Mid Fa-1 Aft taken ttie fitore-llou** Ko. ttu Mnin etreet, north M.VNi rAL'TL KERS OF which i* Mit and d21 Broadwav: Factory, A ry-*Mifully •ottcll- L*??*— Trmaa THK Kx! EOlNBl'KIill raaiailad. Boiwiday Frti It.at U. aaoa. gnmplete, aud EK>j3 KINA Daily atan, bneween fiecni^ nnd Third, lour doom nbove KEMEMBFR THE ROI TF., o|H d*lm ad. dSl M.U and Fm, LM-aa^.^ OLA8UOW, Tbomooa fiauuday, March ia. at U M. H Mercer street New^ ork. mptad. Tbrw Daily bnnk of ^Btacky, for the tmnmrtion or n W H( HtdlHA LK Traa • raaay., dlfyat far »r« Ya*k. HIRSCHBUHli &DOLTTNOER. Eipr*— aad 4 bu«inean. Uenuliciun Cordials, Sirups, X(ew Albany aud Salem Kailruad. ROBERT Fm Uaa FROM 0LA8OOW. OkCMJEKY ni»d COMMISSION Candies, CARMICHAEL. Ia«f-B. bi» friend* nnd tbe public. Office, No. Lt>* Maia street, mil from | tlTGetteral KS Main *treel, Hoxiih -ide, between EDIKm-Rr. raaiatiar Jaa M. ASV wn>LX*ALX IIXALCE* IU flO dtf Petweeo ^ecoud and Third *in‘eta. JOHN U. ALT.F.N. Second and Third. Lol lsVILLK, Kentuckv, ahere roamisNion iind FarwtrdiBc Ale retail, TRAIWS DLA800M . Tboaiam Feb. M. ^ NuG. O.vvterr. Pirhlie. Marble*, INrfumery, Sardine*. I THRolGII 'IIC’KKTS and riUSm RG.i amailW. Mar I», funher intorniaU«iu can be •MU- 'd« YVE-T FRONT -TKEET, 1 A. M. El|waa^ DiMolation. Mafriie*, |^rg.X\ ork*. (»lan> .lara, Pla>lug Card*, I obtained. Al*o at Ticket Office, LouUviUe HtUel. Arma m PbiladeMaa or ' TH[ YOUNG naa«w,fe at | SOUTHm, k C.VXXKIj CO.VFj PM ’ Rat«a of P— age. hf. gnrtaerfhtp heretofore cxietlog betwet*n the nnder- A'lgar^, Tobacco, AiWitted S«>ap«. Candle*, Traiui are run by l-oub^'iUe Tlnp.*. ( I.V1I.V.V 4TI. Aad ia New Vurka« luja PjT^ Toy*, Tropi^ Fruit*. WtneR and K.*K From Coal River* Va. Mgi^, under the nnme nnd ftyle of ANDREW hi - R|( REK, Sup't. a T j FROM CLASUOM LU4 UOTS, White Sugar, Cat- A. B. BAKER, Ticket Af*t, Ixurvilh-. TSAiira AN fi 4^., y tbi* day di«*olv«d by limiUUon. E are u«w iu rweipt «»f a lot of thU CHAN | truly rwlebrated to •U 4«* dr xaucea, and New Albany. Jau. let, the pimha-e aad mb- of Caaaeet at Phttbary w.th S tbe of the firm i P M FaA Liae EHber pBTty Mnutburuu-d t» den name Jl- dtf X V article of i'annel t'lial (not the pupifiiig kiiidi, fre-b I Arriyy nUnaMatiob ANDRKM' HI cllANAN Extrart* for Mauaiaeturrd Aruclaa. ia Pkimdylpaia >r ifoiumut. at - A. 'm | from the iiun<**uf th** Wertem .Mioiugaiid C«K>king. Maiiulaciuriug IHE YOUNG SOUTNYNNIR Cd^Libeiwl aatvwacm mwde uoa coa-oBiuyB'MeunstuBtuen'K.^'^ Aad w N.w Y- rk at .-Ni p M FROM NEW YORK. D*c.n,l«7. M VKoN N. PAKMKl.L. ('uiupany on Goal River, a branch ol the Katuwha. which ^I I lUrKix^tc'ia: Cba*. K LaoW.*. Layb'er,(.'a»bVr, W’artbingtonM'orthiartoa Afi Nad ;raia laaea. PiiAbm A .L M., FMaObv •:». Ko. M).1 Mgi» if./fidJoiDing Bauk of LouiiviUe, we are deidrou* to dii<|Mfm- of at n-ajunable ratv*. Tu tboi^ Rritlrlaa, Lowti.a ia-, Arriyr iiariiir aud c*Mikiug puH'^iee^ it haf nu eiiu«l. Bl'L'HANAN, | . .. . . I AM prai'Uvd in nvr throuch ipty i '. Uly; kobert ItalaMi t'a.. Tbroaga TWhyto ua rm tu Kuff.ln, I)y. -u, k**epk-,.,. ...ruyitiy u L.nn Vm.. i A dka o are aa^ oa oBhaa ol tha akv^ n.n-4 . All Orili^lT prOlllplly SltlCIldc^dt We ata» cur^sMly un liand a -tipple of l*l*teburg RETl RN TI< KF~T 8 amilaUr aifbia Mt moMba. by GRtfL'KKY and COMMISSION haFtn*-«yaDdyrt,,y RECEIVED THIS .MOUMSD I«[ IDiG SOnilllRIlER, J Met;a«ah-ua A , -Uia-, traiaa. af Bl'L'HANAN A Co «hyvy,« ry. uiteriuediata p4iiut* % ia PhUadelpbia;I^iiadeiyhia; Mc.kadrrwMc.kadre. fi Warn,.Wiaim, .New tay dmimri of tarn Lia>. ASUKEW [ OF FINE NEW ST1 LE MailboaUaud Ultle Mumi R U. A York;York: -b-kaJuka aIA. BOAT TU K ET* *» BaaluA a«a (ood am YurvAh. Pal bl< YSOTHEB INVOICE OLviSTEAl* fi OTON.NOK, Coal lieahr*. t'aldwrli. iMc m.iba;. ankkf.w hanas Krukuk .Ufred Ualebatl,ehetl, qaiacy,qaiucy, Umw, >-r .ttf ii FRANK ( AKTKK, HIIU ; BadarUadae A mu otaa Lm-w FIRST tI.A88 .. tl«* I 8TEF.IUUE. ..Rw DtT l^ONT ' <»fll'e*mithwe-t i-«»ruer Bmok aud Market eltVY-t-, Ag t LyM.fi (.'. G. fi fi aud Boyle, Bock l«buid d14414 dam-dam* TlLKETS C. C'aluiubu* fi Xenia R. R.*i. soiiihHepi EAsfW.Vkl* amy ko akfatAcd af aw adiha 1 it yard c<>ri«i'r of Full *0 and clay rlreet*. Aa 4a|nrh o tmr*Ma onocb.d W wb 8mium aanetw aroB.n.M wmv. ai« H4W4i-. MAN'I'FACTL'KEKS UF aur> U-U^-ad idfcy. la the JaiiU dtf WmLaAa.ua baardaay Fotiiaadi aFr*y>" j 'sTEItEOSCOPIC VIEWS TNf YOUNG soNTNYBUiR, ROBERT CRAIO, AM>roK- BY THE LAST STE.1MEK. FEXXSVLl IXIA ( KXTHAL KAILliUAD. sm'I^U^ALEUBOCERS.t oMMISSIoN I NEWS, BOOK, & COLORED PAPER. iifiir;:in urTnnii d*cl«dly IT Mraovdwmy, N. Y. VT WALDING MER« HANTb. emoer ul Second aud * Transparencies; -A-MKBK’AN HOISE, ra PbihMlvIpbin. , aimo Groapk— Illuminated l[RIIIIR Rl|D fICIRRT. sCTM-t*. LfOuiet iilr. eg Washingtou K>. Jl I WHOLESALE DEALERS Do Parlor Scene*; ROSTOX, Tare as low as by any othsr Rotitak I entirely new; TIIKKE DAILY 1 1^ the Urg t best MERCHANT TAILORX. Do. Statuary, KaIN.S IKoM JffT'ad and arranged Hotel in the IRE YOUNG SOOTNERNER, -JOHN F. HAllVEY. ASK FOB TILKKTS BY PITTSBCBO. 