February 23/24, 2019 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

2506 Gulf Gate Drive, Sarasota FL 34231 941-923-1691 www.stthomasmoresrq.org We are a welcoming Catholic community devoted to living out and celebrating God’s Word and Sacraments by connecting people to Christ through faith, love and ministry.

•Weekdays 8:00 am Mass •Saturday 8:00 am, 3:00 pm, 4:30 pm Masses, confessions at 2:00 pm •Sunday 8:00 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am Masses

Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm; closed for lunch: 12:00-1:00 pm Before Mass begins: Please help maintain a reverent atmosphere by remaining quiet and turning off all electronic devices - thank you. Prelude at 3:00 and 4:30 pm Masses: Eric Mitchell, guest pianist Prelude at 9:45 am Mass: Handbells and Handchimes Ensemble: “Celtic Dance on Pleading Savior” Gathering Here I am , Lord

Text: Wilt Heden nu treden, netherlands folkhymn, tr. Theodore Baker, b. 1851 © J. Curwen & Sons.Tune: Kremser, 12 11 12 21, Nederlandtsch Gendendckclank, 1626, harm. Edward Kemser, b. 1838

I confess to almighty God; and to you, my brothers and most grievous fault. Therefore, I ask the blessed Mary ever sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God. to do; through my fault, through my fault, through my

Gloria (all Masses, except 11:30 am Mass)

1 Cantor/Choir: Lord Jesus Christ, only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.

Text: ICEL © 2010 Music: A New Mass for Congregations, Carroll T. Andrews, revised by Ronald F. Krisman © 1970, 2011, GIA Publications, Inc.

Reading 1 Samuel 26:7-9, 12-13, 22-23

Responsorial Psalm 103

Text & music: Jean Cotter © 1993, GIA Publications

Reading 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

Gospel Acclamation I give you a new commandment, say the Lord: love one another as I have loved you.

Gospel Luke 6:27-38


Profession of Faith

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He and earth, of all things visible and invisible. will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through made. the prophets.

For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, I believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on Amen. the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended

Intercessions Response: Lord, hear our prayer

Gifts Presentation 9:45 am Choir: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Hoffman & Showalter 2 11:30 am Choir: We Can Love Tom Booth

4:30 pm/8:00 am: Whatsoever you do

When I was hungry, you gave me to eat; when I was thirsty, you gave me to drink. Now enter into the home of my Father. Refrain

When I was homeless, you opened your door; when I was naked, you gave me your coat. Now enter into the home of my Father. Refrain

When I was weary, you helped me find rest; when I was anxious, you calmed all my fears. Now enter into the home of my Father. Refrain

When I was little, you taught me to read; when I was lonely, you gave me your love. Now enter into the home of my Father. Refrain

When in a prison, you came to my cell; when on a sickbed, you cared for my needs. Now enter into the home of my Father. Refrain Text & Tune: Willard F. Jabusch, b. 1930; harm. Robert J Batastini, b. 1942 © 1966, 1982, Willard F. Jabusch. Administered by OCP Publications

Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heav’n and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest.

Memorial Acclamation When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.

The priest requests that all remain seated after receiving the Holy Eucharist for a time of silent reflection and thanksgiving. The celebration of Mass is not complete until the presider has given the final blessing.

Communion Procession Taste and See

I will never stop thanking my God with my words of praise. My soul will boast, will boast in the Lord. The lowly will hear me and be lifted in praise. Refrain

Join the singing in praise of our God; tell the world of the Name. I cried to the Lord: “Have mercy on me.” God calmed all my fears and then set me free. Refrain

Look to God and be radiant with joy; you will never know shame. The weight of your burden is light to the Lord. With tender compassion God will call you by name. Refrain

God of justice, rain down on the poor, giving hope to their days. Come visit your people, each child of the earth; Come visit us now and bring us to a new birth. Refrain Text & Tune: Francis Patrick O’Brien, b.1958 © 1992, Gia Publications 3 Meditation How Great Thou Art Sacred Silence and Prayer after Communion Sending Forth Lift High the Cross

