Captain Cook Reimagined from the British Museum's Point of View
Captain Cook Reimagined from the British Museum’s Point of View Andrew Stooke ‘Reimagining Captain Cook: PaciFic perspectives’, Room 91, British Museum, London, 29 November 2018 – 4 August 2019 Entrance to the 'Reimagining Captain Cook: PaciFic perspectives' exhibition in Room 91 at the British Museum, London, image courtesy oF The Trustees oF the British Museum From the moment that nonpresence comes to be felt within speech … it had already begun to undermine and shape ‘living’ speech, exposing it to the death within the sign. 1 Materialising late among the various events that commemorated the 250th anniversary of the departure of the HMS Endeavour,2 the exhibition ‘Reimagining Captain Cook: Pacific perspectives’ at the British Museum in London takes place in the period of the voyage itself, ending on 4 August 1 Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 2 Other commemorative events included ‘James Cook: The Voyages’, The British Library, London, 27 April – 28 August 2018, extended in an ongoing resource, ‘The Voyages oF Captain Cook’; ‘Oceania’, Royal Academy oF Arts, London, 29 September – 10 December 2018; ‘Cook 250: Whitby in the Time oF Cook’, The Captain Cook Memorial Museum, Whitby, UK, April to October 2018; ‘He Tirohanga ki Tai: Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery’, Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, 8 December 2017 – 3 March 2019; the inauguration oF the new ‘Exploration and Encounters’ galleries at The National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London; and the year-long (2019) New Zealand ‘Te Hā’ programme oF events.
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