4 NVw Engiaud State-; American Views; ^•. ; i* centraily lurat^ and easy Do. colored The eamptriiuB of the Yf'- Aera akaareffoa PITTbKI K(> to FIIILAULI‘1114 of accea* from all the n>iite* ef tiavel. It c>»n- Vu. 493, north aide .Market, bet. Sfft;oAd ami Third, ad tha flam Ui ayUauia Badrw,d la kVlSti Mf briar,*- tram lb* fcMI, wtmrt 1 ban day dMolv'rd In ruamN—na«aa mliaa uf tracka by tha liadniaJ lAidwainim. t hi able to — and tbe will Va aMar m; MMk. .• I oaaAl al af — f.. Tratu* from hou^ cuutiuue U> be kept a* tirH ciaa> M 4M I li:r. j. maktin. a lin- KotiMS, wbra* b« ^rga nvtjliilng xil tlrm/afi* as- A 1 m'TT^-.idhi pa:4t A of Main and Tbhd *treat*. m prrfnivd W rnnhe ta urdrr nnd will ra f^m*«* ui Lrvtgbi, ttratara - will comer Iraoc la cMc lartfcMr. HE uMemgDcd eoutinue %he H HOl-.Es.\LE | tel iu every re*|fect. y A. n. MANSFIELD. SC. I^ul*. .Mil.: Dtibtniue. LEW IS UlOE, PruprieWr. The Young Southerner, kv«p on hand VvbUim Btta«l* «f rvray wnr. cwlor, and wkbtbvraviaw f tura. ara advaniara* rradtly at the old i jl7 Keokuk, and Iowa City, Iowa appractataff J F. 8HECXLER. T GRlXy'EkY bumoem for bi* ovn acoount Bonro.u, Jan. 7. KV*. TYLDR & MARTIN* CJau-o, Ruck Naud, and CillcagM. Illinois; 1^14 dly quality iwnal to tn* t< adv ataa. to rvpair, rvpaint, and ra- Fi«dnbt and tba Tvnvwitaf Public, abacL •tand. No. TbGd *lrwl. where be will be |4pa«ed to are . w- i-.-iriN-r-Yw.-FTx r-F'xw.-^* Lexiustoo all RM Xa. II Fowrtb m ww— 1 trim odd HllmJ* «ltart I-uul*vUk,eme, Haute, loiitauapulta.I at a*»riev. From a practical kaowh Slii^FIMi MASTWAMif m%U Kv ; T«rreFerre nduuapulia, ’ Jtmd bf. fried. aad Mtroa. Jl UUi W MQKK18. ATJIES. ^\T 1 tdNTXON! Ay; "\Yr V 'N. r 1 'YT' 1 v I Him Haviac caenyrd Ibc ccr-iwaaf W M' I vdg- of tbr buMn«*>*. and by finct mVt-mtum it, ftadv ndwula if to skip ^ WHOl.ESAI.E OROC^ERS, -^M-oonm UtayetL,.yetL, ludlaua:tudiaua; ClncinuaU,CUitlnuaU, Colum-Lolum- \V V V JN _L X?,. 1 > 1 to b« boprs t ty ^Ai« /inmid. ar a bf give ^W|^^^^^fS'ELL> aaiauT af waklin food Dayton,avtou, TcleJo,Toledo, Clgvetand,t;U!TalaPd, Xanr,/*anei- to tatistnction to all wbo bm> deal witn him and mra- kviigbi Caniracta ra sbipptng Idramuno Mto m ra Jr* . , , 9 The Young Southerner, a liberal tiairunago addrara eiibra ol tbo fi'towing NOTICE. t'ommiHHion Vllle, (.TeNtliue,l.'ryatlluy, MaMillonMaasiliou, and Wuu*-\Vuui- ^ U Agon^ -d tan CoMnv* .lierrhantSt TO SoXl ^a,^ w.a»- -^.a^ -ww Priew* 8X30,000 ruajunablc D. -b- Obiu; also aud term* Cash. nJf dly STLWfiRT. PiPaburc; HAVE tbi. d.y porrhacyd the lotrryrt of John f aad RlCHLY EMBROIDERED , Kama*, NvbraRkw.Nebra«ka, Ibrytn fi Co.. :W i absnvfi * .MtDDesuta, \%'OkTll. iuchifling every dem ription. from the U . o ; H. S. PWrat- fi Ga.. — ( T V. Brcat. Jr., in th- Ul. Arm uf Hmfh Bivni A Co.. cum- vUlv, quality uf Ca-e-. o ; J. J. ^nfion. Idptay. o.; R. Mf vooly. May*. nowill cuatiaac thr biwu'-c- aulrr uir K.M4 iw.iH- cud A.COI'TEX BA.1STIDS [a XWpetT T.u K* and Frame* AT., CUIXIS OllMSBV, DLtLL.RS•- IXi i BGIu w RBOXn u v .1 JVvf II I Sis Kn 1 , J ^ pointsPOINTS inINXXX theTHExxxx* westwrioX vUto, k.Y : onm-bv fi Craypra, |N»timiiM(b. * «itb Picture-, that wul XXEMQV U . Paddrak nytr. boriiw by iwumut aticati ,B to merit th. conUnn 1 warrant uut U> be etivlle,! «uy. The Young Southerner, aocr af yaar fiairuuM' m'«a. ARRRR :»M xm R mRu. \l frow 25 to 73 cents a lards fake as lowLOW' asbyaxvothekAS BY ANY OTHER koute.ROUTE. 5****^*^*“.** price* coiup* red withuih r Gallerir*in Ui* «*>’ ** talw**-: Tho*** that -ell at R. I am Terr rMiw-sfally yuni., im tho W' rat can rely upon Uii* a* being I 86 cent* vouaiiltind JOHN ALLEN. Fchraary. I-U-. dJk lll'fill KHEN'T. ax dtf EOl'ISVIl.l.K. KY’. RealThreailLace Sets, S3 aiidupward; ‘'“““*'':h&i:d'i.7i.?,"p^!.&.‘^i Sr"u4"ifo.rtXxve!JL^^^ Hardware and Cutlery. “ “ v*® U IIOLESALi: tiitOM EK Guipure'* SI Philadelphia, ualtimukb, new york.York, ANDa auJeiiailarYaukierl-><:ki>yddi«T <*cbeniyf of tiiekery are The Young Southerner, arc mom km reeeipt of ear m LvHiNvillr IllfaCIIIDR ALL EASTEI-N*^=‘Teu.n utils.L'lTILu. fart byinr unden-iood WE YVF‘--‘Ybda?2E^*iJ!j|^a?Mr R j Hadra. Rlrachioc IXtablishwrnl.LSiaUIISIIW 44 “ " S3 « br the puMie. hence the daily ia- beavy Svvvag Svuck of Hardware Valeiif eiyare.1 eroard. ,t Ike aadwUl rooUnay. nndyylh. «rm 01 MiaiKE. ML THUS. MCMIKE, AteaU et,r fialirry. No, tj Fourib rtrfo-t. K- I "Ml-f*.; ^jpiWMRud C'atlery—u bKtar amnrtmeatrtMBi -'UYC'- WV!Al. 0*51 XT “ “ P»«‘urerUDJ.