George w. Kitchin, b. 1827, and Michael R. Newbold, b. 1874, alt Tune: Sydney H. Nicholson,b. 1875 © 1978, Hope Publishing Co. Sending Forth at 11:30 am Mass We Will Serve the Lord

Text & Tune: Rory Cooney, b. 1952 © 1986, North American Liturgy Resources

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: A World Library Publications – Reprint license #AL0117027; Reprinted under OneLicense no. #A-702155. All rights reserved; OCP– Reprint license #30509

4 St. Thomas More’s 12 Baskets Food Pantry Needs This Week • Syrup • Canned vegetables • Cereal • Cooking oil • Spaghetti O’s • Potato mix • Strawberry jelly • Tuna fish in oil • Pancake mix • Stew • Spaghetti sauce with meat • Hamburger Helper or skillet dinners • Canned meat: chicken, ham, Spam • Canned fruit (especially mandarin oranges and pineapple) Bethesda House Needs This Week Bethesda House, located in downtown Sarasota, is a day shelter for AIDS-HIV positive persons. • coffee • tea • sugar • powdered creamer • body wash

Please place all donations in the white bins in the church.

Catholic Faith Appeal Where does the money from your pledge go?

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Venice provides more than 30 different programs and services in locations within the Diocese of Venice. Annually serving over 40,000 people, Catholic Charities has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation and recognized as an outstanding human service provider. • Food pantries and clothing banks provide vulnerable families, individuals and seniors with the necessities to get them through the week. • Our Mother’s House offers housing for mothers with children who are homeless. • The Catholic Charities Disaster Response and Recovery Program meets the needs of the greater community before, during and after a disaster.

The Respect Life Department serves as a voice for the most vulnerable in our society: the unborn, the elderly, the sick and the disabled. The mission is to provide hope and inspiration in the promotion of respect for all human life, from conception to natural death. If you wish to make a pledge, or give a one-time donation, envelopes are available in each pew slot.

March 6 8:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Mass

5 God of the journey, God of the traveler, we pray for those who leave their homes in search of new beginnings and possibilities, may they know your presence with them.

Sr. Carol Beevers, SJ, a member of the same religious community as Sr. Judy, contacted us to let us know that she will be making a trip to McAllen, TX to volunteer at the Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center. In support of Sr. Carol and all those seeking assistance at the Humanitarian Respite Center, we will be collecting the following items to send to the Center:

• Toiletries for men and women (deodorant, • Gently used or new jeans/chinos for men toothpaste, toothbrushes and razors) (sizes 28, 30, 32) and boys (sizes 3T through 16) • Gently used or new tennis shoes and new shoe laces (for men, women, children and • Gently used or new winter jackets, hoodies infants of all sizes - no sandals, boots, and sweatshirts (toddlers through adults) dress shoes) as well as winter hats and gloves • Underwear *new only* (children - 2T • Hair ties/elastics -14/16; women sizes extra small and small; Items can be dropped off at the Church or men sizes small and medium) at the Parish Office. Please do not drop off • Gently used or new jegging type pants for anything not on this list. If you would like girls and women (petite length is best, to volunteer with sorting donations, nothing larger than size 8. They really need please call the Parish Office. 00, 0, 2 and 4 for women)

We are also exploring the possibility of sending a group of parishioners to McAllen to assist with the volunteer efforts. If you are interested, email Mary Homola at [email protected].

Please keep Sr. Carol and all those she will be ministering with and to in your prayers.

6 Invitation to Deepen your Relationship with God (A great gift to give yourself for Lent) Centering prayer is a meditative silent prayer practice within the Contemplative Tradition and is as old as our Judeo-Christian heritage. “Be still and know that I am God,” Psalm 46:10. It is a prayer practice taught by Jesus: “when you pray, go into your inner room, close the door and pray to your God in secret…” Matt. 6:6.

It is a disciplined prayer practice to deepen your most important relationship and to more fully experience God’s action and presence in your life. Sound familiar? Fr. Joe reminds us of this with each and every sermon he gives. A 40-day Lenten commitment to this prayer practice can, and will, change your life.

