« ( 8 * . ' ; ; . a 1 . s T - i | ® THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUBNAL. LOUISVILI.E, WEDNESDAY* APRIL B3 1859 VOLUME KENTUCKV NUMBER 1;20 S. FOR SALE OR RENT. L()l IS\ ILi(L JO I RNAL. tba rijorof oarditaate, bafort aitaaiplioRloBAtn LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, MISUELI.ArMIS^EIJ.A^EOl - —- — ’XFUT.XCE »!«' *», D«t only ahoald ba taJiaa iato cotuidtmtioe Ti; MVM. OF 1 Evpr.RATl-RP‘ Iiv V1.-< I.-T. ' m\) " 'c.obT.k.•*•'''•» TIlOS.S.KENNEDYABRa, i.iii V,... 1 _ :......^i I :.i., ii.. V..1. .a. 'i r«iiiTrt> *«!» rTBLiMici* n moTICE Mali] Street Buaineea Property for Sale. S2TA till ba.i been introduced into Ibe New Yolk t'ion” tba di.rtaiKe of ita natire cotnitry Proa tha a<]aat«>r. NOTICE. | to g!ij I wuh wil • Mrk Stnrrboiiiir, atnatrd on tbr Atudublv locomiimte the .antnice death uknry r. vaiu **a*V*".” **“* aboaa tha i rnnckJioMmof thr of pa.wed ~ fX~F!TXJ~FTT?. A T . gTwxrii JCTT«—o» *»»« C«»r» he J Bren, betwn-n .Srrratli ud *.*•* ***• ***• ** "®* hawihg taken into OE3SrEIR-A.Ia ««,KI> »Tun. tMt A mminr wtll br b«i4 « iii The oareral ai-ii.vn of t.n.L. .. T B'>iU«4 by the rourt of Oyer ard Teruiioer upon Mary vagetAtion arc I I . mat this last circhusunce. cartain eahiaa. Hoa... uU thb «<^®acttr «» js-dorkP.'fiL.rS^w..M.. EXCELLENT ^^ ^ ci'tii.rc,r?hrtMl I lliL > « BCRINE88 PROPERTk’, , •<rMniiimoii P»ir»— I* l«o'«io«k©dock AA- *• lUrturgfora. ' twti»TB ^hoiiw of !• rtf murder, f Kmil H.rturg, to in.- *" tak«. fro- '• opeJatingw ithin p”47n,St^\nd P*«U •M-. : j iHSUmHee U mIM. r- r«rf«r tlvtlie d«l4o«iVfltfiB «f mimtBi»r Alao a ^ W*'****f^Jl^fl LI>k5^?1SLC**^ Family Raaidence, prifoi inert for j ' frgtona. « ittiia tbnsr a,«atli*: OMiB^ IMlIf Trl-W^^Wy •&; Ai« CHt\,a»- ten can at Sing S.ng priarn. Tbia pa-ua* the bonndaiy of iu efficaiions m99 4l« action in each , B'arkir *i. Emiw ItalVciB •c • r«r «• U>* «»•*' • -—”77" gfa Od uniMAll^r f.Torablr Irnu*-* tvo-MOT brick ^ , ie9. ortr So«tk Sid* or is pol ably iLe first tinH* in tie hiatorv of »pBi I M^rk 4 Dowm, MmA ““ °* Tarirth ruart, Suite ;TT “*T t***."**' bctarro Stiaat, FcnrtkFcaitfe andaad FUkh ©raata,JUaada. *«<«.- WMklr-I eopr **: LIGHTNING! <*f*J*'aau4 Baloui. Let ntquainted, in great part, batwaaabatwaais Ffth A»t >• PROTECTION FR0M_FROM I'll » fm fruet l»r kiw '=‘WHITELEAD/i| (hsUTAUm^ [jU piTriT? lepislatkn wl enal.il! for tuch a purpose has l*en with ST.A.TH3ME3^JT ! ^fert dm to a »i foot rtra-t. Thr urUhliorboad b ^ lli Of CO. the I »'* «rr > (U^w* & n' and the ]iropm> 4<«rabtr Condition of the New World Fire bf ! DESHOXHESHON J limit^Te , 88. auT'kno^^^^^ LOUISVILLE, KY. ^ »• I wum: LK.