Teen Sentenced to 74½ Years for Rape of Cape Charles Woman and Other Charges by Linda Cicoira Ported It

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Teen Sentenced to 74½ Years for Rape of Cape Charles Woman and Other Charges by Linda Cicoira Ported It Circulation 14,000 Free December 22, 2017 Teen Sentenced to 74½ Years for Rape of Cape Charles Woman and Other Charges By Linda Cicoira ported it. I called the probation office. Frederick Wayne Baker was sexually I wanted to know why no one ever did abused by his own mother as a young boy, anything about his curfews. I was try- possibly as early as 3 years old. He dem- ing to prevent” what later occurred. onstrated his plight publicly at 8 when But the younger Baker got violent, he tried to molest a fellow classmate. stealing his grandfather’s gun and then At 14, the Plantation Drive youth tried raping and sodomizing a young woman to rape his stepmother. After months of after abducting her off a bicycle in Cape inpatient treatment and several more Charles. He was 16. months at home, he was reported to au- Ruled as a lost cause by experts, fur- thorities by his father who knew he was ther treatment of Frederick Baker will on the wrong path. Baker was drink- be left to the state department of cor- ing alcohol, using drugs and had made rections. Judge W. Revell Lewis III sen- friends, a first for him, but with a bad tenced him to a total of 74.5 years for the crowd. charges, related gun offenses and sev- Daniel Baker testified Monday in eral violent crimes that occurred in the Northampton Circuit Court that he Eastern Shore Regional Jail (ESRJ) over fought to get his son away from his abu- the weeks and months that followed. He sive mother after the couple divorced, he was ordered to serve 34.5 years of active got him treatment several times, then time making his release date sometime tried to help him after his son tried to around 2051, when he will be 52. harm his wife. The woman, who was nev- Authorities were at a loss as to what er again left alone with the teenager, wel- else to do with him. His diagnosis was comed her stepson back after more treat- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder ment with high hopes he would do better. (ADHD), bipolar disorder and neglect, an “We were staying up on medications,” expert testified. He was a victim of physi- Daniel Baker said. After two sessions, cal and sexual abuse. His previous treat- a sex therapist told them he would be ment included learning to control his ver- leaving for another program. A juvenile bal and physical impulses. Photo by Linda Cicoira probation officer testified other sessions The woman, who was terrorized in a were set up for Frederick Baker. His fa- public restroom after Frederick Baker He’s Not Just Santa’s Favorite ther said later it wasn’t true and that (Continued on Page 9) the officer was trying to cover it up. By Linda Cicoira choose him over every other reindeer. When Daniel Baker realized his In Accomack and Northampton coun- “Rudolph, of course,” Jessica Bernard son was about to get in serious trouble Part Three of our ties, Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer, of Onley wrote in an email. “He went again, he notified juvenile probation of interview with is tops. from being underestimated and teased to his fears. But he said nothing was do- Tonya Bundick A holiday survey taken by the East- saving the day! He teaches all of us that ne. “Isn’t this a good reason we can get starts on Page 26. ern Shore Post this week disclosed we all have something to offer.” him off the streets now?” he asked. “He that about 75 percent of local folks (Continued on Page 31) came in past curfew, me and my dad re- 2 • EASTERN SHORE POST • DECEMBER 22, 2017 Broadband Authority Official Responds to Expansion Criticism By Stefanie Jackson by consulting firm, Columbia Telecom- two public “town hall” meetings. Nei- long fiber network along the Shore's re- Amid the controversy swirling munications Corporation. ther were the three local ISPs consid- maining 1200 miles of roads. Bridgham around Eastern Shore of Virginia CTC’s relationship with ESVBA be- ered equitably within the draft; one has been the acting executive director Broadband Authority’s announce- gan in 2016 when the firm conducted was mentioned throughout six pages since Nicholas Pascaretti left the posi- ment last month of its expansion to a rate study to determine whether the of the document, while the other two tion in May, and ESVBA recently be- seven new residential service areas, broadband authority's prices were too were omitted completely. gan advertising publicly for Pascaret- and questions whether ESVBA has high or too low. CTC found ESVBA's CTC did not follow the “statement ti’s permanent replacement. Bridgham the authority to provide broadband rates were “on par” with other broad- of work” in their contract with ESVBA has spoken with all five members of internet service