Join us on Saturday, March 2 from 9:00am-12:00pm in the Spirit Center, where we will introduce you to this practice. Registration begins at 8:30 am. Coffee and breakfast snacks will be provided. Please call the Parish Office at 941-923-1691 to register. If you need additional information, please call Bob Ferkenhoff at 941-350- 6920 or Noreen Polidoro at 941-228-1799.

Prayer Bereavement Ministers Needed “Blessed are those who mourn, The chapel is open daily 8:00 am (Mass) to 4:30 pm. for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4 You may stop by at any time during the day for private prayer. While the chapel is open, the main entrance to With open hands and hearts, we return all to God. With Mary’s Garden is not. Access is available through the that in mind, we ask you to prayerfully consider joining doors by the Anchor Way entrance to the parking lot. St. Thomas More’s Bereavement Ministry. Our prayer book of the sick is located in the chapel. We are in need of compassionate, caring people who You may write your intentions in it, and be are willing to reach out in love and service to assist assured that names entered are prayed for daily. families with funeral receptions to be held in the Spirit Centering Prayer: Thursdays 10:30 am - Chelsea Center or the Chelsea Center following the funeral Garden Room Mass. Families will bring in the food and the volunteers will assist with setting up the buffet, etc. Centering Prayer: Thursdays 6:30 pm - Chelsea Westminster Room We are also in need of someone to send sympathy cards. If you are interested in this fulfilling ministry, Rosary: Weekdays 7:30 am - Church please contact Bobbi at 941-756-5393. Training is available. Spirit of Love Prayer Group: Second Monday 2:00 pm - Chapel

Serving at St. Thomas More Parish St. Thomas More Parish Knights of Columbus Scholarship 2019-20 school year Have you been an altar server or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in your parish up north? Would you like to help out while you are The K of C Council 7826 offers a high school scholarship here as a winter resident? for sons/daughters or grandchildren of parents and/ or grandparents who are registered parishioners. Contact Mary in Scholarships will be awarded for Cardinal Mooney the Parish Office High School. Six scholarships: five for $1,000 and 941-923-1691. one for $500.

Applicants may obtain application forms/guidelines at the Parish Office. The deadline is May 16, 2019.

7 St. Patrick’s Day Concert - Bring your Irish!

Saturday, March 16 7:00 pm in the Chelsea Center

Bring your own beverages & snacks and enjoy the concert in cabaret-style seating!

Our Valentine’s Dinner Dance was enjoyed by all! Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for sponsoring our annual event.



Informational session for both teens and parents

this Sunday night from 7:30-8pm. This summer, St. Thomas More Youth Mission will serve in Bluffton, South Carolina with Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC) from June 16th-June 22nd. Due to a CHWC deadline of March 1st, our mission team is forming now! If you are interested in becoming a youth missionary, be sure to come to High School Youth Group this weekend on Sunday, Feb 24th from 6-8pm and have your parents join us for the last half-hour. Rising 9th graders are also invited to attend this week! We request a $100 deposit from each mission family, but if this is a burden, please speak with our youth minister, Alicia Bartol-Thomas. Anyone called to serve as a missionary should be able to participate, regardless of family finances.

Special invitation to dads: Our mission team still needs a male chaperone. Fathers of youth missionaries, this is a powerful opportunity to grow in faith alongside your teenage son or daughter. Plus, the mission begins on Father’s Day!

9 Knights of Columbus Florida State Council Let Your Light Shine

Are you interested in becoming a member? See Knights activities in Florida: Floridakofc.org emembership available at: kofc.org/joinus St. Thomas More, Council 7826: Mr. Johnnie Turner, Council Grand Knight 941-927-9055 or [email protected] Mr. Gary Garvin, Membership Committee Chairman 941-953-1742 or [email protected]