“py^B'’!l‘HL’i“u;^.‘^^^^Puarenrer Liuea, truere they eau rt tbe chcaja-et, bert, m*vt yira* UAUEN.tbrWhotemly Urom-y.ad i nmmifo l » ClOlYUltlN “ “ s'll «>* Penn'a Kailruad. Puiia. aud durable Commi»»ioH •fferrhatit^ — KAY.A . Point wviS .afiot be found la Ike W«r^ 1*101 urea na» m ale. a MiNiBE fi Na- 4HHdtttt JettrmmmJpUyriiaB M.,Mb« bri-bet. Third Ron huMaw b MLRKA1MLRRA> . aadaud Fa,Faurlb, .-tiVra we tbe atteatiofi g< MvrcbauU aad LuUdTrluiliirT;. j; ever • flcr> io thi* city, a removed to eah Ttawe are tbe cheapest Good* d •P- 1, _a if V. tiSTCR.I«TER- .\S the Vpper BnUding I* Nf*v BWk. Loaforilly. No. I. li«7. ^ HESPECTFULLViofornicth* ladies Orctud Ti'uiik Railroad n *-- c •wfiwtv ia pan a* follMre: that CHARLES F. R\LCHFI SS*. of Canada. H north -btc oT Mam »trr«r, between Fd asMortiueutotchildreo'* HaUandFlatc 1-ace LOUISVIIA-E MIl-H tm r om Table CruUm ; | * HKI.HiHTFl I. A.SD RtJMAhTJl kol Ti; FROM nMl DKOPS of i:vrry OEO. R.JPATTON. W. H. C. Buikram itrr Descrinlioii.^ GEXTEEL DR) DEN. ea- I-Jlie, S. Frame*, Crtiwus of iTf- d'igea p4pcke^ KUIVOB- I by tbe Rgv . W'm. F- 11- ItluecreLedJtiuecraLed wiUi aud tbe lale< style*. fl'HIS MILL 14 Bu- in full oi-railm. uud »e n the We-(to|lfj*tnu, New Vurk.MuU ihaKjMcrti.’iUie*, e i- ...... o frum 1 vol., % . bu > I till fur PoWEit-LtrtiM BAD r *»IC C«»l ^ did Hutebera* Kila* aad Rasp wued cut* pbotugruidi*- i^j. ^ Ideariiiug aud Prewittg (allied on a* nsualat j—red to .11 urdrr4 via tuv .Michigan (Viitral, Great Wu.«trru, omtan-burg COLD3, ETC. PATTON 1 da vanoas brawde. fiBiericen Hum* Garden. I-Hug pfimKi|fi*aodiifi * and rub^ KiiPE. & >RYOEX, da* Axea. TW ru^ ok \V M. OSUoRN’S. OINU aud MALHINL .. „ !ii.V““"“*‘"“''’'‘'‘‘“'l“~«‘'>TruukluUruMlof..a.: j Fllliry V O U tl Arvutage fi Wngbt Aavile: 1%m 4 uster ftrotuer. or (.'4>ttage Life, d EANS AND LINSEY' A COMMIS.'HON MERCHANTS AND WHOLE- or-u^rhjM.ud Airo Mitat ttt Shaluiieoi, Kvwn*. j J lytiy tJ _TI1<)P. H. HI NT A LU. w^,„„j^^ dua»a H'waad Tupad c adinGikg. ifr d Shaker* aud by F- W. sale Ul :rririuu^uK,:;i\^,;^rb..“ I and Retail licaler* in Wbi*ky, Breudv, mm d.fcea PtaHu-a •Ddt'aaaler lioaim. ‘' Wiuca, fic., Gv7 Market atreet. abuve FEED AND PRODUCE DEALERS, oCb«r Countriiv, 4'ul- ', Hmok, »yL W A .NTED.—We »reore P.Jp.)'lu(In* the liisherthighert murkeimarket TUE (’ELEBIl lay KaUruad Wbeetaairow* Lgtavt from Spain and by Wm. nurih 4de. VV ;|^'i?';^,|tbee? mSXIiI W?^^^ M^.unt'.lt!*rhe‘Tub^^^ \Ti:i) USU EGO ST AKCll, J»ui*vilk*, Ky. aju dly Y t inicr lor Wool. No. 33 Third Mre«(, between the River, « OLUb OKMdllY. lea kiryaui. fil SS j ^ Maia xad j IS. II. Ht'Nrt'Nr** IO.fo. f fij upp hbla i 'berry Brandy; A lirtod Emit, Butler, kg**, OntoiM. Apptaa, Kitatura, 2S bbl* Ap^e do; SABBLEEY. Flour, Bncoo. Lard, fie. A iu cask* Clam Wlue: U bhl* lllacKberry Braudy; WHOLESALE a^urder* for Groce rie*. liqnon. and Manofactnrad I sTARfH or \0\V .\rtirle* ease* i. 76 bbtacumoiuii WhUky; I.ARtiK OF WIIOLISALF. WORK JUST iYyu,r.d Lort lo^ READY, *oHcited and hlled oa the too«C favorable term*. Mu do d Si. daben: LOT I mu!^GllL“w,Ylri'.mVf Oa JiAaiiin owm«, aanb 44d.. brtwora Third aad Faacth. A 'iud'M^uir'i’Ji-’ PuVj1u‘J'“.?j'T.i' M»u«r,a very a» do do do. St. p; tepbe bu<-; IS6 btlf uld copper distilled Whisky; fur tale by fiuUued ond for mle lower tlmn the «me pwd- can tt delieoer. tW^ LihernI i'nwh Advnncre made nn I A .p-nt of the ij^d TnJuk IhEnroad iuperin^^dl the i UC4ab4crfbrraba*yeaa4iaa lyaabaad vl**'. The lot comi»ri*vp. A-J. KE.\MER, elfinmeala. uuv|«( . RKAMKK, dly 4D bbl# bought anywhere 4 . * e. _ Ham Saaieme Wii^: I K- A. SHKADEK fi CO., be removal uf emigiauu audum. baggage .. Turtatr of LaMarl Fariiiar*, rmUftnuM o»«u*e to Quebec(Quebec fr«frae of n il Ateut fur the M.n..fMdurer-, m l«u e*mm 4o do dflarlin;als, W ebb Reins, Col- LEV1.4TIIA.V! *Hh Hog ('hain.- cum plete, taall by biaafbm Mtoadrd la Htbar P du ^r cask* Burguodv port Wine; I I'lkilMirr aurb at '^FflON. .MAf'KIvNZIK * K44NX. Na. . tar able ad *hr D-jW lie* at \»*w Al. Straw Hat .MamiracturiTS, ;tt acaifw1* Ma-tni » of rarrr aua aad (rad. alaay, «r and bv iV cuiuffiuy for one ur mj.re trip* to *** “*a*‘»* exreihul aad Manutartiirer* ul St:rrui*«, Bn lie Iht*, Buckle*, XVtta, Portland. Tour. Wharf liuat, Uvlbgtaeu oa baad ar I ordm- artbiMtt di-tay ol aid ANTHo.M ZANONK I I 1* return Uikcu from Chk-agu to the H»'>("*Mghly overtiauM. mo M Tack*. Ha*i>e«, Head* and K®-Id*, Turret* aud lluolu, chief tow D* in Fu- I ro(w will ifioiUy beU-md. 