directly to homes, band providers servicing similar areas. when drafting the strategic plan, nor the ESVBA board of directors and is ESVBA Executive Director Robert ESVBA was pleased with CTC’s work did they accept input from the broad- confident they are satisfied with his Bridgham addressed concerns about and tasked the firm with creating the band authority. ESVBA requested a work and experience. He has been in- how the authority is fulfilling its mis- broadband authority’s strategic plan to new project manager and expects CTC volved in ESVBA from the beginning, sion and goals. expand its fiber optic network across to finish the plan, though the firm has first as a consultant working out of Al- Bridgham shared a copy of the the Shore in a sustainable manner. not provided the broadband author- bany, N.Y., and then as the director of broadband authority's original charter, The plan was due in July 2017. That ity with a timeline for completion. network engineering before stepping approved by the federal government, month, CTC requested a 90-day exten- ESVBA became “tired of waiting” to in as acting executive director. which states that any “qualified ser- sion. The document ESVBA received expand within the community which The three private citizens on the vice provider” may provide broadband Oct. 20 was not a finished product, but has expressed a great need for broad- ESVBA board, Chair Elaine Meil, internet access to residences. The char- a draft which Bridgham stated was band accessibility; CTC and ESVBA Vice Chair John Reiter, and Peter Lal- ter does not specify that service provid- “full of errors” and not ready for public are now moving forward “in parallel,” or, whose terms expired in June, will ers must be within the private sector, release. The broadband authority was Bridgham said. continue to serve until Accomack and and ESVBA maintains it is qualified to “hugely disappointed” that the docu- Even after the strategic plan Northampton supervisors agree on provide broadband internet service to ment contained no summary of stake- has been corrected and completed, their replacements, in accordance with any end user. holder and public comments, provid- ESVBA may choose not to adopt CTC’s the Wireless Services Authorities Act ESVBA has been criticized for mov- ed in meetings between CTC and Ac- recommendations. of Virginia law. ing forward with the expansion of its comack and Northampton administra- Bridgham is poised to continue as Part Two of this story will appear “fiber-to-the-home” service before its tors, internet service providers (ISPs), ESVBA’s executive director and lead in next week’s edition of the East- strategic business plan is completed NASA, and other stakeholders, and at the initiative to extend the 300-mile ern Shore Post. Wishing Each of You a Very Merry Christmas and a New Year of Peace, 2-story, 3,400±SF Commercial Building Prosperity and Happiness. Income-Producing Property Recently Renovated The Chincoteague Mayor 241 MASON AVE, CAPE CHARLES, VA 23310 Arthur Leonard, and Council, Currently operated as the Cape Charles Coffee House Vice Mayor Denise Bowden, **Great location & layout for a coffee shop, restaurant, event center, or art gallery** Councilman Eddie Lewis, Lots 619 & 622, Cape Charles, Northampton County, Virginia (Tax Parcel Nos. --83A3-619B, 622A) Zoned C-1, Commercial District Councilwoman Ellen Buy it at YOUR price! No reserve. No minimum bid. Richardson, Councilman Ben ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Thursday, January 18 at 12:30PM Ellis, Councilman Gene Wayne Taylor, & Councilman Jim Frese ORDERED SOLD BY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES BROKERS Bid LIVE on-site or online! PROTECTED. atlanticREmarketing.com William J. Summs, Sr. (757) 461-6867 VAF#359 Eastern Shore Post Fridays, December 22 & 29 Fridays, January 5 & 12 1/4 page = $220 x’s 4 run(s) = $880 DECEMBER 22, 2017 • EASTERN SHORE POST • 3 Northampton Supervisors Approve Pond at Cherrystone Campground By Stefanie Jackson Woodward personally thanked consider amending a zoning ordinance lard said his property is “highly regu- Northampton Board of Supervisors Northampton supervisors and the to change the definition of a camp- lated,” accessible only to paying cus- Chairman Spencer Murray opened the county employees who assisted him ground to include recreational ponds tomers, and the pond would not pres- Dec. 13 meeting with “mixed emotions” and his mother during the “tragic” on the property, and to allow existing ent any new risk. as he presented supervisors Granville incident, and presented each with a Business and Commercial 1 districts Ballard elaborated on the “eco- Hogg and Larry Lemond, who are both framed letter of appreciation and Out- to have campgrounds and irrigation nomic impact” Cherrystone Camp- retiring from the board at the end of er Banks saltwater taffy. Woodward ponds by right.
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