Women’s Club News ABOUT CRS CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES AND THE • Fashion Show: Tuesday, February 26 @ 11:15 am -- Laurel Oak Country Club • General15,000 Membership Meeting Meal: Thursday, Challenge March 7 @ 6:30 pm -- Asolo Repertoire Theater play reading • Book Club Meeting: Tuesday, March 12; 2:00 pm – Uncommon Gratitude: Alleluia for All That Is• Luncheon: The Baltimore Orioles are proud to call Sarasota Monday, March 11 at 11:30 am The Grove -- in Lakewood Ranch home. And now they’ve joined forces with Catholic Relief Services and Rise Against Hunger to bring their legacy of goodwill to the city. ABOUT CRS CATHOLICHelp us raiseRELIEF enough SERVICES money AND to THE send BALTIMORE 15,000 meals ORIOLES to vulnerable people in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Fifty cents a meal can feed 50 people for ABOUT CRS 15,000only $25. Meal Challenge

TheThe Baltimore challenge culminatesOrioles are with proud a spirited to call meal-packaging Sarasota event at Ed AND THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES home.Smith AndStadium. now they’ve Registered joined forces participants with Catholic will Reliefhave Servicesthe opportunity to CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES andpackage Rise Against meals Hunger alongside to bring Orioles their legacy Hall ofof goodwill Famer toand the MASN city. analyst Help us raise enough money to send 15,000 meals to vulnerable people Mike Bordick and the15,000 Oriole Bird. Meal Challenge in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Fifty cents a meal can feed 50 people for only $25. The Baltimore Orioles are proud to call Sarasota Any team that raiseshome. $250 And by nowMarch they’ve 1st joined will receiveforces with a Catholic voucher Relief for Services TheFOUR challenge (4) culminates ORIOLES andwith Rise a spirited AgainstTICKETS Hungermeal-packaging to for bring an their upcomingevent legacy at ofEd goodwill game, to plus the city. 2 Catholic Relief Services is an Help us raise enough money to send 15,000 meals to vulnerable people Smithmore Stadium. tickets Registered for each participants additional will $100 have raised. the opportunity to in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Fifty cents a meal can feed 50 people for package meals alongside Oriolesonly $25. Hall of Famer and MASN analyst international humanitarian MikeSign Bordick up and today the Oriole for Bird. this celebration of global The challenge culminates with a spirited meal-packaging event at Ed organization that seeks to end Anysolidarity team that raises and $250 local bySmith March Stadium. pride. 1st will Registered receive participants a voucher will for have the opportunity to package meals alongside Orioles Hall of Famer and MASN analyst for an upcoming game, plus 2 poverty,Catholic hunger Relief Services and disease.is an We FOUR (4) ORIOLES TICKETSMike Bordick and the Oriole Bird. Catholic Relief Services is an more tickets for each additional $100 raised. for an upcoming game, plus 2 international humanitarian Any team that raises $250 by March 1st will receive a voucherinternational for humanitarianare now one of the most trusted SignCRS up HELPING today for this HANDSFOUR celebration (4) EVENT ORIOLES of global TICKETS organization that seeks to end more tickets for each additional $100 raised. organization thatrelief seeks and to development end agencies in solidarityDATE: Saturday, and local March pride. 16, 2019 poverty, hunger and disease. We Sign up today for this celebration of globalpoverty, hunger and aredisease. now one We of the most trusted TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00solidarity p.m. and local pride. the world. We work in 110 countries are now one of the mostrelief andtrusted development agencies in CRSWHERE HELPING: Ed Smith HANDS Stadium EVENT and reach more than 136 million relief and developmentthe agencies world. We in work in 110 countries

DATE: Saturday,2700 March 12th 16,Street, CRS2019 HELPING Sarasota, HANDS FL 34237 EVENT Visit orioles.com orioles.com Visit

and reach more than 136 million reserved. rights All L.P. Media, Advanced MLB of permission with used are copyrights and trademarks League Major 2019 © DATE : Saturday, March 16, 2019 people. To learn more, visit crs.org. 113550 Reserved. 19CG Rights All Services. Relief Catholic 2019 ©

TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. the world. We work in 110 countries 113550 All Rights Reserved. 19CG Services. Relief Catholic © 2019 All rights reserved. Media, L.P. of MLB Advanced used with permission are and copyrights Baseball trademarks Major League © 2019 orioles.com Visit TIME: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. people. To learn more, visit crs.org. WHERE: Ed Smith Stadium WHERE: and reach more than 136 million 2700 12th Street, Sarasota, FL 34237 2700 12th Street, Sarasota, FL 34237 people. To learn more, visit crs.org. © 2019 Catholic Relief Services. All Rights Reserved. 19CG 113550 All Rights Reserved. 19CG Services. Relief Catholic © 2019 All rights reserved. Media, L.P. of MLB Advanced used with permission are and copyrights Baseball trademarks Major League © 2019 orioles.com Visit Register at orioles.crs.org today! Register at orioles.crs.org today! 10 Register at orioles.crs.org today! Intentions February 23 - March 3 2019 Parish Staff Saturday 8:00am, Fr. Roger +Jim Connors Fr. Joe Clifford, Pastor +Michael Kennedy [email protected] 3:00pm, Fr. Stenzel +Frend & Kathryn Royle Fr. Jim Simko, Parochial Vicar +Albert Kolarsick [email protected] Rev. Mr. David Wagner, Deacon 4:30pm, Fr. Ennis +Anton Ertl [email protected] +Thomas Suddarth Alex Dilan, Organist & Music Director Sunday 8:00am, Fr. Roger +Edythe Heelan [email protected] +Ed Savoy Alicia Bartol-Thomas, Youth Ministry Director [email protected] 9:45am, Fr. Stenzel +Anthony Picozzi Noreen Polidoro, Faith Formation Coordinator +Michael Banovich [email protected] 11:30am, Fr. Henry +Faith Idzorek Mary Homola, Parish Life Coordinator +Jay Cianci [email protected] Monday 8:00am, Fr. Joe +Mary Castranova John & Lucy Koitsch, Sacristans +Loren Ferney [email protected] Val Conetta, Accountant Tuesday 8:00am, Fr. Joe +Edward Cook [email protected] +Cele Castelaz CarolAnn Lovejoy-Jessup, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Wednesday 8:00am, Fr. Joe +Gabriella Totti Mary Maxwell, Parish Secretary +Gloria Donahue [email protected] Thursday 8:00am, Fr. Roger +Manuel Assuncao Susan Jacobs, Front Office Coordinator For those in prison, [email protected] and their families Ramon Alvero, Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Friday 8:00am +Joyce Hessler Luis Somodevilla, Maintenance +Dick Johnson [email protected] Saturday 8:00am +David Bracy, Jr. Peggy Lehockey 3:00pm +Florence Gamburg +Stephanie LaRosa 4:30pm +Patrick Doyle In today’s Gospel +Raymond Cavallaro Jesus gives us the challenge to: “Love Sunday 8:00am +Chuck Lynch your enemies… Give +Mary Dineen to everyone who asks 9:45am +Viola Troia of you…Do to others +Milllie Belden as you would have 11:30am +Brian Jellison them do unto you…Be +Nancy Rose Savoy merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (+ denotes deceased person(s)) Consider making a donation towards the work of St. Vincent DePaul Society in our parish. Green If you would like to honor a loved one, celebrate designated envelopes are in each pew. a marriage or remember a spouse by sponsoring flowers or the sanctuary candle at the altar, Marcia Voorhees, President, St. Thomas More/ please contact Mary in the Parish Office: St. Michael the Archangel Conference of St. [email protected]. We have many Vincent de Paul dates in 2019 available.

