Volume 40 May 2008 www.agsa.org.au in alliance in this issue Approaches to Student Leadership Choosing a Career at MLC, Melbourne The Alliance of Girls’ Schools GPO Box 55 From the President... Hobart Tas 7001 Australia Executive Officer Susan Just Jan Butler T: +61 3 6234 2114 F: +61 3 6234 2115 M: 0417 962 466 E:
[email protected] I would like to extend an invitation to staff at member attributes of leadership. While the percentage of President schools to attend the annual Alliance of Girls’ Schools women in significant leadership roles remains low in Susan Just Conference to be held in Canberra from 20 June 2008. Australian society, it is imperative that Girls’ Schools Canberra Girls’ Our keynote speakers will challenge our thinking and provide opportunities for young women to learn and Grammar School, ACT we have included additional workshop opportunities demonstrate leadership. Executive so that we can share and communicate with our Within this edition of in Alliance, you will learn about Beth Blackwood colleagues. Transport to and from the conference the importance of leadership density in schools and Presbyterian Ladies’ venue has been arranged in order to maximize your the models that schools use to provide guidance to College, WA time at the conference and allow you time to enjoy the students as they learn to lead. It is only through such Kitty Guerin crisp Canberra winter. Our Lady of Mercy programs that our students will become confident and College, NSW A letter of congratulations has been sent on behalf capable leaders. Our students will have an opportunity of the Alliance of Girls’ Schools to Quentin Bryce.