O'CONXOB, ESQ. M.P. T0 FEAEGUS could mako tlieni sfte, that hi a ' national pro- Halifax, April 20tli. tective and constructive'combuiatiou lies their, Peak Sib,—Yon are apprised of some pro- only salvation . rTliat their first efforts, through: such a combination rc« t\ertv left to you, near Halifax, and we are , should bo directed io heye tho labour of |t expectation that yoa will, ere long, visit market from some its super- neighbourhood, to make some arrange- incumben t load, which the thousands tbey oar annual l about it This being our expectation, y spend in unproductive strikes would ments soon committee has been formed to make provi- accomplish effectually. This would pava a you are and the way ^tm for a lecture while here ; in to the next great object tbey should aspire to —- tho establishing case that cannot be, you have announced m self-supporting home colonies, embracing agricultura l I the Star your inten tion to take a Northern and aniTnationa manufacturing pursuits • and hure ' l TRIPES' the greater summer, in either, or both cases j ournal. this , tour the amount of machinery they gboukl they happen, we shall be glad to hear - could surround * ^ ¦ themselves with, the more would it conduce to from vou, either by letter or through the Star, M.— XIY. P. 704 LluljMiUMTsif ' ._ . "]_ . • «r«ve Mhiiiinga a»« Sixpence pur Quarter ' ' .. jk™^ their welfaremid happiness, and not, a \ if possible, fourteen days before your visit I * s now, Burnley, who in a telling speech, pointed out the to their ruin and degradation. Th is is the The Committee is composed of about twenty ©ijartfet Jnteilitttitte NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ot this doctrine evils inflicted by the Northern Autocrat. After whioh . put forth, as an irrefutable only checkmate which cittl be given to tho of the Old Gnards, with power to add to carried. UNITED TRADES. axiom. . NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION. the following resolutions were unanimously aggressions of capital, upon the rights of in- their number. We know that you are unwell, —" That in the opinion of this meeting the Polish T. S. Buncombe, Esq., JI.P. President, Although Offices 14 are ' f the rate of production is inereasin" dustry. and bare been so some time; and, of course, , Southampton-street, Strand. and Hungarian Refugees in this country, Established 1815. greatly, from causes, described in the deserving good J .Times of; the The day for the realisation of these mea- •R-e wish to leave the matter iu your own hands, The Executive Committee of this body held their the sympathy and support of the 21st inst., the number of unemployed hands is daily usual weekly b e and benevolent of all classes of society, inasmuch sures, , far distant. and by no means to stir from your resting meeting, as a ov , on Wednesday " fiat jhstitia." increasing, and,' at' the present time, in an d around we think cannot be very evening last ; John Milne in the chair. A large as their exile is caused by their glorious efforts to Nottinghanvalone, nearly 1 To this complexion we must come ; to this— \ lace Bllyonr health is restored. We sincerel Ifiit were possible ,500 hands are said to p y amount of correspondence from various localities emancipate suffering humanity from the atrocious " for thTworking classes, by com- have been discharged during the last sis the most fri htful a a c or the most soul- Trisb your restoration to health by Mr. bimng among themselves, to raise,1 or keep up the general Only a weeks' g n r hy, , and that your and individuals was read. despotism uf Austria and Russia." Moved rate of wages, u iKud few of the best hand-wrought hose will con. Messrs YViielright, seconded by Mr. J. Mooney.— That as hardly b'e said tliat this would be a tmue to be debasing slavery ; to one or the other, things valuable life may bo spared to see the down- . Bolton and Clifton attended as a deputa- " thing not to be punished, but to be welcomed and rejoiced made by the old class of stocking frames, that tion to solicit the. assistance of the Executive, in you have affirmed that the Refugees are worthy of at while the largo mass of cheap are rapidl y approaching. fall of system against which your iore- meeting ' Stuart Mill. goods in stocking order to resuscitate the movement in tbo parish of the support of every class in society, this drawers, socks, &o., vriJ2. hereafter bo produced William Puel, Secretary, fatherS: and yourself have so nobly fought. St. Pancras therefore pledges itself to use every means iu its from , and tbe Secretary having been in- In our article of the 19th ult., offered roundabout frames, which at the present'time 259, Tottenham Court Road. We shall look for a word from you by Saturday structed to act with the power to carry out the first resolution." Moved we are being built m ¦ deputation in getting up a some remarks upon the influence considerable numbers. Indon.l i next, either by letter or in the Star , and if public meeting for that rp , the deputation by T. Barker, seconded by Mr. S. Stott. . of machinery such are tlie changes constantly - * pu ose upon the fortunes of taking place, both this note be successful, we shall only have to withdrew. Bniauro.v.—The following resolution was put at labour. While we cau- ill laco and hosiery machinery, that every week •x a general meeting body. That tiously guarded ourselves brings out some DREADFUL RAILWAY ACCIDEN T. announce it and we have no doubt of a good John Shaw attended from the united Councils of of the Chartist —" from being supposed novelty, to surpass the inventions -* the Tower Hamlets to advise the Executive at the this meeting regrets the publication of the letter, in ignorant of the immense and adaptations of the EIGHT LIVES LOST meeting. advantages which week preceding. Some . present time not to hold open-air meetings in or the NorOtem Star respecting the refugees, some part scientific improvements hosiers are building roundabout frames, simply on Here follows the names of the Committee :— around the of which has'been misconstrued, but consider Mr. and mechanical inven- M. Olaussens principle Metropolis to adopt the National tions are calculated , while others arc employing A fearful collision took place on the Lanca- B. Eashtbn, F. Mitchell, Wm. Maud, Petition, and Mr. Shaw being informed that the O' Connorjustified in guarding tbe people against any to confer upon society, the best mechanics they can find when introduced , to improve them in shire and Chester Junction Railway, between, H. Hayle, J. Sutcliffe, R. Sutcliffe, Executive repudiated the idea of holding such attempt being made by foreigners visiting London , with a due consideration for various wa.vs-some.. adapting the Jacquard, ano- creating arevolution. Knowing such a would the immediate ther contriving; ' trains running from Chester races to Man- D. Lawson, J. R. Holden, J. Lawson, meetings in the Metropolitan districts, but, in the course interests of those upon whom the means of adapting steam power country, inion that out-door meet- cause the government to entrapour best advocates ; to working theni in factories chester, on Wedueaduy evening. Three very J. Wadswortb, Win. Barette, Samuel they were of op the pressure of its introduction is more severely , while others improve ings might and ought to be held; Mr. Shaw then and most likely Mr. O'Connor would be sacrificed , upon the simplicity of tlicir construction or power bug and crowded trains left Chester in the* J. Fletcher, D. Iiawngley, J. f elt,:,we expressed our strong conviction that " Magson, retired. which we should truly regret. We have full confi- of speed. These inventions are superseding tho evening for Manchester, and the locomotive dence in that gentleman, for the many services ha great injustice had, in numerous instanc es, emine class of Bean, W. Lister, and H. Fletcher. . It was reported that Ernest Jones had received infl icted the ' operatives who recently were, for power of the first train being insufficient a letter from Sir George Grey, stating that he (Sir has rendered the cause of democracy." ite^ii upon working olassea by the many months, i for B. Rushtok, secretary. on str ke, and" succeeded by that the weight behind , it came George) declined to.receive a deputation relative to Shefeieuj:—AttiTneeting held on Sunday, April combined influence of the avaricious, monopo- means in obtaining a higher rate of remuneration to a stand still ia Frost, Williams, Jones, and Ellis but that he would 27th , at Mr. Edward Grayson's the long tunnel between Frodsbam and Sutton OF HALIFAX. , , 22, Steelhouse- lising spirit of cap ital, and the culpable apa- f rom their employers, andat tho same time they'settle TO THE MEN present the in?moral to the Queen, on behalf of the lane—Mr. Bagshaw in the chair—a resolution was the long-vexed —a tunnel about a mile and a half in length. th y of the Legislature , in withholding that question of "frame rent" very sum- said persons, if respectfully worded. passed approving of the conduct of Mr. Bezer in marily. The strike of tho Stocking makers cost A second train ran in to them soon afterwards, tbe late protection to the vested rights of labour, which My Friends of Halifax,—Although I Messrs. Araott and Jones were appointed to take Conference, and condemnatory of Mr. them more than £3,000 in direct contributions , be- but was fortunately going at so slow a pace, have understood, and from good authority, the memorials to tbe Home Office , and also to see O'Connor. is never withheld from any other class of the sides many thousands indirectly, while remaining Thomas Buncombe that but a few persons were hurt by tho col- that an attempt has been made in your town , M.P., with reference to bring- body politic, when, in their cases, public utility so Jong unemployed. The sweeping changes hero ing the case of the expatriated patriots before the indicated are the causes lision. The third train appears to have come character, I am glad to f ind by TIIE NEW CHaUTIST MOVEMENT. and private interest are brought into collision . of much anxiety to all to injure my House of Commons, and the Secretary was instruc- classes in the manufacturing districts of the mid- up and run into the second train at a fearful ' hat it has not succeeded. I never Compensation is the invariable rule when the your tetter t ted to solicit the attendance of the whole of the de- . Chartism has returned to town after three land counties, particularly in and around Sotting- speed. meet any antagonism ; I always legates to in surrender of class interests is demanded ; personally the late Chartist Convention, resident years' absence, and is reintroduced to the public by ham. Colonel Petit, one of the 50th regiment, in the hands of the good Lyndon, at the above office , on Wednesday evening, even for the public benefit, labour is the sole leave my character the Tints. Chartism, which appeared tokave com- Sweeping changes, indeed. Alas ! for says : I was in a first class carriage near the Old Guards. And now I have great pleasure May 7th, at half past eight o'clock, to act with the mitted suicide in 1848, like an Indian devotee at and constant exception. Executive as a committee, to carry out the decision labour. Oh, when will tho working men see end of a train which left Chester at about a in informing you that, although I have been the feast of Juggernaut, by a voluntary prostration ...Wo noticed the Herculeneail difficulties of the said Convention relative to the exiles. under the feet of the Special Constable ' that strikes do not remedy their grievances, quarter to seven in tho evening. It was a long; ill indeed for five weeks, that my health , suddenly thrown in the way of our law reformers, by very Thornton Hunt then read the following, which arises in the midst of us—" medio defonte leporum } but reall y aggravate them ? Strikes but sti- train. When we arrived at the tunnel (Frod- , as I have told several was unanimously parties who set up their claims for a vested is again restored ; and adopted as the —with renewed life ! It seems by the great chroni- mulate and hasten the march of machinery, sham) the train came to a dead stop for want Ministers of the Crown 10. the House of Com- NATIONAL right in a public wrong. If the specious rea- PETITION. cle of the day, that the unknown Mirabeaus and and in no instance check or prevent it. Ma- of steam, aud the next train ran into us front mons, I am determined to live five hundred "To the Honourable (he Commons of Great Britain Sieyes have been sitting in convention, whence soning by which these injurious monopolies «* chinery must be made to be the slave of man, behind , although the guard had been sent years, if I don't carry the Charter before and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, they have issued a programme" of action for tbe are thus successfully maintained—such as a and not his destroyer ; and this can only bo back with his light lo show as n signal of that time. I have been very frequently in " The humble Petition of se son, as comprehensive as any from the energetic long established custom, creating a sortof per- brain of Mr. Lumley, propounding a general re- done by a determined effort of tho working danger. Tho train had not boon standing our town, and I have always been well re- " Shewetb, That the People of this country, in petual patent or freehol d right, that these mo- y gr<-at numbers, bare called upon your Honourable organisation of society—universal suffrage, rfaut man to become its possessor, and claiming more than two or three minutes, but had been ved by your order. nopolies had been recognised by the Legisla- cei House to grant them the right of tbo franchise, on of labour, nationalisation of land, and what not. and sharing its benefits by the ri ght of going very slowly a long time. The carriage ards this is the second day of This reappe arance, with much ture, which by legislating f or their regulati on Isdvr, Old Gu , the principle that every tax-payer ought to be an so redundancy of ownership. was entirel y smashed. I became insensible the Exhibition, and , thank Gob, as yet there elector. vigour—on paper—will surprise many of our (as iu the case of the West India slaveholders) The Editor of the Nottingham Mercury— f or a time, and on recovering found myself bas been no revolution in London ; but, never- " That a measure for that purpose, entitled " The readers who have supposed that Chartism was had sanctioned their existence, and thus lega- decentl who writes, of course, in tho interest of the sitting on a portion of the carriage, the frame- People's Charter," and embodying the following y buried after the 10th of April 184.S. But lised a social enormity—we say, if such rea- theless, the Frencb papers state, and the sudden resurrections are as common on the politi- employing class—affects to allay the fears ex- work of which appeared to have been de- details—Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, An- is deemed valid, and that in such in- Times reports it, that there is to be a Districts No cal as they are on the theatrical stage. It is true soning cited by the present aspect of affairs. His stroyed, for I walked out on on e side on a nual Parliaments, Equal Electoral , stances a claim for compensation is recognised revolution in France on the 4th of May Property Qualification, and Payment of Members- that in one sense Chartism has been dead : the whole argument ho borrows from the Pol itical level with the ground , and came in contact members of "the working classes," disgusted with by the state and tolerated, (we had almost —that is on Sunday next—but I hope was composed by members of your Honourable Economy, School, and may be expressed by with the side of the tunnel. I saw several House, jointly with certain persons of the class at the failure of their great demonstration, with the said sanctioned) by public opinion the revolution that will take place in this ; with how what he terms one of its soundest axioms— people—I think four or five—who 1 believed present denied the right of representation, and was conduct of their " leaders," with tbe discredit much more force and justice should the work- country will be a mental revolution. And, as thrown on their monster petition " that supply creates demand." had been killed, lying ou tbe ground ; and afterwards submitted to your Honourable House, " " by the whole- 's claim for compensation be consi- a good thing cannot be repeated too often, let sale importation of ribald signatures, have since iug man We wish it was so as regards labour, but wo a good many camo on with tho train, with and has from time to time been urged upon your stence is me remind you of my old maxim—"Moral adoption by the petitions of the People. been totally inert and apathetic. The prosperity dered , when his very means of exi have always been told by the same class of broken legs and other injuries. Mrs. Ridg- which rudel violated and torn from him—not 80 " power is the deliberative quality in each " That the provisions of that measure have seve- is SO grateful to the Chancellor of the Ex- y philosophers, that the sole cause of tho misery way, of Bolton, I am told, was tho name of 's mind whichteac hes him how to rea- rally been acknowledged as sound and just. chequer has contributed to this inertness, Candid much for the public good, as f or the private " man , politicians admitted as probable of the millions arose from their redundancy, as a lad y killed. I was severely shaken, but and when forbearance " That these facts arc too well known to your HO" , that many of the emolument of individual capitalists ? - " son, how to endure, genuine old original Chartists held aloof from the compared with the demand for their labour. beyond that, aud some cuts on the head and becomes a crime fail to nourable House to render any lengthened enforce- \Tlie position of the working nian, thrown " , and should that ment of them at all necessary. joint demonstration with tbe Irish ; and it would But we always observe, that those gentlemen f ace, with a bruise on one leg, sustained no u which he out of loyment, without notice and without secure for man all those rights to " That, therefore, your petitioners begof your Ho- appear from the names now advanced that most of emp use their arguments after the same fashion as injury. Surgical attendance was provided for h f the quondam leaders have compensation the introduction of some new " is justly entitled, and should p ysical orce nourable House forthwith to enact that the provi- dropped oft through , by the traveller did his cloak, to suit exactly the sufferers. I camo on to Manchester, and «be death or disappointment and disgust. From sta- required (which GOD FORBID), it sions of tbe FeopJe'sCbarter be the law of tbe land. machine, is one of unequalled injustice and opposite purposes—to keep tho heat out or to arrived there at half-past two to three in the " And your petitioners will ever pray, " tistics that have come out in the recent movements specious fiction " will come to his aid like an electric shock, &e. severity. The law which, by a , keep it in. They seem to possess the happy morning. The Committee then adjourned to Wednesday of the Chartist body, it would appear that the is said to be impartial and sufficiently effi- " but the man who marshalsit destroys it; number of those claiming to bo members of tbe the faculty of blowing hot and cold with the Tho guard of the third train said : We left evening, May 7th. cacious protector of the lives and propert of " and the man who recommends it is a kuave Signed on behalf of the Committee, Association does not amount to 4,000, for the whole y breath of the same argument, just as it suits Chester at half-past seven. There wore of Great Britain; a fact both rich and poor, steps in and completes the " and a traitor, and will be the first to desert Jobs Arsoti, General Secretary. which would alone imply the occasion. lights at the tail of tho second train, but the that tbe numbers in the separate towns must be f ull lement of the wrongs inflicted b " it" comp , y its We give one short extract from the Notting- steam from the engines bo filled the tunuel that when I am Mascuesier, utterly insignificant. In its three-years' burial, connivance upon labour. This impartial, im- Old Guards , I assure you, — On Sunday evening last a lecture Chartism has ham Mercury, which will give a lively idea o f that we could not see them. was delivered to a numerous audience by J. Leach wasted to a bare skeleton. Few who moping about ia my own house, the working have thought of it at all would be prepared to learn maculate, law say s to the poor man, work for the magnitude of the evil which ia now over- Mr. Auaill, superintendent of the Electric oh " The Difficulties of the Land Company—their support youv famil b tbo pro- classes are never out of my mind, and when I such a complete ossification of the once formidable your living, y y taking one already deeply oppressed body of Telegraph for tho Manchester district, says : Causes, and the Duty of the People in reference body. ceeds of your industry, or take, your choice of was a rich man I gave every farthing of my thereto." Mr. Leach said, it would be scarcely men, and of the glorious pre-eminence we are I was in a first-class carriage (about the fifth) money to the poor ; but now I am a poor man, It would be difficult indeed to reconcile that the alternatives—imprisonment in a pauper possible to introduce a question of higher impor- wasting to enjoy, nationa lly, in the privilege of supply- of the second- train. The first train of tho as I have been RUINED BY EXPENSES, tance than the one for consideration that evening. with the preservation of any life at all, if it gaol , or in the House of Correction—while the were only a matter of statistics ; and on their show- ing twopenny stockings to tho Hottentot, three left Chester about fi ve minutes to seven according to Lord Melbourne's maxim. It was not a question of an isolated or local nature ing, the prostration of Chartism mi iron man, the creator of the modern Franken- Bushmen , aud the wild denizens of all quar - on Wednesdsiy evening, and consisted of about —it was tbe question of the world, and went to the ght be as unduly They are shortly to have an election for a new exaggerated now as its vigour and dimensions stein, the non-consuming automoton of fi ve ters of the globe. What signifies the destruc- twenty carriages. The second left about a root of all their social vrrongs an d political iniqui- once were. The Charter hundred-man-power, is earning five hundred President in France, and the SPECIAL ties; hut he was sorry that he bad nothing very Association, however, tion of one of our staples of manual labour I It quarter-past seven. In the Frodsham tunnel still retains some faculties. Although but a skele- men's wages, and pouring them into the coffers CONSTABLE Pbesh>est well knows that cheering to advance on hebalf of that particular thirt y thousand of our fellow-countrymen are we struck tho first traiu, but did not smash coun- part of the subject. ton, it stiil has its members stationed in the towns of a class, who—stimulated by the most in- some of the most influential men in that .Beiore be proceeded further, of the non-agricultural districts, possessing a ma- doomed to go stockingless, shoeless, or even it, on account of our going at the time very he would explain his position iu reference to the tense avarice, and an ambition, insatiate and try are his greatest opponents, and now, mark chinery inferior only to that of some of the great houseless and foodless, the hosiers will build slowly. No person in our train was hurt b National I/uid Company. It was true, his pecuni- illimitable—is r idly rearing y wbatltellyou. To provetoyou thatself-interest religious associatons ; its members are among tbe ap itself up into a up grand houses, and grow sleek and fat, by that I think ; but a few persons in the first ary interest iu its funds were but small, having rampant aristocracy, is the basis of human action, he would rather active politicians of the working classes : they arc which, with a vampire the largeexport trade they will drive in their train were bruised, Wo had not become never paid more than 5s. towards a four-acre share, able in some places to show what intelligence acti- instinct will suck that ten million Frenchmen wereslaug htered , which he took up when the Company first com- , up the very life blood of the twopenny roundabout hosiery, with nations stationary more than three or four vity, f ixed purpose, and organization can do in cre- nation. minutes, if it preserved his position, than save the lives menced operations. It was not his intention to de- the Staffordshire and peoples five thousand miles away. Think when the third train ran into us, producing ating practical influence. In That the people—that is, the working peo- of every one of them if he lost it; while, I tail tbe reasons why he did not continue to pay as Potteries, for example, although undeniably insig- of this ye stocking weavers, and bless your a f earf ul crash , which seemed a very a member of the Land Company ; but there were ple—of this country, is gradually, but cer- pro- dare say, you will come to the fair conclusion, nificant in numbers, as undeniably do the Chartists stars that your late masters will make rapid longed one. There were about twenty-five those around him who would remember the part he hold a balance of tainl y, approaching a state unequalled in any after your knowledge of me for so many years, opposition he power in the management of local and splendid f ortunes, and another laurel be carriages in our train. The carriage in which took, and the ill-will he sot for the aff airs : thus, in the recent election of Guardians, civilised nation in the world except Ireland that I would not shed the blood of a man, gave to tbe policy adopted by the directors ; and , placed around the brow of the genius of I was sitting was smashed, and the roof they are said to have '« nominated " those who were we think no man can doubt. We are not de- woman, or child, if it was to make me Em- that he did not abandon the stand he made on British Commerce, by so small and insignifi- knocked off. Iso one in ;the same compart- elected. They seem to have acquired this really ceived by the present fit of commercial sun- " peror of the world. And, as I have often told that occasion until the opposition offered to remarkable position by using their organization for cant a sacrifice as your own and your fami- . ment with me was injured , but several other him by some of the members of this district shine, or the Free Trade glorificati on over the you, it is my pride and my boast to say, that the popular party, whatever that may be, in present lies beggary. Thus, then , the Nottingham parties in the other compartments of tho car- had become so personally offensive, that he practical affairs. cheap loaf, thoug h we yield to no man in a I never committed a cruel act in my life ; and iving Mercury ;— riage were. I assisted to take out two men saw he could not be of any service in g From the Programme published by Times a just appreciation of the value—the priceless , it makesmy blood ran cold, when I know that that direction io the Company's proceedings which the it i We entertain the opinion that the new supply of one of whom had lost his fingers, and tbo other evident that the new movement is an attempt to value of that great but tardy act of justice many of yonr class are starving, while if yon he knew to be essential to its success. It was then apply this cheap goods will create a demand for them iu was severely cut on the head. Another gen- method to the kingdom at large : the which secured to the peop , millions of instances in places, und under circum- were united, there would not be a pauper in he left the Company, telling the members that, as Charter Association advertises itself le of Eng land and tlemen, who appeared much injured, was took he would stay away from , with tbe help stances, where tbe population have hitherto been the land. he could not do any good, of the Leading Journ al, as the general agent of the wo hope for ever, the blessings of untaxed into the Albion Hotel, Manchester. After their meetings. He (Mr. Leach) would not give a food ; but we sadly fear that no man can pre- either entire strangers to such comforts, or by their In conclusion, old Guards, let me tell you working classes. Consistently with that view, the poverty unable to procure them on the terms at the accident the greatest confusion and excitement lengthened review of the Company's proceedings ; reviving Chartists invite a union with the Socialists dicateupon along or uninterrupted continuance prevailed , that it will give me great pleasure once more it was sufficient to know that, as its affairs were which they have previously been offered. While a on account of the utter darkness in the to visit the busy bees in the Northern hive. —a considerable and increasing number, hitherto of even the present amount of prosperity. The superintended by a young woman, tunnel. The cries of" Murder" and " Help" were now presented, it was a complete and decided not organized. single machine, fri Tour Faithful and Uncompromising failure, without the possibility of being redeemed, slightest disturbance in the political atmo- with an assistant girl under her direction, shall be ghtful. People were seeking wives, husbands, The new and enlarged attempt is made in a state hundred dozen and friends in all directions, and running abou t in Friend and Advocate, excepting by a decided change, both in its principles sphere of this country or of Europe—a rupture able to produce the material for a of the public feeling considerably altered since 1848. week, which stockings, com- tho greatest alarm for some time. I sent to a and in tbe conducting of its affairs. Mr. Leach Although standing with America,—another partial failure in the pair of stockings per Feakgos O'Cossoe. with practical England in the plete and fit to wear, will be sold to consumers neighbouring farmhouse far lights as soon as I could then proceeded, at considerable length, to discuss remote and shadowy regions of cotton crop, or find way tunnel. At or near the end of s affairs and "isms," neither any unforeseen disarrange- 5,000 miles distant from the place of their produc- my outof the the present position of the Company' , Chartism nor Socialism is quite tbe bugbear that it the train was an open truck crowded with a great XATIOKAL LAND AXD LABOUR WAS proved from various documents that, if the estates ment of those fortuitous accidents, upon a con- tion at 2d. or 2Jd. per pair ; and caps, shirts, SOCIETY. once was : common sense begins to regard each as currence of which the well-doiug of the people drawers, petticoats, gloves, &c, at proportionately number of people standing, which the engine must were brought to sale under the Bill now before tbe a rude hask containing some kernel of truth, that have struck and over which it was House of Commons, the dividend to the sharehold- is left by our legislature to depend , and away low prices, it is impossible but that from the natu- , supposed to may ba worth analysis : a process in which even the ral wants of mankind, and the advan cing have passed. One man was entirely thro wn out of This body held its usual weekly meeting at the ers would be extremely small, if, indeed, it paid Times goes all our boasted prosperity, and the na- progress City Chartist Han Golden-lane, on "Wednesday anythin begins to assist in a slashing bantering of civili sation in so many reg ions of the earth, a that carriage upon the roof of a covered carriage, , g, after the mortgagees and the vultures of fashion.—Spectator. tional vessel will be again exposed, without weiring; Mr. Edwards in the chair. The deputa- the law had had their feed out of it. In conclu- vast and steadily increasing demand for such arti- and said how he escaped- God only knew. I arrived tion appointed to wait on Mr. O'Connor and the sion, Mr. Leach made the following propositions to rudder or compass, tothc buffetings and pelt- cles must be the result of their supply. Thus em- at Manchester about twelve o'clock. otber. Directors of the Xational Laud Company the meeting, op ings of the pitiless storm, and , as heretofore, ployment will be created, labour remunerated, Another gentleman who was a passenger by the and contended that their adoption Cosviciios an Old Offender is Iuimi first train said it stopped in deUvered in their report. They had received all would immediately relieve the Company from its Distillation.—At the Court of Inland the crew who manage her, will have recourse wealth be increased at home, tho comforts and ele- the tunnel through Revenue, on there being too many carriages for the locomotive. the necessary facilities for arriving at a true know- present difficulties, and ultimately accomplish the Wednesday, Charles Barnett and Mary Barnett, the to all sorts of lubberly shifts and expedients gancies of social life be diffused abroad, and the led Company, patriot and philanthropist find equal causes for re- Tbe second train ran into them and broke several ge of the monetary position of the great end it was designed to achieve :—1st. That former of whom is now in the House of Correction, to keep her afloat. Who can look forward to ami were promised any further information which the Company consists of 50,000 shareholders; sup- Uoldbath-fields, were charged with joicing in those creations of the genius of the me- of the last carriages and hurt some of the people. removing spirits an event—if not absolutely certain, unfortu- The third train then came if might be in the power of tne Directorsto afford posing 10,000 of this number would agree to go on with the intentof defrauding her Majesty of the duty chanician and the artificer which a short-sighted up at groat speed and more than there was a great crash. Among the injured were them.. Correspondence of a highly favourable na- with tbe Company, and pay £3 ner share upon the thereon.—The Chairman said the court had no natel y much probable, without feel - policy on the part of some individuals would con- ture was read from Mr. J. Sweet, of Nottingham ; shares already taken up, £1 to "be paid as soon as ings of anxiety, bordering on dismay ? Every sign to utter oblivion, lest their adoption should Mr. Leete, surgeon, Newton , leg broken, and Mr; doubt whatever about the case.—Mrs. Barnett then Wilson spirit merchant, of Jfewton from Burnley, Edinburgh, Bilston, and other possible, 10s. of which should go towards the im- approached the bench and exclaimed which supersedes manual labour is create a temporary suspension of labour among a , , one ot whose , , " For God's invention thighs was fractured. Mr. Lennox, of Newton, had places, and Mr. Wheeler was instructed to reply mediate relief of the Company. This would give sake have mercy on me, I am but an old woman.— hailed as an unmixed nations] blessiHg, bat particular class of operatives, or direct a portion of thereto. respecting the 000—the otber 10a to go towards the existing capital from its present and accustomed one log severely cut. Mr. Hurry, of Newton, had A discussion took nlace £5, commen- The Chairman said there would be no necessity to no one seems to think or care for those one leg rales, when a committee of four persons were cing of Co-operative Stores. This would also give convict on the first count of the whose channel of employment. The fact that increased broken , and Mrs. Hurry, one eye much information, but existence are lacerated. They were conveyed to the Legb Anna appointed io assist the secretary in taking tne £5,000, which might be divided into £500, to ten tbey should convict Mary Barnett only on the means of thus paralysed, and by supply will always be followed by increased demand necessary steps , where the greatest no fault of their own. Your political doctors ought to be felt alike by governments and indivi- Hotel, Newton, as also was Mr. J. C. Napier, of to procure their immediate enrol- of the principal towns number second and third, £50 on the second, and £100 on Manchester, calico-printer, who was suffering tVom ment, there being a considerable demand for them. of Land members reside. Each of these large or tbe third count.—Mrs. Barnett again entreated the of either school, Whig, Tory, Free Trade , or duals as a sufficient reason why no impediment severe internal The should be allowed to stand in the way of that sup- injuries. Mr. Johnson, of the question of the appointment of officers was central stores could extend their branches in their mercy of tbe court, and promised to do anything Radical, particularly the latter, will give a Albion Hotel, Manchester, is amongst the wounded. then afford an opportunity ply being in ever J way and every thing as unlimited brought forward, and it was ultimately decided various districts, so as to to that was required.—The Chairman said that both hypocritical shrug, and tell us it is an " una- From inquiries made at Frodsham, about two that Messrs. Wheeler and Windeler should bulk of the members to expend their herself and husband were notorious smugglers, upon as possible. sign the the great voidable necessity," a " natural miles fro m the tunnel, we learnt that eight persons rales as the acting secretary and treasurer, and two money in their own establishment, and from the whom all sorts of punishment had hitherto been dispensa- This may be set down as fine writing ; we tion," which is quite beyond were killed, including Mrs. llidgway, of Bolton, other members, in order to comply with the forms profi ts of which the remaining £2 of the £3 ad- ried in vain. the reach of le- d are it is, but we look upon it as so much and Mr. Davidson rapped for enrolment a say , of Manchester. The other bodies , and that the election of vanced upon each share should be paid. Thus, Accident to Mh. Graham.—Letters from Malta gisl tive care, and must be left to find its level had not been identified. Officers should take ,000 share- dated 12th of April sand thrown into the eyes of common sense. At the Sutton end of the place at Golden-lane, on Wed- the advance of £1 from the present 50 , mention a frightful accident to the influence of time and chance. Pro- tunnel a temporary hospital had been fitted up, but nesday evening, May 6tb immediate relief to the Com- that had just occurred to a son of Sir James We do not believe iu any of tho fanciful antici- , when all members of the holders, would give f ound philosophers ! Humane, benevolent, it could not be ascertained how many patients were society, and those desirous of joining are requested pany, and set on foot a vigorous co-operative effort, Graham, serving as naval cadet on board her Ma- pations which the writer indulges in—of the to enlightened legislators ! The displacement there. Mr. Burgess, surgeon, of Frodsham, said attend. The following persons were nominated with a capital of £5,000 to commence with. The jesty's ship Queen. It appears that Mr. Graham, wonderful blessings which are to ensue by an ho had to stand as was and consequent ruin of thirty thousand indi- just returned from Cheelham, near Man- trustees, Messrs. Allsop, Saul, O'Con- remaining £2 per share, paid from the profit of who is a remarkably fine enterprising boy, unlimited supply of t»vope23ay stockings, f or chester, where he had been with Mr. Hooper, a nor, Oastler, and Sewell, and a deputation, con- co-operation, would give £20,000, and could be showing off some feats of activity with his young viduals by mechanical agency, is a mere g of which not even a savage would doff his mocas- gentleman, who had been much injured in the train. in Messrs. Wheeler, Broomfield, Stratton, employed towards paying off those members who messmates aloft , when, missing his hold, he fell bagatelle, when compared with the prospect of having -remained for a sad Windeler, from the misen-top to tbe deck sins. crushed under a carriage appointed to wait upon them in the are not satisfied to go on with tbe Company. With , fortunately catching supplying the world with stockings, (which considerable time before he was discovered. Mr. order they were nominated, and procure the con- an earnest eff ort on the part of the members, this a rope that in some degree checked the violence of We think that the' pride and ambition of nt won't fit) at twopence, or twopence-half Rooper had sustained a compound fracture of the se of at least three persons out of that or any could be accomplished in twelve months. The Com- the descent. We were glad to hear last night that, penny British manufacturers and British mechanics not likely to survive. future per pair. As for the 30 000 r holies of the breast, and was list that might be nominated. Several new pany, once eased from its embarrassments, could although much hurt, the young sufferer was pro- , obbed unfortu- should be to produce an article unequalled in There were people in tho three trains,, Members , why about 1,500 were enrolled, and deposits paid on morerapidl y extend its operations, and, with the gressing favourably. nates , they will simply be an aggreg ation its excellence of quality, rather than to indulge and, besides the persons killed it is expected that «>ghteen shares. Scrip to a large amount was also rents of estates and the profits of co-operation, A Loso Assuiir.—The Treasury of Hanover has of redundant labour ; and if they are wise, at least thirty-five or forty have suffered severely Promised in a deadl y competition, to see who could pro- ' to be deposited with the society. The erect mills and other workshops, which, when fitted just been relieved of a claimant who was, it may they will imitate the economy of the bees, and from fractures of limbs. A commercial traveller, meeting then up with the best machinery would become as pro- be assumed, one of the oldest names on the pension duce the cheapest and most worthless article, adjourned. swarm off to other hives of human industry, Mr, Steele, Chancery-lane, London, gave his name lific in production on behalf of the labourers, as lists of Europe. A lady named Ton Leuthe, the hi the disposal of which, among peop le who to the press as a person present in the first of the they have hitherto and , of course, fulfil the useful function of sti- ' At been under the power of tbe widow of a subaltern civil official , celebrated la st were ignorant of its quality, they might main- three trains,and he stated that the company's ser- . the foot of Vanxhall-bridge, on the Middlesex capitalist ; and thus, by combining under anniversary of the mulating " cheap production " by the una- arte, Messrs. up a bulld- the hands vear the 75th date of her state tain an unrivalled supremacy. vants in charge , of tbo first train were much to Castle and Co. bare fitted of the workers, the two great elements of national allowance. It was given under the following cir- voidable pressur e of and indeed manifested thorough og for the accommodation of 200 men, where a that competition, which We'think such a supremacy is neither cre- blame, incapacity comfor wealth—agriculture and manufacture—place the cumstances :—In the year 1771, when the unfortu- they will , carry with them like a pestilence, totake charge of a train. He says tho engine fell table bert h, with the use of washing appa- labourer is a troly independent position Caroline Matilda of Denmark obtained ditable to them or the nation, particularly water. Mrs. Rid ratus, ; and nate Queen into whatever department of labour may be short of gway, it is said, was ac- plates, knives and forks, Ac., may be had for if he be not so placed, he must ever remain a mere by the intervention of her brother, George III., an when we consider at what a melancholy sacri- companied by her sister, and when . pernipbi. Breakfast including meat, for Od. doomed to the inflicti on. killed was sir. " , machine of production—a bondslave to the wealth asylum at Cette, in Hanover, she wished to adopt a Although accus- fice of skill and industry this supremacy is to ting with oue hand clasped in the hands of Ao smoking allowed" in the building, or on the he is creating. At the close tomed to the heartless her sister of Mr. Leach's ad- child to supply the void left in her heart by the de- policy of trade, our be obtained. One of her livery servants, riding behind the ^joining wharf ; but a ship, lying alongside, will dress, many questions were asked, which car- **ve the were an- tention of her own children from her. An orphan readers will think, perhaps, we are drawing legitimate nor an riage, was also killed, and it appears surprising- purpose of a " cigar divan;" and those swered by Mr. Leach at some length, and in was selected and We think this is neither a that any of the *h o promenade an girl, known as " little. Sophie," , the long bow., and experimenting upon their science. Twk party escaped; for the carriage wal the deck will enjoy " a beautiful apparently conclusive and satisfactory manner. till the death of her Ma- honourable, application of mechanical h «ew of the river remained with the Queen credulity. But we assure tbem in sober se- back oft»e »econd train, aid and its traffic." Many of the audience were much surprised at the jesty in 1775. In her last hours she recommended , It is excessively damag ing to the national truZ^ck was ^dashed S tS Tbe Bishop of London Cardinal Wiseman, and riousness, we are to atoms! , statement made respecting the small amounts they the persons surrounding her to the care of her re- drawing their attention to character. In America, Germany, ' Switzer- Later PAnncui.AR9. *«her Gavazri, saysthe BuMtr, were, on the 12th an indubitable tbe-The hol detailthes of this Bhockio* were likely to receive in the event of the estates latives for provision by pensions for their lives, and fact—to a process which is now ium and France, British machine accident had not becnfully had •Jjti standing shoulder to shoulder at the private but seemed much pleased land, Belg ascertainedi up to ife «ew being sold, with the pro- the wish was complied with through the exertions in actual operation, with all its consequences rinted goods are at a heavy n kilIe of (he exhibition of the Sational Institution of offered for saving the Company was wove and steam p 8 of of d nob tt positions from of her chaplain, Pastor Lebzen. Among them of misery, privation, and crime, known and for their worth- tlil^ ?