'I'kketa Fur lerio* kppl> t« -X3 BIXO-AJD'XTtr.fi.Y, spoke*. Hub*. F-'lloea, Swivel*. Spurs, Izace*, Siuing*, from rhicagu tor all FUA.NK C.kUTFK ;>RKNCil RRANIiU:S.— I jHfiut- Itari. alau fur the 'KEbll FIOX-SMdraawfroAFi^torootybj _ C. FKOA^L’Sy I-cvtatlian. ur fnr ibg M (I 8 8 .\xle*, Damaskp, Patent and fluanivied l 4eather, fic. B fKlku No. toTabd ol. * a qr ca*k* ('agnardevCoriiar-.lkJb; I U.'f .hip.' ran “bKiued F 0*0 A slSdl)* maiu 61 THIKD .ST KEET- ^ at the oftU... of li;e liraud IS ^rca*k*G. V. B-Tuard do: 1 1 riiuk kaiiroad, No. J6 Duarboru «tre«t. i hicago Peolia luaurauce Office. 9i bf aud qr French braad> . variou* braud* isn ]\v bu«e of tbeee tfrandie* are of my ovo uuportaiiun aud 011*S! OI1.S! OlI*S! Ayent Grandlirand AVI.NO been appo Uted the Agent fur the Trunk R. u.R. Cu'uf*(l’u. uf < Vil£ia, IVoria Imn- can voaeb f«M tbeir purkf . ( a'l and exvujioe ar fi ranee iron |M^oy,vhigh CantonMattiiig! WM. bKENK CO . n ha«ouwbeeu inoperatiun ovar ft ANTHONY ZA.N'ONfrs. one year in tbi* city, 1 am iTei*a|vd to renew ANFFAC’Tl'Ul Hdaud 'Diaier'];Dealer* inin' all kind*klnde of oJ*ode I K\t'IIAM;K fl.\ Kl Fuv Pu.i ie* XIANUFAf'TURl'KSaud UOPK. I iSdaud wmcu'-K. HreFil?;"Sd47ri.S ^orfor Lnbrtcating..nbricaiiny and Huruing.Burniny. have ron-iaufiycou-iatitty un and Manta* )*uiWir- for Ihora who will favur XsXmrXXB TWTT AAdl M MumewY IT iiEviii cm. awn ,“h"e'.«Vhe“'f5rt”^,!:h^j2^^^^^^Grand Trunk actor Jl'ST UErEIVEO It AbA pure uld Apfde Ika^) eery Hailn»ad o/ and credit, aud one that can *ati!l> be iuwnnl , Cue Engine Oil; Canada In Chicago. in wim Aa do do 4-> a certainty of payment in cage of Iu*r. mail dim i'olnmtwi Irmim tt Pemh do. PIANOS. Eubricatmy Oi), N<**. nnS ANTHONY ZANtIM' Machine oil; Buffalo tr J. U. .McUaVAIN. .Agent, Fiftli -treet, and Lake Huron exticeofotiiraof .er 1 dfe LL'S, 6 below Main i'oal do; RailroadRailroad. j.R'.Mciivainfi^V.MciUaiufisou, Wanted, IT TK SMA .No. R(.*in Oil, four grade VIA UE'rk(»IT—Al the No.>1Mmurtmet>8 Main *troet. PETEKS, CKAGG, 4: CO.’S ( . ._ at the higheiw market price !*• ’ ’‘it^v-.meT\Vkiwu?^^ I III! TONS Hemp Un. Kewwrdy... H ra. H • .Mwerka. I la HcmIHead U«btlalgKl du; lieckOil; I A fT X.> \ “T^ la ltd bblf at the John old. __Z __ tmwon lhe New V.rk and i*>ie api HI oil ItKKN r A ( O I! Run« WkuAy. t year* W’heel GrcaM*.Grca*e. ami New V«»rk ( S-.i TH MDr OF MAIN 8TBKFT Solar dt; Wheel “j*'. entra T>xj^isros XXJ3STEID. to do Kylly'fWbAk}; • K‘.';;n*‘beVb;iU"‘‘“'Kailrnad* can he obtained. II Vrrf Kootttg, j WAki'ti’ir ' Brfweca ThAd uad Foarth. loAitroad rut,.Fi*h. Not. 1 and i. KENNEDY & MORRIS, .n IM do OU Lupper-dAfUled WhiAy Agent of fl. fi ^Ve a e DOW prei>ared to attend t- The Lateat Publications. .... „ , . Al*o. a Fuperior article ot Paint Drygr. L. II. Kailr^, proms dtf romer of Main Sixth rtf. FortuAbf I fW and aprio dl ‘j/6 W^gm^^mMiy to all order* for t»F fot'PlIKIOR ANTHONY y.kNoNF. No. Tuniny aud Repair- : I.ARtiK 1. OT tH’AI.1- ^ ” tJr*ortice. Muliitt «ireet. ftdoor* bmoa Main y Dearborn *t., ('hicago oiaOTiQiiixra.. a^ Fifth AreeLfleeoad door betuw Mala. I..... n*fkOo haviog aerured tbe -ervice* of Mr. *.Vr^r:7rxTJK4;.^™-.yrt-fo« A TY Mculc •! Kenliirky, 1 •1 a 1 Jefirraon roBuly. J iff J J li. M I x.NT, a lirvt-rata tuner and siracti- rngfnifar. ^ laO Plata, the .\rgentioe Cooh'deratioD. ood Poi^uay at Skirts Shawls, Faaey I .WrUImr: ral^Ho f/w; ' dir N-ct Mm. f India. 4'hUta, NortheaA comer of Third aad Je».*n n ftore and lor «iUe by KrprfstCofHf*anut." €0MHerli0M« are Hsadle Ij Ike • * VCBY f'REAP \10LAl5dE*.-.ah bfaA priBA PUa-at In Appmttd. To the Voter* of Kentucky- aod.lapan. at CLARKE'S. YFMICH WK ABI SELUNG A4 ^ avI tab hnl-«* (llff PnwIofDre Bnilffiof, MARSHALL IIALHEKT fi CO. Tbe Auierk'on lloiu*’ Garden •illuecrmiod -at “ Faianni fa waat uf * rout artirtr «t Mattiuf wfU call Uta prune FugnrboiMF; ^ Fra rata by ACiGE.N CLARKr.S. aad A ity Owaut :>wi rnifij W ER_fi LuNG A\ E iw»w opened nnd on bnnd a ratact and choice Jot NEW AN I ) USE 7 ,a^ m ~ 1 1 Matrimuoiol Brokerage in New Yurk—A i A ~— New Y ork i lly; Alexander COALI CLdVRKL’S. J O H .N B. C A S .N O .V * O 'Z— cUmraTP draw here, a* we are determined tc ptaara. HullaudTlTNow i”i,S COAL! COAL! C . Tha a>har Tnlua raa daily, < » ii,i aaadaya. ^ MW A- We ^K ' and WUlfoin A. Liviuywcn.of Hunt** Merrbante’ Mogasine fur .March m* al ika RESS GOODV— ^I^UE AGE OF reason, by Thoma* l*ai»e. with aa wi.uld infiirm our country ca*tf>tn«r* of the stable accom- Lleinsrton;' all in the .YlBoaforlorera, Far Through TicknaTickrfo aad aU iafiimaa » o.»M0a«a aggly W’M. L. Ml KI'HY keep, eonutantly on hand a larxe CL.VRKE'S. m Aflooant ot ni* Examiuat'oih* of ih** |*ro^*becii . . laa*. f Aahw Faaey PriaUi Ikryaadlm, aonwted Ut^ *. | m«*daGf>D* io our Immediate ueighborfauod. • 13 Y Y , o4Baaa.tkahMiiSw.aiolBaaa, Walaai Sir.ai llawa.llaa-a. >fo.ho. I MraaiBaraai Ibwa. naM U llll-bury aud LOUISVILLE.1.01 IS, 11. 