BOA-22891 0 200 400 \T,.\ 18-12 10 BOARD of ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT

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BOA-22891 0 200 400 \T,.\ 18-12 10 BOARD of ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT t I I L [¡ IF {tl G 76 It¡r s !(o ¡ I I SUBJECT TRACT A RS-3 LR H A LR H c LEGEND A AG Sapulpa Corporate Limits Tulsa Corporate Limits Feet BOA-22891 0 200 400 \t,.\ 18-12 10 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CASE REPORT STR: 8210 Case Number: BOA-22891 CZM: 51 CD:2 A-P#: HEARING DATE= 0411412020 1:00 PM APPLICANT: Matt Jenkins ACTION REQUESTED: Variance to permit an accessory building in an RS-3 District to exceed 40% the floor area of the primary residential structure (Sec. 45.030-8) Variance to permit a detached accessory structure to be located in the street setback (Sec. 90.090-C) Variance to permit a detached acccesory building to exceed 18 feet in height and 10 feet in height to the top of the top plate (Sec. e0.0e0.c) LOCATION: 2828 W 78 ST S ZONED: RS-3 PRESENT USE: Residential TRACT SIZE: 100624.01 SQ FT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SE SE NWSW LESS N25 THEREOF FOR RD SEC 10 18 12 2.31AC5, RELEVANT PREVIOUS AGTIONS: BOA-14688: On 12.17.87 the Board granted a variance to permit an accessory building in the side yard property located 7804 S. 74th W. Ave. RELATIONSHIP TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Tulsa Comprehensive Plan identifies the subject property as part of an "Existing Neighborhood" and an "Area of Stability". An Existing Neighborhood is intended to preserve and enhance Tulsa's existing single-family neighborhoods. Development activities in these areas should be limited to the rehabilitation, improvement or replacement of existing homes, and small-scale infill projects, as permitted through clear and objective setback, height, and other development standards of the zoning code. The Areas of Stability include approximately 75% of the city's total parcels. Existing residential neighborhoods, where change is expected to be minimal, make up a large proportion of the Areas of Stability. The ideal for the Areas of Stability is to identify and maintain the valued character of an area while accommodating the rehabilitation, improvement or replacement of existing homes, and small- scale ínfill projects. The concept of stability and growth is specifícally designed to enhance the unique qualities of older neighborhoods that are looking for new ways to preserve their character and quality of life. The concept of stability and growth is specifically designed to enhance the unique qualities of older neighborhoods that are looking for new ways to preserve their character and quality of life. ANALYSIS OF SURROUNDING AREA: The subject tract is located West of the SWc of S. 28 W Ave. and W. 78th St. S. \(/. & RWTSED 4/L6/2O2O STAFF COMMENTS: The applicant is requesting a Variance to permit an accessory building in an RS-3 District to exceed 40% the floor area of the primary residential structure (Sec. 45.030-8) Variance to permit a detached accessory structure to be located in the street setback (Sec. 90.090- C) Variance to permit a detached acccesory building to exceed 18 feet in height and 10 feet in height to the top of the top plate (Sec. 90.090.C) Section 45.030 Accessory Buildings and Carports in R Districts 45.03û-A Accessory Buildilrg Size 1. RE and RS-t Districts ln RE and RS-1 district:. the total aggregate floor area of all detached årcessory buildings, inrlr-rding åccessory dwelling units, and åccessrry buildings nct erected as an integral part of the principal residential building mãy not exceed 750 square feet or 4CI96 of the floor area of the principal residential structure, whichever is greater. [1] Icrål* 9CI- l; Perm¡fted Setbsck ûåsfr¿¡cfions m fr Zonrhg üisfricts 5etback Obstrt¡ction 5treet 5ide Rear bui al z. Detacherl Accessory Buildirrgs, inch.rding Accessory Owelling Units, in RE" R5. RD Districts ancl RM Zonerl Lots Used for Detachecl llouses or Duplexes. å. Detarhed arcessory buildinga Íncluding,{ccessory Dwelling Units" may be located in rear setbacks provided that: It| The buíåding does not exceed one stsry or 18 feet ln height and is not more tt¡an 10 feet in height to the top cf the top plate; and Frgure -90-9: Jl,fçximum Fleiifif of.Arcessory 8u#dings, lnc/udrng,4ccessory CIwelimg t/nifs J¡l Êeor Sefåoc*s lRf, Rs anei fftl 0¡it¡Ícfs or RM Zoned Loß UserC/or Deforhed Houses or llçleresJ m¡r. 18' tûf plôtê ma¡.1û' detarhed øuessvy buildiry ar orersnry dlelling u:ait {?