^d amon!*st ° <> Frae Arts. breaking up, and pushing on with vigour its impor- "little Sophie of 400 discount ; they are celebrated Si X ; tH ? 'Nm was Mrs. With- A toBs ," who received a pension unheeded. nall , widow of the late Major Withnall o nan at Niagara havingbeen crossed in tant undertakings. It was then unanimously re* thalers, and drew it regularly for seventy-five yesrs. lessness. The comparative insignificant Mr , of Bolton ; 10r ». walked out to the precipice, took off his meeting of We present the following . Davidson, salesman at Messrs. Bannewnan's clo solved—" That another the Land mem- She has just died, more than eighty years of age.—¦ extracts from the amount of our exports of.such goods to these warehouse thes, gave one Ungating look at the gulph 's Institute, of Monday, , Manchester ; Henry Anderson, paper bers be held in the People on Sunday Preusshche Ztitung. Times the 28th ult. countries, sufficientl y proves the bankrupt cha- "anger °»neath him, and then went—home. His body at ten o'clock, for tbe purpose of , Manchester.; and .a young man named was morning next, A locomotive engine is said to be building in ' "Nottingham, April 20th. racter of British manufactures, notwithstand-. flewell, of -Whitley, Cheshire. bodiesics, found next morning in bed. taking Into further consideration this important New York for .. •m. x. i ^ The other the Erie Railway, in which nothing ,a9ter holidays have, to some extent, con- they are cbeapeued at the expense of Bri- have not been identified. Tub Jf i naota Free Democrat has the following questfon." An unanimous vote of thanks was given bat alcohol is to be used for heating the boiUrs, tributed•I a tto add to the ing. notice previous depression existing industry. of a marriage:—"At Watah City, March to Mr. Leacb, and the meeting separated. Ciffib Wab.—A Parliamentary paper announces in the staple trades of this district : but as the re- tish r/OJ^X ?*7_ Maw-kee-ko-ke-wah-hab-dauchy-kew, Esq., Touuobdm.—A public meeting was held in the that the sum required to be voted towards defraving sult will be a slight diminution in the rate of pro- Would that we could awaken the working The stock, copyright; - stereotype, steel-plate* .*. W Miss Wee-huu-kaw, daughter of Maw-kee-hoo- iociety'fl halL on the 23th ult., for the purpose of the expenses of the Caffir war for the years,, 1850-51 duction at a time when classes to a sense of their humiliated and woodcuts of Lardner's Cyclopaedia, were of four the supply exceeds the de- position " i - • ¦ ¦oay-naw-zhee-fcaw, all of Wanatah coanty, Hioe- taking into consideration the condition and 1831-52 is estimated at £300,C00. mands, its effect will be . : sold by auction last week. The, property was. put;Z:\»u»r •' v;..:.v;-4^®\>/k •'•£?-?y ^.iJ *Ma. lately arrived in beneficial." —that we could induce them to throw ofl' their bidding, was The editor participated in the feast on this Polish and Hungarian Refugees, Mr. W; Thackebt has volunteered the discharge up at JE3.000, and after , ft spirited, 3 0 ana wjj —Mr. Brook was called to tbe chair, and of the Laureate's duty, la this instance supply does not stimulate dependence upon strikes.and turnouts as re- Longman and U>. K>r>; of * presented with the hiad-quartew the town. hating njedsujedia^May knocked down to Messrs. ^ the meeting; was addressed fey Mr. lattersall, of Day Ode," of forty verses. .. demand, Presently we shall find the revecs* medial agents for their grievances—that -we «>,m : . z >4 v. 'Jg ^^^ ^^ ^^^' THE NORTHE RN STAR. May 3, 1851 2 ^ the establishment, securely packed, on receipt of the valuable. Price lis per bottle, or four PROFITS , AND GAINS. speuini? of both, and also Messrs. Du Barm's address, quantities in much excitemen t, bas been sent back to tbe State RENT S, London , in order to avoid being im- amount. ' fore ign InteM grsntf 127 NewBond-street, The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE from which be fled. ' 'states, tha t upon bj firvolenta , Ileal Arabian Itevalcnta, Lentil Pains in the Sach, Gravel, Lumbago, Rheumatism, ESSENCE The ' Tribune tion of some moment has been uosed beans, anti-SynhUistie remedy, for purifying the system fro,',, an while the waiting out- A ques frequentl y Powder or otlier spurious compounds of pease, Gout, Indigestion, Debility, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, lamination, and is recommended e?n* ?PANCE. West Indi a mail-steame r was oatmeal, under a close imitation of the name, by a«v if tii« » for specie referred to in Parliament , on the relative progress and Indian Gleet, &c. forms of Secondary Symptsms. Us action be ministry has demanded a credit of side of the bar of Tarop ico, on the 6th ult., which have nothing to recommend them but the reckless is nurelv ii . * of land , trade , professions , and other subdivisions! , sive, and its beneficial influence on the system is i,.; , "*n.' Jerome Bonaparte amoun ting to nearly 800 000 dollars , a ' norther audacity of their ignorant or unscrupulous compounders t^r. BARKER'S PURIFIC PILLS U a nt 245,833fr. for Ma rshal , from . interes ts of the community. In the present h admirably adapted for pigs would and efficacious able. Price lis. aud 33s. per bottle. " ° ' amoun t of his spran g compelled to leave the and and which, thoug , JL/ are the most safe remedy ever dis- The JE 5 cases of Sykiacum or the Assembly- It is the half-pay for up, and she was former sessions several classified returns with the delicate stomach of au invalid, or for discharges of any kind, and diseases of the Concentrated De»» money. have been play sad havoc covered Essence can only be had at 19, Ueroers-strect the grade of general of division, of which pay he coast at once, without the infant. Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally, whether resulting uonof raise considerable oppo Yrs. Owners, piers, rants. Profes- cials. Total. tins of Blood, Hoarseness, &e., cannot fail to be mterest- promote the Renal Secretions, late Minister of Justice , and severa l persons of high for life tho healthy Attendance daily at 19 Berncrs-?trcst. u,MOvf.mi .. Assembly. _r ainnals. all when it is borne in mind how many thousands formation of Stone, and establishing Londonr .„„,l,„ . fromfi-Am eleven„1o,.o,. to _J r.... '.. w"-Str(i6t . standing, had been publicly shot by order of the ~ inc to the chest. functions of all these organs.jj , to two, ttnd from five toX),, X> Kve and twenty persons, accused of attem pting £ £ £ £ £ £ fall victims annually to disease of Sundays from eleven to one. *"'* Go Emperor. IMP ORTANT TESTIMONIALS, May be obtained at Is. lid., 2s. Od., and is. Gd. per box, on the -fih of May, 1813 2,419. 32J> 323.4SJ 812,982 I,C25,3« 275,305 5,458 051 Sold b.< Sutton and Co., 10 Bow Church , to incite workmen to an entente important re- JSH 2,397,8251318,216 795,702 1,511,758 825,427 5 J Cooper, Surgeon, Medical Hall, Canterbury. through all Medicine Vendors in tho Kingdom, or should V^i police in varum * The news from Yucatan is tbe most 378 928 Mr W will be sent free on receipt of tbe Edwards, 07 St. Paul's Church Yard ; Ravel- v .,?, i J W: were apprehended on Sunday by the 1845 2,428,002.310,101 767,895 1,543,233 317.J8C 5,372 477 GESTtEMEN.-Baving heard your Wafers very highly any difficulty occur they don-street; S. Sanger '' n8 ceived by the arrival. It mentions that tbe whites who had taken them with price in postage stamps by Dr. Barker, Famng , 150 Oxford-street - 11 > taverns , and confined iu the pre fecture. 181G •2,528)7-2l(324,33'J 714,019 1,678,595 327,711'J 5 G03 443 snokeu of by several persons and Dietrichsen, 03 Oxford-strect ' "1 1 in that territory were in a most precarious conditi on I have recommended them in several To prevent fhaud on the public, by imitations of these ; Butler and ii,! , " ? ' conta ins a note with reference , 1847 2,531,717,322,235 738,950 1,673,476 331,681 5,698,'l»9 decided benefit, Chcapside ; R. Johmou, 03 ornhill : L Hill "K>* The ' Mouiteur 1818 2,557 793 300,890 744 273 1,085 977 840 confirmed Asthma, and their good effects have wonderful medicines, her Majesty's Honourable Commis- which Colonel d'Aurelie has been blamed obstinate cases. . graved on the J. B. Shillcoek, Chemist, Bromley T '"lsW; dians. The latter had the advanta ge in the recent (s gnea) which none is genuine. . R cfi , governor for his attack on the village of Selloum In this representatio n there is no evidence ol ^ ^ ^^ ^^ street, Greenwich ; Thos. Parker, Chemist conflicts with, the whites Sore Throa t &o. if., f^" the" 10th of April. By this note the publication , and by the latest accounts , distress aaiong " owners ;" nor does it establish Another Cure of violent Cough, , Ede and Co., Chemists, Dorking ; and John 25? ! on March 10 JustPublished , Eightieth Thousand , Price Is. GcJ. Chemist Iligh-street , Romford b orde r of the day in the African and , contemplated a descen t upon the city of Mr. Disraeli 's claim for them of special —Having an ulcerated sore throat and violent cough ; of all of whomllom m? /> of such an favour in Sib with excessive expecto- had the < Silent Friend.' *S be journals is formally disapproved of by the Merida. tbe remission or adjus tment of taxation. for several months, accompanied np HE CLOSET COMPANION. Frenc h " " They and obtaining no relief from my medical attendant, L ENLARGED EDITION. condemn ed, inasmuch CANADA. ration, , Governmen t, and severely have manif estly been a progressive class, more so and beinc recommended by my neighbour (Mrs. Maddtson Devoid of technicalities, addressed to all those who are Beware of Ten Shilling Quads who imitate thi. as it is contrary to discipline and military rule We learn from the paper s that anothe r serious than any other sav e one ; evidenced by the fa ct , who had. experienced great benent from Dr. Locock's suffering from Spermatorrhoea, or Weakness, and the Advertisement, to do so, and raelgreat ing forms of premature decay resulting to offer to the apprec iation of the army the opi- disturbance has taken place amon g the labourers on tbat the income tax collected from owners in 1849 Wafers ) to trv them, I was induced various disqualify pleasure in heaving my testimony to a speedy «wt» expert from infection and youthful abuse, that most delusive prac- SB of the generals in command. Thus the the Grea t Western Railroad. All tbe overseers were exceeded by nearly a quarter of a million the amount gned) Cimmoik IMMEW SUC'OKSS OV Tin? vr„ nions enced by me f rom one box only.-fSt tice by which tho vigour and manliness of life are de- MOBE OV VRBAimiBN'ji CW General d'Hautpoul returns to Franc e badly beaten and one nearly kilted. The military collected in 1843. itttess.-Mr. John Noble, bookseller, Boston.- stroyed, even Ik fore nature has fully established the ntvrers Gover nor HEAQ.~W 0,211 CURBS LAST under the stigma of a disavowal by the Government. were expected to arriv e for the preservatio n of The one comfortable and thriving class evidentl y Kirton, Boston. and stamina of the constitution . YEAH!!] an elaborate aud carefully written ac- peace. An associa tion has been formed by the Cure of Twenty-nine Years ' Asthmatic Cough It c-ntains also As adopted by Lallemand , Ilicord , The Government and Conservative journals de- consists of the " officials." While the " annui tants '' count of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs of Dedmuh) »»» hi h church party to prevent the now forty years of age, and I have been ' others, of th llopilal des Ventrietu a Par i* 'J clare .that an incendiary proclamation from the g secularisation of fall off by one in sixteen , the officials more than Sir,—I am both Sexes,' (illustrated by numerous cases, &c„) with the a' * W with an asthmatic cough since I was a boy of fif- its duties and hind- uniformly practised in this counln " central committee of resistance, calling on the the clergy revenues , but it fails to attract attention , for the deficiency ; while the afflicted to Author's observations on Marriage, iu make up owners aug- teen years of age : during that time I have resorted plan of treating Gleet, Stricture, WALTER DE and will probabl y produce no decided effect. The but in vain, until rances, The modern IIOOS, Jf.D Revolutionists to be ready, and to strike withou t ment in substance as thirteen to twelve , the officials every means in my power to remove it, Syphilis, &c, Tl iiti directions for the attainment of ., when 1 sent for a small bos of Dr. Locock's 35, Ely Puce, Holbors mercy, is genuine and authentic , notwithstanding lectures of Mr. George Thompson , M.P., and swell at the rate of ten to eight. Here is the strik- last Sunday, health , vigour, and consequent happiness. Thus rendering Jlitc, Losdojt Frederick Wafers. I have taken two boxes since, and from the of all who may author ' the assertion of Republican papers to the contrary. Douglas, at Toron to, were heard with ing grow th in " greatness and prosperi ty :" no speed it, what its name indicates, the Companion or efforts they have had upon me I feel no doubt of a y the consequences of early error—a Work Mote than 2,000 copies of the proclamation have general interest , and have awakened a spiri t of w onder the head officials are so deeply impressed M. Lynch, Chemist, be suffering from recovery—G-. Stbisger,— * itness which may be consulted with every assurance of complete rpHE MEDICAL ADVISER been seized in the faubourgs; and seventeen pw- inquiry oa tbe subject of anti-slavery, thou gh with the flourishing state ol the British universe. Market-street, Jliddleton, near Manchester. success and bent fit. X improved edition, written in a liopular sMo n„ -i sons connected with its propagation have been ar- the movement continues to be stron gly con- Among occupiers " there seems to have been a Improvement of the Voice. May be obtained in a sealed envelope through all Book- of technicalities, and addressed to auliCS £ " avoid difficulty, will be sent direct ing from Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness 7* same measures have been taken at demned by a por tion of the press , on the ground from the Rev. Morgan James, Rbymney sellers, at is. 6d., or to ^ rested. The slight falling-off in the produce of the tax in 18i8\ Extract of a letter from the Author, i'ost free for twenty-four1' oslagc Stamps. rious disqualifying forms of premature decay wwiiis- tha t non-interference is the true policy for tbe ount Iron Works, near Abergavenny. 's, from infection and youthful abuse, Lyons, where tbe manifesto has been widely dis- but in 1849 it recovered, and exceeded tbe am of Dr. Loeock s Pulmonic Address Lr.Alfred .Barker, 43, Liverpool-street, King tbat most d& Sra,—I have tried one box practice by which the vigour and manliness of tributed. British provinces. collected in the two years preceding the repeal of Wafers for my voice, and 1 eoeivedgreat benefit from them, cross, London. life are cm,,, JAMAICA. , vated and destroyed, even before nature has fully .jta " Certain members of the extreme Left have issued the corn duties. &e.—Mr. James, Baptist Minister. . HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT ! bilshed the powers and stawina oi the constitution We have dates from Jamaica to the 6th ult. Tbe T.hev have a pleasant taste, and may be taken by infants a proclama tion calling on their partisans not to As resp ects " traders and profes sionals," tbe . AY'S PILLS. It contains also an elaborate and carefully written an cholera is again preva iling in certain districts as well as adults. HOLLOW count of the anatomy and physiology of the organs stir , as an emeuie would favour designs which they amoun t ef duly appears not to have been so steadily Price Is. Uil., 2s. 9d„ and lis. per box. Disordered Liver and Stomach, of both ' of the island. At St. Thomas in the East there Cure of a sexes, illustrated by numerous coloured engraving ui«, mil resist in par liamen t, and , if needs be, will progressiv e as amon g owners ; which may be as- To Singers and Public Speakers Dr. Locock's Pulmonic when in a most hopeless state. the Author's ohserration on marriage, its du ies were sixty cases, of which eighteen were fatal , Wafers are invaluable, as by their action on the throat and m hia. appeal to the people. cribed to the grea ter precariousness in the source s Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Ilnrvey, of Chapel derances. The prevention and modern plan of treating " during a portion of the month of March. At St. lungs, they remove all hoarseness in a ,few hours, and won- 1851) leet stricture, Syphilis, dec Plain directions The ' Messager ' states positively that the of revenue ; in 1848 the collection was highest , and derfully increase the power and flexibility oi the voice. Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January, . g , let- ule J[ Committee on the bill demanding a credit of Lucia there had been several fatal cases. A re- iu the next ym fell nearl y as low as in 1843. But Sm,—Your valuable pills have been the means, with tainment of health, vigour and consequent iiaiipiness Full directions arc given with every box in the English, ' duviug the full- period of titt'C alloted to our ooof. for ar rears of to turn made by the secretary to the Boar d of and Trench languages.- God's blessins, of restoring me to a state of perfect health, species. 245, pay Pr ince Jerome Bona- the disparity in the am ouat of duty collected from German, thought I was on the brink of the The work is illustrated by the detail of eases, i!m has unanimously rejected it. Health of St. Andr ew to the House of Assembly, Prepared only by the Proprietor's Agents, Da Silva, and and at a time when I S rcll. parte, those dependent on profits or gains is not so great as re- grave. I had consulted several eminent doctors, who, after deringpt what its name indicates, the silent but fKeuillo shows tbat the deaths - by cholera in that parish, " Co., 1, Bride-land, Fleet-street, Londou. Sold by all ' adviser of all who may be suffering from the SWITZERLAND. is sometimes held fort h , aad the fixity may bave spectable Medicine Vendors . doing what they could for me, stated that they considered consiqueiices from the 18th of October , 1850, to tbe 21st of my case as hopeless. I ought to say that I had been suffer- of early error and vice—a work which may be eoiisultea "We learn from Basle that M. A. de Planta , the resul ted from the estimate formed by them of pro- Also, may be had without exposure, and with every assurance of Janua ry, 1851, as far as ascer tained were : Mal es, ing from a liver and Stomach complaint of long standing, complete Federal Commissioner to the canton of Tesino, has , bable avera ge inco mes. DR. LOCOCK 'S FAMILY APERIENT which during the last two years got so much worse, that success and benefit. resignation. Before leaving 931 ; females, 967 ; total. 1,948. AND ANTIBILIOUS WAFERS. every one considered my condition as hopeless. I, as a last May he obta ined in a sealed envelope through all h%ls&, given his he addressed k mild aud gentle Aperient Stomachic Medicine, having or to auowt difficulty, mid 6e sent dtriet to the commander of the militar y CUBA. resource, got a boK of jour pills, which soon gave relief, and lers,is. Gd., /rom ftg cordon of the Steameii os Fire .—.The screw-steamer Arabian , a most agreeable taste, and of great efficacy for regulating by persevering in their use for some weeks, together with Author, by post (free) for forty posl 'ige stamps frontier several complaints respecting the violation We bave dates from H avannah to Apri l 8. The Captain Ewrin g, from the Mediterranean , with a the Secretions, and correcting the action of the Stomach rubbing night and morning your Ointment over my chest OPINI ONS OF IUE PBESS. of the Swiss territory by Austrian patrols. Consu l of Venezuela had been discharged from his cargo of silk , tobacco fr uit, yellow berries , and Liver. and stomach, and right side, I have by their means aloae Extract from the JUedical Gasefte and Times :—' Porta, , box- and lis. per box. (because Th e Hungarian refugees are awaitin g fa&cti oos, sad order ed to leave the island in eight wood, e vljr similar names instead—because lVonTextrevne weakness and debility, with constant nei- written r , who evidently ships Iloguo and A the fire was got under.; The counterfeits v«us headaches, giddiness, auil sichncss of the stomach, well understands his subject.'— H . Times. The rumour which has been in circulation of other vails in Havannah from tbe rumou r that another ex- pvx, they obtain a larger profit by tho sale of such a man, who unmarried and miserable cause of tho tire is supposed to have boon from some than can bo obtained by vending the genuine medicine. together with a great depression of spirits. I used to think 'Many , is now en. Hungarian deserters having taken refuge in the pedition against Cuba was fitting out in the United benefit me as Iliad been to many medi- during in silent sorrow the penalties of former folly (pcrhiius accident to the casing of the spindle. This vessel The public is therefore cautioned that the only genuine that nothing could , Tessinofrom tbe Austrian regiments is confirmed. ' States , aud tbat the tran sport vessels were to ren- white cal men, some of whom, a'ter doing all that was in their committed in ignorance,) had he possessed such a took as left Constantinople on tho 8th Smyrna the 12th bas the words, " Dr. LOCOCK'S WAFERS in ha^obecn a happy husband dezvous at Analachicola Bay. The force was to , , letters on a red ground oa the Government stamp out power, informed me, that they considered that I had some this, would , a honoured parent 5CHLESWIG HOLS TEIN. Malta the 17th and Gibraltar on the 21st , and useful member of society.'—B. A: Dispatch. consist of 4,000 men, for whose reception thoroug h , ult., and side each box. spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure, together with a The Commissaries of the Bund in Holslein have would have in all probability arri ved in Liverpool very disordered state of the stomach and liver, making my The diffidence and fear of exposure, consequent on taeso' arrangements were made by the Captain General . 1HA0E2 EASY ; OK ' HOW case so complicated that nothing could be done for me. affections, frequently prevent persons appl ying for assist, had to refuse tbe prayer of a petition from tbe on Sunday if tho accident had not occurred. MATBCBMOtW mischief has been inflicted - •BO W5N A KOVGU. One day, being unusually ill aad in a dejected state, I saw anee, until groat un the consti. Frauenve rein , or Female Union of Rendsbur gh, a CHILI. The Marquis op Salisbury and the Middlesex trial tution and powers of life. It is hoped the perusal of this Magistrates. Great your pills advertised, and resolved to give them a , society of ladies who rais ed a subscri ption and pur- Dates from Valparaiso to the 25th of February, —The Lord-Lieutenant of the county MADAME MAXWELL, 33, Percy more perhaps with curiosity than with a hope of being work will teach such persons the evil ol delay, and lead chased a gun-boat for the Germau fleet in the days inform us tbat the population have begun in Chili of Middlesex (the Marquis of Salisbury) gave a Street, Pentonvillc, London, continues to send free cured, however I so .n found myself better by taking them, tliem at once to seek that assistance which alone can save " sumptuous entertainment ou rcceipt of thirteen uncut postage stamps, plain direc- them from the horrors of an existence prot racted ainidst when a fleet was thought a possibility. The boat to agitate the question of the Presidency, and it on Saturday evening to and so I went on persevering in their use for six months, the officers of tbo East and West'Middlesex Militia tions to enable Ladies or Gentlemen to win the devoted when I am happy to say they eil'ected a perfect cure.— long enduring wretchedness, both mental and physical. was attache d to the flotilla of appears that the election will be obstinatel y con- affections «f as many of the opposite sex as their hearts Lasting benefit can only be reasonably expected at H» the Duchies, and , and the Justices in tbe Commission of the Peace for (Signed) WitLiAM Smith, (frequently called Edwaud.J—To thoug t tested on both sides. The rinci a at f may require. The process is simple, but so captivating Professor Holloway. hands of the intelligent aad practical physician, who, de. h in ended for tbe whole nation, did service p p l candid es or the county, at his residence in the high office of the republic , are Manuel Montt , Arlington-street, arid enthralling tbat all may be married irrespective of age, partine from the routine of gcitcr«{ practice, devotes the only to the particular S'ate. As part of the arma - The entertainment was on a grand scale, and passed position j while the most fickle or cold- Cure of Asthma, of Tiuenty Years Standing. whole oi his studies tothis class of diseases, the UunimtaUe appearance, or King-street ment of tbe insurgent Gore rnaentit passed , on its sustained by the ministry, and Don Ramon Erra- off to the appreciatio n of all present. A circum- hearted will readily bow to its attraction. Young and old, Extract of a Letter from JUr. J. K. Jleydon, "8, , neglect of which by ordinary nicdicni men, and their are alike subject Sydney, dated 10th of November, 181!}, dissolution, under the protection of the Austrian and zuriz. by the opposition. General Jose Don Maria stance arose that cast a gloom over the gathering. peer and peeress, as well as tbo peasant, futile attempts at cure by mercury and otlier ennallj to its inftueuce ; and last, though not leas?, it can be Siit.—1 have the pleasure to inform you that many extra- dangerous medicines, have produced the most alarming re- Prussian Commissaries, who hold all Cruz , an old soldier , of the independence , cele- Mr. Ballantine, while seated, was suddenly seized ordinary cures of Asthma have been effected here by means the watli ke with a arranged with such ease and delicacy that detection is sults. . stores of the Duchy, naval and military, in the n m brated for bis character and his valour , had been fit, when medical aid was called in imme- impossible, of your pills. One is that of a lady residing near the Da. De Roos'spnicticefor many a e diately, Prom the great extentof of the Confeder ation. The also spontaneousl y designed as a candidate by the and, after a short delay, the respected N.B Beware of numerous ignorant pretenders. ' Uazorback,' who after having for twenty years bec-n un- years, and his former connexion with the various institu- ladies are doubtful as magistrate, able to make the slightest exertion, suffering very icarrhlly to the destiny of their boat. people. He has accepted the nomination , and has was conveyed to his residence in Ca- tions, both in London and Paris, for the relief of those af- They represent that doi'an place. HOW, WHKN, AN© WE20M 'ffO MARRY. from shortness of breath, coughing, and spitting, but is flicted with Debility, Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Strtc- they bough t it for all the gr eatest chance of being elected. now, to use her own expression, able to run up to the top Germany, and that ' collective MoxuMExr to Ebenezkr Elliott.—At a public Or the Etiquette of love, tines, Gleet, Vcncra ! aud Scorbutic eruptions, Ac, of the idea ' . not having any use A large number of gamblers and pickpockets are of that mountain. Another case is that of Mr. Cuton, tailor, f ace and body ; he has had perhaps unusual facilities for for it, they have allowed meeting at tho Council-hall, Sheffield, on Thursday A 23O0K Mill EVERYBODY!!! Ilutchitison s-buildings, Clarence-street, who was so dread- it to do coastin g " abou t to visit London durin g the fair . Your police ' observing the peculitrities and consequences of each y>arti duty, but now they are not even last, it was resolved, " That Ebenezcr Elliott's long by Madame Maxwell. fully bad that he was confined entirely to his bed-room for cular stage, llenco he is enabled confidently and console", will have need of all t heir vigilance. six months prior to his commencing with your fills, and sure it may not become the property of a * forei gn zealous, aud successful advocacy of free trade, and his Containing remarks with which every lover should be tiously to undertake tbe removal of every symptom (not It is stated tbat several otber detachments of men great geniusas a, poet, deserve to be publicly aekno w- attended regularly by his medical man, who pronounced excepiing the most inveterate or long standing) in as short State / tbe last thing the ladies contemp lated. acquainted on the qualities requisite for a lover : Falling him to be iu a dying state, yet he, likewise, to my know- 5hey, ther efore, demand it back have been discovered on their way to the Gulf shore, ledged, by tho cvectiow of a monument to his me- in love—First Affections—Disappointment — Woman's a time as is consistent with safely or return ol' money. , to sell it and dis- ledge, has been restored to perfect health by the use of Country patients wishing to place titans-lives under tribute the proceeds amon g to join the new expedition against Cuba: mory." A subscri ption has accordingly been en- Attachments—Gallantry—General Lovers—Coquetry— and your pills, and rubbing your ointment night and morning the invalids and tered into indeed such an amount of intelligence and information on treatment will be minute in the detail of their cases. ar.d ¦wounded of the war, of whom , and £230 has been already subscribed, ir.tohis chest. — (Signed) J. K. Heydox. — To l'rofessor to prevent trouble, no letters from strangers will be replied unhapp ily there arc chiefly in .Sheffield.— Sheffield Times. this all absorbing topic, as cannot fail to interest and in- Holloway. too many who want relief. The struct those to whom it is more particularly addressed- to unless they contain £1 in cash, or by Post-office Order, Commissaries have A Besgalek Penny Magazine is to be established h cured of a Liver an< l payable at the llolbovii Oflice, for which the necessary replied very politely, but still ^Foreign |Utsttflatt»» from Mrs. A. D— 'Every young man on his first essay The Earl of Aldboroug refu se the request. in Calcutta, under the editorship of Baboo Itajen- as a lover should be possessed oi this valuable little book, Stomach Complaint. advice and medicines will be sent. The gun-b oat can only be disposed of definitively dralal Mittra , the ablo librarian of tho Asiatic as it would show him what *pttiiou Ladies hare of stupid At home for consultation, daily, from 10 till 3, and 4 till More confiscations of hooks and pamphlets bave Extract of a letter from his Lordship, dated Villa Messi a, ,) unless by previous arrangement by the Confederation , and it must be retai ned by Society . It is to bo illustrated by. electrotypes Gentlemen.' Leghorn, 21st of February, 1815. 8, (Sundays excepted . its present hands in trust taken place in Berlin. A hook by the President executed in England of woodcuts which have Illustrated.-''It is an excellent little pocket companion Sin —Various circumstances prevented the possibility o for that body ; it is , contains much information dictated by , Stability- feeroiula of the National Assembly of 1848, Herr von Unruh already Penny Magazine for both sexes and , my thanking you -.before this time for your politeness in Slciit ErnirtioBS, Wcrvoiis , another question added to the thousands referred to , appeared in tho , the Satur- soundjudgment.' lajseascs of the Uoaca tu:d « IkusSu. Frankfort. 'Experience s of the Last Three ^ears/ was seized day Magazine, and the Illustrated News. sending me your pills as you did. I now take this oppor- lady ' s News.—'It ought to be the birthday present of tunity of sending you an order for the amount, and at the RUGS' CONCENTRATED A difference has arisen between yesterday. The - ' Khikel Album/ a picture book Oalieounian Gold.—At Professor Tennant's last every Miss just in her ' teens,' as its perusal would prevent same time to add that your Tills hare effected a cure of a DE tbe Government lecture upon mineralogy, ' h o ex- much futu e folly and misery.' GUTTiE VILE (or Life Drops) is as its name implies for. grown -up children , a re prin t of Rus tow's 'Mili- at King s College, disorder in my liver and stomach, which all the most emi- vigour Commissioners in Schleswig-Holsfein and the re- hibited by permission Home Circle—-'Mo one ivho wishes to succeed as a a safe and permanent restorative of manly , whether tary Slate,' were bagged by the police in the general , the largest lump of Califor- nent of the faculty at homo, and all over the continent, deficient f rom long residence in hot or cold elrair.tcs, or presentatives of Denmark , ou the subject of the nian gold yet brought to this lover, should bo without this little private adviser.' had not been able to effect ; nay, not cv«n the waters ot lallue which took lace yesterday. The country. It was dug Madame . Maxwell on receipt of 13 arising from solitary habits, youthful delusive excesses, amnesty to the emigran ts of the duchies. The p printer of out of an alluvial ' Sent post free by , Carlsbad and Marisnbad, I wish to have another box and Becker' • bank at Carson s Creek , on the postage stamps (uncut.) infection, ke. It will also be found a speedy corrective; of Danish Government wishes to grant onl t s Monarchy or Republic' is to be deprived Stanislaus river, in August by an Irishman a pot of the Ointment, in case any of my family should all the above dangerous symptoms, weakness of the eyes, y a par ial , 1850, over require either.—Your most obedient servant (signed), amnesty, while the Federal Commissioners call for of his license. named John Hughes, of Ardglass, near Downpn trick. MAW KiVOW 'JriHYaiEff/Fl loss of hair and teeth, disease and decay of the nose, . Ai.uiiOKoucu.—To Professor Holloway. back loins ,obstinate a comple te amnes A letter from Milan of the 20th inst., published It is a water-worn specimen and weighs 181bs. 1 sore throat, pains in the side, , , itc tv. , See yourself (is others see you.' These celebrated pills are wonderfully efficacious m the diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gleet., strict ure, se. in the < Opinions' of Turin , states that a revolt oc- Sozs. 8grs. ; and its value as a specimen, is about 1 following complaints :— HAMBURG . MADAME MAX WELL also continues minal weakness, luss of memory, nervousness, headache, curred a few days before in the barracks of San £1,003. It is the property of the bauk. of England. Ague , Female Irregula- Scrofula , itation of the heart indigestion, It is reported that the Austrian her useful and interesting delineation of character Asthma ritics King's Evil giddiness, drowsiness, palp , and Prussian Francisco, of the former place ; the Croats who —Mining Journal. iroui an examination of the handwriting. Her descriptions lowuess of spirits, lassitude and general prostration of governments are aSiout to issue some kind of pro - Bilious Com- Fevers of aU Stone and Gravel y resulting from neglect ov improper were quartere d there having refus ed to obey their usually fill four octavo pages. Persons deswous of know- plaints kinds Secondary Symp- strength, &c, usuall hihmon of or remonstranc e against the introduction ing their ti ue character, or that of any friend in whom treatment by mercury, copaiba, cubebs, aad other deadly officers. The day after the movement commenced TiiEnArEBncs.—The history of medicine is by h.8 means illotchcs on the Gout toms poisons. of the new constitution of this ancient free city. flattering to science. It is questionable whether more they may bo inlerestud , must send a specimen of tho Skin Head-ache Tic-Doioureux sixty-five of the men were arrested. is writing, stating sex and age, or supposed ago (enclosing From its properties in removing 'barrenness and all The consul of the Argentine republic bas pro- Known ot ttiseases, tlieir cause, and their cure, at this roc. Bowel Complaints Indigestion Tumours disorders of PL'AfALSS , sueli as ieacorrfiOK, or " the It is in contempla tion, says the ' Debats,' to send ment, than in the time of Galen ; it is certain that diseases fourteen postage stamps), and they will receive a minute Colics Inflammation Ulcers tested iu the name of the Presid ent General detail of the gifts, defects, talents, tastes, affections, whites, " head-ache, giddiness, indigestion, Mlpiafjon the band of the 9th Dragoons to London during the are quite as numerous, and ia the aggregate as fatal. Every Constipation of Jauuasea Venereal Affec- &c, Rosas against the enlisting of soldiers for tbe &c, of the writer, with many other things hitherto un- Complaints lions of the heart, dry cough, lowness of spirits, <*'?. Exhibi tion, as a specimen of the military music of age lias produced some new system of artiiicial therapeu- the Bowels Liver It is admirably adapted to that class of stali-revs, as it Brazilian empire in a neutral tics which the next age has banished ; each expected. Consumption Lumbago Worms of al city, and has de- France. M. Sax, who is the manufacturer of tbe has boasted in Miss Blanche D- , Bath. ' Your delineations are creates new, pure and rich Mood, (thereby purifying and clared that in case a war should ensue its turn of cures, and they, in their turn, hava been ecu. Debility l'iles kinds the between greater number of the musical instruments demned as failures. ' marvellously correct ; I purpose acting upon your sugges- from strengthening the whole system,) and sow restores the Brezils used bv Medicines themselves arc the subjects Dropsy Rheumatism Weakness, other remedies and Buenos Ayres Hambu rg would be unsettled ; in fact, that it has no established princi tions iiucmifcr.' Dysentery Retention of whatever cause invalid to sound health even after all such bands , was the first to origina te tbe idea, and ples, Mr, II. Leeds. ish I had applied to (which have usually a depressing tendency) bave failed ; treated as a stale at war with the latter. tl\at it is little moro than conjectural 1 ' At this moment,' , ' I w you before, tirysipelas Urine ifcc , &e. has made an application to tbe Minister of "War on says Mr. Pinny, ' the opinions on the subject of treatment and saved myself this trouble.' Fits Sore Throats hence its almost unparalelled success. AUSTRIA. the subject May he obtained with directions, Ac., «t -Is., Si; cm lis, , which has been warml y suppor ted by are almost as numerous as the practitioners themselves, Sold at the establishment of Professor Holt.ow-att, 2i4 Urge Utile tor M.; The Austrian government seeks everywhere Witness the mass of BEAtlTfltfSIj 'HAlM, V7IWSKGES, &c. Strand (near Temple Bar), London, and by most ill! respec- per bottle, or f our lis. ba«o, Hheii- they got the following inflammatory disease—should ho treated by bleeding, safe remedies for SUPERFLUOUS HAIR , GREY HAIR; 'lisordcr arc n^xi each Box. feme- tidings :--In Asia, three men by the Viennese. An examination took place purging, coding medicines luatsstt). (LScut , Eu- On Ph hcapaeivj, as the most safe and efficacious s , but they get here ignorance , one of his neighbou rs whispered ill his . IWfovimVfox- Fentonville London. and Impediments to Marria ge. consent of the rACULTl" soil, took, and supplies, which they 'Sc , glove more injurious to his practice than beneficial. Such remedy ever discovered for the above dangerous com- - require for eir the name rovarz. Catching the sound but are the contradictory of' ' , SECRET SOlUlOW ! CERTAIN 11ELI' ! A New and improved Edition enlarged to diser.tes ot t their first establishment. The colony statements medical men 2' And , 19& pages, wice plainis. DISCHARGES OF ANY KIND, and main ly con- imperfec tly, he answered, ' Schwarzenberg. ' 'No , 5«t there cau be but one true theory of disease. O! the falli- Immense success of the. New Mode of Treatment 2s. 6d; by post, direct from the Establishment, 3b." Gd., the kidney?,nnd urinary organs generally, whether result- j- sists of Poles, and its administrative and bility and inefficiency of medicine ' otherwise if 'r- o all tbe no, my boy,' rep lied the master, ' it was not Prince , none, have been more which has never failed. iu postage stamps. ing from iinjmJenca or , which, tie^. , .,¦¦ local concerns are tre ated in Polish language conscious than medical men themselves! many of whom All communications being . strictly confiaential die frequently end in Moiie of.lha bladder, and a lir-.u a-'- ' ; they Schwarzenberg. ' have been honestettough 48 Liveroool- V , have a church and a school. to avowtheii-convictioii, arid now DR.¦¦¦ ALFRED BARKE R, , Authors have discontinued the publishing of Cases. injr fiuulii I Many refugees from The Austrian navy consists , now, in four frigates : recommend MESSKS. DV BARRY'S UEVAL13STA ARA- ¦' ¦' street, King 's Crojs, London, ' ' For gout and rhemntism , depression of spinis, csc/.s- !