
BUY YOUR & 300.000 $300,000 TRADE WITH G. P.SEARLE GO, To loan at 6 per cent annual interes l, with privilege of payment of part or Machine Oils Abstract, Loans, whole loan on any interest pay dav. Hare a large list of farm and city —or— to sell trade. Also some Co., property or Brewster I choice western land to sell or trade foi H. PICKETT & CO., INSURANCE. good farm or city property. J. The Shoe Men. Honey Loned on 2d Mort fige. 11 of tlie Strongest Insurance Call and see me at office over W. H. They Make Low Prices. The Oskaloosa Herald. Hawkins’ shoe store, on north side of Companies in the World. square. #IOO,OOO, SIOO,OOO John P. Hiatt® To Loan at 6 Per Cent. aud Insurance Agt. OSKALOOSA, THUKSDAY, 9, Real Estate, Loan VOL. 41 NUMBER 8. MAHASKA COUNTY, , OCTOBER 1890. ESTABLISHED 1850. Fraukels New Block, Rooms 4 and 6 37yl and Notary Public.

Professional Cards. RAILROADS. A Planters Experience. “Ry piantatlon la In a malarial dl»» & , It® Udm or lo»*. p®r je»r 16 OO BURLINGTON WESTERN R’Y. trlrt, where fever and ague prevailed. \ Koch additional line. 1 OO ARRIVALS. I employ 150 hands | frequently half No. 1 fast mail arrives 1:10 P. m of them were eick. X was nearly die* eon raged began the nse of ATTORNEY8. No. 3 Accom. arrives 4:35p.m when 1 DEPARTURES. rS r 18TON McMILLKN. No. 2 Chicago express departs 2:45 r. w Attorn ev-at-Law. No. 4 Accom. departs 6:05 A. J* Heal K*tand lyi*>i Agent Office lu Mc- 272tf R. W. I’riok Agent. Mllleu’s Block. i>sk*i . ma, lowa. 30 AMRd A. KICK. TheTun’sresult was marvellous.PillsMy men I Attorney ;tud Counselor at Law. Tib became strong and hearty, and I havo C. l UP. Cari! no OBc over li.*> High Avenue cast. Osfcalooaa, had furthur trouble. With these . tow Wtl AKJUVALS. pills, 1 would not fear to live in any N0.24, Accommodation from Knoxville and a.m Swamp.*’ E. RIVAL, Rayon Bara, La. k pv M.PSIWUE, Intel mediate stations 9:40 Sold Everywhere. Attorney-at-Law, “Ifpop had blanketed you in No. 52. passenger from Das Moines, Ooun w. ell Bluffs and intermidate stations s.-oc OfSce, 39 &41 Park Place New York. and Wotary Boa® Hill. lowa. «> No. passenger from Keokuk, Kansas a.m. PabMa. _ 63. the stable you would be fat, too.” City and intermediate stations 9 A lITll.|, iST JUNKS, No. 15, passenger from Chicago and Inter-a.»*. ** FREE —Get from deuler free, the mediate stations - ilrtf Att*irue7-at-Law, your No. 23. Accommodation from Washington p.m '* H Aud N ,t:»ry Pubtlo. Offlott In Suite No. I, ¥a Book. It lias handsome pictures and and Intermediate stations, fast freight... 12 :S0 valuable information about horses. No. lti.passenger from Knoxville sad Inter- or dollars for a Ilorss mediate stations ¦ 5:01 a mocot. Two three 5/a No. 61, passenger from Keokuk. Kansas a.m your horse Bolton at-Law, Blanket will make worth more City aud Intermediate statlous 12:01 Attorneys and eat less to keep warm. No. to, passenger from Des Moines, Ooun- p.m ,Hk 'Jatalooaa, lows Offlo® over Huber A Kal- cil Bluffs and Intermediate stations ~ 10:06 i»aoh‘® ti*rdwiv«r«»rr *" / DKPARTUBRS -Blb|klS, 5/A Five Mile Washington a.m. ' No. 24, Accommodation for Gao. vv. Lawk art Kobt Kummck. aud Intermediate stations ..10:26 5/A Boss Stable No. 52, Passenger for Keokuk, Karsas City j aKrEKIY 4 KHSICK, A,k for and Intermediate statlous 9 :to *J i Electric No. 63, Passenger for l>e» Moines. Councils.m. 0 Attorneys-at-Law. 5/A B Bluffs and Intermediate statlous 9:40 Office north *lde, over L. L. Hull's store. ( 5/A Extra Test No. 15, Passenger for Knoxville and Inter- a.m. Ha Oskaloosa. lowa. W mediate statlous UA 30 other styles :it prices to suit every, No. 23, Accommodattou for Kuoxvllle and r. m. I AI.AW'HAKD A PKKSItIN. idki REMEDY H body. If you mn’t get them lroni your Intermediate stations ‘ * Attorneys-at-Law, dealei, us. No. 16, Passenger for Washington, Chicago OTTK-YDa ft write and Intermediate stations 5 W Osswiooaa. lowa. Will practice lo all the No. 61, Passenger for lies Moines, Council a.m. courts Office over the Oskaloosa Natiouai Bluffs and intermediate 5tat10u5...... 12:1 Kansas City p.m «»>ik. «0 No. to, Passenger for Keokuk, * aud u Termed Iate stations. 