Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: a Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521856736 - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland: A Beleaguered Church in the Post-Reformation Era Magda Teter Index More information Index A Quo Primum encyclical, 83, 87 Andrzejewski, Jan, 34 on the Jews in Poland, 89–90 Anonymous of Passau, 19 Abraham, 11, 204 anti-Catholic polemic, Protestant, 22, 46, 48–50, Abramovich, Biernat, 29 113, 122–123, 125, 134–135 Abramovich, Nachum, 38 Antichrist Abramowicz, Adam, 21, 217 Catholic Church as, 46, 48, 169 absolution, 88 description of, 111–112 accusations, anti-Jewish, 100, 107–113, 168 asaJew,206 blood (ritual murder), 77, 99, 100, 164 anti-Christian sentiments, 210. See also Jews Christians countering, 13 (attitudes toward non-Jews) combating Protestants, 131 –137 anti-Jewish accusations, see accusations of desecration of the Host, 113 anti-Jewish literature, 95, 100, 107–108, 113–117, of falsification of the Scriptures, 126 204 of murdering a Christian girl, 29 anti-Jewish polemics. See also anti-Jewish Pope Gregory X condemning, 206 rherotic, polemical works Pope Innocent IV condemning, 205 Bible(corruptedbyJews),127 Acta Episcopalia, 86, 221 crucifixion, 78 Acta Sanctorum, 168 Gospels, 108 adultery, Jewish-Christan sexual relations as, 66, Jewish crimes, representation of, 108, 180 113–114 Advent, 70 Jews, in Protestant, 113 afikoman, 118–119 medievalism of, 95, 100, 106, 113–117, 144 Agnieszka, the fallen (exemplum), 76–77, anti-Jewish rhetoric, also anti-Jewish stereotypes 130 against nobles, 81 –82, 91 –95 alcoholic beverages against Protestants, 107, 125,
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