• Hung ary have joined them lately, acd where some Balicna , with 50 guns ; Gnerriera ' and Venus, each WCA FCOD, a farina, which careful aualyiia has shown From many years' experience at the various hospitals in TT im SILENT F1UEND; -a. Pmtical ment, blushing, dislike of society, incapacity for study or tt years ago all was covered to he derived from the root of an African plant, London and on tho; Continent is enabled to treat with X Work- on the Exhaustion and Physical Decay of the bitsiiuss less of memory, confusion 'Jdiness, Wo-jd W :0 by thorns and thistl es, 44; Novara, 40 ; six corvettes : Carolin a and somewhat , " , , p there wc see now similar to our honeysuckle. It appears to possess proper- the. utmost ' certainty of cure, every , variety , of disease System, produced by excessive indulgence, Uiecoiiset>ufnecs the head, drowsiness, sleep without rcfreshmeBi. grccad- i- corn fields and market gardens , Veloce, with 24 guns ; Lipsia, Clemenzs and Adria , ties of a highly curative and ot infection , .or the abuse of Mercury, 1 w The accoun ts delicately nutritive kind ; and arising from solitary habits, excesses, and infections, such with explicit Direc- less fear, indecision , wretchedness, nervousness,/"" from New York are of a similar 20 ; Titania , 16 guns ; eleven bri gs : Monte cucculi , numerous testimonials from parties of unquestionable re- as gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, and syphilis, or venereal tions for the use of the Preventive Lotion, followed by even insanity itself, when (<;s is often the case) t't>s,BS ]S natu re, but the Austrian spectability, have attested that it supersedes medicine of disease, in all their stages, which, owing to neglect or im- Observations ' on the Masked State, and the disqualifica- from , or combined with Urinary Diseases, tbc-y are na- n- bur eaucrac y is unwillin g Pilede s, Ussaro , Pola , Tritone , Or este, Trieste , with 5e to admit that it is their misgovernraent which every description in the effectual ard permanent removal proper treatment, invariably end in gravel, rheumatism, tions which prevent it. •Illustrated by One Hundred Co- equalled . By their salutary action on acidity <" *e 16 gun s ; and Fido , Bravo , Caraeleou te, and Deifino , of indigestion; (dyspepsia,) constipation and diarrhoea, indigestion, debility, skin diseases, pains in the kidneys, loured Engravings. By R. and L.. l'Htllty sad Co., stomach, they correct bile and indigestion, purify awl pro- o- fosters disconte nt and sows the seeds of revolutions , with 10 ; five goelett es, with 12; nervousness, biliousness, liver complaint; back, and loins, and finally, an agonising death 'Ihe 19, KcvnWS-Svroet, Oxford-street, London. Published mutc the renal secretions thereby preventing the forma- ia- one schoone r, flatulency, dis. '. ' , aud not tbe conspiracies of the refugees. with 6; and ten war steamers. . tension, palpitation of the heart; nervous headache; denf' lamentable neglect , of these diseases by medical men ia by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, P/sierncs- tton of stone, and establishing for. life the Uer.lttiy l"unc« ic« Austria bas ness, noises in the head and ears, pains in almost every general is well known, and their futile attempts' to cure ter-row ; Hauuay, G3, and Sanger, 100, Oxfurd-sa-ect ; tions of all these organs. ra ised fresh difficulties about the A trial trip was made on the 22nd inst., on tbe part. f the body, ' Sta'rie 23 Tichborue-strect, Iltiyuiaiket ; and Gordon, 14(5, & ™» liberation of Kossuth and his chronic inflammation and ulceration of by the use of these dangerous medicines—mercury, co- , , May be obtained with directions, &c, at Is. i$d., , "" companions in exile, part of the Strasbur g railway situated between the stomach, erysipelas, jeruptions on the 'skin, incipient paiba, cubebs, &c, have produced very distressing results. Lcadenhalf.street, London ; J. and R. Raitr.es fttid Co., 4s. Cd., lis., and 3*=. per box, through allifcd.'cine rtiKfon, n, and insists upoa their continu ed detenti on. Sir Strat- Vitry and Bar -le-Duc. A locomotive consumption, dropsy, - rheumatism, gout, 'heartburn All suftcrers are earnestly invited to apply at once to Dr. Leith Walk,. Edinburgh; 1). Campbell, Argyll-street, ov should any difficulty occur, they will be setit (:r«) °D °» of 27,0.00 nausea aud sickness Lord-street; T. Xewto» Church- hocfi eh ford Canning had had an important interview with kilog., aud drawing thirty- eight waggons daring pregnancy, after eating, or at Darker, who guarantees a-speedy and . perfect cure, and Glasgow ; J. Priestley, ; receipt of the price in postage stamps, by Dr. Be , heavil y sea, low spirits, spasms, cramp, spleen,"general debility of every sympton, whether primary or, secondary, without street, Li verpool ; it. II. Ingham, Market-street, Manches- !!5, £!y-u!acc, Holuoru-hill, London. the Sultan. The Russians seek to prolong their laden , went over the line with great paralysis asthma 88 Graf'tou-street, DuI.Hh. rapidity . The , , coughs, inquietude, sleeplessness - in any of the above medicines,'thus preventing the pessibi- ter¦ , and It. If. Powell, , TE3TIMOMAM AMU CASE?. , „ „ occupation of the Daaubiao province s indefinitel y, voluntary bashing, tvemouv, dislike to after symptoms. ' This - truth, has . been, 'esta- I'avt I. is dedicated to the consideration of the anatomy T. Webster, Esq., Sealfo d Mowbray, *•»• >•»• brid ge of Sermaizs has borne all the required trials society, unfitness lity of any 'ns which are dh-ccii v , near Melton by raising claims with which the ' for study, loss of memory, delusions; vertigo, blood to the blished in many thousands of'oases, and as a further gua- and phvsiology of the ovga y or indi- Glh , ISad.-' Having vctid vouv advertisements, 1 ^'; a,s' f' Porte is not in a of strength with perf ect safety, and in a few days head, exhaustion melancholy, tho process of reproduction,- I; is sllus- jr state to comply. groundless fear, indecision rantee he undctakes to cure the most inveterate case in as rectly engaged in suml your Kena! Tills would be of service to kkm ot W ijj the whole of this part of the railway will be read y luuiwii-imus:,, luuugius oiseir-aestructiOQ, andmativ other short a time as is consistent with safety, without hindrance tratcd by twenty-eight coloured engravings. neighbour?. I have Jthe v Iis BADEN. complaints. It is of lhe infirmiiies and decay had twelve boxes, and . ™ ,f" f" for general circula tion. , moreover, admitted by these who have from business, change of ; diet,, &c. , or return the money. Part If. treats of the nystem rived great benefit from taking them. One nw«l """ ."J if used it to be the best food for produced In* over indulgence of the iiassions, and by the ca s Eight members of the p--ov!sionar y government The following is a list of bands of bri non- infants and invalids cene Lasting benefi t can only be . reasonably, - expected at the ' is. Gd. bottle cf your Life Drops, and he very "\ ;« "« gands rally, as it never turns acid on the. weakest duly qualified practitioner practice of solitary gratification. It shows clearly the have and sw> a» darin g the insurrec tion of 1849 were condemne d to ' stomach . but hands of the , who, departing- solicits mon>, it did him so much good. I infesting Western Greece. The most formidable imparts a healthy relish for lunch aud dinner, from the routine of general practice, devotes tho whole of manner' ia which th* baneful consequences of this in- continue Tills to a" Ui' Ui' and restores operate on the economy in the to recommend your valuable death on the 23rd ult. As none of the accused are those of Caramba , who is at the head of twelve the faculty of indi«estion and nervous and muscular enewrv his s 'udies to this neglected class «f diseases. Country dulgence impairment and fri ends.' , . ,,,•., •_, were present the to the most enfeebled. It has the highest approbation ' patients will be minute in the detail of their cases, as that destruction of the social and vital powers. The existence John Tontyoocl.- * Alter .*% n, sentences were pronounced iu con- men ; Gradoula. with fifteen men, Caragoun ides tit of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, Andrews, Ahevsyehan, »lttjciu ICIU tumaciam. Lord Stuart de, Deoies ; the Venerable Archdeacon Alex- will render a personal . visit unnecessary. To prevent wiiL their a -box of j our fills, I am so much better that 1 am with seventeen, and . Balafa with nineteen men , ander Stuart, of ltoss, a cure of three years no letters front strangers will .be replied to, un- accompanying train of symptoms and disorders, are iractd ¦ ' nervousric=s • trouble, to send for-another.' _.., ,„, ,),s ,i,e SAXONY. besides two more bands of sixteen men each, whose JIajor-General Thomas Kimj,o f Exmouth ;' Capt. Parker' less they contain Ten Shillings in postage stamps, or by by the chain of connecting results to their cause. This ' Renal Pu» ."? ' ' D. Bingham, U N., of So. i Taijk section concludes with an explicit detail Mr. Milton , Welch , Funics*.-' Your Tbe Synod of the German Catholic congregation, chiefs are not known. It appears from all accounts walknLittle Chelsea, post-office order, for which the necessary advice and medt- of the msr.nsbv only medicine I have ever met with that have been oi -» -» Lendon, who was cured of tnenty-sevenyears willbe sent. Patients corresponded with till cured.' which these effects may be remedied, and full and ample which held a meetin g at Dresden on the 22nd inst., that the system of bri gandage has spread .over the dyenensia in cities VlCL' T T , six weeks time ;Captain Andrews, JUT., Captain .Edwards Females on all occasions attended to with the most honour- directions for their nn>. It is illustrated bv tea coloured ' has been dissolved. A R.K. ; William Hunt, Esq., engravings, which further displays Mr. T. Blocm, Limekiln-street, Dover.- N^.^t % Regieruu gs-rath appeare d country to a degree hitherto unparalleled. The bamster-at-kw, Kill's Col able secresy aud delicacy. .At > home ior consultation the effects of physical a few more of your wonderful Tills. Aly wuc h-815 *' when it assembled ' lege, Cambridge, who, after suffering years ° decay. , and declared that the govern- * Minerva ' estima tes the total numb er of public rob- from partial daily from . 10 ,till 1* and 4 till 8, Sundays excepted, unless relief already.' i Yffilt I'ffllt ment could not paralysis, lias regained the use of his limbs in a verf short by previous arrangement. Post-Oflice orders payable .nt Part III. contains an accurate description of the diseases , , Ma ... - ] Z- 'i allow the sitting of sach a body as bers now in Gr eece at 1,000. The sub-prefect ol time upon this excellent food ; caused by infection, and by J5r Westraneott. 4 Market-street ne^"; . p. the German Cath the Uev. - Charles Kerr of the General Post Oflice. Addi-ess, Dr, Alfred Barker, 48, the abuse of inei-eury: pri- medicines are very highly spoken of by all who .•»» » » olic Synod declared itself to he. A Livauia bas issued a circular to all the mayors , re- WinslonyUucks, a cure of functional disorders • Air '£ Liverpool-street, King's Cross, London., All those deemed mary and secondary symptoms,' eruptions of the skin soar ' priva te meetin g Woodhouse ' throat chased them of me.' . ., jnn ia- i ia- vras then held commend ing the utmost vigilance on their part re- , Uromley—recording the cure of a lady from incurable are particularly invited. , inflammation ot the eyes, disease of the boots -On e 1*"?" ¦ , attended , however, ¦ gonorrhoea Mr. Smith, Times Office, Leeds. 1 8 8 .3 a by a pobce comm,ssary . constipation and sickness during pregnancy the ltev T , gleet, stricture, &c, are shown to decent! on worth a b"" The meeting protested spectin g the movements of the bri gands. Minster, of St. Saviour's, Leeds—a cure of this cause. Advice for the treatment forms me that youc Renal Fills are against the prohib ition, declaring five years' ner-" SKIN DISEASES, NERVOUS DEBILITY, SCROFULA, of all the^e diseases that it tos a vio- The sale of pictures , statues , and objects of art , vousness, with spasms and daily vomitings ; Mr. Taylor GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, Arc. f>iid tlieir consequences is tendered in this section viVicu " shilling doctor f«n lation of tbe artic les of Capt. Alien lf duly il AifJT lOiS'.-A self-styled ten ^s,'^; the Royal St of 184? ing to the collections of the late King coroner of liolton; , recording the cute of epi- followed up cannot fail in effecting a cure This qualification) is of gave notice "l belong Louis leptic fits ; Doctors:Ure and Harvey ; B ARKE R'S ' COMPOUND part is illustrated by sixty, ing impudence being his only ".°'\i.;on of w t and that it would bri ng James Shoriand, DR; two coloured engravings. ing- under a different name, ft highly injurious i"'"' ' ; a • ia a . Z lxion t Phili ppe : commenced on Monday at the sale rooms Esq., Ko. 3, Sydney-terrace, Reading, Berks, late, surgeon INDIAN EXTRACT isVsafe and permanent vestova. Part IV. contains a Remedy for the PREVENTION Of he c tt fore a court of law for decision. Disease - these Pills, which to allure purchasers, e" 'tLnted mted I * * in the Rue des Jeu neurs. During the time , tbey in the 90th Regiment, a cure of dropsy ; James Porter, live of manly vigour, whether deficient from residence in by a 8IMFLE application, by which the danger ol useless abbreviated copy of Dr. He Roes' "'!-"" ™ Athol-strect, Perth , n cure of thirteen -y solitary habits infection, is obviated. ,viil ill L BOSNIA. view the rooms were crowded , Eta.., ears COU"l> hotorcoldfiUutatvfi , or arieiug from , youth- Iva Action is simple but sure. It Medical Adviser, sligluJy'chaHginff. its title 5 s,''" 5 were open to public with general debility ; J. Smyth,. Esq., .37-lower fnl delusive excesses, infection, &c. It will also be found a acts with the virus chemicall ,'!Lffl en«[ien«st The distorb ances are still ' biddings were very Abbe.yi , y, and destrovs its power therefore do well, not to place reliance on the rj" west^e t . continui ng. News up and at the sale ; the . animated. street, Dublin ; Cornelius O'Suliivan, M.D., F.R. speedy corrective of all the above: dangerous symptoms. on the . system. This important part of ibe work- only to lc C.S ' of this individual, which are published "' . «,c-B n,fl- - The pictures fetched good pr ices and appear to have Dublin, a perfect cure of thirty ycavs' indescribableagony Weakness ¦ o! tile eyes, loss ofhair, disease and decay cf the should not escape the reader's notice. . purposcs of deception on inralids and fraud on" bombard ed the fortres s of from anourism; which had resisted all throaty pains in the side, back, loins , Js Bihacs and buri ed its been bought by the members of the Orleans family. otlierremedies- and nose, sore , &c. Obsti- fJ??rt y v'evotedto the consideration of tbe Duties r.iid „_ fuburhs. They 10,000 otiter well-known individuals, who have nate diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gleet, stricture, Obligations of the married pr J ^r „ .... „,..,« !mltattoM.&M.«" had , after an engagement i " sent the state, and of the causss ^hich m.u ^Kivvcis i t'enau ou uw i uuiw »j - % ,„„ nnratiiAirai>'* ,c insurgents, succeeded discoverers and importers, Du Babbv and Co., 127, Sew seminal weakness, loss of memory, nervousness, headache, lead to the happiness or misery of those who have entered the above valuable remedies, Her Majesty's -Me in occupying the ri , testimonials of the drowsiness, the heart into wXtf.Jrt tf 6ght bank Bond-street; London extraordinary giddiness, palpitation o'f , indigestion, the bonds of matrimony. The operation of certain Commissioners of Stamps have - directed tne fcg (n en-J. of tbe Huna nver. Gejj ewl * manner ia which tl teir health has been restored b lowness of spirits, lassitude and general prostration oi disauiiVificatiOTia is fully examined, and infclicious and un- Sroy} Posr-OFF icE, April , 1S5I.—Henceforward y this use- Proprietor , in white letters on a red ,' ¦vifhoUiitkOUWtt The insurgent diet, after all other strength, usually resulting from .neglect oi' improper productive unions shown to be the necessary consequence. garrison of Bihacs has been rein- *u letters and newspapers addressed to Port Natal ful and economical remedies had been graved on the Government Stamp round each W%£ '" ' tried in vain lor ' many years, and all' hopes Of recovery treatment by mercury, copaiba¦, cubel>s, aud other deadly Tliccauses and remedies for this state form, ah important which none is genuitw, and to imitate wkiclus torp J- 'J- ,, forced by detachmen ts from the Kraals . will be forwarded f rom this country bv thecontract 'Afullrepottof importantcuvea " ' ' ' ' ' " ' . , » «• screw abandoned. of theabove poisons. - . . . . . consideration in this section of the work. N.B.-l*cr fi ons wishing to cwsult the Doctor steam packets leaving Plymouth on the 15th ani many otlier complaints, and testimonials f • From its peculiar properties in crea AMERIC A. ^ of each mn patties ; ting new, pure, and THE CORDIAL BALM OF STRIAOUM case, may do so by enclosing £1 by T«sMft«fS Kail «« month for the Cape of Good Hope, except of/ the highest respectability, is, we find, sent gratis by Du rich blood (thereby cleansing and strengthening the of w Irraa pooi, Moa-day.—By^ the anon letters Is expressly employed to renovate the unpaired powera able at the llolborn Oflice, or otherwise, ".'l. . " w.iill fcll w bibi arriva l of the , 8 Snogs ;S30 8 mists, medicine vendors, or booksellers in the kingdom 4ency) have failed ; hence its universal success in female¦ cases ot nci vous and sexual debility, has been de- hill, London. ..Hours, 10 till 1, and 4 till 8. * ,514 in specie and 204 passen gers. Shams, ESSfc*** -/!? 6ne sWUhig the half ounce, CitrriOK.—the name of Messrs.- Du Babbv s invauiable pomp/flin ts.'' ; • •- . . ' ' success in thousand! whichSffi mm be paid ' monstrated by its unvar ying ccoted unless by previous arrangement a. f ,k a,t »tttoM M» fagU'we shwe, whose arrest in advanc e. Newspapers will Food, as also that of the firm , have been so ebsel imi- Sold iu. bottles, price 4s, 6o\, and lis. each tnsei. To those pers ons who are prevented entering the _Where in obtftimng W "*r at Boston created so be transmi tted es of ^* y , by every i (, ^f N.B. difficulty occurs »» fe charg e, tated that invalids cannot to* too carefully ui ibe tMetl Vhealm in the Kingdom or will be seat direct from m vried state by the oonseju encej of early «rrorB, it « in- above, enclose postage stamps to the establishment. May B, 1851. . THE NORTHER N STAR , —¦ ¦ ¦ •—— ¦ —» ^ . ^ ——^- __ . ¦ ^— . i .i . " " — £) ^oeirjj opposition to the monarch, it has not been in the tia, composed of members of the government, and cause of the nation, but y of Power throughout the world, that FATHER GAVAZZl'ON of the foreigner, or of cle- then it disappeared . Castagneto, Charles Albert's £I w,ft no " INTOLERANCE ." rical absolutism. The nobility can never be re- secretary and hi, !2v f ccl(!sia3tical person can, without fc/awim*. HOPE ON, HOPE EVER, f actotum, had said, " that the King e or garded as an historical element: it has furnished did not choose to have an permission! be deposed fro m his The introductory passages of the day'a discourse the Voices«/ -Freedom. By Geiuld M&ssky.) army of enemies in his office " The longer f from some fortunate Condotlieri, powerful even to ty- rear Did space permit, I could cite many other were bestowed on the conduct of the Times in the sair of contention is drawn the ranny, * mn tretoMn f0rtQ »is handa, said: pari- hotter it grows. flone on, hope ever, though to-day be dark, in some isolated town ; it has knelt at the similar examples. «' 7r i£m£°,r V 2 dering to the great continental system ot muzzling sunburst may smite on thee to- fcut of the foreign emperors who have passed the ?. | "?, h a bi8u0P cannot deposed; He who improves thepubltc taste is a public bene* The sweet It was so throughout. The King was fight- stilI bv n j 7t0hed^,hand8 ** free uttera nce of opinion hy att un-Eng lish onslaug ht morrow ; Alps or crossed the sea. The original slock being ^LiS ffl , , he niay be e*J> dkd - " lonely, there's an eye will mark nearly everywhere ing for himself, not for Italy ; and he would " UUghcd and' the bishop began on himself. He took at once a broad and philosophic CosuNimuM.—Why is a cm6t more nke a dog Tho' thou art extinct, the races have become again - ' tnan the lonelinc-s, and guerdon all lhy sorrow, degenerated amidst corruption and ignorance. The receive no aid that did not come in the shape view of the relative position in which all created be- dog-star ?-llecause the comet has got a tail, Thv ' A ha e alre ldy fiaiJ and the dng- star hasn «13 est t01 ' m0B" C°M aild sordid men, descendants of our noble families at Genoa, at of personal service. When he ave up Milan rt»t tii „h UrC , J > wen so say I again, ings stood with reference to the great Creator and 't. Tho' ihou ? * g h s bcen thus constituted Trom X l 1CAt work none to echo back thy thoaght, or love Naples, at Venice, and at Rome, are, for the most to the Austrians city,— ancientSncL?M^ times l -\ Father of tbe Universe, tbe essentiall y beneficent mi\?J ?f v i asi Published , states tho "With , Mazzini quitted that . Neither is it lawful for any layman l rox an s lIltM? part, specimens of absolute intellectual nullity. e and inUimically loving attributes of the Deity, fro m ' »' il'o Prussian monarchy at and for some time it was not known to friend ' f0l' a kin t0 confer eccl I0lHfl4.WC. ,08 ; andfr th.it of " up. p»or heart ! thou dost not beat in vain, Almost everything that hns worked its difficult liber t ip. ,,!TV - - S~ esiastical which he argued with forcible demonstration that Papists at G 079,013. Cheer or enemy what had befallen him. For an ac- d'gn,tleS u m chui'chcs nor « MAsrsL-piKcss of marble While God W over all, and heaven, above thee— way in art, in literature, cr in political activity, is hem a^v l, *" ' the groundwork of natural theology would be utterly mav be iff eluallv count of bis indebted to n e conferreJ. unless by the*° **per- cleaned by rubbing them with a K«el dipped Hopo oa, Lope ever. plebeian. In Iiaiy, the initiative ol progress has re-appcarance we are iKnn «J» «" ° °- demolished by tbe admission of intolerant the ires, weak solution in a a letter of one Mn tl0 n 0f tlie 8am f !ithcr as ec of carbonate of s,,t)a to hear the bitter taunt, always belonged to the people, to the democratic Giacomo Medici, subsequently 3SX(-lesiastioal authority5™? b, > - involving, as they unavoidab ly A Lover, writing to I know 'tis hard that she has y the Roman law proves." must , the disfigure- hia sweetheart, says :— heart's honest pride at midni element. It is through her communes of tho heroes of Rome. Part of it runs as k,l, re angry ment and distortion " Uelectible Dear ! \ou are so sweet, With the ght acquired all she has ever had of liberty : through bbvy subtletyil rtlSt £S <' " You think of every feature-in the concep- that honey wrestle; follows :— and craft to overturn tho atnm«Lh of tion ot a godhead , and the degradation of that sub- would blush in your presence, and treacle stand an- her workmen in wool or silk, through her mer- ,!rcro ative pidJ«d!" v feel the killing cankerworm of want, Ou the morning of the 3rd of August, 1513, Gari- ArnJT^h S s which God has gi ven me. lime and adorable ideal to the wretched level of a To chants of Genoa, Florence, Venice, and Pisa, that y0B tho tWe Rkmhhrkr This !—To decline ftH While rich rogues in their stolen luxury nestle. artists, baldi, with his division, was just about to quit ibfeh vfe « • V % and the oath by j'fllous and vindictive deraonolatry. He showed advice, unless felt it; yet from ' she has acquired her wealth ; through her mt bou"d to me, that you submit how , the example of the giver confirm bis precepts For I bave earth s cold Heal , from Giotto to Michael Bergamo, in order, by forced marches, to reach 5 \. your- i f mere numerical preponderate were , would soul looks out on coming things plebeian and republican carbine Vll mt for theso Presumptuous words conclusive as be about as sapient as if a traveller were to refuse My , and cheerful, Angclo that she has acquired her renown ; through Monza, when we saw appear amongst us, againstSL,f Zmy T to the monopoly of truth to The warm sunrise floods all the land Ideal, , on shoulder ranks as a royal crown and dignitv..!. ft fa , Buddhism and Mahome- follow the direction of a finger post, unless it hopped her navigators,—plebeian,—that she has given a , Mazzini , asking to jo in our c car that jou are tanism could triumphantl And still it whispers to the worn and tearful— simple soldier of the legion I commanded , which acting in opposition to my regal y vindicate cac>i their re- after ifs own finger. world to humanity ; through her Popes—sous of dignities and labouring to deprive me of the pvi- spective right to be considered the priviledged creed FonuiGiV Alo.VBV.-Jt may not be amiss fo caution Hope on, hope ever. until the twelfth cen- was to form the vanguard of the division of Gari- viieges due the people, even they—that great to mo by ancient right." Those words of Heaven's predilection , inasmuch as the former the puolic to bu very careful in taking money, iron may enter in the emancipation of the weak, baldi. A general acclamation saluted the excited such as The , and pierce thy soul, tury she aided in Itali an and the its murmurs against the bishop as were ritual far outnumbered the adherents there is at present a very large number of French But cannot kill the love within and sent forth a word of unity to humanity ; all her , legion unanimously confided with difhculty of the Pope- thee burning ; banner, which : and the quieted. dom and the latter liturgy and Bel gian one-franc pieces in circulation through- The tears of raisery may he thy d , memories of insurrection against the foreigner arc bore the device, " God The chancellor full y equalled the hi j-h-'&t ole People, his charge. Mazzini 's arri- then said : " It should not escape estimate of its more or out the metropolis. They arc rather defaced on" each But cannot quench thy true heart's scraph- memories of the people : all that has made the " to As soon as your memory, venerable less enli ghtened votaries. It ' val was known at Bergamo, the population ran to bishop, whoso excellency was in truth from the side, mid pass easily as a shilling, to those not ac- yearniug greatness of our towns, dates almost always from a •••. J'0 otfond against our lord the King, to Saracenic doctrine of compul- quainted sea him. They pressed around him , they begged " sory enforcement by the sword with the coin, which is not worth more For better things, nor crush thy ardent trust, republican epoch : the educational book, the only whom you have certainly made an oath or fidelity. of religious belief that t han Sid. or 9d. ps or the him to speak. All those who heard him must re- lour prude nce tbe first g,-'rra of active That Error from the mind shall be uprooted, hook read by tbe inhabitant of the Al raising must therefore be careful ." So the persecution had ori ginated _ What is an Old Baciiiclor ?—An old bachelor Transteverin who can read, is an abridgnient of the member his discourse. He recommended Bishop seeing himself within the bosom of That Truths shall dawn, as flowers spring from barricades to defend the town in case of attack, thus encompassed , and per- Christianity ; and , abhorrent is a bass (base) solo—an unfinished piece of creation the oust history of the Ancient Roman Republic. This is the ceiving that the king was offended , as soon as such proceedings must bave been to the genius ~tbe fi rst long been whilst we should march upon Milan ; and lie con- as snenco volume of an interesting work—a watch Aud love be cherishc where hate was embruitcd— reason why the same men who have so could be obtained , continued hia ol out f aith, it is hut natural to trace their adoption without a regulator—a fact witnessed jured them, whatever might arrive, to love Italy discourse thus voluntary martvr, refusing Hope on, hope ever. accused of coldness, and who had in always : "My lord," said ho, "if anything by the Popes to the example of tlw Caliphs, Heaven's best gift—a fruitless hl with indifference the aristocratic and royal revolu- , and never to despair of her redemption. I have said has been The ossom on the tree of night His words were and the offensive to your royal Ma- inquisition , an offspring of Spain, was but life—a ship without a rudder , dashed by the waves of Hope on, hope ever, after darkest tions of 1820 and 1S21, arose with enthusiasm and received with enthusiasm, jesty, I do declare, before a wrong despair Comes full of loving life, the laughing Morning, column left amid marks of the deepest sympathy. the God of heaven and headed reminiscence of the long-dominant Moors ; on the nicks of ilesolation-sonielimes a with a true power of self-sacrifice at the cry of Si. your royal dignity, that I intended nothing contrary gilded peg for aspiring Hope on, hope ever, spring-tide flusht with light, People ! The march was very fatiguing—rain fall in torrents, to on r yoi and the subsequent working of sanguinary intole- relatives to hang their hopesr rich adorning. Markand tlteRepublic , God and the and we were drenched to the ac- ,X ,°. 'r excellency bv craft or subtlety." on. Doth crown old Winter with its skin. Although fo this the king rep * rance in the case of the Waldenses, the Hussiies, Hope on, hope ever, yet the time shall come After this passage, it is almost unnecessary customed to a life of study, and little adapted to the lied : " We have here heard "I Ekjovs," says Quintilian , " that such as ara a statement very much to be wondered at namely, the Albigenses, and other communities anxious to When man to man shall be a friend and brother, to say that Siguor Mazxraihas no faith,iu the violent exercise of forced marches, hia constancy , begiuniuis the pviclice of composition, write slowly, home that you, my lord bishop, esteem as frivolous tho purify their worship from Papal corruptions , was and with anxious deliberation. And this old world shall be a happy , present race of Italian princes and aristocrats. and serenity never forsook him for an instant, and charters of Their great object , s family love one another. notwithstanding our counsels the kings my predecessors, confirmed but a bloody parody of the war-cry, " There is but at firs t , should be to write as well as possible ; prac- And all Earth' land and even in Italy, it has been , for we feared for hia by the lawful Hope on, hope ever. In Eng , physical strength, he would never stop, nor leave authority of the cro wn of England, one God and the Pope is his prophet." tice will enab'e them to write speedily. By degrees, constantly asserted, that he ruined the cause the column. It and by tho testimony of eminent men 1 Par be it A free pulpit or a free press could not CO-exist matter will offer itself still more readily •, words will happened even , that seeing one of from me—far be it from the of his country by withholding his supportfrom our youngest volunteers clothed merely in linen , excellency of my king- with the full development of this self-condemned he at hand j composition will flow : everything, as iri dom, that what upon mature consideration has been the arrangement Charles Albert during the war, on the plea and who consequently had no protection from the imposture. Abund ant historical references, fami- of a well-ordered family, will present l%eiHfU39 decreed by me, with the advice of my archbishops, itself in its proper place. The «f that the King of Sardinia was fi ghting, not rain and the sudden cold , he forced him to accept liar to the English portion oi the auditory were sum the whole is and wear his bishops, and barons, should be condemned by you or this—that hy hasty composition we shall never ac- Royalty and Republicanismin Italy ; or, Notes for the independence of Lombardy, but to add otrn cloak. Arrived at Monza , wo followed up by modern instances of the same learned the fatal news of the any like you !" quire the art of composing well ; by writing well we Documents refafiiui io the Lombard In- worn b capitulation of Milan, Then the conscious in ability to cope, unassisted by brute shall come to write speedily. and a new crown to that already y the and heard that a numerous body of Austrian ca- king, looking at the bishop with a surrection, and to tte Eoyal War of 18:10. House of Savoy. This charge is here met, valry had changed countenance, said: " Were the letters of force, with the growing intelligence of mankind ; The Indian aso the IsNKEV.PEit.—Colonel Put- been sent against us, and was alread y at which mention By Joseph Mazzisi. Gilpin. and contradicted by facts which seriously im- the other side, at the gates of Monza. Garibald i, is now made of your procuring ? and the instinctive terror which mixed educstion nam used to tell a story of an Indian , upon Connec- very inferior in f orces, By tho fidelity and oath you owe mo, I charge you and mixed marriages, or any contact tvith or ap- ticut River, who calledat a tavern, in the autumn for The writer describes these papers, speeches, plicate the honour of the deceased sovereign. not wishing to expose his answer me truly small body to a complete and useless destruction !" The bishop replied : " By my proximation to antagonistic influences inspired , was a dram. The landlord asked him two coppers for it. and other memoranda as being notes—not The writer undertakes to show from State , fidelity, and by tho oath have sworn The following gave orders to fall back upon Como ; and placed I to you as my sadly indicative of laten t misgiving. When in pos- spring, passing the fame house, he history. Properly speaking, they are what he papers, aud chiefly from the correspondence of sovereign , your excellency , shall know, that these culled for another, and had coppers to pay for mo with my column as rear-guard, in order to session of rampant ascendancy, the lengths to three calls tlieai j for lie seems to have jotted down English Ministers, that Charles Albert took cover the retreat. letters were procured neither by myself nor any it. " 1 low is this landlord ?" says be, " last tall you * * la this march, lull of other person with my consent. which cruelty was carried would be ludicrous , were asked but two coppcra for a g his tboaghts, reflections on events, corrections the field for the purpose of combating the re- danger and difficulty, the strength of soul, intrepi- " lass of rum, now you Now the archbishop hearing the bishop deny, in they not lamentable, as in the case of the Jews in ask three."—" Oh !" says the landlord , of mis-statements, without regard to the rules public, and saving crowned heads from the dity, and decision which Mazzini possesses in such " it costs a high degree the presence of all , that the letters had been pro- the Roman ghetto, the annoyances to which thcs« me a good deal to ket-p rum over winler. It is as of literary art or to the exigencies of any spe- retributive justice which threatened them in , never failed, and were the admira- tion of the bravest cured by him , and knowing how matters reall y stood , poor people were still subjected having apparently expensive to keep a hogshead of rum over winter a9 of established writing. But rough and had among us. His presence, his cies all parts of Europe. Signer Mazzini has words, the example of his courage and that they had been so procured, marked himself no earthly object , save the wanton indulgence of an a horse." — " Ah!" says the Indian, "I can't see at first si ht the , animated our with the sign of the cross in token of astonishment. throug h that ; be won' ondeliberate as tliey appear g , good opportunities of knowing the unfortu- young soldiers, who were besides proud of par- , inveterate habit of persecution. The recent vexa- t eat so much hay : maybe he reader will find that they throw a clearer aud nate prince in question and thus judges his taking such dangers with him All these transactions took place before our lord tious interference with the Swiss Protestant congre- drink as much water." This was sheer wit, pure sa- ; ; and all decided , tire , and true humour, ht on the great events of Mazzini amongst the first, in esse of an the king, whom the now gation of Florence, and the interdiction of preach- in one very short repartee. more convincing lig character :— engage- addressed th us: Will your Excellency command I< Asmoss for thb Dti.ng.—Same days before ment, to perish to the last man for the defence of a " ing in Italian , was ably and eloquently stigmatised , her the Italian Revolution than any set of papers I speak not of the Ring;whatever his adulators, faith of us to retire, and do what ia necessary to be done, death , which took place lately, Mademoiselle Eliza which he had been the apostle, and for while the terrorism upheld at Naples by the or volumes which have yet appeared in Eng- and the political hypocrites who are now making which he was ready to become and to determine these matters according to the Forneot, ex-tlirectreis of the Theatre FranQais at the martyr. This wretched King 's crafty confessor, Code, and the land. The volume contains—and this is its the posthumous enthusiasm for Charles Albert, an resolute determination contributed much to legal method of ecclesiastical custom ?"— " JSay," London, was conversing with some friends, when , main- said the king, frantic alarm which fenced out and blockaded every chief fault—too little of Mazzini himself. If arm of opposition against his successor may at- tain the order and the firm attitude which saved the "I will order you to determine them some one knocked at her door, and her femme de y however sincere the people of the in my presence, and after due deliberation / shall inlet and avenue of free thoug ht, were chambre whispered we are not misled by report, the Triumvir' a tempt to sa , rest ot the division. , charac- some words in her ear. "It is kingdom ot Piedmont may be in their illusion, that decide." So saying, he arose, and retired to the teristic of the Pope's model kingdom and the my dress maker come to try me on a new dress," have been most romantic Six months later nor- personal adventures , the idea of the war of independence is symbolised , Mazzini, as virtual dictator cemetery of tho monks—the rest, except the bishop mal state of society he patronised. No wonder said the actress. " Will you come and see it ?" She ital of the amijthe abbot accompany not *»nly while he ruled in the cap in that name ; the judgment of posterity will weigh of tbe Roman world, planted that fl ag on the , ing him. After some con- that the blessed Bomba prohibits his benighted and then led the way to her dressing room, and her .cap sultation , the king sent for the bishop, who came friends, ivho followed her, Christian world as its unquestioned master, heavily upon the man of 1821, oflS33—of tho i- summit of the Capitol. besotted subjects from visiting England , or her were surprised and pained •—but when he was a common soldier in the tulation of Milan. The nature, the temperament Of the series of striking and sat down with the others ; and after much dis- to see ihe new gmvn was—a coffin. Tbe coffin was events in Rome we cussion—the affair being brought to a conclusion— marts, her assemblages of freemen , and , above all of rosewood lined with white satin and was placed corps of Giacomo Medici, under Garibaldi,— of the individual was such, as to exclude all hope of , , any enterprise on his part, for the Unity of Italy. have here but few accounts,—and none at all the king commanded Henry of Essex to bring in such gatherings as our own. (Cheers.) Tho voice a^'-vtnsi the vail. She entered to try it. "Yes," and after his departure from Rome, in his re- Genius, love, and faith, were wanting in Charles of the heroic defence of Bologna and Ancona. the abbot and the monks. The abbot took his sea t, tbat rings throughout this hall is well Rtted to said she, smiling, " it fits well, and I am pleased with treats among the alps and lakes of Switzer- Albei t. Of the first, which reveals itself by a life —Among the charges that obtained the largest and tbe bish op, at the king's signal, spoke as fol- strike dismay wiih its most distant echo into 1)18 it." ~raris Jlcoue des Theatres " land. Into these matters, however, we have entirely, logically, and resolutely devoted to a great credence in Europe at the time, was the asser- lows :— craven soul. He has seen me once before, though Glorious Ukcbrtajntv of Law.—An American Most excellent King: I bishop of tho Church of farmer had remarked', during the sittings of the no right given us to pry :—but what belongs idea, the career of Charles Albert does not offer the tion, that those who expelled the Pope and " , I could only catch a glimpse of his back when he Cir- least trace : the second was stifled in him by tbe Chichester, do entirely liberate and quit-ciaim the turned it in disastrous flight from the gallant cuit Court, a p irt of his corn field to be beaten down to European history is public property. The founded the Republic were aliens and refugees, men continual mistrust of men and things ; which was Abbey of Battel, as your own royal chapel—in and who routed him at Velletri. I saw him in in a regular track of ten or twelve paces in length , as writer of course must be allowed to adopt his conspirators by habit, and anarchists from upon which I neither have nor ought to have any gallop if by the rang awakened by the remembrance of an unhappy past ; the direction of the Pontine marshes, int.' of some animal to and fro. Anxious own plans. Better than we can, he must know self-interest—in short that the authority— from all the claims and challenges scared at the to dtitcct the cause, he ensconced himsel f one day the last was denied him by his uncertain character, , Roman Revo- glitter of Garibaldi's bayonets, and trembling and what it is safe to reveal and what it is prudent wavering always between good and evil, between to lution was the work of foreign ers. To this which I have hitherto maintained. In like manner anions the thick leaves, and observed, about th& hous also aghast at the rattle in his rear of our Human of to keep back, so long as tbe great drama m do and not to do, between daring and not daring. In charge Mazzini indignantl lies in his , I absolve the abbot, as one upon whom I have adjournment , one of the Judges cautiously ap- y rep well- unjustly imposed the chain of excommunication, musketry. Until I again confronthira in the ineve- proach tbe spot. Arrived at the path of the chief parts is still his youth, a thoaght , not of virtue but of Italian , he commenced which he plays one may be pro- known letter to the French ministers. Warm, which I neither could do, nor ought to have done ; vitable clash of the coming conflict on Italian pacing it gravely up and down , with knit brow and lucid and ambition—the ambition however which in progress. Yet, after reading his fitable to nations—had passed through his soul like eloquent, and rhetorical, like nearly all Signor I protest that, in consideration of his elevated ground, the winged words that are wafted from this air of cogitation , and at length , drawing a small logical exposure of the causes of the Lombard lightning; but he recoiled in affrig ht, and the Mazzini's compositions,—this letter through- dignity and that of his Abbey, I ought not to de- platform will whistle in his ears as if spoken in tbe chip from his pocKer , he spat on one side of it, Insurrection—of the intrigues of Charles Al- remembrance of this one brilliant moment of his out breathes a spirit of scornful and righteous mand anything of him except bis good will ; and 1 Largo di Casttlto, or the broad bustle of Strada balanced it an instant on his finger, flipped it up in declare that from this day, he is free from the air, and watching its descent intent'-y, exclaimed, bert and his agents to defeat tbe national youth presented itself hourly to him, and tortured contempt, unusual with him, for ever, Toledo, conveying to a corrupt court the certainty but the use of all episcopal exactions and customs." as it fell:—" Wet l'm defendant— dry for plaintiff;" cause—and of the reasonings of the Republi- him like the incessant throbbing of an old wound, which, under such provocation, history will of impending catastrophe. instead of acting upon him as an excitement to a The Chronicle exhibits the holy men of then , stooping down, he added , " Plaintiff has it!" cans, with the attitude which they took aud new life. Between the risk ol losing, sanction. From the aspect of intolerance in other count ries 1 be farmer avoided all litigation from that moment. if he failed, Battel in the character of" wreckers," suc- held daring the contest—we cannot but regret the crown of his little kingdom, and the fear of the To the historian Signor Mazzini's notes and of Europe he adverted to the manner iu which for- Increuse ov Fo«aTft>Ci.»ss Traviuxehs.