10:15 H I!? W. HASKELL, W. A. OKBKB. J.Q AwnaRSON, Agent. " • HASKELL at GREEK. Attornoys-al-Law. Goughs,Golds Office in Phoenix block, Oskaloosa, lowa, HkL t promptly intended to. SOtf 5/A dusiottr \y it CROUP, paßßy Attorney At I^w Whooping Cough, Eto. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy I* Intended juftHK w !• ictloe in state und Pe«r Count. >• Cold*, «»,h w ,ib I* Soane A 00. Os ta to1 1 >aa lowa •specially for Cough*. Croup and Special Attention(.’iron lo Probate oualuee® and Whooping Cough. It ouree a oold by produo- <^V Ing Kshui i ition of titles. FLY a free expectoration, relieving the lunge, NETS Solid Bullet V’esttbuled trains. Day Coaches oan long CHEAP AND STRONG. cars,Palace Sleeping cars. Double dally iralus and opening the •eoretloas. No cold w . H satcvKKs. u. W. saavana. Its effect*. It favorite remedy Nets, prices between withstand le a SKKVBUB. 20 other styles 5-A t<* suit ail yet u&eu ELVERS 4 Ayres wh'ch indies are liable Is the di- At Two Dollars Per Annum —The October Forum a great * Continental. K. Y. No. 45, a. m the people ot the South now buy has brave soldier who stood in the way of (Underwriters’ Newtou branch 9:00 rect result of a disordered or irregular men- Hush! A voice from the far away! Counsellor at Law. sun Klre office, London All traius on Eastern aud Illinois divisions stiuatlvu. The American Pill Cumpanv. roy- votes at variety of interesting essays by famous rebel bullets on a dozen battle fields; Assurance, London. holdlug colored twenty-five cents i lsten and learn it »eems to say, pening in . had London tickets. the County. Aid Pension Attorney. I have years of ‘2807-909. will carry passengers alty proprietors, Spenoer, lowa. Two dollars, ALBERT W. SWALM, men, from Edward who was taken prisoner, paroled and All the to-morrows shall be as to-day: i Sorthern Assurance, Londou H. ACKEKT, A. K. BAN KS, a that with the election the Geo. S. Bout well to uf tuerieuce in penalou matters. Ail soldiers C. or three for five dollars: sent by mall. The Proprietor. piece; law 1 fraved, is dry: Union, of California. Geu’l. Manager. Trattle Manager. only by & Editor aod discharged before the close of the first he cord Is and the cruise Fire, genuine sold -I. H. Hckett C<>.. os- military Bellamy. l he link must break and the lamp must die. an attotoey or not. Office, front rooms, E. Hl|h A«e. St. Pau St. Paul. T. P. BARKY kaloosa, aod agents. 45y1 force would dictate these year of the war and re-enlisted for three “ have wholesale retail Good-bye Hopei Good-bye! HAND CATGUT IN SAW—BOY’S LEG -~v over *v. A Co, north side oi' the A. P. G. A. IOWA: votes. All the same the Republican Few better numbers of a popular years and served his time winning pro- Good-bye! “ Agent. tSKALOOSA. kIT -ya ...Mr squirt- K. A -JONES, BROKEN BY THE FALLING OF A Oskaloosa. lowa. pa r ty will enact the election law when magazine have ever been issued than motion on fields where many a brave MONEY, LAND Ao. faltered. You can’t make the un- HORSE. - man W find the last it meets in December. If the Governor is the October Ladies’ Home Journal. Di-NTISTRY Home seekers will Electro Nervine —Buien It. Sherman is reported criti- seated Breckinridge and his Arkansaw List of Letters public domain ol agrtcul- FREE Rose Hill, low a, Oct.*3.— * M. Gibbs, Broker. ol the is right about the present condition P. T. Barnum tells, In a very entertain- Wednes- vkt. M. 1.. JACKSON. Israel tural aud grazing value along the iII'KKS PERMANENTLY all Diseate* of the cally ill at his home in Waterloo. backers believe the Ottumwa “Demo- ' Remaining uncalled for in the post day M. J Loana of all kinds negotiated. Mercantile Great Northern Ky, In North Da- LANDS. Nervous System, either Acute or Chronic, there should be a change and speedily, ing manner, the secret of “How 1 Have crat’s" picture is true to life. You can’t afternoon, J. Gable, while help- Surgeon Dentist. _ bought and sold. Room 8, over Parmer* kota&ud Montana. in either sex. ll iUCKTOKEM impaired or lost ing to saw, POWER; drain; one it theory any Grown