11 This Week’s Events Sunday, February 24 5:00pm Food Pantry Open - Deacon Dave Wagner Coffee and Donuts follow the [email protected] 8:00 and 9:45 am Masses in the Spirit Center 6:00pm AA Group - Chelsea Lancaster Rm. St. Mary School Raffle Ticket Sales 7:00pm Traditional Choir - Church Alex Dilan: 8:00am/ 9:45am/11:30am Masses - Church [email protected] 6:00pm High SchoolYouth Group - Chelsea Ctr. Thursday, February 28 Alicia Bartol-Thomas 7:30am Rosary - Church [email protected] 8:00am Mass - Chapel 8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Ctr. 9:30am Crafty Ladies - Spirit Ctr. Faith Rm. 8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Ctr. Mary Hautanen: 941-922-8892 Monday, February 25 10:00am Quilters of St. Thomas More - Spirit Ctr. 7:30am Rosary - Church Charity Rm. Diane Kestner: 941-927-1605 8:00am Mass - Chapel 10:30am Centering Prayer Group - Chelsea Garden Rm. 9:30am Funeral Mass for John DeSanto - Chapel Noreen Polidoro: 941-228-1799 12:00pm Women’s Club Board - Chelsea Lancaster Rm. [email protected] 1:00pm Engaging Spirituality - Chelsea Lancaster Rm. 6:00pm Girl Scouts - Chelsea Lancaster Rm. Carol Zehr: Meg McPherson 941-493-0780; [email protected] [email protected] Cathy Nemeth 941-922-5438; 6:30pm Scouts Leadership - Spirit Ctr. Ari Malatlian: [email protected] 941-350-0027 or [email protected] 5:30pm AA Group - Chelsea Garden Rm. 6:30pm Centering Prayer Group - Chelsea Westminster 6:00pm Cub Scouts - Spirit Ctr. Ed Clissold 941-914-6101; Rm. Bob Ferkenhoff: [email protected] [email protected] 7:00pm Contemporary Choir - Church 7:00pm Boy Scouts - Spirit Ctr. Ari Malatlian: 941-350-0027 Alex Dilan: [email protected] or [email protected] Friday, March 1 7:00pm Scouts Venturing Crew 100 - Spirit Ctr. 7:30am Rosary - Church Kim Aristimuño: 941-232-8074 or 8:00am Mass - Chapel [email protected] 9:15am Bible Study - Chelsea Westminster Rm. 7:00pm Al-Anon - Chelsea Garden Rm. Mary Jo Dranttel: 941-343-0522 Tuesday, February 26 12:00pm Card Ladies/Mah Jongg - Lancaster Rm. 7:30am Rosary - Church 6:00pm AA Meeting - Spirit Ctr. 8:00am Mass - Chapel 6:00pm Fun Faith Friday! - Chelsea Ctr. Noreen Polidoro: 8:30am Coffee Hour - Spirit Ctr. 941-228-1799; [email protected] 9:00am Ignatian Prayer - Chelsea Garden Rm. Saturday, March 2 Veronica Betancourt: [email protected] 7:30am Rosary - Church 11:00am Secular Franciscan Planning Meeting - Chelsea 8:00am/3:00pm/4:30pm Masses - Church Garden Rm. Reggie Birks 941-387-4262; 8:30am Centering Prayer Workshop - Chelsea [email protected] Westminster Rm. Bob Ferkenhoff: 5:00pm JustFaith Cultivating Nonviolence - Chelsea Garden [email protected] Rm. Susan Jacobs [email protected]; 10:00am Cub and Boy Scouts Blue and Gold Event - Carleen Payne [email protected] Chelsea Ctr. Wednesday, February 27 2:00pm Confessions - Chapel Confessional 7:30am Rosary - Church Sunday, March 3 8:00am Mass - Chapel 8:00am/ 9:45am/11:30am Masses - Church 9:00am Mother’s Circle - Spirit Ctr. 8:00pm N.A. Meeting - Spirit Ctr. 11:00am Food Pantry Open - Deacon Dave Wagner 8:00pm Nar-Anon Meeting - Spirit Ctr. [email protected] 1:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - Chelsea Garden Rm. Beth Meyd 941-923-7517

12 General and Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Frank Kaman 955-4171 Dr. Frank Kaman, Sr. Offices in Sarasota, Parishioner Bradenton, & Venice 1-866-651-2111 Gulf Gate Chapel 941-377-2565 6903 S. Tamiami Tr. New Patients Always Welcome Most Insurance Accepted 5664 Bee Ridge Rd., Sarasota www.toalebrothers.com

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