—Tho cessfull asserting bv that, on public grounds and in behalf of his- liberty which the people, after having fought for memoranda will be of great value :—the ge- y their claim to the property bearance and toleration were understood by the au- pas^emrers rail increased from 35,000,000 in 1816 of ships lost on the coast and compromising to 53 000 toric truth, Signer Mazzini has not thought him, would claim for themselves, he went hesitating neral reader will find them full of present thorities in France, and drew a forcible sketch of , ,000 in 1850 for England and Wales alone ; with and the total of the United Kingdom for the last proper to embrace in his notes the entire series on, with this spectre before his eyes, stumbling at interest. the Archbishop of Canterbury in a dis- the oppressive machiner y at itork in tbat republican every step, without energy to confront these dan- puted case by yielding up a portion of the community for the extinction of every spontaneous year was 06,000,000, The largest proportion of this of events between the expulsion of the Croats " increase (says the Times) is due to the lowest class gers, without the will or power to comprehend that shipwrecked commodities." The extract we utterance of independent opinion. Religion was from Milan and the entry of the French into to become Kine of Italy,-he must first of all forget The CAroniele of Battel Abbey, from 106G to of passengers. While the number of fi rst-class bave made, shows how unchang is the cha- desecrated by an alliance with tbe poliee, snd the Itomc. Much of darkness and doubt yet broods that he was King of Piedmont. Despotic from 1176. Nowf irst translated, with Notes aad ing travellers has increased sixteen, and of second-class racter of the Priesthood. Strange that Yic- old "Voltairian scoffers had pressed into the service along this chain of revolutions. Jfot a little rooted instinct, liberal from self-love, and from a an Abstract of the subsequent History of the ninety-seven per .cent., and while third-class tra- be submitted alternatel toria should now be involved in tbe same dis- of their political intrigues the sacred appliances and vellers have actually diminished two per cent,, the error and misconception as to the conduct of presentiment of the future, y Establishment. By Mark. Antony Lower, to the government of Jesuits, and to that of men of pute as Henry the Second. resources of tbe sanctuary. Ostentatious attendance passengers by parliamentary trains have increased persons aud ofpartiesin Northernltalyare here M.A. Russell Smith. at fashionable churches was the indispensable pre- 330 per cent, upon their number in 1840. Yet, for progress. A fatal disunion between thought and ^ removed.—For the aff airs of Yeuice and Na- action, between conception and the faculty of exe- The original of this Chronicle is in the Cofc- liminary to bureaucratic preferment, military ad- their most numerous class of customers, railway much directors seem to take the least ples new illustrations are not so required. cution, showed itself in every act. -Most of those tonian MSS. of the British Museum. It is now The Heir of Wast Wayland. By Maby vancement, or, in the case of fortune-hunters , to care. Origin of the Sign of " Tub Bag of Nails. But from Milan to Rome tho insurrectional who endeavoured to place him at the head of the translated and published for the first time. Howitt. (Parlour Library.) the hand of some heiress m the various nunneries " were forced to agree to this view of his Simms and —Some hundred years since there stood in the movement is a comparative mystery j and of enterprise, Its contents have almost exclusive reference to M 'Intyre of " the sacred heart " under the control of con- character. Some of those intimate with him went , Paternoster-row. l yburn-road (Oxford-street) a public house known that brilliant defence of the Italian capital the Abbey itself ; but an Abbey in those venient con feisors. Rank hypocrisy was the result as the •' Bacchanalians," on the signboard of which so far as to whisper that he was threatened with This admirable and exquisitely told story in the upper classes, and wide-spread unbelief which levived the old glories of republican , and in the was painted a representation of BaecllUS and a group lunacy, lie was the Hamlet of Monarchy. ages represented a section of tho world will add to the already deservedly high popu- more humble observers of this scandalous comedy, Italy, a thousand things require to be told had political significance of a very decisive of Satyrs. The jolly god was represented with No man, however, lost more by the revolu- larity of Mrs. Hewitt. The scene is laid in a Paris has undertaken the pious task of converting cloven hoofs and about which at present we have only a con- kind. Here wo see clustering round this Battel horns, the traditionary form of tion than Charles Albert. Whatever his part of the country, aud among people where London during tbe great festival of the world's in- satyrs, and the sign was vulgarly called " The Devil ihsed notion. TVe want an exact and weaknesses and his faults, he atoned for them Abbey some of the most momentous disputes of she is perfectl y at home—the events are na- dustry, and the Hanover-square rooms have been and the Oacchanals." Time, however, ignored the icture of that marvellous siege drawn graphic p bitterly, by a forced abdication—exile—a episcopal and civil jurisdiction, not a few of tural, the language simple, but beautifully hired for the performances of the plausible Jesuit, existence of his Satanic nwjesty, and as the sign- view. Some board became dull with age and weather from the patriotic point of broken heart—and a premature death. He the most remarkable of our early feudal cus- appropriate, and the morals excellent. Wast Ravignan. The French milliners of that distin- , the term glimpses of this we get in the letters ad- toms, anecdotes of our Norman kings than cuished quarter of the town import the Bacchanals was construed into " Bag of Nails," a sought an extension of his own little kingdom Wayland is one of the romantic spots in tllO newest lorm it has ever since retained. dressed bv tbe Triumvir to members of the which nothing can bo imagined It is by no means and for that was willing to fight to tbe best more charac- north of England, which have inado the f igurine of Parisian fashion, and the inhabitants of an uncommon sfcn in tbe centre of England. in Paris,—translations of National Assembly of his poor ability. He failed ignominiously. teristic, singular facts and incidents throwing " Lake country " famous among searchers this metropolis are to be presented there with the ; Self-satisfied Partt.—Four gentlemen, a Bap- "which appear in ibis volume j but we long to , personal resentments should light upon our national history, and a series after the picturesque but many of which are latest pattern of demure gallic piety, as a persua- tist, Pr?sbyteri.in , Methodist, and Roman Catholic, With the grave ; ji see the machinery employed as well as the nothing to he more ap- of quarrels and suits between the Abbots of as yet unexplored and unvitiated by contact sive to forego their ignorant impatience of Roman met by agreement to dine on lish. Soon as grace cease ; and there is aggression. Lessons of toleration are to flow from was snd, ihe Catholic rose, armed with si knife and results achieved,—to be present, as it were, memoranda of strife and Battel and the Bishops of Chichester touch- with the outer world. Into its recesses, with proved of in these the lips of Loyola, the tide of popular commotion fork, and taking about one-third of the fish, compre- at the internal organisation and march of on than the calm and passion- ing the respective limits of their power, which their mild and fresh natural beauties and sub- factious persecuti , is to be stemmed and rolled back on the Anglican hending the head , removed it to his plate, exclaim- events as well as at the mere military specta- which tbe dead are personally in life-like illustration of character and men limities—and to the primitive ing, as he down, with great self satisfaction less tone in usages, homely EpUcopacy, while the invectives of Gavazzi are sat , cle. We desire to know how a beleaguered equal anything contained in Mr. Oarl 's Papa est caput ecclesicc I (the Pope is the bead of the dealt with by the writer. But against the yle hospitality, warm feeling, and true Saxon doomed to undergo rebuke and refutation! By all city, in the absence of all ordinary laws and Chronicle of Jocel Church). Immediately the Methodist minister arose, ideas which inspired the policy of the dead, yn de Brakebnde. dialect of the simple dalesmen, who inhabit means let the rejoinder be heard, let England Itarn roles, was kept in a state of peace and inter- We copy tbe scene of one of these quarrels and helping himself to about one-third , embracing Mazzini holds himself at liberty to inveigh. If them, Mrs. Howitt delightfully introduces the to admire a government of priests , and applaud the Finis coronal o activity—factions repressed and con- the tail , seated himself , pm\ (the nal the past is to be the guide of the future, its at tbe bearing of which King Henry the reader. Tho story is appropriate to the benevolent interference of France to secure that end crowns tho work). The Presbyterian now checked—without martial punish- spiracies lessons must he clearly indicated ; and, Hun- Second presided. It is full of masterly dra- scenery. We are told how a young lady, ill- blessing to the Romans. Let every abuse denoun- thought it was about time for him to move, and, ments, proscription, or apparently any other gary perhaps excepted, there is no nation that matic touches. Observe the lion-like King used, both in matters of the heart, and the ced in succession be whitewashed in its turn ; let taking the remainder of the fish to his plate, ex- Nor would it be less inter- In media est Veritas ! (truth lies species of terror. needs to ponder orer its own annals with stretching forth his hands to give point to that purse, journies from the busy world to a re- ihe iii/al)ibiliiy of lying encyclycals be upheld, the claimed, between how those regiments the two extremes). Our B iptist brother had no- esting to know were more candour and frequency than Italy. The grim joke against the Church whereat all his mote corner of the dale district, aud becomes infamies of enforced celibacy hushed up, the Inqui- pped and disciplined in a few atrocities, thing before him but an empty plate, and the pros- raised, equi main fact which, in Signor Mazzini's opinion, courtiers laugh, and his Chancellor Thomas a the mistress of a female school, established by sition vindicated in all its the idle va- pect of a slim dinner ; and, snatching up the bowl of to defeat and disperse the grancy of mendicant monks weeks which served the late revolutions have developed is—that Becket the first ! Hear in what keen, pierc- the benevolent owner of Wast Wayland. , such as infest our drawn mctled butter, he dashed it over them all, to stand before Italian towns, justified on the principles of political regular armies of Naples, and the Republicans onl can free the land from ing tone, sounding clear over the abyss of six How the scheming relations of the squire, who exclaiming, Ego baptito vos ! {I bapthe you all). y economy or any principle at all ; let the Jesuit ex- the veteran soldiers of France long enough the dominion of the Croat and make Ital centuries, this stout Plantageuet ridicules a have long looked upon themselves as his heirs, Taxation.—If the question were put to seven , y a onerate his own fraternity from the impeachment not only to earn applause from the admiring bishop's claim to set at nought tbe charters of discover that ho has fallen in love with the millions i.f the inhabitants in the several parishes of nation. of systematically assassinating the freedom this kingdom , whether they would prefer paying the civilians of Europe, but to confound the calcula- bis kingly predecessors. " You, or any like stress, and set on foot all kinds of of man- Marani endeavoursto show tbat at Milan schoolmi kind in every land cursed with its mischievous following direct taxes, instead of tbe present indirect tions of experienced generals and extort praise you, to think of defying the lawful autho- to prevent the property from being the Republicans were always out of favour and plots, ubiquity. The blunt and straightfor ward slate taxes, leiving a general free trade, what reply would from the exasperated troops who had served rity of the English Crown their opinions slighted. Hia own counsels were J" And finally let wrested from them, and how their stratagems ments made and recognised by th* assenting adhe- be made ? in war against the re- £1 500 000 their apprenticeship rejected. The sword of Garibaldi was refused the reader note how the good Archbishop end. But we will not divulge the secret, for sion of a fully competent assembly, ore of a nature 1 Jnillifcn to pay 0s. Gd. weekly, would prouuca , , Kader All this Signer 1 million .. Is. Od -i.C'iO .OliO doubted Abdel . by the King's partisans, lest its owner's valour marks himself with the cross in token of asto- the book is only one shilling in price ; and we to exercise all the subtlety of Escobar in any at- 1 million .. Is. lid 3.9U0.0U0 Mazzini might have told us. and success might tend to inflame the demo- nishment when he hears his cool friend the wish all our readers to have tho pleasure of tempt at palliation. The work of exposure shall 1 milium .. 2a. Oil 5.'>)>l>,0»t> But, to return to what is now more imme- cratic sentiments of the army. In the hour of Bishop tell an enormous fib. reading it for themselves. As an incentive to go on: tbe assault on the crazy structure that en. 1 million .. 3s. 0d 7,SO!>,000 , preface 1 million .. 4s. Od 10,41)0,000 diately under notice —In a general his greatest distress Charles Albert would not When this had been done, Thomas (a Becket) the do so, we will only inform them that we read cumbers the Italian soil with its anti quated and ex- I million .. 5s. Od lS.voo.OQi) Signer Mazzini sketches what he conceives to le of Lombard King's chancellor, looking towards the Bishop of it at one setting, and were sorry when it was ploded accessories, shall continue with unabated trust the peop y with arms. For T millions would pay, in lieu of all Taxes.. £ll,'i00.000 he the true reading of his country's history,— Chichester, said : "Mv jord bishop, your charity done. energy and undaunted determination. example :— been done before our lord of children and poor would be the tendency which that history indicates,— has heard what bas now Twenty-one millions news of the fall _ of Udme had struck all the King, and in the audience of all present. It is free, and the burden light for seven millions. and the character which it foreshadows for all The with terror. At midnight I was summoned now permitted to your prudence to reply, if it so $ttlMf . amii 0*m»it!0. Liverpool u.vdek Tiibbb Quee.vs.—The Liver- institutions that are to take root and flourish minds Cmconv in Coffee.— In Belgium, where chicory to the government, where I found several influential please you ; for it is you, as it appears to us. that is cultivated to it considerable extent, pool Times gives the following tabular statement, concerns." Then the Bishop and used with model of the town among its people. The leading conclusion at Republicans assembled. It was necessary, said the this matter most Processor Kiskel's Lectures.—On Monday coffee, with which it is mixed by the consumer, and prepared in connexion with a , to which he arrives from this survey is—that the members of tbe government, to raise the country, arose apd caid : night the first of a course of twelve lectures on not by tho retailor of coffee, the poorest person he shown iu the Exhibition of Industry :— am not addicted like many, to roaming all the theatre, 1570. 1710. 1851. Italian mind is essentially republican in its to prepare it for a tremendous effort, to call upon it " I the history of the modern was delivered by grinds his own coffee, and thus effectually prevents they asked us to world over, but induced by love and honour to you, Dr. Gottfried Kinkel , late professor at the Univer- Elizabeth. Anne. Victoria. The result is stated and illus- to save itself by its own force—and the possibility of having an adulterated article. organisation. means. I wrote on a scrap of paper my lord King, and quite unaware of . this kind of sity of Bonn , at Willis's Rooms, before a numerous Population 800 8,108 400,001) The following indicate ihe Tho chicory ia usually sold by the vendor of coffee, Vessels 1"» 334 23,000 trated with vivacity and force. , which I believed would contribute opposition, I have come into these parts of your and fashionable audience, who were highly delighted several things But if it and is used by tbe consumer in the proportion to Tonnneo 2C8 12.638 3,5315.337 passage recapitulates the argument :— to the end to be attained ; but declared that they realm with the others who are present. with the address. The subject of the lecture was, £211, lease you and the abbot and the rest now be- su't his own taste ; and in the opinion of many Dock Dues - £G0tt 7*3 The Italian tradition is eminently republican. In j would be inefficacious if the government charged p , , "the tendency of the drama on the people ; its coffee drinkers a moderate quantity of chic>ry with Toun Dues £20 £379 £yl ,000 fore you who are well disposed, an arrangement 1 ,30(5 England, the aristocratic element bas a powerful itself with their execution. "God alone," conti- moral and national importance. ' coffee is an improvement , though its general use in Customs £272 £70,000 £3 L'S*. can be made, between me and £ 20 £1,113 £139,153 influence, becauseit has a history ; well or ill, it nued ! , " can bring forth life from death. Your by your mediation, CttBMouNE GAROBSs.—Th e preparations at Cre- Belgium is from motives of economy. Corporate Income power, discredited. Until now, the,abbot, without damage either to our church of morne appear to be of a very attractive description Astbo.vomical CiocE.—The Liverpool Albion has organised society : it has created a government is deservedly With that Tub Witts Act. A case lately occurred in tho snatched from royalty,by conquering guarantees you have done everything to weaken enthusiasm, Chichester, or to the Abbey of Battel. for thei ensuing season, which commenced on — states that a curions astronomical cloak is at present intention have I come if I did not ' Prerogative Court of Canterbury, which affords for the rights of the subject ; it bas founded in part and to create, by falsehood, a fatal security ; and hither. Even Thursday last, being a grand fe te in honour of the a being constructed in the vicinity of Liverpool, by the influence of England abroad. sudden ly start up and preach the know this to be your desire, I should of necessity opening of the National Exhibition. A double plat- remarkable illustration of tbo unjust operation of , LL.D., f« Vhe Exhibition, from, a tiie wealth and you. cannot ht the Wills Act upon the classes of society who can- E. Uenderson The monarchical element has still great influence people's war and crusade, without causing the cry —though unaware of the opposition to be broug form has been constructed for the convenience of the series of very intricate calculus and complicated pro- because it also masses. 2Jew mea- against me, and unprepared for it—make satisfac- dancers, lighted by ninely-Uo tripod lamps, and not afford to pay solicitors to draw their wills. which has engrossed a large share of his orer the tendencies of France, of treason to be uttered by the The testator a labouring man, died on the 17th of jections, in the national history ; sures, new men. I ask for no dismissals, which just tion for my self and for the church of Chichester surrounded by waterproof arbours. The expense of , time and attention since ISM. It is calculated so Claims an important page March last, leaving a will, disposing of the little of the motions of the it has Charlemagne, a Louis XL, a now would look like flight ; but choose three men, committed to my charge." this improvement , and of the new Chinese pagoda' is finely that in many wheel-work produced a objected to any compromise, saying said to property he had saved. It occupied the first and ,000 years. 3fapoleon ; it has contributed to found the unity of monarchists or republicans, it matters not, but But some exceed £1,000, it will not err one minute in 1 The clock communes the risks men who knoiv and will, and who if not beloved , that the controversy, so long maintained between Batii's Hippodrome,— This extensive building nearly half the second side of a sheet of letter paper. will show the minutes and hours of the day ; the France: it bas shared with the , not con- The attestation cltuse was on the third side, imme- and ibe honours of the struggle against feudalism; at any rate are not despised by the people ; and them, ought to be brought to a close, and now erecting at the corner of the Victoria-road , swn's place in thn ecliptic ; the day of the montb with a halo , tinued any further. Upon this the bishop pro- Kensington JSew Town, is fast progressing towards diately opposite to the concluding paragraph of the perpetually, and take leap j car into account ; the ii bas surrounded the national banner under the pretest of the enormity of your labours listening and the testator si name just below history of the mo- or under any pretest you will, let them be charged ceeded with a loud voice—all attentively completion. It is of oval shape, about 500 feet long will, gned his moon's age, place, and phases ; the apparent diurnal of militarv glory. What is the a compro- tbo attestation clause in the simultaneous presence narchy and of tbe aristocracy of Italy ? What. pro- with all care and authority in the affairs of the war. —in these words : " Since you refuse by 400 feet across, its capacity being, it is said , to revolution of the moon ; the ebb and flow of the sea for peace, I will give our lord the King, and held some 14,000 persons, who sit on seven roofed of two wit nesses, who then duly attested and sub- at-any port in the world ; the golden, minent part have they played in the national From them let all the measures I have now pro- mise matters shown number, they sup- posed to you emanate ; to-morrow, we will rally all here present a detailed account of the seats ; whilst the area itself is open to the sky. It scribed the will. - Tho next day tho will was epact, solar cycle, Roman iudiction, Sunday letter development ? What vital element have the vory properly ob- , or to the unification of round them, and be their guarantees towards the hitherto in dispute between us, respecting is a fine buildincr of'its class • and does credii to tho to the medical attendant, who and Julian period ; tbe mean time of the rising and plied to Italian strength, With this in- served that the testator must sign immediately at the future existence of Italy ? The history of our people." One of the means proposed was levies en rights of my church of Chichester." architectural ability of Mr." G, L. Taylor. Situated in the setting of the sun on every day of the year, with its- so the foot or end of the will. Accordingly, s, and fixed and royalty in feet commences with the dominion oi masse of the five classes ; whilst the government troduction he proceeded :— .... -j- immediately in the vicinity of the Crystal Palace, and tbe medical term movable feasts, the day of t':e ; Chbist d ing"- the words and managed b presence of tho same two witnesses week will also Charles V., with the downfallof our last liberties thought it was doing too much by calling out the "Jksus , my lor K y a gentleman so experienced and cn- signed his name in tne be indicated, and tbe year will be re- ; first only, and putting Jesus Chrislow Lord he repeated three times, and terprisingas Mr. Batty, the Hippodrome is sure to attendant, the testator again gistered for 10,000 past or it is identified with servitude and dismemberment three off the convocation of j Jesus lace ; and the two witnesses proposed to to come. It will also go of the whole until the month of August, because ! then added— Hear ye all, and understand. receive a vast amount of patronage during the forth- proper p 100 years, without requiring it is written on a foreign page, in the cabinets " this worm, sign theirs again, but the medical «"»«»»«> (un- to be wound up. and of Spain. Nearly all of then the peasa nts would have had time'to gather their , Christ our lord, in the disposition of coming influx of strangers into the metropolis. . France, of Austria, powers, one fortunately not being acquainted with all the nice ' A -Hymn of my own Composing."—Absut a them the issue of foreign families, viceroys of ope harvest. Tbey added this blasphemy, that the pea- has constituted two places and two, was unnecessary century a The spiritual is that distinctions of this law) said that , go, there was, in the far-famed town of or other of the great powers, our kings do not offer sants were Austrian at Juart ; whilst the poor pea- spiritual, the other material. attested and subscribed the Glastonbury, first classes were revolting Jesus Christ spake to Tns Patent Laws.—On Saturday, by order of as thev bad alread y an eccentric man , who performed the the example of a single individual redeeming by sants of the two against concerning which our Lord was declared invalid because the duties of clerk at the Presbyterian meeting. His who rejected some of them as not all his disciples and their successors, in our first the House of Lords; was printed a return containing will. This will briliiaut personal qualities the vice of subalternity, the surgeons fit art of the testator at tho foot or end of tbe friends deemed him a poet of no common order, and le service ! I insisted that at least another appeal bishop Peter the apostol, namely : ' Thou some suggestions and memorials addressed to the signature . to which bis position condemned him ; not a sing for church. Board of will was not attested , and tbe signature (which the plaudits of his associates contributed not a little aspi- s o d be made to the volunteers, and offered my- Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Trade on.the subject.of the Patent Laws one who bas ever evinced any grand national h ul knows, it nas and the amendment thereof. The documents show was duly attested , though at the foot or end of the to:foster an opinion so congenial to his own. He- ration. Around them in the obscurity of their self as a guarantee, feeling sure that the example From that time, as yoiir charity clause, and nearly opposite (othepubJic- , by church of God tnat inc the expense and delay attending , letters patent for attestation to the last was urged to make bis talent beneficial t gather or retrograde courtiers, men would be followed in all the towns engaging to grown to be a custom in the will) was not at tho foot an impressive ser- cour s, idle of a thousand volunteers at Milan, bishops of holy church, being vicars of the' said inven tions. There are.now two bills before the line of the or end of the On one 5th of November, alter who calfiheaiselves naibls,but who have never been form a legion should will. The same day - several other wills , this man of office stooii up. was allowed to placard the appeal, and blessed Peter, the prince of the apostols, House of Lords for amendment of tho Patent Laws, were do- mon bad been preached ua able to constitute an aristocracy. An aristocracy provided ! ®u®! clared invalid because the signatures. dialect, said :- J name as the first. I retired, ap- preside ia the worthy governance thereof. " which bills win be considered on the meeting of of the attes- and in tho broad Somerset ,n f _ is a compact independent body, representing in it- to inscribe mv said by their Lordshi >¦ tators appeared , not at the foot or end of tlie hymn of my own «W. = and tvith a promise of assent. Two days to ns who are set over'God's church, was it ps on Thursday. • .will gwain to gie out a the nlgnt, self an idea, and from one extremity of tbe country ptauded, ¦; , blessed vA suMqf £1 280; has been raised, by^subscription but at the end of the attestation clause"on the next •' Tbis is tbe cl ay that .was by one and the after the consent for the enrolment of. the volun- our Lord- Jesus Christ, through those , conspire, _ . to another, governed, mote or less, « areth me. • .aim in Sew South Wales, for tho purposoofintro ducim? page, which the Judicial Committee ef the ' Privy when Papists did ^ame bur nobles bave lived upon tbe teers was recalled, and as for the Council of AVar, it apostols: Whoso- hoareth you, he inspiration : Committee of Defence for hence the church of Rome, beim* invested with the alpacas into that colony, where it is,a*pca that Council have decided is not a sufficient compliance , and if on some rare oeca- was transformed into a g«n•P(>ff •dlre •• crambs of royal favour, of Aid for Tine- apostqhhip sfthai prince of the apostols, holds such those animals will thrive, with the requirements of the statute. \Vi' drekll! Bteas thev hare ventured to place themselves in Yenelia, and tltfo into a Committee TH E NORTHERN STAK. MmtJUssi. riversine the policy of the country, and limit- ally, in the name of rent. It is only by the THE GOOD TIME. COMING. and f M ONIES RE 0EI ¥E Q Juit Published, NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. g the 8u'?nJy of the people's food, as well as o introduction of a totally different tenure of FOK THE ^ in loyment Wkek Biiwto T;,n„ IN NOS. AT ONE PENNY EACH, niralvsine-the capabilities for giving emp the soil that permanent securit aud a fair aU Bto As wo anticipated, the " small fry " of the ives to capital and industry, y MAV lsr, 1851., *. of the ^JS cheVpfood g and just return for the toil EMGBAtrS GUIQE TO THE 60LflE« LAKfl. A Magnificent Steel Engraving Press have followed the Triton, in commenting one might fear tbe rUs ofantt-social of the cultivator THE then, indeed, can be ensured. For CALIF O B N I A, upon the new phase of Chartism, and it is and subversive doctrines. Then, indeed , a theory ; ITS PRESEKT POSITION ; PALACE, ITS PAST HISTORY I8TERM OF THE CRYSTAL rather amusing to see how some of them treat or a religion very like Communism might arise, That such objects have never entered the TODlSfi-DP OF THE L48B ITS FUTPHE PROSPECTS : merely in the lower, but in the middle and better lation of tho landlord is evi- BBoavro w w. bioeb, Cfc.V Measuring twenty-eight by twelve inches, tbe subject. The Morning Post, for instance, not contemp class, ^Ut\ TOIH A HISDTE ASD AOTHSSTIC ACCOUST OF rnnk£ofthe commercial classes, which would ask by dent enough, from the whole tone of the S. Eagle, Dartford OF THE GOLD REGI05T, of the-Transept and speaks with contemptuous but dignified conde- ' them was allowed to <. THE DISCOVERY showing the whole length what right a class inimical to speeches on Tuesday last. The Nottingham , per J. Sweet " • • n ' A.VD scension of the want of logic, which its hyper- lise legislative power, and to convert it to question was ' \ ' • for the Great Interna- monopo Swindon, per H. Hornshy . •• 0 \ s IHE SUBSEQTJEXT IMPORTANT PROCEEDINGS. body of the Building, critical acumen has . discovered in the Pro- the swelling of their poor fortunes. treated as one exclusively between the manu- deliver to facturers and the landlords, for In tie course of the work will be siren tional Exhibition, will be ready to gramme ; and, as a general • conclusion, sees "We thank thee, Jew, for teaching ns these the mention no danger whatever in " the ludicrous produc- occasionally of the farmers, artizans, and la- the Subscribers of the " Northern Star " on words." By what right, wo repeat, in the . UAH BIEEGHONS TO EMIGRANTS tion," or indeed any worse result than that coun- bourers, was merely ad captandum. The NATIONAL 4$ TO name of the industrial millions of this CHARTER rUMn Saturday, May 3rd. Duke of Richmond, who presided, distinctly ncccived by Jons _ "' " some among the numerous foreigners who are try, have the landed, the manufacturing, and Ab:jdtt. Banff ™- « CALIFORNIA, OR THE UHITM STATES, g our shores, will be pointed out the enemy they were prepared to -Plymouth, per A. W. Blockl^r fe^P£J • G- k, now flockin to rather cha- the monied classes, all of them " inimical " cliffe locality, per 3. Hatthiw e,IOlu « OS TO fight against, when he said, " permit me to 7s-Fri™?ih «Mi grined at learning that Englishmen, of ave- to labour, because all of them are interested Ss-II. Ellis and Frtauta. KotuUnm . "' *«*2aS ZEAI« 5To erorrfepoimnttft* Waterloo, Blyth " " 6AKADA; AUSTRAL.*; SEW rage calibre of mind, can find something better cheapest price, been " al- say to tho first cotton spinners of the land, that , per J. Uohi«, n a '7' ; S*£> OS AST OTHER in buying it at the Grimsby 2s Gd-Dundee, per J. GrSnVTf i 1,a s to acknowledge the re- to do than casting in their tj at the head of the tenant farmers of England, the Phoenix Tavern. CV SorriscnAJi.—Mr. J. Sweet begs lot with Ledr lowed to monopolise legislative power, and Ratcliift-cross U5 eti ^klwC- RiTlSH SETTLEfflEHT. ceipt of the following sums, viz.:—Fob Wwdlng-ui Rollin Mazzini." From with their hearty and honest labourers fol- K. ls.-Total £2 Gs Did. °'lUJ • If, *¦ TUEH and all which it convert it to the swelling of their private for- j f SHEWISG . Fosd. — Charles Saston Gd—Ellen Haughton Gd— lowing in their wake I care not for a conflict Jennings Cd — George appears, that the fashionable and ultra-Tory Have you, gentlemen of the Man- , CONVENTI ON FUNr, ^ 80. H01V TO 60 George Bullock Gd—Thomas tunes ? " Received by WHEH TO GO. WHERE J0 Post has not the slightest fear of the Char- shown earnest or consistent with one hundred thousand of our opponents. John AjxoTr.-Glvmw„ Is—CrockettSd—Noble 4d chester School , any -Bann- per W .Q. awn \ Jf, Xo.3. wfll t« Uta!!t^>tMl Tri,1, T. iaows's List,—Mr. Dawson tists and.their projects, but (Loud cheers.)" The tone of other speakers 60%^/. x„ >'o 1 and Mr J. Bull lsGd—Welchman Cd—Britten Is—Godfrey , on the contrary, desire to do away with that cardinal injustice, per J. Twaits Is Cl-A IVfcr, , utoV ** ^n^ 1 ENOMVIJO^ — to— Me, : RICHLY COLORED Gd—Gomcraall ls-StmWsWorkmen 5s 7d—M*. Lemon, entertains a very thorough and decided con- millions was equally warlike, aud proved that the . Bunttn, ditto Gd-W jJem 1 1 « ' > and to enfranchise the , from whose per Ernest Jones 10s. J ltto M" City Boot Malters 3s 2Jtl—Mr. Mackmam Is—Type tempt for what it styles speakers would not hesitate to shed blood ~Total £i jV' -~W> te ^e^tSun^r, Sharwood's —Per Mr. King, sixth collection , " the quantum of toil, landlords, milllords, moneylords, and FOR THE HUNGARIAN '" ^S^l^^ Founders, to recover their lost supremacy. But AND POn „Cp ' 4s Sd—Mr. Philips 2s—Wheelhouse Gd—Few Friends at intellect and wisdom that is engaged just classes all grow rich ? You know Received by J SH EF COLLISS, 113, FL".ET STREET, commercial on* AHNOTT.~l>t.r if. «. ? UGEfc S.T. Pontifes's Shoe-lane, per Murray Is Gd—6. W. Is—M. for revolutionising when the Duke of Richmond assumes that chffe-cross lla Gd-Mr. R. *e\n 0 ' ASD Alt BOOK SELUBS. now on projects our insti- you have not ; and while that is tho case, you M00™ Bloomnil" \- n ,, Levick Is—Mr. Seville, City Trades of Boot Makers os 7id the " honest labourers," and " the respectable G. J. Harney 4S._Total 18s ' *ui'y i$& Heath, Greenwich —Collections Ss 3d -Mr. Arno'tt tutions." shall not be allowed to do as the Daily News The Publication Office of the Works of —Mr. operatives in the manufacturing districts," ERXESI JOXES 14s—Mr. J. Harney4s—Alagce Gd. As we have no desire to disturb tho lofty tries to do, namely, to make use of the labour- Holjwell-street Strand, Tnos. BitKEs Declined with thanks. would fi ght with him for the restoration of the THE LABOUR Is" Removed to R. PateT's, 47, . and well-bred serenity of Punch ' s " Jenkins,'' classes, as bugbears to frighten the land- QUESTION Xondon, to wliom all orders must he addressed. Dusdee.—The own ts of personal cbai'actcr and capability, ing Corn Laws, referred to by our correspondent, are not suitable mat- we shall not attempt to show that his word fanners. The day has gone by when for the benefit of his class, he is Mr. Kydd and NOTES to tho PEOPLE, lords and gave his second lecture , POEMS ters for newspaper columns. The remedy must be left catching and verbal criticism, by no means so quite mistaken. Dislike of tbe pestilent and mating question n„ L . SOW VBBUS1US&, committee. the people of this country could be used as the on Monday evcil! °" ink Twentv.four Passes {double in the hands of the local grinding " economy " of " the Manchester Institution ^ Ia Weekly Xumbers of J. IUvley.—We must decline inserting the letter. Even effectually settles the questions at issue, as he blind aud insensate tools of either faction. CoirgcMtveet, Citv-Sd "? Br't' 1 columns). Pric*Twopence each. indeed Chartism School," by no means implies love of Protec- menced by demonstrating " (this day) . if its great length was not an insuperable objection, the imagines. If, , depended for Though the Post may sneer at the logic, and the fait-L. V > <% NoL fact that it re-opens old sores would be sufficient to ex- tion. The labouring classes have had sufficient "buy in the cheapest an? ,«n tlle d«0i! ttoxTEsrs :—The Xew World, a democratic poem. its success upon the classical and logical ac- Daily News defame the principle, a f tllc Exhibition injure clude it. Let us devote all our energies to the promo- the experience of both kinds e! taskmasters to market." Showing^nii"tSL/f, ««5 Ktflts TO TUE People—Why will the tion of the good cause. Its pretended friends and veal quirements of its advocates, we candidly con- has taken the Shopkeepers ?—A Plot Detected.—Money Jwtes. new philosophy of Man and Society yet thrilling natureTthat tg enemies will, by and bye, be fouud out, without any would have little know that they are used merely as instruments ^fe^crs The llisiuisr of a Democbatjc Movement, compiled from fess that thev chance with deep root among the thinking aud toiling ness ui production, and to an LJL - :il ^& ihe Confession of a De- effort of ours. for creating wealth for both. Their rights, the Journal of a Democrat, Cheltenham. A Friend to Progress complains of the apa- those who have graduated at the Universities, masses of Great Britain—a philosophy adverse in the hands of a bJ2f'f'»f 4 magogue, and tlie iliuutes of a Sj.j. — their enjoyments are tho last the working man thy of the old Chartists in this town. Three months ago or mastered Wiiately and Mill. But, either landlord or cotton their interests, , was buffl^' ° m* I Xo. II., on Saturday, the 10th in-t and a to the domination of degradation. erm ^orcneo«>M a Reli ious Poem a locality was formed by a few active Chartists, , pedants and peda- things that enter into the contemplation of Such a thK-T, UoxTESTs:—Beldagos Cucrch, g , giving room was taken at 21, ltegent street, for the accommo- fortunately for tho world lord . If these two adverse factions like to Radical sense the Ritual t.f Xature, the Bishop of Beldagon's Ser- either. Both aro equally hostile to the politi- of tho nv7^^7 in* dation of the members. Y"e trust the veritable Chartif ts gogues are not its rulers. Things are more wage war upon each other, let them do so; ricd out. All tlW to ,,c mon, and the Hymn of his Flock. become the enfranchisement of the masses which relailoBr« o?fr,bl0 oa Co operation—Tuc of Cheltenham w ill rally once more and powerful than two's, and-though the Char- the cal , were mutually ^*n« ^ Xotes to the PEOPLE—A Letter friends of progress. but they shall have no help from US. On depcnuent °! f wofl lancashire Co-oparativ* Union—The iliddle Class tists, as a body, may not possess the literary would make them a veritable power in the it was m the mora ' W aD ') contrary, we should like to see them realise l , sochl , f ,, ' -'! Franchise ; Sfhy will it injure Demoeracs ?—The His- polish and mastery of dialectics acquired b State, enable them to protect themselves, and Tlui mnhial d enaMU^ l wc, tory of a democratic Moreraent continued, y the story of the Kilkenny Cats, and devour ^ 0lCf*k . ?* IVogramme, showing the classical training, to take a share in the management of their own carried rat -where the interests of 7n » % letters on tba Chartist ODjectS those who have undergone a each other, " tails and all." ¦ together, and mutuall " ^ " f^*^b «E eatfv*Vi\i>e,and the reasons for its adoption, are in affairs. At the Drury-lane Meeting the enact y ?«»^ THE 101TIEIH STAB they have the essentially more valuable power l News quite mistakes tho causes then went into a ' ami: jpre|iara< were by one common sentiment y^ steering,aI to carry their small mea-*.*wv* Habits performed forthe.trade. Busts for fitting Coats on. results, even to the owners and occupiers of ^^ cupied a small farm, and lived in the house «'¦& Boys figures, &c„ itc. Post-office orders, and Post-stamps and sympathy. The pomp and pageantry of heads, or the knowledge, when they rise in the sure. 8 land. During the most palmy days of Pro- his wifc.alone. Titis was his second wife, to if*"" io any-amount taken as cash. Royal show heightened the rich morning, where they are to find a single meal foreign. he had boon married iormV BEAD & Go's Patent.Measures now become universal);, and glowing tection, British agriculture made periodical about four years. Her adopted, price 5s. the set, with every explanation respect- display of precious and multiform productions, during the day. We retort the accusation The Foreign news contain no salient points name was Teague, and she had a son by her firss complaints of general distress and impending husband , called about ing their utility and use. Patterns, of any description, gathered from all lands and.climes beneath levelled against us. It is not the Chartists, or .for comment. In France, an exciting procla- Elijah Teague, and now sent to measure, Is. each, post free. (Ladies Paletots , ruin. Parliamentary Committees and Com- seventeen years of ago with lis the transparent roof of an edifice itself the the Socialists, who are opposed to the princi- mation has been issued ostensibl " Com- . This son lived the same.) missioners were appointed to examine into and y by a mother and Mr. Kendall until January last, when to N.B.