Old;” Mrs. Ulysses Grant de- get an honest endorsement of the pic- office at Oskaloosa lowa, Oct. 2nd, 18!K>. run a horse p#wer caught O doe in fcsjbange Block, ou Utah avenue faperIraders’Bank.Oskaloosa, lowa. K* or along Great checks all forms of waste or —Joseph Chamberlain is Eng- and is all about condition | 100 mote the scribes her courtship with the General, from Fred White, who has dis- (IKNTLSMKK. his wot', over rtaier a I'lke’s drug store, otka NEW Northern ltallwayline. Business makes strong the weak. Full package, fl; six McKinley hill. that will succeed it. The Republican ture right hand, mangling it badly. 1® Whltuey, for $5 Trialpackage 120. (with book),sent te- lishman who likes the and how the warrior proposed marriage creetly declined to jointly debate the looaa, lowa. 1 I chances. Write F. I. to Allen William Hatcher El wood Every linger but one has the flesh torn TOWNS, St. Paul, Minn, for Books, Maps, cutely »ealed <>n receipt of price. Address Dr. larty is not given Quixotic knight- to her; pursued by ot Major i AI)i»AM. P the methods the issues the campaign w’ith Bland B F Holmes Jesse L #. | &o. Write now. G. F N 0.3701. Cottage Grove Ave.. ldaho, one of the new doubtful It acta on existing abuses and from them clear to the bone, and it is a MEDICAL. J. 4 W. LACbY, C'hioago, 111. Mention this paper .soy I errautry. Vanderbilts in the training of their Lacey and the Union Labor candidate, Black J C James Isreal F goverum<-ni liettlers ou free ( has aligned itself solidly with children are freshly sketched, and from Engle. Major Lacey is wonder that his whole hand is not along | states, if others then follow it will act on them. Dr. If Brissey A L Karri ck F G L BUsBV. M. U. Land & Pension Agency. lands the great Northern LOW bring lty. line lu North Dakota and I ely's the Republicans. cover to cover it bristles with|bright “daudy, dapper aud kid-gloved” Uark J B Kemmerick Jesse gone. Uf• Physician aud Surgeou. our book* a iur. e uuruber ut get rates KATES. and interesting things. heavy weights We have on Montana low aud flue | Catarrh on the Democratic of Coller L McCarty W F This morning Bert, youngest son of farm* and house*in town; also many thousand markets for products. i —The marriage Thursday evening at the district and stand then' up with him itomliiMl lti.se HIU, lows. [sores ofwild land. II vou have real estate to —The Vouug Men’s Republican club, —We have received from Laird & Davis L M Meers Sam Ex Mayor Jones, - resorts in America of this place, met buy, give a Wu pav The Finest Djs Miss Elizabeth Clarkson, in debate before an audience and let •ell or wi»h to u* call. along Great Northern Ky. line CREAM of Burlington, gave Gov. Gear a great Moines of Lee, of Chicago, a Falls James McKinzeyJohn j. taxet in any part of the state, .Conveyuncing publishers, compact the audience judge for themselves. with a serious accident. He was lu Mluuesota, Dako a aud Mou- BALMP^SJi. Clarkson, Ford W Lee Rathgeber Louis c. lukensT over S Market street, Cleanses the ol daughter of H. I*. of the“Heg do >e. Office 105 Oska- FIBHISG. | tana. Best climate for health ovation on his return from Washington little volume of 315 pages, bound in riding out Surgeon. p loosa, lowa Oue hundred nioe building lots D ' H one Fry Win Reed Dayton F of town and wheu turning Ui.Eye and Ear I seekers. Nasal Passages, h ister,” and Mr. Edward Meek was stout a Block, InIi Lacey's addition to Oskaloosa. |H good, board covers, which is | It’ii All Right! Garner W W Robinson Orpha the at the school house his office to Fraukel's Brick Oskalooss. produces the driest i^- social the capital city, corner » Montana i Allays Fain and —The public school house is the cam- of the Dc* Moine* ReyUler Williams jk l.Wi. PBNMIoNd PtIOCL’HEU. Horses and Cattle. Free ranges 1 HORSES, Ph AYFEVER veritable epitome of valuable informa- Groath Elik Roy horse fell with him, breaking his Many are entitled to an increase of pen- vet lu Mouse, Milk and Suu River Intlanmiatiou, paign badge of the Wisconsin Repub- and was a brilliant and elegant occa- tion. It is called “The World’s Ready