} Buildíng {overäge in the rear setbatk does not exreed the maximum lim its esta blished in -T.qþ.1ç-90-2: This property is eligible for the AG-R re-zon¡ng program. STATEMENT OF HARDSHIP: The area is agricultural in nature and was developed prior to the City's Comprehens¡ve Plan. \u.3 REVTSED 4/16/2020 SAMPLE MOTION: Move to (approve/deny) a Variance to permit an accessory building in an RS-3 District to exceed 40% the floor area of the primary residential structure (Sec. 45.030-8) Variance to permit a detached accessory structure to be located in the street setback (Sec. 90.090- C) Variance to permit a detached acccesory building to exceed 18 feet in height and 10 feet in height to the top of the top plate (Sec. 90.090.C) a Finding the hardship(s) to be a Per the Conceptual Plan(s) shown on page(s) _ of the agenda packet a Subject to the following conditions ln granting the Variance the Board finds that the following facts, favorable to the property owner, have been established: a. That the physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of the subject property would result in unnecessa4l hardships or practícal difficulties for the property owner, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of the regulations were carried out; b. That literal enforcement of the subject zoning code provision is not necessary to achieve the provision's intended purpose ; c. That the conditions leading to the need of the requested variance are unique to the subject property and not applicable, generally, to other property withín the same zoning classification; d. That the alleged practical difficulty or unnecessa4l hardship was not created or self-imposed by the current property owner; e. That the variance to be granted is the minimum variance that will afford relief; f. That the variance to be granted will not alter fhe essential character of the neighborhood in which the subject property is located, nor substantially or permanently impair use or development of adjacent property; and g. That the variance to be granted will not cause substantial detriment to the public good or impair the purposes, sprrft and intent of this zoning code or the comprehensive plan." \u.q REVTSED 4/76/2020 Subject property Focing East 78th W Ave. \1r.5 Jeff S. Taylor DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Zoning Official 175 EAST 2Nd STREET, SUITE 450 Plans Examiner lll TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103 TEL(918) 596-7637 jstaylor@cityoff ZONING CLEARANCE PLAN REVIEW jenkinsmwi@gmail'comMatt Jenkins azgrzozo APPLICATION NO: BLDR-5381 0-2020 (PLEASE REFERENCE THIS NUMBERWHEN CONTACTING OUR OFFICE) Project Location:2828 W 78 st S Description: Detached Accessory Building INFORMATION ABOUT SUBMITTING REV¡SIONS OUR REVIEW HAS IDENTIFIED THE FOLLOWING CODE OMISSIONS OR DEFICIENCIES IN THE PROJECT APPLICATION FORMS, DRAWNGS, AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. THE DOCUMENTS SHALL BE REVISED TO COMPLY WTH THE REFERENCED CODE SECTIONS. REVISIONS NEED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. A COPY OF THIS DEFICIENCY LETTER 2. A WRITTEN RESPONSE AS TO HOW EACH REVIEW COMMENT HAS BEEN RESOLVED 3. THE COMPLETED REVISED/ADDITIONAL PLANS FORM (SEE ATTACHED) 4. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL DOCUMENTS, IF RELEVANT REVISIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE CITY OF TULSA PERMIT CENTER LOCATED AT 175 EAST 2Nd STREET, SUITE 450, TULSA, OKLAHOM A 74103, PHONE (918) 596-9601 . THE CITY OF TULSA WLL ASSESS A RESUBMITTAL FEE. DO NOT SUBMIT REVISIONS TO THE PLANS EXAMINERS. SUBMITTALS FAXED / EMAILED TO PLANS EXAMINERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. SUBMTT TWO (2) SETS [4 SETS rF HEALTH DEPARTMENT REVIEW lS REQUIRED] OF REVISED OR ADDITIONAL PLANS. REVISIONS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WTH CLOUDS AND REVISION MARKS. 2. TNFORMATTON ABOUT ZONTNG CODE, |NDIAN NATION COUNCTL OF GOVERNMENT (INCOG), BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (BOA), AND TULSA METROPOLITAN AREA PLANNING COMMISSION (TMAPC) tS AVATLABLE ONLTNE AT \A/\ /.TNCOG.ORG OR AT INCOG OFFICES AT 2W.2nd ST.,8th FLOOR, TULSA, OK,74103,^ PHONE (918) 584-7526. 3. A COPY OF A'RECORD SEARCH' f tls t x llS NOT INCLUDED WITH THIS LETTER. PLEASE PRESENT THE'RECORD SEARCH" ALONG WTH THIS LETTER TO INCOG STAFF AT TIME OF APPLYING FOR BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION AT INCOG. UPON APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, INCOG STAFF WLL PROVIDE THE APPROVAL DOCUMENTS TO YOU FOR IMMEDIATE SUBMITTAL TO OUR OFFICE. (See revisions submittal procedure above.). (continued) \\"'U REVIEW COMMENTS SECTIONS REFERENCED BELOW ARE FROM THE CITY OF TULSA ZONING CODE TITLE 42 AND CAN BE VIEWED AT pl h ttp : /itu I sa a n n i n q. o rg/p I a n s/T u I s aZo n i ngC od e. pdf Application No. BLDR-53810-2020 Note: As provided for in Section 70,130 you may reguest the Board of Adjustment to grant a variance from the terms of the Zoning Code requirements ldentified in the letter of deficiency below. Please direct all questions conceming variances, special exceptions, appeals of an administrative officlal decislon, Master Plan Developments Districts (MPD), Planned Unit Developments (PUD), Corrldor (CO) zoned distrlcts, zoning changes, platting, lot splits, lot combinations, altemative compliance landscape and screening plans and all questions regarding (BOA) or (TMAPC) application forms and fees to an INCOG representative at 584'7526.
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