—Foremenprovide d. realisation of a fairy tale. Solemn and jubi- pies of family and property, but the combined mittee of Resistance," calling upon the people report on these allegations, and .numerons blue went to lodge at a neighbouring bouse with 1W lant music swelled through the long and sym- brigands, who have monopolised the land and to rise in arms, and exterminate by force of Grose ; but he the firfl books were' compiled on the subject. Now the still occasionally worked on 3s a memoir which has just been published metrical arcades, decorated by the richest the realised wealth of the country, and who arms the reactionary factions. The belief is, for his father-in-law, who was about scventy-t™ of , distress was attributed to one cause an American clergyman, the author, who is the rarest, and most tasteful productions of human hold in veritable slavery the rest of the com- , anon to that the document is the production of Buo- years of age. His father-in-law had on Satwwy another ; but the fact is certain, that agricul- last ridden n ff 8 sepnew or tne late vr. uaanmns:, narrates an amu- skill and art. The fountains munity ; because the man who comes into IMPAHTISTS, who want, above all things to Chacowater. and the vounff m« ? flashed merrily ture under Protection , to on that loyed m sing incident which took place on boord a steamer. existence in a land where the soil, the machi- was Subject to great day working on the farm, emp One of the passengers, who bad annoyed in the sunbeams, and the pale green of tlie hurry the.defenders of the Republic into an threshing and boiling fatlicN"*'1' his com- nery, the implements of production fluctuation and severe pressure ; and the infe- turn ips. Ills panions by bis theological, peculiarities suddenly yonng leaves glistened under tbe light and , the raw illegal position. In this we trust the conspi- was nevermore scon alive discovered o» , material rence logically deducible from that fact is, ; but was » addressed a Canadian gentleman, named B—, graceful canopy of crystal, which overspanued , and the representative of wealth, rators will be disappointed—that the Republi- Sunday morning dead in his house, sitting m that if Protection was restored it would not o«r Baying, " Pray,Mr. B—-, who do you think wrote the old elms. Amidst such sights and sounds are all held by individuals, must necessarily cans will keep their present vantage ground, chair in the parlour. There was a large wound tbe JSew Testament f" Mr. B , totally unsus- prevent such fluctuation and distress in future. the centre of his ovai Pgtt" the " World's Fair'* was right royally inan- become the bond slave of their possessors. His and force their opponents to strike the first forhead, of an irregular wm; picious of any trick, and too much of a merchant The agricultural interest, we conclude, there- the bones were broken in, svnd tbe surgeon. garated, and one bright May-day, at least, labour cannot be sot in motion except by their blow. side w to appear ignorant, answered promptly, " Doubtless fore, bave mistaken both the real cause was called inserted his finger on the right rescued from the dull and lodding permission. . He must labour at such remune- , and Matters are not materially different in jm«m » sir, it was Peter." " And did Peter, think you, p prose of the effective remedy for the evils of which they any tho depth of nearly an inch. Sixty-one Mr. B , write Paul'si Epistles ?" The Canadian modern civilisation. ration as they think fit to award. He must of the Austrian, Germanic, or Italian States ; bone were extracted, and the fissures were om«« complain. w was dumbfoundered ; but, feeling himself in a Butwhy rest satisfied with one ? Why should stop labouring when it ceases to be profitable and from the Colonies we have no news of im- an inch and a quarter below the surface ""' It is of the utmost importance that they w marsh, he concluded it best not to go too deep. it not be the precursor of brighter, happier to them, and go into the workhouse, to be sub- portance. Bknll. A hammer was found on the garden «« should be speedi ly set right upon both points, and this wound l». "Why-y-y," he observed, "by the bye, I think Mar Festivities in future, in which nations j ected to worse than penal diet and discipline ; hammer f itted into tlie J» bid found MtM" Paul live about that time." "And pray, sir," or if goaded into rebellion because it cannot be for the benefit of any Caitssderers' man'sforehead . A white hair was \ eaid the sceptic was it Paul or may learn more of each other, and the inti- against the accursed Strike in Glasgow.—Some incon- to the end of the hammer, and the surgeon , »' , " Peter that wrote thus class of tho community, that so large and so venience has been St. John's Gospel ?" Mr macy, now begun, ripen into friendship and system which enslaves and degrades him, experienced by merchants and microscopical examination, believes it io ' ' . B was a quiet man important a section of the people should re- manufacturers this week, l aud a coward, but force him into a corner, and he mutual co-operatien, beseeming brothers ? be violates the laws made by his tyrants for by the Strike which- has human hair, and that in all probability it «»* ° would main in a distressed or discontented condition. taken place amongst the operative calenderers and sq'ic^ « tight with the energy of despair. Turning The old trusting, loving impulses—the old the express purpose of maintaining their tappers from the deceased's eyebrow. An i npon his There is a way out of their difficulties, hut it , who, to tho number of about 800, John WW" persecutor, he said calmly, 'Ton speak of desire for mutual good will, and for convivial supremacy and his subjection—the prison, the been out since have been held on the body, before Mr. ; the &ew Testament is not that they are now pursuing. They must Thursday week. Their demand county coroner. The inquiry commenced on * . Mr. S ; St. John's Gospel relaxation, which blended squire, pastor, hulks, the penal colony, or the scaffold, are from their employers is is not in that work." This was a poser : there was yeo- cast in their lot with the nation, instead of , that fift y-eight hours a day, at eleven o'clock, was continued on jj ef ¦ man, and peasant together on the vill ready to punish his temerity. week, with no over-hours, as in ^f wffT° t0 *fr- S butt0 to produce tbe age arraying themselves as a separate and exclu- f actories, shall be and did not terminate until hxtfi <"• i%\i\ V £ was and imparted depth Gentlemen of the " Manchester School ." the term of labour, viz., ten hours day verdict of green, and meaning to ' class. That a , or from night. The result was, that a " jn, v^SSSg"* *"" 3nd the masses are sick of a system sive . policy may suit the aristo- six m the morning till six at night, with two hours murder" deceased s: so - * * their simple sports and games—are in us. If which, under for meals, and till was returned against M Reli tocratic " owners of land," hut most certainly three o'clock on Saturday.-In law, Elijah apprehended "" and^meSKf -^ «^y «n influential our horison has expanded, our means of cre- the names of gion, Morality, and Social the associated bod Teague, who was 1 J(> can never benefit the " occupiers." Their y there are nearly LOW men and the cot-oner's warrant, and has been comnJiK ating wealth, and producing rare and beauti- Order, produces such monstrous results as boys, of whom about 800 trial d held interests are identified with those of tho pro- have taken part in the the county gaol at Bodmin to take bis <" in the Music Ball, She&W have increased—our deeds ought these; and neither your sneers nor your ca- movement ; and although the funds neC* § S« °°1 'T 0V ful things, ducers of wealth in all departments. The of the union next assizes. There does not appear in t .j j 0f against the recent pSS iSSffi " lumnies will prevent them from trying are but small , some support has been offered by comnii"' l^te S to correspond with the enlarged field of action, which leaves anything to show a motive for the was wellfilled with fee localEr m" ™ ± To mould a world of system them the largest amount otlier trades, and also by the association of tappers h aefehbooAooa i lay members of the ^ s» aad and the augmented means which are at our " other stuff." t e act, but it is stated-in tho varioiirSS^^T [ of the products of their own labour, skill, and in Manchester, who have had a delegate in atten- there were frequent disagreements bot\vocn i»* command. Let us learn to make labour But the Daily News professes to see no dan- dance at the several capital, must be the beat for them, no matter meetings during the week. A ceased and his son-in-law. , v„;,uh Greaves, Esq., of Banner Cross A ,E 5 ' . * healthful and attractive, by surrounding it ger in Socialism. " Our.political institutions, few of the manufacturing houses employing such Tnrn no *!,„ !„„,!.• . »„«.» in the I>f"K , tomacwrdance under what form of Grovemmenfypr by what ^St with the graces and the enjoyments, as well as our security, our peace," are not threatened by hands have acceeded to the demand made, but ge- West indies-the Morning Journal, in Jamaica. * , tta to parliament, were S^^ S^ S^^**> name it may be called. Jmj £3 ?j *& the reality of life ; and, above all, endeavour it or by the " class which generate it," but by nerally the feeling of the masters is quite hostile the Wed Indian, in Barbndow-are Cugbob a Btu^Ate The so-called " agricultural interest" ap- to the movement ^JLe m fishmg for eels *'• to hasten the day when the universal recogni- a class of society at quite the other extreme." both in its spirit and intention. edited by gentlemen of colour. The pwP" jjj . said a gentleman to a bor, near FenwnrfhYm pears to have yet to learn this lesson, and at Mr. Sekoeakt Shbk is cousin *to Cardinal Wise- and editors moreover. fridge. «Xo" *L tion of Human It is tbe lords of the land (says the of these journals are, u , said the A £ 3 ? Brotherhood will pat an end Acws) that present make common cause withthelandlords, man, and his confidential agent for matters concer- tinguished members of the legislatures ot ' ^ hi io the evil passions and the waste of hnman are conspiringagainst the stability of things and ning " ?f *>< -*" " Are yS SS% , whose essential interest, as a class, is to nse the Roman church in Ireland. As the accre- respective colonies. „ ._ m h3s VU&r^ faid jeto another. " ffoSai d labour, which mar ot ideas amongst us. They it is who are conspiring, dited representative of the " Cardinal Archbishop of Pbom 1800 J£M^»0fc00O n* SJVSy onr brightest holidavs at lly .as well as politicall them as sponges, out of which they to 1850 the sum of wrchlr. "ImMtwgf orwhat I can catch/' present socia y. And were it pos- may Westminster,'-' he sat in the Synod of Taurles where been subscribed towards f unds of the vai™ sible far likem to succeed in grasping squeeze the greatest the the power, amount of wealth annu- no other layman was admitted. missionary societies in this country, JylAY 3, 1851. THE NOR THE RN STAR. ^ r THE EXHIBITION. He considered the exhibitors had been insulted and Half & million of voices must have convinced her of Majesty 8 Royal betrayed.—The Chairman charter of incorporation , we have pared for them that love Thee through then proposed the fol- her popularity. hew constant meetings tho merits LATEST Soteb's Symposium.—Gore-house and the lowing resolution which Tbat of our whole body, and and mediation of thy son Jesus Chrfst, to FOREIGN. 3J. 3J. , was adopted •-" Before eight o'clock this morning the Kensington 110r er refer«d with Thee and the Hol whom grom grounds attached to it, now in the possession Of M. this meeting view with the S'i ' numerous questions con- y Ghost be all honour and deep regret the decision and Piccadilly line of road presented an almost un- nected with-T a great variety of subjects to com- glory, world without end. lovei fover, of gastronomic celebrity, have undergone a Royal Commissioners have come to of excluding Amen . Pauis, Thursd ay—The revelations, which metamorphosis, and the arrangements are broken double line of carriages for three miles. , ' ,cy the same steamer. shower of the spring, and it ceased exactly and stances " of the grand inauguration within the accommodate, is Saxony Dr. Scyffarth, L.L.D PfiiriB ATIOXS FOR THE GfUND EXHI- about 15,000, of whom nearly one-half are British. M. Gustavus Doo'rstlin MlurART precisely as the procession was about to start. It bu ilding must have completely dissipated them. g Fearful Hail aud Tiiu.vder Stohm ax Ebi.y- 3ino.v.—For some time past the Duke of Wellington then continued fine until the Royal cortege reached The remainder represent tho productions of more Spain M. Manuel do Yaasi. Bunon.— Jfjinnow Escape op When the procession reached the Crystal Palace than forfcy foreign countries, comprising almost Yicioiiu Hall.— and Sir George Grey have been making the necessary the Crystal Palace. Her Majesty rode on her way, the M. Ramon de IaSagrn. Shortly after ten o'clock on Tuesda arrangements, for the ensuing toe sun shone forth with peculiar brilliancy, as if whole of the civilised nations of the globe. In ar- y morning our military and police in the midst of her English subjects, favoured with the „ , ., M. R. do EchevaiTia. city was visited with a fearful hail and thunder Grand Exhibition. At the Cavalry Barracks, mute statue of the Apollo Belvldere wilhin the ranging the space to be allotted to each, we havo Sweden and Sorway . . M. Charles the most unequivocal English sunshine. Tottie. storm, which, though of short continuance, has Knishtsbrid ge, they have allotted a certain portion of building had been animated with consciousness to taken into consideration both the nature of its pro- Switzerland . . . . . Dr. Bolley. been battalion AH pedestrian London nocked into the parks. without parallel for a number of years. Tho the building for the reception of the 2nd of gild with his rays the Festival of Nations, and lo ductions and tho facilities of access to this country M. Eicholzer, hail was of Guards. A portion of the 1st bat- From six o'clock in the morning tbe population of afforded by its geographical position great size, the stones being as largo as the Grenadier greet with his usual favour the Queen of the British . Your Ma- Tunis Sig. Hamda Elkaddem. boans, and covering the earth in a few minutes. talion of the Rifle Brigade (now quartered at Dover) the Surrey side poured across the budges ; the isle.. jesty will find the productions of your Majesty's M. Santillana (Interpre Severa l peals of * dominions arranged in the western thunder were heard during the •will march to Woolwich, and the other to the Tower hordes of the far East precipitated themselves into Within the building as portion of the ter anil Secretary.) storm , which lasted about a quarter of au , where the necessary preparations have it w quite astonishing to building, and those of foreign countries in the Turkey ...... M. Edward Zohrab hour ; of London Holborn and the Strand ; and at eight and nine see tbe preparation that had been made. . one in particular burst directly above the city, and been made for them. The 1st Royal Dragoons from At seven eastern. The Exhibition is divided into the four Tuscany pr. Corridi. o'clock Piccadilly and Oxford-street, Parliament- o'clock there was nothing unsi htly was re-echoed in a tremendous crash back from Kottir.gbara, and the 8th Hussars from Brighton, g to be seen great classes of—1, Raw Materials ; 2. Machinery; United States ....Mr. Edward Riddlo. Salisbury street, and the Kensingtoa-road, presented one along the whole range of the T Crags and Arthur's Seat, resembling tbo ¦will be stationed in half billets at Hampstead and building, and Ihe 3. Manufactures ; and i. Sculpture and the Fine Mr. >. S. Dodge (Sec.) simultaneous and stunning , densely-packed mass of human beings—all intent efforts that must have been made Attsi A further division has been made according Wurtemburg discharge of a largo High-ate. The 4th Light Dragoons from Dublin, to place the ....Mr. C. Brand. fiel d of heavy ordnance Immediately after quartered in the barracks at Oxbridge. The upon one object—to see the palace, and, if possible, interior in such a state of preparedness must to the geographical position of the countries re- Zollvorein . . . . • M. Banvath Stein . tho will be have . big hailstones came rattling to the earth and a following will be the stations of the cavalry :—1st. at the same time, to see the Queen ; but, at any been quite unprecedented in the race of Force presented ; those which lie within the warmer lati- Secretaries to the Royal Commission, vivid flash Edgar A. Bowring, of lightning broke through tho darkness Life Guards, Regent's Park, and a portion of the rate, determined to see what was to be seen. Hyde- against Time. tudes being placed near the centre of the building, Esq. Sir S. If. Northeote, Bfc of the thunder cloud, momentaril , 2nd and the colder countries at the extremities. J. Scott y illuminating tho Soyal Horse Guards (Blue), from Windsor park filled first. Crowds bad rushed in from the For the reception of her Majesty a platform was Russell, Esq. city. We havo heard of no accident having re- Knightsbridge Barracks, Hyde Park ; "Your . Majesty having been graciously pleased Special Commissioners, life Guards, first moment at which the gates had been opened ; raised to tbe north of the centre transept , on which sulted , beyond the injury done to the Assembly ICth Lancers, Hounslow, and a portion at Kensing- to grant a site in this, your Royal I'avk, for Dr. Lyon Playfair. Lieut -Colonel Lloyd. and those who got in first found that others had a chair of state, covered with crimson velvet, with Hall on tho Castle.hill, which had a narrow escape ton Barracks; the 17th Lancers, from Newbridge, ' the purposes of the Exhibition, the first column Her Majesty's Coxi-missions. The lig been before them. St. James s-park tvas compara- a deep gold border, was placed. Over the chair of the structure now honoured by Alderman Thompson htning descended in tho form of a ball up- to Woolwich. Infantry :—1st Battalion Grenadier tively free for carnages and equestrians up to ten your Majesty's . John Shepherd. Esq. on the southern roof of this splendid building, , Ivnightsbridge; 3rd of stale an octagon canopy was extended, trimmed presence was fixed on the 26th of September R. Stephenson, Esq. Philip Pusey, Esq. Guards, Windsor ; 2nd ditto until apparentl breaking tbo slates in pieces, and was carried ditto, St. George's Barracks, Trafalgar-square ; o'clock. Not y the word had been with blue satin and draperies of blue and white. last. Within the short period, therefore, of seven Wm. Hopkins, Esq. John Gott, Esq. into de-park could hold no more did the T. F. Gibson tho interior of tho church by iv leaden Coldstream Guards, 1st Battalion, Tower; 2nd ditto, passed that Hy Before the chair rose the beautiful glass fountain , months, owing to the energy of the contractors, , Esq . >Vm. Cubitt, Esq. pipe, about three inches in diameter active industry of Richard Cobden, Esq. Thomas , which runs Wellington Barracks. St. James's Park ; Scots Fu- people fall back into the neighbourhood of Bucking- glittering as a precious stone in the morning beams. and the the workmen em- Bazley, Esq. down tbo wall between the plaster and tho stono alier Guards, 1st Battalion, P«rta.au-street. Bar- ham Palace. Across the Green-park, ou their way Behind rose the ployed by them, a building has been erected, entirely Charles Barry, Esq. Thomas Baring, Esq. work, and carries off tho stems of the Oriental plants and the Sir Charles Lyell. water from the roof. Its racks. Oiford-sireet ; and 2nd Battalion, St. John's from Westminster-bridge to Hyde park, some hun- l novel in its construction , covered a space of more Sir C. L. Easttakc. course was arrested by tbe molting stately e m, one of the most agreeableand refreshing , Sir R. Wcstmacott. of the pipe, Wood Barracks. A strong reinforcement of srtittVry dred thousand men, women, and children, might be parts of the whole than eighteen acres measuring 1851 feet ia length Rt. Hon. W. Gladstone part of which was also torn into shreds, and it view. Along the galieries of tho and 458 feet in extreme breadth, Rt. Hon . II. Laboucherc, Lord John Russell. has already arrived at the Tower from Woolwich. seen to pour for three consecutive hours up to eleven main western avenue, the department for British capable of contain- spread on both sides, setting h're to the lath work Several other regiments will, in all probability, be ing 40,000 visitors, and affording a frontage for the Lord Overstono. Lord Stanley. o'clock. It was as the flight of locusts—ceaseless goods, a succession of the most beautiful carpetry and to tho ftoor. The flames speed ily spread to tho quartered in the vicinity of the metropolis. The Exhibition of Goods to the extent of more than ten Earl Granville. Earl of Ellesmere. d and dreadful ; and, like locusts, they must have was suspended,like bannerets, only more splendid, Earlof Uosse, woo en seats, and the church was filled in a few Chelsea Out-Pensioners have been inspected, and miles. For the original suggestion of the principle Duke of Bueclcuch. moments with smoke, which had destroyed the grass on their way. These having in a knightly hall of old. Along the foreign ave- of this structure the commissioners Her Majesty's Master of the ceremonies. a strong sul- those who volunteered their services on last pension nue everything stood revealed in its best, and the are indebted to phureous smell. Fortunately the person who had day have received their equipments, muskets, bayo- ascertained tbat Hyde-park-corner was impassible, Mr, Joseph Paxton, to whom they feel their acknow- Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers. the keys of (he vista along the whole line was perhaps the most F. M. the Duke of Wel- F. M.the the church lived on the opposite side of nets , swords, &c, and will be quartered at Padding- at last sacrificed hope of getting into proximity splendid ledgments to be justly duo for this interesting feature Marquis of An the street, and observed what had and extensive, as a piece of art and human of their undertaking. lington , ILG., Com- glesoy, taken place, fie ton, Kensington, Hammersmith, and other districts with the Palace, and gradually filled the Mall, Con- contrivance, ever presented to human view. K.G., Master immediately gave the alarm, and in a few minutCB during the Exhibition. The number will exceed stitution-hill, and the ground in front c{ Bucking- " With regard to the distribution of rewards to mander-in-Chief. Gen. of the Ordnance. one of the fire-engines was on the To witness such a sight it was to be expected that deserving Exhibitors Her Majesty's Ministers, spot, and by a 3,000 men. With respect to the police regulations, ham Palace, and to the right at the head of Bird- the doors of the building , we havo decided thnt thoy plentiful discharge of water the would be blockaded at an should be given in the form of medals, not Bishop of London. flames were extin- they could not have been better carried out than for cage-walk. early hour, and, indeed, such was the pressure, that With l'O- guished. About half-a-dozen of the large wooden police has been in- fcronco to merely individual competition , but as re- His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. the occasion. The metropolitan In time motion ceased, as if further motion in the orders of the commissioners had so far to be seats, with their cushions were destroyed, and from creased by 300 men, making an effective force of wards for excellence in whatever shape it may pre- White Wands : viz., tbe densely-packed place were impossible; and then departed from that the doors were opened twenty Comptroller of the twenty to thirty feet of tbe stone wall was scorched 5,700 constables, besidessuperintendent s, inspectors, sent itself. The selection of the persons to bo so Treasurer of tho by the electric fluid. Tho there was a still orderly mass—densest near the minutes before the specified time, viz., nine o'clock. Household. glass in the large window and sergeants; and of these, a certain number of the rewarded has been entrusted to juries composed Household . yn tbe south side of the building where the li front of the Palace, Then the rush for seats began, and ia the shortest equally of British subjects and Yice-Chamberlain. ght- most exj erienced officers have been selected from the but everywhere dense. To a time every good position was occupied. of foreigners, the ning struck has been greatly discoloured, and a The ladies former having been selected by the commission from Lord Steward. Garter. Lord Chamberlain different divisions and formed into a regular corps of person standing with his back to the gates of the were accommodated with seats on the front, the number of the pains have been broken. We aro who will do the special duty during the Ex- the reeommendationt made by the local committee, Principal King of Arms. leserve, Royal Palace, and facing the Mall, the spectacle gentleman standing behind, or occupying the galle- His Royal Highness happy to state that no injury was dono to the exter- hibition, as they are well acquainted with all charac- was wonderful . All that was visible was a sea of nnd the latter by the governments of the foreign tub nal Btone< \\ovk sf ries. nations the productions of which PRINCE ALBERT, QUEEN, the building. The damage dono ters. The city police has also been increased by 150 heads, hats, and bonnets, dotted here and there Her Majesty's Commissioners assembled at half- are exhibited. The in tho interior of tbe church will onl inspec- names of these jurors, comprising as they leading her R. Highness leading his R. Highness y amount to £-10 men, making aforce of 650 officers, besides with a mounted policeman or guards-trooper, and past elcren o' clock, in the transept, opposite the do many or £50 ; but had the smoke and flames not been ob- nts &c. There will also be a selected of European celebrity, afford the best guarantee of The Princess Royal. The Prince of Wales. tors, sergea , fringed with the light foliage o! the Mall trees. It platform, together with their executive committee, His Royal Highness Her served immediately after the churc h was struck, the number as a reserve and detective force— Ztntes. the impartiality with which the rewards will be Royal Highness consequences might kavo been is probable that so many human beings were never, and the foreign acting commissioners, in full dress, assigned. The Prince of Prussia. The Duchess of Kent. more serious,—. Plval AsRAXQEUESr fob Opening the Exnrer- or in plain evening dress. Edinburgh Witness. until now, seen together in London. The most ." It affords us much gratification that, nowifch- His Royal Highness Her Royal Highness nox.—The greatest excitement prevailed in smd His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, her I PnosrERiix of Bibmisoham.—As a proof of the - tne offices for the grant- perfect order was maintained throughout. standiniy the magnitude of this undertaking, and (be Prince Henry of the Ive- The altont tlva Crystal Palace , Majesty's ministers, the great officers of state, and therlands improved value of property at Birmingham , tho ing of season tickets and other passports being in- From the Palace np Constitution-hill to Ilyde- great distances front which many of the articles now . Princess of Prussia. the foreign ambassadors and ministers, took their His Royal Highness Her Royal remarkable fact may bo stated, that ou Monday cessantly besieged. The foreigners were still un- park-corner, the Horse Guards and the police kept a places on the exhibited have had to bo collected , the day on Highness last the * platform, on the right and left of tho which your Majesty has been Prince Frederick. Princess Mary of Cam- guardians of the poor sold by auction a packing and arranging ; while in the British de- hue for the procession. The same precautions chair of state in full dress. graciously pleased to portion of some land belonging was laid ou in the engine-room, be present at the inauguration of the Exhibition is William of Prussia. bridge. to ihe parish, which partment the Steam were taken all along the route, up Rotten-row to the Among the earliest arrivals was tho Duke of Wel- originally cost, in tho year 18U4, 0 Bishop and other musicianstested the organ the same day that was originally named for its His Serene Highness His Royal Highness only £90 , for no Sir II. building. We saw no instance of disturbance of lington, in military uniform, and with the Order of Prince Edward of Saxo less a sum than £-5,000, thereby realising a profit Of pipes, and her Majesty and the Prince spent some opening, thus affording a proof of what may, under The upwards any moment during the whole morning. The ar- the Garter. The noble duke looked remarkably God's blessing, bo accomplished Weimar. Duke of Cambridge of £4,000. Much Other propcrtv, includinff time in looking about. It was announced that ex- well and seemed to enjoy the scene. He was the by good will and . the infant Poor Asylum " rangements of tbe commissioners of police were ad- , cordial co-operation amongst nations, aided by the Mistress of the Robes. and the old workhouse hibitors and their assistants must be at their places object of particular attention amongst the foreign ' remains to bo disposed of, and such mirable; and though necessarily defective as regards means that modern science has placed at our com- Lady of the Bedchamber, Lady of tho Bedchamber is tbe demand before nine, that seats would be kept for ladies till portion of the spectators, and by the British ho was Marchioness of for property, that it is supposed the proceeds those in per- the carriages, they were perfectly successful in re- mand. Douro. in Waiting. will half-past eleven, and that all except received with repeated cheers. Towards eleven Maid of Honour Maid defray the cost of the new workhouse now in course sonal attendance on the Queen would be expected to the pedestrian public. Well-dressed gen- " Having thus briefly laid before your Majesty of Honour spect o'clock the space around the chair of state began to l b , l in Waiting. in Waiting. of erection at Birmingham-heath, intended to ac- to appear in morning dress. The violent hail-storm were present in thousands ; and the results of our a ours it now on y remains for commodate 1 500 inmates, if tlemen and ladies fill. us to convey to your Majesty our dutiful and loyal Bedchamber Woman Lady Superintendent , , But pauperism con- did not the least damage, only a few stones finding the female part of the crowd received an amount of Amongst those whose early arrival we noticed in Waiting. tinues to decrease in the town in the Same rations parts. Mr. acknowledgments of tho support and encourage- LadyCarolinoBarrington their way through one or two broken attention honourable to our national politeness. were tbe Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Foreign Ladies, and Lady in attendance the town of Birmingham in thetownof Birmingham " it will be known with plea- ment which we have derived throughout this ex- it has done during Pox, the contractor, procession was awaited and in progress, Chancellor, the Ministers of State, all of whom we tensive and laborious task from the gracious favour on II; R. H. tbo Duchess of Kent. the last two years, the probabi- is suSciently recovered to attend the cere- While the lity is that the new butMmg, sure, the line," and believe we recognised as being present, with the nnd countenance of your Majosty. It is our heart- Gold stick in waiting. Master of the Horse. which is considered monial. _ __ the weaker sex were in front of " exception of the Mavqnis of Lanstlowne—the Duke quite a "model workhouse,", will everywhere got the best places. The display of felt prayer that this undertaking, which has for its Groom of the Stole never contain Some of the exhibitors, persisting in their efforts of Buceleuch, the Duke of Devonshire, the Speaker to H.U.1I. Prince Albert, above half that number of paupers. The diminu- - d a petition to parasols was, of course, enormous ; and as they end the promotion of all branches of human in- to obtain a free ..omission, presente of tho House of Commons, the Bishops of Winches- Captain of the Captain of the tion of pauperism and tbe contemporaneous increase Queen through Sir George Grey. It is stated waved over tbe hatted roof of the mob proper, the dustry, and the strengthening of the bonds of in tho value of property at Birming the ter and Oxford, Lord Stanley, y ; but so long as the About seven o gentlemanly ex- Patrick Lyons, who, with bis Be.' Bsxttn of Losdos.—The . matter remained on such a deputation fro m the metropolis. There was a wife, »,- ,. matters, and the letter of Ms son's misfortune, he a footing of glaring ine- terior walked in at the front door, proceeded ass res entenced to be hanged lbe HHie dChe deaths registered in the metropolitan districts in quality, they were feeling in favour of the movement mani- , for thlf Us believed, weighed strongly upon tbe deccas- d's ner- entitled to call oh the commis- straight up the stairs into a bed room in which a strong Peg5 SMarclilarch, but in ihe subsequent three weeks of April dings terminated . inci porary insanity." full power to equalise the tax . In support of this severa l of the servants. It was subsequently d is- procee at.ention to his religious dntiL ?stl ibhowfihowrd a disposition to decline, again exhibits a con- Tiik Anti-Papal agitators had a great meeting ex DL , S Inquest on Mn. ToMtnv, the Barrister.—On statement he quoted from the act of parliament it- covered that he hnd taken a sum in gold and notes most contrition for his ciime g l!le iiiideraiderable excess above what is usually exoerieuced at and referred to from on Tuesday at the Liverpool Amphitheatre. Mr. , anil b,.;,,^ - * " Saturday afternoon last Mr. Lnnehum, deputy self, a recent decision on the subject amounting to about £30 a pocket book in the signed and prepared to meet his tMiis p&is period of the year. Last week was the seven- Horsfall presided. Mr. V, Smith, in the course of fate. OT'k fc coroner for Westminster, held an inquest in the hall in the Court of (Ju an's Bench. The ease alluded drawer of tbe room which he entered, leaving a lie had au interview with his *:eentleenth of the year: taking the Same week in each tbo meeting, was taken ill sister "i ""^at of Lvon's I»n > Newcastle-street, Strand, on the to was tbat of Bradley Haverstoe, in the county of gold watch and other articles untouched. Curi- his address to , and fel l scene was very affecting, but Pa«ii)' )bf thof the ten years18il-50 , ic appears that the deaths M'Neue addressed the nothing ma,pc f , body'of Mr. James Tomlin, aged thirty-one, bar- Lincoln, in which the Lord Chief Justice ously enough, the gentleman robbed lay awake at down in a fit. Dr. meeting between them. On the 'tt lilid niid not rise in any instance so hi h as in the last had not following ( PsikJ g rister-nt-law. There were present about 100 legal on ly said that tbe commissioners the time the thief entered the room, but fancying in his usual style. One of the resolutions was to the farewell of his wife CZ a sweekweek ; tbat in 1849 nv>st possessed the , and intimaU ,!« ;„'^i- N tbey rose t<> 1,053, but in friends of the deceased, who appeared deep ly inte- pow/u- to equalise the tax, but is servant, took no notice of his movements, effect,— " That, considering the constitution and declare her innocence 0| of the stron gly advised it was on tho scaffold i? " >tw o Hsasc-sxsc-s scarcely exceeded 000. The average rested in the melancholy inquiry. Deceased was a them to do so. Lord Campbel still more remarkable circumstance connec- rules of the House of Commons, and the power pos- a ttitude a artro oi-rv....I „.„„ ,. '.'"• Hv f„., if cor- l had said —"If and a tten ten correspondm-i weeks was 004, which, remarkabl fine man, upwards of six feet in height, the commissioners wish to have ted with the occurrence was, the fact of the servant sessed by the anti-English faction to obstruct any cu tioii , but becomes y our opinion of not so large bv severa l ihm,* flreetereeted for assumed increase of population, and the principal witnesses testified to the great w hat they ought to do, I actually running up against the thief just after lie government, if parties bo as nearly balanced as the oeeauoa of nt^ was aa u*- , for one, should Glewon Wilson's cVf 938S.986. Above this estimated result there amiability cf his disposition .—Mr. James Cro'wdy, have no difficulty m expressing quitted his master's room , and begging his par- usual, the meeting desire to impress upon them- . 2 Stt Compared with that opinion , be- hud had been engaged m devotional trnttri ' l ccreaerease last we. k amounting to S9. solicitor, said he resided in Porcbester-terrace, although the the apparent rudeness. The suspicions of selves, and earnestly invite the atten tion of their ^ thedeaths were 9J8 cause, assessments upon tbe don for interior of the prison. Pausing tthaithai of the preceding week, when Bayswater, and bad known deceased for tlie last counties are perpetual, whatever servants had also been excited, and the thief fellow subjects to the public duty of holding as £&lly" '£ increase in tne zy- variance there the paced up and down the room, and ' ithe the present return exhibits an eight years. He was in his company an Thursday may be in tho value of property, was watched down the street, but at that time the secondary, at tbe next general election , every dif- expressed impatience S ' "* the tubercular classes of still within the at What appeared ir i?-*"* i motmotic or epidemic, and evening last from half-past six to half-past ten division there ought to be an equal robbery had not been discovered ; it was not until ference of opinion which docs not involve true Pro- unnecessary lllln diseases which affect the pound rate, and delaj in carrying ou: the 7 my , man and other inhabitants, and would call on tbe magistrates to commit the priso- on mounting the scaffold ' meiliat tb the last two weeks from 108 to 139 (the latter num- lowing for a little more gaiety in it th.-m usual, forwarded without condition of the people of this country as compared he turned n aU-, «l? though bis natural delay to the commissioners. The ners for trial at once, on the evidence already pro- looked up at the beam ly roi l(l Tie Tier not being far from tbe average.) and pneumonia, disposition was very lively and memorial repre- with the famine years, there are daily reports of , from S t£ }! 4 cheerful. Nothing during the evening whatever sented that land tax n*se?sed on the duced. Tbe evidence was then road over, and coun- the country. to which the noose is *"f OT or inflammation of the lungs, which rose from 52 to Old Artillery sheer distress from almost all parts of attachedZ2c pen ^i occurred to lead witness to suppose that decease^ Ground required a rate of 2a. 3d. in the pound sel having addressed the bench for each of the pri- hope the farmers being eyed it for a few seconds, '" e H 9C 90. The increase in this latter disease has been per an- The utter absence of all of ^.,«n nn u u 1. ' 3u aSaoam faced, t ?"io«.. would destroy himself Witness knew num en thevalue of the property therein soners, the magistrates, after retiring a short time, here is manifest from *e..* - cl chi-fly confined to children ; and bronchitis, the . of no man , while in the able to sustain themselves neighbouring parishes of Shofeditch said they would discharge Eve, on his entering into the sea- was about to dra w the cap , , talcr!»t m mortality from which is spread more equally over more unlikely to do so.—Mr. G. Cooper, superin and Bethnal- the continued rush of that- class towards overiboJ , green the assessment did not exceed bis own recognisances to appear to any charge that Tippemry nal he in timated thathe f tllu cril» a! all ages, actually shows a decrease. It is shown by a tender,t of the Temple police said—a watchman in- sixpence i» ports on their way to America. Tho ffi 0LT°, the pound, and other parishes in the might be preferred against him ; tlie other priso- He spoke distinctly, "^ " People, c comparison of deaths at different periods of life that formed him tbat a man had fallen from a window. metropolis Guardian , tho Cork Constitution, the Waterford someSj ^ Witness went fo the place examined the window, were contr ibuting only a nominal ners, Rowe, Cornish, and Griffiths , were then to recollect what he as l 1 both the youthful and aged portions of the corumu- , rutc ; that Mail, the Limerick Chronicle, and other provincial bad SSd«w> \ the assessment on the Old Artillery fully committed to take their trial at the next au- dress ran as follows :- IUs^ i nity, but chiefly the former have latterly contributed and found it open. There were no marks of strug- Ground was journals speak of the emigration with apprehension " Jht r t-T ^ tbe highest of any place in tumn assizes. Application was then made for the sorry for what I have i naore than the usual amount of mortality, while the gling on the landing. The inner door of deceased's the Tower Hamlets ; that tbe country must suffer seriously from tbe done, and I co„ ! fer^ Witness should that all objection would be removed and money found in possession of Rowe and Cornish to mighty God , and all here i ranksof the middle-aged supply less than the ave- chamber was locked, the outer not. , justice desertion of the land by its best cultivators, and U j] i as deceased was running down from his would bo done to all parties, by the substitution of be given up to them, which was peremptorily re- am guil y of this murder t^tl l rage nnmber of deaths for this season of the year. say tbat, by the withdrawal of so much ready money. ; and I firmly be|& chambers, his foot slipped on the landing, and he an equalised in place of the present unequal rate ; fused. Tlie prisoners were then conveyed back to The Roman Catholic electors, who form a ma- poor wife is innocent, as innocent ' The number of persons who died last week under , as a ohil I r • ¦ ¦ ' fell through the window, legs foremost.—Mr. H. and that it appeared by a recen t decision in the Ilford gaol. jority of the constituency of Kinsate, have signed a have mercy upon her ! Here is tbo tint^°rd 15 years was 544, while the average is only 094 ; Macleod, barrister lived in- tho top story of the courts of law, that the commissioners bad full Allboed Murder by Poisonino at Manchester. hand years and imder 60 was 299, while , . requisition to their representative, Mr. Benjamin the murder ; here is tbe b»dy that has ' the number at 15 , house as deceased; About- half-past eleven power to equalise the rate within their respective —Tho mother and stepfather of a girl, aged sixteen ommSPJT of 60 years and same , Hawes, calling on him to resign his seat. They sin (An h the average is 318 ; and of persons Thursday night he bad just gone to bed and local districts. The memorial concluded b named Mary Waddington (or Hardy), are in cus- ^ n^ G^^l^ on , , y praying say,—" By voting for the second reading of the suffer; butr my suffering is nothing. upwards there died 216, while the average is 188. the commissioners to afford the memorialists tod at Manchebter on tbo horrible susp I m thought he heard some one come up stairs. Imme- such y , icion of Ecclesiastical Titles Bill you have utterly disre- nail my band to the tree ; I am willing ^^ Births recently have been unusually numerous ; a diately after be thought he heard two or three relief as the justice of tho case required. having murdered her by administering arsenic. t0 dr I•» which will be admitted to account in some de- —Mr. garded our feelings and opinions, made known to between four horses ; I am willing to put ' feet sounds of steps louder than usual, and then he Hodges seconded tbe adoption of the memorial The names of the parents are James and Ann Wad- me sH X increased mortality among the young. In , you by a copy of a series of resolutions adopted at fire and burn to ashes-for the sake of gree for sound of a violent leap which was likewise unanimously agreed to. A dington, (the male prisoner being by trade a lamp- my Sn» L institutions 147 heard something like the our meeting of the 12th ult,, in which , after cen- cause I knew I was doing n-rong j I knew public deaths were registered last down stairs, and immediately after that he beard vote of thanks to the chairman closed the procee- lighter), and the deceased was an illegitimate child that nil and these are distributed in the fallowing pro- , suring strongly your vote in favour of tbe introduc- committed a sin. And, my dear week, what he thought a second leap. It appeared as if dings. of the female prisoner, prior to her marriage with brethren Vw portions :—S3 in workhouses, 7 in military and tion ot this iniquitous measure, we gave you the must be the cause of this ? I neglected ' a man had leaped down a fli ght of stairs in high The Omsibbs proprietors of the metropolis have Waddington, " man named mass -1«!' naval asylums, 40 in hospitals, 7 in lunatic asylums by a Hardy. The pri- alternative of opposing any further progress in glected God; I neglected my prayers , spirits. Heard nothing else on the stairs. About given notice that, in consequence of the decision soners residing in Boundary-street motiuWi 7 in military and naval hospitals, and 3 in prisons, , Manchester, penal legislation, or resigning the representation of evening, and, only tor 1 doing this, I a quarter of an hour afterwards he heard a number of tbe city authorities relative to tbe inside cross and their daughter, who had been at service re- would not £ last week tbe births of 771 boys and 732 girls, in all , this borough We call on you, therefore, to suffering here to-duy for such a guilty crime jj! of persons speaking under his window, and dis- seat, whereby each omnibus in its usual number sided with them at the time of her death. i- 1 503 children were registered. In the six corres- Susp withdraw from the position in which, in an evil dear Christians, let this be a warning for , covered that an accident had happened. He had will lose one inside passenger, and the present hi h cion of foul play was caused by the mother's and ye ai ponding weeks of 1845-50 the average number of g hour we placed you. We insist as a right that you learu to be wise in this world. I hope in mv ' examined tbe landing, and saw on it, about nine price of horse provender, that the short fares of stepfather's accounts of her death to the police, , Savioiir 449. At the Royal Observatory. shall never more outrage, onr feelings by occupying Jesus Christ for salvation, and the births was 1, inches from its edge, in the ' direction of the open 3d. each passenger, as now, will be advanced to 4d. which were, that she died during Blessed VitMu to Greenwich,the mean height of the barometer in the the night of Wed- a seat in parliament as the member of Kinsale." pray for me, and all good Christians. window, marks of boots, as if some one had slipped. on and after Thur.