1.x., fog..KV ANOVkw liHrvv lur. r®!"!’!*: •''T' Yuu(heuyben> Coal, Braithwojt'* Reiro-pect, bock numlMranOt A.ND .NEW ALB.AXT, and hii Mtacwllaneoii* TneuicgicaJ W’nuogii , - IXD. al oaaA do do Banfey do; Itry yi. '' ‘' ami* caravrrorforr ilit HraadaayIbaadaar aad FiaMFraal alnrik•mria aad *aMa I onxiineabu, Ibe Jlortlurdllartfiird City,"city," none belterbetter furfor rteamfteam or took-cook- CLARKE'S. r 4u plain eotored do, do; OFFEK —SuO bag* prime Klu received per steamer K ing punm-ei*; Tha urad by lunoy tamiUetln the cUy, who pro- Initial Stomping on l*aper aud Envt flV uadcr-hped w aaw prrparad to takaardrra . .. -..-a.-. — Priated Pe-eab • do. J. Ward aud lor rale by tapuat raa maa.Ikaa. aaiaaahiak laia i1 wmmuamlaima lomnfortaa ( kalai FruAch nounce it nearly equal to pittvburg E^^for th— -ni—nur Pairat i aua-srai, fur TraiaaTraia* ayhy CaromaaaCalamhaa J. A. and »ui>eriur tu any 4 ahich tkw do ptem eoKri d do, d-> Dr. A. MCCLELLAND’SMcClelland’S I (iARDNEK fi ( 0-, Maioftt L-VRKfS. CianaaadUiaciaaaO Bfoa.Itfoa. h other now iu ura for fU-am .M MB... ^nharr rrmrrd Irtbra n^aiK. thaa . and foiuUy piiruif-e*. All I ora Tyng and McJIvoiu on ConOmration at They iarita th* attra- For rale by ( . fi CO., — a i i lagiadiil uaafe Fancy lAwat. du HAGAN i- fair trial ot It, J.* DCBAXD. J g m ^ aiunloY Mi in tka. a ''~i—“J -wfuw.uw. a and 1 warrant it wiil nve rattafoctiun -ai-nur Chair. .-' ap6 «<***'(. 'OPFEE.^Suu hag* prime Bi>i tanding from the Ruben of*vhKh there iiem'ployed la J ClARKh'S. u a. laall‘ Mam ] Wbolerale alo.', BeoaiaihamiOmaiaami call *rfor ,aa aa^raaa gri *^"5ITldG— dG audri toilatltalowert c^hpricM, ahich (urdurahiUty aad ihragar—• a ( ' J Ward and lor «le by ny, in the SialeoffKrmi^yK. nioeky, a. nearly^ "if (micefa*t Itaper Mower Matenoh* in gn-at variety at awauaUrd. Thay TL^rn.um caneiJi‘fota -la* Fourih .treri. Uluw Maiu. ai>4 WM. GAY, 5»>U Main *t. atcertained, threer thiumSdJoUa^T^’^tbourand *. I dw Frenefc L'hia'z Pnufu; »•><>” iiiKAF: < heap:: ( iiK.tP!!; BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILIOAD,RAILROAD. Mam *1, 3 d-"»i* above Uw- trait ll*»u*e W, HU E GKO. W. SMALL. J. P. MAR8ILVLL ogrra that “-“"a “"""Ta- BALTIMORE AND » do t t FuMcHth da do; do hereby leralprucraeeervcd uiHjn anv oeent \VO«TII V OK NOTH kl. -ktJ M Aawavao.Wa manager, or officer of *aid f VV t.Lorill.Ntff HorSE. opp(*-ito the Natiuool If Jlet. Whori.iB Bennra, m. a Am plain AU-wawl DrLalae; Company.io raid State to' ’llKAPEU: I'llE.kPKK:! i llE-kPKK!!! PH ^ -l.fiu pnme H*> < •*ffe- in out* and fu *hail PoA.. OFFEE tiaf ‘ may be f«iuud a q>h*ndid «li*vtay of .® A.VBRO- ll« a*er>! emp i16A4>.— burin G Ni-w H«*mp Seed rveriv WHOIuESAEE RETAIIe. 'Yly JXO. BALTI M juy< & FRa In tbe city at the Natidinal B. C'AXNON B CO. 'T'ki.MIXATLSKI. MINATLS at W ASHIXGTli.X AXDA.XD H‘idl!^*fi^.i:fra nUe o Gallery, ju*t below (.lOVT^f EX)W ARD pe:ynaix>, H ed and by WFX I T IMrr -a Iha Eari aad W'hrriiag. Haaa-ad. aad Fuurth, Main *treet. Cravat-! JOH.M on i il aaia>a wafe Bad- mi-flCTKS OF HaY'ANA flfoAKd. HITS & SMALL. UL'TTEkFXELD m7 TXAm l^'vxx-nljslxlxia:. mhargrraharg aa Ihr W'r-i. -I ahirh i lii i Slxlfart. leiwwn l'mbrehai>! ^»F* Main aad Mark;t. THOS. H. Ill it C'O., roada.ruod*. dSianraerv.fic., tor and frum o*l pwramin Ih* EETC coaiuady ia atwealarw aad woU laiiifni — | XT 4W MAIN hTHEET, Su«;>endei>! L'KEXCIi BURIU-An«anaad kiad- Ilandkerebief*! A boLTlNi. CLiiTIliC^AII K ttnea at *r aooi faewrif# hraodt. mth aa— #^FA16-NT!d'’ FJ1F:NT! CEMENT!!—C'EM lOu bbl* i >tueut in *tore aud CO-tl.UlhihilOV -MEKCII .Vorrltfs•Vorettfs IVorks.ll*oi’A*.v. auaiharr, hail aiaka. WE.-ST.Wh'-i'l foOUTHYA E.«-T. AX» XOMTHYBIMT. I ANTS rirgant arrurtmrat of 1 IMPKoVEO ij^for-lebyfor «Ie by . luthi. rar.lmrna, and FoKT.CHLE mills— ith tahd kSaaah rABTAOAd; MOmoVITA; OY „ YThtaliag daily, al IBM F M.. aad ix^i Ve^ug*, fur which order- arv token and mti*la«.tiun luor- hurr* and mode on be-4 kimwn plan, Two traia* Iraaa CABaBGA; FoBF-NO; m* «:i.