<*• BUY YOUR & 300.000 $300,000 TRADE WITH G. P.SEARLE GO, To loan at 6 per cent annual interes l, with privilege of payment of part or Machine Oils Abstract, Loans, whole loan on any interest pay dav. Hare a large list of farm and city —or— to sell trade. Also some Co., property or Brewster I choice western land to sell or trade foi H. PICKETT & CO., INSURANCE. good farm or city property. J. The Shoe Men. Honey Loned on 2d Mort fige. 11 of tlie Strongest Insurance Call and see me at office over W. H. They Make Low Prices. The Oskaloosa Herald. Hawkins’ shoe store, on north side of Companies in the World. square. #IOO,OOO, SIOO,OOO John P. Hiatt® To Loan at 6 Per Cent. aud Insurance Agt. OSKALOOSA, THUKSDAY, 9, Real Estate, Loan VOL. 41 NUMBER 8. MAHASKA COUNTY, IOWA, OCTOBER 1890. ESTABLISHED 1850. Fraukels New Block, Rooms 4 and 6 37yl and Notary Public. Professional Cards. RAILROADS. A Planters Experience. “Ry piantatlon la In a malarial dl»» & , It® Udm or lo»*. p®r je»r 16 OO BURLINGTON WESTERN R’Y. trlrt, where fever and ague prevailed. \ Koch additional line. 1 OO ARRIVALS. I employ 150 hands | frequently half No. 1 fast mail arrives 1:10 P. m of them were eick. X was nearly die* eon raged began the nse of ATTORNEY8. No. 3 Accom. arrives 4:35p.m when 1 DEPARTURES. rS r 18TON McMILLKN. No. 2 Chicago express departs 2:45 r. w Attorn ev-at-Law. No. 4 Accom. departs 6:05 A. J* Heal K*tand lyi*>i Agent Office lu Mc- 272tf R. W. I’riok Agent. Mllleu’s Block. i>sk*i . ma, lowa. 30 AMRd A. KICK. TheTun’sresult was marvellous.PillsMy men I Attorney ;tud Counselor at Law. Tib became strong and hearty, and I havo C. l UP. Cari! no OBc over li.*> High Avenue cast. Osfcalooaa, had furthur trouble. With these . tow Wtl AKJUVALS. pills, 1 would not fear to live in any N0.24, Accommodation from Knoxville and a.m Swamp.*’ E. RIVAL, Rayon Bara, La. k pv M.PSIWUE, Intel mediate stations 9:40 Sold Everywhere. Attorney-at-Law, “Ifpop had blanketed you in No. 52. passenger from Das Moines, Ooun w. ell Bluffs and intermidate stations s.-oc OfSce, 39 &41 Park Place New York. and Wotary Boa® Hill. lowa. «> No. passenger from Keokuk, Kansas a.m. PabMa. _ 63. the stable you would be fat, too.” City and intermediate stations 9 A lITll.|, iST JUNKS, No. 15, passenger from Chicago and Inter-a.»*. ** FREE —Get from deuler free, the mediate stations - ilrtf Att*irue7-at-Law, your No. 23. Accommodation from Washington p.m '* H Aud N ,t:»ry Pubtlo. Offlott In Suite No. I, ¥a Book. It lias handsome pictures and and Intermediate stations, fast freight... 12 :S0 valuable information about horses. No. lti.passenger from Knoxville sad Inter- or dollars for a Ilorss mediate stations ¦ 5:01 a mocot. Two three 5/a No. 61, passenger from Keokuk. Kansas a.m your horse Bolton at-Law, Blanket will make worth more City aud Intermediate statlous 12:01 Attorneys and eat less to keep warm. No. to, passenger from Des Moines, Ooun- p.m ,Hk 'Jatalooaa, lows Offlo® over Huber A Kal- cil Bluffs and Intermediate stations ~ 10:06 i»aoh‘® ti*rdwiv«r«»rr *" / DKPARTUBRS -Blb|klS, 5/A Five Mile Washington a.m. ' No. 24, Accommodation for Gao. vv. Lawk art Kobt Kummck. aud Intermediate stations ..10:26 5/A Boss Stable No. 52, Passenger for Keokuk, Karsas City j aKrEKIY 4 KHSICK, A,k for and Intermediate statlous 9 :to *J i Electric No. 63, Passenger for l>e» Moines. Councils.m. 0 Attorneys-at-Law. 5/A B Bluffs and Intermediate statlous 9:40 Office north *lde, over L. L. Hull's store. ( 5/A Extra Test No. 15, Passenger for Knoxville and Inter- a.m. Ha Oskaloosa. lowa. W mediate statlous UA 30 other styles :it prices to suit every, No. 23, Accommodattou for Kuoxvllle and r. m. I AI.AW'HAKD A PKKSItIN. idki REMEDY H body. If you mn’t get them lroni your Intermediate stations ‘ * Attorneys-at-Law, dealei, us. No. 16, Passenger for Washington, Chicago OTTK-YDa ft write and Intermediate stations 5 W Osswiooaa. lowa. Will practice lo all the No. 61, Passenger for lies Moines, Council a.m. courts Office over the Oskaloosa Natiouai Bluffs and intermediate 5tat10u5..........12:1 Kansas City p.m «»>ik. «0 No. to, Passenger for Keokuk, * aud u Termed Iate stations. 10:15 H I!? W. HASKELL, W. A. OKBKB. J.Q AwnaRSON, Agent. " • HASKELL at GREEK. Attornoys-al-Law. Goughs,Golds Office in Phoenix block, Oskaloosa, lowa, HkL t promptly intended to. SOtf 5/A dusiottr \y it CROUP, paßßy Attorney At I^w Whooping Cough, Eto. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy I* Intended juftHK w !• ictloe in state und Pe<l>«r Count. >• Cold*, «»,h w ,ib I* Soane A 00. Os ta to1 1 >aa lowa •specially for Cough*. Croup and Special Attention(.’iron lo Probate oualuee® and Whooping Cough. It ouree a oold by produo- <^V Ing Kshui i ition of titles. FLY a free expectoration, relieving the lunge, NETS Solid Bullet V’esttbuled trains. Day Coaches oan long CHEAP AND STRONG. cars,Palace Sleeping cars. Double dally iralus and opening the •eoretloas. No cold w . H satcvKKs. u. W. saavana. Its effect*. It favorite remedy Nets, prices between withstand le a SKKVBUB. 20 other styles 5-A t<* suit ail yet u&eu ELVERS 4 Ayres<s Soxa, Philauki.phia. for croup and he* never failed. If Wx. Louis, (ret LAWYERS. Hold by all dealers. St Kansas City and as soon a* the aymptome appear It will O»kaloo*a, lowa. Fractloe In Stale and Fed- St..Paul and Minneapolis, prevent croup. It rob* whooping oough of r*l courts office over osk«loos<t Nstloual all dangerous ooneequenoe* by producing e Hauk. Ifitui JUSTICE or THE PEACE. Mason City and Peoria. free expectoration. There la *e danger In * Without Change. giving It to okUdrea r* It eeatalaa ae Injuri- I GilN F. 4 WM. H. LACEY. I \ »l. GUNS. ous subatanoe. Ou and after May Uth, 1890, Trains leave Attorneys-at-Law, Justice of the lVace. Oskaloosa as follows: ONLY (O CINTt PKIt BOTTLE. Office over 105 south Market etreet Oakaloo- sj»eclal attention given to collections Office East. South and West. & 00., lowa. Prompt attention given (o collec- over C. F Foehliuger 4 Co.’ store, No. ll» W. No. 4, solid vestlbuled dally for Kan QfIAMBTOAIN 41 tions. Probate buttlnesa will receive careful High aveuue, 0»Ualoo»a. lowa. sas City und St. Louts 6-.00 ?. m. B*l# MmhcUnn and Freprlatwa, in ibe U. 8. No. 2, express daily for St. Louis attention. Business attended to fast Owe Molnwe, Ibwb- THE IN UNCLE SAM’S HAT. and State courts. 'A* and Kansas City 7:55 t*. m. LATEST FEATHER INSURANCE. No. e, for Kansas City aud Peoria, ex 7** axis ky all Dr tgglst* aad Msfflala* Dialers. lil. 0. RfclD, Sunday 10:00 a. m. No. 10, lor Albla, ex. Sunday 2:06 p. at. For sale bv Green & Bentley. A 1 • Oouuselor-at-Law No. 12, forGivtn. dally 4:30 p. m. i jears O’HARA. Centerville, ex. Sunday 7:10 a. m. And Pension I have bad RALPH No. io. lor Bring 'Em GOOD-BYE SUMMER. Attorney* North. Dr. LcDue’s Periodical Pills, —Gov Boies talked to the faithful at LITERARY NOTES- On. experience iu pension matters; ail soldiers representsr, the following wellUnowu and reliable No. l, solid vestlbuled dally lor St. From Pari*. France, act only upon gen- THE state demo- Brooklyn Chroniek to me, no matter whether vou the HERALD Keokuk to-day, at the tri ' Falling tree, ACCIDENTS. asked couauit Minneapolis females, le&t and fading have an attorney or not. Office In front Paul aud 7:45 a. m. erative organs in and positively cure —The Cosmopolitan Magazine for “Our dandy, dapper, kid-gloved .lues express dally ol menses (from cratic rally, his topic being the force little I of white In a sullen sea, room* Hawkins A Co.north aide Fire Insurance Cos. No. 3, last lor St Paul suppreision the whatever rising on over tv. P. Minneapolis cause), October is more finely illustrated than Lacey" is the partial manner, says the "hadows you and me. ol . and 9r25 P. M. and *llperiodical troubles peculiar to Oirenlatlon Nearly Three Thousand. opposed to ready »iiuri'. Office at Marshalltown, Suuday. 4:30 t* m. bill. He is it. He says it i he swallows are inaktui! to flv No. 5. for ex. women. Asife. reliable remedy. Should uot usual Cedar Rapids “Republican,” in which Oood-bve Summer! Good-bye* Agency, N. Y. 9, to Marshalltown, ex. during pregnancy. larger propor- only change of Kire, No. local be used The would be a of bosses; that the Ottumwa “Democrat” refers to the Good-bye I A Chapter Misfortunes Hap- FT D. REID. Hanover N. Y. Suuday 11:30 A. M. tion of ills t > wh'ch indies are liable Is the di- At Two Dollars Per Annum —The October Forum a great * Continental. K. Y. No. 45, a. m the people ot the South now buy has brave soldier who stood in the way of (Underwriters’ Newtou branch 9:00 rect result of a disordered or irregular men- Hush! A voice from the far away! Counsellor at Law. sun Klre office, London All traius on Eastern aud Illinois divisions stiuatlvu.
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