The London “Times” is just about j Young Gussie many unpaid and ** left leg between ankle, A.U.COWLKS, sion• and a arc t bounties are Valleys aud the Sweet Grass! GATI'LE. li^ * true the knee and the surgeon. Heals the licans, and of course it will win. The sion. The bride, who is one of the Reckoner and Rapid Calculator,” and j right in saying that the McKinley tar- I.ADIF.S. Dtt.iiowboputtiic I'ljygitiau Jc fcommutation and back pay due. These mat- Hllli I y jgfl at least one bone and probably of ters we give prompt arid careful Lauds, girls, gifted every is designed for every-day use by mer- j iff law “must be recognized as a dem-1 both Abraham's store, north side attention. up* ¦ Tti I lii Montana. Free new the school house is bound to win. and noble lowa with McCaty Sjciua Othoe over opi*)- t ohargea only when successful. 29tf UE.AL. u. lumbermen, agaiust England hardly Evans Gertie and he may be injured. Hestdeoce 402 Bast aud aveuue. >No ('towns, new Railways, and new womanly and chants, manufactures, i onstration less otherwise He square. ” Larges Senses of grace of character | Gerard Ella Monroe Sarah vvwiiTti Mines. Low Rates. Tasteß farmers, mechanics and housekeepers. decided than the Berlin and Milan de- * was sue Baptist church. _ \v r.Ar.iii. 1 taken home and _ Hrelt 0 [ gpoti vacant laud. —Laugston, the colored Republican Harrington Rosa Moore Alice wiil receive the & | and Smell. strength,goes out from a home wherein The book consists of a number of tables, | crees of Napoleon.” That will certain- V AN, Cowan Hambleton’s recently best of care | Bk Sweet Grass Hills, Milk aud ] Congressman from Virginia, is all that heart could desire of attract- arranged, by which the be the result, hut the intent is to pro- Johnson Katie Fainter Julia Sun River Valleys, Montana, SHEEP. ingeniously ly *J • aud burgeon. Martin Louisa Walker Nancy MRS.WILSON, OF LACEY, Physician 1 reached only by the Great North-1 TRY THE seated, was borua.slave. He is au ed- ive comfort and family life, price of anything at any price may be tect the laborers, farmers and manu- FATALLYSHOT. stairs Best- & HOGS. CUREHAY-FEVER affectionate Wilson Mrs S Wallace Mrs T A Odloe ia llerald Block, No. lie up Loan Abstract Office. ern Railway Line. The stock | particle applied each nostril and is ucated man, however, a graduate of calculated without any mental work facturers of the United States. The New Sharon, — Carey Avenue, A anu B J paradise. A Is Into and joins her fortune with that of a Oct. 3 Mrs. teuoe. Seooml netweeu (200,000 to loan aid per cent Interest oo five raiser s I agieeable. Pricesocents at Druggists; by mall, beyond reading the pages. The wages principal nation of the world is going Farties calling for any of the above Telephone No. *». * time; op- tributary to Great registered, War- Oberlin collegejand a good lawyer. out Wilson, living about two miles east of streets. years borrower having the The region 60 cts. ELY BROTHERS, 5*5 young man starting in his career of workmen aud hired help be to for itself by building up the please to ad- tion to pay part or all of prtn GOLD. Northern Railway Line lu Mon- ren St.. New York. can provide letters will call attention BCACOKV, 1 with the brightest professional pros- found at single glance for any number home market. It we have any surplus Lacey, was accidentally shot in the |K K. B elpal after tlrst year. tana produce all the precious —Brooklyn "Congress- i vertised list of this date. smgeou. COAL. aud baser metals. New towns “Chronicle”: of hours, days, weeks or months, at any beyond home wants, the Mc- calf of her leg, and it is feared the in- , U Physician and pects and with a manly character yet products Swalm, complete of abstract Kooks aud railways are being built. opens the campaign at A. W. F. M Covel’s Book Bu»re. north We also bav* a eel man. Lacey price paid for labor, and the tables of Kinley bill provides a channel by which juries will prove girl Offic over Mrs. < ofal] U) Reservation ol more honoring and admirable. The fatal. Her little Besides »t"> Bast High Go the Great l evening. After by day, week or will we art* willing to exchange our surplus •i ie of square. get a good free | MILK MEW What Cheer Monday board the month nine yaars old in some way Mouiaua and WEftK of the dbeharged attended from TO a recent graduate Night calls promptly bridegroom is value landlords aud landladies which have a ad- a venue •»« Lands and Town Lots homestead. Low rates and Free errors, early Congress be of to with those countries sur- Several to a Hill.