12 Monthletting PNR
NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TENTATIVE LETTING LIST OF PRESERVATION REPAIR BRIDGE PROJECTS IN RALEIGH CENTRAL OFFICE HIGHWAY AS OF NOVEMBER 20, 2020 PROJECT# COUNTY ROUTE ID/FEATURE SCOPE OF WORK LET DATE 15BPR.17 HALIFAX US158 Roanoke River LMC Overlay/ Replace Modular Joint/ Paint All WS/ Shotcrete 11/17/2020 Partial LMC Overlay, Silane Deck Treatment, Deck Joint Repairs/ Replacements, PSC Girder Repair/Epoxy 15BPR.24 BRUNSWICK NC904 ICW Coat Beam Ends, Elastomeric Bearing Replacements, Pile Jacketing, Galvanic CP - Bulk Anode, 12/15/2020 Substructure Concrete Repairs, Bike/ Ped Rail Retrofit SR3548 15BPR.40 BUNCOMBE City Street,NSRR,French LMC Overlay/Transflex Joint/Shotcrete/Paint Str Steel/Epoxy Coat Caps 2/16/2021 Broad River 15BPR.40 BUNCOMBE SR2740 I-40 LMC Overlay, Joints, Substructure Repairs, Epoxy Coat Caps, Approach Pavement 2/16/2021 LMC Overlay, Joints, Epoxy Coat Caps, Substructure Repairs, Approach Pavement, Paint Weathering Steel 15BPR.40 BUNCOMBE SR2531 I-40 2/16/2021 Beam Ends 15BPR.42 BEAUFORT Washington Swing AWS Overlay, Joints, Substructure Concrete/ Shotcrete Repairs, New Ped/ Bike Rail 2/16/2021 15BPR.45 DUPLIN NC 903 I-40 LMC, Joints, Shotcrete 2/16/2021 15BPR.45 PENDER US 117 I-40 LMC, Joints, Shotcrete 2/16/2021 Tie Superstructures together, new deck across both existing bridges, steel superstructure repairs, 15BPR.20 HENDERSON I26EBL Green River 3/16/2021 substructrue concrete repairs, approach roadway modifications Tie Superstructures together, new deck across both existing bridges, steel
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