-day, the 1st of May. On the nesday last, and was found dead in her bed room on (Another •wecfe was 29-546 in The mean tempera!ure was It is stated that 'Sir James Emerson Tennent in- pause.) I expect you will pray f or me to-day, He examined the spot outside where deceased had other hand , a number of other omnibuses have Thursday morning, these statements being much at ^41 49.9 deg., which is about 2 deg. above the average of tends offering himself as a candidate for Belfast at trust in God be will listen to me, and t fallen, and found it seven feet from the perpendicu- started to run from various parts of the metropolis variance with other facts since ascertained. She he (L the same week in ten years. The mean daily tem- the next election . "Virgin Mary, and the angels in Heaven. Pray lar of the wall, showing tbat the deceased had shot to the Exhi bition lor 3d. was found to have a considerable for perature was above the average of the several quantity of Mr. Billing, the gentleman who bad so narrow an me this day. My dear Christians, learn to be day* out through the window with great velocity. Tbe adulteration of Bker.—Tbe following licensed arsenic in her stomach upon a po^ mortem examina- Vw till Friday, when it fell below it. On the same day escape from murder in the county of Westmeath, a in this world. We are here to-day and witness was decidedly of opinion that when deceased victual lers were fined on Wednesday each in the tion being made, and the mother stated that she gone to- the wind, wb'ch had been in the east-west, few day since, is recovering from the wounds then morrow. (The criminal again paused.) 1 lie and jumped on the landing, which was very slippery, sum of £200, for having, in their severa l posses- was sick and ill from some cause on the day pre- centk south-west, changed to north. , inflicted on him. men of this place were very kind to from having had a coat of whitewash, his boots sions, various articles used for adulterating beer :— vious to her death ( Wednesday), me, especially Alleged Brutal Murder.—Considerable sen- but that she had Mr, Langrish a poor-law inspector, has lost his the governor. 1 am very much obli slipped, and he was sent legs foremost through the Benjamin Staines, Foun tain Tavern, Mile-end-road; no suspicion of the cause. Tbe mother said she , ged to him auJ sation has been created in Westminster in conse- place, owing to a stupid hoax which appeared in thank him for bis kindness. My poor window. The stairs' windows were often open by John Rogers, Homer-street , Marylebone ; Richard had had poison in the house, but had thrown it wife liesla quence of the supposed brutal raui der of an aged a Cork newspaper, representing him as the owner here, and grieves very much about Uvis. night.—The Coroner summed up, and the jury, Lucas Williams, Fashion-street, Dockhead ; George away. Tbe statement that tbe deceased had been Wfo» respectable man by his son. The atrocious Violence of a horse which won at races in the south ol Lord deliverherfromGaol." Here there was a ' " after a brief consultation, returned a verdict of Johnstone, the White Horse, Theobalds-road ; and sick on Wednesday is contradicted by nei hbours, pausf which causeddeatb.no doubt wasinflicted by a poker g Ireland. The statement met the eye of Sir Wil- and the doomed man seemed to intimate , " Accidental Death," with a recommendation to tho John Martin Wood, R«d Cross, Barbican. Mr, w ho had seen her out of dooi'8 and quite well up to to Cr1«j|( and the unfortunate victim expired on Saturday liam Somerville, and it would appear that the ex- that he had finished what he had to say, benchers, that windows similarly situate to the one James Barker, of tlie Bell and Bladebone. Lower eight o'clock on Wednesday nieht. Martha Fern- and in an* Westminster Hospital. The fol- lanation given by Mr. Langrish was liot deemed ther moment he was launched into eternity, morning in the in question should be effectually guarded and se- road, Depiford, was fined £300, a quantity of elicit head, a woman who bad lived neighbour with the p Th lowing is an outline of the circumstances:—Thede- satisfactory. greater portion of the crowd then cured against accidents. spirits having been found in his cellar. prisoners eight months ago says they used to beat dispersed, after , "My Dear Rat."—The ex-secretary of the once hanging the usual time the body ceased (Richard Jndd, formerly an army accoutre- The Great Fair near Kensal New Town, the deceased very much when deceased was out of was cut down and ment-maker aged sixty-two) resident with bis son powerful Repeal Association, the well-known " My buried in the gaol. We learn that, during the nint-n. , Eeksisgtos. —On Saturday the most active prepara- place. , On one occasion she heard him (the male Frederick, the accused, at No. 4, Garden-place, dear Ray" of tbe late Mr. O'Connell, is now ing, Bridget Lyons, the wife, remained tions were in progress for the opening of this fair on prisoner) run up stairs in his strong shoes, and ask in praver ia Bell street, Vincent-square and on the morning &!)C $3nJMlK£$. quietly esconced in tbe office for the registry of her cell. She was much affecied when inform , Thursday, 1st of May. The precise locality, or that her if she bad got work yet. Heard her on one ed that of Saturday sen'night some groans deeds in the position of second clerk. If this be the execution had taken place, and were heard pro- which will beat any rate the nucleus of this holiday occasion say " No," and the male prisoner said with , that her husband ceeding from tbe room he occupied, and in about The Livkrfooi. Sauobs' Home BazaaH.—TVhen not a finishing touch to repeal, we know nothing of had exonerated her. fair, is a large fiel d—say twenty acres—abutting on an oath, " Madam, I've worked long enough to five minutes afterwards the son (Frederick) came this undertaking closed (on Saturday last), a meet- "darling question." As to Mr. Ray personall the south of the Talbot Road, by the Westbourne keep you—I'll kill you." On these occasions she the y from the apartment and left the bouse. Some few ing of the various sub-committees was held, and on there was no one who has ever had any communi- Water Works, and running np northward to the had heard him kick or throw her down Inhabited House Duty.— On Wodnesdav minutes elapsed, when the aged father came down ascertaining tbe amount of the day's receipts, the , and turn cation with him in his late official capacity that did the go- bridge which crosses tbe Great Western Railway, her oufcof doors. This occurred two or three times vernment bill to repeal tho duties parable from his room Into the street, bleeping profusely gross sum of £782 was announced as the day' not admire him for his amenity of manners and his oa near the new Ragged School of tbe south-western s a week. She bad heard both the father and mother dweUiug-houaes according to thD number of from wsasds about tbe head, and was conveyed takings, including receipts at tbe doors and sales obliging disposition. win- to wuremiry of Kensal New Town. The field contained say to the deceased many a time they wished she dows or lights, and to grant in lieu the Westminster Hospital, after stating tbat hi: at the stalls. The total amount thus realised is Mestiko of Roman Catholics.—The great ag- thereof other from sixty to seventy show vans. The roads leading was dead. Tho motive for murder is supposed to duties on inhabited houses, according son Frederick had committed tbe injuries he had upwards of £5,000 ; so that, deducting a large sum gregate meeting of Roman Catholics, so long in tote to the field were thronged with show vans and wag- have been to obtain possession of £1 in club money, annual value, was printed . Tho house duty is received. Immediately npoa his admission into for expenses, there must be more than £4,500 net preparation , came off on Tuesday. No fewer than to gons laden with materials for constructing booths. and which was paid to the prisoners on the day commence from the 5th of April last the Lc&iul he became insensible, in which slate he proceeds for the charity. twenty-ei ht of the leaders took part in the proceed- , from vfhiti Bursixg op Spumous Tea —On Saturday morn- after her death by the secretary of a sick club of g time tbe window duty is to be repealed remained until he expired on Saturday. The wounds Suicide of Mn. Wetto.v, tub Bankkr.—A very , ings. The Freeman' s Journal devotes nineteen . The nes ing several of the labourers in the London Docks which deceased was a member.—An inquest was duties are to be deemed assessed taxes, were of a desperate description. Tie sin gave him- painful sensation has prevailed during the past few columns the affair. The Hon. Charles Preston , and tob were employed in burning about two tons weight of held on Monday, when Mr. Browne M.D. to under the management of the Commissioners self up to tbe police on the evening of the day tbe days in tbe immediate vicinity of Egbam, in conse- , , stated son of Lord Gormanatown , presided . The principal i spurious tra, which had been seized by the officials of that he had made a. post mortem examination of the the Inland Revenue. Market gardens and injuries were inflicted , and bas been from time to quence of its becoming known that Mr, Wetton, speakers were Mr. Charies Fitzsimon, clerk of the nuvsstj the Dock Company. budy of tho deceased, and found a large quantity of grounds are not to be included in tho valuation time remanded.—An inquest was held on Tuesday the banker of that place, bad committed self-de- hanaper ; Mr. Sergeant O'Brien , Mr. W. Keogb, ti arsenic in the stomach. He was of opinion that houses. The duties for armorial bearings to evening by Mr. Bedford, at Westminster Hospital, Meetiko of Enumerators.—Last evening a nu- stroction. The short facts of tho case, as detailed M.P., Mr. M J. D. Fitzgerald Q.C., Mr. Thomas h the deceased must have died in six hours after , still chargeable under the former act. on view of the body of the said Richard Judd. The merous meeting of the enumerators under the cen- to the coroner (Mr. Charsley), at the inquest, held , Q.C., Mr. Reynolds M.P., Mr. G. Moore Aocordit* swallowing the poison. Witness was the medical O'flagan , , to the schedule annexed to the bill evidence of tbe several witnesses given at the West- sus took place at the Equestrian Tavern, Black- at the Green Man, Wraysbury, are as follows :—• M.P., and Mr. Lucas, of the Tablet.— , John , tbo duty on in- man called in by tlie prisoners on Thursday morning Mr habited dwelling-houses worth the ,tW minster PoliceCourt on Monday, and at the previous friars-road. Mr. Behana took the chair, and briefly It appeared that the unfortunate gentleman left his Thunder moved and Mr. Keogb seconded, the foK vent of ot to see the deceased, but he bad not been called in , upwards by the year the duty f or examinations of the accused (Frederick Judd the sun explained tbe objects of . tbe meeting. Air. Potier house at Egbam, on Saturday last, in a state of lowing resolution :—" That we consider the Eccle- , every 2kd , till after her de.itb. He said he found her in a such annual value shall be sixpence of the deceased), having been repeated, the jury, after said he was an enumerator in 1841, and that then mind that caused great uneasiness to his friends. siastical Titles' Assumption Bill, now before parlia- , awl for other sitting position on tho floor, with the bedclothes houses not used or stated in the schedule two hours' deliberation, returned a verdict of " Wil- the remuneration was better, although there was less The following day they received a letter, which ment, a gross and intolerable violation of religious a kit around her body, and she appeared to have died in of ninepence in the pound to be ful murder against Frederick Judd." work to do than at the present census *, he thought stated that bis body would be found at the bottom liberty'; and that the alterations proposed to be charged. great agony. He took some matter ejected from Thb Famine at St. Nicolas. Sctcids of the Dutch Commissioner fob tub that it would be un-English aud cowardly if tbe pre- of the sea. In consequence of this, efforts were made by the government in that measure in no re- —Captain Riven the deceased's stomach to bis own house on that landed at St. Nicolas from her Exhibition.—On Monday Mr. Baker held an in- sent attempt at imposition on the part of the govern- made to trace him, and inquiries were made in spect diminish our abhorrence of the obnoxious Majesty 's sloop Vol- occasion, and the female prisoner aftewavds fol- cano, which he commanded being' qnest at No. 21, Finabary-square, on view of the ment was allowed to pass unnoticed. After further London, when it was ascertained that be had taken principle which it involves."—Thenextappears to be , obliged to retora lowed him home, and said she had had arsenic in to England for the recovery of his health, and ot b of Mr, F. G. Camp, agi-d twenty-four, a fine animadverting upon the conduct of the government, a ticket at the Waterloo-road terminus for Staines. themost important resolution of the series adopted : ody tho cupboard , but bad thrown it all into the Ave a Koing on board the Tay hia represontatioa m young mac-and of wealthy connexions in the Nether- he concluded by moving a resolution declaring tbat Upon making inquiries at the latter place it was —•• Tbat we call upon the Catholic clergy and peo- fortnight ago, Tho inquest was adjourned to "that hundreds have already perished from starva- lands who was Principal Commissioner from Hol- the meeting was of opinion that the remuneration found that he had gone there, but all further trace ple of . Ireland to hold simultaneous meetings in , Tuesday next. tion, nnd that famine, together with exposure appointed attend to the arrangement if the fixed by government for the enumerators of the of him was lost. His friends, theref ore, repaired to their respective parishes, on the second Sunday in , ha land, to Aueoed Attempt to Murder.— On the 25th ult. produced a malignant fever which is decimating contributionsfrom that country to the Great Exhi- census for 1851 was inadequate to tbe onerous and Wraysbury, and learned tbat be. bad been found in May, for the purpose of petitioning parliament tli a seaman, named Samuel Harper, was brought popu lation. These unfortunate people are djrinj bition, and who committed saicWe under the follow- responsible duties which they have had to perform, a ditch a short distance from the station. The against the measure referred to, and to call upon before the magistrates at Manchester, charged with daily in the streets without any one to succour them ing melancholy circumstances.—John Ramsay, ser- especially in the metropolitan districts, where the jury returned a verdict of " Temporary Insanity." their respective members to oppose the present or , attempting to pour vitriol into the mouth of a , and so reduced are the living, they havo not strength vant to Madame Julia, landlady of the house, said the returns were heavy, the pay diminishing in propor- MUKDER OF A YoONO WOMAN AI NORW ICH.—-On any government which would support any measure woman at Shudchill market. The name of tbe to carry the dead to the churches but inter t!lM deceased about a month ago engaged apartments. He tion as tbe labour increased . Mr. Roberts, of Chel- Saturday last a painful sensation prevailed in the infringing upon the religious liberties of the people , woman is Agnes Gordon, and she had formerly by the roadside, in the fields, or wherever they nwy came with several other gentlemen. When at home sea ; Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Ives, Mr. Qxley, and Mr. immediate neighbourhood of King-street, in this of this empire."—A resolution of thanks was passed lived with the prisoner, but tbey were never mar- happen to fall. Such is their unh situation, he was employed the most of his time in writing, Uallam, addressed tbe meeting. The last named city, in consequence of a brutal murder committed to Sir James Graham. appy as ried. He was committed to Kirkdale gaol for trial that unless promptly relieved but few ban escape. he was in the habit of receiving numerous letters. He gentleman said, he believed that many of the enu- by a man named J mes Flood , who resides in Ber- Representation op Belfast,—The Belfast Chro- at the next Liverpool assizes. That they are unfortunate and in want frequently rose at threeo 'clock in the rooming. He merators had been deceived when tbey undertook street. The forehead of tho woman bad a cut an l " authorised to state " tbat on the dissolu- , miserable, , Svddbs Death of the Dcohbss of Kent's Gar- nic eis is their 'jest passport ave generally left at nine o'clock to go to Hyde Park, the arduous duties which had devolved upon them. inch and a half deep, the lip was also cut through, tion of tbe present parliament Sir James Emerson to your favour ; but they h dener.— On Tuesday an inquest was held at tbe another claim. These are the men who " noHf ¦nd returnedat seven or ei ht at night when he had He was personally acquainted with a registrar, who and the nose was broken, nnd she vomited blood. Tennent intends becoming a candidate for the re- so g , Town Hall, Windsor, by Thomas Marlin Esq., risked their lives iu succouring tbo crew of tbe , had stated that if he lived till the next census, and Mr. Day, a surgeon, attendded , but deceased died , tion of his native town. Ins dinner. He usually dined alone in the parlour coroner for the borough, on the body of George presenta Eclair When she arrived fever-smitten from tl? as it was his wish- He was very reserveclinhis man- wished to revenge himself upon an enemy, he would on Friday night. Caroline Collins said, she heard On Tuesday tho police of Dublin were actively '« Young, many years gardener to her Royal High- coast—an act Englishmen can never repay, bub lot and latterly witnesshad observed him to below endeavour to appoint him an enumerator. He Flood say to deceased You , I'll kill you ;" engaged in searching tho emigrant ships at our ner, ness the Duchess of Kent. It appeared that de- which they will be grateful for ever." desponding. Witness had remarked to the ser- would wish to call particular attention to the fact, when he f-truck her on the head and knocked her quays aud iu harbour, and in watching the railway ind ceased, whilst in the Royal gardens suddebl Dissenting Chapeis —A case d vant that ha thought deceased would never live to go that for an; odd number under sixty enumerated down, and he then kicked her on the head. The , y stations and coach offices in the hopes of arresting for Marbia6rs. dropped down, and died instantaneously. Mr. Eton , some importance under tho Dissenters' Marrise through with his duties at the Exhibition, as he ap- there was no pay, and adding all these odd numbers inquiry was adjourned. a fugitive poor-rate collector, who was reported , having made a post mortem examination of the to Act, bas recent correspon- peared to have so much anxiety on his mind. Ma- together, he fonnd that the enumerators were The Laxb Mklmjchow Occubbbncb at "Wal- bave fled from a union in Kerry, ly arism, and caused a body, deposed that death was caused by the rupture taking with him a dence with the authorities at Somerset House. Tin dame Julia tried to cheer him, as did also a gentleman mulcted by the government to the amount of £375. ton.—On Saturday the jury aud witnesses again as- large amount of money. of a vessel of the heart. Verdict accordingly. facts are simply these :—On M'indoy, the 31st ol of the name of Mouchet, who was a lodger. Last A committee was appointed to make arrangements sembled to sign the depositions and complete the Theemigrationagent, who absconded with a large The North Country Snirow.NERS and the Coai>- March last, the doors of the Independent Chape), Saturday night deceased returned from Hyde Park for holding other meetings, to force the subject upon necessary forms. The remains of the unfortunate amount of money obtained from persons for tickets wiiippebs Bill —The shipowners of the northern Folesbill, near Coventry, beset by a »u»il*f at seven o'clock. He appeared extremely desponding. the attention of the government, and the meeting deceased were interred on Tuesday last, in Ettle- to entitle them passages to America is a were ports, have during the early part of this week to , Mr. of persons anxious ceremony He dined with Madame Julia and Mr. Mouchet. separated. ton Churchyard , near Nuwcastleton, and friends John Harris of Clonakilty. His securities to witness a marriage been signing petitions to the House of Commons , are un- which tbey there. About ten 0 clockthefollowing morning witness went Threatened Invasion of Kensington Gardens and acquaintances from far and near flocked to the derstood to be tbe Hon. Cecil Lawless expected would be solemnised against the re-enactment of the coalwhippers act , M.P., and Mr. Withers prevfe to his bed room with a cop of strongtea. He knocked bt Equestrians.—On Tuesday ni spot to pay the last sad tribute of rcspcrt to the , the minister, bad had no ght a large and in the port of London. Mr. John Townsend, of Shepperton. A warrant has notice of the marriage ; but when the parties mb repeatedly,bu t could obtain no answer. The door influential meeting of the residents of Bayswater memory of a man who was the pride of the district, been forwarded to Liverpool for his arrest, it being , Dabzkg Bobbery at Bristol— man named assembled ho was appl ied to f or the keys, of lb ma locked. Madame Jnlia and Mr. Mouchet, upon Kensington Jotting-hill, and the vicinity of Ken- and beloved and respected wherever he was known. A supposed that he is about to emigrate from tbat , Henry Parker was committed at the Bristol chapel, and informed that they intended to he mar- hearinghim call so frequently came to his assistance. sington-gardens was held at the Prince Albert A correspondent, who witnessed the funeral , says— port for the land of liberty. , Police-court for a highway robbery, committed '' " ried by the registrar without any religions service. Mouchet opened Tavern, Notting-hiU, to consider the propriety of " Tbe procession presented a very imposing spec- A. key was obtained,with which Mr. under circumstances of much daring and atrocity. Having a decided oMec fion to the uso of In's cli* the door. Deceased was then found suspended by a presenting a petition to the Queen against the in- tacle. In some parts of the road along which it Captain Mt-ed, of the Dapper packet, was passing Sympathy ov the Russiaks *am French ik the Mr. Withers refused the &!< piece of cord from the bedpost, snd life w*s extinct. tended formation of a public ride in Kensington- passed, it appeared as if it extended for nearly a for such a purpose, |p through Broadmead at about nine o' Fate op Sin John Franklih.—By private s abused lis Witness instantly went for a surgeon. From the evi- gardens. Amongst those who signed the requisi- quarter of a mile. It is doubtful if ever so large clock in the letters This irritated the regi trar, and he | | evening, when he was attacked b received from hev Majesty 's ship Enterprise eatened to break cbapfl dence of gentlemen acquainted with deceased's tion calling the meeting were the two churchwar- an attendance was before seen at any funeral in the y three men, who , Capt. minister and thr open the y knocked him down and robbed him of a watch Collinson, C.B., dated llong-Kong, Feb. 26, doors. Mr. Withers still refusing, the registrar affairs, it appeared that die duties of his office were dens of the pariah of Kensington, and nearl parish. Many came from a great distance—for gold it | | y all and about £2 in gold and silver. When first they would seem that much sympath y is felt by the Rus- employed a blacksmith to open the doors vith pi* overwhelming him, and he moreover expected to be the respectable inhabitants of this district. Mr. poor ' Sorbietrees ' was known far and wide—and | | met him tbo prisoner Parker stood in front of him, sians in the fate of our missing countrymen. The locks and then proceeded to marry the partiei g| ihortly superseded in his commission. His accounts Boyle, barrister, presided, and said the question many more would have been present, but this being and said to his companions " Now, go it." Im- f ollowing is an extract of a private letter from one They were not members of ' oo»s«?1' Were properly kept, and corresponded with the state they had met to consider was one which did not af- the lambing season, the shepherds could not leave , Mr. Withers |i | mediately upon which the others struck him two of the officers serving on board , but of a Baptist n# K« in which bis funds were found. Thejury returned a fect the inhabitants of Kensington alone, but one their flocks. Grief was depicted iu every face, and , :—" We left two tion congregation in the blo ws on the head, which felled him. As soon as officers , Lieutenant Barnard and Mr. Adams, assis bourhood , whose minister bad' from some ciro* -;| verdict of " Temporary insanity." which materially concerned the health, recreation, every man seemed to feel the loss as a personal b«- ho was down, the others threw themselves upon tant-surgeon, at Michaelowski and Norton Sound, stances in the case refused to take part in the *ff' |; | Suicide in St. James's Pars—On Sunday morn- and comfort of the whole metropolis. It was pro- reavement." Mr. Armstrong was the representa- him, and one of them forced some pasty stuff upon with orders to proceed into the interior, and see vice. Mr. Withers applied to Mr. John Bennett, * j ;| ing the body of a gentleman of fair complexion, posed to convert a portion of Kensington-gardens tive of a long line of ancestors, famous in their hia lips, which must havo contained an acred mat- whether any communication takes place bettveen London solicitor, who wrote to the Registrar W jfJ about thirty yearsof age, and attired in^ black, was into a drive, and thereby to encourage a concourse day as chiefs and leaders in the border warfare, ter in its composi tion as it left considerable sore- tho Russian ports and the natives inhabitin g the neral narrating the above circumstances and pr<* found in the ornamental water of the park. It of people, not only equestrians but COBtermongeM, He was considered one of the handsomest men in , ¦ | | ness of the lips. As they were robbing him shores of tbe Polar Sea. From Michaelowski I went sin g his w ish to try tbo question whether the }'• | ; | removed to St. Margaret's Workhouse for an. dealers in bora*flesh , and others, noisy characters Lidlesdale, and the surgeons who made the joost , a lady , y*s who was passing observed what was going on, to Sitka, where from the researches of tbe Russians of Dissenting chapels be not strictly pern»'ssir* M which would completely destroy the privacy and mortem examination describe him as one of the and inquest. called for assistance, upon which the fellows ran we find our Polar chart as far as the Colville is The Registrar GeneraLreplied that he would »* of a Woman fboh Brutal Viowkce at which the frequenters of the gardens had finest formed men they had ever seen. lie was a , ci- p Death seclusions. off in opposite directions. Captain Meed after- concerned, totally in error. The Yoncon, it would every proper facility for obtaining the decision Chelsea.—At the Westminsterpolice court on Mon- for upwards of a century enjoyed , such an assem- fast friend and a kind neighbour—ever trying to do || wards met and recognised Parker, and gave him appear , is the head water of the Kiverpak, which the Court,. vv of. Queen^j uuui 'sa BenchJJCUUll . , » Michael Connell and Ann letely deprive ladies good to all ffha ever came under bis not ice. It vras f ig I*m day , , his wife, were finally blage wonld comp , invalids, into custody, but the others have not runs into Behring Sea to the southward of Norton Post-Opficb AnusEs. return «' U enjoyment of the gardens and this strong feeling of regard for all who had ever yet been dis- —An official examined, charged with havinj caused the death of and children of the , covered. and they have no port on any river empty- the applications miscarriage or « CarolineJewell by brutal violence, at Chelsea. The would act as an exclusion of them from the deli ht- lived under his roof that cost him his life ; for there Sound , relative to the | | g BtmoMR Killed by Policeman ing, itself into the Polar Sea. We found a great of money-letters VoslM*" M voluminousdepositions , the substance of which has ful and healthful recreations which they bad been is no doubt, from what he said to bis wife and ' A a .—It will , addressed to the perhaps be in the recollection of our readers that disposition, on tbo part of the Russian authorities, General or w he a stow* M been already published, havingbeen read over by Mr. in the habit of enjoying. The proposed intrusion others, that the object of his calling at Walton Colonel Maberley, ould early on the 20th of March, two burg to aid in our search. The governor general, Capt . document e is some!" Taylor, the chief clerk. Mr. Broderip having been w y unnecessary, because at present there Parsonage was for the purpose of offering to re- lars, named , leaving no doubtthat ther p as wholl George Wood alias Arthur Key Rosenburgh has ordered tho post of Michaelowski seriousl at e> ¦ m informed, in answer to hia inquiry, that there was no was a drive for equestrians between Rotten-row and engage the witness Glendinning, who had lived , and Mark Smith , , y wrong in tho system as F were apprehended on the premises of Mr. Stack- to be reinforced this year by eighteen Alutians and worked. A before ftriw* chance of procuringany ftir therevidence,said, " Un- tbe Serpentine, and if it were necessary to have a several years with his father and himself, as a petition will be laid | house, at Walsall, which tbey had entered from St. nine skin boats, which are to be placed at Captain shortly after late M^ der these circumstances,'it is my duty to deal with more extended drive, tbat could be easily obtained servant. the recess, from the | Paui's-row, for the purpose of committing a felony. Moore's disposal, should he require them. The of Berwick-on-Tweed statemeoU v ihe ease on the evidence adduced before me. I ab- by making an additional one, at a very trifling ex- Fibb at Ma. Marsh's Farm, mm WoBKser.— , containin g | The superintendent of police, two police officers men aro armed with rifles, are expert hunters, liv e tbe m alone for a A 1 solve tbe male prisoner from any hand in the death of pense, in the northern part of Hyde-park, where On Sunday morning last, a fire broke out at Mr. , alversations in that office & and the superintendent's son , who had received in- upon Esquimaux diet, and speak, a dialect of the neviod-au ' vouehcvs-in™ Caroline Jewell ; but I commit the prisoner Ann Con- there was ample room without interfering with the Marsh's farm, on the Forest, and a considerable thentioated by offk ml | fevmation of what was intended , surprised the two same tongue. Tho skin boats are what the Russians tho defalcations ' nine months ot l«v; . 1 nell for killing and fllaying her; and the male pri- convenience, comfort, or privileges of the people. number of persona from Worksop, Clumber, &c, , during jt men, who were about to make their escape, when have made use of in all their exploring expeditions. alleged to amount to £414 lfo. W. ,B soner for the robbery of Susannah Blancbfield." Under these circumstances it was deemed advisable soon congregated on the spot, and assisted in ex- H i^u- 1 Key was captured by superintendent Armi«hawand Wo arc to sail on the 1st of April to Bearing's and to £2 29i The puhte a»w Committed accordingly.—The protracted inquiry into to present a petition to her Majest y on the subject, tinguishing, the fire. Two wheat stacks, an oat , 13s. in bills. | Police Sergeant Sriiith, whilst Policeman Wood and Straits. Lieutenant Bcllot, of the French navy, centl , and ve« with the death of Caro- her Majesty to prevent the intended intru- stack, and part of a clover stack, with two sheds, y had reason to complain b;; g| the circarastaaoesconnected praying the Superintendent's son chased Mark Smith down Knigh t, of the Legion of Honour, has volunteered depart"'^ to a conclusion on Tuesday, sion.—Mr. Dunford proposed the first resolution, were completely destroyed ; one end of tho barn justly, of the way in which some | line Jewell, was brought the garden and up again. Fearing Smith would his services, by permission of the Minister of Marine thetne LondonL.onuon ; amiau« there•»> "- • m verdict of •* Manslaughter which was to the effect tbat the meeting viewed was partially burnt, aud a portion of the roof of officeotnee are conducted wj by the jury retnrning a escape, Policeman Wood shouted to Sergeant Smith of France, to join an Arctic expedition, and speaks of » com- with surprise and alarm the intention of the Com- the stable was charred. H. Iteming, Esq., who was no doubt that the appoi ntment ^'*S rf against Ann Connell," the woman who was to st op him, when the prisoner Smith, who had a of the enthusiasm felt in the French navy that one every ^ bwtoC.fifoniai5SK measures to do away with the inequality which A Masx Giant.— The inhabitants of Liverpool their duty, and sen tenced to be transported for ten less annoyance i.s offered , will decidedly have the A Lives and Stomach Comi-laj.st ot *'?;;,„„, la« ' to Sydney, having faded in OCH2I, B>- H otWWAV H.M.-Svrgi-iiut »'" ,„, his object, and tbat on subsisted in reference to the land tax. At present, were much surprised last week to see walking up v esirs. preference over the ports of Belgium. The peti- 'S I' «» d^ reaching Sydney the banker or trustee aud down the streets /AHi.Y Closisg is Oxford. «Y public meeting gnatures the HonouvaWa linst India Company '* S j .wlilr had become the liberty in which tbey resided, where the popu- , a man of extraordinary di- I' — tion , which already bears numerous si , ' the fi bankrupt; the combined ci mensions Arthur Caley, from " Isle for the promotion of the early closing, nwir y twenty-flvoyea rs employed «'i w^-.j^ u ; rcumstances had ruined lation was small, and far from being wealthy, was , Sulby Lczaj re, movement hi concludes with the expression of a hope that went, sulYVri'd from an a"^' himv and he feared he should want ' must intensely ^ap. bread.—Mr. John assessed at a rate of 2s. 3d. in the ponnd, whereas Of Man. lie 18 Ollly twenty-three years of age, Oxford took place in the T

TO INTENDING EMI- HORRORS OF EMIGRANT 11X0:130 TO SHIPS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRO- men who were threatening them with a servile war. JSm am'al f ar hammt country. (Hear, hear.) The question was entirely J3EA^RANTS AUSTRALIA. TECTIOlf OF ISDUSTRY AND CAPITAL. Let them try to do it if they dared. ( Cheers) But fov compromise, which would bo the cheapest , as A return has, aUer some delay, been laid before there was more than absurdity in tbe matter. He AY, Arnn, 23. well as tho fairest course. On Tuesday the second MOND , that it con- following article (the first of a the -House of Commons, in compliance whh a anniversary meeting of had said tbat this was an operative's question -. and house re-assom- Mr. Mowatt objected to tbo scheme aake tlake tho this association was held in HOUSE OF COMM ONS.—The tained no provision for a new source of supply in- motion of Mr. M'Cullagh, detailing the particulars Drury Lane Theatre, he maintained that so long as there was a man in the recess. the Peop le' s Advocate, January which was crowded to excess bled on Monday last after stead of the present impure one and that it made i from from at of treatment tbe most revolting in every corner long the country willing to work, and yet unable to get ated that it was not the , published Sydney, New South and disgusting en- before the hour named for tbe commencement of no man Lord J. RUSSELL intim tlie supplier* of tho water responsible not to the 1.1 P^l dured by tbe passengerson bread, bad a right to squander his means to adopt the amend- , ' ' board one of tbe emigrant the proceedings (twelve o'clock), intention of t ho government consumers, but to tbo government. lh< ihe paper is conducted with great Precisely at that in supporting foreign manufacturers, (Hear.) One Titles Bill of which of ships that regularly ply between the ports of Liver- time the Duke of Richmond ments of the Keolesiastical Sir G. Gret, in his rep] , and liberality principle, and its toot the chair, and of the guides of the League, air. Porter, had stated Vf offered explanations to pool and New York. notice bad been given by Mr. Walpolo. upon various points, and ^ on the important subject was lustily cheered. His grace was supported on that m 1847 a Saxon workman toilin g dili gently the day , with reference to Mr. Mts o^its which The return consists , Property Tax BiLL.-On the order of Mowatt s objection, stated chiefly of a journal kent bv the platform by the Earl of Cardigan, Viscount from five in the morning till dusk, and of ten by tbe that tbo bill gave power ¦a-a arc obviously far more veracious and Mr. "Vere C-unbermere Earl of for the second rendin-i of this bill, to the Secretary of State in respect to the sources area Poster during his voyage outwards from , Glengall and party, Lord lamp, for six days in the week, and assisted by his to pause before attention from intended emigrants, Viscount Strangford Mr. Spoonkk entreated the house of supply. ; ' of » of Liverpool to New York on board the emigrant ship Berncrs, , the Earl of Erne, wife, could only earn 2s. 6d, a week ; and the con- linjUStJ y ail U the Earl of Lisburne it continued a tax whicii pressed most . Leave was then given to bring in the bill. ilthe othe ovcrcoloured and mendacious des- Washington in November last. The writer who is , Lord Sondes, Earl Talbot, sequence had been that they were driving the manu- interests ot the , Viscount Ingestro, Eirl Cadogan, Earl of Sheffield , facturers of unfairly upon many of the great Mr. Swa rt then moved a resolution , that it is nns ms of emigration crimps in this a young man of family and fortune, appears to have Nottingham out of evevy market in the by any peculiar E.irl of Malmesbury, Lord Do Lisle, Lord Rane- world. (Hear, hoar.) country j which was not required expedient to extend tho mitigation of th e law with formed the self-denying resolution It was evident, then, that - been ori inally proposed as yy :—y - to go out as a lagb, Earl of Stradbroke, Lord Northwick, Lord the wages in Eng emergency , which bad g respect to capital punishment to tho colonics -, but of land must come down to that if tbe house assented to iiiues^imesTion emigration and co' omzatlonh one steerage passenger in one of tbe ordinary vessels by Hastings, Mr. R. Spooner M.P., Colonel Sibthorp, point ; and hence a temporary tax, whereas, a member having moved that the bouse be counted, . they would see tbat it was better permanency of members first importance, not only to Great which persons of the humbler classes are conveyed M.P., Lord John Manners the Marquis of country this bill , it would put its seal to the and only thirty-eight being present, an Ten Tery , M.P., for each to protect its own ; because in a frauds and evasions at- ' her numerous colonies and depen- to America for the purpose of ascertaining for him- M.P., yrol) Mr. Kewde- wide an impost, the vexation , , adjournment took place at seven o'clock. 11 but l but to all , Granbv, Sir John T , M.P., world competition tho lowest wages received its inequality, the present , indeed, that at the Bun- any country became tending which , as well as WEDNESDAY , Anul SO. ii; so 3; so important present self the mode of their treatment and tbe nature of gate, M.P., Mr. Freshfield , M.P., Mr. A. in tbe measure for all the rest. hud been foremost in ' almost universal attention combe, M.P., and a great number of other meuiUevs (Chews.) The principle Ministers, when in opposition , : occt occupies , and its the wants which others in like circumstances must then of self-protection was showed how op- HOUSE OF COMM ONS.—Lord J. Russem discussed, not onl ^ of Parliament. religion of proclaiming. (Hear, hear.) Ho tarecl are y within the walls of be prepared to provide for or to endure. Mr. Fos- the politics ; and it could not bo set landed interest in moved that the house, at its rising, should adjourn bouses, but in crowded Tlie Guairm&n having acknowledged the compli- without pressively the tax fell upon the uriiamriiameniary assem- ter states incidentally the fact tbat be bad previ- aside impiety. (Cheers.) He confessed there be called until six o'clock this evening. institutions, in private mentary manner in which he had been received by comparison with the fundholdcr ; and iiin pulin public circles, in the was much to cause them anxious forebodings, and commit- Sir R-. Ixolis said that if tbe adjournment waa the tradesman and ously assisted many individuals to emigrate in tbe that assembly of representatives of the agricultural upon tho house, if the bill should reach tbe [in ? of a? of , the cottage of the yet he could not forget tbat there was in England a as to relieve tbe classes not to be to the usual hour to-day, it would bo Lvery man has ms usual way. His sympathies- doubtless became en- interests in every part of this great empire, said it of living relig tee, to remodel the tax so err. «r. plan, every writer salt ion preserving it from decay. now bear.) lie. better to adjourn i.t once until Friday. He there, listed in their privations and adventures ; and would be useless for him co profess his attach- (Loud cheers.) Ho unequally affected by it. ( Hear, sailed ailed upon to express his opinions. Hence, could not look on that large ve bill fore moved, as an amendment, tbat the bouse ad- a view to understand more perfectly ment to the great cause ot protection ; because meeting and feel that howe r, moved that the second reading of the rive toe emigration schemes in endless variety— probably with England was doomed ; but if he deferred for six months. journ until Friday. like condition mi his feelings respecting free trade were known she was not, it must ihe wtlie well-digested and long-considered plan of what others of ght require as be owing to her reversing her Mr. Mraiz seconded this amendment, subscribing After a abort conversation tbe house divided , £ge asge and the philosopher, to the wild specuUt- outfit, and what means of precaution it would be throughout tbe length and breadth of this, their present policy. (Cheers.) He had seen symptoms and tho amendment of Sir It. Inglis was defeated by deprecate anything for error to nearly all that had fallen from Mr. Spooner. He s and and ravings of the ephemeral and drivelling necessary to take against ill-usage or neglect, be fatherland. While he should of that ; was seldom long-lived—" Opinio- a majority of 52 to VI. classes he would tell them tbat urged tho unjust ukuuwv in whwh this tax operated ss of s of yesterday. We have in full operation like a war between , nam commenta delet dies, naturmj udkia eonfirmat." upon tho tenant-farmers and the small manufactu- St. ALUs' a ElKC TWS.