‘’L'!?V.in L . -Jl; CR ftock of Carpeting i* now complete. cun*i*ting uf alex*TiollaVd.^^^^** iRo.vIRO.V A.VUA.N’u massBR.\SS fouxdekv,FOL’XDERV, Power-loomPowei-loom BageuieBagging aud antied a* t>> fit, wurhmvnelup, price, fic. SMl'T M.%Clll.SI!S— Seveml dtffeiwni kind* IwM r M. IKTKIKIDAU OCkJkN BIRD. Maebiue Rope, O all grade* and »tyta*. Sntwrnbrd to brfurr irnra* TABI TIu—lioTZTLboxer Yladi—iu Siarrfa oa runeienmeat aud 4wom mr tbu 14th day of No u t 4ll *uon fur choice at Mill Iron*, Screw*. Sravwn*, Beltiag, Lnrrat raimevitan* ra* mnd* tg ifiran rmmla by wkiliai aad rwiaUaf Ko. t Maia at., itadar — 47 kirh Kuyal Velvet; foigUrh Briii*eel*; Phwlra Pnrta. mmd S^^.*.**lorfor »le YY'ALL 8T., LOUISVILLE, KV. MD^.T^DMUItY GIBII.S, Mul article* generally *5 aad by .. . a=y •^1—* J. M. ARM.'U d> TAR!! TAR*!!— 16u myX7 dtf No. IS Third ri., between Main and river. phm. New VurkaOnJ BuCton India and Cocua Mattiuy. aY^'orExaro. ay.i bhl* Wduiirtgtoii, targe »ixe, CLARKFff. pd Maiu ainot, -burr the l.alt lloiur. * fur raie very luw by ton olon* by »tbra ra cto*. HULL, BROTHERS, fi *ra erarii*. Ififiii* Lnnan fra Aprff at CARLL, rruTAiN 1 —MU bhl* ad aad tor by WEW'E have a**octaUda*BOctatad wuh u«tnu« in the satin Uelaaine; Wuivted lioniaifi* ( uUoo Itaiuask; lure ul Kentucky, rntiUed An euaceming R XX Family Flunr, txtm mmtmjm BindBind- AM Exprr* i iir luvi i i a v 1 CfJkRKr'S f'0.,41ii I.OL'ISVILLF..^ ILLI-., . wbitj wheat, lur rale OtlbUannFaet ** h\KV. by ^ UAKDNER A Mudm ^Alng Deportment of oorour bueiuerabuoiuefii Me**r*Merar*. £. C'urnloeB; Hand*; lauup* and ToraeU; ('oiD|>anle*, and numbered 761, dectanng «ald urers„ W Faita^ Rgvtawa—"Wi fi m l airai r. Idondon Quattarly^., Companira * bhadea Trimmiog-. _*Pi! DA VlaS fi - dJ. Carll and C'harle* W. Itarxib*,Itarmib*, and eo- and to hr eummnn carrlrn. and pruvidiug fur thr 8PF ED, Main -L Ullilt 4DTW. 1 OBfoTifc. d_ CLARKL'n. ^*^ ***^ ”^** mioty ol HAWLEY, BILLINGSBILL1NG3.&& Co. M.. . a SMITH. taJirU*VEiSS5Sl.!!‘‘“ ^TST, I Urgedlargedtarged ourOUT facUiita*focUitta* for the manufarluremanufacture article* eulruoted to Useir care. arpor, OwAor 4 Ladr'i Baok. Ladtr'a Maaaciar, Ac., F uf l.INKN CUIOIIS. %3U •* cira^nBi-ni aad (oriak by ' uppu,, I ’XiKSondeveryX »K8 and eearyevery de*cripiionofde*criptionde«cripiion of BINDING. dracription, fur bu*ine*i ‘ aPr.f-li of every llouraMild purp«>4c»- The of *oid Company ta conductod by nine man- ’Tx> gr Al i Iv dt 1 \\' __ cLAKKA'a. a I A\I8 A • M )C) kouv obOitie*obUitie* N^, TbrTbeaell-kooaoabilitie*ofwelUkoov n of Mr. Carll,(tarll, wbo furtenyearifur ton yean (figtaih XVineCInih and Napkiu*. ar r*. wbura full name* and proper HDLfsllT IKo.S A ASHERS^A large oraurtmeut MB.XI.k M »II.M 4a.% » t U wrsx i . Onaaae IMrMoai. colaetd MMde, at pUonaofrerideucearv \V ol Laaricaiiag uil. Maaia iM af didrfrai gradaa. aad YThaal AX0 — cbar*c of tbethe largelerge eWabluhiueiiterioblikhmcut of Mewo-t.Mefiirt. A. De- All ul ahlrh we ill k'U at the towe-t price* at wh..|e- asfollowi, vis: our own make tor «ale by CLABKra. aranisn lOrr,. llaadJooa Hacrina I* Irn 171 .Tliiiii Slrr«*t. Grraar fur Waauaa, *A-Y*nr**iSdirY^* ^-*d—***^ I ^ , t o of New orfc. Dra) and Cariiarr*. alao Skraa'a camp A , Y^.3 and forfur iLrthe Uflt Externsixteen year,year* B«aaf* Mobc Papar-aaoli BtUoi Faprr-at le. IB anu U« gtae or retail. IIITK fi hMALL Wm. B Dinemore, New York, N. Y. HawllAWLEY,ley, billings,B1LL1NG8, fi CO.co. li B HeSih oa KBW. a OUI^UW pnw a w Md aai-nur Paiui DrWr. la Ctaamaa . Jaaa E l>dB( rhorge I the ahkh amraatad ladry aauaar --e toe -.-^y charge oltheo Binding rrtabliahmrntcvtabliriiment of Maam.Meew*. Main viruet, CLABKFB. Hortou Griaaold.iriawuld, render STF.AXI ibaaaayoth^r Dnrr. lylldif A JOU CTT. af Laaiarilta. By NO aU eiVeit A «ancieut.ufflcieul amumneearauraoce that our o4 IMwccn Third end kourth riree *. 5*d. STtUM PIPE— r>TTiNG.^:onr.,..-kFITTINGailour-t.Hrk « ESffBS. CABTRB NO V4 Ww aUMiew. j riP'* r^' BOOKS AT CLABKrS.- wurk will be exeruted in a rtyie ol Steam Pipe and MtUng* 14 aa®ai to any houalB tha Ocurgt W'. ( ora. Piiuburg. P*. dflgto of. Unreloree and n^mptaterumptate. I -Thun, VMii to Midiwar-fbnatiatad We *.*>’are preirar.^presort'd to put the rame at SILKS! up tbetto nhortl NEW Jame* M. Thompoon, Spriugfioid. Mom. nhort- d wyieaa Uaair leordwaar; ooBi llnat'i Lxua Machlaa Hope in More xauMJ e*teat'ViioUcenotice a TV I?0*F^*M 2way»' bar* oa hand a wclluelcrtrd itock of Ik. price 3.!c. Clapp Spooner, Bridgeport, Conn. and ***io \^!