Pharmacists at the Court Pharmacy in Mannheim, Germany, 1721-2017
Pharmacists at the Court Pharmacy in who died in 1728; the ‘Black Bear Pharmacy’ (Schwarzen Mannheim, Germany, 1721-2017 Baeren), owned by Herman Rheinhard Ponstein, who died in 1724; the ‘Pelican Pharmacy’ (Zum Pelikan), Georg A Petroianu owned by Johann Bernhard Mickisch, who died in1749; and the ‘Golden Lion Pharmacy’ (Zum Goldaenen Loew- Abstract en) owned by Nicolaus Meder, who died in 1734 2,. 3, 4 The Court Pharmacy in Mannheim was established by The Elector Palatine, Johann Wilhelm, had no son, a decree signed by the Elector Palatine, Carl Philipp, in and on his death he was succeeded by his brother Carl 1721 . It was not the first pharmacy to be established in Philipp, who was born in 1661 in Neuburg . Carl Mannheim, but with the relocation of the Court from Philipp was then Governor of Tirol in Innsbruck, a po- Heidelberg to Mannheim it became one of the most sition he held between 1707 and May 1717 . Upon in- prestigious . While the names of the pharmacists that heriting the title, Carl Philipp and his Court briefly re- owned the pharmacy are well known, little is known sided in Neuburg (the city of his birth), staying there about most of them . Building on the earlier work of until November 1718, before moving to Heidelberg be- Walter Donat and Wolfgang Caesar, this article sheds tween 1718 and 1719, and then finally to Mannheim further light on the life, families, entourage and social in 1720 . The choice of Mannheim was an easy one, connections of the pharmacists associated with this re- since Heidelberg Castle was somewhat unappealing af- nowned pharmacy .
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