\u^. ALEX. CASSF.DAY. Ill ^atwance Company I — -E— '""r. ; ~ :— applied to of the city of New T ar^ T 7: ~ a sulficient d.gree tends to PI - - oIRcr OD JH^raoB, . ; ^^1, axciia the vi- «AT» OF AI*% tkri8ISO IX THIi.U>ri8VILLt |' MteadSr „ , . Ci^lletm.j.sty^yueen Nicti.na, baa sent a York, on 1st j «» 1 goM lal ^e day of raaa«r> ab<;^ _5««ftf gmad door halo, properties cf plants^AII othar Match. 1859, J«»l KXALF<ik iOAil LAkAit At>\tKTIi»»-U».AtiVERTUfAtS. rvrwai ia Ihf(!?«SAa4 mhnnwt. things t» ire “ .*"T-J7L— ma rHr oacnr famkfa sniitrLox atd a meflal °»ade the Litb. gtras Ha« proa><^ £« for CapUiu liudstn of the » warm tempe.-ature ipcresws the ab.oTrtion to Anditor of the State of |i''f»P. Carso, aad >ambay Hab la^ >a (Mr MMrr. t» bar. MM. Ma«*. W bab-W alff arrmurd la a workiuauiUrc Broadway y oar«.attU. lsb*“ef aa Mr.uSISl 'TfSI^. f«« Lot for Sale or Exchange. '1»« «>u»s. the Kentucky .•H»l M««r 1 lUST Nirgara.forbUsetvic.sinlayingti.eAtUnUcCaUf. »nd eTaforation hv the laives: it ptusnantptuinant to the statuteatatnta of I of 1 p©Bir« bv Hbob©* rv»m *Jm Aaditar «4 iMstw.. momO» ••'-ralif aBlk©n©»<t !• - loCDtsd U* . 0mtk DflOlUoMi Ml- I . forfoi tW«io© OB Ul© M>nUl 8*4©, ^Jsw'S^ •”<* •« !« *? *T*^ — la >©4©«©*hu^orti rODTO, Wt ODD btttw©©n Irrstes the germinstiou that State: IT*’ !J I f Ul© I seeds, - .srai..'#©f© s theibo aavbbv ... It OiS2J ^ T H What rrerpt.i ii.n is 1 V S.utr to rreive f.ir wMt..h of the i.I -raawt‘r©BM©t kudiir..bw 4n©M m kenraakfMoDtBBkf nmimaadar Is-Ib- Si |>u. tbriDP MDDtlM. ‘i '‘’fwat.h- flswering . .• and feen rdation ..f plants, I ©ar©©©**wiraac. fj,wfjiw of twtb© .«UB»..«uie. tf* I»o.•o. fo«r »**^tb8•••etil* .... dU©> .. V I . 1 and the raa- v©^ — t 1*1*2 vitk Tl©»* W'llliDinr 4 Co.. G%» Ftlt©r* ©od , »id©w©lk imred. b©« »b©4« tret#, ©nd tbc ing the riecir.c lulsatiuns so faithfully .. ..^•Vt2 Iir4©«v through turity of fruits. .X.VMi;.SAMI'. A.NIi tbe©B Co.»aai»aCoMpaaic© *»*•*•tbt ©ttratiM«t»*n**an of thalb* •u l»V ... .. i •#! I^©.«xlO.MX m©«t*»* .. ru li©rK©i non©waew«k nar, Kaaewaa..vmwvm 8tr©et bnwltlPIVd WU h© anld Iaw gar «<»..•( ia. .a..a .... <*!!•> LiM.'ATI.rNLiW.’ATI.jN. laI© pc©-'©©t)Ba.a'.aila* the. M 22 S©. Til MAMT.Vl TIT.E W'l'TF. I.F.Ui i tfc iliiMpr- » IMPIir.VF.MF.NTS IN F f »«rDtAM U m•• AVISO LATELY MADE SOME jraarv weeks? I Mmttaiailh*, ©tmt ©*>arBBf ©M att©r©BM4 j, llir*>r v©Hi# t 'wdi fur © euitablr bouM ©ud ItH. 1 Ot^uiiv cold teiii|ierature diice.s ’^b' nana nl thi» Compaar la the w© dw M wfb ^ ! , *>U »««t uf j.-Je,j.'Jf, warrau!w*rr*ui to be «nu©le.iual inia iiualiiyqii©U(/ it j losdoiDAdu pr the opijmita re'ultv New W.