*l^^*tihkewurkmaolike ^noer.munner ffytvnn Poll** Ijnngthtor — - ^ “Yfoale by ~ Blank Book and otbar Papera from thr biwi raanufacturen. Londoa lUuitraled New* for March 12. Pric 26c. Jobneton Livluyttun, •3U HAWIIAW LL\,LLV, BILLINGS,BILLING-S! fi CO.4,‘0. fnithra Button. W. H. CLEMR-MT, Lrardof Nratan: ape TllOd.TIIOS.-..,..0 H.1 , IllIIU.NThi*.tNT Aa. CO.net New York, N. Y. HULL A BKoTilKK, 6t F. MADDEN'S BooKa I ORE, >nnn 4 dtf Attain of UmbutM Life “*• *; “ alt dtf FTinh-r, and Stereotypera. p7 *t. «TI:AM and W.VTER C AI GES of th- ; ap4 Tnird KuTu^B. KinrieyVNewp!»*rt,*R bm mak* I'LAlX^OlLtiiiLl^i^i'* BrM»~ la tbe V? for MoAnpatB: %1'OOL W'lll pay the hiyhert ti.aiket caeb price for Agent fur French** Modem and Standard Drama*. * ^S •*leby*oieby laJOj[oJOj HAWLEY,HAW LE^,V Ito BILLINGS, fi CD.C4J. TAFFET.\S.\s* lI _» bo-j—br Ufo> Ei«t. YY WaafatallUiar-. The pervoD* utorrated oi ceofwt tfue frw«f are tbe itock Il T:'YH 1 fi polPin T DEI>K SOI inane..^,r..in all c«ihtrw bolder* of Y*aid .V brau'lful a-urtmrul of Bbw^af Fiaaob 4toru|iany,, who chaugefrom dayuay togo SMAI L 1 K .sIlK.S Htaury-MM PaiBor- apt TUOS. H III NT A CO. PRANK CARTER, ^I’O1^(J W'AGON-MAKEK.S.—>VAGO.N-MAKr.K«.— Wekeepwexeep lor raleaale theIbe foUow-loUow- aoy.aunday, and Suiumrr;rich HU lor Unawaad «U of vhum it U impowdbie to urake an IIKID.U. AND EVENING Arvaailae c-afd' a -t* nd d a«M>i CLaBKL'B. Muoori Hall. owing to the frcuuebcy of *ucb change*. im-nl uf HL.U'K SILKS. WHOLESALE GROCER, *rhe amount uf capital employed io th* buaine** aVJl of wUia:b we ulSer at unifurm luw price* •lire Bender*: Tire Drill*; of *aid : inohamp. lu tb« COMMISSION Tire Bulu- FFelloee;elloe** Crompany State uf Kefituiky i«, a* u«arly a* the *uib MARK A lN)WN.q, 471 Main *t. G faebaa. MOORE, MURRAY, fi XJADEN FORWARDING AND MERCHANT r O , A ascertained, ^ «?—»— aMoitat oolor, llubb*;llubb**' can h* ton tboueand dollar*. 4 do Maaobwofoe Cbweb Ofaabafo aai> i.raLxaa la Spokce- ‘‘y‘**‘*^Mnar^A Itoxc*. fic. B. fi Manager.xbove-named. do *’«*? Wogutt W. BELK'naP CO., l. ^“»? » f« . YYrt«a,.«7yEr^ LARIFIkUi 8t GAR -«Xihhd*Ctariffed Sugar tsiiti hereby rarve llu^ legal procera rarred upun iaalraoofwod aadtoraairb, All Descriptions of Boat Stores, ^4 Maij *m‘Ct. any Buthorixed Olid fra rale by - JAMtai U>Wf IM UK MAIN STREET. agent of *014 Cum|Aany m *oid county •boil be deemed and A CO.. aiaM.--.. MOOSE. MURRAY , a HADF.N ^^4> PLtJW -MAKKRaS —W> have on band and for »olc Uken m good rarvice upon *ald Company and ourralvra. -Ai a luw matoriol *uitable lur makiug oil kind* uf Plua*— .? woercof we have boreto •utoenbed our hand* BKBB rEACHFA Aeoca FYwA FWacbr, pAFE COFFEC.-SMCOFFEC.-MU Iragi < aprmpr l( uBreoff*.- . . te 1 ban—. e- mla iCor-skor.: udaad .mn , SOUTHWESTERN ihi* Hth day of F oaMforialrbr _A. -“ *•» «*e •ticho* Wing*, Mouldbuoitli* (iron and Meel), Beam*, April, A. D. 1^. BifiaE. I by »<>»*.'««- Wm. B ISnaiuore, L. S. Rufu* R. Kiueley, L. 8. ’ :. MOOBi M I^BA V . AJI ADLN . Stti aud .tftrirullural Harehoasci '* rt!'. Y»? rra ".WH E.S. Sanford. Jg«. M. Tbompwm, 8. M. Shoemaker, ** ** DIVINFD sugar. — Mb b*d4 Balliaiorr f.'ntebrd, Ill MAIN STRErrr. Clapp Spooner, M» carka la atara aad far lalr rtorc for Geo. W. Co**, ** BJugboai, ** ^ HOULDCBd.— hr J"—“I-ird. aad Puaderud Kurere in - or- aud fur BUSilElaS prime White (.'ora ia and John KJOTIOS- I'u.. Jobntton ** 19 ar< CBITTENDf.X * Walla la»al MOOKt;. l llAlif X UvlngetOB, F ya* «nat , nry 4. Shin SlV M KKAY. a I li THKf>lllNG MACH IKS, oil *orta; I wheat FANS; PEXTOX & GLUKE AMVfiRED HAMff.~6.ill Efitm CufiMry Cored to •^••Uroeh.d.bU.Croeh.d. GranaUted. T4TI or PgimeriaVAiria: If you aaat taa LiBoa Sian* •* tone nod fra rata hy Surarr JMPHOVEDCt'LTIVATURS: BUSHELS prime Seed Oat* in etore and for > U »t<.re and lor lalr by f If 111 He It remembered, that on tbi« etavealh day of April, 1*66, CEITTCNLIIN fi OU., WoU ci. GRAIN CKADEES; I PENTON fi GLORK, Mookb. m KlUV. A HADF.N. lUUUa^by before me come George W. Coe*. Preaideut uf the It yaa aaal a taa Mu44a Akin PATENT MOWING SCYTHES; 36 Wall etrert. Adamt Atao «p4 6!xpre**Company. and mode uath that tbe foregoing atate- ««Utiu0 mentaigoedby It yaa aaat a Sal af Shirm la 41 anhlV MuUeWe. In 6* BUSHELS PRIME BUCKWHEAT FOR SEED; prioM Hay in etore and for rale by him li true according to the be«tof bh ^S^gati, a ^Lf If I BALES knowledge *** •iUU fi GLORK, and belief. G. W. CA8.S, PfWt MooRF., MUfcBAY, A Forraleby [jU] PITKIN BROTHER np4 PENTON u,., a-t ... ra la-rara IIADKN. Ooodfi Just RacfitTfid. - . (bounty of AUegbeny,! Spring yoan r. HOY»na, o. *. MCBaar, m. j. uansn Cm op PiTTtBi'au, I ** of < State of f^uiuylvauia. irreaworatraora S^«Iu*by^oraaieay hattonuo*. ( SAITL LEE. J. W. OWR.V IgjgjISFIRKIh No. M Wall «treet. aawM.n “ondUkant MOURK, qiKKAl, UADE.V, Be It remembered that ua the eleveotb I.EE CO. n^ fi., a,/-!! m»d 1 SAM'L A Ifra. ...I taa Gmu. Marim. Mraket. port wine; !