Abernethy, Lloyd M., Rev. of Hofstadter's the Paranoid Style In
INDEX Abernethy, Lloyd M., rev. of Hofstadter's Allen, James, 205/* The Paranoid Style in American Politics Allen, John, 20577, 221, 292 . , 416-417 Allen, Margaret (Peggy). 205?*, 212 Abolition, politics of, rev., 138-140 Allen, Margaret Budd (Mrs. William Allen, Abolitionists, rev., 137-138 Sr.), 20477 Adam architecture, style of, in Phila., 166 Allen, Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. William Adams, Abigail a (Mrs. John Adams): disap- Allen), 20477-20577 proves of life in Phila., 158; on Mrs. Wm. Allen, William, Sr., father of chief justice, 2047* Bingham, 160; shocked at Phila. fashions, Allen, William (1704-1780), 195, 196, 292; on 168; on social life in Phila., 172, 173; agriculture in England, 213; attempts to wearied by Phila. social season. 173 influence Thos. Penn (1764), 223^ be- Adams, Charles Francis, diary of, vols. I—II, friended by Penn family, 205; on Benjamin rev., 135-136 West as a painter, 221; children of, 205n; Adams, John, changing political thought of, correspondence with Benjamin Chew, 202- rev., 539-54O 226; joins clubs in London^ 220; loses Adams, John Quincy? 24 weight, 225; on merit of Dr. William Smith, Adams, Susanna, attainted of high treason, 312 225; Mount Airy, countryseat of, 202; opin- Admiralty Library, London, records at, 230 ion of Gov. John Penn, 212; opinion of Alexander Stedman, 21 gn; opposes Stamp After Slavery: The Negro in South Carolina on During Reconstruction, 1861-1877, by Wil- Act, 204, 216-217; Pennsylvania Ger- liamson, rev., 143-145 mans, 222; and Peter Hasenclever, 224; as Age of Excess, American Life from the End of recorder of Phila., 189; represents North- Reconstruction to World War I, by Ginger, ampton County, 197; on Rev.
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