Heep-Iear€Ver Yqr4c Th€Y W..€ Not Soa€Body to Thc Foulrdc
THEOFFICIAL U I H APPRECIATIONSOCIETY trssue3 EDITORIAL Lat€EtnEw5, TDIIB OFTEs lorh Hrrle rrsJ S'ho're rrrh LhennlrzxJUs Def Einherr r rrh Dresde sa.hs llusic halr llrh H!nno!crCaPitor E ldrk l5rh Erlansei'Ihear.e r6ih uichel la'rrL lTrh St!Lrsarr r,nenorn 13rh Urmcon i PJrr r rfh frtnf I I M!\i' [dr 2o.h llerro.d Ro.h h'aven 22nd fanbura Crosse Fr€ibe1r zrrd Obshau'enHsi' hrG 24Lh Du\scld.fr or ) riir. e.a- 0,".-. t"'r" 'l 23Lh Fesa'sh!r! Lri-'o - lgir Esce i.ld.n PrLLelr1'ai1 lsi chremr! 5i' I o'c'ino lifr rerp t#olt'onot L"riiij$.$3c E- -*,- lRtTlllEN d, '*"...." auDttllc,,,,...."'"' Craz, Austria. Live in 6]i€L&slobesl'D3Fdsl3t oDheumrcdosbeg€3b6' b€!ud! wb sich oedreleie, ztnn - &r jinqEbnzeiudsEhodei dLe &misshawso€JciaBidMck UdahH6!r'*alnchlb6mdhi' l5ndgue|en'e.leqlsWsdaui 6€fusoli'Koleda'Phitan. sbhi6insmxbngldppicnzb* dgl0glansichhamonsdns Me Baxlnd sdtsd B@b Stuv k h.stet spdbw A16'Hd6nw.h$ll6nimXon ohrcnbeliuband'alii]dlerdd. ir;hen sen muB."E6y Lvd", "sroari-, mri'l ch "cy!s/, ,bdy inBacrundwarsmJuyMoF e- Fo.i.Hsz am idod lft sin. siiharbsunden w 6d€r juns *ur warg4ngM.gd| Uriah Heep-iEar€ver yqr4c Th€y w..€ not soa€body to thc foulrdc. m€mb.r was noi c.y rbout out, like win., old just loud, h. put tn somc and v€ry good. I'nr telking wofld€rful solos, Kcybor.d about rh€ U.ieh H€€p show on playc. Phil Lanzon pur o...nts Moodry .vcning tn th€ on th.
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