Global Health Case Competition Friday, February 3Rd

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Global Health Case Competition Friday, February 3Rd Malaria Control in the Adjumani Refugee Settlement Notre Dame Global Health Case Competition Friday, February 3rd Kristin Andrejko | Lexi Green | Delaney Lenaghan | Molly Kuehn | Wendy Alvarez Barrios | Anna Volk Child flipping during his leisure time at the Adjumani Refugee Settlement |WHY FIGHT MALARIA?| Malaria still accounts for half of all in- 925,000: The Malaria was the cause patient pediatric deaths, and every projected South of 16% of deaths single Ugandan, more Sudanese refugee in refugee children than 37 million population by younger than five years old (Anderson, people is at risk of December 2017 (S.S. 2011) contracting the Refugee Response disease. (Child Fund Plan 2017) 2016) synergizing existing stakeholders Adjumani hospital Emphasis on bottom-up policy Vector Host Parasite Vector Prevention Host Parasite Treatment Early Diagnosis Indoor Residual Spraying Vector Bed Nets Treated Tarps/ Tents Prevention Treated Blankets Classic Control Mechanisms Anti-malarialHost drugs ParasiteRapid Diagnostic Tests Treatment Early Diagnosis Indoor Residual Spraying Vector Bed Nets Treated Tarps/ Tents Prevention Treated Blankets -Bed Nets --Faso Soap Faso Soap -Co-op/women’s group -partnership with entrepreneurship Stakeholder Innovative Solutions Anti-malarial medicines Rapid Diagnostic Tests Host Parasite Treatment Early Diagnosis Counterfeit Tests Breathalyzers for Screening Vector Prevention -Bed Nets --Faso Soap Faso Soap -Co-op/women’s group -partnership with Community Education entrepreneurship Stakeholder Innovative Solutions Mobile Health Host Parasite Treatment Early Diagnosis Counterfeit Tests Breathalyzers for Screening Context/ Goals Activities Outcomes Examples of Indicators Constraints Prevention Faso Soap Vector No. of households Integration into Control w/ access to Faso local Ugandan soap & water communities Community Education Mobile health |PREVENTION-Faso Soap| Women’s groups Economic Community Empowerment Integration Context/ Goals Activities Outcomes Examples of Indicators Constraints Prevention Faso Soap Improved No. of households Integration into Hygiene w/ access to Faso local Ugandan soap & water communities Early Breathalyzer Quicker % of correct Changing Diagnosis Diagnosis diagnoses for status-quo malaria Community Education Mobile health |EARLY DIAGNOSIS-Breathalyzers| Simple Cost Effective Noninvasive Addition to rapid diagnostic testing capabilities Simple, noninvasive diagnosis of infectious disease Biomarkers in breath Devise would be comparable in cost or less expensive than diagnostic tools like RDTs and woldn’t require blood samples or trained personnel to use How to use mobile and community health? [Kristin] |TREATMENT-Counterfeit Testing| $35 billion 122,000 Context/ Goals Activities Outcomes Examples of Indicators Constraints Prevention Faso Soap Improved No. of households Integration into Hygiene w/ access to Faso local Ugandan soap & water communities Early Breathalyzer Quicker % of correct Changing status- Diagnosis Diagnosis diagnoses for quo malaria Treatment Counterfeit Better % of drugs Training VHTs counterfeit vs. and RSHWs Testing quality drugs real Community Education Mobile health Key: Prevention Early Diagnosis Refugee Recruitment Treatment Mobile Health / Counterfeit Test Training for RHWs Early Diagnosis with Breathalyzer Establish Faso Partnership Establish Faso co-op Establish Faso Use 6 months 1 year 18 months 2 years Use of Counterfeit Recruit and train and Breathalyzer Establish use of Faso >75% refugee Tes>ng by RHWs in all Adjumani RHWs refugee selements Connection to Strategy and Priorities: 2017 South Sudan refugee response in Uganda Peaceful Sustainable Social service Durable Protection coexistence livelihoods delivery is solutions are including with local integrated emergency improved achieved communities with local response promoted governments 1 2 3 4 5 "It is a feeling of joy and pride for us and for Africa in general...It also shows that in Africa we are not back(ward) and that Africa's problems can be solved by Africans themselves." -Niyondiko Anderson, Jamie, et al. "The burden of malaria in post-emergency refugee sites: A retrospective study." Conflict and health 5.1 (2011): 17. References "A Breath Test for Malaria." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 11 May 2016. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. "Could This Soap save Your Life?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. Guilbert, Kieran. "Mosquito-repellent Soap Invention Seeks to Wash Away Africa Malaria Threat." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 12 May 2016. Web. 31 Jan. 2017. Guthmann, Jean-Paul, et al. "Validity, reliability and ease of use in the field of five rapid tests for the diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Uganda." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96.3 (2002): 254-257. Ingabire CM, Kateera F, Hakizimana E, Rulisa A, Van Den Borne B, Muvunyi C, et al. Stakeholder engagement in community-based malaria studies in a defined setting in the eastern province, Rwanda. Mediterr J Soc Sci. 2016;7:214–22. Jagannathan, Prasanna, et al. 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