>rM lifc I FO^s n ire now ott r to tlie trade our several•evef»l brandsbr©nd« olot thatth»t ar«r which »e anr©or I ©lut of tboir in4>tibl©«l •»4wmn©c ©ad prDmB«ltii4m ta IB© Mb* i%rnmitmfrmr4, 1 Na©* ©r Imd. i-^ mmmum ** •^ |qtw4r©< It diminishes the fuce *“>' LuouiMr.Looi*i©Br. ©mland ii11 Mia UeaiwdUic©l«4 InId laatb« cu,citr ogof X«w \ ark w iuos of each of the . rsnns’ n„ m *4* Bimlft 4tf In th© roanty . tlrabcBt (>f ktui^ ©ad •© biB< ©roriby of «BUr© cJB44Mi4 s mMmmm Xo. 7i Fourth i4r©©l, brl. ©cid *“*©ud 8«aic of N©w ©uMT. ©Bb»«-dM© *©dilf M©io M©iirt. fo- ia»Dui»cTunDyin©Quf©cruriDy tbotoo •nd ^ ’f""York ^ ^ 2 A© w© tiDTe crerv facimr for obt©iainr»t©i Dior our 8UM>II©«8um*!I©« of thn mwr©w m©t©ii«l,m©t©ii©l, ©nJ•nJ Mm©, wowt ©re SUSP nils vegeuthm. I 1 o©cry r>©p©cT tto^|»rw©«k.r-rMDB» <*©». b 4© ©** other inactiuBCtuzvr m the W ,SS^ FANCY GOOI>S. pr©p©red to offor our ©rticie© oo a© yood term* ©^y A VFITAla. Do. 4© t teat For Ekde, A silver p’ate, six by four inches, wa, found *•••“ Fuortli i4©©«4. b©tw©©o Matket ©«4 JefcooB, it hfg“ f*i»fe©l . At IK The of FiD©B D<4W©—I wtkolf »• Immmr ggR^ A o©©t R©©ideoc« ob Aecond ikreet, betv©«Q PALF: 4ock Mtd ©ompany I© MakOik, I©*'«©r un \\F H-WE NOW' OX HAM) AND TOR c. of ef "Iww VoeR. lotlTfDlP-41 under the southeast rner tba old F.daral I-I. wbM© t© 1 LIFE IN3CRAXCR CftMPT, i*©Mi8li©4 D(©t iwUTf*©-4l B'.e street TheThe rtTrersrtre. rs ©U ©ea©©*!/ p©ki!>«“ , MLTl'AL A4©«nwU©DUA4©©rt »8eiu©©u IbDWMkM h© foM44 © Urf© »o4 b©©otlfDl©»wtB»©m ol ifTwcB ©nd Walout. pn>du«.lproduce ' »»op *»ia caA. C©»c/ coiitaluiiK Komi The IwOl ! . 4©| upon plants hvbv an toe ela- 4PM M' *S.auS.J<s. sin "ik*^*****i saral anr. ; Cask caaSiai •o•© awd©©4 «iM o©8M©eaaw torl«r ©©rt*eadi wkr V ©r|M©©. r<i©Mi4*©r of F©B», OoidIm, Bmohm, f^ar- M!!f!!' t»**©wre« t5 feet fruot b>* l(iud««i). Tbb>pro(«rtr h'*** Brntiia, by workmen valwl ••‘"'P^ralnretemperature nre of A>8ETi.A.-iaF.T3. t ©r ©©<y^ l<» ‘«"s /?'"<* '» Cburub, engaged in demoloh- u*’^' two kinds, ereordingaccording grr ”*’?? ' asns A©©©©AawmeliirDf*©r oa*d.4a«s«#laM©4»4©t©*4l fsapfn'. pt>«Mi4r«. Pofist**©©*©* ©o4 l*»RPaa, ^©tcbe|iL o^iU b© wtld l>»w for |t©rt r©ah, 5,000 kfrs Whitf Lfad; i 'Tha .kmured pmniripmt* la the FrwRss “•»’^BoatSi Vb- ©nd rviiMun«l©r i© ©, DO It IS ar. Amount >f will b«' imrwd V 'ompuoied hy clrycnwi or ea^h iob©ok©ad ob AdrsvSMWWIsA4©*ci»«©aM-Bt« B.U B.arfced©aaiicpd D- inn^ C*r©©. C©r4 Ca©©©. iAgmr C©w«. WniW !>©4u 1C ©nU 1* luoiith©. Poiw> 88i«m rIr©o wbrorrer •'»<* •‘‘‘"f*' log the venerable (dilice. Tba plate bears tbe fuL ^ m>i©tnr* "'benWbon demred. 400 bbis Linsred Oil: I dr): 41..1Ai*.I eaarsrd.ex©rl©4. .. ©kt. |Vr©iBbul©ton, Forior COv, So M WnH ,0am IW/-W.I .#.Maar aN© KbIym, 1 Hs'ktt© ©o4 ©11 kiu4» F further btfonuatioo to Mcmt© slrvin I CONTINFNTAL INSCRA-NCE ^ .
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