—Lord J. Russell moved determined to make a winter voyage across the , with their hardy utionjtion schemes, professing to be founded upon the tenant farmers of Encland (Cheers.) That day they had unfurled their banner rers who were made to pay whether they had an an address to the Crown praying that a proclama- Atlantic. would care not for a con- which should never , sal. jal, religious, and philanthropicalprinciples; labourers at their backs, be again taken down until be- income or not. He resisted the tax moreover, first , tion might issue, offering rewards for the apprehen- The Washington, A. Page, master, is described test with a hundred thousand cotton-spinnei'S, neath it every B , LlLht-raht-rsconfessedl y arising out of the selfishness ritish artizan enjoyed a full , a true, because it was a breach of faith secondly, sion of tbo parties guilty of a broach of privilege as a fine vessel of 1, 600 tons register, fi tted 00t (Tremendous cheering. He did not believe that a just, and a fair , and, i i rich rich, aided by their jealousy and fear of the ) protection. (Loud aud long con- because bo could soe no end to it. in having declined to give evidence before tho St. specially for carrying the greatest number such men could intimidate the agriculturists, be- tinued cheering.) of per- Mr. Fhesiifield should not oppose the second Alban's election committee. cause the respectable operatives even in the manu- Mr. G. S. : is 11s not a little remarkable that though the sons who can be induced to pay a moderate charge Dawsos, of Selby, Yorkshire, next ad- reading of tho bill , but he hoped that in tbe com- After a very desultory conversation the address > ance does it fcllOW him to his new and distant gn productions to be admitted him bo would give the names, A corporate body, deficiency on board seems to bave been made was into our markets unless those were apprehended within a reasonable time, it Mr. W. Williams mine ? , productions paid such whom he would not name, bad tbe other day re- , having presented several peti- so irregular as to wring a duty as should lace them would be necessary to address the crown that a re- tions iafavour of tho measure, moved Wa previous occasions we have denounced the in- from some of tbe more cou- p on an equal footing duced the wages of their sluicekeepers forty per that tll O hoUBG rageous reiterated remonstrances. But' such n- with our own. (Cheers.) If they did not insist oin cent. Tbat was free trade. If it was continued he ward might be proclaimed. (Hear, hear.) He go into committee upon the bill. law ments held out to tbe working classes of the move. tbat tbo bouse resolve it- Mr. Akstet rose country, to emigrate to these colonies subordination was speedily and summarily quelled. that, he was prepared to maintain that they would should be concerned for the morality Of tbe nation. would, therefore, to oppose the motion. Ho con- miner , as self into a committee to consider the propriety of s and wicked, and we have seen no reason to Imprecations, a give the foreigner a virtual monopoly of the mar- Mr. Jokk Beia, of Kent, spoke in support of the sidered that faith had been broken with him and EBUiles men ces, and blows seem to bave been ddress to her Majesty that she might inion. Writers and speakers in this dealt out with no kets of this country. (Loud cheers.) A dissolu- resolution. adopting an a others who had consented to the second reading of tonge onr op sparing band by two of the ship's leased to order a proclamation, with a reward, the bill , for it was fony and at home may write and talk of the ad- tion could not be far off, and he called upon every Mr. Ruin, who was introduced as a London be p then understood that it was to t mates, accompanied by terms of blasphemy and for the discovery of Waggett, Heywavd, and go before a Select Committee, M-itages which Australia possesses as a field for man who had any electoral franchise to exercise it baker, in supporting tbe resolution, said he did so who should have coarseness not to be repeated in onr columns. in a constitutional manner, and to return only those under the firm conviction that this was not merely Birchmore. ( Hear.) power to send for persons, papers, and. records, in Oration; bnt under the present state of things Waier Supply.—Sir G. Gbby moved for leave to " On the fifth day after leaving Liverpool a respect- who would advocate their principles. (Loud cries a class interest movement, nor a farmer's interest, order to furnish the opponents of the bill an oppor- Mfh " advantages are merely ideal. We assert bring a bill f or the better supply of Water to tho tunity of disproving, fearlessly tbat, with our present land system, ful inquiry was addressed in writing to the captain of " We will.") The increase of crime proved that but one in whicii the interests Of all, and above all, . and tho supporters of proving, m-sl free trade was working Mfitropolis. , He referred to tho large amount of the preamble of it. He referred • under the existing regime,Australia possesses no by Mr. Foster and ten other pass augers, as to when the ruin of the country. tho working men , might be looked to, and their to the proceedings •id B depriving in the information in possession of tbe house upon this in committee uivautages for the emigrant; nor can it do so until the allowance of necessaries would be given out to y many agricultural districts of grievances redressed. , where an assurance was given that subject, contained especially in the reports of the lie system has been radically altered or the colonies those on board. In the postscript there are these employment, tbey had driven them into£crime from The resolution was then put and carried unani- witnesses should be sent for ; but afterwards tbat actual want ; they were now suffering punishment mously, as were all the otht r.i. Board of Health, which showed , first, that some ex- promise was not fulfilled. He bad, as a member ;mspoans the Australian group bave become inde- words:— in order to insure an states. for their crime—a punishment which, he thought, - Mr. C. Worsusy, whom the chairman described tensive change was necessary of the committee, done his best to make it harmless ; iaident and sovereign While writing the former part of this adequate supply of good , and wholesome water ; but now ho could not ¦ ¦ take first tbe emigrant agricultural la- fetter at the ought to have fallen on those who had placed them as a Sussex man , moved the third resolution, to the recommend it to the adoption Let us request of my fellow-passengers, the first mate, Mr. and sonondly, that competition could not be trusted of the bouse. The second clause was bsiirer. What advantage will he gain by emigra- in this situation. (Cheers.) effect that unless free trade bo abandoned , and " the consi- Williams, knocked me dewn flat on the deck with a Mr. Bon, Q-C, who was greeted with loud equal protection be restored to British' labour and to for that object . The first question, therefore, deration clause," for which it would be adopted in nts to this colony ? His services are not very blow in the face I * cheers whether tbo existing system should be adhered to, that aud in another place. Tbo because Kew South "Wales is not , said—Ireland bad.suffered more than any production , the most deplorable consequences, both classes against {ftatk in demand, other part British ' or that some essential change should be made in it, whom this legislation was directed did hereafter, an agricultural And the writer adds in his diary, that he had of the dominions by free trade, political and socia l, ending in national convulsion not partici- fct, whatever it may be le of England mi admitted of an easy answer ,- the second was, w hat pate largely in the enjoyment of the franchise. Ifc pantry ; and if hs sets employment, the wages he offered no sort of provocation whalever for this and the peop ght regard what was and bankruptcy , must ensue. passing in Ireland as the programme of what substitute the government should propose aud Par- was desired to extinguish trading for tllC benefi t Of scarcely more than adequate for the outrage, except the silent reproof, the occupat ion would Col. KiJttocn, in a very humorous speech, se- receives are most assuredly befal England unless they liament adopt. The -Board of Health had repom- the working classes, and yet make it as little of himself and bis family. Indeed, if in which he was at the moment engaged, ht reversed conded the resolution, which was carried amidst maintenance mig their policy. There could not be a better test of the loud cheers. mended, in tho first instance, that the existing troublesome as possible to those who wished to has a family it is doubtful whether he will get have afforded to the person thus fce assailing him. On state of the population than the progress of crime, Lord Berneus, m proposing tbo next resolution, sources of supply should be altogether abandoned, hare such as enactment as this. Tbo lino was hnpl-iyment at all. hearing the first few sentences of the letter, tbe Sow, in 1846, tho first year of free trade, tho number and that recourse should be had to deposits of rain to be drawn between tbe small mechanic at tbe mechanicor tbe artisan.—What said he stood before them as an owner and occupier and et us look captain broke forth into a yolley of intemperate and of convictions in Ireland were 8 G39; in 1847 they water collected in gathering grounds near Bagshot. those immediately above him. LLirenragement 15 'here for him ? Absolutelynone : . of land and an employer of labour, and as one who The small trades- abusive expressions, designated the complainant as were 15,233. That was the first year of tho fa- was partici They had subsequently so far modified their recom- man was to bo placed at the mercy of bu eren in a worse condition than tbe asricul- pating in the suffering which owners the police- a pirate" and " a rascal ;" mine ; aud they might attribute the increase to and occupiers of land were enduring. He saw be- mendation as to propose, that instead of rain man, acting under parochial orders, whilst al labourer, because tbe latter having been used " and threatened to put the fcr that ; but in ISiS they amounted to 18,206, and in fore him a banner on which was inscribed "the water spring water should be collected and larger tradesmen would not be touched at all. The to fit-Id employments and a country life, can turn him in irons if he troubled him further in such very change matters ! 1849 to 21,202 ; and the cases of transportation had rights of.British subjects.'', and oh another " More brought .to London in pipes. This prohibitions wero to be found in the first clause, jfuLself to something ; but the former having been increased in tho following ratio:—In 2S15 they ofjustice' of opinion inculcated caution, and the govern- the exceptions were to be found ^ The details of privation filth s as , on and less of charity." Tbey were prepared in the second Educated for a town life, and his subsistence depend- , , and di e e were 625 ; in 1846, 087 ; in 1847, 2.202 ; in 1848 ; to support the rights of British subjects ment had laid the reports of tho Board of clause. There was in the first clause an such a voyage, in a ship so officered , to sup- absolute ing upon a town population, is utterly at a loss what , and with SUCh 2,.738 - and in 1849, 3,073. Ho himself in Irish port the right of protection. But be should bo Health and all the evidence before three gentlomen prohibition of sale of all articles, and against a de- dney, tie only town of any consequence ( todo. Sy a cargo of victims, may be too readily conceived. courts of justice had seen judges refuse to pass content to have inscribed on bis banner not the eminent for their skill and ability, tbat hoy might li very after nine o' clock. Why, ho asked were not , ia already overstocked with mecha- , in ibis colony Fever,does not seem .to have Visitedt hem ; but from tho sentence of transportation upon convicted word " protection," but"justice" to nil classes of report upon the chemical properties of tbe water the souls of tlm milkwomen of as much account in nics and artisans of every description ; and we know dysentery several perished. Their bodies were flung felons, because they said they had committed the the state. He asked them if.they would support him? and to what extent tho existing sources of supply tho estimation of the lion, member for Lambeth, as bf some at the present moment wording at their own into the deep without reli ious ceremony of an) crime in the hope of being sent to a penal colony, ("Yes.") Let them then return to their homes nnd should be retained or new sources be opened. . Tho the souls of fishmongers ! (Laughter.) Why wore week whose wages g and labour of this inquiry had hitherto lia'le in this city for a pcaud a , kind ; and tbe survivors were given to understand , and he had seen the judges issue an order reducing speak to their wives: and their children "of this minuteness not milk and cream put amongst other articles ? ia the city of London, previous to their emigration, prevented thorn from making a- report, and in the He now cime to ' that for whateter medicine they might require, tbey tbe lowest diet that could sustain existence, the great gathering, and to speak of it.in tho streets the most tyrannical, and therefore Sere for tbe same work thirty shillings a week. Men gaol diet, because it was proved to them and in the market places a d meantime he had thought it better to lay before the the most objectionable clause of the bill. must pay a certain private consideration to tbe sur- , nd say tbat they ba ' It waa Bids circumstanced bave constquently most seri- that crime was committed by prisoners to get seen the rourcseutatives of 775,000 farmers ' and house the outlines-of a scheme by which he pro- clause seven, giving a judicial power to policemen ously injured themselvessmd their families by emi- geon, although this also was specifically enumerated to the gaol, in order to escape from the posed to substitute a new machinery for that of tho to decide whether a penalty had been incurred gr intolo- graziers of the United Kingdom, who h,td declared , ating to Australia, and so, except under very amongst the items paid for at starting in the passage rable nuisances that free trade had brought on that they would stand by Lord Stanley and Mr. nine water, companies, each occupying a separate to seize on the whole capital of tbo hawker, and peculiar circumstances, will any mechanic who for moncv. them. He was not able to give them the state of Disraeli—(cheers)—and. that they would stand by district. v ..Tho:Board of Health .bad recommended then, to add insult to injury, a power of appeal the rears to come mav arrive ou these shores. On arriving at New York Mr. Foster was dis- crime in England. It had not increased in the " noble lord con- that instead:of a plurality-of managements, tlwve next day to a magistrate. Tbe most perishable justice to British industry. The us the host Then a* to men of smail capital, possessing from suaded from instituting legal proceedings against sanic rations in Ireland, but it bad increased ; and cluded by moviiifr a vote of thanks to the Duke of should be one combined-management, materials might bo seized under this clause, and I' 000, ? ; a.sufficient suppl an d ser- oOO to £1. what can tbey do in this colony tbe proprietors of tbe Washington or the officers it bad increased because industry had not received Richmond, Presfdent of the National Association. means of ' securing . y they knew how little confidence tbe poorer classes Nothing,—but starve. If they have been used to , v diminution of coat ; and this of the vessel, on account of the time and expense its due reward. Some people told thorn that land Sir Jamks J. R. Mackenzie seconded it. vice of. watei with a had in the discretion of the police, or in the readi- trade, in S-dney there is no epeninff for them, the had not gone out of cultivation combination , - they, suggested;.m ight be effected by ness of the magistrates to interfere which he must bave necessarily devoted to a prose- in England. In The motion passed . .with great cheering. in their ,behalf. Sronn d is alrsady occupied. If they intend to gO 1846 there were a million of acres devoted purchasing the slock of the existing companies at a Now this clause passed in committee cution of doubtful to wbor.t The Duke of Richmond said ho should indeed feel without a divi- lain agricultural pnrsur.s, there is no land for them issue. His aim would seem to have cultivation ; in 1848 there were only half a million. h country liberal valuation , but they found it necessary to de- sion. He referred to the evidence of Mr. Commis- anywhere within a reasonable dis- himself unwort y of any position in this io sit down upon, moreover been rather to warn others than to resent Iu 1S49 attention was called to that circumstance, if, in receiving so great a compliment from the part from another recommendation, to vest tho ma- sioner Mayne, on a similar clause in some of the tance of a. market for their produce ; and if they the wrongs bshad personally endured. Hence the and the returns stated there had been an increase, great body of the farmers of England, whom he nagemenfcfof tbe water supply m representa tive local acts. He (Mr. Mayne) stated , he had' iriVa« to where land stay be obtained, it is a positive fact transmission of his journal to his relative, Lord but still not to tbe extent of two-thirds of what it now saw around him, he dii not feci tbe.deepest bodies, and-proposed to place it under a government riably refused to permit the police under him to that it will cost more to bring the produce to mar- Hobart, for tbe purpose of being brought under the was in 1846 ; but he knew tbat in one favo urable gratitude to them. lie asked them to look at the board of salaried officers. There were, therefore, exercise this power. . One of his reasbns.fov refusing ket, realise when it has reached its ihsn it will consideration of the. authorities at home. It is locality in the south of Ireland the cultivation of votes of their county members, and .to turn out three, general modes of effecting the objects in view was, that it vrould excite a strong; feeling atminsb wsthution. The want of navigable rivers and the existing companies ; second disgraceful on the part of the government wheat had fallen off in two years one-half. Tbe every one of them who did not vote for Mr. Dis- —first, by the. , by mu- the police, and produce a riot. His evidence alone tb-enee of roads will for many years to come pre- that SO nicipalities, on the representative principle ; third little attention has as yet been to the subject. land had not gone out of cultivation in England yet, raeli's motion. (Cheers.) Ho asked them , not to , made out an unaswerable case against the bill. But fect agricultural operations from being not barely pa'd lish tenant farmers by a salaried board, acting,under tho immediate then tliey Tbe return was because the Eng had capital, pledge tlioir members lo matters of detail, but to had the evidence of the police themselves, teisuiieratrve, but actually sufficient for the sus- moved for on the 19th of February, which the Irish farmers had not ; but ' support Lord control of the government and- indirectly respon- that there was no necessity whatever for and was not , as soon as ask them this question—will you this legis- laiiatio.'i of those who engage ia them. Should ordered, to be printed until the 9th of tbat capital was exhausted, the same misery said no, then do not have them. sible to parliament. The objnetions to the latter lation—their returns proved that Sunday trading pril, would Stanley ? If thoy fee newly-srrived emigrant be desirous of entering A flow many years of unnoted suffering and fall upon the farmers of England that had already Were they to abandon tbo cause of protection be- plan were formidable, and nothing but. necessity was diminishing in every district of London. That into grazing speculations, his thousand pounds will injustice will be required would induce the government to adopt; it, If, in- was tho only evidence at this rate to stimulate fallen upon their brethren in Ireland. The object cause, forsooth, there might be some mobs formed ' tbey bad on this subject ; 00 Tulle more ikon enable him to bay a few flocks government into a sense of their responsibility to of the Free Traders was the extermination of the in some parts of tho ' country f ' That would be to deed , they wero deallrig with this as a new question , and he left it to the house to say, whether it was in of sherp, or herds of cttlle, which tbe nest summer, the voluntary exiles whose parting recollection it u tenant farmers of-England . It was not a landlord's say they were prepared not .to abide by the law irrespective ,of private interests and tho habits of favour of or against the' bill. There was the proof bom drought or some other peculiarity of climate, our national interest and duty question. The tenant' farmers of England stood which their legislators made, _ bnt by the will of a the people', he should certainly prefer the plan oftha Jews trading—but then they bad the penniless and to tender, if possible, . Sab- fcsy sweep away and leave Mm a one of love, not of loathing ! between tbe landlords and ruin. Ruin could not violent and infuriated mob. ', /Cheers.) He asked suggested by tho-Board-of Health ; but as an ex- bath of their own, and several days on' whicli every tuiaed man. reach the landlords till the tenant farmers and tbo them if there were, any among them craven hearted tensive'systcm was alreaay in existence, and, as no species of work was forbidden, making sixty-six days S:» bus; ss the system under which the Australian agricultural labourers were' both destroyed. Ko enough noi to do the duty which tbey owcd , to representa'tire machinery was to be 'found , the in the year. Ifow it was proposwl to add fifty-two colonies, particularly New South "Wales, is now * principle, of tlie measure-he proposed Was-the con- ' Tbk Pumas op Bokseo as» Sik J. Brooks's less than 230,000 uf small farmers bad left Ireland. their sovereign and the country, from the basest'of more to the Jew s abstinence from laLour. This E"verced, continues in O'-eration, so long will they Expemiios.—By a parliamentary It was much easier to destroy a man with thirty all motives,' personal cowardice ,?' If . there were solidation of tho existing companies into one, by would bo a withdrawal of four calendar months ti the ve worst British return just is- they would have ' ht, the'purchase- of their respective stocks cither by ry field for the enterprise of sued, we find tbat the gross amount of bead-money acres than.a man with 500, but the process tbat any base enough, to-fi g the out of the twelve. -There . was a Protestant sect Pmi»r.tnt5; bit if these restrictions were removed, the destruction and had rained these 230,000 would in a very short time, battle again for . other institutions, of .the country, valuation or by arbitration , with a consolidated capi- called " Sabbatarians," who abstained from.labqur granted for capture of the ' n wt> R-ereallowed to manage car own aflkirs iode- Sakarran pirates, on the coast of Borneo, by Sir if Free Trade were not reversed, reach tbo farmers because if a mob prevented protection being re- tal, tbe consolidated body being charged with the on Saturday, but laboured on tbe Sunday, which p?«di>.-,t of the control of Dbwning-sircet, a finer Brooke's expedition, on tbe night of the 31st of England too. The learned gentleman then re- stored, how did they know that a mob might not whole supply of water to tho metropolis subject to they did not feebconscientiously called upon to ob- fidd far James ' : ' emigration than the Australian group of July, 18i9 , was £20,70GwiameIy, at the rate of ferred to the subject of emigration, stating that in wish to remove t!ie _ crown from , the, bead of our the control of Government and .Parliament, Ho serve; He thought thoy ought not to deal harshly jTijtnts lained the functions p e , nnd obligations by new legislation with siny class however would not be found in tbe whole of the £20 per head on 50Q persons captured or destroyed 18-15 only 70,000 person.* emigrated from the most gracious sovereign? (Thi-ec'cliesrs.wero here exp , ow rs , small. Ibrjsh dominions. Until that day arrives but in 1849 the emigrants amoun- given for the Queen.). That ' eer, with which, tho bill proposed -to endow this bod y, Why did not tho traders of Lambeth , we would in piratical prahus, £10,000 ; and at the rate of £5 United Kingdom, ch proved to him , for whose "^ni siHateuding emigrants, whether they be men ted to 299,498, who had been driven out not by that tbe honest yeomanry of England , were, triic at and observed that the. plan , would accomplish the benefit this bill was proposed, themselves abstain per head on 2,14.0 persons who were alive at the be- efficiency •f small capital, mechanics, or labourers,-to shun bnt who were not hope, but by despair. The national debt was a heart, nnd that thoy concurred with him in the opi- ends of saving. expeiulilui'e,^increased in fro m labour, and this they admitted in their peti- tit ginning of the attack thereof, charge bind in tbo country nion that they; the agricultural a e responsibi- 1 se shores. taken ©r allied, 10,700; abating for law charges, on every aero of ; and , interest, with the man gem nt, government control under tion to the .other house ? He asked thchon.' inem- if they lowered prices what they did was in point colonial and the shipnirig interest the larce mass lity te Parliament, and reduction of rates to con- her for Lambeth, how did his ' bill' amend the oe'- agency, per centege in aid of Greenwich out pen- ' ' ,; the of fact to give him a larger mortgage. (Dear, of the respectable part of tbe ' country, were sumers, realising; at the same'time, the.princi ple fects of tbe ancient law.? - The lion , member tor niMut or the Taxes ox Kxowiedob.—The sions, and incidental expenses, £2,117 14s. 9d ready to lay down their lives recommended by the Board of Health of a contract 7 Kranngham 3d. It is hear.) Iu Ireland they were in the habit of com- to protect their sove- Lambntli said it was as much, bis (Mr.. Anstey's) Association for Promoting tbe Repeal net amount for distribution is £1S,5S2 Ss. plaining of absenteeism, hut free trade had doubled reign, and not only fo mainfain ' between the government and the company. Ho bill as tho hon. member s; then if it ( f the added! that " the above return is made as nearly as thcif sovereign, ' were perhaps Taxes on Enowledgc have prepared a memo- that absenteeism, because where one quarter but to maintain the institutions ' of happy old anticipated an obvious objectidn; that the companies the lion, member would have no objection tov.bis rial 10 tbe Chancellor of the Exchequer which bas possible in conformity with the terms and presumed England. (Cheers.) ' • alread would formerly suffice to pay the landlord, they ThenobWdukc again assured could not be compiiHed to consent to this arrange- withdrawing tho billp in his name. (Laughter). y received upwards of 6,000 signatures, in- object of the precept ; but it is to be observed that had no-.v to export two for that purpose, (Hear tho meeting of the deep g ment ,- but 'thoy were entitled to the first , and ' dn-iiag Court , i-atituto be felt to theni, . 1 offer If so, ho promised the house they should .hear no tie mayor, members of parliament, high ia the decree under the seal of tbe Admiralty bear.) Bnt bow had tbe prophecies of tbe free and said be could not permit the meeting they had met the communications of the govern- more of this bill. . ' 23<1 fow " clergy and mem- at Singapore, the persons for Whom bounty IS to sepa- (Laughter.) Ho asked the hob. bailiffs, and many of tbe the traders been fulfilled ? Tbey said it would be ut- rate, without giving their best and earnest thanks ment in a reasonable spirit, reserving their decision member on what rested his case? 'They had Wsof the town council. When completed, it is granted, according to the act of the Gth George 1V., he' ¦ terly impossible that France could ever be an ex- to the committee of tbe 'National Association until they saw: the details of the bill, which lie pro: heard nothing 'that day to justify it. 'The Jpccitd to have fifteen thousand genuine signa- c. 49, arc not described as na ," , and from .bim . ' . " tives of Borneo porting kingdom, whereas they had sent iu the last to Mr. G. F. Young, its chairman!. ' posed to refer to- a select coihinitleej so that the poorer classes had no representative in' this house, ges, and will be long. but as piractical persons .forming the crews of 700 feet year 500,000 quarters of wheat, and two million A vote of thanks was then given a'cobrdirigly, companies woiihlhave ample opportunity to advance and it was , not becoming !in ,one holding the' posi«' loss of Two Lives at Liverpool—On Satur- eighty-eight piractical prahus." It is the " Free which was responded ' their claims. (Hear, bear,) 'harrass thdin with legis- Trader " Mr. Hime cwts. of ground flour. (Cheers.) Then, with re- to by Mr. G. F/Young. tion of the hon. member to ' uiy i>i«ht, about ten o'clock, a woman apparently , , who describes ; these we!l- nations following the example of The meeting then separate'd at " , Sir jT'J&hsmose gave various, explanations on lation of this description. He declared his intend' a gard to other a quarter past five bi'Di zVeatr-screnrears of asre. and very respect- kaown pirates and scourgers of the coasts of Borneo Britain ; the Zollverein and the United having lasted five hours and a - behalf of the water companies who were favourabl tbebil) at- every stage; ' as natives." The number of persons for whom Great quarter. y tion to oppose 'He - movedv i-ily dressed, committed suicide by throwing her- " still maintained exclusive duties. A little disposed towards the measure. -'1 ¦ " •' that the bill go-info, committee that day six months. this head-money has been paid is 2,640; the force States ' •*" into tbe river from tbe prcat landing stage; preserved meats, which had been Tin: Dinser.—About 200 " ' " Mr. Cochrane considered that such a--bill would Wall seconded the amendment. If he engaged was 246 under Captain Farquhar while since some of the gentlemen who Mr. B. bad- *•* idet at the lime was miming oat very strong, , of her California from Australia had been charged had attended the above gathering, : only strengthen the-'existing- monopoly, continuin g been allowed to call for evidence in committee c Majesty's sloop Albatross; her Majesty ' sent to , dined together, ; , be *™ although every exertion was made to save her, s brig cent. ; and when an appeal had been at the Freemason's Tavern. ' There were present— all its evils, ahd confirming its: power by Uniting should have been able:,to r adduce many -most «e Royalist, Lieut. Commander Everest, and the East forty per im- : was carried, away, and her body has not been Washington, 'the answer of the govern- Mr. G. F. Youtig (the chairman); the Duke of Rich- the existing companios-into one. ( Hear,'hear.) portant frets, which were not then before the ' If Tbe had tho India Company's steamer Nemesis; hired for the made at house f^covered. police noticed woman that they could not interfere with any mond, Earl Stanhope , the Ear! of Winchilsea, Lord Mr. HuilE thought there would be no difficulty in He should have asked medical men, for instance occasion. Capt. Farquhar's share is £2,756 19s. ; ment was, ' if JaUiii;: up and down the stage for some time, and (Hear.) Berners, Sir F. Fowke, Colonel Sibthorp, M.P. adopting the principle of- competition by allowing they would rccommend suoh a nieasure as the share of bis second in command is only £735 particular tariff. , this -1n V gfc took ihe opport unity to commit the act when , The CmiitsuK hero announced that a number of Captain Bennet, M.P., Mr." Brookor/M.P., Cap- new companies to come in. .. year like the year of the cholera-. If tere this distribution being made according to the old tbe>bi!2 wera' r was no boat at the stage. A fatal accident gentlemen who could not obtain admission had ad- tain Vyso, M.P., H. Gi-eenej Esq^'Colonel Kiriloeh, Sir B. UALL,\vas-of opinion that tbe amalgama* passed into a law, ho,should prefer seeing J&'aired inequitable scale. The warrant officers get £165 it made' at almost the same spot about half an journed to* St. Martin's-hall, Long-acre, and he Mr. Butt, Q.C;, &c. Mr. Higgs officiated as toast- tion of-the existing companies, though it might save general u>wwa< .w mcai. ;• ae saw no - ^onrafjersranls- crnr each : able seamen, £38 15s. ; second-class boys, reason why hytfa roc f steamer running therefore deputed Lord Stanhope Mr. G. F, Young, master. The loyal and patriotic' toasts were duly some expense, would make the combined company one side of Croydon or Kingston should jwn a ^ £13 15s. Sd. each.—Morning Herald. , be lecisi Juicer boatbslf ngiog to Traamere,m which and Mr. Ball honoured, and tbe company separated about half- a very powerful One, whereas tbe object of the go- Intedifor in a diffevent -manner from e Geoghaphicai. Discovert. , to conduct it. the atfcll L 'e two men, one of ivJmm, named John Williams, —Capt. Guesdon, com- begged to suggest tbat past ten o clock. vernment should be to abolish' a monopoly, winch Therefore, the.firstamen dmeiit be French whaler the Mr. Bali, before leaving, : sCldfmoS F« master, was drowned. manding the Salamandre, just when de-park should be over, had existed too long. ( Hear, hear.) Havre, gives an account the Exhibition in Hy • ' W^» ; Ei'iscmuL bishops arrived at of the discovery they should a$k the Queen and Prince Albert to The Soppiemestai. Meeting of persons' who had ' Lord Ebrjsoton- reviewed the subject of water - Coxsistsxct—Amongst the of islands which is not marked scheme- to'thometroi^ rrccEt r s to their clergy of a cluster on anv grant the loan of it for one day, in order that tbey been unable to obtain admission "at Drut'y-lane supply at some length, and condemned the bSlSS/'Wnan districts . The next ^ £w -'. signed the addres They lie in 172 deg. le.- .ques ion he - should raisi; Jai'ist char.ges divine of the charts. 56 min. west might fill it with a still nobler demonstration than Theatre was held in -St. Martin's Hall, Long-Acre. of-the government as defective in princip in the manner of performing' the meridian of Paris, and 9 deg, ' «rvice was of Rochester. JCotwith- lonoitudc of 38 the present. (Cbcera.) • Tbo chair was taken by Earl Sianbope, and the Sir W. Clay contended that-competition could would be tho most important the Bishop - ¦' Tbey are from twenty-five supp of ;all. quest Ss H« ^S!ia5s ret-ommtndationt<» the clcigy of the rain, south latitude. to Mr. Butt resuming, alluded to the threats of a meeting was addressed by bis lordship? Mr'.' G. F. not bo anplied to tbo principle of water ly. He number three of them of some extent metropolis ' W^H^W ^'difficul t. fcr 'SSE5£»bS "•t'Ceie of llochester Bishop Murray has since thirty in , , revolution which had been thrown out in case an Young, Captain"Tyse,' M.P., Mr! Bull, of Cam- admitted that ti e-poor of the were ill with Wienccs-and , with cocoa-nut trees. On the same ' aroso lrom'no lie vVas sure there was '^ed an order to tbe Dean and Chapter of and all covered attempt should be made to recur to protection. If bridge, Hev. Charles Day, and several farmers: Tbe provided with water ; but this indis- none in the_ house- without them the He Clarence. ' to supply it, or from aii a conscience—to adopt ^•Chester dihedral directing (against their day be discovered the Free Traders should dare to put their threats resolutions were copies¦ of those adopted at the position of the companies y «o restrictions con l " • - article, but because'the! g tained in the Mi; (a laugb.j '*a wishes and determination) to intone those Fatal Accident to the Dos. G. Eoeriok.— into execution, tbey would giro them such a demon- principal meeting. ' ; doSciency of the pr(mriet0rs «ut ; thc measure was tenements refused to take means ..mi: ght bo evaded., : A poor j orts of the service which bad been previously read Mr E^crton a midshipman on board her stration as the world had never seen. But the whole of small ; of sup- fflan .might entei- ' occupants. (Hear, hear.)-He ^ ; . . a shop. on 'the Sunday.mornings tUit cathedral church ; and by way of giving Majesty's ship Meander, 44, Captain the Hon. PL. thing was ludicrous in the extreme. The aristo- plying their defended purchase an article,, pr California receiving Masbbr May is, we understand , the author of water companies against tho charges' and pay lor it on the following 6 tat«r importance to this visitorial order and Keppei. The. frigate was at , cracy, gentry, yeomanry, and artisans of the coun- the of extor- day. Ashe read'' 'apotheca. land. Mr. Egerton the new tragedy which will shortly be -produced at , waste, and extravagance, and ..the bill it would nllowj If^ge, the bishop not only atten ded diwne service tr&1£UTef or conveyance to Epg try wero threatened by a member of the peace tion expressed his nes, chemists and'd ' heir pro- excursion the Theatre Royal,-Drury-lane, and which has been perfect confidence in the fair dealing ,. .ruggists-to exercise t "• the SimJay {.-iprj i 20( jen which the intonation and .-» party of officers wenton a shooting , society, and by a very distinguished member of that of tho govern, fession ' "charity;,- whilst it spoken of in such great terras bv the press. The ment and the house iti cases of necessity.or , •onwnenced, but, for tbe first time during bis epis- when Mr. £»erton's gun burst, and killed him on most respectable but not particularly warlike body . , which, by acting unjustl y would ; prohibit bthe-s Tkus" tne..»pot!iecaries, C4, i title of tbe tragedy is Riassi; the Cavalier, towards tbo companies, -woul . ?aie, preached twice ona Sunday in biscatbedral. the snot. He was in his seventeenth year. tbe Quakers. {Laughter.) And these were the d only iniure tho chemists, .and dmggiirts would hare an opportunity ; :-8 THE NORTHERN STAR ^^-^.^^^ JgllJL 185i would be pre- morning; he (prisoner) having, called upon Ml'. and called for .a rescue. The prisoner Smith first lUth ult., he 51 of in ikin" profits which other persons ELECTION INTELLIGENCE. ppitt$ mefc him near Fleet-JTT^ IP gentleman then gave no- Morris to try and settle the affair.-r-Mr. Bucha- attacked the officer, and was rescued from the con- him that ^nted- ^ vcnted doine. The hon. ^'' him for ^V'1^ : W 7 intended to propose Plymolth.—So far the only real public movement ' who appeared for the prisoner, said be had no stables. Emma Bishop was discharged ; Caroline Pe.-c.val, The SS tice of sera *! a:ar-Bd«r,«itahe WORSHIP-STREET.-A Meu.vciioly nan, prisoner, in wplV tie bill -hen it wen. into having reference to the representation of the borough Case - objection to the case being remanded, and it would was sentenced to one month's imprisonment, with had been a week ,5ft l °" J # in tbe various ««« «f Johanna Hearn, a midd!e-:igod woman later that you ' „,m W •; ft expressed the hope, a., Mr. of Plymouth in the next Parliament, has been, tbe , whoso face therefore be unnecessary to go into.fuvtbei-evidence. hard labour ; Luppey and Smith 20s. each, or four- tbe complainant E i} committee. And he was greatly contused, and ber bead got. baitwf Md tta^> , f 7 ' was no chance of going publication of the address of Mr. R. P. Collier to tbe enveloped in —Remanded accordingly. teen days ; and Hatton 40s., or a month's imprison- an opportunity of settling "Williams mwht see, there bandages, was brought up from the it with hi,, f^W # bo would consent to electors, but lbs private negotiations appear to have London Hospi- ttempted Suicides. — Three persons were ment in the House of Correction. soner was then taken T ¦"" into cumiaifiec tin* evening, tal, before Mr. Arnold, charged with A to the J & 4 * purpose. The suo- been many. The practical result of the whole, how- tbo following ht before the Lord Mayor, for having attemp- BOW-STREET.— Charge op Embezzlement.— A'Beokctt Mkod the '0" ^ " name sonic otber day for that determined attempt to destroy broug prisoner? ft^ 'S f J nature, ever, may be expressed in a few words. Mr. Roun- herself:—William ted self-destruction. One of them, an industrious Edward Webster, remanded on severa l charges of auy thing in answer * to J' : ject wa* one of a mise-5 religious and social Phillips, a chair-maker, in Bolywell-lano to the char W M be trusted dell Palmer will .probability be rejected and , Shore* bricklayer's l abourer, aged nineteen, had taken the appropriating to his own use several sums of money of a very aggravated ^ and was surroun ded with great difficulty, , in all , ditch stated that the prisoner and ber charactorff ! *i i %M amend- Lord Ebrington elected. Mr. Wigram , husband bad against strong liquors, and kept it eleven entrusted to him by his master, E.- H. Card woll, dulv cautionm? hm _ ^?CS fl rights for the extinguishment of heriots and reliefs, the electors for their suffrages.", contemplated. He, kettle, and under ' « , a piece of ribbon tied tightly round her neck, toowas described as black in the tub Exhibition.—J. Bartholomew and J. Furzer, the two swan' Se ^ elevated to the Peerage. committing he was in' employment, and that he had no , was any harm to take the ore, ct kno* mai-or. t she only answered with a feeble moan J 7,T<,, l adjourned at half-past five. such an ac , , tion of any attempt to do violence to himself—that pear against the defendants by Mr. Digby Wyatt, on the mud near the 'e The house West Nohfolk.—In consequence of the expected and findin g that she was fast sinking into a nest—Thi mT Itini dissolution of Parliament state ot in fact he should never have entertained such a the secretary to the Executive Committee of the that prisoner had been seen 4 THURSDAY, May 1. , and the electors of West he sent for a surgeon in to kZfT ° *m Norfolk insensibility, tlie neigh- thought if he had hot taken a drop extra.—The Crystal Palace, in consequence of tbe defendants the nest which, to Bil y the tlie s HOUSE OF COMMONS.—Tbe bouse met at six being dissatisfied with their present member, who advised ber immediate least of it **» t| bourhood, removal to third suicidal attempt was made byayoung woman, persisting in selling beer in the vicinity of the and mischievous act, and 51 O'clock, when Sir G. Grev brought in the govern- the Hon. E. K Coke, steps are being taken to en- ' even if hi' -f ernol the hospital. The prisoner s husband, a decen t- the servant in a house in Gracechurch-street, and Crystal Palace, notwithstanding the cau tion they eggs on the mud he find ment bill for supplying water to the metropolis, sure, if possible, the return of two Protectionist re- had no ri8ht o tiki"» looking man, who was much affected, said that he laint was made by ber master, who said received from tho magistrates on Tuesday last. was liable to a fine of 5s m «* -which was read a first time and referred to the pri- presentatives ; and the electors of the Western Divi- the comp . for LI ° ^m , ani was utterly at a loss to account for the recent al- that, she had acted, in all probability, under the On Saturday afternoon the defendants were in the had already beer, in prison vate bills comiiittee, and an order was made post- sion of the county of Norfolk have signed a requisi- wbicn two ft ^l^x i terations in tbe conduct and condition of bis wife, impression that ber mistress would discbarge her, park , near the Crystal Palace, selling beer, fine him 3s. ltd. each e J;S ° " ) ulli onlv poning the sitting of tbe committees on all bills for tion to Messrs. Bagge and Pierrepoint, expressing ™ bD who had always previously conducted herself in the in consequence of her having received the frequent they had with them in large cans. As they had t.en days.