A Net Decrease in the Earth's Cloud, Aerosol, And
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EGU Journal Logos (RGB) Open Access Open Access Open Access Advances in Annales Nonlinear Processes Geosciences Geophysicae in Geophysics Open Access Open Access Natural Hazards Natural Hazards and Earth System and Earth System Sciences Sciences Discussions Open Access Open Access Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 8505–8524, 2013 Atmospheric Atmospheric www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/8505/2013/ doi:10.5194/acp-13-8505-2013 Chemistry Chemistry © Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. and Physics and Physics Discussions Open Access Open Access Atmospheric Atmospheric Measurement Measurement Techniques Techniques Discussions Open Access A net decrease in the Earth’s cloud, aerosol, and surface 340 nm Open Access reflectivity during the past 33 yr (1979–2011) Biogeosciences Biogeosciences Discussions J. Herman1,2, M. T. DeLand3,2, L.-K. Huang3,2, G. Labow3,2, D. Larko3,2, S. A. Lloyd5,2, J. Mao4,2, W. Qin3,2, and C. Weaver4,2 Open Access 1Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET) Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD Open Access 21228, USA Climate 2 Climate NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA of the Past 3Science Systems and Applications (SSAI), Inc., Lanham, MD 20706, USA of the Past 4Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, USA Discussions 5Wyle Science, Technology and Engineering, Houston, TX 77058, USA Open Access Open Access Correspondence to: J. Herman ([email protected]) Earth System Earth System Dynamics Received: 17 October 2012 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 13 December 2012 Dynamics Revised: 25 June 2013 – Accepted: 12 July 2013 – Published: 27 August 2013 Discussions Open Access Open Access Abstract. Measured upwelling radiances from Nimbus-7 the Earth’s surface and an increaseGeoscientific of 1.4 % or 2.3 W m−2 ab- Geoscientific SBUV (Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet) and seven NOAA sorbed by the surface, whichInstrumentation is partially offset by increased Instrumentation SBUV/2 instruments have been used to calculate the 340 nm longwave cooling to space.Methods Most of the and decreases in LER Methods and Lambertian equivalent reflectivity (LER) of the Earth from occur over land, with the largest decreases occurring over Data− Systems − 1979 to 2011 after applying a common calibration. The the US (−0.97 RU decade 1), Brazil (−0.9 RU decade 1), Data Systems 340 nm LER is highly correlated with cloud and aerosol and central Europe (−1.35 RU decade−1). There are re- Discussions Open Access Open Access cover because of the low surface reflectivity of the land flectivity increases near the west coast of Peru and Chile Geoscientific and oceans (typically 2 to 6 RU, reflectivity units, where (0.8 ± 0.1 RU decade−1), overGeoscientific parts of India, China, and In- Model Development 1 RU = 0.01 = 1.0 %) relative to the much higher reflectiv- dochina, and almostModel no changeDevelopment over Australia. The largest ity of clouds plus nonabsorbing aerosols (typically 10 to Pacific Ocean change is −2 ± 0.1 RU decade−1 over the cen- Discussions 90 RU). Because of the nearly constant seasonal and long- tral equatorial region associated with ENSO. There has been Open Access term 340 nm surface reflectivity in areas without snow and little observed change in LER over central Greenland,Open Access but ice, the 340 nm LER can be used to estimate changes in there has been a significantHydrology decrease over and a portion of the Hydrology and cloud plus aerosol amount associated with seasonal and in- west coast of Greenland.Earth Similar System significant decreases in Earth System terannual variability and decadal climate change. The an- LER are observed over a portion of the coast of Antarctica nual motion of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), for longitudes −160◦ to −60◦ andSciences 80◦ to 150◦. Sciences episodic El Nino˜ Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and latitude- Discussions Open Access dependent seasonal cycles are apparent in the LER time se- Open Access ries. LER trend estimates from 5◦ zonal average and from ◦ ◦ Ocean Science 2 × 5 , latitude × longitude, time series show that there has 1 Introduction Ocean Science been a global net decrease in 340 nm cloud plus aerosol re- Discussions flectivity. The decrease in cos2(latitude) weighted average The Earth’s energy balance is mostly determined by the LER from 60◦ S to 60◦ N is 0.79 ± 0.03 RU over 33 yr, cor- shortwave solar energy received at the Earth’s surface, ab- Open Access responding to a 3.6 ± 0.2 % decrease in LER. Applying a sorbed by the atmosphere and reflected back toOpen Access space, and the fraction of longwave energy emitted to space. Both 3.6 % cloud reflectivity perturbation to the shortwave energy Solid Earth balance partitioning given by