**•> «f April, A. D. it*W, hefure am. 4:h. Me- fair: CAeKS m aK'AV WEarala raaai^af oaa of tha ba*i Wine; ffiR4ARd fft iur»- Ha)’i,a('ommiariouer io the State ol ' ENTI C‘Kk bA<»GlNG.—ta ptocn-H \vhoep:sale qrocers Aoi Ju cook* Madeira %. aelected alucha of Baota, Shaaa, and If 4a. Ga... t .tfo. <3toh WraJ'at har-isw Penueyivania for tin* State of Kentucky, yaa -at ! <1 »>**‘j!'x7nBMy4. K gutg la adrac and for rata Wv Aku x6X6 du sherrybherry do; Gai(aeaa*er«era4 la Ibaetty. aaai- dw; duly aiitht>riiH‘d and commirabtoed by the Governor of Ken Ttora ff 6U bbi* Molriga PriaitU tha fulluaiag Guuda. riai aam 4a. ra Uaea LIM. JM* <0.4 Want taPHernl Coiiiniisxiun tacky, and under tbe lawn thereof a* eucn to lokeackoowl Itram .tlerflianlM, Iniurt«!!^Sdior‘lXhy*tore and lor *^ by Ladiaa' Bid Haalad SUppeto; I HALBERTIIALUF.RT Afi CO.C'O. edgmeut* of deed*, fic., to be u*ed or recorded therein, pt-r- ra. No. 64e Main it •4 MARSHALLMAKSHAI.L Ladia.' da da Gailari; If ..H 4a. ira U... M eamy Jka«^ vet, between Second and Third, — sonally came Oco. W. Com, who, being duly aworn occord- Lsdie.' Heated I uagrrai *. LolTsVILLE,KYaEOl ISVILLE, KY aUiement within Kid Gahar 6 4b do Unray; — luglolaw,ray*lliatib«foregoioj| Utrac Thf«a4. liiaa m . *• BaH jY' KA i' ^iTTT^XT' IX/ \ I Ladia*' Laattag lleeiad Gairara, hruwa aad Mack; Ifu yaawarn aa*aaat 4at KM. StiB. A /X C > fTLi J. -i-N J- ku.:7 to tbe beet of hi* knowledge and oelief, and a* Mich awom U. MANSHEUP4. I ^ J_ X-/ Mea'a. Bon', aad YoaliW UaMrn and < Ixford Ttai; GionaCeiTiBcnM Uat A. rorirad‘,5’D!JrSS'S«drb. |hrp:ei>enHHP:eI>EN aug iuhacribed before me. & qarnettOAKNETl aad auay oChar kind* laa anmaroa t la moatiaa. Ml *-'»t‘'»T*-xDF.x * ro., wau d Intracimotn* whereof I have hereunto aet ny band and SAMUEL LEE — — l.uMbfrl.uabfr .Mfrchtnl!!Mfrchanl!; affixed official Mol the day and year above wriuea. * CO . aa. „ I Aa ^ Pit AAb A Kl T I COI my 40 Market alia^ DBlXTh.- *7u,’fff*,*-t^I.T‘- '‘Y-l‘'''*F«A8H, ItiMjRJJ, BLI.Xl IV I CH.MoCLytEHAYS. iMaaa^tot^ LACELACtLAUt IVIAINMANTLES!LtO! , amki Sd door ahun Faurth araa*. par -mamhuat Clan enam KafliMi Faaey Priati; * 'VotiD fo^entucky In HitWABO. ilg iVu uSi'*’' WORK XE4TJISAKY DESIGNS, Cam. Pw.n.yl«nW jxa r. II do do Black. Hack aad Whttr. aad Hack i7'V^“^‘^‘'^«trlct7on“^‘'"^^THUCTIoN OK OF THE LATEST PARIS ,,, BUILDINGS, aadGnrPrinlr; *“®< *ha largest itnck of saaiuivi »“*JualJuet oprnedopened and raadyready for aala.eole. Tba aboaa and foragoliig aUGmant of tha aShin of tha C'orhren, I'-i.YIhERH uHihlVula «' SEASONED»*A80NI IM 4a Saracar'r. Aforrican. Marriaur, UUr"St7*city. ALSO.arfok —Adam* l-Upcaa* Co." waa producad to me in myoAeeaitd AT COST! AT COST! Bay Mala, All» Bob'*, and dialer 4 Boa'r Priat-, and *-[_J’;''®'„PLANi!iO.MILL hand, thb »4th day of April, 4 , *•la at*• X».Ma *tSma la.i. aiaa. a rgi I gt WituM* my IKId. of amnafocturr. Lei^follrl'Krl*^^*^**'***^^ «S MaUMala atraat,atra aa a raaaa.e-td ’ 17 aa a w uj othm aMrirated hnnda AaKrioaa U.. - gj g> f apr*dtf chasm. THRU8TON.Cl'kJc«.Co.,Ky. t* 6gra^d^ PrintedFrtntari bill* of RARECmE^ ® MAiNTlaEtS — price* will i. MANTlaEN JmI rnntoved and foe bv will hakM *>*>^,*..a.^«4^4. a BARE(;E duci^ ttara wry heavy *to^ of cattan through tbr ™***’*^ aga JAMES LOW 4 CO., fl* Main at- mallaiail or uthcraSi.^othcr»Ga.^ ~ *aJr7St - ACKFREL AND SALMON.- dsRBMAX fraah of thia Sna \fACKERFI’VfACKERri * PLUMB—4 M fttiU- — — ^3CtX*OeO 36 bf bU« No*. 1.1 and 3 Mackerel, large; N ffiraper Uraa piniehra lor rata be M hb>p Na. S, large; ‘ A'O., 4U kit* Noe. 1 and t. large; ALFRED BORIE. i2160 Mhf bfoViiJbbi* No. !n!xge3. targe- OUKKEK, HEATH, A iTATUES da bbla Neahaooc potabaa for role by 3 ttarev* Salmon; rvcelvisd and tor rale by P.iPER Wholerata (JoBfertioaery. BewtredReceived per J. B. FordFori and foriot rale*ota by P apJ IIIURITT 4 sttN. M V*** mra B* fi ffifi 1 HIBBITT fi SON. Market at kava deMraiaad m «B al C04T far U4SH Baa* thi* No. M Third to., above M*iu. JHd — HAGg^khWagueNER — - fi LONGLong. _ap5 dfiw Between Market a nd Jeffeiwni. data uatil furthar autiaa. R^lfo»dlj!d*U^ihn^i^*!u£2ulM'j"B tt ly I.X E; SU gar. -mo bfai* Cnuhcd, Powdered, and A ENCOTT, t HECLAN «>P d formleby Im4J RAWMjN. CGOU."iV5l>5?" UN N Y HAGS — ik* bale* extra heavy for role by WAOOKNEK d. LONC. ^ •Pk IN M. BELL 4 MURDUCK. KUBlNSoN fi CD.