—Too little Offioe W. i Suffering from the effeett of youthful his splendid .record in he will a double barreled shot the con- residence. _ lty. RIVER. will departmentof Mate University keeping gun, In County, lowa. Bleeders on Great Northern I decay, wasting weaknees, lost manhood, etc., 1 law the in accouut of their business. plus of goods we need. The McKinley ! vertising sowing too little seed. Line. Go now. I sealed) containing fuU be welcomed in every part of the dis- is like TENSE*, -M. D , a valuable treatise ( attorney for the Denver law places this Nation iu exactly the tents tearing all the fle-di lrom Mrs. JOSEPHINE TITLB MADS '•> BdORT fend * and is now the W. Clark Russell, famous for his de- planting puts a num- jaL. ABBRAOTB Of These have made Montana the particulars for home cure, FREE of trict.’ relation to other nations that a A farmer in corn and Surgeon. capita ; oe by every at same Wilson's limb. Dr. Conaway was called Physician HERDS, richest state per in the splendid medical work should read j and Ft. Worth railway located Ft. lightful sea-stories, and author of “The of grains into each hill, and is sat- - NOTICE. Address, occupies ber square, in the r«io «ap Union. Plenty of room for more man who la nervous and debilitated. successful business man to- and reports the very Mr. Office ou soutn side of < offleo In front room of new Masouic building, miners and stock raisers. Now —Up in the Seventh the Democrats [ Worth, where the young couple will to case serious. ouildlng. up stairs Night oaJls MINES. P. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn. Wreck of the Grosvenor,” “Marooned,” ward other tradesmen—iu a position isfied if one good healthy stalk comes wu a damau north-east corner of Public Square Is the time. Prof. a Wilson is visiting relatives in Ohio aud promptly attended. —— n/t) _ _ beginning untangle their skeiu. ; make their home immediately, it is etc., to trade products iu such a manner as will OSKAI/SIJU IOWA Ky. are to contributes the complete novel from each planting. It’s the constant Along the Great Nortuern i off with the union blessed with genuine affection keep his stock complete and not over- has been telegraphed for. I i L. COFFIN.. Liue in Montana are free rauche. I YOUNG 1 They want to bail Barnett j the October number of “Lippincott’s advertiser that is bound to attract at- pasturage, mines ol precious load it with goods dumped into his *J • Physician A surgeon. LUMBER. aud I HUM PHREYS short term created by Congressman and mutual congeniality and sympathy, Magazine. The story is entitled “A MINER KILLED AT EXCELSIOR. Homeopathic metals, iron, coal, aud new cities i MAN! store without his consent! The McKin- tention. It’s the succession of bright, 0 l Marriage at Sea,” and is a tale of love over Frank el's store Offioc ?™ towns. Now Is your chance. | igtc* seientiflcaJiy and then all op and in the new home created happiness By Office m fromJ* l.*o and Da Ut’snasn ßrai are and Conger’s resignation, ley law is a practical busisess measure, catchy advertisements that refuse to a fall of slate in the »rnm » o’clock to S o’clock a. , and w S'** carefully prepared ; use., ritai.ls.ai i I America, VIGOROUS ASD ViCTOKIOUS bid novels which are at present inun- Uuited as ored miner 50 years of age, met with /, KO. J. . p,,wer uuetiualled lu It lug or reducing the system, uud are lu fact aud in a few days when all citizens will ripen and be gathered, is as true v* and burgeon. s I is MouUua'a Industrial centre. deed the sovereign re medics ol the'. V orld. —Prof. James Bryce, of London, the dating the market. the day sudden death. Tin ee other miners were . Physician ¦