Trenberth et al. (2009) corre- the incoming solar radiation,Solid which includes Earth near-ultraviolet sponds to an increase of 2.7 W m−2 of solar energy reaching (NUV), visible, and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths, and Discussions the emitted outgoing longwave infrared radiation (IR) are Open Access Open Access Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. The Cryosphere The Cryosphere Discussions 8506 J. Herman et al.: Net decrease in the Earth’s cloud, aerosol, and surface 340 nm reflectivity affected by the presence of clouds and aerosols. Clouds can One of the more accurate cloud data sets is from the simultaneously reflect shortwave radiation back to space be- CERES instrument starting on TRMM (Tropical Rainfall fore it reaches the Earth’s surface (resulting in cooling) and Measuring Mission) in a low-inclination tropical orbit and act as a thermal blanket to trap longwave radiation (heating) continuing on the polar-orbiting TERRA satellite starting in in the lower atmosphere. One of the key questions concern- 1999 and Aqua in 2002. Direct comparison of broadband ing global warming is the response of clouds as surface tem- CERES data (300–5000 nm) with the narrowband 340 nm peratures change. Many model studies showing temperature LER is difficult because of wavelength-dependent effects and increases indicate a positive feedback for clouds reflecting significant changes in surface reflectivity affecting CERES, energy back to space (IPCC, 2007) – that is, as the average but not the 340 nm LER. Two other long-term cloud data temperature increases cloud cover decreases so that more so- sets exist, AVHRR (visible and infrared channels) and HIRS lar energy reaches and is absorbed by the Earth’s surface, (multiple broadband channels from 3 to 15 microns), which which is partially offset by increased outgoing IR radiation. have surface reflectivity sensitivity in addition to diurnal It is generally agreed that there has been a statistically sig- cloud variation from drifting orbits similar to the SBUV/2 nificant increase in global average temperature since 1979. (Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet 2) instruments. These data sets An estimate of the increase is 0.15 ◦C decade−1 (Hansen et have required corrections for the drifting orbits (e.g., Labow al., 2010), or about 0.5 ◦C since 1979. However, in response et al., 2011; Foster and Heidinger, 2012). An analysis of IS- to the temperature increase, the direction of cloud feedback CCP cloud frequency (Wylie et al., 2005) shows a strong de- based on observations is still an open question. crease over land for latitudes 20◦ N to 60◦ N that was not The global heat flow can be partitioned approximately seen in corresponding HIRS observations. ISCCP shows a as 341 W m−2 average incoming solar radiation, 102 W m−2 larger decrease over 20–60◦ N oceans, while HIRS shows a reflected back to space, and 239 W m−2 from outgoing small increase. Evan et al. (2007) suggest that the long-term longwave radiation (Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997; Tren- decreases in cloud cover reported from the ISCCP data may berth et al., 2009; Stevens and Schwartz, 2012). Of the not be reliable, but are instead related to uncorrected satellite 102 W m−2 reflected radiation, 74 W m−2 is reflected by viewing geometry effects. clouds and aerosols, 5 W m−2 by the molecular atmosphere, and 23 W m−2 by the surface. Clouds block some of the long- wave radiation that would be emitted back to space, so that a 2 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) data decrease in global cloud amount would increase the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface (more heat- In October 1978, the first of a series of well calibrated UV ing), and increase the amount radiated back to space (more measuring satellite instruments, SBUV (Solar Backscatter cooling). Depending on the effect of clouds on longwave ra- Ultraviolet) instrument was launched onboard the Nimbus- diative forcing, a global decrease in cloud plus aerosol reflec- 7 spacecraft for the purpose of measuring changes in the tivity could cause an increase in net heating. This paper dis- Earth’s ozone amount. The measurements were continued cusses one aspect contributing to the energy balance, namely with overlapping data by a series of NOAA SBUV/2 instru- the change in the 340 nm Lambertian equivalent reflectivity ments (1985 to present). A summary of these instruments is (LER) of the Earth’s cloud plus aerosol amounts as seen from given in Table 1. The longest wavelength channel, 340 nm space for the past 33 yr (1979 to 2011). with a bandpass 1 of 1.1 nm FWHM (full-width half max- Since the long-term wavelength-integrated top-of-the- imum), was chosen in order to measure radiances with al- atmosphere (TOA) solar irradiance is believed to be rela- most no ozone absorption as part of the ozone retrieval al- tively stable (to within 0.1 %) over recent history (Kopp and gorithm.