-D.viendant waHl . . In 'I>risoneJ London with water to the 27th of May. their unqualified satisfaction at their conduct as their lon n^ supplying most irreproachable manner to him&elf and his visits of a young man, who paid his addresses to been previously convicted of a similar offence , he some time his mother pai fi,o ,"P' b»Wiei> estion from representatives, and requesting their permission to be d L Sir O. Ore? stated, in answer to a qu children ; but without any apparent cause, she had lier in the absence of the family. Upon being spo- gave them in charge,—Tbe defendants said they was given w the informant f that the Board of Health had put in nomination in the event of another election for »ishh iW *? ^ Mr. W. Williams, , latterlv given way to a settled despondency, and dis- ken to upon the subject, she said she would drown were not in the park at all with their beer cans. toss 01 time. hitherto failed in their efwrts to obtain possession and they pledge themselves to ensure their return. pl ayed other symptoms, which gavubim greac fears herself, and.when her master prevented her from Tbey were outside the park railing when one of the by private arrangement of the metropolitan ceme- Islk ok- Wight.—Mr. C. C. Clifford, a barrister, that she was labouring under mental aberration .— leaving the house to dispose of herself in that way, workmen at the building called to them for a pint SUPEnASNUATIOS ALLOWASCm m, and son of Sir A. Clifford , Bart., has just issued an anw,i 1 teries for the purpose of putting a stop to intramu- Mr. Arnold said , that it was a great pity, as tbe she ran up stairs, with the intention, as be be- of beer, which was supplied to him, and as tbey were amount of compensation ralinterments but they hoped yet to succeed in address to the electors of the island. Mr. Clifford had been directed to the wo- nllnw^^ce 'l 1 , witness's attention lieved, of throwing herself into the street.—The leaving the building Mr. Hall gave them in charge. paya ble on the 1st of j, S" .^big i and iu others tbey would resort to states that he stands on Protestant, Free Trade, and ' , that he had not taken some instances, man s , melancholy Condition three prisoners were remanded. —Mr. Hardwick said ho explained tbe law fully to £254,825 9s. lOd. During the y *» entrusted to them by law. Liberal principles. He is at present the only candi» means for her protection, and Ke eSesh X' I the powers some effectual CLERKENWELL.— Chiminal Assault.—Mr. J. them when they were brought before him on Tues- were made to the amount of I Oath of abjcsathkc (Jews) Bill,— Lord J. date in the field, but a Protectionist opponent (Mr. consent to her discharge without having iu^iffl^gjl could not Henry Eaton, the master of St. Pancras Work- day last. On that occasion, in consequence of their which were discontinued amounted 8 Bnsssti. then mor<-d the second reading of the Oath T. W. Fleming) is spoken of. to insure her safety.—After tn ri- n I a sufficien t guarantee house, was again examined on a charge of crimi- promising not to offend again, he let them off with leaving the amount payable '* of Abjuration (Jews) Bill, which was met by Mr. Atleshurt.—The petition presented to the House from tho husband that he forcomncnsatil • ! an earnest assurance nally assaulting Eliaa. Smith, agtd sixteen, au in- a, slight fine. As a cautwa to thm for th& future, to £232,176 lis. The superannua W Sewdega with an amendment for putting off that of Commons against tbe return of Mr. Bethell, sets a strict supervision over her as ionXl! I tb would exercise such mate of the workhouse. For some time prior to he should fine them 40s. each. at th e beginning of the same . I stage of the measure for should the opening of the court numerous parties attended A Distressed Pole,—A foreign person pre- £401,456 and at the end 1 iu favour of the bill, and bribery and corruption at the last election, and did, istrate ordered tho wife to be discharged upon , they were£106?m- q ? I Mr. Robbbck spoke mag iu the passage anxious to be present to hear the sented the following note to Mr. Hardwick :— —the new allowances having ly animadverted on the bigotry of those who, by means of money, promises of employment, and in- his entering into recognizances for her good beha- been £•]<) 057 ;.t'%7' 1 Strong timidation procure proceedings, and by twelve o clock the place was " Monsieur le Magistral,-.Pere des malheureux and those discontinued £44 ,). ' assuming the religion ia which they had been edu- votes-and forbear to have them viour for the next six months. ' ,31' The actual ei ' I crowded by respectably dressed persons. The vous aurez la bonte de pardonner a un infortune after deductions accor ' £0 cated was tbe right one, refused equal civil privi- given in favour of Mr. Ferrand, the opposing candi- Assault.—Mr. Joseph Samuels, who stood , ding to act 4 nnd 3 }y;n! I parish authorities were in attendance, with Mr. exule. Ne pouvant rien avoir de la societfi , etant IT., for both compensation and 1 leges to those who had been educated ia a different date ; that meat, drink and entertainment were given, charged with an aggravated assault upon his mo- supemnniMtL " ^ Cooke, the vestry clerk of St. Pancras. The fol- sans travail et ne connaissant pas le langue de ce allowances on the 31st of Dec n religion. intimidation and duress resorted to, and gross and ' a young girl , named Elizabeth ' , ember 31. l"?nJU I ther s servant, lowing additional evidence was adduced : George pays. Sans chemises et autres effe t?, je me trouve £077.209 10a. 3d. ' " > *» I Mr. Wioium contended that as the majority of systematic bribery ; that Mr. Calvert, whose return Davey, appeared in discharge of his recognisances Philip Lamb deposed that he WRS porter at St. dans une aSreuse position. Ayant entenrfu de Bequests to Ciiaritiks. the country was Christian, the Legislature ought had been declared void, became an agent, friend, for final examination.—Mr. Talbot, secretary to — Tho following \m„-.., w®, Pancras Workhouse. I he accused was the master votre bonte, je viens vous supplier, d'avoir pitie de under ' not to admit to the governing body any who were manager, and partisan of Mr. Bethel! ; and that the London Society for the Protection of . Young the will ofthe late Rev. R. W. B-ixtci-"« n ' ^f3| of tbat establishment. Knew the prosecutrix. In moi, en me secournt commo il vous plaira. Dieu opposed to Christianity. Messrs. Acton Tindal, J. and J. Ward, C. Wheeler, Females accompanied by Mr. Richard Peild, at- rector of St- Peter's-with-Kingsthorpe, Sorth mn '-fill , tbe latter part of January, at about half-past three vous rendra votre charit6 et la reconnaissance sera ' ' The Solicitor Cesehal supported the bill, upon R. Benson, G. Defraure, J. James, J. Jones, J. Pric* tended to watch the case, that society having un- ton, and brother of St. Catherine's Hospital Z 'Wp o'clock, to the best of bis recollection, she went eternelle. Je suts aveo respect, Joseph Miebzei ' ' the broad principle tbat, when you imposed upon kett, and a certain individual known as the " Man on the prosecution , and Mr. gent s Park, have within the last few Ktt dertaken to carry out with the master. It was in the afternoon. willie, Refugio Polonais."—Mr. Harkwick put -ks $&& any class the burdens of citizenship, yoa were in tbe Moon" alias Crouch, and others who bad been defence.—The depositions been paid by bis trustee, the ller, T. F. Uowoii-ut || § f Norton appeared for the , I he master returned at a quarter, twenty minutes, some questions to the applicant, and elicited that ' bound to extend to them all the rights and privi- tbe agents of Mr. Calvert, were the agents, friends, volumnious, having been com- vicar of Chiswiek, namely. ;—To the Society which were very or half-past eig 'clock in the evening, in the he had taken refuge in France some time ago but f» IPt i , lleferring to the Great Ex- managers, and partisans of .Mr. Bethell ; that the by Hiiriston, the second ht o , the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign l> 1 leges of that position pleted, and read over Mr. first instance alone. Witness opened the door to having got his passport vised for Lyons about a ar(s 1|§|| hibition he remarked tbat those who came to take votes of many persons not legally entitled to vote defendant was fully committed to take £1,500 ; to the Society for supplying a , clerk.—The him. Mr. Eaton asked if tho girl Eliza Smith had fortnight ago. As soon as he reached Lyons he dditional W&81 knew that the political superiority which were accepted ; and that many, votes were not session s of the Central Crimi- Curates in Populous Pwces, £500 ; to the part in it, his trial at the next come in, or something to that effect.—Mr. Ballan- was placed in the custody ot a gendarme, taken to Hospital IIN they envied was owing, in a grea t measure, to the allowed as good votes on behalf of Mr. Ferrand. The for a criminal assault, but was again for the Cure of Consumption , Brampton, JEi ,^. W&kl nal Court, tine suggested for him to repeat what he said in Boulogne, and fro m thence compelled to go to Eng- respectwhich was always paid to public opinion in petition, which is of unusual length, concludes by admitted to bail, himself in £100, and two sureties to the Society for Educating the Adult Deaf ami ^Pfi the first person. Witness : He said, " Have you land. Being without work or friends, and in a state Dumb this country—and seeing how strongly public praying that the house will declare the return of Mr. in £50 each. , £300 ; to the Society for Visiuv Wi seen the girl Smith, or has the girl Smith come of utter destitution, he had written the above note, the Adult Blind opinion had been expressed on this subject, he Bethell null and void. — Gambling.—Joseph Joshua Cusbin, £300 ; to the Infant Oi-.J™ m&l THAMES. in ?" I said, " No, sir." He appeared as if ho in the hope of obtaining some temporary assistance. Asylum ' should indeed regret, whatever might be the ad- Back Church-lane, Whitechapel, appeared , Wanstead, £350 ; to the Con valescent -^ml of 23, had suddenly missed the girl. He turned round and —Mr. Hardwick requested the applicant to wait Society, 5 vance made by us in arts aud manufactures, if in before Mr. Yaruley, to answer a summons, on the Carshalton, £350 ; to the parish of Pirliieij ill went from the gate, crossed over the road by for a short time, and then sent an officer to the Carnarvonshire this particular we had rctrogaded, and fallen back THE REFUGEES AND THE PRESS. complaint of Inspector Ellis, of the IX division, for , for tbe benefit of the poor, £3% '. IliP the timber yard just opposite the workhouse. Polish Society with a message relative to the appli- to the Adult On the insolence and bigotry of power. ly permitting unlawful gambling in his Orphan Society, St. An dreiv's-plaw ::3l We give the following from the Refugee Circular: knowing He returned in about two minutes. Witness cation.—M. Sulzcouski , the secretary, made \,j' sap- Regent's-park ;i Sir R. Isglis spoke of tbe property qualification —This was a complaint under the 44th sec- , £100 ; to the Clerical Society for W( " So much misrepresentation exists in tbe country house. then closed the gate. He returned again pearance, and having been informed of the treat- the Ketief of the Widows and as being opposed to the enjoyment of that the Police Act (the 2nd and 3rd Victoria, Orphans of Clem '4 equally respecting the conditions on which the refugees tion of in about two minutes. The girl Eliza Smith ment the applicant had sustained at the hands of Within the Archdeaconry ' which consisted in a seat in appeared that numerous complaints of Ko-tthampton flOO - S light of citizenship left Turkey—(occasioned by the falsehoods in- chap. 47), and it was with him. Mr. Eaton made no remark. The the French authorities, said ibis was an exceedingly ' ' prevented so inhabitants of Whitechapel to the Infirmary at ¦ Northampton, £100. Totil 3 Parliament, as tbe oath which Mr. dustriously circulated by a portion of had been made by the Southampton Arms is not far from the workhouse, common case. For some time past it had been the was op- the Liver- surrounding locality, that the defendant en- £4.900, ' ?$j Itotbschild from sitting in tbat bouse. He pool press),—that we deem it advisable to reprint and the —By Mr. Huddlestone.—I leave off duty at nine open practice of the French authori ties to to political or children to gamble in his house, and that Fire aid Loss of Life at Walworth.—On Fri- ^> posed to the Jews being admitted Major Wolynski's • Answer to the article which couraged o'clock at night. It was half an hour before leaving clear their country of idle, profligate, or criminal and suggested that those' of that been, ruined by the bad habits dny morning an extensive five broke out on the M municipal offices, appeared in the Liverpool Mercury, many of them had off duty that Mr. Eaton returned with the girl.—Mr. foreigners by sending them to England. He those disa- of March 7tb, 's shop. On Sunday premises of Mr. William Elliott, a provision mw- s!| persuasion who were dissatisfied with 1851 .' tbey had contracted in Cushin Donald Fraser, senior churchwarden of St. Pancras believed that not fewer than 800 doubtful charac- bilities whicii the constitution of this country im- information, Police- chant, of No. 9, Red Lion-street, near the turnpike it " I may not pass over the mis-statements which 1 morning last, in consequence of parish, No. 1, Oakley-square, Camden-town, was ters bad been within a limited period sent to and Dunaway, gate, which was unfortunately attended with Joss | | posed upon them, might leave it. He opposed the am informed are to be met with in the different Sergeant Eves, 14 H, a constable, present at the investigation into the affair beiore the this country, This practice would account for the "dolly shop," as it of life. Henry Elliot, aged seventeen, who had If bill , as being at variance with the Christian cha- Liverpoolpapers , more especiall So. 129 II, went to Cushin s board of directors, &c. Both Mr. Eaton and th-? appearance of the applicant here, who, thoug h with y as they affect our where quantities of sweetmeats were been to a theatre, arrived home about one o'clock p racter of the country. honour (dear to every soldier), and place our inten- was termed, girl Smith were present, and he (Mr. Eaton) heard a passport to Lyons, was compelled, when he got to that Mr. Pease had been sale aud several boys playing at a bo bad not been long in bed when he was aroused W Mr. J. A. Surra urged tions in a false light before the English public, exposed for , all that took place on that occasion. Witness put tbat city, to leave it, and to embark at Boulogne «gn a declaration which chance called " dolly dodge," by, which the by a suffocating smoke, and be awoke the family, ft allowed to draw out *ni to whose sympathy aud opinion we cannot be indif- game of a great many questions to them, all of which they for England. The French government bad doubt- was taken in Boa ihe onU at that rimorcquired enabled to deprive them of their The father rescued bis wife and two children , but fi "f ferent. defendant was answered. They were taken down in writing by less found tbat tbe applicant was without visible from qnakers, and he thought the same course money. Tho gambling machine was on the coun- discovered the unfortunste deceased ( Henry) lying M " When, after a six week's voyage, we arrived at Mr Seston . Mrs. Price was examined. Witness means of subsistence, and had, in the customary near the window ' should have been followed in tbe case of Baron a spiral figure called a "doll " , on the first-floor , in a state of 1: Liverpool, I from the first thought it best not to ter, and consisted of y, asked her whether she had received any money fr om way, provided means for getting him out Of France Rothschild. He repudiated an insinuation thrown with small boles grooved out insensibility. He seized him, and succedod in get- fli|p communicate our intentions as to the future and a circular board the girl Smith ; she said she had received 2s, Cd. into England.—Mr. Hardwick said, it was a mon- tbat tbe baron was in- , to were painted. The stakes ting the youth out of tho front window into tha §jl| C out by Mr. JJewdogate, any agent of a Colonisation Society ; and I cannot in it, in which numbers Asked her when ; she said tbe doy after she returned strous system to convert England into tbe Botany only a penny a side and each juvenile^ was street, where he was caught by two Police consta- Wmg debted to bribery for his return, contending that tell, therefore, how it could be known fo any such were , from Hampstea d with Mr. Eaton. She was quite Bay of foreign countries.—The secretary said the where there was a majority of 3,600, it was absurd provided by the defendant , with a marble, which bles, by whom he he was carried to iYuwington {§ §|* agent that; it was our firm intention to emigrate to sure it was the day after she returned from Hamp- practice of sending foreigners to England waa not Workhouse to taik of bribery. Tho Jews had entitled thsm- was dropped in tbe interior of tbe figure, and rolled , where medical assistance was afforded, «^ America. Oar resolution to remain in Europe had stead, and not the day after she returned from ser- confined to France. The society had ascertained but life was quite extinct. The fire was not cx< W$gF selves to the enjoyment of civil rights by the con- down to the board, and lodged in one of the holes. vice. Don't believe that Mr. Eaton made any en sent from Hamburgh been made long ago, as a part of the duty which that Polish refugees had be tinguished until the house and contents were com- iiPj scientious and faithful discbarge of their civil If the boys won they were rewarded with a piece of observation or statement with reference to the and from Switzerland here under the same circum- we owe to our country. "We considered America ; pletely destroyed. ffl dnties. only as a last refuge, and we did not hardbake, or some other sweatmeat, a bun, or a 2s. 6d. the girl alleged to have been given stances. With respect to the applicant, it was cer- d keep that beer. The marble, however, had a The Late Murdeb at Plymouth.—In conse- fjlra Mr. Gooxbohs opposed the bill, which he sai secret from the British Ambassador, Sir Stratford bottle of ginger to her.—By Mr. Huddlestone—He denied the whole tain he had not been sent from France merely from bills on the marvellous disposition for rolling into a hole in quence of tho confession of Harrington, who is i§§& went further than either of the previous Canning. We told him plainly that OUT wish was of tbo charge at tbe close of the proceedings.— political causes, and as he had no papers with bim, under sentence of for it proposed to admit Jews not. which some low number was painted, and in that transportation for life, and other ffg Same subject , to land at Liverpool, with which ho complied, with Ann Webb sworn : She once lived as servant in a it would be an almost useless task to apply to the circumstances h of the Pl 1 merely to parliament every office in the land, case the young adventurers got nothing at all.— , Inspector T orn, ymouth IIP but to no other view than tbat those who deemed it better brothel, in Brunswick-buildings, Cromer-street, French embassy for information,—Mr. Hardwick detecti ve police, has been even to those from winch Roman Catholics were Mr. Yardley asked if any of the children ever won ? to London, Dublin , and f|i| § to remain in England should do so. St. Pancras. She identified the girl Eliza Smith considered something ought to be done to stop .1sys- other places, in the hope of being still excluded. —Dunaway replied in the affirmative ; but when able to apprelieud e|§|JL " Our democratic countrymen were long ago per- as having been there. Could not say when she tem that added materially to the load of pauperism Timoth who the bill. did all they obtained for their penny was a y Donovan, appears to bare )/eon the »w£ Mr. Asstet followed in support of fectly aware of our intention, as we had acquainted they saw her there, She (witness) never saw tbe gen- and crime already imposed upon England. He hardly intention to sweetmeat, or a bottle of , stuff called giiigerboer. man by whom the fatal blow was struck, hut up to w$j| Col. Sibthobp having intimated his them with it when we appealed to them, as friends, tleman (Mr . Eaton) at the bar in tbe house with knew what step to take in the present case. If he re- If the marble did not roll into the right hole the de- . this time he has not been successful. Donoran was ")$.% Tote against the bill, to assist us on our landing, in finding the means of the girl. She was accompanied by a fair man. She lieved the applicant, it would be only encouraging in custod Lord J. Rosseu, remarked that the question in fendant retained his customer' s penny and gave y about a fortnight, and was then dis- ¦ *$ ? support. Our venerable countryman, M. Stanislaus described the dress she wore. She had left three others to come to the court, and no real good would charged upon his own recognizances not to some respects assumed a different aspect from that nothing in return. One little urchin won, and w«s leare _jg* Worcell, came to Liverpool, on being informed by months.—Mary Sullivan, a nurse in the workhouse, bo done, as the applicant, could not expect to get the town before the last county assize. He left soon $SsS in which it had presented itself on former occa- resvarded with a piece of sweet stuff ; two other us of our arrival at the Irish port of Kinsale ; fro m gave evidence as to the corresponding dress worn employment here, when every department of indus- after the assize, and tho day before Harrington "$ sions. The House of Commons had hitherto re- boys who each staked a penny, got nothing.—Ser- • p all which-it may easily be seen that we did not need , by the girl.—Sergeant Brown, 45 S, traced the try was overcrowded. If the applicant was allowed confessed. Donovan, during tbe period llnrring- M«< altering the oatb so as to admit the geant Eves said, he had seen children from six to frained from any persuasion to stay in Liverpool ; and that Mr. house in Brunswick-buildings.—Mr, Ballautino to continue in a state of starvation, he might be ton was awaiting trial, worked on the various M the Lords, fourteen years of age gambling at the " dolly," . Baron Rothschild out of deference to Worcell's object was no other than to welcome his said this concluded the ease for the prosecution.— driven to crime, and thus a magistrate hardly new buildings in the neighbourhood, as a reason's waS and not wishing to appear to be taking on them- wbich was a very profitable game for tbe defendant. countrymen and companions in exile, and to render Mr. Combe said ho would carefully and attentively knew what to do under such circumstances. Some- labourer. J&$ of a legislature, but having —Mr. Yardley bad no doubt it was. The winners, selves the functions us his assistance in a strange land. But the object persuo the depositions before calling on Mr, Eaton thing effectual, however, ought to be done to stop of the Northern " done this they bad a to expect that the Lords however, were almost as badly off as the losers. Mr. James, Circuit, has been ap- $£ right of certain philanthropists was to persuade us to go for his defence, and he remanded the case until a growing evil of such magnitude.—Arrangements The defendant never lost —The defendant said, he pointed stipendiary magistrate of Liverpool, in tha *f& would now pay deference to the wishes of the to America, a promised sum for every one enlisted . Monday next.—The investigation lasted till a late were made with tbe secretary to give the app licant " doll " more than six weeks. room of tbe late Mr. ltiishton. The salary is £1,090 Wi Bouse of Commons and the rights of the constituent being held out as an inducement. The Hungarian had not kept the- y hour, when bail was accepted for tbe appearance some trifling temporary relief,' and he was then 001) indulge chil dren in little a year. _ \Sw body. Thft tjiifcsiMm was, were the 40, 3 -ws in gentleman and his companion were careful to ex- He thought it no harm to of the accused. Crowds assembled outside the dismissed. those who were in his shop on Sunday morn - this country to remain under a badge aud stigma on plain to us the happiness which awaited us in Ame- play ; court. MARYLEBONB.—Tub Transport Escapeb from ing had been out all night, and wanted refresh- account of theirreligious opinions, while political rica and to show the state of this country in the Stabbing.—Thomas Humphrey 13 years of age, WooLwwn.—On Tuesday George Martin was placed JWarRW j $c, , —Mr. Yardley said , the gambling carried on ¦ Hj Tights were given to the members of all other reli- worst light. ment. was placed at the bar before Mr. Combe, charged at the bar before Mr. Broughton, for further exami- iv« in the defendant's shop was decidedly illegal, and 11 gious persuasions? it is necessary for me to correct the im- by William Burton, 87 E division, with having nation, charged with having, before tho expiration CORX. " Lastly, could not be tolerated. The defendant set up a On a division the second reading was carried by perfect knowledge of the Hungarian gentleman stabbed him with intent to murder.—The Prose- of his sentence of transportation, made bis escape Mark-IANI, Monday, April 28.-A reduction of Is p«r strange excuse when he said he took the children's 202 to 177. with regard to our organisation. In the time of cutor, whose left arm was in a sling, and who was with two other convicts from the Warrior hulk, at f sheep was about the s» rj ftf Mr. Chudees here put some queries, respecting " I am, Sir, yours, St. Pancras, the prisoner Humphrey came behind sentence of transportation, for the crime of house- , ana down his arm. He, however, rushed at him a se- as ou Monday last ; there was a much larger demand t^'g the Diocesan Synod summoned b the Bishop of " TfiADEtrS Womnski." him and struck him a violent blow on the back of breaking in High-street, adjacent to this court. A in request, but Imm y , and after knocking him down threw prices advanced. Choice lambs were more Exeter in his late pastoral address. cond time the neck, and be then saw him put his hand into communication was now made to the magistrate iu we cannot quote over 6s. Trade was better for estws. , away the knife and fell on him. A young man who ^»JS Lord 3. Rbssbll feared tbat some doubts hung Balance Sheets of the Liverpool Operatives his pocket and pull something out of it, but he reference to his worship's remarks upon the former From Germany and Holland tin-re were 11)7 beasts, 1WJ <-»<% came to his assistance helped him up, but the priso- ; an» . proceeding contem- Committee. could not see what it was. He then struck him inquiry, as to the Home-office authorities being sheep, 02 calves, and 3 pigs ; Scotland, 500 beasts 1. 1 abont the legal import of the ner again knocked him down, and a severe struggle northern nnd midland counties. by the . The law officers of (witness) several times, and one blow which was made acquainted with tbe particulars of the case, 2,400 from the 'I'-l plated From March 12th to April 17th, 1851. ensued. Some other constables were attracted to Newgate asp Leadenhah,, Monday, April 2JL—Tnfiror the Crown were of opinion that Provincial Synods, given on his left shoulder caused bis arm to drop and the prisoner was, after proof being given by 2s Cd to 23 Mi , and the prisoner was secured .—In his de- beef, 2s 2d to 2s 4i ; middling, ditto, ^ '^ | though they had long been in abeyance, were not 1NC0W.B, £ s. d. the spot powerless by his side. On his arrival at the station 153 E, as to the sentence of ten years' transporta- prime large, 2s l l)d to 3s Od ; prime small, 3s 2d n>3> "j; ^ ^ fence tbe prisoner denied having a knife, and | | contrary to statute. It was therefore, not the Mar. 12. Subscriptions 2 10 0 , house, he found that be had been wounded by some tion passed upon him at the Central Criminal large peric, t's 6d to 3s Cd ; interior mutton, 2s Cd to 2s 8a; ), ), , stated through Normoil that his ship was to sail 10J ; ii ii interfere „ 24. Ditto ...... 7 0 0 sharp instrument in two places—one on tbe arm, Court, committed for trial. middling ditto 2s lOd to 3s Od; prime ditte 3s 8d tn 3s intention of the government to , especially ensuing day.—Mr. Yardley said , that by right 3s 10J ; ,• ,• „ 30. Ditto 2 18 6 the and tha otber on the breast. He was not aware SOUTHWARK. — Cutting and Woukdino.- veal, 3s Od to 4s Od; small pork, 3s 8d to as the prelate repudiated any intention of passing he ought to imprison him for a long time but as he per 81bs. by the carcase. .\ .\ the church. „ 31. Ditto 1 12 7| , that he bad been stabbed before he arrived at the William Conly was placed at tbe bar before Mr. canons to bind bad shown compunction for the first dastardl , COTTON. IscotfB Tax Bnx.—On the motion that the April 6. Ditto 2 0 9 y act, station bouse. His upper coat was cut through in A'Beckett, charged with assaulting and wounding f | Ditto 2 9 he should be allowed to escape with a fine of 20?., Iiveiipool April 29. cotton to toj »« ¦ ] *, ] Speaker should leave tbe chair, preparatory to the „ 11. Hi or no less than six separate places, and his under Charles Percival in tbe throat with tbe point of , —The sales of 12. Ditto .. . 1 U 9} eight days* imprisonment.—The fine was imme- estimated at from 2,000 to 2,500 bale*, and inctei? >™ [ . [ . house going into committee upon the Income Tax „ garments were also cut through. The wounds bis umbrella, with intent to do him grevious s to *}• t ' ' diatel y paid. reroam and Maranbam at 71 to 81. 500 ifcrptiim, t, Bill, . were bleeding. He was taken to the London bodily harm.—In consequence of tbe serious na- Tho market closed flatly. In prices Americans aud Surats i, , , Thb late Abouctioji Case.—The case of the Mr W. Williams rose to move, as an amend- £20 >J3 University Hospital, where his wounds were dressed ture of the injury inflicted on the complainant he are per )b. lower, which decline extends to all otwt | . J young woman Newman, who bas several times been J , .that the bill, as far as regarded tbe imposi- by tho surgeon.—William Broom, 155 E, said, that had been confined to his bed and was incapacitated BOrt- - a u I ment MPEHDITDSE , £ S. d. before the magistrate to complain of abduction and Manchester, April 29.—We have had a heavy and a*- tion of the tax on the interest of the public debt, he was on duty at tho station house when the from attending to give evidence against his as- l!vi( | Carriage of six men to Bradford ... 2 8 0 criminal assault, effected with tbe aid of a young pressed market in consequeuce of the Baltic's J! ™ I salaries and emoluments of public officers , pensions charge was brought in. He saw Humphrey pass sailant until the present occasion. At one period, Nsw Vorlt, o „ four men to Padiham ... 1 2 0 man named Day, was again brought forward. bringing market quotations to the ICth from , and sinecures, he extended to Ireland; bnt, being So something behind a woman- to another woman shortly after the alleged outrage,,the complainant^ the effect that cotton had declined since the i>revtou» , „ six men to Sheffield ... 2 2 0 evidence was adduced against the young man , precluded by form from making the motion he , but named Bishop, who dropped it into a boot in the life was considered in imminent danger, but he is steamer sailed, to the extent of a i to of a cei t. pfr i»- r t: , eight musicians to ditto ... 2 16 0 it came out that the letter on which tbe % dtsturtwo ; himself with calling attention to the „ y:nvng dock. On searching the boot, a large clasp knife now pronounced by his medical attendant as con- Though this intelligence appeared not to have | | contented „ two men to Leeds ...... 0 15 i woman pretended she had met the accused party, altlwug" i«« offered in favour of the proposition. was found therein,—Sergeant Dyer, i E, said it valescent.— The complainant, on being sworn, de- the Liverpool market up to one o'clock, and | reason? he „ two men to Glasgow ... 0 10 0 was written with her own cognizance news was very gent!ally anticipated in this nwrt«' . The housethen went into committee. , and by her was a dagger-knife with one blade and a sprinff.— posed as follows : On Monday, tbe 7th ult., I at „ one musician to Sheffield ... 0 11 0 own direction.—Mr. Yardley remarked Saturday, producers were unable to hold up in tde j8"* ,. Upon the first clause Mr. Hume moved that, that tbe case Prisoner : That is not my knife. I stabbed him tended this court for the purpose of applying for a Breakfast for twenty-six men 0 7 10 was out of bis hands. it generally, and a decline iu yarns may be quoteu-^"jj instead of three years, the duration of the tax be with a knife which I threw away in Cromer-street, warrant against Mary Ann Edwards, who struck counts Postage Stamps and Paper 0 12 3 GUILDHALL.—Forgert. weft and twist for manufacturers, aud medium » to one year with the view of making an —Will iamWalhWhitc on our road to the station bouse.—Mr. Combe me a violent blow on the head with a pint pot in high as 50' , having been bought at a rcdadion limited , Printing ... 0 16 0 and Lucy, s to GO's au his wife, were placed at tho bar " before examined the knife, and remarked tbat it was consequence of my having interfered to prevent ber Saturday's orices at id. ner lb. limit sninm rs »w " " inquiry by a select committee into the mode of Loadof Straw ... 2 2 ' a maoe « 4& Alderman Salomons, charged, the foimer with for- dagger only fi t for an assassin to carry about him. fro m striking a female. Tho woman Edwards is facturers who had hesitated at the reduction ,i assessingand collecting the tax, so as to make it Bradsbaw's Railway Guide 0 0 6 — decline to.o. . . ging a bill for £20, and tbo latter with aiding and Mr. Baxton Shilloter, house surgeon of the London cohabiting with the prisoner Conly, and the ap- Saturday were willing to concede to the equitable and just. but tlie market was flat irs were not <•«' Parcel to Queenshead ... 0 10 abetting the escape of her husband as the officers University Hospital, said that at a quarter lication against her having been granted, , and the s oil The amendment was supportedby Mr. Alderman candle- past two p a day aidcrable. Confidence in the present reduced rates Coals Is. 10d., Candles 5d. six were about to apprehend him—Mr. Goddard ap- o'clock on Sunday morning the injured constable was appointed for bearing the evidence wis , Mr. Mowatt, fir. Buck, Mr. Mac^reger, 9d against ber ton appears to be at a low tbb, and both taper Thompson sticks Is. . for house in Soho-street 0 4 0 peared for the prosecution, and , af ter , stating tbe was brought to the hospital. His clothes ' ' Previously, ieir su ^ the Marqnia of Granby, Mr. W. Miles, Mr.Bisraeli, were, very at this court. however, to which, on buyers for the home trade are evincing t.' ™ ': ' uch ch Balance in Hand ... 5 IS 7& case, said, with regard to the female prisoner, he much cut. The wounds on his of Wednesday the and holding on ™ i,^ Mr. Montr, and Mr. Roebuck, and was opposed by person were clean the afternoon 9th ult., about f ive tion Wider such circumstances, eS was aware he could not charge her with conspiring , such as might ' . Newingf as possible, with a view to bitting the turu « v re. . dobden, Mr. J. Bell, Mr. S. Herbert, tbe cut w ounds have been inflcted by o clock, as I walking along on-causeway ana «'m Mr £20 6 8 with her husband, and he would therefore consent instrument, such as owards the Elephant at the minimum. Ihe change of weather, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord J. Russell, and some sharp that now produced. t and Castle, I saw the pri- , lias we ^ to- ber being discharged.—Lucy White was dis- —John Bosfer, net and tent vailance of cold winds, with frost and snow manufacturer, of tbe soner with an umbrella in his hand. He was was Mr. Geach. . From April 17th to April 21th 1851. charged accordingly.—Samuel Baker Morris was , St. Pancras favourable to the «pi ing trade, which ^'"J"* ,- ef( , New-road , was passing by and saw the coming from tho opposite direction , and near the give evidences marketclosesu. The debate, always discursive in committee, dif- then called, and stated as follows ; The of improvement. The « IHCOHK. £ 8. d. prisoner prisoner Humphrey in the custody of Burton, 87 E , King's Head, when he made a sudden spring to- if possible, than it opened. Shirtings, wlncn sow ^ fused itself over a greater variety of topics than opened an account with for tinsi »• Balance from last report ... 5 18 7i me millinery goods in struggling with him. Saw him strike him several wards me and thrust the point of the umbrella with ago at 10s, bave been offered at 8s 9d , lint lb lb usual. October last. Ho saii that tha 5rm d - ^ ^ From Brunswick Committee to send consisted of times, but could not say that ho had a knife in his such force into my mouth as. to knock out some of trume case. Pine yarns are as much as t *"> ^. 4 liti Upon a division the numberswere— Joseph Frederick Whiffen of Brentwood decline, and some of the coutitienttal houses iw'^ ,^-c(,5 -c£S fourteen men to Sheffield ...... 4 18 0 , , brother band or not. He struck liim on the bod y and arms. my front teeth, and the point perforated my throat order3 For Mr. Hume's amendment •» 244 to his wife, and himself. I agreed their correspondents to suspend previous ' i',,.^ ive5| ' From Barrhead ... 0 15 0 to give him Heard- some one exclaim " For God's sake stand to aconsiderable extent, and injured me so severely near1> W * Against it 230 credit to the'amout of £25 or £30 give evidence of having subsided pretty ent, jt, „ Reynolds' s Newspaper ...... 0 15 0 . He paid the back, he has got a knife ; he deserves all the police that I was rendered incapable of securing my as- point, or havo cancelled them altogether for tne V"' - Majority agamrt tbe Ministers —U first and second months by account , but at the can give him."—The prisoner again said : I threw Thd Chairman „ Friend of the People 12 3 sailant, or making any effort for that purpose. The then reported progress, and had ,...... 2 11 8 expiration of the third month there was a balance the knife away with which I stabbed the constable. leave to ait again on Liverpool Subscription prisoner then, under the impression that I was Monday. due of £39 5s. 9d. He was unable to meet my mo about so much that I did not know Tie remaining business Balance due to Treasurer ...... 711 3 He beat what about to retaliate upon bim for the attack he made Stye ®a?ftt& having been disposed of, demand upon him, and asked me to draw the house adjourned at upon to do. If it was a boy I would have taken my coat upon me, ran towards an oyster stall which stood half-past one o'clock until him for the whole amount. I accordi 29** Monday. £23 11 9j ng!} drew off , and fought with him, but when a man comes up near the door of the King's Head public-house, and From the Gazette of Tuesday,"April upon him for £20 at a month. Prisoner accepted and strikes mo I do not care what I do.—Mr. Combe: snatched up a knife to defend myself ; but I was BASKttUm EXPJKDI TCRE. £ 8. d. tho bill in my presenco. It was drawn in tbe name (to Broome) Have you heard the prisoner make that quite unable either to mabo any Em»J. , , h: ra a RAttww Whiffen and Co., and when it became alarm, or even to J»hn Bullock , Bristol, innholder-Jiimcs |((5 |((5 Dsm C4snuoB.-0n the depar- thirty men to Halifax ... 11 15 0 of duo it was statement? lie replied in theafiirmative.—Mr. Combe see what had become of him Spencer ture of the express. Carriage of dishonoured. I went down to , and I was compelled ton, Lancashire, innkeeper-Frederick ^»0 t \^ .(south) train due in Carlisle at two men to Padiham ... 0 10 O Brentwood on Wed- now cautioned the prisoner thathe wasabout to com- to be taken home Fiance , Lambeth-walk Lambeth , elothier--JaineB , t b.o p.m. on Thursday , where I have ever since been . Ki afternoon , a passenger was " two men to Barrhead ... 0 15 0 nesday last to make inquiries, and was informed by mit him for trial, and he was not bound to say any- Saitash, Cornwall , miilcr-Carsten W°UF?^ nidge. age, j , confined , and attended by a surgeon for tbo serious <- »» . g dead fr one of & com- Paisley ...... 0 6 Mr . \VhifIen that he was not a partner of the pri- Was ho willing to sign tho statement he Towcr-street, City, sugar broker-Joscj*i „t^ hu „t^ ^°Jf^ t£? T* „ one man to 7 thing. injuries inflicted in my throat, under which I am City , «»« " partments. Deceased wasa person of gentlemanly , neither did ho authorise either made ? The prisoner expresse Great St. Helen's , Bishopsgate, «£™ mi- mi- „ four men to Burnley ... 1 8 0 soner him or his had d bis willing- still suffering. He added , that he had never given , carpenter—James ia; appearance , and seemed tohaVe wife to make use of his(Mr. Whiffen' the clerk took it down James Smith , Lincoln ' suffere! from long „ two men to Sunderland ... 1 10 0 s) name.—Mr. ness to do so, and in writing the prisoner any offence, nnd was confident that it ford, Yord«hire, worsted soinner. »££ • A card with the address! Leicester ... 10 0 Goddard hero stated that he wished the case to be and the prisoner signed it. .He said he was em- was " Messrs. Snnpson and „ two men to in consequence of his having applied for a SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION* Co., Glasgow," was found to Sheffield (by remanded, as Mr. Whiffen's evidence was of "real ployed as porter at Mr. Edwards's, cheesemonger m his packet ,,. fourteen men ° , warrant against the woman with whom ho cohabits James Bo&weU, Bavhi!!, Cumnock, giam . , and a railwayticke t showed that ho IS 0^ importance, and it would be necessary to brin him of Marcbmont-strett, Brunswick-square. He —• JlesJrS had booked fromLondon direction of Brunswick Committee) * was that he made the attack upon him.—Hidddington , James Gilmour, Auchtcrmudity, tlruper n8uP( f[ to that city 10"up from Brentwood to appear here.—Alde°rman fully committed for trial . ^^ CouSEBl Bspio31os Breakfast for sixty-ninemen ... ••• of tbo City 'Police, stated, that I e knew tho pri- M'Corkle,,G!asgow, sail manufacturers--Josepnaw ._Thrbe Livis Lost—On 0 1 10 Salomons said it would be better first to tuke the Richard Luppoy, John Smith , Alfred Uuiiff, builder. Wednesday normng, Stamps ...... Ilatton, soner Io belong to the " swell mob," and bearing ___—==^ at eight o'clock, a fatal ex- officer 's evidence.— Gunn, 8 G, said he went to the Caroline Bishop, and Emma Bishop, plosion of fire damp Paper 3s., Envelopes 10d., Ink Cd „ wero then tbat lie had assaulted the complainant in the man- =^ took place at the collieries of 0 5 10 prisone r's house on Saturday night, and finding he charged with having been concerned in otSo. 5, tfaccljrf eWgJ. . MessrsvJose ph Wafer* 6d., two doren circulars is. assaulting ner described , and moreover that he had since de- P, jnted by WILWAM MDEK, lJg* Byland and Sons, a very short dis- was in bed witlrhis wife told them he would wait the officers and inciting the mob to violence in the narish of St. Anne, Westminster, ««* * citJ citl and to serted bis usual haunts, he kept a look-out for him - • - tance from the TCgan market-place. It is more 11 while prisoner dressed himself. In the mean tir^e rescue tho prisoner Humphrey. The office , 16, Great Windmill-street. na>wm*et. '«' ,cn> . 0>. than £23 9£ prisoners pur- in the 'City/thinking it likely that he would try ,A,,l probable that thereare aconsiderable number prisoner, assisted by bis wife, made his escape the constable Burton whilst- ¦ of Westminister, f»r t e Proprietor, r* '.h , ,m& , .itu*1 out sued he had the pri- and do "business" there while keeping out of the and wibli.Oed by the said ..^ ;. mmnei and disfigured, .Already three dead bodies ¦ By Order of the window.—Andrews, 255, said he took >'. It, Esq., W.l'., J b , prisoner soner in custody. They, with some ofthe mob acted way of the metropolitan police. In this expecta- ItioEit at tlis oS'ce in the jams street and l"« ;"«' ^ hare oeen found, and brought to the pit's "mouth. at Mr. Morris's James Spcb, Secretary, into custody warehouse yesterday with considerable violence, pelted him with atonea tion lie was not disappointed, for on Saturday, the Saturday May 3rd, 18M.