History of the Biddle Family
HISTORY of the BIDDLE FAMILY by Virginia Biddle Thode 1964 Dedicated in memoryof my dad, Russell L. Biddle and my grandfather, Tunis W. Biddle Dear Relatives, eightFromextensive years, I haveresearch written and_personal this informal interviews account during of our the Biddle pasw history. As you must realize,it is quite a task to collect so much material about several hundred people and as some people disagree about dates or swelling of names...you will find error . The material was obtained from county histories, newspapers, census reports, Civil War records, marriage and death records, wills, land records, family Bibles, tombstones and through my correspondence with many relatives. Mysincere thanks to each of you who so kindly contributed. /€47/~€./I, tiazsaszmf5? A if 3?H H w. (an, /we ,;..'+,.j../ ax) .......... ’ (I Q," » Wail I. ...,. ;7»%“,¢“...«*x‘Tgizze:’;;2gIf:’Z_.;,4ggig.r Q9. 7-5.». ----«-«-a. éiagfiimg,fi;€f&:fI:’Z:p; 1~s-=MC _2§{i.'.!$2.2 gag! _ ..,;g,,,) {/49 bcfl ---_/Hu:1!u4_g-:._WIFE__,.Q&.'.!‘!_.b.§_'."‘_KM4x L1,. L2 13 _ 45; ‘four 9' E‘ . .if.’;.; , __,a-1i‘i__I.;’:f ’ , ’ ...- 2iZ1Tig__cie_»_L,.jT»..._1/9...1-Lz:gL;,:f_J;.-42. WJ 345:’:E's‘¥»‘::_‘-y T-_.1zaL_':__. ___________ __ , $553. HUI‘!-ND‘ ‘F ‘. -33‘ g WHENnoun WHEREsome unorronsv ...-...u L M, "'_"_‘_‘7_:m5'5W"; .. ; an |:;:uu¢ «runes Lawn.ahood)uout: atDUO ‘' I . _ " 1.1." .. ""’~'°’-“ ” ‘ “ ” ’“‘ fl ’. T:T""““"""'_ fmm . M M M. ¢.°ZI'....;‘”"‘-"-"4 L_._:g,/33;] 5.. ‘Jet ;/gag T; NAME)fnrurx.vn1'V \“_PLCCIS8'-ownwmczscu~Vflurxiplace"X"bclindOhnon-Mranpoduningtotick.that _T,T;%5A[1;,4»._Tfl%.-__JZ’1;¢,91§¢/3’ L-— ‘ $1! ' /filo wash."' ' R"'*- J11} ‘ JELAALE ‘F’._ ‘ 414" W.‘ I _ 5‘ i Z212/d/eaL :41’,/3/7 Donegal Tlvpf ,.!;,,.
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